



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

长期从事女性文化研究的米尼克教授这样认为:男 性和女性都有各自的才能,......我们应该强调 权利的分享,权利分享的越多,社会就会变得更 美好,男性与女性不是对立的,只有合作才能创 造出美好的未来,即”女性的解放“等同于”社 会的解放“。在长期的以来的男权社会中,女性 都处于社会的底层,所以今天的人类解放运动就 把解放的焦点放在女性身上。如马克思女性主义 所主张的那样,处于社会底层的女性解放了,社 会全体就会进步了。

西方还有一种激进的女权主义立场,认为女性比 男性优越,女人天性热爱和平、关心生态,就是 她们优越的证明。但并不是因为有差异便一定有 优劣之分。他们标榜的女性主义其实还是“男权 主义”的模式。 妇女解放运动的成果就变成了对法律的漠视和女 权的无限膨胀以及对男人的打压成果。我们知道: 任何权利的行使都必须履行相应的义务,这一点 对于女权运动同样适用,

对就业率的影响:女性主义运动带来了美国和欧洲女性就 业率的大幅度上升。美国婚后女性就业率经历了在1960年 代、1970年代伴,随着女性运动高潮后,1978年美国已婚 女性就业率上升到50%,1997年达到61%。 对女性婚后姓氏自主权的影响:西方国家女子出嫁后从夫 姓是一个悠久的习俗,伴随着女性 主义的发展,英美等 国家女性结婚后是否冠夫姓,是可以由女性自己决定的。

关键词 公平 平等 解放 总结;苏珊·奥金 《公正,属性和家庭》 “男人工作一天,女性们干了两份相 当于两天的工作——一份是在外面赚的 工资,一份是在家里没有任何报酬的工 作。”

背景:一是,由于60年代的“性解放”和将男女对立起来的女 权思想,带来了无数的家庭破裂,单亲母亲,问题儿童和艾滋病 流行,于是人们反思:社会值不值得为性解放和女权主义付出那 么大的代价?另一个因素是,80年代以后,越来越多的女人占据 了政府企业学校传媒的领导地位,当了老板,男人们惊呼:母鸡 打鸣了!女人也开始怀疑:还会不会生蛋?于是,后现代的女权 应运而生。

红字女权主义PPT 中英文

红字女权主义PPT 中英文
Introduction of the Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of this book was one of the most interesting, yet most ambivalent(矛盾 的) writer in American literary history. He was called the “Moral Historian of Puritan New England”.
海斯特,小说的主角,展现了她所处的社会边 缘的女性形象,霍桑通过她呈现了女性受压 迫的过程。海斯特与罗杰齐林沃斯的婚姻是 无爱的,因此,她是婚姻的牺牲品。而她与 牧师丁梅斯代尔的越轨爱情又使她在感受到 真爱的同时背负了通奸的罪名,在受过刑罚 后又彻底地被社会抛弃。
但是,海斯特是个充满个性的女人。尽管她 清楚地知道通奸罪有什么样的惩罚,但她有 勇气去触犯这严厉的清教法规。
独立改革后不久,美国妇女开始发起强劲而 有生机的妇女解放运动。第一次跟男人争夺 平等的政治权利,如选举权。霍桑十分熟悉 一些女权主义者和她们的要求,这对他女性 主义意识的形成产生了很深的影响。
His feminist idea was shown in his appreciation to the character of the heroine, namely the courage facing difficulties, heartfelt dedication(奉献) of love, independent consciousness, independent in men rule the world, and maternal (母亲的,母系的)qualities.


In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress, but failed to gain ratification before its June 30, 1982 deadline.
Social Impact
“It ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world.”
Third Wave
Thank You!
英文版女权运动ppt women'sliberation united states quotebecause mustmake unusual efforts say,"she doesn't have what say,"women don't have what takes."----clare boothe luce (克莱尔布思卢斯) firstwave feminism secondwave feminism thirdwave feminism conclusiontable feministmovement feminism feminism refers political,cultural, economicrefers political,cultural, economicmovements movements seeking seeking greater, equal, minority,greater, equal, minority,superior superior rights participationrights feministmovement women's movement, women's liberation, refers reproductiveright, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage sexualviolence. history first wave firstwave feminism: 1900s–1920s 1900,suffragettes campaigningheavily votingrights.?also 1920s,feminism takes alternativestyle trends flapperdresses shorthaircuts, "masculine"behaviors like smoking drinkingalcohol. social impact ----19th amendment unitedstates voteshall unitedstates anystate sex..."----ratified august18, 1920. history first wave second wave second wave feminism


eminism by definition is the beli ef that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities,
在此声明,从定义上来说女权主义是一种信念, 认为男女应该具有同等权利和机遇
Two victims held a press conference on the International Women's Day, and called for The Naval Criminal Investigative Service to scrutiny.
Third wave feminism 1970s
A third wave of feminism emerged in the early 1990s ,as an attempt to rectify( 矫正) the movements’ perceived failures.
Secret Marines group is still sharing nude photos amid scandal.Hundreds of the photos shared on Facebook without permission.
U.S. marines share female nude photos on social media,this habit has been more than a decade, but competent officials ignored.
good at listening strong language ability



01 Part One 西方女性主义理论的产生
亚里士多德 女性之为女性是因为某种优良品质的缺乏
美国《独立宣言》在宣布人人平等时,使用的居然是all man,公
随着西方国家进入后工业化的社会进程,出现了后现代女性主义这个崭新的流 派,有人称之为女性运动的第三次浪潮。
背景:60年代的“性解放运动”和将男女二元对立起来的女权思想,使无数家庭 破裂,艾滋病泛滥。女权主义者开始反思,特别是在消除男女二元对立方面,形 成了“温柔的女权主义”“绿色女权主义”。
自由主义女性主义的主要研究框架是理性与感情的问题; 马克思主义/社会主义女性主义关注点是公众领域与私人领域的问题,关注资 本主义阶级社会所造成的男女不平等,关注女性的有酬劳动和无酬劳动问题; 激进女性主义的关注点是自然与文化的问题,关注对女性的暴力、性、生育 等问题
02 Part Two 女性主义理论的主要流派及其观点
女性主义三大家:自由主义女性主义、马克思主义/社会主义女性主义、激进 主义女性主义
总的来看,20世纪60年代以激进女性主义为主;70年代以社会主义女性主 义为主;80年代全面保守回潮;90年代是各流派的综合。90年代,性别概 念出现危机,出现了后现代女性主义思潮
20世纪60年代,后现代理论在法国首先兴起,1968年这一思潮出现在女性 主义之中。 1、挑战关于解放和理性的宏大叙事,否定所有的宏大理论体系。应当对我 们的社会合法性所建立的法则和原理作重新的审视。认为所有其他女性主 义理论都是以偏概全,没有一个单一的女性主义理论;反对二元,提倡多 元的模式。 2、反本质主义的社会建构,反对性别二分和性别不平衡;而且反对性别概 念本身,反对性别天生的、不可改变的思想。


艾琳·格雷(Eileen Gray
1878- 1976)——爱尔
饰艺术派的重要代表人物。 格雷一生涉足的设计领域 很广,其中包括漆器、家 具、室内装饰摆设以及建 筑。她的作品受到风格派、
必比登椅(Bibendum chair )20 世纪最知名的家具设计之一。在法 语中,Bibendum是橡胶圈圈的意思, 凡是用一圈一圈的好像橡胶轮胎围 合成的造型,都叫做必比登
丝绒女性主义 fluffy feminism
生态女性主义 ecofeminism
性别女性主义 Gender feminism
自由女性主义 liberal feminism
激进女性主义 radical feminism
第三世界女性主义 Third World Feminism
两性同 格
• 提议女性自尊自省自爱自觉自理自治,要求男性辅助女性摆脱蒙昧和压制,走向等位同格。
亚马逊女性主义 Amazon feminism
自由意志女性主义 libertarian feminism
法国女性主义 French feminism
马克思女性主义 Marxist feminism
精神分析女性主义 psychoanalytical feminism
男性设计 师的
女性主义 设计
女性主义推动了女性设计教育的发展, 女性设计师又反过来将女性主义思想更 加广泛的深入到社会各个层面
通过设计解放自我、满足自我和肯定自 我价值,认同女性个人审美意愿,鼓励 女性自我价值的追求。
男设计师充分考虑女性的精神文化需要, 以女性化造型形式连接男性与女性的精 神世界,实现互补和谐化设计。



----Clare Boothe Luce
(克莱尔· 布思· 卢斯)
Table of Content
• • • • • Definition First Wave Feminism Second Wave Feminism Third Wave Feminism Conclusion
The definition of the feminist movement
Feminism refers to political, cultural, and economic movements seeking greater, equal, or, among a minority, superior rights and participation in society for women. The Feminist Movement Women’s Movement, Women’s Liberation, refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive right, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage and sexual violence.
First Wave
First Wave Feminism: 1900s–1920s
•By 1900, suffragettes are campaigning heavily for voting rights.
•Also in the 1920s, feminism takes the form of alternative style trends such as flapper dresses and short haircuts, and “masculine” behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol.

On Feminism[PPT课件]

On Feminism[PPT课件]

说起武则天,大多数首先想到的就是她的荒淫,她 的残暴,她的狼子野心,她的灭绝人性。而很少有 人看到她的明察秋毫,她的用人纳谏。很早以前, 骆宾王就在《代徐敬业传檄天下文》中写到:“伪 临朝武氏者,人非温顺,地实寒微。昔充太宗下陈, 尝以更衣入侍。洎乎晚节,秽乱春宫。”他认为武 则天从太宗的才人成为高宗的皇后,违背了人伦道 德,是荒淫的表现。其后,欧阳修等人在他们的著 作中也说武则天宠幸过薛怀义和张易之兄弟,在生 活上不够检点。于是,这两条便成了武则天荒淫的 证据。后来一些小说、戏曲和电视剧又借题发挥, 大肆喧染,武则天荒淫的论调便流传开来,大有盖 棺定论之势。。
中国的女权主义,是指女性争取与男性平等 ,体现女性自我精神与能量的一种女性思 想、社会言论及政治协助行为。 男女平等 是女权主义最基本的目标,在争取与男性 平等的同时,女性还要注重自我的价值表 现,展示女性的独特魅力,挖掘并发挥女 性的社会力量,为社会各阶层女性的思想 与行为解放而努力,要将全世界妇女的利 益放在同一个起点,协助官方处理女性主 义面临的问题。
On Feminism
• 女性主义(女权运动、女权主义)是指一 个主要以女性经验为来源与动机的社会理 论与政治运动。在对社会关系进行批判之 外,许多女性主义的支持者也着重于性别 不平等的分析以及推动妇女的权利、利益 与议题。女性主义理论的目的在于了解不 平等的本质以及着重在性别政治、权力关 系与性意识(sexuality)之上。女性主义 探究的主题则包括歧视、刻板印象、物化 (尤其是关于性的物化)、身体、家务分 配、压迫与父权。
甲午战败之源? 阻碍变法维新? 辛丑和约之源? 慈禧皇太后是帝制时代中国少数长期当政的 女性,政治手腕堪称聪明干练,尤其擅长 操弄亲贵朝臣之间的权力平衡,以维系清 廷的绝对权威。



The influence of Feminism
Some feminists believe that these areas there is still a lot to be a hard place, but some did not agree, and claimed that basically had already won the battle to fight.
Opinion On feminism
IN my opinion,The real women's rights, nature is the premise of "female" We want to admit that you are a female, and exert their own advantages Not make you like a man right , after all, our bodies have a uterus, physical characteristic is objective existence and strip, and to a certain extent, affect our psychology. 夏娃是亚当身上的肋骨 , 但这并不可悲。因为亚当需要肋骨。 没有这根肋骨,亚当就是不完整的。
She was one of concubines of Emperor Taizong; she was the empress of Emperor Caozong; she was the mother of Emperor Zhongzong and Emperor zhongzong and Emperor Ruizong;she was once a nun in the temple. But her most glorious title was that she was the only female emperor in Chinese history who actually ruled the whole country for almost half a century. She was considered an excellent woman politician in Chinese feudal time by Sun Yat-sen wife Song qing ling.


• 权力塑造了生物性别的含义。 • 实质上是“一种特别密集的权力
关系的转换点:存在于男性与女 性、年轻人与老年人、父母和子 女、教师和学生、传道者和信徒 、行政管理机关和人群之间。〞
考评项目赋标准分,对照考评内容和 考评办 法对考 评项目 进行考 评,评 出各考 评项目 的考评 实际得 分,考 评类目 下各考 评项目 考评实 际得分 之和为 该考评 类目的 考评实 际得分
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• 社会性别(或译“文化性别〞)是西方第二阶段女 性主义思潮的核心概念。它将自然天成的男女性 别角色解析为“生理性别〞(基因性别)与“社会 性别〞两局部,从而把性别差异的社会文化意义 从其所依托的生物性载体中别离出来。
• 从“生物性别〞到“社会性别〞的转变突 出了对文化力量塑造了人的行为和思想这 一观点。
• 社会性别的研究说明,男性和女性的差异 是根源于文化原因,是一种具有可塑性的 外表现象,男性和女性本质上具有同一性
• 1980年,不仅大局部对女性不利的法律被 废除,而且大局部目的在于帮助女性的法 律也被废除了。
• 20世纪70年代,在美国人文社科杂志上,仅有12 篇关于社会性别的文章。
• 80年代到达210篇;90年代,剧增至2607篇。 • 2004年在GOOGLE上搜索“feminism〞,有上百万
项相关链接,键入中文“女权主义〞,也有两万 多项链接信ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。
• “女权主义〞(Feminism)一词,最早出现在法 国,泛指女性有关争取与男性同等的社会权利 的主张;


In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress, but failed to gain ratification before its June 30, 1982 deadline.
Social Impact
“It ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world.”
First Wave
First Wave Feminism: 1900s–1920s
•By 1900, suffragettes are campaigning heavily for voting rights.
•Also in the 1920s, feminism takes the form of alternative style trends such as flapper dresses and short haircuts, and “masculine” behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol.
Women’s Movement, Women’s Liberation, refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive right, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage and sexual violence.



between women and men
with thinness
To help equalize the therapeutic relationship and provide modeling for the client
Values, beliefs about society, and therapeutic interventions discussed
Differences between women and men are due to socialization processes
Apply equally to both individuals and groups regardless of age, race, culture, gender, class, sexual orientation, and ability.
Problems are viewed in a sociopolitical and cultural context
The client knows what is best for her life and is the expert on her own life
Emphasis is on educating clients about the therapy process
Client’s Experience in Therapy
Clients are active participants Initially, clients may look to the therapist for advice Gradually, clients trust more in their own power After feeling understood, they get in touch with their


language, using “Ms.” to refer to both Married and unmarried women.
The Third Wave Feminism
(Post Modern Feminism)
The third wave of feminism(late 1980s-early 2000s), is seen as both a continuation 继续 and a response to the perceived 感知的 failures of the second wave.
Nowadays:Some now believe as of 2010, we are in a fourth wave of feminism.
Feminism in China
Feminism in China begun in the late Qing period, as Chinese society re-evaluated traditional and Confucian values such as foot binding and gender segregation, and began to reject traditional gender ideas as hindering progress towards modernization. During the 1898 Hundred Days' Reform, reformers called for women's education and equality, and the end of foot binding. Female reformers formed the first Chinese women's society—the Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge among Chinese Women (Nüxuehuao). After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, women's liberation became a goal of the May Fourth Movement and the New Culture ter, the Chinese Communist Revolution adopted women's liberation as one of its aims and promoted women's equality, especially regarding women's participation in the workforce. After the revolution and progress in integrating women into the workforce, the Chinese Communist Party claimed to have successfully achieved women's liberation, and women's inequality was no longer seen as a problem.
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The Feminist Movement
(also known as the Women's Movement, Women's Liberation, or Women's Lib) refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, voting rights, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The goals of the movement vary from country to country, e.g. opposition to female genital cutting女性生殖器切割 in Sudan, or to the glass ceiling玻璃天花板 in Western countries.
Feminists are persons of either sex, or females only (in which case males may be profeminists), who believe in feminism.
A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women".
Men feminist
Karl Marx 卡尔·亨利希·马克思
Henrik Johan Ibsen 亨利克·约翰·易卜生
The terms "feminism" or "feminist" first appeared in France and The Netherlands in 1872 (as les féministes), Great Britain in the 1890s, and the United States in 1910. The Oxford English Dictionary lists 1894 for the first appearance of "feminist" and 1895 for "feminism".The UK Daily News first introduced "feminist" to the English language, importing it from France and branding it as dangerous. "What our Paris Correspondent describes as a 'Feminist' group... in the French Chamber of Deputies".Prior to that time, "Woman's Rights" was probably the term used most commonly, hence Queen Victoria's description of this "mad, wicked folly of 'Woman's Rights'".
An ideology 意思形态 that “opposes the political, economic, and cultural relegation贬低 of women to positions of inferiority自卑.”
Simply put, feminism affirms women’s equality with men, and rejects patriarchy父权 制.
Questions for you!
How would you define it as an ideology意识形态?
What comes to mind when you think of the word “feminism”?
contand Theory
The Feminist Movement
Types of Feminisms
What is Feminism?
Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.
Feminist theory
Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements and includes general theories and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the social construction of sex and gender, in a variety of disciplines. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy自治权 and reproductive rights生育权. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment性骚扰, and sexual assault性侵犯. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses.