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1991年西方国家小肠淋巴瘤分级 年西方国家小肠淋巴瘤分级 级 累及小肠局部肠段,没有淋 巴结转移 II 级 累及小肠局部肠段,伴有局 部淋巴结转移 III 级 累及小肠和膈上.下淋巴结, 脾脏 IV 级 广泛累及器官和组织,无任 其有无淋巴结受累 I
Latest Proposal of Lymphoma Classification (Modified From REAL)
Multiple lymphomatous polyposis (MLP)
Most involve the jejunum and terminal ileum. Also at the stomach,duodenum,colon,rectum The tumor cells express CD19,CD20,CD5, surface-membrane Ig,but negative for CD10 Few reports of specifical therapy Anthracycline(蒽环)-based chemotherapy High-dose autologous stem-cell support
腹 痛 恶 心 呕 吐 腹痛 肠梗阻 体重 腹痛 出血 腹泻 体重下降 呕血 黑 下降 吸收不良 便
主要级别 5 年生存率 I级 II 级
70%-85% 35%-60%
40%-60% 20%
腹痛 55例 纳减 49例 腹块 49例 消瘦 41例 发热37例 乏力 37例 腹泻 33例 腹胀 33例 呕吐 23例 肝大 12例 腹水 8例 周围淋巴结肿大 5例 脾大3例
B cell
Lymphoblastic Small lymphocytic lymphoplasmacytoid Mantle cell Follicular center (follicular, diffuse, small) Marginal-zone (nodal, extranodal, splenic) Diffuse large B cell Burkitt's and Burkitt-like
Primary intestinal T-cell lymphoma
Most in the proximal small intestine Celiac disease-associated DQ A1*0501 DQ B1*0201phenotype HLA-DR/DQ alleles EB virus infection Therapy is the same as that for other types of aggressive lymphoma
T cell
Lymphoblastic Mycosis fungoides/sezary syndrome Peripheral T-cell

发生率 主要组织学
50%-65% MALT 弥漫型大 B 细胞
25%-35% 10%-15% 弥漫型大 B 大 T 细 弥漫型大 B 细胞 胞性 小无裂细胞 MALT 性 淋巴母细胞性
为粘膜相关组织的一部分。 对某些抗原不出现剧烈反应 以B淋巴细胞为主,其中又以分泌 IgA的B淋巴细胞显著 T细胞不同亚型的分布,与其功能有 关(对抗原的耐受)
占 所 有 的 NHL 中 4%-20% 是最主要的结外受累部位
感染,如HIV,HP,EBV 器官移植后免疫抑制治疗 肠病 肠道炎性疾病 石棉 种族
Recommended anti-Helicobacter therapy: Amoxicillin 1g Bid Clarithromycin 250mg Bid 7days Omeprazole 20mg Bid Antibiotic-refractory gastric MALT lymophoma Chlorambucil ( 苯 丁 酸 氮 芥 )

血像 骨穿和骨髓活检 血清LDH 免疫电泳 胸部X片 腹部CT 核素扫描 钡餐 纤维内镜(胃镜 小肠镜 结肠镜 直镜) 剖腹探查 咽淋巴环 病理诊断很重要,特别是免疫组化.

中老年患者,纳减,消瘦,腹痛,腹块,腹泻 血浆白蛋白降低,便潜血(+),抗结核治疗无效 年轻的肠梗阻患者 不明原因的肠道功能改变或吸收不良.
anti-CD20 monoclonal Ab approved for use in relapsed indolent NHL(1997) overall response rate ----50%
Targeted therapies
unconjugated Ab immunotoxins radioimmuno therapy
Gastric MALT lymphoma
Presence of H pylori in most case Also can arise at the site of chronic gastritis High-grade MALT lymphomas are believed to have evolved from low-grade lesion. Eradication of Hp. Results in disappearance of acquired gastric MALT and regression of gastric MALT lymphoma
Other therapies
purine analogs bryostatin IFN-а
HIV infection
GI-tract involvement in 1/4 to 1/3 of patients with AIDS Most are B-cell type Chemotherapy is the mainstay
Following solid-organ transplantation
HD: 主要发生于浅表淋巴结 NHL – 原发性GI-NHL: GI是结外最常见的受累部位,-30%。 – 继发性GI-NHL
发病时浅表淋巴结无肿大 胸片示纵隔淋巴结不大 外周血像WBC计数正常 术中其它部位淋巴结或其它脏器均不如 胃肠道病变明显 术中探查肝脾无肿瘤
No reports of specific treatment Localized GI lesions may be resected Antiviral agents,IFN-а in trial
Conventional treatment
only a minority of patients are cured overall surivalsin some subtypes----static for several decades