全球价值链治理外文翻译本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:The governance of global value chains出处: Review of International Political Economy作者:Gary Gereffi;John Humphrey;Timothy Sturgeon译文:全球价值链治理简介本文建立了一个理论框架来帮助说明全球价值链的治理模式。
该文献的标题是“Building a Strong Brand: A Comprehensive Review and Integration of the Literature”。
外文翻译:品牌战略原文来源:Aaker, David A.; Erich Joachimsthaler (2000). Brand Leadership. New York: The Free Press. pp. 1–6. ISBN 0-684-83924-5.译文正文:品牌管理是营销技术应用到具体产品,产品线或品牌。
由《Interbrand》与《Business Week》公布的每年最具价值的品牌名单中可以发现,公司的市场价值通常是由品牌决定。
管理学科的品牌开始了在宝洁公司的PLC作为一个由Neil 阁下麦克尔罗伊著名的备忘录的结果。
外文翻译原文Strategic Brand Management:Building, Measuring, and ManagingBrand EquityMaterial Source:Publisher: Prentice Hall,2 edition (September 3, 2002) Author: Kevin Lane KellerⅠ. Designing a Branding StrategyEven within any one firm, different branding strategies may be adopted for different products. For example, although Miller has used its name across its different types of beer over the years with various sub-brands (e.g.,Miller High Life, Miller Lite, and Miller Genuine Draft), it carefully branded its no-alcohol beer substitute as Sharp's with no overt Miller identification. Similarly, although Toyota adopted a branding strategy that used its corporate name combined with individual brand names and modifiers for most of its cars and trucks, it chose to brand its top-of-the-line cars as Lexus, deliberately avoiding using the Toyota name.Thus, it is important to note that the brand hierarchy may not be symmetric. Be-cause of considerations related to corporate objectives, consumer behavior, or com petitive activity, there may sometimes be significant deviations in branding strategy and how the brand hierarchy if organized for different products or for different mar-kets.Therefore, the challenge in setting up the brand hierarchy and arriving at a branding strategy is to:1. Design the proper brand hierarchy in terms of the number and nature of brand elements to Use at each level.2. Design the optimal supporting marketing program in terms of creating the desired amount of brand awareness and type of brand associations at each level.Ⅱ. Designing The Brand HierarchyDesigning a brand hierarchy involves decisions related to:1. The number of levels of the hierarchy to use in general2. How brand elements from different levels of the hierarchy are combined, ifat all, for any one particular product3. How any one brand element is linked, if at all, to multiple productWe consider issues related to these three main decisions in turn and also suggest ways to simplify and organize the hierarchy and designate products.The first decision to make in defining a branding strategy is, broadly, which level of levels of the branding hierarchy should be used. In general, most firms choose to use more than one level for two main reasons. Each successive branding level used allows the firm to communicate additional, specific information about its products. Thus, developing brands at lower levels of the hierarchy allows the firm flexibility in communicating the uniqueness about its products. At the same time, developing I brands at higher levels of the hierarchy such that the brand is applied across multiple I products is obviously an economical means of communicating common or shared in-formation and providing synergy across the company's operations, both internally and externally.The practice of combining an existing brand with a new brand to brand a prod-uct is called sub-branding,as the subordinate brand is a means of modifying the super-ordinate brand. Sub-branding often combines the company or family brand name with individual brands and even model types. Extending our earlier example, ThinkPad can be seen as a sub-brand to the IBM name with 760 as a second-level sub-brand to further modify the meaning of the product As suggested above, a sub-brand, or hybrid branding, strategy offers two potential benefits in that it can both1. Facilitate access to associations and attitudes to the company or family brand as a whole and, at the same time2. Allow for the creation of specific brand beliefs.At the same time, developing sub-brands allows for the creation of brand-specific beliefs. This more detailed information can help customers better understand how products vary and which particular product may be the right one for them. Sub-brands also help to organize selling efforts so that salespeople and retailers have a dear picture as to how the product line is organized and how it might best be sold. For example, one of the main advantages to Nike of continually creating sub-brands in its basketball line (e.g., Air Jordan, Air Flight, Air Force) has been to generate retail interest and enthusiasm.In general, the desired number of levels of the brand hierarchy depends on the complexity of the product line or product mix associated with a brand and thus thecombination of shared and separate brand associations that the company would like to link to any one product in its product line or mix. With relatively simple, low in-volvement products, such as light bulbs, batteries, and chewing gum, the branding strategy often consists of an individual or perhaps family brand combined with modifiers that describe differences in product features. For example, with a fairly simple product such as batteries, Eveready has two main brands (Energizer and Classic "9 Lives") combined with a voltage designation (AAA, AA, C, D, etc.). With a complex sot of products—such as cars, computers, or other durable goods—more levels of the hierarchy are necessary. Regardless of the complexity involved, it is difficult to brand a product with more than three levels of brand names without overwhelming or confusing consumers. In such cases, a better approach might be to introduce multiple brands at the same level (e.g., multiple family brands) and expand the depth of the brand portfolio.Ⅲ. Combining Brand Elements from Different LevelsIf multiple brand elements from different levels of the brand hierarchy are combined to brand new products, it is necessary to decide how much emphasis should be given to each brand element For example, if a sub-brand strategy is adopted, how much prominence should individual brands be given at the expense of the corporate or family brand?When multiple brands are used, each brand element can vary in the relative emphasis it receives in the combined brand. The prominence of a brand element refers to its relative visibility as compared to other brand elements. For example, the prominence of a brand name element depends on several factors, such as its order, size, and appearance, as well as its semantic associations. A brand name should generally be more prominent when it appears first, is larger, and looks more distinctive. For example, assume Pepsi has adopted a sub-branding strategy to introduce a new vitamin-fortified cola, combining its corporate family brand name with a new individual brand name (e.g., "Vftacola"). The Pepsi name could be made more prominent by placing it first and making it bigger— PEPSI Vitacola. On the other hand, the individual I brand could be made more prominent by placing it first and making it bigger— Vitacola B Y PEPSIAlong these lines. Gray and Smeltzer define c orporate/product relationships as the approach a firm follows in communicating the relationship of its products to one another and to the corporate entity. They identify five possible categories (with illus-trative examples)。
外文原文:Coke adds life to its aging brandGood old Coca-Cola is courting the youth culture, cranking out groovy new bottles, juices and energy drinks as it tries to put the fizz back into its business. The company's stock is a good buy right now.Coca-Cola, one of the great symbols of American ingenuity and pride, is on the ropes.Crushed between the triple threat of a slowdown in carbonated soda sales at home, the deteriorating image of U.S. interests overseas and a rise in health concerns everywhere, its revenues are flagging, and Coca-Cola's stock price, though up a bit recently, is down 45% from 1998.Yet Coke has been around a long time, and it is a fighter. And it just so happens that, in recent months, its long-dithering executives appear to have recognized their peril in a more fundamental way than in the past and are prepared to emerge from their corner, swinging.Yes, the cola king is preparing a comeback. And this time it just might work.On Wednesday, Coca-Cola reported a drop in its fourth-quarter net income, but revenue rose, and results surpassed Wall Street's expectations. The company said it had experienced surprisingly strong 3% growth in its sparkling beverages, or carbonated drinks, a business that includes trademark products like Coke and Fanta.The secret recipe going forward, strangely enough, has nothing to do with the red can for which it is so famous. The future is mostly green, with a big new-age helping of tangerine and pink grapefruit, and perhaps a dash of java.Long odds, big payoffThe new corporate Coca-Cola, you see, is not really that into soda at all. While sugar water will always be at the core of the company's mission, the way forward is all about high-concept juices in groovy bottles, as well as vitamin water, energy potions and chilled coffee.Consider Coca-Cola's most recent $250 million purchase, a small "alternative"beverage pioneer called Fuze. If you've never heard of it, you're probably not a 28-year-old woman. In years past, this was exactly the kind of concept drink the soda giant shunned. Now it's considered a potential lifesaver.Fuze was invented four years ago in the New Jersey basement of industry veteran Lance Collins. It's an awesome story of stubborn entrepreneurship. Collins knew the odds were around 97-1 against success, but he thought he saw a niche for low-calorie, high-taste, upscale juices for beautiful people, and gave it a shot. His design team created a gorgeous, colorful glass bottle for his "banana colada" and "peach mango" concoctions, gave them coy names like Slenderize, Refresh and Vitalize, called them "infuzions" instead of juices, and listed "transformative" ingredients like chromium, carnitine and Citrimax.This doesn't sound like Coca-Cola's cup of tea, but check out the infuzions. Collins started small by focusing on urban women in their 20s and 30s, then elbowed his way past the big boys of the game via an aggressive distribution strategy into one chain store after another. He sold 24 million bottles in 2003, double that in 2004, and double again last year.Success for a new beverage is all about persuading a distributor to make room for your stuff on its truck, and by all accounts Collins' salesmen pulled every trick in the book to fight their way into the awesome sales routes of Coke, Budweiser and Miller beer. You can now choose from an entire shelf of Fuze at the tiny Korean deli in Seattle where I get my lunch every day, which is astonishing for an independent brand. Or you can buy cases of it at Wal-Mart Stores , and in many supermarkets, not only in the United States but also in Asia, South America and Europe.Video: Coke's controversial, calorie-buring EnvigaCute little Fuze is the future of Coca-Cola because, well, everyone's doing it. Archrival PepsiCo started its own youth movement by buying the stunningly successful SoBe line of oddball tea and energy drinks for $370 million in 2000 and added the quirky independent Izze line of light juices, which my kids love, late last year. Coca-Cola bought natural juice maker Odwalla in 2001, and picked up Fuze earlier this month.Do you notice a pattern? Neither cola maker is buying any soda-pop companies, just these little wunderkinds, because that's where the growth in the industry is coming from. While carbonated soda's share of the market is shrinking, alternative beverage sales are jumping as much as 50% a year. And energy drink sales are advancing even faster. Fuze has a line of energy drinks, called NOS, that is aimed at car-racing fanatics. It has reportedly been muscling up well against Red Bull, Monster and No Fear in NASCAR towns, and now Coca-Cola will throttle up sales by pumping NOS -- which is short for nitrous oxide, an ingredient of racing fuel -- through its worldwide network. Zoom!International juiceAt the end of the day, all the successful grapefruit infusions in the world won't help a company like Coca-Cola much if the rest of the company is in the tank. They're a drop of sucralose in a giant bucket of syrup. Fortunately, revenues and earnings are improving elsewhere, particularly in international divisions.On Tuesday, we learned that sales volumes in Japan were up 5% in January, vs. a gain of 1% in January last year. That's important because while Japan only amounts to about 5% of Coca-Cola's total sales volume, pricing there is so outrageous that the country amounts to a whopping 20% of the company's total annual profits, according to Merrill Lynch estimate.Meanwhile, down in Mexico, Coca-Cola announced in December that it would join its largest bottler in that country to buy the second-largest Mexican juice company, Jugos Del Valle. That's another big attempt to bring noncarbonated sodas more powerfully into the mix. The company made similar deals last year in the Philippines and India, two more key regions.When you put it all together, you can see that Coca-Cola's earnings are being helped by the plain fact that its product balance is improving, with noncarbonated beverages like Fuze and Odwalla now amounting to 20% of its total sales, and regular old Coke and Diet Coke fading a bit into the back of the corporate fridge. It takes a while for investors to recognize this, but rising revenues serve to punctuate the new message. I estimate that Coca-Cola will earn $2.60 a share this year and $2.87 nextyear. When you put a price-earnings multiple of 21 on the 2008 figure, you get a price target of $60. That's 25% higher than the current quote, which makes the stock a good buy right now. If it doesn't work out, you can always mellow out with a chilled ginseng and guarana Fuze tea.Fine PrintTo learn more about Coca-Cola, visit its Web site. Its most controversial brand at the moment is Enviga, seen at this link, for which the company has made claims of weight-reduction. . . . There are so many more choices in the Coke lineup now, including Caribou coffee drinks, Powerade sports drinks and Minute Maid juices. . . . To see all the drinks it sells in individual countries, visit its Virtual Vender machine, a nice little Web app. . . . To learn more about Fuze brands, whose motto is "refreshingly smart," check out this Web site.出处:Jon Markman. Coke adds life to its aging brand [J]. Marketing Science. Oct 2005. pp25-28中文译文:可乐为其品牌老化增添生命力聪明的老牌子可口可乐公司正在追求青年文化。
台湾生产者对于更廉价的供应商而导致的销售额减少无能为力- 消费者忠诚的是品牌,而不是生产者。
例如可乐- 任何制造商可以生产可乐,但只有可口可乐公司生产可口可乐。
附录一During the operation of Global brand strategy, most of the MNCs are in a dilemma of Standardization and Localization. They sometimes are bigoted to standardization, sometimes are in deep love with completely localization. Neither of them is right. The authors take the case of Global brand strategy of Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. for example and carry out an empirical study of sixty global companies operating in Chinese market. According to the shaping condition, strategy advantages, operating mode, management system of global brands and a series of problems of operation of global brand strategy of MNCs, the authors innovatively develop the strategic model of Global Standard Brand Strategy and Localization Management for MNCs.The concept of geographical brand from the angle of marketing, and points out the real reason why there is no more than 10% sale of market enterprise brands are produced by inducing the mutual model of geographical brand through demonstrative research and make up the shortage of the research on influencing factors of the assimilation of enterprise brands under the situation of mutual geographical brand. By applying demonstrative research, it shows: the extent of the legislative object which is under the protection of national appellations of origin is too wide, and the creation of technology and the development of technology will be restricted; the naming of products should avoid the appellations of origin as much as possible; if the restriction of mutual geographical brand should not be broke through, the enterprise strategy to achieve the strong brand is dangerous.On the basis of empirical data, this paper analyzes the regional differences of dominant factors that affect the brand loyalty from both macro and micro perspectives. According to the regional socioeconomic situation, the differences of perceived brand values which drive brand loyalty are examined. It is shown that the influence of functional, symbolic and experiential values on brand loyalty is various in different socioeconomic situations. Results in this paper promote the comprehension of the diversity among consumers across different regional markets, and offer meaningful reference for marketing in this newly emerging big market.By the means of Transaction Cost Analysis, the article explains how an enterprise decides appropriate marketing channel governance forms during industry lifecycle. The article points out that the major determining factors of channel governance strategy are: the level of asset specificity, environmental uncertainty and transactionfrequency. During the different stages of industry lifecycle, it is the above three factors that collectively influence the level of channel production efficiency and channel governance efficiency, which ultimately determine what channel governance form an enterprise shall adopt.This article uses the multi-method to study the phase of consumer’s experiences after their impulse buying. We are trying to investigate, when the impulse buying occurred, how the resul t of the impulse buying influenced the consumer’s buying impulsiveness and normative evaluations of the next impulse buying decision. The finding shows that, when the negative result goes to some extent, the next impulsive buying would be influenced very much. And ulteriorly, we find there is much deferent trait between the male and female consumers as well as among the consumers who have different buying impulsiveness trait. As one of general buying behaviors, impulse buying is affected by many factors. Researchers had paid attention to the effect of mood on impulsive buying, but they did not study the process of it.Through introducing the mood self-regulation motivation and browsing,the article expounded the course through which negative mood influenced the impulse buying ,considering the impossible factors during the course at the same time,and the hypotheses were verified by empirical method. Theoretical and managerial implications, as well as future research directions were also provided.Consideration set including a set of brands that a consumer will actively consider and evaluate during his buying process. Only those brands in consideration set can be bought ultimately by consumers . Consideration set has been an important research field of Western scholars for about forty years, While our domestic scholars carried through little research on this topic .This paper will test the influence of product-harm crisis and its responsing process on consumer consideration set using data from a filed experiment carried out in shanghai.Customers are likely to view the services as a bundle of attributes, which may differ in their contribution from the service evaluation and choice. In this article, we study the attributes of inpatients satisfaction. By using factor analysis and multiple linear regression, we found (1) the attributes which affect inpatients’ satisfaction include medical quality, the understanding and communication with hospital staff, environment, waiting time and additional service. (2) medical quality is the most important aspect. The second is understanding and communication. The other three attributes are not so import.Building a model of customer decision-making behaviour to the international education industry for understanding the characteristics of this kind of decision-making behaviour. The results indict that the model as cultural value—motivation—intent to study abroad gives us a good way to understand the students who intent to study abroad. The financial barriers and psychological problem will moderate the relationship between motivations and intention to study abroad. Under the current competition environment, building good relationship with high value customers is an important way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage. An approach to cluster customers and analyze their characteristics is put forward in this paper. The basic analysis process of the method consists three stages. Firstly, through querying transaction records and analyzing transaction cost, each customer’s total profit contribution to enterprise can be gained, and it is used to measure the customer value. Secondly, the k-means clustering method is used to partition customers into different clusters by their value. Lastly, a decision tree is built to reflect customer characteristics with different customer value, and help the management to develop right customer strategy.This article expands the concept of brand in theory, gives the relation and harmony theory model of enterprise innovation competence and the competitive competence of brand, and studies the multiplier effect theories of enterprise's innovation ability and brand competitiveness.Based on the theories of marketing channel behaviors and relationship marketing, by testing hypotheses, this paper explores the impact of relationship marketing orientation on a firm’s marketing channel behaviors. It found that, firstly, relationship marketing orientation has a positive effect on a firm’s exercises of noncoercive power, and has a negative moderate effect on the positive relationship between firm’s power and its exercises of coercive power. Secondly, relationship marketing orientation positively affects a firm to adopt joint-problem-resolution approach. And finally, a firm’s exercises of coercive power are positively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-planning approach, and the firm’s exercises of noncoercive power are negatively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-planning approach and positively related to the firm’s adoption of joint-problem-resolution approach.In this paper, the model of Revelation Principle in Game Theory is used into Market Segmentation. In the initial transaction, the monopolistic firm offers a menu of Marketing Strategies Portfolio designed according to the distribution o f customers’utility in order to differentiate customers based on their selected marketing strategy. In a long-term firm- customers relationship, the firm implements Market Segmentation through the information gained in the initial transaction, and get the added value by customization in product development or individualistic service. We investigated the Market Segmentation implemented through matching of product and pricing strategy and its properties, and proved similar result resulted from combination of product, pricing and promotion strategy.From: Philip kotler(2004). Megamarketing.Various Views’ World.Harvard.Business Review.附录二在贯彻全球品牌战略的过程中,各跨国公司经常会在标准化与本土化之间处于模棱两可、进退两难的境地,有时可能陷入脱离东道国市场的盲目标准化的思路,有时又可能实行完全本土化的思路。
9.以首字母缩写命名。 采用企业名称或企业经营理念的缩写字母命名品牌,旨在减
少品牌名称音节(一般不超过三个音节)和字母组合数,让消 费者或受众一目了然、易读易记;此外,许多材料列举品牌 名称时,习惯按英文字母顺序排列,采用缩写字母命名品牌 还有助于品牌在报章媒体的资料中排行在前,增加消费者的 印象,使得品牌更有价值感,更有国际品位。 10.以字母拼合而成的创新词汇命名(也称创新组合法)。 创新组合法就是摆脱传统意义上词汇构成的束缚,大胆创新 ,采用多个音节(或词缀)组合命名的策略。 11.以特殊意义数字、时间或数字与文字的组合命名。 以特殊意义数字或数字与文字的组合来命名品牌时,必须厘 清数字在不同文化背景下文化内涵,从而使得利用数字命名 品牌的目的——易识别、易记忆、易推广——得以实现。
7.以宗教、神话中人物或经典文学作品及其中人物等相关 内容命名。
通过宗教、神话、经典文学作品中人物(或称谓)等相关内 容来命名品牌,旨在利用宗教、神话、经典文学作品中人 物的广泛普及度、良好的意愿形象以及神圣的象征意义, 宣传企业的文化理念、产品或服务的特性。
想或误解的条件下,按其发音,将品牌名称用与之语音相 近或相似的译入语进行翻译的方法。 2.直译法 所谓直译,就是在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联 想或误解的前提下,在译文中保留原文的意义形象和句法 结构的方法。 3.音译结合直译法 有的品牌名称可以利用其音和意的双重特征,翻译时再创 性地使用音译和直译相结合。
品牌SWOT分析一,S---- strength(优势分析)仁和闪亮滴眼露独特的功效, 促进眼部营养,保持眼睛湿润和卫生、防止视疲劳。
以仁和闪亮滴眼露现有的产品功效优势,健康用眼的安全保障,良好的品牌形象会更好的抓住消费者的心,让消费者信赖上的品牌.二,W---- weakness(劣势分析)作为一个新兴的滴眼露产品,随着眼药水市场的成熟,眼药生产销售更加专业化的趋势比较明显,目前销售靠前的单品种都是专业的眼科药品企业生产;专业化眼科药品生产企业将取代非专业眼科药品生产企业,并进一步垄断这个市场已成为一种新的业态。
市场营销毕业论⽂参考⽂献市场营销毕业论⽂参考⽂献汇总 充实的⼤学⽣活即将结束,毕业论⽂是每个⼤学⽣都必须通过的,毕业论⽂是⼀种有计划的、⽐较正规的检验学⽣学习成果的形式,那要怎么写好毕业论⽂呢?下⾯是⼩编精⼼整理的市场营销毕业论⽂参考⽂献汇总,欢迎阅读与收藏。
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钢筋混凝土中英文资料翻译1 外文翻译1.1 Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element.It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design. The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved. This is possible because concrete can easily be given any desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned, the finished product becomes strong, durable, and, in combination with the reinforcing bars, adaptable for use as main members of anystructural system.The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast: that is, whether it is a column, a bean, a wall, a slab, a foundation. a mass columns, or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete. For beams, columns, and walls, the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them, and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials. In foundations, the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in. in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete. Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type, as the case requires, unless it is placed by pumping. It must be kept in mind, however, that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concrete.Hydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F. It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place. If drying is too rapid, surface cracking takes place. This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydration.It is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element, such as geometrical width, depth, area of reinforcement, steel strain, concrete strain, steel stress, and so on. Consequently, trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections, with assumptions based on conditions at site, availability of the constituent materials, particular demands of the owners, architectural and headroom requirements, the applicable codes, and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite, in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structures.A trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system. The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load. Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section, the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analyses.The trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design. Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen. The availability of handbooks, charts, and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient, compact, and speedy instructionalmethod compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design.1.2 EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering, this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast. In 1935 most of the methods now in use for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist. Most earth was moved by narrow rail track, now relatively rare, and the main methods of excavation, with face shovel, backacter, or dragline or grab, though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods. To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines. Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators, loaders and transport is obtainable from the makers.Earthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high ( cuts ), and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low ( fills). Toreduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill. This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness. From the available maps ahd levels, the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork. On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layout,but the drawing lffice work will not have been lost. It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest time.The cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine. This is not always possible, but when it canbe done it is ideal, being both quick and cheap. Draglines, bulldozers and face shovels an do this. The largest radius is obtained with the dragline,and the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer, though only over short distances.The disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself, it cannot dig with force into compacted material, it cannot dig on steep slopws, and its dumping and digging are not accurate.Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines, having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines. They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline.Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful, but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovel.Rubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel. They can dig the material deeply ( but only below themselves ) to a fairly flat surface, carry it hundreds of meters if need be, then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping. For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor ( wheeled or tracked ) on the digging site, to push each scraper as it returns to dig. As soon as the scraper is full,the pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraper.Bowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machines;many makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity, which carry 10 m ³ heaped. The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m ³ struck capacity ( 25 m ³ heaped )and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powers.Dumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials. Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels, and the container tips forwards on most types, though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied. The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 0.5 m ³, and the largest standard types are of about 4.5 m ³. Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m ³and the articulated type of about 0.5 m ³. The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered .dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load. Dump trucks are heavy, strengthened tipping lorries, the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him, so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks.1.3 Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures. The “ safety factor ”, which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used, can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions. This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability ( risk ) of failure of the structure.Failure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or, according to a more precise. Common definition. As the reaching of a “limit state ” which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designedfor. There are two categories of limit state :(1)Ultimate limit sate, which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity. Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure; failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism; failure by fatigue; elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure; and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads, to fire and to explosions.(2)Service limit states, which are functions of the use and durability of the structure. Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability; early or excessive cracks; large vibrations; and corrosion.Computational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into:(1)Deterministic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters.(2)Probabilistic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as random parameters.Alternatively, with respect to the different use of factors of safety, computational methods can be separated into:(1)Allowable stress method, in which the stresses computed under maximum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors.(2)Limit states method, in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its maximum strength. This strength, as determined by rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support a factored load equal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ( ultimate state ).The stresses corresponding to working ( service ) conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values ( service limit state ) . From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods, we can obtain some useful computational methods. Generally, two combinations prevail:(1)deterministic methods, which make use of allowable stresses.(2)Probabilistic methods, which make use of limit states.The main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that, at least in theory, it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety, which are then combined to define the safety factor. probabilistic approaches depend upon :(1) Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions offabrication and erection ( scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure );(2) Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure ( faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure );(3) Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure;(4)Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used ( deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses ).Furthermore, probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors, such as :(1) Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage by its failure;(2)Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure;(3)Possibility and/or likelihood of repairing the structure;(4) Predicted life of the structure.All these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as:(1) Initial cost of the construction;(2) Amortization funds for the duration of the construction;(3) Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction;(4) Adverse impact on society;(5) Moral and psychological views.The definition of all these parameters, for a given safety factor, allows construction at the optimum cost. However, the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account. For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses, of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials, and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known. Furthermore, it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material, on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure. These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways. The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads, without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion. The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifying assumptions ( semi-probabilistic methods ) 。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Intelligent vehicle is a use of computer, sensor, information, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to realize the environment awareness, planning decision and automatic drive of high and new technology. It in aspects such as military, civil and scientific research has received application, to solve the traffic safety provides a new way.With the rapid development of automobile industry, the research about the car is becoming more and more attention by people. Contest of national competition and the province of electronic intelligent car almostevery time this aspect of the topic, the national various universities are also attaches great importance to research on the topic, many countries have put the electronic design competition as a strategic means of innovative education. Electronic design involving multiple disciplines, machinery and electronics, sensor technology, automatic control technology, artificial intelligent control, computer and communication technology, etc., is a high-tech in the field of many. Electronic design technology, it is a national high-tech instance is one of the most important standard, its research significance is greatThe design though just a demo model, but is full of scientific and practical. First we according to the complex situation of road traffic, in accordance with the appropriate author to make a road model, including bend, straight and pavement set obstacles, etc. On curved and straight, the car along the orbit free exercise, when the small car meet obstacles, pulse modulation infrared sensors to detect the signal sent to the microcontroller, a corresponding control signal according to the program MCU control cars automatically avoid obstacles, to carry on the back, forward, turn left, turn rightSubject partsIntelligent vehicle is a concentration of environment awareness, planning decision, multi-scale auxiliary driving, and other functions in an integrated system, is an important part of intelligent transportation system.In military, civilian, space exploration and other fields has a broad application prospect. The design of smart car control system are studied, based on path planning is a process of the intelligent car control system2.1 theory is put forwardThe progress of science and technology of intelligent led products, but also accelerated the pace of development, MCU application scope of its application is increasingly wide, has gone far beyond the field of computer science. Small to toys, credit CARDS, big to the space shuttle, robots, from data acquisition, remote control and fuzzy control, intelligent systems with the human daily life, everywhere is dependent on the single chip microcomputer, this design is a typical application of single chip microcomputer. This design by implementing the driverless car, on the tests, by the reaction of the single chip microcomputer to control the car, make its become intelligent, automatic forward, turn and stop function, after continuing the perfection of this system also can be applied to road testing, security patrol, can meet the needs of society.In design, the use of the sensors to detect road surface condition, sensor central sea are faint and adopts a comparing amplifier amplification, and the signal input to the controller, the controlled end using stepper motor, because of the step motor is controlled electrical pulse, as long as the output from the controller to satisfy stepper motor merits of fixed control word. In operation of stepping motor and a drivingcircuit, it also to join a drive circuit in the circuit, each function module is different to the requirement of power supply current, the power supply part set up conversion circuit, so as to meet the needs of the various parts. After comparison choice element, design the circuit principle diagram and the circuit board, and do the debugging of hardware, system software and hardware is often the combination of organic whole. Software, on the use of the 51 single-chip timer interrupt to control pavement test interval and the car movement and speed. Due to take that road is simple, it is using more traditional assembly language for programming. For the correctness of the program design, using a commonly used keil c51 simulation software simulation validation, the last is integrated debugging of software and hardware, and prove the correctness and feasibility of the design scheme.2.2 electronic intelligent car design requirements(1) electric vehicles can be able to according to the course to run all the way; (2) electric vehicles can store and display the number of detected metal and sheet metal to the starting line in the distance; (3) are accurately electric cars after exercising all the way to the display of the electric vehicle the entire exercise time; (4) electric cars can't collisions with obstacles in the process of exercise.2.3 the general conception of computer network teaching websiteUsing 89 c51 as the car's control unit, sensor eight-way from outside,in the front of the car, as a black belt in the process of the car into the garage detecting element, at the rear end of the car when connected to eight-channel infrared sensors as the car pulled out of the garage of a black belt in detecting element, the LJ18A3-8 - Z/BX inductive proximity switch as garage iron detecting element, the microcontroller after receiving sensor detects the signal through the corresponding procedures to control the car forward, backward, turn, so that the car's performance indicators meet the requirements of the design.Intelligent car is a branch of intelligent vehicle research. It with the wheel as mobile mechanism, to realize the autonomous driving, so we call it the smart car. Smart car with the basic characteristics of the robot, easy to programming. It with remote control car the difference is that the latter requires the operator to control the steering, start-stop and in a more advanced remote control car can also control the speed (common model car belong to this type of remote control car); The smart car Is to be implemented by computer programming for the car stop, driving direction and speed control, without human intervention. Operator the smart car can be changed by a computer program or some data to change its drive type. This change can be controlled through programming, the characteristics of the car driving way is the biggest characteristic of smart car. The control system of smart car research purpose is to make the car driving with higher autonomy. If any given car a path, through the system,the car can get system for path after image processing of data moving and Angle (a), and can be scheduled path, according to the displacement and Angle information.The control system structure analysisAccording to the above design idea, the structure of the intelligent car control system can be divided into two layers1, the planning layerPC control system, the planning layer provides the information of the whole car driving, including path processing module and communication module. It has to solve the basic problem(1) using what tools to deal with the car path graph;(2) the car movement model is established, the data to calculate the car driving;(3) set up the car's motion model, the data to calculate the car driving;Layer 2, behaviorLower machine control system, the behavior is the underlying structure of a smart car control system, realize the real-time control of the car driving, it includes communication module, motor control module and data acquisition module. It to solve the basic problems are:(1) receiving, processing, PC sends data information;(2) the design of stepping motor control system;(3) information collection and the displacement and Angle of the car, car positioning posture, analysis system control error;The total design schemeSmart car control system are obtained by system structure, order process:(1) start AutoCAD, create or select a closed curve as the cart path, pick up the car starting $path graph(2) to choose the path of the graphics processing, make the car turning exist outside the minimum turning radius of edges and corners with circular arc transition(3) to generate a new path to simulate the motion process of car;(4) to calculate the displacement of the car driving need and wheel Angle, and then sends the data to the machine(5) under the machine after receiving data, through software programming control the rotation speed and Angle of the car wheels and make it according to the predetermined path A complete control system requirements closely linked to each function module in the system, according to the order process and the relationship between them, the total design scheme of the system is available.Design of basically has the following several modulesPart 1, the information acquisition module, data collection is composed of photoelectric detection and operation amplifier module,photoelectric detection were tracing test and speed test of two parts. To detect the signal after budget amplifier module lm324 amplifier plastic to single chip, its core part is several photoelectric sensor.2, control processing module: control processing module is a stc89c52 MCU as the core, the microcontroller will be collected from the information after the judgement, in accordance with a predetermined algorithm processing, and the handling results to the motor drive and a liquid crystal display module, makes the corresponding action.3, perform module: executable module consists of liquid crystal display (LCD), motor drive and motor, buzzer of three parts. LCD is mainly based on the results of single chip real-time display, convenient and timely users understand the current state of the system, motor driver based on single chip microcomputer instruction for two motor movements, can according to need to make the corresponding acceleration, deceleration, turning, parking and other movements, in order to achieve the desired purpose. Buzzer is mainly according to the requirements in a particular position to make a response to the report.译文一、引言智能车辆是一个运用计算机、传感、信息、通信、导航、人工智能及自动控制等技术来实现环境感知、规划决策和自动行驶为一体的高新技术综合体。
5、外文文献翻译(附原文)产业集群,区域品牌,Industrial cluster ,Regional brand
![5、外文文献翻译(附原文)产业集群,区域品牌,Industrial cluster ,Regional brand](
外文文献翻译(附原文)外文译文一:产业集群的竞争优势——以中国大连软件工业园为例Weilin Zhao,Chihiro Watanabe,Charla-Griffy-Brown[J]. Marketing Science,2009(2):123-125.摘要:本文本着为促进工业的发展的初衷探讨了中国软件公园的竞争优势。
(一)日常用语:1.Good morning早上好2.How are you? 怎么样?I’m fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢!3.What’s the problem? 出现什么问题?It’s a machine problem.是设备的问题。
5.Who is the team leader?谁是班长?***is the team leader.***是班长6.Thank you.谢谢You’re welcome.不客气。
(二)术语:1.BOM: 材料清单2.Control Plan:控制计划3.FMEA: 潜在失效模式分析4.FDPR:全日式生产estone: 里程碑6.process:工艺 produce:产品 project: 项目 production:生产7.prototype:样件 8.Team:团队9.warehouse:库房 10.WI: 操作指导书11.WIP:在置品 12.supplier:供应商 customer:客户13.assembly line:装配线零件15.machine:机器 b:实验室17.operator:操作工 18. team leader:班长19. supervisor:主管 20.manager:经理21. problem:问题 22.analysis:分析23.trainee:实习生 24. training:培训25. compressor:压缩机 26.solve:解决27. quality:质量 28. logistics:物流29. maintenance:维修 30.6.CPK:过程能力指数7.FTA: 原因树分析 8.PDCA:计划、做、检查、标准化9.PO: 采购订单 10.SQA:供应商质量保证11.PQA: 产品质量保证 12.SMED:快速换模13.SOP: 全面生产 14.TPM:全员生产维护15.Kaizen: 改善 16.Genba:现场17.TRP:设备有效利用率 18.LLC:经验学习卡19.APT: 自主生产班组 20.APZ: 自主生产区域21.DLI: 直接劳动成本指数 22.TRS:设备利用率23.DPM: 客户交付及时率 24.FIFO:先进先出25.VSA:价值流分析 26.Muda:浪费27.Takt time:客户需求节拍 28.Sequencer:排序器29.MPS:主生产计划 30.Total Line Rejects:一次交检不合格率1.APU: 自主生产单元 2.VPS:法雷奥生产体系3.QRQC:快速反应质量控制4.Line QRQC:生产线QRQC5.APU QRQC: APU QRQC6.Plant QRQC: 工厂QRQC8.Genb a:现场9.三现主义:现场,现实,现物10.PDCA: 计划,做,检查,标准化11.FTA:原因树分析12.5Why:5个为什么13.5W2H: what是什么问题?why为什么是个问题?who谁发现的?where在哪儿发现的?how怎么发现的?how many有多少个好件和坏件?14.5轴心:全面质量,供应商一体化,全员参与,不断的技术创新,生产体系15.LLC:经验学习卡16.5S:整理,整顿,清洁,清扫和修养17.TPM:全员生产维护18.TRP:设备有效利用率19.MPS:主生产计划20.Takt Time:客户需求节拍21.FIFO:先进先出通道22.V SA:价值流分析23.排序器:一张管理看板,用于均衡生产订单(平衡和混合)和通过使用看板卡来传递正确的节拍(Takt time 客户需求节拍))给生产。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 计算机科学与技术学院专业:网络工程姓名:王灿学号: 201317030125外文出处:附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2。
网络营销在英文中有多种表达方式,每种表达方式都有相应的侧重点和内涵,如Internet Marketing,强调的是以因特网为工具的市场营销;Web Marketing指网站营销,着重于网站的推广,站点与顾客的沟通;Cyber Marketing指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作;E —marketing指与电子商务相对应的电子化、信息化、网络化的营销活动。
现在常用的翻译方式是online Marketing和Internet Marketing,且专指国际互联网营销。
品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译目录外文文献翻译..............................................................................................1 摘要..........................................................................................................1 1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.......................................................................2 2. 我国企业品牌发展概况..............................................................................3 2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比存在着很大的差距............................................3 2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划. (4)2.3 产品质量低下品牌个性不足缺乏创新和发展能力.....................................4 2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区. (4)3. 企业品牌策略选择..................................................................................6 3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识着力提高品牌竞争能力......................................6 3.2 搞好品牌定位培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.. (6)3.3 遵循品牌设计规律注重品牌形象..........................................................7 3.4 采用多种品牌竞争手段 (7)外文翻译原文………………………………………………………………………………….9 1. Brand strategy with its connotations of the functional significance ……………………10 2. Enterprise Brand DevelopmentOverview ………………………………….……......…..12 2.1 Domestic brands and foreign brands……………………………………….………..…..13 2.2 Brand DevelopmentPlanning ………………………………………………..…..……..13 2.3 Overall lack of poor product quality……………………………………………....…….14 2.4 Brand Development Strategy existMistakes …………………………………..……….14 3. Brand strategy to establish a correctchoice ………………………………………….….16 3.1 Brand awareness of competition and strive to improve the competitiveness ……..…....16 3.2 Brands improve brand positioning…………………………………………………..…..16 3.3 Followed branding laws……………………………………………………………..…..17 3.4 Oriented brand image using a variety of means to brand competition ……………..…..17 参考文献1 年小山. 品牌学M . 北京: 清华大学出版社,2003,5 . 2 余鑫炎. 品牌战略与决策M . 卲林: 东北财经大学出版社,2001,7 . 3 梅清豪. 市场本文源自六维论文网M .北京: 电子工业出版社,2001,156. 4 叶海名. 品牌创新与品牌营销M .石家庄: 河北人民出版社出版社,2001 . 5 翁向东. 本土品牌战略M . 杭州: 浙江人民出版社,2002,30-46 . 6 刘威. 品牌战略管理实战手册M . 广州: 广东经济出版社,2004 . 7 广州本田汽车有限兯司EB/OL. 8 李辉. 2007年度家用电器品牌分析J . 2007:3 9 宋永高. 品牌战略与管理M . 浙江大学出版社,2003,73-75. 10 巨天中. 品牌战略M .北京: 中国经济出版社,2004,231. 11 Charles W,Lamb Joseph,Hair Carl McDaniel,Marketing M 6th〃ed〃北京大学出版社,2001 .12 Hart. C.W〃L Heskett J.L &Sasser W. E. Jr. The Profitable Art of Service Recovery〃M . Harvard Business PreviewJ . 1990 :1 48-56 . 13 Kate Bertrand,Marketers Discover What Quality Pearly MeanM . Business Marketin6 1987 4:58-72 . 14 苻国群〃消费者行为学M . 武汉: 武汉大学出版枉,2000 52 . 15 菲利普-科特勒〃市场营销原理M 〃北京:清华大学出版社,2001 . 16 刘强军. 商场现代化J . 2005 2453: 23-27 . 17 美理查德.L. 霍德霍森.市场营销学M 〃上海: 上海人民出版社2004M 〃1326 品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译摘要从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用。
例如:据本公司人力资源部报告显示2010年本公司一线员工流失率为30% ,中层人员流失率为20%。
本文旨在通过论证找到导致公司人员流失率增高的主要原因- 本公司薪资发放不合理,研究寻求正确的薪资配置方案。
请见附录- 参考1例如:中文标题:XX公司薪酬方案研究英文标题:Research on the Salary for XX Company拟用研究方法列举论文中拟使用的研究分析方法名称。
请见附录- 参考2例如:案例分析法、统计分析……文献综述简要阐述:国内外对该研究课题的研究现状及发展动态;对拟运用的理论进行简介。
品牌营销策略外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)翻译:个性、顾客品牌偏好和品牌社群:关于顾客、品牌和品牌社群的实证研究1 引言目前,学术界有关品牌社群的研究非常多,如苹果电脑Mac、哈雷摩托车和大众汽车的高性能两箱小车Golf GTI品牌社群的研究,还有乐于购买科幻小说的社群。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Memory-Based On-Line Tuning of PID Controllers for Nonlinear Systems Abstract—Since most processes have nonlinearities, controller design schemes to deal with such systems are required.On the other hand, PID controllers have been widely used for process systems. Therefore, in this paper, a new design scheme of PID controllers based on a memory-based(MB) modeling is proposed for nonlinear systems. According to the MB modeling method, some local models are automatically generated based on input/output data pairs of the controlled object stored in the data-base. The proposed scheme generates PID parameters using stored input/output data in the data-base. This scheme can adjust the PID parameters in an on-line manner even if the system has nonlinear properties. Finally, the effectiveness of the newly proposed control scheme is numerically evaluated on a simulation example.I. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, many complicated control algorithms such as adaptive control theory or robust control theory have been proposed and implemented. However, in industrial processes, PID controllers[1], [2], [3] have been widely employed for about 80% or more of control loops. The reasons are summarized as follows. (1) the control structure is quitsimple; (2) the physical meaning of control parameters is clear; and (3) the operators’ know-how can be easily utilized in designing controllers. Therefore, itis still attractive todesign PID controllers. However, since most process systems have nonlinearities, it is difficult to obtain good control performances for such systems simply using the fixed PIDparameters. Therefore, PID parameters tuning methods using neural networks(NN)[4] and genetic algorithms(GA)[5] have been proposed until now. According to these methods, the learning cost is considerably large, and these PID parameters cannot be adequately adjusted due to the nonlinear properties. Therefore, it is quite difficult to obtain good control performances using these conventional schemes.By the way, development of computers enables us to memorize, fast retrieve and read out a large number of data. By these advantages, the following method has been proposed: Whenever new data is obtained, the data is stored.Next, similar neighbors to the informat ion requests, called’queries’, are selected from the stored data. Furthermore,the local model is constructed using these neighbors. Thismemory-based(MB) modeling method, is called Just-In-Time(JIT) method[6], [7] , Lazy Learning method[8] or Model-on-Demand(MoD)[9], and these scheme have lots of attention in last decade.In this paper, a design scheme of PID controllers based onthe MB modeling method is discussed. A few PID controllers have been already proposed based on the JIT method[10] and the MoD method[11] which belong to the MB modeling methods. According to the former method, the JIT method is used as the purpose of supplementing the feedback controller with a PID structure. However, the tracking property is not guaranteed enough due to the nonlinearities in the case where reference signals are changed, because the controller does not includes any integral action in the whole control system. On the other hand, the latter method has a PID control structure.PID parameters are tuned by operators’ skills, and they are stored in the data-base in advance. And also, a suitable set of PID parameters is generated using the stored data. However,the good control performance cannot be necessarily obtained in the case where nonlinearities are included in the controlled object and/or system parameters are changed, because PID parameters are not tuned in an on-line manner corresponding to characteristics of the controlled object. Therefore, in this paper, a design scheme of PID controllers based on the MB modeling method is newly proposed.According to the proposed method, PID parameterswhich are obtained using the MB modeling method areadequately tuned in proportion to control errors, and modifiedPID parameters are stored in the data-base. Therefore, moresuitable PID parameters corresponding to characteristics ofthe controlled object are newly stored. Moreover, an algorithmto avoid the excessive increase of the stored data,is further discussed. This algorithm yields the reduction of memories and computational costs. Finally, the effectiveness of the newly proposed control scheme is examined on asimulation example.II. PID CONTROLLER DESIGN BASED ON MEMORY-BASED MODELING METHODA. MB modeling methodFirst, the following discrete-time nonlinear system is considered:, (1)where y(t) denotes the system output and f(·) denotes the nonlinear function. Moreover, _(t−1) is called ’information vector’, which is defied by the following equation:)](),1(),(,),1([:)(u y n t u t u n t y t y t ----= φ, (2) where u(t) denotes the system input. Also, ny and nure spectively denote the orders of the system output and the system input, respectively. According to the MB modeling method, the data is stored in the form of the information vector _ expressed in Eq.(2). Moreover, _(t) is required in calculating the estimate of the output y(t+1) called ’query’.That is, after some similar neighbors to the query are selected from the data-base, the predictive value of the system can beobtained using these neighbors.B. Controller design based on MB modeling methodIn this paper, the following control law with a PID structure is considered: )()()()(2t y T T k t e T T k t u SD c I s c ∆+∆-=∆ (3))()()(2t y K t y K t e K D P I ∆-∆-= (4)where e(t) denotes the control error signal defined bye(t) := r(t) − y(t). (5) r(t) denotes the reference signal. Also, kc, TI and TD respectively denote the proportional gain, the reset time and the derivative time, and Ts denotes the sampling interval. Here, KP , KI and KD included in Eq.(4) are derived by therelations P K =c k ,I K =c k s T /I T 和D K =c k D T /s T 。
企业品牌战略研究的论文外文文献及中文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. Kogan Page, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strategy an its functional significance, to discuss the brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market, it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not strong, it is difficult to judge according to their marker launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international route and whether the enter prise of “Japanese Company” to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current SituationMany old famous “flash in the pan”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-known 80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, is to beacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s, he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998, was acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has maderemarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economyera Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name, organization promoting the efforts, policies measures have greatly enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali an 3 million Yuan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..January 8th 2009 year to January11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening. National enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results. It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES, including1manufacturers, media and spectators, in the exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors. Haier is the w orld’smost authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE” named for the Chinese consumerelectronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever, we should also see the face of numerous products on the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. With the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeezeinto the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled with “Sony”, “Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” andvarious other international brands, many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China .Although the appliance industry, led by Haier brand, “Konka” , “Changhong” , “TCL” and otherdomestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic” “Samsung” and other brands, theyare still there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry, “Lenovo” , “Founder” , “Great Wall” and thebrand’s competitiveness has improved significantly, but with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compared to, brand awareness is still insufficient; in Consumer Goods market, “P&G”, “Oliver” ,“Henkel” , and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems andErrorsCurrently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable, but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a lace of technology development, brand competitiveness is not strong; brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale production and management, brand development lack of overall planning; ability of weak exports and international operations, Brand awareness is not strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range of factors such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social factors: social mechanisms need to be improved, policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy, export-oriented policies for different sectors play different rolein the promotion and limitation, the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishment of market system in China has for many years, despite a significant improvement but still not perfect, there still has not really adapt to the market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the errorof the brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition isin creasingly reflected in the brand’scompetition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short time, but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy. The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientific management idea and superb2operational skills, but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many such errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the product, improve productawareness, or what the product packaging; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the media, big, the other no attention; scale enterprise product once formed, well-known brands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent to high price, to be unrealistically improve the product price. Some companies even go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business, with foreign companies, brands, or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer, such as our present more than 20 million “three capital” enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands; cleansilver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding example of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand, product and intellectual property rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the marketcan be quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation, in order to “change” should be “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness. The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do notattach importance to innovation, leading to a lot of brand-name “dismount” the major reason. Coca-Cola’sformer chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, “The brand is o nly the company logo products and servicesare different from competitors, is the most effective weapon to open up the market, excellent brand can make your product stand out .” Products physical properties, quantity, price, quality, service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself, also includes an attached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things, so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization processof how to brand positioningBacked by science and technology, establish a “quality first, winning by quality” business philosophy,the brand’s fas hion elements, the outstanding individualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitiveness of their products performance in the competition for the brand, and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth for the brand through a brand is the quality of a brandin the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability. Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; we must work hard in the transformation. Personalization trend in the world changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable! 2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand3strategy is not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and business are closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the brand to expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurate market positioning, brand performance and outstanding value emotional communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consumer impulse. Enterprises should take the market as guide, technology as a means to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishment of information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to maketheir own in a good position in the The world has entered the 21 century brand international competition, branding has become a newinternational language into millions of households. To establish the brand products in the market position establish a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means business. Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Enterprise management system must be adopted, technological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same time to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand research and planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand’s international competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in thegrowth stage now, brand strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, market and enterprise resources, while avoiding disadvantages, choose the best brand strategy is a wise choice.Such as is now more prevalent and has a well-known brand outside the company’s co-production, reverse merger;use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more brands collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social acceptance of such brand. In short choose the right brand strategy, brand marketing creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensational effect and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand in the world brand.4企业品牌战略研究资源:卡普费雷尔,J.H 战略品牌管理研究[J]. 伦敦出版社在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。
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Brand Strategy ResearchKapferer,J.HAvailable online 11 June 2010Economic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means of competition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the lastcentury 80s to early 90s,he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent deline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China’s socialist econonomic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chiness companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly ehangced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous erterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-200000yuan.Japanese 8th 2009 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Ventian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,including manufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE”named for the Chinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shake However,we should also see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With the opening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into the Chinese market,Chinese market,a time filled with“sony”,“Coca-Cola”,“rejoice”,“Benz”and various other internantional brands,many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China.Although the applian ce industry ,led by haier brand,“Konka”,“Changhong”,“TCL”and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony”,“Panasonic”“Samsung”and other brands,they are still there competitive disadvangtage;in the IT industry,“Lenovo”,“Founder”,“Great Wall”and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goods market,“P&G”,“Oliver”,“Henkel”,and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors.Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building Problems:Factors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability of weak erports and internantional operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the neeed to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country’s industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,ther still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2.The current situation of global economic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupationof the internantional market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.Theimplementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only;Advertising is the only way to cuoltivate well-known brands,in addition to adbertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalert to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to furthrer in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer,such as our persent more than 20 million“three capital”enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste fctory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding erample of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the brand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change”shouldbe “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market is constrantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the existing achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name“dismount”the major reason.Coca-Cola’s former chiefmarketing officer Sergio Zyman,“the brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up the market,excellent brand can make your product stand out.”Products physical properties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out.” Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself,also includes an attatched product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the fateof the brand has a direct impact on consumerawareness.Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a cor porate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.In addition,enterprises should learn from successful exiperiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales,personal services are indispensable!2.To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall development strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategic decision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.外文翻译:企业品牌战略研究卡普费雷尔,J.H2010年6月11日在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。