名篇名译0011.原文:It is an ill wind that blows nobodygood.译文:世事皆利弊并存。
2.原文:Their languag e was almostunrestr ainedby any motiveof prudenc e.译文:他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不考虑什么谨慎不谨慎。
3.原文:Get a livelih ood,and then practis e virtue.译文:先谋生而后修身。
用“谋生”来译“Getalivelih ood",用“修身”来译“practis e virtue",可谓精当。
4.原文:I enjoy the clean voluptu ousnes s of the warm breezeon my skin and the cool support of water.译文:我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清亮的流水把我的身体托浮在水面。
篇一:英文诗歌(shīgē)欣赏The LambLittle lamb, who made thee? 小羊羔(yánggāo)谁创造了你Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道(zhī dào)谁创造了你Gave thee life, and bid thee feed 给你生命(shēngmìng),哺育着你By the stream and o'er the mead;在溪流(xīliú)旁,在青草地Gave thee clothing of delight,给你穿上好看的衣裳Softest clothing, woolly, bright;最软的衣裳毛茸茸多漂亮; Gave thee such a tender voice,给你这样温顺的声音,Making all the vales rejoice? 让所有的山谷都开心;Little lamb, who made thee?小羔羊谁创造了你Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁创造了你;Little lamb, I'll tell thee, 小羔羊我要告诉你,Little lamb, I'll tell thee: 小羔羊我要告诉你;He is called by thy name, 他的名字跟你的一样, For He calls Himself a Lamb. 他也称他自己是羔羊;He is meek, and He is mild; 他又温顺又和蔼,He became a little child.他变成了一个小小孩I a child, and thou a lamb,我是个小孩你是羔羊We are called by His name. 咱俩的名字跟他一样。
Little lamb, God bless thee! 小羔羊上帝保佑你Little lamb, God bless thee! 小羔羊上帝保佑你。
文学英译汉(世界名篇 《瓦尔登湖》)
文学英译汉(世界名篇《瓦尔登湖》)I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing up. It is surprising how many great men and women a small house will contain.我的屋子里有三张椅子,寂寞时用一张,交朋友用两张,社交用三张。
I have had twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, at once under my roof, and yet we often parted without being aware that we had come very near to one another. Many of our houses, both public and private, with their almost innumerable apartments, their huge halls and their cellars for the storage of wines and other munitions of peace, appear to be extravagantly large for their inhabitants.有一天,在我的屋脊底下,来了二十五至三十个灵魂,外加上他们这许多个身体;然而,我们分手的时候似乎不觉得我们曾经彼此十分接近过。
散文英译汉佳作赏析散文英译汉佳作赏析汉译英散文佳作赏析:冯骥才《西式幽默》Western Humour冯骥才Feng Jicai学院请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子,他个子足有二米,每迸屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗?Our institute employed an English teacher. He looked very strange red-faced, golden-haired, with a thick growth of whiskers that reached all the way to the nose. He was really tall-- no less than six foot five. When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame. It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door and that was much too polite.顶怪的是,他每每与中国学生聊天,聊到可笑之处时,他不笑,脸上也没表情,好象他不喜欢玩笑;可是有时毫不可笑的事,他会冷不防放声大笑,笑得翻江倒海,仰面朝天,几平连人带椅子要翻过去,喉结在脖子上乱跳,满脸胡子直抖。
常使中国学生面面相觑,不知这位洋教师的神经是不是有点问题?What was more, he never laughed, when he chatted with his Chinese students on amusing stories, nor did his face show any expression as if he knew no sense of humour. However, when it came to topics of the most dull nature, he would burst into uncontrollable laughter, roaring while rocking in his chair, almost falling flat on his back, his Adam's apple dancing up and down in his throat and his whiskers fluttering all over his face. Thestudents would then look at each other, wondering if he was in his right mind.一天,洋教师出题,考察学生们用洋文作文的水准,题目极简单,随便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可。
名篇名译0011.原文:It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.译文:世事皆利弊并存。
赏析:原句结构比较特殊("It is … that …"),理解起来有点困难。
2.原文:Their language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence.译文:他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不考虑什么谨慎不谨慎。
3.原文:Get a livelihood,and then practise virtue.译文:先谋生而后修身。
用“谋生”来译“Get a livelihood",用“修身”来译“practise virtue",可谓精当。
4.原文:I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water.译文:我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清亮的流水把我的身体托浮在水面。
(章振邦译)赏析:"voluptuousness"不会"clean",是"breeze""clean","support"不会"cool", 是"water""cool",这种“甲乙两项相关联,就把原属于形容甲的修饰语移属于乙”的修饰手法叫“移就”(transferred epithet)(《英语修辞赏析》,第145页)。
The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing . But Man has in him the silence of sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air .
His soul has in its Autumn, when his wings He furleth close ; contented so to look On mists in idleness----to let fair things Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook:
歌德(Wolfgang von Goethe ) 穆诗雄《论中国古典诗歌的不可译性》
诗之可译(Translatability) 郭沫若/王佐良/许渊冲:以诗译诗 闻一多:诗笔译诗 成仿吾《译诗论》:译诗也应当是诗,这是我们
冯庆华:译诗要把握其思想感情、意境形象、音 韵节奏和风格神韵;讲究音美、形美、意美
He has his Winter too of pale misfeature,
他心灵的秋天有节把一年的时间填满, 人的心灵也包含着四个季节:
这是他心满意足 地收拢翅膀,
清晰地俊赏吸收了美的一切。 懒看着雾色;赏心
在他的夏天,他爱把年轻的思 想
Five-character-regular-verseSikiong ShuTO A FRIEND BOUND NORTHAFTER THE REBELLIONIn dangerous times we two came south;Now you go north in safety, without me.But remember my head growing white among strangers,When you look on the blue of the mountains of home....The moon goes down behind a ruined fort,Leaving star-clusters above an old gate....There are shivering birds and withering grasses,Whichever way I turn my face.经典古诗的英文翻译赏析篇二五言律诗刘禹锡蜀先主庙天地英雄气,千秋尚凛然。
Five-character-regular-verseLiu YuxiIN THE TEMPLE OF THE FIRST KING OF SHUEven in this world the spirit of a heroLives and reigns for thousands of years.You were the firmest of the pot\'s three legs;It was you who maintained the honour of the currency;You chose a great premier to magnify your kingdom....And yet you had a son so little like his fatherThat girls of your country were taken captiveTo dance in the palace of the King of Wei.经典古诗的英文翻译赏析篇三五言律诗张籍没蕃故人前年伐月支,城下没全师。
Li SaoQu YuanSoiling my gown, to plead my case I kneeled;Th'ancestral voice the path to me revealed.Swift jade-green dragons, birds with plumage gold,I harnessed to the whirlwind, and behold,At daybreak from the land of plane-trees grey,I came to paradise ere close of day.I wished within the sacred grove to stay,The sun had sunk, and darkness wrapped the way;The driver of the sun I bade to stay,Ere with the setting rays we haste away.The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem,As I urged on to seek my vanished dream.The dragons quenched their thirst beside the lakeWhere bathed the sun, whilst I upon the brakeFastened my reins; a golden bough I soughtTo brush the sun, and tarred there in sport.The pale moon's charioteer I then bade lead,The master of the winds swiftly succeed;Before, the royal blue bird cleared the way;The lord of thunder urged me to delay.I bade the phoenix scan the heaven wide;But vainly day and night its course it tried;The gathering whirlwinds drove it from my sight,Rushing with lowering clouds to check my flight;Sifting and merging in the firmament,Above, below, in various hues they went.The gate-keeper of heaven I bade give place,But leaning on his door he scanned my face;The day grew dark, and now was nearly spent;Idly my orchids into wreaths I bent.The virtuous and the vile in darkness merged;They veiled my virtue, by their envy urged.经典的中文古诗翻译成英文屈原《楚辞·离骚》朝吾将济于白水兮,登阆风而緤马。
The Bad Luck of China and the Strong Will of the ChineseLi DazhaoThe progress of history sometimes comes into a territory full of hardships and hindrances, and only by means of strong will can it run through the territory.Sometimes in an extensive and open terrain with boundless plains, a huge and mighty river flows vigorously down thousands of miles. Sometimes it runs in an imposing and narrow terrain with ranges of high mountains, crags and cliffs. It zigzags its way down through them, which is drastically hazardous and precipitous. The progress of a nation undergoes the same experience.The life of human race in history is just like a journey. The places the travelers have traversed are open and flat here, but craggy and risky there. Walking on a flat and level road, an experienced traveler certainly feels delighted. However, walking in a rugged and rough terrain, one can enjoy more wits and humor. Walking in such an area of wonderful and magnificent scenes, one can savor more tastes of adventure.The road of history taken today by the Chinese nation is one full of twists and turns. But in this section of the road, there is an extremely fabulous and magnificent view which makes those of us who are going and have gone through it feel glorious and hallowed. It is a feel only those strongly-determined people are capable of enjoying.The Yangtze River and Yellow River stand well for our national spirit. They run into deserts and mountains, and mightily they run. They develop into huge muddy streams and vigorously theydash and roar down thousands of miles. The current crisis can never stop our nation from advancing forward. Strongly determined, we should sing a march and, accompanied by this touching and tragic song.白杨礼赞矛盾……那就是白杨树,西北极普通的一种树,然而实在不是平凡的一种树。
《荷塘月色》英译文赏析《荷塘月色》两译文赏析散文翻译原则●1、文气贯通,气韵生动●英国散文翻译家Hilaire Belloc(希莱尔·贝洛克)为文学散文翻译制定了6 条原则,认为翻译的本质是异地之魂假借本地之躯的复活(The essence of translating is the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body) ,强调散文的翻译不能拘泥于原文之字句,要视段落或部分为整体。
翻译要“以意译意( translate intention by intention) ”●2、传神写照———“意,气,文”三位一体●在散文翻译中,我们要想译得曲尽其妙,须得传神地摹写作者的气质神韵。
美感层面●Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath. It is peaceful andsecluded here, a place not frequented by pedestrians even in the daytime; now at night, it looks more solitary, in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond. On the side where the path is, there are willows, interlaced with some others whose names I do not know. The foliage, which, in a moonless night,would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, greyish veil. (朱纯深译文)●动感美:run、frequent、interlace、loom●韵味美:peaceful、secluded、solitary、lush、shady●比喻手法:…a thin, greyish veil .美感层面●All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye isa silken fieldof leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud, like scattering pearls, or twinkling stars, or beauties just out of the bath. A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance, like faint singing drifting from a distant building.At this moment, a tiny thrill shoots through the leaves and flowers, like a streak of lightning, straight across the forest of lotuses. The leaves, which have been standing shoulder to shoulder, are caught trembling in an emerald heave of the pond. Underneath, the exquisite water is covered from view, and none can tell its colour; yet the leaves on top project themselves all the more attractively.(朱纯深译文)●音韵效果 (节奏美):● stirs---sending---singing;● breeze---breaths---building;● fragrance---faint---from;● drifting---distant;● sen ding---singing--building;● leaves---streak;● streak---straight;● leaves---like---lightning---lotuses.●heave :双关语义●emerald :“通感”●project :选词确切词汇层面●今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。
老人与海 英汉互译赏析
余人面“光降流壁所在上译所,湾;撞此七以,:谓看草该在聚百各形他巨到〞处海集英种成划流水磷海底。寻鱼漩过的里磷床的,类涡渔洋闪陡峭湾都,是个““c所保被井这有谓T余作面名出得之贴老 所ah〞单“称存老就什的“先那任很下切lel巨头渔谓e生些的何突,。g,数存。头是么d流r子人〞“将解文联兀e,对,疑这称大所〞大a〞是〞“释字系。t表他因,片为井谓大,井w这看,相本就s示井与〞e而此或海,不“o个不显较l人是大l-〞后更对言这有面没所1。. ,吴的见的这〞突海渊了都然译某果磷片,流的旋聚到:一囊光水因冲峭涡集达他片马,域为击壁,在七划水尾渔叫那在上种那百到域藻夫“儿海,种儿英海,闪们大水底激鱼。寻里看出管井深深起儿,
He saw the phosphorescence 〔磷光〕 of the Gulf weed in the water as he rowed over the part of the ocean that the fisherman called the great well because there was a sudden deep of seven hundred fathoms where all sorts of fish congregated because of the swirl the current made against the steep walls of the floor of the ocean.
中 吴劳〔1923—2021〕,上海翻
山大学文学院院长、当 代著名诗人和评论家。 2021年4月,84岁的余 光中受聘为北京大学
下面是店铺带来的中英互译的英语美文赏析,欢迎阅读!中英互译的英语美文赏析篇一“孺子马”An "Obedient Horse"宋连昌Song Lianchang我的邻居老纪,是位消息灵通人士。
My neighbor Lao Ji was well informed. Every day when he got off work, he would bring several pieces of news from big events at home and abroad down to Small strifes between husband and wife, or between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The tune far his news broadcast was usually dinner time, so the best place for it was naturally the shared kitchen.这天,老纪进了厨房就说:“老王,你听说了吗?”“什么事?”“ XXX的儿子被逮了。
“还用说,犯法了呗!……”One day, Lao Ji carte into the kitchen and said, "Lao Wang, haven't you heard the news?" "What?" "So-and-so's son has been arrested." "Oh? Why?" I asked in surprise, putting down the knife. "No doubt for an offense against the law.“其实,那孩子小时候也蛮好,都是家长的过失。
聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑!Going Home%罗经国译Going home!The land will soon lie in waste①.Why shouldn’t I go home?Since I willingly let my mind be enslaved②bymy worldly desires,Why should I feel remorseful③and sadKnowing that what I did in the past cannot beredressed④,I can still retrieve⑤my mistakes in the future;I have not gone too far on the wrong path,And now I am on the right path of today,notthe wrong one of yesterday.The boat is moving swiftly⑥ahead with the windblowing on my garment,I ask the way from a passer-by and feel sadthat there is yet only a gleam of early dawn⑦.The shabby house is in view in the distance,I run happily towards it.The boy servant comes forward to welcome me,My youngest son is also waiting for me at the gate.Though the paths in the garden have nearlybeen decimated⑧,The pine trees and the chrysanthemums⑨arestill there.Holding the hand of my child,I walk into thehouse,There on the table is wine prepared.I take up the wine vessel and drink alone,Enjoying the view of the trees in the garden.I lean against the south window to indulge inmy lofty meditations⑩,Contented with the ease of living in a smallhouse.I find pleasure in walking in the garden every day,Though there is a gate,it is closed all day.With a staff I roam around輥輯訛,and rest wheneverI feel the need,And at times raise my head to look at thingsin the distance.Clouds drift out aimlessly輥輰訛from behind themountains,Birds will return to their nests when tired.从汉英两方面赏析英译□王贵学特别策划古诗词44英语·It grows dim as the sun sets ,I linger ,stroking the trunk of the solitarypine tree 輥輱訛.Going home !I will cut off all human relations.Since the world is at odds with 輥輲訛me ,What should I seek by driving out in a carriage I will have intimate talks with my kinsmen 輥輳訛,And forget my miseries by playing on the harp and reading books.Country folks 輥輴訛will come to tell me that springhas come ,And that farm work will begin in the western field.I would either ride on a cart ,or row a smallboat 輥輵訛,Sometimes following a clear and deep stream that leads me to a valley ,Sometimes walking along a rugged and bumpypath 輥輶訛that takes me over a hill.Trees are growing boisterously 輥輷訛,Spring water is flowing smoothly.I envy all things that enjoy the blessings of nature ,And feel miserable that my life will soon be over.Alas 輦輮訛!How many more days can I live on thisearth ?Why not take life as it isWhy do I worry What am I aspiring to 輦輯訛I do not seek wealth and position ,Nor do I desire to live with fairies and gods 輦輰訛.I would go out alone on a fine day ,To cultivate farmland with my staff laidaside 輦輱訛.I would shout aloud on the top of the eastern hill ,And compose poems by clear streams.Welcoming death as part of the vicissitudes 輦輲訛oflife ,I would be contented with what is willed by Heaven.What else do I want一、从汉语角度把握诗歌的原味《归去来辞》是东晋陶渊明的著名辞赋,作于作者辞官归田之初,是一篇述志的作品。
散⽂佳作汉译英翻译赏析:Is the Ear Less Reliable than the Eye?⽿闻不如⼀见-顾均正(双语)Is the Ear Less Reliable than the Eye?⽿闻不如⼀见——从焦尾琴谈起——About the Story of Jiao Wei Qin顾均正Gu Jun zheng在郭⽼(1)新编的话剧“蔡⽂姬”⾥,提到了蔡⽂姬的⽗亲蔡邕(yōng)(2)所造的那张焦尾琴。
最近我看了“蔡⽂姬”的演出,⾃然⽽然想起了焦尾琴,想起了关于焦尾琴的故事: In the play Cai Wenji, newly written by venerable Guo Moruo, reference is made to jiao wen qin, a zithern partly made of scorched wood by Cai Yong, father of Cai Wenji.Recently, after I saw the play on the stage, my mind naturally went to jiao wen qin and its story.蔡邕因为不愿趋附权贵(3),怕被⼈陷害,曾经亡命江南,往来于吴会之间(今江、浙⼀带),计⼗⼆年。
Cai Yong disliked playing up to bigwigs and, to avoid frame-ups, he went into exile in the South, wandering about for twelve years in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is said that one day during his stay in Suzhou when he heard the crackling of firewood from his next-door neighbour at cooking time, he knew the familiar sound came from paulownia, a kind of choice wood best for making zitherns. Now, talking it over with his neighbour, he was given the piece of scorched wood, which he subsequently made into a zithern. This musical instrument, when played, turned out to be extremely pleasant to the ear. People called it jiao wei qin because the tail of its sound-board was made of scorched wood.当我想起这个故事的时候,使我对“⽿闻不如⽬见”这句成语不能不有所怀疑。
老人与海 英汉互译赏析
《老人与海》 《太阳照样升起》 《永别了,武器》 《丧钟为谁而鸣》
余光中(1928——), 台湾诗人,现任台湾中 山大学文学院院长、当 代著名诗人和评论家。 2012年4月,84岁的余 光中受聘为北京大学 “驻校诗人”。著有 《余光中经典》、《乡 愁》等诗歌以及《老人 与海》等翻译作品。
• "And the best fisherman is you."
• "No. I know others better."
• "Que va," the boy said. "There are many good fisherman and some great ones. But there is only you."
• 余译:能干的渔 夫很多,了不起 的也有几个,可 是像你这样的, 只有一个。
• 吴译:好渔夫很 多,还有些很了 不起的,不过顶 呱呱的只有你。
He saw the phosphorescence (磷光) of the Gulf weed in the water as he rowed over(划过) the part of the ocean that the fisherman called the great well because there was a sudden deep of seven hundred fathoms(英寻) where all sorts of fish congregated because of the swirl the current made against the steep walls of the floor of the ocean.
单句篇(五⼗六)原⽂:The deserts and empty seas swung by him, and the mountains against the stars.译⽂: 荒漠沧海,沧海荒漠,悠悠然飘过他⾝旁。
这⾥的"deserts"和"seas"都是复数形式,译者使⽤了重复词语的办法,不仅表达出了"deserts" 和"seas"的复数概念,更增强了译⽂的美。
单句篇(五⼗七)原⽂:Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness,affection weakness,thrift avarice.译⽂:勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。
两个名词“affection”和“thrift”后都省略了“in excess becomes”,译成汉语,省略的部分被补译出来了,以求形成整个译⽂的排⽐,实现句式的整齐,节奏的明快。
单句篇(五⼗⼋)原⽂:For never was a story of more woeThan this of Juliet and her Romeo.(William Shakespeare:Romeo and Juliet)译⽂:古往今来多少离合悲欢,谁曾见这样的哀怨⼼酸!(朱⽣豪译)赏析:您别忙看原⽂,不妨先试着读⼀读译⽂,细⼼体会⼀下译⽂⽂学的⾳、意给⼈带来的那种美感,那种婉转流畅、鲜明铿锵的节奏,那种⼀泻千⾥、奔腾不⽌的感叹,您定会认为这样的⽂字必出于某个汉语作家的⼿笔。
All Good Things Must End by 杨宪益、戴乃迭 All men long to be immortals, Yet to riches and rank each aspires; The great ones of old, where are they now? Their graves are a mass of briars. All men long to be immortals, Yet silver and gold they prize. And grub for money all their lives, Till death seals up their eyes. All men long to be immortals Yet dote on the wives they’ve wed, Who swear to love their husband evermore, But remarry as soon as he’s dead. All men long to be immortals, Yet with getting sons won’t have done. Although fond parents are legion, Who ever saw a really filial son?
《好了歌》中的道理人人明白,但谁又能放弃 呢?在下面有两首英译诗歌,可作比较欣赏。
Won-Done Song by 大卫.霍克斯 Men all know that salvation should be won. But with ambition won’t have done, have done. Where are the famous ones of days gone by? In grassy graves they lie now, every one. Men all know that salvation should be won. But with their riches won’t have done, have done. Each day they grumble they’ve not made enough. When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight every one! Men all know that salvation should be won. But with their loving wives won’t have done. The dalings every day protest their love: But once you’re dead, they’re off with another one. Men all know that salvation should be won. But with their children won’t have done, have done. Yet though of parents fond there is no lack. Of grateful children saw I ne’er a one.
《荷塘月色》两译文赏析散文翻译原则●1、文气贯通,气韵生动●英国散文翻译家 Hilair e Belloc(希莱尔·贝洛克)为文学散文翻译制定了6条原则,认为翻译的本质是异地之魂假借本地之躯的复活(The essenc e of transl ating is the resurr ection of an alienthingin a native body) ,强调散文的翻译不能拘泥于原文之字句,要视段落或部分为整体。
翻译要“以意译意( transl ate intent ion by intent ion) ”●2、传神写照———“意,气,文”三位一体●在散文翻译中,我们要想译得曲尽其妙,须得传神地摹写作者的气质神韵。
美感层面●Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a smallcinder footpa th. It is peacef ul and seclud e d here, a placenot frequentedby pedest rians even in the daytim e; now at night, it looksmore solita ry, in a lush, shadyambien ce of treesall aroun d the pond. On the side wherethe path is, thereare willow s, interl acedwith some others whosenames I do not know. The foliag e, which,in a moonle ss night ,wouldloom somewh at frightening ly dark, looksvery nice tonigh t, althou gh the moonli ght is not more than a thin, greyis h veil. (朱纯深译文)●动感美:run、freque nt、interl ace、loom●韵味美:peacef ul、seclud ed、solita ry、lush、shady●比喻手法:…a thin, greyis h veil .美感层面●All over this windin g stretch of water,what meetsthe eye is a silken fieldo f leaves, reachi ng rather high abovethe surfac e, like the skirts of danci n g girlsin all theirgrace. Here and there,layers of leaves are dotted with whitelotusblosso ms, some in demure bloom,others in shy bud, like scatte ring p earls, or twinkl ing stars,or beauti es just out of the bath. A breeze stirs ,sendin g over breath s of fragra nce, like faintsingin g drifti ng from a dista n t buildi ng. At this moment, a tiny thrill shoots throug h the leaves and flowe r s, like a streak of lightn ing, straight across the forest of lotuse s. The leave s,whichhave been standi ng should er to should er, are caught trembling in an emerald heaveof the pond. Undern eath,the exquis ite wateris covere d from view, and none can tell its colour; yet the leaves on top project themse lvesall the more attrac tivel y.(朱纯深译文)●音韵效果 (节奏美):● stirs---sendin g---singin g;● breeze---breath s---buildi ng;● fragrance---faint---from;● drifting---distan t;● sending---singin g--buildi ng;● leaves---streak;● streak---straig ht;● leaves---like---lightn ing---lotuse s.●heave:双关语义●emerald :“通感”●project :选词确切词汇层面●今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。
英汉互译 翻译赏析
• after the beating rain and fierce gusts of wind that had endured through the livelong night, there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf.(欧.亨利作
背景: 十一月份的时候,肺炎在小区里 • 戴译:但他还是袭击了琼珊。 • But Johnsy he smote; and 肆虐,许多人都染上了肺炎,琼 她几乎一动不动地躺在漆过的 she lay, scarcely moving, on 西也不例外。 铁床上,透过荷兰式的小玻璃 her painted iron bedstead, 窗,望着邻家无窗的砖墙。(欧. looking through the small 亨利作品选,2002,118) Dutch window-panes at the • 王译:但他竟然打击了琼珊; blank side of the next brick 她躺在一张油漆过的旧铁床上, 一动不动,望着荷兰式小窗外 house.(欧.亨利作品选,2002, 对面砖屋的墙壁欧.(亨利短篇 12) 小说选,2006,259)
低落而有些微的不耐烦。我们认为这里戴欣的“你可真是婆婆妈妈的”相对更为 恰当,这更符合汉语里的口头用语习惯,也更符合贝尔曼的身份和心情。
to be easily seen;to be noticeable 显眼,突出 牛津高阶英汉双解词典
interests who live in a particular city or country 聚居人群 牛津高阶英汉双解词典
英译汉文章翻译赏析时间:2009年06月01日【英译中选段六】原文(by Robert Frost)The Gift OutrightThe land was once ours before we were the land’s.She was our land more than a hundred years.Before we were her people. She was oursIn Massachusetts, in Virginia;But we were England’s, still colonials,Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,Possessed by what we now no more possessed.Something we were withholding made us weakUntil we found out that it was ourselvesWe were withholding from our land of living,And forthwith found salvation in surrender.Such as we were we gave ourselves outright(The deed of gift was many deeds of war)To the land vaguely realizing westward,But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,Such as she was, such as she would become.(原载 )译文(余光中译):全心的奉献土地先属于我们,我们才属于土地。
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The Bad Luck of China and the Strong Will of the ChineseLi DazhaoThe progress of history sometimes comes into a territory full of hardships and hindrances, and only by means of strong will can it run through the territory.Sometimes in an extensive and open terrain with boundless plains, a huge and mighty river flows vigorously down thousands of miles. Sometimes it runs in an imposing and narrow terrain with ranges of high mountains, crags and cliffs. It zigzags its way down through them, which is drastically hazardous and precipitous. The progress of a nation undergoes the same experience.The life of human race in history is just like a journey. The places the travelers have traversed are open and flat here, but craggy and risky there. Walking on a flat and level road, an experienced traveler certainly feels delighted. However, walking in a rugged and rough terrain, one can enjoy more wits and humor. Walking in such an area of wonderful and magnificent scenes, one can savor more tastes of adventure.The road of history taken today by the Chinese nation is one full of twists and turns. But in this section of the road, there is an extremely fabulous and magnificent view which makes those of us who are going and have gone through it feel glorious and hallowed. It is a feel only those strongly-determined people are capable of enjoying.The Yangtze River and Yellow River stand well for our national spirit. They run into deserts and mountains, and mightily they run. They develop into huge muddy streams and vigorously theydash and roar down thousands of miles. The current crisis can never stop our nation from advancing forward. Strongly determined, we should sing a march and, accompanied by this touching and tragic song.白杨礼赞矛盾……那就是白杨树,西北极普通的一种树,然而实在不是平凡的一种树。
这就是白杨树,西北极普通的一种树,然而决不是平凡的树! ……当你在积雪初融的高原上走过,看见平坦的大地上傲然挺立这么一株或一排白杨树,难道你觉得它只是树?难道你就不想到它的朴质,严肃,坚强不屈,至少也象征了北方的农民;难道你竟一点也不联想到,在敌后的广大土地上,到处有坚强不屈,就像这白杨树一样傲然挺立的守卫他们家乡的哨兵,难道你又不更远一点想到这样枝枝叶叶靠紧团结,力求上进的白杨树,宛然象征了今天在华北平原纵横激荡,用血写出新中国历史的那种精神和意志。
Tribute to the White PoplarBy Mao Dun……They are white poplars. Though very common in Northwest China, they are no ordinary trees!With straight trunks and branches, white poplars aim high. Their trunks are usually over ten feet tall and, as if wrought by human effort, utterly bare of branches below ten feet. Their twigs, also like things artificially shaped, all reach out towards the sky and grow close together in a cluster without any sideway growth. Their leaves are broad and point upwards with very few slanting sideways, much less upside down. Their glossy barks are a faint light green with hazy silver spots. They stand erect and unbending in face of North China’s violent wind and snow. Though they may be only as big as the mouth of a bowl, they strive to grow upwards until they reach the towering height of some twenty feet and stand indomitable against the northwest wind.They are white poplars. Though very common in Northwest China, they are no ordinary trees! You may call them unattractive because they have neither the graceful carriage of a dancer, nor such branches as can twine and climb. But nevertheless they are big and tall, honest and upright, simple and plain, earnest and unyielding --- and not without gentleness and warmth though. They are giants among trees! When you trudge through the melting snow of the highland and see one or a row ofwhite poplars standing proudly on the vast plains, how could you look upon them as nothing but mere trees? How could you forget that with all their simplicity, earnestness and unyieldingness, they are symbolic of our peasants in the North? How could you fail to associate them with our dauntless soldiers guarding our homeland all over the vast rear? How could you fail to see that these trees, ever striving to put out their closely knit branches and leaves in an upward direction, are symbolic of the spirit and will of our men who, fighting heroically all over the northern plains, are writing the history of New China with their own blood?White poplars are no ordinary trees. But these common trees in Northwest China are as much ignored as our peasants in the North. However, like our peasants in the North, they are bursting with vitality and capable of surviving any hardship or oppression. I pay tribute to them because they symbolize our peasants in the North and, in particular, the spirit of honesty, tenacity and forging ahead – a spirit central to our struggle for national liberation.The reactionary diehards, who despise and snub the common people, can do whatever they like to eulogize the elite nan-mu (which is also tall, straight and good-looking ) and look down upon the common, fast-growing white poplar. I, for my part, will be loud in my praise of the latter!二、婉约细腻类学校吴晴我怎能忘记那美丽的校园呢?那儿处处是碧绿的芳草,绿草中铺着洁白的、笔直的石路。