The first built-in antenna mobile phone Nokia 3210
• The first built-in antenna monoblock mobile phone is Han Noga CH9711. China consumers really come into contact with the first internal antenna model is Nokia 3210 fold .
The first flip type mobile phone
Motorola 8900
• Motorola 8900 commonly known as the “ brick”. It entered China in the 1980s. As the belt cover, you would not accidentally touched a button and set off signal. Then Motorola launched the Motorola 9900 which is smaller and lighter than 8900. It used to be very popular with women white-collar. But it use of nickel- cadmium batteries the same as 8900 which power is too small. It has been leading the fashion until 1995. The highest price of it had reached 20000.
The first dual-band mobile phone
手机的英语作文英文回答:The mobile phone, an indispensable tool in modern society, has revolutionized communication, information accessibility, and entertainment. Its compact size and wireless connectivity make it a versatile device that canbe used anytime, anywhere.Communication:The primary function of a mobile phone is communication. It allows users to make phone calls, send text messages,and engage in instant messaging with individuals and groups. With the advent of video calling, mobile phones havebridged distances, allowing people to connect face-to-face from different parts of the world.Information Access:Mobile phones provide instant access to the internet, enabling users to browse websites, read news, and gather information on various topics. Search engines, online encyclopedias, and educational apps make mobile phones valuable tools for research, learning, and keeping up with current events.Entertainment:Mobile phones have become portable entertainment hubs. They allow users to stream videos, listen to music, play games, and engage in social media. The wide variety of apps and content available cater to different tastes and preferences, providing entertainment options for all.Convenience and Utility:Mobile phones offer a range of convenient features that enhance daily life. They can function as alarms, calendars, calculators, and note-taking devices. The GPS functionality allows users to navigate unfamiliar locations and find desired destinations. Mobile payment systems enable easyand secure transactions.Impact on Society:Mobile phones have had a profound impact on society. They have accelerated globalization by connecting people across borders and cultures. The availability of information has increased awareness and empowered individuals. Mobile banking and e-commerce have transformed financial transactions and made it easier to conduct business.Future Trends:The mobile phone industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), 5G networks, and foldable displays is expected to further enhance the capabilities and user experience of mobile phones.中文回答:手机的发展简史。
手机的发展历史简介英语作文英文回答:History of Mobile Phone Development.The concept of mobile communication has been around for centuries, with early forms including the telegraph and radio. However, the development of the modern mobile phone as we know it began in the 1970s.1973: Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.The first truly portable mobile phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, was introduced in 1973. It weighed over 2 pounds and had a talk time of just 30 minutes.1983: Commercial Mobile Phone Launch.In 1983, the first commercial mobile phone network was launched in Japan by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT).The phones used in this network were analog and bulky, but they paved the way for future developments.1990s: Digital Mobile Phones.The 1990s saw the introduction of digital mobile phones, which offered better sound quality, longer battery life,and more features than analog phones. The first digital mobile phone standard, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), was launched in 1991.2000s: Smartphones and 3G Networks.The early 2000s marked the advent of smartphones, which combined the functionality of a mobile phone with the capabilities of a personal computer. In 2002, Research In Motion (RIM) released the BlackBerry 9500, one of the first smartphones.Around the same time, 3G (third-generation) mobile networks were introduced, offering faster data speeds and improved mobile broadband capabilities.2010s: 4G and 5G Networks.The 2010s witnessed the development and deployment of4G (fourth-generation) mobile networks, which provided even faster data speeds and expanded the possibilities formobile applications and services.In recent years, 5G (fifth-generation) mobile networks have emerged, promising ultra-fast data speeds, low latency, and enhanced connectivity for a wide range of devices.Current State of Mobile Phone Development.Today, mobile phones are an indispensable part of modern life. They offer a wide range of features and functionalities, including voice calls, text messaging, internet access, social media, and location-based services.The mobile phone industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging all the time. As mobile networks continue to improve and the capabilities ofmobile devices expand, we can expect to see even more transformative applications and services in the years to come.中文回答:手机发展历史。
1844年5月24日。莫尔斯的电报机从华盛顿向巴尔的摩发出人类历史的第 一份电报"上帝创造了何等奇迹!" 1875年6月2日,贝尔做实验的时候,不小 心把硫酸溅到了自己的腿上。他疼得对另一个房间的同事喊到"活,快来帮 我啊!"而这句话通过实验中的电话传到了在另一个房间接听电话的活特耳里, 成为人类通过电话传送的第一句话。 1831年,英国的法拉第发现了电磁感 应现象,麦克斯韦进一步用数学公式阐述了法拉第等人的研究成果,并把 电磁感应理论推广到了空间。而60多年后赫兹在实验中证实了电磁波的存 在。 电磁波的发现,成为"有线电通信"向"无线电通信"的转折点,也成为整 个移动通信的发源点。正如一位科学家说的那样"手机是踩着电报和电话等 的肩膀降生的,没有前人的努力,无线通信无从谈起。" 1973年4月的一天, 一名男子站在纽约的街头,掏出一个约有两块砖头大的无线电话,并开始 通话。这个人就是手机的发明者马丁库泊。当时他还是摩托罗拉公司的工 程技术人员。这是当时世界上第一部移动电话。 1975年,美国联邦通信委 员会(FCC)确定了陆地移动电话通信和大容量蜂窝移动电话的频谱。为移 动电话投入商用做好了准备。 1979年,日本开放了世界上第一个蜂窝移动 电话网。...
2.塔布菲尔德”的美国人在肯塔基州默里的乡下住宅内制成了第一个无线电话装 内森. 斯塔布菲尔德置,这部可无线移动通讯的电话就是人类对“手机”技术最早的探索研究。 1938年,美国贝尔实验室为美国军方制成了世界上第一部“移动电话”手机 1973年4月,美国著名的摩托罗拉公司工程技术员“马丁· 库帕”发明世界上第一部推向民用的手机,“马 丁· 库帕”从此也被称为现代“手机之父”。 1G 第一代手机(1G)是指模拟的移动电话,也就是在20世纪八九十年代中国香港、美国等影视作品中出现的 大哥大。最先研制出大哥大的是美国摩托罗拉公司的 Cooper博士。由于当时的电池容量限制和模拟调制技术需 要硕大的天线和集成电路的发展状况等等制约,这种手机外表四四方方,只能成为可移动算不上便携。很多人称 呼这种手机为“砖头”或是黑金刚等。 这种手机有多种制式,如NMT,AMPS,TACS,但是基本上使用频分复用方式只能进行语音通信,收讯效 果不稳定,且保密性不足,无线带宽利用不充分。此种手机类似于简单的无线电双工电台,通话是锁定在一定频 率,所以使用可调频电台就可以窃听通话。 2G 第二代手机(2G)也是最常见的手机。通常这些手机使用PHS,GSM或者CDMA这些十分成熟的标准,具 有稳定的通话质量和合适的待机时间。在第二代中为了适应数据通讯的需求,一些中间标准也在手机上得到支持, 例如支持彩信业务的GPRS和上网业务的WAP服务,以及各式各样的Java程序等。 3G 3G,是英文3rdGeneration的缩写,指第三代移动通信技术。相对第一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代 GSM、CDMA等数字手机(2G),第三代手机一般地讲,是指将无线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结合的新 一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务 等多种信息服务。为了提供这种服务,无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度,也就是说在室内、室外和行 车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps(兆比特/每秒)、384kbps(千比特/每秒)以及144kbps的传输速度
▪ iOS与苹果的Mac OS X操作系统一样, 它也是以Darwin为 基础的,因此同样 属于类Unix的商业 操作系统。原本这 个系统名为iPhone OS,直到2010年6 月7日WWDC大会上 宣布改名为iOS。
▪ Symbian系统是 塞班公司为手机
而设计的操作系 统。2008年12月2 日,诺基亚收购
塞班公司,并将 Symbian转移至 塞班基金会。
由于对新兴技术支持欠 佳,塞班占智能手机 的市场份额日益萎缩。 截止至2011年11月, 塞班系统的全球市场 占有量已从2006年三 季度的72.8%逐年下降 至2011年三季度的 22.1%,已被安卓超过, 中国市场占有率则降 至2011年第三季度的 23%。
▪ HTC Dream / Tmobile G1:HTC 推 出的第一款 Android 智能手机, 延续了它在智能手 机 OEM 厂商中的地 位。这款手机由 Tmobile 在美国首发, 称作 G1—意指第一 款“ Googlepowered ”智能手 机。
▪ Iphone4再一次改变世界
▪ iPhone进化到第四代已经 彻底颠覆了以往的形象, 它拥有全新的外观设计、 比以往高出四倍的屏幕分 辨率、高性能的A4处理器、 全新命名的iOS4系统等, 同时在软硬件上都较大幅 度的提升
▪ 全球销量破亿,人类已经无 法阻止苹果了
最先研制出大哥大的是美国摩托罗拉公司的 Cooper博士。
在直板机领域,内置天线设计也可以算得上一个里程 碑。汉诺佳CH9771是第一款采用内置天线设计的直 板机型,但是大家对它并不太熟悉,国内消费者真正 接触到的第一款内置天线折叠机型是诺基亚3210。
第一台国内上市彩屏手机 2002年爱立信推出了它的收关之作T68,T68
虽然不是世界上第一款彩屏手机,但是绝对是第 一款在国内上市的彩屏手机,拉开了彩屏手机时 代的序幕。
摩托罗拉 A6188
手机巨头摩托罗拉早在1999年岁末就推出了一款名为A6188的手 机,可不要小看这款手机,它才是现在发展迅速的智能手机真正鼻 祖。这款A6188采用了摩托罗拉公司自主研发的龙珠(Dragon ball EZ)16MHz CPU,支持WAP1.1无线上网,采用了PPSM (Personal Portable Systems Manager)操作系统。同时,这跨 手机也是全球第一部具有触摸屏的手机,它同时也是第一部中文手 写识别输入的手机。
Introduction of Iphone
The touching feelings
The appearance
The functions the market
Disadvantages: The price
The battery
The solidity
Martin Cooper
3 April 1973
• Sold for $3,995
• weighed 2 pounds
Nokia 3210
Nokia 8210
The first " 3-proof " mobile phone
• With the development of mobile phone fashion, "3proof mobile phone " this concept also appears in the field of mobile phone, waterproof, dustproof, shockproof function makes this type of mobile phone by the majority of outdoor sports enthusiasts. 1999 Ericsson launched R250 PRO appearance let you first feel " be fearless " shock. After Ericsson also launched the second generation of 3-proof mobile phone R310, also is the people commonly known as "the shark ", until now it is still in the secondary market to see inaccessibly " treasures ".
The first antenna monoblock mobile phone
• The first antenna monoblock mobile phone is the Nokia 3210. In 1999, it appears that Nokia straight machine it is the domestic firm footing, but also for the 2000 Nokia 8210 huge success laid a solid foundation for the market.
手机的发展历程作文英文英文:The development of mobile phones has been a remarkable journey. From the first mobile phone invented in 1973 by Motorola, which weighed 2.5 pounds and cost $3,995, to the sleek and powerful smartphones we have today, it's been an incredible transformation.In the early days, mobile phones were seen as a luxury item and were only affordable to the wealthy. They were also quite large and bulky, making them inconvenient to carry around. However, as technology improved and competition increased in the market, mobile phones became more affordable and smaller in size. This led to an increase in demand for mobile phones, and they soon became a necessity for people from all walks of life.The introduction of smartphones in the early 2000s marked a turning point in the history of mobile phones.These devices were not just for making calls and sending text messages, but also for browsing the internet, taking photos, playing games, and much more. Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and we rely on them for communication, entertainment, and even work.The development of mobile phones has also had a significant impact on industries such as banking, healthcare, and education. Mobile banking has made it easier for people to manage their finances, while mobile health apps have made it easier for people to monitor their health and fitness. In education, mobile phones have become a valuable tool for learning, with many educational apps and resources available for students of all ages.In conclusion, the development of mobile phones has been a remarkable journey, and it's exciting to think about what the future holds for these devices. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative features and capabilities in our mobile phones.中文:手机的发展历程是一个非常值得关注的话题。
手机的发展历史简介英语作文英文回答:The evolution of mobile phones is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of technological advancement. From the clunky brick phones of the early days to the sleek and powerful smartphones of today, the journey of mobile phones has been marked by innovation, miniaturization, and the convergence of multiple technologies.The first mobile phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, was introduced in 1983. It weighed 2.5 pounds and had a talk time of only 30 minutes. However, it represented a groundbreaking achievement in wireless communication. By the late 1980s, mobile phones began to shrink in size and weight, and their batteries became more powerful. The introduction of digital technology in the 1990s led to further advancements, including the ability to send text messages and access the internet.The early 2000s saw the emergence of smartphones, which combined the capabilities of a mobile phone with those of a personal computer. Smartphones featured larger screens, faster processors, and a wide range of applications. The release of the iPhone in 2007 marked a turning point in the mobile industry, popularizing the touchscreen interface and setting the stage for the ubiquitous use of smartphones today.Today, smartphones are an integral part of our daily lives. They allow us to stay connected with friends and family, access information, manage our finances, and much more. The evolution of mobile phones has been driven by the constant demand for smaller, faster, and more powerful devices, as well as the integration of emergingtechnologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence.As we look to the future, it is exciting to imagine the possibilities that lie ahead in the world of mobile technology. Future developments may include foldable phones, implantable devices, and even mind-controlled interfaces.The potential for innovation is limitless, and the future of mobile phones promises to be as transformative as its past.中文回答:手机的发展历史。
Nokia 3210
Nokia 8210
The first " 3-proof " mobile phone
• With the development of mobile phone fashion, "3proof mobile phone " this concept also appears in the field of mobile phone, waterproof, dustproof, shockproof function makes this type of mobile phone by the majority of outdoor sports enthusiasts. 1999 Ericsson launched R250 PRO appearance let you first feel " be fearless " shock. After Ericsson also launched the second generation of 3-proof mobile phone R310, also is the people commonly known as "the shark ", until now it is still in the secondary market to see inaccessibly " treasures ".
手机发展史英文版 PPT课件
![手机发展史英文版 PPT课件](
The first flip type mobile phone
Motorola 8900
• Motorola 8900 commonly known as the “ brick”. It entered China in the 1980s. As the belt cover, you would not accidentally touched a button and set off signal. Then Motorola launched the Motorola 9900 which is smaller and lighter than 8900. It used to be very popular with women white-collar. But it use of nickel- cadmium batteries the same as 8900 which power is too small. It has been leading the fashion until 1995. The highest price of it had reached 20000.
Nokia 7650
The first built-in games mobile phone
• Nokia is the pioneer of mobile games as it is always focus on youth market. Nokia introduced the first built-in games mobile phone 6110 which has Snake , memory , logical guess figure three games . “Snake” become a traditional project of Nokia phones.
关于手机发展史的英语作文英文回答:The mobile phone has come a long way since its humble beginnings in the early 1980s. The first mobile phones were large, bulky devices that were only capable of making and receiving calls. However, over the years, mobile phones have become smaller, more powerful, and more versatile. Today, mobile phones are an essential part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, to access information, and to manage our finances.The first mobile phone was invented by Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973. However, it was not until 1983 that the first commercial mobile phone was released. This phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, was a brick-like device that weighed over 2 pounds. It had a battery life of only 30 minutes and could only store 30 phone numbers.In the 1990s, mobile phones began to become morepopular. This was due in part to the development of new technologies, such as the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). GSM allowed mobile phones to connectto networks all over the world. As a result, mobile phones became more affordable and more accessible.In the early 2000s, mobile phones began to add new features, such as cameras, music players, and internet access. These features made mobile phones even more popular. Today, mobile phones are an essential part of our lives. We use them for everything from staying connected with friends and family to managing our finances.The future of mobile phones is bright. As technology continues to develop, mobile phones will become even more powerful and more versatile. They will be able to do things that we can only dream of today.中文回答:手机自 20 世纪 80 年代初问世以来,取得了长足的发展。
手机科技的发展作文英语英文回答:The rapid advancement of mobile technology has profoundly reshaped our lives, transforming the way we communicate, access information, and interact with the world around us. From the humble beginnings of the first mobile phones in the 1980s to the cutting-edge smartphones we carry in our pockets today, the evolution of mobile technology has been nothing short of remarkable.In the early days, mobile phones were primarily used for making and receiving calls. However, as technology advanced, they gradually became more sophisticated, incorporating features such as text messaging, email, and internet access. This opened up a whole new world of possibilities, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family, share information, and conduct business on the go.The introduction of smartphones in the late 2000s marked a major turning point in the history of mobile technology. Smartphones combined the functionality of a mobile phone with the capabilities of a computer, offering a wide range of features and applications. This made them indispensable tools for both personal and professional use.Today, smartphones are an integral part of our daily lives. We use them for everything from staying in touch with loved ones to managing our finances, tracking our health, and even controlling our smart homes. The development of mobile apps has further extended the capabilities of smartphones, making them even moreversatile and useful.The impact of mobile technology on society has been immeasurable. It has broken down geographical barriers, made communication more accessible, and democratized access to information. It has also fueled the growth of new industries, such as mobile commerce and mobile banking, and created countless new jobs.Of course, the advancement of mobile technology has not been without its challenges. Concerns have been raised about the potential for mobile devices to be used for surveillance, data breaches, and the spread of misinformation. However, these challenges can be overcome through responsible use, strong privacy protections, and critical thinking.As mobile technology continues to evolve, it is impossible to say with certainty what the future holds. However, it is clear that mobile devices will continue to play an increasingly important role in our lives. From foldable smartphones to augmented reality glasses, the possibilities are endless. The future of mobile technology is bright, and it is one that we can embrace with both excitement and anticipation.中文回答:手机技术的飞速发展深刻地改变了我们的生活,变革了我们交流、获取信息以及与周围世界互动的方式。
手机发展史英语作文初三英文回答:The history of mobile phones can be traced back to the early days of the 20th century, when the first attempts were made to develop wireless communication devices. In 1908, the American inventor Nathan Stubblefield invented a wireless telephone that could transmit voice over a distance of about 20 miles (32 kilometers). However, this device was not practical for commercial use, as it was too large and bulky to be portable.In the 1940s, the development of transistors led to the miniaturization of electronic devices, making it possible to develop portable wireless telephones. In 1954, the first commercial mobile phone was introduced by Motorola. This phone was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, and it weighed about 2.5 pounds (1.1 kilograms). The DynaTAC 8000X was a brick-like device with a limited battery life and a range of about 30 miles (48 kilometers).In the 1980s, the development of cellular networks led to the widespread adoption of mobile phones. Cellular networks divided geographic areas into small cells, each of which was served by a base station. This allowed mobile phones to connect to the network and communicate with each other, even when they were moving.In the 1990s, the introduction of digital cellular networks led to a further improvement in mobile phone technology. Digital networks allowed for more efficient use of the available spectrum, which increased the capacity of the network and reduced the cost of calls.In the 2000s, the development of smartphones led to a revolution in mobile phone technology. Smartphones are mobile phones that are equipped with powerful processors, large displays, and a wide range of features, including internet access, email, and GPS navigation.In recent years, the development of 4G and 5G cellular networks has led to further improvements in mobile phonetechnology. 4G networks offer faster data speeds and lower latency, while 5G networks offer even faster speeds and lower latency. These advances have made it possible to use mobile phones for a wide range of applications, including video streaming, gaming, and virtual reality.中文回答:手机发展史。
Symbian(中文名:塞班)是一个实时性、多任务的纯32位操作系统,具有功耗低、内 存占用少等特点,非常适合手机等移动设备使用,经过不断完善,但是虽然在智能型手 机市场取得了无比的成功,并长期居于首位,Symbian S60、Symbian3,UIQ等(尤其是 S60)系统近两年亦遭遇到显著的发展瓶颈。最近12个月欧洲手机公司诺基亚(Nokia) 在智能手机市场市占率的滑落是不争的事实。需要注意的是,并不是所有的Symbian系 统都是智能系统,比如S40系统,就不属于智能手机系统。
Mobile phones bring us benefits much? Or disadvantages? 手机带给我们的利处多?还是弊端多?
It is worthபைடு நூலகம்us to think about it! 这真的值得我们思考一下!
We have been kidnapped(绑架)
支持厂商:中国台湾HTC、韩国三星电子、韩国LG、英国索尼爱立信、阿联酋imate,诺基亚与2011年初正式宣布与微软合作,将采用WM操作系统;目前各大山寨厂 商也同样生产着大量WM产品。
iOS ios是(又称MAC OS)由苹果公司为iPhone开发的操作系统,它主要是给iPhone、
些十分成熟的标准,具有稳定的通话质量和合适的待机时间。在第二代中为了适应数据 通讯的需求,一些中间标准也在手机上得到支持,例如支持彩信业务的GPRS和上网业务 的WAP服务,以及各式各样的Java程序等。
3G 3G,是英文3rdGeneration的缩写,指第三代移动通信技术。相对第一代模拟制式
手机(1G)和第二代GSM、CDMA等数字手机(2G),第三代手机一般地讲,是指将无 线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结合的新一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、 视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。为 了提供这种服务,无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度,也就是说在室内、室外 和行车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps、384kbps以及144kbps的传输速度。
The first folding mobile phone
The word “palm pilot” has an unshakable position in the heart of many first generation mobile phone users in China. It completely changed the people’s traditional image of mobile phones. And it’s appear have laid the Motorola’s dominance position in the field of folding mobile phone.
The world's first mobile phone
—DynaTAC 8000X
• October 13, 1983, Ameritech company’s executives Bob Barnett used the first commercial mobile phone to make a call. It’s model is DynaTAC 8000X .It was manufactured by Motorola. It weighs 2 pounds and it just can work half an hour.But the price of it up to $ 3,500. This is the prototype of what we often call " Big Brother"
The first flip type mobile phone
Motorola 8900
• Motorola 8900 commonly known as the “ brick”. It entered China in the 1980s. As the belt cover, you would not accidentally touched a button and set off signal. Then Motorola launched the Motorola 9900 which is smaller and lighter than 8900. It used to be very popular with women white-collar. But it use of nickel- cadmium batteries the same as 8900 which power is too small. It has been leading the fashion until 1995. The highest price of it had reached 20000.
3G 3G,是英文3rdGeneration的缩写,指第三代移动通信技术。相对第
一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代GSM、TDMA等数字手机(2G), 第三代手机一般地讲,是指将无线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结 合的新一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒 体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。 为了提供这种服务,无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度,也 就是说在室内、室外和行车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps(兆字 节/每秒)、384kbps(千字节/每秒)以及144kbps的传输速度。
早在1973年,摩托罗拉员工马蒂·库珀 发明了世界上第一部移
动电话,从此这项创世之举的技术一直沿用到今天我们的生活中。当 时的移动电话体积非常庞大,重量可达3公斤。随着科技的进步,才 逐渐演变到现在的轻便小巧型。
在通讯技术方面,现代手机也有着明显的进步。当库帕用移动电话打 通第一个电话时,他可以使用任意的电磁频段。事实上,第一代模拟 手机就是靠频率的不同来区别不同用户的不同手机。第二代手机—— GSM系统则是靠极其微小的时差来区分用户。到了今天,频率资源已 明显不足,手机用户也呈几何级数迅速增长。
手机制式分为GSM和CDMA、3G。 GSM网络——全名为:Global System for Mobile Communications, 中文为全球移动通讯系统,俗称“全球通”,是一种起源于欧洲的移 动通信技术标准,是第二代移动通信技术,其开发目的是让全球各地 可以共同使用一个移动电话网络标准,让用户使用一部手机就能行遍 全球。目前,中国移动、中国联通各拥有一个GSM网,为世界最大的 移动通信网络。GSM系统包括 GSM 900MHz、1800MHz 、 1900MHz等几个频段 。 特点:防盗拷能力佳、网络容量大、手机号码资源丰富、通话清晰、 稳定性强不易受干扰、信息灵敏、通话死角少、手机耗电量低 。
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The first flip type mobile phone
Motorola 8900
• Motorola 8900 commonly known as the “ brick”. It entered China in the 1980s. As the belt cover, you would not accidentally touched a button and set off signal. Then Motorola launched the Motorola 9900 which is smaller and lighter than 8900. It used to be very popular with women white-collar. But it use of nickel- cadmium batteries the same as 8900 which power is too small. It has been leading the fashion until 1995. The highest price of it had reached 20000.
Nokia 6110
The first double screen mobile phone
• Folding phone is certainly likable .But it must open the phone to see who is calling or clock each time, it is too inconvenient . To solve this problem , many manufacturers continually launched its own double screen phone. Undoubtedly Samsung SGH-A288 walks in the front. SGH-A288 cell phone followed the folding ultrasmall, ultra-light design , the volume is only 79X38X23 mm and weighs only 77 grams.
The first phone in Chinese mobile phone market Motorola 3200
• The first mobile phone entered the Chinese market in 1987. The model of it is Motorola 3200.It’s style and design are nearly the same as DynaTAC 8000X. It was very popular as " Big Brother” at that time.
The first dual-band mobile phone
Nokia 6150
• The measurement of Nokia 6150 is 129 × 47 × 28mm and it weights 142g.It is applicable to GSM900MHz/1800MH z network. And it has blue and red two optional colors .
The first domestic listed color screen mobile phone Ericss Nhomakorabean T68
• Although Ericsson T68 is not the world's first color screen mobile phone, but it is the first mobile phone listed in the domestic. It kicked off the era of color screen mobile phone.
The first Bluetooth – enabled mobile phone
The first WAP phone • WAP is the acronym for Wireless Application Protocol. Nokia introduced the first GSM phone Nokia 7110 which supports WAP . It’s emergence marked the beginning of the mobile Internet era Nokia 7110
Nokia 7650
The first built-in games mobile phone
• Nokia is the pioneer of mobile games as it is always focus on youth market. Nokia introduced the first built-in games mobile phone 6110 which has Snake , memory , logical guess figure three games . “Snake” become a traditional project of Nokia phones.
The Development Of Mobile Phone
• Unconsciously, mobile phone has come into our life for
nearly 30 years. As people's living standard improved,
mobile phone has evolved from a luxury to a now very popular consumer electronic product. Recalling the process of mobile phone development, in terms of shape or function has enormous change. Mobile phone’s development has
The world's first mobile phone
—DynaTAC 8000X
• October 13, 1983, Ameritech company’s executives Bob Barnett used the first commercial mobile phone to make a call. It’s model is DynaTAC 8000X .It was manufactured by Motorola. It weighs 2 pounds and it just can work half an hour.But the price of it up to $ 3,500. This is the prototype of what we often call " Big Brother"
also changed again and again. Today it has a variety of
functions and shapes. Mobile now is more than a communication tool. It is a necessity in our modern life.
The first three anti-mobile phone
Ericsson R250 PRO • With the mobile phone is more and more popular, the concept of "three anticell phone " also appears in the mobile phone field. The function of waterproof, dustproof and shockproof make this type of phone has been welcomed by the majority of outdoor sports enthusiasts.
The first folding mobile phone
Motorola 328c
The word “palm pilot” has an unshakable position in the heart of many first generation mobile phone users in China. It completely changed the people’s traditional image of mobile phones. And it’s appear have laid the Motorola’s dominance position in the field of folding mobile phone.
The first built-in antenna mobile phone Nokia 3210
• The first built-in antenna monoblock mobile phone is Han Noga CH9711. China consumers really come into contact with the first internal antenna model is Nokia 3210 fold .
The arrival of the era of Smart and Multimedia Mobile Phone
The concept of multimedia mobile phone
• Today, the multimedia technology is popular in the mobile phone market . Currently popular multimedia concept mainly refers to the combination of various types of information such as text, graphics , images, sound and so on. Generally what we usually called multimedia phones is that you can use it record or play video. Generally, multimedia mobile phones can be divided into three categories, namely multimedia video phones(多媒体录像手 机) , multimedia player phones(多媒体播放手机) and universal multimedia phones (多媒体全能手机). Next, I will introduce several the earliest multimedia mobile phones.