


To Laozi, resorting to deceit is true futility and would accomplish just the opposite result. Those who intend to play tricks are not genuine and therefore are not natural. Deceit is detrimental to naturalness and to the harmony of life.
to prosperity, but also the way to preserving life.
Returning to a Newborn State
★ Laozi saw the world as a madding crowd of vanity. He chose to live a simple, quite life, and to keep his mind undisturbed in the face of temptation. He said he would rather remain a “newborn baby.” ★The state of the newborn is free of any knowledge, desire, impurity or falsehood. (complete innocence)
Laozi/Classic of the Way and Virtue/Dao de jing
Classic of the Way and Virtue
★ 5,000 Chinese characters ★ 81 chapters ★ two parts, Dao (the way) and De (Virtue). It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in Ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.


Legend has it that Laozi left his position as an imperial archivist and withdrew from society, seeking solitude to contemplate the principles of the Dao.
《老子英文简介》PPT课 件
Explore the life and philosophy of Laozi, one of the most influential thinkers in ancient China. Discover the key concepts of the Dao De Jing and its relevance in modern society.
other artistic expressions that
reflect the connection between
human existence and the natural
Translation and Interpretation of the Dao De Jing
Translation Challenges
Common Misconceptions about Laozi
Mystical Superstition
Laozi's philosophy is often misunderstood as promoting mystical practices or superstitions, while it actually emphasizes self-reflection and practical wisdom.
2 Naturalness



•Chinese philosophy and religion
Hundred Schools of Thought:
Inherent Vice
Han Fei
Han Feizi
Lao zi
Yin Yang & Eight Trigrams
•Chinese philosophy and religion The three religions:
• • • •
approximately 4100-year recorded history 9.6 million square kilometers 1.35 billion people 56 ethnic groups
•O u t l i n e
I. Overview of the Chinese traditional philosophy and religion II.A brief introduction to the main religions: Confucianism, Buddhism & Taoism III.Introduce the Confucianism and the Confucius Institute IV.Summary
• It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night! • 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。
• What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. • 己所不欲,勿施于人。
• Keep what you say and carry out what you do. • 言必信,行必果。


Emphasizing flexibility and innovation
Taoist philosophy believes that flexibility and innovation are important means of solving problems. It advocates daring to break through conventions and try new methods and ideas when facing difficulties and challenges.
Advocate for governing without action: Taoist philosophy believes that the best way of governance is to allow things to develop naturally, rather than excessive intervention. It emphasizes respecting natural laws and avoiding excessive human intervention to achieve natural harmony in society.
By developing inner peace, we can better handle stress situations and improve our overall well being Taoism also emphasizes the importance of self-control and the ability to retain call in the face of diversity

道德经 英语ppt

道德经 英语ppt

The answer
We are destroying the world we live in! 我们正在破坏我们所居住 的世界! We are going far from the way,far from the nature! 我们正在远离道,远离自 然!
What should we do?
The Way that can be
experienced is not
The world that can
be constructed is not true.
Not praising the
worthy prevents
contention, Not esteeming the
control nor do away
with it.
What caused the following problems?
We have more things to use than before but we aren't feeling happy. We have many things to do,but we feel inanition. More diseases and disasters are attracting our earth.
Nothing in the world
is as soft and
yielding as water, Yet nothing can 而攻坚强者莫之能 胜 以其无以易之
better overcome the
hard and strong, For they can neither



Wu-wei literally means “non-action,” but
it doesn’t mean don’t ever move.
It means to always act in accordance with
the Dao, and not to do things that don’t
It is believed to be derived from the Taijitu (Diagram of the Ultimate Power).
Yin yang are complementary opposites within a greater whole. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, although yin or yang elements may manifest more strongly in different objects or at different times.
“go with the flow.” Water does not flow uphill—does it? No, it always flows downhill—it always finds the path of least resistance, as does a good Daoist
Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis.
The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.



The Daodejing, is widely regarded to be the most influential Taoist text. It is a foundational scripture of central importance in Taoism purportedly written by Lao zi sometime in the 3rd or 4th centuries BC.
Zhengyi was founded in yuan Dynasty . Zheng Yucai was the founder of Zhengyi and govered the general term (符箓) of three mountains.
龙虎山(zhengyi). 閤山 (lingbao) 茅山shangqing
Taoist symbols
The Taijitu ("yin and yang") symbol 太極圖 as well as the Ba gua 八卦 ("Eight Trigrams") are associated with Taoist symbolism. The yin and yang make an "S" shape, with yin on the right. One is likely to see this symbol as decorations on Taoist organization flags and logos, temple floors, or stitched into clerical robes. According to Song Dynasty sources, it originated around the 10th century. Previously, yin and yang were symbolized by a tiger and dragon.



英语总结老子的思想Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer who is believed to have lived during the 6th century BC. He is traditionally regarded as the author of the Tao Te Ching, a foundational text of Taoism. Laozi's philosophy revolves around the concept of the Tao, which can be loosely translated as "the way" or "the path." Throughout his teachings, Laozi emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the natural order of the universe and seeking simplicity.One of Laozi's main ideas is the concept of wu wei, which can be translated as "non-action" or "effortless action." Laozi believes that true mastery lies in understanding when to act and when to remain still. He advises individuals to let go of their desires, ego, and attachment to outcomes, and instead, to align themselves with the natural flow of events. By doing so, one can achieve a state of spontaneous and effortless action, leading to greater harmony and balance in life.Another key idea in Laozi's philosophy is the concept of wei wu wei, which means "action without action." Laozi suggests that by not trying to force or control things, one can achieve the best outcomes. He encourages individuals to embrace the virtue of humility and to live a simple and modest life. Laozi believes that by embracing this mindset, one can tap into the power of the Tao and become more in tune with the rhythms of the universe.Laozi also emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge and self-cultivation. He believes that by understanding oneself deeply and cultivating one's own inner virtues, one can become a source ofinspiration and guidance for others. Laozi encourages individuals to let go of their desires and attachments, to embrace the present moment, and to live in harmony with the natural world around them.Overall, Laozi's philosophy is centered around the idea of living in accordance with the Tao and the natural order of the universe. By embracing simplicity, humility, and non-action, individuals can achieve greater balance, harmony, and fulfillment in life. Laozi's teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese culture, as well as on philosophy and spirituality around the world. In a modern society that often values productivity, achievement, and control, Laozi's wisdom reminds us of the importance of letting go, embracing the present moment, and finding peace within ourselves.。



critics for centuries, and have
influenced every aspect in our life
① Tao/Dao the image of a hairy, human head
a foot walking "the way of the ancients"
Story : 孔子适周,将问礼于老子。
Once, Confucius went to Zhou and consulted with Laozi on ritual matters.
老子曰:“良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德、容貌若愚。去 子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子之身。”
disappeared without a trace.
• Work:Dao De Jing《道德经》
• Achievement:esteemed as a philosopher by
Confucianists; a saint(圣人)or god by the common people of China; a divinity(神)and the representative of the Dao
Laozi's response was a critique of Confucius's teachings. Laozi tells Confucius to give up his stiff deportment and prideful airs.
孔子去,谓弟子曰:“鸟,吾知其能飞;鱼,吾知其能游; 兽,吾知其能走。走者可以为罔,游者可以为纶,飞者可以 为矰。至于龙吾不能知,其乘风云而上天。吾今日见老子, 其犹龙邪!”



The development history of Taoism
During the warring states period, the immortal faith has quite wide. This is, there are many records book of fairy tales, the book contains many legends about fairy wonderland, fairy medicine such as text.
2.Zhuang zi
Chuang tzu, a week, word son, father of Taoism. Mid warring states Song Guomeng. Mid warring states is the representative figure of the Taoist school, the famous thinker, philosopher and writer, one of the main founder of Taoism. Future generations will he and Lao tzu and known as the "zhuang zi". Their system of philosophy, by academia as "zhuang zi's philosophy". Elegant and representative works of zhuangzi have "unfettered", "making all things equal", etc.
Han wei jin period is the important period of the development of Taoism in our country. The han political culture and society in weijin metaphysics purchase directly affects the behavior of Taoism and knowledge exist. Although they have the same out of awareness of the doctrine of zhuangzi, but the bamboo groves QiXian et behavior in Taoism on people's behavior rules have wind is first important to. Wei and jin dynasty's political environment and social atmosphere for Taoism is the rare opportunity of development and power. Eastern jin famous Taoist scholar ge hong "holding tastes" in Taoism system has an important position, and ge hong himself is also considered important characters of Taoism. Plays an important role on the development of the Taoist school.


and Taoism
老子(约公元前571年—公元前471年), 姓李名耳,字聃。是我国古代伟大的哲学家和 思想家、道家学派创始人。在道教中,老子被 尊为道教始祖。老子乃世界文化名人,世界百 位历史名人之一,存世有《道德经》(又称 《老子》),主张无为而治,其学说对中国哲 学发展具有深刻影响。
What is "Non-action"? (何为“无为”?)
Wu wei : means " non-action" or "to take things let their own course", proposed by Lao Zi, is not doing nothing, but comply to nature, excludes the unnecessary indulging, and not reluctantly using people’s power to interfere the natural or social laws own development. 老子提出的“无为”,不是什么也不做,而是指 要顺应自然,排除不必要的妄为,不要勉强用人事 的力量去干扰自然规律或社会规律的自身发展。
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。
The Tao that can be told of ,is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given,are not Absolute Names. The Nameless is the பைடு நூலகம்rigin of Heaven and earth; The Named is the Mother of All Things.



上善若水。水善利万物而不争, 处众人之所恶,故几于道。 居善地, 心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治, 事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无 尤。
Thank you! Have a good time!
2 WATER The best of man is like water, which benefits all things, and does not contend with them,
which flows in places that others disdain,
Tao Te Ching 道德经
His famous words in the book of Tao Te Ching
1 The Way that can be experienced is not true; The world that can be constructed is not true. The Way manifests all that happens and may happen; The world represents all that exists and may exist.
! where it is in harmony with the Way.
Water The social meaning welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New C•SonoteБайду номын сангаасnhtedessaiggne,:1L0iyveeasrsweixthpeinriennacteure, Thinks within the deep, Gives within impartiality, Speaks within trust, Governs within order, Crafts within ability, Acts within opportunity. He does not contend, and none contend against him.

老子思想介绍 英文 Taoism

老子思想介绍 英文 Taoism

Laozi’s ThoughtsCurrently, the thoughts of Laozi are widely concerned around the world since people realize that the idea it presents can still offer guidance on matters ranging from politics to daily life. People varying in values as well as personalities tend to analyze the thoughts from diversified perspectives. In my point of view, I reckon that his thoughts can be best understood following the central point of Tao.First and foremost, the crucial point of Laozi’s view is Tao, whose concept can be described as the general principle of everything in this universe. Though Tao, in Laozi’s own words, is unnameable, it is believed to be the origin of the universe. Yin and yang, the two basic elements in Chinese culture, derive from Tao and become the unity of Tai Chi which eventually produces everything according to the world view of Laozi’s thoughts.Furthermore, Tao owns several qualities and follows certain law that reveals the innate ideas of Laozi’s thoughts. One of the most prominent characters of Tao might be wu wei, which is actually an intentional life style with self-discipline and certain purpose instead of its literal meaning of inaction. Few desire, suggesting one should be content with what they possess already rather than pursue the extravagant life, is another quality of Tao and also a discipline for Taoist.In addition, it is well supported that Tao is a complex of paradox, since the law of Tao asserts that the matter in the universe tends to converts to the opposite. Thus it is reasonable to conclude that the thoughts of Laozi possess some paradoxical aspects.To sum up, Tao is unavoidable when studying Laozi’s thoughts and it is a valid introduction to the thoughts. With an efficient way of studying, I believe the thorough contemplation of Laozi’s thoughts can benefit individuals while making contribution to the whole society.。


and Taoism
老子(约公元前571年—公元前471年), 姓李名耳,字聃。是我国古代伟大的哲学 家和思想家、道家学派创始人。在道教中, 老子被尊为道教始祖。老子乃世界文化名 人,世界百位历史名人之一,存世有《道 德经》(又称《老子》),主张无为而治, 其学说对中国哲学发展具有深刻影响。
reluctantly using people’s power to interfere the
natural or social laws own development.
老子提出的“无为”,不是什么也不做,而是指要 顺应自然,排除不必要的妄为,不要勉强用人事的 力量去干扰自然规律或社会规律的自身发展。
Writting: 《Daode Jing》(also called 《Lao zi》,
Notable ideas: Wu wei (means "nonaction",letting things take their own course);
Its theory has a profound influence on the development of Chinese philosophy.
Lao-Tzu’s sayings:
道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。
The Tao that can be told of ,is not the Absolute Tao; The Names that can be given,areess is the origin of Heaven and earth; The Named is the Mother of All Things.
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its full height in summer (fully yang) will produce seeds and die back in winter (fully yin) in an endless cycle.

It is impossible to talk about yin or yang without some reference to the opposite, since yin and yang are bound together as parts of a mutual whole (i.e. you cannot have the back of a hand without the front). A way to illustrate this idea is to postulate the notion of a race with only men or only women; this race would disappear in a single generation.
Name:Li Er (李耳);Li Dan (李聃) Courtesy name:Bo Yang (伯阳)
《史记· 卷063· 老子列传》:

Water is the perfect substance according to Daoism. Water always seeks the lowest point and always takes the shape of any vessel into which it is poured. Water always flows downhill, and it always flows around any obstacle. Water seems to be the weakest substance, but it’s really the strongest. A steady drip of water can wear away a rock, a stream can create a canyon, a glacier (frozen water) can create a Grand Canyon, and water in the form of a hurricane or typhoon can erode the very continents away.

Philosophical Taoism

speaks of a permanent Tao in the way that some Western religions speak of God. The Tao is considered unnamed and unknowable, the essential unifying element of all that is. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. Eventually the hope is to become immortal.
Yet, men and women together create new generations that allow the race they mutually create (and mutually come from) to survive. The interaction of the two gives birth to things.

Yin and yang are always opposite and equal qualities. Further, whenever one
quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin to transform into the opposite quality: for example, grain that reaches

道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而 抱阳,冲气以为和。 Out of Tao, One is born; Out of One, Two; Out of Two, Three; Out of Three, the created universe. The created universe carries the yin at its back and the yang in front; Through the union of the pervading principles it reaches harmony.

The best of men is like water; Water benefits all things And does not compete with them.

The softest substance of the world Goes through the hardest.

Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis. The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.
身长八尺八寸,黄色美眉,长耳大目,广额疏齿,方口厚唇,日月角悬,鼻有双 周时人,李母怀胎八十一年而生。”
Lao zi and Taoism
Xun said:
"China roots deep in Taoism. If one wants to comprehend Chinese history and culture, one must comprehend Taoism first."

other through the constant flow of the universe.

The symbol is a visual depiction of the intertwined duality of all things in nature, a common theme in Taoism. It is believed to be derived from the Taijitu (Diagram of the Ultimate Power).

Yin and yang transform each other: like an undertow(回头浪) in the ocean, every advance is complemented by a retreat, and every rise transforms into a fall. Thus, a seed will sprout from the earth and grow upwards towards the sky – an intrinsically yang movement. Then, when it reaches its full potential height, it will fall.


Wu-wei literally means “non-action,” but
it doesn’t mean don’t ever move.

It means to always act in accordance with the Dao, and not to do things that don’t “go with the flow.” Water does not flow uphill—does it? No, it always flows downhill—it always finds the path of least resistance, as does a good Daoist

The nature of yin–yang

In Taoist philosophy, yin and yang arise together from an initial quiescence or emptiness (wuji, sometimes symbolized by an empty circle), and continue moving in tandem (双) until quiescence(静止) is reached again.

The light, white Yang moving up blends into the dark, black Yin moving down. Yin and Yang are dependent opposing forces that flow in a natural cycle, always seeking balance. Though they are opposing, they are not in opposition to one another. As part of the Tao, they are merely two aspects of a single reality. Each contains the seed of the other, which is why we see a black spot of Yin in the white Yang and vice versa. They do not merely replace each other but actually become each