人教版九年级英语 Unit 8 Section A (3a~3c) 精品课件

Warming-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework
Read and find
Read the article again and find words to match the meanings in 3b.
young people person in the next house
Warming-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework
I think it might/could/must be…
What do you think of the strange noises?
Warming-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework
3. What do policemen think of it? They think it might be the wind.
Warming-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework
Read and fill Read Para 1. again and fill in the mind map.
animal like a very large dog nervous and worried
area where people live
person who makes noise
Warming-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework
Different opinions

目 …it might be the wind.
.…it can’t be a dog. 3.阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。
4.继续学习用情态动词must, might, could, can’t进行推断.
Find these words and phrases.
1. 彼此 2. 采访 3. 报警 4. 困倦的 5. 噪声 6. 社区 7. 起初 8. 太……而不能……
Can you find out the sentences making inferences in the passage?
Fill in the blanks.
We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It _u_s_e_d_t_o_b_e_ very quiet. However, these days, something unusual _is__h_a_p_p_en_i_n_g_ in our town. Victor’s wife thinks that it _c_o_u_ld__b_e__ an animal, but Victor and his friends think it _m__u_s_t _b_e_ teenagers having fun. The policemen think it _m__ig_h_t_b_e__ the wind. Helen thought it _m__i_g_h_t _b_e___ a dog at first, but she changes her mind later. One woman in the area thinks it’s ___to_o__ big _t_o_ be a dog. She thinks that _m__a_y_b_e_ it was a bear or a wolf. The writer thinks the _n_o_i_se_-_m_a_k_e_r_ is having too much fun _c_r_e_a_ti_n_g__ fear in the neighborhood.

Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
Find these words and phrases.
1. 彼此 2. 采访 3. 报警 4. 困倦的 5. 噪声 6. 社区 7. 起初 8. 太……而不能……
each other interview call the police/policemen sleepy noise neighborhood at first too…to…
Skimming: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word.
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading
Scanning: Move your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
3a Read the article and decide which might be the
best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood
Helenhelp yo_n_u_o_isu_e_sn__d_ eourtssidteand the
story better.
Answer the questions below.
Unit 8 Section A (3a-3c) 阅读课件2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册

Part 04
outside their window
She thinks that________.
Victor’s wife
Victor and his friends
They think that
What they hearuneasy
1.When is it?2.What is the woman doing?3. How does she feel?
Maybe it is at mid-night.
She is looking out of the window.
Something unusual happening
People’s idea about the strange noise
Match the main idea with each paragraph.
1.Both Victor and his wife believe it must be teenagers having fun. ( )2.Helen is sure the noise-maker is one animal. ( )3.Victor’s parents are too nervous to call the police. ( )4.It was so dark outside at night that the woman couldn’t see the noise-maker clearly. ( )5.The writer believes the noise-maker enjoy himself but scare the people around.( )
Unit 8 Section A(3a-3c) 课件 人教版英语九年级全册

v. 发生
n. 事件
Tips: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word. Pay attention to the key word of each title.
['kjʊərɪəs]adj. 好奇的
A: Whose …is this?B: It must belong to xx. Because …
be xx’s.
By the end of the class, you will be able to: 1.learn some key words and phrases happening, noise, policeman, wolf, uneasy 2.continue to make inference with model words. 继续用情态动词作推测。 3. improve reading skills. 提高阅读能力。
It might be wind.
It can't be a dog.
Maybe it is a bear or wolf
The noise maker is having fun creating fear.
Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.
v. 发生
n. 事件
Tips: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word. Pay attention to the key word of each title.
['kjʊərɪəs]adj. 好奇的
A: Whose …is this?B: It must belong to xx. Because …
be xx’s.
By the end of the class, you will be able to: 1.learn some key words and phrases happening, noise, policeman, wolf, uneasy 2.continue to make inference with model words. 继续用情态动词作推测。 3. improve reading skills. 提高阅读能力。
It might be wind.
It can't be a dog.
Maybe it is a bear or wolf
The noise maker is having fun creating fear.
Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.

Victor and his friends
outside their window
It must be teenagers _h_a_v_in_g_f_u_n___.
Writers describe events in a The policce ertainnoothrindge__sr_t.r_aT_n_g_he_i_s order_It_thw_me_i_wig_lhi_lnt_bd_e_.
The writer
The noise-maker is having too much fun
_c_re_a_t_in__g_f_e_a_r____ in the neighborhood.
3c Read the article carefully and write what people
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
How do you feel when you hear something strange at night?
nervous uneasy
worried curious
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
3. 有些人认为一定是孩子们正在快乐玩耍。 Some people think it ___m_u_s_t_ _b_e_____ children __h_a_v_in_g_ fun. 4. 一定有人在教室里唱歌。 There ___m_u_s_t_ __b_e____ someone _s_i_n_g_in_g_ in the classroom. 5.这能是真的吗? __C_a_n__/ _C_o_u_l_d this be true?

If something strange happens in our neighborhood,
What should we do?
Calm down! Believe in science! Call the police!
Find out the truth!
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Seeing is believing. Think before you do.
People What they hear/see What they think
Victor’s wife
Something unusual is happening.
Victor and his friends
strange noises outside their window
The policemen
Warming up
Can you guess what this sound might be?
Warming Up
How do you feel when you hear a strange noise at night?
What might be happening? These days, something unusual is happening in our town.
nothing _s_t_ra_n__g_e__
She thinks that
it could be an
____ ____.
They think that it must be

it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the policemen, but they
couldn’t find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think
不to b寻e v常ery的qu事iet 正and在no发thin生g much ever happened around here. However,
these days, something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at
wolf uneasy neighborhood noise-maker
Careful reading
Read paragraph 1
We lived in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It used
Para 3: The writer’s opinion about strange noises.
What is the best title of this article?
n. 事件
Match the main ides of each paragraph
Fast reading Find out the main idea in each paragraph.
Para 1: Something unusual is happening in the town.
人教英语九年级全册Unit8 Section A (3a-3c) (共15张PPT)

能正确运用 must , might, could, can’t 来进行推测。
Company Logo
Fill in the blanks with must, might, could or can’t
1. The notebook m__u__st_/_m__ig_h__t be Ming’s. It
uncle’s. They’re both going to the concert.
3b find words to match the meanings.
nervous or worried __u_n__ea_s_y__ young people _t_e_e_n_a_g_e_rs_ person in the next house __n_e_ig_h_b_o_r__ area where people live _n_e_ig_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_ animal like a very large dog __w__o_lf__ person who makes noise n__o_is_e_-m__a_k_e_r
was on her desk.
2. The homework _c_a__n_’_t __ bay.
3. The soccer ball _m_i_g_h_t_/_c_o_u_l_d_ be John’s
or Tony’s. They both play soccer, don’t they?
Section A (3a-3c)
能根据相关信息做 推断:
It must/can’t be… It could belong to…

The writer
The noise-maker is having too much fun
_cr_e_a_t_in__g_f_e_a_r____ in the neighborhood.
3c Read the article carefully and write what people
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
Find these words and phrases.
1. 彼此 2. 采访 3. 报警 4. 困倦的 5. 噪声 6. 社区 7. 起初 8. 太……而不能……
each other interview call the police/policemen sleepy noise neighborhood at first too…to…
Helenhelp yo_n_u_o_isu_e_sn__d_ eourtssidteand the
story better.
It might be _a__d_o_g__.
One woman in the area
Maybe it is
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
3a Read the article and decide which might be the
best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood
The writer
The noise-maker is having too much fun
_cr_e_a_t_in__g_f_e_a_r____ in the neighborhood.
3c Read the article carefully and write what people
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
Find these words and phrases.
1. 彼此 2. 采访 3. 报警 4. 困倦的 5. 噪声 6. 社区 7. 起初 8. 太……而不能……
each other interview call the police/policemen sleepy noise neighborhood at first too…to…
Helenhelp yo_n_u_o_isu_e_sn__d_ eourtssidteand the
story better.
It might be _a__d_o_g__.
One woman in the area
Maybe it is
Warm-up Pre-Reading While-Reading Post-Reading Exercise
3a Read the article and decide which might be the
best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood
人教版九年级unit8 sectionA 3a-3c课件

Feng Kun
John Liu Ying Wang Hao
She is at home. She is looking out of the window. She looks worried and anxious. There must be something happening. It could be something dangerous. It might be an alien. It could be a ghost. Go to P59 and find out what it is.
A: Whose magazine is
B: It must be Deng Wen’s.
He loves rabbits.
A: Whose CD is this? B: It must be Grace’s.
She always listens to
pop music.Fra bibliotekWhose … is it?
Read the article again and find words to 3b match the meanings.
uneasy Nervous or worried _________________ teenagers Young people _________________ Person in the next house _______________ neighbor neighborhood Area where people live ________________ wolf Animal like a very large dog _____________ noise-maker Person who makes noise ________________

3.In the past, there were several _w__o_lv_e_s__(狼) on the mountain, and they
often came into the villages nearby, so the v_il_la_g_e_r_s_ felt very u__n_e_a_s_y__(不安的)
Check:根据汉语意思或首字母完成下列单词,使句子意 思完整。
1.In this old village, there used to be many strange h_a_p_p_e_n_in__g_s . 2.This p_o__li_c_e_m_a_n(警察) caught the man who always made much n_o_is_e__ at night
6. We’ll have fun__t_a_k_i_n_g___ (take) a vacation in Europe.
7. There are some boys___p_la_y_in_g___ (play) games on the playground.
8. When you meet trouble, please call the__p_ol_ic_e_m_e_n__
H1o).w复e合ve不r,定th代es词e 包da括ys,ssoommeeththiningg, suonmuesubaoldiys,
sohmapepoennei,nagniynthoiunrg,toawnynb. oVdiyc,toarn, yaotneea,cnhoetrhaint g,
nobody, no one, everything, everybody,
3.In the past, there were several _w__o_lv_e_s__(狼) on the mountain, and they
often came into the villages nearby, so the v_il_la_g_e_r_s_ felt very u__n_e_a_s_y__(不安的)
Check:根据汉语意思或首字母完成下列单词,使句子意 思完整。
1.In this old village, there used to be many strange h_a_p_p_e_n_in__g_s . 2.This p_o__li_c_e_m_a_n(警察) caught the man who always made much n_o_is_e__ at night
6. We’ll have fun__t_a_k_i_n_g___ (take) a vacation in Europe.
7. There are some boys___p_la_y_in_g___ (play) games on the playground.
8. When you meet trouble, please call the__p_ol_ic_e_m_e_n__
H1o).w复e合ve不r,定th代es词e 包da括ys,ssoommeeththiningg, suonmuesubaoldiys,
sohmapepoennei,nagniynthoiunrg,toawnynb. oVdiyc,toarn, yaotneea,cnhoetrhaint g,
nobody, no one, everything, everybody,
Unit 8 SectionA 3a--3c 课件 2022-2023学年人教版九年级英语全册

heard the
What are their opinions? Let’s read the passage to get
One womanmore d Nhomakorabeatails.
Victor’s parents
3c Read the articlecarefully and fill in the chart.
Look and guess
1. What can you see in the picture? There is a woman looking out of the window.
2. What can you know abou the
woman? She looks kind of scared.
Detailed reading Read Para. 1 and answer the questions.
No, they didn't.
3. Did the police find anything strange ?
Victor and friends
Victor’s wife
Victor's wife She thinks that it could be an animal.
Victor and his friends
They think it must be teenagers having fun.
The policemen They think it might be the wind.

One woman
It must be teenagers
It might be
noises outside
It might be
Skimming Choose the best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C.Animals in Our Neighborhood
Scanning Read the passage again and write down the people who heard the noise.
sth.=enjoy oneself doing sth. too much: 中心词是much,修饰不可数名词, 意为“太多”。 much too: 中心词是too, 修饰形容词或副词, 意为“太,非常”。 too many: 中心词是many,修饰可数名词,后 接可数名词的复数形式,意为“太多”。
A. may C. could
B. might D. must
3. The guitar ___B_____ belong to Alice.
Only she plays the guitar here.
A. could
B. must
C. can’t
D. can
4. - What do you think “upset” mean?
Victor’s next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too. “At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldn’t see a dog or anything else, either. So I guess it can’t be a dog. But then, what could it be?” One woman in the area saw something running away, but it was dark so she is not sure. “I think it was too big to be a dog,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.” Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
英语九年级人教版unit 8 Section A (3a-3c)课件(29张)

be used to do sth. (=be used for doing
the wind. I don’t think so. Every one in our town is
feeling u_n_e_a_s__y, there must be somethingvisitingthe
homes in our neighborhood. Most people hope that
B. be; sit
C. have; sitting
D. be; sitting
(C )4. There are some boys ____ football on the
A. play B. to play C. playing D. played
1. It used to be very quiet. used to do sth. 曾经,过去常常 (现在不做了)
• happening // n.事件;发生的事情(常指不寻 常的)
• noise / nɔɪz / n. 声音;噪音 noisy adj. • sound , voice • policeman / pəˈli:smən / n.(pl.policemen) 男警察 • police , policewoman • wolf / wʊlf / n. 狼 wolves • uneasy / ʌn'i:zɪ / adj.担心的;不安的
Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear(引发的恐慌) in the neighborhood.
人教英语九年级全册Unit8Section A (3a-3c)(共24张PPT)

2. What do people hear every night? They hear strange noises outside the window every night.
2. Read para1 and complete the chart.
Who gave opinions? What are the opinions?
1. Read para3 carefully and answer the questions. 1) How is everyone feeling in the town? Everyone is feeling uneasy. 2) Do they know what the noise-maker is? No, they have no idea.
Find out the key word of each title.
1. Read para1 carefully and answer the questions.
1) What was the town like before? 2) What do people hear every night?
What happens?
Something unusual is happening in the neighborhood. But the people have no idea .
Do you know what it might be?
1.Write down your own opinion about it using “must/could/might/can’t”. And show your opinion tomorrow.
2. Read para1 and complete the chart.
Who gave opinions? What are the opinions?
1. Read para3 carefully and answer the questions. 1) How is everyone feeling in the town? Everyone is feeling uneasy. 2) Do they know what the noise-maker is? No, they have no idea.
Find out the key word of each title.
1. Read para1 carefully and answer the questions.
1) What was the town like before? 2) What do people hear every night?
What happens?
Something unusual is happening in the neighborhood. But the people have no idea .
Do you know what it might be?
1.Write down your own opinion about it using “must/could/might/can’t”. And show your opinion tomorrow.

4.policeman n.男警察,复数形式为policemen。 【拓展】 policewoman意为“女警察”,复数形式为 policewomen。 5.wolf n.狼,复数形式为 wolves。 【拓展】 以f(e)结尾的名词,变复数时,要先将f(e)改为v,再加es。
6.have fun doing sth.很开心做某事 此短语中fun为名词,意为 “乐趣;快乐”,fun前可用修饰词。相当于have a good/great time doing sth. 7.run away逃跑 go away走开
第2课时 Section A(3a-3c)
1.nothing much没什么;不多;不怎么样 表示并不那么重要/有趣/好等。 2.noise n.声音;噪音 通常指噪音,指人们所听到的不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。
3.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.小区里 一定有什么东西在访问这里的住户。 (1)There be+名词+v.ing意为“有……正在做……”。 如:There must be many old people taking exercise in the park.一定有许多老 年人正在公园里锻炼。 (2)neighborhood是名词,意为“邻里;街坊;居民区;附近地区”。neighbo r n.邻居
(C )13.What does the underlined word “puzzlement” mean
(A )14.What's the best title for the passage A.Be Nice to Others B.Be Polite to Strangers C.Be Patient with Friends D.Never Let Anger Take Over
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think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having
__to_o__m__u_c_h____ fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
Read the passage and find specific information.
The police
nothing _________
the wind Itmibe
Read Paragraph 2 and match the man with their guesses.
One woman in the area
He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
The writer himself
She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.
Read para. 3 and finish the paragraph.
Everyone in our town is feeling _u_n__ea__sy___ , and everyone has his or her__o_w__n___ ideas.There must be something ___v_i_si_t_in__g__the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it ? We ___h_a_v_e__n_o_i_d_e_a_ . Most people hope that this animal or person will simply __g_o__a_w_a_y___ , but I do not
The policemen
She thinks that it could be an animal.
They think it must be teenagers having fun.
They think it might be the wind.
➢ Post reading
After reading the article, what do you think the strange noises are? Why?
She is looking out of the window.
2. How does she look?
She looks a little worried.
3. What happened to her? Can you guess? 21世纪教育网
Something strange might happen at night.
Victor’ s next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too. “At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldn’ t see a dog, or anything else, either. So I guess it can’t be a dog. But then, what could it be?” One woman in the area saw something running away, but it was dark so she is not sure. “I think it was too big to be a dog,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.”
Answer the questions below.
1. What’s happening in the small town? People in the town could hear strange noises outside their window every night. 2. How did people feel? Everyone in the town is feeling uneasy.
3a Read the article and decide which might be the best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood
Skimming: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word.
We lived in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It used to be very quiet and nothing much ever happened around here. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents Called the policemen, but they couldn’t find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so!”
What’s the man doing? What could he be running for?
He could be running for exercise. He could be running after a thief because he looks so angry. He could be running to catch the bus.
Work in groups and make an interview.
Reporter: I am a reporter from CCTV. I am in a small town reporting live.This town used to be quiet. However, these days, something unusual is happening… Victor: .... Reporter: What could it be? Victor:... Victor's friends:... Victor's wife:... Victor's parents:... The policemen: ...... Reporter: Everyone in the neighborhood is feeling uneasy. Will the noise-maker simply go away? Do you have any advice? Come and share with us. Thank you.
3b Read the article again and find words to match the meanings. nervous or worried _u_n_e_a_s_y__ young people __te_e_n_a_g_e_r_s__ person in the next house __n_e_ig_h__b_o_r_ area where people live _n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d__ animal like a very large dog ___w_o_l_f __ person who makes noise n_o_i_s_e_-m__a_k_e_r
3c Read the article carefully and write what people think aboutΒιβλιοθήκη the strange noises.
Who gave opinions What are the opinions?
Victor’s wife
Victor and his friends
Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
How do you feel when you hear something strange at night?
nervous uneasy
__to_o__m__u_c_h____ fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
Read the passage and find specific information.
The police
nothing _________
the wind Itmibe
Read Paragraph 2 and match the man with their guesses.
One woman in the area
He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
The writer himself
She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.
Read para. 3 and finish the paragraph.
Everyone in our town is feeling _u_n__ea__sy___ , and everyone has his or her__o_w__n___ ideas.There must be something ___v_i_si_t_in__g__the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it ? We ___h_a_v_e__n_o_i_d_e_a_ . Most people hope that this animal or person will simply __g_o__a_w_a_y___ , but I do not
The policemen
She thinks that it could be an animal.
They think it must be teenagers having fun.
They think it might be the wind.
➢ Post reading
After reading the article, what do you think the strange noises are? Why?
She is looking out of the window.
2. How does she look?
She looks a little worried.
3. What happened to her? Can you guess? 21世纪教育网
Something strange might happen at night.
Victor’ s next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too. “At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldn’ t see a dog, or anything else, either. So I guess it can’t be a dog. But then, what could it be?” One woman in the area saw something running away, but it was dark so she is not sure. “I think it was too big to be a dog,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.”
Answer the questions below.
1. What’s happening in the small town? People in the town could hear strange noises outside their window every night. 2. How did people feel? Everyone in the town is feeling uneasy.
3a Read the article and decide which might be the best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood
Skimming: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word.
We lived in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It used to be very quiet and nothing much ever happened around here. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents Called the policemen, but they couldn’t find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so!”
What’s the man doing? What could he be running for?
He could be running for exercise. He could be running after a thief because he looks so angry. He could be running to catch the bus.
Work in groups and make an interview.
Reporter: I am a reporter from CCTV. I am in a small town reporting live.This town used to be quiet. However, these days, something unusual is happening… Victor: .... Reporter: What could it be? Victor:... Victor's friends:... Victor's wife:... Victor's parents:... The policemen: ...... Reporter: Everyone in the neighborhood is feeling uneasy. Will the noise-maker simply go away? Do you have any advice? Come and share with us. Thank you.
3b Read the article again and find words to match the meanings. nervous or worried _u_n_e_a_s_y__ young people __te_e_n_a_g_e_r_s__ person in the next house __n_e_ig_h__b_o_r_ area where people live _n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d__ animal like a very large dog ___w_o_l_f __ person who makes noise n_o_i_s_e_-m__a_k_e_r
3c Read the article carefully and write what people think aboutΒιβλιοθήκη the strange noises.
Who gave opinions What are the opinions?
Victor’s wife
Victor and his friends
Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
How do you feel when you hear something strange at night?
nervous uneasy