

管理英语教程 PPT课件

管理英语教程 PPT课件

• Develop means for achieving the mission;
1. The growth of strategic planning
• Years ago many companies didn’t make strategic planning or thinking when they made decisions. • Present-day managers are increasingly recognizing the importance of strategic palnning.
• 4. Analyze the resources
• 5. Identify strengths and weaknesses
• 6. Reassess the mission
• 7. Formulate strategies
• 8. Implement strategies • 9. Evaluate results
• The excessive concern with economic results puts
pressure on individuals that may encourage
questionable behavior
2. Strategic Planning Process
• 1. Identify current mission, objectives, and strategies • 2. Analyze the environment • 3. Identify opportunities and threats
Unit 7 Strategic Planning

管理学英文课件 (12)

管理学英文课件 (12)
• Positive financial results – higher profits, higher return on assets, and so forth.
• The quality of planning and implementation affects performance more than the extent of planning.
Length of future commitments
– Commitment Concept: Current plans affecting future commitments must be sufficiently long-term in order to meet those commitments.
Means-ends chain – an integrated network of goals in which the accomplishment of goals at one level serves as the means for achieving the goals, or ends, at the next level.
Operational plans – plans that encompass a particular operational area of the organization.
Long-term plans – plans with a time frame beyond three years.



Risk control
Analyze potential risks, develop response measures, and ensure organizational safety.
Feedback and improvement
Collect feedback information, continuously improve management methods and processes.
Managerial Skills
Strategic vision
With a broad vision and the ability to plan for the long term.
Decision making ability
Scientifically analyze problems and make decisive decisions.
Communication and coordination skills
Good at communication and able to coordinate the interests of all parties.
Unleash team potential and lead the team to grow together.
Establish an effective information communication mechanism to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of information transmission.
Motivation and Communication



Globalization Ethnocentrism parochialism
Right or Rowing
企业已经缴纳教育附加税,因而没有义 务再资助办学。 援助灾民是企业的社会责任,因此,每 一个企业都必须进行赈灾活动。 在香烟外盒写上“吸烟有害健康”是毫 无意义的,因此是没有必要的。 既然政府的规定是50%,宝洁公司就没有 必要承诺100%的使用再循环包装纸。
Fundamentals of management
Chapter 1
manager and management
Discussion 讨论
1961年,日本松下公司的山田电器厂遇 到了一个开关质量难题。实际上,这个 开关的装配操作很简单:从装有许多弹 簧的盒内每次取出两个装入开关,再装 上按钮。让山田厂长困惑的是,无论采 取什么质量管理方法,都不能使工人避 免偶尔忘记装入弹簧。 你能帮助山田厂长解决这个难题吗?
全球汽车 配件部
全球 工业部
全球仪器 产品部
全球原料 采购部
全球卡车 配件部
国际执行委员会 业务领域 变压器 运输 德国 挪威 阿根廷/巴西 西班牙/葡萄牙
董事长/首席架构师:比尔•盖茨 CEO/总裁:史蒂夫•鲍尔默 营运和 后勤部 产品部门 全球销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲产品 部门 微软在 中国的 机构 微软中国研究 开发中心
Decisional 决策



• Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award established by the U.S. Congress in 1987 • ISO 9000, pioneered by the Europeans • European Quality Award given by the European Foundation
Arguments Against Social Involvement
• • • • • • • Violation of profit maximization Dilution of purpose Costs Too much power Lack of skills Lack of accountability Lack of universal support
• France
– Le Plan and the Cadre
• Germany
– Authority and Codetermination
• Korea
– Chaebol and Inhwa
Japanese Management
• Lifetime Employment • Seniority System • Decision Making in Japan
Chapter 2. Management and Society: The External Environment, Social Responsibility, and Ethics
The Organization and Its External Environment
Arguments for Social Involvement
Definition of Whistle-Blowing



Management Principles, 7th Edition: English VersionTeaching DesignIntroductionManagement principles are the foundation of any successful organization. The seventh edition of the Management Principles textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts and theories that form the basis of modern management practices. The purpose of this teaching design is to provide a roadmap for instructors seeking to use the Management Principles textbook in their courses.ObjectivesThe primary objective of using the Management Principles textbook is to equip students with a solid understanding of the key principles and theories of management. Additionally, this teaching design ms to: •Enhance students’ critical thinking skills and ability to apply management principles in real-world situations•Foster an appreciation for the impact of management on society and the role of ethical practices in effective management •Develop students’ communication and teamwork skills through collaborative assignments and exercisesCourse StructureThe Management Principles textbook can be used to teach a variety of management courses, including introductory management, principles ofmanagement, and organizational behavior. The following outline provides a suggested course structure:Week 1-2: Introduction to Management PrinciplesThe first two weeks of the course will provide a broad overview of the field of management, including the historical evolution of management practices, the functions of management, and the key concepts and theories of management.Week 3-4: Planning and Decision MakingDuring this module, students will learn about the importance of planning and decision-making in effective management. Topics coveredwill include the various types of planning, the decision-making process, and the role of risk management in decision-making.Week 5-6: Organizing and LeadingStudents will explore the role of organizing and leading ineffective management. Topics covered will include the principles of organizational design, leadership styles and strategies, and the importance of team dynamics in achieving organizational goals.Week 7-8: Controlling and EvaluatingDuring this module, students will learn about the importance of controlling and evaluating in effective management. Topics covered will include the functions of control, the use of performance metrics, and the role of feedback in evaluating organizational performance.Week 9-10: Contemporary Issues in ManagementIn this module, students will explore contemporary issues in management, including the challenges of managing in a global environment, the impact of diversity on organizational performance, and the role of sustnability in effective management.Week 11-12: Ethics in ManagementDuring the final module, students will examine the role of ethics in effective management. Topics covered will include the importance of ethical decision-making, the impact of corporate social responsibilityon organizational performance, and the challenges of managing ethical dilemmas in the workplace.Teaching MethodsTo enhance students’ understanding and retention of the material covered in the Management Principles textbook, a variety of teaching methods can be employed, including:•Lectures: Use lectures to present key concepts and theories, providing examples to illustrate the practical applications ofmanagement principles.•Classroom discussions: Encourage students to participate in classroom discussions, allowing them to share their thoughts andperspectives on management topics and engage in critical thinkingexercises.•Case studies: Use case studies to provide real-world examples of management problems and solutions, giving students the opportunity to apply management principles to practical situations.•Group projects: Assign group projects to promotecollaboration and teamwork, allowing students to develop theircommunication and leadership skills while exploring managementprinciples.•Exams and quizzes: Use exams and quizzes to assess students’ understanding of the material covered in the textbook.ConclusionThe Management Principles, 7th Edition textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and theories of management.By utilizing this teaching design and employing a variety of teaching methods, instructors can enhance students’ understanding andappreciation of management principles, while developing their critical thinking and communication skills.。



Part 4 Organizing
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design
Defining organizational structure Organizational design decisions Common organizational designs
The decision-making process The pervasiveness of decision making The manager as decision maker
Part 3 Planning(Cont’d)
Chapter 7 Foundations of Planning
Part 5 Leading(Cont’d)
Chapter 15 Understanding Groups and Teams
Understanding group behavior Turning group into effective teams Developing and managing effective teams
Part 6 Controlling(Cont’d)
Chapter 20 Controlling for Organizational Performance
Organizational performance Tools for monitoring and measuring

管理学(斯蒂芬 罗宾斯 第九版)英文课件(第二章)

管理学(斯蒂芬 罗宾斯 第九版)英文课件(第二章)
– Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith • division of labor - breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks increased productivity
– Industrial Revolution • substitution of machine power for human power • large organizations required formal management
– Describe the contributions of the general administrative theorists一般行政管理
– Summarize the quantitative approach定量方法 to management
– Describe the contributions of the early organizational behavior组织行为 advocates
© Prentice Hall, 2002
© Prentice Hall, 2002ehavior (cont.)
Hawthorne Studies
– started in 1924 at Western Electric Company
– use of scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done
– perspective of improving the productivity and efficiency of manual workers



Scientific management: This theory emphasizes the use of scientific methods to improve work efficiency and productivity It emphasizes the standardization of work processes, the use of time and motion studies, and the development of job descriptions and instructions
• Improvement of Management Professional English Application Ability
• Summary and Outlook
Training objectives and significance
Organization development
Organization development is a management approach that emphasizes changes and development in organizations It uses a variety of techniques to help organizations improve their performance, including team building, training, and reconstruction
Overview of Training Content
Management related English documents




management functions: planning、organizing、leading、controlling.2.管理角色(management roles)、①人际关系角色:挂名首脑、领导者、联络者Interpersonal:figurehead、leader、liaison②信息传递角色:监听者、传播者、发言人Informational: monitor、disseminator、spokesperson③决策制定角色:企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者Decisional: entrepreneur、disturbance handler、resource allocator、negotiator3、管理技能(management skills)概念技能、沟通技能、效果技能、人际技能Conceptual、communication、effectiveness、interpersonal4、组织的特点①有明确的目的(distinct purpose)②有人员构成(people)③有精细的结构(deliberate structure)第二章1、管理理论(management theories):科学管理(scientific management)一般行政管理理论(general administrative theorists)定量方法(quantitative approach)组织行为(organizational behavior)系统观(systems approach)权变理论(contingency approach)第三章1、管理万能论(omnipotent view of management)管理象征论(symbolic view of management)2、组织文化的七个维度(dimensions)关注细节,成果导向,员工导向,团队导向,进取性,稳定性,创新与风险承受力Attention to detail, outcome orientation, people organization, team organization, aggressiveness, stability,innovation and risk taking 3、文化传播给员工的途径:故事,仪式,有形信条,语言Stories,ritual,material symbols,language4、创新的文化的特点①.挑战与参与(challenge)②. 自由(freedom)③. 信任和开发(trust and openness)④. 计划时间(idea time)⑤. 幽默(playfulness/humor)⑥. 冲突解决(conflict resolution)⑦. 讨论(debates)⑧. 冒险(risk taking)第六章1、决策制定过程(the decision-making process)①.识别决策问题(identification of a problem)②.确定决策标准(identification of decision criteria)③.为决策标准分配权重(allocation of weight to criteria)④.开发备份方案(development of alternatives)⑤.分析备份方案(analysis of alternatives)⑥.选择备择方案(selection of an alternatives)⑦.实施备择方案(implementation of the alternatives)⑧.评估决策结果(evaluating decision effectiveness)2、决策制定的错误(decision-making errors and biases):自负(overconfidence)后见(hindsight)自利型(self-serving)沉没成本(sunk costs)随机性(randomness)典型性(representation)有效性(availability)框架效应(framing)证实(confirmation)选择性认知(selective perception)锚定效应(anchoring effect)即时满足(immediate gratification)4、计划工作(planning):①、定义组织目的(defining the organization’s goals)②、制定全局战略(establishing an overall strategy)③、开发一组广泛的相关计划(developing plans)5、计划的目的(purposes of planning):①、它给出了管理者和非管理者努力的方向(planning provides direction to managers and nonmanagers alike)②、它通过迫使管理者具有前瞻性来降低不确定性(planning reduce uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change, consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses)③、计划可以减少活动的重复和浪费(planning minimizes waste and redundancy)④、计划设定目标和标准,可以用于控制(planning establishes the goals or standards used in controlling)6、计划和绩效(planning and performance)①正式的计划工作通常带来较高的绩效、较高的资产回报率,以及其他积极的财富Formal planning is associated with positive financial results such as higher profits, higher return on assets, and so forth.②计划工作的质量以及实现计划的适当措施,通常要比计划工作本身对绩效的贡献更大Doing a good job of planning and implementing those plans play a bigger part in high performance than does the extent and amount of planning done.③正式计划并不必然的导致至高绩效,外部环境的影响通常是更关键的Formal planning didn’t lead to higher performance, the external environment often was the culprit.④计划与绩效的关系还受到计划时间结构的影响。



– however, high-high was not always effective
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Early Leadership Theories (cont.)
Behavioral Theories (cont.)
– University of Michigan Studies - identified two dimensions of leadership
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Learning Objectives (cont.)
You should learn to: – Contrast transactional and transformational leaders – Describe the main characteristics of charismatic, visionary, and team leaders – Explain the various sources of power a leader might possess – Describe how leaders can create a culture of trust – Explain gender and cultural differences in leadership
© Prentice Hall, 2002
– someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority • all managers should ideally be leaders • not all leaders have the ability to be an effective manager


• Explain Mintzberg’s managerial roles. • Tell how a manager’s include reflection and action.
• Describe Katz’s three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these skills changes depending on managerial level.
What Is Management?
• Define management. • Contrast efficiency and effectiveness. • Explain why efficiency and effectiveness are important to management.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Do Managers Do?
• Describe the four functions of management.
• Top Managers
Ø Are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
What Is Management?
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)


Guide daily activities
Of production and service
• 1. Defining the problem • 2. Establish and weight criteria • 3. Generate alternatives • 4. Evaluate alternatives • 5. Determine the best solution
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• There are several major parts to a good plan
1. Goal Setting 2. Goal commitment 3. Action plan -- steps and resources 4. Tracking systems 5. Staying flexible -- no plan is in concrete
• The definition of planning has two parts
1. Selecting a goal
2. Developing the strategy and tactics to achieve the goal
• Good planning can produce
1. Focus on goals 2. Direction of effort 3. Intensified effort 4. Persistence of effort 5. Creation of strategies and tactics

chapter 03 Planning and Strategic Management 《管理学》(双语)课程课件

chapter 03 Planning and Strategic Management 《管理学》(双语)课程课件
- Business-Level Plan 业务层次计划 – Divisional managers’ decisions pertaining to divisions long-term goals overall strategy, and structure. Identifies how the business will meet corporate goals.
VI. Formulating Functional-Level Strategies *
-Planning and Implementing Strategy
-Summary and Review
I. The Planning Process P251
Planning 计划
– Identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action for an organization. The organizational plan that results from the planning process details the goals and specifies how managers will attain those goals.
– Defining the organization’s overriding purຫໍສະໝຸດ ose and its goals.
- Formulating strategy
– Managers analyze current situation and develop the strategies needed to achieve the mission.
Part II Planning

管理学双语(整理版)PPT05-01 Planning

管理学双语(整理版)PPT05-01 Planning

• Stated Goals versus Real Goals
Broadly-worded official statements of the organization (intended for public consumption) that may be irrelevant to its real goals (what actually goes on in the organization).
Types of planning
not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit. Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the organization.
• Higher dividends • Wider profit margins • Higher returns on invested capital
• A higher more secure industry rank
• Higher product quality • Lower costs relative to key competitors • Broader or more attractive product line • A stronger reputation with customers • Superior customer service • Recognition as a leader in technology and/or product innovation



Modern management theory emphasizes the importance of flexibility, innovation, and adaptability in the management of enterprises
It emphasizes the need to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the external environment
To ensure the effective utilization of resources, improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
including setting goals, developing strategies, preparing budgets, and developing action plans.
The main functions of management
The process of selecting an optimal course of action from several possible alternatives
Decision making is a critical skill for managers as it helps them navigate through challenges and opportunities, make informed choices, and achieve desired outcomes
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Elizabeth Arden
Become the fastest-growing prestigious cosmetics company
New products
Meet the needs of baby boomers
Rise 25% in sales a year
Step3 Goal and Plan Evl Analysis
Examine the current condition that impacts the company and its business environment.
Company Consumers Product offering Competitive Environment Market Conditions Other factors of influence: Legal, Political… Problems/Opportunities
That’s All !!
Class 2 Group 6
Decision makers must evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and potential effects of each alternative goal and plan.
Step4 Goal and Plan Selection
The planner is now in a position to select the most appropriate and feasible goals and plans. A different contingency plan is attached to each scenario. If the situational contingencies change, the work unit is prepared to switch to another scenario set of plans.
Step5 Implementation
Once managers have selected the goals and plans, they must implement the plans designed to achieve the goals. In order to make the implementation phase more effective and efficient, both managers and employees should participate in the previous steps of the planning process. Because they usually are better informed, more committed, and more highly motivated when a goal or plan is one that they helped develop.
Finally, successful implementation requires that the plan is linked to other systems in the organization, particularly the budget and reward systems.
e.g. A major medical center
Its information from external groups includes: •Consumers •Physicians •Government •Regulatory agencies •Insurance companies •Other hospitals
Step6 Monitor and Control
Planning is an ongoing, repetitive process, so managers must continually monitor the actual performance of their work units according to the unit’s goals and plans. Also, they must develop control systems that allow the organization to take corrective action when the plans are implemented improperly or when the situation changes.
Class 2 Group 6
Planning is the conscious, systematic process of making decision about goals and activities that an individual, group, work unit, or organization will pursue in the future.
The Formal Planning Process
Situational Analysis Alternative Goals and Plans Goal and Plan Evaluation Goal and Plan Selection Implementation Monitor and Control
Step2 Alternative Goals and Plans Base on the situational analysis, managers and employees should assume a broad perspective to generate a range of alternative goals that may be pursued in the future and the alternative plans that may be used to achieve those goals.