Festo ELFC-KF-60-2000 线性滑动轨迹导轨说明书
![Festo ELFC-KF-60-2000 线性滑动轨迹导轨说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3be0983b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff84945.png)
guide axis ELFC-KF-60-2000
Part number: 8062823
Data sheet
Working stroke Size Stroke reserve Assembly position Guide Design structure Max. acceleration Max. speed Duty cycle Corrosion resistance classification CRC PWIS conformity RSBP classification to CD-0033 Cleanroom class Protection class Ambient temperature Area moment of inertia 2nd degree Iy Area moment of inertia 2nd degree Iz Max. force Fy Max. force Fz Max. torque Mx Max. torque My Max. torque Mz Torsional mass moment of inertia It Displacement force Fy with theoretical service life of 100 km (from a guide perspective only) Fz with theoretical service life of 100 km (from a guide perspective only) Mx with theoretical service life of 100 km (from a guide perspective only My with theoretical service life of 100 km (from a guide perspective only) Mz with theoretical service life of 100 km (from a guide perspective only) Moving mass Additional weight per 10 mm stroke Material of end caps Material of profile Materials note Material cover tape Material cover Material guide slide Material guide rail Material slide
生产运营中心 技术组
二、直线导轨的安装 三、安装注意及维护 四.我们需现有的垂直安 装
1.导轨及滑块固定方式 1.导轨装配螺丝之扭力 值
2.各品牌的安装、注意 及维护
4.直线导轨常用品牌与 4.直线导轨各种安装方
5.直线导轨的配置 5.我们现有的安装方法
本教材参考THK、上银、NSK的选型手册,请各位同事多 多的查阅选型手册,从中了解和掌握选型的正确方法
本册资料有与各品牌公司所述有出入的,请与各品牌资料 为准!
Festo 产品说明书
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Traducción del manual original 1Documentos aplicablesTodos los documentos disponibles sobre el producto è/pk.Observar los documentos aplicables:–Instrucciones motor –Instrucciones eje2Seguridad 2.1Instrucciones de seguridad–Montar el producto solamente en aquellos componentes cuyo estado sea seguro.–Limpiar los ejes. El cubo de acoplamiento [17] solo se agarrará sin deslizamiento en un gorrón que esté seco y libre de grasa. –Respetar la alineación del cubo de acoplamiento [17].–Apoyar la combinación:–en caso de componentes de motor pesados o de gran saliente–en caso de vibraciones fuertes y cargas de choque y de masas excéntricas–Realizar un recorrido de referencia de los ejes después de soltar o de girar elmotor.–Seleccionar elementos de fijación necesarios. El conjunto incluye los elementos de fijación máximos necesarios.–Respetar los pares de apriete. Si no hay indicaciones especiales, la toleranciaes de ± 20 %.2.2Uso previsto 2.2.1UtilizaciónConexión en paralelo de un eje con un motor.2.2.2Ejes y motores admisiblesFallo funcional y daños materiales por sobrecarga.Las magnitudes de salida del motor no deben superar los valores admisibles de los componentes empleados.Valores admisibles è /catalogue.•Limitar en consecuencia las magnitudes de salida del motor.•Deducir el eje y el motor de los códigos de interfaz.Ejemplo: EAMMU...V2540P V25: acoplamiento de eje 40P : acoplamiento de motor Acoplamiento de ejeEje 1)V20EGSCBS25, EPCCBS25V25EGSCBS32, ELGCBS32, EPCCBS32V32EGSCBS45, ELGCBS45, EPCCBS451) Mini carro EGSCBS, eje de accionamiento por husillo ELGCBS, cilindro eléctrico EPCCBSTab. 1Acoplamiento de motorMotor 1)38AAMotor de otras marcas 40RMotor de otras marcas 40RAMotor de otras marcas1) Servomotor EMM...ASTab. 2La cualificación de los motores de otras marcas con acoplamiento mecánico apropiado utilizados en la combinación es responsabilidad del usuario.Su representante local de Festo le podrá indicar cuáles son los motores válidos de otras marcas è /sp.2.3Cualificación del personal técnicoEl montaje solo debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado. 3Información adicional–Accesorios è /catalogue.4Cuadro general del producto 4.1Suministro1Cuerpo (1x)2Tornillo (4x)5Correa dentada (1x)6Disco para correa dentada de eje (1x)7Tapa (1x)8Tornillo (3x)15Disco para correa dentada de motor (1x)16Tornillo prisionero (1x)17Cubo de acoplamiento (1x)18Anillo de retención (2x)19Estrella de elastómero (2x)20Anillo deslizante (2x)21Pasador roscado (3x)Fig. 1 Suministro30Manguito reductor (4x)Fig. 2 Complemento con EAMMU...40R/40RA 5Montaje 5.1Ensamblaje5.1.1Premontaje del acoplamientoFig. 3 Instalar anillo deslizante, lado del motor1.Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [K] del acoplamiento [17] del lado del motor.2.Desenroscar el tornillo prisionero [16].Fig. 4 Deslizar el cubo de acoplamiento •Insertar el cubo de acoplamiento [17] con el taladro apropiado en el gorrón del eje [C].8096444EAMM-U-...-V...-...A/P/R-3Conjunto paralelo8096444201901[8096447]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Alemania+49 711 347Fig. 5 Alinear el cubo de acoplamiento1.Respetar la distancia (Y) .2.Apretar el tornillo prisionero del lado del motor [16].Fig. 6 Instalar anillo deslizante, lado del eje •Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [L] del cubo de acoplamiento del lado del eje [P].5.1.2Alineación de acoplamientoAlineación defectuosa del acoplamientoSi la dimensión Y está mal ajustada, se produce un mayor desgaste de la correa y puede provocar el contacto mecánico entre disco para correa dentada y cuerpo y tapa.•Respetar la distancia.Fig. 7 Alineación del cubo de acoplamiento EAMM-U-Y ±0,3[mm]45V2538AA 2645V2540R 25,545V2540RA 18,545V3238AA 2645V3240R 25,545V3240RA18,5Tab. 3 5.1.3Conexión motor y ejeFig. 8 Fijar el disco para correa dentada del lado del motor1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el exterior, en el disco para correa dentada [15].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [15] junto con la estrellade elastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [17].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [N] del cubo deacoplamiento [17].Fig. 9 Fijar el disco de correa dentada por el lado del eje1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el exterior, en el disco para correa dentada [6].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [6] junto con la estrella deelastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [P].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [C] del cubo deacoplamiento [P].Fig. 10 Fijar el cuerpo al eje1.Insertar el cuerpo [1] en el collar de centrado del ejeÄEl pasador antirrotación [O] del eje encaja en el taladro del cuerpo [1].2.Fijar el cuerpo [1] con los pasadores roscados [21] en la ranura en V del collarde centrado.Fig. 11 Posicionamiento del motor •Posicionar el motor en el cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.Fig. 12 Colocar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligeramente.2.Colocar la correa dentada [5] primero en el disco para correa dentada [15] y,después, en el disco para correa dentada [6].Con el EAMMUV..40R/40RA se requieren los manguitos reductores [30].Fig. 13 Colocar el manguito reductor •Montar los manguitos reductores [30] en los orificios de fijación del motor.Fig. 14 Fijar el motor •Fijar el motor con los tornillos [2] al cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse pero no se puede inclinar más.5.1.4Tensado de la correa dentadaExcesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Cargas radiales inadmisibles o rotura del eje.Elevado desgaste de la correa dentada, así como de los cojinetes del eje y del motor.•Evítese una excesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Se recomienda que la pretensión de la correa dentada sea reducida.La correa dentada [5] estará tensada cuando los ramales [D] discurran más o menos en paralelo:–Destensada: y > x–Tensada: y L1 … 1,05 xFig. 15 Ramales de la correa dentadaFig. 16 Tensar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor hasta que sobre la correa dentada [5] se ejerza la fuerzaelástica Fv.2.Apretar los tornillos [2].EAMM-UFuerza elástica Fv[N]305 ... 153817 (4045)17 (40)Tab. 4 Fuerza de tensión admisible de la correa dentada5.1.5Montaje de la tapaFig. 17 Montar la tapa •Antes de la puesta en funcionamiento: fijar la tapa [7] con los tornillos [8] al cuerpo [1].5.2Instalación 5.2.1Soporte de la combinación de eje y motorFig. 18 La combinación debe soportarse sin crear tensiones •Apoyar la combinación libre de tensiones para evitar daños.6Durante el funcionamiento Riesgo de lesiones al tocar superficies calientes.El juego de montaje del motor se calentará debido al calor generado por el motor.•No tocar el juego de montaje del motor durante el funcionamiento ni inmediatamente después.Riesgo de lesiones por movimiento inesperado de componentes en caso de fallo de la correa dentada.•Cumplir las medidas de seguridad complementarias.7Mantenimiento 7.1Comprobación de la correa dentadaLa correa dentada [5] es una pieza de desgaste è /spareparts. probar la correa dentada [5] periódicamente:–cuando se cumplen los plazos de mantenimiento de la máquina –cuando se sustituye un eje2.Sustituir la correa dentada [5] cuando aparezcan los siguientes indicios dedesgaste:–fuerte acumulación de partículas de desgaste en la carcasa –grietas en el dorso de la correa dentada–hilado de tracción de fibra de vidrio visible en la base de los dientes 7.2Sustitución de la correa dentadaFig. 19 Desmontar la correa dentadaEn caso de montaje en posición vertical o transversal:•Respetar las instrucciones de seguridad correspondientes incluidas en lasinstrucciones del eje.1.Retirar los tornillos [2].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.2.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligeramente.3.Retirar la correa dentada [5] de los discos para correa dentada [6] y [15].8Especificaciones técnicas8.1Tamaño de tornillos y pares de aprieteEAMM-U-[2] [Nm][8] [Nm][16][Nm][21][Nm] 45V2538AA M3x241,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 45V2540R M3x201,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 45V2540RA M3x161,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 45V3238AA M3x241,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 45V3240R M3x201,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 45V3240RA M3x161,2M3x81,2M2,5x81M3x60,8 Tab. 5。
FESTO 产品说明书.pdf_1705473771.2110207
![FESTO 产品说明书.pdf_1705473771.2110207](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8a32478ca48da0116c175f0e7cd184254b351b25.png)
ca Festo /
Sostituire l'unità
Perdita udibile sulla guarnizione dello stelo
Spedire l’apparecchio al servizio di assistenza tecni ca Festo / Sostituire l'unità
stenza tecnica Festo
Comportamento di marcia irregolare
Regolare l'aria di scarico con i regolatori di portata unidirezionale / Sostituire l'unità
Graffi longitudinali sullo stelo
minore rispetto a quella conseguente a un impiego in ambiente privo di particola
– Verificare la funzionalità delle aste di guida e del supporto a intervalli più rav
Il pistone si sposta violentemente nella posi PPV: regolare l'ammortizzatore di finecorsa
zione terminale
Senza PPV: spedire l’apparecchio al servizio di assi
Байду номын сангаас
Tab. 4
直线导轨报告1. 引言直线导轨作为一种常见的机械传动元件,在机械工程中有着广泛的应用。
2. 直线导轨的定义和结构直线导轨是一种用于工件或工作平台直线运动的装置。
3. 直线导轨的工作原理直线导轨通过导轨滑块在导轨上的滑动来实现工件的直线运动。
4. 直线导轨的应用领域直线导轨在许多领域中都有着重要的应用。
以下是一些常见的应用领域:4.1 机床工业直线导轨广泛应用于机床工业中,用于实现工件的精确定位和加工。
4.2 自动化生产线直线导轨用于自动化生产线中的工作平台或输送装置,实现工件的准确移动和定位。
4.3 电子设备制造直线导轨被用于电子设备制造中,例如光盘刻录机、打印机等设备中的工作台移动。
4.4 医疗设备直线导轨在医疗设备中也有应用,例如手术台、检查床等设备的位置调整。
5. 如何选择直线导轨在选择直线导轨时,有几个关键因素需要考虑:5.1 载荷和速度根据实际应用需求,选择合适的导轨滑块和导轨尺寸,以确保能够承受所需的载荷和运动速度。
Festo 产品使用说明书
![Festo 产品使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9785ffcd0f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7302766cbc.png)
原版操作手册的译本© 2020 Festo SE & Co. KG 保留一切权利1关于本文件1.1文件用途本文件介绍了上述产品的使用。
本文件还包含在安全相关系统内使用产品的信息(符合 IEC 61508 标准的安全手册)。
1.2适用文件有关产品的所有可用文件 è 。
文件名内容工作条件 EX 有关产品在爆炸性气体环境中使用的信息认证材料机械安全测试认证Tab. 1 适用文件1.3目标人群该文件面向安装及运行该产品的人员。
1.4指定标准版本IEC 61508-1:2010IEC 61508-7:2010IEC 61508-2:2010IEC 61511:2016IEC 61508-4:2010–Tab. 2 指定标准2安全2.1一般性安全提示–仅在原装状态下使用产品,请勿擅自进行改动。
–由专业人员定期进行产品检查并加以记录 è 9 维护。
工作介质–只允许使用符合规格说明的压缩空气 è 14 技术参数。
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–请联系 Festo 公司当地的联系人。
直线导轨是支撑工作台,安装在床台上 , 工作台锁固于滑块上,沿滑轨作直线运动。
导向的功能—使移动件沿单一自由度运动, 以保证单一方向的行走精度。
承载的功能—是支撑移动件的重量,避免 挠曲变形。
环型运动 环型运动
有限行程的直线运动 有限行程的直线运动
最大工作负荷的计算: ;
寿命L计算: 。
摩擦力 ,其中刮油阻力 ,运动垂直方向负荷 ,摩擦力系数取 ,带入以上数据,得 。
注油频率 ,供油速率为 。
本导轨设计为HG系列直线导轨,相较其他直线导轨,又有பைடு நூலகம்己的特点。
刮油片及底面尘封防尘片可阻止加工铁屑或尘粒进入滑块里面,破坏珠道表面而降低直线导轨寿命。上防尘片可有效防止 粉尘从导轨上表面或螺栓孔出进入滑块内部。
Ball screw and toothed belt axes ELGCand mini slides EGSCCompact systems!When compact dimensions are essential, the linear axes ELGC andmini slide EGSC can be combined into space-optimized handlingsystems that fit seamlessly into your application. These low-costaxes are the ideal choice for applications in electronics assembly,small parts handling, dispensing, test and inspection, labautomation, and many other desktop applications.Ball screw and toothed belt axes ELGCDesigned with a high-quality ball bearing guide inside, these actuators are commonly used as horizontal and vertical axes in Cartesian handling systems. Mini slide EGSCThese high-performance mini slides offer smooth, quiet ball screw operation. They are ideal for integration into multi-axis systems and commonly used as vertical Z-axes.Optimized designsThe ELGC and EGSC have a clean, professional look that is less prone to contamination. They are weight-optimized to minimize moving mass in assembled systems. And the flexible motor position and orientation makes effective use of the available space. Effortless assemblyThe ELGC and EGSC axes are easily combined and assembled into 2-axis and3-axis systems without the need for any special expertise or tools. Build compact 2D and 3D desktop gantries, pick and place solutions, cantilever systems, and more.Single axes and complete handling systemsLinear Z-axis gantryHandling solutions for precisionapplications• Ball screw axes ELGC and EGSCprovide excellent repeatability• Effortlessly assemble space-optimized systems• A vailable with parallel motormounting kits3-axis dynamic solutionsCompact 3D systems for dynamicapplications with largerworkspaces• Ball screw or toothed belt axesELGC for horizontal and verticalmotion• Toothed belt ELGC actuatorsavailable up to 2 m long forlarge workspaces3-axis precision solutionsCompact 3D systems forprecision applications inassembly, dispensing, testing,parts handling, and more• Ball screw linear axes ELGC forhorizontal motion combinedwith mini slides EGSC forvertical movements• Sturdy 90° adapter providesadded rigidity for higher loads3-axis cantilever systemsInstallation-space optimized 3Dhandling system for higher loads• Passive guide ELFCsignificantly increases theload-carrying capacity of theX-axis• Use passive guide ELFC withlonger Y-axes and higher loads3D low profile systemsLow profile design to operate incompact machine designs• The mini H gantry EXCM-30 forXY movements is available forworkspaces up to 700 mm x510 mm• Mini slide EGSC for verticalmovements up to 200 mmSingle-axis solutionCompact and precise, use theEGSC with parallel motormounting kit• A vailable with axial motormounting kit• C ommonly used as a verticalZ-axis in 2-axis and 3-axissystemsPick, rotate and place solutionCompact 2D solution for picking,rotating and placing components• Directly mount the mini slideEGSC and electric rotaryactuator ERMO; no additionaladapter plates required• Also available with parallelmotor mounting kitsModular systems for effortless expansionFlexible motor mounting for toothed belt axes• Modify motor orientation at any time• Axial kit provides 4 x 90° motor orientationsLow-cost sensor brackets and sensors• Use for homing routine • Use as limit switches to prevent overtravel• Sensors are triggered by magnets built into the axesYoke plate on mini slide EGSC Standardized interface for electric rotary actuator ERMO means no adapter plate is required• Reduced cost and assembly time• Minimized installation spaceUniversal mounting accessories • Same mounting accessories for ball screw and toothed belt ELGC and mini slide EGSC, simplifying machine design and inventory requirements • Mount anywhere along the actuator profile Compact handling systems Optimized design provides very space-efficient solutions • Maximized workspaces,especially with motor mounted in parallel configuration • Meets installationrequirements for applications in the electronics industryFlexible motor mounting for ball screw axes and mini slide • Modify motor position and orientation at any time• Axial kit provides 4 x 90° motor orientations • P arallel kit provides 3 x 90° mounting directions and 3 x 90° motor orientationsIntegrated coupling• Highly compact double-bearing design requires less space for motor mounting• Integrated coupling reducesmotor coupling lengthBall screw and toothed belt axes ELGC at a glanceThe benefits of a modular system – Use as a low-cost stand-alone axis or as a complete solutionToothed belt axis ELGC-TB-KF• Three actuator sizes withspeeds up to 1.5 m/s and amaximum length of 2,000 mm• Toothed belt for dynamicmovements• Guide and toothed belt areprotected by a stainless steelcover band• Delivered fast from local stockIntegrated coupling• Compact coupling integratedinto the toothed belt axis toreduce cost and installationtime• Minimizes motor footprint• E asy motor mounting• E asily assemble with parallel oraxial motor mounting kit1 Stainless steel cover band• To protect the interior guideand toothed belt• Tight seal thanks to magneticstrips• No sagging with invertedinstallation2 Recirculating ballbearing guide• Integrated recirculating ballbearing guide with longservice life• Rigid precision guide rail toabsorb high guide forces3Magnet for homing sensorand limit switches• Magnet on both sides incarriage• Standard with ball screw andtoothed belt axes• For simple, low-cost proximityswitch SMT-8MBall screw axis ELGC-BS-KF• Four actuator sizes with speedsup to 1 m/s and a maximumlength of 1,000 mm• Precision, high-quality ballscrew for excellent repeatability• Guide and ball screw areprotected by a stainless steelcover band• Delivered fast from local stockClean look design• Easy to clean profile and lessprone to contamination• Professional appearance yourcustomers will appreciateCarriage mounting• Mount directly to the carriageon the base axis• Easily mount linear axes ELGC,passive guides ELFC, or minislides EGSC• Mount next size down axiswithout adapter plateBreathing port• Standard: closed to seal theaxis and reduce particleemissions• Optional: connect a standardfitting and apply pressurizedair to keep dirt out or applyvacuum for use in cleanroomsFlexible motor mounting• Modify motor position andorientation at any time• Parallel and axial kits for theELGC-BS provide even greaterflexibility for motor positionIntegrated coupling withcompact double bearing• Compact coupling integratedinto the ball screw axis toreduce cost and installationtime• High-performance double ballbearing to absorb motor forcesand minimize motorinstallation space• Easily assemble with parallel oraxial motor mounting kitGuide axis ELFC-KF• Four actuator sizes with speedsup to 1.5 m/s and a maximumlength of 2,000 mm• No drive mechanism withrecirculating ball bearing guideand freely moveable carriage• Use in multi-axis systems toincrease torsional resistanceand reduce vibration duringdynamic movements• Delivered fast from local stockMini slide EGSC-BS at a glanceThe benefits of a modular system – Use as a low-cost standalone axis or as a complete solutionMini slide EGSC-BS• Four highly compact actuator sizes with speeds up to 600 mm/s and a maximum length of 200 mm• Precision, high-quality ball screw for excellentrepeatability and long service life• Recirculating ball bearing guide for yoke slide with high load bearing capacity• Delivered fast from local stockIntegrated linear guideThe precision linear guide and the durable ball bearing guide are integrated into the housing:• Rigid precision guide rail to absorb lateral forces• Improved protection against rotation at high torques• Enhanced rigidity of the mini slideBall screw• High grade, low-friction ball screw for very smooth movements• Low friction minimizes the no-load torque to allow use of smaller motors• Using smaller motors reduces the size, weight, and power consumption of the axisscrew nut• Standard with mini slide EGSC • For simple, low-cost proximity switch SMT-8MCompact double bearing:• High-performance double ball bearing to absorb motor forces and minimize motor installation space• No additional bearing required in parallel kits making them more compact• Smaller dimensions for more compact handling systemsIntegrated couplingFlexible motor mounting • Modify motor position and orientation at any time• Parallel and axial kits for the ELGC-BS provide even greater flexibility for motor positionYoke plateStandardized interface for electric rotary actuator ERMO means no adapter plate is required• Reduced cost and assembly time• Minimized installation spaceBreathing port• Standard: sintered plate screwed in port• Optional: connect a standard fitting and apply pressurized air to keep dirt out or apply vacuum for use in cleanroomsHigh performance AC servo and ServoLite motorsHigh performance AC servo and ServoLite drivesEMMS-ASAC Servo motors EMMS/E-AS• Optional multi-turn absoluteencoder to eliminate homingroutine• IP65 protection for connectorsand motor housing EMME-ASServoLite motors EMMS-ST• Stepper motors with encoderfeedback• Use with ServoLite drives forpositioning, torque, and speedtasksServoLite drives CMMO/CMMS-STServoLite drives offer servoperformance with a steppermotor and closed-loop encoder• Control position, speed, andtorque• Change motion profiles on thefly to meet your applicationneeds• Sophisticated sequencingbetween position, speed, andforce tasks• Fast delivery from local stockCMMS-ST CMMO-STAC servo motor drive CMMP-AS-M0/M3• Highly functional servo drivesfor position, torque, and speedcontrol• Wide range of control protocolsmake it easy to integrate intoyour machine, includingEtherNet/IP. PROFINET,EtherCAT, digital I/O, analogI/O, Modbus TCP, CANopen, andmore• Single-phase drives from 500 Wto 1 kW• Three-phase drives from 3 kWto 9 kW• Safe Torque Off (STO) up tocategory 4, PLe• Optional SD card to store FWand parameters for drivereplication or field replacement• Fast delivery from local stockCMMP-AS-M0CMMP-AS-M3EMMS-ST Compact 2-axis mini planar surface gantry EXCM-30Highly functional, extremelycompact and with maximumworkspace coverage• The EXCM-30 is a planarsurface gantry that uses theH-bot kinematic concept tomaximize dynamic response ina compact form factor• Workspaces up to 700 mm x510 mm• Integrated recirculating ballbearing guide for long servicelife• Available with or withoutmotor/drive packagePLC control protocols• Digital I/O for simple control ofup to 31 position sets• CANopen and Ethernet TCP/IPcontrol for unlimitedpositioning sets• 2-axis drive CMXH coordinatesthe XY movements of thecarriageAdditional options• Universal flange adapter forconnection of Z-axes, includingmini slide EGSC• Flexible 3D energy chain forprofessional-looking tubingand cable managementCompact and low-cost electric rotary actuator ERMOCompact and low-cost electricrotary actuator• Rotate and orient componentsto any angle• Unlimited rotation angles• Suitable as the end-of-armtooling on the front-end of yourhandling system, or use forrotary index table in assemblyapplications• The sealed hollow shaft forpass through of sensor cablesand tubing for a grippereliminates cables floppingaround as the gripper rotates• Delivered fast from local stockRobust and precise bearing• Backlash-free pre-tensionedball bearing of rotating plate• Excellent planar and concentricrunning properties• Designed to absorb high forcesand torques• External mounting kit forlimiting the swivel angle,adjustable up to max. 270°ServoLite controllerUsed to control the ERMO, theServoLite drive CMMO-ST offersservo performance with astepper motor and closed-loopencoder• Control position, speed, andtorque• Change motion profiles on thefly to meet your applicationneeds• Sophisticated sequencingbetween position, speed, andtorque tasksElectromechanical axis sizing and selection made easy with PositioningDrivesPositioningDrives software foreasy selection of Festo actuator,motor and drive• Input your applicationrequirements andPositioningDrives providesvalid combinations of actuator,motor, and drive to meet yourneeds• Properly size axes to minimizecosts• Save time when selectingelectromechanical axes• Create a bill of materialseffortlessly and export it toyour Online Shop basket foreasy orderingMaximum productivity is a question of ambitionDo you share this attitude? We will be glad to help you achieve this goal – through our four outstanding qualities: • Security • Efficiency • Simplicity • Competency We are the engineers of productivity. Discover new dimensions for your company: /whyfesto13130000 e n 02/2018。
FESTO ELFR无驱动线性滑动引导轴产品参数说明书
![FESTO ELFR无驱动线性滑动引导轴产品参数说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/477c7bd2b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2bdf.png)
Guide axes ELFR, without drive2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without driveCharacteristicsAt a glance• Driveless linear guide units with guide and freely movable slide • The guide axis is designed tosupport force and torque capacity in multi-axis applications• Higher torsional resistance• Reduced vibrations with dynamic loads• Drive axis and guide axis can be arranged adjacent to or above one another• Plain-bearing guide – For small loads– Restricted operating behaviour with torque load– Guide not backlash-free• Recirculating ball bearing guide – For medium loads– Very good operating behaviour with torque load– Backlash-free guide (preloaded guide elements)Associated drive axisToothed belt axis ELGR• For size 35, 45, 55• Load capacity up to max. 300 N or 124 Nm• Max. feed force of 350 NSystem product for handling and assembly technology216Guide axes ELFR, without driveType codes32023/12 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without drivePeripherals overview123456752023/12 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Guide axes ELFR, without driveData sheet-N-Size 35 ... 55-T- Stroke length50 ... 1500 mm -É-1) Including slide6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without driveData sheet1) Including slideMaterialsSectional view12372023/12 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Guide axes ELFR, without driveData sheetCharacteristic load valuesThe indicated forces and torques refer to the centre of the guide. The point of application of force is the point where the centre of the guide and the longi-tudinal centre of the slide intersect.These values must not be exceeded during dynamic operation. Special at-tention must be paid to the decelera-tion phase.If the axis is subjected to two or more of the indicated forces and torques si-multaneously, the following equation must be satisfied in addition to the indicated maximum loads:Calculating the load comparison factor:F 1/M 1 = dynamic value F 2/M 2= maximum valueService lifeThe service life of the guide depends on the load. To provide a rough indication of the service life of the guide, the graph below plots the load comparison factor f v against the service life.These values are only theoretical. You must consult your local contact person at Festo for load comparison factors f v greater than 1.5.Load comparison factor f v as a function of service lifel [km]f v1001000100005000000.511.522.533.5Example:A user wants to move an X kg load. Using the above formula gives a value of 1.5 for the load comparison factor f v . According to the graph, the guide would have a service life of approx. 1500 km. Reducing the acceleration reduces the Mz and My values. A load comparison factor of 1 now gives a service life of 5000 km.H- -NoteEngineering software Electric Motion Sizing/x/electric-motion-sizingffff vvvv =�FFFF yyyy 1�FFFF yyyy 2+|FFFF zzzz 1|FFFF zzzz 2+|MMMM xxxx 1|MMMM xxxx 2+�MMMM yyyy 1�MMMM yyyy 2+|MMMM zzzz 1|MMMM zzzz 2≤18d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without driveData sheetMinimum nominal strokeWith standard slide or long slide L with additional slide ZR/ZL/ZBStroke reserveL18 = Nominal stroke L19 =Stroke reserve• The stroke reserve is a safety distance from the mechanical end position and is not used in normal operation • The sum of the nominal stroke and 2x stroke reserve must not exceed the maximum permissible working stroke• The stroke reserve length can be freely selected• The stroke reserve is defined via the "stroke reserve" characteristic in the modular product system.Example:Type ELFR-45-500-20H-...Nominal stroke = 500 mm 2x stroke reserve = 40 mm Working stroke = 540 mm (540 mm = 500 mm + 2x 20 mm)Working stroke reductionWith standard slide or long slide L with additional slide ZR/ZL/ZBL7 = Length of slideL16 = Distance between the two slides L17 = Length of additional slide• For a toothed belt axis with addi-tional slide, the working stroke is re-duced by the length of the addition-al slide and the distance between the two slides• If the variant long slide L is ordered, the additional slide is not extendedExample:Type ELFR-35-500-...-ZR Working stroke = 500 mm L16 = 10 mm L7, L17 = 76 mmWorking stroke withadditional slide = 414 mm(500 mm – 10 mm – 76 mm)2nd moments of areaRecommended deflection limitsAdherence to a maximum deflection of 0.5 mm is recommended so as not to impair the functionality of the axes. Greater deformation can result in increased friction, greater wear and reduced service life.Guide axes ELFR, without drive Data sheet9 2023/12 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without driveOrdering data – Modular product systemOrder codeMandatory dataO top U bottom R right L left V front H rearAccessoriesNC d Page 13MANM SA, SB SA, SBGuide axes ELFR, without drive Ordering data – Modular product system[1] -... The sum of nominal stroke and 2x stroke reserve must not exceed the maximum stroke length.8[2] ZR, ZL, ZB working stroke reduction a page11 2023/12 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Guide axes ELFR, without drive AccessoriesProfile mounting MUE (order code MA)Material: Anodised aluminiumRoHS-compliantSensor bracket EAPM-...-SHS , switch lug EAPM-...-SLS (order code SA/SB)Material:Switch lug: galvanised steel Sensor bracket: anodised wrought aluminium alloyRoHS-compliant12d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/12Guide axes ELFR, without drive Accessories1) Packaging unit2) 2 centring sleeves included in the scope of delivery of the axis13 2023/12 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...。
Festo 产品说明书
![Festo 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a1a058a04128915f804d2b160b4e767f5acf80ac.png)
Double stop dog for long unsupported length Opening system for rapid opening,either from the right or the leftCross bars with high locking rangeLateral glide surfaces for side-mounted operation Tried-and-tested mounting bracket Integrated strain relief possibleSeries 2400 and 2450snap-open along inner radiusSeries 2450 half E-Tube snap-open along inner radius, either from the right or the leftFully enclosed E-Tube Series 2480snap-open along inner radiusModular interior separationEasy assembly by optimized pinAlso available as ESD versionStrain relief separator - Separator with integrated strain relief page 5.112RRBaPlease note: For using this series for long travels (gliding),please consult with igus first. For long travels, igus specifies E-Chains that snap open on the outer radius.0 = standard color, other colorspage 1.39 · Pitch = 46 mm/link - Links/m = 220 = standard color, other colorspage 1.39 · Pitch = 46 mm/link - Links/m = 22RRPlease note: For using this series for long travels (gliding),please consult with igus first. For long travels, igus specifies E-Chains that snap open on the outer radius.Please note: For using this series for long travels (gliding),please consult with igus first. For long travels, igus specifies E-Chains that snap open on the outer radius.Series 2400·2450·2480·2500E-ChainsOption KMA, pivoting forSeries 2400 and Series 2500Option KMA, locking forSeries 2400 and Series 250024501 (2)The attachment variants arising971.30.SL 971.31.SL971.80971.30.SL A.0577960.30.125960.30.175.0797960.30.150960.30.200.09109960.30.175960.30.225.10123960.30.175960.30.225.12145960.30.200960.30.250A quick fix for mountingthe stationary end of an E-ChainWith this module for the fixed end, fast and easy mounting onto the Aluminum "SuperTrough" is now possible without any drilling. Fast mounting of the E-Chain by clamping onto the aluminum troughQuick relocation of the stationary end NoInsert for the installation set"Heavy-Duty":971.50.XXX instead of (960.30.XXX)on the right column "attached outwards"Guide trough set (set of 2 trough side parts, incl. glide strips) without glide bar Order text: 16 m guide trough without glide bar (8 x 2 m sections)Part No.Guide trough set (set of 2 trough side parts, incl. glide strips) with glide bar Order text: 16 m guide trough with glide bar (8 x 2 m sections)Part No.Module for the fixed end Order text: 1 setPart No.Option: For an additional noise dampening with silencer profile, please add Index A - Example:Part No.Installation set "Basic"Components, trough "Basic": Trough side parts, aluminum, 2 mGlide bar, plastic, 2 m Glide strips, plastic, 2 m (without glide strips onrequest) Optional: Silencer profile, rubberComponents, installation set "Basic": Bottom clamp, aluminum C-profile, steel galvanizedScrew M6 x16Sliding nut M6Interface connector, plasticPart No. 971.30| 971.31| Trough height: 87 mmAluminum "SuperTrough"| Basic VersionBa =Outer width E-Chains Bi =Inner width E-Chains ha =Outer height E-Chains H Ri =Inner trough height H Ra =Outer trough height B Ri =Inner trough widthB Ra =Outer trough widthn Mon n Ri !H Ri ≥2 • ha B Ri ≥Ba + 4= Guide trough set = Installation set "Basic"Principle sketch: Number of installation sets to be installed =Number of trough sections + 1。
Festo 产品说明书 AEVULQ-20-20-P-A 型号
![Festo 产品说明书 AEVULQ-20-20-P-A 型号](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c416457b2bf90242a8956bec0975f46527d3a73e.png)
Data sheet
Feature Stroke Piston diameter Cushioning Assembly position Mode of operation
Piston-rod end Design structure
Position detection Variants Protection against torque/guide Operating pressure MPa Operating pressure
Pneumatic connection Material of flange screw Material cover Material of dynamic seals
Material piston rod Material cylinder barrel
20 mm 20 mm P: Flexible cushioning rings/plates at both ends Any single-acting pushing action Female thread Piston Piston rod For proximity sensor Single-ended piston rod Square piston rod 0.1 ... 1 MPa 1 ... 10 bar 14.5 ... 145 psi Compressed air in accordance with ISO8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] Lubricated operation possible (subsequently required for further operation)
2 - Moderate corrosion stress VDMA24364-B1/B2-L -20 ... 80 °C 0.14 J 171 N 20 g 6g 149 g 23 g with through hole with accessories Optional M5 steel, galvanized Wrought Aluminium alloy NBR TPE-U(PU) High alloy steel, non-corrosive Wrought Aluminium alloy
Festo Didactic 实验室实验系列球钢驱动器和线性滑槽说明书
![Festo Didactic 实验室实验系列球钢驱动器和线性滑槽说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/efda7ef8dc3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b171b05e.png)
LabVolt Series Datasheet Ball screw drives and linear bearings593824 (46889-00)* The product images shown in this document are for illustration purposes; actual products may vary. Please refer to the Specifications section ofeach product/item for all details. Festo Didactic reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.Festo Didactic en 12/2023Ball screw drives and linear bearings, LabVolt SeriesTable of ContentsGeneral Description_________________________________________________________________________________3 Topic Coverage_____________________________________________________________________________________3 List of Manuals_____________________________________________________________________________________3Ball screw drives and linear bearings, LabVolt Series••••General DescriptionThis package includes hardware and tools to teach ball screws and linear bearings installation and maintenance skills.The following components are included:- 1x ball nut, with a single circuit and a return tube- 100x replacement balls- 4x linear, self-aligning ball bushings, with five ball circuits and two external retaining rings- 1x bearing housing and ball screw assembly with two angular-contact ball bearings- 2x linear slide supports- 1x carriage assembly- 1x spoked handwheel with handle to manually operate the linear slide assembly- 1x Phillips-head screwdriver- 1x hook-spanner wrench- 2x panels for storage, inventory, and identification of most components listed. An outline of each component is printed on the panel. The panel has two handles and is designed to be stored on a wall-mounted support or inside the optional work bench- 1x printed copy of the instructor manual. The content of this instructor manual is the same as the student manual (sold separately), but also includes answers and comments.Topic CoverageLinear bearings Ball nuts and ball screws Backlash Pitch, lead, start, and speedList of ManualsDescription ManualnumberBall Screws and Linear Bearings (Workbook (Instructor)) _________________________________596157 (49350-3C)Ball Screws and Linear Bearings (Workbook (Instructor)) ________________________________8121664 (49350-30)Ball screw drives and linear bearings, LabVolt Series Reflecting the commitment of Festo Didactic to high quality standards in product, design, development, production, installation, and service, our manufacturing and distribution facility has received the ISO 9001 certification.Festo Didactic reserves the right to make product improvements at any time and without notice and is not responsible for typographical errors. Festo Didactic recognizes all product names used herein as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © Festo Didactic Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.Festo Didactic SERechbergstrasse 373770 DenkendorfGermanyP. +49(0)711/3467-0F. +49(0)711/347-54-88500Festo Didactic Inc.607 Industrial Way WestEatontown, NJ 07724United StatesP. +1-732-938-2000F. +1-732-774-8573Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd675 rue du CarboneQuébec QC G2N 2K7CanadaP. +1-418-849-1000F. +1-418-849-1666。
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Moment in the rolling direction (MC moment)
Gradient tan В
0.001 0.0005
Applied moment M (kN·m)
Fig. 2 Result of Comparison between Models SRW and SRG in Moment Rigidity in the Rolling Direction (MC Moment)
■LaCS (Laminated Contact Scraper)
Unlike the metal scraper, LaCS removes foreign matter through surface contact with the LM rail. As a result, it demonstrates a high dust-prevention effect against minute foreign matter, which was difficult to remove with the metal scraper.
Metal scraper Hexagon socket bolt
Fig. 9
LaCS Hexagon socket bolt
Fig. 10
●Symbols of Dust Prevention Accessories
If a dust prevention accessory is required, indicate the corresponding symbol shown in table 1. The overall LM block length increases according to the type of the dust prevention accessory. Refer to table 2 below.
End seal Hexagon socket tapping screw
Fig. 5
■Double seals
The double-seal assembly is an option designed to achieve increased sealability. Even if the first end seal fails to trap part of foreign matter, the second seal traps it, thus to prevent it from entering the LM block.
This catalog uses recycled paper.
SRW Roller Guide with Caged Technology Model SRW
LM block
Endplate End seal
LM rail
Pipe Retainer plate Roller cage Roller
Dust Prevention Accessories
■End seal
Attached to both ends of the LM block, the end seal prevents foreign matter and water adhering to the top and side faces of the LM rail from entering the LM block. This accessory is available as standard as a means to prevent the lubricant inside the LM block from leaking.
Features of Model SRW
●Super-ultra-high Rigidity
Since it has a wide rail and can be secured on the table using the two rows of mounting bolts, the mounting strength is significantly increased. In addition, since the crosswise raceway distance is large (wide), model SRW is structurally strong against a moment load (MC moment) in the rolling direction. Model SRW uses rollers that show little elastic deformation as its rolling elements, and the overall length of each roller is 1.5 times greater than the diameter, thus to increase the rigidity.
■Side seal
The side seal blocks foreign matter and water from entering the LM block from its lower side face. It is also effective in preventing the lubricant from leaking from the bottom of the LM block.
Width dimension: approx. 1.5 times greater
Secured using two rows of mounting bolts
Fig. 3 Comparison between Models SRW and SRG in Cross Section
●Smoothness Achieved through Skewing Prevention
Wide Type Roller Guide with Caged Technology
Ultra-High Rigidity, Heavy Load Low Friction Long Service Life, Long-Term Maintenance-Free Operation
●Long-term Maintenance-free Operation
Use of the roller cage eliminates friction between rollers and enables the lubricant to be retained in grease pockets formed between adjacent rollers. As the balls circulate, the grease pocket serves to provide the required amount of lubricant to the contact curvature of the spacer and the roller, thus to achieve long-term maintenance-free operation.
The roller cage allows rollers to form an evenly spaced line while circulating, thus preventing the rollers from skewing as the block enters a loaded area. As a result, fluctuation of the rolling resistance is minimized, and stable, smooth motion is achieved.
Table 2 Overall LM Block Length of Model SRW with a Dust Prevention Accessory Attached
Grease pons
If foreign matter or dust enters model SRW, it may lead to abnormal wear of the product, damage of the raceway or rollers or damage of the circulation structure, which may shorten the service life. Therefore, where entry of foreign matter or dust is predictable, it is necessary to take an effective dust-prevention measure that meets the service environment. THK offers a wide range of options in order to respond to extensive service environments. When desiring to use one of the options, indicate that the option is required when placing an order for the product.
Roller cage (component that holds rollers)
Roller cage
Magnified view of the circulation path
Cross section
Fig. 1 Structure of Model SRW