公司理财试题及答案解析一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。
A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 市场份额最大化答案:B解析:公司理财的主要目标是股东财富最大化,即通过合理配置资源、降低成本、提高效率等方式,使股东的财富得到最大化的增长。
2. 公司理财的基本原则包括()。
A. 风险与收益相匹配B. 资金的时间价值C. 投资组合多元化D. 以上都是答案:D解析:公司理财的基本原则包括风险与收益相匹配、资金的时间价值和投资组合多元化。
3. 以下哪项不是公司理财的主要活动?()A. 投资决策B. 融资决策C. 营运资金管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D解析:公司理财的主要活动包括投资决策、融资决策和营运资金管理。
4. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的风险类型?()A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 人力资源风险答案:D解析:公司理财中的风险类型包括市场风险、信用风险和操作风险。
5. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的投资决策?()A. 资本预算B. 证券投资C. 营运资金管理D. 项目评估答案:C解析:公司理财中的投资决策包括资本预算、证券投资和项目评估。
6. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的融资决策?()A. 股权融资B. 债务融资C. 营运资金管理D. 资本结构决策答案:C解析:公司理财中的融资决策包括股权融资、债务融资和资本结构决策。
7. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的营运资金管理?()A. 现金管理B. 存货管理C. 应收账款管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D解析:公司理财中的营运资金管理包括现金管理、存货管理和应收账款管理。
1)单选题,共20题,每题5.0分,共100.0分1 单选题 (5.0分)资产未来创造的现金流入现值称为?A. 资产的价格B. 资产的分配C. 资产的价值D. 资产的体量2 单选题 (5.0分)谁承担了公司运营的最后风险?A. 债权人B. 股东C. 管理层D. 委托人3 单选题 (5.0分)金融市场有哪些类型?A. 货币市场B. 资本市场C. 期货市场D. 以上都是4 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项是债券价值评估方式?A. 现值估价模型B. 到期收益率C. 债券收益率D. 以上都是5 单选题 (5.0分)融资直接与间接的划分方式取决于?A. 融资的受益方B. 金融凭证的设计方C. 融资来源D. 融资规模6 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪种不是财务分析方法?A. 比较分析B. 对比分析C. 趋势百分比分析D. 财务比例分析7 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪个不是价值的构成?A. 现金流量B. 现值C. 期限D. 折现率8 单选题 (5.0分)比率分析的目的是为了?A. 了解项目之间的关系B. 了解金融发展变化C. 分析资金流动趋势D. 分析金融风险9 单选题 (5.0分)影响公司价值的主要因素是?A. 市场B. 政策C. 信息D. 时间10 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪种是内部融资方式?A. 留存收益B. 股票C. 债券D. 借款11 单选题 (5.0分)什么是营运资本?A. 流动资产-流动负债B. 流动资产+流动负债C. 流动资产*流动负债D. 流动资产/流动负债12 单选题 (5.0分)PMT所代表的含义是?A. 现值B. 终值C. 年金D. 利率13 单选题 (5.0分)金融市场的作用是什么?A. 资金的筹措与投放B. 分散风险C. 降低交易成本D. 以上都是14 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项不是财务管理的内容?A. 筹资B. 融资C. 信贷D. 营运资本管理15 单选题 (5.0分)微观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 机构财政B. 账目管理C. 股市投资D. 公司理财16 单选题 (5.0分)计划经济时代企业的资金来源是?A. 个人B. 公司C. 银行D. 财政17 单选题 (5.0分)宏观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 货币流通B. 资产分配C. 货币政策D. 金融历史18 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项不是以资产或股权为基础的收益率指标?A. 投入资本收益率B. 总资产收益率C. 净资产收益率D. 销售毛利率19 单选题 (5.0分)我国资本市场的开启最初是为了?A. 为国企解困B. 与国外市场同步C. 发展经济D. 发展教育20 单选题 (5.0分)财务分析首要解决的问题是?A. 报表数据的真实性B. 报表数据的丰富性C. 报表数据的相关性D. 报表数据的完整性答案:1-5CBDDB6-10BBACA 11-15ACDCD16-20DCDAA。
公司理财试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个不是公司理财的基本目标?A. 增加现金流入B. 最大化利润C. 降低风险D. 提高市场份额答案:D2. 公司理财的基本原则包括以下哪些?A. 高收益原则B. 高流动性原则C. 长期经营原则D. 分散投资原则答案:BCD3. 公司现金流量分析的主要目的是什么?A. 评估公司现金收入和支出的状况B. 分析公司的盈利能力C. 了解公司的资产负债状况D. 预测公司未来的发展趋势答案:A二、简答题1. 请简要解释公司风险管理的概念和重要性。
它的重要性体现在以下几个方面:- 风险管理有助于公司降低风险,防范损失,保障公司的可持续发展。
- 通过全面分析风险,公司可以制定有效的风险应对策略,提高决策的准确性和有效性。
- 风险管理可以增加公司的竞争力,提高投资者、合作伙伴和顾客的信任度。
2. 请列举一些常见的公司理财工具,并简要说明其特点。
答案:常见的公司理财工具包括:- 现金管理工具:如短期存款、货币市场基金等。
- 债券:公司可以通过发行债券融资,债券具有固定收益、期限确定等特点,适合用于长期资金的筹集。
- 股票:公司可以通过发行股票融资,股票具有股东权益和股东收益的特点,适合用于扩大股东基础和提高公司声誉。
- 衍生品:如期货、期权等。
习题一1.5.1 单项选择题1 .不能偿还到期债务是威胁企业生存的()。
A .外在原因B .内在原因C .直接原因D .间接原因2.下列属于有关竞争环境的原则的是()。
A .净增效益原则B .比较优势原则C .期权原则D .自利行为原则3.属于信号传递原则进一步运用的原则是指()A .自利行为原则B .比较优势原则C . 引导原则D .期权原则4 .从公司当局可控因素来看,影响报酬率和风险的财务活动是()。
A .筹资活动B .投资活动C .营运活动D .分配活动5 .自利行为原则的依据是()。
A .理性的经济人假设B .商业交易至少有两方、交易是“零和博弈”,以及各方都是自利的C .分工理论D .投资组合理论6 .下列关于“有价值创意原则”的表述中,错误的是()。
A .任何一项创新的优势都是暂时的B .新的创意可能会减少现有项目的价值或者使它变得毫无意义C .金融资产投资活动是“有价值创意原则”的主要应用领域D .成功的筹资很少能使企业取得非凡的获利能力7 .通货膨胀时期,企业应优先考虑的资金来源是()A .长期负债B .流动负债C .发行新股D .留存收益8.股东和经营者发生冲突的根本原因在于()。
A .具体行为目标不一致B .掌握的信息不一致C .利益动机不同D ,在企业中的地位不同9 .双方交易原则没有提到的是()。
A .每一笔交易都至少存在两方,双方都会遵循自利行为原则B .在财务决策时要正确预见对方的反映C .在财务交易时要考虑税收的影响D .在财务交易时要以“自我为中心”10.企业价值最大化目标强调的是企业的()。
A .预计获利能力B .现有生产能力C .潜在销售能力D .实际获利能力11.债权人为了防止其利益受伤害,通常采取的措施不包括()。
A .寻求立法保护B .规定资金的用途C .提前收回借款D .不允许发行新股12.理性的投资者应以公司的行为作为判断未来收益状况的依据是基于()的要求。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
30.1 The new corporation issues $300,000 in new debt. The merger creates $100,000 ofgoodwill because the merger is a purchase.Balance SheetLager Brewing(in $ thousands)Current assets $480 Current liabilities $200Other assets 140 Long-term debt 400Net fixed assets 580 Equity 700Goodwill 100Total assets $1,300 Total liabilities $1,300 30.2 If the balance sheet for Philadelphia Pretzel shows assets at book value instead of marketvalue, the goodwill will be only $60,000 (=$300,000 - $240,000). Thus, the net fixed assetsare $620,000 (=$1,300,000 - $480,000 - $140,000 - $60,000).Balance SheetLager Brewing(in $ thousands)Current assets $480 Current liabilities $200Other assets 140 Long-term debt 400Net fixed assets 620 Equity 700Goodwill 60Total assets $1,300 Total liabilities $1,300 30.3Balance SheetLager Brewing(in $ thousands)Current assets $480 Current liabilities $280Other assets 140 Long-term debt 100Net fixed assets 580 Equity 820Total assets $1,200 Total liabilities $1,200 30.4 a. False. Although the reasoning seems correct, the Stillman-Eckbo data do not supportthe monopoly power theory.b. True. When managers act in their own interest, acquisitions are an important controldevice for shareholders. It appears that some acquisitions and takeovers are theconsequence of underlying conflicts between managers and shareholders.c. False. Even if markets are efficient, the presence of synergy will make the value ofthe combined firm different from the sum of the values of the separate firms.Incremental cash flows provide the positive NPV of the transaction.d. False. In an efficient market, traders will value takeovers based on “Fundamentalfactors” regardless of the time horizon. Recall that the evidence as a whole suggestsefficiency in the markets. Mergers should be no different.e. False. The tax effect of an acquisition depends on whether the merger is taxable ornon-taxable. In a taxable merger, there are two opposing factors to consider, thecapital gains effect and the write-up effect. The net effect is the sum of these twoeffects.f. True. Because of the coinsurance effect, wealth might be transferred from thestockholders to the bondholders. Acquisition analysis usually disregards this effectand considers only the total value.30.530.6 a. The weather conditions are independent. Thus, the joint probabilities are theproducts of the individual probabilities.Possible states Joint probabilityRain Rain 0.1 x 0.1=0.01Rain Warm 0.1 x 0.4=0.04Rain Hot 0.1 x 0.5=0.05Warm Rain 0.4 x 0.1=0.04Warm Warm 0.4 x 0.4=0.16Warm Hot 0.4 x 0.5=0.20Hot Rain 0.5 x 0.1=0.05Hot Warm 0.5 x 0.4=0.20Hot Hot 0.5 x 0.5=0.25Since the state Rain Warm has the same outcome (revenue) as Warm Rain, theirprobabilities can be added. The same is true of Rain Hot, Hot Rain and Warm Hot,Hot Warm. Thus the joint probabilities arePossibleJoint probabilitystatesRain Rain 0.01Rain Warm 0.08Rain Hot 0.10Warm Warm 0.16Warm Hot 0.40Hot Hot 0.25The joint values are the sums of the values of the two companies for the particularstate.Possible states Joint valueRain Rain $200,000Rain Warm 300,000Warm Warm 400,000Rain Hot 500,000Warm Hot 600,000Hot Hot 800,000b. Recall, if a firm cannot service its debt, the bondholders receive the value of the assets.Thus, the value of the debt is the value of the company if the face value of the debt isgreater than the value of the company. If the value of the company is greater than the value of the debt, the value of the debt is its face value. Here the value of the common stock is always the residual value of the firm over the value of the debt.Joint Prob. Joint Value Debt Value Stock Value0.01 $200,000 $200,000 $00.08 300,000 300,000 00.16 400,000 400,000 00.10 500,000 400,000 100,0000.40 600,000 400,000 200,0000.25 800,000 400,000 400,000c. To show that the value of the combined firm is the sum of the individual values, youmust show that the expected joint value is equal to the sum of the separate expected values.Expected joint value= 0.01($200,000) + 0.08($300,000) + 0.16($400,000) + 0.10($500,000) +0.40($600,000) + 0.25($800,000)= $580,000Since the firms are identical, the sum of the expected values is twice the expectedvalue of either.Expected individual value = 0.1($100,000) + 0.4($200,000) + 0.5($400,000) = $290,000 Expected combined value = 2($290,000) = $580,000d. The bondholders are better off if the value of the debt after the merger is greater thanthe value of the debt before the merger.Value of the debt before the merger:The value of debt for either company= 0.1($100,000) + 0.4($200,000) + 0.5($200,000) = $190,000Total value of debt before the merger = 2($190,000) = $380,000Value of debt after the merger= 0.01($200,000) + 0.08($300,000) + 0.16($400,000) + 0.10($400,000) +0.40($400,000) +0.25($400,000)= $390,000The bondholders are $10,000 better off after the merger.30.7 The decision hinges upon the risk of surviving. The final decision should hinge on thewealth transfer from bondholders to stockholders when risky projects are undertaken.High-risk projects will reduce the expected value of the bondholders’ claims on the firm.The telecommunications business is riskier than the utilities business. If the total value of the firm does not change, the increase in risk should favor the stockholder. Hence,management should approve this transaction. Note, if the total value of the firm dropsbecause of the transaction and the wealth effect is lower than the reduction in total value, management should reject the project.30.8 If the market is “smart,” the P/E ratio will not be constant.a. Value = $2,500 + $1,000 = $3,500b. EPS = Post-merger earnings / Total number of shares=($100 + $100)/200 =$1c. Price per share = Value/Total number of shares=$3,500/200 =$17.50d. If the market is “fooled,” the P/E ratio will be constant at $25.Value = P/E * Total number of shares= 25 * 200 = $5,000EPS = Post-merger earnings / Total number of shares=$5,000/200 = $25.0030.9 a. After the merger, Arcadia Financial will have 130,000 [=10,000 + (50,000)(6/10)]shares outstanding. The earnings of the combined firm will be $325,000. The earningsper share of the combined firm will be $2.50 (=$325,000/130,000). The acquisition will increase the EPS for the stockholders from $2.25 to $2.50.b. There will be no effect on the original Arcadia stockholders. No synergies exist in thismerger since Arcadia is buying Coldran at its market price. Examining the relativevalues of the two firms sees the latter point.Share price of Arcadia = (16 * $225,000) / 100,000=$36Share price of Coldran = (10.8 * $100,000) / 50,000=$21.60The relative value of these prices is $21.6/$36 = 0.6. Since Coldran’s shareholdersreceive 0.6 shares of Arcadia for every share of Coldran, no synergies exist.30.10 a. The synergy will be the discounted incremental cash flows. Since the cash flows areperpetual, this amount isb. The value of Flash-in-the-Pan to Fly-by-Night is the synergy plus the current marketvalue of Flash-in-the-Pan.V = $7,500,000 + $20,000,000= $27,500,000c. Cash alternative = $15,000,000Stock alternative = 0.25($27,500,000 + $35,000,000)= $15,625,000d. NPV of cash alternative = V - Cost=$27,500,000 - $15,000,000=$12,500,000NPV of stock alternative = V - Cost=$27,500,000 - $15,625,000=$11,875,000e. Use the cash alternative, its NPV is greater.30.11 a. The value of Portland Industries before the merger is $9,000,000 (=750,000x12). Thisvalue is also the discounted value of the expected future dividends.$9,000,000 =r = 0.1025 = 10.25%r is the risk-adjusted discount rate for Portland’s expected future dividends.the value of Portland Industries after the merger isThis is the value of Portland Industries to Freeport.b. NPV = Gain - Cost= $14,815,385 - ($40x250, 000)= $4,815,385c. If Freeport offers stock, the value of Portland Industries to Freeport is the same, but thecost differs.Cost = (Fraction of combined firm owned by Portland’s stockholders)x(Value of the combined firm)Value of the combined firm = (Value of Freeport before merger)+ (Value of Portland to Freeport)= $15x1,000,000 + $14,815,385= $29,815,385Cost = 0.375x$29,815,385= $11,180,769NPV= $14,815,385 - $11,180,769=$3,634,616d. The acquisition should be attempted with a cash offer since it provides a higher NPV.e. The value of Portland Industries after the merger isThis is the value of Portland Industries to Freeport.NPV = Gain-Cost=$11,223,529 - ($40x250,000)=$1,223,529If Freeport offers stock, the value of Portland Industries to Freeport is the same, but the cost differs.Cost = (Fraction of combined firm owned by Portland’s stockholders)x(Value of the combined firm)Value of the combined firm = (Value of Freeport before merger)+ (Value of Portland to Freeport)= $15x1,000,000 + $11,223,529= $26,223,529Cost = 0.375 * $26,223,529=$9,833,823NPV = $11,223,529 - $9,833,823=$1,389,706The acquisition should be attempted with a stock offer since it provides a higher NPV.30.12 a. Number of shares after acquisition=30 + 15 = 45 milStock price of Harrods after acquisition = 1,000/45=22.22 poundsb. Value of Selfridge stockholders after merger:α * 1,000 = 300α = 30%New shares issued = 12.86 mil12.86:20 = 0.643:1The proper exchange ratio should be 0.643 to make the stock offer’s value to Selfridgeequivalent to the cash offer.30.13 To evaluate this proposal, look at the present value of the incremental cash flows.Cash Flows to Company A(in $ million)Year 0 1 2 3 4 5Acquisition of B -550Dividends from B 150 32 5 20 30 45Tax-loss carryforwards 25 25Terminal value 600Total -400 32 30 45 30 645 The additional cash flows from the tax-loss carry forwards and the proposed level of debt should be discounted at the cost of debt because they are determined with very littleuncertainty.The after-tax cash flows are subject to normal business risk and must be discounted at anormal rate.Beta coefficient for the bond = 0.25 = [(8%-6%)/8%].Beta coefficient for the company = 1 = [(0.25)2 + (1.25)(0.75)]Discount rate for normal operations:r = 6% + 8% (1) = 14%Discount rate for dividends:The new beta coefficient for the company, 1, must be the weighted average of the debtbeta and the stock beta.1 = 0.5(0.25) + 0.5(βs)βs = 1.75r = 6% + 8%(1.75) = 20%Because the NPV of the acquisition is negative, Company A should not acquireCompany B.30.14 The commonly used defensive tactics by target-firm managers include:i. corporate charter amendments like super-majority amendment or staggering theelection of board members.ii. repurchase standstill agreements.iii. exclusionary self-tenders.iv. going private and leveraged buyouts.v. other devices like golden parachutes, scorched earth strategy, poison pill, ..., etc.Mini Case: U.S.Steel’s case.You have 3 choices: tender, or do not tender or sell in the market. If you do sell your shares in the market, at some point, somebody else would need to make a decision in “tender” or “not tender” as well.It is important to recognize that the firm has about 60 million shares outstanding (since 30 million shares will give US Steel 50.1% of Marathon shares). Let’s consider the possible sellingthe market price.If you choose not to tender, and 30 million shares were tendered US Steel succeeds to gain50.1% control, you will only receive $85 a share. If you do tender, the price you will receive will be no worse than $85 a share and can be as high as $125 a share. Depending on the number of shares tendered, you will receive one of the following prices.If only 50.1% tendered, you will get $125 per share.If the shares tendered exceed 50.1% but less than 100%, you will get more than $105 ashare.If all 60 million shares were tendered, you will get $105 per share. (which is )It is clear that, in the above 3 cases, when you are not sure about whether US Steel will succeed or not, you will be better off to tender your shares than not tender. This is because at best, you will only receive $85 per share if you choose not to tender.版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理。
The Nature of Asset Growth
• Effective current assets management requires matching of the forecasted sales and production schedules
• When production is higher than sales the inventory rises
• When sales are higher than production, inventory declines and receivables increase
Controlling Assets – Matching Sales and Production (cont’d)
Sales Forecasts, Cash Receipts, and Payments, and Cash Budget (cont’d)
– Increase in productive capacity – Replacement of old equipment
• Current assets fluctuate in the short run, depending on:
– Level of production versus the level of sales
• Differences in actual sales and forecasted sales can result ion in inventory, affecting receivables and
cash flow
• Firm’s current assets could be:
若资本成本为10%,甲设备的使用期应长于(D)年,选用甲设备才是有利的A、4B、5C、4.6D、5.42、(F/A,10%,11)=18.531普通年金现值系数的倒数称为(D)A、复利现值系数B、普通年金终值系数C、偿债基金系数D、资本回收系数3、关于风险报酬正确的表述是(D )A、风险报酬是必要投资报酬B、风险报酬是投资者的风险态度C、风险报酬是无风险报酬加通胀贴补D、风险报酬率=风险报酬斜率×风险程度4、以资本利润率最大化作为公司理财目标,存在的缺陷是(D )A、不能反映资本的获利水平B、不能用于不同资本规模的企业间比较C、不能用于同一企业的不同期间比较D、没有考虑风险因素与时间价值5、(F./A,10%,9)=13.579 已知,则10年、10%的即付年金终值系数为(A )。
A、17.531B、15.937C、14.579D、12.5796、下列风险因素中,( D)可以引起实质性风险A、偷工减料引起产品事故B、新产品设计错误C、信用考核不严谨而出现贷款拖欠D、食物质量对人体的危害7、我国企业应采用的较为合理的财务目标是( C)A、利润最大化B、每股利润最大化C、企业价值最大化D、资本利润率最大化8、当一年内复利m次时,其名义利率r与实际利率i之间的关系是(A)A、 i=(1+r/m)m-1B、 i=(1+r/m)-1C、i=(1+r/m)-m-1D、i=1-(1+r/m)9、某公司向银行借款100万元,借款期限2年,借款利率6%,每半年付息1次,该笔借款的实际利率为(A )A、6.09%B、6%C、6.21%D、5.80%10、企业投资可以分为广义投资和狭义投资,狭义的投资仅指(D)A、固定资产投资B、证券投资C、对内投资D、对外投资12、企业财务管理是企业经济管理工作的一个组成部分,区别于其他经济管理工作的特点在于它是一种(C)A、劳动要素的管理B、物资设备的管理C、资金的管理D、使用价值的管理13、x.y方案的标准离差是1.5,方案的标准离差是1.4,如两方案的期望值相同,则两方案的风险关系为(A)A、x>yB、x<YC、无法确定D、x=y14、我国企业财务管理的最优目标是(D)A、总产值最大化B、利润最大化C、股东财富最大化D、企业价值最大化15、注册资本由等额股份构成并通过发行股票筹集资本的是(D )A、独资企业B、合资企业C、合伙企业D、股份有限公司16、以资本利润率最大化作为公司理财目标,存在的缺陷是( D)A、不能反映资本的获利水平B、不能用于不同资本规模的企业间比较C、不能用于同一企业的不同期间比较D、没有考虑风险因素与时间价值17、与债券信用等级有关的利率因素是(C)A、通货膨胀附加率B、到期风险附加率C、违约风险附加率D、纯粹利率18、现代企业财务管理的最优目标是( C)A、利润最大化B、风险最小化C、企业价值最大化D、资本最大化19、一项500万元的借款,借款期5年,年利率为8%,若每年半年复利一次,年实际利率会高出名义利率( C)A、4%B、0.24%C、0.16%D、0.80%20、关于风险报酬正确的表述是(D )A、风险报酬是必要投资报酬B、风险报酬是投资者的风险态度C、风险报酬是无风险报酬加通胀贴补D、风险报酬率=风险报酬斜率×风险程度21、一项投资的利率为10%,期限7年,其投资回收系数为(C )A、0.513B、4.868C、0.21D、1.6122、一定时期内每期期末等额收付的年金是(A )A、普通年金B、预付年金C、递延年金D、永续年金23、企业与政府间的财务关系体现为(B )A、债权债务关系B、强制和无偿的分配关系C、资金结算关系D、风险收益对等关系24、表示资金时间价值的利息率是(C )。
公司中级理财学第六章习题与答案1.假定某企业年总资产平均余额为3 000万元,利润总额为200万元,实际利息支出为150万元,所得税率为33%,问该企业总投资收益率为多少?解:总投资收益率=[(200+150)(1-33%)]/3000 =7.82%2.N公司将一账面价值为200万元的固定资产对外出租,年租金收入为30万元。
问该房屋的投资收益率为多少?解:房屋的投资收益率=[30(1-5%)-200×5%-200×2%](1-33%)/200=4.86%3.M公司生产经营某产品的资产总额为1 000万元,现利润总额为100万元,实际支付利息为50万元。
问追加200万元流动资产的边际收益率为多少?追加流动资产投资是否可取?解:(1)求追加流动资产的边际收益率边际收益率=100×30%×(1-33%)/200=10.05%(2)分析追加流动资产投资是否可取追加流动资产的投资收益率高达10.5%,与现有资产10.05%[=(100+50) ×(1-33%)/1000]投资收益率相等,高于追加流动资产的资金来源6%的年利息率,因此,追加流动资产投资是可取的。
问M公司在采取该行动之后的投资收益率和相应的边际收益率为多少?解:投资收益率=[(100+200×8%)+(50-200×8%)](1-33%)/(1000-200)=12.56%边际收益率=12.56%-(100+50)(1-33%)/1000=12.56%-10.05%=2.51%5.某公司拟从两个投资项目中选择一个投资项目,其投资额均为1 000万元。
公司理财习题答案第六章Chapter 6: Some Alternative Investment Rules6.1 a. Payback period of Project A = 1 + ($7,500 - $4,000) / $3,500 = 2 yearsPayback period of Project B = 2 + ($5,000 - $2,500 -$1,200) / $3,000 = 2.43 yearsProject A should be chosen.b. NPV A = -$7,500 + $4,000 / 1.15 + $3,500 / 1.152 + $1,500 / 1.153 = -$388.96NPV B = -$5,000 + $2,500 / 1.15 + $1,200 / 1.152 + $3,000 / 1.153 = $53.83Project B should be chosen.6.2 a. Payback period = 6 + {$1,000,000 - ($150,000 ⨯ 6)} / $150,000 = 6.67 yearsYes, the project should be adopted.b. $150,000 11A= $974,259.010The discounted payback period = 11 + ($1,000,000 - $974,259) / ($150,000 / 1.112)= 11.54 yearsc. NPV = -$1,000,000 + $150,000 / 0.10 = $500,0006.3 a. Average Investment:($16,000 + $12,000 + $8,000 + $4,000 + 0) / 5 = $8,000Average accounting return:$4,500 / $8,000 = 0.5625 = 56.25%b. 1. AAR does not consider the timing of the cash flows, hence it does notconsider the time value of money.2. AAR uses an arbitrary firm standard as the decision rule.3. AAR uses accounting data rather than net cash flows.6.4 Average Investment = ($2,000,000 + 0) / 2 = $1,000,000Average net income = [$100,000 {(1 + g)5 - 1} / g] / 5= {$100,000A (1.075 - 1} / 0.07} / 5= $115,014.78AAR = $115,014.78 / $1,000,000 = 11.50%No, since the machine’s AAR is less than the firm’s cutoff AAR.6.5 a6.6PI = $40,000 7A / $160,000 = 1.04.015Since the PI exceeds one accept the project.6.7 The IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV = 0.-$3,000 + $2,500 / (1 + IRR A) + $1,000 / (1 + IRR A)2 = 0By trial and error, IRR A = 12.87%Since project B’s cash flows are two times of those of project A, the IRR B = IRR A =12.87%6.8 a. Solve x by trial and error:-$4,000 + $2,000 / (1 + x) + $1,500 / (1 + x)2 + $1,000 / (1 + x)3 = 0x = 6.93%b. No, since the IRR (6.93%) is less than the discount rate of 8%.6.9 Find the IRRs of project A analytically. Since the IRR is the discount rate that makes the NPVequal to zero, the following equation must hold.-$200 + $200 / (1 + r) + $800 / (1 + r)2 - $800 / (1 + r)3 = 0$200 [-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] - {$800 / (1 + r)2}[-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] = 0[-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] [$200 - $800 / (1 + r)2] = 0For this equation to hold, either [-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] = 0 or [$200 - $800 / (1 + r)2] = 0.Solve each of these factors for the r that would cause the factor to equal zero. Theresulting rates are the two IRRs for project A. They are either r = 0% or r = 100%.Note: By inspection you should have known that one of the IRRs of project A iszero. Notice that the sum of the un-discounted cash flows for project A is zero.Thus, not discounting the cash flows would yield a zero NPV. The discount ratewhich is tantamount to not discounting is zero.Here are some of the interactions used to find the IRR by trial and error.Sophisticated calculators can compute this rate without all of the tedium involved inthe trial-and-error method.NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.3 + $100 / 1.32 + $150 / 1.33 = $15.91NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.4 + $100 / 1.42 + $150 / 1.43 = -$8.60NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.37 + $100 / 1.372 + $150 / 1.373 = -$1.89NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36 + $100 / 1.36 2 + $150 / 1.363 = $0.46NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36194 + $100 / 1.361942 + $150 / 1.361943= $0.0010NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36195 + $100 / 1.361952 + $150 / 1.361953= -$0.0013NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.361944 + $100 / 1.3619442 + $150 / 1.3619443= $0.0000906Thus, the IRR is approximately 36.1944%.6.10 a. Solve r in the equation:$5,000 - $2,500 / (1 + r) - $2,000 / (1 + r)2 - $1,000 / (1 + r)3- $1,000 / (1 + r)4 = 0By trial and error,IRR = r = 13.99%b. Since this problem is the case of financing, accept the project if the IRR is less thanthe required rate of return.IRR = 13.99% > 10%Reject the offer.c. IRR = 13.99% < 20%Accept the offer.d. When r = 10%:NPV = $5,000 - $2,500 / 1.1 - $2,000 / 1.12 - $1,000 / 1.13 - $1,000 / 1.14= -$359.95When r = 20%:NPV = $5,000 - $2,500 / 1.2 - $2,000 / 1.22 - $1,000 / 1.23 - $1,000 / 1.24= $466.82Yes, they are consistent with the choices of the IRR rule since the signs of the cashflows change only once.公司理财习题答案第六章6.11 a. Project A:NPV = -$5,000 + $3,500 / (1 + r) + $3,500 / (1 + r)2 = 0IRR = r = 25.69%Project B:NPV = -$100,000 + $65,000 / (1 + r) + $65,000 / (1 + r)2 = 0IRR = r = 19.43%b. Choose project A because it has a higher IRR.c. The difference in scale is ignored.d. Apply the incremental IRR method.e.C0C1C2B - A -$95,000 $61,500 $61,500NPV = -$95,000 + $61,500 / (1 + r) + $61,500 / (1 + r)2 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 19.09%f. If the discount rate is less than 19.09%, choose project B.Otherwise, choose project A.g. NPV A = -$5,000 + $3,500 / 1.15 + $3,500 / 1.152 = $689.98NPV B = -$100,000 + $65,000 / 1.15 + $65,000 / 1.152 = $5,671.08Choose project B.6.12 a. PV A = {$5,000 / (0.12 - 0.04)} / 1.122 = $49,824.61PV B = (-$6,000 / 0.12) / 1.12 = -$44,642.86b. The IRR for project C must solve{$5,000 / (x - 0.04)} / (1 + x)2 + (-$6,000 / x) / (1 + x) = 0$5,000 / (x - 0.04) - $6,000 (1 + x) / x = 025 x2 + 3.17 x - 1 =0x = {-3.17 - (110.0489)0.5} / 50 or {-3.17 + (110.0489)0.5} / 50The relevant positive root is IRR = x = 0.1464 = 14.64%c. To arrive at the appropriate decision rule, we must graph the NPV as a function ofthe discount rate. At a discount rate of 14.64% the NPV is zero. To determine if thegraph is upward or downward sloping, check the NPV at another discount rate. At adiscount rate of 10% the NPV is $14,325.07 [= $68,870.52 - $54,545.54]. Thus, thegraph of the NPV is downward sloping. From the discussion in the text, if an NPVgraph is downward sloping, the project is an investing project. The correct decisionrule for an investing project is to accept the project if the discount rate is below14.64%.14.64% 10% rNPV0 $14,325.076.13 Generally, the statement is false. If the cash flows of project B occur early and the cashflows of project A occur late, then for a low discount rate the NPV of A can exceed theNPV of B. Examples are easy to construct.C0C1C2IRR NPV @ 0% A: -$1,000,000 $0 $1,440,000 0.20 $440,000B: -2,000,000 2,400,000 0 0.20 400,000 In one particular case, the statement is true for equally risky projects. If the lives of thetwo projects are equal and in every time period the cash flows of the project B are twice the cash flows of project A, then the NPV of project B will be twice as great as the NPV of project A for any discount rate between 0% and 20%.6.14 a. NPVα = $756.57 - $500 = $256.57NPVβ = $2,492.11 - $2,000 = $492.11b. Choose project beta.6.15 Although the profitability index is higher for project B than for project A, the NPV is theincrease in the value of the company that will occur if a particular project is undertaken.Thus, the project with the higher NPV should be chosen because it increases the value of the firm the most. Only in the case of capital rationing could the pension fund manager be correct.6.16 a. PI A = ($70,000 / 1.12 + $70,000 / 1.122) / $100,000 = 1.183PI B = ($130,000 / 1.12 + $130,000 / 1.122) / $200,000 = 1.099PI C = ($75,000 / 1.12 + $60,000 / 1.122) / $100,000 = 1.148b. NPV A = -$100,000 + $118,303.57 = $18,303.57NPV B = -$200,000 + $219,706.63 = $19,706.63NPV C = -$100,000 + $114,795.92 = $14,795.92c. Accept all three projects because PIs of all the three projects are greater than one.d. Based on the PI rule, project C can be eliminated because its PI is less than the oneof project A, while both have the same amount of the investment. We can computethe PI of the incremental cash flows between the two projects,Project C0C1C2PIB - A -$100,000 $60,000 $60,000 1.014We should take project B since the PI of the incremental cash flows is greater thanone.e. Project B has the highest NPV, while A has the next highest NPV.Take both projects A and B.6.17 a. The payback period is the time it takes to recoup the initial investment of a project.Accept any project that has a payback period that is equal to or shorter than thecompany’s standard payback period. Reject all other projects.b. The average accounting return (AAR) is defined asAverage project earnings ÷ Average book value of the investment.Accept projects for which the AAR is equal to or greater than the firm’s standard.Reject all other projects.c. The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate which makes the net presentvalue (NPV) of the project zero. The accept / reject criteria is:公司理财习题答案第六章If C0 < 0 and all future cash flows are positive, accept the project if IRR ≥discount rate.If C0 < 0 and all future cash flows are positive, reject the project if IRR <discount rate.If C0 > 0 and all future cash flows are negative, accept the project if IRR ≤discount rate.If C0 > 0 and all future cash flows are negative, reject the project if IRR >discount rate.If the project has cash flows that alternate in sign, there is likely to be more thanone positive IRR. In that situation, there is no valid IRR accept / reject rule.d. The profitability index (PI) is defined as:(The present value of the cash flows subsequent to the initial investment ÷The initial investment)Accept any project for which the profitability index is equal to or greater thanone. Reject project for which that is not true.e. The net present value (NPV) is the sum of the present values of all project cashflows. Accept those projects with NPVs which are equal to or greater than zero.Rejects p roposals with negative NPVs.6.18 Let project A represent New Sunday Early Edition; and let project B represent NewSaturday Late Edition.a. Payback period of project A = 2 + ($1,200 - $1,150) / $450 = 2.11 yearsPayback period of project B = 2 + ($2,100 - $1,900) / $800 = 2.25 yearsBased on the payback period rule, you should choose project A.b. Project A:Average investment = ($1,200 + $0) / 2 = $600Depreciation = $400 / yearAverage income = [($600 - $400) + ($550 - $400) + ($450 - $400)] / 3= $133.33AAR = $133.33 / $600 = 22.22%Project B:Average investment = ($2,100 + $0) / 2 = $1,050Depreciation = $700 / yearAverage income = [($1,000 - $700) + ($900 - $700) + ($800 - $700)] / 3= $200AAR = $200 / $1,050 = 19.05%c. IRR of project A:-$1,200 + $600 / (1 + r) + $550 / (1 + r)2 + $450 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 16.76%IRR of project B:-$2,100 + $1,000 / (1 + r) + $900 / (1 + r)2 + $800 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 14.29%Project A has a greater IRR.d. IRR of project B-A:Incremental cash flowsYear 0 1 2 3B - A -$900 $400 $350 $350-$900 + $400 / (1 + r) + $350 / (1 + r)2 + $350 / (1 + r)3 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 11.02%If the required rate of return is greater than 11.02%, then choose project A.If the required rate of return is less than 11.02%, then choose project B.6.19 Let project A be Deepwater Fishing; let project B be New Submarine Ride.a. Project A:Year Discounted CF Cumulative CF0 -$600,000 -$600,0001 234,783 -365,2172 264,650 -100,5673 197,255Discounted payback period of project A = 2 + $100,567 / $197,255= 2.51 yearsProject B:Year Discounted CF Cumulative CF0 -$1,800,000 -$1,800,0001 869,565 -930,4352 529,301 -401,1343 591,765Discounted payback period of project B = 2 + $401,134 / $591,765= 2.68 yearsProject A should be chosen.b. IRR of project A:-$600,000 + $270,000 / (1 + r) + $350,000 / (1 + r)2 + $300,000 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 24.30%IRR of project B:-$1,800,000 + $1,000,000 /(1 + r) + $700,000 / (1 + r)2 + $900,000 / (1 + r)3= 0IRR = r = 21.46%Based on the IRR rule, project A should be chosen since it has a greater IRR.c. Incremental IRR:Year 0 1 2 3B - A -$1,200,000 $730,000 $350,000 $600,000-$1,200,000 + $730,000 / (1 + r) + $350,000 / (1 + r)2 + $600,000 / (1 + r)3 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 19.92%Since the incremental IRR is greater than the required rate of return, 15%, chooseproject B.d. NPV A = -$600,000 + $270,000 / 1.15 + $350,000 / 1.152 + $300,000 / 1.153= $96,687.76公司理财习题答案第六章NPV B = -$1,800,000 + $1,000,000 / 1.15 + $700,000 / 1.152 + $900,000 / 1.153= $190,630.39Since NPV B > NPV A , choose project B.Yes, the NPV rule is consistent with the incremental IRR rule. 6.20 a. The IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV = 0-$600,000 + ()0r 1000,50$r 1%811%)8r (000,100$1111=+-⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++--IRR ≈18.56%b.Yes, the mine should be opened since its IRR exceeds its required return of 10%.。
公司理财学原理第六章习题答案二、单项选择题1.资金占用成本是指企业因占用资金而向资金供应者支付的各种资金占用费,以下不属于资金占用成本的是(C )。
A.长期债券的利息B.各种长短期借款的利息C.发行股票的承销费用D.优先股的股息2.某公司向银行借款500万元,年利率为5%、期限为2年,到期一次还本付息,发生资产评估、信用评估等手续费为15万元,不考虑其他因素,该长期借款的资金成本是(B )。
A.5%B.6.49%C.4.04%D.4.88%【正确答案】B,当i=((500+500*5%*2)/(500-15))^0.5-1=6.49%3.某公司发行面值为1000万元、票面利率为6%、期限为2年的债券,每年年末付息,到期还本,发行价格为1030万元,发行手续费为20万元,不考虑其他因素,用插值法计算,该债券资金成本是( D )。
A.6%B.4.54%C.7.11%D.5.54%【正确答案】D,当i=5%,NPV=1018.59,当i=6%,NPV=10004.某公司发行面值为100万元、票面利率为8%的优先股票,每年年末付息,发行价格为108万元,承销费用等手续费为5万元,不考虑其他因素,该债券资金成本是( D )。
A.7.77%B.7.41%C.8%D.无法计算【正确答案】D,i=100*8%/(108-5)=7.77%5.某公司发行的长期债券面值为1 000元/ 张,共10 000张,年利息率为10%,每年年末付息,到期还本,期限为10年。
公司的所得税率为25%,该债券的税后资金成本为( C )。
A.10%B.12%C.7.5%D.9%6.某公司发行优先股,面值为1 000元/股,票面利率为12%,溢价发行,发行价为1 300元/股,另按发行价的2%支付承销费,公司所得税率为25%,从企业角度看,该优先股票的资金成本为(D )。
A.9.42%B .9.23%C .12.18%D .9.37%【正确答案】D 解: 根据公式得:%37.9%)251(%213001300%121000=-⨯⨯-⨯=资金成本优先股票7.某公开发行A 股的股份有限公司采取固定股利政策,每年股利为0.84元/股,当前股价为7.5元/股,公司所得税税率为25%,该公司普通股票的资金成本为( B )。
公司理财试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。
A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 销售收入最大化答案:C2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?()A. 风险与收益权衡原则B. 分散投资原则C. 资本成本原则D. 利润最大化原则答案:D3. 公司财务杠杆的计算不包括以下哪项?()A. 财务杠杆系数B. 权益乘数C. 资产负债率D. 流动比率答案:D4. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的资本预算方法?()A. 净现值法B. 内部收益率法C. 投资回收期法D. 盈亏平衡点法答案:D5. 在公司理财中,以下哪项不是资本结构决策的影响因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 财务风险C. 公司规模D. 通货膨胀率答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 公司理财中,以下哪些因素会影响公司的资本成本?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 公司财务杠杆D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是公司理财中的风险管理工具?()A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 股票答案:A, B, C3. 公司理财中,以下哪些是资本预算的步骤?()A. 确定投资项目的现金流量B. 计算项目的净现值C. 进行项目风险评估D. 确定项目的折现率答案:A, B, C, D4. 以下哪些是公司理财中常用的财务比率分析?()A. 流动比率B. 资产负债率C. 净资产收益率D. 市盈率答案:A, B, C5. 公司理财中,以下哪些是影响公司资本结构的因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 公司规模C. 行业特性D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的目标是股东财富最大化。
()答案:正确2. 公司理财中,财务杠杆越高,公司的财务风险越大。
()答案:正确3. 在公司理财中,资本成本是指公司为获得资金所支付的成本。
()答案:正确4. 公司理财中,通货膨胀率的提高会降低公司的资本成本。
自考公司理财试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。
A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 市场份额最大化答案:C2. 以下哪项不是公司理财活动的内容?()A. 投资决策B. 融资决策C. 人力资源管理D. 股利政策答案:C3. 资本成本是指()。
A. 公司为筹集资金所支付的费用B. 公司为使用资金所支付的费用C. 公司为偿还债务所支付的费用D. 公司为支付股利所支付的费用答案:B4. 以下哪项不是财务杠杆的作用?()A. 增加财务风险B. 降低财务风险C. 提高收益D. 降低收益答案:B5. 以下哪项是公司进行长期投资决策时考虑的主要因素?()A. 投资回报率B. 投资成本C. 投资期限D. 投资风险答案:A6. 以下哪项不是公司融资的主要方式?()A. 发行股票B. 发行债券C. 银行贷款D. 租赁资产答案:D7. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的风险管理工具?()A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 股票回购答案:D8. 以下哪项不是公司理财中现金流管理的目的?()A. 确保现金流的稳定性B. 提高现金流的预测准确性C. 降低现金流的波动性D. 增加公司的债务水平答案:D9. 以下哪项不是公司理财中资本结构决策的影响因素?()A. 公司的财务状况B. 公司的盈利能力C. 公司的行业地位D. 公司的税收政策答案:C10. 以下哪项不是公司理财中股利政策的类型?()A. 固定股利政策B. 剩余股利政策C. 股票回购政策D. 零股利政策答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是公司理财中常用的财务分析工具?()A. 财务比率分析B. 现金流量分析C. 经济增加值分析D. 盈亏平衡分析答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些因素会影响公司的资本成本?()A. 利率水平B. 公司信用等级C. 市场风险偏好D. 通货膨胀率答案:ABCD3. 以下哪些是公司进行投资决策时需要考虑的风险因素?()A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 流动性风险D. 操作风险答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是公司理财中常见的融资方式?()A. 发行股票B. 发行债券C. 银行贷款D. 内部融资答案:ABCD5. 以下哪些是公司理财中现金流管理的策略?()A. 现金持有策略B. 应收账款管理C. 应付账款管理D. 现金流量预测答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述公司理财的基本原则。
公司理财试题及答案### 公司理财试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 公司理财的主要目标是()A. 最大化利润B. 最大化股东财富C. 最大化市场份额D. 最大化销售收入答案:B2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?()A. 风险与回报权衡原则B. 市场效率原则C. 资本结构无关原则D. 利润最大化原则答案:D#### 二、判断题1. 公司的财务杠杆越高,其财务风险越大。
()答案:√2. 股票回购可以提高公司的每股收益。
()答案:√#### 三、简答题1. 简述公司理财中的资本结构理论。
主要理论包括:- 传统理论:认为公司应选择使加权平均资本成本最低的资本结构。
- 现代资本结构理论:包括莫迪利亚尼-米勒定理,指出在没有税收和破产成本的情况下,公司的资本结构不影响其总价值。
- 权衡理论:认为公司在决定资本结构时,需要权衡债务融资的税收优势和破产成本。
2. 什么是现金流量表,它在公司理财中的作用是什么?答案:现金流量表是一份财务报表,记录了公司在一定时期内现金和现金等价物的流入和流出情况。
它的作用包括:- 显示公司的流动性状况,即短期内偿还债务的能力。
- 反映公司的经营、投资和融资活动对现金流的影响。
- 帮助投资者和管理层评估公司的长期财务健康状况。
#### 四、计算题1. 某公司计划进行一项投资,初始投资额为500万元,预期该项目的年现金流量为100万元,项目期限为5年。
答案:净现值(NPV)计算公式为:\[ NPV = \sum_{t=1}^{n} \frac{CF_t}{(1+WACC)^t} - I_0 \] 其中,\( CF_t \) 是第t年的现金流量,\( WACC \) 是加权平均资本成本,\( I_0 \) 是初始投资额。
根据题目数据,计算如下:\[ NPV = \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^1} + \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^2} +\frac{100}{(1+0.1)^3} + \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^4} +\frac{100}{(1+0.1)^5} - 500 \]\[ NPV = 90.909 + 82.645 + 75.133 + 68.355 + 62.289 - 500 \]\[ NPV = 379.371 - 500 = -120.629 \]该项目的净现值为负,表明按当前的资本成本,该项目不具有投资价值。
( )2.股东财富最大化是用公司股票的市场价格来衡量的。
( )3.在市场经济条件下,报酬和风险是成反比的,即报酬越高, 风险越小。
( )4.因为企业的价值与预期的报酬成正比,与预期的风险成反比, 因此企业的价值只有在报酬最大风险最小时才能达到最大。
( )二、单项选择题1.财务管理的最优目标是()A.总价值最大化B.利润最大化C.股东财富最大化D.企业价值最大化2.企业同债权人之间的财务关系反映的是( )。
A.经营权和所有权关系B.债权债务关系C.投资与受资关系D.债务债权关系3.影响企业价值的两个基本因素是( )。
A.时间和利润B.利润和成本C.风险和报酬D.风险和贴现率三、多项选择题1..公司的基本目标可以概括为( )。
A.企业筹资引起的财务活动B.企业投资引起的财务活动C.企业经营引起的财务活动D.企业分配引起的财务活动3.据财务目标的层次性,可以把财务目标分成( )。
A.主导目标B.整体目标C.分部目标D.具体目标4.( )说法是正确的。
公司理财(MBA全景教程之六)考试 答案 课后测试
恭喜您顺利通过考试!单项选择题1. 以下哪个是反映公司在一定时期的经营成果的会计报表?√A资产负债表B利润表C现金流量表D以上都不对正确答案: B2. 以下哪个是整个财务指标体系的核心×A销售净利率B资产净利率C净资产收益率D资产管理比率正确答案: C3. 以下不属于所有者权益的是〔〕×A实收资本B资本公积金C应付账款D未分配利润正确答案: C4. 按税后利润扣除前一项后的( )提取法定盈余公积√A 0.06B 0.1C 0.12D 0.14正确答案: B5. 以下哪个不属于会计核算中本钱的〔〕√A固定资产折旧B自然灾害造成的损失C车间主任的工资D材料正确答案: B6. 以下哪个不属于财务预测〔〕√A资金预测B费用预测C利润预测D销售预测正确答案: B7. 以下指标哪个反映了企业的偿债能力( ) √A速动比率B存货周转率C净资产收益率D市盈率正确答案: A8. 销售净利率乘以总资产周转率等于( ) √A资产负债率B产权比率C资产净利率D每股收益正确答案: C9. 现金的本钱中不包括() ×A短缺本钱B时机本钱C管理本钱D漂浮本钱正确答案: D10. 企业确定一个固定的股利占盈余的比率, 并长期按照此比率支付, 这种利润分配政策称为( ) √A剩余股利政策B固定股利政策C固定股利支付率政策D低正常股利加额外股利的政策正确答案: C11. 不能反映企业偿债能力的指标是〔〕×A资产负债率B速动比率C存货周转率D已获利息倍数正确答案: C12. 财务预测和财务预算的根底是〔〕×A资金预测B销售预测实用文档C本钱预测D利润预测正确答案: B13. 以下关于长期投资的评价方法中,没有考虑资金的时间价值的是〔〕√A净现值法B现值指数法C会计收益率法D内涵报酬率法正确答案: C14. 以下不属于普通股筹资的必要条件的是〔〕√A每股金额相等B发行人在近二年内无重大违法行为C发行人认购的股本数不少于公司拟发行股本总额的35%D向社会公众发行局部不少于公司拟发行股本总额的25%正确答案: B15. 以下投资属于按照投资的内容来划分的是〔〕√A工程投资B对内投资C短期投资D对外投资正确答案: A。
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Chapter 6Some Alternative Investment Rules Multiple Choice Questions1. A $25 investment produces $27.50 at the end of the year with no risk. Which of the following istrue?A) NPV is positive if the interest rate is less than 10%.B) NPV is negative if the interest rate is less than 10%.C) NPV is zero if the interest rate is equal to 10%.D) Both A and C.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 144-145Rationale:NPV = ($27.50/1.1) - $25.00 = $02. Accepting positive NPV projects benefits the stockholders becauseA) it is the most easily understood valuation process.B) the present value of the expected cash flows are equal to the cost.C) the present value of the expected cash flows are greater than the cost.D) it is the most easily calculated.E) None of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page: 1453. Which of the following does not characterize NPV?A) NPV does not incorporate risk into the analysis.B) NPV incorporates all relevant information.C) NPV uses all of the project's cash flows.D) NPV discounts all future cash flows.E) Using NPV will lead to decisions that maximize shareholder wealth.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium Page: 144-1464. The payback period ruleA) discounts cash flows.B) ignores initial cost.C) always uses all possible cash flows in its calculation.D) Both A and C.E) None of the above.Answer: E Difficulty: Medium Page: 146-1485. The payback period rule accepts all investment projects in which the payback period for the cashflows isA) equal to the cutoff point.B) greater than the cutoff point.C) less than the cutoff point.D) positive.E) None of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page: 1476. Consider an investment with an initial cost of $20,000 and is expected to last for 5 years. Theexpected cash flow in years 1 and 2 are $5,000, in years 3 and 4 are $5,500 and in year 5 is $1,000.The total cash inflow is expected to be $22,000 or an average of $4,400 per year. Compute the payback period in years.A) 3.18 yearsB) 3.82 yearsC) 4.00 yearsD) 4.55 yearsE) None of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium Page: 146-147Rationale:Payback Period = ($5,000 + $5,000 + $5,500 = $15,500 for 3 years; remainder $20,000 $15,500 = 4,500. $4,500/$5,500 = .81818 = .82) = Payback Period = 3.82 years7. An investment project is most likely to be accepted by the payback period rule and not accepted bythe NPV rule if the project hasA) a large initial investment with moderate positive cash flows over a very long period of time.B) a very large negative cash flow at the termination of the project.C) most of the cash flows at the beginning of the project.D) All projects approved by the payback period rule will be accepted by the NPV rule.E) The payback period rule and the NPV rule cannot be used to evaluate the same type of projects.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium Page: 1478. The payback period rule is a convenient and useful tool becauseA) it provides a quick estimate of how rapidly the initial investment will be recouped.B) results of a short payback rule decision will be quickly seen.C) it does not take into account time value of money.D) All of the above.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 146-1489. An investment with an initial cost of $15,000 produces cash flows of $5,000 annually for 5 years. Ifthe cash flow is evenly spread out over the year and the firm can borrow at 10%, the discounted payback period is _____ years.A) 3B) 3.2C) 3.75D) 4E) 5Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 149Rationale:Discounted Payback: A.1,n = $15,000/$5,000 = 3. PMT = 1 PV=-3 FV=0 I/YR=10 N=?=3.75 10. An investment project has the cash flow stream of $-250, $75, $125, $100, and $50. The cost ofcapital is 12%. What is the discount payback period?A) 3.15 yearsB) 3.38 yearsC) 3.45 yearsD) 3.60 yearsE) 4.05 yearsAnswer: B Difficulty: Medium Page: 149Rationale:$75/1.12 = $66.96, $125/1.122 = $99.65, $100/1.123 = $71.18, $50/1.124 = $31.783 yr. CF: $250 - $66.96 - $99.65 - $71.18 = $12.21 + Fraction = $12.21/$31.78 = .3811. The discounted payback period ruleA) considers the time value of money.B) discounts the cutoff point.C) ignores uncertain cash flows.D) is preferred to the NPV rule.E) None of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page: 14912. The payback period ruleA) determines a cutoff point so that all projects accepted by the NPV rule will be accepted by thepayback period rule.B) determines a cutoff point so that depreciation is just equal to positive cash flows in the paybackyear.C) requires an arbitrary choice of a cutoff point.D) varies the cutoff point with the interest rate.E) Both A and D.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page: 14713. The average accounting return is determined byA) dividing the yearly cash flows by the investment.B) dividing the average cash flows by the investment.C) dividing the average net income by the average investment.D) dividing the average net income by the initial investment.E) dividing the net income by the cash flow.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 15014. The investment decision rule that relates average net income to average investment is theA) discounted cash flow method.B) average accounting return method.C) average payback method.D) average profitability index.E) None of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page: 15015. Modified internal rate of returnA) handles the multiple IRR problem by combining cash flows until only one change in signchange remains.B) requires the use of a discount rate.C) does not require the use of a discount rate.D) Both A and B.E) Both A and C.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 157-15816. The shortcoming(s) of the average accounting return (AAR) method is (are)A) the use of net income instead of cash flows.B) the pattern of income flows has no impact on the AAR.C) there is no clear-cut decision rule.D) All of the above.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 15117. The two fatal flaws of the internal rate of return rule areA) arbitrary determination of a discount rate and failure to consider initial expenditures.B) arbitrary determination of a discount rate and failure to correctly analyze mutually exclusiveinvestment projects.C) arbitrary determination of a discount rate and the multiple rate of return problem.D) failure to consider initial expenditures and failure to correctly analyze mutually exclusiveinvestment projects.E) failure to correctly analyze mutually exclusive investment projects and the multiple rate ofreturn problem.Answer: E Difficulty: Medium Page: 154-15618. A mutually exclusive project is a project whoseA) acceptance or rejection has no effect on other projects.B) NPV is always negative.C) IRR is always negative.D) acceptance or rejection affects other projects.E) cash flow pattern exhibits more than one sign change.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy Page: 15419. A project will have more than one IRR ifA) the IRR is positive.B) the IRR is negative.C) the NPV is zero.D) the cash flow pattern exhibits more than one sign change.E) the cash flow pattern exhibits exactly one sign change.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy Page: 15620. Using internal rate of return, a conventional project should be accepted if the internal rate of returnisA) equal to the discount rate.B) greater than the discount rate.C) less than the discount rate.D) negative.E) positive.Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page: 15221. An investment cost $10,000 with expected cash flows of $3,000 for 5 years. The discount rate is15.2382%. The NPV is ___ and the IRR is ___ for the project.A) $0; 15.2382%.B) $3.33; 27.2242%.C) $5,000; 0%.D) Can not answer without one or the other value as input.E) None of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: Medium Page: 145 - 15322. The internal rate of return may be defined asA) the discount rate that makes the NPV cash flows equal to zero.B) the difference between the market rate of interest and the NPV.C) the market rate of interest less the risk-free rate.D) the project acceptance rate set by management.E) None of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page: 15223. The Balistan Rug Company is considering investing in a new loom that will cost $12,000. The newloom will create positive end of year cash flow of $5,000 for each of the next 3 years. The internal rate of return for this project isA) 10%.B) 11%.C) 12%.D) 13%.E) 14%.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 15324. The Carnation Chemical Company is investing in an incinerator to dispose of waste. Theincinerator costs $2.5 million and will generate end-of-year cash of $1 million for the next 3 years.The internal rate of return for this project isA) 6.4%.B) 8.6%.C) 9.7%.D) 10.4%.E) 12.0%.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 15325. The graph of NPV and IRR showsA) the NPV at different discount rates.B) the NPV of 0 at the IRR as NPV cuts the horizontal axis.C) the NPV at a 0% discount rateD) All of the above.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 153-15426. Two sign changes in the cash flows results in how many internal rates of return?A) 0B) 1C) 2D) 3E) 4Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 15627. Which of the following correctly orders the investment rules of average accounting return (AAR),internal rate of return (IRR), and net present value (NPV) from the most desirable to the leastdesirable?A) AAR, IRR, NPVB) AAR, NPV, IRRC) IRR, AAR, NPVD) NPV, AAR, IRRE) NPV, IRR, AARAnswer: E Difficulty: Easy Page: 144-15828. A project will have only one internal rate of return ifA) all cash flows after the initial expense are positive.B) average accounting return is positive.C) net present value is negative.D) net present value is positive.E) net present value is zero.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page: 152-15729. LaPorte Company is considering a project that would involve an initial cash outflow of $1,000. Atthe end of year 1, the cash inflow is $1,500 and at the end of year 2, there is another cash outflow of $200. Calculate the modified internal rate of return if the cost of capital is 10%.A) 22.1%B) 27.6%C) 31.8%D) 35.2%E) None of the above within 1 percentage point.Answer: C Difficulty: Medium Page: 157-158Rationale:$-200/1.10 = $-181.82; $-181.82 + 1500 = $1,318.18; Cash flow 0 = $-1,000; Cash flow 1 =$1,318.1830. The problem of multiple IRRs can occur whenA) there is only one sign change in the cash flows.B) the first cash flow is always positive.C) the cash flows decline over the life of the project.D) there is more than one sign change in the cash flows.E) None of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Page: 15631. The elements that cause problems with the use of the IRR in projects that are mutually exclusive areA) the discount rate and scale problems.B) timing and scale problems.C) the discount rate and timing problems.D) scale and reversing flow problems.E) timing and reversing flow problems.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium Page: 159-16332. If there is a conflict between mutually exclusive projects due to the IRR, one shouldA) drop the two projects immediately.B) spend more money on gathering information.C) depend on the NPV as it will always provide the most value.D) depend on the AAR because it does not suffer from these same problems.E) None of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page: 159-16333. The profitability index is the ratio ofA) average net income to average investment.B) internal rate of return to current market interest rate.C) net present value of cash flows to internal rate of return.D) net present value of cash flows to average accounting return.E) present value of cash flows to initial investment cost.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy Page: 16434. Under capital rationing the profitability index is used to select investments by itsA) excess profit to achieve the highest payoff.B) reward per dollar cost to achieve the highest incremental NPV.C) incremental IRR to maximize the total rate of return.D) capital usage rate to stay within budget.E) None of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: Medium Page: 16535. Which of the following statement is true?A) One must know the discount rate to compute the NPV of a project but one can compute the IRRwithout referring to the discount rate.B) One must know the discount rate to compute the IRR of a project but one can compute the NPVwithout referring to the discount rate.C) Payback accounts for time value of money.D) There will always be one IRR regardless of cash flows.E) Average accounting return is the ratio of total assets to total net income.Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page: 16336. Graham and Harvey (2001) found that ___ and ___ were the two most popular capital budgetingmethods.A) Internal Rate of Return; Payback PeriodB) Internal Rate of Return; Net Present ValueC) Net Present Value; Payback PeriodD) Modified Internal Rate of Return; Internal Rate of ReturnE) Modified Internal Rate of Return; Net Present ValueAnswer: B Difficulty: Easy Page: 166Essay Questions37. The Ziggy Trim and Cut Company can purchase equipment on sale for $4,300. The asset has athree-year life, will produce a cash flow of $1,200 in the first and second year, and $3,000 in the third year. The interest rate is 12%. Calculate the project's payback. Also, calculate project's IRR.Should the project be taken? Check your answer by computing the project's NPV.Difficulty: Medium Page: 146; 152Answer:Payback - 2.63 years.IRR = 10.41%. Do not take project as IRR < 12%Reject the project NPV = ($136.60)38. The Ziggy Trim and Cut Company can purchase equipment on sale for $4,300. The asset has athree-year life, will produce a cash flow of $1,200 in the first and second year, and $3,000 in the third year. The interest rate is 12%. Calculate the project's Discounted Payback and Profitability Index assuming end of year cash flows. Should the project be taken? If the Average Accounting Return was positive, how would this affect your decision?Difficulty: Medium Page: 149,150,152Answer:Time 0 – Cash flows = $-4,300, Present Value of Cash flows = $-4,300Time 1 and 2 – Cash flows = $1,200 each period, Present Value of Cash flows = $2,028.06 for both periods, Sum of Present Value of Cash flows = $-2,271.94 at the end of time 2Time 3 – Cash flows = $3,000, Present Value of Cash flows = $2,135.34, Sum of Present Value of Cash flows = $-136.60Discounted Payback cannot be calculated as NPV < 0; NPV = $-136.60PI = CFAT t /Initial Investment = $4,163.40/$4,300 = .968 = .97Both measures indicate rejection. A positive accounting rate of return should not change thedecision. DPP and PI indicate that the cost of capital is not being covered.39. The Walker Landscaping Company can purchase a piece of equipment for $3,600. The asset has atwo-year life, will produce a cash flow of $600 in the first year and $4,200 in the second year. The interest rate is 15%. Calculate the project's payback assuming steady cash flows. Also calculate the project's IRR. Should the project be taken? Check your answer by computing the project'sNPV.Difficulty: Medium Page: 146, 152Answer:Payback = 1.714 yearsCalculated IRR = 16.67%. Accept the project. NPV = $97.54.40. The Walker Landscaping Company can purchase a piece of equipment for $3,600. The asset has atwo-year life, will produce a cash flow of $600 in the first year and $4,200 in the second year. The interest rate is 15%. Calculate the project's Discounted Payback and Profitability Index assuming steady cash flows. Should the project be taken? If the Average Accounting Return was positive, how would this affect your decision?Difficulty: Medium Page: 149,150,152Answer:Time 0 – Cash flows = $-3,600, Present Value of Cash flows = $-3,600Time 1 – Cash flows = $600, Present Value of Cash flows = $571.74, Sum of Present Value of Cash flows = $-3,078.26Time 2 – Cash flows = $4,200, Present Value of Cash flows = $3,175.80, Sum of Present Value of Cash flows = $97.54DPP = 1+($3,078.26/$3,175.80) = 1.969 = 1.97 yearsPI = ∑CFAT t /Initial Investment = $3,697.54/$3,600 = 1.027 = 1.03Both measures indicate acceptance. A positive accounting rate of return would be consistent with this decision. Reliance on AAR should not be the key, as DPP and PI indicate earning a rate greater than cost of capital.41. Cutler Compacts will generate cash flows of $30,000 in year one, and $65,000 in year two.However, if they make an immediate investment of $20,000, they can expect to have cash streams of $55,000 in year 1 and $63,000 in year 2 instead. The interest rate is 9%. Calculate the NPV of the proposed project. Why would the IRR be a poor choice in this situation?Difficulty: Hard Page: 144,156Answer:Use incremental cash flow approach: NPV $1,252, accept project.With more than one sign change, there will be more than one IRR.42. Given the cash flow stream of the following mutually exclusive projects, prove through theincremental investment that Project B, with the higher NPV, will be preferred to project A. Use a discount rate of 13%.Project A:Time 0 = $-500; Time 1 = $150; Time 2: $245; Time 3 = $320; NPV = $46.39; IRR = 17.76% Project B:Time 0 = $-800; Time 1 = $360; Time 2: $360; Time 3 = $360; NPV = $50.01; IRR = 16.65% Difficulty: Hard Page: 159Answer:Incremental investment in B: $-300 $210 $115 $40 NPV = $3.6343. The IRR rule is said to be a special case of the NPV rule. Explain why this is so and why it hassome limitations NPV does not?Difficulty: Medium Page: 154Answer:∙ At some K, NPV = $0; by definition, when NPV=0, K=IRR.∙ Problems occur due to conflicts with mutually exclusive projects, timing and size problems, multiple sign changes present problem for IRR∙ NPV always the best choice44. The NPV and Profitability Index give the same results when there is no conflict. In the case of amutually exclusive set of investments, explain the potential conflict and the way it should be solved with supporting examples.Difficulty: Hard Page: 165Answer:Please refer to the text for the answer, page 165.45. The NPV and Profitability Index give the same results when there is no conflict. In the case ofcapital rationing, explain the potential conflict and the way it should be solved with supportingexamples.Difficulty: Hard Page: 165-166Answer:Please refer to the text for the answer, pages 165 - 166.Ross/Westerfield/Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 7/e 75。