



Lesson 5:虚拟语气*I think he is her real love, and if it wasn't about money or class, she would be with him in a second, they would be great together.*他是她的真爱,如果不是金钱和阶层的原因,她一定会立刻和他在一起, 他们在一起一定会很幸福* Lesson 5:虚拟语气*Chuck:“your world would be much easier if I didn't come back. *Queen B :“but it wouldn't be my world without you in it.”* Lesson 5:虚拟语气*Speaking(part3)*Q: Juvenile delinquency has been more and more alarming, What would you do if you were president Hu?*A: If I were him, I would impose [im‘pəuz](强迫)more rigid [ˈridʒid](刚硬的)censorship [ˈsensəʃip](检查制度)on media and pay more attention to the quality of moral education…*如果我是他,我会在媒体上强加更加坚硬的检查制度并更加关注道德教育的质量…* Lesson 5:虚拟语气* 1. If引导的非真实条件句* Lesson 5:虚拟语气*如果2012年地球变平了,河水消失了,楼房不要钱了,我们就结婚吧。

*If the earth became flat, the rivers disappeared and there were no need to pay for the apartment, we would marry.*如果我可以改变什么,我确实希望少上一些课。



2、 it做形式主语,句子结构为:it is/was+adj/n+动名词
To conclude:
1、pay attention to the content words in the questions , such as… 2、review the passage , focus on the main point and “location” word
Long and complicated sentences
从句复合句-主干+枝叶 结构复杂的简单句-分解 并列句-分段看 插入语结构-忽视之 倒装结构-还原
C之 定语从句
从句复合句 之 同位语从句 + 定语从句
---- by ALY
1.Too much information & too short time 2.Too many details & too few answers 3.Unkown words and expressions & rigid structure 4.Long complicated sentences & confusing
3、analyze long and complicated sentence when it is unavoidable.
Thank you for your listening!


本课件仅供大家学习学习 学习完毕请自觉删除
谢谢 本课件仅供大家学习学习
学习完毕请自觉删除 谢谢
• 任何一篇内容相对复杂的阅读文章,都不可避免地 出现大量生僻词语或者是难度相对较大的单词。 从文章的选材而言,范围是十分丰富的,主要来自世 界各国主要的英文报刊杂志,内容涉及任何一个国 家的文化、经济、自然和科技等。而IELTS考试所 考查的,是实际运用语言的能力,所以在考试中真正 需要理解的单词,或是题目中真正考查到的单词,往 往是英语阅读中的一些最核心的单词。这些单词 虽然数量不多,难度不大,但却是必须掌握的。就考 试而言,掌握6000左右的常用词汇,即大学六级大 纲中所要求的词汇是必须的。
• 这个障碍使原本已经拥有相当英语语言实力的考生,在考试 中因为缺乏对题型的理解,或是被众多题型干扰,不能正常 发挥。一些必考题型如list of headings, summary, T/F/NG等,可以作为练习重点。如summary题是很多同学 感到头痛的题型,普遍感到非常难找。其实不然,只要记住 两大原则即可。原则一,顺序原则。summary题的答案排 列顺序,必定与文章的行文顺序一致。原则二,完整的 summary,不仅应该能够体现文章本身所表达的思想含义, 而且必须是符合语法规律的英语文章。所以根据语法也可 以进行判断。
• 在准备考试的过程中,除了要做IELTS考题之外,还要进行泛 读和快速阅读。泛读可以选择一些英美主流媒体的文章,在 网站上可以找到,目的是熟悉单词和句型。快速阅读就是用 扫描文章的方法对其结构有大致的了解,并把握其主旨。同 时,在重点句子和词汇上做出标记。这种方法对阅读考试帮 助极大,平时可多加练习。另外,为了提高阅读的速度还要 养成良好的阅读习惯,不能边看边用嘴跟着读,眼、嘴并用 必会降低阅读速度;一旦发现生词(这种情况绝大多数同 学都肯定要遇到),先不要紧张,要通过英语构词法(前缀、 词根和后缀)来分析推测词义,或结合上下文、前后词语去 猜测,如果根据上下文及前后词语还是无法确切了解其真正 含义,可以再看一下这个词对整个句子所构成的影响是肯定 的,还是否定的,实际上这对你理解作者的意图已足够了,实 在不行就做上记号,将来看一看是否影响答题,如无影响就 坚决忽略。

剑桥雅思初级 unit5 reading

剑桥雅思初级 unit5 reading

(1)NO MORE THAN TWO/THREE/FOUR WORDS (不超过2/3/4个字); (2)ONE OR TWO WORDS (一个或两个字); (3)USE A MAXIMUM OF TWO WORDS(最多两个字)。有字数限制的, 一定要严格按照要求去做,必须满足要求。
sentence completion
Add your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here
Reading 2
Add your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here
Add your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here
01 PASS 01 Brief introduction
fennec fox
Байду номын сангаас
farmland and river valleys from Spain to Kazakhstan and Africa
2. How long do they live?
5-6 years
Add your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here


Q: Who were forming our national image?
4. It is too late to do anything to help many languages, where the speaker are too few or too old, and where the community is too busy just trying to survive to care about their language.
Q:What was the money raised for?
4.The convergence〔收敛〕 of the two growing trends– droping out and logging in—exacerbates〔恶化〕 the serious consequences of a drop in political involvement and rise in social isolation.
不良阅读习惯:指读,逐字逐句读,"盲读" 好的阅读习惯:skimming & scanning
1.标题和副标题 2.topic sentences<每段首末句〕 3.关联词 4.定位关键词〔key words> 5.高频词 6.suggest, show,indicate, demonstrate,
Q: What will help the understanding ?
6.Nowhere were the changes felt more keenly than at Mawson, where the old quarters, with their rugged outpost 〔边区 村落〕atmosphere, were shut and the last team of huskies removed.


Writing 60m,Task 1 a report,150w;Task 2 an essay,250w Speaking,11-14m
9分 精通。能将英语运用自如,语言恰当、准确、流利并理解透
8分 优秀。能将英语运用自如,偶尔出现不准确或不恰当的语句。
Test yourself (6)
Complete the table below using information from the reading passage.
Write no more than three words for each answer.
Task Type 7:Matching causes and effects 因果配对
4分 水平有限。仅限在熟悉的语境中进行基本交流 ,表 述观点经常出现错误,无法使用复杂英语。
• 第一步: 略读题目.略读文章的标题和首句,理解文章大意.
• 第二步:精读问题. 如果文章配有三种或三种以上的题型, 先精读前三类题型的第一道,找出关键词.
• 第三步: 回原文扫读关键词的3种语言重现.即:
Test yourself (5)
The writer mentions a number of factors related to poor communication which contributed to the disaster.
Which 3 of the following factors are mentioned?
Task Type 2: Matching heading to paragraphs 小标题配对



5 Yellow is ................. colour to be seen in this season.
Skill development (Predicting answers)
• 根据你的语法,判断你要填空的词性 • 判断你找到的词的词性 • 调整你找到的答案的词序
• 1 ........................................ : unwanted emails sent to a large number of people, as a way of advertising • 2 ........................................ : the practice of a company paying for its product to be placed in a clear position in a film or television programme as a form of advertising • 3 .........................................: very large signs on which posters are displayed
• Copy and complete the table. Some words belong In more than one category.
• Handout 3: Part 3
• IELTS C5-T1-R1&R3 summary
Collins Get ready for IELTS Reading, preintermediate A2+,pp2021,pp 40-45



• 3 快速浏览文章,扫描特定信息 方法 题目理解+定位词 原文 主干+定位词
第一大题型 主观题
包括summary 填空 图表 简答
1、浏览题目要求 对应段 字数要求 2、精读题目相关内容(尽可能翻译) 注意:时间 地点 专有名词不翻译 中英结合 不认识的名词可以用ABC来代替 3、定位和预测 定位:时间 地点 专有名词是最好的定位词 其它的名词作为辅助定位词(常被替换) 预测:预测词性(名词需要判断单复数) 预测词的大致方向(如专家、植物名称等) 4、如果有备选项 要利用备选项进行语法逻辑 筛选 (有备选项的题目 有可能不按顺序出题) 常用词法搭配 :动词V+副词adv 副词adv+形容词adj 形容词adj+名词n
状语从句(很easy,关键看连接词的意思,即可判断) 如 1 when 时间状语 当...的时候 在句子开头 或A句\whenB句 、 宾语从句 tell sb when +句子 定语从句 ...+n when +句子 when=介词+n 2、as 当...的时候 时间状语从句 因为 由于 原因状语从句 如象 方式状语从句 尽管 让步状语从句
D、定语从句 修饰名词代词的成分是定语 定语是一个句子 叫定语从句 that 后句子完整 为同位语从句 名词、代词后that+从句 that后面句子不完整 为定语从句 如:The news (that he won the prize) is true The news (that he told me) is true 名词、代词后Which、Who 、Whom、When、Where、Why 加句子99%是定语从句 其中When、Where、Why 只需=某一介词+前面名词 即可判定为定语从句 例如:Do you remember the place where we lived last year where= in the place 另外:名词、代词后一个主谓结构,通常是省略了that的定从 例如:People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff (everone throws away) will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste


阅读的词汇量要求最大,熟 练度较低
听力结束后开始,1小时时间 阅读量:3篇文章,共2000-2750词 文章来源:报纸,书籍,杂志,学术期刊。至少一篇议论文 假设口语速度为125 Words/分钟,仅仅看完以上3篇文章就需要20
Lesson 1 简介
雅思阅读考试与题型分析 试题拆解与攻略 试题常见陷阱与分析2雅思阅读考试与题型分析



雅思5.5根底阅读课程讲义UNIT 1 Education (3)UNIT 2 Food (5)UNIT 3 Health (8)UNIT 4 Media (10)Locating Information (15)UNIT 5 Practice 1 (18)UNIT 6 Advertising (20)UNIT 7 Learning to Speak (29)Summary Completion (31)UNIT 8 The Environment (31)Short Answers (34)UNIT 9 Sponsorship in Sport (34)UNIT 10 Practice 2 (39)Flowchart-Timeline Completion (41)UNIT 11 Transport (41)UNIT 12 Travel (49)UNIT 13 Technology (56)Labelling a Diagram (58)Unit14 Money (59)UNIT 15 Practice 3 (66)Multiple Choice (68)Labelling a Diagram (71)UNIT 17 Social Issues (72)IELTS Type Questions: Reading: for Details and for Main Ideas (74)Table Completion (74)UNIT 20 Practice 4 (80)Note Completion (82)UNIT 1 EducationEducation over the past 100 yearsAThe education of our young people is one of the most important aspects of any community, and ideas about what and how to teach reflect the accepted attitudes and unspoken beliefs of society. These ideas change as local customs and attitudes change, and these changes are reflected in the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and the expectations of how both students and teachers should behave.词汇讲解:curriculum n. 教学大纲;reflect v. 反映;反射;assessment n. 评价;BTeaching in the late 1800s and early 1900s was very different from today. Rules for teachers at the time in the USA covered both the teacher's duties and their conduct out of class as well. Teachers at that time were expected to set a good example to their pupils and to behave in a very virtuous and proper manner. Women teachers should not marry, nor shou ld they ‘keep company with men.' They had to wear long dresses and no bright colours and they were not permitted to dye their hair. They were not allowed to loiter downtown in an ice cream store, and women were not allowed to go out in the evenings unless to a school function, although men were allowed one evening a week to take their girlfriends out if they went to church regularly. No teachers were allowed to drink alcohol. They were allowed to read only good books such as the Bible, and they were given a pay increase of 25c a week after five years of work for the local school.词汇讲解:manner n. 行为守那么;be expected to:被预期…表示将来时:be expected tobe predicted tobe perspective toCAs well as this long list of ‘dos' and ‘don'ts,' teachers had certain duties to perform each day. In country schools, teachers were required to keep the coal bucket full for the classroom fire, and to bring a bucket of water each day for the children to drink. They had to make the pens for their students to write with and to sweep the floor and keep the classroom tidy. However, despite this list of duties, little was stipulated about the content of the teaching, nor about assessment methods.DTeachers would have been expected to teach the three ‘r’s—reading, writing and arithmetic, and to teach the children about Christianity and read from the Bible every day. Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education. They would almost certainly have used corporal punishment such as a stick or the strap on naughty or unruly children, and the children would have sat together in pairs in long rows in the classroom. They would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums. Farming children in country areas would have had only a few years of schooling and would probably have left school at 12 or 14 years of age to join their parents in farm work.词汇讲解:arithmetic:算数;literacy:文学,阅读;religious:的;discrimination:歧视;religious discrimination:歧视。


雅思阅读考试概述 雅思阅读题型解析与技巧 雅思阅读文章类型及应对策略 雅思阅读词汇和语法要点 雅思阅读备考策略与建议


1:1 2-3:2 4-9:3 10-12:3.5 13-15:4 16-17:4.5 18-20:5
21-22:5.5 23-25:6 26-27:6.5 28-30:7 31-32:7.5 33-35:8 36-38:8.5 39-42:9
The community of some languages is busy trying to care about their language.
5. What is astonishing, however, is the way in which people treat deception.
1.Heading 2.Matching 3. True/Talse/Not Given 4.Multiple choices pletion(summary & sentence
completion) Short Answer Qustions Diagram(labelling,flowchart,table)
Q: What are the problems?
3.Popular illustrated magazines rapidly became an important and significant factor to the literate in Australia, who was forming our national image, as were the singers of ballads(民歌) and strolling(巡回演出) entertainers who were also making a major contribution.


《雅思基础阅读》PPT课 件
本PPT课件旨在帮助学生掌握雅思基础阅读技能,通过丰富的学习内容和实用 的学习方法,提升阅读能力。
明确学习目标,帮助学生取 得高分雅思阅读成绩。
涵盖雅思基础阅读所需的各 种技巧和知识。
提供有效的学习方法和辅助 学习资源。
提供基础训练材料,帮助学生掌 握阅读基本技能。
提供更难的阅读材料,提升学生 的阅读水平。
深入探讨高难度阅读材料,帮助 学生解决复杂题目。
解读真实的雅思阅读例题,剖 析解题思路。
详细解释正确答案的选择理由, 并讲解干扰项。
推荐一些常的雅思辅导教材 和参考书籍。
帮助学生扩大词汇量,提升词汇应用能 力。
1 阅读考试形式
详细分析雅思阅读考试的 组成和答题要求。
2 题型分析
解析各种题型,提供针对 性的解题技巧。
3 答题技巧
介绍解答题目的常用技巧 和方法。
总结各题型解决问题的方法和 注意事项。



logosplacementscommercialsage1 心&*M 234 Reading handout for lesson 5Part 1Part LI : VocabularySlogan advertisement logo display compete agency Spam sneak wrapping subliminalcomments blogosphere Combination committee individual Commercial technology content Satellite consumercatalogue periodicals discsIt's impossible to avoid advertisements. In our homes, newspaper, magazine and television ads compete for our attention. Posters, billboards and flyers greet us the moment we walk out the door. Advertising agencies stay busy thinking up new ways to get our attention. We have company logos on our clothes. Our email is full of spam,, and pop-ups slow us down as we surf the Web. Product placements sneak into films and TV shows. 'Ad wrapping 1 turns cars into moving signboards. Advertisers have even tried advertising in TV commercials in a subliminal way (affecting your mind without you knowing it). Ifs no wonder that this is called the consumer age.PartL2: Find words in the above text that collocate (go together with) the words in the table. 5ads 67 agencies8 Part 13: Complete the passage with the words in the box.f corrments individuals website web corporation focus activity ;The word 'blog' is a combination of the words (I )1 ............................. ' and log. It is a (2) ................................ c ontaining a series of dated entries. A blog can (3) ................................. on a single subject of interest. Most blogs are written by(4) ............................ B ut sometimes a political committee, (5) ........................... or other group maintains a blog. Many blogs invite readers to leave (6) ............................ on the site. This often results in a community of bloggers who writeback and forth to each other. The total group of web logs is the blogosphere. A 'blogstorm' occurs when there is a lot of blog (7) ............................ o n a certain topic.Articles are small words that can contain a lot of information. Look at these slogans:Go to work on an egg. (The Egg Council) The ultimate driving machine. (BMW)The first slogan, which uses the indefinite article (a) suggests that any egg will do. The second one uses the definite article (the) to suggest that there is only one ultimate driving machine, a car from their specific brand.Part 1.4: Do the following nouns relate to general or more specific information? Complete the sentences with a(n) or the.1 ............... b log can be written by individuals or groups.2Within seconds of leaving your house, you will probably see ................ a dvertisement.3I quite enjoy watching ................ T V commercial for the first time.4Technology is very important in ................ world of advertising.5Yellow is ............... colour to be seen in this season.Part 2: Skills development2.1Copy and complete the table. Some words belong In more than one category..・•・satellite mobileaccess free .•........ newspaper transfer broadband fast consumerspeedy handy keyboard signal commercial /adjectives nouns verbs adverbs2.2Read the sentences. Predict what type of word is missing in each gap and give an example of a possible answer. The first one has been done for you.1.Websites allow us to ...................... a library's catalogue of books and periodicals.a) The structiu衫is allow somebody to do (verb) something. There,〃衫a number of possibilities, e.g. access, consult, -preview, see.2.Public libraries are changing. You can still borrow and ...................... books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and other media.munication refers to both the act o f. ......................... i n other words the exchange of information, ideas or feelings,and something that is ...................... , for example a letter or telephone call.4.DVDs aren't just for films anymore. New DVDs (digital video discs) provide even ............................ s ound quality thanaudio CDs (compact discs).5.Both CDs and DVDs sample the music, but DVDs are able to ............................. more information and they have moresamples per second. The information is also more6.After 1066, many French and Latin words came ...................... the English language.2.3Here are some notes (a) and a summary (b) based on the text below. First, use your skim- reading and/or scanning skills to decide which sections of the text they come from. Next, look for the missing words in these sections, using your knowledge of grammar to identify them. Use no more than TWO words from the text each time.⑵..…..::.(3) ....................b. It is important to follow the rules when communicating in writing, especially if you are in (1)environment. There are three areas which are important: (2) .................................................................................................................................. content and language. The language needs to be formal and there should be no (3) ...................................... Y ou cannot choose to include exactly what you like, for example financial information must be included in your business's (4) ......................................... It also needs to look good on the page, with everything written in a (5) .................................... format.In cdl communication, whether this is verbal or non-verbal, a sender transfers a message to a receiver, choosing a certain medium. The receiver uses the message clues and the context, and decodes it to understand it. This is often followed by a new message in return, and so the communication process continues.Although this procedure is always the same, it can take many different forms depending on the type of communication. For example, in non-verbal communication (as opposed to written and spoken communication, which are both verbal), the code used could be gestures, body language, eye contact and facial expressions, such as a smile.Communication is extremely important in the business world. It is likely that in this context both informal and formal styles will be used. If we take the example of meetings, we might say that they are often conducted in quite a relaxed way, with participants using first names and informal language. However, as soon as the meeting is official, careful records, called minutes, will be kept, following a predetermined format which is standard across many business situations. Layout is one aspect of a formal style. Content will also be dictated to some extent by the level of formality. Annual business reports must include certain types of information to be legal, e.g. financial information, but even a simple letter would not function as it should without the use of somebody's title (e.g. Mr or Ms). Language is another aspect which needs to be taken into account. Formal, written communication needs to be clear and to the point, without spelling or grammar mistakes, and in a formal register (e.g. Dear…,instead of Hi). Not following these important rules would have a negative effect in any business context.Part 3: Exam practice3.1 Answer the following questions about the passage below within two minutes. Use words from the passage for your answers. Note that these questions follow the order of the information in the text and have no word limit (just for this exercise). a complaint that is often made about managers in the United Kingdom.2.What is the cause of the loss of international business?3.What is a requirement for managers to do a good job?4.Which groups of people outside their company do managers have to communicate with?One criticism of UK managers is that relatively few speak a second language fluently. This can cause obvious problems fbr businesses that trade in a global market. Research suggests that UK companies lose around 13 percent of the international deals they try to complete due to 'communication problems1. Managers also need effective written skills if they are to carry out their jobs effectively. The ability to quickly summarize key points in the form of a report for others in the business is of real value. So is the skill of reading a report written by someone else and being able to draw out the important elements.As well as their own staff, managers have to work with other people too. They interact with customers, more senior managers, suppliers, trade union officials, government officials and the local community. Managers need to be comfortable in the company of diverse groups, and they need to able to communicate formally when required and to engage in informal small talk.3.2 Complete summaries A and B with words from the corresponding passages below. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answerSummary AThere should be a small number of (1) ............................................... at meetings and there needs to be a(2) ............................. for any meeting, which will include a clear agenda. During the meeting there needs to begood (3) ............................management and clarity about what the meeting should hopefully (4) ..............................At the end, there should be a summary and agreement about (5) ............................. action.Passage AManagers need a range of communication skills to carry out their jobs effectively. They need to be able to articulate their ideas and vision and to convey enthusiasm. Good managers may, at times, need to be able to argue points cogently and to persuade people to their point of view. However, good managers appreciate that communication is a two-way process, and that listening is an important element of communication. Listening to the views of others can help to test ideas as well as to develop new products and methods of production.The most common forum in which managers are required to communicate are meetings. It is important for managers to plan for meetings, whether with a single person or with a group. Managers should not invite too many participants to keep numbers to a minimum. They should have a clear agenda for discussion and should exercise tight time controls to prevent meetings dragging on. Managers should enter each meeting with a clear idea of what they want it to achieve. At the end of a meeting it is good practice to summarize what has been agreed and what needs to happen in the future.Summary BWorking with other people is not always easy, but it is (6) ................................ fbr the role of managers that theyhave interpersonal skills that are (7) ..................................Their (8) ............................. may need encouragement and help with (9) ............................... and solving problems between colleagues.Passage BCommunication skills should not be taken for granted. Many managers require training in written and oral communication skills and many businesses would benefit from employing managers who speak at least one other language.Interpersonal skills are also necessary if a manager is to work successfully with other people. If managers lack interpersonal skills, then they are likely to be of limited effectiveness in their role. Managers with effective interpersonal skills can motivate others and can co-ordinate the work of their employees. To do this, managers may need to coach and encourage employees as well as solving disputes and, perhaps more importantly, preventing conflict.。

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logosplacementscommercialsage1 心&*M 234 Reading handout for lesson 5Part 1Part LI : VocabularySlogan advertisement logo display compete agency Spam sneak wrapping subliminalcomments blogosphere Combination committee individual Commercial technology content Satellite consumercatalogue periodicals discsIt's impossible to avoid advertisements. In our homes, newspaper, magazine and television ads compete for our attention. Posters, billboards and flyers greet us the moment we walk out the door. Advertising agencies stay busy thinking up new ways to get our attention. We have company logos on our clothes. Our email is full of spam,, and pop-ups slow us down as we surf the Web. Product placements sneak into films and TV shows. 'Ad wrapping 1 turns cars into moving signboards. Advertisers have even tried advertising in TV commercials in a subliminal way (affecting your mind without you knowing it). Ifs no wonder that this is called the consumer age.PartL2: Find words in the above text that collocate (go together with) the words in the table. 5ads 67 agencies8 Part 13: Complete the passage with the words in the box.f corrments individuals website web corporation focus activity ;The word 'blog' is a combination of the words (I )1 ............................. ' and log. It is a (2) ................................ c ontaining a series of dated entries. A blog can (3) ................................. on a single subject of interest. Most blogs are written by(4) ............................ B ut sometimes a political committee, (5) ........................... or other group maintains a blog. Many blogs invite readers to leave (6) ............................ on the site. This often results in a community of bloggers who writeback and forth to each other. The total group of web logs is the blogosphere. A 'blogstorm' occurs when there is a lot of blog (7) ............................ o n a certain topic.Articles are small words that can contain a lot of information. Look at these slogans:Go to work on an egg. (The Egg Council) The ultimate driving machine. (BMW)The first slogan, which uses the indefinite article (a) suggests that any egg will do. The second one uses the definite article (the) to suggest that there is only one ultimate driving machine, a car from their specific brand.Part 1.4: Do the following nouns relate to general or more specific information? Complete the sentences with a(n) or the.1 ............... b log can be written by individuals or groups.2Within seconds of leaving your house, you will probably see ................ a dvertisement.3I quite enjoy watching ................ T V commercial for the first time.4Technology is very important in ................ world of advertising.5Yellow is ............... colour to be seen in this season.Part 2: Skills development2.1Copy and complete the table. Some words belong In more than one category..・•・satellite mobileaccess free .•........ newspaper transfer broadband fast consumerspeedy handy keyboard signal commercial /adjectives nouns verbs adverbs2.2Read the sentences. Predict what type of word is missing in each gap and give an example of a possible answer. The first one has been done for you.1.Websites allow us to ...................... a library's catalogue of books and periodicals.a) The structiu衫is allow somebody to do (verb) something. There,〃衫a number of possibilities, e.g. access, consult, -preview, see.2.Public libraries are changing. You can still borrow and ...................... books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and other media.munication refers to both the act o f. ......................... i n other words the exchange of information, ideas or feelings,and something that is ...................... , for example a letter or telephone call.4.DVDs aren't just for films anymore. New DVDs (digital video discs) provide even ............................ s ound quality thanaudio CDs (compact discs).5.Both CDs and DVDs sample the music, but DVDs are able to ............................. more information and they have moresamples per second. The information is also more6.After 1066, many French and Latin words came ...................... the English language.2.3Here are some notes (a) and a summary (b) based on the text below. First, use your skim- reading and/or scanning skills to decide which sections of the text they come from. Next, look for the missing words in these sections, using your knowledge of grammar to identify them. Use no more than TWO words from the text each time.⑵..…..::.(3) ....................b. It is important to follow the rules when communicating in writing, especially if you are in (1)environment. There are three areas which are important: (2) .................................................................................................................................. content and language. The language needs to be formal and there should be no (3) ...................................... Y ou cannot choose to include exactly what you like, for example financial information must be included in your business's (4) ......................................... It also needs to look good on the page, with everything written in a (5) .................................... format.In cdl communication, whether this is verbal or non-verbal, a sender transfers a message to a receiver, choosing a certain medium. The receiver uses the message clues and the context, and decodes it to understand it. This is often followed by a new message in return, and so the communication process continues.Although this procedure is always the same, it can take many different forms depending on the type of communication. For example, in non-verbal communication (as opposed to written and spoken communication, which are both verbal), the code used could be gestures, body language, eye contact and facial expressions, such as a smile.Communication is extremely important in the business world. It is likely that in this context both informal and formal styles will be used. If we take the example of meetings, we might say that they are often conducted in quite a relaxed way, with participants using first names and informal language. However, as soon as the meeting is official, careful records, called minutes, will be kept, following a predetermined format which is standard across many business situations. Layout is one aspect of a formal style. Content will also be dictated to some extent by the level of formality. Annual business reports must include certain types of information to be legal, e.g. financial information, but even a simple letter would not function as it should without the use of somebody's title (e.g. Mr or Ms). Language is another aspect which needs to be taken into account. Formal, written communication needs to be clear and to the point, without spelling or grammar mistakes, and in a formal register (e.g. Dear…,instead of Hi). Not following these important rules would have a negative effect in any business context.Part 3: Exam practice3.1 Answer the following questions about the passage below within two minutes. Use words from the passage for your answers. Note that these questions follow the order of the information in the text and have no word limit (just for this exercise). a complaint that is often made about managers in the United Kingdom.2.What is the cause of the loss of international business?3.What is a requirement for managers to do a good job?4.Which groups of people outside their company do managers have to communicate with?One criticism of UK managers is that relatively few speak a second language fluently. This can cause obvious problems fbr businesses that trade in a global market. Research suggests that UK companies lose around 13 percent of the international deals they try to complete due to 'communication problems1. Managers also need effective written skills if they are to carry out their jobs effectively. The ability to quickly summarize key points in the form of a report for others in the business is of real value. So is the skill of reading a report written by someone else and being able to draw out the important elements.As well as their own staff, managers have to work with other people too. They interact with customers, more senior managers, suppliers, trade union officials, government officials and the local community. Managers need to be comfortable in the company of diverse groups, and they need to able to communicate formally when required and to engage in informal small talk.3.2 Complete summaries A and B with words from the corresponding passages below. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answerSummary AThere should be a small number of (1) ............................................... at meetings and there needs to be a(2) ............................. for any meeting, which will include a clear agenda. During the meeting there needs to begood (3) ............................management and clarity about what the meeting should hopefully (4) ..............................At the end, there should be a summary and agreement about (5) ............................. action.Passage AManagers need a range of communication skills to carry out their jobs effectively. They need to be able to articulate their ideas and vision and to convey enthusiasm. Good managers may, at times, need to be able to argue points cogently and to persuade people to their point of view. However, good managers appreciate that communication is a two-way process, and that listening is an important element of communication. Listening to the views of others can help to test ideas as well as to develop new products and methods of production.The most common forum in which managers are required to communicate are meetings. It is important for managers to plan for meetings, whether with a single person or with a group. Managers should not invite too many participants to keep numbers to a minimum. They should have a clear agenda for discussion and should exercise tight time controls to prevent meetings dragging on. Managers should enter each meeting with a clear idea of what they want it to achieve. At the end of a meeting it is good practice to summarize what has been agreed and what needs to happen in the future.Summary BWorking with other people is not always easy, but it is (6) ................................ fbr the role of managers that theyhave interpersonal skills that are (7) ..................................Their (8) ............................. may need encouragement and help with (9) ............................... and solving problems between colleagues.Passage BCommunication skills should not be taken for granted. Many managers require training in written and oral communication skills and many businesses would benefit from employing managers who speak at least one other language.Interpersonal skills are also necessary if a manager is to work successfully with other people. If managers lack interpersonal skills, then they are likely to be of limited effectiveness in their role. Managers with effective interpersonal skills can motivate others and can co-ordinate the work of their employees. To do this, managers may need to coach and encourage employees as well as solving disputes and, perhaps more importantly, preventing conflict.。
