
When I walk on the street,I often see some job ads that say“no more than 35 years old”“people under 30 are the first to be hire”.Every time I see these,I realize the seriousness of age discrimination at work.
• Older people,on the other hand,are thought focus more on their families,less on their jobs.
.As a result,many companies
hire employees with age
restrictions,and some large
People only consider the older people is not easy to accept new things,and have less energetic,without considering they have more life experience than young people,they work more stable,they are better at decision making.
• Companies pay more attention to the age of employees,they think that young people have more energy,their minds are more flexible,they can learn new things more quickly.

有关年龄歧视英文作文Age discrimination is a prevalent issue in today's society, as individuals are often judged or treatedunfairly based on their age. This type of discrimination can have serious consequences on people's lives, affecting their employment opportunities, social interactions, and overall well-being. In this essay, I will discuss the causes and effects of age discrimination, as well as potential solutions to address this issue.Firstly, age discrimination can be caused by stereotypes and misconceptions about certain age groups. For example, older individuals are often perceived as less capable, adaptable, or productive than younger people. These stereotypes can lead to discriminatory practices in the workplace, where older employees may be passed over for promotions or training opportunities. On the other hand, younger individuals may face discrimination due to the assumption that they lack experience or maturity.Secondly, age discrimination can also be fueled by societal attitudes and biases towards aging. In many cultures, youth is often glorified and associated withvitality, while old age is seen as a period of decline and dependency. This ageist mindset can result indiscriminatory treatment towards older individuals, such as being overlooked for social activities or being patronized in interpersonal interactions.The effects of age discrimination can be profound andfar-reaching. For older individuals, facing discrimination in the workplace can lead to financial insecurity, as they may struggle to find employment or be forced into early retirement. This can have negative implications for their mental and physical health, as well as their overallquality of life. On the other hand, younger individuals who experience age discrimination may feel undervalued or underestimated, leading to feelings of frustration and disillusionment.In order to combat age discrimination, it is essentialto raise awareness and promote education about the issue. Employers should be encouraged to adopt inclusive hiring practices and provide equal opportunities for individuals of all ages. Additionally, anti-discrimination laws shouldbe enforced and strengthened to protect individuals fromage-based prejudice and bias.In conclusion, age discrimination is a pervasive problem that continues to impact individuals of all ages in various aspects of their lives. By addressing the root causes of ageism and promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect, we can work towards creating a society where people are judged based on their abilities and contributions, rather than their age. Let us strive to build a world where age discrimination has no place, and where individuals of all ages can thrive and succeed.年龄歧视是当今社会普遍存在的问题,个体往往会因为年龄而受到不公平的评判或对待。

过年吃饺子,年年如此,年年吃。虽然饺子的形状没有多大的改变,滋味儿却年年不同,大不一样。这不只是饺子馅儿的不同,现在生活好了,要吃啥馅儿都有,不论菜馅儿还是肉馅儿;调料又是那么 的全,想吃啥味儿都行。但我觉得还是缺点儿什么。到底缺啥呢? 每当吃饺子的时候,我都会不自觉地回想自己小时候,每年正月初一早饭是那么的好,吃的是哪么香,那么饱。那是因为吃的饺子,盼了一年才吃到嘴里的饺子。那时候,每年春节每人供应二斤白面, 平常是见不到的。所以每年我们只能吃上这一顿饺子。剩下的白面,是来招待客人的,就没我们兄弟姐妹的事了。 吃罢年三十的晚饭,我最大的事就是盼着大人们包饺子,那时我家人口多,十来口人,早早的姐姐们就开始洗白菜,切馅儿,大约要七八颗大白菜,当时父母要把在家的两个姐姐五个弟弟填饱肚子,是 多么的不容易,一个个都是填不满的嘴,吃不饱的肚子。把馅儿切好后,再拧干白菜中的水,拌馅儿都是父亲的,那时也没什么调料,除去平常用的五香粉,盐,酱油外,又多了两样,一是豆豉,二是 面酱。当时我最爱闻豆豉和面酱的味了,趴在火炕上,一边儿摆饺子,一边儿闻着那味儿道,就别提想着吃的事了,更别提要是肉馅儿该有多好了。 过去想的,现在都有了,随时随地都能吃到,但总觉得没有白菜馅儿拌上豆豉和面酱的那滋味儿,人哪,真怪,好像是缺了追求,生活就缺了滋味儿。

Can American get rid of racial separation?
I have a dream
I have a dream my four little
children will one day live in a nation
where they will not be injured by the color of there skin but by the content of their character .i have
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by oppressed. ——Martin Luther King Jr.
The world needs equality
In1501,colonialist shipped into the first negro slaves.This is the beginning of slavery.In 1518,Africa and America began the slave trade
directly.Until 1540,the American colonies of the slaves had reached 10,000 each year.
activist, the most famous
leader of the American civil
rights movement,

消除年龄歧视的演讲英语作文英文回答:Ageism, the systemic bias and discrimination against people based on their age, is a pervasive issue that hasfar-reaching consequences for individuals and society as a whole. Age-related prejudice and discrimination can manifest in various forms, from subtle biases and microaggressions to overt forms of mistreatment and exclusion.The effects of ageism on individuals can be profound. Negative attitudes and stereotypes about older adults can lead to diminished self-esteem, reduced social participation, and increased isolation. Age discrimination can also limit opportunities for employment, education, and healthcare, contributing to economic insecurity and health disparities.For society, ageism has equally detrimental effects. Byundervaluing and excluding older adults, we are squandering a wealth of experience, wisdom, and potential. Age-segregated communities and workplaces deprive younger generations of the opportunity to learn from andcollaborate with older individuals, fostering a sense of disconnection and missed opportunities forintergenerational exchange.Addressing ageism requires a multi-faceted approach. It begins with raising awareness about the issue and challenging negative stereotypes and biases. Educational campaigns and media representations that portray olderadults in a positive and empowering light can help shift societal attitudes.Equally important is legal protection against age discrimination. Laws such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the Age Discrimination Act (ADA) prohibit discrimination based on age in employment, housing, and other areas. Enforcement of these laws and the establishment of effective complaint mechanisms areessential to ensure accountability and protect the rightsof older adults.Furthermore, creating inclusive environments that value and support older adults is crucial. This includes promoting intergenerational connections through community programs, promoting flexible work arrangements for older workers, and ensuring accessible healthcare and transportation options.It is also important to address the root causes of ageism, such as ageism in the media, social isolation, and economic insecurity. By tackling these underlying factors, we can create a society where older adults are treated with dignity and respect, and where their contributions are recognized and valued.改变年龄歧视需要多方面的努力。

Some facts of racial discrimination
Attend Separate schools
Live in Separate areas of a city
Sit in Separate areas on a bus
The civil rights movements in the United States of America
In1501,colonialist shipped into the first negro slaves.This is the beginning of slavery.In 1518,Africa and America began the
slave trade directly.Until 1540,the American colonies of the slaves had reached 10,000 each year.
Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks
This is her story
On the bus …
1955 Dec 1st
On the bus …
Standing up for her rights.
On 1st December 1955 after coming home from a hard days work, Rosa was sitting on the bus when the bus driver ordered her to give up her seat to a white man, who couldn’t find a seat in the “white section” of the bus.

On the bus …
On the bus …
• The back of the bus
• The middle of the bus
• The first rows of seat
Standing up for her rights.
Some facts of racial discrimination
The civil rights movements in the United States of America
Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks
how does this problem become so seriously and have deep effects in today?
• It can date back to European slave trade period. A great number of black people were shipped to American continent to do the toughest jobs. They were living in the bottom of American society.

A study found that a younger applicant was 40 percent more likely to be called than someone 50 or olຫໍສະໝຸດ er.•reasons
People only consider the older easy to accept new things,and h energetic,without considering th more life experience than young work more stable,they are bette making.
• Companies pay more attention to the age of employees,they think that young people have more energy,their minds are more flexible,they can learn new things more quickly.
Eliminate age discrim work
• When I walk on the street,I often see some job ads that say“no more than 35 years old”“people under 30 are the first to be hire”.Every time I see these,I realize the seriousness of age
reason 1
reason 2
People don’t realize that there are some simple service jo are suitable for the elderly,just like in Hong Kong you can often see 70-year-old cashiers or restaurant waiters.

A study found that a younger applicant was 40 percent more likely to be called than someone 50 or older.
People only consider the older easy to accept new things,and h eneห้องสมุดไป่ตู้getic,without considering th more life experience than young work more stable,they are bette making.
• Older people,on the o focus more on their fa
.As a result,many companies hire employees with age restrictions,and some large companies only recruit fresh graduates.
Eliminate age discrim work
• When I walk on the street,I often see some job ads that say“no more than 35 years old”“people under 30 are the first to be hire”.Every time I see these,I realize the seriousness of age
reason 1
reason 2
People don’t realize that there are some simple service jo are suitable for the elderly,just like in Hong Kong you can often see 70-year-old cashiers or restaurant waiters.

职场年龄歧视英语作文英文回答:Ageism in the workplace is a serious issue with severe consequences for both individuals and organizations. It involves the unfair treatment of employees based on their age, with older workers often facing discrimination and prejudice.Age discrimination can manifest in various forms, including:Hiring and Firing Practices: Older workers may be less likely to be hired for new positions or promoted within their companies, while younger workers may be favored for these opportunities.Compensation and Benefits: Older workers may earn less than younger workers with similar experience and qualifications, and they may have less access to desirablebenefits such as health insurance and retirement plans.Training and Development: Older workers may be less likely to receive training and professional development opportunities, which can limit their career advancement.Stereotyping and Harassment: Older workers may be subjected to negative stereotypes, such as being seen as less capable, less adaptable, or less valuable than younger workers. They may also experience harassment or mockery based on their age.The consequences of ageism can be devastating for older workers. It can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and reduced self-esteem. It can also make it difficult for older workers to find new jobs and financially support themselves.For organizations, ageism can have significant negative impacts, including:Loss of Experienced Talent: By discriminating againstolder workers, companies may miss out on valuable experience and expertise that can benefit their operations.Reduced Productivity: Ageism can create a negative work environment that demotivates and alienates older workers, leading to reduced productivity and innovation.Increased Employee Turnover: Older workers who experience discrimination may be more likely to leave their jobs, resulting in higher employee turnover costs for companies.Reputation Damage: Organizations that engage in age discrimination can damage their reputation and lose the trust of potential customers and employees.Addressing ageism in the workplace requires a comprehensive approach that involves both legal andcultural changes. Laws should be strengthened to protect older workers from discrimination, and organizations should develop and implement policies that promote fairness and inclusivity.Cultural changes are also necessary to challenge the negative stereotypes and biases associated with age. Media representations of older workers should be more positive and inclusive, and educational programs should promote age-positive attitudes.By creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace, organizations can tap into the vast experience and talent of older workers and benefit from their contributions to the success of their businesses.中文回答:职场年龄歧视。

On the bus …
On the bus …
• The back of the bus
• The middle of the bus
• The first rows of seat
Standing up for her rights.
On 1st December 1955 after coming home from a hard days work, Rosa was sitting on the bus when the bus driver ordered her to give up her seat to a white man, who couldn’t find a seat in the “white section” of the bus.
“It was a small act of defiance, she refused to give up her seat, as a black woman to a white man, this changed the course of American history.” BBC News.
In1501,colonialist shipped into the first negro slaves.This is the beginning of slavery.In 1518,Africa and America began the slave trade
directly.Until 1540,the American colonies of the slaves had reached 10,000 each year.

Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks
This is her story
1955 Dec 1st
On the bus …
Standing up for her rights.
On 1st December 1955 after coming home
I remember when
I was a child and couldn’t understand
people having fun
discriminating all the different ones
mama just used to say
In1501,colonialist shipped into the first negro slaves.This is the beginning of slavery.In 1518,Africa and America began the slave trade
directly.Until 1540,the American colonies of the slaves had reached 10,000 each year.
when you grow up you ll maybe find a way
to make these people see
that everything I do comes back to me
You gotta live your live
we’re all the same, no one’s to blame

Can you guess ?
He has short hair. She has long hair.
What’s she like?
What’s she like?
Can you guess ?
She has small eyes. She has big eyes.
What’s she like?
She/he has long hair( short hair, big eyes, small eyes… )
Who is your best friend?
I have a best friend. He is a man. He is not tall and not short. He is strong. He is handsome. He has short hair. He is not fat and not thin. He has small eyes.
He has ____b_i_g_e_y_e_s____.
I’m here. I’m HaiBao. I miss you very much. Do you have a best friend? Who is your best friend? What’s he or she like? Could you tell me?
What should a true friend be like? *have the same dream and interests. *laugh togeter and hug to cry. *help me when I need. *always here when I feel sad. *Always have way to make me happy.

英语口语大赛自我介绍课件Hello, everyone! It's my pleasure to stand here and introduce myself. I'm a high school student with a passionfor languages, especially English.Growing up in a multilingual family, I've always been fascinated by the power of communication. English, for me, is not just a subject; it's a bridge connecting differentcultures and people.I'm here today to compete in the English Speaking Contest, not just to win, but to share my love for this beautiful language. I believe that through English, we can understand each other better and build a more harmonious world.My journey with English started with reading books and watching movies. I was captivated by the way English could express complex ideas with such simplicity and elegance.As I grew older, I started participating in English debates and public speaking events. Each experience was a stepping stone, helping me to refine my language skills and build my confidence.I'm excited about this contest because it's anopportunity to learn from others and to showcase my abilities.I hope to inspire more people to embrace the English language and to use it as a tool for positive change.In conclusion, I'm grateful for the chance to be here, to share my story, and to be a part of this wonderful community of English speakers. Let's make today a memorable one, filled with great speeches and inspiring ideas. Thank you!。

Admiring it
What ’s the reason for it?
1.Severe employment
situations 2.college students e parents
spoil their children
不到满意的工作;二是以工作太累太紧张、不适应为由,自动离岗离职的,他们觉得在家里很舒服。 三是“创业幻想型”青年,他们有强烈的创业愿望,却没有目标,缺乏真才实学,总是不成功,而 又不愿“寄人篱下”当个打工者。占20﹪;四是频繁跳槽,最后找不到工作,靠父母养活着;五是 下岗的年轻人,他们 习惯于用过去轻松的工作与如今紧张繁 忙的工作相比,越比越不如意,干脆就 离职,约占10﹪;
In Italy ,it’s called giant babies.
In Japan,they call the unmarried young man who live in their parents’home”single sponger” In Germany,they call the parents who still raise their adult children“hotel parents”
MaYun once said,“Boomerang is not an evil,but it shouldn’t happen all the time,it is an aid from our parents,but it shouldn’t be our living situations.” As college students,we must learn to be independent,the earlier,the better!
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A study found that a younger applicant was 40 percent more likely to be called for an interview than someone 50 or older.
People only consider the older people is not easy to accept new things,and have less energetic,without considering they have more life experience than young people,they work more stable,they are better at decision making.
• Older people,on the other hand,are thought focus more on their families,less on their jobs.
.As a result,many companies hire employees with age restrictions,and some large companies only recruit fresh graduates.
solutions to the problem
be aware of the value
of the elderly
remove the age limit
reason 1
reason 2
People don’t realize that there are some simple service jobs are suitable for the elderly,just like in Hong Kong you can often see 70-year-old cashiers or restaurant waiters.
Eliminate age discrimination at work
When I walk on the street,I often see some job ads that say“no more than 35 years old”“people under 30 are the first to be hire”.Every time I see these,I realize the seriousness of age discrimination at work.
• Companies pay more attention to thБайду номын сангаас age of employees,they think that young people have more energy,their minds are more flexible,they can learn new things more quickly.