



The leg is a long appendage that extends from the hip to the foot.
The foot has many bones and ligaments that support the weight of the body and provide stability during locomotion.
The head is the uppermost part of the human body, containing the brain and the sense organs.
The face also contains various facial expressions that are used to communicate emotions and intentions.
Body parts vocabulary learning
Head and facial words
Face: The front part of the head that has features such as eyes, nose, and
Legs and feet
It has three bones, the femur, the tibia, and the fibula, and it is used for walking, running, and balancing. The foot is the end part of the leg and it is made up of five toes.
Primary School English Teaching - Body Parts



小学英语身体的部位单词篇一:三年级身体部位单词body 身体headfacemouthshoulderfingerhand hair ear eye nose arm stomachlegkneefoot人的身体部位单词总结:身体手头胳膊腿(复数)左边右边头发眼睛嘴耳朵鼻子脸篇二:人体各部位英语单词(含音标)人体各部位英语单词一、头部及颈部的人体部位英语单词 1.、head 头 [hed] 2、brain 脑[bre?n]3、skull 颅骨, 头盖骨(骷髅头) [sk?l] 13、mole 痣[m??l]14、lips 嘴唇 (upper lip上唇,lower 17、lip下唇) [l?ps] [??p? lip] [?l?u? 4、hair 头发 [h??] 5、forehead 额[?f?:hed] 6、nerve 神经[n?:v] 7、eye 眼睛 [a?]8、eyebrow 眉毛[?a?bra?] 9、ear 耳朵[??(r)] 10、nose鼻子[n?uz] 11、cheek 面颊[t?i:k] 12、dimple 酒涡[?d?mpl 二、手和脚的人体部位英文单词1、hand 手 [h?nd]2、arm 手臂[ɑ:m]3、palm 手掌 [pɑ:m]4、finger 手指[?f??g?(r)]5、nail 指甲 [ne?l]6、fist 拳头 [f?st]7、back 手背[b?k]8、wrist 手腕[r?st]lip]15、mouth 口[ma?θ] 16、cavity口腔 [?k?v?ti]17、tooth 牙齿(众数teeth) [tu:θ] 18、tongue 舌 [t??] 19、chin 下巴 [t??n]20、whiskers 络腮胡 [?w?sk?s] 21、throat 喉咙, 咽喉[θr??t] 22、neck 脖子[nek]9、elbow 肘 [?elb?u] 10、bone 骨 [b??n] 11、skeleton骨骼 [?skel?tn] 12、thigh 大腿[θa?] 13、muscle 肌肉 [?m?sl] 14、knee 膝盖 [ni:] 15、leg 腿 [leg]16、shank 小腿[k][ti:θ]17、foot 脚 [fut]三、人体胸部和下半身各部位英语单词 1、shoulder 肩[uld?] 2、pit 胸口[p?t]3、joint 关节 [dnt]4、chest 胸部[t?est]5、abdomen 腹部 [??bd?m?n]6、navel 肚脐 [?ne?vl] 四、内脏各部位英语单词 1、vein 静脉[ve?n]2、artery 动脉 [?ɑ:t?ri]3、capillary 毛细血管[k??p?l?ri] 4、nerve 神经[n?:v]5、spinal marrow 脊髓 [?spa?n?l ?m?r??]6、internal organs 内脏 [?n?t?:nl] [??:ɡ?nz]7、heart 心脏 [hɑ:t]8、blood vessel 血管 [bl?d ?ves?l] 9、lung 肺 [l??] 10、kidney 肾脏 [?k?dni] 常见蔬菜 1tomato [t?'mɑ:t??] 西红柿7、waist 腰 [we?st]8、back 背 [b?k]9、backbone 脊柱 [?b?kb??n] 10、hip 臀部[h?p]11、bottom 屁股 [?b?t?m]11、stomach 胃 [?st?m?k] 12、gullet 食管 [?g?l?t] 13、liver 肝脏 [?l?v?(r)] 14、pancreas 胰腺 [?p??kri?s] 15、spleen 脾 [spli:n]16、small intestine 小肠 [sm?:l ?n?test?n]17、large intestine 大肠 [lɑ:d??n?test?n] 18、anus 肛门[?e?n?s]19、bladder 膀胱 [?bl?d?(r)] 20、urine 尿道[?j??r?n]2、 lettuce ['let?s] 莴苣3 4cucumber ['kju:k?mb?] 黄瓜 aubergine ['??b??i:n], eggplant12 beet, beetroot ['bi:tru:t] 甜菜 13 potato[p?'te?t??] 马铃薯 14 radish ['r?d??]萝卜['egplɑ:nt] ]茄子 5 6 celery ['sel?r?] 芹菜 onion ['?nj?n ]洋葱15 carrot ['k?r?t] 胡萝卜 16 cabbage ['k?b?d?] 卷心菜7 pea [pi:]豌豆8 mushroom ['m??ru:m] 蘑菇 9pumpkin ['p?m(p)k?n] 南瓜10 rape [re?p] 油菜11 spinach [?sp?n?t?] 菠菜常见动物类 1 horse [h?:s] 马 2 mare [me?]母马3 colt [k??lt] foal [f??l] 小马4 mustang ['m?st??] 野马5 hippopotamus [,h?p?'p?t?m?s] 河马6 zebra ['zebr?] 斑马7 ox [ɑks]牛8 buffalo ['b?f?l??] 水牛9Bulls、 [bulz]公牛17 Chinese cabbage 大白菜 18 chilli ['t??l?] 辣椒 19 garlic ['gɑ:l?k] 蒜 20 chive [t?aiv] 葱10 cow [ka?]母牛11 calf [kɑ:f] 小牛 12 heifer ['hef?] 小母牛13 rhinoceros [ra?'n?s(?)r?s] 14 yak [j?k]牦牛15 eagle ['i:g(?)l]鹰16 mule [mju:l] 骡17 ass, donkey驴18 cock [k?k] 公鸡19 hen [hen]母鸡犀牛20 chicken ['t??k?n] 小鸡 21 peacock ['pi:k?k] 孔雀22 duck [d?k] 鸭23 pig, swine [swa?n] 猪 24 gilt [g?lt] 小母猪 25 piglet ['p?ɡl?t] 猪崽26 hog [h?g] 肥猪 27 goose[gu:s]鹅 28 sheep [?i:p]羊 29 ewe [ju:] 母羊30 goat [g??t]山羊31 lamb [l?m] 羊羔,羔羊 32 antilope ['?ntil?p] 羚羊33 swan [sw?n] 天鹅 34 deer [d??] 鹿 35 giraffe[d??'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿36 camel ['k?m(?)l]骆驼37 ostrich ['?str?t?] 鸵鸟 38 elephant ['el?f(?)nt] 象39 gull [g?l]seagull ['si:g?l] 40 woodpecker ['w?dpek?] 鸟41 cat 猫42 parrot ['p?r?t] 鹦鹉 43 lion ['la??n]狮44 cuckoo ['k?ku:] 杜鹃 45 leopard ['lep?d] 豹 46crow [kr??] 乌鸦 47 tiger ['ta?g?]虎48 blackbird ['bl?kb?:d] 画眉49 thrush [θr??] 画眉50 magpie ['m?gpa?] 喜鹊 51 swallow ['sw?l??] 燕子 52 sparrow ['sp?r??] 麻雀 53 dog狗54 fox [f?ks] 狐 55 wolf [w?lf]狼56 squirrel ['skw?r(?)l] 松鼠57 bear [be?] 熊58 penguin ['pe?gw?n] 企鹅 59 rabbit ['r?b?t] 兔子60 hare [he?] 野兔海鸥 61 rat [r?t] 鼠啄木62 vole [v??l] 田鼠 63 snake [sne?k]蛇64 boa ['b] 王蛇,蟒蛇 65 monkey ['m??k?] 猴子66 python ['paiθ?n]蟒蛇67 orangutan [?:,r??u:'t?n] 猩猩 68 chimpanzee [t??mp?n'zi:] 黑猩猩 69 lizard ['l?z?d] 蜥蜴70 chameleon [k?'mi:l??n] 变色龙 71 wall lizard ['liz?d] 壁虎72 duckbill['d?kb?l] platypus['pl?t?p?s] 鸭嘴兽73 kangaroo [,k??g?'ru:] 袋鼠74 giant salamander['d?a??nt]常见水果?apple 苹果2、banana 香蕉 3、cherry樱桃4.Chinese、gooseberry、猕猴桃5、coconut 椰子6、plum李子7、date 枣8、fig无花果['s?l?,m?nd?] 娃娃鱼 75 koala [k??'ɑ:l?] 考拉 76 crocodile ['kr?k?da?l] 鳄鱼 77 hedgehog ['p?:kj?pa?n] 刺猬78 porcupine ['p?:kj?pa?n]豪猪 79 bat [b?t]蝙蝠80 turtle ['t?:t(?)l] 龟 81 whale [we?l鲸82 dolphin ['d?lf?n] 河豚 83 sea turtle ['t?:t(?)l]海龟84 frog [fr?g] 青蛙 85 seal [si:l] 海豹86 toad [t??d] 蟾蜍9、litchi 荔枝10、gingko 白果,银杏 11、grape 葡萄12、cantaloupe 哈密瓜 13、hawthorn山楂14、honey peach水蜜桃 15、juicy peach水蜜桃16、jujube枣 17、lemon柠檬篇三:身体部位类英语单词head [hed] 头hair [hε?] 头发face [feis] 脸cheek [t?i:k] 脸颊ear [i?] 耳朵eye [ai] 眼睛lid [lid] 眼睑nose [n?uz] 鼻子m?uth [mauθ] 嘴lip [lip] 嘴唇throat [θr?ut] 咽喉,嗓子tonsil [’t?nsil] 扁桃体,扁桃腺tooth [tu:θ] 牙齿denture [’dent??] 假齿gum [g?m] 牙龈tongue [t??] 舌头neck [nek] 脖子skull [sk?l] 颅骨,头盖骨brain [brein] 脑chin [t?in] 下巴forehead [’f?rid] 额头,前额temple [’templ] 太阳穴,鬓角mustache [m?'stɑ:?, 'm?st??] 小胡子 beard [bi?d] 山羊胡,胡须whisker [’hwisk?] 络腮胡,胡须sidebums [] 鬓角sideburns ['saidb?:nz] 鬓脚;连鬓胡子 baldhead ['b?:ldhed] 秃头,秃顶wrinkle [’ri?kl] 皱纹mole [m?ul] 痣freckle [’frekl] 雀斑dimple [’dimpl] 酒涡pimple [’pimpl] 粉刺,疙瘩,青春痘,丘疹 nipple [’nipl] 乳头chest [t?est] 胸部navel [’neiv?l] 肚脐abdomen [?b'd?umen, '?bd?men] 腹部,腹腔 sh?ulder [’??uld?] 肩,肩膀,肩部back [b?k] 背部;手背waist [weist] 腰,腰部hip [hip] 臀部buttock [’b?t?k] 屁股,半边臀部finger ['fi?g?] 手指thumb [θ?m] 大拇指forefinger [’f?:,fi?g?] 食指 middle finger [] 中指third finger [] 无名指 little finger [] 小指 palm [pa:m] 手掌 nail [neil] 指甲fist [fist] 拳头knuckle [’n?kl] 指关节 wrist [rist] 手腕,腕关节elbow [’elb?u] 肘部armpit [’ɑ:mpit] 腋下,腋窝thigh [θai] 大腿kneecap [‘ni:k?p] 膝盖骨 knee [ni:] 膝盖,膝 shank [k] 小腿 calf [ka:f, k?f] 小腿肚 foot [fut] 脚。



小学英语词汇分类---身体部位head头, hair头发, skull颅骨, 头盖骨,bald head 秃头, brain 脑.neck脖子, face 脸, cheek 脸颊, ear 耳,eye 眼.lid 眼睑, nose 鼻子, mouth 嘴, lip 嘴唇. throat 咽喉, tonsil 扁桃腺, tooth 牙齿,denture 假齿.gum 牙龈. tongue 舌头, chin 下巴, forehead 额头.temple 太阳穴, mustache 小胡子, beard 山羊胡.whisker 络腮胡, sidebums 鬓角, wrinkle 皱纹.mole 痣, freckle 雀斑,dimple 酒涡,pimple 粉刺.nipple 乳头,chest 胸部,navel 肚脐,abdomen 腹部.shoulder 肩,back 背,waist腰,hip 臀部,buttock 屁股.collarbone 锁骨,rib 肋骨,backbone 脊骨, 脊柱.breastbone 胸骨,joint 关节,pelvis 骨盆,sinew 腱,muscle 肌肉bone 骨,skeleton 骨骼,blood vessel 血管,vein 静脉.artery 动脉,capillary 毛细血管,nerve 神经,spinal marrow 脊髓.kidney 肾脏,windpipe 气管,lung 肺,heart 心脏,diaphragm 隔膜.organ 器官,gullet 食道,stomach 胃,liver 肝脏,gall 胆囊.bladder 膀胱,pancreas 胰腺,spleen 脾,duodenum 十二指肠.small intestine 小肠,large intestine 大肠,appendix 盲肠.rectum 直肠,anus 肛门,urine 尿道,ovary 卵巢,womb 子宫.vagina 阴道.thumb 大拇指,forefinger 食指,middle finger 中指.third finger 无名指,little finger 小指,palm 手掌,nail 指甲.fist 拳头,knuckle 指关节,back 手背,wrist 手腕,elbow 肘.armpit 腋下.thigh 大腿,kneecap 膝盖骨,thigh 大腿,knee 膝盖.shank 小腿,calf 小腿肚,foot 脚,instep 脚背,toe 脚趾.ankle 踝,heel脚后跟,sole 脚底,arch 脚掌心.。


• Fill in the blanks: provide senses or short paragraphs with missing body part words, and ask students to fill them in
• Games and quizzes: create a body part scavenger hunt where students have to find and label as many body parts as possible in a given time limit
Practicing speaking and listening activities are related to the legs and feet
Body parts vocal learning
Head and social welfare
Head and social welfare
Expression related to
body parts
Expression of Body Part Sensations
Summary: Expressing feelings and detections related to different body parts
"The soft fur of the dog," "The dear cake."
Listening and saying: "head", "face", "ear", "eye", "nose", "mouth", "tooth"



Interactive games
Interactive games
In order to enhance the fun of learning, teachers will design some interactive games, such as "Lianliankan" and "Jigsaw Games", to help students consolidate their English knowledge in the games.
The image is designed to be easy to understand and engaging for children
English words and promotion
The English word "nose" is taught along with its correct
Language focus
Simple English terms and presence structure
Additional features
Each body part will have a corresponding picture and short description to aid comprehension
Bright colors
Detailed description
The eyes in the picture are brightly colored, which can attract students' attention and enhance their interest in learning.



the underside of the hand that is not covered by any fingers.
the end part of the arm that has five fingers and is used for grasping and manipulating objects.
the part of the body that connects the hip to the foot.
any of the digits on the foot that are used for balancing and grasping objects.
the joint where the leg meets the foot.
通过参与游戏,学生可以在轻松愉快 的氛围中学习和巩固与身体部位相关 的英语词汇。同时,游戏还可以提高 学生的反应能力和协调能力。
The foot is the end part of the leg and is used for standing and walking.
The foot has a heel, toes, and arches.
Torso and back
the first finger on the hand that is used for grasping objects.
any of the digits on the hand that are used for grasping, manipulating, and pointing.







Torso 是躯干;Chest是胸部;Back是背部;Arm是胳膊;Shoulder是肩膀;Hand是手;Wrist是手腕;Leg是腿;Thigh是大腿;Knee是膝盖;Ankle是脚踝;Foot是脚。


Chin 是下巴;Eyebrow是眉毛;Forehead是额头;Cheeks是面颊;Moustache 是胡须;Beard是胡子;Lips是嘴唇;Jaw是颌骨;Teeth是牙齿。

介绍了这些关于身体部位的英文单词之后,下面我们来让孩子们用英语介绍自己的身体吧!例如:My name is John. I have short brown hair, two green eyes, a small nose and a wide mouth. I have two arms and two legs.I have a slim chest and a strong back. I have a pointed chin and big eyebrows. I have two big cheeks and two thin lips. I have white teeth and a strong jaw.只要使用上面介绍的英语词汇,孩子们就可以用英语来描述自己的身体部位了,同时也可以用英语描述其他人的身体部位。




小学四年级英语身体部位单项选择题30道1. This is a part of your body. You can see with it. What is it?A. EarB. EyeC. NoseD. Mouth答案:B。




2. You have two of these on your face. They can help you hear. What are they?A. HandsB. FeetC. EarsD. Arms答案:C。




3. You use this to talk. It's below your nose. What is it?A. FaceB. ChinC. MouthD. Head答案:C。




4. This is a part of your body. You can walk with it. What is it?A. LegB. ArmC. HandD. Foot答案:A。



5. You have two of these on your head. They are above your eyes. What are they?A. EarsB. EyesC. NosesD. Mouths答案:A。



身体各部位英语头:head头顶:the top (或:crown)of the head发:hair of the head额:forhead太阳穴:temple面部:face颊:cheek颧骨:cheekbone眼:eye眉毛:eyebrow睫毛:eyelash眼皮:eyelid眼球:eyeball瞳孔:pupil虹膜:iris耳:ear耳膜鼓:ear drum听道:auditory canal鼻:nose鼻孔:nostril鼻腔:nasal cavity鼻梁:brdge of the nose人中:philtrum口:mouth唇:lip舌:tongue牙:tooth(teeth)齿冠:crown齿龈:gum齿根:root;fang(牙)珐琅质:enamel硬腭:hard palate软腭:soft palate小舌:uvula扁桃体:tonsil声带:vocal cords咽头:pharynx下巴:chin颚,颌:jaw颚骨:jawbone颈;脖子:neck吼:throat咽喉:larynx项;颈背:nape(或:scruff)of the neck 身躯,躯干:trunk背:back肩:shoulder腋窝:armpit胸:chest乳房:breast;thorax乳头:nipple腰:waist;loins肚脐:navel;belly button腹:abdomen;belly上腹:the upper abdomen下腹;the lower abdomen腹股沟:groin臀部:buttocks;hips;bottom;backside 生殖器:genitals;genital organ肢:limb臂:arm上臂:upper arm前臂:fore arm胳膊弯:bend (或:crook)of the arm 肘:elbow腕:wrist手:hand手背:back of the hand手掌:palm of the hand手指:finger大拇指:thumb食指:forefinger;index finger中指:middle finger无名指:ring finger小指:little finger指甲:finger nail腿:leg大腿:thigh小腿:lower leg;shank膝:knee膝关节:knee joint膝盖骨:kneecap膝弯:hollow of the knee;back of the knee 腿肚:calf踝:ankle足:foot(feet)脚背:instep脚掌:sole of the foot后跟:heel趾:toe趾甲:toenail内脏:viscera;internal organs呼吸道:respiratory tract消化道:alimentary canal气管:trachea;windpipe甲状腺:thyroid gland淋巴结:lymph node食管:gullet ;esophagus 肺:lung心脏:heart动脉:artery静脉:vein毛细血管:blood cspillary横膈:diaphragm胃肠道:gastrointestinal tract 胃:stomach(stomachs)十二指肠:duodenum肝:liver胆囊:gallbladder阑尾:appendix肠:intestine大肠:large intestine结肠:colon小肠:small intestine直肠:rectum肛门:anus脾:spleen胰:pancreas生殖泌尿道:genitourinary tract 输尿管:ureter肾:kidney膀胱:urinary bladder尿道:urethra骨骼:bones and skeleton头颅骨:skull肌肉:muscle胸肌:pectoral muscle腹肌:abdominal muscle三角肌:deltoid muscle腱:tendon神经:nerve中枢神经系统:central nervous system 脑:brain大脑:cerebrum小脑:cerebellum脑神经:cranial nerve运动神经:motor nerve感觉神经:sensory nerve腺:gland内分泌腺:endocrine gland(脑)垂体:pittuitary gland肾上腺:adrenal gland性腺:sex gland。

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