测试报告 英文


Test Report

Date: [Date of writing the report]

1. Introduction

The purpose of this test report is to summarize the results of the testing activities performed on [Name of the

software/product/application] in order to identify any defects or issues. The objective is to assess the overall quality and functionality of the software and provide recommendations for improvements, if necessary.

2. Scope

The testing activities included in this report cover the [specific features/functionality/module] of the software under test. The testing was performed in a controlled environment using a combination of manual and automated testing techniques.

3. Testing Environment

• Hardware: [List of hardware devices and specifications used for testing]

• Softwa re: [List of software tools and versions used for testing] • Network: [Description of the network configuration used for testing]

4. Test Objectives

The primary objectives of testing were to:

• Verify the functionality of [specific features/functionality/module] • Identify any defects/bugs

• Validate the software against defined requirements

• Assess the software's performance and stability

5. Test Approach

The testing was carried out in the following phases:

• Test Planning: Defining the test strategy, objectives, and requirements.

• Test Design: Identifying test cases and scenarios based on specifications and requirements.

• Test Execution: Executing test cases and scenarios, logging defects, and tracking their progress.

• Test Analysis: Analyzing the results, identifying trends, and generating reports.

• Test Closure: Determining if any additional testing is needed and preparing for the next testing cycle.

6. Test Results

The test results showed [summary of major findings and observations]. The software performed well in terms of [specific areas], but [specific issues or defects] were identified and logged. 7. Recommendations

Based on the test results, the following recommendations are made: • Address the identified issues and fix the defects.

• C onduct further testing on [specific areas] to ensure optimal performance.

• Enhance the user interface for improved usability.

• Implement additional security measures to protect user data.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, the testing activities performed on [Name of the software/product/application] provided valuable insights into the software's functionality, performance, and quality. The identified defects and issues should be addressed in order to improve the overall user experience. Overall, the software showed promise and has the potential to meet the intended requirements once the necessary improvements are implemented.

9. Appendices

• Test Cases: [List of test cases executed]

• Defect Log: [Summary of logged defects with their respective status]

• Te st Execution Log: [Summary of test execution activities] Please note that further details on test cases, defects, and logs can be provided upon request.


跌落试验报告中英文对照全面 1. Test diagram 测试图示 2. Test result 测试结果 Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好No appearance defects 外观良好DC 300V/0.01s CR ≦3Ω IR ≧10MΩ Swing 30°Match condition 符合条件Drop height 跌落高度1m Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好Match condition 符合条件 1m No appearance defects 外观良好 OK OK 2#OK Test result description 结果描述Judgement 判定 Sample No. 样品编号1#Visual Inspection 外观检验 Note 备注 According to (SAE/USCAR-2 5.4.8)OK OK Judgement 综合判定 3#4#5#■ PASS 合格□ NG 不合格 OK Test machine 测试设备Test Item 测试项目 Drop & Condution Test 跌落及导通测试 Result of measurement 测试结果 Test Requirement 测试要求 1. Drop onto a horizontal marble floor surface from a height of 1m, test for 4 faces of product, 3times in each cycle; 距水平大理石地板1米的高度跌落,产品4个面分别做3次; 2. After test, DC voltage :300V, time:10ms, Condution risistance 3Ω Max, Insulation risistance 10MΩ Min, No open/short & miss wire, No NG at moment.

软件开发中 常见英文文档 缩写

软件开发中常见英文文档缩写(2011-10-17 21:52:57)转载▼ 标签:项目文档中英对照表项目管理杂谈分类:IT 软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写: 英文简写文档名称 MRD market requirement document (市场需求文档) PRD p roduct requirement document (产品需求文档) SOW 工作任务说明书 PHB P rocess Handbook (项目过程手册) EST Estimation Sheet (估计记录) PPL Project Plan (项目计划) CMP Software Management Plan( 配置管理计划) QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计划)RMP Software Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TST Test Strategy(测试策略) WBS Work Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构) BRS Business Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书) SRS Software Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书) STP System Testing plan (系统测试计划) STC System Testing Cases (系统测试用例) HLD High Level Design (概要设计说明书) ITP Integration Testing plan (集成测试计划) ITC Integration Testing Cases (集成测试用例) LLD L ow Level Design (详细设计说明书) UTP Unit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划) UTC Unit Testing Cases (单元测试用例) UTR Unit Testing Report (单元测试报告) ITR Integration Testing Report (集成测试报告) STR System Testing Report (系统测试报告) RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵) CSA C onfiguration Status Accounting (配置状态发布) CRF Change Request Form (变更申请表) WSR Weekly Status Report (项目周报) QSR Q uality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报) QAR Quality Audit Report(质量检查报告) QCL Quality Check List(质量检查表) PAR Phase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告) CLR C losure Report (项目总结报告) RFF Review Finding Form (评审发现表) MOM Minutes of Meeting (会议纪要) MTX Metrics Sheet (度量表) CCF ConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表) BAF B aseline Audit Form(基线审计表) PTF Program Trace Form(问题跟踪表) 分享:


光源光谱测试报告英文 Title: Light Source Spectral Testing Report. 1. Introduction. This report presents the results of the spectral testing conducted on a light source. The purpose of this testing was to analyze the spectral characteristics of the light emitted by the source. 2. Testing Methodology. The spectral testing was performed using a spectrometer, which measures the intensity of light at different wavelengths. The light source was positioned at a fixed distance from the spectrometer, and multiple readings were taken to ensure accuracy. 3. Results and Analysis.

The spectral testing revealed the following characteristics of the light source: Wavelength Range: The light emitted by the source ranged from X nanometers to Y nanometers. Peak Wavelength: The peak intensity of the light occurred at a wavelength of Z nanometers. Spectral Distribution: The spectral distribution of the light exhibited a particular pattern, indicating the presence of specific wavelengths or color components. Color Rendering Index (CRI): The CRI of the light source was determined to be XX, indicating its ability to accurately render colors. 4. Discussion. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the light source possesses a specific spectral profile. The wavelength range and peak wavelength provide insights into


编号: Text here,Consistent with the application number Report No.: 测试报告 Test Report 产品名称: Text here Sample name 型号规格: Text here Spec. 委托单位: Text here Client 测试类别: Test type选择一项。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX测试中心 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTEST CENTER

注意事项 Notice 1、报告封面及结论页无检验单位公章鲜章无效。 The report cover and conclusion page are invalid without the official seal of the test center. 2、报告无编制人、审核人和批准人共同签字无效。 The report is invalid iwithout signature of editor , verifier and the approver. 3、报告不完整或有涂改无效。 The report is invalid if it’s incomplete or altered . 4、对报告若有异议,请在15日内以书面形式通知本中心。 If you have any objection to the report, please inform us in written form within 15 days. 5、报告用于广告或宣传无效。 The report is not valid for advertising or publicity. 6、本报告仅对所检样品负责。 This report is only responsible for the examined samples in question. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX测试中心 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTEST CENTER 地址: A d d.:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 邮政编码: P.C.:XXXXXX 电话: T e l.:XXXXXXXXXXXX

测试报告 英文

测试报告英文 Test Report Date: [Date of writing the report] 1. Introduction The purpose of this test report is to summarize the results of the testing activities performed on [Name of the software/product/application] in order to identify any defects or issues. The objective is to assess the overall quality and functionality of the software and provide recommendations for improvements, if necessary. 2. Scope The testing activities included in this report cover the [specific features/functionality/module] of the software under test. The testing was performed in a controlled environment using a combination of manual and automated testing techniques. 3. Testing Environment • Hardware: [List of hardware devices and specifications used for testing] • Softwa re: [List of software tools and versions used for testing] • Network: [Description of the network configuration used for testing] 4. Test Objectives

中英文Test Report1

Test Report 测试报告 Page 1 of 3 Report No.报告编号RLSZC000466440001 第1页,共3页Applicant SHENZHEN FENGCAI PAINT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 申请人:深圳丰彩油墨科技有限公司 Address 3TH INDUSTRLAL AREA SHA JING BAOAN,SHENZHEN CHINA 地址:中国深圳宝安沙井第三工业区 Report on the submitted sample(s) said to be 报告提供样品 Sample Name INK 样品名称:油墨 Sample Description Blue-gray ink 样品简述蓝灰色油墨 Part No.部分编号:011,012,014,024,025,032,038,041,043,044,048,051,052,T-3,T-7,T-186,XT-300 Sample Received Date 样品接收日期2010年3月4号 Testing Period测试期:2010年3月4日—3月10日 Test Requested As specified by client, to determine the Fluorine(F), Chlorine(CI), Bromine(Br), Iodine(I) content in the submitted sample. 测试要求:由委托人指定,确定提交的样品中含有氟(F), 氯(CI), 溴(Br), 碘(I) 等要素 Test Method Test Result(s) Please refer to the following page(s). 测试结果请参阅以下页 Tested by测试员Inspected by 检验员 Approved by批准人Date日期 No. 56657036


软件测试常用英语词汇 静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough 代码审查:Code Inspection 技术评审:Review 动态测试:Execution-Based Testing 白盒测试:White-Box Testing 黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing 灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing 软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance 软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle 冒烟测试:Smoke Test 回归测试:Regression Test 功能测试:Function Testing 性能测试:Performance Testing 压力测试:Stress Testing 负载测试:Volume Testing 易用性测试:Usability Testing 安装测试:Installation Testing 界面测试:UI Testing 配置测试:Configuration Testing 文档测试:Documentation Testing 兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing 安全性测试:Security Testing 恢复测试:Recovery Testing 单元测试:Unit Test 集成测试:Integration Test 系统测试:System Test 验收测试:Acceptance Test 测试计划应包括: 测试对象:The Test Objectives 测试范围: The Test Scope 测试策略: The Test Strategy 测试方法: The Test Approach, 测试过程: The test procedures, 测试环境: The Test Environment, 测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria 测试用例:The Test Cases 测试进度表:The Test Schedules 风险:Risks 接口:Interface 最终用户:The End User

Metal tensile test 金属拉力测试 实验报告 英语

Metal Tensile Test 1.The purpose: ①Measure the yield limit, the ultimate strength, the elongation fracture of low carbon steel. ②Measure the ultimate strength of cast-iron. ③Observe the phenomena when low carbon steel and cast-iron are pulling, work out the curve that the deformation changing with the outer force(F-△L curve). 2. The equipments and the instruments. Universal material testing machine, screw micrometer. 3. Sample. In this experiment, we choose “ten times sample”, which means L o=10d o. 4.The theory in this experiment. ①The experiment of pulling low carbon steel. There are 4 stages in the deformation of low carbon steel: elastic stage, yield stage, intensive stage, local deformation stage. P s is the minimum load in the second stage. And P b is the load after which the sample comes to the 4th stage. ②The experiment of pulling cast-iron. There is no yield stage in the test of cast-iron, when the load comes to the ultimate strength P b, cast-iron will broken. And


中英版产品检验报告模版 产品检验报告模板 Product Inspection Report Template 1. 报告概述 Report Overview 本报告旨在对以下产品进行质量检验,并提供相关测试结果和质量评估。 This report aims to conduct quality inspection on the following products and provide corresponding test results and quality assessment. 2. 产品信息 Product Information 产品名称:(中文) Product Name: [Chinese] (英文) Product Name: [English] 生产商:(中文) Manufacturer: [Chinese] (英文) Manufacturer: [English] 供应商:(中文) Supplier: [Chinese] (英文) Supplier: [English] 订单号: Order Number: 检验日期: Inspection Date: 3. 检验项目 Inspection Items 本次检验涵盖的项目包括但不限于以下内容: The following items are covered in this inspection but not limited to: 3.1 外观检查 Appearance Inspection

对产品的外观进行检查,包括颜色、图案、工艺等方面的评估。Evaluate the appearance of the product, including color, patterns, craftsmanship, etc. 结果: Results: 3.2 尺寸检查 Dimension Inspection 对产品的尺寸进行检查,包括长度、宽度、高度等方面的测量。Measure the dimensions of the product, including length, width, height, etc. 结果: Results: 3.3 功能检测 Functionality Test 对产品的功能进行测试,包括开关、电池、灯光、声音等方面的评估。Test the functionality of the product, including switches, batteries, lights, sounds, etc. 结果: Results: 3.4 安全性检查 Safety Inspection 结果: Results: 4. 检验结果 Inspection Results 综合以上检验项目的结果,对产品的整体质量进行评估,并给出相应 的检验结果。 Based on the results of the above inspection items, evaluate the overall quality of the product and provide corresponding inspection results.


报告的动词的英文单词 1. Present: 展示 2. Submit: 提交 3. Deliver: 交付 4. Introduce: 介绍 5. Explain: 解释 6. Provide: 提供 7. Discuss: 讨论 8. Analyze: 分析 9. Review: 回顾 10. Assess: 评估 11. Evaluate: 评估 12. Compare: 比较 13. Contrast: 对比 14. Examine: 检查 15. Investigate: 调查 16. Identify: 辨认 17. Explore: 探索 18. Outline: 概述 19. Summarize: 总结 20. Present: 呈现 21. Review: 复习 22. Highlight: 强调 23. Demonstrate: 展示 24. Describe: 描述 25. Illustrate: 阐明

26. Define: 定义 27. Clarify: 澄清 28. Emphasize: 强调 29. Suggest: 建议 30. Propose: 提议 31. Argue: 争论 32. Advocate: 提倡 33. Conclude: 结论 34. Recommend: 推荐 35. Expose: 揭示 36. Prove: 证明 37. Dissect: 剖析 38. Display: 展示 39. Enumerate: 枚举 40. Indicate: 指示 41. Record: 记录 42. Report: 报告 43. Show: 展示 44. Teach: 教授 45. Instruct: 指示 46. Introduce: 介绍 47. Cover: 覆盖 48. Study: 学习 49. Investigate: 调查 50. Explore: 探索 51. Present: 呈现 52. Identify: 确定


英文检测报告 引言: 在当今全球化的时代,英文能力已经成为一个重要的竞争优势。无论是学术研究、职业发展还是跨文化交流,良好的英文能力都 是必备的。因此,我们经常面临着各种形式的英文检测,以评估 我们的英文水平。本文将探讨英文检测报告的重要性以及如何理 解和运用这些报告。 1. 英文检测的重要性 英文检测作为一种评估工具,有助于量化我们的英文能力。它 可以帮助我们了解自己在语法、词汇、听力、阅读和写作等方面 的强项和弱点。这种评估可以激励我们制定学习计划,有针对性 地提升相应的技能。 2. 如何解读英文检测报告 英文检测报告通常提供了一个全面的分析,反映了我们的英文 水平。以下是一些常见的报告项目和解读方法: a. 语法:这一项目涉及到我们对英文语法规则的掌握程度。 通常,报告会列出我们在各个语法方面的得分,比如动词时态、

名词性从句、非谓语动词等。通过读懂这些得分,我们可以了解自己在不同语法项目上的表现,进而有针对性地进行学习。 b. 词汇:这一项目测试了我们的词汇量和词汇应用能力。报告会给出我们在词汇量、近义词辨析、词汇联想等方面的得分。通过分析这些得分,我们可以发现自己在扩充词汇、提高词汇应用能力方面的不足之处。 c. 听力:听力部分考察了我们对英文的听力理解能力。报告中会给出听力材料的难度、正确率等信息。通过了解听力材料的特点和自己的得分,我们可以判断自己是否需要提高对口语速度和不同口音的理解能力。 d. 阅读:阅读部分考察了我们的阅读理解能力。报告会详细列出我们在阅读理解、识别文章结构等方面的得分。通过分析这些得分,我们可以了解自己在阅读速度、提取关键信息等方面的不足,并制定相应的学习计划。 e. 写作:写作部分评估了我们的写作能力以及语言表达的准确性和流畅性。报告会给出我们在不同写作方面的得分,如写作


Test Report No.: QDHL1703004537ST_EN Date: MAR.21, 2017Page 1 of 6 HEBEI CHINJOO ART MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD NO 1. CHINJOO ROAD, HENGDE INDUSTRIAL PARK GUCHENG COUNTY, HENGSHUI CITY, HEBEI, 253800, CHINA The following samples were submitted and identified by/on behalf of the client as: KNEADABLE ERASER Sample Quantity : 1 STYLE x 1 PC SGS Ref. No. : TAOTY1700922201/ TJHL1703000762ST Labeled Age Grading : NOT STATED Requested Age Grading : 12+ Age Group Assessed As Per Age : / Guideline Age Group Applied in Testing : OVER 12 YEARS OLD Sample Receiving Date : MAR.13, 2017 Final Information Date : MAR.20, 2017 Testing Period : MAR.13, 2017 TO MAR.21, 2017 Test Requested Result Although this is not a toy, the European Standard on Safety of Toys was applied as per client’s request. There may be additional hazards and labeling requirements that are not covered by this standard: EN 71-1:2014 – Safety of toys – Part 1: Mechanical and Physical Properties Pass Labeling requirement (Washing/Cleaning Label, CE mark, importer / manufacturer mark (name, address), product identification) according to the Directive 2009/48/EC- Safety of toys See Result Page EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014 – Safety of toys – Part 2: Flammability Pass EN 71-3:2013+A1:2014 – Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements (for dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material) See Results ************ FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE REFER TO THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) ************* SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Qingdao Branch Approved by: Zhou Xinkuan, SK Lab Manager


软件测试常用英语词汇 静态测试:Non—Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough 代码审查:Code Inspection 技术评审:Review 动态测试:Execution—Based Testing 白盒测试:White-Box Testing 黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing 灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing 软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance 软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle 冒烟测试:Smoke Test 回归测试:Regression Test 功能测试:Function Testing 性能测试:Performance Testing 压力测试:Stress Testing 负载测试:Volume Testing 易用性测试:Usability Testing 安装测试:Installation Testing 界面测试:UI Testing 配置测试:Configuration Testing 文档测试:Documentation Testing 兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing 安全性测试:Security Testing 恢复测试:Recovery Testing 单元测试:Unit Test 集成测试:Integration Test 系统测试:System Test 验收测试:Acceptance Test 测试计划应包括: 测试对象:The Test Objectives 测试范围: The Test Scope 测试策略: The Test Strategy 测试方法: The Test Approach, 测试过程: The test procedures, 测试环境: The Test Environment, 测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria 测试用例:The Test Cases 测试进度表:The Test Schedules 风险:Risks 接口:Interface 最终用户:The End User
