
1. curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm](n. 课程)2. assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt](n. 作业;任务)3. lecture [ˈlektʃə(r)](n. 讲座;讲课;v. 开讲座;讲课)4. tutorial [tjuːˈtɔːriəl](n. 辅导课;指南;教程;adj. 辅导的)5. semester [sɪˈmestə(r)](n. 学期)6. grade [ɡreɪd](n. 成绩;等级;年级;v. 评分;分等级)7. discipline [ˈdɪsəplɪn](n. 学科;纪律;训练;处罚;v. 训练;处罚;使有纪律)8. compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri](adj. 必修的;强制的;义务的)9. optional [ˈɒpʃənl](adj. 可选择的;选修的)二、社交类。
1. acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns](n. 熟人;相识)2. friendliness [ˈfrendlɪnəs](n. 友好;友善)3. hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti](n. 好客;殷勤)4. party [ˈpɑːti](n. 聚会;政党;当事人;v. 为…举行社交聚会)5. get - together [ˈɡet təˈɡeðə(r)](n. 聚会;联欢会)6. socialize [ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz](v. 交往;社交;使社会化)7. clique [kliːk](n. 小集团;派系;私党)8. acquaintance - making [əˈkweɪntəns ˈmeɪkɪŋ](n. 交友;结识)三、文化类。
1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ](n. 遗产;传统)2. custom [ˈkʌstəm](n. 风俗;习惯;海关)3. tradition [trəˈdɪʃn](n. 传统;惯例)4. festival [ˈfestɪvl](n. 节日;庆祝活动)5. ceremony [ˈserəməni](n. 典礼;仪式)6. art [ɑːt](n. 艺术;美术;技艺)7. literature [ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)](n. 文学;文献)8. music [ˈmjuːzɪk](n. 音乐)四、工作类。

托福必背高频词汇1. a matter of speculation =supposition n.推断2. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请3. abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的4. aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,5. abort= quit v. 夭折;中止6. abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地7. absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引8. absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收9. absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引10. abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的11. absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的12. abundance= large amount n. 大量13. abundance= great number n. 大量14. abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的15. abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的16. abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的17. abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量18. abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的19. abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地20. access =reach v. 接近21. accessible =reachable a. 可接近的22. accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的23. accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的24. accommodate= provide for v. 提供25. accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的26. accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的27. account= description n. 说明28. account for= explain v. 说明29. accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集30. accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集31. accurate =correct a. 正确的32. accurately= correctly ad. 正确地33. acknowledge= recognize v. 承认34. actually= in fact ad. 事实上35. added =extra a. 附加的;额外的36. adept =skilled a. 熟练的37. adherent= supporter n. 拥护者38. adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的39. adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的40. adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应41. administer = manage v. 管理42. admit= let in v. 准许进入43. adopt= enact v. 采用44. advance= improvement n. 发展;增长45. advent= arrival n. 出现;到来46. advent= beginning n. 出现;到来47. affair= matter n. 事件;事情48. afford= provide v. 提供;给予49. aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧50. aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火51. aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的52. aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的53. agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的54. agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的55. agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的56. agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的57. air= feeling n. 气氛58. alarm= sound v. 警报59. alarm= warning n. 警告60. albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然61. albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然62. allow= enable v. 允许63. allude= suggest v. 暗示64. allude to= refer to phrv. 提到65. ally with= link to v. 结盟66. alter= change to v. 改变67. amazing= remarkable/replacement a.令人惊讶的/非凡的68. ambiguous =vague a. 不明确的69. ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的70. ample= plentiful a. 充足的;丰富的71. ample =spacious a. 宽敞的72. anchor= hold in place v. 使固定73. ancient= old a. 古老的74. ancient =antique a. 古老的75. annihilate= destroy v. 消灭76. annihilate =completely remove v. 消灭77. annually= yearly ad. 每年78. anomaly= irregularity n. 异常的人或物79. antagonist =competitor n. 对手;敌手80. anticipate= expect v. 预期81. antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的82. antithesis= opposite n. 对立面83. antler =horn n. 鹿角84. anxiety =worry n. 忧虑;担心85. apart from= exception phr. 除了…之外86. apart from =except for phr. 除了…之外87. apparatus= equipment n. 仪器;设备88. apparent =obvious a. 显然的89. apparently= clearly ad. 显然地90. appeal= attraction n. 吸引力91. appealing =attractive a. 有吸引力的92. appear= seem v. 似乎93. appearance= rise n. 出现94. appearance= arrival n. 出现95. appearance= showing up n. 出现96. application= use n. 应用97. appreciable= noticeable a. 相当可观的98. approach =method n. 方法99. approach= move toward v. 接近100. approximately= roughly ad. 大约地101. architecture= structure n. 构造102. archive= record v. 存档103. archive= stock v. 存档104. archive= store v. 存档105. arduous= difficult a. 艰巨的106. arid =dry a. 干旱的107. arise= emerge v. 出现108. arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置109. array=range n. 一系列110. article= item n. 物品111. article= object n. 物品112. as a rule =in general phr. 通常113. assert= declare v. 断言;宣称114. assertion= strong statement n. 断言;主张115. asset= advantage n. 资产;有利条件116. assimilate= combine v. 同化117. assistance= help n. 帮助;协助118. assorted= various a. 各式各样的119. assume= believe v. 假定;设想120. assume= suppose v. 假定;设想121. assume= take on v. 承担122. assumption= premise n. 假设123. astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的124. astute= clever a. 敏锐的125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地126. attachment to= preference for n. 依恋127. attain =achieve v. 达到;获得128. attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的130. attest to =confirm v. 证实131. attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为132. attribute =characteristic n. 特点133. attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为134. attribution =character n. 属性135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高136. available =obtainable a. 可获得的137. avenue= method n. 途径;手段138. avenue =means n. 途径;手段139. avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的140. barely = just ad. 仅仅121. assume= take on v. 承担122. assumption= premise n. 假设123. astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的124. astute= clever a. 敏锐的125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地126. attachment to= preference for n. 依恋127. attain =achieve v. 达到;获得128. attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的130. attest to =confirm v. 证实查看全部:托福必背高频词汇大全(完整版)131. attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为132. attribute =characteristic n. 特点133. attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为134. attribution =character n. 属性135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高136. available =obtainable a. 可获得的137. avenue= method n. 途径;手段138. avenue =means n. 途径;手段139. avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的140. barely = just ad. 仅仅141. barge= boat n. 驳船142. barrier= obstacle n. 障碍143. barrier =impediment n. 障碍144. battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奋斗145. be inclined =tend v. 倾向146. be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 习惯147. be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解148. be beforehand= foreordain v. 预先149. be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似150. be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的151. be entitled to= have the right phrv. 有…权利152. beckon= invite v. 招唤;引诱153. become extinct= die out phrv. 灭绝154. being= creature n. 生命155. beneficial =advantageous a. 有益的156. blossom= flourish v. 兴旺157. blossom= thrive v. 兴旺158. boast= puff v. 吹嘘159. boast= exaggerate v. 吹嘘160. bombard= assail v. 炮击;轰击161. bombard =assault v. 炮击;轰击162. bombard =strike v. 炮击;轰击163. boom= expansion n. 激增;爆涨164. boon= great benefit n. 利益165. boost= raise v. 增加;提高166. boundary= periphery n. 边界167. branch =division n. 分支168. breed= reproduce v. 繁殖;饲养169. brilliant= bright a. 光辉的;明亮的170. brittle= breakable a. 脆弱的171. brittle= fragile a. 脆弱的172. broad appeal =wide popularity a. 广泛的吸引力173. broadly =generally ad. 大体上174. broadly= extensively ad. 大体上175. bulk= majority n. 大部份176. bulk= large part n. 大部份177. bulk =major part n. 主体178. bulk= large portion n. 大部份179. bulk= great quantity n. 大部份180. burgeon= expand v. 急速成长181. bustling= lively a. 活跃的182. camouflage= disguise v. 伪装183. camouflage =hide v. 伪装184. camouflage= decorate(装饰) v. 伪装185. camouflage= blend with circumstances v. 伪装186. cardinal= fundamental a. 基本的187. cargo= shipment n. 船货;货物188. celebrated= famous a. 着名的189. central= essential a. 主要的190. certain= specified a. 指定的191. chancy =risky a. 冒险的查看全部:托福必背高频词汇大全(完整版)192. channel =provide v. 提供帮助193. channel =direct v. 引导194. channel =guide v. 引导195. chaotic= disorganized a. 混乱的196. cherish =value v. 珍爱197. chief= major a. 主要的198. chisel =carve v. 刻;凿199. choose= opt v. 选择200. chronic= persistent a. 长期的;不断的201. chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的202. chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的203. chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的204chronically=constantly ad. 长期地205. circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的206. circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况207. cite= quote v. 引用208. cite =refer to v. 引用209. classic =typical a. 典型的210. clear =visible a. 容易看见的211. clear= apparent a. 显然的212. cling to= attach to v. 附着213. close= careful a. 严密的;周密的214. clue= hint n. 线索215. coating= cover n. 覆盖层216. coincide with= be as the same time as v.同时发生217. collaborate= cooperate v. 合作218. collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果219. collect =gather v. 收集220. collide= hit each other v. 碰撞201. chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的202. chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的203. chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的204chronically=constantly ad. 长期地205. circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的206. circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况207. cite= quote v. 引用208. cite =refer to v. 引用209. classic =typical a. 典型的210. clear =visible a. 容易看见的211. clear= apparent a. 显然的212. cling to= attach to v. 附着213. close= careful a. 严密的;周密的214. clue= hint n. 线索215. coating= cover n. 覆盖层216. coincide with= be as the same time as v.同时发生217. collaborate= cooperate v. 合作218. collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果219. collect =gather v. 收集220. collide= hit each other v. 碰撞221. collide with =run into v. 碰撞222. commemorate =celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念223. compact =concise a. 紧密的;简明的224. compact= compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的225. comparable= equivalent a. 可比较的226. comparative = relative a.相当的227. compel =push v. 强迫228. compelling= convincing a. 令人信服的229. compensate= reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿230. compensate for =balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿231. complaint =protest v. 抗议232. complement= supplement n. 补充物233. complement= add to v. 补充234. completely= totally ad. 完全地235. complex= elaborate a. 复杂的236. complex =system n. 复合物;综合体237. complicated =complex a. 复杂的238. complicated =made things more difficult a. 复杂的239. component= constituent a. 组成的240. composition= mixture n. 合成物241. comprehensive= understandable a. 能理解的242. comprehensive= complete a. 全部的243. comprise= form v. 组成244. comprise =make up v. 组成245. concern= interest v. 感兴趣246. conclusive= final a. 最后的247. conclusive= ultimate a. 最后的248. conducive= contributive a. 有助于...的249. configuration= arrangement n. 布局;结构250. configuration= form n. 佈局;结构251. confine =limit/boundary v. 限制252. confront= face v. 面临253. congeal= solidify v. 使凝结254. consecutive= successive a. 连续的255. consequence= result n. 结果;重要性256. consequence =importance n. 结果;重要性257. consequent= later a. 随后的258. consequent= resultant a. 作为结果的259. consequent =resulting a. 作为结果的260. consequential= significant a. 重要的261. consequently= therefore ad. 因此262. consequently= thus ad. 因此263. conserve= save v. 保存264. consider =think as v. 考虑;认为265. consider =view as v. 考虑;认为266. consider =think about v. 考虑;认为认为267. considerable= substantial/significant a. 相当大的268. consist of =compose of v. 由…组成269. consistent= regular a. 一致的270. consistently=regularly ad. 一致地271. conspicuous= notable a. 明显的272. constant =stable a. 固定的;不变的273. constantly =always ad. 经常;不断地274. constellation =collection n. 一系列;一群275. constellation =combination n. 一系列;一群276. constitution= component n. 构造277. constrain =restrict v. 限制278. constraint= limit n. 限制279. constraint= restriction n. 限制280. consume= eat up v. 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝281. consumed= used up v. 消耗282. contemplate= consider v. 沉思283. contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的284. continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的285. continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的286. contrive= create v. 发明287. contrive= invent v. 发明288. conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的289. conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的290. converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的291. convert =transform v. 使转变292. convert into= change to v. 转变成293. convict= condemn v. 宣判294. convict =sentence v. 宣判295. convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判296. conviction= belief n. 相信;信念297. conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念298. cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理299. cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理300. copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的281. consumed= used up v. 消耗282. contemplate= consider v. 沉思283. contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的284. continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的285. continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的286. contrive= create v. 发明287. contrive= invent v. 发明288. conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的289. conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的290. converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的291. convert =transform v. 使转变292. convert into= change to v. 转变成293. convict= condemn v. 宣判294. convict =sentence v. 宣判295. convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判296. conviction= belief n. 相信;信念297. conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念298. cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理299. cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理300. copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的301. core =center n. 核心;要点302. correspondence= harmony n. 一致303. corroborate= confirm v. 证实;确证304. costly= expensive a. 贵重的;昂贵的305. counsel =advise v. 忠告306. countless= innumerable a. 数量很多的307. counter= oppose v. 反对308. counter of= in the opposite of a. 相反的309. counterpart= version(版本) n. 复本;副本310. counterpart= similitude(类似物) n. 复本;副本311. counterpart= equivalent(同等物) n. 复本;副本321. critical= essential a. 关键的322. criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备323. crucial= important a. 重要的324. crucially= decisively ad. 关键地325. crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的326. cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的327. cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的328. cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的329. curb= control v. 控制;遏止330. current =present a. 现在的331. dam= block v. 筑坝;控制341. delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快342. deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的343. demand= need n. 需要;需求344. demise =extinction n. 死亡345. demography= population n. 人口统计346. dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的347. dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的348. depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠349. dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的350. depict= describe v. 描述351. depict= portray v. 描写;描绘352. depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽353. deposit =accumulate v. 沉积354. deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置355. derive= arise v. 源于;导出356. design =create v. 设计357. designate= identify v. 命名;指定358. detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者359. detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的360. deviate= digress v. 偏离361. deviation= departure n. 背离362. devise= create v. 设计;发明363. devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的364. devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的365. devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的366. devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的367. devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的368.discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的369. dictate= determine v. 口授;命令370. dictate= order v. 命令371. differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的372. diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布373. diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布374. diligent= careful a. 勤奋的375. diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地376. dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱377. dim= decrease v. 变暗淡378. disassemble= break apart v. 拆开379. disassemble =break up v. 拆开380. disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散381. discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃382. discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃383. discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的384. discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的385. discharge= release v. 释放386. disentangle =disband v. 解开387. disgust= distaste v. 厌恶388. disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂389. disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂390. disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂391. dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除392. disorder= anarchy n. 混乱393. dispensable= not necessary a. 非必要的394. dispersal =distribution n. 散布;驱散395. displace= move out of position v. 迫使(人)离开396. disposition= temperament n. 性格;性情397. dispute= contention n. 争论;争执398. dispute =argument n. 争论;争执399. dissipate= disperse v. 驱散400. dissipated =dispersed a. 分散的401. dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻402. distinct= clear and recognizable a. 清楚的;明确的403. distinction= difference n. 差别404. distinction= honor n. 荣誉405. distinction= excellence n. 优秀;卓越406. distinctive= characteristic a. 有特色的407. distinguish= notice from the difference v. 区别; 识别408. distribute= spread v. 分配;散布409. distribution= dispersion n. 散布410. distribution =geographic range n. 分布区域411. disturb= upset v. 打乱;扰乱412. diverse= distinct a. 不同的413. diversification= emergence of many varieties n. 多样化414. diversity =variety n. 多样性415. divest =deprive v. 剥夺416. divest =get rid of v. 剥夺417. domestic= home a. 家庭的;国内的418. dormant= hibernated a. 休眠的;不活动的419. dormant= inactive a. 休眠的;不活动的420. dramatically= greatly ad. 戏剧性地421. drastic= extreme a. 激烈的;极端的422. drastically =obviously ad. 大大地;彻底地423. drastically =severely(严重地) ad. 大大地;彻底地424. dual =double a. 双的;双重的425. duplicate= copy v. 复制426. duplicate= repeat n. 复本427. durable= lasting a. 经久的;持久的428. earn= acquire v. 赚得;赢得429. ease= facilitate(使容易) v. 使减轻;使缓和430. eccentric= erratic a. 古怪的;反常的431. eccentric =strange a. 古怪的;反常的432. efface= eliminate v. 消去433. elaborate =detailed a. 精巧的;详尽的434. elaborate= dainty a. 精巧的;详尽的435. elapsed =passed a. 过去的;经过的436. element =weather condition n. (恶劣的)天气437. eliminate= remove v. 排除;消除438. elusive =difficult to catch a. 难懂的;难捉摸的439. emanate= emerge v. 散发;产生440. embark on=start v. 从事(着手)441. embed= insert v. 插入;植入442. embed= implant v. 插入;植入443. embed =enclose v. 插入;植入444. emergence= appearance n. 出现445. emergency =crisis n. 紧急情况446. emergent =developing a. 新兴的447. employ= use v. 利用448. enable =allow v. 使能够449. enactment= establishment n. 制定450. encapsulate= state briefly v. 概述451. encourage= stimulate v. 激励;刺激452. endangered= not abundant a. 濒临绝种的453. endeavor= enterprise n. 努力454. endow= bestow v. 捐赠455. engulf= swallow v. 吞没456. enhance= improve v. 提高;增强457. enhance= intensify v. 提高;增强458. enjoy =experience v. 经历459. enlist= obtain v. 谋取(支持、赞助等)460. enormous= great a. 巨大的461. enrich= enhance v. 使富足462. ensue= result v. 因…产生463. ensuing= subsequent a. 接着发生的464. ensure= guarantee v. 保证;担保465. entail=l involve v.牵涉466. enthusiastic= eager a. 热情的467. environment= setting n. 环境468. ephemeral =short-lived a. 短暂的469. ephemeral =transient a. 短暂的470. episode= event n. 事件471. equilibrium= balance n. 平衡472. era =period n. 时代;年代473. eradicate= remove completely v. 根除;消灭474. erect =build v. 建立475. erratic= unpredictable a. 不稳定的;古怪的476. erratic= irregular a. 不稳定的;古怪的477. escalate= extend v. 逐步扩大478. essential= crucial a. 极重要的479. established =qualified a. 已制定的480. establishment =formation(构成) n. 建立;创立481. estimate= projection n. 估计482. estimation =evaluation n. 估计483. euphoric= extremely happy a. 心情愉快的484. evaluate= judge v. 评价485. eventual= later a. 最后的486. eventually= later ad. 最后487. eventually= ultimately ad. 最后488. evidence= proof n. 证据489. evident= apparent a. 明显的490. evident =obvious a. 明显的491. evoke= arouse v. 唤起;引起492. evoke= draw v. 唤起;引起493. evoke=produce v. 唤起;引起494. evoke= promote v. 唤起;引起495. evoke= stimulate v. 唤起;引起496. evoke =create in the mind v. 唤起; 引起497. exaggerate =overstate v. 夸张;夸大498. excavate =dig out v. 挖掘499. excavation =dug-out n. 挖掘500. exceed= surpass v. 超越;胜过501. exceed =beyond above v. 超越;胜过胜过502. exceedingly =extremely ad. 极其;非常503. excess =go beyond n. 超越; 胜过504. exclusively= only ad. 专门地;独占地505. excrete= expel v. 排泄;分泌506. exercise =use v. 运用507. exhausted= tired a. 精疲力竭的508. exhausted= used up a. 耗尽的;用完的509. exhibit =demonstrate v. 展示;陈列510. exhibit =display v. 展示;陈列511. expand= stretch v. 展开;增长512. expand =increase v. 展开;增长513. expanse= area n. 一大片区域514. expansive= large a. 广阔的515. expediency= convenience n. 方便;利己516. expediency= advantage(优势;利益) n.方便;利己517. expedient= fitting a. 权宜的;方便的518. expend= use v. 耗尽519. explicit =obvious a. 明确的;清楚的520. explicitly= clear ad. 明确地521. exploit= utilize v. 利用522. exploit= take advantage of v. 利用523. exploit= make use of v. 利用524. explore= investigate v. 探测;探索525. expose to= subject to (遭受) v. 使经历526. express= communicate v. 表达527. extant= existing a. 现存的;尚存的528. extant =remaining a. 现存的;尚存的529. extant= not extinct a. 现存的;尚存的530. extend= stretch v. 延伸531. extend= reach v. 延伸532. extol =praise v. 赞美533. extraneous= inessential a. 无关的;外来的534. extraneous= from outside a. 无关的;外来的535. extraordinary= exceptional a. 异常的536. exude= release v. 渗出;发散537. exude= give off v. 渗出;发散538. fabricate= produce v. 制造539. far-reaching= extensive a. 深远的;广泛的540. far-reaching= broad a. 深远的;广泛的541. fascinating= extremely attractive a. 迷人的542. fashion= make v. 形成;造543. fashion= way n. 样子;方式544. fashionable =popular a. 流行的;时尚的545. feasible= achievable a. 可实行的546. feasible= practical a. 可实行的547. feast= eating n. 盛宴548. ferry= transport n. 渡轮549. fertile= reproductive a. 肥沃的;多产的550. fertile= productive a. 肥沃的;多产的551. figure out =map(详细规划) phr. 计算出;解决552. finding= discovery n. 发现553. first and foremost =above all phr. 首先;首要地554. flake =fragment n. 小薄片555. flattery= praise n. 恭维556. flee= run away from v. 逃走557. flexible= adaptable a. 易适应的558. float= stay on the top v. 漂浮559. float =upward rise phrv. 浮起560. flourish =prosper v. 繁荣;兴旺561. flourish= thrive v. 繁荣;兴旺562. flourishing= prosperous a. 繁荣的563. flow= movement n. 流动564. fluctuate= change v. 变动565. fluctuation= variation n. 变动;起伏566. focal= point centre area n. 焦点567. follow= track v. 跟随568. for instance= for example phr. 例如569. forage= feed n. 饲料570. forage =search for food v. 觅食571. formidable =excessive a. 巨大的572. foster= encourage v. 鼓励573. foster= urge v. 培养;促进574. foster =promote the development of v.培养;促进575. foul= pollute v. 污染576. fragment= break up v. 使成碎片577. fragmentation= break n. 破裂578. fragmentize= break up v. 使成碎片579. frankly =openly ad. 坦白地580. frankly= sincerely ad. 真诚地581. friction= conflict n. 争执;不合582. function= operation n. 效用;作用583. function= utility n. 效用;作用584. fundamental =basic a. 基础的585. funds= money n. 资金586. furthermore= in addition ad. 此外587. gap= opening n. 缺口;裂口588. gear =adjust v. 使适合589. generate= produce v. 产生590. genuinely =actually ad. 真诚地591.get accustomed to= become used to phrv.习惯592. give rise to= produce phrv. 引起593. given =particular a. 规定的;特定的594. govern= regulate v. 统治;管理595. govern= control v. 统治;管理596. grasp =understand v. 领会;理解597. groom= clean v. 装扮;使整洁598. groom =make up v. 装扮;使整洁使整洁599. groundless =unfounded a. 无根据的600. grounds =reasons n. 根据;理由601. groundwork= base n. 基础602. groundwork= basis n. 基础603. groundwork= foundation n. 基础604. grudging= unenthusiastic a. 勉强的605. guarantee= ensure v. 保证;担保606. hallmark= characteristic n. 戳记,标志607. hamper =district v. 防碍;束缚608. hamper= restrict v. 防碍;束缚609. hamper =make difficulty v. 防碍;束缚610. handy= convenient a. 便利的;灵活的611. haphazard= random a. 随意的612. harness= use v. 利用613. harness= utilize v. 利用614. harsh= drastic a. 严厉的;严酷的615. hasty= hurried a. 匆匆的;急忙的616. haul= pull v. 拉617. have nothing to do with= in no relation to phrv. 不相干618. havoc= destruction n. 浩劫619. hazard =danger n. 危险620. heed= notice v. 留心;注意621. heighten= increase v. 增加;提高622. heir= inheritor n. 继承人;后继者623. hence= therefore ad. 因此624. heritage =legacy n. 遗产;传统625. heritage= tradition n. 遗产;传统626. heterogeneous= varied a. 由不同种类组成的627. hide= conceal v. 隐藏628. hinder= interfere with v. 妨碍629. hint= clue n. 暗示;迹象630. hint= implication n. 暗示;迹象631. hint= indication n. 暗示;迹象632. hint= lead n. 暗示;迹象633. hire= employ v. 雇用634. hobby= pastime n. 嗜好635. hold =support v. 支撑;保持636. hold= keep up v. 支撑;保持保持637. hollow= an empty space n. 中空638. homogeneous =uniform a. 同种的639. host of =great number n. 大量640. however =yet conj. 然而641. hub= center n. 中心642. huge= large a. 巨大的643. hurdle =fence v. 用篱笆围644. hypothetical =supposed a. 假设的;假定的645. ice sheet= glacier(冰河) n. 冰原646. identical= the same a. 同样的647. idiosyncrasies =peculiarity n. 特性648. ignite= set on fire v. 点燃649. illusion= impression(印象) n. 错觉;幻像650. immediately= closest ad. 接近;紧接着651. immense= great a. 巨大的652. immense= huge a. 巨大的653. immense= vast a. 巨大的654. immensely= extremely ad. 非常655. immigration= movement n. 移居656. immobile= fixed a. 固定的;静止的657.immobility= absence of motion n. 固定;静止658. immoral= indecent a. 不道德的659. immoral= improper a. 不道德的660. impermeable= impenetrable a. 不能渗透的661. impermeable =impervious a. 不能渗透的662. impetus= stimulus v. 刺激;促进663. impetus= incentive n. 刺激;促进664. implausible= unbelievable a. 难以置信的665. implement= tool n. 工具666. imply= indicate v. 意味667. imposing= impressive a. 给人深刻印象的668. imprecise= inexact a. 不精确的669. improbable= unlikely a. 不像会发生的670. in fact= actually phr事实上671. in great demand =in popularity phr. 普遍672. in respect to= in term of phr. 就…而言673. inaccessible= unreachable a. 难接近的674. inadvertently= unintentionally ad. 非故意地675. inadvertently =without knowing ad. 非故意地676. inauspicious= unfavorable a. 不吉利的677. incidentally= by the way ad. 顺便一提678. inclement =unfavorable a. (气候)严酷的679. inconceivable= unimaginable a. 难以置信的680. inconclusive= without result(毫无结果) a. 不确定的681. incorporate= include v. 包含682. incorporate= merge v. 吸收;併入683. incursion= invasion n. 入侵684. indicate= demonstrate v. 指示;指出685. indigenous =native a. 本土的;土生土长的686. indispensable =essential a. 不可缺少的687. indispensable= necessary a. 不可缺少的688. indispensable= needed a. 不可缺少的689. indispensable= required a. 不可缺少的690. indispensable= vital a. 不可缺少的691. indispensable= significant(重要的) a.必不可少的692. induce =bring v. 引起693. induce =cause v. 引起694. ineffectively= without any result ad. 无效地695. inert= motionless a. 迟缓的;惰性的696. inert= motiveless a. 迟缓的;惰性的697. inevitable= unavoidable a. 不可避免的698. inference= conclusion n. 推断的结果699. infirm= weak a. 不坚定的;衰弱的700. inflate= expand v. 膨胀;扩大701. infrastructure= foundation n. 基础建设702. ingenious= very clever a. 心灵手巧的703. ingenuity= cleverness n. 心灵手巧;独创性704. ingenuity= creativeness n. 心灵手巧;独创性705. ingenuity= inventiveness n. 心灵手巧;独创性706. ingenuity= resourcefulness n. 心灵手巧;独创性707. inherent= essential a. 内在的;固有的708. inherent= internal a. 内在的;固有的709. inherent= instinctive a. 与生俱来的710. inherent= in characteristic of a. 与生俱来的711. inherently =essentially ad. 固有地712. inhibit =hinder v. 约束;抑制713. inhospitable= unfavorable a. 冷淡的;不适宜的714. inhospitable= adverse a. 冷淡的;不适宜的715. initial= first a. 最初的716. initially =originally ad. 最初;开头717. initiate= begin v. 开始;创始718. initiate =start v. 开始;创始719. innovation =new n. 革新;创新720. innovative= new a. 创新的721. inordinate= excessive a. 过度的722. install= put in place v. 放置,安置723. instant= moment n. 片刻;瞬间724. instantaneous= immediate a. 即刻的725. instigate= incite v. 唆使;煽动726. instructive= informative v. 富有教育意义的727. insufficient= inadequate a. 不足的728. intact= untouched a.完好的729. intangible =nonmaterial a. 无形的730. intangible= immaterial a. 无形的731. integral= essential a. 构成整体所需要的732. intense =strong a. 强烈的733. intentionally= deliberately ad. 有意地;故意地734. intermediate= in-between a./n. 中间的;媒介735. intimate =close a. 亲密的736. intricate= complex a. 复杂的737. intricate =carefully shaped a. 复杂的738. intrigue= interest v. 引发…兴趣。

--泰戈尔新托福口语必备850个单词(1)常用动词第一部分、基本动词词汇Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc.1. come (verb.)Come here! 到这里来!He will never come to much (= will never be successful). 他将来绝不会很有作为。
How did you come to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢?On what page does it come? 它在哪一页?2. get (verb.)We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。
Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?Ah! I’ve got you there! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。
3. give (verb.)He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。
Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。
4. go (verb.)Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来!How goes it with you? 你近来情况如何?There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。
5. keep (verb.)Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

新托福口语必备850个单词(6)1.canvasHe is canvassing for the Conservative candidates. 他正在替保守党候选人奔走拉票。
2.careTake care (that) you don’t get run over when you cross the street. 当你穿越街道时,小心不要被车子撞到。
I will leave this in your care. 我将此事交由你负责。
He seems free from care. 他显得无忧无虑。
3.causeYou have no cause for comlaint. 你没有理由抱怨。
4.chalkThe girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜欢收集各色粉笔。
5.chanceLet’s leave it to chance. 我们就让它听其自然。
It’s the chance of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得再遇到的机会。
6.changeTake a change of clothes with you. 带一套换洗的衣服。
I have no small change. 我没有零钱。
Let’s hope there will be a change in weather. 但愿天气会变好。
7.clotha floor cloth 擦地板布a dish cloth 洗碗布8.coalA hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火炉中调出来一块煤,把地毯烧了一个洞。
carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举9.colorShe has very little color. 她面色苍白。
fortIt’s a comfort to know that she is safe. 知道她平安无事令人安慰。

你家乡的人与其他地方人的区别有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]老实 clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti]工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt], hardworking[5hB:d5wE:kiN]坦率的 frank [frANk]友好的 friendly [5frendli]风趣的 full of humor温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding诚实 honest [5Cnist]独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]聪慧的 intelligent [in5telidVEnt], smart [smB:t]博学的 learned [5lE:nid]慈蔼 kind [kaind]; nice [nais]有礼貌的 polite [pE5lait]严厉的 strict [strikt]不守纪律的 unruly [Qn5ru:li]正直的 upright [5Qprait]多才多艺的 ver〔sat〕ile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid] 好客的 hospitable [5hCspitEbl]豪爽的 expansive [iks5pAnsiv], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted自闭的 withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]傲气的 haughty [5hC:ti]市侩的 snobbish [5snCbiF]清高的 high-hearted开放的 open-minded宽容的 tolerant [5tClErEnt], good-tempered时髦的 stylish [5stailiF], modish [5mEudiF], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl]怀旧的 nostalgic [nC5stAldVik], reminiscent[7remi5nisEnt], retrospective[7retrE5spektiv]自卑的 self-contemptuous有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik]上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt]勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs] 懒惰的 indolent [5indElEnt], slothful [5slEuWfEl], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish[5slQtiF], idle [5aidl]依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt], reliant [ri5laiEnt] 体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl] 好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv]心胸狭隘的 narrow-minded person文雅的 gentle [5dVentl]不可捉摸的人 enigmatic figure手巧的人 handy person行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik]2托福口语模板a. 听读观点一致版:In the reading material, we learn that thecollege/university is considering _____________.In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks ... is right)___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found)that_____________. (有空的话)Therefore, he/she likes the idea.b.听读观点对立版:In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________. . p |9 p* }4 Y }+ ]In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesnt like the idea of/that ______________ (of +V-ing. ; that + clause) One reason he/she gives is that _______________.Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks (points out/has found) that ___________. (如果有的话)Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.注:我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要依据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。

托福考试口语词汇博物馆museums 补考make-up exam 不必要的unnecessary 不方便not convenient 不公平unfair 不够用there are not enough… 不可用的unavailable 不实用impractical 不适合be notthe right ...for...不在乎don't care 不知道怎样…don't knowhow to do sth.c参观visit参观者visitors参加补考make up the exam 参加(典礼或活动)attend 参考preference books 参考资料reference materials 餐厅canteen 草坪lawn长途、远距离long distance 长远的解决之道long-term solution 倡议proposal超负荷匸作overwork 车位parking place成绩score乘坐出租车take a taxi出差be on a business trip 出動丿participation传真机fax machine 辞职quit 凑钱share cost存储资料save materialsD答疑answer the questions 打算plan to do 打印机printer 打印文件print 打字type大教室lecture theater人学校长university president人•新生firsl・year undergraduate/freshman 代替replacement 代替replace耽误delay当领导的经历leadership experiences导演direct a drama倒班change the schedule/reschedule到期due得到了机会got a chance等很久wait for a very long time地方space地毯blanketA安排时间arrange one's lime 昂贵的expensive 熬夜stay upB把论文弄短•点shorten the paper白天daytime班级的大小class size颁奖典礼awarding ceremony/awarding celebration 搬出去move out搬走move away办公楼administration building 报(学校)apply for 报道article 报名sign up for 抱怨complain that... 备份backup copy(博物馆)被关闭be closed被夸大了be overstated 被录用be hired(电脑资料)被删除be erased/be deleted(活动)彼推迟be put off/be delayed/be postponed本科生undergraduate students比赛competition笔记本电脑laptop computer必修谍required course/compulsory r course 毕业graduate避免干扰avoid interference编辑editor变化change衣达某人关于…的看法present one's idea about 农弟cousin农演艺术the arts of acting博士论文dissertation电脑维修处computer helpdesk 电脑系统computer system 电影院movie theater 雕塑sculpture 雕塑课sculpt course 调査investigation, survey 调査问卷questionnaire掉队be left behind读者reader短论文essay对…不感兴趣be not interested in... 对…不满be not satisfied with... 对…感兴趣be interested in对… 严格be strict with...对付,治疗deal with...对学生的写作能力的要求writing requirement 对学生的学习情况进行评估assessme ntE额外的extra额外的费用extra fee二年级学生second-year studentF发烧got a fever罚单ticket 罚款fine 法语口语spoken French 反刘disagreeswith…/doesn't agree with...^presentment 反馈feed back 饭馆restaurant 饭卡meal card 方案solution/plan 方便be much more convenient 房租rent访谈interview住校生non・residcni students/off campus students 费用fee 分数要求minimal grade demand 服务service 辅导tutorial classes 辅导tutoring 辅导小组tutoring group 父母parents 付不起费用can't afford it 负面效果negative rusult 负贵…be in charge of/take charge of 复习review for the tests 复印photocopy 复印机copier 复杂的问题complex problem改变change改变拥挤现状change the crowded condition 改善improve改天reschedule one's plan 感冒caught a cold/have a cold 高年级学生upper classman(third and fourthyear students)个人电脑PC给…扌J 电话call sb./telephone sbJgive sb. a shout给…发邮件send an email to sb.给某人添麻烦trouble sb.给学生提供方便更参选择more choices更加方便more convenient更新update公车public transportation 公交路线bus route公开信letterapartment供应商supplier 鼓励encourage 雇佣hire 关闭close down 观测(星星)observe 观众audience 管理lake in charge of 光线light光线暗的dark广播站radio station 规定policy 过期o verdue 过于拥挤的overcrowdedH合格的qualified 和…相处融洽get along well with 和某人交流communicate with... 户外露营camping 户夕卜音乐节outdoor music festival花很长时间take a very long time 花钱spend money (机器、车)坏掉了broke down/doesn *t work/there is sth. wrong with… 环境enviionment 换个工作look for another job 荒唐的ridiculous 回来come back 会议室meeting room彗星comets'舌动activity 伙食质晟quality of the food 获 / 个奖won a prize 获取经验get experience机房computer lab/ computer room机会opportunity/chance即使…也…even though / although / though 集体活动group activity几天a couple of days计划做某事plan to do sth2计算机中心computer center记笔记take notes on...技术人员technician加强与社区居民的关系strengthen the relationship with communities加重学生的负担make students* burden heavier 家人family假期vacation假设hypothesis尖f 生top student 兼职part-time job 兼职的part-time 减少cut back, cut down检查physical exam检査电/邮箱check e-mail建立(新系统)establish 建设build up 建议suggestions(食物/身体)健康的healthy讲座lecture 奖学金scholarship 降低噪音reduce noise 交流、谈论talk about.. ./discuss about 交浙^exchange their opinions 交通工具vehicle/car 交作业submil assignment 教室lecture hall教授与学生而谈的时间office hour 教学楼teaching building 阶梯教室lecture theater 接电话answer calls 节目program节约用地save space 结果是…turn out to be 解决问题solve this problem 借入borrow 借书证library card 尽早as early as possible 经费紧张lack of money 举办活动hold 俱乐部club 捐助者donor 觉得这个做法不妥doesn't think this idea is good 教学人员faculty members咖啡馆cafe开车上学will drive to school(机房)JF放时间computer lab hours/operating hours(图书馆)开放open开始做…get...started开新课程provide students new courses科学图书馆science library 可用的available客座教授visiting professor课本textbooks课表schedule课程安排course arrangement 课程协调人/班主任coord inalor 课后自测take-home quiz空间.地方space夸大o verstate旷课miss classAexpand扩建(图书馆等)expand, enlarge垃圾litter垃圾回收系统recycle program来得及will not miss it浪费钱be waste of money浪费时间it wastes time老Ri instructor老师的讲课lecture乐队band类似的课程similar course冷食cold food理匚科学生those who major in science 历史history 利益benefit亮灯工程illuminating light system to light up the campus buildings邻居neighbor 临时的temporary零钱change领队team director令人疲劳的exhausting流感flu留学study aboard论文paper/lhesis论文草稿paper draft2M(借来的书)马上到期will due very soon 买得起afford(书)卖完了be sold out没必要be unnecessary 没道理there is no reason to 没效果ineffective没总思not funny/not interesting /boring 没有长远眼光的方案short-term solution 每日花消daily expenditures 美国文学American Literature美术楼art building面对【何的face to face 而试Winlerviewcr 民总调查poll 木地板wood floor目前at present目前的工{^current jobN男生male student(课程或讲座的)内容contents 匿名的anonymous 暖气heatingp排队wait in line排练rehearsal 疲惫feel exhaustedQ期刊journal 期末the end of the term 期末报H final report期末考试final exam期末论文final paper 期中考试mid-term exam其它方式other ways起床get up(体育馆里的)器材equipment (不可数名词)强制force/push sb. to do sth.请(医生、老师)hire求职面试job interview取消eliminate/cancel /cut/terminate全职的full-time全职员工full-time staff member 热情enthusiasm 热食hot food 人类^anthropology 入门课,基础课introduction courses三百万three million dollars 商量talk about上交(作业〉submit 上课have class 上课老师发的印刷品handout 上网access to the net(房租)上涨be raised设备equipment 设施facility 社交沾动social activities 社区community 社区服务中心community services center 社团society, association摄影俱乐部photography club 申请(车位、学校)applied for 申W application 申请衣application form 申请者applicant 生孩子give birth to a baby 生物学biology 声誉reputation省人量钱save much money 省汽油save gas 省钱save money失望be disappointed 诗歌朗诵poem reading 时间冲突time conflicl/schedule conflict 时间限制time limit 时刻m oment 实际的practical 实际情况truth 实习机会internship实^experiment 实验报告lab report 实验室laboratory/lab 实用的practical 食堂cafeteria/dining hall/canteen 使用图书馆use the library 市政府city government 收入income 受益get benefits 书架bookshelves/shelves 署假summer vacation 数学m athematics 数学课calculus class. 说服persuade 硕士论文thesis 宿舍dormitory/dorm 索性…just do sth.T太忙没时间schedule is so busy 讨论discuss/lalk about 讨论会seminar 腾出时间make time踢足球play soccer 提高效率improve the efficiency 捉供(课程)offer/provide 提交(申请)submit 体育锻炼sports/exercise 体育馆stadium 体育活•动athlete activity/ sport game 天气预报weather forecast 天文gastronomy course 天文学教授astronomy professor 条件requirement 听众listeners停车parking 停车办公室parking office 停车场parking lot/parking place/parking/lot 停车费parkingfee 停车规定parking regulations/parking policy 停车计时器parking meter 停车困难parking problem 停车设施parking structure 通过互联网via theInternet 通矢Unotice/announcement|nj4fFcoworker/coHeague同学fellow students投票vote for投票过程voting process投票站voting site投资invest money in doing sth.图书馆library图45馆开放时间library hours图书馆员librarian 徒步旅行go hiking 推迟postpone/ put off /delay 推荐recommend 推荐信letter of recommendation 退课drop 退休retirew完成作业get all one's work done晚间计算机课程night computer class 网站web site望远镜telescopes位于…be located...文jj讥materials6文学literature文学阅读literature reading 物理学physics西班牙语Spanish吸引(学生)attract students 希望hope to 膝盖knee 下个学期the next semester 先进的advanced 先前的previous 现代文modern literature 限期within a limited period /before... 限 $>] limit项目program 小讲座small seminar 小毛病illness 小学elementary school/primary school 小组学习group study 小组作业group project 校报school newspaper 校外off・campus 校园竞选campus election 校园事务campus issue 协会association/club 协会成员club members写作技能writing skills 写作能力writing capacity 心理psychology 新规定new policy/nevv rule 新来(某个城市)的new comer 新生入学参观校园orientat ion 薪水payment(做法)行不通doesn't work彳亍政办公室administrating office/admin office 休息lake a rest修建build up需耍学生进行独立钻研的课外课题projectnJ* permission续借renew宣布announce宣传let sb. know/ inform sb. 选举结果the result of the election 选课enroll in new course/take... course 选修课elective course/optional course 选择option选择题multiple choice questions学费tuition学分credit学期semester/term学生会student union/student body/ student organization / student association/ student community学生健康中心student health center学生讨论students* discussion学生中心student center学术写作academic writing学位degree学习顾问academic advisor学习小组study group学校宿舍dormitory学校通矢llcampus announcement 训练training延期extend延期extension研究research研究匚作research job 研究论文research paper 研究生graduate student/postgraduate 研究生学习阶段grad study 研究生院graduate school 研究职位research position 演出performance/play 样品文章sample paper1^j|<requirement7野外考察field trip•年级学生first-year student 医疗服务health care 艺术画廊art gallery 艺术家artist 艺术课art class 艺术楼art building 艺术系art department 艺术系学生students from art departnient/art major 艺术项目program 艺术学院art college 艺术作品art works隐私privacy应急<1、组emergency response team 影评movie review影响af fect/i n fl ue nce/i mpac t拥挤的crowded用…把…替换掉replace ...by...优秀生honors students由于…的原因because/because of/due to... 有更多的机会have more opportunities to do sth. 有考试will take a test有利于be good for sb. to do sth.有效率的efficient 有营养的nutritious与… 合用share... with...语言能力language competency 语言项目language program 语言学习language study 预算短缺budget shortfall 预算减少budget cuts 预算限制budget constraints 预约make an appointment(疾病)严重的serious 阅读能力reading ability 运动馆athletic stadium 运动损伤sports injuryz在…期间during在短期内in a short time在两周内in 2 weeks在校园里停车park on campus 早餐breakfast噪音noise噪音太人的noisy【噪音污染increase the noise增加increase增力II交流increase communication展览exhibition占用时间或空间takes up (time/space)招聘会career fair招聘者interviewer招生办admission's office找工作job applicatioii/look for a job/job hunting 找教授延期ask professor for an extension 照顾lake care of哲学philosophy针对某-专题进行的发H presentation 珍惜(机会)cherish 整整•周a whole week 支持(做法)support直接的direct职位position志愿者volunteer质虽quality周末weekend/the end of a week周•到周五weekdays主演leading actor住房申请housing application 住宿accommodation住宿条件living condition住校live on campus住校生on campus students/students who live on campus 助教TA (Teaching Assistant)注册enrolment89注册^registration fee (向某人)咨询ask sb. for advice/information;专家expert自助小餐厅 cafeteria 专心于学习 focus onstudy/concentrate on study 租(校外公寓)rent 专业major 租 房 rent 专业课程major course 组员 group member专业论文professional paper 组织(讲座)organize 专业素质 qualification 最好的thebest/superior转班 switch to a different class 最后期限the due date/the deadline (for ) 转学的学生transfer student作品work赚钱make money 作业assignment/project 装修宿舍renovate (update/reconstruct ) dorm 座位seat准备prepa 代 for 做实验do experiments 准时on time 资料 materials(学生会或社团的)主席president注册办公室registrar's office consult sb.新托福校园场景口语语汇(英f中)Aa couple of days 几天a whole week 整整一周academic advisor 学习顾问academic writing 学术写作access to the net 上网accommodation 住宿activity 活动admin office彳亍政办公室adminislraling office 行政办公室administration building 办公楼admission's office 招生办advanced 先进的affect影响although即使…也…American Literature 美国文学announcement 通矢【Iannounce 宣布anonymous匿名的answer calls 接电话answer the questions 答疑anthropology 人类学apartment 公寓applicant申请者application form 屮请表application 申谙applied for申请(车位、学校)arrange one's time 安排时间art building 美术楼art class艺术课arl college艺术学院arl department 艺术系art gallery艺术画廊art major艺术系学生art program 艺术项口art works艺术作品article 报道artist艺术家as early as possible 尽早ask professor for an extension 找教授延期ask sb. for advice 咨询assessment对学生的学习情况进行评佔assignment 作业association 协会astronomy course 天文课astronomy professor 天文学教授at present 目前athlete activity 休育活动athletic stadium 运动馆attend参加(典礼、活动)attract students 吸引(学生)audience 观众available可用的avoid interference 避免干扰awarding ceremony 颁奖典礼Bbackup copy 备份band乐队be absent 缺席beclosed (博物馆)被关闭be delayed (活动)彼推迟be deleted (电脑资料)被删除bedisappointed 失望be erased (电脑资料)被删除be good for sb. to do sth.有利p... be hired被录用be in charge of 负责… be interested in对…感兴趣be left behind 掉队be located…位于…be much more convenient 方便be notinterested in…对…不感兴趣be not satisfiedwith…对…不满be not the right ...for...不适合be on a business trip 出差be overstated 被夸大了be postponed (活动)被推迟be put off(活动〉被推迟be raised (房租)会上涨be sold out (书)卖完了be strict with…对…严格be unneccessary 不必要的be waste ofmoney 浪费钱because of由丁•…的原因because山「•…的原因benefit 利益biology生物学blanket 地毯bookshelves/shelves 书架boring没意思borrow借入breakfast 早餐broke down 坏掉budget constraints 预算限制budget cuts预算减少budget shortfall 预算短缺build up 建设bus route公交路线ccafeteria门助小餐厅cafe咖啡馆calculus class 数学课call sb.给…打电话camping户外露营campus announcement 学校通知campus election 校园竞选campus issue校园事务can afford…买得起can't afford it付不起费用cancel取消canteen 餐厅career fair 招聘会car汽车caught a cold/liave a cold 感冒celebration 庆典chance机会change thecrowded condition 改变拥挤现状change the9schedule 换班change改变;零钱check e-mail检查电子邮箱cherish惜视(机会〉choice选择city government 市政府classsize班级的大小close down 关闭club members协会成员club俱乐部,协会cold food 冷食coleague 同事come back 回来comets彗星communicate with…和某人交流community senices center 社区服务中心IIdining hall 食堂 direct a drama 导演 direct 直接的 disagrees with...反对 discuss about 交流、谈论dissertation 礴士 论文 do experiments 做实验 doesn't agree with...反对 doesn't ihink this is a good idea 觉得此做法不妥 doesn't work (做法〉行不通don't care 不在乎don't know how to do sth.不知道怎样… donor 捐助者 dormitory 学校宿舍 dorm 宿舍drive to school 开车上学 drop 退课due to...ill p …的原因 due 到期during 在…期间Eeditor 编辑 efficient 有效率的 elective course 选修课 elementaryschool 小学 eliminate取消emergency response team 应急小组 encourage 鼓励 enlarge 扩建enroll in new course 选课enrolment 注册 enthusiasm 热情 environment 坏境 equipment (不可数)设备:(体育馆的)器材community 社区 competition 比赛 complain thal …抱怨 complex problem复杂的问题 compulsory course 必修课 computer center 计算机中心computer helpdesk 电脑故障询问 处 computer lab hours (机房)开 放 computer lab 机房 computer room 机房 computer system 电脑系统concentrate on study 专心丁•学习 consult sb.向 某人咨询contents (课程或讲座 的)内容coordinator 课程协 调人/班上任copier 复印机 courseanangement 课程安排 cousin 表弟 coworker 同事 creative writing course写作课程 credit 学分 crowded 拥挤的current job 口前的工作 cut back 减少 cut down 减少 cut 取消Ddaily expenditures 每日花消 dark 光线暗的 daytime 白天 deal with...对付,治疗 degree 学位 delay 耽误,推迟didn't work (机器)坏了essay短论文establish建立(新系统)even though即使…也… exchange their opinions 交流exercise体育锻炼exhausting 疲劳exhibition 展览expand扩建(图书馆等)expensive昂贵的experiment 实验expert专家extend延期extension 延期extra fee额外的费用extra额外的face to face而对面的facility 设施faculty membersfaculty members人学教学人员family家人fax machine 传真机feed back 反馈feel exhausted 疲惫fee费用fellow studentsfellow students 同学fever发烧field trip野外考察final exam期末考试final paper期末论文final report期末报告fine罚款first-year undergraduate 大一新生flu流感focus on study 专心「•学习force sb. Io do 强制freshman大一新生full-time staff member 全职员工full-time全职的healthy (食物/身体)健康的healing 暖气hire廉佣hire请(医生、老师)history 历史hold举办活动honors studentshonors students 优秀学生hope (o 希望first-year student •年级学生get all one's work done 完成作业get along well with 和…相处融洽get benefits 受益gel experience 获収经验get up起床get...started 开始做… give birth to a baby 生孩子give sb. a shout给…打电话go hiking 徒步旅行got a chance得到了机会got a fever 发烧grad study研究生学习阶段graduate school 研究生院graduate student 研究生graduate 毕业group activity 集体活动group member 组员group project 小组作业group study小组学习Hhandout上课老师发的印刷品have class 上课have more opportunities to do sth.有更多的机会health care医疗服务12hot food 热食housing application 住房申请hypothesis 假设invest money in doing sth. 投资investigation 调査Il wastes lime浪费时间job application 找工作job hunting 找工作job interview求职面试journal 期刊just do sth.索性…illness小毛病illuminating light system to light up the campus buildings亮灯工程impact彤响impractical 不实用improve the efficiency 提高效率improve 改善in 2 weeks在两周内in a short lime在短期内income收入increase communication 增加交流increase the noise 噪音污染increase 增力11ineffective 没效果influence 彤响inform sb.宣传instructor 老师internship实习机会interview 访谈interviewer招聘者»而试官introduction course 入门课•展础课knee膝盖lab report实验报告lab实验室laboratory 实验室lack of money经费紧张language competency 语言能力language program 语言项目language study 语言学习laptop computer笔记本电脑lawn草坪leadership experiences 当领导的经历leading actor 主演lecture building 教学楼lecture hall 教室lecture theater大教室/阶梯教室lecture老师的讲课:讲座let sb. know 宣传letter of recommendation 推荐伫letter公开信librarian图书馆员library card 借书证library hours图书馆开放时间library图书馆light光线limit限制listeners 听众literature reading 文学阅读literature 文学litter垃圾live on campus 住校living condition 住宿条件long distance长途、远距离long-term solution长远的解决之逍look for ajob 找个工作look for another job 换个工作lot停车场Mmajor course专业课程major专业make an appointment 预约make money 赚钱make students5 burden heavier 加重学生的负担make time腾出时间make up the eaxm (参加)补考make・upexam 补考male student 男生materials资料,文献mathematics 数学meal card 饭卡meeting room 会议室mid-term exam期中考试minimal grade demand 分数要求miss class 旷课modern literature 现代文学moment 时亥i]more choices更多选择more convenient 更加方便move away 搬走move out搬出去13movie review 形评movie theater 电形院multiple choice questions 选择题museums博物馆Nnegative effect 负而效果neighbor 邻居new comer新来(某个城市)的new policy新规定new rule新规定night computer class晚间计算机课程noise噪音noisy噪音太大的non-resident students 非住校生not convenient 不方便not funny没总思not interesting 没意思notice通知nutritious有营养的oobserve观测(星星〉off campus students 非住校生off-campus在校夕卜offer提供(课程)office hour教授与学生而谈的时间on campus students 住校生on lime准时14once planed lo…曾经计划open (图书馆)开放operating hours (机房)开放时间opportunity 机会optional course 选修课option选择:选修课organize组织(讲座)orientation新生入学参观校园other ways J〔它方式outdoor music festival 户外音乐节overcrowded 过T'拥挤的overdue 过期overstate 夸人overuork超负荷工作Ppaper draft论文草槁paper论文parents 父母park on campus在校园里停车parking fee 停车费parking lot 停车场parking meter停车计时器parking office停车办公室parking place车位:停车场parking policy 停车规定parking problem 停车困难parking regulations 停车规定parking structure parking structure 停车设施parking停车:停车场participation 出勤part-time job 兼职part-time兼职的payment 嶄水PC 个人电脑performance 演出permission 许可persuade 说服philosophy 哲学photocopy 复印photography club摄影俱乐部physical exam 检査physics物理学plan to do sth计划做某事plan to do 打算play soccer 踢足球play演出poem reading 诗歌朗诵policy规定poll (民意)调査position 职位postgraduate 研究生postpone 推迟practical 实用的:实际的prepare for HI:备present one's idea about表达某人关丁•…的看法presentation针对某一专题进行的发占president (学生会或社团的)主席previous先前的primary school 小学printer打印机print打印文件privacy隐私professional paper 专业论文program 节口:项口project课后作业proposal 倂议provide students new courses 开新课程provide提供(课程)psychology 心理学public transportation 公车pushsb. to do 强制put off推迟Qqualification 专业素质qualified合格的quality ofthe food 伙食质虽quality 质虽questionnaire 调查问卷quit辞职Rradio station 广播站readers 读者reading ability 阅读能力recommend 推荐reconstruct dorm 装修宿舍recycle program垃圾回收系统reduce noise降低噪音reference books参考书reference materials 参考资料registrar's office 注册办公室registration fee registration fee 注册费rehearsal 排练renew续借renovate dorm装修宿舍rent房租rent租(校外公寓)replace...by…用…把…替换掉replacement 代替replace 代替reputation 声誉required course 必修课requirement要求:条件reschedule one^ plan 改天、改期:倒班research job研究工作research paper 研究论文research position 研究职位research 研究resentment 反感restaurant 饭馆retire退休review for the tests 复习ridiculous荒唐的sample paper样品文章save gas 省汽油save materials 存储资料save money 省钱save much money 省大虽钱save space节约用地15schedule conilict 时间冲突schedule is so busy 太忙没时间schedule 课表scholarship 奖学金school newspaper 校报science library科学图书馆score成绩sculpt course 雕塑课sculpture 雕塑seat座位second-year student 二年级学生semester 学期seminar讨论会send an email to sb.给…发邮件16serious (疾病)严重的service 服务share cost 凑钱share...with... 与…合用shelves书架shorten the paper把论文弄短一点short-term solution没有长远眼光的方案sign up报名similar course类似的课程small seminar 小讲座social activities 社交活动society 社团solution 方案solve this problem 解决问题space空间、地方Spanish西班牙语spend money 花钱spoken French 法语口语sport game体育活动sports injury运动损伤sports体育锻炼stadium体育馆stay up熬夜strengthen the relationship with communities加强与社区居民的关系student association 学生会student body 学生会student center 学生中心student community 学生会student health center 学生健康中心student organization 学生会student union 学生会students* discussion 学生讨论students from art department 艺术系学生students who live on campus 住校生sludy aboard 留学study group学习小组submit assignment 交作业submit上交(作业):提交(申请)suggestions建议summer vacation 暑假superior最好的s叩plicr供应商support支持(做法)survey调査switch to a different class 转班TA (Teaching Assistant)助教take a rest 休息take a taxi乘坐出租车take a very long time 花很长时间take care of 照顾take charge of 负责… take notes on 记笔记take... course 选课take-home quiz 课后口测takes up (time/space)占用时间或空间talk about...交流、谈论:商虽teaching assistant 助教teaching building教学楼team director 领队technician技术人员telephone sb.给…打电话telescopes 望远镜temporary临时的terminate 取消term学期the arts of acting 表演艺术the deadline (for)最后期限1718update 更新upper classman (third and fourth year students )^年级学生use the library 使用图书馆Vvacation 假期 vehicle 交通工具via the Internet 通过互联网 visiting professor 客座教授 visitor 参观者 visit 参观 volunteer 志愿者 vote for 投票voting process 投栗过程voting site 投票站wwait for a very long time 等很久 wait in line 排队weather forecast 天气预报 web site 网站 weekdays 周一到周五 weekend 周末will due very soon (借來的书)马上到期 will not miss it 来得及 will take a test 有考试within a limited period /before...限期 won a prize 获 了 个奖 wood floor 木地板 work 作品writing capacity 写作能力writing requirement 对学生的写作能力的要求 writing skills 写作技能 the due date 最后期限 the end of a week 周末 the end of the term 期末 the nextsemester F 个学期 lhe result of the election选举结果 there are not enongli …不够用there is no reason to 没逍理 there was sth. wrong with...(机器)坏了 thesis 硕士论文 those who major in science 理工科学生 though 即使…也… three million dollars 三百万 ticket 罚单lime conflict 时何冲突 lime limit 时间限制 top student 尖子生 training 训练 transfer student transfer student 转学的学生 trouble sb.给某人添麻烦 Huth 实际惜况 tuition 学费 turn out to be 结果是… tutorial classes 辅导 tutoring group 辅导小组 tutoring 辅导type 打字uunavailable 不口J 用,不可靠 undergraduate student 木科生undergraduate 本科 unfair 不公平 university president 大学校长 叩dale donn 装修宿舍。

第1章个人介绍和简单讨论1.1 自我介绍1. 介绍自己姻亲关系,嫡戚关系affinity [E5finiti ]别名alias [5eiliEs ]核心家庭nuclear family大家庭extended family祖先,先辈ancestry [5AnsEstri ]祖先ancestors [5AnsistEz ], forebears [5fC:bZEz], forefathers [5fC:7fB:TEz] 支,系branch [brB:ntF]中文名Chinese name氏族clan [klAn ]单亲家庭single-parent family传统观念traditional ideas代沟generation gap堂兄(妹),表亲cousin [5kQzn ]血缘consanguinity [7kCnsAN5^winiti ] blood relationship后代,后辈descent [di5sent ], offspring [5RfspriN ]后代,晚辈descendants [di5sendEnts ]英文名English家庭生活family life家谱family tree姓family name, surname [5sE:neim]代generation [7dVenE5reiFEn ]血亲kinsmen by blood姻亲kinsmen by affinity宗族,世系lineage [5liniidV ]我家my family我家人my people近亲next of kin昵称,绰号nickname [5nikneim ]贵族出身of noble birth平民出身of humble birth出身origin [5CridVin ]笔名pen name种族race [reis ], breed [bri:d]亲属relations [ri5leiFEnz ], relatives [5relEtivz ], kinfolk [5kinfEuk ], kin [kin ] 名second name, give name艺名stage name2、你的姓名影响你的个性吗理解人的,善解人意的caring [5kZEriN ] 有好奇心的curious [5kjuEriEs ]坦率的frank [frANk ]温柔体贴的gentle and understanding好学的hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]理性的rational [5rAFEnEl ]守信的faithful [5feiWful ]谦虚的modest [5mCdist ]有独立性的independent [7indi5pendEnt ] 勤劳的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]友善的kind [kaind ], nice [nais ]慈祥的kind [kaind ], nice [nais ]个性personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]聪明的smart [smB:t]正直的upright [5Qprait ]性格character [5kAriktE ]个性individuality [7individVu5Aliti ], personality [7pE:sE5nAliti] 个性,人格selfhood [5selfhud ]3、你的教育背景如何(1)学位degree博士后post doctor博士学位doctor’s degree, doctor ate [5dCktErit ]文学学士bachelor of arts理学学士bachelor of science大专生junior college student二年级学生sophomore [5sCfEmC :]工商管理硕士master of business administration(MBA三年级学生junior [5dVu:njE]硕士学位master’s degree四年级学生senior [5si:njE]学士学位bachelor’s一年级学生freshman [5freFmEn ]哲学博士Doctor of Philosophy(2)学校school美术学院academy of fine arts航空工业学院aeronautical institute附属学校affiliated school农学院agricultural college农业大学agricultural university业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school附属中学attached middle school分校branch school进修班class for advanced studies文科学院college of arts理工科大学college/university of science and dengineering综合性大学comprehensive university音乐学院conservatory of music函授大学correspondence school工业学院cenineering institute全日制寄宿学校full-time boarding school在职进修班in-serve training course中医学院institute of traditional Chinese medicine全科类重点中学key middle school with all regular academic disciplines 重点学校key school医学院medical college/school医科大学medical university成人夜校night school for adults师范大学normal university; teachers’ univer sity药科大学pharmacehnical university工业大学polytechnical university中专secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school 研修班seminar [5seminB:]短训班short-term training course业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers师范学院teachers’ college教师进修学校teachers’ college for vocational studies广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university文科大学university of liberal arts职业学校vocational school(3)专业major, specialty会计accounting [E5kauntiN ]审计auditing [5C:ditiN]人类学anthropology [7AnWrE5pClEdVi ]哲学philosophy [fi5lCsEfi ]生命科学life sciences政治学与行政学political and administrative sciences无线电电子学radio electronics社会学sociology [7sEusi5ClEdVi ]语言学linguistics [liN5^wistiks]新闻学journalism [5dVE:nElizEm]美术设计fine arts design生物科学biological sciences心理学psychology [sai5kClEdVi ]统计学statistics [stE5tistiks ]电气工程及其自动化electrical engineering and automation自动化automation [C:tE5meiFEn]通信工程telecommunications engineering计算机科学与技术computer science and technology 电子信息工程electronics and information engineering 工业设计industrial design建筑学architecture [5B:kitektFE]城市规划urban planning土木工程civil engineering环境工程environment engineering包装工程packaging engineering林学forestry [5fCristri ]预防医学preventive medicine临床医学clinical medicine中医学traditional Chinese medicine信息管理与信息系统information management and system 工商管理business management财务管理financial management人力资源管理human resources management旅游管理tourism administration4、你的工作情况编辑editor [5editE ]编剧playwright [5pleirait ], screenwriter [5skri:n7raitE] 裁缝tailor [5teilE ] 出纳员cashier [kA5FiE ]出租汽车司机taxi driver厨师cook [kuk ]厨师长(大厨师)chef [Fef ]船长captain [5kAptin ]打字员typist [5taipist ]导演director [di5rektE ]导游tourist guide电工electrician [i7lek5triFEn ]调酒师bartender [5bB:tendE]短期工作temporary job法官judge [dVQdV ]翻译translator [trAns5leitE ]歌手singer [5siNE ]个体户individual enterprise工程师engineer [7endVi5niE ]公务员civil servant海员seaman [5si:mEn]护士nurse [nE:s]话务员(接线生)operator [5CpEreitE ]会计accountant [E5kauntEnt ]机械师(技工,机修工)mechanic计算机系统分析员computer systems analyst记者journalist [5dVE:nElist]兼职part-time job建筑师architect [5B:kitekt ]警察policeman [pE5li:smEn]理发师hair-dresser临时工odd job律师lawyer [5lC:jE ], barrister [5bAristE ] 秘书secretary [5sekritEri ]模特儿model [5mCdl ]内科医生physician [fi5ziFEn ]男售货员salesman [5seilzmEn ]女售货员salesgirl [5seilz^E:l], saleswoman 人力资源经理human resources manager设计师designer [di5zainE ]摄影师cameraman [5kAmErEmEn ]失业lay-off时装设计师fashion designer跳槽job-hopping土木工程师civil engineer外科医生surgeon [5sE:dVEn]小说家novelist [5nCvElist ]修理工repairman [ri5pZEmEn ]牙医dentist [5dentist ]药剂师pharmacist [5fB:mEsist]银行职员bank clerk职业job[dVCb ], vocation [ vEu5keiFEn ], profession[prE5feFEn ] 职员,文员office clerk助理工程师assistant engineer自由工作者freelancer [5fri:lB:nsE]作家writer [5raitE ]作曲家composer [kCm5pEuzE ]舞蹈演员dancer [5dB:nsE]运动员athlete [5AWli:t]5、你的婚姻状况如何婚姻状况marriage status单身bachelordom [7bAtFElE5dEm ]单身的single [5siN^El]单身男子bachelor [5bAtFElE ]单身女士,未婚妇女,老处女(带贬义)spinster [5spinstE ] 已婚的married [5mArid ]离婚的divorced [di5vC:st]离婚后单身remain unmarried守寡widowhood [5widEuhud ]寡妇widow [5widEu ]鳏夫widower [5widEuE ]和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]未婚妻fiancée [fi5B:nsei]未婚夫fiance [fi5B:nsei]婚礼wedding [5wediN ]婚礼,订婚engagement [in5geidVmEnt ]订婚了的engaged [in5^eidVd]婚姻破裂marriage breakdown婚姻状况marital status蜜月honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]同居cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn ]再婚remarry [7ri:5mAri ]1.2家乡情况1、家庭特产有哪些(1)家乡主要食品大麦barley [5bB:li ]饺子dumpling [5dQmpliN ] Jiaozi面粉flour [flauE ]米饭rice [rais ]小麦wheat [wi:t]主食staple food包子steamed stuffed bun馒头steamed bread汤圆sweet dumpling粽子Zongzi面条noodle [5nu:dl]玉米corn [ kC:n ], maize [meiz ], mealie [5mi:li ] 高梁broomcorn, grain sorghum, kaoliang杂锦冷盘assorted appetizer老火汤double-stewed soup麻辣牛肉spiced beef烧松子鱼whole fried fish with pinenuts干烧大虾fried prawns烤鸭roast duck炒饭stir-fried rice粥congee [5kCndV i:], porridge [5pCridV ] 锅巴rice crust窝头steamed corn-bread五仁汤圆sweet dumpling with assorted nust 混沌hundun, dumpling月饼moon cake春卷fried spring roll馒头steamed bun (mantou年糕New Year cake(2)家乡水果槟榔betelnut [5betEl7nQt ]菠萝pineapple [5painApEl ]草莓strawberry [5strC:bEri]醋栗莓gooseberry [5^uzbEri]鳄梨avocado [7AvE5kB:dEu]柑橘orange [5CrindV ]橄榄olive [5Cliv ]哈蜜瓜cantaloupe [5kAntElu:p] 黑莓blackberry [5blAkbEri ]橘子mandarin orange梨pear [pZE ]蕃石榴sugar-apple李,梅子plum [plQm ]荔枝litchi [5li:7tFi:]榴莲durian [5du:riEn]龙眼,桂圆longan [5lCN^En] 芒果mango [5mAN^Eu]狒猴桃kiwi fruit [5kiwi fru:t] 木瓜papaya [pE5paiE ]木莓raspberry [5rB:zbEri]柠檬lemon [5lemEn ]葡萄grape [ ^reip ]葡萄柚grapefruit [5^reipfru:t ] 脐橙navel orange山楂haw [hC:]石榴pomegranate [5pCmi^rAnit]柿子persimmon [pE5simEn ]桃peach [pi:tF]无花果fig [fi^]西瓜watermelon [5wC:tE7melEn]香瓜muskmelon [5mQsk7melEn ]香蕉banana [bE5nB:nE]柿子persimmon [pE5simEn ]杏apricot [5eiprikCt ]杨挑star fruit椰子coconut [5kEukEnQt ]樱桃cherry [5tFeri ]枣date [deit ](3)传统产品(敦煌)壁画(Dunhuang ) Murals [5mjuErElz ] 半身雕塑像 bust [bQst ]冰雕 ice carving刺绣embroidery [im5brCidEri ]浮雕木刻 wooden carving(s in relief复制品 reproduction [7ri:prE5dQkFEn], replica [5replikE ]工艺品 handwork [5hAndwE:k], handicrafts [5hAndikrB:fts]古玩 antique [7An5ti:k]; curio [5kjuEriEu ]骨刻 bone sculpture国画 traditional Chinese painting剪纸 paper-cutting京韵大鼓 story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 景泰蓝cloisonné [klCizE5nei ], cloisonné enamel美术陶瓷 artistic ceramics木雕 woodcut [5wudkQt ], woodengraving [5wudEn7greiviN ]泥人clay figure泥塑clay figure modelling屏风 screen [skri:n]漆器lacquerware [5lAkEwZE ], lacquerwork [5lAkEwE:k]人像image [5imidV ], figure [5fi^E]石雕 stone carving; stone sculpture首饰盒 jewelcase [5dVU:Elkeis]塑像,铸像 statue [5stAtju:]塑像 moulded gigure文房四宝the four treasures of the study, I e writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, paper 象牙雕刻 ivory carving小雕像figurine [7fi^ju5ri:n]胸针 brooch [bru:tF]与真人大小相等的泥像 life-size clay figure玉雕 jade carving中国水墨画Chinese ink painting竹器bamboo articles坠子 pendant [5pendEnt ]镯子 bracelet [5breislit ]字画 calligraphy and painting柳条制品 willow twig product藤织品 cane ware乐器 musical instrument银器 silverware [5silvEwZE ]皮影 shadow figure花灯festive lantern绒花 velvet flower2、家乡的天气如何(1)气候环境(weather and climate冰雹 hail [heil ]生活环境 living environment自然环境natural environment气候条件climatic conditions有利的,良好的 favorable [5feiErEbl ]冰雨 sleet [sli:t]薄雾 mist [mist ]潮湿的 moist [mCist ], drippy [5dripi ], dankish [5dANkiF ] 大风 strong wind 大雨 heavy rain多雾的 foggy [5fC^i]多雨的 rainy [5reini ]干燥的 dry [drai ]飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn ]雷雨 storm [stC:m], thunder storm雷阵雨 thundershower [5WQndE7FauE(r]凉快的 pleasant [5plezEnt ]龙卷风 tornado [tC:5neidEu]倾盆大雨 downpour [5daunpC:]闪电 lightening [5laitniN ]霜冻 frost [frCst ]台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]微风 breeze [bri:z]旋风 whirlwind [5wE:l7wind]烟雾 smog [smC^]炎热的 fervent [5fE:vEnt], torrid [5tC:rid], sweltering [5sweltEriN ] 宜人的pleasant [5plezEnt ], delightful [di5laitfEl ]阴冷的 bleak [bli:k], gloomy and cold阵风 gusty [5^Qsti]阵雨 shower [5FauE ]中雨 moderate rain季风 monsoon [mCn5su:n]平均年降雨量 mean annual rainfall亚热带气候subtropical climate炎热气候 hot climate凉爽的气候bracing climate海洋性气候 maritime climate干燥气候 arid climate湿润气候 humid climate(2)描述天气暴雨 downpour [5daunpC:]冰冻 freeze [fri:z]潮湿 humidity [hju:5miditi]潮湿的 humid [5hju:mid]春风 spring breeze春风和煦的 pleasantly warm春寒料峭 spring chill大陆性气候 continental climate大雪 heavy snow多云的,阴天 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st] 多去的 cloudy [5klaudi ] 恶劣的天气 severe weather反常天气 extraordinary weather高温的 high temperature高原气候 plateau climate海洋性气候 oceanic climate寒冷的chilly [5tFili ]和煦的阳光 genial sunshine降雨 snowfall [5snEufC:l]飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn ]空气新鲜 fresh air雷 thunder [5WQndE ]零下 below zero闷热的stuffy [5stQfi ]闷热的 sultry [5sQltri ]气候温和 mild weather秋高气爽的日子 a clear and crisp autumn day 闪电 lightning [5laitniN ] 台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]天气晴朗 a nice fine day天气阴郁的 gloomy [5^lu:mi]微风 a gentle breeze温和的balmy [5bB:mi]温暖的天气 warm weather雾 fog [fC^]小雨 drizzle [5drizEl ]雪花 snowflake [5snEufleik ]阳光灿烂的 shinny [5Fini ]宜人的气候 agreeable weather阴暗的 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st]有薄雾的 misty [5misti ]有雾的 foggy [5fC^i]3、你的家乡有什么有名景点(1)国内著名景点八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 碑林 Forest of Tablets 北陵 Beiling Park兵马俑 The Underground Figures of Warriors and Horses长城 the Great Wall陈家祠 Chen Clan Temple大雁塔 Big Wild Goose pagoda东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower东陵Dongling Park故宫 The Imperial Palace怪坡 The Magic Slope蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring虎丘 Tiger Hill华表 Cloud Pillar华南植物园 South China Botanical Garden皇穹宇 The Imperial Vault of Heaven黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls黄花岗72烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs at Huanghuagang 黄埔军校遗址 Former Site of Huangpu Military Academy景点 scenic spot马王堆 Mawangdui Tombs of the Han Dynasty明十三陵 Ming Tombs南京中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum南越王墓 Tomb of the Nanyue King祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang沈阳故宫 Shenyang Imperial palace石林 Stone Forest滕王阁Tengwang Pavilion天安门Tian’anmen天安门广场Tian An Men Square天池Heaven’s Pool天坛 The Temple of Heaven外滩 the Bund五羊雕塑 Five-ram Statue西安古城墙The Xi’an City Wall西安钟鼓楼The Drum Tower and Bell Tower of Xi’an香江野生动物园 Xiangjiang Safari Park象鼻山Elephant Trunk Hill小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda新乐遗址Xinle Relics星海音乐厅 Xinhai Concert Hall玄武湖Xuanwu Lake羊城新八景eight new scenic spots in Guangzhou, the City of Five Rams 颐和园The Summer Palace迎客松Guest-Greeting Pine游览胜地 spa [spB:]圆明园Yuanmingyuan Park圜丘坛 the Circular Mound Altar斋宫the Hall of Abstinence中国美术博物馆 China National Gallery of Fine Arts中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument中山纪念堂 Zhongshan Memorial hall珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise著名的历史文化遗产景点 a famous scenic spot of historical cultural relics 紫禁城the Forbidden City(2)如何描述景点避暑地 summer resort避暑山庄 mountain resort波涛滚滚的大海 rolling sea波涛汹涌 roaring waves璀璨的resplendent, brilliant雕刻复杂 intricate carved冬景 winter scenery风景点 scenic spots风景如画picturesque landscape风景如画 picturesque scenery高低起伏to lie in undulation海滨浴场 bathing beach佳境 lovely scenes绝妙的典范 a wonderful example令人赞叹的地方 an amazing place名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜 noted sights名塔 famous tower奇景surprise scene奇形怪状的石头grotesque stone沙漠风光 sand scenery沙漠景色 desert scenery山水风光 landscape scenery石笋 stalagmite [5stAlE^mait]四季旅游胜地 all-the-year-round tourist resort 天然洞穴 natural cave田园风光 idyllic landscape田园风光 idyllic scenery雪景 snow-covered landscape延绵不绝 to stretch long and unbroken沿海城市,海滨城市 coastal city悠久的 centuries-old中国历史的象征 a symbol of Chinese history自然美景 natural beautiful scenery自然景观 natural spectacle做工精巧 exquisite workmanship4、你家乡的建筑风格如何(1)建筑类别别墅 villa [5vilE ]平房 ranch house, single-story house两层楼房 two-story house集体宿舍 dormitory [5dC:mitEri]豪华宅第 mansion [5mAnFEn ]摩天大厦 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE ]清真寺 mosque [mCsk ]公寓 apartment [E5pB:tmEnt]; flat [flAt ] 官邸 official residence贫民窟 slum [slQm ]草房 thatched cottage四合院courtyard dwellings住宅建筑 domestic architecture木结构建筑 wooden architecture平顶建筑flat-roofed building宗教建筑 religious architecture园林建筑 landscape architecture高层建筑 high-rise building砖结构建筑 brick building两层以下无电梯建筑物 low-rise钢筋混凝土建筑 reinforced concrete building 老式房屋old-fashion house洋房 western-style house瓦房 tile-roofed house海滨别墅 beach villa带阳台的房屋 balconied house简陋小屋 hut [hQt ]摩天大楼 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE ](2)建筑风格哥特式教堂 Gothic cathedral园林建筑garden architecture独特的外形 unique shape建筑特色features in architecture建筑风格 architecture style建筑群 architectural complex古建筑群 ancient architectural complex建筑艺术 architectural art古建筑艺术 ancient architectural art建筑史 architecture history, history of architecture 精心的布局 ingenious layout欧洲古典建筑 European classical architectures拱桥arch ridge悬臂桥 cantilever bridge吊桥suspension bridge浮桥 floating bridge十七孔桥 seventeen-arch bridge飞檐 upturned eaves; cornice [5kC:nis]琉璃瓦 glazed tiles梁 beam [bi:m]檩子 purlin [5pE:lin]柱pillar [5pilE ]栏杆 balustrades [7bAlE5streid ]5、你家乡的人与其他地方人的区别有好奇心的curious [5kjuEriEs ]老实clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti ]工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt ], hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN] 坦率的frank [frANk ]友好的 friendly [5frendli ]风趣的 full of humor温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding诚实 honest [5Cnist ]独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt ]勤劳的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]聪明的intelligent [in5telidVEnt ], smart [smB:t]博学的learned [5lE:nid]慈祥kind [kaind ]; nice [nais ]有礼貌的polite [pE5lait ]严厉的strict [strikt ]不守纪律的unruly [Qn5ru:li]正直的upright [5Qprait ]多才多艺的versatile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid]好客的hospitable [5hCspitEbl ]豪爽的expansive [iks5pAnsiv ], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted自闭的withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]傲气的haughty [5hC:ti]市侩的snobbish [5snCbiF ]清高的 high-hearted开放的open-minded宽容的tolerant [5tClErEnt ], good-tempered时髦的 stylish [5stailiF ], modish [5mEudiF ], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl ]怀旧的nostalgic [nC5stAldVik ], reminiscent [7remi5nisEnt ], retrospective [7retrE5spektiv ]自卑的 self-contemptuous有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik ]上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt ]勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs ]懒惰的 indolent [5indElEnt ], slothful [5slEuWfEl ], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish [5slQtiF ], idle [5aidl ]依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt ], reliant [ri5laiEnt ]体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit ], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl]好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv ]心胸狭隘的narrow-minded person文雅的gentle [5dVentl ]不可捉摸的人enigmatic figure手巧的人handy person行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik ]多才多艺的人versatile man世故的人world-wise person雄心勃勃的ambitious [Am5biFEs ]固执的stubborn [5stQbEn ]顽固的,固执的pigheaded [7pi^5hedid] 性情和善的good-natured易激动的excitable [ik5saitEbl ]坦率的人straightforward person急躁的人impetuous man品行端正的well-conducted害羞的bashful [5bAFfEl ]浪漫的romantic [rEu5mAntik ]欠考虑的thoughtless [5WC:tlEs]善意的well-intentioned温顺的docile [5dEusail ]开明人士enlightened man脾气好的good-humored性情好的good-natured敏感的sensitive [5sensitiv ]好交际的sociable [5sEuFEbl ]1.3 风俗习惯1、中国节日(1)传统节日春节The Spring Festival元宵节The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth night of the first lunar month 清明节Qing Ming Festival端午节 The Dragon Boat festival中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节The Double Ninth Festival鬼节Ghosts’ Day(2)国内节日新年,元旦New Year’s Day党的生日the Party’s Birthday建军节Army Day教师节Teachers’ Day国庆节National Day儿童儿Children’s Day2、国外及国际节日父亲节Father’s Day复活节Easter [5i:stE]感恩节 Thanks-giving Day国际妇女节Women’s Day国际红士字节 International Red Cross Day 国际护士节International Nurses’ Day国际劳动节International Workers’ Day联合国日United Nations Day六一儿童节Children’s Day美车独立日 Independence Day母亲节Mother’s Day青年节Youth Day情人节Valentine’s Day圣诞节Christmas万圣节Allhallowmas, Hallowmas, All Sa ints’ Day.万圣节前夕,诸圣日前夕 halloween五一国际劳动节May Day新年New Year’s Day愚人节April Fools’ Day国旗节(英)Flag Day (June 143、婚礼庆典白头偕老growing old together伴郎groomsman [5^ru:mzmEn]; best man伴娘bride’s maid彩礼betrothal gifts; bride-price吃喜酒celebrating at the wedding feast订婚get engaged订婚戒指band [bAnd ]; engagement ring订婚礼betrothal [bi5trEuTEl ]恩爱夫妻affectionate couple夫妻关系matrimonial relationship红娘go-between花轿bridal sedan chair花轿sedan [si5dAn ]婚礼wedding [5wediN ]婚纱bridal veil婚宴wedding banquet, wedding dinner结婚登记marriage registration结婚典礼 marriage ceremony结婚戒指diamond [5daiEmEnd ];wedding ring结婚证marriage certificate媒人matchmaker [5mAtF7meikE ]蜜月honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]闹洞房teasing the bride (on wedding night配偶 spouse [spauz ]求婚proposal [prE5pEuzEl ], courtship [5kC:tFip] 天长地久everlasting love晚礼服evening gown未婚夫fiancé [fi5B:nsei]未婚妻fianceé [fi5B:nsei]喜糖wedding candy喜宴wedding feast相亲marriage interview新婚夫妇newly weds新郎bridegroom [5braid^ru:m]新娘bride [braid ]新娘礼服bridal dress迎亲fetching the bride岳母mother-in-law终生伴侣life companion1.4婚姻家庭1、你的婚姻状况如何恩爱夫妻affectionate couple和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs] 婚姻关系marital relations婚姻介绍所the marriage agency婚姻破裂marital breakdown离婚divorce [di5vC:s]离婚率divorce rate离婚者divorcee [di7vC:5si:]同居cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn ]晚婚late marriage新婚夫妇newlywed [5njuliwed ]再婚remarry [5ri:5mAri]征婚广告matrimonial advertisement重婚bigamy [5bi^Emi]重婚者bigamist [5bi^Emist]自由恋爱结婚love match自由选择free selection2、你如何教育孩子爱慕adore [E5dC:]傲慢自大的arrogant [5ArE^Ent]悲观的pessimistic [7pesi5mistik ]不切实际的unrealistic [7QnriE5listik ]沉迷于revel in, be addicted to成熟mature [mE5tjuE ]宠溺,溺爱to spoil, to dote on/upon, to coddle 辍学drop out单纯的innocent [5inEsnt ]敌对hostility [hC5stiliti ]调皮的piquant [5pi:kEnt], naughty [5nC:ti]独立性independence [7indi5pendEns ], self-help对人冷漠的indifferent [in5difErEnt ]抚养bring up, foster [5fCstE ]父母的引导guidance of parents负面榜样negative role model跟从follow suit沟通communication [kE7mju:ni5keiFn]孤独的isolated [5aisEleitid ]孤僻的solitary [5sClitEri ]古怪的eccentric [ik5sentrik ]灌输inoculate with, engraft, indoctrinate [in5dCktrineit ] 好奇的curious [5kjuEriEs ]好奇心curiosity [7kjuEri5Csiti ]忽略overlook [7EuvE5luk ], neglect [ni5^lekt]激发兴趣stimulate one’s interests纪律discipline [5disiplin ]监管supervision [7sju:pE5viVEn]建立家庭纪律to set up family rules教育educate [5edjukeit ], instruct [in5strQkt ], discipline [5disiplin ] 开发创造能力to develop one’s creativeness开阔视野widen one’s horizon看不起look down on可信赖的trustworthy [5trQst7wE:Ti]乐观的optimistic [7Cpti5mistik ]盲从的sequacious [si5kweiFEs ]没规矩的cubbish [5kQbiF ]面对面的交流face-to-face communication民主的democratic [7demE5krAtik ]模仿emulate [5emjuleit ], mimic [5mimik ], imitate [5imiteit ]目无尊长的disrespectful [7disri5spektful ]偶像idol [5aidl ]培养创造才干to foster one’s originality色情与暴力pornography and violence上进的aspirant [Es5paiErEnt ]上网surf the Internet上瘾的addictive [E5diktiv ]适应性强的adaptable [E5dAptEbl ]守法keep the peace, abide by the law疏远estrangement [is5treindVmEnt ]逃学play truant体罚corporal punishment同伴peer [piE ]突出to emphasize, to stress, to give prominence to突出爱国主义教育to lay emphasis on the education of patriotism, to give prominence to the education of patriotism团队精神team spirit无私的self-giving无知的ignorant [5i^nErEnt]误会misunderstanding [7misQndE5stAndiN ]误入歧途go astray消极的passive [5pAsiv ]厌学be tired of learning毅力perseverance, willpower, stamina有爱心的loving [5lQviN ]有教养的cultivated [5kQltiveitid ], well-bred, cultured幼稚的naïve [nB:5i:v]诱惑temptation [temp5teiFEn ]早恋puppy love憎恨resentment [ri5zentmEnt ]转学transfer to a new school自觉的self-conscious自控self-control自立independence [7indi5pendEns ], self-support 自律self-discipline自私的selfish [5selfiF ]自我为中心的self-centered自尊self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, self-pride 尊重respect [ri5spekt ], esteem [i5sti:m]3、你怎么看未婚同居剥夺deprive sb. of sth.不负责任的irresponsible [7iris5pCnsEbl ]不可接受的unacceptable [7QnEk5septEbl ]传统道德 traditional morality传统观念traditional thinking, traditional concept 打破传统观念to break traditional thinking堕胎abortion [E5bC:FEn]干涉interfere [7intE5fiE ]个人自由personal liberty后悔regret [ri5^ret], repent [ri5pent ]经济负担financial strain虐待maltreat [mAl5tri:t]破裂break up普遍的pervasive [pE5veisiv ], rife [raif ]亲密的intimate [5intimit ]侵犯violate [5vaiEleit ], infringe on生理(学)的physiological [7fiziE5lCdVikEl ]时髦的stylish [5stailiF ], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl ], in vogue 私生活private life 私事private affair同居cohabitation [7kEuhAbi5teiFEn ]投入的,深爱的devoted [di5vEutid ]未婚妈妈unwed mother未婚同居to live together without marrying限制restrict [ri5strikt ]性乱行为promiscuity [7prCmis5kju:iti]忠实的faithful [5feiWful ]自由freedom [5fri:dEm]尊重别人隐私to respect others’ privacy4、婚姻中夫妻双方的责任是什么安全感a sense of security彼此相爱to love each other彼此照顾to take care of each other不平等inequality [7ini5kwCliti ]承担家务to shoulder household chores传统责任分工traditional responsibility division 独立的independent [7indi5pendEn ]分担责任to share responsibilities沟通communication [kE7mju:ni5keiFn]和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]婚外恋extra-marital affairs家庭暴力domestic violence可信赖的trustworthy [5trQst7wE:Ti]虐待配偶spouse abuse欺骗cheat [tFi:t]歧视discrimination [dis7krimi5neiFEn ]热爱,投入devotion [di5vEuFEn ]稳定stability [stE5biliti ]性别角色sexual roles养家糊口的人bread-earner养育孩子to bring up their child养育小孩child-rearing责任感a sense of responsibility照看小孩childcare [5tFaildkZE ]支撑家庭to support the family尊重respect [ri5spekt ]5、中国现在还有性别歧视吗比男人地位低下subordinate to men, inferior to men 比女人地位高senior to women才能talent [5tAlEnt ]从……中解放出来to be relieved of sth撮合婚姻arranged marriage地位低下low position对妇妇女的传统看法traditional/feudal understanding of women 多才多艺versatile talent分居limited divorce负担burden [5bE:dn], to bear the burden毫无疑问的unquestionable精神折磨mental cruelty看不起look down on劣于be inferior to男女平等equality of men and women女权主义者feminist [5feminist ]虐待maltreatment [mAl5tri:tmEnt]虐待配偶spouse abuse配偶行为不轨misconduct of spouse平等的权力equal rights歧视to discriminate against歧视discrimination [dis7krimi5neiFEn ]潜能potential [pE5tenFEl ]日常生活day-to-day life肉体折磨physical cruelty外遇extra-marital affairs相互依存的interdependent [7intEdi5pendEnt ] 行为粗野use of force性别歧视sexual discrimination遗弃desertion [di5zE:FEn]遗弃女婴to abandon baby girls优于be superior to优越,高傲superiority [sju:piEri5Criti]自卑,次等inferiority [in7fiEri5Criti ]自卑的self-abased自立self-reliance自信self-confidence自尊self-esteem1.5 朋友关系1、你的朋友是怎样的人爱动脑筋have an inquiring mind爱说话的talkative [5tC:kEtiv]办事仔细的careful [5kZEful ]不诚实的dishonest [dis5Cnist ]不屈不挠的persevering [7pE:si5viEriN] 不整治的untidy [Qn5taidi ]冲动的impulsive [im5pQlsiv ]创造性的creative [kri5eitiv ]吹毛求疵的fault-finding聪明的,潇洒的smart [smB:t ]胆小的faint-hearted独创的,新颖的original [E5ridVEnEl ] 敢于冒险的adventurous [Ed5ventFErEs ] 孤独的isolated [5aisEleitid ]古怪的eccentric [ik5sentrik ]好交际的sociable [5sEuFEbl ]好客的hospitable [5hCspitEbl ]好奇的,爱挑剔的curious [5kjuEriEs ] 好奇的,好事的inquisitive [in5kwizitiv ] 好挑刺的critical [5kritikEl ]坚强的tough [tQf ]俭朴的frugal [5fru :^El]精明的smart [smB:t]慷慨大方的generous [5dVenErEs ]宽厚的charitable [5tFAritEbl ]老实的straightforward [7streit5fC:wEd]乐观的optimistic [7Cpti5mistik ]理解力强的intelligent [in5telidVEnt ]理性的rational [5rAFEnEl ]吝啬的mean [ mi:n]灵巧的,机敏的adroit [E5drCit ]令人愉快的pleasant [5plezEnt ]盲从的sequacious [si5kweiFEs ]明白事理的sensible [5sensibl ]内向的introvert [5intrEvE:t ]脾气暴躁的hot-tempered脾气好的good-tempered谦虚的modest [5mCdist ]勤勉的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]轻率的,不顾及他人的inconsiderate [7inkEn5sidErit ] 全面发展的well-rounded。

英语托福口语词汇abandon/ə'bændən/v.放弃;抛弃abstract/'æbstrækt, æb'strækt/adj.抽象的;n.摘要academy/ə'kædəmi/n.研究院;学院;学会access/'ækses, 'æksəs, æk'ses/ n.接近;入口accommodate/ə'kɔmədeit/v.容纳;给……提供住宿;使适应accompany/ə'kʌmpəni/v.陪伴;伴随accumulate/ə'kju:mjuleit/v.积累accurate/'ækjurət/adj.准确的achieve/ə'tʃi:v/v.完成;达到acknowledge/ək'nɔlidʒ/v.承认;致谢acquire/ə'kwaiə/v.获得adapt/ə'dæpt/v.使适应;改编adequate/'ædikwit/adj.足够的adjacent/ə'dʒeisənt/adj.毗连的;紧接着的adjust/ə'dʒʌst/v.调整;修改administration/əd,mini'streiʃən/n.管理;管理局;行政;政府adult/'ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt/n.&adj.成人advocate/'ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət/n.拥护者;v.拥护affect/ə'fekt, 'æfekt/v.影响aggregate/'æɡriɡət, 'æɡriɡeit/adj.总的;n.总计;v.总计aid/eid/v.帮助;n.帮助;助手albeit/ɔ:l'bi:it/conj.虽然allocate/'æləukeit/v.分派alter/'ɔ:ltə/v.改变alternative/ɔ:l'tə:nətiv/n.替代物;adj.选择的ambiguous/æm'biɡjuəs/adj.模棱两可的amend/ə'mend/v.修订;改过自新analogy/ə'nælədʒi/adj.类似;比拟;类推analyze/'ænəlaiz/v.分析annual/'ænjuəl/adj.每年的;n.年鉴anticipate/æn'tisipeit/v.预料apparent/ə'pærənt/adj.明显的append/ə'pend/v.附上appreciate/ə'pri:ʃieit/v.欣赏;感激approach/ə'prəutʃ/v.靠近;n.方法appropriate/ə'prəuprieit, ə'prəupriət/adj.恰当的approximate/ə'prɔksimit/adj.近似的;v.与……近似arbitrary/'ɑ:bitrəri/adj.任意的;专断的area/'εəriə/n.地区;面积;领域aspect/'æspekt/n.方面;面貌assemble/ə'sembl/v.集合;装配;收集assess/ə'ses/v.对……估价;评价assign/ə'sain/v.指定;分配assist/ə'sist/v.帮助assume/ə'sju:m, ə'su:m/v.假设;认为;承担;呈现assure/ə'ʃuə/v.向……保证attach/ə'tætʃ/v.系;贴;使附加;使依恋attain/ə'tein/v.达到;获得attitude/'ætɪtjuːd, -tuːd/n.态度;姿势attribute/ə'tribju:t, 'ætribju:t/v.把……归因于;n.性质author/'ɔ:θə/n.作者;作家;创始人authority/ɔ:'θɔrəti/n.当局;权威;权力automate/'ɔ:təmeit/v.使自动化available/ə'veiləbl/adj.可得到的aware/ə'wεə/adj.意识到的behalf/bi'hɑ:f/n.利益benefit/'benifit/n.利益;津贴;v.有利于;获益bias/'baiəs/n.偏见;爱好bond/bɔnd/n.纽带;债券brief/bri:f/adj.简短的bulk/bʌlk/n.体积;主体capable/'keipəbl/adj.能够;有能力的capacity/kə'pæsəti/n.容量;潜在能力category/'kætiɡəri/n.种类;范畴cease/si:s/n.&v.停止challenge/'tʃælindʒ/n.挑战channel/'tʃænəl/n.海峡;渠道;频道chapter/'tʃæptə/n.章chart/tʃɑ:t/n.图表;v.制图表chemical/'kemikəl/adj.化学的;n.化学药品circumstance/'sə:kəmstəns/n.情况cite/sait/v.引用civil/'sivəl/adj.公民的;国内的;民用的clarify/'klærifai/v.阐明classic/'klæsik/n.名著;adj.古典的clause/klɔ:z/n.条款;从句code/kəud/n.法典;代码;习俗coherent/kəu'hiərənt/adj.一致的;连贯的coincide/,kəuin'said/v.巧合,同时发生collapse/kə'læps/v.&n.倒坍;瓦解colleague/'kɔli:ɡ/n.同事commence/kə'mens/v.开始comment/'kɔment/n.&v.评论;注释commission/kə'miʃən/n.委员会;委托;委托书;佣金commit/kə'mit/v.犯罪commodity/kə'mɔditi/n.日用品communicate/kə'mju:nikeit/v.通信;交流community/kə'mju:niti/n.社区;社会;界compatible/kəm'pætəbl/adj.和睦的;兼容的compensate/'kɔmpenseit/v.补偿compile/kəm'pail/v.编complement/'kɔmplimənt/v.&n.补充complex/'kɔmpleks/adj.复杂的component/kəm'pəunənt/n.组成部分;adj.组成的compound/'kɔmpaund, kəm'paund/n.化合物;adj.复合的comprehensive/,kɔmpri'hensiv/adj.综合的comprise/kəm'praiz/v.包含;构成compute/kəm'pju:t/v.计算conceive/kən'si:v/v.构思;怀胎;认为concentrate/'kɔnsəntreit/v.集中;浓缩。

新托福口语必备850个单词(5)1. backHe slipped and fell on his back. 他仰天滑到。
2. balanceDon’t get excited; keep your balance. 不要冲动,保持冷静。
3. baseA naval base is located at Wei Hai. 威海有个海军基地。
4. behaviorTom won a prize for good behavior at school. 汤姆在学校里得到品行优良奖。
5. beliefHe has lost his belief in God. 他已不相信上帝。
6. birthThat baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那婴儿生下来七磅重。
7. bitHe ate every bit of his dinner. 他把他的晚餐吃得光光。
She’s feeling a bit tired. 她觉得有点疲倦。
He doesn’t care a bit. 他一点也不在乎。
8. biteHis face was covered with insect bites. 他满脸都是蚊虫咬伤。
I haven’t had a bite since morning. 我从早晨到现在一口东西都未吃过。
There’s a bite in the air this morning. 今天早晨有点寒风刺骨。
9. bloodHe gave his blood to help his sister. 他输血给他的妹妹以救她。
His blood is up. 他发脾气了。
His blood ran cold. 他吓得魂不附体。
10. blowLet’s go for a blow. 让我们到户外吹吹风。
11. bodyHis body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遗体被运回英国埋葬。

新托福口语必备850个单词(9)1. designThe building seats 2000 people, but is poor in design.这个建筑有二千个座位,但设计很差。
He has designs on that young girl.(口语)他想打那个年轻女郎的注意。
2. desireHe has no desire for wealth.他对于财富无欲望。
I hope you will get all your heart’s desires.我希望你能得到你想要的。
3. destructionGambling was his destruction.赌博是他毁灭的根源。
4. detailPlease give me all the details.请让我知道所有的细节。
5. developmentWhich is more important, moral development or physical development? 道德培养和体格培养哪一样较重要?We must await further developments.我们必须等待进一步的发展。
6. digestionHe can only eat the food that is easy of digestion.他只能吃易于消化的食物。
7. directionTom went off in one direction and Harry in another direction.汤姆朝着一个方向去,哈里朝另一个方向去。
She feels the need of direction.她感到需要有人指导她。
8. discoveryHe made wonderful scientific discoveries.他完成了惊人的科学发现。
9. discussionThe question is still under discussion.这个问题仍在讨论中。

植物学botany植物学botanical / botanic 植物学的horticulture园艺学aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy树冠层/顶棚foliage / leaf 叶leaflet 小叶rosette(叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk杆leafstalk叶柄shoot / sprout 嫩芽/抽枝flower花bud花蕾petal花瓣peel / skin果皮shell(硬)果壳husk(干)果壳/(玉米)苞叶trunk树干bark树皮branch树枝bough大或者粗的树枝twig小树枝jungle丛林lawn草坪meadow草地/牧场prairie大草原mosses苔藓shrub / bush灌木cluster一簇(灌木)fern蕨类植物herb草photosynthesis光合作用chlorophyll 叶绿素['klorəfɪl]symbiosis共生symbiotic 共生的wither / shrivel / fade凋谢blossom花pollen花粉pollinate传授花粉petal花瓣nectar花蜜tissue 组织organ器官system 系统seeds种子everlasting永久的crossbreed杂交root pressure根压cohesion-tension凝聚压力column花柱barren 贫瘠的;不生育的['bærən]futile无用的carbohydrate (starch)碳水化合物(淀粉)glucose葡萄糖starch淀粉fat 脂肪protein蛋白质vitamin 维他命malnourished营养不良的[mæl'nɝɪʃt]nutrition 营养perennial 多年一生的annual一年一生的verdant 绿油油的evergreen常青树conifer tree针叶树pine松树spruce云杉walnut核桃树redwood红木树orchid兰花rose玫瑰carnation康乃馨helianthus / heliotrope ['hiljə,trop]/sunflower向日葵corn / maize玉米pumpkin南瓜tomato 番茄lcabbage 卷心菜wheat 小麦barley大麦oats燕麦微生物学antibody 抗体toxin毒素immunity免疫immunology免疫学vaccine疫苗['væksin]fungus真菌bacteria细菌fermentation发酵infection 传染/ 感染microorganism / microbe 微生物virus病毒disinfection消毒sterilization 灭菌[,stɛrələ'zeʃən]生物学biology生物学marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学[,ɛntə'mɑlədʒɪ]ornithology鸟类学microbiology微生物学genetics遗传学paleontology古生物学[,pelɪɑn'tɑlədʒɪ]paleontologist古生物学家dinosaur恐龙die out / extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物carnivore食肉动物rodent啮齿类动物underwater水下的marine海洋的scuba水下呼吸器diving潜水/ 跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator 捕猎者animal adaptation动物适应性survival of the fittest 适者生存origin of species 物种起源wild environment野生环境insecticide杀虫剂habitat栖息地tentacle触须prey 捕食navigate 导航tiny receptor接收器nerve / specimen 物种amphibian两栖类动物decline in the number数量减少gene基因genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危动物survival活着的transition 转变/过渡microbe 微生物yeast酵母(菌)bacteria细菌single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物hatch孵化incubation孵化nest巢offspring子孙chew up咀嚼unfertilized eggs 未受精卵nutrient营养品nourishment 营养品/ 食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食respiration呼吸ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞nucleus细胞核plasma 血浆cell membrane 细胞膜cell wall 细胞壁protein蛋白质amino acid 核酸plankton 浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species 物种变异chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态/变形[,mɛtə'mɔrfəsɪs]mutation变种variation变异动物学zoology动物学Darwinism达尔文学说natural selection自然选择class纲order目family科genus属species种invertebrate无脊椎动物[ɪn'vɝtəbrɪt]vertebrate脊椎动物aquatic life 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian / amphibious animal 两栖动物rodent 啮齿动物ruminant 反刍动物parasite 寄生虫parasitic animal寄生动物[,pærə'sɪtɪk]primate灵长动物plankton浮游生物herbivore 食草动物mammal哺乳动物homotherm 恒温动物cold-blooded animal冷血动物scavenger食腐动物['skævɪndʒɚ]carnivorous食肉的herbivorous食草的omnivorous杂食的[ɑm'nɪvərəs]bird鸟类camouflage伪装hibernate冬眠;蛰伏regeneration 再生predatory / carnivore食肉的predator捕食者prey捕食hordes / swarms(昆虫等)群flock(牛、羊等)群community动物的群落或人的部落population种群herd 兽群hygiene卫生sanitation 公共卫生;卫生设施monogamous 一夫一妻的/一雌一雄的[mə'nɑgəməs]polygamous 一夫多妻的/一雄多雌的[pə'lɪgəməs]nomadic游牧的;流浪的trapper诱捕动物者fertilizer使受精metabolism新陈代谢breed(名词)品种;(动词)繁殖multiply / reproduce 繁殖spawn(鱼、虾、蛙等)孵anatomy 解剖学appetite食欲creature生物scales鳞feathers羽毛armor甲spinal cord 脊椎digestive system消化系统excretory system排泄系统reproductive system 生殖系统circulatory system 循环系统respiratory system 呼吸系统hormonal system内分泌系统[hɔr'monl] digestive duct 消化管stomach胃intestine肠liver肝jellyfish 水母coral珊瑚dolphin 海豚whale鲸鱼shrimp 小虾lobster龙虾clam 蛤蜊oyster牡蛎sponge海绵octopus 章鱼squirrel松鼠bat蝙蝠otter水獭antelope羚羊gorilla大猩猩chimpanzee黑猩猩beaver海狸(一种神奇的新托福常考的动物)hippo河马sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的frog 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪turtle龟lizard 蜥蜴chameleon变色龙鸟类owl猫头penguin企鹅canary 金丝雀chirp(鸟、虫的叫声)vulture秃鹫migrate迁移plumage羽体camouflage伪装wing翅膀beak(鹰等的)嘴昆虫insect昆虫wasp黄蜂spider 蜘蛛pest 害虫worm虫/蠕虫earthworm蚯蚓antenna / tentacle触须[æn'tɛnə] ['tɛntək!] larva幼虫['lɑrvə]lava 熔岩['lɑvə]生态学ecology生态学ecosystem生态系统balance of nature自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群['fɔnə]flora植物群rain forest雨林food chain食物链acid rain酸雨greenhouse温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射[ɪnfrə'rɛd]ozone layer / ozonosphere臭氧层ultraviolet radiation紫外辐射pollution control 污染控制air pollution空气控制water pollution水污染noxious / toxic有毒的fumes(有毒的)废气waste废物solid waste 固体废物sewage / wastewater污水['sjuɪdʒ]sewage purification污水净化swage disposal污水处理decibel(噪音)分贝能源和环境fossil fuel 矿物燃料process of photo synthesis光合作用solar energy太阳能nonrenewable不可再生的energy conservation保护能源resource资源energy source能源资源tidal energy潮汐能fuel-efficient节能型的rush hour 高峰期zero emission零辐射wildness 野生/天然preservation保护atmosphere大气carbon碳dioxide二氧化物burning of coal and oil煤油燃烧global warming全球变暖greenhouse effect温室效应rise in sea level 海平面上升long-term climatic change长期的气候变化environmental recycling center再循环利用中心litter/trash garbage 垃圾pollutant污染物desertification沙漠化deforest滥伐森林drought干旱water shortage水源缺乏offshore spillage 近海岸溢出carbon dioxide release二氧化碳排放industrial sewage 工业污水recycling再循环purify净化deteriorate 恶化[dɪ'tɪrɪə,ret]acid rain 酸雨sewage disposal污水处理['sjuɪdʒ]environment protection环境保护ozone layer臭氧层waste disposal 废物处理emission (汽车废气的)排放soot 烟尘El Niño 厄尔尼诺现象天文学astronomy天文学astronomical observatory 天文台planetarium天文馆[,plænə'tɛrɪəm]astrology 占星学cosmos / universe 宇宙cosmology宇宙infinite无限的cosmic宇宙的cosmic radiation宇宙辐射cosmic rays宇宙射线celestial 天体的[sɪ'lɛstʃəl]celestial body / heavenly body 天体celestial sphere 天球dwarf / dwarf star 矮星constellation星座galaxy / Milky Way银河系star cluster星团asterism星群['æstə,rɪzəm]solar system太阳系solar corona日冕[kə'ronə]solar eclipse日食solar radiation太阳辐射planet行星planetoid / asteroid 小行星revolve旋转twinkle 闪烁Mercury水星Venus金星Earth地球Mars火星Jupiter 木星Saturn土星Uranus天王星Neptune海王星Pluto冥王星orbit轨道spin 旋转satellite卫星lunar 月球的meteor流星meteor shower流星雨star恒星meteoroid流星体meteorite陨石comet 彗星space / outer space 太空,外层空间spacecraft / spaceship 宇宙飞船space shuttle航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut / spaceman宇航员space suit宇航服stellar 恒星的interplanetary行星间的asteroid小行星nebula星云space debris太空垃圾ammonia氨[ə'monjə]photosphere光球;光球层sunspot太阳黑子(发生在光球层)flare耀斑(发生在色球层)vacuum真空infrared ray 红外线emission发射/散发high-resolution高清晰度faint 微弱的image 影像gravitational force 吸引力molten融化的leap year 闰年rotation 自传revolution公转black hole黑洞ultraviolet ray 紫外线luminosity 光度light year光年气象学meteorology气象[,mitɪə'rɑlədʒɪ] meteorologist气象学家[,mitɪə'rɑlədʒɪst] meteorological station气象站[,mitɪərə'lɑdʒɪk!]forecast / predict预报climate气候atmosphere大气层troposphere对流层cold front冷锋warm air mass 热气团current(气)流moisture 潮湿,水气spell某种天气持续一段时间vapor 蒸汽evaporate蒸发damp / moist / humid潮湿humidity湿度moisture潮湿/ 水分saturate 饱和['sætʃə,ret]dew 露frost霜fog / mist雾smog烟雾droplet小水condense浓缩crystal水晶体sheet(水、冰、雪的)一层downpour / torrential rain大雨tempest (storm) / torrential rain暴风雨drizzle细雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard / snowstorm暴风雪avalanche / snow slide雪崩precipitation(雨、露、雪等)降水thunder 雷breeze微风sandstorm沙暴monsoon季风[mɑn'sun]gale大风whirlwind旋风typhoon 台hurricane飓风tornado / twister / cyclone龙卷风wind scale风级tsunami / seismic sea wave 海啸tidal wave潮汐;浪潮upper atmosphere上层大气disaster / calamity / catastrophe灾难devastation破坏[,dɛvəs'teʃən]submerge淹没drought旱灾convection对流wind velocity风速[və'lɑsətɪ]wind direction风向long-range forecast 长期预报numerical weather prediction 数值天气预报[nju'mɛrɪk!]地理学hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线/ 经线[mə'rɪdɪən]parallel 平行圈latitude 纬线longitude 经线/ 经度elevation 海拔altitude 高度/ 海拔horizon 地平线equator 赤道temperate latitudes 温带地区tropics 热带地区Arctic / the North Pole 北极Antarctic / Antarctica 南极the Antarctic Continent南极洲the Antarctic Circle 南极圈the Arctic Circle北极圈aurora极光[ɔ'rorə]international date line 国际日期变更线time difference 时差topography 地形/ 地形学[tə'pɑgrəfɪ] plain平原plateau / highland 高地[plæ'to]lowland 低地basin 盆地oasis 绿洲peak 山峰cordillera / ranges 山脉carven / cave 洞穴terrain 地域['tɛren] subterranean 地底下[,sʌbtə'renɪən]coastland 沿海地区coastline 海岸线watershed 分水岭upper reaches 上游lower reaches 下游tributary 支流deposit 沉积spring / fountain 泉水iceberg 冰山riverbed 河床gulf / bay 海湾waterfall 瀑布cascade 小瀑布;喷流reef 暗礁tide 湖水torrent 水的急流tropical rain forest 热带雨林continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛peninsular 半岛archipelago 群岛[,ɑrkə'pɛlə,go]delta 三角洲landlocked area 内陆inland waterway 内陆河cliff 山崖valley 山谷hillside / mountain slope 山坡continental shelf 大陆架canyon / gorge 峡谷channel / strait 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的/ 陆地的terrestrial heat / geothermal 地热terrestrial magnetism 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度[sə'lɪnətɪ]ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的frost heaving 冻胀现象tundra 苔原,冻原the Mediterranean Sea 地中海the primeval forest 原始森林coral reef 珊瑚礁Chalk 白垩纪cataclysm大洪水['kætə,klɪzəm]ridge 山脊;分水岭territory 版图;领土;地域precipice 悬崖glacier 冰河dune 沙丘地质学crust 地壳mantle地幔core 地核continental crust大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer / stratum地层['stretəm]stratigraphy地层学fault断层fault zone 断层带rift / crack / split断裂disintegration / decomposition分解erosion 腐蚀[ɪ'roʒən]fossil化石igneous rock火成岩sedimentary rock沉积岩limestone 石灰岩granite花岗岩['grænɪt]marble大理石lithosphere岩石圈['lɪθə,sfɪr]magma / molten lava岩浆quartz石英mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床rubble碎石['rʌb!]debris 残骸silver银copper黄铜aluminum铝lead铅zinc锌nickel镍['nɪk!]mercury 汞/水银sodium钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的glacial epoch / age / period冰川期['ɛpək]glacial drift冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山['dɔrmənt]eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口depression 洼地,凹陷处;盆地lava 火山岩浆volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash火山灰geyser 间歇喷泉hot spring 温泉earthquake / quake / tremor / seism 地震seismic地震的['saɪzmɪk]seismology 地震学magnitude 震级['mægnə,tjud]seismic intensity scale 震烈度seismic wave 地震波transverse wave 横波longitudinal wave 纵波aftershock余震cataclysm灾变['kætə,klɪzəm]tsunami / tidal / force 海啸undersea landslide 海底山崩melt global warming全球逐渐变暖aquifer 蓄水层['ækwəfɚ]swamp沼泽[swɑmp]swarms(昆虫等)群Great Canyon 大峡谷Nile River尼罗河Colorado river 科罗拉多河crumples zones 地质缓冲地带bedrock 岩床bulge 凸起物考古学archaeology考古学paleontology古生物学[,pelɪɑn'tɑlədʒɪ]anthropology人类学archaeologist考古学家pale-anthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist生态人类学家originate 起源于ancestor祖先hominid人(科)homogeneous同以种族(种类)的tribe部落clan氏族excavation挖掘excavate / unearth挖掘ruins 遗迹/废墟remains遗产/遗骸artifact手工艺品['ɑrtɪ,fækt]relic遗物/文物antique古物/古董antiquity古代/古老Stone Age石器时代Bronze Age 青铜器时代Iron Age铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Neolithic新石器时代的morphology 形态学[mɔr'fɑlədʒɪ]skull颅骨fossil化石ancient civilization古代文明cave man山顶洞人cultural relics文物rock painting岩画建筑学architecture建筑学architect 建筑学家construct 结构design设计elevator电梯skyscraper摩天大楼design element设计元素log structure原木结构cabin小木屋beam梁prototype 原型building technique 建筑工艺new material 新材料metal-frame金属结构repair person修理工planetarium天文馆[,plænə'tɛrɪəm] aquarium水族馆[ə'kwɛrɪəm]archives档案馆office building写字楼cathedral 大教堂mosque清真寺[mɑsk]the statue of liberty 自由女神像the triumphal arch凯旋门sphinx狮身人面像[sfɪŋks]pyramid 金字塔castle 城堡政治、经济学类subsistence存活,生活[səb'sɪstəns]subsistence wage刚够养家糊口的工资subsistence level 收支平衡的生活水平kinship亲属关系,血缘关系commodity商品[kə'mɑdətɪ]check支票;收据;账单bank loan银行贷款interest利息withdraw从银行账户中提款honor (a cheque/bill/draft) 承兑a run on a bank 挤兑the Great Depression大萧条consumerism 消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的看法);affluence 富裕,富足['æfluəns]sophisticated世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖端的教育学higher education高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni校友[ə'lʌmnaɪ]treasurer 生活委员/财务大臣elective system选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)[kə'rɪkjələm] discipline学科/管理learn by rote 死记硬背[rot] encyclopedias 百科全书/专科全书人物artist艺术家choreographer舞蹈编排家critic批评家satirist讽刺作家['sætərɪst]inventor发明家biographer自传作家sculptor雕塑家feminist女权主义者humanitarian人道主义者[hju,mænə'tɛrɪən]imagist意象派诗人philanthropist慈善家proprietor业主mortal犯人precursor先驱figurehead名誉领袖disciple学徒apprentice学徒mechanic机械工avant-garde 前卫派territory领域genre 风格/体裁['ʒɑnrə]eccentric古怪的odd怪诞的/奇数的erratic奇怪的weird怪异的/不可思议的romantic浪漫的innocent 天真的/无罪的emotional情绪的/情感的sentimental 感伤的/多愁善感的[,sɛntə'mɛnt!]cheerless无精打采的/无生命力的patriarchal 家长的/族长的[,petrɪ'ɑrk!]rigid僵化的spare简朴的clumsy笨拙的zigzag曲折的contemporary当代的acclaimed受欢迎的preeminent杰出的versatile(人)多才多艺的/(物)多功能的household 家庭的/家喻户晓的genuine真正的['dʒɛnjuɪn]authentic 逼真的/原汁原味的symbolic象征性的immortal不朽的/神nostalgia怀旧主义/思乡emotive感人的prodigious巨大的[prə'dɪdʒəs]classic经典的摄影photographer摄影家panorama全景照片[,pænə'ræmə]snap shot快照developing 冲洗enlarge放大foreground前景background背景high definition高清晰度close-up特写out of focus调焦不准exposure 曝光instant camera拍立得camera lens相机镜头tripod 三脚架dark room 暗室wide angle lens广角镜头long focus lens 长镜头filter 滤色镜文学pose 散文diary日记autobiography传记editorial社论narrative prose叙述性descriptive prose描写性essay随笔poetry诗歌ballad 民谣['bæləd] lullaby催眠曲['lʌlə,baɪ]fiction小说allegory寓言fairy tale童话legend传说proverb谚语model人物原型leading character主人公main plot主要情节prelude序曲prologue序言['pro,lɔg]epilogue尾声literary criticism文学批评literary studies文学研究schools of literature 文学流派comparative literature比较文学realism现实主义surrealism 超现实主义futurism 未来主义modernism现代主义aestheticism唯美主义aesthetic [ɛs'θɛtɪk]音乐musical instrument乐器orchestra(管弦)乐队shook rattle摇拨浪鼓pound drum击鼓foot beat跺脚note 音符score乐谱movement乐章fanatical狂热的[fə'nætək!] hillbilly music乡村音乐['hɪl,bɪlɪ]folk music民间音乐pop music流行音乐classical music古典音乐Jazz爵士乐symphony交响乐rock and roll 摇滚乐band music / wind music管乐string弦乐violin小提琴viola中提琴cello大提琴harp 竖琴horn号;喇叭keyboard instrument 键盘乐器percussion震荡/打击乐器vocal music 声乐concerto 协奏曲sonata 奏鸣曲serenade小夜曲:[,sɛrə'ned]solo独奏/独唱duet二重唱conducting指挥accompaniment伴奏quality音质volume音量chord 和弦harmony 和声rest 休止time节拍lullaby 催眠曲['lʌlə,baɪ] prelude序曲['prɛljud]epilogue 尾声['ɛpə,lɔg]美术(绘画和雕塑)fine arts 美术oil painting油画water color 水彩画sketch速写/素描pastel 彩色蜡笔画poster海报/招贴画charcoal drawing 木炭画mural painting / fresco壁画['mjurəl] engraving版画lithograph石板画['lɪθəgræf]landscape painting风景画still life静物画portrait肖像画caricature 漫画pigment颜色,色素canvas油画布brush画笔drawing board画板perspective 透视画法original原作copy临本reproduction / replica复制品genuine真的fake假的gallery美术馆autograph真迹panorama全景画calligraphy书法[kə'lɪgrəfɪ]paste裱糊impressionistic style 印象派风格[ɪm,prɛʃən'ɪstɪk]framing装框sculpture雕塑sculptor雕塑家figurine 小雕像[,fɪgjə'rin]bust半身雕塑像statue塑像the statue of libertyunique唯一的/独特的animator漫画家['ænɪ,metɚ]saxophonist萨克斯风管吹奏者purple紫色。

托福口语必备基础词汇specific a. 明确的、特定的administration n. 管理、行政(机构)acquire vt. 获得、学到oppose vt. 反对financial a. 金融的、财政的condition n. 情况tuition n. 学费、讲授purchase vt. & n. 购买reserve vt. 保留process n. 过程、进行vt. 处理、加工individual n. 个人;a. 个人的、个别的、独特的negative a. 负面的、消极的;反义词positive 正面的、积极的include vt. 包括desire n. & vt. 欲望、要求delay vt. & n. 推迟、耽搁implicit a. 含蓄的、暗示的pressure n, 压力focus on 专注于area n. 领域、区域approach n. 方法、途径vt. 接近、靠近operate vt. 操作、经营expand vt. 扩张、发展:expansion n.parking lot/ space/ area 停车场interaction n. 相互关系、交流at the heart of 是…的中心、关键take sth. into account 考虑、体谅take sth. seriously 认真看待…visible a. 可见的、明显的alter vt. 改变contradictory a. 矛盾的controversial a. 有争议的minimize vt. 最小化available a. 可获得的、可利用的:availability n. 可用性;反义词:unavailable expense n. 花费、开支effective a. 有效地:cost-effective a. 划算的guarantee vt. & n. 保证individual n.个人、个体;a. 个人的、独特的have/ get/ provide access to 能接触到、能够使用、使能够进入或使用verbal a. 语言的、口头的;反义词:nonverbalsignal n. 信号facial expressions 面部表情gesture n. 姿势、手势;v. 作手势、用动作示意produce v. 生产、创作相关词汇:producer—product—production conscious a. 有意识的反义词:unconsciousenhance vt. 提高、加强、增加;同义词:improve, promote, boost, increase convincing a. 让人信服的、有说服力的conflict n. & v. 冲突、矛盾:~ with 与…产生冲突entire a. 完全的、全部的;entirely: adv.accurate a. 精确的;accuracy n. 准确性、精确度;反义词:inaccurate intend vi. 打算:intention n. 打算、意图;intentional a. 故意的literature n. 文学transform vt. 改变、转换feature n. 特色、特征;vt. 以…为特色valuable a. 有价值的pursue vt. 追赶、追求career n. 事业、职业charge vt. 收费、充电additional a. 额外的、附加的:in addition 另外require vt. 需要、要求: requirement n.attempt n. & v. 企图、试图:in an attempt to 力图、试图provide vt. 提供:近义词offerpotential n. 潜力、可能性;a. 潜在的、可能的seminar n. 研讨班、讨论会current a. 现在的、最近的:currently adv.efficient a. 有效率的;efficiency n. 效率indicate vt. 表明、预示discontinue v. 停止、使终止eliminate vt. 消除、排除;同义词:remove, get rid of, clear upmodify vt. 调整、修改: modification n. 同义词adjustbehavior n. 行为、举止repeat vt. 重复:repetition n.discourage/ depress/ frustrate/ upset vt. 使沮丧、使气馁observe vt. 观察experiment n. 实验:conduct/ carry out an experiment on…occur vi. 出现、发生:occurrence n.cautious a. 谨慎的、小心的adventurous a. 爱冒险的、大胆的foster vt. 培养、促进、激励atmosphere n. 气氛、氛围opportunity n. 机会assignment n. 作业reveal vt. 揭露、显示strategy n. 策略、战略:marketing strategy 营销策略defend v. 防卫、保卫;defensive a. 防御的involve vt. 包含、涉及: involvement n.employ vt. 使用、采用、雇用approach n. 方法、途径;vt. 接近、着手处理display n. & v. 陈列、表现startle vt. 使惊奇、使吓一跳enroll v. 登记、参加;~ in 参加、选课:同register forpermanent a. 长期的、永久的:temporary 暂时的、临时的establish vt. 建立、创办character n. (电影、文学作品等中的)人物、性格accomplish vt. 完成、实现、达到:accomplishment n. 成就;近义词achieve lobby n. 大厅、休息室plenty of 大量、很多appreciate vt. 欣赏、感激merchandise n. 商品、货物;v. 买卖、推销counteract vt. 抵消、中和、阻碍trend n. 趋势、走向renovate vt. 更新、修复:近义词restore, recondition, revampconventional a. 传统的、常见的;反义词:unconventionaltechnique n. 技巧、技术;同义词:skilltransport n. & v. 运输;transportation n. 运输工具essential a. 必要的、基本的;同义词:important, necessary, significant, vital, crucial major a. 主要的、重要的;n. 专业、(主修某一专业的)学生minor a. 次要的、较小的:minority n. 少数的、少数民族phenomenon n. 现象:phenomena 复数形式attitude n. 态度、意见:attitude toward…对…的态度academic a. 学术的strengthen vt. 加强、巩固recognize vt. 认出、识别:recognition n. 识别、公认permit vt. 允许、许可:permit sb. to do sth. ;同义词:allowforbid vt. 禁止、阻止:forbid sb. to do sth. ;同义词:prohibitavoid vt. 避免、避开:avoid sth./ doing sth.obtain vt. 获得;同义词:get, gain, acquire, receiveoccur vi. 发生、出现:occurrence n. ;同义词:take place, happenparticular a. 特别的、详细的;同义词:certain, specificmotivate vt. 刺激、使有动机:motivated a. 有积极性的complete vt. 完成:completion n. ;同义词:finish, accomplishconsequence n. 结果、后果:consequently adv. 因此、结果:同as a consequence accommodate vt. 提供住宿、接纳、使适应attend vt. 参加、出席maximum a. 最多的、最大极限的: maximize vt. 使最大化;反义词minimum practical a. 实际的、实用的interpret vt. 解释、翻译respond vi. 回答、作出反应appropriate a. 合适的、恰当的:同义词propercompete vi. 竞争、比赛:competition n. / competitive a. 竞争性的、有竞争力的schedule n. 时间表、计划表;vt. 安排、计划original a. 最初的、原始的、独创的vanish vi. 消失;同义词disappearrecreation n. 娱乐、消遣;同义词entertainmentfacility n. 设施、设备;容易、灵巧;同义词equipment 设备、器材approve vt. 批准、赞成:(dia)approve of 赞成/ 不赞成;approval n.imitate vt. 模仿:imitation n. 模仿; imitative a. 模仿的desirable a. 令人满意的、值得要的:undesirable 不合需要的、不受欢迎的favorable a. 有利的、良好的讨人喜欢的:unfavorable 不宜的、令人不快的opposite n. & a. & ad. & prep. 相反地、对立的、对面的session n. 上课(期间);会期:(一场)活动:in session 在开庭/ 开会/ 上课interfere vi. 干涉、妨碍、打扰:interfere withmeasure n. 措施;vt. 测量practice n.练习、惯例、做法contain vt. 包含、含有ensure vt. 保证、确保up-to-date a. 最新的、最近的disrupt vt. 破坏、使中断、使陷于混乱:disruptive behavior 破坏性行为unique a. 独特的、独一无二的valuable a. 有价值的:value n.insight n. (对…)深入了解、洞察力:insight into…outcome n. 结果、结局outweigh vt. 比..重;比…重要;比…有价值benefit n. 利益、好处;vt. 有益于、对…有好处:beneficial a. 有益的tend to 倾向于:tendency n. 倾向、趋势judge vt. 评判、判断advantage n. 优势、有利条件:反义词disadvantage 缺点、不利条件eliminate vt. 消除、排除:同义词remove, get rid ofcover vt. 覆盖;包括、报道、采访:coverage n. 覆盖范围、报道propose vt. 建议:proposal n. ;同义词suggestsocialize vi. 交际、参与社交;vt. 使适应社会生活select vt. 选择、挑选represent vt. 代表:representative n. 代表、典型awareness n. 意识、明白、知道:be aware of 知道、了解。

新托福历届考试出现高频词汇(不断更新版)第三题和第五题:Vehicle 交通工具 requirement 要求 academic 学术的get acquainted with 认识 proposal 文稿 justify 证明off-campus 校外的 apartment 公寓 renovate 修葺budget 预算 credit 信誉,学分 gallery 画展exhibiting 展示 ridiculous 荒谬的 applied 应用的arts 艺术 rundown 破败 reputation名誉splendid 绝好的 prospective 角度 candidate 参选人grade 年级,分数 Supervisor 监督 prolong 推迟littering 乱扔垃圾 scan 扫描 digital 数字的laptop 手提电脑 desktop 桌名 dormitory 寝室diversity 多样性 reformation 改善 commercial 商业的depict描绘 freshmen 新生 stadium 体育场undergraduate 大学生 distracting 分散 journal 日记reference 参考 intervene 干涉 rehearse演练step down 退任 it sucks (口)烂 mess up 搞糟advanced standing 学生用先前已修得的学科抵免入学后所需修的科目. Alumni 校友 audit 审计 auditor bulletin 编辑公告Bursar 会计,奖学金获得者 concession 特许Deferred admission 延迟入学Dropout 退学Faculty 全体教员 Flunk 不及格 Register restrictions 注册要求Admitted to 录取 resign 退休 orientation入学指导seminar 学术讨论会 alternative 选择 resume 简历weird 奇怪 enroll 录取 notorious 厌恶的available 可行的 merely 仅仅 mandatory 强制的postpone 推迟 erase 擦掉 recover 康复deduct 演绎,扣除 tricky 阴谋的 tuition 学费clarify 澄清 interval 间隔 semester 学期presentation 展示 hiking 徒步旅行 tutor 辅导sign up for 参加(俱乐部) run into someone 遇见due day 截止日期 assigned to 分配给make—up exam 补考 required course 必修课charge fee 免费 drop class 逃课 skip class overdue 过期 freshman 大一 sophomore 大二junior 大三 senior 大四 renew 续借 transfer 转学graduation commencement 毕业典礼 handout 分发的教材minor 辅修的课 syllabus 教学大纲 dissertation 论文第四题和第六题:Participant 参与者 ironically 讽刺 critics 批评strategy 策略 false 错误 consensus 一致同意contradict 矛盾 consistently 一致 uniformly 一致nonverbal 非语言的 psychological 心理学的 enhance 增强outlet 出口 obscure 模糊的 diffusion 扩散self-fulfilling 自我实现 prophecy 语言 assume 假设tactic 战术 shifting 转变 spectator 观测comprehending 理解 plug 塞子 quotation 引用release 释放 cite 陈述 remorse 懊悔 feedback 回馈resilience 反弹 Substitution 替补 arctic 北极allergy 过敏 sneeze 打喷嚏 immune 免疫protein 蛋白质 Dust 尘土 mite 螨虫 esteemed 声望很高claim 声称inefficiency 不足representative 代表virtually实质phenomenon 现象 subliminal 下意识 perception 感知appealing 吸引的 demonstrate 展示 reward 奖品extinction 灭绝 circumstance状况 compliment 称赞predator 猎杀者 prey 猎物 fertilize 施肥affiliation 联合 decibel 分贝 asteroid 小行星framing 陷害 manifest 表明 conceive 构思assimilation 同化 ozone 臭氧 sewage 下水道purification 净化 render 使得 assignment 作业stimulus 刺激 demand 要求 inappropriately 不合适identify 辨认 ecological 生态 balance 平衡stabilize 稳定 sand dune 沙丘 intruder 入侵者territory 领地 witness 目击 invasion 侵略lack 缺失 visual 视觉 element 因素 texture 材质Resemble 像,类似 sentiment 感情 mystery 迷paleontologist 考古学 skeleton 骷髅 vaporize 蒸发drastic 急剧的 inverse 相反的 boost 推进soaring 猛烈的 misconception 误解 simplify 简单complicate 使。

新托福考试必备词汇总结enroll to one = combinecomplement = supplement = add tosubstitute = replaceso far = until present = up to nowrooted in = based onmake their way = travelvulnerable--open to break-open to attack -- weak --susceptibleperishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoilSeething 沸腾的 --- overflowing/excited/activefloat = stay on the topbe consistent with = be compatible withproperty 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为"特征,属性")simulated ---- artificialsort --- type -- kindstaggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelmingstring线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =seriesswell -- enlargement --- expandtract- area - terrainsymmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balancetaper 逐渐变小 --- diminish --- 收缩tenet --- principle/beliefturn = changevast - immense - extensivewith the ordinary citizen’s pocketbook = affordableadvent = arrivalaffair = matterchronic --- constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的consequence = result/importancecounter = opposecountervail 补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate/opposedistinction = differentiation/excellence/honordistribution = dispersion = dispersalembed = implanteuphoric = extremely happyflake = fragmenthinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere withladings 船货= cargos shipmentmandatory = required, obligatorymundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinaryprerequisite = something required (something needed to happen)rather = instead 相反地/ in some degree在tainsank (sink的过去式)= descended; dropped to the bottomscant = minimumsited = locatedsophisticated = refined /elaborated /complexubiquitous 到处存在的 = commonunanimity = total agreementspectator = viewersporadic = intermittent /irregularstylus 铁笔,针状物 = penunconceivable = unimaginableuniformly = evenly/ without variation/consistently unique = sole/ distinctwarranted = authorized 授权的/justifiedassume=take on 呈现/ suppose, posit 假设foster=promote ,encouragePlumage羽毛=featherComposition作文,成分,混合物=mixturerelatively=comparativelysubstitute=replacementpremise= assumptionwithin= insidehave nothing to do = in no relation tovigorous= strongscope=extentextraordinary非凡的,特别的= exceptional 异常的,例外的uneasy心神不安的,不稳定的=unstablebulk大小,体积,大多数=majorspeed 加速 = increase the rate ofspread=distribute 散布,分布endeavor 努力= enterprise 进取心,干事业proximity 接近= nearnessrotate=turn 转动,旋转assertion主张,断言 = strongly statementevidence = proofpreeminent卓越的 =foremost 最重要的barrier障碍物=obstacleprimitive = earlysort = typerudiment=basicintact未被碰过的=unaffectedprize珍视 = valuelucrative 有利可图的= profitable ineffectively=with out any result misleading =inaccuracyarchitecture =structure 结构,建筑物accomplished完成的',熟练的=skilled, embedded内含的,嵌入的=enclosed 被附上的collaboration协作=joint effectsidentical=the sameallow=enabledispersal 分散,散布= distribution hampering妨碍,牵制 = restricting cherished珍爱的=valuableprecision = accuracybroadly = extensivelyyearly = annualtracking = followingtolerant = endurerather than = instead oftransformation = conversionsample=examplecrawl爬行=movehobby业余爱好 = pastime 消遣,娱乐inherent in = characteristic ofrecharge再充电=refill再装满devise设计,发明=createattest to证明--confirm,replicas复制品--copies,extant 现存的=not extinctbe closer resemblance to=. be more like indicate =demonstratethrive=flourishfluctuating=changingmirror反映=reflectprocure获得=obtainparadoxically=seemingly contradictory counsel劝告,忠告=advice.mock嘲弄,模仿 = pretendspectacular引人入胜的 = impressive 印象深刻的mimic模仿,仿制品=copyroutinely = commonlyactually = in fact = virtuallyrevolutionize = dramatic changeinitially = originallysource = origindiversity多样性=varietydepict=portraydisassemble分解=breakarchive档案 = recordattribute 属性,特征= characteristicavid渴望的,热心的 = enthusiasticbasic = fundamentalcollision = hit each othercopious 丰富的= plentifuldelight = pleasuredisintegrate分解 = tear apartdiverse = distinctdual = doubleeager = enthusiasticendeavor = enterpriseerect矗立,建立 = buildexpediency便利 = advantagefashioned out of = made fromimmigration = movementinfrastructure 基础设施= foundationlocale 场所= placemean平均值;卑贱的;吝啬的 = averagemyriad = innumerable == innumerouspeak = maximumrate估价,鉴定等级= classify分类,分等Save for 除......之外= Except forseize抓住 = taketie = relationvolume = quantitywholly = completelyWithin the ordinary citizen’s pocket book = affordable ally with 与........结盟--link toaware of=familiar withbulk=great quantity =majorityferry摆渡,渡运==transporthint暗示,提示 = indicationimplausible=unbelievablelaunch---startof legitimacy=lawfulof likelihood = probableminute=tinymisconception=wrong ideaoffset抵消,弥补=balanceomit遗漏= excludeonset=beginningpatchy杂凑的;斑驳的,补丁的=irregular 参差不齐的,不规则的peak=in the middle of the largest strengthenpermanent=lastingpore=spaceprecede=come beforepreserve保护,保存=protectprosper=succeedproximity = closeness = nearnessrange=varyright (to some place)一直向。
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Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc.
1. come (verb.
Come here! 到这里来!
He will never come to much (= will never be successful. 他将来绝不会很有作为。
How did you come to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢? On what page does it come? 它在哪一页?
2. get (verb.
We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。
Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?
Ah! I’ve got you there! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。
3. give (verb.
He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。
Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。
4. go (verb.
Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来!
How goes it with you? 你近来情况如何?
There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。
5. keep (verb.
Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?
Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。
Does your school keep all day? 你们学校全天上课吗?
6. let (verb.
Let us pray. 让我们祈祷吧。
The pair of rubber shoes let (in water. 这双胶鞋漏水。
The flat lets for 1500 yuan a month. 这套公寓每月租金1500元。
7. make (verb.
Make yourself comfortable. 请随意。
What time do you make it? (What do you make the time? 你看现在几点了?
He made to go. 他要走了。
8. put (verb.
I put a question to him. 我向他提出一个问题。
What a way you have of putting things! 瞧你这人怎么那样说话! I put her at about 35. 我估计她大概35岁。
9. seem (verb.
Be what you seem (to be. 要表里如一。
It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来快下雨了。
I can’t seem to solve it right now. 看来我无法立刻解决它。
10. take (verb.
Be careful not to take cold. 小心不要着凉。
Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜吗?
Don’t take it so seriously. 不要把这事看得太严重。
11. be (verb.
Can such things be? 可能有这样的事吗?
He is come. 他已经来了。
12. do (verb.
Will you do me a favour? 帮我个忙好吗?
They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅馆服务很周到。
What"s doing over there? 那边在干什么?
13. have (verb.
May I have one? 可以给我一个吗?
Let"s have a talk. 咱们谈一谈。
You have me, haven"t you? 你明白我的意思了,对不对?
14. say (verb.
We mean what we say. 我们说的话是算数的。
What do these figures say? 这些数字说明什么?
You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说。
15. see (verb.
Watch and see how others do it. 好好看着人家是怎么做的。
See you. 再见!Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。
16. send (verb.
God send it may not be so! 但愿不是这样!
Send for the doctor, please. 请叫医生来。
Please send the letter on to Tom. 请将此信交给汤姆。
17.may 18.will
19.about 20.across
21.after 22.against
23.among 24.at
25.before 26.between
27.by 28.down
29.from 30.in
31.off 32.on
33.over 34.through
35.to 36.under
37.up 38.with
39.as 40.for
41.of 42.till
43.than 44.a
45.the 46.all
47.any 48.every
49.no 50.other
51.some 52.such
53.that 54.this
55.i 57.you 59.and 61.but 63.if 56.he 58.who 60.because 62.or 64.though 66.how 68.where 70.again 72.far 74.here 76.now 78.still 80.there 82.well 84.enough 86.little 88.not 90.quite 92.very 94.yesterday 96.south 98.west 100.yes 65.while 67.when 69.why 71.ever 73.forward 75.near 77.out 79.then 81.together 83.almost 85.even 87.much
89.only 91.so 93.tomorrow 95.north 97.east 99.please。