英语一年级使用教材 201061
英语一年级使用教材 201061

参考单价 10.90 22.00 22.00 25.00 18.00
俄语四年级使用教材 2010.6.1
课程类别 课程名称 必修 高级俄语 必修 俄语口译 必修 俄语电视新闻
《大学俄语》东方 7 俄语高级口译技能训练与实战 演练教程(附光盘) 俄语电视新闻选
编者 出版社
北京外国语 大学
课程 类别
必修 基础英语(3)
必修 英语泛读(3) 必修 英语泛读(3) 必修 实用英语语法(1) 必修 英语听力(3)
《新编英语教程》(修订版) 第三册学生用书 《新编英语教程》(修订版) 第三册练习册 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科 生系列教材∙泛读教程(第三 册 《)英语泛读教程》(第二版) 第三册 《新编英语语法教程》第四版 学生用书
课程类别 课程名称 必修 基础俄语
俄语一年级使用教材 2010.6.8
教材名称 大学(东方)俄语1
编者 出版社
北京外国 语大学
书号ISBN 参考单价 756000671X 12.90
课程类别 课程名称 必修 基础俄语
俄语二年级使用教材 2010.6.8
教材名称 大学(东方)俄语3
英语教学技能与策 Success in English Teaching
Paul Davies &
Eric Pearse
上海外语教育 出版社2002年
978781080610 7/H.235
选修 英语语音学
英语语音学与音系学实用教程 (English Phonetics and Phonology)
新标准一年级起点第六册全册Module 7教案

新标准一年级起点第六册全册Module 7教案dule 7教材分析:《英语》(新标准)(一年级起始用)第六册第七模块共有二单元。
Unit1 They were very young.一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标使学生能熟练掌握生词waswereweren’twasn’t younggrandparents.能熟练并能在真实情景中运用本课的重点句型They weren’t… then. They were very…...wasn’t…then. … was…2、情感态度目标同过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力。
三、课前准备教具:单词卡片、照片、多媒体课件学具:学生自己小时候的照片四、教学过程Warm up1. Greeting: Say helludents.2. Look at the CAI. Read the adjectives and sawords. 复习学生已经学过的形容词,为新课做准备。
Step 2 Presentation and pra通过第一个环节中的最后一个词old从而引出本课的新词young.Readby one and do the action.2. 电脑出示教师小时候的照片。
T:Look. Can you guessing w? Ss:Zang.T: Yes. I was very young then. I was 5 years old. I was very very naughty, right?T: Please look at my hair, how about my hair now? Ss: It’s very long. 板书:My hair is very long. 教师走到自己照片的旁边: How about my hair then? Was it very long? No, it was v引出重点词was ,was 是is 的过去式,表示的是过去是…当你要描述过去发生的动作的时候,要把is 变成was.板书It was v并教读。

一年级英语教案(2010上)陈欣欣UNIT ONE HELLO,I`M ANDYLesson OneThis lesson will cover the “Let`s Sing” section.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●say the names of the four main animal characters in the textbook;●identify and get familiar with the four animals;●enjoy making friends with the four animals.Language focus: the names of the four main animal characrers, i.e. Andy(the monkey), Amy(the rabbit), Bobby(the elephant), and Koto(the kangaroo).(By the end of this lesson, some children might be able to pick up the language “Hi/Hello,What`s your name? My name is …” through singing the song “ Hi , hello. What`s your name ? ” .) Prcedures:Activity 1 : Listen to the song “ Hi , hello. What`s your name ? ” and get to know four animal friends. (do the “Let`s sing ” section on Page 2 )1.Show a pupper mokey to get children to guess his name and the ask them to listern to the song “ Hi , hello.What`s your name ? ” abd try to find out his name , i.e. Andy.e the same way to introduce Andy`s three friends, Amy , the rabbit , Bobby, the elephant, and Koto, thekangaroo.Activity 2: Look for the animals! ( Do the “Listen and find” activity in the Activity Book One , Page 1, Exercise 1, Unit 1. )1.Describe the picture: The four animals hide in the forest and their teacher, Mr. Leo , is looking for them.2.Ask the children to point them out when hearing their names from the tape.Activity 3: Play a memory game.1. Put the pictures of Andy, Amy, Bobby and Koto on the blackboard and number them 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , under the pictures.2. The teacher says the numbers and ask the children to say the corresponding names. After the children have got familiar with these names, the teacher takes the pictures away and changes the order of the numbers (e. g. 3, 1, 4, 2. ) and asks the children to guess the names from their memories.Activity 4: Lest`s singLesson TwoThis lesson will cover the “Let`s Sing” and “Let`s Play” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Enjoy getting an English name;●Say their own English names;●Ask and answer about names in English.Language focus: “Hi/Hello,What`s your name? –> My name is …”Prcedures:Activity 1 : Let`s sing ( Review the “Let`s sing” secti on on Page 2. )1. Use the puppers to sing the song “ Hi / hello. What`s your name ? ” again.Activity 2: Who is talking to whom ? (Do the “Listen and match” activity in the Activity Book One, Page 2, Exercise 2, Unit 1. )1.In this activity, the four are greeting each other. Ask the children to match who is talking to whom.2.Check the answers.Activity 3: Let`s choose English names! (Do the “Let`s play” section on Page 4. Play a “ Choose and Stick” game to give each child an English name. )1. The teach er holds up a flash card with an English name on it and reads the English name , for example, “ Julia!, Julia!”2, All the girls who like this name can raise their hands and learn to say “ Here!” after the teacher. Then , the girl who can say the name the most accurately and beautifully will get the flash card with this English name.3.The teacher tears down a sticker picture represnting the symbol of the name, Julia, to the girl as a prize.4.Thre girl can stick the symbol beside “Julia” and write down her C hinese name beside her symbol on theappendix, at the end of the Students` Book One. Other children also write down the girl`s Chinese name on the appendix, “Names” .5.The teacher uses this “ Choose and stick “ game to give each child an English name.Act ivity 4: Play a “ Listen and respond” game. ( Go on doing the “ Let`s play ’ section on Page 4. )1.The teacher puts up a mask of Mr. Leo and assigns masks of Amy, Andy, Koto and Bobby to four children.Then the teacher calls “ Bobby! Bobby! ” and the chil dren with the mask of Bobby stands up quickly and answers “ I`m here, Mr. Leo.” .2.The teacher Play a “ Listen and respond” game. With other three animal characters, and then explains howto use “ Mr and Miss ” to call a male teacher or a female teacher.3.Af ter several times of listening and practice of saying “ I`m here.” , the teacher breaks the class into twoteams, Team A and Team B. Each team has got children with or without English names.4. A child of Team A without an English name points to a child of Te am B and calls “ Liu Chao!” The child ofTeam B needs to stand up at once and answers quickly, “Here.”5.Then , vice versa, it`s Team B`s turn to challenge Team A.Lesson ThreeThis lesson will cover the “Let`s Try” section.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Say and remember other classmates` English name;●Use English to ask and answer about (English) names ;●Enjoy getting to know each other`s names.Language focus: What`s your name? –> My name is …Prcedures:Activity 1 : Listen and tell the names. ( Do the “Listen and say” activity in the Activity Book One, Page 3, Exercise 3, Unit 1.)1. In this activity, the children need to tell the names they hear are the Chinese names or the English ones.2, check the answers.Activity 2: Listen and respond.1.The teacher calls the English names of those children who have got them in the last lesson one by one, andthose children need to give a quick response. The teacher can encourage them to answer with the chunks “Here, Mr. Ms. “ or “ Yes, Mr. / Ms. “.Activity 3: Let`s choose English names!1. Continue to play a “ Choose and Stick” game to give each child an English name.Activity 4: self-introductions. ( Do the “Let`s try” section on Page 5. )1.The teacher uses the target language to do a demonstration of self-introduction first.2.Get the children to sit in a circle in different groups and introduce their Chinese and English names in Englishone by one.Lesson FourThis lesson will cover the “Let`s Chant” and “ Let`s Make” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Follow the teacher`s instruction and make their own name tags;●Enjoy making the name tags;●Introduce their own English names using the newly-made name tags;●Enjoy singing the chant to greet each other.Language focus: Hello, My name is …Prcedures:Activity 1 : Let`s make name tags! ( Do the “Let`s make” activity on Page 6.)1. Get the children to follow the teacher`s instructions and make their own name tags.2, The teacher goes around the classroom and gives comments like “Super! Great! Good! OK!” .Activity 2: Look at my beautify name tags!1.The teacher first gets a few pupils to show their name tags encouraging them to say “ Hello, my name is …”2.The teacher gives comments like “Super! Great! Good! OK!” while they show their newly-made name tags.3.Ask the children to share their name tags iin groups using the target language.Activity 3: Let`s chant a rhyme ( Do the “Let`s chant” sectio n on Page 3. )1.Identity the four big groups of pupils as “ Super! ” group, “Good!” group, “OK” group and “Great ~” grouprespectively.2.Ask each group to shout their own slogans one by one as soon as the whole class finishes singing “How areyou ? “.3.Swap identities so that all four groups have the chance to say other works.4.When the children get skilful, the teacher can replace the names in the chant with the children`s Englishnames.5.Ask them to give group performances.Activity 4: What are they sayin g . ( Do the “Speak for them ” activity in the activity Book One, Page 3, Exercise 4, Unit 1. )1.In this activity, the children need to work in groups and design mini dialogues for the two pupils in the picture.2.act out the dialogues.Lesson FiveThis l esson will cover the “ Story Time ” and “ Andy`s Box” sections. This is a story telling lesson, a suggested ending of this story is added to make the story more interesting. The extended detailed story is in the detailed procedures, which is only for teachers`s reference.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Greet and treat each other politely;●Understand and retell the adapted story with the help of the teacher;●Dramatise a similar little story and learn a lesson from the story;●Enjoy the story;●Do a simple self-assessment of their performance in this unit.Language focus: Good morning! What`s your name? →My name is …Prcedures:Activity 1 : Tell a story. (Cover the “ Story time: Look, listen and act ” section on Page 7.)1. Tell a story with the help of picture or realias to the children. In order to make the plot of this story moreinteresting, a suggested ending is added to give some spice and some educational value to the story, i.e be nice to each other.Activity 2: Retell the story.1.The children try to retell the story with the help of the teacher and the realias.Activity 3: Dramatize the story.1.Give enough time for the children to dramatize the story in groups.2.Give chances for them to act out. They can use their own names to replace the original characters anddesign their own stories.Activity 4: I`m super in English! ( Do the “Andy`s box ” section Page 8. )1.ask the children to do a simple self-assessing activity.ment on their performance in this unit positively.UNIT TWO I HAVE A NEW BAGLesson OneThis lesson will cover the “ Let` Move ” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Understand and point out the right school things they hear from the tape;●Follow the teacher`s instructions and get or show the right school things in the TPR activities●Say the school things in the teacher`s sequence from memory.Language focus: Vocabulary: “ pencil, bag, book, ruler,pencil-case,rubber”Prcedures:Activity 1 : Play a guessing game.1.Bring into classroom a pupper Andy, and his new school bag.2.Andy asks the children to guess “ What do I have in my bag? I have …” ( The children can guess in Chinese. )3.Then Andy introduces his new school t hings one by one very proudly, e.g. “ I have a ruler, a new ruler!”Activity 2: Point at the school things. ( Do the “ Listen and point “ activity in the Activity Book One, Page 5, Exercise 1, Unit 2. )1.In this activity, the children are asked to point at the school things they hear from the tape.2.Check the answers.Activity 3: Show your school things! ( Do the “ Let`s move “ section on Page 12. )1.The children listen to the teacher`s instructions and show the school things they hear as quickly aas possible..2.Award points to those who respond the most quickly.Activity 4: Play a “ Listen and get “ game.1.Get equal numbers of pupils from the four teams to the front of the classroom.2.Play with tehm a competitive game in which they listen and get the school things the teacher says from adesk in some distance as quickly as possible.Activity 5: Play a memory game.1.Put the picture of a pencil, a bag and a book on the blackboard and number them 1, 2, 3.2.say the numbers and get the children to say the corresponding items.3.After the children get familiar with saying these items , add pictures of a ruler, a pencil-case and rubber andnumber them 4, 5, 6.4.Say the numbers and lead the children to say the corresponding items until the children get familiar withsaying the 6 items.5.Randomly remove the pictures on the blackboard one at a time from the sequence and ask the children tosay the items including the missing picture .Lesson TwoThis lesson will cover the “ Let` sing ” and “ Let`s Try” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Enjoy singing the song and showing their school things;●Say and count the school things in the bags.Language focus: Vocabulary: “ nes”Structure: I havePrcedures:Activity 1 : Play a guessing game.1.Bring the puppet Andy and his new school bag into classroom again.2.Andy asks the children to gusess what`s in his bag.Activity 2: Let`s sing. ( Do the “ Let`s sing “ section on page 10. )1.Play tape and show The school items at the same time to help the children understand the song.2.Encourage the children to sing the song “ I have a new pencil “ with actions of showing their new schoolthings.3.Within this period, teach them to say the word “new” and the sentence pattern “ I have” correctly in ameaningful context.Activity 3: Let`s look for the owners! ( Do the “ Listen and match “ activity in the Activity Book One, Page 6, Exercise 2, Unit 2. )1.In this activity, ask the children to match the school things with their owners after listening to the tape.2.Check the answers.Activity 4: Look at my new school things! ( Do the “Let`s try” section on Page 13)1.Ask the children to display the school things in their school bags on the desks.2.Tell others within the groups about them using language like “ I have a pencil in my bag, It`s new ! “ , “ I havean eraser and a ruler. “ etc..Lesson ThreeThis lesson will cover the “ Let` sing ” and “ Story Time” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Understand and join the teacher in telling the story;●Dramatise a similar little story;●Enjoy the story●Speak for the people in the picture in accordance with the meaning shown by the picture.Language focus: Vocabulary: “ tooth”St ructure: I have a new ….. Me too!Prcedures:Activity 1 : Let`s sing the song “ I have a new pencil.”1. Encourage the children to sing the song “ I have a new pencil “ again with actions of showing their new school things.Activity 2: Let`s story. (Cover the “Story time: look, listen and act” section on Page 15. )1.Tell a story with the help of picture or realias (e. g. puppets, stationery, etc. ) to the children.2.The teacher can tell the story twice, making use of vivid voices and facial expressions, gestures and actions ,etc to attract the children.Activity 3: Retell the story.1.The children try to retell the story with the help of the teacher and the realia.Activity 4: What are they saying.1.( Do the “ Speak for them “ activity in the Activi ty Book One, Page 9, Exercise 6, Unit2. )2.In this activity, the children need to speak for the people in the picture in accordance with the meaningshown by the picture.3.Check the answers.Lesson FourThis lesson will cover the “ Let` Chant ” and “ Andy`s Box” sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Recognize the shape of the printed words about school things learnt in this unit;●Enjoy chanting the rhyme with actions;●Do a simple self-assessment of their performance in this unit.Language focus: sight recognition of the words about school thingsPrcedures:Activity 1 : Play a matching game.1.Hold up a set of flash cards with the printed words of the school things, say the words one by one.2.Get the children to choose from another set of flash cards with pictures of the school things to match thepictures with the words.3.Then rearrange the orders of the printed words.4.Ask the children to match the pictures with the words again . ( Or, rearrange the orders of the pictures andask the children to match the printed words with the pictures)5.Do it several times, mainly with individual pupils.Activity 2: Circle the words. (Do the “ search and circle “ activity in the activity Book One, Page 7, Exercise 4, Unit 2. )1.In this activity, the children are asked to search for the words in the grid about school things looking at ehtpictures and word under the grid and then circling the words.2.Check the answers.Activity 3: A matching game. (Do the “look and stick act ivity in the activity Book One, Page 7, Exercise 4, Unit 2“1.In this activity, the children are asked to stick the pictures of school things onto the stars matching with theprinted word in the balloons tied to the stars.2.Check the answers.Activity 4: L et`s chant a rhyme. ( Do the “ Let`s chant “ section on Page 11. )1.Put on the blackboard a big piece of paper on which the chant is written.2.listen to the chant together once.3.Tell the children they need to stick the pictures of school things beside the corresponding printed words in thechant after they hear the chant for the second time.4.Listen to the chant and encourage the children to chant the rhyme with actions.5.Get one pupil to be Andy holding a bag looking sad and anxious, another two pupils to be koto and bobbyrespectively.6.Every time chanting the rhyme, get koto or bobby to take a book or a pencilor ruler from Andy`s bag, and each group begins to chant with vivid tone.7.As soon as the chant finishes, Koto or Bobby says “ Oh,sorry!” and gives th eschool thing back to Andy.8.swap identities so that all four groups have the chance to say other sentences.UNIT Three Count to TenLesson OneThis lesson will cover the “ Let` Sing ” section. Activity one ( Listen and point )And two ( Listen and write) on Page 10 ( Activity Book ) will be added as the follow-up activity after the song. Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●count and group the correct numbers in the TPR activity;●sing after the tape or the teacher.●Hold up the right prompt cards when singing.●Understand and write the correct numbers in “ listen and write “ activity.●Enjoy the games and activities and build up their appreciation of English.●Respond to the teacher and events throuthout the whole lesson.Language focus:Vocabulary:New(procuctive): one,two,three,four,five,cat,littleKnown: “ pencil, bag, book, ruler,pencil case,rubber”Structures and phrases:New: I have + plural nounKnown: I have + singular nounProductive; the words of the songReceptive: the tapescript of “ Listen and Write.”Prcedures:Activity 1 :Play “Kim`s game”. This is actually a revision of learnt vocabulary rather than a game. The teacher shows the children a picture of a school thing for only 30 seconds and remove it. Then the children try to recall the name of it in English. In this way the whole class can revise the target items.Activity 2: Play a TPR game. Group the pupils in fours, play a “Group up the toothpicks” game in which they divide the toothpicks in threes/fours/fives as quickly as possible. When it`s ready, as the children to report how many toothpicks they have grouped.Activity 3: “ Let`s sing “ .1.introduce the song in “Let`s Sing” by telling the pupils that you are goin g to sing a song.2.Introduce the pupils to the key vocabulary(little,black,cat,cats,onle,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,merow) and the chunk in the song, put the cut-out pictures of cats on the slide projector. The narrate the song.3.Play the tape, get children to listen to it . the teacher holds up the relevant number prompt cards.4.the teacher sings the song again, inviting the pupils to join bu humming. Then leads the children verse byverse. Do this twice if nessessary.5.The pupils sing the song on their oen in chorus. Ask some of them to hold up the number prompt cards(teacher`s own decision os Arabic form only or with English form)6.sign again or twice, identify the four big groups as “one little, two little, three little cats”Activity 4: get children to do activity 1 and 2 on page 10 (activity book) as a follow up activity. Draw the children`s attention to the numbers by translating “ What did your mum buy for you , andy? “ my mum bought “ into Chinese.Activity 5: Remind the pupils to sing the song to their parents and end the class.Lesson TwoThis lesson will cover the “ Let` Try ” section plus activity 7 on page 14 ( Activity Book ). A purpose of rearranging the order of the textbook is to group the sections into the similar topic of number. Besides, the chantin Let`s chant is quite difficult to follow because it shares two language focuses on numbers and chunks, which are new to the pupils. So it is more suitable to put it off till one of the focuses has been worked out in other activities.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●count and tell correctly the numbers of school things in their own bag.●Recognize the obvious feature of the same initial sound in the words of four and five; six and seven.●Exchange the result of the survey with their group-mates.●Enjoy doing the games and activities.Language focus:Vocabulary: six,seven,eight,nine,ten(productive)StructuresProductive: I have 4 pencilesPrcedures:Activity 1 :Play the tape and ask the children to sing along in chorus.Activity 2: Play the game” Chinese whisper”, focusing on the pronunciation of numbers one to ten. First, group the children in the same number in different teams. Second, choose some children to be the judges. Then ask the first child of each group to come one bye one to the teacher who whisper to the next children what they heard. One after another the children whisper the number as quickly as possible. When it comes to the last child , he /she should stand up and shout the word. The judges should monitor whether the children have broken the rule which is to whisper, now to shout. Do it several rounds by changing the numbers.Activity 3: complete Let`s try (a survey)1.Play a “guessing game” . bring into classroom a bag with a card “andy” on it , get the pupils to gusee whatand how many schools things are in it ( five pencils ,six books, onelpencil-case, one ruler and two erasers). The child can get a point if he/she guesses correctly. The winner is the one with the most points.2.Introduce the topic by telling the children, “now we are going to make survey of the quantities if schoolthings in your bags”. To begin with, encourage the children to pool topic-related items they have already known in either Chinese or English , e.g. what school things do you have in your school bags? Colledt the realias from the children as your teaching materials and model the pronunciation.3.give task instructions by explaining what outcome is required, e.g. ask the children to count the school thingsin their bags and then fill in the form after the previous model. Then group the children in fours . set a time limit.Give a none-minute warning before the end of the task.4.the children do “let`s Try “ in groups. The teacher goes around. Observes and gives encouragement or helpwhere necessary.5.ask one representative from each group to report the result orally. Give comments on what the childrenhave down effectively to build up their sense of achievement .Lesson ThreeThis les son will cover the “ Let` Play ” section in textbook. Activity 3 ( Listen and number ) 4 (listen and write) on Page 11,5 (look,match and say) on page 12 and 6 (look,say and trace) on page 13 in the activity book. Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●count and say the correct number in “Let`s play”.●Understand and say “doll ,cat ,teddy bear and dog” in English.●Do the activities successfully.Language focus:Vocabulary:Doll,cat,teddy bear,dog (productive)Toy car,scotter,toy plane,cap and snoopy (receptive)Known: one,two……………Structures:I have…….Prcedures:Activity 1 :Have a free talk with the children about their toys. Provide input of “ you have….” “ How many ….do you have? “ etc. by rende ring the children`s answers in English. Write them on the board. E.g. toy dog, snoopy,doll,toy car,toy bus,toy ship,pop gun,toy animals. etcActivity 2: Set up the situation for “ Let`s play” by shifting the children`s attention to andy`s toys. Play a me mory game of “what toys does andy have” first , tell the children that you are going to play a memory game about andy`s toys . secondly ,hold up the enlarged picture on page 20 of the textbook. Allow 20 seconds for the children to look and remember. Do not allow any writing. Thirdly, suggest the children act as andy when thet answer the questions. Hold up the pictures of the key words (doll,dat,teddy bear, dog) in turn, then ask the children: “do you have any teddy bears?” “do yu have any dogs?” resoective ly, when a child gives a right answer, a point is added to that group. Stick the pictures on the board. The group with the most points will win the game.Activity 3: model the pronunciation of the key words, read each one three times, then invite the children to repeat in chorus, the individually. Check pronunciation carefully and purposefully. Stick the prompt cards on the board.Activity 4: write a number alongside each of the prompt cards. Get the class to say (in chorus) the dolls in sequence. Then remove one of the cards from somewhere in the sequence. Now the class choruses the whole sequence including the missing card. Remove another card and get the children to say the whole sequence again.Activity 5: get the children to do activity 3 on page 11. play the tape,explain what the children are going to do in this activity. Pilot the activity.Alternative:Do activity 5 instead. Adapt it as “ listen, look ,match and say”. Then ask the children to tell the teacher how they have done that.Activity 6:Do “let`s Play” with a purpose of helping andy to count his toys and write down their numbers under the relevant pictures on page 20. then report the results to the teacher. Some more items can be added to provide more opportunities.Activity 7: get the children to do activity 4 on page 11. check the answers with the class after listening. Activity 8: get the children to do activity 6 on page 13 individually.Activity 9: elicit from the children what they have learnt and what they are able to do. End the class.Lesson FourThis lesson will cover the “ Let` Chant ” and “ Let`s Make “ sections.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Chant after tape or teacher.●Understand the meaning of the chant and do the correct actions when chanting.●Follow the instructions in “Let`s make”.●Finish the activities in groups or individually.Language focus:Vocabulary: one to ten (productive)Instructions in “Let`s Make” (receptive)Prcedures:Activity 1 :Sing the song, invite some pupils to sing in front of the class, holding the number prompt cards accordingly. Teacher could note down the children`s performances as a formative assessment.Activity 2: Do “Let`s chant”1.introduce the topic of “Let`s chant” by tell ing the children that you are going to say an action chant.2.talk with the children about “tie your shoe” ,”close the door’, “pick up the sticks” i.e. can you tie yourshoe? Xiaming,close the door, please. Pick up the sticks. Pick up the doll . get up late? Don`t be late for school. Be a good boy.3.Play the tape twice, try to find out the rhythm. Show how to beat where necessary.4.Chant the rhyme and beat the rhythm ( pay special attention to the stresses of the chunks ). Invite thechildren to join the by doing actions.5.Ask the children to chant once with beating,once more with actions,since “start again” can`t strongly berepresented by action. Just beat it.6.divide the children into groups to chant different verses in succession.Activity 3: Do “Let`s Make” . An alternative arrangement might be:1.preparation: to shorten the time spent on the activity, the teacher can ask the children to cut the tissue(any colour the child likes) into small pieces before this lesson.2.reduce the procedures: ask the children to choose their own number secretly, then glue the number. coverthe number with the small pieces of tissue.Activity r : remind the children to chant the rhyme to their parents and end the class.Lesson FiveThis lesson will cover the “ Story time “ , activity 9 (look and circle) ,and andy`s box.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to :●Understand and like the story in “ story time”●Enjoy story telling and join In.Language focus:Vocabulary: one to six (productive)I have….. (productive)“It`s mine” (receptive)。

外研版一年级英语上册Module 1 (1)Unit 1 Hello! (1)Unit 2 How are you? (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 What's your name? (7)Unit 2 I'm a boy. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Sit down! (13)Unit 2 Point to the window! (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 It's red! (19)Unit 2 It's a red dog. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 This is our teacher. (25)Unit 2 That is a yellow cat. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 What's this? (31)Unit 2 It's my ruler. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 Is it a dog? (37)Unit 2 It's a yellow cat. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 How many? (43)Unit 2 How many pink balls? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 How old are you? (49)Unit 2 Happy birthday! (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 That is my father. (55)Unit 2 That is his car. (58)Review Module (61)单词表Word List (65)Reading for pleasure (71)It's under the desk (71)外研版一年级英语下册Module 1 (1)Unit 1 He's a doctor. (1)Unit 2 She's a nurse. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 Where's the bird? (7)Unit 2 The toy car is under the bed. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Where's the orange cat? (13)Unit 2 How many green birds? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 This is my head. (19)Unit 2 These are your eyes. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 They're cows. (25)Unit 2 It's thin. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 These snakes are short. (31)Unit 2 They're little and cute. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree. (37)Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck. (43)Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 I like football. (49)Unit 2 What's your favourite sport? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Let's play football! (55)Unit 2 Let's sing! (58)Review Module(1-2) (61)Word List 单词表 (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版二年级英语上册Module 1 (1)Unit 1 I like the ABC song. (1)Unit 2 I like football. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 I don't like meat. (7)Unit 2 I don't like ginger. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Do you like bananas? (13)Unit 2 Do they like apples? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 Sam likes T-shirts. (19)Unit 2 He doesn't like these trousers. (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 At 7, I get up. (25)Unit 2 I go home at 5. (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? (31)Unit 2 Where do you live? (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 How do you go to school? (37)Unit 2 I go by train. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 She goes swimming. (43)Unit 2 Does he play the piano? (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 It's winter. (49)Unit 2 What does he do in summer? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 Happy New Year! (55)Unit 2 We have Christmas. (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each Module (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版二年级英语下册Module 1 (1)Unit 1 What's the weather like? (1)Unit 2 I like swimming. (4)Module 2 (7)Unit 1 She's listening to the radio. (7)Unit 2 I'm drawing a picture. (10)Module 3 (13)Unit 1 Sam isn't tidying his room. (13)Unit 2 Are you doing your homework? (16)Module 4 (19)Unit 1 What are you doing? (19)Unit 2 What's he doing? (22)Module 5 (25)Unit 1 Linglingi is skipping. (25)Unit 2 What are the kids playing? (28)Module 6 (31)Unit 1 I usually play basketball. (31)Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks. (34)Module 7 (37)Unit 1 It's Children's Day today. (37)Unit 2 We're having a picnic. (40)Module 8 (43)Unit 1 The train is going up a hill. (43)Unit 2 The horse is turning around. (46)Module 9 (49)Unit 1 Turn left. (49)Unit 2 Where do you live? (52)Module 10 (55)Unit 1 It's next to the park. (55)Unit 2 He's helping a child. (58)Review Module (61)Words and Expressions in Each Module (65)Reading for pleasure (71)外研版三年级英语上册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK? (5)Unit 2 I'm eating hamburgers and chips. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 We're making a cake. (11)Unit 2 I'm watching TV. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 These ducks are very naughty! (17)Unit 2 The ducks are playing in the rain. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 I can jump far. (23)Unit 2 What can you see? (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream? (29)Unit 2 Can I come in? (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I've got new shorts and new shoes. (35)Unit 2 He's got a new shirt. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Have you got a headache? (41)Unit 2 She's got a cold. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 This is Sam's book. (47)Unit 2 Is this your grandma's umbrella? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 I'm going to do the long jump. (53)Unit 2 I'm going to be a driver. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Are you going to Hong Kong? (59)Unit 2 What are you going to see? (62)Review Module Unit 1/2 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表Word List (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (75)Proper Nouns (76)Reading for Pleasure The Little Red Hen (77)Project Abilities (85)外研版三年级英语下册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 She's very nice. (5)Unit 2 I'm going to help her. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 It's very long. (11)Unit 2 You'll see Tower Bridge. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 We'll go to the zoo. (17)Unit 2 Will we have breakfast at 7? (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 We'll pick fruit. (23)Unit 2 Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen... (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow? (29)Unit 2 On Monday,I'll go swimming. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 Here are his hands. (35)Unit 2 There is a small monster. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Are there many children in your class? (41)Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box? (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 He works hard. (47)Unit 2 She's quite good at English. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 They were very young. (53)Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Were you on the second floor? (59)Unit 2 It was there. (62)Review Module Unit1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (75)Proper Nouns (76)Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk (77)Project People (84)外研版四年级英语上册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday. (5)Unit 2 I've got a new friend. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 I helped my mum. (11)Unit 2 Amy painted a picture. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 She didn't walk to school yesterday. (17)Unit 2 I didn't play football. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper. (23)Unit 2 He invented this bicycle. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. (29)Unit 2 I wore warm clothes. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 It didn't become gold. (35)Unit 2 He didn't come back. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Did you take Amy's doll? (41)Unit 2 Did you see it? (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 When did they come? (47)Unit 2 Where did you go yesterday? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 What happened to your head? (53)Unit 2 I bumped my head. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Go to bed early. (59)Unit 2 Eat vegetables every day. (62)Review Module Unit 1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (73)Words in Songs and Chants (77)Reading for Pleasure Hats and Monkeys (78)Project Last Weekend (83)外研版四年级英语下册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 Do't touch the machines,please! (5)Unit 2 Don't feed the fish! (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 It's cheap. (11)Unit 2 It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 He shouted,"Wolf,wolf!" (17)Unit 2 She went into a shop. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Dad played the erhu. (23)Unit 2 I was very nervous. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 We're having a party. (29)Unit 2 He's drawing books and birds. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I'll draw the pictures. (35)Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday! (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 What's the time? (41)Unit 2 It's 6:30 am in New York. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US. (47)Unit 2 It's in the north of China. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Why do you like Australia? (53)Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 I'll send you a postcard. (59)Unit 2 I'm going to visit London. (62)Review Module复习模块Unit 1/2 (65)单词及短语 (69)Word List单词表 (72)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for Pleasure Kon Rong and pears (77)Project Holiday plan (83)外研版五年级英语上册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 There wasn't a clock here before. (5)Unit 2 There are tall trees now. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 This one is heavy. (11)Unit 2 They sell many different things. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Today is Halloween. (17)Unit 2 Easter is in spring in the UK. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 We're going to tell stories. (23)Unit 2 I'm going to be elven. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 It's mine! (29)Unit 2 Amy's blue dress is wet. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 You can play basketball well. (35)Unit 2 They got seventy points. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 His dog can help him. (41)Unit 2 It could find the people. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Children often sit around tables. (47)Unit 2 There are lots games. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Are you sad? (53)Unit 2 She was very happy. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 You shouldn't tidy your toys. (59)Unit 2 You shouldn't be late. (62)Review Module复习模块Unit 1/2 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表 (72)Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants (74)Reading for pleasure补充阅读 (75)The Elves and the Shoemaker (75)Harvest Festival (79)Singing Colours (85)Project Masks (93)外研版五年级英语下册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 She was a driver before. (5)Unit 2 He worked in an office. (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 What did she have for lunch? (11)Unit 2 Lunch is usually at half past twelve. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? (17)Unit 2 You can use the computers. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Did you read them? (23)Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 Your bag is broken. (29)Unit 2 Mine is pink. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 We'll see lots of very big stones. (35)Unit 2 It was amazing. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 My father goes to word at 8 o'clock every morning. (41)Unit 2 I'll be home at 7 o'clock. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Will you help me? (47)Unit 2 I made a kite. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 We laughed a lot. (53)Unit 2 Mum bought new chopsticks for you. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 What did you put in your bag? (59)Unit 2 I played on the beach. (62)Review Module复习模块 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for pleasure补充阅读 (77)The Girl in the Pagoda (77)A Special Pet (81)Louis Braille (85)Project Jobs (92)外研版六年级英语上册封面/前言/目录 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall? (5)Unit 2 It's more than four hundred metres high! (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. (11)Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China? (17)Unit 2 Collecting stamps is my hobby. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 Thanks giving is very important in the US. (23)Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas? (26)Unit 1 Can I write to her? (29)Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen friend. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 I've got some Chinese chopsticks. (35)Unit 2 haven't got a book about the US. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo. (41)Unit 2 A child sleeps for ten hours a night. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Do you often tidy your bed? (47)Unit 2 I often read English books. (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? (53)Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 Only drink clean water! (59)Unit 2 Go straight on. (62)Review Module复习模块 (65)Words and Expressions in Each Module (69)单词表 (69)Words in Songs and Chants (75)Reading for Pleasure (79)The Leaf (79)The Differernt Duck (84)Spiders (89)Project Make a Festival Poster (91)外研版六年级英语下册封面/目录/前言 (1)Module 1 (5)Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please. (5)Unit 2 What do you want to eat? (8)Module 2 (11)Unit 1 When are we going to eat? (11)Unit 2 It will rain in Beijing. (14)Module 3 (17)Unit 1 I took some photos. (17)Unit 2 The sun is shining. (20)Module 4 (23)Unit 1 I can't carry all these things. (23)Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs! (26)Module 5 (29)Unit 1 He is playing the ... (29)Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water. (32)Module 6 (35)Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday. (35)Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. (38)Module 7 (41)Unit 1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V. (41)Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear. (44)Module 8 (47)Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? (47)Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? (50)Module 9 (53)Unit 1 Best wishes to you! (53)Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day. (56)Module 10 (59)Unit 1 We're going to different schools. (59)Unit 2 I'm going to Lake Middle School. (62)Review Module复习 (65)单词表 (69)Reading for pleasure (79)UFOs (79)Fantastic Animals (83)The Special Carpenter (86)21。

《英语》(新标准)小学一年级起始第10册Module 6Module 6 Unit 1 We’ll see lots of stones.大长山小学:杨蕉宇[教学目标]1.知识目标:让学生掌握并书写单词:place circle build solve hope.理解并运用新句型:What will we see there? We’ll see lots of very big stones/…How will we get th ere? By car/…2..技能目标:在原有基础上进一步掌握一般将来时的问答并描述一个事件,为英语写作打下基础。
[教学重点]词汇:place, circle, build, solve, hope目标语句:What will we see there? We’ll see lots of very b ig stones.How will we get there? By car. It will take three hours.[教学难点]1.注意单词solve和mystery的发音。
[教学准备]单词卡片、录音机、教学挂图、Stonghenge图片资料(多媒体).[教学流程]一、preparation (热身活动)1.Greeing2.Free talk with teacher.“T” This summer I will go to DaLian.I will get there by ship. And then ask them “Where will you go this summer? “How will you get there?”“S1”I will ……I will get there by ……“S2”……(此环节是让学生大胆地用英语去交流,并营造一个轻松的学习英语的氛围,并为新课做铺垫.二、Presentation (介绍新语言项目)1.“T”I n London, we’ll see Big ben ,(the London eye , river Thames ) and show some pictures .Do you know what else we will see? (CAI) and ask “what’s this ? ”and teach “Stonehenge”(CAI) “What’s Stonehenge ?”It’s very old place. It’s five thousand years old . 2. On Saturday ,Amy and lingling are going to see Stonehenge. Let’s listen M6U1!(利用多媒体让学生能够有个直观的感觉去了解巨石阵,并呈现今天的学习任务)三、New teaching (课文教学)1.Listen to the tape and answer the following question:Q1: What will they see ? Q2: How will they get there? (CAI)教师提示人称变化:they ---we --- I2.Listen again and find “will” and answer“why did people build this ?”3. Read the sentences and learn new words : place ,circle , builtEg: circle we play football in a circle.4.Listen and repeat the text .( 在学习过程中,通过多媒体给学生创设情境,让他们在回答问题中去理解整篇课文,并掌握功能句和重点词)四、Production (任务完成)1.Do activity 3 on page 23 “look ,think and say ”2.Do AB exercise 2 and exercise 53.Make a survey in groups “what will you do this summer ? How will you get there ?”4. writing: Write about a trip that you will make (CAI)Eg: I will go to Dalian this summer .It is in the north of China ,I can see lots of tall buildings .I will go to Xinghai Park .I can see the sea there. I will get there by ship and car . It will take five hours .Do you like Dalian ? Will you go to Dalian ?(此环节是让学生完成大量的练习,使机械式的训练句型变得灵活并能掌握巩固新句型)六、Summary and homework (小结与作业)1."T"What did we learn this lesson?并与同学一起回顾本课所学重点目标语句,进一步强调will的使用。

新标准英语(一年级起点)第十册Module 6 Unit 1教学设计沈河区大南一校薛莘一、课题:We’ll see lots of stones.二、三维目标:1、知识与能力目标:(1)能听懂、会说、认读并拼写单词Stonehenge, mystery, solve以及一般将来时的句子What will we see? We’ll see……. How will we get there? It will take……(2)能谈论将要发生的事情。
2、过程与方法:通过师生讨论What will you do for Mother’s Day? 以及运用句型:What will ……do? XXX will ……谈论一些有趣的图片来复习一般将来时的基本用法。
借助课件中的black screen创设情境,导出本课句型:What will we see? 学生在Guessing game中操练新句型并将单词教学巧妙融入其中。
将How will we get there? It will take……的操练与学生每天放学回家的生活实际相联系。
借助一段视频使学生对Stonehenge有了详细的了解, 课文教学采用整体呈现的方式,通过小组活动给Stonehenge填写小档案、回答问题巩固对课文的理解。
三、教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并拼写单词Stonehenge, mystery, solve以及一般将来时的句子What will we see? We’ll see……. How will we get there? It will take……四、教学难点:能熟练正确运用将来时谈论将要发生的事情。

新标准一年级起点第六册全册unit1教案第8模块教学计划单元主题谈论过去的状态单元目标技能目标1 能描述过去的特征与状态2 能理解故事内容3 能流利地朗读,并初步表演对话知识目标target language: was he there?no, he wasn’t.were you on the second floor?yes, we were. and daming was there.vocabulary: second, floor, find, first, vegetable, last milksong: we were in the supermarket.情感态度目标让学生懂得孝敬父母,在外出时要注意安全学习策略目标通过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力文化意识目标使学生了解英美国家如何描述过去的事情单元教学内容分析第一单元,是本模块的新语言呈现课,通过妈妈在商场寻找大明对话,呈现过去时。
本模块是以是动词的过去式为主题,让学生运用过去是动词was\were 来描述过去发生的事情,并能够在真实情境中运用所学句型进行对话,完成与他人进行交际的任务。
单元教学重点target language: was he there?no, he wasn’t.were you on the second floor?yes, we were. and daming was there.vocabulary: second, floor, find, first, vegetable, lastmilk单元教学难点对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发生的事情学困生教学重难点的突破措施小组合作学习,以优带差教师重点关注教学方法情景交际教学法,任务教学法课时的划分第1课时unit 1第2课时unit 2课时进度(第1课时)课型特点新授课教学目标技能目标能理解故事内容,能流利地朗读,并初步表演对话,能描述过去的状态知识目标target language: was he there?no, he wasn’t.were you on the second floor?yes, we were. and daming was there.vocabulary: second, floor, find, first情感、文化、策略目标让学生懂得孝敬父母,在外出时要注意安全; 通过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力教学重点target language: was he there?no, he wasn’t.were you on the second floor?yes, we were. and daming was there.vocabulary: second, floor, find, first教学难点对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发生的事情新课标第一网xk b1教具准备录音机、图片、挂图教学过程活动进程学生活动教师引导设计意图重点关注step 1warm-up and greeting step 2lead in.step 3activity 1 step 4activity 2step 5activity 3 greet with t warmly.do a game: please.ss try to say the things using the adjectives.共4页,当前第1页1234ss listen and point to their books. number the sentences. answer the question.look at the poster. listen to the t.ss try to answer the questions.listen, point and repeat after the tape.ss try to answer the questions.repeat after t.find “was, were”and check in pairs.point and repeat after the tape. act out the story.look at the poster and try to answer the questions.repeat after the t. point to their books and repeat after the tape.work in pairs to read the dialog.look at the pictures. work in pairs.greet with ss warmly.do a game: please.t shows something to review the adjectives.t show “shop”and ask “what’s this in english?”play the tape.show the poster of activity 1. tell the story. teach the new words.ask some questions.play the tape for the 2nd time. walk around.ask some true or false questions.read the story and walk around.play the tape for the 3rd time. walk around. show the poster of activity 2. talk about the poster.write and read the sentences.play the tape. big circle time ask some pairs to show.look atthe pictures. read the words together.take an example.walk around and help.师生相互问候,创设英语学习氛围活跃课堂,拉近教师和学生的距离引入新课,使学生有兴趣学习整体输入故事帮助学生理解故事培养学生指读习惯加深对新知的理解模仿正确的语音语调角色扮演,引起学生的兴趣新知的操练培养合作学习意识培养学生合作学习的意识激励学生开口说英语学生的学习状态学生是否专注于听关注学生理解学生是否专注于听和读关注听的质量及效果学困生的指读习惯关注学生的操练力度及操练面对于学困生给予帮助关注学生思维动态及合作学习作业设计1)听指读p30-p31每天20分钟2) 背p30的活动1.3)完成练习册板书设计module 8 unit 1 were you on the second floor?1 2 3 4 5 6 was he there?no, he wasn’t.were you on the second floor?yes, we were. and daming was there.picture new words教学反思课时进度(第2课时)课型特点巩固课教学目共4页,当前第2页1234标技能目标谈论过去与现在的变化知识目标target language: where was the …?it was …vocabulary: vegetable, last milksong: we were in the supermarket.情感、文化、策略目标培养学生多与朋友沟通与交流的能力; 通过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力教学重点target language: where was the …?it was …vocabulary: vegetable, last milk教学难点对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型来描述过去发生的事情教具准备录音机、挂图、卡片教学过程活动进程学生活动教师引导设计意图重点关注step1greetings and warm up:step 2lead in. step 3activity 1step 4activity 2 step 5activity 3step 6activity 4greet with t warmly.ss ask and answer about the poster of unit 1.ask some ss to answer.ss look at the poster and listen to the tape.repeat after t.ss listen, point and repeat after the tape.try to answer the questions.read the story in groups.ss work in pairs to finish the exercise.ask some pairs to show.ss listen, point and repeat after the tape.sing the song together and do actions.work in pairs.ask some pairs to show.greet with ss warmly.help.t shows some pictures and asks “where is it?”t: how about the vegetables? let’s listen.show the poster of activity 1. play the tape.tell the story.teach the new words.play the tape twice.ask some questions.t and one s take an example.walk around and help.play the tape 3 times.t takes anexample.walk around and help.让学生尽快进入英语学习环境。

外研社新标准小学英语一年级起点第十册Module 6 Unit 2It was amazing 教学设计大连市旅顺口区登峰小学邹新瑜新标准英语一年级起点第十册Module 6 Unit 2 It was amazing 教学设计辽宁省大连市旅顺口区登峰小学邹新瑜教学单元:Module6 Unit2课题及课时:It was amazing.教学内容:课本29页设计思路:整体设计思路:本课设计分为五部分,第一部分是热身复习导入环节,由书上的说说唱唱导入,There is one same thing we do in the world.那就是旅行,引出旅游话题;玲玲在英国旅游,由她带来的照片说起,复习上一模块的内容,复习特殊疑问句,也复习了将来时的用法;第二部分是呈现学习任务和新授环节,交代本节课的学习任务,学习说说我们的旅行经历,教会学生用过去时进行提问和回答,解决重点难点;第三部分就是巩固练习文本内容,解决难点take a helicopter ride over,引申到take a bus ride to,以及对Lingling的感觉进行询问得到It was amazing,强化不同的feeling;第四部分是语言输出和拓展环节,世界那么大,我想去看看,你都去了哪里了呢?朋友之间的分享活动,让学生在交流中纠正语言,帮助学生理顺思路说说自己的旅行,进而能写出自己的旅行经历。
语言结构:It was amazing.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:掌握单词take ,short, amazing, helicopter;功能句It was amazing.b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,并运用过去时谈论旅行经历。

教学方法:采用 讲解、练习和互 动讨论等多种方 式使学生能够在 实际运用中掌握 语法知识。
教学目的:培养 学生的英语语言 逻辑和表达能力 为后续的英语学 习打下坚实的基 础。
教学目标:培养学生英语口语表达能力 教学内容:掌握基本日常用语和简单自我介绍 教学重点:发音准确、表达流畅 教学难点:如何引导学生开口说英语克服害羞心理
能够听懂并模仿简单的英语指 令
能够用英语进行简单的自我介 绍
能够用英语表达自己的喜好和 需求
能够用英语进行基本的日常交 流
培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和热情 增强学生对英语国家的文化认同感和跨文化交流意识 帮助学生建立自信心培养积极的学习态度和合作精神 提高学生的自主学习能力和自我管理能力
词汇类型:名 词、动词、形
词汇难度:按 照学生实际水
词汇教学方法: 实物教学、图 片教学、语境
词汇巩固练握 基本的英语语法 规则如名词、动 词、形容词等的 基本用法。
教学重点:强调 语法在日常生活 中的应用通过例 句和情景对话等 形式加深学生对 语法的理解。
特点:情境教学法注重学生的参与和体验让学生在情境中感知、理解和运用语言使语言学习更 加生动有趣。
特点:通过身体动作来教授语言强调先听 后说以听带动说的过程。
优势:能够激发学生的学习兴趣提高他们 的参与度和记忆能力有助于培养学生的英 语思维和表达能力。
新版外研版 (一起)小学英语一年级上册全册教案 第一学期全套教学设计

Revisio n Module9
第六周 Module4
第七周 Module5
Module1 0
第八周 Revision and 至第九 having a 周 test. 教研组长签名:
第 十 七 周 至 Review 十九周 Module Having a test.
达标结果 分 析
课 时 教 学 案 学校: 学科 姓名 班 课题 Module1 Unit1 Hello! 一、全体学生能够理解课文大意。 基础 性 目标 教学 一、部分学生能初步掌握 What’s your name?语句。 (这个语句是 第 2 模块学习 目标 的内容,这里只是一个提示。 ) 发展 二、能初步认读所学内容。 性 三、部分学生与入学教育相结合,见到老师、长辈或同学之间应互相问候;了解英 目标 语电话用语中 hello 的使用;对用英语参加互相认识活动产生兴趣 二、全体学生基本能听懂、能说出 Hello,Hi,goodbye,bye,I’m„语句;能听懂 并说出 Amy,Sam,Daming,Lingling 几个名字。能运用 Hello/Hi/goodbye/bye 问候道别;能在他人用 Hello/Hi/goodbye/bye 问候道别时用相应形式回答。 课时 第一课时 英语 年 级 一年级
激 趣 复 习 , 2. Sing a song. 建立联系
播放歌曲磁带 “How are you ”以制造气氛,增 加学生学习的乐趣。
interested in studying and ready get for
I’m„ What’s your name? 向学生打招呼,为后面的学习 做准备。(将 Hello,I’m„写 在黑板上,或用事先准备的以 文字为主的图片呈现出来。)

Thank You!
新蕾版一年级上册 英语
Unit 1 My Family
mum 妈妈
Dad 爸爸
Grandma 奶奶
Grandpa 爷爷
Brother 哥哥
Sister 妹妹
Older sister 姐姐
Let’s chant!
Thank You
Unit 4 School Things
a rubber
a pencil case
a bag
a pen
a ruler
a pencil
an eraser
Matching Game
pen ruler bag rubber pencil pencil case
This is my
Thank You
Unit 4 School Things
a rubber
a pencil case
a bag
a pen
a ruler
a pencil
an eraser
Matching Game
pen ruler bag rubber pencil pencil case
This is my
bag. ruler. rubber. pen. pencil.
Let′s chant:
Thank You
Unit5 Animals
小鸭duck嘎嘎嘎,duck duck是小鸭 小猫cat喵喵喵,cat cat 是小猫 小狗dog汪汪汪,dog dog 是小狗 兔子rabbit跑得快,rabbit rabbit 真可爱 熊猫panda是国宝,panda panda大熊猫 猴子monkey会爬树,monkey monkey树上住
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