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星期六,我来到了一年级作文提高班,没一会儿,老师也来了.她一来,就怒气冲冲地对我说:”高峰,你出去!”那话非常严厉,似乎容不得半点商量.我当时吓了一跳,心想:On Saturday, I came to the first grade composition improvement class. Soon, the teacher also came. As soon as she came, she said to me angri ly, “Gao Feng, you go out!” It was very harsh, and I couldn't seem to discuss it. I was shocked and thought: 咦?怎么回事?老师为什么叫我出去?我没犯什么错呀?

Why? What's going on? Why did the teacher ask me out? What's wrong with me?


When I got outside, the teacher leaned over and said to me, “I want my classmates to write a composition this time, and let you do a demonstration. I've wronged you.” the tone was much more cordial than before. I thought: what demonstration? As soon as I

wanted to ask, the teacher came into the classroom. I vaguely heard what questions the teacher asked the students to answer. Then I heard a noise from the students. After about two or three minutes, the teacher let me in again


As soon as I entered the classroom, the students stared at me. I was puzzled. As soon as I turned around and saw the blackboard, I suddenly realized that there were several questions written on the blackboard, all about me, such as “is the eye double eyelid or single eyelid?” “What color are pants and shoes?” Wait, that's why the students stare at me. The teacher is really diligent! At this time, the teacher turned around and wrote a line of bold words on the blackboard with a red chalk pen: carefully observe, grasp the key points, and be a thoughtful person. It is one of the keys to write a good composition. And ask us to remember this sentence with our



This composition class is so interesting!
