
23Thermostat features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Controls & display overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5AbOUT yOUR NEW THERMOSTATOpERATIONSelect system mode (HEAT/COOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Change temperature set point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Select fan setting (ON/AUTO/CIRC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Clean screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Maintenance reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Battery replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8THERMOSTAT fEATURES• L arge touch screen with adjustable backlight – constant backlight available.• M essage center provides feedback and instructions.• 7 day programmability or separately programmable weekday/weekend schedules.• T hermostat can be removed from the wall for easy programming (batteries must be installed).• F ront battery door access for fast, easy replacement.• D isplays room temperature, room humidity, temperature setting, and optional outdoor temperature.• A ir filter, humidifier, dehumidifier, and HVAC service indicators.• P rogrammable fan control with fan circulation mode.• E asy to use temperature control can override program schedule at any time.• P rogressive recovery ensures proper temperature at the start of a program event.• B uilt in compressor protection prevents damage to your equipment.• R S485 communications ready.• U niversal system compatibility.• C onfigurable to control a humidifier and dehumidifier.pROGRAMMINGSet time and date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Understanding program schedules . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14Progressive recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Changing program schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-16Program schedule holdsTemporary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19SETUp MENUHow to enter the setup menuto change settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20User system settings table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21-22WARRANTyLimited warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Warranty registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Humidistat control screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9How to enter the setup menuto change Humidistat Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10HUMIDISTAT fUNCTIONSNetwork override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Status indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11NETWORK fEATURES45 CONTROlS & DISplAy OVERVIEW – HOME SCREENNOTE: BACkLigHT iS ACTiVATED wiTH FiRST BUTToN PRESS AND AUToMATiCALLy TURNS oFF.BUTTONSETTINGBUTTONSETTINGSTATUSCENTERCONTROlS & DISplAy OVERVIEW – MAIN MENUBUTTONDoNE BUTToN(EXiT MENU)67press [MODE] to select:EM HEAT: (only for heat pumps with auxiliary heat) Thermostat controls auxiliary heat . Heat pump will not operate in EM HEAT mode .HEAT: Thermostat controls only the heating system .Off: Heating and cooling systems are off .COOl: Thermostat controls only the cooling system .AUTO: (if enabled in installer setup) Thermostatautomatically selects heating or cooling depending on the indoor temperature .press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exit without saving . The thermostat will save and exit ifnothing is pressed within 10 seconds .press or to adjust the current set point.(See Program Schedule Holds on pages 17-19 for more information .)SElECT SySTEM MODE(EM HEAT/HEAT/OFF/COOL/AUTO)CHANGE TEMpERATURE SET pOINTpress [MENU] to enter the main menu .press [ClEAN SCREEN] to disable the touch screen for 30 seconds for cleaning .Note: Use a soft damp cloth to clean the screen . Use water or household glass cleaner. Do not spray liquids directly on the screen .ClEAN SCREENSElECT fAN SETTING (ON/AUTO/CIRC)press [fAN] to select:ON: Fan runs continuously. Use this mode for maximum air circulation/cleaning .AUTO: Fan runs only when the heating or cooling system is on .CIRC: Same as AUTo, but ensures the fan is on for at least 20 minutes per hour. Use this mode for a balance of energy savings and air circulation/cleaning .press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exit without saving . The thermostat will save and exit ifnothing is pressed within 10 seconds .When the fan mode is changed during a program event it remains in that mode until the next event starts . The fan must be programmed to FAN oN in the schedule torun continuously through all events .MAINTENANCE REMINDERSMaintenance reminders are set up by the installer to indicate when the equipment is due for service. if a maintenance reminder is displayed, call your HVAC dealer for service. They can be cleared by pressing [MENU] to enter the main menu, then [Next] to clear each reminder .89& DATEHUMIDISTAT fUNCTIONSThe Model 8800 has the option of being configured as a humidistat that can control a humidifier and dehumidifier.HUMIDISTAT CONTROl SCREENCENTER1011NETWORK OVERRIDEThe network override feature is only available to be enabled when the thermostat is set to non-programmable modeor humidistat mode. when enabled, this feature can be used by pressing[HOlD] .SECURITyA four digit security PiN can be enabled to restrict access to the system. if you forget your PiN, you can access thethermostat with the master PiN 7777.STATUS INDICATORSThe status indicator is located at the top of the screen. when the thermostat sends or receives messages, thebars flash across the screen. The message center will display “CoMMUNiCATioN LoST” if the thermostat has notreceived communications in the last 15 minutes .BARS FLASHACROSS SCREENHOW TO ENTER THE SETUp MENU TO CHANGE HUMIDISTAT MODEpress [MENU] to enter the main menu .press [SETUp] to enter the setup menu .press or to adjust the setting. (Selected optionflashes .)Press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exitwithout saving .The thermostat will discard changes and exit if nothingis pressed within 60 seconds .press [Next] or [back]to page through the settings,until you get to the Humidistat Mode Setting (thesetting is displayed in the message center) .1213press [Next], then or to set the minute .press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exit without saving . The thermostat will save and exit ifnothing is pressed within 20 seconds .press [MENU] to enter the main menu . press [SET DATE] to enter date menu .SET DATEpress [MENU] to enter the main menu . press [SET ClOCK] to enter clock menu.SET TIMEpressorto set the hour .press [Next], then or to set the day .press [Next], thenorto set the year .press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exitwithout saving . The thermostat will save and exit ifnothing is pressed within 20 seconds .press orto set the month .UNDERSTANDING pROGRAM SCHEDUlES The daily schedule is split into four events:WAKE: temperature you would prefer to wake up to.lEAVE: temperature when you are away from the house .RETURN: temperature you would prefer to return home to .SlEEp: temperature you would prefer while sleeping .The times shown in the table below are the defaults. The start time and temperature of each section can be changed to fit your schedule. (See Changing Program Schedules section on pages 15-16.)This thermostat is pre-set to use the following program settings recommended by the Department of Energy(see table below). These settings are intended to reduce your heating/cooling expenses. The fan program is pre-setto AUTO for all events .1415UNDERSTANDING pROGRAM SCHEDUlES (CONTINUED)optionally, the thermostat can be set to a two event or commercial schedule. (See Setup Menu on page 20.)pROGRESSIVE RECOVERyThe Progressive Recovery feature allows the thermostat to activate the heating and cooling equipment prior to an event in order to reach the desired temperature at the start of the next scheduled event .Example: if the wAkE time is 6 am, and the set temperature is 70°, the heat will come on before 6 am, so the temperature is 70° by the time you wake at 6 am.press [Next], then orto set the start time ofthe first event .press [MENU] to enter the main menu .press [SET SCHEDUlE] to enter schedule programming .CHANGING pROGRAM SCHEDUlES pressorto select the day .press [Next], then orto set the setpoints of the first event .Note: This step is not displayed for weekday/weekend schedules .1617press [Next], then [fAN] to set the fan mode of the first event .CHANGING pROGRAM SCHEDUlES(CONTINUED)press [Next] to advance to the next event . Repeat above process for each remaining event.press [DONE]to save the schedule for the day .The thermostat will display the CoPy option.press [COpy] to copy the schedule of the day just programmed to any other day .ORpress [CANCEl] to proceed to the next day and repeat the above process.TEMpORARy pROGRAM HOlDpress or to immediately adjust the temperature when the schedule is running . This will temporarily hold the temperature setting until the next scheduled event .pROGRAM SCHEDUlE HOlDS– TEMpORARy press or to adjust the end time of the hold. if end time is not adjusted, the Temporary Hold will end at the start of the next event .To cancel the Temporary Hold, press [CANCEl HOlD].1819pERMANENT pROGRAM HOlDpress [HOlD] to permanently hold the temperature at its current setting while the schedule is running . This will override the temperature settings for all events . with the thermostat in Permanent Hold, the temperature setting and fan mode can be adjusted and will stay atthat setting until the hold is cancelled .To cancel the Permanent Hold, press [CANCEl HOlD] .VACATION pROGRAM HOlDThis energy saving feature allows you to suspend the programmed schedule for extended periods of time . The temperature you select will be maintained 24 hours a day until the vacation program hold end date and time . once the end date and time have been surpassed, the previously programmed schedule will resume . If you return earlier than expected, press [CANCEl HOlD] to resume the programmed schedule .press orto adjust thetemperature setting .pROGRAM SCHEDUlE HOlDS – pERMANENT press [MENU] to enter the main menu . press [SET VACATION] to enter vacation program hold .pROGRAM SCHEDUlE HOlDS – VACATION VACATION pROGRAM HOlD (continued)press [Next], then[fAN] to set the fan mode .press [Next], thenorto set end date .press [Next], thenor to set end time .press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl]to exitwithout saving . The thermostat will save and exit if nothing is pressed within 20 seconds .pROGRAM SCHEDUlE HOlDS – VACATION (CONTINUED)2021HOW TO ENTER THE SETUp MENU TO CHANGE SETTINGS press [MENU] to enter the main menu . press [SETUp] to enter the setup menu .press or to adjust the setting. (Selected optionflashes .)Press [DONE] to save and exit, or [CANCEl] to exitwithout saving .The thermostat will discard changes and exit if nothingis pressed within 60 seconds .press [Next] or[back] to page through the settings (the setting is displayed in the message center) .USER SySTEM SETTINGS TAblEThe following table is the list of the settings and their details. Default settings are shown in bold.2223USER SySTEM SETTINGS TAblE (CONTINUED)Please…Take a few minutes to visit us on-line at to register your Aprilaire product.if you do not have on-line access, please mail a postcard with your name, address, phone number, product purchasedand date of purchase to: Research Products Corporation, P .o. BoX 1467, Madison, wi 53701your Research Products Corporation Aprilaire ® Thermostat unit is expressly warranted for five (5) years from date of installation to be free from defects in materials or workmanship.Research Products Corporation’s exclusive obligation under this warranty shall be to supply, without charge, a replacement for any thermostat which is found to be defective within such five (5) year period and which is returned, together with the date of installation, no later than thirty (30) days after said five (5) year period by you to either your original supplier or to Research Products Corporation, Madison, wisconsin 53701.THiS wARRANTy SHALL NoT oBLigATE RESEARCH PRoDUCTS CoRPoRATioN FoR ANy LABoR CoSTS AND SHALL NoT APPLy To DEFECTS iN woRkMANSHiP oR MATERiALS FURNiSHED By yoUR iNSTALLER AS CoNTRASTED To DEFECTS iN THE THERMoSTAT iTSELF.iMPLiED wARRANTiES oF MERCHANTABiLiTy oF FiTNESS FoR A PARTiCULAR PURPoSE SHALL BE LiMiTED iN DURATioN To THE AFoRESAiD FiVE yEAR PERioD. RESEARCH PRoDUCTS CoRPoRATioN’S LiABiLiTy FoR iNCiDENTAL oR CoNSEQUENTiAL DAMAgES, oTHER THAN DAMAgES FoR PERSoNAL iNJURiES, RESULTiNg FRoM ANy BREACH oF THE AFoRESAiD iMPLiED wARRANTiES oR THE ABoVE LiMiTED wARRANTy iS EXPRESSLy EXCLUDED. THiS LiMiTED wARRANTy iS VoiD iF DEFECT(S) RESULT FRoM FAiLURE To HAVE THiS THERMoSTAT iNSTALLED By A QUALiFiED HEATiNg AND AiR CoNDiTioNiNg CoNTRACToR. iF THE LiMiTED wARRANTy iS VoiD DUE To FAiLURE To USE A QUALiFiED CoNTRACToR, ALL DiSCLAiMERS oF iMPLiED wARRANTiES SHALL BE EFFECTiVE UPoN iNSTALLATioN.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state .This equipment if installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, complies with the limits for a Class B computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules.WARRANTy REGISTRATIONyour Warranty Registration information will not be sold or shared outside of this company.。
艾默生管道工具(上海) K-3800 鼓式疏通机 中文说明书

鼓式疏通机中文操作手册艾默生管道工具(上海)有限公司目录机器型号和序列号记录表格 (2)安全须知 (3)工作场所安全注意事项 (3)用电安全 (3)个人安全注意事项 (4)工具的使用与保养 (4)服务 (4)其它安全注意事项疏通机的使用安全 (5)产品概述、技术参数与标准配置产品概述 (5)技术参数 (5)标准配置 (6)附件 (7)机器组装安装钢索鼓 (7)安装自动进索机构 (8)机器检查 (9)机器和工作区域设置 (10)操作步骤手动进索 (11)自动进索 (12)特殊操作介绍反转操作介绍 (14)拆下钢索鼓 (14)机器搬运 (14)钢索鼓排水 (15)更换钢索取出损坏或者已磨损的钢索 (15)安装新钢索 (16)附件钢索和疏通头 (17)保养指导润滑 (19)自动进索机构 (19)钢索 (19)机器存放要求 (19)维修与服务 (20)故障诊断 (20)线路图 (21)终身质保条款........................................................................................................................封底K-3800型鼓式疏通机K-3800型鼓式疏通机在下面空格内记下产品序列号,并妥善保存写有产品序列号的铭牌。
工作场所安全注意事项1. 保持工作场所干净整洁和照明充分。
2. 不要在易燃易爆等的危险环境下操作电动工具,例如易燃易爆的液体、气体或粉尘环境下。
3. 在操作机器时,使无关人员(包括小孩、旁观者、非工作人员等)远离工作现场。
CC8800 系列 CMTS 产品规格书说明书

CC8800系列CMTS产品规格书(CC8800-F-U2)鼎点视讯科技有限公司.资料版本:R02发布日期:2019.01修订记录日期修订版本描述2018.05 R01 初版发布2019.01 R02 更新了上联口规格及支持的光模块规格声明Copyright ©2001~2019北京数码视讯科技集团鼎点视讯科技有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。
用户服务热线:联系电话:+86-10-58858351(周一至周五8:30-17:30)传真:+86-10-58858592公司地址:北京海淀区上地东路1号盈创动力大厦A2座6层邮编:100085登录网址:或目录第1章产品简介 (1)1.1 产品介绍 (1)1.2 产品特点 (1)第2章性能与规格 (3)2.1 简介 (3)2.2 整机规格 (4)2.3 DOCSIS模块 (4)2.4 电源模块 (8)2.5 射频模块 (9)2.6 (可选)CWDM组件规格 (10)2.7 (可选)工业级SFP+光模块 (11)2.7.1 10GE以太网光模块 (11)2.7.2 ONU侧10G EPON光模块 (12)2.7.3 ONU侧XG-PON光模块 (12)第1章产品简介DOCSIS定义了一种利用有线同轴网络中传输数据业务的规范,是稳定、可靠的运营级同轴网络国际标准,并且经过了多年的实际运营检验。
IT8800 使用手册说明书

IT8800 系列
型号IT8811/IT8812 IT8812B/IT8812C
© 版权归属于艾德克斯电子有限公司 Ver1.13 /MAR, 2012/ IT8800-701
IT8800 使用手册
第一章 验货与安装 ............................................................... 6
第二章 快速入门............................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 开机自检 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.2 自检步骤....................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.3 如果负载不能启动 ...................................................................................................................... 10

艾默⽣机房空调PEX系列产品说明书科海机房(深圳)办事处艾默⽣恒温恒湿空调产品资料(艾默⽣)⼒博特PEX系列恒温恒湿空调介绍⼀、PEX系列描述科海机房(深圳)办事处艾默⽣恒温恒湿空调产品资料科海机房2⼆、PEX 系列技术参数1、同等制冷量条件下,占地⾯积最⼩。
5、⼤表⾯积的 V 型蒸发器盘管,使热交换更快,更有效率,“V”型结构有利于蒸发器表⾯的空⽓分配更加均衡,确保节能。
⽣产的单制冷回路/双制冷回路 PEX系列精密空调,可以提供单机的制冷量为20KW⾄100KW,并可组合在⼀起。
艾默生 Rosemount OCX8800 氧气和可燃性气体分析变送器 数据表

产品数据表00813-0106-4880, Rev AE2022 年 10 月Rosemount™ OCX8800氧气和可燃性气体分析变送器连续、精确测量燃烧过程Rosemount OCX8800 氧气和可燃性气体分析变送器为单变送器,易于安装,可连续、准确地测量燃烧烟道。
专利罗斯蒙特氧化锆氧传感器,加上采用催化珠技术的可燃性气体传感器,为温度高达 2600 °F (1427 °C)的烟气测量奠定了基础。
■坚固耐用的可燃当量 (COe) 传感器,即使在还原条件下,也能通过较大的活动表面积和稀释空气测得准确读数。
过程适应性广■技术人员通过 F OUNDATION ™ 现场总线和 HART ® 通讯协议选项可从控制室查看诊断和操作信息。
■本地操作员界面(LOI )允许本地调试和维护,无需其他工具即可查看诊断信息。
2022 年 10 月2Rosemount OCX8800订购信息用于通用场所的 Rosemount OCX8800 氧气和可燃性气体分析变送器示例:OCX88A-11-10-1-1-H3-06-02型号探头长度和材料探头安装组件2022 年 10 月产品数据表3安装金属配件:烟囱侧安装金属配件:探头侧电子装置护罩通讯NEMA ® 4X ,IP66 HART ® 通讯标准电子装置安装2022 年 10 月4Rosemount OCX88002022 年 10 月额定温度 392 °F (200 °C)。
原位过滤器附件Rosemount OCX8800 氧气和可燃性气体分析变送器:危险区域防爆型号探头长度和材料产品数据表52022 年 10 月探头安装组件安装金属配件:烟囱侧安装金属配件:探头侧6Rosemount OCX8800电子装置护罩通讯NEMA ® 4X ,IP66 HART ® 通讯标准电子装置安装寒冷天气下操作时,将不锈钢供气管在加热器颈上缠绕数圈预热仪器空气,并使用隔热围巾 (PN 6P00162H01) 保暖。
MV-8800 Production Studio 用户指南说明书

A note is something that adds information about the topic at hand.
A tip offers suggestions for using the feature being discussed.
Warnings contain important information that can help you avoid possible damage to your equipment, your data, or yourself.
If you’re not, don’t worry, because the VGA windows and LCD screens are essentially the same. There are clickable VGA icons for all of the MV-8800’s buttons. You can also press an onscreen button by clicking your mouse or by pressing an F button on the MV-8800. The main difference has to do with how you deal with settings—or “parameters”—and how you select objects.

2. 您的手机 ............................. 4 按键和组成部分......................... 4 待机状态.......... 5
待机状态下的快捷方式 ................. 5 节电模式 ......................................... 6 指示符号 ......................................... 6
文字信息 (短信息) ....................... 17 彩信 ............................................... 19 文件夹 ........................................... 21 即时信息 ....................................... 22 电子邮件应用软件 ....................... 25 语音信息 ....................................... 26 广播信息 ....................................... 26 网络命令编辑器 ........................... 27 删除信息 ....................................... 27 信息设置 ....................................... 27 信息计数器 ................................... 29

Analytical 就为该领域设立了行业标准。Rosemount Analytical 将 Hagan 的专家检测技术与罗斯蒙特的变送器技
3. 气相色谱分析仪
在美国休斯敦的 ,将 和 的气相色谱仪产品 Emerson Process Management
Texas Rosemount Analytical Daniel
PlantWeb 具有预见性的智能系统,它能让用户在故障发生前,便可以检测到过程和测量设备隐藏的问 题,这样,操作人员就从被动防守的位置转为主动预防的优势地位,这是 Rosemount Analytical 的产品优势。
二 全球生产体系 . Rosemount Analytical
目前 Rosemount Analytical 全球有 4 个生产厂。
Rosemount Analytical 的分析仪器构成 Emerson 数字工厂结构 PlantWeb 的一部分。这种结构运用规模可变 的平台技术,通过开放式的、可相互兼容的仪表和系统,建立了未来生产过程控制和管理的模式。这种新型结 构可以降低用户的工程投资,减少测量设备运行的维护费用,提高仪器的生产适应性,减少生产过程中的不稳 定因素,生成规范的生产管理报表。
五. 近几年主要煤化工应用业绩
序号 用户名称
1 兖矿新疆醇氨

2 Flow
0 gal/min
3 Anlg Out
4.000 mA
0.00 gal/min
5 Flow URV 100 gal/min
HART Communicator
Vortex: FE-5678 Online
1 Device setup
2 Flow 3 Anlg Out 4 LRV
5 Flow URV
150 gal/min 12.00 mA
0.00 gal/min
300 gal/min
左 中 右
上/下菜单 箭头
HART 激活 正常 广播
HART Communicator
Vortex: FE-5678 Online
2 Dev typ
HART Communicator
串行口位置 8 行21个字符显示
通用键盘 字符键盘
250 Ohm 电阻 (可选)
电池组 Ni Cad
或 Alkaline
电池使用时间: 小时.
Ni Cad 60
HART Communicator
数据块 (可选)
12MB 型号 (可选:4MB或8 MB)
在高温应用中,以下列方式安装涡街流量计表头,使 其温度保持在185oF(850C):
横置, 或 低于管道
跳线设置 - 8800C Enhanced
出错模式 Hi = 22.00 mA Lo = 3.75 mA


SDC2 智能双循环系பைடு நூலகம்空调 用户手册
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V1.0 2014-08-18 31013111
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第一章 概述 ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 型号说明 ....................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 外观 ..............
8800 PowerScope 1000产品配置指南说明书

8800 PowerScope ®1000 New Durham Road • Edison, NJ 08818-4019 • 1-800-372-6832 • Tel: (732) 287-3680 • Fax: (732) 248-1834 • System Configuration Guide•Standard Unit Includes:• 8-Input Channels; 4 Voltage and 4Current • Front Panel LED Display • Internal UPS (5 minutes)• Harmonics Analysis • Thermal Printer• PowerPlot PC Software Disk• Floppy Drive• 8-Input Environmental Channels • User Guide‚Options• G-886 Communications Package • S-804 8800 PowerScope Starter Kit AProbes and Cables• A-111 AC/DC/Impulse Probe• A-705 5 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe• A-705T 5 Amp Current Transformer Interface SmartProbe• A-121 20 Amp Current Transformer Interface SmartProbe• A-721 20 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-115 60 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-115A Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-732 300 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-116 600 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe• A-713 1000 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-120 3000 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe • A-25E SmartProbe Extension Cable • A-003 Temperature/Humidity Probe • A-007 Extension Cable for A-003 Probe • A-017 PanelProbe™• A-023 FuseClip™ Voltage Connector • A-024 DC Power Input Cable • A-026 Auxiliary Voltage Probe• A-026F Fused Auxiliary Voltage Probe • A-028 Crocodile Clip Voltage Connector • A-086 Cable Set on a palletPC Software• G-010 PowerPlot™ (compatible only with Windows 3.1)• PES-7000 Power Evaluation Software (compatible with Windows 3.x, 95 and NT)Other• A-018 Dual Rack Mount• A-801 8800 PowerScope Rack Mount • CB-880 8800 PowerScope Calibrator • G-012 Heavy Duty Cart• G-081 8800 PowerScope Carry Bag •S-801 8800 Thermal Paper 12 rolls•S-803 8800 Thermal Paper 3 rolls •G-801 Rugged Container• A-010S Handbook of Power Signatures• HB114414-S Power Quality Field Handbook • HB 114415 Energy Management HandbookOperational/Technical Training•Call for course description and schedule19818800 PowerScope ®1000 New Durham Road • Edison, NJ 08818-4019 • 1-800-372-6832 • Tel: (732) 287-3680 • Fax: (732) 248-1834 • 1/99System Pricing•Standard Unit 8800 Eight-Channel Unit includingP-861 Floppy Disk Drive and Harmonics Option_________‚OptionsCommunicationsG-886 Communications Package (factory installed)_________ Starter KitsS-804 8800 PowerScope Starter Kit A________Cables and ProbesA-111 AC/DC/Impulse Probe_________*Requires CT Series Probe Adapter A-705 5 Amp Clamp-on CT Smart Probe_________**Requires 4-channel Probe CableA-705T 5 Amp Current Transformer Interface SmartProbe _________A-121 20 Amp Current Transformer Interface SmartProbe _________A-721 20 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-115 60 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-115A 60 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-732 300 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-116 600 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-713 1000 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-120 3000 Amp Clamp-on CT SmartProbe _________A-25E SmartProbe Extension Cable _________A-003 Temperature/Humidity Probe_________A-007 Extension Cable for Temperature and Temperature/Humidity Probe _________A-017 PanelProbe™_________A-023 FuseClip™ Voltage Connector _________A-024 DC Power Input Cable _________A-026 Auxiliary Voltage Probe_________A-026F Fused Auxiliary Voltage Probe _________A-028 Crocodile Clip Voltage Connector _________A-086 8800 Cable Set on a Pallet_________ PC SoftwareG-010 PowerPlot™ (compatible only with Windows 3.1)_________PES-7000 Power Evaluation Software(view,export,zoom)_________ OtherA-018 Dual Rack Mount_________A-801 8800 PowerScope Rack Mount _________CB-880 8800 PowerScope Calibrator _________G-012 Heavy Duty Cart_________G-081 8800 PowerScope Carry Bag _________S-801 8800 Thermal Paper (12 rolls)_________S-803 8800 Thermal Paper (3 rolls)_________G-801 Rugged Container_________A-010S Handbook of Power Signatures_________HB114414-S Power Quality Field Handbook _________HB114415 Energy Management Handbook _________Handbookset All Three Publications _________Extended WarrantyAdditional One Year Warranty_________Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeTOTAL $ _________。
Instron 8800 Servohydraulic Testing Systems说明书

8800Servohydraulic Testing Systems00 T e s t i n g S y s t e m sA Leap in ForceMeasurement TechnologyThe 8800 system is the world’s firstcommercially available range of dynamically-compensated load cells. The Dynacell TMtrue dynamic load cell incorporates dynamic compensation, which minimizes the effects of inertia on the force measurement. This is particularly important in tests where the load cell is subjected to rapid or prolonged acceleration, such as high-frequency testing.A Choice of InterfaceWith the 8800, we believe in giving you the ability to choose. The 8800 Controller is available as either a desktop and tower version-both can be provided with a full-featured hardware interface, or with the Microsoft ®Windows ®based console software for easy-to-use additional features. Alternatively, you can combine the two interfaces for maximum flexibility.The unique Instron Dynacell dynamic load cell minimizes the effects of inertia, providing greater accuracy in dynamic testing.GLoad error in a conventional load cell as a result of acceleration effects. The graph shows how the error is measured. The load is a result of testing frequency for an amplitude of 1mm on a machine fitted with 100kN grips. Instron Dynacell virtually eliminates this error.GA Comprehensive Range of ApplicationsA full range of application software packages are also available. The application suite covers test requirements from fatigue crack propagation to stress corrosion. The consistent design of the applications makes the package easy to learn.On-board conditioner module.GThe design of the Instron 8800 range of controllers makes the best possible use of hardware, firmware and software.All safety-critical functions, such as hydraulic control, are carried out entirely in the hardware- the most reliable medium of all. Real-time priority functions, such as limits, events, PIDL loop, cross-compensation, data logging, amplitude control, adaptive control, filtering and cycle counting, are carried out in firmware, where fast response time can be relied upon - limit actions in 8800 firmware are applied in under one millisecond.Software provides test definition, data storage, analysis, and presentation facilities.Data AcquisitionEach control axis can have up to four transducer conditioners. Each conditioner board includes data acquisition and the option of control capabilities. This means that these boards do not take up valuable slots in the controller, protecting your options for further expansion.Advanced Example of Testing ControlA key principle in the design of Instron ®8800 is protection. It ensures that not only are the operator, test specimen and system itself protected from inadvertent or unavoidable errors, but that your financial investment is protected through future-proofing.19-Bit ResolutionInstron 8800 signal conditioning provides 19-bit resolution over the full scale of the position, load and strain transducers. In addition to ensuring that no data can be lost due to improper range selection, Instron 8800 provides better resolution, repeatability and accuracy than lower quality fixed range controllers. This is true whether your test requires 1% or 99% of the transducers full scale capacity.GInstron 8800 tower controller.GGComparison of Instron 8800 19-bit resolution and 16-bit systems showing eight times greater resolution.Automatic Transducer Recognition and CalibrationSystems without transducer identification allows you to run tests with an uncalibrated transducer, resulting in invalid data. Instron’s 8800 protects you from this type of error. When you change a load cell or extensometer, all you have to do is plug it in. The 8800 Controller automatically recognizes its characteristics, including full-scale, and will not allow you to start a test until you have calibrated it. Limits providing overload protection are set automatically. Sensors manufactured by other suppliers can also be connected to the 8800 and, when fitted with an Instron plug, can have the same recognition capability as Instron devices. Calibration of a transducer is a simple process requiring only a few clicks of the mouse. A calibration wizard within the console software guides you systematically through either an automatic or a more detailed manual calibration procedure. This applies to all transducers that can be accommodated by the system, such as strain gages, accelerometers, LVDTs, load cells, and pressure transducers.Specimen ProtectionUsing the Instron 8800 specimen protect feature, the actuator is moved in position control while an outer load, control-loop ensures that the actuator cannot produce a force that exceeds a pre-set level. This is particularly useful during test set up in protecting your test specimen from overload.more demanding tests, such as low-cycle fatigue, da/dN, KIC and JIC. 8800 console Windows ®. The philosophy is one of simplicity, to create a test control environment in which you know where you are and where you are going, with status information clearly visible.TimeC o n t r o l l e d P a r a m e t e rView of triangular waveform peaks with and without Adaptive ControlWith Adaptive ControlDemanded PeakWithout AdaptiveAmplitude ControlAutomatically adjusts the demand from the waveform generator to match the required amplitude and mean.C o n t r o l l e d P a r a m e t e rTimeAmplitude Control onDesired Maximum Peak LevelAmplitude Control offDesired Minimum Peak LevelAutomatic Loop ShapingAt the touch of a button, the Instron 8800 automatically optimizes the control-loop parameters.S t e p R e s p o n s eTimeNumerous responses to step inputcan be programmedOptimizationInstron 8800 provides several easy-to-use features to allow the controller to be optimized for maximum accuracy.Desktop and Tower Operator PanelThe classic 8800 operator panel provides a fast, flexible option for straight forward testing without the need of a computer.GThe 8800 desktop and tower classic operator panel options provide you with immediate feedback on current test settings. You can see instantly whether limits are activated, and in which mode of control you are operating. You can see real time load, position and strain status, number of cycles, warnings and error signals, and other information in a clear form.Adaptive ControlDuring the test, the 8800 continuously and automatically tunes the control-loop parameters for unsurpassed accuracy.The Instron 8800 control handset allows you to work close to your machine without the necessity of moving from your computer or operator panel. It allows manual positioning of the actuator using a combination of up/down buttons and a fine positioning thumb wheel.Fast, Flexible Software -Accomplish More With LessK IC and CTOD Fracture ToughnessPerforms in accordance with ASTM E399 and BS 7448 for tests on low to medium toughness specimens. Includes full analysis and validity checking.J-Integral Fracture ToughnessPerforms in accordance with ASTM E813 and ASTM E1737 for single specimen J IC and J-Integral tests on high toughness or small specimens. Includes full analysis and validity checking.Variable Amplitude Fatigue Crack GrowthMeasures crack growth rates while subjecting the specimen to either samples in-service loading conditions or standard loading spectra.Fatigue Crack Propagation – da/ dNPerforms in accordance with ASTM E647 for fatigue crack propagation. May also be used to pre-crack specimens for other applications.Random/ Spectrum LoadingProvides simulation of real-life loading through playback of load peak and trough turning points obtained from standard loading spectra, such as FALSTAFF or from components in service.Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF)Performs axial strain-controlled tests in accordance with ASTM E606 and forthcoming ISO standard ISO/ TC164/ SC5. Tests may be carried out in total or plastic strain control.WaveMatrix ™Software for Cyclic TestingInstron ®’s application suite covers a broad spectrum of testing requirements. It includes flexible programs for general purpose testing, and programs for specific applications.An important philosophy in the design of the Instron suite is continuity. Earlier versions of applications run directly on the 8800 system, protecting your investment in your laboratory software.Bluehill ® Software for Static TestingInstron WaveMatrix software is designed for fatigue and dynamic testing, of materials and components. A highly visual environment with integrated tabular screen allows the user to run ramps, cyclic waveforms and complex multi axial tests.Bluehill offers simplicity and power. The easy-to-use tabbed interface provides users with familiar features, such as cut and paste and the ability to easily email reports. Furthermore, Bluehill offers unmatched flexibility in the configuration of methods, results and reports, according to your preferences.All data, graphical and numerical, may be exchanged with any other Windows ®programs including spreadsheets, word processors and databases, allowing you to create personalized reports. All the applications are compatible with both the operator panel and console software.The software applications are designed with the fewest number of screens needed to get the job done. You save time because it takes less time to set up and run tests. Consistent use of software controls, screen layouts and test workflow make applications easy to learn and use.Low-Cycle and Creep Fatigue TestingThe Instron 8860 series of testing systems feature the high stiffness and precisionalignment of the 8800 series two-column load frames, coupled with the high precision and low speed capabilities of an electromechanical actuator. These floor-mounted systems are ideal for low cycle and creep fatigue testing of power plant, advanced materials and manufactured components.35 kNInstron 8861 is a two-column, single-axis load frame accommodating an electromechanical actuator of 35 kN capacity, capable of testing speeds of 1 m m/hr to 100 mm/min. This may be upper crosshead or platen-mounted.100 kNInstron 8862 is a higher capacity configurable two-column load frame accommodating an electromechanical actuator of 100 kN capacity.Tabletop Fatigue TestingThe 8870 series comprises of axial models ranging from 5 kN to 25 kN capacity, and biaxial models of capacities up to 100 Nm, all with the actuator conveniently located in the crosshead for easy table mounting. The T-slot base makes it easy to secure the position of orthopaedic specimens, automotive components and manufacturing assemblies. The adjustable crosshead, actuator-mounted load cell and corrosion resistant T-slot base with unique drain channel are convenient for testing immersed specimens.Instron ®load frames, actuators and hydraulic components have evolved through use in the field over the last 40 years.Design choices encompass options such as two and four-column frames, hydrostatic and labyrinth actuator bearings, tension torsion systems and electric actuator systems. Choices in capacity range from table-mounted frames through to multi-meganewton installations. Older Instron load frames, and thosemanufactured by other companies, can also be enhanced by upgrading to an Instron 8800 controller. Typical load frames are shown on this page.Fatigue TestingThe Instron 8800 series of servohydraulic testing frames are used for higher capacity fatigue and static testing of biomedical, advanced materials and manufactured components, where more working space, higher maximum actuator movement and more customization may be needed or desirable.Technically Advanced Load Frames8801, 100 kN testing system .T-slot base.Model 8861, 35 kN electric actuator system.Model 8862, 100 kN electric actuator system.Inductio or radio frequency (RF) heating is the preferred method for the majority of TMF tests.High speed light testing at 20 m/s.8802, 250 kN with actuator in crosshead .GGTable mounted, 25 kN 8872 systemGGGGGGHigh-Capacity TestingWith a wide range of machine sizes, capacities and orientations, Instron ®can offer custom design expertise in all high-capacity applications from 500 kN to 100 MN. The 8800 Series of high-capacity testing systems are fatigue rated to 2.5 MN. They have precision-aligned frames, high stiffness load frames, and a range of high-capacity actuators and grips and fixtures. For higher capacity tests, load frames are configured to suit specific applications, taking into account the testing equipment, the laboratory space and load configuration.25 kN to 100 kNThe Instron 8 801 is an easy-to-use, precise and versatile servohydraulic testing system. The high stiffness and precise alignment of the Instron 8801 system ensure consistent sample loading for reliable results.100 kN to 500 kNThe 8802 is a configurable two-column, single-axis load frame capable of accommodating actuators from 10 kN to 250 kN capacity. The 8803 is a higher capacity configurable two-column load frame capable ofaccommodating actuators from 250 kN to 500 kN capacity.500 kN to 2.5 MNThe 8804, 8805 and 8806 machines are configurable four-column, single-axis load frames. The 8804 accommodates actuators of 500 kN capacity the 8805 accommodates hydrostatic/ labyrinth bearing actuators of 500 kN, and hydrostatic bearing actuators of 1000 kN capacity; and the 8806 accommodates hydrostatic bearing actuators of 1000 kN and 2500 kN capacity.Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue (TMF) TestingHigh Rate TestingG。

氧化锆氧量/可燃性气体分析变送器OCX 8800性能•1台仪器分析氧量和可燃性气体两个参数,变送器设计形式,便于安装;•电子变送单元可以直接安装在氧化锆锆头上,也可以分体安装;•防爆、全天候外壳设计,满足欧洲ATEX设计规范;•通用电源设计(90-250VAC,50-60Hz);•完全可以在现场进行维修;•具备HART数字通讯功能,与AMS/PlantWeb现场总线结构兼容;•简化安装-不需要安装电气接线盒、锆头专用电缆和穿线管;-通用电源设计可以提供线电压自动选择;-适用于氧含量和可燃性气体的分析。
增强型氧含量/可燃性气体分析变送器适用于燃烧应用的烟气分析Emerson Process Management在原有OCX 4400氧含量/可燃性气体分析变送器的基础上,取其精华,改进了可燃性气体传感器的设计,提高了仪器测量单元的可靠性。
因此,OCX 8800是目前市场上最新型、最可靠的氧含量/可燃性气体分析变送器。
OCX 8800与OCX 4400相比,设计理念是一致的,不同的是检测传感器的工作更加稳定,使用的电子变送单元和应用软件更加先进。
在Oxymitter分析仪中应用非常成熟的氧化锆检测技术仍然是OCX 8800氧含量测量的基础,其结合了新型专利的可燃性气体检测传感器,可以测量温度高达2600ºF(1427ºC)烟气的氧含量和可燃气体浓度。
OCX 8800有2个隔离的4-20mA信号输出,分别代表氧含量和可燃性气体浓度,其完全可以依据工艺要求,定义测量范围。
OCX 8800外壳的防护等级为NEMA 4X,适用于危险区域安装,满足北美CSA/FM Class 1、Div. 1和欧洲ATEX II 2 GEExd的防爆要求。
OCX 8800具备HART数字通讯功能,与AMS/PlantWeb现场总线结构兼容,借助于375 HART手操器、或个人计算机(使用AMS设备管理软件),可以与OCX 8800进行通讯。
艾默生(Emerson) 罗斯蒙特 智能仪表诊断信息参考手册

Sensor Module temperature updates have
stopped or are outside the factory configured 值超出出厂设定的故障极限值。
failure limits.
Process Alerts
Electronics Alarms 电子模件报警 HW/SW Incompatible
Simulation Active Electronics Failure
LCD Failure
NV Memory Failure NV Writes Deferred
3051C Fieldbus and HART Pressure Transmitters (5) AI, AO, ISEL, CHAR, ARITH, INTEG, PID, Description Device Alerts - Passed via DD
Device Alerts - Passed via DD
主测量值故障 第二测量值故障
传感器模块内存故障 主测量值超限 第二测量值超限
Pressure updates from the sensor module
Secondary Value Failure
Senor Board NV Memory Failure
Primary Value Degraded
Process Alarms 工艺报警 Reverse Flow Low Flow Cutoff
OCX_8800_中文 29

OCX 8800氧/可燃性气体分析变送器安装使用说明书使用LOI的COe D/A调整程序按下列步骤可使用现场通讯器进行COe D/A调整程序。
必要时可参阅第6部分“现场通讯器”中HART 菜单树。
1. 在DIAG/SERVICE(诊断/服务)菜单上选择D/A TRIM(D/A调整)。
按上箭头键或下箭头键选择COeD/A TRIM(COe D/A调整)。
2. 按右箭头键开始程序。
3. 现场通讯器显示WARNING: Loop should be removed from automatic control(警告:回路必须从自动控制上移出)。
应在任何自动控制回路上移出OCX 8800,避免潜在的危险性工作状态,然后按OK。
4. 现场通讯器上显示Connect reference meter to combustibles output(将参考仪表连接至可燃气体输出)。
5. 打开电子壳体表盖。
6. 参阅图2-6。
连接数字万用表,读出COe D/A转换器电路的毫安输出。
7. 现场通讯器上显示Setting Fld dev output to 4 mA(设定现场设备输出至4 mA)。
8. 现场通讯器上显示Setting Fld dev output to 20 mA(设定现场设备输出至20 mA)。
9. 现场通讯器上显示Setting Fld dev output to 4 mA。
10. 现场通讯器上显示Fld dev output 4.00 mA equal to reference meter?(现场设备输出4.00 mA等于参考仪表?)。
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防爆区域防爆区域OCX 8800氧/可燃性气体可燃性气体分析变送器分析变送器安装安装使用使用使用说明书说明书说明书特别说明特别说明OCX 8800氧/可燃性气体可燃性气体分析分析分析变送器变送器请在安装请在安装、、操作之前操作之前,,仔细阅读本节内容仔细阅读本节内容!!Emerson Process Management (Rosemount Analytical )设计、生产和测试过的各种产品均符合许多国家和国际标准,仪器的性能经得起各项相应的产品性能测试。
在安装、使用、维护Emerson Process Management (RosemountAnalytical )分析仪器时,要严格执行以下的说明,否则,将可能导致人员伤亡,财产损失,仪器设备损坏和相关质量承诺的失效。
如果有不能充分理解的地方,请与Emerson Process Management (Rosemount Analytical )联系。
说明书的解释权归属Emerson Process Management (Rosemount Analytical )当地代理办事处。
为了今后对分析仪器进行正确的安装为了今后对分析仪器进行正确的安装、、操作操作、、维护维护,,Emerson Process Management (RosemountAnalytical )将在现场对用户进行产品培训。
当需要向厂家购买更换的零部件时,更换工作要由Emerson Process Management (RosemountAnalytical )指定的指定的、、有资质的专业人员来进行。
第一章第一章 仪器简介和技术规格仪器简介和技术规格仪器简介和技术规格图1-1. 典型的OXC 8800分析系统分析系统套装组件套装组件套装组件1. 说明书。
2. 现场通讯套装组件(选择项)。
3. 配对法兰组件,带螺栓、螺母、垫片和衬板。
4. 参比气及标定组件(选择项)。
5. 反吹硬件(选择项)。
6. 防爆分体式OCX 8800分析仪。
7. 防爆一体式OCX 8800分析仪。
图1-2. 系统操作框图连接和和AMS应用通讯连接分析仪的的通讯图1-3. 防爆一体式OCX 8800分析仪连接连接和和AMS应用通讯连接分析仪的的通讯图1-4. 防爆防爆分分体式OCX 8800分析仪连接图1-5. 典型的典型的一一体式体式系统安装系统安装图1-6. 典型的分典型的分体式体式体式系统安装系统安装常规技术指标((11))测量范围 :O2:0-1%至0-40%;可燃性气体:0-1000ppm 至0-5%通过HART 手操器或LOI 操作员接口,可以现场选择 精 度 :O2:读数的±0.75%或0.05% O2,取较大的数值可燃性气体:满量程的±2%系统响应时间系统响应时间::O2:T90为10秒;可燃性气体:T90为25秒 温度极限 :过程温度:32至2600°F (0至1427°C );检测单元外壳:-40至212°F (-40至100°C ); 电子单元外壳:-40至149°F (-40至65°C ) 锆头长度和运输重量:18英寸(457毫米),54磅(24.5公斤)3英尺(0.91米),55磅(24.5公斤) 6英尺(1.83米),57磅(26公斤)9英尺(2.74米),59磅(26.8公斤)安装及安装位置 :锆头:法兰;电子变送单元:墙面安装或短管安装 材 质 :锆头:1300°F (704°C )选择316L 不锈钢1832°F (1000°C )选择Inconel 600 2600°F (1427°C )选择陶瓷检测单元和电子变送单元外壳:低铜铝 标 定 :半自动标定或自动标定推荐的标定气体 :0.4% O2,背景气为氮气;8% O2,背景气为氮气;1000ppm CO ,背景气为空气标气流量 :7标准立方英尺/小时(0.5升/分钟)参 比 气 :清洁干燥的仪表风(20.95% O2),35psi (238KPa ),2标准立方英尺/小时(1升/分钟) 排放引导气 :清洁干燥的仪表风(20.95% O2),35psi (238KPa ),5标准立方英尺/小时(2.5升/分钟) 稀 释 气 :清洁干燥的仪表风(20.95% O2),35psi (238KPa ),0.1标准立方英尺/小时(0.5升/分钟) 反吹气反吹气((选择项选择项)):清洁干燥的仪表风(20.95% O2),55psi (374KPa ) 防护等级 :检测单元:NEMA 4X (IP65),2个3/4"-14NPT 电缆进线孔电子单元:NEMA 4X (IP65),2个3/4"-14NPT 电缆进线孔 电气噪音 :满足EN 61326-1、EN61000-3-2和EN61000-3-3标准;防爆选择 :CSA/FM :Class I ,Zone 1,Ex D IIB+H2 T3/T6;AEx D IIB+H2 T3/T6; ATEX :II 2 G EEx D IIB+H2 T3/T6;FM :Class I ,Zone 1,AEx d IIB+H2 T2(锆头);Class I ,Zone I ,AEx de IIB+H2 T6(电子单元)电源电压 :通用电源100-240VAC±10%,48-62Hz ,无需切换开关或跨接片。
电源电缆进线孔3/4″-14 NPT 。
模拟输出 :2个隔离的4-20mA 输出,分别代表O2和可燃性气体,最大负载为950欧姆,带HART 通讯功能报警报警输出输出输出继电器继电器继电器::干继电器,30mA ,30VDC逻辑信号逻辑信号((选择项选择项)):SPA 现场可编程报警模块,可用于低O2报警、高可燃性气体报警、仪器正在标定、设备故障报警电源功耗:锆头加热器最大额定功耗750瓦;电子单元最大额定功耗50瓦。
如何如何使用使用LOI概述 显示屏显示屏方向方向 LOI 控制件 LOI 菜单树概述本部分涉及OCX 8800中LOI 模块的安装和操作。
显示屏显示屏方向方向LOI 模块在安装时应插入LOI 板上的连接器。
LOI 板安装在电子表壳中电子部件组件的端部,如图4-1所示。
LOI 模块的背面有4个供配合用的连接器,便于按用户需求调整LOI 的方向。
图4-1. LOI 组件安装词汇对照表:Electronics Housing (Cover Removed): 电子装置外壳(表盖已取下) Electronics Stack: 电子部件组件 LOI Connector: LOI 连接器 LOI Board: LOI 板 LOI Module: LOI 模块LOI控制件概述LOI使用浅蓝色的气体荧光显示屏,如图4-2所示,色泽强度可调。
应予指出:OCX 8800中还可以使用HART或FOUNDATION现场总线进行通讯;通过375型现场通讯器,也可以访问任何数字式O2信号终端上的所有仪表功能。
图4-2. LOI组件词汇对照表:Touch Confirmation LED: 触摸确认LEDSelection Arrow (Enter Key): 选择箭头(确认键)Selection Arrow: 选择箭头Lockout Notation: 锁定记号Status Code: 状态代码Display Window: 显示窗口Selection Arrow: 选择箭头LOI键功能按灰色(左上角)左箭头键,可移至菜单结构中的高一级水平。
锁定锁定((Lockout )LOI 具有锁定特性,可以防止被人无意中触摸玻璃窗口,或者雨水、粉尘、昆虫等引起的引起的无序动作。
要求解锁显示屏时,应输入“Z ”图形(图4-3)。
首先触摸左上角键,然后触摸右上角键,再依次触摸左下角键和右下角键,则显示屏右上角将显示LK 记号。
再次触摸Enter 键可进入菜单结构。
图4-3. “Z ”图形输入LOI 状态代码LOI 显示屏的右下角显示状态代码。
表4-1. LOI 状态代码 代码 名称与描述AL 报警 – 设备处于可恢复的报警状态。
BL 反吹 – 反吹循环激活。
CA 校准 – 校准循环激活。
CV 校准校准验证验证 – 校准验证任务在进行过程中。
NM 正常 – 设备处于正常工作模式。
PO 电源电源接通接通 – 系统水平初始化激活。
SF 系统故障 – 设备处于不可恢复的报警状态。