

植物生物化学与分子生物学(中文版)(Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

植物生物化学与分子生物学(中文版)(Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

中文名: 植物生物化学与分子生物学(中文版)原名: Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology资源格式: PDF发行时间: 2004年地区: 大陆语言: 简体中文简介:作者:(美)B.B.布坎南(BobB.Buchanan)出版社:科学出版社出版日期:2004年2月版次:ISBN:703012013 页数:1090开本:大16开包装:价格:¥260.0本书简介本书英文版由国际杰出植物生物学家编写,美国植物生物学家学会出版,是植物生物学领域的重要著作。




目录:第1篇区室结构1 膜结构和被膜细胞器导言1.1 细胞膜的共性和遗传性1.2 膜的流动镶嵌模型1.3 质膜1.4 内质网1.5 高尔基体1.6 胞吐和内吞1.7 液泡1.8 细胞核1.9 过氧化物酶体1.10 质体1.11 线粒体小结相关文献2 细胞壁导言2.1 糖:组成细胞壁的基本单位2.2 组成细胞壁的大分子2.3 细胞壁构架2.4 细胞壁的生物合成和装配2.5 生长与细胞壁2.6 细胞分化2.7 可用作食物、饲料和纤维的细胞壁小结相关文献3 膜转运导言3.1 膜运输概述3.2 植物膜上运输的组织构成3.3 泵3.4 载体蛋白3.5 离子通道的一般特性3.6 运转中的离子通道3.7 通过水通道蛋白运输水小结相关文献4 蛋白质分选和囊泡运输导言4.1 蛋白质分选的机制4.2 将蛋白质定位到质体中4.3 转运进入线粒体和过氧化物酶体4.4 细胞核的内向和外向转运4.5 内质网在蛋白质分选和组装中的作用4.6 液泡定位和分泌4.7 高尔基体中的蛋白质修饰4.8 内吞作用小结相关文献5 细胞骨架导言5.1 细胞骨架概述5.2 中间纤维5.3 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白家族5.4 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白的聚合5.5 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白的特性5.6 细胞骨架结合蛋白5.7 肌动蛋白纤维在胞内定向运动中的作用5.8 皮层微管与细胞扩展5.9 观察细胞骨架的动力学5.10 细胞骨架与信号转导5.11 细胞骨架与有丝分裂5.12 细胞骨架与胞质分裂小结相关文献第2篇细胞的繁衍6 核酸导言6.1 核酸的组成与核苷酸的合成6.2 细胞核DNA的复制6.3 DNA修复6.4 DNA重组6.5 细胞器DNA6.6 DNA转录6.7 RNA的特征和功能6.8 RNA加工小结相关文献7 基因组的组织结构与表达导言7.1 基因与染色体7.2 核基因组的组织结构7.3 转座因子7.4 基因表达7.5 染色质在染色体组织和基因表达中的作用7.6 基因调控的后生遗传机制小结相关文献8 氨基酸导言8.1 植物体内氨基酸的生物合成:研究现状与前景8.2 无机氮同化进N-转运氨基酸8.3 芳香族氨基酸的合成8.4 天冬氨酸衍生氨基酸的生物合成8.5 支链氨基酸8.6 脯氨酸代谢:耐胁迫代谢工程的靶标小结相关文献9 蛋白质的合成、装配和降解导言9.1 从RNA到蛋白质9.2 真核生物细胞质蛋白质生物合成的调控9.3 叶绿体中蛋白质的合成9.4 蛋白质的翻译后修饰9.5 蛋白质降解相关文献10 脂类导言10.1 脂类的结构与功能10.2 脂肪酸的生物合成10.3 乙酰辅酶A羧化酶10.4 脂肪酸合酶10.5 C16 和C18 脂肪酸的去饱和及其延长10.6 特殊脂肪酸的合成10.7 膜脂的合成10.8 膜脂的功能10.9 结构脂类的合成与功能10.10 贮藏性脂类的合成与分解代谢10.11 脂类的基因工程小结相关文献11 细胞分裂的调控导言11.1 动植物细胞及其细胞周期11.2 细胞周期研究的历史回顾11.3 DNA复制11.4 有丝分裂11.5 细胞周期的调控机制11.6 细胞周期的调控逻辑11.7 多细胞生物的细胞周期调控11.8 植物生长发育中的细胞周期调控小结相关文献第3篇能量流12 光合作用导言12.1 光合作用总论12.2 光吸收与能量转换12.3 反应中心复合体12.4 光系统12.5 类囊体膜的组成12.6 叶绿体膜的电子转移途径12.7 叶绿体中的A TP合成12.8 C3植物中的碳反应12.9 CO2固定机制的差异小结相关文献13 糖代谢13.1 磷酸己糖库13.2 利用磷酸己糖的生物合成途径:蔗糖和淀粉的合成13.3 产生磷酸己糖的分解代谢途径:蔗糖和淀粉的降解13.4 磷酸丙糖/磷酸戊糖代谢产物库13.5 磷酸己糖和磷酸戊糖/磷酸丙糖代谢产物库之间的相互作用13.6 淀粉与蔗糖合成:细胞对代谢总调控的范例13.7 糖类对基因表达的调控13.8 糖酵解中的贮能反应13.9 为生物合成反应提供能量和还原力小结相关文献14 呼吸与光呼吸导言14.1 呼吸概论14.2 柠檬酸(三羧酸)循环14.3 植物线粒体的电子传递14.4 植物线粒体的ATP合成14.5 线粒体呼吸作用的调节14.6 线粒体与细胞其他区域的相互关系14.7 光呼吸的生化基础14.8 光呼吸途径14.9 植物中光呼吸的规律小结相关文献第4篇代谢与发育的整合15 长距离运输导言15.1 植物体内物质的扩散与径流15.2 通道大小在确定质外体和共质体运输特征中有重要作用15.3 木质部和韧皮部物质运输的比较15.4 木质部中水分的蒸腾运动15.5 胞间连丝介导的共质体运输15.6 韧皮部运输15.7 植物内源大分子的细胞间运输小结相关文献16 氮和硫导言16.1 生物圈和植物中氮素概况16.2 固氮概论16.3 氮固定中的酶学16.4 共生固氮16.5 氨的吸收和运输16.6 硝酸盐的吸收和还原概述16.7 硝酸盐的还原16.8 亚硝酸盐的还原16.9 硝酸盐同化和碳代谢间的相互作用16.10 硫酸盐同化概述16.11 硫的化学性质及功能16.12 硫的吸收及运输16.13 还原硫的同化途径16.14 谷胱甘肽及其衍生物的合成及功能小结相关文献17 植物激素与诱激物分子的生物合成导言17.1 赤霉素17.2 脱落酸17.3 细胞分裂素17.4 吲哚-3-乙酸17.5 乙烯17.6 油菜素类固醇17.7 多胺17.8 茉莉酮酸17.9 水杨酸17.10 展望小结相关文献18 信号感受和转导导言18.1 信号转导概述18.2 受体18.3 植物受体的特殊例子18.4 G蛋白和磷脂信号系统18.5 环状核苷酸18.6 钙18.7 蛋白激酶:信号转导中的基本组分18.8 植物生长调节因子参与特殊的信号转导途径18.9 植物细胞信号转导研究的展望小结相关文献19 生殖发育导言19.1 开花诱导19.2 花的发育19.3 花发育的遗传和分子分析19.4 配子的形成19.5 影响配子体发育的突变19.6 花粉的萌发19.7 自交不亲和19.8 受精作用19.9 种子形成19.10 种子发育过程中贮藏物质的积累19.11 胚胎的成熟和脱水19.12 萌发小结相关文献20 衰老与程序性细胞死亡导言20.1 动物及植物中观察到的细胞死亡的类型20.2 植物生活周期中的PCD20.3 衰老概述20.4 衰老过程中的色素代谢20.5 衰老过程中的蛋白质代谢20.6 衰老对光合作用的影响20.7 衰老对氧化代谢的影响20.8 衰老过程中的核酸降解20.9 衰老细胞中代谢活性的调节20.10 内源植物生长调节因子与衰老20.11 环境对衰老的影响20.12 植物发育性PCD的例子:管状分子的形成和禾本科植物内胚乳的转移20.13 PCD作为植物胁迫应答的例子:通气组织的形成和超敏反应20.14 PCD研究的未来方向以及面临的更多问题小结相关文献第5篇植物的环境与农业21 植物对病原体的反应导言21.1 植物病原体的致病机理21.2 植物防御系统21.3 植物-病原体相互作用的遗传基础21.4 R基因与R基因介导的植物抗病性21.5 植物防御反应的生化原理21.6 系统性植物防御反应21.7 利用基因工程控制植物病原体小结相关文献22 植物对非生物胁迫的反应导言22.1 植物对非生物胁迫的反应22.2 与缺水相关的胁迫22.3 渗透调节及其在耐旱耐盐中的作用22.4 缺水和盐分对跨膜转运的影响22.5 水分胁迫诱导的其他基因22.6 冰冻胁迫22.7 水涝和缺氧22.8 氧化胁迫22.9 热胁迫小结相关文献23 矿质营养吸收、转运及利用的分子生理学导言23.1 必需矿质元素概论23.2 植物K+转运机制与调节23.3 磷的营养与转运23.4 微量营养吸收的分子生理学23.5 植物对矿质毒性的反应小结相关文献24 天然产物(次生代谢物)导言24.1 萜类化合物24.2 IPP的生物合成24.3 异戊烯转移酶与萜类合酶参与的反应24.4 萜类化合物骨架的修饰24.5 转基因萜类产物24.6 生物碱24.7 生物碱的生物合成24.8 生物技术在生物碱生物合成研究中的应用24.9 苯丙烷类化合物和苯丙烷类-乙酸酯途径的代谢产物24.10 苯丙烷类化合物和苯丙烷类-乙酸酯的生物合成24.11 木脂体、木质素的生物合成和栓化作用24.12 黄酮类化合物24.13 香豆素、芪、苯乙烯吡喃酮和芳基吡喃酮类化合物24.14 苯丙烷类产物的代谢工程:改善纤维、色素、药物和调味剂的可能途径小结相关文献索引。








1 分子生物传感器在医学检验中的应用分子生物传感器是利用一定的生物或化学的固定技术,将生物识别元件(酶、抗体、抗原、蛋白、核酸、受体、细胞、微生物、动植物组织等)固定在换能器上,当待测物与生物识别元件发生特异性反应后,通过换能器将所产生的反应结果转变为可以输出、检测的电信号和光信号等,以此对待测物质进行定性和定量分析,从而达到检测分析的目的。




Skladal等用经过寡核苷酸探针修饰的压电传感器检测血清中的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)并实时监测其DNA的结构转录和聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增过程,完成整个监测过程仅需10 min且装置可重复使用。



2 分子生物芯片技术在医学检验中的应用随着分子生物学的发展及人们对疾病过程的认识加深,传统的医学检验技术已不能完全适应微量、快速、准确、全面的要求。

















《分子生物学》实验指导实验1 总DNA提取生物总DNA的提取是分子生物学实验的一个重要内容。








CTAB 是一种非离子去污剂,能溶解膜蛋白与脂肪,也可解聚核蛋白。

植物材料在CTAB的处理下,结合65℃水浴使细胞裂解、蛋白质变性、DNA 被释放出来。

CTAB与核酸形成复合物,此复合物在高盐(>0.7mM)浓度下可溶,并稳定存在,但在低盐浓度(0.1-0.5mM NaCl)下CTAB-核酸复合物就因溶解度降低而沉淀,而大部分的蛋白质及多糖等仍溶解于溶液中。

经过氯仿/ 异戊醇(24:1) 抽提去除蛋白质、多糖、色素等来纯化DNA,最后经异丙醇或乙醇等沉淀剂将DNA沉淀分离出来。



纯的DNA样品A260/280≈1.8,纯的RNA样品A260/280≈2.0,并且1μg/ml DNA 溶液A260=0.020。

[实验器材]1、高压灭菌锅2、冰箱3、恒温水浴锅4、高速冷冻离心机5、紫外分光光度计6、剪刀7、陶瓷研钵和杵子8、磨口锥形瓶(50ml)9、滴管10、细玻棒11、小烧杯(50ml)12、离心管(50ml)13、植物材料[实验试剂]1、3×CTAB buffer(pH8.0)100mM Tris25mM EDTA1.5M NaCl3% CTAB2% β-巯基乙醇2、TE缓冲液(pH8.0)10mmol/L Tris·HCl1mmol/L EDTA3、氯仿-异戊醇混合液(24:1,V/V)4、95%乙醇5、液氮[实验步骤]1、称取2g新鲜的植物叶片,用蒸馏水冲洗叶面,滤纸吸干水分。



现代分子生物学课程论文题目基因敲除技术班别生物技术10-2学号 *********** 姓名陈嘉杰成绩基因敲除技术的研究进展要摘基因敲除是自80年代末以来发展起来的一种新型分子生物学技术,是通过一定的途径使机体特定的基因失活或缺失的技术。

此后经历了近20年的推广和应用,直到2007年10月8日,美国科学家马里奥•卡佩奇(Mario Capecchi)和奥利弗•史密西斯(Oliver Smithies)、英国科学家马丁•埃文斯(Martin Evans)因为在利用胚胎干细胞对小鼠基因金星定向修饰原理方面的系列发现分享了2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。




应用DNA同源重组技术将灭活的基因导入小鼠胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES cells)以取代目的基因,再筛选出已靶向灭活的细胞,微注射入小鼠囊胚。









2019年创刊的,由Nature American lnc。 出版,每年出12期。刊载高质量原始论文, 创刊一年多其影响因子就在生物化学和分 子生物学中排名第三。该刊登载的内容包 括基因治疗、神经科学、药理学、爱滋病、 肿瘤、传染病、心脏病学及先进的医疗技 术等,该刊是分子科学和临床医学之间的 桥梁。
病理学的研究对象可分为实验病理学和临床 病理学,因此有关病理学的文献除剑于实验病 理学书刊外,还广泛地分散于临床各学科的病 理学书刊之中,如《美国外科病理学杂志、 《神经病理学学报》、《脑病理学》,《心血 管病理学》,《内分泌病理学》。《国际妇科 病理学杂志》,《儿科病理学》等。
Current Biology Structure Developmental Cell Chemistry & Biology Cancer Cell
Structure (/) Chemistry & Biology (current-biology/) Current Biology (chembiol/) Cancer Cell (/) Cell (cell/) Developmental Cell (developmentalcell/) Immunity (immunity/) Molecular Cell (/) Neuron(/)
Nature Structual Biology自然结构生物学
英国Macmillan Magazines公司出版,它 是英国《自然界》主编的刊物, 1994年创 刊的新刊,每年出12期。主要报道调射线 结晶体,核磁共振与蛋白质合成等结构的 最新成果。内容包括生物大分子结构,测 定大分子结构的新方法,结构测定基础上 的大分子功能研究,影响结构大分子途径 研究以及结构预测法。










参考文献:生物学通报、中学生物教学法、生物教育学、教学论文写作方法与举例、河南教育等相关书籍与资料.2. 题目:(1)论述生物学教学中的素质教育(2)我省目前生物教师素质对贯彻素质教育的影响(3)中学生物学教学中学生兴趣的培养(4)高中生物学难点的教学分析(5)中学生物实验课存在的问题与对策(6)中学生物学教学中观察能力的培养3。







大量生产某些正常细胞代谢中产量很低的多肽, 如激素、抗生素、酶类及抗体等,提高产量, 降低成本。
定向改造某些生物的基因组结构、使它们所具 有的特殊经济价值或功能得以成百上千倍地提 高。
蛋白质分子控制了细胞的一切代谢活动,而 决定蛋白质结构和合成时序的信息都由核酸 (主要是脱氧核糖核酸)分子编码,所以, 基因表达实质上就是遗传信息的转录和翻译 过程。
1.构成生物体有机大分子的单体在不同生物 中都是相同的;
2.生物体内一切有机大分子的建成都遵循着 各自特定的规则;
3.某一特定生物体所拥有的核酸及蛋白质分 子决定了它的属性。
是20世纪70年代初兴起的技术科学,目的是将 不同DNA片段(基因或基因的一部分)按照人 们的设计定向连接起来,在特定的受体细胞中 与载体同时复制并得到表达,产生影响受体细 胞的新的遗传性状。
DNA重组技术是核酸化学、蛋白质化学、酶工 程及微生物学、遗传学、细胞学长期深入研究 的结晶,而限制性内切酶DNA连接酶及其他工 具酶的发现与应用则是这一技术得以建立的关 键。
通过DNA连接酶把不同的DNA片段连接成一个整体。a. DNA的 粘性末端; b. DNA的平末端; c. 化学合成的具有EcoRI粘性末端的 DNA片段。
2.在它发挥生物学功能的过程中必定存在着 结构和构象的变化。
2001年2月,Nature 和Science同时发表了人类基因组 全序列。
测定基因组序列只是了解基因的第一步,在基因组计 划的基础上提出了蛋白质组计划(又称后基因组计划 或功能基因组计划),旨在快速、高效、大规模鉴定 基因的产物和功能。



Chapter 5An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based MutagenesisZhen Zhang, Ying Huang, and Hua ZhuAbstractVaricella-zoster virus (VZV) causes both varicella (chicken pox) and herpes zoster (shingles). As a member of the human herpesvirus family, VZV contains a large 125-kb DNA genome, encoding 70 unique open reading frames (ORFs). The genetic study of VZV has been hindered by the large size of viral genome, and thus the functions of the majority of these ORFs remain unclear. Recently, an efficient protocol has been developed based on a luciferase-containing VZV bacteria artificial chromosome (BAC) system to rapidly isolate and study VZV ORF deletion mutants.Key words:Varicella-zoster virus, Bacterial artificial chromosome, Deletion mutagenesis, Bioluminescence1. I ntroductionVaricella-zoster virus (VZV) is a common human herpesvirus thatis a significant pathogen in the United States, with more than 90%of the US population harboring the virus (1). Primary infectionof VZV leads to varicella (chicken pox). VZV establishes lifelonglatency in the host, specifically in trigeminal ganglia and dorsalroot ganglia (2). The VZV reactivation results in herpes zoster(shingles), which often leads to chronic postherpetic neuralgia(2, 3). As a member of human alpha-herpesvirus subfamily, VZVhas a 125-kb long double-stranded DNA genome, which encodesat least 70 unique open reading frames (ORFs). The genomes ofseveral different VZV strains were sequenced and a few of theVZV genes genetically analyzed (4).It has been extremely difficult to generate VZV site-specificmutations using conventional homology recombination meth-ods. This was mainly due to the high cell-associated nature ofVZV infection in vitro, which leads to the difficulties in isolatingJeff Braman (ed.), In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols: Third Edition,Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 634,DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-652-8_5, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 20107576Zhang, Huang, and Zhuviral DNA and purifying recombinant virus away from wild-type virus. In the last few years, a popular method for VZV in vitro mutagenesis involves a four-cosmid system covering the entire viral genome (5–7). Using the cosmid system to generate recom-binant VZV variants involves technically challenging steps such as co-transfection of four large cosmids into permissive mammalian cells and multiple homologous recombination events within a single cell to reconstruct a full-length viral genome. The highly cell-associated nature of VZV also makes the downstream appli-cations of traditional virology methods such as plaque assay-based titering and plaque purification difficult. To date, the functions of the majority of VZV ORFs remain uncharacterized (8).In order to create recombinants of VZV more efficiently, the full-length VZV (P-Oka strain, a cloned clinical isolate of VZV) genome has been successfully cloned as a VZV bacteria artificial chromosome (BAC) (9, 10). This VZV BAC combined with a highly efficiently E. coli homologous recombination system allows quick and easy generation of recombinant VZV. To further ease the downstream virus quantification assays, a firefly luciferase reporter gene, was inserted into the VZV BAC to generate a novel luciferase-expressing VZV (10). In this protocol, we show the generation and analyses of VZV full-length ORF deletion mutants and genetic revertants as examples to demonstrate the utility and efficiency of this versatile system for VZV mutagenesis in vitro. Furthermore, this protocol can be easily modified to broaden its applications to a variety of genetic maneuvers including making double ORF deletions, partial ORF deletions, insertions, and point mutations.1. Human melanoma (MeWo) cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U penicillin–streptomycin/ml, and2.5 m g amphotericin B/ml at 37°C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO 2. All tissue culture reagents were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO).2. VZV luc was recently developed in the laboratory (10). It con-tains a full-length VZV P-Oka genome with a firefly luciferase cassette (see Note 1). The BAC vector was inserted between VZV ORF60 and ORF61, which includes a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression cassette and a chloramphenicol resistance cassette (Cm R ).3. pGEM-oriV/kan was previously constructed (11) in the lab-oratory and used as a PCR template to generate the expres-sion cassettes for the kanamycin or ampicillin resistance genes (Kan R and Amp R ).2. M aterials2.1. Cells, VZV luc , Plasmids, and E. coliStrain77An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis 4. pGEM-lox-zeo was derived from pGEM-T (Promega, Madison, WI) (12) and was used to generate the rescue clones of VZV ORF deletion mutants. 5. E. coli strain DY380 was obtained from Neal Copeland and Craig Stranthdee and used for mutagenesis (13). 6. A cre recombinase expression plasmid pGS403 was a gift from L. Enquist (Princeton University, NJ). 1. All primers were synthesized by Sigma-Genosys (Woodlands, TX) and stored in TE buffer (100 m M). 2. HotStar Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) was used for PCR reactions and Platinum Taq DNA polymerase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) could be used for optional hi-fidelity PCR reactions (see Note 2). 3. PCR purification was carried out using a PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). 4. The amplified linear DNAs were suspended in sterile ddH 2O and w ere q uantified b y s pectroscopy (NanoDrop T echnologies, Wilmington, DE). 5. DpnI (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA) restriction treat-ment following PCR was carried out in order to eliminate circular template DNA. 6. Electroporation was carried out with a Gene Pulser II Electroporator (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). 1. All antibiotics were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). LB plates containing specific antibiotics were used for appro-priate selections (Table 1).2. A 37°C air shaker and a 37°C water bath shaker were used for bacterial culturing.2.2. Primers, PCR, PCRpurification, DpnITreatment, andElectroporation2.3. AntibioticsSelection and BACDNA Purification Table 1Antibiotics concentrations for selectionFor BACs (single or low copy numbers)For plasmids (high copynumbers)78Zhang, Huang, and Zhu3. NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plasmid DNA purification kits (Clontech Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) were used to purify VZV BAC DNA from E. coli .4. Kimwipes (Kimberly-Clark Global Sales, Inc., Roswell, GA) were used as small filters in BAC DNA Mini-preparations.5. Phenol/chloroform, isopropanol, and ethanol were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO) and were used as additional reagents in BAC DNA preparations.6. Hin dIII (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA) digestions were performed to check the integrity of BAC DNA.1. FuGene6 transfection kit (Roche, Indianapolis, IN) was used for transfecting viral BAC DNA into MeWo cells (ATCC).2. An inverted fluorescent microscope was used to observe and count plaque numbers.3. Tissue culture media containing 150 m g/ml d -luciferin (Xenogen, Alameda, CA) was used as substrate for in vitro bioluminescence detection.4. An IVIS Imaging 50 System (Xenogen, Alameda, CA) was used to record bioluminescence signal from virally infected cells.5. Bioluminescence data were quantified by using Living Image analysis software (Xenogen, Alameda, CA).In order to generate VZV ORF deletion mutants using this new VZV luc system, we took advantage of an efficient recombination system for chromosome engineering in E. coli DY380 strain (13). A defective lambda prophage supplies the function that protects and recombines linear DNA. This system is highly efficient and allows recombination between homologies as short as 40 bp. The experimental design is summarized in Fig. 1.1. The first step in making any specific VZV ORF deletion was to amplify a Kan R cassette containing 40-bp flanking sequences of the targeted ORF.2. Primers were stored in TE buffer (100 m M). The Kan R expres-sion cassette was amplified from pGEM-oriV/Kan using a HotStar DNA polymerase kit following a standard protocol.3. PCR product was purified using a PCR purification kit fol-lowing the manufacturer’s protocol.2.4. Transfectionand SubsequentVirological Assays(Tittering and Growth Curve Analysis)3. M ethods3.1. Generation of VZVORF Deletion BACClones 3.1.1. Making a Kan R Cassette Targeting a Specific VZV Open Reading Frame79An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis 4. The purified PCR product was treated with DpnI in order to eliminate the template DNA. This step greatly reduces the background in later selections.5. PCR product was purified again as above (step 3) and the amplified linear DNA was suspended in sterile ddH 2O and was quantified by spectroscopy (see Note 3).1. DY380 cells were grown at 32°C until the OD 600nm measure-ment reached 0.5 (see Note 5).2. The culture was shifted to 42°C by placing the flask into a 42°C water bath with vigorous shaking for 10–15 min (see Note 4).3.1.2. Induction of theLambda RecombinationSystem and Preparationof Electroporation-Competent DY380Fig. 1. Generating ORF deletion mutants (ORFD). (a ) The E. coli DY380 strain provides a highly efficient homologous recombination system, which allows recombination of homologous sequences as short as 40 bp. The homologous recombination system is strictly regulated by a temperature-sensitive repressor, which permits transient switching on by incubation at 42°C for 15 min. VZV luc BAC DNA is introduced into DY380 by electroporation. Electro-competent cells are prepared with homologous recombination system activation. (b ) Amplification of the Kan R expression cassette by PCR using a primer pair adding 40-bp homologies flanking ORFX. (c ) About 200 ng of above PCR product are transformed into DY380 carrying the VZV luc BAC via electroporation. (d ) Homologous recombination between upstream and downstream homologies of ORFX replaces ORFX with the Kan R cassette, creating the ORFX deletion VZV clone. The recombinants are selected on LB agar plates containing kanamycin at 32°C. (e ) The deletion of ORFX is confirmed by testing antibiotic sensitivity and PCR analysis. The integrity of viral genome after homologous recombination is examined by restriction enzyme Hin dIII digestion. (f ) VZV luc BAC DNA with ORFX deletion is propagated and isolated from DY380. (g ) Purified BAC DNA is transfected into MeWo cells. (h ) 3–5 days after transfection, the ORFX deletion virus is visualized under a fluores-cent microscope due to EGFP expression given nonessentiality of ORFX.Select for kan Rat 32°Cseqs. (40 bp)ORFX kan R ORFE. coli 32°C ts λ cI repressorVZV-BAC Defective l prophage D BkanR E BAC DNATransfect MeWo cells ProducerecombinantVZV (givenORFX is notessential)x G Hx MR WTORFXDORFXR Confirm recombinant VZV by antibiotic sensitivity, PCR and HindIII digestion80Zhang, Huang, and Zhu3. The culture was immediately transferred to an ice–water slurry for 30 min. (see Note 6).4. After incubation on ice, the culture was then pelleted at 6,000 × g for 10 min 4°C, washed with ice-cold sterile ddH 2O, and repelleted.5. Prechilled 10% glycerol (use about 1% of original volume of culture) was used to resuspend cells, and a 40-m l aliquot (>1 × 1010 cells) was used for each electroporation reaction. 1. Two microliters of Kan R cassette DNA (greater than 200 ng) were electroporated into competent DY380 cells harboring the VZV luc BAC. Homologous recombination took place between the 40-bp ORF flanking sequences and the targeted BAC ORF was replaced by the linear Kan R cassette creating the expected VZV ORF deletion clones. 2. Electroporation was carried out at 1.6 kV, 200 W , and 25 m F in a Gene Pulser II electroporator. Two microliters of con-centrated linear DNA cassette (greater than 200 ng) were used in each reaction. 3. The bacteria were immediately transferred to 1 ml LB medium after electroporation and incubated at 32°C for 1 h before plating. The resultant recombinants were selected on LB agar plates containing kanamycin at 32°C for 16–24 h (see Note 7). 4. Antibiotic sensitivity: it is important to further test that kanamycin-resistant colonies are resistant to kanamycin but not to ampicillin because the circular pGEM-oriV/Kan R (containing Amp R ) was used as the PCR template. This can be tested by re-streaking single colonies on mul-tiple LB agar plates containing different antibiotics. VZV ORFX deletion clones should be resistant to chloram-phenicol (from BAC vector), hygromycin (from luciferase cassette), and kanamycin (VZV ORF replacement cassette), but sensitive to ampicillin (potentially from pGEM-oriV/Kan R ; see Note 8). 1. Mini-BAC DNA preparations.(a) A single DY380 clone containing the recombinant VZV BAC was inoculated in 5 ml LB supplemented with the appropriate antibiotics and cultured at 32°C overnight.(b) BAC DNA was isolated by pelleting the bacteria, resus-pending in 1 ml resuspension buffer supplemented with RNase A (Buffer RES), lysing in 1 ml NaOH/SDS lysis buffer (Buffer LYS), and neutralizing in 1 ml potassium acetate neutralization buffer (Buffer NEU) for 5 min for each step (NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plasmid DNA purifi-cation kit).3.1.3. Electroporation andRecombinant Screening3.1.4. BAC DNAPurification and BACClone Verification81An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis (c) The cloudy solution was centrifuged at 4,500 × g for 15 min at 4°C. The supernatant was filtered through a small piece (cut to 4 × 4 cm) of Kimwipe tissue (Kimberly-Clark Global Sales, Inc., Roswell, GA).(d) The filtered solution was extracted with an equal volume of phenol/chloroform and the BAC DNA precipitated with two volumes of ethanol.(e) After the final spin at 4,500 × g for 30 min at 4°C, the DNA pellet was air-dried and resuspended in 20 m l sterile ddH 2O. 2. PCR verification: multiple colonies with the correct antibiotic sensitivities were picked for the mini-BAC DNA preparations. The ORF deletions with Kan R replacements were confirmed by PCR using a HotStar DNA polymerase kit following a standard protocol. The target ORF should be absent in ORF deletion clones while the adjacent ORFs should remain intact as positive controls. 3. Maxi-BAC DNA preparations: the large-scale BAC DNA preparations using the NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plasmid DNA purification kit (Clontech Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) started with 500 ml of overnight cultures. The standard man-ufacturer’s protocol for BAC DNA purification was followed. The final DNA products were resuspended in 250 m l sterile ddH 2O and quantified by spectroscopy (see Note 9). 4. Hin dIII digestion profiling: PCR verified clones were selected for maxi-BAC DNA preparations. To confirm that no large VZV genomic DNA segment is deleted, Hin dIII digestion profiling was routinely carried out (see Note 10). Three micrograms of BAC DNA from maxi-preparations were digested with 20 U of Hin dIII in a 20-m l reaction at 37°C overnight. Hin dIII digestion patterns were compared by electrophoresis on ethidium bromide stained 0.5% agarose gels. As shown in Fig. 1, Hin dIII digestion patterns of each VZV ORF deletion clone were highly comparable with the parental wild-type VZV luc clone (see Note 11).The generation of VZV ORF deletion revertants is necessary to prove that the deleted ORF is responsible for any phenotype (usu-ally a growth defect) observed in analyses of the deletion mutants. The viral revertants should be able to fully restore the wild-type phenotype. As an example, generating the VZV ORFX deletion rescue virus is described to demonstrate the approach (see Fig. 2).1. VZV ORFX was amplified from wild-type VZV luc BAC DNAby PCR. Two unique restriction enzyme sites and two addi-tional 6-bp random sequences were added to the ends of the PCR product. A hi-fidelity PCR kit could be used in order to minimize unwanted mutations during PCRs (see Note 2).3.2. Generation of VZVORF DeletionRevertant BAC Clones82Zhang, Huang, and Zhu2. The ORFX gene was directionally cloned into pGEM-zeo to form pGEM-ORFX-zeo. The cloned ORFX was verified by sequencing analysis.3. ORFX-zeoR cassette was made by PCR using pGEM-ORFX-zeo as template (Fig. 2). The PCR product contained 40-bp homologies of flanking sequences of Kan R cassette, which was also used to generate the ORFX deletion mutant.4. The subsequent procedures are similar to producing the ORFX deletion mutant. Briefly, the linear ORFX-zeoR cas-sette was treated with DpnI and electroporated into compe-tent DY380 cells harboring VZV luc ORFX deletion BAC. Similarly, homologous recombination functions were tran-siently induced by switching the culture temperature from 32 to 42°C for 10–15 min when electroporation-competent cells were prepared. The recombinants were selected on LB agar plates containing zeocin. After verification, the ORFX dele-tion rescue BAC DNA was isolated from E. coli .Because of VZV’s highly cell-associated nature in cell culture,conventional virology techniques, including plaque purification and plaque assay, become troublesome. By developing andexploiting the new luciferase VZV BAC system, the resulting virus has a removable EGFP expression cassette and a built-in 3.3. Transfectionand Subsequent Virological Assayszeo R lox mcs mcskan lox zeo R ORFX lox lox E. ORFXR D. ORFXR-zeo B. C. ORFXD zeo R ORFX zeo ORFX ORFX Fig. 2. Generating an ORFX deletion rescue clone (ORFXR). (a ) To generate the ORFXR clone, ORFX was amplified by PCR from the wild-type VZV BAC DNA. The ORFX was directionally cloned into plasmid pGEM-lox-zeo to form pGEM-zeo-ORFX. (b ) Amplification of the ORFX-Zeo R cassette by PCR using a primer pair adding 40 bp homologies flanking ORFX. (c ) Such PCR product was transformed into DY380 carrying the VZV luc ORFXD BAC via electroporation. (d ) Homologous recombination between upstream and downstream homologies of ORFX replaced Kan R with the ORFX-Zeo R cassette, creating the ORFXR clone. (e ) Zeo R was removed while generating virus from BAC DNA by co-transfecting a Cre recombinase expressing plasmid.83An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis luciferase reporter. In this protocol, an alternative biolumines-cence quantification approach has been provided to significantly increase the reproducibility of results. This approach has also been successfully used in monitoring VZV growth in vivo (10). 1. VZV BAC DNA from maxi-preparations was transfected into MeWo cells using the FuGene6 transfection kit according to the manufacturer’s standard protocol. 2. One and a half micrograms of BAC DNA and 6 m l of transfec-tion reagent were used for a single reaction in one well of 6-well tissue culture plates (see Note 12). 3. As an option, 0.5 m g of Cre expression plasmid was co-transfected with the VZV BAC DNA to remove the BAC sequence flanked by two loxP site from the viral genome (see Note 13). 4. In order to prevent the precipitation of BAC in solution, 1.5 m g BAC DNA were diluted in serum-free tissue culture medium, and the volume of DNA solution was adjusted to 50 m l (see Note 14). 5. The DNA solution was slowly added to the transfection reagent with gentle stirring using pipet tips. 6. Because of GFP expression from the BAC vector, VZV plaques were usually visually discernable using a fluorescent microscope within 3–5 days after transfection given deleted ORF is dispensable (see Note 15). If a VZV ORF is essential for viral replication, no plaque will be observed. 7. Since VZV is highly cell-associated in tissue culture, mutant VZV-infected MeWo cells were harvested and stored in liquid nitrogen for future studies.Recombinant viruses were titered by infectious focus assay. MeWo cells were seeded in 6-well tissue culture plates and inoculated with serial dilutions of VZV-infected MeWo cell suspensions. Plaques were counted by fluorescent microscopy 3 days after inoculation and viral titer was determined. 1. MeWo cells were infected with 100 PFU of infected MeWo cell suspensions in 6-well tissue culture plates. 2. After every 24-h interval, cell culture media was replaced with media containing 150 m g/ml d -luciferin.3. After incubation at 37°C for 10 min, the bioluminescent sig-nal was quantified and recorded using an IVIS ImagingSystem following the manufacturer’s instructions. 4. Fresh tissue culture medium was added to replace the luciferin-containing medium for further incubation at later time points.3.3.1. Transfection of BACDNA into MeWo Cells3.3.2. Titering by InfectiousFocus Assay3.3.3. Growth CurveAnalyses Based onBioluminescence Imaging(See Fig. 3 and Note 16)84Zhang, Huang, and Zhu5. Measurements from the same plate were repeated every day for 7 days.6. Bioluminescence signal data from each sample was quantified by manual designation of regions of interest and analyzed using Living Image analysis software (see Note17).1. The luciferase expression cassette, driven by an SV40 early pro-moter, was inserted between VZV ORF65 and ORF66. The cassette also contains a hygromycin B resistance gene (Hyg R ).2. Platinum Taq DNA polymerase can be used alternatively if a hi-fidelity PCR product is preferred.3. In order to achieve optimum results, the final concentration of the linear DNA cassette for the subsequent electroporation was adjusted to at least 100 ng/m l.4. The 42°C temperature shift is critical for the success of the homologous recombination. The temperature needs to be adjusted accurately to 42°C and remain constant. Too much recombination system activity is detrimental to E. coli and harm the integrity of BAC DNA. On the other hand, inade-quate induction of the recombination system in DY 380 leads to inefficient recombination. Ten to fifteen minutes might need to be adjusted carefully in order to achieve optimized efficiency of homologous recombination.5. E. coli DY380 strain needs to be cultured at 32°C all the time except when the recombination system is transiently activated and expressed by shifting the culture to 42°C.6. Beyond this point, every step needs to be carried out at a low temperature (0–4°C). All reagents, centrifuge rotor and glass-ware need to be prechilled.4. N otes Growth curve analysisVZVluc infectedMeWo cells / animal. a b c d Bioluminescenceimaging Image acquisition Fig. 3. Growth curve analyses based on bioluminescence imaging. (a ) Small animals/tissue culture can be infected with VZV luc . (b ) After administration of an enzyme substrate, luciferin, bioluminescence emitting from living animals/cultured cells can be detected and monitored by using a bioluminescence imaging system (a CCD camera mounted on top of a light-tight imaging dark chamber). (c ) Data can be stored in a connected PC and quantified by using region-of-interest analysis. (d ) Viral growth kinetics can be analyzed based on quantification of bioluminescence signals.85 An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis7. Recombinants often have multiple antibiotic resistances. For instance, VZV ORFX/Kan clone will have Kan R, Cm R (from BAC vector), and Hyg R (from luciferase cassette). Screening for recombinants with more than one antibiotic is optional. However, the growth rate under such conditions could be much slower than selection under one antibiotic.8. If a clone also has Amp R, it should count as a false positive result.9. Due to the large size, handling BAC DNAs needs to avoid any harsh physical sheering force including vortexing or quickly passing through fine pipette tips. Freeze and thaw should also be avoided. BAC DNA solutions should always be stored at 4°C.10. Although it has been shown that VZVluc DNA is highly stablein E. coli (10) under the conditions described in this protocol, large undesirable deletions in the BAC clones were observed if homo l ogous recombination system in DY380 was over-induced.11. Since many large DNA fragments are generated by a Hin dIIIdigestion of the VZV genome, smaller genetic alterations, including replacement of an ORF by a Kan R cassette, would be difficult to recognize by this assay.12. The ratio of BAC DNA and FuGene6 reagent might need tobe adjusted to maximize transfection efficiency.13. The ORFX rescue clone was generated by introducing the wild-type ORFX back into the deletion viral genome along with a Zeo R cassette flanked by two loxP sites. By following this optional step in transfection, Zeo R will be removed from the genome by Cre-mediated recombination. The resulting virus will have a wild-type copy of ORFX restored in the same direction and loca-tion as the parental wild-type strain except a remaining loxP site(34 bp) in the 3¢ noncoding region of ORFX.14. Highly concentrated (greater than 250 m g/m l) BAC DNAsolutions are viscous and BAC DNA molecules easily precipi-tate out of solution when added to transfection reagent solu-tions. When such precipitation becomes visible, it is irreversible and the result of the transfection assays is often poor.Therefore, we predilute each BAC DNA in media before gen-tly mixing with the transfection reagent.15. Transfection efficiency was easy to monitor because of theresulting GFP expression from the BACs.16. Growth curve analyses were traditionally carried out by aplaque assay-based method.17. 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Chapter19Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs by PCR Seungil Ro and Wei YanAbstractIncreasing lines of evidence indicate that small non-coding RNAs including miRNAs,piRNAs,rasiRNAs, 21U endo-siRNAs,and snoRNAs are involved in many critical biological processes.Functional studies of these small RNAs require a simple,sensitive,and reliable method for detecting and quantifying levels of small RNAs.Here,we describe such a method that has been widely used for the validation of cloned small RNAs and also for quantitative analyses of small RNAs in both tissues and cells.Key words:Small RNAs,miRNAs,piRNAs,expression,PCR.1.IntroductionThe past several years have witnessed the surprising discovery ofnumerous non-coding small RNAs species encoded by genomesof virtually all species(1–6),which include microRNAs(miR-NAs)(7–10),piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs)(11–14),repeat-associated siRNAs(rasiRNAs)(15–18),21U endo-siRNAs(19),and small nucleolar RNAs(snoRNAs)(20).These small RNAsare involved in all aspects of cellular functions through direct orindirect interactions with genomic DNAs,RNAs,and proteins.Functional studies on these small RNAs are just beginning,andsome preliminaryfindings have suggested that they are involvedin regulating genome stability,epigenetic marking,transcription,translation,and protein functions(5,21–23).An easy and sensi-tive method to detect and quantify levels of these small RNAs inorgans or cells during developmental courses,or under different M.Sioud(ed.),RNA Therapeutics,Methods in Molecular Biology629,DOI10.1007/978-1-60761-657-3_19,©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2010295296Ro and Yanphysiological and pathophysiological conditions,is essential forfunctional studies.Quantitative analyses of small RNAs appear tobe challenging because of their small sizes[∼20nucleotides(nt)for miRNAs,∼30nt for piRNAs,and60–200nt for snoRNAs].Northern blot analysis has been the standard method for detec-tion and quantitative analyses of RNAs.But it requires a relativelylarge amount of starting material(10–20μg of total RNA or>5μg of small RNA fraction).It is also a labor-intensive pro-cedure involving the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,electrotransfer,radioisotope-labeled probes,and autoradiogra-phy.We have developed a simple and reliable PCR-based methodfor detection and quantification of all types of small non-codingRNAs.In this method,small RNA fractions are isolated and polyAtails are added to the3 ends by polyadenylation(Fig.19.1).Small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)are then generated by reverseFig.19.1.Overview of small RNA complementary DNA(srcDNA)library construction forPCR or qPCR analysis.Small RNAs are polyadenylated using a polyA polymerase.ThepolyA-tailed RNAs are reverse-transcribed using a primer miRTQ containing oligo dTsflanked by an adaptor sequence.RNAs are removed by RNase H from the srcDNA.ThesrcDNA is ready for PCR or qPCR to be carried out using a small RNA-specific primer(srSP)and a universal reverse primer,RTQ-UNIr.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs297transcription using a primer consisting of adaptor sequences atthe5 end and polyT at the3 end(miRTQ).Using the srcD-NAs,non-quantitative or quantitative PCR can then be per-formed using a small RNA-specific primer and the RTQ-UNIrprimer.This method has been utilized by investigators in numer-ous studies(18,24–38).Two recent technologies,454sequenc-ing and microarray(39,40)for high-throughput analyses of miR-NAs and other small RNAs,also need an independent method forvalidation.454sequencing,the next-generation sequencing tech-nology,allows virtually exhaustive sequencing of all small RNAspecies within a small RNA library.However,each of the clonednovel small RNAs needs to be validated by examining its expres-sion in organs or in cells.Microarray assays of miRNAs have beenavailable but only known or bioinformatically predicted miR-NAs are covered.Similar to mRNA microarray analyses,the up-or down-regulation of miRNA levels under different conditionsneeds to be further validated using conventional Northern blotanalyses or PCR-based methods like the one that we are describ-ing here.2.Materials2.1.Isolation of Small RNAs, Polyadenylation,and Purification 1.mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit(Ambion).2.Phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)buffer.3.Poly(A)polymerase.4.mirVana Probe and Marker Kit(Ambion).2.2.Reverse Transcription,PCR, and Quantitative PCR 1.Superscript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR(Invitrogen).2.miRTQ primers(Table19.1).3.AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix for PCR.4.SYBR Green PCR Master Mix for qPCR.5.A miRNA-specific primer(e.g.,let-7a)and RTQ-UNIr(Table19.1).6.Agarose and100bp DNA ladder.3.Methods3.1.Isolation of Small RNAs 1.Harvest tissue(≤250mg)or cells in a1.7-mL tube with500μL of cold PBS.T a b l e 19.1O l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s u s e dN a m eS e q u e n c e (5 –3 )N o t eU s a g em i R T QC G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G G C G A C A T G G C T G G C T A G T T A A G C T T G G T A C C G A G C T A G T C C T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T V N ∗R N a s e f r e e ,H P L CR e v e r s e t r a n s c r i p t i o nR T Q -U N I r C G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G GR e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C Rl e t -7a T G A G G T A G T A G G T T G T A T A G R e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C R∗V =A ,C ,o r G ;N =A ,C ,G ,o r TQuantitative Analysis of Small RNAs299 2.Centrifuge at∼5,000rpm for2min at room temperature(RT).3.Remove PBS as much as possible.For cells,remove PBScarefully without breaking the pellet,leave∼100μL of PBS,and resuspend cells by tapping gently.4.Add300–600μL of lysis/binding buffer(10volumes pertissue mass)on ice.When you start with frozen tissue or cells,immediately add lysis/binding buffer(10volumes per tissue mass)on ice.5.Cut tissue into small pieces using scissors and grind it usinga homogenizer.For cells,skip this step.6.Vortex for40s to mix.7.Add one-tenth volume of miRNA homogenate additive onice and mix well by vortexing.8.Leave the mixture on ice for10min.For tissue,mix it every2min.9.Add an equal volume(330–660μL)of acid-phenol:chloroform.Be sure to withdraw from the bottom phase(the upper phase is an aqueous buffer).10.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.11.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.12.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.13.Measure the volume using a scale(1g=∼1mL)andnote it.14.Add one-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to the recov-ered aqueous phase.15.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.16.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into afilter cartridgewithin a collection bel thefilter as total RNA.When you have>700μL of the mixture,apply it in suc-cessive application to the samefilter.17.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.18.Collect thefiltrate(theflow-through).Save the cartridgefor total RNA isolation(go to Step24).19.Add two-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to theflow-through.20.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.21.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into a newfilterbel thefilter as small RNA.When you have >700μL of thefiltrate mixture,apply it in successive appli-cation to the samefilter.300Ro and Yan22.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.23.Discard theflow-through and repeat until all of thefiltratemixture is passed through thefilter.Reuse the collectiontube for the following washing steps.24.Apply700μL of miRNA wash solution1(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.25.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.26.Discard theflow-through.27.Apply500μL of miRNA wash solution2/3(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.28.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.29.Discard theflow-through and repeat Step27.30.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.31.Transfer thefilter cartridge to a new collection tube.32.Apply100μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution orRNase-free water to the center of thefilter and close thecap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution intoa1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap carefully because it might splashdue to pressure buildup.33.Leave thefilter tube alone for1min at RT.34.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.35.Measure total RNA and small RNA concentrations usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.36.Store it at–80◦C until used.3.2.Polyadenylation1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of50μL in a0.5-mL tube containing0.1–2μg of small RNAs,10μL of5×E-PAP buffer,5μL of25mM MnCl2,5μL of10mMATP,1μL(2U)of Escherichia coli poly(A)polymerase I,and RNase-free water(up to50μL).When you have a lowconcentration of small RNAs,increase the total volume;5×E-PAP buffer,25mM MnCl2,and10mM ATP should beincreased accordingly.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Incubate for1h at37◦C.3.3.Purification 1.Add an equal volume(50μL)of acid-phenol:chloroformto the polyadenylation reaction mixture.When you have>50μL of the mixture,increase acid-phenol:chloroformaccordingly.2.Mix thoroughly by tapping the tube.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3013.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.4.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.5.Add12volumes(600μL)of binding/washing buffer tothe aqueous phase.When you have>50μL of the aqueous phase,increase binding/washing buffer accordingly.6.Transfer up to460μL of the mixture into a purificationcartridge within a collection tube.7.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.8.Discard thefiltrate(theflow-through)and repeat until allof the mixture is passed through the cartridge.Reuse the collection tube.9.Apply300μL of binding/washing buffer to the cartridge.10.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.11.Transfer the cartridge to a new collection tube.12.Apply25μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution to thecenter of thefilter and close the cap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution into a1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap care-fully because it might be splash due to pressure buildup.13.Let thefilter tube stand for1min at RT.14.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.15.Repeat Steps12–14with a second aliquot of25μL ofpre-heated(95◦C)elution solution.16.Measure polyadenylated(tailed)RNA concentration usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.17.Store it at–80◦C until used.After polyadenylation,RNAconcentration should increase up to5–10times of the start-ing concentration.3.4.Reverse Transcription 1.Mix2μg of tailed RNAs,1μL(1μg)of miRTQ,andRNase-free water(up to21μL)in a PCR tube.2.Incubate for10min at65◦C and for5min at4◦C.3.Add1μL of10mM dNTP mix,1μL of RNaseOUT,4μLof10×RT buffer,4μL of0.1M DTT,8μL of25mM MgCl2,and1μL of SuperScript III reverse transcriptase to the mixture.When you have a low concentration of lig-ated RNAs,increase the total volume;10×RT buffer,0.1M DTT,and25mM MgCl2should be increased accordingly.4.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.5.Incubate for60min at50◦C and for5min at85◦C toinactivate the reaction.302Ro and Yan6.Add1μL of RNase H to the mixture.7.Incubate for20min at37◦C.8.Add60μL of nuclease-free water.3.5.PCR and qPCR 1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of25μL ina PCR tube containing1μL of small RNA cDNAs(srcD-NAs),1μL(5pmol of a miRNA-specific primer(srSP),1μL(5pmol)of RTQ-UNIr,12.5μL of AmpliTaq GoldPCR Master Mix,and9.5μL of nuclease-free water.ForqPCR,use SYBR Green PCR Master Mix instead of Ampli-Taq Gold PCR Master Mix.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Start PCR or qPCR with the conditions:95◦C for10minand then40cycles at95◦C for15s,at48◦C for30s and at60◦C for1min.4.Adjust annealing Tm according to the Tm of your primer5.Run2μL of the PCR or qPCR products along with a100bpDNA ladder on a2%agarose gel.∼PCR products should be∼120–200bp depending on the small RNA species(e.g.,∼120–130bp for miRNAs and piRNAs).4.Notes1.This PCR method can be used for quantitative PCR(qPCR)or semi-quantitative PCR(semi-qPCR)on small RNAs suchas miRNAs,piRNAs,snoRNAs,small interfering RNAs(siRNAs),transfer RNAs(tRNAs),and ribosomal RNAs(rRNAs)(18,24–38).2.Design miRNA-specific primers to contain only the“coresequence”since our cloning method uses two degeneratenucleotides(VN)at the3 end to make small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)(see let-7a,Table19.1).3.For qPCR analysis,two miRNAs and a piRNA were quan-titated using the SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(41).Cyclethreshold(Ct)is the cycle number at which thefluorescencesignal reaches the threshold level above the background.ACt value for each miRNA tested was automatically calculatedby setting the threshold level to be0.1–0.3with auto base-line.All Ct values depend on the abundance of target miR-NAs.For example,average Ct values for let-7isoforms rangefrom17to20when25ng of each srcDNA sample from themultiple tissues was used(see(41).Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3034.This method amplifies over a broad dynamic range up to10orders of magnitude and has excellent sensitivity capable ofdetecting as little as0.001ng of the srcDNA in qPCR assays.5.For qPCR,each small RNA-specific primer should be testedalong with a known control primer(e.g.,let-7a)for PCRefficiency.Good efficiencies range from90%to110%calcu-lated from slopes between–3.1and–3.6.6.On an agarose gel,mature miRNAs and precursor miRNAs(pre-miRNAs)can be differentiated by their size.PCR prod-ucts containing miRNAs will be∼120bp long in size whileproducts containing pre-miRNAs will be∼170bp long.However,our PCR method preferentially amplifies maturemiRNAs(see Results and Discussion in(41)).We testedour PCR method to quantify over100miRNAs,but neverdetected pre-miRNAs(18,29–31,38). 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生物化学与分子生物学方向文献阅读以下是关于生物化学与分子生物学方向的一些经典文献,你可以参考阅读:1. Watson, J.D., and Crick, F.H.C. (1953). Molecular structure of nucleic acids: A structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature 171, 737-738. (关于DNA结构的经典文章,揭示了DNA的双螺旋结构)2. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., and Gatto, G.J. (2018). Biochemistry. (一本经典的生物化学教材,涵盖了生物化学的基本原理和分子机制)3. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, S.L., et al. (2000). Molecular Cell Biology. (一本广泛采用的分子细胞生物学教材,涵盖了分子生物学的基本原理和细胞过程)4. Stryer, L., and Berg, J.M. (2002). Biochemistry. (另一本经典的生物化学教材,对生物化学的基本原理进行了全面介绍)5. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., et al. (2014). Molecular Biology of the Cell. (一本广泛采用的细胞生物学教材,涵盖了细胞结构和功能的分子机制)6. Anfinsen, C.B., Haber, E., Sela, M., and White, F.H. (1961). The kinetics of formation of native ribonuclease during oxidation of the reduced polypeptide chain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 47, 1309-1314. (关于蛋白质折叠和构象的经典研究,揭示了蛋白质在还原条件下如何重新折叠成具有活性的形式)7. Kornberg, A., and Pricer, W.E. (1953). The formation of α-ketoglutaric acid from isocitric acid in a bacterial enzyme system. Journal of Biological Chemistry 204, 83-90. (关于酶催化的代谢过程的经典研究,揭示了某些酶催化酶的反应机制)8. Crick, F.H.C., Barnett, L., Brenner, S., and Watts-Tobin, R.J. (1961). General nature of the genetic code for proteins. Nature 192, 1227-1232. (关于遗传密码的经典研究,揭示了DNA和蛋白质之间的翻译过程)这些文献涉及了生物化学和分子生物学中的一些重要的研究领域和基本概念,请根据你的兴趣和认知程度进行阅读。



























随着高通量测序技术的发展,DNA 序列分析变得更加高效和准确。











- 张三, 李四. "分子生物学研究进展." 《生物学杂志》 2020.。


























现代分子生物学课程论文题目基因敲除技术班别生物技术10-2学号 *********** 姓名陈嘉杰成绩基因敲除技术的研究进展要摘基因敲除是自80年代末以来发展起来的一种新型分子生物学技术,是通过一定的途径使机体特定的基因失活或缺失的技术。

此后经历了近20年的推广和应用,直到2007年10月8日,美国科学家马里奥•卡佩奇(Mario Capecchi)和奥利弗•史密西斯(Oliver Smithies)、英国科学家马丁•埃文斯(Martin Evans)因为在利用胚胎干细胞对小鼠基因金星定向修饰原理方面的系列发现分享了2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。




应用DNA同源重组技术将灭活的基因导入小鼠胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES cells)以取代目的基因,再筛选出已靶向灭活的细胞,微注射入小鼠囊胚。








cellular and molecular life sciences 参考文献格式

cellular and molecular life sciences 参考文献格式

cellular and molecular life sciences参考文献格式标题:细胞与分子生命科学的综述引言概述:细胞与分子生命科学是一门研究生物体内细胞和分子层面的学科,涉及细胞结构、功能、分子生物学、遗传学等多个方面。


正文内容:1. 细胞结构1.1 细胞膜结构:细胞膜是细胞的外层,由磷脂双分子层和蛋白质组成。


1.2 细胞器结构:细胞器是细胞内的功能区域,包括核、线粒体、内质网等。


2. 细胞功能2.1 细胞分裂:细胞分裂是细胞生命周期中的重要过程,包括有丝分裂和无丝分裂。


2.2 细胞信号传导:细胞通过信号分子进行信息传递,调控细胞的生理功能。


2.3 细胞凋亡:细胞凋亡是细胞自我调控的一种方式,通过程序性死亡维持组织和器官的平衡。


3. 分子生物学3.1 DNA结构和功能:DNA是遗传信息的携带者,其双螺旋结构和碱基配对规律对于遗传信息的传递和复制具有重要意义。

3.2 RNA转录和翻译:RNA是DNA的转录产物,在蛋白质合成中起到重要作用。


3.3 蛋白质结构和功能:蛋白质是生物体内功能最为多样的分子,其结构和功能的研究对于理解细胞活动和生物学过程具有重要意义。

4. 遗传学4.1 遗传物质的传递:遗传物质通过遗传信息的传递维持物种的遗传稳定性。


4.2 基因调控:基因调控是遗传物质在细胞内的表达和调节过程,包括转录因子、表观遗传学等多个层面。

4.3 基因突变:基因突变是遗传信息发生变化的结果,对个体的遗传特征和疾病的发生有重要影响。





“分子生物学”一词最早在1945年由William Astbury在Harvey Lecture上应用。

1953年James Watson和Francis Crick首次提出DNA的双螺旋结构,标志着分子生物学的建立。

分子生物学越来越多的应用于医学,医学与时俱进的发展,本文主要探讨分子生物学在医学诊断和治疗疾病当中的应用分子诊断(molecular diagnosis)狭义上是基于核酸的诊断,即对各种DNA(RNA)样本的病原性突变的检测以便实现对疾病的检测和诊断。




分子诊断是当前的一种临床实际,从Kan 及其同事首次应用DNA 杂交实现α-地中海贫血的产前诊断,到Saiki 发明PCR 技术特别是实时荧光定量PCR 的应用,再到高通量自动化的生物芯片技术以及变性高效液相层析、SNP 分析等技术的应用;从利用分子杂交、PCR 等单一技和定性诊断发展到多项技术的联合应用和半定量、定量和多基因病分子诊断,再到基因表达产物的生物大分子的诊断;从治疗性诊断,发展到针对高危人群进行疾病基因或疾病相关基因的筛查和预防性分析评价。



分子治疗(molecular therapy)分子治疗作为一项全新的疾病治疗手段,近20年来迅速发展,当今,分子生物已应用在各种疾病的治疗上。








参考文献:Molecular Biology Robert f.Weaver著现代分子生物学朱玉贤李毅编译分子生物学基础杨岐生编著分子遗传学孙乃恩编著分子克隆实验指南PCR技术实验指南分子生物学基础技术学科意义:分子生物学是生物专业的基础学科之一,它针对分子层面上的研究来阐述生命现象的本质。














Mobile Genetic Elements 2:6, 267-271; November/December, 2012; © 2012 Landes BioscienceLETTER TO THE EDITORLETTER TO THE EDITORGAA repeats were shown to be the most unstable trinucleotide repeats in the pri-mates genome evolution by comparison of orthologous human and chimp loci.2 The instability of the GAA repeat in the first intron of the frataxin gene X25 is particu-larly well studied since it causes an inher-ited disorder, Friedreich ataxia (FRDA).3-6 I n Friedreich ataxia, once the length of the GAA repeat inside the frataxin gene (FXN GAA) reaches a certain threshold, the combined probability of its expan-sions and deletions in progeny of affected parents is about 85%.7 Deletions and con-tractions of the repeat in intergenerational transmissions can reach hundreds of base pairs.7 However, the FXN GAA repeat is much more stable in somatic cells.8 I t is relatively stable in blood, but shows some instability in dorsal root ganglia,9 which is responsible for some of the neurodegen-erative symptoms of Friedreich ataxia.5 GAA repeats were shown to be stable in FRDA fibroblasts cell lines and neuronal stem cells.10The question why the FXN GAA repeat is so much more stable in somatic cells than in intergenerational transmis-sions remains open. Recent studies in FRDA iPSCs that are closer to embryonic cells than somatic cells models, showed expansions of the GAA repeat with 100% probability.10,11 It is intriguing that all cells Complexes between two GAA repeats within DNA introduced into Cos-1 cellsMaria M. KrasilnikovaPennsylvania State University; University Park, PA USAKeywords: replication, GAA repeat, Friedreich ataxia, genome instability, chromatinCorrespondence to: Maria M. Krasilnikova; Email: muk19@ Submitted: 10/08/12; Revised: 12/09/12; Accepted: 12/10/12/10.4161/mge.23194in the iPSC cell lines that were analyzed were synchronously adding about two GAA repeats in each replication.The studies focused on the FXN GAA repeat provided many valuable insights; however, human genome contains many other GAA repeats: the human X chro-mosome, for instance, contains 44 GAA stretches with more than 100 repeats in each. About 30 GAA repeats were detected on the chromosome 4.12 GAA repeats mostly originated from the 3' end of the poly A associated with Alu elements.13I t is not known what makes repeats with the GAA motif most unstable com-pared with other trinucleotide repeats. It is possible that GAA repeats instability is caused by their ability to form non-B DNA structures. In vitro, GAA repeats can form triplexes,14,15 and sticky DNA structures.16 At the same time, hairpins 17 and paral-lel duplexes 18 have also been observed. When transcription is going through a GAA repeat, it can also form an R-loop, a DNA-RNA complex that leaves one of the complementary strands single-stranded.19 However, it is unclear whether these struc-tures indeed form in mammalian cells. If we assume that the instability of the GAA repeat is indeed associated with the struc-ture formation, it is still unclear why the structures would form in early embryo-genesis when the GAA expansion event in Friedriech ataxia is believed to occur,7 and do not form in somatic cells where the GAA repeat was shown to be more stable. I n our recent study, we hypothesize that the differences in chromatin structure are at least partially responsible for the differ-ences in the GAA repeats stability.1The propensity of GAA repeat to form a triplex structure may strongly depend on the structure of chromatin at the repeat and surrounding area.1 Consistent with other studies, we observed that formation of chromatin at an SV40-based plasmid introduced into mammalian cells occurs gradually: 8 h after transfection there are only occasional nucleosomes at the plas-mid, while by 72 h the nucleosome struc-ture is already regular.20 Our analysis of replication stalling at the repeat revealed that the repeat affects replication only in the first replication cycle, when chromatin is still at the formation stage. We believe that replication stalling at GAA is caused by a triplex structure that the GAA repeat adopts during transfection or inside the cell. In the subsequent replication cycles, replication was completely unaffected by the presence of the repeat, which is likely to be due to the inhibition of triplex for-mation by tight chromatin packaging.1Here we show the data that strengthen our previous observations and extend it to one more structure: a complex betweenWe have recently shown that GAA repeats severely impede replication elongation during the first replication cycle of transfected DNA wherein the chromatin is still at the formation stage.1 Here we extend this study by showing that two GAA repeats located within the same plasmid in the direct orientation can form complexes upon transient transfection of mammalian Cos-1 cells. However, these complexes do not form in DNA that went through several replication rounds in mammalian cells. We suggest that formation of such complexes in mammalian genomes can contribute to genomic instability.We studied replication of several SV40-based plasmids that contained two (GAA)57 repeats located at different posi-tions in Cos-1 cells (Figs. 1–3). I n each case, the cells were transiently transfected with 1 μg of each plasmid, and replication intermediates were isolated after about 30 h. This allowed us to observe replica-tion arcs that resulted from the plasmids that replicated for more than two rounds. However, some residual amount of the first replication cycle arcs can also be registered. Replication stalling at GAA repeats only occurs during the first repli-cation cycle of an SV40-based plasmid,1 hence we did not observe it in our system.For each of the plasmids, and for all patterns of restriction digests that we studied, we observed complexes between the two (GAA)57 repeats (indicated by red arrows in each of the figures). The migration of those complexes was differ-ent depending on the digest pattern, so the complexes were at different positions in 2D gel patterns, in agreement with our expectations based on their shapes.We did not observe replication stalling associated with these complexes. When this complex is formed, it migrates signifi-cantly slower on 2D gels; the replication of plasmids that contain such complexes should result in an extra replication arc originating from the complex position. However, the number of molecules that form this complex is significantly lower than the overall number of plasmids, and there may be not enough material to observe their replication.For the situation when the two GAA repeats were located in two different frag-ments upon PvuI digest (Fig. 1), we showed that the spot 3 (Fig. 1D ) (also indicated by an arrow in Fig. 1A ) con-tains both fragments: the spot hybridized to the probes corresponding to either of them (Fig. 1A and B ). However, the com-plex appears at the position that migrates slower than unreplicated plasmid in the second dimension upon AflI I I and ScaI digest when both repeats belong to the same fragment (Fig. 2). We suggest that this fragment contains a loop generated by the interaction between the two GAA repeats (Fig. 2C ) that slows it down in the second dimension, and has little effect on the mobility in the first dimension sinceThe method of two-dimensional elec-trophoresis 22,23 allowed us to analyze the replication progression through a DNA fragment containing two GAA repeats. In this method, the replication intermediates are isolated under non-denaturing condi-tions, digested by a restriction enzyme, and separated on two consecutive gel runs in perpendicular directions. The first direction runs in 0.4% agarose (that separates mostly by mass), and the second direction runs in 1% agarose (that sepa-rates by both mass and shape of a DNA molecule).two GAA stretches. Two GAA repeats has been shown to readily form complexes, such as “sticky DNA,” in vitro,16 but it is not obvious whether it can also form inside the mammalian cells. The sticky DNA requires more than one GAA stretch to form.21 We studied the interaction of two GAA repeats located within the same plas-mid, but since the human genome contains at least several hundreds of long GAA motif repeats,12,13 this structure can theoretically form in the genomic environment as well. However, more experiments are needed to detect its formation in genome.Figure 1. A complex between two (GAA)57 repeats within the same plasmid. Plasmid replication intermediates were isolated from Cos-1 cells 30 h after transient transfection. Intermediates were digested by restriction enzymes indicated in the plasmid maps, and separated by two-dimension-al neutral-neutral agarose gel electrophoresis as described previously.1 The gel was transferred to a nylon membrane and hybridized to one of the probes indicated in the plasmid maps as green lines. A position of the complex at the 2D gel pattern depends on the restriction digest of the replication intermediates (indicated by a red arrow). (A ) Two-dimensional electrophoresis of replication intermediates digested by PvuII that places each repeat within a separate fragment. The membrane was hybridized with probe 1 indicated in (C ). The names of the plasmids GAAGAA, GAACTT, etc., reflect the orientation of the GAA repeats within the plasmid (GAAGAA means that the two GAA stretches are in the direct orientation). (B ) The same membrane was stripped of probe 1, and re-hybridized with probe 2 (C ). (C ) The scheme of the plasmid that was used in the experiment in (A and B ). Two different fragments that resulted from the PvuII digest are shown in red and blue. The positions of GAA repeats are shown in black. They can be in the direct or the reverse orientations in this plasmid. (D ) The scheme of the 2D gel in (A ). Spot 1: unreplicated blue fragment, spot 2: unreplicated red fragment that appears because of the cross-contamination of probe 1 with probe 2 due to their preparation from the same plasmid with a restriction digest. Spot 3: a complex between the red and the blue fragments. Spikes 3-2 and 3-4 may result from double-stranded breaks in the plasmid during transfection that make one of the arms of the complex in spot 3 shorter.it has the same mass as the unreplicated fragment.The complexes formed only when the two GAA stretches were positioned on a plasmid as direct repeats (GAAGAA and CTTCTT in the plasmid names). The inverted repeats GAACTT and CTTGAA did not form complexes as shown in Figures 1 and 2. This is in agreement with the sticky DNA formation in supercoiled plasmids containing two GAA repeats that has been previously shown in vitro.16 In sticky DNA, the two GAA strands that are in the antiparallel orientation, and the CTT strand, form a stable complex stabilized by Mg2+-dependent reverse-Hoogsteen triads. However, the sticky DNA complex fell apart upon heating in the presence of EDTA, which removes the Mg2+ ions necessary for its stability,16 while we did not detect any changes in spot 3 upon heating the intermediates with EDTA (Fig. 3B). We suggest that in our case the complex may be different from the canonical sticky DNA. It may be based on Hoogsteen base pairing where the Mg2+ is not needed and a slightly acidic pH has a stabilizing effect.24 It has been shown that this type of structure forms within long GAA stretches in vitro even at a pH that is close to neutral.15 We also cannot exclude that the complexes are hemicatenated molecules connected at GAA repeats with Watson-Crick pairing.25The complexes between the two GAA repeats persisted only until the plasmids went through one replication round. DpnI restriction enzyme is a frequent-cutter that digests all DNA that contains strands syn-thesized in bacteria: it cleaves DNA that is methylated at GATC by dam methyl-ase, which is only present in bacteria, but not in mammalian cells. Extensive DpnI digest that we performed, cleaved the ini-tial DNA used in transfection, as well as the products of the first replication cycleA complex between the two repeats within the same fragment slow down its progres-sion in the second dimension of the 2D gel. The same plasmid as in the Figure 1 was used in this experiment, however, they were digested with different enzymes. (A) Replication intermediates were digested with AflIII and ScaI, placing both repeats within the same fragment. The complex of two GAA repeats results in a slowly migrating structure that is shown by a red arrow. (B) A map of the digest of the same plasmid as in Figure 1 with restriction enzymes ScaI and AflIII. Here both of the repeats are located within the same fragment shown in blue. (C) The scheme of the 2D gel in . Spots 1 and 2 are the same as in Figure 1D. Spot 3: a looped intermediate that resulted from the interaction of the two GAA repeats.A complex between the two GAA repeats does not form in plasmids that went through more than two replication rounds in mammaliancells. Two-dimensional gels of replication intermediates of a plasmid containing two (GAA)57 repeats were obtained as described in the Figure 1) Two-dimensional gel of replication intermediates digested by AflIII (placing the two repeats at two different fragments). A red arrow indi-cates the position of the complex between the two GAA-containing fragments. (B) The same replication intermediates were incubated at 80°C in the presence of 10 mM EDTA for 10 min; the pattern of the 2D gel did not change. (C) The same intermediates were additionally digested with10 units of DpnI for 2 h prior to loading. The spot at the position indicated by an arrow in Figure 1 A is not present in this picture. An additional spot that appeared in this pattern is likely not a part of the pattern, and is probably due to some contamination. (D) A map of the plasmid that was used inFigure 1A and B. Spot 1, unreplicated blue fragment; spot 2, unreplicated red fragment (which appeared due to contamination of probe 1 with other plasmid sequences). Spot 3, a complex between the blue and the red fragments. A very faint duplicate Y arc from replication of the second fragment originates from spot 2. The spikes originating from spot 3 can be interpreted the same way as11. Ku S, Soragni E, Campau E, Thomas EA, Altun G, Laurent LC, et al. Friedreich’s ataxia induced plu-ripotent stem cells model intergenerational GAA·TTC triplet repeat instability. Cell Stem Cell 2010; 7:631-7; PM I D:21040903; /10.1016/j.stem.2010.09.014.12. Siedlaczck I , Epplen C, Riess O, Epplen JT. Simple repetitive (GAA)n loci in the human genome. Electrophoresis 1993; 14:973-7; PM I D:7907288; /10.1002/elps.11501401155.13. Chauhan C, Dash D, Grover D, Rajamani J, MukerjiM. Origin and instability of GAA repeats: insights fromAlu elements. 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Reproduction 2003; 125:625-33; PM D:12713425; /10.1530/rep.0.1250625.because they contain one strand synthe-sized in bacteria.The replication intermediates digested with DpnI did not contain the spot 3, cor-responding to the complex between two GAA stretches (Fig. 3C ). We suggest that the absence of the complex is due to the chromatin coverage of the plasmid that accompanies replication. This is similar to our observation that GAA repeats only block replication during the first replica-tion round, until the chromatin is formed. The replication blockage that we have pre-viously observed is consistent with forma-tion of a triplex that occurs in transfected DNA only prior to nucleosome cover-age.1 Here, the complex between the two (GAA)57 repeats also occurred only with-out the chromatin structure. The absence of the complex in replicated DNA also shows that the complexes that we observe are not an artifact of the isolation and sub-sequent treatment of our intermediates, since then they would exist in at least some fraction of the replicated DNA as well.The question remains whether the non-B DNA structures can form within GAA repeats in mammalian cells since their formation requires DNA stretches that are not folded in chromatin. A win-dow when these complexes can form during development is the spermatogen-esis when the maturing sperm chromatin changes from nucleosome- to protamine-bound assembly.26 Another opportunity to form complexes comes when the chroma-tin of a sperm and an egg restructure after the fusion of the gamets.26,27 This is asso-ciated with degradation of protamines and nucleosome deposition, as the zygote DNA may lack a compact chromatin structure.28 It should be noted that the expansions in Friedreich ataxia were traced to the early divisions of the zygote.7An opportunity for the complexes to form may also exist in cancer cells. It is known that some regions of their genome are overmethylated and convert in hetero-chromatin, while other regions are under-methylated, which may promote a loose chromatin packaging.29,30It is not clear whether the two-repeats complexes would compete with triplex structure formation within each individ-ual (GAA)57 repeat. It is possible that both of them exist and contribute to overallgenomic instability. However, a separate study is necessary to determine whether these structures indeed have a biological role.Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interest weredisclosed.Acknowledgments This study was supported by NI H grant GM087472, and research grant from Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance toMMK.References 1. Chandok GS, Patel MP , Mirkin SM, Krasilnikova MM.Effects of Friedreich’s ataxia GAA repeats on DNAreplication in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res2012; 40:3964-74; PM D:22262734; http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gks021.2. Kelkar YD, Tyekucheva S, Chiaromonte F , MakovaKD. The genome-wide determinants of humanand chimpanzee microsatellite evolution. GenomeRes 2008; 18:30-8; PMI D:18032720; http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.7113408.3. Sharma R, Bhatti S, Gomez M, Clark RM, MurrayC, Ashizawa T, et al. 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1. 中医理论的分子生物学意义中医作为中国古代医学的重要组成部分,有着独特的理论体系。











2. 《内经》对分子生物学的贡献《黄帝内经》是中国古代最重要的医学经典之一,被誉为中医药的源头。








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Experimental objective
1.Introduct an alien gene (SNAC1)into elite wheat cultivar to improve the tolerances of wheat cultivars to drought and salinity through genetic engineering. 2.Assays to confirm the tolerances of drought and salintity,sensitivities to ABA of transgenic wheat cultivars. 3. How SNAC1 regulate expression of genes in the transgenic wheat.
Transformation and tissue culture
An elite Chinese wheat cultivar (cv.) Yangmai12 was planted in an experimental field,seeds at 14–16 days post anthesis (DPA)were isolated as explants. Embryos were isolated from the seeds,placed onto agar plate and cultured for 5 days, Calluses were used for bombardment with a biolistic gun, Subsequent cultures and selection of transgenic calli were performed as previously described,The surviving plantlets with strong roots and shoots were vernalized at 4 ◦C for 14 days and then cultured in a growth chamber under 16/8 h day/night at 18–20◦C.
A rice stress-responsive NAC gene enhances tolerance of transgenic wheat to drought and salt stresses
The fuction of NAC1 gene
1.Improvement of drought and salinity stress tolerance in wheat.
For RT-PCR analyses of a target gene, 5 μg total RNA extracted from wheat leaves were reversely transcribed into cDNA with reverse transcriptase and an oligodT20 primer. PCR amplifications were performed with a thermal cycler using primers SSNA and NOSR. PCR consisted of 35 cycles of denaturation (94 ◦C,30 s), annealing (60 ◦C, 30 s) and extension (72 ◦C, 30 s). Wheat actin gene was co-amplified as control with primers PwactF1 and PwactR1
qRT-PCR system:
reaction containing SYBR Green I PCR Master Mix.(25μL) diluted cDNA (1:100). (10μL) forward and reverse gene-specific primers:Gene-specific primerswere designed using Primer Premier5 software.(10 pmol each of primer) primers ActinF and ActinR:Wheat actin gene was selected as an internal control and co-amplified to normalize the total amounts of cDNA present in each reaction. PCR amplification was performed in Lightcycler® 480
Vector construction
SNAC1 was amplified from a rice cDNA clone using two primers SNAnde1 and SNAsac1 . The PCR product was cloned into pAHC25 (Ubiquitin promoter-based vectors)to generate a recombinant plasmid pUbiSNAC1 for wheat transformation .
PCR, reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)
DNA and RNA was extracted from young leaves of wheat. The selected transgenic plants were analyzed by PCR , primers S-SNA and NOSR were used to amplify a 392-bp DNA segment spanning SNAC1 gene and NOS-terminator. The PCR products were separated on 1.2% agarose gels.
2.Increased sensitivities to abscisic acid
The ABA sensitivity of the transgenic wheat plants increase,the growth of roots and shoots are significantly inhibited in the transgenic plants
Materials and methods
1.Vector construction 2.Transformation and tissue culture 3.PCR, reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) 4.Southern blot analysis 5.Drought and salt tolerance assays 6.Abscisic acid (ABA) sensitivity assay 7.Experimental result
Transgenic calli were selected on medium containing phosphinothricin (PPT).A total of 18 PPT-resistant T0 transgenic plantlets were generated and used for the production of T1 progenies. For T1 to T3 generations, PPT was used for the selection of transgenic plants. Two transgenic lines showed good performance under drought and salt treatment ,They were designated as A2 and A4 and used for subsequent analyses.A 392-bp SNAC1 fragment was amplified from A2 and A4 using primers S-SNA and NOSR.RT-PCR analyses confirmed the presence of SNAC1 transcripts in the two transgenic lines with the same primers , while internal control actin transcripts were present in all transgenic plants and the non-transgenic Y12 plants. Southern blot analyses revealed that the SNAC1 gene was indeed integrated into the wheat genome with different numbers of hybridization bands in the two lines, suggesting that A2 has at least one copy and A4 has at least 2 copies.
PCR Amplification program:
Following a denaturation step at 95 ◦C for 4 min, the amplification was carried out with 40 cycles at 94 ◦C for 15 s, 60 ◦C for 20 s and 72 ◦C for 20 s.The fluorescent signals were recorded at 72 ◦C for 30 s. The experiments were performed in triplicates.