Cohesion and Coherence的区别知识讲解




二、Substitution and Ellipsis——省略和替代
Substitution and ellipsis are one type of cohesion device which takes different forms.
当在下面一个句子重新出现时,被省略掉,或者被其他项目所替代的现象。 例如,上例中的ones就用以替代apples,如: ⑴A. Have you been playing football?
②Core six cooking apples. Put them into a fireproof dish. These are red ones, but they are not so delicious.
Them—指称,表示前面的apples These—指示,指前面的them和apples So—比较,把这些苹果与其他的相比较。
2) Bob says he is going to join the Labour Party. It will be interesting to see whether he does (do). (Verbal Substitution)

一、 Reference —— 照应
A participant or circumstantial element introduced at one place in the text can be taken as a reference point for something that follows.
personal reference demonstrative reference comparative reference
人称照应 指示照应 比较照应

cohesion and coherence 2

cohesion and coherence 2

(2)Demonstrative Reference
Reference made by the following words such as the, this, that, these, those, here,there, etc., which expresses the degree of proximity.
Another semantic relationship is meronym (局部 词), which seems to be congruent with hyponym, but in fact the relationship between meronym and superordinate is a kind of part-whole rather than specific-general. For example: Tree root trunk branch leaf … • As can be seen, root, trunk, branch, leaf, etc. are a group of co-meronyms.
2、(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)提出了“衔接+ 语域 一致性 = 连贯”的模式
• 语域:由収生的事件,参不交际的人和交际的场
合和环境形成的语境综合为语域,决定人们交际中 所交流意义的类型和特点。
• 语域一致性:所交流的话语和交流的内容,参不
者的身份、地位、态度,交际所利用的媒介、渠道 等都表现出高度的一致性,幵适合于上面所讲的语 域的特点。
(2)Verbal Substitution The verbal substitute in English is do, with the usua morphological variant forms do, does, did, doing, done. (3)Clausal Substitution What is presupposed is not an element with the clause but an entire clause. The words used as substitutes are so and not.

Coherence and cohesion

Coherence and cohesion

Coherence & Cohesionsentencelanguage structuremacromacro-structureContrastive Language 对比Information structureText(discourse) structureTheme/rhymeMicro grammarNon-structure- cohesive devices 使结合成整体的Lexicons 专业词汇Grammar : reference; ellipsis省略; substitution; conjunctionLexicons: repetition(reiteration重复反复); synonymy; hyponymy词义之间的关系; collocation 搭配Definition of coherenceCoherence, by definition, refers to the content of connected speech or text hangs together, or is interpreted as hanging together, as distinguished from that of random assemblages of sentences, especially in studies of conversation.Put it simply, coherence refers to the smooth flow of ideas either in written text or in a conversation. A text or speech could be coherent with the help of cohesive devices but it can not be said that a text or conversation must be coherent if there are cohesive devices.Definition of cohesionThe connection between successive sentences in text, conversations, etc., in so far as it can be described in terms of specific syntactic合作的units. For example: A says “Peter came” and B replies “But he was very late.” In this in terchange the role of but as a conjunction and the link between the pronoun he and its antecedent Peter are both aspects of cohesion.Cohesion can also be defined as the property of syntactic units which are not interrupted by elements that do not belong to them. Thus words are generally cohesive: i.e. they are not interrupted by other words or elements that belong to other words.Cohesive devices1)referenceanaphoric 首句重复法reference cataphoric reference1)Peter had a wife but couldn’t keep her.2)Francesca Johnson died in January of 1989. She was sixty-nine years old at the time ofher death.3)The next morning after breakfast I went down to look at the little house in Great BritainStreet. It was an unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of Drapery.4)Everyone was incredulous when it was reported that he had a vocation for the priesthood.Nevertheless it was true.5)我和白求恩同志只见过一面。



第7章语篇分析7.1复习笔记本章要点:1.Discourse and discourse analysis语篇及语篇分析2.Given and new information已知信息与新信息3.Cohesion and coherence衔接与连贯4.Conversational analysis对话分析常考考点:语篇及语篇分析的定义;已知信息与新信息的异同;衔接手段包括指称、替代、省略、连接与词汇衔接;语篇标记的定义与特征;对话分析中的配组会话、偏好结构及前序列;批判性语篇分析。

本章内容索引:I.Definition of discourse and discourse analysisrmation structure1.Given and new information2.Topic and comment3.ContrastIII.Cohesion and coherence1.Cohesion.(1)Reference(2)Substitution(3)Ellipsis(4)Conjunction(5)Lexical cohesion2.CoherenceIV.Discourse markers1.Definition2.Functional-pragmatic nature3.Features of discourse markersV.Conversational analysis1.Adjacency pairs2.Preference structure3.PresequencesVI.Critical discourse analysisI.Definition of discourse and discourse analysis(语篇及语篇分析的定义)1.Discourse(语篇)A general term for examples of language use,nguage which has been produced as the result of an act of communication.It refers to the larger units of language such as paragraphs, conversations,and interviews.泛指语言的运用,也就是说,语篇是人们进行交流的产物。

cohesion and coherence

cohesion and coherence

• 使用平行结构 • American, the richest and most powerful
nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. This is nothing to prevent us from paying adequate wages to schoolteachers,… There is nothing but a lack of social vision to prevent us from paying an adequate wage to every American citizen… This is nothing ,except a tragic death wish, to prevent us from… There is nothing to keep us from …
• 例:The snail is considered a great delicacy. • As the child grows, he learns to be
• It never should have happened. She went out
连贯 (coherence)
• 连贯(coherence):是整个语篇
一致性的抽象特征。 • 词汇衔接 • 句子衔接 • 段落衔接
1、词汇衔接:连接词、同义词、反义 词、上、下义词、同一语义场等.
• 例1:连接词(conjunction) • A student acquires knowledge mainly from

cohesion and coherence

cohesion and coherence

Nominal substitution
Verbal substitution
Clausal substitution
Nominal ellipsis

Nominal ellipsis refers to ellipsis within the nominal group. nominal group
Clausal ellipsis
Clausal ellipsis is related to the question-answer process in dialogue, which determines that there are two kinds of ellipsis: yes / no ellipsis, and WH-ellipsis. Yes / No Ellipsis First, in a yes / no question-answer sequence the answer may involve ellipsis of the whole clause. Spurgeon More funny stories are told of Spurgeon than perhaps any great preacher. Here is a good one. He was called to the telephone by a friend who said: "Have you read this morning's paper?" "Yes. (I have)" "Did you see in it a notice that I was dead?" "Yes. (I did)" "What do you think of it?" "Don't know," replied Spurgeon. "What I want to know is where are you speaking from?" Second, in a yes / no question-answer sequence, there may be ellipsis of just one part of it, the Residue. —Must we hand in our paper at the end of this term? — Of course you must. (hand in your paper at the end of this term)





雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。

写作中,以移民为主的培训类(General Training)和以留学为主的学术类(Academic)试题类型有所不同。


Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的文章。







Task 2 要求考生在40分钟内写作一篇不少于250字的议论文。

A类和G 类在Task 2方面非常相似。



基本上,移民或读语言学校起码要5分(Modest User)。

留学需要6分(Competent User)以上。

如果读的是法律、传媒、管理等名校的研究生的话,写作最好达到7分(Good User)。

但考生最后写作成绩并不是Task 1和Task 2的简单平均,而是以Task 2为主。

雅思写作的评分标准不象四六级或托福采用整体式的评分,而是分项式评分(analytical scoring)。


书信或图表评分标准:Task 1(书信或图表)按照以下三方面评分:Task Fulfilment(完成任务);Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)。


reference ▪ 2. 语内照应 (内指)endophoric
1)前照应(回指)anaphoric reference
2)后照应(下指)cataphoric reference
▪ 例子:
▪ 张明是我的朋友。(外指,张明存在于客观世界 之中)
▪ 张明是我的一个朋友。他是西安人。(内指, “他”回指“张明”)
▪ 那年冬天, 祖母死了,父亲的差使也交卸了,正 是祸不单行的日子,我从北京到徐州,打算跟着 父亲奔丧回家。到徐州见着父亲,看见满院狼藉 的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。父 亲说:“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之 路!” (朱自清 《背影》)
▪ In that winter, my grandma died and my father lost his job. I left for Xuzhou to join him in hastening home to attend my grandma’s funeral. When I met him in Xuzhou, the sight of disorderly mess in our courtyard and the thought to my grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. He said, “Now that things have come to such a mess, it’s no use crying. Fortunately, heaven always leaves one a way out.” (张培基 译)
▪ “这倒难以说定。可是你只要看看这儿的小 客厅,就得了解答。这里面有一个金融界 的大亨,又有一位工业界的巨头;这小客 厅就是中国社会的缩影。” (《子夜》)

coherence and cohesion

coherence and cohesion
Therefore, because, as a result, so, since, thus, consequently, accordingly, ide, next to, along, around, above, below, beyond, behind, in front of, under, near
1. What organizing principle holds the essay together? 2. Is this the most effective organization for your subject and purpose? 3. Do any paragraphs or sections disrupt this organizational pattern?
She told my sister that she was wrong. My sister was told that she was wrong. He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious. I’m going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because he is a dramatist I like.
Coherence & Cohesion
Coherence: a reasonable connection or relation between ideas, arguments, statements etc.
Cohesion: a close relationship, based on grammar or meaning, between two parts of a sentence or a larger piece of writing.

coherence和cohesion的区别 口语

coherence和cohesion的区别 口语

coherence和cohesion的区别口语Coherence and cohesion are two important concepts in communication and writing. While they are closely related, there are key differences between them.Coherence refers to the logical and orderly flow of ideas in a piece of communication or writing. It ensures that all the information is presented in a clear and organized manner, allowing the audience to easily follow the message. Coherence is achieved through the use of coherent transitions, logical connections between sentences and paragraphs, and a well-structured argument or narrative.On the other hand, cohesion refers to the linguistic and structural elements that bind the different parts of a text together. It is achieved through the use of cohesive devices such as pronouns, conjunctions, lexical repetition, and reference words. These elements create a sense of unity and connection between sentences and paragraphs, making the text more coherent.In simpler terms, coherence focuses on the overall logical flow and organization of ideas, while cohesion focuses on the linguistic and structural elements that connect and unify those ideas. Coherence ensures that the content makes sense and follows a logical sequence, while cohesion ensures that the content is linked together and flows smoothly.To better understand the difference, let's consider an example. Imagine you are giving a presentation on environmental pollution. Coherence would involve organizing your ideas in a logical order, such as starting with an introduction, then addressing the causes, effects, and possible solutions. You would ensure that each section flows smoothly into the next, building upon the previous information.Cohesion, on the other hand, would involve using cohesive devices to connect the different parts of your presentation. For instance, you may use pronouns like "it" or "they" to refer back to previous topics and maintain continuity. You may also use conjunctions like "therefore" or "however" to show logical relationships between different ideas.In conclusion, while coherence and cohesion are closely interrelated concepts that contribute to effective communication and writing, they have distinct focuses. Coherence refers to the logical flow and organization of ideas, ensuring that the overall content makes sense. Cohesion, on the other hand, refers to the linguistic and structural elements that bind the different parts of a text together, creating a sense of unity and connectivity. Both coherence and cohesion are essential for clear and effective communication.。



语篇的衔接手段cohesion and coherence 衔接与连贯⏹他们系统地将衔接分为五大类:照应(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、连接(conjunction)及词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。



它们不能像大多数词项那样本身可作出语义理解,而只能通过照应别的词项来说明信息(Halliday & Hasan, 1976:31)。






The snail is considered a great delicacy.As the child grows, he learns to be independent.It never should have happened. She went out and left the door open.⏹替代(substitution)指用一个词项去代替另一个或几个词项,是词项之间的一种代替关系。

英语中常用的替代词one(s), do, same。



它可以视为“零替代”(Halliday & Hasan, 1976:142),省去一些上下文可使之意义明确的成分。

Compare the new dictionary with the old one(s).We rent a house, but they own one.A: Black coffee, please.B: The same for me.They do not buy drinks at the supermarket, but we do.I think so.■省略EllipsisHe prefers Dutch cheese and I prefer Danish.---Do you understand?---I tried to.---You haven’t told him yet.---Not yet.连接(conjunction)是句际间意义相互联系的一种衔接手段,常用的有递进、转折、因果、时间。



语篇就好比是一棵大树 —— 一个条理清 晰,上下连贯(语篇特征)的整体,那 么语篇是靠什么形成的呢?
What is Cohesion?
Cohesion is a semantic concept, it refers to
relations of meaning that exist within the text.(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)
•二、Substitution and Ellipsis——省略和替 代
Substitution and ellipsis are one type of cohesion device which takes different forms.
当在下面一个句子重新出现时,被省略掉,或者被其他项目所替代的现象。 例如,上例中的ones就用以替代apples,如: ⑴A. Have you been playing football?
下照应(后照应)——意义依赖于前述词项的词项 上照应(前照应)——意义依赖于后述词项的词项
李林是我的朋友。他是武汉人。(内指,‘他’回指 前文提到的‘李林’)
我讨厌你,李林!(内指,下指‘李林’) (手指某物),那是你画的吗?(外指)
Three Types of Reference:
2) Bob says he is going to join the Labour Party. It will be interesting to see whether he does (do). (Verbal Substitution)
3) A: ‘Bruce is a good actor.’ B: ‘I don’t think so.’ (clausal substitution)

功能语法SFG13 cohesion_and_coherence

功能语法SFG13 cohesion_and_coherence

Personal (communication goal of referent)
Demonstrative (proximity of referent)
Comparative ( similarity to preceding referent)
Types of reference: Personal Reference
Yang Xueqian

Cohesion and coherence are terms used in discourse analysis and text linguistics to describe the properties of written texts. Advertising language tends not to use clear markers of cohesion, but is interpreted as being coherent. How about “语音室使用有关规定”?

very general principle of interpretation of language in context fewer formal linguistic features e.g vocabulary choice relationships deal with text as a whole based on primarily semantic relationships
The grammatical and lexical relationship between different elements of a text which hold it together.

cohesion and coherence

cohesion and coherence
它们不能像大多数词项那样本身 可作出语义理解,而只能通过照 应别的词项来说明信息 (Halliday & Hasan, 1976:31)。 照应分为外照应(exophora) 和内照应(endophora)。内照 应又可分为下照应(或称后照应) (anaphora)和上照应(或称 前照应)(cataphora)。
我被连在邮局的柜台旁独自排了一小时 的队。
它可以视为“零替代” (Halliday & Hasan, 1976:142),省去一些上下文可 使之意义明确的成分。
系的一种衔接手段,常用 的有递进、转折、因果、 时间。词义衔接是实现衔 接的又一手段。它是通过 词义的选择来实现的。
复、同义词、反义词、局 部词、上座标词、下义词 和搭配。
文本或话语因其构成成分在逻辑、 语义和句法上错互依存而形成的 一种性质。连贯性是各种因素作 用而形成的:言语序列、词汇的 选择、词汇群体、逻辑关系、对 意义的说明中连接词语的使用。 与和语言相关的衔接相对,连贯 性反映的是文本内概念的相关性。 要求各个部分的语义连接应当通 顺而流畅 。
依赖于上下文的词项。下 照应(后照应)指意义依 赖于前述词项的词项、上 照应(前照应)指意义依
或几个词项,是词项之间的一种 代替关系。英语中常用的替代词 one(s), do, same。Halliday和 Hasan将其分为名词性替代、动 词性替代和从句性替代。由于前 述句子或上下文使得意义明确而













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lexical sets, pronouns, verb tenses, time references, grammatical
reference, etc. For example, 'it', 'neither' and 'this' all refer to an idea
previously mentioned. 'First of all', 'then' and 'after that' help to
仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢2
Cohesion is the glue that holds a piece of writing together. In other words, if a paper is cohesive, it sticks together from sentence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph. Cohesive devices certainly include transitional words and phrases, such as therefore, furthermore, or for instance, that clarify for readers the relationships among ideas in a piece of writing. However, transitions aren't enough to make writing cohesive. Repetition of key words and use of reference words are also needed for cohesion.
Cohesion and Coherence 的区别
Cohesion and Coherence
Cohesion can be thought of as all the grammatical and lexical links
that link one part of a text to another. This includes use of synonyms,
What does cohesion mean? You might think of cohesion as a means of establishing connections within a text at all sorts of different levels, e.g., section, paragraphs, sentences and even phrases.
Grammatical level: Reference: article, pronouns, normalization Substitution of clause elements using so, not, do/does/did, etc Ellipsis of clause elements Linking words: conjunctions and conjuncts Comparatives Verb tense Rhetorical techniques Quet. 'However', 'in addition' and 'for instance' link ideas
and arguments in a text.
Coherence can be thought of as how meanings and sequences of ideas relate to each other. Typical examples would be general> particular; statement> example; problem> solution; question> answer; claim> counter-claim.
How is cohesion different from coherence? It is difficult to separate the two. However, think of coherence as the text making sense as a whole at an ideas level, and cohesion as rather more mechanical links at a language level. You can imagine that it is possible for a piece of writing to contain plenty of cohesion yet little coherence.
Cohesion Devices
Lexical level: Repetition Word family repeated Synonyms, antonyms, other word relations Thematically related words (lexical set) Substations with one/ones
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When sentences, ideas, and details fit together clearly, readers can follow along easily, and the writing is coherent. The ideas tie together smoothly and clearly. To establish the links that readers need, you can use the methods listed here. Repetition of a Key Term or Phrase This helps to focus your ideas and to keep your reader on track.