
在经过校准微调的所有型号上为 2 mV 至 5 V/div
BNC 信号到 BNC 外层为 300 VRMS CAT II,使用可选 P5120 高压无源探头时探头端部到地为 1000 VRMS CAT II
600 VRMS CAT II 或 300 VRMS CAT III BNC 外层到地, 1200 VRMS CAT II 任意两个通道公共端之间,且每个 通道端间与地之间电压不超过 ±600 VRMS
使用 TPS2PWR1 软件进行谐波失真 测量。
进行浮动和差分测量 - 迅速、准确、经济
当 TPS2000 系统与其标准 P2220 无源探头一起使用时,可更加迅速和 准确地进行浮动和差分测量,同时可 针对在四个通道上浮动的差分电压 (最高为 30 V RMS),加速验证电源性 能、复杂控制电路和中线电流的影响。
另外,为满足多功能的要求,您可 能需要在多种各样的复杂环境中开 发和测试你的设计。
使用 TPS2000 系列,即世界上第 一台具有 4 个隔离通道、功能齐全 并使用电池供电的示波器,您能够 加快部件和系统的设计、故障排除、 安装以及维护的速度,从而迅速地 应对上述严峻挑战。
100 MHz 和 200 MHz 带宽
触发信号 频率读数 以 6 位数的分辨率提供触发源的频率读数。
光标 类型 - 电压、时间。
测量值 - ∆T、1/∆T(频率)、∆V、dv/dt*3、 di/dt*3。
*3 需要 TPS2PWR1 电源应用程序包。
信号类型 方波 正弦波 视频(NTSC、PAL、SECAM)

报警中心管理软件使用说明书卓越2000 注意事项1.时间格式为HH:mm2.日期格式为dd-MM-yyyy3.屏幕区域更改为1024 x 768 象素,16位增强色4.安装目标目录须自行更改为c:\Mega 子目录5.虚拟盘已告取消6.MSDOS已告取消7.信号栏的数目由50个增多至200个8.报警音响更改为“电脑喇叭”和“声卡音箱”重复交替9.电子地图更改为800 x 600 象素10.住宅小区中的“隐蔽”楼层/平面图更改为“显示”11.计算机的运行速度须在 1.6G 以上,128M 内存12.使用微软Microsoft Windows 2000 (Professional) 简体中文版,并使用NTFS 文件系统格式化磁盘分区13.打印机自检功能暂时取消.14. 其它原有功能,保持不变.目录一、M S2000软件的功能,特点概述,注意事项――――――第3页二、M S2000软件电脑配置说明―――――――――――――第3页三、M S2000升级版本―――――――――――――――第3页四、如何安装软件――――――――――――――――――第3页五、M S2000软件操作简介―――――――――――――第4页(一)用户资料――――――――――――――――――第5页(二)讯号记录――――――――――――――――――第7页(三)系统设置――――――――――――――――――第8页(四)报警信息及处理―――――――――――――――第10页六、M S3000软件使用说明――――――――――――――第12页(一)如何绘制用户平面图―――――――――――――(二)如何绘用户平面图加入报警标识――――――――七、MS4000软件使用说明――――――――――――――八、MS8000软件合理说明书―――――――――――――(一)输入用户资料―――――――――――――――――(二)楼宇设定――――――――――――――――――(三)设置楼宇图标―――――――――――――――――(四)住户及其平面图报警图标设置―――――――――*请不要删除和修改用户资料库中的0000用户MS2000软件是FBI联网报警中心电脑中文管理软件,以中文WIN98,WIN2000为操作环境. 菜单式设计,易学易懂。

STM32F10xxx参考手册参考手册小,中和大容量的STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx和STM32F103xxARM内核32位高性能微控制器导言本参考手册针对应用开发,提供关于如何使用小容量、中容量和大容量的STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx或者STM32F103xx微控制器的存储器和外设的详细信息。
关于订货编号、电气和物理性能参数,请参考STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx和STM32F103xx 的数据手册。
关于ARM Cortex™-M3内核的具体信息,请参考Cortex™-M3技术参考手册。
相关文档● Cortex™-M3技术参考手册,可按下述链接下载:/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0337e/DDI0337E_cortex_m3_r1p1_trm.pdf下述文档可在ST网站下载(/mcu/):● STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx和STM32F103xx的数据手册。
● STM32F10xxx闪存编程手册。
* 感谢南京万利提供原始翻译文档目录1文中的缩写 161.1寄存器描述表中使用的缩写列表 161.2术语表161.3可用的外设16 2存储器和总线构架 172.1系统构架172.2存储器组织182.3存储器映像192.3.1嵌入式SRAM 202.3.2位段202.3.3嵌入式闪存 212.4启动配置23 3CRC计算单元(CRC) 253.1CRC简介253.2CRC主要特性253.3CRC功能描述253.4CRC寄存器263.4.1数据寄存器(CRC_DR) 263.4.2独立数据寄存器(CRC_IDR) 263.4.3控制寄存器(CRC_CR) 273.4.4CRC寄存器映像 27 4电源控制(PWR) 284.1电源284.1.1独立的A/D转换器供电和参考电压 284.1.2电池备份区域 294.1.3电压调节器 294.2电源管理器294.2.1上电复位(POR)和掉电复位(PDR) 294.2.2可编程电压监测器(PVD) 304.3低功耗模式304.3.1降低系统时钟 314.3.2外部时钟的控制 314.3.3睡眠模式 314.3.4停止模式 324.3.5待机模式 334.3.6低功耗模式下的自动唤醒(AWU) 344.4电源控制寄存器 354.4.1电源控制寄存器(PWR_CR) 354.4.2电源控制/状态寄存器 364.4.3PWR寄存器地址映像 37 5备份寄存器(BKP) 385.1BKP简介385.2BKP特性385.3BKP功能描述385.3.1侵入检测 385.3.2RTC校准 395.4BKP寄存器描述 395.4.1备份数据寄存器x(BKP_DRx) (x = 1 … 10) 395.4.2RTC时钟校准寄存器(BKP_RTCCR) 395.4.3备份控制寄存器(BKP_CR) 405.4.4备份控制/状态寄存器(BKP_CSR) 405.4.5BKP寄存器映像 42 6复位和时钟控制(RCC) 456.1复位456.1.1系统复位 456.1.2电源复位 456.1.3备份域复位 466.2时钟466.2.1HSE时钟 486.2.2HSI时钟 486.2.3PLL 496.2.4LSE时钟 496.2.5LSI时钟496.2.6系统时钟(SYSCLK)选择 506.2.7时钟安全系统(CSS) 506.2.8RTC时钟 506.2.9看门狗时钟 506.2.10时钟输出 506.3RCC寄存器描述 516.3.1时钟控制寄存器(RCC_CR) 516.3.2时钟配置寄存器(RCC_CFGR) 526.3.3时钟中断寄存器 (RCC_CIR) 546.3.4APB2外设复位寄存器 (RCC_APB2RSTR) 566.3.5APB1外设复位寄存器 (RCC_APB1RSTR) 586.3.6AHB外设时钟使能寄存器 (RCC_AHBENR) 606.3.7APB2外设时钟使能寄存器(RCC_APB2ENR) 616.3.8APB1外设时钟使能寄存器(RCC_APB1ENR) 626.3.9备份域控制寄存器 (RCC_BDCR) 656.3.10控制/状态寄存器 (RCC_CSR) 666.3.11RCC寄存器地址映像 68 7通用和复用功能I/O(GPIO和AFIO) 697.1GPIO功能描述697.1.1通用I/O(GPIO) 707.1.2单独的位设置或位清除 717.1.3外部中断/唤醒线 717.1.4复用功能(AF) 717.1.5软件重新映射I/O复用功能 717.1.6GPIO锁定机制 717.1.7输入配置 717.1.8输出配置 727.1.9复用功能配置 737.1.10模拟输入配置 737.2GPIO寄存器描述 757.2.1端口配置低寄存器(GPIOx_CRL) (x=A..E) 757.2.2端口配置高寄存器(GPIOx_CRH) (x=A..E) 757.2.3端口输入数据寄存器(GPIOx_IDR) (x=A..E) 767.2.4端口输出数据寄存器(GPIOx_ODR) (x=A..E) 767.2.5端口位设置/清除寄存器(GPIOx_BSRR) (x=A..E) 777.2.6端口位清除寄存器(GPIOx_BRR) (x=A..E) 777.2.7端口配置锁定寄存器(GPIOx_LCKR) (x=A..E) 777.3复用功能I/O和调试配置(AFIO) 787.3.1把OSC32_IN/OSC32_OUT作为GPIO 端口PC14/PC15 787.3.2把OSC_IN/OSC_OUT引脚作为GPIO端口PD0/PD1 787.3.3CAN复用功能重映射 797.3.4JTAG/SWD复用功能重映射 797.3.5ADC复用功能重映射 807.3.6定时器复用功能重映射 807.3.7USART复用功能重映射 817.3.8I2C 1 复用功能重映射 827.3.9SPI 1复用功能重映射 827.4AFIO寄存器描述 837.4.1事件控制寄存器(AFIO_EVCR) 837.4.2复用重映射和调试I/O配置寄存器(AFIO_MAPR) 837.4.3外部中断配置寄存器1(AFIO_EXTICR1) 867.4.4外部中断配置寄存器2(AFIO_EXTICR2) 867.4.5外部中断配置寄存器3(AFIO_EXTICR3) 877.4.6外部中断配置寄存器4(AFIO_EXTICR4) 877.5GPIO 和AFIO寄存器地址映象 88 8中断和事件 898.1嵌套向量中断控制器 898.1.1系统嘀嗒(SysTick)校准值寄存器 898.1.2中断和异常向量 898.2外部中断/事件控制器(EXTI) 918.2.1主要特性 918.2.2框图928.2.3唤醒事件管理 928.2.4功能说明 928.2.5外部中断/事件线路映像 948.3EXTI 寄存器描述 958.3.1中断屏蔽寄存器(EXTI_IMR) 958.3.2事件屏蔽寄存器(EXTI_EMR) 958.3.3上升沿触发选择寄存器(EXTI_RTSR) 968.3.4下降沿触发选择寄存器(EXTI_FTSR) 968.3.5软件中断事件寄存器(EXTI_SWIER) 978.3.6挂起寄存器(EXTI_PR) 978.3.7外部中断/事件寄存器映像 98 9DMA 控制器(DMA) 999.1DMA简介999.2DMA主要特性999.3功能描述1009.3.1DMA处理 1009.3.2仲裁器1009.3.3DMA 通道 1019.3.4可编程的数据传输宽度,对齐方式和数据大小端 1029.3.5错误管理 1039.3.6中断1039.3.7DMA请求映像 1049.4DMA寄存器1079.4.1DMA中断状态寄存器(DMA_ISR) 1079.4.2DMA中断标志清除寄存器(DMA_IFCR) 1089.4.3DMA通道x配置寄存器(DMA_CCRx)(x = 1…7) 1089.4.4DMA通道x传输数量寄存器(DMA_CNDTRx)(x = 1…7) 1109.4.5DMA通道x外设地址寄存器(DMA_CPARx)(x = 1…7) 1109.4.6DMA通道x存储器地址寄存器(DMA_CPARx)(x = 1…7) 1109.4.7DMA寄存器映像 111 10模拟/数字转换(ADC) 11310.1ADC介绍11310.2ADC主要特征11310.3ADC功能描述11410.3.1ADC开关控制 11510.3.2ADC时钟 11510.3.3通道选择 11510.3.4单次转换模式 11510.3.5连续转换模式 11610.3.6时序图11610.3.7模拟看门狗 11610.3.8扫描模式 11710.3.9注入通道管理 11710.3.10间断模式 11810.4校准11910.5数据对齐11910.6可编程的通道采样时间 12010.7外部触发转换12010.8DMA请求12110.9双ADC模式12110.9.1同步注入模式 12210.9.2同步规则模式 12310.9.3快速交替模式 12310.9.4慢速交替模式 12410.9.5交替触发模式 12410.9.6独立模式 12510.9.7混合的规则/注入同步模式 12510.9.8混合的同步规则+交替触发模式 12510.9.9混合同步注入+交替模式 12610.10温度传感器12610.11ADC中断12710.12ADC寄存器描述 12810.12.1ADC状态寄存器(ADC_SR) 12810.12.2ADC控制寄存器1(ADC_CR1) 12910.12.3ADC控制寄存器2(ADC_CR2) 13110.12.4ADC采样时间寄存器1(ADC_SMPR1) 13310.12.5ADC采样时间寄存器2(ADC_SMPR2) 13310.12.6ADC注入通道数据偏移寄存器x (ADC_JOFRx)(x=1..4) 13410.12.7ADC看门狗高阀值寄存器(ADC_HTR) 13410.12.8ADC看门狗低阀值寄存器(ADC_LRT) 13410.12.9ADC规则序列寄存器1(ADC_SQR1) 13510.12.10ADC规则序列寄存器2(ADC_SQR2) 13510.12.11ADC规则序列寄存器3(ADC_SQR3) 13610.12.12ADC注入序列寄存器(ADC_JSQR) 13610.12.13ADC 注入数据寄存器x (ADC_JDRx) (x= 1..4) 13710.12.14ADC规则数据寄存器(ADC_DR) 13710.12.15ADC寄存器地址映像 138 11数字/模拟转换(DAC) 14011.1DAC简介14011.2DAC主要特征14011.3DAC功能描述14111.3.1使能DAC通道 14111.3.2使能DAC输出缓存 14111.3.3DAC数据格式 14211.3.4DAC转换 14211.3.5DAC输出电压 14311.3.6选择DAC触发 14311.3.7DMA请求 14411.3.8噪声生成 14411.3.9三角波生成 14511.4双DAC通道转换 14511.4.1无波形生成的独立触发 14511.4.2带相同LFSR生成的独立触发 14611.4.3带不同LFSR生成的独立触发 14611.4.4带相同三角波生成的独立触发 14611.4.5带不同三角波生成的独立触发 14611.4.6同时软件启动 14711.4.7不带波形生成的同时触发 14711.4.8带相同LFSR生成的同时触发 14711.4.9带不同LFSR生成的同时触发 14711.4.10带相同三角波生成的同时触发 14711.4.11带不同三角波生成的同时触发 14811.5DAC寄存器14911.5.1DAC控制寄存器(DAC_CR) 14911.5.2DAC软件触发寄存器(DAC_SWTRIGR) 15111.5.3DAC通道1的12位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12R1) 15211.5.4DAC通道1的12位左对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12L1) 15211.5.5DAC通道1的8位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR8R1) 15211.5.6DAC通道2的12位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12R2) 15311.5.7DAC通道2的12位左对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12L2) 15311.5.8DAC通道2的8位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR8R2) 15311.5.9双DAC的12位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12RD) 15411.5.10双DAC的12位左对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR12LD) 15411.5.11双DAC的8位右对齐数据保持寄存器(DAC_DHR8RD) 15411.5.12DAC通道1数据输出寄存器(DAC_DOR1) 15511.5.13DAC通道2数据输出寄存器(DAC_DOR2) 15511.5.14DAC寄存器映像 156 12高级控制定时器(TIM1和TIM8) 15712.1TIM1和TIM8简介 15712.2TIM1和TIM8主要特性 15712.3TIM1和TIM8功能描述 15812.3.1时基单元 15812.3.2计数器模式 16012.3.3重复计数器 16712.3.4时钟选择 16812.3.5捕获/比较通道 17112.3.6输入捕获模式 17312.3.7PWM输入模式 17412.3.8强置输出模式 17412.3.9输出比较模式 17512.3.10PWM模式 17612.3.11互补输出和死区插入 17812.3.12使用刹车功能 17912.3.13在外部事件时清除OCxREF信号 18012.3.14产生六步PWM输出 18112.3.15单脉冲模式 18212.3.16编码器接口模式 18312.3.17定时器输入异或功能 18512.3.18与霍尔传感器的接口 18512.3.19TIMx定时器和外部触发的同步 18712.3.20定时器同步 19012.3.21调试模式 19012.4TIM1和TIM8寄存器描述 19112.4.1控制寄存器1(TIMx_CR1) 19112.4.2控制寄存器2(TIMx_CR2) 19212.4.3从模式控制寄存器(TIMx_SMCR) 19312.4.4DMA/中断使能寄存器(TIMx_DIER) 19512.4.5状态寄存器(TIMx_SR) 19612.4.6事件产生寄存器(TIMx_EGR) 19712.4.7捕获/比较模式寄存器1(TIMx_CCMR1) 19812.4.8捕获/比较模式寄存器2(TIMx_CCMR2) 20012.4.9捕获/比较使能寄存器(TIMx_CCER) 20212.4.10计数器(TIMx_CNT) 20312.4.11预分频器(TIMx_PSC) 20412.4.12自动重装载寄存器(TIMx_ARR) 20412.4.13重复计数寄存器(TIMx_RCR) 20412.4.14捕获/比较寄存器1(TIMx_CCR1) 20512.4.15捕获/比较寄存器2(TIMx_CCR2) 20512.4.16捕获/比较寄存器3(TIMx_CCR3) 20512.4.17捕获/比较寄存器(TIMx_CCR4) 20612.4.18刹车和死区寄存器(TIMx_BDTR) 20612.4.19DMA控制寄存器(TIMx_DCR) 20812.4.20连续模式的DMA地址(TIMx_DMAR) 20812.4.21TIM1和TIM8寄存器图 209 13通用定时器(TIMx) 21113.1TIMx简介21113.2TIMx主要功能21113.3TIMx功能描述21213.3.1时基单元 21213.3.2计数器模式 21313.3.3时钟选择 22113.3.4捕获/比较通道 22313.3.5输入捕获模式 22513.3.6PWM输入模式 22513.3.7强置输出模式 22613.3.8输出比较模式 22613.3.9PWM 模式 22713.3.10单脉冲模式 22913.3.11在外部事件时清除OCxREF信号 23113.3.12编码器接口模式 23113.3.13定时器输入异或功能 23313.3.14定时器和外部触发的同步 23313.3.15定时器同步 23513.3.16调试模式 23913.4TIMx寄存器描述 24013.4.1控制寄存器1(TIMx_CR1) 24013.4.2控制寄存器2(TIMx_CR2) 24113.4.3从模式控制寄存器(TIMx_SMCR) 24213.4.4DMA/中断使能寄存器(TIMx_DIER) 24313.4.5状态寄存器(TIMx_SR) 24413.4.6事件产生寄存器(TIMx_EGR) 24513.4.7捕获/比较模式寄存器1(TIMx_CCMR1) 24613.4.8捕获/比较模式寄存器2(TIMx_CCMR2) 24913.4.9捕获/比较使能寄存器(TIMx_CCER) 25113.4.10计数器(TIMx_CNT) 25213.4.11预分频器(TIMx_PSC) 25213.4.12自动重装载寄存器(TIMx_ARR) 25213.4.13捕获/比较寄存器1(TIMx_CCR1) 25213.4.14捕获/比较寄存器2(TIMx_CCR2) 25313.4.15捕获/比较寄存器3(TIMx_CCR3) 25313.4.16捕获/比较寄存器4(TIMx_CCR4) 25313.4.17DMA控制寄存器(TIMx_DCR) 25413.4.18连续模式的DMA地址(TIMx_DMAR) 25413.4.19TIMx寄存器图 255 14基本定时器(TIM6和TIM7) 25714.1TIM6和TIM7简介 25714.2TIM6和TIM7的主要特性 25714.3TIM6和TIM7的功能 25814.3.1时基单元 25814.3.2计数模式 25914.3.3时钟源26114.3.4调试模式 26214.4TIM6和TIM7寄存器 26214.4.1控制寄存器1(TIMx_CR1) 26214.4.2控制寄存器2(TIMx_CR2) 26314.4.3DMA/中断使能寄存器(TIMx_DIER) 26314.4.4状态寄存器(TIMx_SR) 26414.4.5事件产生寄存器(TIMx_EGR) 26414.4.6计数器(TIMx_CNT) 26414.4.7预分频器(TIMx_PSC) 26514.4.8自动重装载寄存器(TIMx_ARR) 26514.4.9TIM6和TIM7寄存器图 266 15实时时钟(RTC) 26715.1RTC简介26715.2主要特性26715.3功能描述26715.3.1概述26715.3.2复位过程 26815.3.3读RTC寄存器 26815.3.4配置RTC寄存器 26915.3.5RTC标志的设置 26915.4RTC寄存器描述 27015.4.1RTC控制寄存器高位(RTC_CRH) 27015.4.2RTC控制寄存器低位(RTC_CRL) 27015.4.3RTC预分频装载寄存器(RTC_PRLH/RTC_PRLL) 27115.4.4RTC预分频器余数寄存器(RTC_DIVH / RTC_DIVL) 27215.4.5RTC计数器寄存器 (RTC_CNTH / RTC_CNTL) 27215.4.6RTC闹钟寄存器(RTC_ALRH/RTC_ALRL) 27315.4.7RTC寄存器映像 275 16独立看门狗(IWDG) 27616.1简介27616.2IWDG主要性能27616.3IWDG功能描述27616.3.1硬件看门狗 27616.3.2寄存器访问保护 27616.3.3调试模式 27616.4IWDG寄存器描述 27716.4.1键寄存器(IWDG_KR) 27716.4.2预分频寄存器(IWDG_PR) 27816.4.3重装载寄存器(IWDG_RLR) 27816.4.4状态寄存器(IWDG_SR) 27916.4.5IWDG寄存器映像 279 17窗口看门狗(WWDG) 28017.1WWDG简介28017.2WWDG主要特性 28017.3WWDG功能描述 28017.4如何编写看门狗超时程序 28117.5调试模式28217.6寄存器描述28217.6.1控制寄存器(WWDG_CR) 28217.6.2配置寄存器(WWDG_CFR) 28317.6.3状态寄存器(WWDG_SR) 28317.6.4WWDG寄存器映像 284 18灵活的静态存储器控制器(FSMC) 28518.1FSMC功能描述28518.2框图28518.3AHB接口28618.3.1支持的存储器和操作 28618.4外部设备地址映像 28718.4.1NOR和PSRAM地址映像 28818.4.2NAND和PC卡地址映像 28818.5NOR闪存和PSRAM控制器 28918.5.1外部存储器接口信号 29018.5.2支持的存储器及其操作 29118.5.3时序规则 29118.5.4NOR闪存和PSRAM时序图 29118.5.5同步的成组读 30418.5.6NOR闪存和PSRAM控制器寄存器 30818.6NAND闪存和PC卡控制器 31318.6.1外部存储器接口信号 31318.6.2NAND闪存/PC卡支持的存储器及其操作 31418.6.3NAND闪存、ATA和PC卡时序图 31418.6.4NAND闪存操作 31518.6.5NAND闪存预等待功能 31618.6.6NAND闪存的纠错码ECC计算(NAND闪存) 31718.6.7NAND闪存和PC卡控制器寄存器 31718.7FSMC寄存器地址映象 324 19SDIO接口(SDIO) 32519.1SDIO主要功能32519.2SDIO总线拓扑32519.3SDIO功能描述32819.3.1SDIO适配器 32919.3.2SDIO AHB接口 33619.4卡功能描述33619.4.1卡识别模式 33619.4.2卡复位33619.4.3操作电压范围确认 33719.4.4卡识别过程 33719.4.5写数据块 33819.4.6读数据块 33819.4.7数据流操作,数据流写入和数据流读出(只适用于多媒体卡) 33819.4.8擦除:成组擦除和扇区擦除 33919.4.9宽总线选择和解除选择 34019.4.10保护管理 34019.4.11卡状态寄存器 34219.4.12SD状态寄存器 34419.4.13SD I/O模式 34719.4.14命令与响应 34819.5响应格式35019.5.1R1(普通响应命令) 35119.5.2R1b 35119.5.3R2(CID、CSD寄存器) 35119.5.4R3(OCR寄存器) 35119.5.5R4(快速I/O) 35219.5.6R4b 35219.5.7R5(中断请求) 35219.5.8R6(中断请求) 35319.6SDIO I/O卡特定的操作 35319.6.1使用SDIO_D2信号线的SDIO I/O读等待操作 35319.6.2使用停止SDIO_CK的SDIO读等待操作 35319.6.3SDIO暂停/恢复操作 35419.6.4SDIO中断 35419.7CE-ATA特定操作 35419.7.1命令完成指示关闭 35419.7.2命令完成指示使能 35419.7.3CE-ATA中断 35419.7.4中止CMD61 35419.8硬件流控制35419.9SDIO寄存器35519.9.1SDIO电源控制寄存器(SDIO_POWER) 35519.9.2SDIO时钟控制寄存器(SDIO_CLKCR) 35519.9.3SDIO参数寄存器(SDIO_ARG) 35619.9.4SDIO命令寄存器(SDIO_CMD) 35619.9.5SDIO命令响应寄存器(SDIO_RESPCMD) 35719.9.6SDIO响应1..4寄存器(SDIO_RESPx) 35719.9.7SDIO数据定时器寄存器(SDIO_DTIMER) 35819.9.8SDIO数据长度寄存器(SDIO_DLEN) 35819.9.9SDIO数据控制寄存器(SDIO_DCTRL) 35819.9.10SDIO数据计数器寄存器(SDIO_DCOUNT) 36019.9.11SDIO状态寄存器(SDIO_STA) 36019.9.12SDIO清除中断寄存器(SDIO_ICR) 36119.9.13SDIO中断屏蔽寄存器(SDIO_MASK) 36219.9.14SDIO FIFO计数器寄存器(SDIO_FIFOCNT) 36419.9.15SDIO数据FIFO寄存器(SDIO_FIFO) 36419.9.16SDIO寄存器映像 365 20USB全速设备接口(USB) 36620.1USB简介36620.2USB主要特征36620.3USB功能描述36720.3.1USB功能模块描述 36820.4编程中需要考虑的问题 36920.4.1通用USB设备编程 36920.4.2系统复位和上电复位 36920.4.3双缓冲端点 37220.4.4同步传输 37320.4.5挂起/恢复事件 37420.5USB寄存器描述 37520.5.1通用寄存器 37520.5.2端点寄存器 38020.5.3缓冲区描述表 38220.5.4USB寄存器映像 385 21控制器局域网(bxCAN) 38721.1bxCAN简介38721.2bxCAN主要特点 38721.2.1总体描述 38821.3bxCAN工作模式 38921.3.1初始化模式 39021.3.2正常模式 39021.3.3睡眠模式(低功耗) 39021.3.4测试模式 39021.3.5静默模式 39021.3.6环回模式 39121.3.7环回静默模式 39121.4bxCAN功能描述 39221.4.1发送处理 39221.4.2时间触发通信模式 39321.4.3接收管理 39321.4.4标识符过滤 39521.4.5报文存储 39821.4.6出错管理 39921.4.7位时间特性 40021.5bxCAN中断40221.6CAN 寄存器描述 40321.6.1寄存器访问保护 40321.6.2控制和状态寄存器 40321.6.3邮箱寄存器 41121.6.4CAN过滤器寄存器 41521.6.5bxCAN寄存器列表 419 22串行外设接口(SPI) 42222.1SPI简介42222.2SPI和I2S主要特征 42222.2.1SPI特征42222.2.2I2S功能42322.3SPI功能描述42422.3.1概述42422.3.2SPI从模式 42622.3.3SPI主模式 42722.3.4单工通信 42822.3.5状态标志 42822.3.6CRC计算 42922.3.7利用DMA的SPI通信 42922.3.8错误标志 43022.3.9关闭SPI 43022.3.10SPI中断43022.4I2S功能描述43122.4.1I2S功能描述 43122.4.2支持的音频协议 43222.4.3时钟发生器 43722.4.4I2S主模式 43822.4.5I2S从模式 43922.4.6状态标志位 44022.4.7错误标志位 44122.4.8I2S中断44122.4.9DMA功能 44122.5SPI和I2S寄存器描述 44222.5.1SPI控制寄存器1(SPI_CR1)(I2S模式下不使用) 44222.5.2SPI控制寄存器2(SPI_CR2) 44322.5.3SPI 状态寄存器(SPI_SR) 44422.5.4SPI 数据寄存器(SPI_DR) 44522.5.5SPI CRC多项式寄存器(SPI_CRCPR) 44622.5.6SPI Rx CRC寄存器(SPI_RXCRCR) 44622.5.7SPI Tx CRC寄存器(SPI_TXCRCR) 44622.5.8SPI_I2S配置寄存器(SPI_I2S_CFGR) 44722.5.9SPI_I2S预分频寄存器(SPI_I2SPR) 44822.5.10SPI 寄存器地址映象 449 23I2C接口45023.1I2C简介45023.2I2C主要特点45023.3I2C功能描述45123.3.1模式选择 45123.3.2I2C从模式 45223.3.3I2C主模式 45423.3.4错误条件 45623.3.5SDA/SCL线控制 45723.3.6SMBus 45723.3.7DMA请求 45923.3.8包错误校验(PEC) 46023.4I2C中断请求46123.5I2C调试模式46223.6I2C寄存器描述46223.6.1控制寄存器1(I2C_CR1) 46223.6.2控制寄存器2(I2C_CR2) 46423.6.3自身地址寄存器1(I2C_OAR1) 46523.6.4自身地址寄存器2(I2C_OAR2) 46523.6.5数据寄存器(I2C_DR) 46523.6.6状态寄存器1(I2C_SR1) 46623.6.7状态寄存器2 (I2C_SR2) 46823.6.8时钟控制寄存器(I2C_CCR) 46923.6.9TRISE寄存器(I2C_TRISE) 47023.6.10I2C寄存器地址映象 471 24通用同步异步收发器(USART) 47224.1USART介绍47224.2USART主要特性 47224.3USART功能概述 47324.3.1USART 特性描述 47424.3.2发送器47524.3.3接收器47724.3.4分数波特率的产生 48024.3.5多处理器通信 48124.3.6校验控制 48224.3.7LIN(局域互联网)模式 48324.3.8USART 同步模式 48524.3.9单线半双工通信 48724.3.10智能卡48724.3.11IrDA SIR ENDEC 功能块 48824.3.12利用DMA连续通信 49024.3.13硬件流控制 49124.4USART中断请求 49224.5USART模式配置 49324.6USART寄存器描述 49424.6.1状态寄存器(USART_SR) 49424.6.2数据寄存器(USART_DR) 49524.6.3波特比率寄存器(USART_BRR) 49624.6.4控制寄存器1(USART_CR1) 49624.6.5控制寄存器2(USART_CR2) 49824.6.6控制寄存器3(USART_CR3) 49924.6.7保护时间和预分频寄存器(USART_GTPR) 50124.6.8USART寄存器地址映象 502 25器件电子签名 50325.1存储器容量寄存器 50325.1.1闪存容量寄存器 50325.2产品唯一身份标识寄存器(96位) 503 26调试支持(DBG) 50526.1概况50526.2ARM参考文献50626.3SWJ调试端口(serial wire and JTAG) 50626.3.1JTAG-DP和SW-DP切换的机制 50726.4引脚分布和调试端口脚 50726.4.1SWJ调试端口脚 50726.4.2灵活的SWJ-DP脚分配 50726.4.3JTAG脚上的内部上拉和下拉 50826.4.4利用串行接口并释放不用的调试脚作为普通I/O口 50826.5STM32F10xxx JTAG TAP 连接 50926.6ID 代码和锁定机制 50926.6.1微控制器设备ID编码 50926.6.2边界扫描TAP 51026.6.3Cortex-M3 TAP 51026.6.4Cortex-M3 JEDEC-106 ID代码 51126.7JTAG调试端口51126.8SW调试端口51226.8.1SW协议介绍 51226.8.2SW协议序列 51226.8.3SW-DP状态机(Reset, idle states, ID code) 51326.8.4DP和AP读/写访问 51326.8.5SW-DP寄存器 51326.8.6SW-AP寄存器 514 26.9对于JTAG-DP或SWDP都有效的AHB-AP (AHB 访问端口) 514 26.10内核调试515 26.11调试器主机在系统复位下的连接能力 515 26.12FPB (Flash patch breakpoint) 515 26.13DWT(data watchpoint trigger) 516 26.14ITM (instrumentation trace macrocell) 51626.14.1概述51626.14.2时间戳包,同步和溢出包 516 26.15MCU调试模块(MCUDBG) 51726.15.1低功耗模式的调试支持 51726.15.2支持定时器、看门狗、bxCAN和I2C的调试 51826.15.3调试MCU配置寄存器 518 26.16TPIU (trace port interface unit) 52026.16.1导言52026.16.2跟踪引脚分配 52026.16.3TPUI格式器 52226.16.4TPUI帧异步包 52226.16.5同步帧包的发送 52226.16.6同步模式 52226.16.7异步模式 52326.16.8TRACECLKIN在STM32F10xxx内部的连接 52326.16.9TPIU寄存器 52326.16.10配置的例子 524 26.17DBG寄存器地址映象 5241 文中的缩写1.1 寄存器描述表中使用的缩写列表在对寄存器的描述中使用了下列缩写:read / write (rw) 软件能读写此位。
FUJITSU Software BS2000 LMS V3.5 库管理系统说明书

DatasheetFUJITSU Software BS2000 LMS V3.5Library Maintenance SystemLMS is the central library management system in BS2000.LMS is used to create and manage program libraries, as well as to manage and edit the elements contained in those libraries.Program libraries are PAM files which are processed using the PLAM library access method (PLAM: Program Library Access Method). For that reason they are also referred to as PLAM libraries. The PLAM access method is included in the BS2000 basic configuration.LMS makes an excellent software development support tool, providing the following standout functions:standardized program library system, element version management, the SDF statement language, protection mechanisms which can also be used for elements, and options for automating program development and library management.LMS is a sophisticated and mature BS2000 standard product which supports program development, maintenance and documentation.Program librariesA program library is a file with a substructure. It contains elements (“members”) and a table of contents listing the stored elements. Each library has an entry in the system catalog. The user can specify the name and other file attributes, such as retention period or sharability.Storing multiple elements in a library relieves the load on the system catalog, since only the library is entered there, and not each element. What’s more, it also saves storage space, since the elements are stored in the library in compressed form.ElementsAn element is a logically related set of data, e.g. input/output data, a procedure, a link module or a source program. Each element in the library can be addressed individually.An element in a program library is uniquely identified by its type, its name and a version identifier. Multiple versions relating to one element type and name can also be stored.In addition to standard types for typical contents, users can define their own types using names up to 8 characters long (user types) in order to structure their libraries more efficiently and automate processing of library elements with the aid of procedures in a much more finely grained manner.Version managementExperience teaches us that software elements need to be changed frequently. For this reason they must be easy to change and the different versions must be uniquely identified.Symbolic version identifiers support library management automation. Examples available include: *HIGHEST, for the highest version identifier, and *INCREMENT, to increment an existing version identifier in accordance with a selectable rule.LMS provides compact storage of differential sets (deltas): elements which have been created from a prior element due to changes generally differ only slightly from their predecessor. With LMS, only the differences compared with the predecessor then need to be physically stored. When such element versions are read, these deltas are merged in again at the relevant points, thus making the complete element available to the user once more.Integration into the programming environmentThe utility routines of the programming environment, such as EDT, compilers etc., can directly access program libraries.Link-and-load modules can be stored directly in program libraries by all the compilers and by the BINDER link editor. However, LMS can also copy link-and-load modules that originate from the old linker-loader system with the TSOSLNK linkage editor into the program library.The LMS subroutine interface provides users with convenient options for processing LMS libraries and their contents, from directly within a user program (Assembler, C, COBOL). In this case LMS is loaded dynamically.Multiple access to program librariesA library can be opened by one or more users for both read-only and write access.An element can be read concurrently by a number of users, but can only be accessed for writing by one user at a time. While an element is open for writing, no other access – including read-only – is possible to this element. Other elements of the library can be accessed. Statement formatLMS supports the SDF statement format familiar from the BS2000 command language. Statements in ISP format continue to be supported for compatibility reasons. New functions are only provided in SDF format, however.Basic functionsLMS provides the following basic functions:⏹Creating and managing libraries⏹Adding elements to a library, copying elements into anotherlibrary, and outputting elements from a library into a file⏹Managing, listing and editing elements⏹Comparing elements⏹Making LMS functions available from within EDT⏹Maintaining a Last Access Date for elements⏹Defining default settings in a start file.Protection functionsLMS supports the use of passwords and basic access control lists (BACLs) to provide a comprehensive, multi-tiered protection concept for libraries and elements.When the SECOS product is deployed, the GUARDS subsystem can be used to set up an extended, user-definable access control mechanism for libraries and elements.Protection rights are transferred to the elements on request when files are added, and vice versa when elements are output into files.All security-related actions relating to libraries and elements can be logged by linking PLAM to the SAT subsystem (part of the SECOS product).When elements are deleted, data that is no longer required can be selectively overwritten with the value X'00' (security erase). Borrowing procedureThe borrowing mechanism provides a means of controlling access to elements that are being modified e.g. by several developers working on a project.An element can only be written if the writer has previously been entered as the current holder for the source version.During writing, a history comprising the return timestamp, the holder’s user ID and optionally a user-specific comment is added to the new element status.The processing status of an element is output as an attribute in the table of contents and can also be used as a selection criterion. Make functionalityThe make functionality familiar from and successfully employed in other operating systems is also available under LMS. Using make enables projects to be implemented efficiently, since only absolutely essential steps are performed. The interface is tailored to match the BS2000 system.For a given target object, the make function describes the source objects on which this target depends, and the actions leading to the creation of the target.Starting from the selected target object, all targets are created from new if the source objects of a target have changed since the last time the target was generated.TopicsAs well as the selected target object, all associated source objects represent further sub-targets which are handled similarly.A BS2000 procedure is created and can be launched synchronously or asynchronously.To allow the description to be reused, the sequence of LMS-specific make statements should be stored in a separate element, called a make file.Output of library information to S variablesLMS supports the output of selected data to S variables. This enables easy and efficient creation of command procedures (S procedures), e.g. for automated library administration.If structured variables and lists are to be used here, then the chargeable product SDF-P is a software prerequisite. Reorganizing librariesLMS reorganizes a library so that the maximum amount of disk space not currently used by elements is released.This enables the amount of disk space required for a library to be reduced. In contrast to copying and subsequently deleting the old library, no additional disk space (to the full size of the library!) is required for reorganizing a library.Unlike with the COPY method, however, after REORG-LIBRARY there can still be an amount of free space which, at a maximum, may be as large as the largest element in the library.Technical DetailsRequirementsTechnical Requirements Hardware BS2000 Business ServerTechnical Requirements Software BS2000/OSD-BC V8.0 or higher or OSD/XC V8.5Demands on the user Knowledge of BS2000Installation and operationOperating mode Interactive and batch modeImplementation language Assembler, SPLUser interface Commands in English, message texts in German/EnglishInstallation By the customer according to the release noticeDocumentation and trainingDocumentation LMS User GuideLMS Subroutine Interface on the manual server.Training See course offerPurchasingConditions This software product can be leased by the customer in accordance with theconditions for the use of software products.Ordering and delivery This software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsu TechnologySolutions GmbH regional office.Products/fts/products/In addition to BS2000, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of other computing products: ■ Storage systems: ETERNUS■ Server: PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, Fujitsu SPARC M10, BS2000 Mainframe■ Client Computing Devices: LIFEBOOK, STYLISTIC, ESPRIMO, FUTRO, CELSIUS ■ Peripherals: Fujitsu Displays, Accessories ■ Software ■ Network Solutions/fts/solutions Infrastructure Solutions are customer offerings created by bringing Fujitsu’sproducts, services and technologies togetherwith those from partners.Industry Solutions are tailored to meet the needs of specific verticals.Business and Technology Solutions provide a variety of technologies developed to tackle specific business issues such as security and sustainability, across many verticals. Services/fts/services/ Application Services support the development, integration, testing,deployment and on-going management of both custom developed and packaged applications.Business Services respond to the challenge of planning, delivering and operating IT in a complex and changing IT environment. Managed Infrastructure Services enable customers to deliver the optimal IT environment to meet their needs.To learn more about BS2000, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /fts/bs2000/global/about/environment/ Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/© 2014 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. BS2000 is a trademark or a registered trademark of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH in Germany and other countries. Othercompany, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHMies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8, 80807 München Website: /fts 12 March, 2015 EN。
THOMMEN 2000中文说明书

操作说明书1、说明在国际市场上,微型THOMMEN 2000高度计-气压计是最好的仪器之一。
现在你拥有一台THOMMEN 2000,就应该很好的使用它。
THOMMEN 2000除了能被放在口袋或用绳子挂在脖子上,还可以借助支架放在书桌或桌面上,也可以贴到墙上或你的汽车仪表板上(见第4部分—附件)。
任何一款THOMMEN 2000被带到海拔1500m(50000英尺)的地方,其所有功能都不会损坏。
THOMMEN 2000的刻度不仅用气压单位而且也用高度单位校准过,所以在它上面能直接读海拔。
THOMMEN 2000是经过温度补偿的,换句话说,在温度变化而气压没有变化的情况下,读数不会发生变化。
3、操作使用THOMMEN 2000时涉及到仅有的步骤是通过旋转暴露在仪器顶部和底部的锯齿状调整环,调节海拔和气压环境瞬间变化。

第一章SUMMIT 2000顶峰控制箱简介1.1技术规格输入电源:15-16.5Vac,22-30V A变压器后备电池:12V ac,3.2AH输出电源:辅助电源—13.6-14V(AC工作)10.0-12.0V(电池工作)警号输出—13.6-14V(AC工作)10.0-12.0V(电池工作)最大电流600mA。
防区:主板配4个防区,防区由2.2K末端电阻监控,还有一个防拆/开关布撤防防区,3个紧急按键键盘:监控最多3个具有独立地址的键盘驱动电流—每个键盘的驱动电流100 mA,若安装了三个键盘最大驱动电流200 mA。
工作温度:0°C —50°C尺寸:26 X 26 X 8.3 cm1.2防区ST 2000顶峰控制箱主板上有四个标准防区与一个防拆防区,该防拆防区也可用作开关锁布/撤防。
以下是各种防区类型的特性:* 周边防区当防区开路时,周边防区立即产生一个报警信号。
* 有延时的周边防区:当防区开路时,有进入延时,允许用户在规定的时间内撤防系统而不报警。
* 条件防区如果有延时的周边防区首先触发,条件防区在进入延迟内触发不会产生报警。
* 内部防区:当系统用命令“*、9”留守布防时,内部防区自动旁路。

K 型:美国 E 型:欧洲 E2 型:西班牙
第 105 页的参考规格有不同代码的可用频率信息。
FCC 警告 本设备会产生或使用无线电射频能量。变更或修改本设 备可能会导致有害的干扰,除非修改本手册中明确允许 修改的部分。如果有未经授权的变更或修改可能会失去 操作这些设备的权力。
FM 和 AM 模式)。 · 内置天调用于 HF/50MHz 频段。 · 内置 9600/1200 bps TNC 用于 DX 数据包通信和 Sky
Command Ⅱ+操作。 · DX P.C.T.用于 DX 搜索。 · 方便的卫星通信键。 · 锋利的 DSP 滤波器用于 CW 操作时可达 50Hz。
不但用户界面友好,在技术上这部电台也是非常先进的, 而且有些功能是最新推出的。本手册既是您现在的学习 指导手册,也是今后一段时间里很好的参考书。
· 从 HF 到 1.2GHz(TS-2000/TS-B2000 可选)所有业余 无线电频段都可以全模式操作并具有 DSP 功能。
· 双重高速数字信号处理(DSP)单元。 · 可调的 DSP 滤波频率。 · 高速数字自动增益控制(AGC)。 · 独立的副段接收 144MHz 和 430(440)MHz 频段(仅
TS-2000:HF/ VHF/ UHF 全模式多频段电台 TS-2000X:HF/ VHF/ UHF/ 1.2 GHz 全模式多频段电台 TS-B2000:HF/ VHF/ UHF 全模式多频段电台

R2000 Radiometer UV/VISIBLE RADIOMETER 250 – 1000 nmUSER’S GUIDEPrinted in Canada035-00310R Rev. 1R2000 Control Panel SoftwareMinimum Computer Specifications:300+ MHz processor (Pentium or equivalent)Windows 98, 2000 or XP32 Mb RAM10 Mb for Software Installation20 Mb for Data StorageSVGA video 800x600 resolutionOne available RS-232 PortTrademarksOmniCure® is a trademark of Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective ownersPage 1 of 51Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 32 CONTROL FUNCTIONS & FEATURES .......................... 43 FAMILIARIZING YOURSELF WITH THE R2000 RADIOMETER ................................................................................. 64 USING THE R2000 RADIOMETER .............................. 10 4.1 T URNING THE R2000 R ADIOMETER ON ................. 10 4.2 C ALIBRATION ................................................ 10 4.3 U SING L IGHT G UIDE A DAPTERS ........................... 11 4.4 U SING N ON -S TANDARD S IZE L IGHT G UIDES ........... 12 4.5 C ONNECTING TO A L IGHT S OURCE ........................ 13 4.6 M EASURING I RRADIANCE ................................... 13 4.7 M EASURING P OWER ......................................... 13 4.8 M EASURING IN R ELATIVE M ODE ........................... 14 4.9 M EASURING IN A BSOLUTE M ODE .......................... 15 4.10 C ONNECTING E XTERNAL R ADIOMETER D EVICES ........ 15 4.11 S TORING D ATA .............................................. 17 4.12 I NTERFACING WITH C OMPATIBLE O MNI C URE UV C URING S YSTEMS .............................................................. 18 4.13 C ALIBRATING C OMPATIBLE O MNI C URE UV C URING S YSTEMS .............................................................. 18 4.14 U SING THE R2000 R ADIOMETER WITH A PC ............ 19 5 GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND SAFETYPRECAUTIONS ............................................................................. 33 6 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................... 35 6.1 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …A DC ‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 35 6.2 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …BAT‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 35 6.3 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …C AL ‟ M ESSAGE ...................... 36 6.4 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …E RR ‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 36 6.5 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …LG‟ M ESSAGE ....................... 37 6.6 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …LGA‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 38 6.7D ISPLAY I NDICATES ...L OC ‟ M ESSAGE (38)Page 2 of 516.8D ISPLAY I NDICATES ...CLO‟ M ESSAGE (38)7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS*.................................... 39 7.1 O PTICAL ..................................................... 39 7.2 E LECTRICAL .................................................. 40 7.3 M ECHANICAL ................................................ 40 7.4 RS-232 C OMMUNICATION C OM P ORT C ONFIGURATION : 407.5 E NVIRONMENTAL C ONDITIONS ............................ 41 7.6 R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE S AFETY : ..................... 41 7.7 WEEE D IRECTIVE (2002/96/EU) .......................... 43 8 ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 46 9 W ARRANTY .. (48)Page 3 of 511 IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the R2000 Radiometer. This radiometer includes revolutionary technology that elevates the performance and accuracy of hand held radiometers to new heights. It joins the Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. family of spot cure and illumination systems, offering the same high level of innovation, quality and reliability that customers have come to expect from Lumen Dynamics Group Inc.At the heart of the R2000 Radiometer are two proprietary systems: a non-imaging optical interface that virtually eliminates measurement variation caused by radiance and intensity variations in the light source; and a flat response optical detector system that responds to energy at all wavelengths between 250 and 1000 nm. The result is a hand held, robust and versatile radiometer with accuracy unmatched in the industry.The R2000 Radiometer provides unique features when combined with the OmniCure 2000 UV Visible Spot Curing System.Page 4 of 512Control Functions & FeaturesPage 5 of 51Page 6 of 513Familiarizing yourself with the R2000 RadiometerRemote InputConnector Note: For connection of optional cure site & cure ring radiometer onlyRS-232 ConnectorRubber BootFront KeypadLCDDisplayPage 7 of 51The R2000 Radiometer comes complete with:∙ 3mm (Red), 5mm (Blue) and 8mm (Green) LightGuide Adapters∙ 6‟ Phono -style cable (RS-232) ∙ 6‟ 9-Pin style cable (RS-232)∙ CD with GUI software and programming notes ∙ Carrying caseLight Guide AdapterInterfaces Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. standard size light guides to the optical input port to promote accurate light delivery into the R2000 Radiometer.The R2000 Radiometer is able to detect the output dimension of the light guide depending on the colour of the light guide adapter inserted.ThumbscrewUsed to secure the light guide adapter to the light guide.Remote Input ConnectorA 6-Pin Mini-DIN connector that allows the R2000 Radiometer to interface with optional external cure site and cure ring radiometers.RS-232 ConnectorA …stereo -phono‟ style connector that connects the R2000 Radiometer to a PC or compatible OmniCure UV Curing Systems.LCD DisplayThe display is a 3.5 digit, 7-segment LCD display.Front KeypadThe front keypad is comprised of 6 independent membrane-style switches, ONPage 8 of 51Pressing this button will turn the R2000 Radiometer on.RELATIVE / ABSOLUTEEach press of this button toggles between relative and absolute mode. The default setting is Absolute mode.The Relative mode displays measurements as a percentage of a reference value.OmniCure CALUsed to calibrate and set up compatible OmniCure UV Curing Systems to a specified irradiance.POWER / IRRADEach press of this button toggles between Power or Irradiance measurements.EXTERNALEnables the R2000 Radiometer to detect and measure external radiometer devices when connected through the remote Input connector.STOREThis feature is used to save measurement data into a data log memory for future retrieval from a PC.The data stored is ∙ Date / Time∙ Irradiance and Power∙ Serial Number – (OmniCure UV Curing Systems) ∙ External input channelPage 9 of 51Rubber BootA protective, flexible cover that allows the radiometer to stand upright on a flat surface. The rubber boot is optional and can be removed when not desired.When the boot is utilized, the RS-232 connector and Remote Input connector are accessible by lifting flap on the right side of the boot.Acronyms, Abbreviations and DefinitionsPC Personal ComputerGUI Graphical User InterfacePage 10 of 51 4 Using the R2000 Radiometer4.1 Turning the R2000 Radiometer ONThe R2000 Radiometer is fitted withan ON switch located on the front keypad. Press and release the button. All segments on the display illuminate for 1 second.Note: If a light guide adapter is installed in the optical port, the display will flash the diameter of the light guide adapter for 3 sec.Note: The R2000 Radiometer will automatically turn OFF after 1 minute if the unit does not detect any optical input, RS232 communication, or keypad activity.Note: The R2000 Radiometer remains in the same measurement mode that it was in after an occurrence of an automatic power off.4.2 CalibrationShould the CAL message appear on the display immediately following the R2000 Radiometer being turned ON, it indicates that the unit requires calibration. The message remains illuminated for 5 seconds.It is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be calibrated every 12 months to ensure validPage 11 of 51measurements. The calibration is traceable to NIST and a calibration certificate is included at each calibration cycle.Calibration is authorized only by a certified Lumen Dynamics service center. When calibration is due contact Lumen Dynamics for a return authorization number. Refer to Section Using Light Guide AdaptersEach R2000 Radiometer includes two standard light guide adapters, 3mm (RED), 5mm (BLUE) and 8mm (GREEN).One other size is available: 2mm (GOLD)Note: If the R2000 Radiometer is on when the adapter is installed, the display will flash the diameter of the light guide adapter for 3 sec.Insert the light guide adapter into the optical input port to the end of its travel. A click should be heard that indicates positive insertion of the light guide adapter.Insert the light guide into the light guide adapter to the end of its travel. Hand-tighten the thumb screw to secure the light guide into place. Note: The use of a tool to tighten the thumbscrew is not recommended. Over-tightening could cause damage to the light guide.Page 12 of 51When the light guide adapter is secured it can remainattached to the light guide if the light guide is removed.To confirm which size light guide is inserted press the ON button simultaneously with the POWER/IRRAD button. The display will show the diameter of the light guide in mm (i.e. 5.0).4.4 Using Non-Standard Size Light GuidesIn order to use non-standard size light guides with the R2000 Radiometer a custom light guide adapter is required. Contact Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. for further details.Thumbscrew Light GuideLight GuideAdaptorPage 13 of 51Note: The diameter of the light guide must be entered in the PC software before the light guide is used with its custom adapter.4.5 Connecting to a Light SourceConnect a light guide with corresponding light guide adapter into the optical input port on the R2000 Radiometer. Turn light source ON. Always turn light source OFF before removing light delivery from the R2000 Radiometer. Refer to Section 5 for warnings and safety precautions.4.6 Measuring IrradianceWhen measuring irradiance, the display will show the measurement in either mW/cm 2 or W/cm 2.If the display is not showing the “ /cm 2”, it indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is in Power mode. Simply press the POWER/IRRAD keypad button to toggle into irradiance mode.The R2000 Radiometer automatically detects the size of the light guide that is inserted, calculates the irradiance and displays the measurement.4.7 Measuring PowerWhen measuring power, the display will show the measurement in either mW or W.Page 14 of 51If the display is showing “ /cm 2”, press thePOWER/IRRAD keypad to toggle into Power mode.4.8 Measuring in Relative ModeThe Relative mode displays measurements as a percentage of a reference value. The reference is the power at the point of entering Relative mode.Select either Power or Irradiance mode from the keypad.Adjust the optical source to the desired reference level, and then press the Relative/Absolute button. The R2000 Radiometer will toggle to Relative mode. All subsequent measurements will be displayed as a percentage of the reference.A reading of “100%” indicates that the current measurement is the same value as the reference. A reading of “50%” indicates that the current measurement is half of the initial reference measurement. A reading of “200%” indicates that the current measurement is double of the initial reference.Page 15 of 51Inserting a light guide from a different source will provide a measurement that is relative to the initial reading as described above.4.9 Measuring in Absolute ModeWhen in Absolute mode, the R2000 Radiometer displays the reading as power or irradiance, depending on which mode is selected.4.10 Connecting External Radiometer DevicesTo use the R2000 Radiometer with optional Cure Site and Cure Ring Radiometers, plug the 6-pin Mini-DIN style cable attached to the external device(s) into the Remote Input connector on the side of the R2000 Radiometer. External radiometer devices are available from Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. as custom ordered items.Press the EXTERNAL keypad button. The display will show the EXT icon and a number (starting at 1), that corresponds to the external radiometer sensor being detected. This number is shown for a few seconds and then the display shows the corresponding measurement of that device.If multiple devices are connected each press of the EXTERNAL keypad button will increment to the next external device before returning back to internal mode.Page 16 of 51This is indicated on the display when the EXT icon is no longer illuminated.The measurement mode is dependent on the type of sensor the external device has. For example, the R2000 Radiometer will only measure Irradiance when an external radiometer device is only able to measure Irradiance.The Power mode becomes disabled and the display will show a …Loc‟ message if the user tries to toggle into Power mode.The same is true for sensors that measure only Power; the Irradiance mode will not be accessible and the display with show a …Loc‟ message.The following illustrates the use of the EXTERNAL feature with four external radiometer devices.Page 17 of 51With each press of the EXTERNAL keypad button, the display will show,4.11Storing DataThe R2000 Radiometer is able to store measurements based on what is being detected at the time the STORE button is pressed.When the STORE button is pressed the display shows the …MEM‟ icon and a number (starting at 1), that corresponds to the number of stored readings. The number will increment each time STORE is pressed and the measurement will be stored.The STORE feature is generally used when the R2000 Radiometer will be connected to a PC via the RS-232 connector. When connected the stored readings areReadingReadingReadingReadingReadingPage 18 of 51downloaded into a Data Log as seen on the R2000 Control Panel (via the GUI software provided). The stored readings can only be viewed by downloading to a PC. Once a reading has been stored, it can not be viewed on the R2000 Radiometer display.4.12 Interfacing with Compatible OmniCure UVCuring SystemsRefer to the OmniCure Curing System User Guide.The R2000 Radiometer is equipped with one I/O port for communication with compatible OmniCure curing systems. When connected, the R2000 Radiometer is able to calibrate the OmniCure SERIES 2000 UV Curing System and set the irradiance to a specific level.To interface via the RS-232:Plug the phono-style cable into the RS-232 connector located on the side of the unit and to the Audio Jack connector located on the front panel side of the OmniCure UV Curing System. The cable supplied is six feet in length.4.13 Calibrating Compatible OmniCure UV CuringSystems To initiate a calibration operation, press the OmniCure CAL button. The …SET‟ icon will flash and the display will indicate the current set point.When the keypad is released a series of dashes …----… will illuminate across the display which indicates that the set point is being communicated to the OmniCure UV CuringPage 19 of 51system and calibration is being performed. Once thedashes cease to display the calibration cycle is complete.If the SET …Err‟ message appears it indicates that the calibration did not get completed. The calibration must be repeated.Holding the OmniCure CAL button for 5 seconds will store the current optical input into the radiometer‟s set point (this feature can be enabled or disabled via PC). The SET icon will cease to flash, while remaining illuminated. The set point can be also be programmed by the PC.4.14 Using the R2000 Radiometer with a PCThe following are the minimum requirements for a PC to be used with the R2000 Control Panel software:∙ 300+ MHz recommended Pentium or equivalentprocessor ∙ 32 MB RAM∙ 10 MB available storage for software installation ∙ 20MB additional storage (suggested) for yourdata files∙ SVGA video 800 X 600 resolution, 8-bit color (16-bit color or better recommended) ∙ Available RS-232 COM portOperating System Requirements:Microsoft Windows® 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME or XPThe R2000 Radiometer comes complete with a CD that includes the R2000 Control Panel software that allowsPage 20 of 51the user to operate and control the Radiometer from a PC.Installing the R2000 Control Panel Software1) Turn on the PC to be used with the R2000Radiometer.2) Shut down any other Windows programs currently inuse3) Insert the CD supplied with the R2000 Radiometer inthe CD-ROM drive of your PC4) Right-click your mouse on the Windows Start buttonand select Explore5) Left-click on Explore and select the applicable CDdrive6) Double click on SETUP.EXE7) Follow the setup instructions as they appear byclicking “next” each time the user prompt appears, until the installation has been completed and “finish” appears. Click on “finish” to complete the installation.8) To access the control panel software program, clickon the Windows Start menu and select: programs/ EXFO ►/ R2000 Control Panel. A screen with a title bar displaying “R2000 Control Panel” will appear.Click on Connect at the top of the screen. The R2000 Control Panel will open when there is a successful connection. This should take no more than a few seconds.Page 21 of 51As long as there is a connection between the PC and the Radiometer, data is automatically downloaded to the PC. A 9-pin serial cable is provided with each R2000 Radiometer.If a problem connecting occurs, a …No response from radiometer….‟ Error may be displayed. If this occurs click …OK‟ and check the R2000 Radiometer. Press the ON keypad button as necessary and try connecting again.If a problem connecting occurs, the PC may display a …Failed to open COM port‟ message. Click …OK‟.Select from the File pull down menu – COM Ports. Ensure that the applicable COM port is checked and cable is connected to corresponding plug. Try connecting again.Page 22 of 51Note: This error may also appear if another program is running that is using the COM port that has been selected.The following illustrates the R2000 Control Panel:Based on the settings and data being read from the R2000 Radiometer, the information will display in the respective areas of the Control Panel. Some data is user-defined such as:∙ Set Point∙ Relative ReferencePage 23 of 51∙ Custom Adapter Diameter ∙ LCD ContrastNote: When data is entered into a user-defined field the background colour of the field content changes to yellow. To transfer the number into the R2000 Radiometer, press the ENTER key. If successful, the background reverts to the default colour.If the transfer fails, the background colour reverts to the default colour but the foreground colour becomes red. A dialogue box will appear indicating that the request failed. Click OK to continue.The Optical Data frame displays a combination of real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer as well as user-defined fields.Power – Displays real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer. This displays as either mW or W.Irradiance – Displays real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer. This displays as either mW/cm 2 or W/cm 2.Page 24 of 51Light Guide Adaptor – Displays the diameter and colour of the light guide adapter being detected by the R2000 Radiometer.Setpoint – User defined; enter the desired irradiance that will be used to set the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System after the OmniCure CAL button is pressed.Relative Reference – User defined; enter the desired power reference to be used in Relative mode.Custom Adapter Diameter – User defined; when using a non-standard light guide with the R2000 Radiometer enter the applicable diameter of the customized light guide adapter. This information must be entered before the light guide is used into the R2000 RadiometerLight Guide Adaptor – Displays the diameter and colour of the light guide adapter being detected from the R2000 Radiometer. The Misc. frame displays a combination of real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer as well as user-defined fields.S/N – Displays serial number of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 25 of 51LCD Contrast – User defined; indicates level of contrast of LCD Display on R2000 Radiometer; 0 being the darkest and 15 being the lightest.Version – Displays software version resident on R2000 RadiometerCal Due - Displays when next recommended calibration is due.RTC (Real-Time-Clock ) - Displays date and time based on internal clock on R2000 Radiometer.PC Clock - Displays date and time according to PC clock.Page 26 of 51If the RTC date/time stamp is not the same as the PC clock use the Set R2000 Radiometer Clock function under the File menu to synchronize.StatusThe Status frame indicates the applicable status modes of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 27 of 51Cal Required – When checked indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is past its recommended calibration date. This is equivalent to the …CAL‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.Low Battery – When checked indicates that the battery is low and should be replaced. This is equivalent to the …BAT‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.No Light Guide – When checked indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is not detecting a light guide. This is equivalent to the …LG‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.Internal Input – This box will be checked when Internal is highlighted in the Source frame. This indicates that optical input is being received from the optical port on the R2000 Radiometer.S/N Included in Data Logs – When checked indicates that the serial number of the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System will be included in the Data Log.Log readings during CAL – When checked, indicates that each calibration point during a calibration of a compatible OmniCure UV Curing system will be logged into the Data Log.SourceThe Source frame lists the optical inputs being detected by the R2000 Radiometer. Internal indicates detection from the optical input port on the R2000 Radiometer. Other sources such as Ext. #1 and Ext. #2 are sources being detected from external radiometer devices that are connected.Page 28 of 51Menu FunctionsTo operate and control the R2000 Radiometer from the PC, select desired menu functions located across the top of the R2000 Control Panel.DisplaySelect the Display menu and then select the desired mode of Power, Irradiance, Absolute or Relative.Selected options are indicated as checked boxes in the Displayframe.Page 29 of 51LockoutSelect Lockout menu option to disable certain features or functionality from the front keypad of the R2000 Radiometer.Select from the available list in the pull-down menu. The selections that are checked are indicated in the Lockout frame.If a box is checked, this means that this function will notoperate from the front keypad of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 30 of 51 Get LGAIn the event that the size of the light guide adapter must be re-detected remotely, it can be obtained from the Get LGA menu option at the top of the screen. Selecting this will re-detect the colour of the light guide adapter and hence the size of the light guide installed in the R2000 Radiometer.Data LogSelect the Data Log menu option and select the desired option from the pull down list.Select Clear to clear any existing data that may be resident in the data log.Select Log Current Readings to STORE current readings from the R2000 Radiometer. The applicable data will be displayed in the Data Log frame.Select Include Serial Numbers to obtain the serial number of the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System when the STORE button is pressed.Page 31 of 51 Select Log Readings During OMNICURE CAL to log each calibration point into the Data Log during a calibration cycle with a compatible OmniCure UV Curing System.The following is a sample screen shot of the Data Log,Page 32 of 51Power DownSelect this menu option to power down the R2000 Radiometer.Page 33 of 515Glossary of Symbols and Safety PrecautionsCAUTION – RISK OF DANGERConsult accompanying documentsCAUTION!Never look into the light emitting end of alight guide. The light could severely damagethe cornea and retina of the eye if the light isobserved directly. Eye shielding must be usedat all times as well as protective clothing toprotect exposed skin.BatteryD.C. CurrentCaution, hot surfacePage 34 of 51SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:WARNING!Should the R2000 Radiometer be used in a manner not specified by Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.WARNING!The R2000 Radiometer is supplied with a lithium battery. Lithium batteries present a potential fire, explosion or severe burn hazard. DO NOT attempt to re-charge, disassemble, incinerate, short circuit or expose battery to temperatures above 100 degrees C or expose contents to water!WARNING!Used batteries are not to be discarded. Return to the nearest authorized Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. service center for disposal/ re-cycling.Lithium batteries must have terminals taped with non-conductive material prior to returning for disposal/ re-cycling to prevent short-circuiting. External packaging material must provide adequate protection to contents.The lithium battery supplied in the R2000 Radiometer DOES NOT contain: mercury, lead, manganese or cadmium. Substitution of any other type of battery is not recommended and may void warranty.Caution, hot surfaceIn instances where high power light sources aremeasured for extended periods of time, the light guide adaptors supplied with the R2000 may become hot! Always use caution when handling these adaptors!Page 35 of 516 TroubleshootingError Messages6.1 Display Indicates ‘Adc’ MessageIf an Adc message appear on the display it indicates that there is an internal problem with the unit during power up.If this occurs, it is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be serviced. See Section 9.6.2 Display Indicates ‘BAT’ MessageIf the BAT icon appears on the lower left side of the display it indicates that the battery is low and needs to be replaced. Refer to Section 8 for reordering information.The battery is user replaceable.Refer to Section 5 for warnings and safety precautions prior to replacing battery.Page 36 of 51Remove the rubber boot if it is being used. Using a Philips screwdriver, open the battery compartment located on the back of the unit.Remove the battery from its holder and replace with the same specified type observing correct polarity (+ and -). Substitution of any other type of battery is not recommended and will void the warranty. Refer to Section 8 for battery reorder information.Close the battery compartment and hand-tighten into place. Place the R2000 Radiometer back into the rubber boot if desired.Used batteries are not to be discarded. Return to the nearest authorized Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. service center for disposal/ re-cycling. Use appropriate safety measures found in Section 5.6.3 Display Indicates ‘Cal ’ MessageIf a Cal message appears on the display immediately following the R2000 Radiometer being turned ON, it indicates that the unit requires calibration. The message remains illuminated for 5 seconds.If this occurs, it is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be returned for calibration. See Section 8.6.4 Display Indicates ‘Err’ MessageIf an Err message appears on the display it indicates that a certain function was not completed successfully.。

菲利普 ClearTouch garment steamer 2000 W说明手册说明书

Philips ClearTouchGarment Steamer2000 WAdjustable hanger, hang&lock3 steam levelsPleat maker, gloveGC536/39Remove creases in no timeDesigned for powerful performance and convenienceThe new Philips ClearTouch garment steamer is designed for powerful crease removal ina few strokes. Its contemporary, unique design is accompanied by smart features andpowerful steam that will make ironing both easier and faster.Easy to use•Easy Rinse descaling function•Adjustable pole•Hanger with hang&lock feature for stability during steaming•Detachable, transparent water tank with hygienic water inletQuick crease removal•Extra powerful steam•XL Stainless steel steam plate for faster results•3 steam levelsPerfect pleats made easy•Pleats made easy with pleat making accessoryMaximum safety•Safe to use on delicate fabrics, like silk•Glove for extra protection during steaming•PVC free silicon steam hoseHighlightsExtra powerful steamPowerful steam is blown through the nozzles, enabling you to remove creases with only a few strokes.3 steam levelsSet your preferred steam level for optimal results on different kinds of garments.XL Stainless steel steam plateThe steamer head has an XL stainless steel steam plate which delivers faster results.Adjustable pole Integrated adjustable pole for hanging your garments while using the steamer. It is collapsible for easy storage.Detachable water tank 1.2 L detachable water tank with special water inlet for extra hygiene.Easy Rinse descaling functionProlong the lifetime of your appliance by using the Easy Rinse descaling function regularly.PVC free silicon steam hoseThe steam hose is made of silicon material which is the safe and healthy choice for use with steam. As the safety and health of your family is important, no PVC is used in the steam hose.Safe on all garmentsThe steamer is safe to use on all fabrics. It is a great solution for delicate fabrics like silk.Glove for extra protectionIncluded is a glove that protects your hand during steaming.Issue date 2022-05-12 Version: 1.1.1© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsEasy to use•Water tank capacity: 1200 ml•Safe on all ironable fabrics: Even delicates like silk •Soleplate name: XL steam plate •Detachable water tank•Refill any time during use•Tap water suitable•Power cord length:1.6 m•Silicone steam hose•Special water inlet: For extra hygiene Accessories included•Adjustable pole•Garment hanger•Glove for extra protection•Pleat maker Fast crease removal•Power: 2000 W•Continuous steam: 40 g/min•Voltage: 240 V•Variable steam: 3 levelsScale management•Descaling and cleaning: Easy RinseSize and weight•Weight of iron: 3.7 kg•Packaging dimensions (WxHxL): 40x45x33.3 cm •Product dimensions (WxHxL): 33x172x33 cm •Total weight with packaging: 5.7 kgGreen efficiency•User manual: 100% recycled paper。
Tektronix TDS2000计数器波形捕捉仪操作指南说明书

TRIG SENS 12 o'clock 110 ( Probe 224
collector on TIME /CM switch and
- 2-
August 10 , 1964
3T77 CALIBRATION OUTLINE January 8 , 1994
Stan Griffiths , WZNI 18955 S.W. Blanton Aloha , OR 97007
a point at which the trigger circuit oscillates and you will want to adjust this pot slightly ccw from this point . )
5 .
Connect test scope probe to front panel TRIG OUT connector and check for a stable display ( approximately 100 KHz ) while rotating the front panel RECOVERY TIME control . Signal amplitude 150 mv + or - 50 my .


欢迎使用我公司产品,本产品型号为FL-2000型号目录一、功能介绍 (1)二、线材选用(国标线配置) (1)三、施工接线注意事项 (2)四、系统接线图 (2)五、系统设置 (7)六、管理卡、删除卡、用户卡设置操作方法 (9)七、问题故障解决方法 (9)注:楼宇对讲产品属于电子产品,请轻拿轻放!一、功能介绍具有呼叫、振铃、监视、通话、户户通、开锁、防区报警等功能。
(4)电源功能:系统电源进市电220V电压,输出直流电压 18V电压。
主机与分机采用18V 供电。

口册23 串行外设接口(SPI)小容量产品是指闪存存储器容量在16K 至32K 字节之间的STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx和STM32F103xx微控制器。
中容量产品是指闪存存储器容量在64K至128K字节之间的STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx 和STM32F103xx微控制器。
23.1 SPI简介在大容量产品和互联型产品上,SPI接口可以配置为支持SPI协议或者支持I2S音频协议。
它支持四种音频标准,包括飞利浦I2S标准,MSB 和LSB对齐标准,以及PCM标准。
警告:由于SPI3/I2S3 的部分引脚与JTAG 引脚共享(SPI3_NSS/I2S3_WS 与JTDI ,SPI3_SCK/I2S3_CK与JTDO),因此这些引脚不受IO控制器控制,他们(在每次复位后) 被默认保留为JTAG用途。

WEAR-Count:一个操作中发出 的所有磨损报警累计。
1.4.监控程序结构 (只用于 TM2000-013,015)
每个监控程序都由一连串监控操作组成。 这一连串的操作由 TM2000 通过采集循环自动生成,并与 CNC 程序所含的切削操作数具有相同的监控操作数。 连接这串监控操作最简单的方法就是用序列号: Op1 到 Opnnn。此处,op1 监控刀具 1,op2 监控刀具 2,等等。 TM2000 用一个稍微不同的操作号:
目录 1.操作原理 1.1 产品 1.2 总则 1.3 监控操作结构 1.4 监控程序结构 1.5 与机床控制同步 1.6“采集” 2.操作手册 2.1 键盘和显示 2.2 条形显示 2.3 菜单用户码 2.4 菜单级别 1:操作者 2.5 菜单级别 2:编程 2.6 菜单级别 3:安装,测试 2.7 错误和状态信息 3.安装 3.1 准备 3.2 接线 3.3 机床接口 3.4 时序图 3.5 安装举例 3.6 测试 4.故障排除 5.技术数据 5.1 配置 5.2 电源 5.3 数字输入 5.4 数字输出 5.5 传感器连接 5.6 模拟输出 5.7 环境 5.8 面板 5.9 机箱尺寸
6.选页键 N(下一页),P(上一页)。 允许选择下一组或上一组同一类元件。 例如:下/上一通道, 下/上一页设置数据。 在大部分情况下, 当显示相关页面时, 它由在屏幕底下的“N->” 指示。 7.直接功能键(RESET,A,B,C)。 这些键在正常监控时是不用的,它们用在安装(RESET,TARE, DISABLE)和优化监控程序(手动 LEARN)时。 RESET:和控制输入 ARS 功能一样。

Table of Contents1Introduction (2)2Configuring your Unit via the Serial Port (3)Step 1 - Identify the Components (3)Step 2 - Connect the Leads (3)Step 3 - Power up & check the Unit (4)Step 4A - Install Drivers (Windows 95 / 98) (4)Step 4B - Install Drivers (Windows 2000) (5)Step 5A - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 95 / 98) (9)Step 5B - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 2000) (13)Step 6 - Connect to the Web Server (16)3Hints (17)4Support (17)Sarian and Routerplexer are trademarks of Sarian Systems Lt d. Microsoft, Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are acknowledged.Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated into later editions of this publication.Comments on the content or style of this document are gratefully received, please e-mail*****************.ukPleasenotethatthise-mailaddresscannotbeusedforsupportquerieswhich should be made via the contact details on the support section of our website at © 2002 Sarian Systems Ltd. All rights reserved, including those to reproduce any or all parts of this publication in any form without permission in writing from Sarian Systems Ltd.1 IntroductionThank you for purchasing a Sarian Systems 2000 Series Communications device.This “Getting Started” guide will help you to make initial contact with your unit in order to set the configurable options. The vast majority of applications, however, will need very little configuration to operate correctly.Your unit has a wide range of advanced features ranging from remote management, protocol conversion and diagnostics to in-built protocol analyzers.To understand how to use these features, you should carefully read the attached documentation which is supplied either on CD-ROM or paper. The CD-ROM contains a full User Guide in Adobe™ Acrobat™ format and we recommend that you read this thoroughly in order to get the best out of your unit.IMPORTANT : Throughout this guide we will use the IR2140 Router as an example, however the instructions apply equally to any Terminal Adaptor, Multiplexer or other specialist device in the Sarian 2000 series.There are four ways you can send configuration commands to your unit :• Using a Web Browser to access pages on the built in Web Server• Command line sessions via Telnet• Sending a specific configuration file using FTP• By sending ‘AT’ type commands to the serial portUsing a web browser such as Netscape Navigator™ or Internet Explorer™ is simplest and easiest to understand method and is the one explained in this booklet. The other methods are described in full in the User Guide on the CD-ROM.To configure your unit via the built in web server, you will first need to establish a PPP serial connection between your unit and a local computer via the supplied serial cable, then use a web browser to access the configuration pages where you can make the necessary configuration changes.Note that steps 4 and 5 are different depending on your operating system.2 Configuring your unitStep 1 - Identify the ComponentsIn the packaging you should find the following items :• One System Unit• Serial Modem cable for configuration• One ISDN patch lead (ISDN capable units only)• One Plug Top Power supply• Serial adapter leads (RJ45 to 9 or 25 Way D Type) (optional)• One CD-ROM containing full documentation• This “Getting Started Guide”Step 2 - Connect the LeadsUsing the supplied serial cable connect a PC or laptop to the 25 way socket marked ‘PORT 0’. Next, connect one end of the ISDN patch lead into the Router socket marked ISDN BRI and the other end into the ISDN network socket installed by your network provider. Be careful not to accidentally plug the ISDN circuit into a serial port !Finally, plug the connector of the power supply into the socket marked 12V DC and plug the adapter into a convenient mains power outlet.The above picture is the rear panel of an IR2140 Router. Other types of unit, such as theIR2110 and GR2130 routers may have slightly different back panel layouts, however, ISDN BRI, 12V DC and PORT 0 will still be clearly marked as above.The serial ports equipped with an RJ45 socket (PORT 2 & 3 in the photo above) require adaptor leads to connect them to your serial devices. These may optionally be supplied with your unit or you can make them up yourself according to the wiring diagram shown in the full User Guide on the CD-ROM.Step 3 - Power up & check the UnitWhen power is applied, the red ‘ON’ indicator will light on the front panel and the unit will self-test.All green lights on the front panel will flash rapidly and then go out. The ‘B2’ light will then flash alternately red and green to indicate self test in progress, then ex tinguish.If you have connected the unit to an ISDN line in Step 2, it will then try to establish a connection to the local exchange via the D Channel. If it succeeds, the ‘D’ indicator will come on and remain lit.If any other lights except the ‘ON’ and ‘D’ indicators remain on, the unit has a detected a fault and you should consult the full documentation for further guidance. DO NOT TRY TO ACCESS THE UNIT UNTIL THE SELF TEST IS COMPLETE.Now proceed to Step 4A for Windows 95/98 or Step 4B for Windows 2000.Step 4A - Install Drivers (Windows 95 / 98)Switch on your PC and from the Start Menu select START > SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL> MODEMS and click on the Add button.Windows will advise that it will try to detect your modem. Since we are making a manual installation, ensure that the ‘Don’t detect my modem, I will select it from a list’ is checked and click Next >.You will be presented with a list of devices. Ignore these and click on Have Disk…You will now need to place the supplied CD-ROM in the drive. Browse to it until you locate the .inf file for your unit as below which is located in the /drivers/win95-98/ folder, then click on OK and then OK again. You will then be presented with a list of available drivers and you should select the appropriate Sarian 2000 Series variant to match your unit.You will then be asked to confirm which communications port you have connected the serial lead to as below :You should click Next > and the driver should install. You will then see a confirmation that the configuration is complete and you can click Finish.Now proceed to Step 5A – Configure Dial up Networking (Windows 95/ 98).Step 4B - Install Drivers (Windows 2000)From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel then click on the Phone And Modem Options icon. Click on Modem Tab. The following dialogue will appear :Click Add.. then check “Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list” as shown below, then click Next>You will see the following dialogue asking you to select the appropriate device. Click Have Disk…You will now need to insert the CD-ROM which came with your unit and browse to the folder /drivers/win2000 then select Sarian .inf file there. The following dialogue will appear :Select the appropriate modem (e.g. Sarian Systems IR2140 ISDN Router), then click Next>. Either select the individual communications port you wish to connect your Sarian unit to or select All PortsClick Next>.Answer Yes to the “digital signature not found” dialog box and then click Finish.Now proceed to Step 5B – Configure Dial up Networking (Windows 2000).Step 5A - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 95 / 98)From the windows desktop, double click on the ‘My Computer’ icon.. Click on ‘Dial-Up Networking then ‘M ake New Connection’.Type in ‘M y Sarian’or some other meaningful phrase and select‘Sarian Systems Series 2000’ so that the screen looks like the one below :Next, click on CONFIGURE… and ensure that the correct COM port (i.e. the one c onnected to PORT 0 of your unit) for your PC is selected on the General tab and that the maximum speed is selected as 115200. You screen will look as below :Now selec t the Connections tab and set the data format to 8 data bits, NO Parity and 1 stop bits like this :Click on OK to return to the Make New Connection dialogue and press Next>. Now type in 123 as the Telephone number and ensure the Area Code is blank, like this :When you have done this, click Next>.The next dialogue screen will confirm the completed connection. Press Finish to complete the configuration.Before attempting to connect, check the Dial-Up networking properties by right clicking the newly created connection and selecting Properties. On the General tab, make sure that‘Use area code and Dialing Properties’ is not checked.Now select the ‘Server Types’ tab and ensure that that all the boxes are unticked EXCEPT for TCP/IP as below :Finally, click OK to close the dialogue box. You have now configured the Dial Up Networking and now will use the connection you just made to dial up the unit through the serial cable. Click on the Dial Up Networking Connection you have just created and enter the User Name as ‘username’ and the Password as ‘password’ as shown belowClick the Connect button. You will see a series of status dialogues from Dialing … through Verifying User Name and Password … to Logging on to Network … then you should see the modem lights in the system tray (next to the clock):You now have a connection between your PC and the Sarian unit, you now need to connect to the web based user interface to configure the unit.Now proceed to Step 6– Connect to the Web Server.Step 5B - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 2000)From the Windows menu, select Settings then click on the Network and Dial-up Connections icon, then on Make New Connection. Click Next> to start the Network Connection Wizard.Select "Dial-up to private network" and click Next>. Then select ‘Modem - Sarian Systems (your com port)’ and click Next>. You will see the following dialogue :E nter 123 as the phone number and ensure that "Use dialing rules" is NOT checked. Click Next>.Decide whether to create this connection for all users of your PC or just yourself and click Next>.Give the connection a suitable name (e.g. “Sarian IR2140”) and then click Finish to create the new connection.Next, click on properties, and select the networking tab. You should have a dialogue like this:Ensure that the only component checked in the list is Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click the settings button and ensure that all of the PPP settings are un-checked. Now click the General tab. Select the “Sarian Multiplexer” and click Configure.Ensure the “Maximum speed (bps)” is set to 115200, ensure that the only check box on this page ticked is that for the “Enable Hardware flow control”. Click OK and click OK again. You will now be asked to dial the connection you just made. Enter "username" in the user name field. Enter "password" in the password field (case sensitive !). Check the “Save Password” box and click Dial.Your PC should now connect to the Sarian router and you should see the modem lights icon appear in the system tray, like this :Now proceed to Step 6 – Connect to the Web Server.Step 6 - Connect to the Web ServerStart a web browser on your PC (Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater). Point your web browser at You will see a login prompt from the unit’s built in web server.Type in the default username which is ‘username’ and the default password which is‘password’, then click on Login.If everything is connected up properly, you will see the following configuration page :You can now go on to set the individual settings for your Sarian unit using the web based interface. Most of the settings are straightforward, but if you are in any doubt, check the full documentation which came with your unit or contact Sarian Systems at the address below.3 HintsThe above instructions assume that you already have Dial-Up Networking and TCP/IP installed on your computer. If you do not you should consult your Windows documentation on how to do this.If your unit has a LAN port, you can bypass the instructions in Section 2 about installing drivers and connect directly to the web server on the default IP address Make sure that your PC is on the same sub-net.If you do not yet have a network installed, you can use a 10BaseT CROSSOVER cable to effect a one to one connection between your PC and the unit. Note that 2000 series units with a hub can use either a crossover cable or a standard LAN patch lead and the unit will autodetect the type.Remote connection. If you wish to connect to a remote Sarian 2000 unit, follow the installation guidelines given above, but substitute your own local ISDN Terminal Adaptor details. When asked for the number to dial, instead of ‘123’ type the full ISDN telephone number including the area code.4 SupportTips and guidance on the installation and use of your unit can be found on the Sarian Systems website at under the support section. New versions of the firmware for you unit may also be available for download from the website.If, despite reading the user documentation you still cannot get your unit to operate either :Call Sarian Systems Support Helpline on 01943 605055orSubmit an e-support request via orContact Sarian Systems atSarian Systems Ltd.Beacon HouseRiverside Business ParkLeeds RoadIlkleyW. YorksLS29 8JZFax : 01943 605056。

ST-2000 Scissor Table Capacity: 2000 Lb PIN: 601-700-025 SETUP • OPERATING • MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING BEFORE USING THIS LIFT TABLE, READ THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY AND THOROUGHLY. UNDERSTAND ITS OPERATING PROCEDURES, SAFETY WARNINGS ANO MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD CAUSE ACCIDENTS RESULTING IN SERIOUS OR FATAL PERSONAL INJURY ANO/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.The use of portable automot i ve lifting devices is subject to certain hazards that cannot be prevented by m·e chanical means, but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and common sense. It is therefore essential to have owners and personnel involved in the use and operation of equipment who are careful, competent, trained, and qualified in the sale operation of the equipment and i ts proper use. Examples of hazards are dropping, tipping or slipping of components caused primarily by improperly securing loads, overloading, off-centered loads, use on other than hard level surfaces, and using equipment for a purpose for which it was not designed . It is the respons1blity of the owner to make sure all personnel read this manual prior lo using the dev i ce . It is also the responsibility of the device owner to keep this manual intact and in a convenient location for all to see and read. If the manual is lost or not legible, contact Norco lndustnes, I nc . for a free replacement If the operator is not fluent in English, the product and safety instructions shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee, making sure that the operator comprehends its contents. WARRANTYThis power train lift table is covered by a limited Lifetime Warranty. For details, see the back cover of Norco's product catalog. A WARNING•Adequately support the vehicIe before starting repairs.Consult the in-ground or above-ground litt manufacturer for the recommended support procedure and under hoist support stand locating points•Support the engine with a stand before unbolting the transmission from the eng·1ne.•Fuel tanks must be emptied before removal, installation or transportation.•Inspect the lift table before each use . Do not use the lift table if it is damaged, altered, modified, in poor condition,leaking hydraulic fluid, leaking air, or unstable due to loose or missing hardware. Take corrective action before using the lift table.•Do not use lift table beyond its rated capac i ty . Do not lift or support the vehicle with this lift table.•Do not exceed 120 P .S . I . input air pressure.•Use only on a hard level surtace.•Be sure setup is slaole and s ecu r e . Use this lift table only with adapters and load restraints provided by Norco. Use of this lift table is limited to the removal, installation and transportation (in the lowered position) of transmissions,transfer cases, engines, rear ends and leaf springs. Center load on sadd l e . Consult the vehicle manufacturer for the component's center of balance. Off-center loads can cause lift failure and/or loss of load.•Never remove, install or transport any component without first tightly securing it to the universal saddle, adapters or fuel tank saddle using the load restraints provided.•Do not move the litt table when the load is raised . Always lower the load completely before moving, storing or using as a work table.•Do not stand under a load that is raised by the litt table.•No alterations shall be made to this lift table and use only with factory approved adapters.SETUP1 Refer to the exploded view pans drawing for 1dent1fication, l ocat i o n and position of parts2. Remove the red fill p l ug in the top ol the air/hydrauhc foot pump and replace with the black vented fill plug3.Install the air quick disconnect of your choice at the rear of the hydraulic foot pump and connect the shop air line.4.The power train lifi table Is equippeo with a universal saddle.。

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