• 直接引用书籍或期刊(两位作者) 直接引用书籍或期刊(两位作者)
• 董学文、伍蠡甫(2005: 76) 指出:卡斯特尔 董学文、伍蠡甫 指出: 从诗的题材、语言和效果等方面, 维屈罗 “从诗的题材、语言和效果等方面, 凸显出诗的自性特征。 凸显出诗的自性特征。” • 或 • “‘雷雨’作为一种‘郁闷、压抑、触目 “‘雷雨 作为一种‘郁闷、压抑、 雷雨’ 惊心’为特征的意象在《雷雨》 惊心’为特征的意象在《雷雨》中具有多 重象征意义。 陈霞、 重象征意义。” (陈霞、杨虹,2006) 陈霞 杨虹,
• When organising our time, Adair (1988: 51) states that ‘the centrepiece will tend to be goals and objectives’. • OR • When organising our time ‘the centrepiece will tend to be goals and objectives’ (Adair, 1988: 51).
• 电子资源
• 查阅或下载的日期 • 精确的 精确的UCL(网址)或email (网址) • 电子资源的各类(email、论坛、网页等) 电子资源的各类( 、论坛、网页等) • 此外,阅读时对可能会需引用的内容应做 此外, 笔记,做笔记时应标明页码。 笔记,做笔记时应标明页码。
• 直接引用书籍(两位作者) 直接引用书籍(两位作者)
• McCarthy and Hatcher (1996: 69-70) insist that with presentations ‘structure must be clear and precise’. • OR • With presentations, ‘structure must be clear and precise’ (McCarthy and Hatcher, 1996: 69-70).
Harvard referencing 3 哈佛大学参考文献格式指导 - (世界顶尖大学专用版)
![Harvard referencing 3 哈佛大学参考文献格式指导 - (世界顶尖大学专用版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/265aa9b9960590c69ec3767e.png)
References/BibliographyHarvard StyleBased on Style manual for authors, editors and printers/ revised by Snooks & Co. 2002Quick guide - How to USE IT•There are various ways of setting out references / bibliographies for an assignment.NOTE •Before you write your list of references/bibliography check with yourlecturer/tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the AcademicDepartment.•The following are examples of one style previously known as the Harvard style based on AGPS style but now revised by Snooks & Co, 2002. The style is based on the author-date system for books, articles and “non-books”.•Your bibliography should identify an item (e.g. book, journal article, cassette tape, film, or internet site) in sufficient detail so that others may identify it and consult it.•Your bibliography should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically.•If you have used sources from the Internet, these should be listed in your bibliography.FOR A BOOKThe details required in order are:1. name/s of author/s, editor/s, compiler/s or the institution responsible2. year of publication3. title of publication and subtitle if any (all titles must be underlined or italicised)4. series title and individual volume if any5. edition, if other than first6. publisher7. place of publication8. page number(s) if applicable• One authorBerkman, RI 1994, Find it fast: how to uncover expert information on any subject, HarperPerennial, New York.Explanation of above citation• Two or more authorsCengel, YA & Boles, MA 1994, Thermodynamics: an engineering approach, 2nd edn,McGraw Hill, London.Cheek, J, Doskatsch, I, Hill, P & Walsh, L 1995, Finding out: information literacy for the21st century, MacMillan Education Australia, South Melbourne.• Editor(s)Pike, ER & Sarkar, S (eds) 1986, Frontiers in quantum optics, Adam Hilger, Bristol.Jackson, JA (ed.) 1997, Glossary of geology, 4th edn, American Geological Institute, Alexandria, Va.• Sponsored by institution, corporation or other organisationInstitution of Engineers, Australia 1994, Code of ethics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton,A.C.T.• SeriesBhattacharjee, M 1998, Notes of infinite permutation groups, Lecture notes in mathematicsno.1698, Springer, New York.• EditionZumdahl, SS 1997, Chemistry, 4th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.• Chapter or part of a book to which a number of authors have contributedBernstein, D 1995, ‘Transportation planning’, in WF Chen (ed.), The civil engineering handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton.• No author or editorKempe's engineer's year-book 1992, Morgan-Grampian, London.The details required, in order, are:1. author2. year of submission3. title4. name of degree5. name of institution issuing degree6. location of institutionExelby, HRA 1997, ‘Aspects of gold and mineral liberation’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane.The details required, in order, are:1. name/s of author/s of the article2. year of publication3. title of article, in single quotation marks4. title of periodical (underlined or italicised)5. volume number6. issue (or part) number7. page number(s)• Journal articleHuffman, LM 1996, ‘Processing whey protein for use as a food ingredient’, Food Technology,vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 49-52.Explanation of above citation• Conference paper (published)Bourassa, S 1999, ‘Effects of child care on young children’, Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology, International Society for Child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 44-6. (Example from Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002)• Conference paper (unpublished)Bowden, FJ & Fairley, CK 1996, ‘Endemic STDs in the Northern Territory: estimations ofeffective rates of partner change’, paper presented to the scientific meeting of the RoyalAustralian College of Physicians, Darwin, 24-25 June. (Example from Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002)• Newspaper articleSimpson, L 1997, ‘Tasmania’s railway goes private‘, Australian Financial Review, 13 October, p. 10.The details required are the same as for a book, with the form of the item (eg videorecording, tape, computer file, etc.) indicated after the year.Get the facts (and get them organised)Williamstown, Vic.Dr Brain thinking gamesThe details required, in order, are:1. corporate body issuing standard2. year of publication3. title of standard4. number of standard including identifier of issuing country or body5. publisher of standard6. place of publicationInternational Organization for Standardization 1982, Steels - Classification - Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steels based on chemical composition, ISO 4948-1:1982,International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.The details required, in order, are:1. name/s of inventor/s2. date of issue3. title of patent4. number of patent, including country of issueCookson, AH 1985, Particle trap for compressed gas insulated transmission systems, US Patent 4554399.The details required, in order, are:1. issuing body2. date3. title of map4. series5. publisher6. place of publicationDepartment of Mines and Energy, Queensland 1996, Dotswood, Australia 1:100 000 Geological Series, Sheet 8158, Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland, Brisbane.•This could include sources from full text compact disk products, electronic journals or other sources from the Internet.•The basic form of the citations follow the principles listed for print sources (see above)1. name/s of author/s2. date of publication Note: If you cannot establish the date of publication, use n.d. (nodate).3. title of publication4. edition, if other than first5. type of medium, if necessary6. date item viewed7. name or site address on internet (if applicable)Weibel, S 1995, ‘Metadata: the foundations of resource description’, D-lib Magazine, viewed 7January 1997, </dlib/July95/07weibel.html>.ASTEC 1994, The networked nation, Australian Science, Technology and Engineering Council,Canberra, viewed 7 May 1997, <.au/astec/net_nation/contents.html>.• If no author is given, the title is used as the first element of a citation.Dr Brain thinking games 1998, CD-ROM, Knowledge Adventure Inc., Torrance, California.Information obtained by interview, telephone call, letter, email, etc. should be documented in the text. “Details of a personal communication do not need to be included in a reference list” i.e. You may not need to include personal communications in the list of references at the end of the essay.When interviewed on 15 June 1995, Dr Peter Jones explained that …This was later verbally confirmed (P Jones 1995, pers. comm., 15 June).There are variations on documents produced by government agencies.The following example includes both the name of the sponsoring agency and the specific author.Department of Veterans’ Affairs 2000, Payments to Vietnam veterans: a summary, report prepared by S Baslum, Department of Veteran Affairs, Canberra.The following example requires the name of the sponsoring agency only.Institution of Engineers, Australia 1994, Code of ethics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton,A.C.T.• In an author-date, a textual citation generally requires only the name of the author(s) and the year of publication (and specific page(s) if necessary).• This may appear at the end of a sentence, before the full stop.• Alternatively, the author’s surname may be integrated into the text, followed by the year of publication in parentheses.• The full reference must be listed at the end of your essay.• If two or more works by different authors are cited at the same time, separate them with a semicolon.• If two or more works by the same author are cited at the same time, do not repeat the author's name. Separate the years of publication by a comma.• If there are more than two works by the same author, published in the same year, add the letters 'a', 'b', etc. to the year to distinguish the works. Also add these letters to the year in the list ofreferences at the end of the essay.• If there are more than three authors, list only the first, followed by 'et al.'• If you cannot establish the year of publication, use 'n.d.' (no date).ExamplesIt is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel 1991).It is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel 1991, p. 94).Moir and Jessel (1991) have shown that it is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable.Moir and Jessel (1991, pp. 93-4) have shown that it is futile to maintain that the sexes areinterchangeable.The implications for land degradation have been much debated (Malinowski, Miller & Gupta 1995;Thomson 1999).Subsequent investigation confirmed these results (Watson & Clark 1996, 1998).Public housing remains a neglected area (ACOSS 1997a, 1997b).Other researchers have questioned these findings (Larson et al. 1987).Recent advances have been made in this area (Bolton n.d.).NOTE: • A list of references contains details only of those works cited in the text.• A bibliography includes sources not cited in the text but which are relevant to the subject, listed alphabeticallyIf you require further information, refer to:For print sources Snooks & Co 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, rev.Snooks & Co., John Wiley & Sons, Canberra.For electronic sourcesLi, X & Crane, N 1993, Electronic style: a guide to writing electronic information,Meckler, Westport.Ask at the Information Desk in any Branch Library or check theLibrary’s Web Page ~ .au/useit/Updated 19 May 2003。
哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing
![哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f06db681ed9ad51f01df23a.png)
Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s or editor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followed by the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication are included in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1 (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, the title can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/LIBRARY/FINDING/BIBREFS/HARVARD %20REFERENCING%20SOM.PDF. This covers all the types of publication that are likely to be used by management students, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So check that the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular, double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。
Harvard Referencing System GuideMotivation For This DocumentIn academic work, you are expected to follow certain rules of conduct in your study. Specifically, whenever you create an assignment, essay, presentation, group project, or other work which will be submitted for discussion or for evaluation, then your work needs to be of academic standard. Not doing so may cause your grade to be reduced significantly, perhaps even to the point of failure.“Academic standard” is quite a vague term and can be di fferent things to different people. However, for business students you can imagine that your work should try to emulate the work of other people in the field of business. In particular, this includes work which you see in professional journals, the work of your professors and the writers of your textbooks.Of course, you are not expected to be able to produce leading edge content in your work, but the format of your work should follow the same academic standard as professional writers in your field at least in terms of structure, referencing, and layout.This document only discusses the elements of referencing which are required for “Academic standard” work. Other elements of your work such as its structure and layout are also important, but these are not discussed here.Referencing can be done in many ways. For your programme, the standard method of referencing is the “Harvard System of References”. This system is very common world-wide, and is nearly universally understood. However in your professional career or in other other academic programmes, you may be required to use other systems of referencing. You are responsible for being aware of the local standards required in any work which you produce.In most reference systems, the idea is to leave the main text of your work uncluttered, but to still provide clear hints to the reader about where they can look for further information. Thus, most reference systems are actually implemented in two parts: a citation, and a bibliographic entry. A citation is just a shorthand marker that you insert into the body of your work to allow the reader to find a resource such as a book or an article or a television programme or whatever. The format for this is specified by the system of referencing you are using. In the case of the Harvard System, a citation looks like “Smith (2002)”. A bibliographic entry provides a complete description of the actual resource in a standard form. It contains just enough information for readers to find the resource for themselves. Again, the Harvard System of referencing has its own unique way of expressing this information.What This Document IsThis work is taken largely from an online guide to the Harvard System at the University of the West of England website (UWE, 2005).This is a guide to the Harvard System of References and is based on British Standards 1629:1989 and 5605:1990. As these standards do not yet include references to electronic resources we include our own recommendations for these below. These recommendations follow current common practice.This document provides a series of guidelines for citations (also known as attributions) and their accompanying bibliographic entries. These guidelines however are not completely rigid: you have some flexibility in how you do both citations and bibliographic entries. But it is important that you decide, within the flexibility allowed by the guidelines, your specific way of making them. Whatever that way is, you should be absolutely consistent within your work (i.e., within yourassignment/report/presentation). Inconsistency is sloppy and viewed as unprofessional. Of course, if your professor or supervisor imposes other constraints on you, then you should follow those as well.General Comments About Electronic ResourcesThe general recommendation for electronic resources is that you need to include all the usual information for print resources. In addition, you need to indicate that the resource is online, where it was found online, and when it was found online. Details of this are provided below.Furthermore, for any electronic resource which has a printed counterpart (e.g., an electronic book, or electronic newspaper, etc.), you should present the information in a similar way in both cases. For example, if your bibliographic entries to printed books includes the title of the book quoted and in italics (“like this”) then your bibliographic entry to electronic books should also present the title in the same way.Citation in the text of your work.IntroductionA citation is simply a reference to a resource. The resource could be a page in a book, a magazine article, a television programme, or even a telephone call. In the Harvard System, a citation is simply the author's name, plus the date of publication (though in the case of an authour who publishes more than one resource in a given year, you need to add an optional letter “a”, “b”, etc., to distinguish between these resources). This simple method lets you look up the bibliographic entry easily, and also lets you see directly who is being quoted or referenced. The full details of the resource (the title of the book and the publisher, for example) are provided in the bibliography section.Here is an example of a citation:...the work of Jones (1991a) shows that lipids are...When you write a report or give a presentation you include citations for a number of reasons:•As a shorthand method of allowing your readers to understand any background material which may be important in understanding your work.•As a way of giving credit to other people for their ideas, techniques, opinions, or theories•As a way of proving that statements you make have a foundation in reality (e.g., that your quotations were really made by some other persons, that the theories or results that you mention are really published somewhere, that the data you quote is real, etc.)•As a way of giving specific references to other data, ideas, techniques, opinions and theories which you are using in your work, so that other people can evaluate your work and/or compare it to the work of others.When do you create citations in your work? Here are some situations where you should create citations:•Whenever you mention a theory or a definition of a concept, you should provide a reference to the reader so that they can look up exactly what you mean. Ideallythe reference you choose would be one which provides further information onyour theory/concept, but perhaps also a general discussion of the area with othercompeting theories or alternative definitions.•Whenever you quote data that you did not gather yourself through primary research, then you need to say where you got it from, and you do this by citing the source of the data which you mention.•Whenever you mention an opinion or quotation of somebody else, you should provide a reference to the reader so they can look it up.Where do you create citations in your work? The citations you provide in your work are put into the text just after the place where the theory/concept/data/quotation/opinion (or whatever it is that needs explanation)It is important to note that every citation in your work should be linked to a corresponding bibliographic entry at the end of your work. In general, if you wish to cite a particular book at several places in your work (e.g, you reference a theory on p.17 of the book, a quotation from p.39 of the book, and some data from p.82 of the book), then you should:•make individual citations at each place in your work, and noting the page number in the book. e.g.,•...according to the theory of Smith (Smith, 1996, p.17)...•...and Smith (1996, p.39) stated: “economics is a pure science”, by which...•...but other data indicates that only 0.9% (Smith, 1996, p.82) of...•Make a single bibliographic entry describing the book. e.g.,•Smith, J. 1996. “Economics”. Toronto. University of Toronto Press. In general, don't duplicate your references.Primary Resources(第一手资料)Almost all of the time you will reference primary resources. “Primary resources” are simply resources which you have actually seen/heard/read. In the text of your work you make a reference to a primary resource simply by using the author's surname and year of publication. There are a number of equivalent ways to do this, depending on the style you wish to employ.If the author's name occurs naturally in a sentence, then just give the year in brackets:...as defined by Mintzberg (1983)If not, then both name and year are shown in brackets:In a recent study (Handy, 1987) management is described as..If the same author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are distinguished by lower case letters attached to the year of publication:Drucker (1989a)If there are two authors both names should be given before the date:Gremlin and Jenking (1981)...If there are three or more authors only the surname of the first author should be given, followed by 'et al.' (which is the short form of a phrase meaning, “and others”): Kotler et al. (1987)If the author is unknown, use ‘Anon.’ to indicate “anonymous author”:Anon. (1967)Secondary Resources(二手资料)In some cases you may wish to quote some resource that has been referred to in something you have read. This generally happens when the original resource is not available to you. Such resources are called “secondary resources”. Secondary resources should be avoided if at all possible.The general principle to follow in this case is that you must create a bibliographic entry to describe the primary resource (i.e., to the book which you have read). This bibliographic entry is done in the normal way. However, the citation in the body of your work will be a little different: you must cite both the secondary resource and the primary resource you have read.Here are some examples which will make this clearer:Examples:Rowley (1991) cites the work of Melack and Thompson (1971) whodeveloped the McGill Archaeology questionnaire.Melack and Thompson (1971, cited by Rowley 1991) developed the McGill Archaeology questionnaire.Rowley (1991, citing Melack and Thompson 1971) refers to the McGillArchaeology questionnaire.In each of these cases, in your list of references the work by Rowley would be the only one included.Creating Bibliographic References.(建立参考书目格式)Every citation in your work will link to exactly one bibliographic entry. However, onebibliographic entry might be linked to many citations.Where do you put your bibliographic entries? In the Harvard System, they are all placed in one sectio n of your work, usually titled something like “Bibliography” or “References”. The Bibliography section follows the main body of your work.Format of the Bibliography Section(参考书目的格式)The format of the bibliography section is quite simple. It begins with something which announces that this is the bibliography section. For example, a title at the top of the first page, “Bibliography” which is in larger type and centred on the page. Or, a separate page with the title “References” in large type and centre d on the page. In either case, following this section heading are the bibliographic entries.In the Harvard System, the bibliographic entries are listed in sorted order. The sorting is done based on the following elements, in order of importance:•the first author's surname.•The first author's initials.•The date of publication.•An optional letter (a,b,c,d,...) distinguishing different publications by the same author in the same year.You will note that these elements are the same ones which make up the citation which you will use in the body of your work. This makes a clear link between any citation in the body of your work, and the bibliographic entries. Some examples will make this clear:Anderson, B. 2005. “...”Jones, H. 2004. “...”Jones, Q. 1996. “...”Jones, Q., 1999. “...”Jones, Q., 1999a. “...”Jones, Q., 1999b. “...”Smith, A. 1762. “...”Between each bibliographic entry you should normally insert a little space to allow the reader to see where one entry ends and another one begins. For example, a blank line or blank half line between entries would make your bibliography easier to read. All modern word processing software can do this for you.When you are doing research, you should collect references to each kind of material in a consistent way. If there is a resource to which you wish to make a reference, but is of a kind which is not mentioned here, then you should consult a more detailed source. There are many such sources available on the internet.Individual Bibliographic Entries(建立可供读者查阅的参考书目格式)The most important principle in making references is that the reader should be able tolocate the resource solely from the bibliographic information that you have provided. The rest of this section describes what information needs to be provided when creating bibliographic references for different kinds of resources.Note that electronic versions of resources (e.g., electronic books or articles) which can be also found in other media (e.g., printed) are referenced through bibliographic entries which are identical to their non-electronic counterparts, but with a somewhat standard additional part. Thus, an online book would be referenced as for a printed book, but would have in addition to the information needed for a printed book the following: After Title:“[online]”After Remainder of Bibliographic Entry:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Reference to a book or a report.(书、报告)You need to provide the following information, in order:List of Author(s)for each author: Author's surname, followed by Author's initials.Year of publication.Title. (in italics and/or quoted and/or underlined).Edition. (if not the first).Publisher.Place of publication.Plus for electronic resources the following phrases and data:After Title:“[online]”After Place of Publication:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Example:(书)HEMINGWAY, E., 2003. Better reading French: a reader and guide toimproving your understanding of written French. : McGraw-Hill.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. 2002. National service framework fordiabetes: delivery strategy. : Department of Health.Online Examples:HEMINGWAY, E., 2003. Better reading French: a reader and guide toimproving your understanding of written French [online]. : McGraw-Hill.Available from: [Accessed 25 August 2004].DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. 2002. National service framework fordiabetes: delivery strategy [online]. : Department of Health. Available from: /assetRoot/04/03/28/23/04032823.pdf [Accessed 5May 2004].For books without individual authors use ANON.Example:ANON. 1991. Turbo assembler: users' guide version 2.0. , CA: Borland. Reference to a contribution in a book.(注释)The reader needs to know:List of Author(s)for each author: Author's surname, followed by Author's initials.Year of publication.Title of Contribution.“eds.” List o f Editor(s)for each editor: Editor's surname, followed by Editor's initials “in” Title of Book (in italics and/or quoted and/or underlined).Edition. (if not the first).Publisher.Place of publication.Page numbers of contribution.Plus for electronic resources:After Title:“[online]”After Page Numbers:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Example:(注释)SMITH, C.,1980. Problems of information studies in history. In: S. STONE, ed. Humanities information research. : CRUS, 1980, pp 27-30.WESTMORLAND, L., 2000. Taking the flak: operational policing, fear and violence. In: G. LEE-TREWEEK, ed. Danger in the field: risk and ethics in social research [online]. : Routledge, pp 26-42. Available from:/ [Accessed 25 May 2004].NOTE: When referring to specific pages in a book 'pp' is used. Use 'p' if referring to a single page.Reference to a journal article.(期刊)Some journal articles are published in print only, some in print and online (of which someare exact copies and some will appear in a different format), and some online only. In all cases, the version you cite should be the version that you have seen.The reader needs to know:List of Author(s)for each author: Author's surname, followed by Author's initials.Year of publication.Title of Article.Title of Journal.(in italics and/or quoted and/or underlined).Volume NumberPart Number. (in brackets).Page numbers. (optional)Plus for electronic resources:After Title:“[online]”After Page Numbers:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Example:(期刊)NICOLLE, L.,1990. Data protection: laying down the law. ManagementComputing, 13(12), pp 48-49, 52.CHRISTENSEN, P., 2004. The health-promoting family: a conceptualframework for future research. “Social Science and Medicine” [online],59(2), pp 223-243. Available from:/science/journal/02779536 [Accessed 5 May 2004].SANDLER, M.P., 2003. The art of publishing methods. “Journal of Nuclear Medicine” [online], 44, pp 661-662. Available from:/content/vol44/issue5/index.shtml [Accessed 5May 2004].C.M., KROESEN, K., et al., 2004. Complementary and alternativemedicine: a concept map. “BMC Complementary and AlternativeMedicine” [online] 4:2 (13 February 2004). Available from:/content/pdf/1472-6882-4-2.pdf [Accessed 5 May 2004].Reference to a newspaper article.(报纸)The reader needs to know:List of Author(s)for each author: Author's surname, followed by Author's initials.Year of publication.Title of Article.Title of Newspaper.(in italics and/or quoted and/or underlined).Date Published.Page numbers. (optional)Plus for electronic resources:After Title:“[online]”After Page Numbers:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Example:(报纸)BOOTH, J., 2004. Blair plans annual UK-China summit. Guardian [online]11 May, p 6. Available from:/guardian/2004/05/11/pdfs/gdn_040511_brd_6 _2263446.pdf [Accessed 25 May 2004].HASSELL, N., 2004. Gilts investors take profits. Times [online] 10 August.Available from: /xchange-international[Accessed 8 August 2004].Reference to a conference paper.(会议论文)The reader needs to know:List of Author(s)for each author: Author's surname, followed by Author's initials.Year of contribution“in” (in italics)List of Editor(s) of the Conference Proceedingsfor each editor: Editor's surname, followed by Editor's initials.Title of Conference Proceedings.(in italics and/or quoted and/or underlined).Date of Conference.Place of Conference.Publisher (if known)Page numbers.Plus for electronic resources:After Title:“[online]”After Page Numbers:“Available from:” URLAccessed date.Example:(会议论文)SILVER, K.,1989. Electronic mail the new way to communicate. In: D.I.RAITT, ed. 9th International Information Meeting, 3-5 December 1988. :Learned Information, pp 323-330.Reference to an Act of Government.(政府法案)Reader needs to know:Name of Issuing BodyYear of PublicationName of Act (in italics and/or underline and/or quoted)Other Identifier Numbers/Codes/Chapter NumbersPlace of PublicationPublisher.Example:(政府法案)Parliament. 2002. Football (disorder) (Amendment) Act 2002. Chapter 12. : The Stationery Office.Reference to a Command paper.(行政公文)Reader needs to know:Name of Committee/Department/Working Group/CommissionYear of PublicationTitle (in italics and/or underlined and/or in quotes)Place of PublicationPublisher.Other Identifying Codes, if any, in brackets.Example:(行政公文)Department of Trade and Industry. 2001. Productivity and enterprise: aworld class competition regime. : The Stationery Office. (Cm 5233). Reference to a thesis.(论文)Use similar method to a book.Example:LEVINE, D.,1993. A parallel genetic algorithm for the set partitioningproblem. Ph.D. thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology.Reference to a film, video and television broadcast.(电影、视频和电视广播)The reference for films and videos should include: title, year, material designation, subsidiary originator (director is preferred), production details - place: organisation. Example:。
Referencing your work usingHarvardA printable copy of the on-line referencing toolVersion (1.3 – 30/09/2008)ContentsReferencing Books 3Journals7 Referencing10MediaElectronicReferencingresources 13 ElectronicReferencingReferencing Government and Official Documents 1719ResourcesReferencingOtherSecondary Referencing 23quotes 24 directReferencingBooksJournalsElectronic mediaElectronic resourcesReferencing Government and Official DocumentsOther resourcesSecondary ReferencingIf you are reading a source by one author (in our example McKechnie (1998)) and they cite or quote work by another author (in our example Wing, Lee and Chen (1994)) you may in turn cite or quote the original work (e.g. that of Wing et al. (1994)) as a SECONDARY REFERENCE.It is always best practice to try and locate the original reference and secondary references should only be used if it is difficult to access the original work. You must remember that in a secondary reference you are seeing the original author's work from someone else's perspective.This panel shows you how to reference a secondary or indirect reference type. It should be used in conjunction with the guidelines demonstrated in the referencing tool for the appropriate referencing types used.Direct QuotesThis panel shows you how to reference a direct quotation. It should be used in conjunction with the guidelines demonstrated in the referencing tool for the appropriate referencing types used.Do not confuse quotations with citations. A citation is the practice of referring to the work of other authors in the text of your assignments.A direct quotation is where you copy the exact words used by an author and place them unaltered directly into your work. Direct quotations need to be in quotation marks as shown in the example here.。
harvard referrencing 参考格式
![harvard referrencing 参考格式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b5f694513b3567ec102d8acc.png)
Harvard referencing - Library quick guideUpdated: 19 October 2012In-text references- examplesSingle authorTwo or three authorsFour or more authorsEdited bookMore than one citation is provided in your sentenceList all citations alphabetically, with a semi-colon (;) to separate them.Secondary citationThis is when you refer to the work of one author cited by another.In the Reference List, refer to the author of the book, not the cited work. For instance, in the example below, Hosany & Martin 2012 would be in the Reference List.Encyclopedia or dictionaryThese are only cited in the text, and are NOT included in the Reference List.Website documentsMany electronic sources do not provide page numbers, unless they are in PDF format. If quoting or paraphrasing from a website that is NOT a PDF, then the in-text reference is either: ∙ a section heading (e.g. Better Health Channel 2012, Body image problems in Australian men section)∙ a paragraph number (e.g. Better Health Channel 2012, para. 5).Reference List - examplesBook – single authorCarroll, AB 2012, Business & society: ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management, 8th edn, South-Western/Cengage Learning, Mason, OH.Book – more than one authorNote: List all authors, in order of appearance on the title page of the book, and use an ampersand (&) to separate the last two authors.Chalkley, T, Brown, A, Goodman, M, Cinque, T, Warren, B, Hobbs, M & Finn, M 2012, Communication, new media and everyday life, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic.Book – no authorStyle manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld.Edited bookLubkin, IM & Larsen, PD (eds) 2013, Chronic illness: impact and interventions, 8th edn, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA.E-book from a databaseBenavides, EM 2012, Advanced engineering design: an integrated approach, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK, viewed 1 October 2012, Knovel database.Journal articleTaylor, CM, Karunaratne, CV & Xie, N 2012, …Glycosides of hydroxyproline: some recent, unusual discoveries‟, Glycobiology, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 757-767.E-journal article from a databaseHosany, S & Martin, D 2012, …Self-image congruence in consumer behavior‟, Journal of Business Research, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 685-691, viewed 27 May 2012, Elsevier SD Freedom Collection. Newspaper article from a databaseCarney, S 2012, …Gillard paying price for gamble on the numbers‟, The Age, 26 May, viewed 29 May 2012, Factiva database.Website documentsBetter Health Channel 2012, Body image and diets, Better Health Channel, viewed 16 July 2012,<.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Body_image_and_diets?open>.。
Harvard AGPS referencing guide 哈佛文献引用格式
![Harvard AGPS referencing guide 哈佛文献引用格式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/653d7f170b4e767f5acfce77.png)
∙APAreferencingguide ∙AustralianGuidetoLegalCitation(AGLC)∙HarvardAGPSreferencingguide Harvard AGPS referencing guideAcademic conventions and copyright law require that you acknowledge when you use the ideas of others. In most cases, this means stating which book or journal article is the source of an idea or quotation.To help you get started have a look at a short Breeze presentation a guide to Harvard AGPS(requires Flash) and the accompanying printable version brief guide to Harvard AGPS referencing (PDF 350 KB).On this page:∙List of references∙How to cite references within the text of an assignment ∙Additional HelpList of referencesAt the end of your essay, place a list of the references you have cited in the text. Arrange this in alphabetical order of authors' surnames, and chronologically (earliest publication date first) for each author, where more than one work by that author is cited. The author's surname is placed first, followed by initials or first name, and then the year of publication is given. If the list contains more than one item published by the same author in the same year, add lower case letters immediately after the year to distinguish them (e.g. 1983a). These are ordered alphabetically by title disregarding any initial articles (a, an or the).∙Books (print and online)∙Journal and newspaper articles∙Web documents and sites∙Micfroforms, patents, standards and maps∙Audiovisual examples∙Legislation and legal authorities∙Unpublished works∙USQ course materials∙Lists, weblogs, wikis and podcastsBooks (print and online)Journal and newspaper articlesFor journals, include the volume number, issue number or other identifier, and page numbers separated by commas where allthese elements are available. If the journal issue has both a number and an identifier such as a month or quarter, choose one and use it consistently. If there is no volume number, the issue number or identifier should follow the journal title.Web documents and sitesMicroforms, patents, standards and mapsAudiovisual examplesThe following details should be provided in a reference list - title, date of recording, format, publisher, place of recording. Any special credits and other information that might be useful can be noted after the citation.Legislation and legal authorities∙Legislation is only included in a list of references if it is important to the understanding of the work(preferably in a separate list under the subheading'Legislation').∙The titles of pieces of legislation should be cited exactly. Neither spelling or capitalisation should bealtered to suit the referencing style. Articles (a, anor the) should not be omitted.∙Even if viewed electronically, legislation is generally referenced as if in print (unless only availableelectronically).∙Legal authorities (cases) are only included in a listof references if they are important to the understandingof the work under the subheading 'Legal authorities'.Unpublished worksUSQ course materialsLists, weblogs, wikis and podcastsHow to cite references within the text of an assignmentThese are also called in-text references. When you use another's ideas you should immediately acknowledge your sources. Always give the surname of the author and the date of publication. Use the author-date method of citation for quotations and paraphrasing.QuotesQuotations or quotes are when you use the exact words of another author. Quotations must always be referenced with page numbers.ParaphrasingParaphrasing is when you summarise the ideas, concepts or words from the work or one or more authors.Please note:changing only a few words from another author does not constitute paraphrasing.Additional helpHelpful hints for Web documents∙You must specify the date on which you accessed the item, since Web documents can change or disappear at any time.∙If a Web document includes both a date of creation anda date it was last updated, use only the date it was lastupdated.∙If you find a document on the Web which is a series of linked pages, use the information from the main or "home"page.∙If you have trouble identifying the title, look at the top of the Web page above FILE on your browser.∙The date a Web document was created is usually listed right at the bottom of the document.More information and additional guidesPlease note: University policy mandates the use of the HarvardStyle (AGPS) defined by the USQ Library's referencing guides. Other guides are available at:∙University of Tasmania Library 2009, Referencing and assignment writing: Harvard, online guide, Universityof Tasmania, viewed 25 February 2009,</content.php?pid=27520&sid=199808>.∙University of Melbourne Library 2005, Harvard (author/date) style, online guide, University ofMelbourne, viewed 25 March 2008,<.au/cite/harvard_dis/>.Need additional help applying these guides?Contact the Library or refer to the Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, Wiley Australia. Call number 808.02 Sty. Copies held in the Main Collection and Reference (also held at Fraser Coast and Springfield campus). Please note:The Library is not responsible for checking lists of references. We can, however, refer you to our referencing guides and the published manuals listed to help you ensure the accuracy of your referencing.Assignment helpHelp with assignment writing and referencing is also available from The Learning Centre.。
哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing
![哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f06db681ed9ad51f01df23a.png)
Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s or editor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followed by the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication are included in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1 (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, the title can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/LIBRARY/FINDING/BIBREFS/HARVARD %20REFERENCING%20SOM.PDF. This covers all the types of publication that are likely to be used by management students, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So check that the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular, double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。
[2][3]目录• 1 参考文献o1.1 引用o1.2 书目• 2 延伸阅读• 3 参见引用[编辑]1. ^Harvard System of Referencing Guide. Anglia RuskinUniversity. 21 May 2012 [4 September 2012].2. ^"Author-date system, Chicago Manual of Style,Williams College Libraries, accessed 25 October 2010.3. ^ Pears, R and Shields, G Cite them right : the essentialreferencing guide (2008) ISBN 978-0-9551216-1-6书目[编辑]•American Psychological Association (2001). Citations in Textof Electronic Material, APA Style.•British Standards Institution (1990). Recommendations forciting and referencing published material, 2nd ed., London:British Standards Institution.•Chernin, Eli (1988). "The 'Harvard system': a mysterydispelled", British Medical Journal. October 22, 1988,pp. 1062–1063.•The Chicago Manual of Style (2003), 15th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN0-226-10403-6 (hardcover). ISBN0-226-10404-4 (CD-ROM).•Council of Science Editors (2006). Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, andPublishers, 7th ed. Reston, VA (USA): CSE.ISBN0-9779665-0-X•Mark, Edward Laurens (1881). Maturation, fecundation, and segmentation of Limax campestris, Binney", Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College,Volume 6.•Modern Language Association of America (2009). The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. NewYork: MLA. ISBN 1-60329-024-9•MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2008).Modern Language Association, 3rd edition. ISBN0-87352-297-4•Roediger, Roddy (April 2004). "What should they be called", APS Observer,17 (4), 2009, accessed 11 March2009.•"Lamont Libraries Lead RefWorksWorkshops" (2006). Harvard College Library. •"Research Service Libraries Take Part in PilotProject" (2009). Harvard University Library, February 18,2009, accessed 11 March 2009.•Turabian, Kate L., et al. (2007). A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 7th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.ISBN 0-226-82336-9•"Citation Tools" at Harvard Libraries (2008) –Includes hyperlinked "Tool Comparisons: RefWorks, EndNote,Zotero".•American Library Association (ALA) (November 2003). ALA Standards Manual.•Anglia Ruskin University Library (updated 2010). "Harvard System of Referencing Guide".•Mullan, W.M.A. (updated 2010). " Harvard referencegenerator for citing references".•Council of Science Editors (CSE), previously named Councilof Biology Editors (CBE) (2009). "Scientific Style andFormat: Introduction" and"Reference Links"–Includessection on "Grammar and Style" with hyperlinked "Citing theInternet: Formats for Bibliographic Citations".)•Duke University Library (last modified, 2 June 2008). "CitingSources: Documentation Guidelines for Citing Sources andAvoiding Plagiarism"–Provides hyperlinked "CitationGuides" pertaining to the most commonly used citationguidelines, including parenthetical referencing; includes:APA, Chicago, CBE, CSE, MLA, and Turabian styleguidelines.•Harvard College Library (2008). "Research Guides".(Compiled by the Staff of Harvard College Library.)•Harvard College Writing Program, HarvardUniversity (2008). Resources for Students: Guides to UsingSources.•University of Leeds Library (2009). "References and citationsexplained", accessed 25 October 2010.•University of Southern Queensland Library (2008). YourGuide to the Harvard AGPS ReferencingSystem and "Harvard Style (AGPS) - Web sources",accessed 25 October 2010.•Victoria University of Technology (2009). Harvard(AGPS) Style: Harvard (AGPS) Style: A Guide toReferencing Sources Used in Assignments], accessed 25October 2010.•ISO 690•文后参考文献著录规则分类:•文献学。
• By improving your posture you can improve how you communicate feelings of power and confidence (McCarthy and Hatcher, 1996: 111). • 董学文、伍蠡甫(2005: 76) 指出,卡斯特尔 维屈罗从诗的题材等多个方面凸显了诗的 自性特征。
• 版次的标注
• Barnes, R. (1995) Successful study for degrees, 2nd edition, London: Routledge.
• 《西方文学理论史》(第二版) • 《西方文学理论史》(修订版) • 《西方文学理论史》(增订版)
Referencing - The Harvard System 查阅文献需记录的信息 文中的注引格式
• 书籍
• • • • • • 著者、编者姓名 出版年 书名(包括副标题) 版次(第一版可不注) 出版社所在城市 出版社名
• 直接引用书籍或期刊(两位作者)
• 董学文、伍蠡甫(2005: 76) 指出:卡斯特尔 维屈罗 “从诗的题材、语言和效果等方面, 凸显出诗的自性特征。” • 或 • “‘雷雨’作为一种‘郁闷、压抑、触目 惊心’为特征的意象在《雷雨》中具有多 重象征意义。” (陈霞、杨虹,2006)
• 论文集或多人参编的著作中的文章
• Byrne, J. (1995) ‘Disabilities in tertiary education’, in Rowan, L. and McNamee, J. (ed.) Voices of a Margin, Rockhampton: CQU Press. • 布里埃尔(2009)“鲁迅:一个深受大众 喜爱的作家”,见钱林森编《法国汉学家 论中国文学:现当代文学》,北京:外研 社
harvard references style参考文献格式
![harvard references style参考文献格式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae784e54fbd6195f312b3169a45177232f60e487.png)
harvard references style参考文献格式引言概述:在学术写作中,准确引用参考文献是非常重要的。
正文内容:1. 作者信息1.1 一位作者:在引用中,作者的姓氏应放在第一位,然后是名字的首字母缩写。
例如,John Smith的引用格式为Smith, J.。
1.2 多位作者:当有多位作者时,应列出所有作者的姓氏和名字的首字母缩写,用逗号分隔。
例如,对于两位作者John Smith和Jane Doe,引用格式为Smith, J.和Doe, J.。
2. 出版年份2.1 单一出版年份:在引用中,出版年份应放在作者信息之后,用括号括起来。
2.2 多个出版年份:如果引用的文献是多个版本的,应在出版年份之后用分号分隔。
例如,(2019; 2020)。
3. 文章标题3.1 期刊文章:在引用中,文章标题应用双引号括起来,并紧跟着期刊名称。
例如,"Article Title" Journal Name。
3.2 书籍章节:对于书籍的章节引用,应将章节标题用单引号括起来,并紧跟着书籍标题。
例如,'Chapter Title' Book Title。
4. 期刊名称4.1 期刊全名:在引用中,应使用期刊的全名,而不是缩写形式。
例如,Journal of Science而不是J. Sci.。
4.2 缩写期刊名称:如果期刊的缩写形式被广泛接受并被使用,可以在全名之后用括号注明缩写形式。
例如,Journal of Science (J. Sci.)。
5. 卷号和页码5.1 期刊文章:在引用中,卷号应在期刊名称之后用斜杠分隔,然后是页码范围。
例如,Journal Name, 10/20-30。
5.2 书籍章节:对于书籍的章节引用,应在书籍标题之后用逗号分隔,然后是页码范围。
哈佛参考文献格式具体写法more often in the future (and if you are sure that that is what the studentis doing)—then (and only then) you should praise the student for it(p.46). [3]在书后参考书目处的注释规范1(所有参考书目以作者姓名的字母顺序排列,一个作者有多本著作时,则按年份先后排列顺序,一个作者一年内有多本著作出版或论文发表,在年份后按月份先后加小写字母a. b. c.等加以区别。
作者姓,名的首字母大写.(出版年份).书名.出版地:出版商.比如,White,R.(1988). Advertising: What it is and How to do it. 2nd ed. London: McGrawhill. 注意:英语人名书写的顺序一般为名在前,姓在后,比如,Mark Wolery,和汉语正好相反。
作者姓,名的首字母大写(出版年份)..章节标题.In: 主编名首字母大写.姓,ed. 或者eds. 书名.再版著作注明版次.丛书注明卷次.出版地:出版商.出版年份.论文所在页码.如,Wright,P.(1986). Reactions to an Ads contents versus judgments of Ads impact. In: J. Olsen,&K. Sentis,eds. Advertising and consumer psychology. Vol. 3. New York: Praeger,1986,108-117.学术期刊、学报参考文献注释要素和顺序。
以下是哈佛引文格式的具体要求:一、书写体1. 直接引用直接引用是指在论文中直接引用他人的原话或原文。
在上述引用内容之后应该注明出处,如下:(罗斯福,1933)2. 间接引用间接引用是指在论文中引用他人的观点或研究成果。
具体的格式如下所示:1. 书籍:作者. 出版年份. 书名. 出版城市:出版社.例如:Hu, F., & Li, J. (2017). Introduction to natural language processing. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.2. 期刊文章:作者. 出版年份. 文章标题. 期刊名,卷号(期号),起始页码.例如:Liu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Study on artificial intelligence image recognition technology. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 33(2), 215-226.3. 会议论文:作者. 出版年份. 论文标题. 在会议名(页码)发表.例如:Zhang, Y., & Wang, H. (2019). Overview and Outlook of artificial intelligence technology. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Computer Science (pp. 123-129).以上就是哈佛引文格式的相关内容,希望可以帮助到需要写论文或学术报告的读者们。
LoginSearch for:Print viewAdministratorsChicago Press, Chicago, IL.Patton, M.Q. (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods , 2nd ed., Sage, Newbury Park, CA.A chapter from an edited bookSurname, A.N.(year of publication)"Title of chapter"in Editor surname, initials (Ed.)Title of BookEditionPublisherPlace of publicationChapter page numbers.ExampleBourdieu, P.(1977), "The forms of capital", in Richardson, J.G. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Researchfor the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, NY, pp. 311-56.A translated workSurname, A.N.(year of publication)Title of BookEditionTranslated by Translator name, initialsPublisherPlace of publication.ExampleBourdieu, P. (1977), Outline of a Theory of Practice, translated by Nice, R., Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.Journal articlesSurname, A.N.(year of publication)"Article title"Journal TitleVolume number, Issue number (if it exists)Article page numbers.ExampleBaron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in socialpsychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, pp. 1173-82.Guthrie, J. and Parker, L. (1997) "Editorial: Celebration, reflection and a future: a decade of AAAJ",Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal , Vol. 10 No.1, pp. 3-8Electronic sourcesNB this refers to a source which is only available electronically, and not to sources which you may have accessed electronically but which are also available in print form, such as an article from an Emerald journal accessed via the Web.These follow the same convention of referencing as for printed sources, but include elements unique to the Web: Name(year of publication)"Article title"available at: full url(accessed date)For the last two elements, please try to remember the following conventions:When giving the url, "http://" should only be included if the address does not include "www"(accessed date) is important because of the lack of permanence of Internet sites.ExampleBetter Business Bureau (2001), "Third-party assurance boosts online purchasing", available at:/about/press/2001/101701.asp (accessed 7 January 2002).Hummingbird (2002), Hummingbird corporate website, available at: (accessed 2January 2002).Leeds Metropolitan University (2002), "Business Start-Up@Leeds Met", available at:/city/bus_startup.htmPitkow, J. and Kehoel, C. (1997), "GVU's WWW user surveys", available at: Ballantyne, D. (2000), "Dialogue and knowledge generation: two sides of the same coin in relationshipmarketing", paper presented at the 2nd WWW Conference on Relationship Marketing, November 1999-February 2000, Monash University and MCB University Press, available at:/services/conferen/nov99/rm/paper3.htmlAn electronic journal would be referenced as follows:Surname, A.N.(year of publication)"Article title"Journal TitleVolume number, Issue numberArticle page numbersAvailable at: url(accessed date)ExampleSwaminathan, V., Lepkoswka-White, E. and Rao, B.P. (1999), "Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? Aninvestigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange", Journal of Computer-MediatedCommunication, Vol. 5 No. 2, available at: www. / jcmc/vol5/ issue2/Conference papersSome papers may not be published in journals but may be delivered at a conference and then published as part of the proceedings of that conference, in which case, use one of the following styles as appropriate.ExampleLodi, E., Veseley, M. and Vigen, J. (2000), "Link managers for grey literature", New Frontiers in GreyLiterature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, DC, October4-5, 1999, GreyNet, Amsterdam, pp. 116-34.Naude, P. and Holland, C. (1998), "Marketing in the information domain", in Halinen-Kaila, A. andNummela, N. (Eds), Interaction, Relationships and Networks: Visions for the Future, Proceedings of the14th Annual IMP Conference, pp. 245-62.Stauss, B. and Weinlich, B. (1995), "Process-oriented measurement of service quality by applying thesequential incident technique", paper presented at the Fifth Workshop on Quality Management inServices, EIASM, Tilburg.Strandvik, T. and Storbacka, K. (1996), "Managing relationship quality", paper presented at the QUIS5Quality in Services Conference, University of Karlstad, Karlstad.As you see, some of the above references give the date of the conference, others do not; if in doubt, follow the convention used by the conference.Government or commercial reportsParticularly when writing a case study, you may want to refer to company or government documents. In which case, the organization may become the author and the form of entry would be as follows:Organization name(year of publication)Title of reportPublisher and place of publication (may be same as author).ExampleApollo Enterprises (1993), Annual Report , p. 8.Ernst and Ernst (1978), Social Responsibility Disclosure: 1978 Survey, Ernst and Ernst, Cleveland, OH.Bank of England (2003), Quarterly Report on Small Business Statistics, Bank of England, London.Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) (2002), White Paper on Enterprise, Skills and Innovation, DTI,London.European Commission (1998), Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe: Priorities for the Future, EuropeanCommission, Brussels.Yorkshire Forward (1999), Regional Economic Strategy, Yorkshire Forward, Leeds...Some guidelines to remember for all source typesIf all the above seems complicated, it's worth remembering that the Harvard system is actually quite logical. Bear in mind the following guidelines:The entry always begins with the author's surname, followed by initials, followed by the date in brackets.Authors' surnames and initials are always inverted, i.e. Other, A.N. (whether you are referring to the author of anarticle/chapter, or the editor of the work within which the work is found).If more than one entry by the same author, put in order of dates.Publications, whether book or journal titles, are always in italic, with significant words only capitalized. Make sure that the journal title is exactly the same, e.g. use of &/and.Excerpts from publications, i.e. book chapters, journal articles, always come in "quotes", with only the first word, proper names, and German nouns, capitalized.The name of the publisher is shown before the place of publication (as it would be in an address). Abbreviations for US states should be in short capitalized form, e.g. CA, MA, rather than Ca., Mass., and should be added as necessary.Electronic references follow the same conventions as printed ones, followed by "available at:" and the URL. Only retain "http://" if the address does NOT include www. Also, state the date when last accessed (accessed ...).Use commas to separate elements of the entry.。
两三个作者:当引用两三位作者的来源时,请列出所有的姓氏;四个或更多作者:在这种情况下,第一作者的姓氏应该用“et al”来表示;没有作者:如果可能,请使用负责该职位的组织来代替作者。
Direct quotations: Example 3
• Sometimes you might not want to use an entire direct quote and you either want to miss out a few words from a sentence or insert a word of your own to make the quote flow. You can do this as follows: • Example 3 (3 dots show words omitted and square brackets are the student’s own words, inserted, to make the meaning flow.) • It is important to get students in the ‘right mood to think’ [by] ‘gaining their attention’...’encouraging them to concentrate’ [and by] ‘thinking carefully about the atmosphere in the room’ (Cowley, 2004:8).
Direct quote: REMEMBER
• If a direct quote is longer than 2 lines, separate it from the text with a colon and indent it. Use single line spacing for the quote. You don’t need to put quotation marks around it; your tutor can tell it is a quote by the layout and source details.
在哈佛引用格式中,正文引用的格式为“(作者姓氏, 出版年)”,例如,“根据Smith (2010) 的研究结果显示……”。
直接引用他人的文字,则需要在引用的句子或段落后注明页码,例如,“这一观点得到了支持(Jones, 2015, p. 25)”。
Smith, J. (2010). The impact of climate change on
global economies. Journal of Environmental Economics, 25(2), 123-135.
英国留学生哈佛论文文献格式写法Guide to Harvard ReferencingThis guide has been produced by the ASU in response to questions from Business School students about the important subject of accurate referencing. It is essential for you to reference your work thoroughly because everything you write for the Business School is 'evidenced' - your discussion and arguments should consist mainly of academic theory and 'expert' practitioner experience. These two main sources (theory and practice) MUST be referenced throughout yourwriting. Readers must be able to see which words are your own words and what sources you have used as evidence to back up your assertions. Good referencing is ESSENTIAL because:1) Your tutor must be able to check your source.2) Other readers might want to follow up your work.3) Your tutor needs to see if you are reading and understanding course material and book lists.4) If you do not reference, you can be accused of stealing the work and ideas of others, and this is the serious offenceof Plagiarism.The UH Business School uses the Harvard referencing system. ASU have produced a 'standardised' version from the many different variations of Harvard that are available because it is important to be consistent with all your references. ASU worked with IH consultants to produce this standard referencing format for the Business School. Harvard is a modern'author-date' system and should not be used in the same document with the older footnote system ('historical' system) which contains numbers in the text and footnotes. The complete reference consists of two parts:an in-text citation and a final reference in the list ofReferences, which has the following order:If you do not have any part of the information, you will have to leave it out or indicate you do not have it with 'date unknown' for example. Very rarely is the 'author unknown' although it may be a 'corporate' author. You can reference ANY sources using Harvard - the rule is keep the same order of information as above.WHO WROTE THE WORK?WHEN DID THEY WRITE IT?WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE WORK?WHERE CAN IT BE FOUND?References and BibliographyReferences are NOT the same as a Bibliography. Your lecturer may ask you to put either one of these, or both at the end ofyour assignment. Whichever you use, the Harvard style is the same and it must be arranged alphabetically. Here are the differences:ReferencesReferences contain a list of all the sources you actually used and 'cited' in the text.BibliographyA Bibliography contains all the sources of information that you used as 'background' reading for the assignment but you did not actually cite these sources in the text. A Bibliography should not only include books, but any background sources that you think should be mentioned. Do not make a long Bibliography to impress. Only include items that you think provide useful information for the reader.Remember:References / Bibliography must be arrangedalphabetically, according to author.A Reference list must contain an entry for each in-text citation.Other sources, not cited in the text, should go in a separate Bibliography.Always note the full details of your references and quotes as you read and write, so that you do not forget your sources. It will then be easier to make the final list of References. Include a page number if your citation is a direct quotation from your source, otherwise, page numbers are not normally required, although there will be some exceptions.Make a final check when editing your work that eachin-text citation also appears in the References.Do not mix Harvard with other referencing systems (i.e. do not use 'ibid', 'op.cit', etc.)UHBS Harvard Referencing does not use numbering, footnotes and endnotes.Even though there are slight variationsofthe Harvard format in use worldwide, the key issue is that you must be CONSISTENT and use the same style throughout. The format in this guide has been agreed by the ASU, LIS and interested UHBS staff.Only reference the sources you actually use(see primary and secondary sources below).Take careful note of the different use of italics, inverted commas, etc. between different types of sources (e.g. books and journals). Generally, the titles of books, journals and newspapers are put in italics. The titles of articles in journals are put in inverted commas.If your source is an electronic version, rather than a paper copy of a journal, book, newspaper or report, then you need to state [Online] to show that you read it online instead of hard copy.Use ‘Available at’ for URL (uniform resource locator) to identify a web address.Always include the date (day, month and year) that you'accessed' your web reference source.Primary and secondary sourcesPrimary sources are the 'original' sources. Secondary sources are the sources referred to by other authors. This guide gives examples of both types of sources. Remember that ideally, youshould always consult the primary source. However, whatever type of source you use, the golden rule is to only cite and reference the source that you actually use.Attribution tenseAs a general rule, use the present tense. For example, "Brown (1987) suggests…". even when the reference is not a current one. The concepts and issues referred to are considered to be still current.Final list of ReferencesConsistent punctuation and spacing are necessary in the References. Some general rules apply:Authors' names:Use only the initials of the authors' given names.No full stops are used between initials.Titles of works:Only capitalise content words for the titles of books, book chapters and journal articles.In the titles of journals, magazines and newspapers, capital letters should be used as they appear normally.Use italics for the titles of books, journals, and newspapers. Enclose titles of book chapters and journal articles in inverted commas (single quotation marks).Page numbering:Books: page numbers are not usually needed in the References. Journal articles: page numbers appear as the final item of the citation, followed by a full stop.Use the abbreviations p. for a single page, and pp. for a page range, e.g. pp.11-12Whole citation:The different details, or elements, of each citation are separated by full stops.The whole citation finishes with a full stop.ContentsBooks1 One author2 Two authors3 Several authors4 Edited book5 More than one book by the same author in the same yearJournals6 Author unknown7 One author8 Two authors9 Author citing another authorElectronic Information10 Electronic book11 Electronic journal12 Internet page - author known13 Organisation website14 Information databases – citing a journal article15 Information databases – citing a report (author unknown)16 Discussion group/Bulletin board17 Virtual Learning Environments (StudyNet)18 Conference proceedings (published on the Internet)19 Electronic magazine or newsletter20 Online images (graphs, diagrams)21 Multiple references to the same website22 Using an acronym (short forms of organisation/institution names)Other sources23 Two articles by same author in same year24 Reference material (dictionary, encyclopaedia)25 Photographs26 Newspaper or magazine article - unspecified author27 Newspaper or magazine article – author known28 Corporate author29 Lecture notes (PowerPoint slides, handouts)30 Personal communications (interview, conversation, fax, email, letter)31 Research reports32 CD-ROM33 Film (DVD / Videocassette / film)34 Full conference proceedings35 Government/EU publication36 Reports37 In house publications38 Thesis / dissertation39 Translation (by translator)40 Translation (by student)41 Encyclopaedia entries42 Exhibition guides/catalogues43 Graphs (figures and tables)44 Legislation45 Case law46 Television47 Radio48 Quotations49 Quoting other students50 YouTube VideosBooksReferencesMahoney, D. & Cripps, M. (2008)International business: a managerial perspective. 5th edn. Hong Kong: Pearson.JournalsOnly the title of the journal is put in italics. The title of the article is put in inverted commas.Electronic InformationLord (2010) shows how the sweeping reforms to China's economy have tended to produce a new 'cultural revolution' in reverse.ReferencesLord, J. (2010) 'FromHutong to Hu Jintao. Development and change in China: ne w marketing strategies’. American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai Conference. 13 January. Shanghai: AMCHAM. Available at:/marketing/conf.aspx [Accessed:25th January, 2010].Other sourcesse, M. (1976)Taxi Driver [DVD] New York: Columbia-Warner.“The language of business is excessively dependent on 'buzz words' like 'blue sky thinking' and 'thinking outside the box' which actually have the opposite effect by encouraging a reliance on stale, simplistic ideas. Anyone who signals that he is 'thinking outside the box' is almost invariably trapped ins ide it”.ReferencesCourtney, M. (2007) The Language of Business. Hong Kong: Macmillan China Ltd.An example of a final list of References, in alphabetical order:ReferencesBessant, J. (2001) 'The question of public trust and stock markets'. Journal of Investment. 45(2) pp. 207-226. Bessant, J. & Webber, R. (2001) 'Policy and standards: the case for liberalisation'. AccountingStudies. 20(1) pp. 43-47. Marieb, E. (2000) Essential Management Theory: Management in Action. 6th edn. San Francisco: Berkeley [Online] Available at:/bookbind/pubbooks/marieb-essentials / [Accessed: 4 February, 2009].Nott, A.J. (2006) 'Integrated pathways'. Organisational Journal. 4(10) pp.102-113 [Online] Available at:/lists/pathways.html [Accessed: 5 February, 2009].Robbins, S.P. (2004) Organizational behaviour. 11th edn. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson.Robbins, S.P. & De Cenzo, D.A. (2006) Fundamentals of management: essential concepts and applications.4th edn. Upper Saddle River. N J: Pearson.Snyder, M. (2001) ‘Research methods for Business Studies’.Journal of Research.6(2) May. pp.45-56 [Online] Available at: http://www.research/Business/15/tpc15ntr.htm [Accessed: 2 March, 2009].University of Reading (2006) Abrief Guide to Internet Resources. Reading: Reading University. [Online] Available at: /libweb/Lib/Subj/Ir/ireduc.html [Accessed: 6 February, 2009].FinallyASU hope this guide helps with all your assignments. Remember to reference in-text in your exams. However, exam references do not usually require a Bibliography or Reference list (unless it is ‘Open Book’ w hen you should check with the lecturer).If this guide does not solve your referencing issue, please do not hesitate to contact the ASU. To test your referencing skills complete the attached Quiz. Alternatively, for an online quiz to check your Harvard Referencing knowledge,see: /ptl/common/LIS.nsf/li s/busharvard or from StudyNet click Learning Resources, Business.。
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The University of Glamorgan Guide toHarvard Referencinge d e r , C . W . a n d N a k a s h i m a , M . (2006) ‘A d v a n c e d s t e i n c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g ’, i n W u , C . H . (e d .) A d v a n c e d c r a s t r u c t u r e m a t e r i a l s : s c i e n c e , m e c h a n i s m s a n d p p l i c a t i o n s .N e t L i b r a r y [O n l i n e ]. A v a i l a b l e a t :t t p://w w w .n e t l i b r a r y .c o m (A c c e s s e d : 20 J u l y 2010).Information and data are available from various sources: from printed documents, and increasingly in electronic form: from the Internet, CD-ROM, film, television or radio. This guide sets out to provide examples of how to reference (cite) all sources of information using the Harvard Style. This is one of the most widely used systems based on the British Standard BS5605 (1990).When writing a piece of academic work you must always indicate in your text (reference) when you have used factual information, data, opinion, direct quotation, or have made a summary in your own words (paraphrased) from another source. References (also known as citations) serve to acknowledge the origins of the ideas and information used, provide support for the line of argument that you advance in your essay, and allow readers to trace your claims and check them for themselves.Where in your text you do this is the first component of the referencing system. The second component is the full details of all references you have used given in a list at the end of your assignment. Both components have to be included in any submitted piece of work.IntroductionContentsBooks4 Journals6 Newspapers 7 The Internet8 Conferences/theses/lectures9 Other sources11 Visual sources12 Audio-visual13 Live performances16 Page references16 Short quotation17 Long quotation17 Secondary referencing17 Referencing author with more than one 18 publication in the same yearTell us what you think19In-text example:Thompson (2003) suggests that language helps to form identity, but can create stereotypes and prejudices.Reference example:Thompson, N. (2003) Communication and language: a handbook of theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Reference order:1.Author/editor2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)4.Edition (only include the edition number if it is notthe first edition)5.Place of publication: Publisher6.Series and volume number (where relevant)Book single authorIn-text example:This was indicated in the study by Huxley et al. (2007) Reference example:Huxley, P ., Evans, S., Muroe, M. and Cestari, L. (2007) Fair access to care services in integrated mental health and social care teams.London: Department of Health.Reference order:1.Author/editor2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)4.Edition (only include the edition number if it is notthe first edition)5.Place of publication: Publisher6.Series and volume number (where relevant)Book more than three authorsIn-text example:Many aspects of scientific investigation are discussed in Knorr-Cetina and Mulkay (1983).Reference example:Knorr-Cetina, K. D. and Mulkay, M.J. (eds.) (1983) Science observed: perspectives on the social study of science.London: Sage.Reference order:1.Editor(s) followed by (ed.) or (eds.)2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)4.Edition (only include the edition number if it is notthe first edition)5.Place of publication: Publisher6.Series and volume number (where relevant)Book with editor(s)In-text example:According to Dexter and Wash (1995, pp. 32-33) “silence may be as effective as verbal communication” if used appropriately.Reference example:Dexter, G. and Wash, M. (1995) Psychiatric nursing skills:a patient centred approach. 2nd edn. London: Chapman and Hall.Reference order:1.Author/editor2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)4.Edition (only include the edition number if it is notthe first edition) (2nd edn.)5.Place of publication: Publisher6.Series and volume number (where relevant)Book two authorsHow to reference booksIn-text exampleCohen (2009, p.194) describes the subculture of the delinquent gang as short-run hedonism.Reference example:Cohen, A. K. (2009) ‘Delinquent boys: the culture of the gang’, in Newburn, T. (ed.) Key readings in criminology. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 194-198.Reference order:1.Author of the chapter/section (surname followedby initials)2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of chapter/section (in single quotationmarks)4.‘in’ plus author/editor of book5.Title of book (in italics)6.Place of publication: Publisher7.Page referenceChapter/section in an edited bookIn-text example“I hope you won’t make the mistake of thinking for one moment that I’m a gentleman” (Osborne, 1985, 2.1:45)Reference exampleOsborne, J. (1985) Look back in anger: a drama. London: Samuel French. 2.1:45.Reference order:1.Author (surname followed by initials)2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)3.Edition information4.Place of publication: Publisher5.Act. Scene: lineLines within a playIn-text exampleImprovements in the Bessemer process meant that the use of structural steel increased dramatically in civil engineering towards the end of the nineteenth century (Roeder and Nakashima, 2006).Reference exampleRoeder, C. W. and Nakashima, M. (2006) ‘Advanced steel for use in civil engineering’, in Wu, C. H. (ed.) Advanced civil infrastructure materials: science, mechanisms and Library[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 20 July 2010). Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication of book (in round brackets)3.Title of book (in italics) of e-book collection (in italics)5.[Online]6.Available at: URL7.(Accessed: date)E-bookIn-text example:One author, Demers (2009) has claimed there is ‘virtually no research’Reference example:Demers, A. (2009) ‘The war at home: consequences of loving a veteran of the Iraq and afghan wars.’ TheI nternet Journal of Mental Health , 6(1) [Online]. Available at: / (Accessed: 15 July 2010).Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of journal (in italics and capitalise first letter ofeach word in title, except for linking words such as and, of, the, for)5.Volume (unbracketed), issue or month/season (inround brackets) and page numbers if known.6.[Online]7.Available at: URL of web page 8.(Accessed: date)Journal article in an internet journal (e-journal)In-text example:Langhammer and Stanghelle (2009, p. 46) found that “Stroke care has changed over the last 20 years”.Reference example:Langhammer, B. and Stanghelle, J. K. (2009) ‘Exercise on a treadmill or walking outdoors’, Clinical Rehabilitation ,24(1), pp. 46-54. Sage Journals [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 July 2010).Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of journal (in italics –capitalise first letter ofeach word in title except for linking words such as and, of, the, for)5.Volume (unbracketed) issue (in round brackets)page numbers of collection (in italics)7.[Online]8.Available at: URL of collection 9.(Accessed: date)Journal article in an online collection eg Science Direct (e-journal)In-text example:However, Russell (2010, p. 393) highlights that a ‘sizeable proportion’ of those who believe in a Christian God pledge to the fundamental doctrine of Evangelicalism. Reference example:Russell, J. (2010) ‘Evangelical audiences and “Hollywood”film: Promoting Fireproof (2008)’, Journal of American Studies,44(2), pp. 391-407.Reference order:1.Author (surname followed by initials)2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of journal (in italics – capitalise first letter ofeach word in title except for linking words such as and, of, the, for)5.Issue information i.e. volume (unbracketed) andwhere applicable, part number, month or season (all in round brackets)6.Page numbersJournal article (printed)How to reference journalsIn-text exampleA discussion of ‘bearing witness’ may be found in Murphy (2009, p. 39)Reference example:Murphy, N. M. (2009) ‘Nurse leaders as stewards: the beginning of change’, The Open Nursing Journal,3, Bentham Open[Online]. Available at:/open/tonursj/ (Accessed: 15 July 2010).Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of journal (in italics and capitalise first letter ofeach word in title, except for linking words such asand, of, the, for)5.Volume (unbracketed), issue (in round brackets) andpage numbers if known of open access archive (in italics- capitalise firstletter of each word in title, except for linking wordssuch as and, of, the, for)7.[Online]8.Available at: URL9.(Accessed: date)Journal article in an open access journal (e-journal)In-text exampleGoldman accepted the largest fine in the commission’s history (Treanor, 2010).Reference exampleTreanor, J. (2010) ‘Goldman Sachs handed record $550m fine over Abacus transaction’, The Guardian, 16 July, p. 25.Reference order:Where the author of a newspaper article is identified, use the following citation order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of newspaper (in italics – capitalise first letter ofeach word in title, except for linking words such asand, of, the, for)5.Edition if required (in round brackets)6.Day and month7.Page referenceNewspaper article (printed)In-text exampleKingsley (2010) suggests that the slow-reading movement is made up of a disparate bunch of academics and intellectuals who want us to take our time while reading and re-reading.Reference exampleKingsley, P. (2010) ‘The art of slow reading’, G2 section of The Guardian, 15 July [Online]. Available at:/books/2010/jul/15/slow-reading (Accessed: 16 July 2010). Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of article (in single quotation marks)4.Title of newspaper (in italics – capitalise first letter ofeach word in title, except for linking words such asand, of, the, for)5.Day and month6.[Online]7.Available at: URL8.(Accessed: date)Newspaper article from Internet version of a newspaper How to reference newspapersIn-text examplePlatt (2010) argued that sales of the affected products and of savings certificates had “far exceeded” the organisations expectations.Reference example:Platt, J. (2010) ‘National Savings rates “too attractive”’. Interview with J Platt. Interviewed by Ian King, Deputy Business Editor for The Guardian, 20 July, p. 39. Reference order: of person interviewed2.Year of interview (in round brackets)3.Title of interview (if any) (in single quotation marks)4.Interview with/Interviewed by5.Interviewer’s name6.Title of Newspaper/broadcast (in italics)7.Day and month of interviewIf published on the Internet add:8.[Online]9.Available at: URL10.(Accessed: date)Newspaper interviewIn-text exampleSemiotics involves studying representations and the processes involved in representational practices (Chandler, 2001).Reference example:Chandler, D. (2001) Semiotics for beginners.Available at: /media/Documents/S4B/sem02a.ht ml (Accessed: 26 July 2010). Reference order:1.Author2.Year that the site was published/last updated (inround brackets)3.Title of Internet site (in italics)4.Available at: URL5.(Accessed: date)Web pages with individual authorsHow to reference the InternetIn-text exampleThe Welsh Assembly Government (2010) acknowledges that much remains to be done if adequate public services are to be supplied to the whole of Wales.Reference example:Welsh Assembly Government (2010) Improving public services.Available at:/topics/improvingservices/;jsessionid=x prRMGyPlnnFvydhwQ1LCZZ3LMcTLnXlKG0TmFTpdpq5jn T9T9CB!-1351106478?lang=en(Accessed: 21 July 2010).Reference order:anisation as author2.Year that the site was published/last updated(in round brackets)3.Title of Internet site (in italics)4.Available at: URL5.(Accessed: date)Web pages with organisations as authorsIn-text exampleThe conference (International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, 2002) …Reference example:International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL (2002) Digital libraries : people, knowledge, and technology : 5th International Conference on AsianDigital Libraries.Singapore, 11-14 December. Singapore:ICADL.Reference order:1.Author/editor2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of conference: subtitle (in italics)4.Location and date of conference5.Place of publication: PublisherFull conference proceedingsHow to reference conferences/theses/lecturesUse title of the site In-text exampleThe story of the Aberbeeg ghost and the death of PC Pope is an intriguing one (Online Abertillery , 2010).Reference example:Online Abertillery (2010) Available at:/tales_ghost.html (2010)(Accessed: 19 July 2010).Reference order:1.Title of Internet site (in italics)2.Year that the site was published/last updated(in round brackets)3.Available at: URL 4.(Accessed: date)Web pages with no authorsIn-text exampleThe photo from Keith Jones shows the Penygraig Colliery (/Photo.htm, no date).Reference example:/Photo.htm (no date)(Accessed: 19 July 2010).If web page has no obvious date of publication/revision,use the URL (no date) and the date you accessed the page. Query how useful undated information might be to your research.Web pages with no datesThesesIn-text exampleResearch by Prescott (2006)...Reference example:Prescott, G. (2006) The noble game is not totally unknown here: Rugby football in nineteenth-century Cardiff.Unpublished M Phil thesis. University of Glamorgan.Reference order:1.Author2.Year of submission (in round brackets)3.Title of thesis (in italics)4.Degree statement — M Phil or PhD5.Degree-awarding bodyIn-text exampleRees (2010) believes that man has the future in his own handsReference example:Rees, M. (2010) Lecture 2: Surviving the century , [Reith Lectures 2010: Scientific horizons]. 8 June.Reference order:1.Author/speaker2.Year (in round brackets)3.Title of lecture (in italics)4.[Medium]5.Day/monthLectureIn-text examplePersensky et al. (2005) emphasise the personnel’s vital contribution in this particular area.Reference example:Persensky, J., Lewis, P . and O’Hara, J. (2005) ‘Insights into the role of the operator in advanced reactors’, American Nuclear Society, Winter Meeting, Washington D.C, 13-17November. New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.Available at:/isd/documents/30546.pdf (Accessed 26 July 2010).Reference order:1.Author2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of paper (in single quotation marks)4.Title of conference: subtitle (in italics)5.Location and date of conference6.Publisher7.Available at: URL 8.(Accessed: date)Conference paper published on the InternetIn-text exampleStandards assist in the evaluation of libraries of all types (British Standards Institute, 2008)Reference example:British Standards Institute (2008) BS ISO 11620:Information and documentation.Library performance indicators.British Standards Online [Online]. Available at:https:///en/BsolHomepage/ (Accessed: 21 July 2010).Reference order: of authorising organisation2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Number and title of standard (in italics)4.Title of database (in italics)5.[Online]6.Available at: URL7.(Accessed: date)British Standards from online databasesHow to reference other sourcesIn-text exampleApprenticeships in the Aerospace Industry have recently been given a boost (Great Britain. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2010) as UK inflationcontinues to slow down (Great Britain. Office for National Statistics, 2010).Reference example:Great Britain. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010) Business Secretary encourages a new generation of apprentices to join Aerospace Industry.Press Briefing 19 July 2010 [online]. Available at:/content/Detail.aspx?ReleaseID=414489&NewsAreaID=2 (Accessed: 20 July 2010). Great Britain. Office for National Statistics (2010)Consumer Price Indices Statistical Bulletin (monthly)[Online]. Available at:/pdfdir/cpi0710.pdf (Accessed: 20 July 2010).Reference order:1.Country of government department3.Year of publication (in round brackets)4.Title (in italics)5.Place of publication: Publisher6.Series (in brackets) –if applicableIf referencing an online version replace Place of publication: Publisher with:7.[Online]8.Available at: URL 9.(Accessed: date)Government Department publicationIn-text exampleThe power in Algo’s photo (2005) is in its simplicity. Reference example:Algo (2005) Holding On . Flickr [Online] Available at:/photos/algo/41942696/in/set-72057594138446566/ (Accessed: 21 July 2010).Reference order:1.Photographer2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of photograph (in italics)4.Title of online collection (in italics)5.[Online]6.Available at: URL7.(Accessed: date)Photographs in online collections (e.g. Flickr)How to reference visual sourcesIn-text exampleField’s diagram is useful in its summary of the links between the main components of the research process (Field, 2009, p. 3).Reference example:Field, A. (2009) Discovering Statistics Using SPSS , 3rd edn.London: Sage Publications Ltd., p. 3, fig.Reference order:1.Author of book2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of book (in italics)4.Place of publication: Publisher5.Page reference of illustration, etc6.Illus./fig./tableBook illustrations, diagrams or tablesIn-text exampleThe work illustrates the human connection with the natural world (Magee, 2009)Reference example:Magee, J. (2009) Phishing II [Photograph]. Cardiff:Ffotogallery at Turner House.Reference order:1.Photographer2.Year (in round brackets)3.Title of photograph (in italics)4.[Photograph]5.Place of publication: Publisher (if available)Photographs — prints/slidesIn-text exampleThis bold image (Knight, 1986) was commissioned by…..Reference example:Knight, N. (1986) Red Coat [Online]. Available at:/item/O128940/photograph-red-coat/ (Accessed: 21 July 2010).Reference order:1.Photographer2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of photograph (in italics)4.[Online]5.Available at: URL6.(Accessed: date)Photographs from the InternetIn-text exampleIngleby specialised in small watercolour views, for example Brombo House(1794).Reference example:Ingleby, J. (1794) Brombo House[Watercolour]. The National Library of Wales[Online]. Available at:/METS/ING00001/ingleby?start=1 (Accessed: 16 July 2010).Reference order:1.Artist2.Date (if available)3.Title of the work (in italics)4.[Medium] of collection (in italics)6.[Online]7.Available at:8.(Accessed: date)Paintings/drawings in online collectionsIn-text exampleThe horizontal cuts, as seen for example with Crack and warp column(Nash, 2002) split and bend with time.Reference example:Nash, D. (2002) Crack and warp column[Sculpture]. University of Glamorgan Permanent Art Collection. Reference order:1.Sculptor2.Year (in round brackets)3.Title (in italics)4.[Sculpture] of collectionSculptureHow to reference audio visualIn-text exampleApparently, a trick of the light can both wake you up and keep you asleep (10 Things You Need to Know about Sleep,2009).Reference example:10 Things You Need to Know about Sleep(2009) BBC One Television, 12 May. Reference order:1.Title of programme (in italics)2.Year of transmission (in round brackets) of channel4.Date of transmission (day/month)TV programmeIn-text exampleThe character of Ross is developed in this episode, with his reaction to the news that his ex-wife is pregnant with his child (‘The One with the Sonogram at the End’, 2004). Reference example:‘The One with the Sonogram at the End’ (2004) Friends, Series 1, episode 2. Channel 4 Television, 29 September. Reference order:1.Title of episode (in single quotation marks)2.Year of transmission (in round brackets)3.Title of programme (in italics)4.Series and episode numbers of channel6.Date of transmission (day/month)Episode of a TV seriesReference where the podcast was displayed for download In-text exampleO’Sullivan (2007) discussed issues on tourism safety and security.Reference example:O’Sullivan, D. (2007) ‘Challenges of tourism growth’, The University of Glamorgan Podcasts [Podcast]. 15 August.Available at: /(Accessed: 18 July 2010).Reference order:1.Author/presenter2.Year that the site was published/last updated (inround brackets)3.Title of podcast (in single quotation marks)4.Title of Internet site (in italics)5.[Podcast]6.Day/month of posted message7.Available at: URL8.(Accessed: date)PodcastReference where the vidcast/vodcast was displayed for downloadIn-text exampleThe inaugural lecture was very interesting (Wheeler,2009).Reference example:Wheeler, Professor Nick. (2009) ‘Nuclear abolition: Trust-building’s greatest challenge?’ David Davies Memorial Institute, Aberystwyth University . Available at:/interpol/en/research/DDMI/research _trust_building_workshops.html (Accessed: 19 June 2010).Reference order:1.Author2.Year that the site was published/last updated(in round brackets)3.Title of vidcast (in single quotation marks)4.Title of Internet site (in italics)5.Available at: URL6.(Accessed: date)Vidcasts/vodcastsIn-text exampleOpinions regarding pirate radio continue to be extremely diverse (Do Pirates Rule the Airways?, 2010).Reference example:Do Pirates Rule the Airways?(2010) BBC Radio 4, 21 July.Reference order:1.Title of programme (in italics)2.Year of transmission (in round brackets) of channel4Date of transmission (day/month)Radio programmeIn-text exampleThe medium of film has the potential to surpass the impact of the written word. Slumdog Millionaire (2009),for example, …Reference example:Slumdog Millionaire (2009) Directed by Danny Boyle [DVD]. United States: Foxsearchlight Pictures.Reference order:1.Title of film (in italics)2.Year of distribution (in round brackets)3.Directed by4.[DVD]5.Place of distribution: Distribution companyFilm on DVDIn-text exampleMatisse considered the chapel to be his greatest achievement (Misterulster, 2010)Reference example:Misterulster (2010) 20100510 BBC Matisse.m4v.Available at: (/watch?v=en1--ukWZus (Accessed: 15 July 2010).Reference order: of person posting video2.Year video posted (in round brackets)3.Title of film or programme (in italics)4.Available at: URL5.(Accessed: date)Film on YoutubeIn-text exampleSeminal Welsh indie-rockers the Super Furry Animals released their fifth studio album Rings around the world in 2001 to both critical and popular acclaim.Reference example:Super Furry Animals (2001) Rings around the world [CD].London: Epic Records.Reference order:1.Artist2.Year of distribution (in round brackets)3.Title of recording (in italics)4.[CD]5.Place of distribution: Distribution companyMusic or spoken word recording on audio CDsIn-text exampleFilms are able to draw on events and experiences of the past which impact resonantly today (Good Night, and Good Luck, 2005).Reference example:Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) Directed by George Clooney [Film]. United States: Warner Independent Pictures.Reference order:1.Title of film (in italics)2.Year of distribution (in round brackets)3.Directed by4.[Film]5.Place of distribution: Distribution companyFilmIn-text exampleThe composer’s soundtrack to the movie ‘The Piano’proved particularly popular (Nyman, 2003)…Reference example:Nyman, M. (2003) Pieces from the Piano. Pocket Manual and Sheet Music. UK: Music Sales Ltd.Reference order:poser2.Year of publication (in round brackets)3.Title of score (in italics)4.Notes5.Place of publication: PublisherMusical scoreHow to reference live performancesIn-text exampleBob Dylan’s voice (2000) was barely audible against the backdrop of an admittedly accomplished backing band, a fact not unnoticed by most of the increasingly disgruntled crowd.Reference example:Bob Dylan (2000) [Sheffield Arena. 22 September].Reference order: of band2.Year of performance (in round brackets)3.Location. Date seen [in square brackets]Live performance — band concertIn-text exampleThe performers were singing in very close proximity to the audience (The Duchess of Malfi, 2010)Reference example:The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster (2010) Directed by Felix Barrett [Royal Albert Docks, London. 15 July].Reference order:1.Title (in italics)2.By Author3.Year of performance (in round brackets)4.Directed by5.Location. Date seen [in square brackets]Live performance — playHow to reference — miscellaneousIf you are summarising the overall argument or position of a book or article then you do not need to put page numbers in the text or in the reference list. However if you are paraphrasing a particular argument or point from your source you should include page numbers in the text as good practice and to make it easier for your reader to find the argument being referred to.Page referencesIn-text exampleMost people are biased in one way or another. Person bias , sometimes called the fundamental attribution error ,is claimed to be the most common.So we see a nurse, or a teacher or a policeman or policewoman going about their business and tend to judge them as being particular types of people rather than as people being constrained by the roles that they are playing in their work. (Strongman, 2006, p. 94).Reference example:Strongman, K. T. (2006) Applying psychology toeveryday life: a beginner’s guide.Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.Longer quotations should be indented from the main text as a separate paragraph. Quotation marks are not required.Long quotationIn-text exampleMcMahon’s (1994) experience as cited in Parahoo (2006,p. 246) draws attention to the dilemma surrounding the issue of persuasion when attempting to recruit participants.Reference example:Parahoo, K. (2006) Nursing research: principles, process and issues. 2nd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Sometimes authors refer to the work/ideas of others.These are known as secondary references. For instance,Parahoo in 2006 makes reference to McMahon’sexperience in 1994. The details of Parahoo’s work should be included in the reference list since this is the work you have read.Secondary referencingIn-text exampleChartrand et al (1997, p.1) argue that “…they [laws] can be said to be just when they create the conditions leading to peace, happiness and prosperity for all persons”. This view is…Reference example:Chartrand, M., Millar, C. and Wiltshire, E. (1997) English for contract and company law.London: Sweet and Maxwell.Short quotations, up to two or three lines can be put in quotation marks and included in the body of the text.Short quotation。