



* Corresponding author. Email: ******************.myResearch ArticleDesign and Development of Three Arms Transmission Line Inspection RobotMuhammad Fairuz Abdul Jalal *, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Ho Ming Fei, Justin Chan Tuck LeongDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Selangor 43000, Malaysia1. INTRODUCTIONHigh-voltage transmission lines is one of the main elements in power distribution from the power plant or power station to the customer. However, the transmissions line is exposed to various environment conditions namely thermo-mechanical loading, mechanical tension, material degradation and material corrosion. The transmissions lines undergoing such circumstances eventually lead to many problems such as electrical breakdown or even major accident if transmissions lines were not being inspect, fixed and replaced in appropriate time [1].The process of inspections of transmission line involved activities such as changing the ceramic insulators and switching on or off the circuit in between poles [2]. The manual inspection routine of transmission line is very tedious, dangerous and time-consuming inspection session [3]. The development of the mobile inspection robot will not only create a safer work environment in the trans-mission line inspection job, but also improve the efficiency of the inspection process [3].Various line inspection robots have been developed and proposed by researchers. Wang et al. [4] proposed a two arms transmission line robot. This robot utilized a line walking mechanism that based on biped structure either having both feet placed on the line or each feet is placed alternatively on and off the line. Another dual arm robot self-balancing was developed by Songyi et al. [5]. The two arm of the robot hold onto the transmission line and move with the wheel installed on the arm. The robot is integrated with counterweight to improve the robot stability while travelling on the trans-mission line.Xu et al. [6] developed a three arms transmission line robot thatf eatures two supporting arms and one assistant arm placed in between both supporting arms. This robot was designed to over-come obstacles by evading them with the lifting mechanism on each arm. Rui et al. [7] developed three arm transmission line inspection robot. The robot arms consist of rubber wheel and the both outer arm installed with gripper to hold unto the line. The rubber wheel enables the robot to bypass minor obstacles for instance the splicer and damper.Our research group already took initiatives to propose various conceptual design and selection based on requirement set by Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the main utility supplier to peninsular Malaysia [8]. In this paper, the prototype of a three arms trans-mission line inspection robot is presented. The robot has the capabilities to pass over in-line obstacles without deteriorating the robot stability.2. T RANSMISSION LINE INSPECTION ROBOT DESIGN 2.1. General Design RequirementThere are many components, which are installed on the transmis-sion line for various purposes namely tension insulator chain, sus-pension clamp, damper, tension clamp, jumper, splicing sleeve and others depending on type of transmission line as shown in Figure 1.A R T I C L E I N F OArticle HistoryReceived 19 July 2018Accepted 12 November 2018Keywords Inspection robot transmission line sliderA B S T R A C TThe high-voltage transmission line had been used primarily for power distribution from power plant or power station to the end users. However, the transmission line is highly prone to damage due to exposure to various thermal–mechanical loadings and material degradation. Therefore, periodical inspection on transmission line after prolonged service is needed to prevent any failure before it happens. In this paper, we present a new design of three arms inspection robot for transmission lines. The robot is able to transverse along the line and bypass the in-line obstacles namely the anti-vibration hammers, spacer, strain clamps and others. The design of the inspection robot in term of the robot design and configuration with slotted cam at each arm is presented. The detailed analysis via simulation with respect to the robot stability; kinematic and movement analysis; and power consumption during operation is executed to make sure the proposed design able to do the inspection without any unexpected difficulties. Later, the lab testing on the developed prototype is done for feasibility study and validation.© 2018 The Authors . Published by Atlantis Press SARL.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).158M.F. Abdul Jalal et al. / Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life 5(3) 157–160It is deemed necessary for robot to bypass these in-line components so that the inspection process can be executed effectively [9].2.2. Transmission Line Inspection RobotThe robot travel on the transmission line with the help of rollers that installed in each arm and cross obstacles by moving its arm up by rotating the power screw installed in each arm. The robot is installed with six motors; three motors run the roller at each arm for traversing on the transmission line. The others three motors are attached to the power screw for bypassing the in-line obstacles. The conceptual design and the prototype are shown in Figure 2.The three arms robot is hanged to the transmission line by means of roller and lower jaw as a griping element. The movement is pro-pelled by the roller at each arm. Each roller is powered by a motor as shown in Figure 3.The mechanism to bypass obstacle is illustrated in Figure 4. The gripping position and bypassing obstacle movement are realized by the rotational direction of the motor linked to power screw. To bypass the in-line obstacle, the motor is then actuated. The power screw pushes the arm upwards. As the arm moves up, it follows the curve of the slotted profile. The bottom of the arm will have a pin joint with a support to enable it to rotate as the arm follows the curve of the slot. The arm will move back to its original position by reversing the motor direction and the wheel on arm attached back to the line. The same step applied to the following next two arm. The mechanism to bypass the obstacles is shown in Figure 5.The stability of the transmission line inspection robot is an import-ant aspect to be considered as it influences the overall quality of the image taken during the inspection process.3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION3.1. Capability to Bypass ObstaclesThe robot must be able to avoid obstacles along the transmis-sion line or else the design will be deemed as a failure. Figure 6 shows that the roller and lower jaw do not interfere with the line as the arm gripper loosening and tightening its grip to the transmission line.The clearance between the arm and the obstacles is ranged from 90 to 130 mm and the maximum angle of arm rotation 21.6° as shown in Figure 7.Figure 1| Transmission line environment [9]Figure 2| The conceptual design (left) and prototype of the three armstransmission line inspection robot (right)Figure 3|The front view (left) and side view (right) of the gripperFigure 4|Mechanism to bypass in-line obstaclesFigure 6| The arm gripper during loosening (left) and tightening (right)its grip to the lineFigure 5| The arm movement to bypass obstacles. (a) initial state (b)obstacle bypassing state (c) return back to initial statea b cM.F. Abdul Jalal et al. / Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life 5(3) 157–160 159the operation. The average change of X -axis is 10.33 mm and Y -axis is 8.07 mm. The average distance between center of mass in various arm configuration is 13.1 mm. The results are plotted in X –Y plane as shown in Figure 9.3.3. Motor Torque and Power ConsumptionThe value of the motor torque required to rotate the power screw to move the arm up for bypassing the obstacle is analyzed in Solidworks Motion. The motor speed is set to reach 225 rpm based on the motor specification. The time needed for the arm to move up to bypass the obstacle is 20 s. The average motor torque and power consumption are 13 Nm and 0.254 W . The graph of the motor torque and power consumption against time is shown in Figure 10.3.2. Stability AnalysisThe significant changes of robot center of mass for bypassing the obstacle provide instability and tendency for the robot to swing. The analysis of the design center of gravity is done by means of center of mass analysis of the following arm configurations: (i) Configuration 1: Original configuration; all the arms rest onthe transmission line.(ii) Configuration 2: The first arm move up to avoid obstacles while the other two arm rest on the line.(iii) Configuration 3: The second arm move up to avoid obstacles while the other two arm rest on the line.(iv) Configuration 4: The third arm move up to avoid obstacles while the other two arm rest on the line.The robot XYZ axis and the value of center of mass for each config-uration is extracted from the CAD software is as shown in Figure 8. The coordinate center of mass of the different arm configuration is tabulated in Table 1.There is a small change in the coordinate of the center of mass in the X - and Y -axis as the robot change its configurations from the orig-inal configuration while the Z-axis remained constant throughoutFigure 7 | The arm gripper during loosening (left) and tightening (right)its grip to the lineFigure 8 | The coordinate center of mass extracted from simulationTable 1 | The coordinate of the center of mass by various arm configuration Coordinate Arm configuration1234X 88.4598.7898.8098.80Y 250.65258.67258.83258.83Z207.58207.58207.58207.58Figure 9 | The coordinate of robot center of mass in X –Y plane fordifferent arm configurationFigure 10 | Graph of motor torque (top) and power consumption (bottom) against time160 M.F. Abdul Jalal et al. / Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life 5(3) 157–1604. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, the three arms transmission line inspection robot and the analysis of robot stability and motor are presented. The mech-anism to bypass the in-line obstacles is achieved by using power screw and slotted profile. The robot is proven to be stabile during operation due to minimal changes of its centre of mass.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the Universiti Tenaga Nasional Bold (TNB) Grant 102289176/B/9/2017/63 and Internal Grant J510050707. The author would like to thank the TNB for the access of information and data for formulating the robot design specification.REFERENCES[1] Y.C. Zhang, Z.Z. Liang, M. Tan, Mobile robot for overhead pow-erline inspection: a review, Robot 9 (2009), 467–473.[2] L.E. Parker, J.V . Draper, Robotics applications in mainte-nance and repair, S. Nof, Handbook of Industrial Robotics, second ed., Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1998, pp. 1023–1036.[3] F.Y. Zhou, J.D. Wang, Y.B. Li, H.R. Xiao, Control of an inspec-tion robot for 110K V power transmission lines based on expert system design methods, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEEMr. Muhammad Fairuz Abdul JalalHe is a lecturer at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Malaysia. He received his Diplom -Ing. (FH) in Mechanical Engineering and MSc. in Mechatronics from University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg - Weingarten Germany in 2008 and 2010 accordingly.His research interest include robotic, design methodology and inspectionsystem for power industry. He is a member of International TRIZ Association.International Conference on Control Applications, IEEE, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2005, pp. 1563–1568.[4] L. Wang, F. Liu, Z. Wang, S. Xu, S. Cheng, J. Zhang, Developmentof a practical power transmission line inspection robot based on a novel line walking mechanism, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, pp. 222–227.[5] D. Songyi, W . Xuefeng, D. Hang, W . Tao, Development of a self-balance dual-arm robot for inspection of high-voltage power trans m ission lines, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Mecha-tronics and Automation, IEEE, Chengdu, China, 2012, pp. 2482–2487.[6] B. Xu, X. Wang, Y. Zhu, H. Chen, Design of obstacle crossingmechanism of high-voltage transmission line inspection robot, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), IEEE, Zhuhai, China, 2015, pp. 2539–2544.[7] G. Rui, Z. Feng, C. Lei, Y. Jun, A mobile robot for inspectionof overhead transmission lines, Proceedings of the 2014 3rd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, IEEE, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2014, pp. 1–3.[8] M.F . Abdul Jalal, K.S. Mohamed Sahari, A. Anuar, A.D. MohdArshad, M.S. Idris, Conceptual design for transmission line inspec-tion robot, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bristol, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2013, pp. 1–4.[9]G. Wu, T. Zheng, H. Xiao, C. Li, Navigation, location and non-collision obstacles overcoming for high-voltage power transmission- line inspection robot, 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE, Changchun, China, 2009, 2014–2020.Dr. Khairul Salleh Mohamed SahariHe is currently a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional. He received his PhD from Kanazawa University, Japan in 2006. His research inter-est includes robotics, mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence and MachineLearning.Mr. Ho Ming FeiHe received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Tenaga Nasional in 2017. He is now work-ing as Production Executive in Perak, Malaysia.Mr. Justin Chan Tuck LeongHe received his Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Tenaga Nasional in 2010.Authors Introduction。











关键词巡线机器人,结构设计,运动学分析,动力学分析Structural design of high voltage transmission lineinspection robotAbstractAt present, there are mainly two methods in inspecting the transmission line: One method is artificially inspection which suffers from great labor intensity, low working efficiency and reliability and blind area of inspecting;the other method is the helicopter inspection, although this method enhanced inspecting efficiency and precision,it is rigour to the climate, moreover, it not only increases the technical difficulty for the viewer and the shooting device but also cost much more. So you can replace the need for a way of working. The development of mobile robot technology provided new means for inspection of the high-voltage transmission line.This paper introduces there search backgroundand significance of high-voltage transmission line inspection robot,summarizes the status of research and development at home and abroad inspection robot.Then for the high-voltage transmission lines to design a new structure inspection robot motio. The agency uses three arm multi-degree of freedom robotic arm can achieve safe and reliable autonomous transmission line and use solidworks established inspection robot of three-dimensional model .the advantage of this structure is that the strong grasp of line and stability of movement.Key words:inspection robot;structural design;kinematic anaylsis;kinetic analysis目录摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)目录 (iii)第一章绪论............................................................. - 1 -1.1巡线机器人研究目的及意义........................................... - 1 -1.2巡线机器人国内外研究现状........................................... - 2 -1.3本课题研究内容..................................................... - 5 - 第二章巡线机器人总体设计及理论分析...................................... - 7 -2.1巡线机器人工作环境分析............................................. - 7 -2.2巡线机器人的主要技术指标.......................................... - 10 -2.3巡线机器人运动学分析.............................................. - 10 -2.4机器人的工作空间分析.............................................. - 17 - 第三章巡线机器人详细结构设计............................................ - 19 -3.1巡线机器人机械手指结构设计........................................ - 19 -3.2巡线机器人跨线手臂与承重手臂结构设计.............................. - 21 -3.3巡线机器人连接手臂结构设计........................................ - 23 -3.4巡线机器人箱体结构设计............................................ - 24 -3.5轴校核............................................................ - 26 - 第四章巡线机器人越障能力分析............................................ - 28 -4.1巡线机器人越障步骤................................................ - 28 -4.2.机械臂运动学方程的正解............................................ - 29 - 第五章总结与展望........................................................ - 31 -5.1总结.............................................................. - 31 -5.2展望.............................................................. - 31 - 参考文献................................................................. - 32 - 致谢..................................................................... - 34 -第一章绪论1.1巡线机器人研究目的及意义电力系统,由发电、变电、输电、配电和用电等环节组成的电能生产与消费系统。




1. 车身结构设计。


2. 导航系统设计。



3. 电源供应设计。


4. 控制系统设计。


5. 环保设计。








二、设计内容1. 任务要求:学生需要制作一个巡线运球机器人,该机器人能够根据地面黑线行进,在行进过程中遇到球时能够将球吸附到机器人上并继续行进,最后将球送入指定位置。


2. 设计材料:学生需要准备Arduino控制板、巡线传感器、吸盘、电机、车轮、电池盒等材料。

3. 设计步骤:- 搭建底盘:将车轮和电机安装在底盘上,保证机器人行进时稳定性。

- 安装巡线传感器:将巡线传感器固定在机器人的前部,用于检测地面黑线。

- 设计吸盘装置:设计吸盘装置,使机器人能够有效吸附球。

- 编写程序:使用Arduino控制板,编写程序控制机器人巡线、吸球和送球的动作。

4. 测试与调试:完成机器人搭建后,对机器人进行测试并调试,保证其功能正常。

三、设计评价标准1. 机器人的稳定性和灵活性:机器人行进过程中是否稳定,是否能够根据地面黑线准确行进。

2. 机器人的吸球功能:机器人能否有效吸附球,并能够将球送入指定位置。

3. 编程方案的实际效果:编写的程序能否实现机器人的自主行走和吸球功能。

4. 创新性和实用性:机器人设计是否具有创新性和实用性。

四、教学方法与安排1. 教学方法:采用“理论讲解+ 实践操作”相结合的教学方法,引导学生通过实际操作来深化对理论知识的理解。

2. 教学安排:将本作业设计安排在课程的实践教学环节,每个学生独立完成一个机器人,并在小组内分享经验和成果。

3. 教学辅助:为学生提供相关的教学资料和视频教程,帮助学生更好地理解机器人制作与编程的基本原理。




2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics (AMEII 2016) Research into structural design and simulation of the inspection robot for ultra-high voltage power transmission linesYiheng Bian1, a1Department of electric power engineering, North China Electric Power University , Baoding of Hebeiprovince 071000, Chinaa*****************Keywords:inspection robot; extra-high voltage power transmission line; structural design; simulation analysisAbstract. With the rapid development of the power system, there has been a higher requirement of the power transmission lines. However, the traditional power transmission line test usually adopts the helicopter aerial survey and artificial visual inspection, which might incur a high inspection cost but can hardly ensure the inspection precision. Under the condition, the inspection robot is developed to respond to problems with the traditional power transmission line inspection methods, having achieved significantly positive effects. This paper is an exploration and analysis of the structural design thinking of the inspection robot, the robot kinematic issues and the robot movement simulation.IntroductionAs an important technical approach for the current power transmission line test, the inspection robot can be hung on the overhead ground wire to automatically conduct power transmission line inspection. Some commonly-seen problems like guide line damage, insulator degradation and line faults can be efficiently tested. However, how to give full play to the inspection robot and do a good work of structural design to meet the power transmission line inspection requirements remains an issue of great concern. This research targets at the design requirements of the inspection robot, so it is of vital significance.I. Research thinking of the structural designThe structure of the inspection robot shows obvious complex characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good work of 3D model building during the structural design. As the building of various robot parts, the CATIA software is introduced. The functions of the software include: 1) Assembly design: Introduce all assembly parts into it and meet the design, analysis and manufacturing requirements of assembly parts; 2) Engineering drawing: Directly build the engineering drawing; 3) Characteristic design module: Provide exclusive dialogues for users and guarantee prism parts design of users. Besides, the software can also introduce the curve design, the metal plate design and the assembly simulation into it.In the practical robot structural design, the 500kV power transmission lines are adopted as research objects. It is required that the robot design relies on the computer control system and can move on the overhead line and automatically finish the operation of evading obstacles. To the end, the inspection robot should have an edge in terms of obstacle crossing capability and climbing capability, and its weight should preferably be controlled within 100kg. During the practical design process, the overall framework of the inspection robot should be clarified, which mainly includes the flexible arms, the palm opening and closing device, the braking device, the driving device, the control cabinet and the power box. The schematic diagram of the specific structure is shown in Fig. 1 below:Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the inspection robot structureIn the structure, the actuating components feature the flexible arms, which can support the end effector and the wrist of the robot to some extent. In this design, the joint-type structure dominates. Relevant movement parameters under the structure are reflected as the end effector length, the wrist length, the forearm length and the big arm length, which is 344mm, 72mm, 400mm and 250mm, respectively. Besides, all joints rotate within ±90°. Two mechanisms, the stepping-type and the wheel-type, can be introduced. The former has higher transmission efficiency; while the latter can increase the inspection speed of the robot. As to the braking device, it includes the spring guide axis, the bottom base, the upper base, the pin roll, and the fixed and flexible brake ratchets, which can prevent the robot in fault from falling down or being out of control. After functions of various parts are confirmed, the CATIA environment can be introduced to confirm the mass inertia parameters of various parts [1]. The parameters are shown in Table 1 in details.Table 1 Mass inertia parameters of major robot parts under the CATIA model Parts Mass Izz Iyy IxxFlexible brake ratchet 0.0115 2.094e-005 1.863e-005 2.375e-006 Fixed brake ratchet 0.085 4.021e-005 3.171e-004 2.849e-004 Forearm 0.279 0.005 0.005 97e-005 Rolling wheel 1.439 0.002 0.002 0.003 Big arm 1.437 0.013 0.012 0.002II. Analysis of kinematic issues of mechanical armsAnalysis of the kinematic characteristics of mechanical arms is an important guarantee for reasonable design of various robot joints. During the practical analysis process, relevant mathematical theories are introduced. First, homogeneous transformation and rigid body pose analysis. The analysis method is mainly for the research into the relationship between mechanical arms and the environment or the internal components of mechanical arms. In terms of the rigid body pose, Point P is chosen; Px, Py and Pz respectively stand for the coordinate of Point P in the coordinate system. Based on that, Point P is expressed in the vector form, and w is adopted as theproportional factor. Under the condition that Px=x·w, Py=y·w and Pz=z·w, there isxyPzw. In thisway, when the proportional factor, w, changes, pose of the referential point can be analyzed. Besides, D-H expression method can also introduced to express the kinematical equation and to make the robot connecting rod and joint design more reasonable [2].Kinematic analysis of mechanical arms can proceed from forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, speed and Jacobian matrix. In terms of forward kinematics, the D-H expression method can be adopted for the coordinate system building and the parameter table filling. After these parameters are clarified, they can be put into relevant equations. Assume that Ai stands for the transformation matrix of adjacent joints, and that the transformation between two coordinate systems, including the end face and the substrate of robot’s hands, can be expressed as RTH. Then, RTH=A1A2A3A4. After that, the pose of the hand end face in the coordinate system can be deduced. In terms of the inverse kinematics, the angle solution is finished through decoupling in different angles. For example, A1-1RTH=A2A3A4 can be directly employed to deduce the joint rotational angle. Besides, in termsof the component changes, the Jacobian matrix can be used for expression. Generally speaking, the value of the joint corner can be expressed as [D]=[J][Dθ] when time changes. The Jacobian matrix is expresse d as J, and the joint differential movements can be expressed as Dθ. The differential movement of the coordinate system is D. Through the equation the joint angular velocity can be solved [3].III. Robot movement simulation from the perspective of ADAMSDuring the practical simulation process, the mechanism movement situations are confirmed through the simulation software. During the simulation process, this paper introduces ADAMS many-body dynamics into it, which can integrate ODE solution, nonlinear solution and linear solution into it. The simulation can be subdivided into: 1) Model building: In this step, the part model should be built, and the model should be set with corresponding acting force and restraint; 2) Model test: The measurement should be defined quantitatively. Based on that, the model is simulated, and it should be judged whether the acting force, restraint and parts meet the simulation requirements; 3) Model validation: Simulation results and test results are compared and the model is judged to see whether it is reasonable; 4) Model refinement: The complex elements are introduced into the model, such as flexible connecting pieces and friction in the kinematic pair; 5) Model optimization and environment customization: Parameters can be optimized to make the whole model more reasonable. Users can directly conduct dialogues or customize menus. The specific modeling procedures are shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2 Simulation flow diagramBased on the simulation, the kinematic modeling process should be considered. During the operation process, the tool magazine of the ADAMAS should be employed. In this way, the inspection robot model under the environment can be obtained. See Fig. 3 below.Fig. 3 Robot model under the ADAMAS environmentThrough simulation and model building, the specific conditions during the practical joint movements can be obtained. Based on that, the kinematic rules of all robot parts are analyzed. Under the faulted condition, the corresponding rotational angle can be measured. Besides, during the process of evading obstacles, the falling and rising of the mechanical arms can be deduced [4]. ConclusionsApplication of the inspection robot is an important approach to improve the current ultra-high voltage power transmission test level. The structural design of the inspection robot is critical to the application process. The structure should meet the transmission lien requirements. Besides, the robot structure should be simulated so as to judge whether relevant parts meet the practical operation requirements. Only in this way, functions of the inspection robot can be given into full play. References:[1]LI Yong. Research into the application mode of the unmanned aerial vehicle during the inspection of ultra-high voltage AC power transmission line[D]. North China Electric Power University, 2014.[2]ZHANG Hu. The research and implementation on control system of the flight-sliding type transmission line inspection robot[D]. North China Electric Power University, 2014.[3]SHI Huiwen. Design and analysis of broken strands reposition metamorphic mechanism of extra-high-voltage power transmission lines[D]. Northeastern University, 2012.[4]XIANG Xiangfei. System design and simulation study of inspection robot for extra-high voltage power transmission lines[D]. Changchun University of Science and Technology, 2012.。



巡线教程巡线教程1、引言1.1 简介巡线是一种基于视觉识别技术的自动导航方法,常用于工业生产线、仓库管理等场景。


2、硬件准备2.1 平台选择在选择平台时,需考虑巡线的精度要求、工作环境等因素,并选择适合的平台。

2.2 视觉传感器选择常用的视觉传感器如摄像头、激光雷达等,需要根据实际需求选择合适的传感器。

2.3 控制电路巡线通常需要控制电路来实现传感器数据的采集和运动的控制。


3、软件配置3.1 操作系统选择根据平台的要求和开发者的熟悉程度,选择合适的操作系统,如Linux、ROS等。

3.2 视觉识别库选择选择合适的视觉识别库,如OpenCV、TensorFlow等,用于图像处理和目标识别。

3.3 巡线算法实现根据巡线的具体要求,实现巡线算法,包括图像处理、目标检测、轨迹规划等功能。

4、线路规划4.1 地图建立首先在巡线区域内建立地图,可以使用激光雷达或其他传感器获取地图信息,并进行地图构建。

4.2 路径规划根据巡线任务的要求,使用路径规划算法的巡线路径。

5、控制策略5.1 速度控制根据巡线任务的需求,设定的速度控制策略,包括加减速、转弯等操作。

5.2 线路跟踪根据视觉识别结果,实现的线路跟踪功能,保持在巡线路径上行驶。

6、实验与优化6.1 环境调试将放置在巡线区域中,调试视觉传感器、巡线算法等,确保系统正常运行。

6.2 巡线精度优化通过对巡线系统的各个模块进行优化,提高的巡线精度。







二、设计目标:1. 精通机器人的基本原理和构造方法。

2. 进修Arduino编程语言及其应用。

3. 能够应用传感器进行巡线和实现运球功能。

4. 培育同砚分析和解决问题的能力。

5. 提高同砚的团队合作能力和创新认识。

三、设计内容:1. 机器人构建:同砚将进修如何选择合适的电机、传感器、轮子等材料,并按照设计图纸进行机器人的搭建和组装。

2. Arduino编程:同砚将进修Arduino编程语言的基础知识,包括变量、循环结构、条件语句等,并运用这些知识编写代码控制机器人行走、巡线和运球操作。

3. 传感器应用:同砚将进修如何正确应用红外线传感器进行巡线功能的实现,以及怎样运用颜色传感器实现运球的操作。

4. 实践操作:同砚将在试验室进行实践操作,通过调试和优化程序,使机器人能够准确地巡线和运球。

四、设计步骤:1. 进修筹办阶段:老师将介绍机器人的基本原理和构造方法,同砚进修相关知识。

2. 材料筹办阶段:同砚依据设计要求筹办所需的材料和工具。

3. 机器人构建阶段:同砚按照设计图纸进行机器人的搭建和组装。

4. Arduino编程阶段:同砚进修Arduino编程语言的基础知识,并编写控制程序。

5. 传感器应用阶段:同砚进修如何应用传感器进行巡线和运球功能的实现。

6. 实践操作阶段:同砚在试验室进行实践操作,调试和优化程序,使机器人能够顺畅完成任务。

五、课程评估:1. 课程作业:同砚依据设计要求完成机器人的制作和程序编写,并进行任务演示。

2. 知识考核:考察同砚对机器人制作和编程知识的精通水平。

3. 实践能力:考察同砚在实践操作中的动手能力和解决问题能力。




















目录摘要 (1)1 绪论 (2)1.设计背景 (2)1.2设计现状 (2)1.3设计内容 (2)2 方案设计与论证 (3)2.1核心系统 (3)2.巡线系统 (4)2.3避障系统 (5)2.4显示系统 (6)2.5动力系统 (8)2.5.1 电机 (8)2.5电机驱动系统 (8)2.6时钟电路 (9)2.7复位电路 (9)2.8外界信息输入系统 (10)2.8.1 独立键盘 (10)2.8红外线遥控器 (10)2.9 语音系统 (11)2.10 总体设计 (11)3 软件设计 (13)3.1 主程序 (13)3.2路径选取子程序 (14)3.显示子程序 (15)3.4巡线子程序 (16)3.5PWM 调速子程序 (17)3.6避障子程序 (18)3.7路径识别子程序 (18)3.8 90°、180°转弯子程序 (19)3.9 返回子程序 (19)4 机器人制作与改进 (19)4.1 制作流程 (19)4.1.1 核心主板 (20)4.1.2 机器人框架 (20)4.2 制作中出现的问题及改进结果 (21)4.2.1 PCB 板 (21)4.2.2 机器人框架 (21)5 系统测试及数据记录 (21)5.1 调试步骤 (22)5.2 模块调试 (22)5.2.1 驱动电路及动力系统 (22)5.2.2 巡线系统 (23)5.2.3 避障系统 (23)5.3 整体调试 (23)6 结论 (24)参考文献 (25)谢辞 (26)附录1 电路原理图 (27)附录2 PCB 覆铜3D 图 (28)附录3 源程序 (29)巡线机器人的设计摘要:本设计是制作了一种以单片机为核心控制单元,以红外光电传感器为检测手段的自动巡线智能返回的机器人模型。






二、设计目标:1. 了解机器人的基本原理和运行机制;2. 学习搭建巡线运球机器人的基本步骤;3. 掌握机器人编程的基本知识和技巧;4. 提高学生的团队协作能力和创新意识。

三、设计内容:1. 搭建巡线运球机器人主体结构:a. 利用Arduino主控板搭建机器人的主控系统;b. 连接电机和传感器,构建机器人的运动系统;c. 搭建机器人的机械臂,用于运球操作。

2. 编程巡线运球机器人的控制程序:a. 学习Arduino编程语言,了解基本语法规则;b. 编写巡线算法程序,让机器人能够沿着黑线行进;c. 编写运球控制程序,使机器人能够将球运送到指定位置。

3. 调试和优化巡线运球机器人:a. 对机器人进行调试,确保其正常运行;b. 通过不断优化程序和调整参数,提高机器人的巡线和运球效率;c. 探讨机器人设计与编程的改进方向,激发学生的创新思维。

四、作业要求:1. 每个小组由3-5名成员组成,合作完成机器人的搭建与编程任务;2. 每个小组需要撰写一份完整的机器人制作记录,包括搭建过程、编程思路和优化方法;3. 每个小组需要进行机器人演示,展示巡线和运球的功能及效果;4. 每个小组需要进行成果展示和交流,分享经验和心得。

五、评估方式:1. 作业评分将根据机器人的搭建质量、程序的编写水平和演示效果等方面进行综合评估;2. 学生将根据小组整体表现和个人贡献情况分别评分;3. 优秀小组将获得奖励,并有机会参加校内机器人比赛。

六、作业计划:1. 第一周:学生分组,确定小组成员和分工;2. 第二周:学习Arduino基础知识,准备机器人搭建材料;3. 第三周:搭建巡线运球机器人主体结构;4. 第四周:编程巡线运球机器人控制程序,进行调试;5. 第五周:优化机器人程序,准备演示和展示。









安装并配置您的机器人控制软件,例如ROS(Robot Operating System)。





















首先,介绍了智能巡线机器人的改进的设计,包括机器人本身的结构、移动原理、传感器系统和控制系统等,然后简要介绍机器人运动的原理,并使用ATmega328 微控制器对机器人的控制算法进行介绍,最后,对机器人的特点、性能、运行效果以及可能的应用进行了简要的介绍,给出了机器人的实验结果,从而证明了机器人能够高效地完成巡线任务。








电力巡检机器人使用说明书杭州AA科技有限公司目录目录 (1)一、机械部分31、主要机械结构 (3)1.1 A部分—驱动系统(半边) (5)1.2 B部分—控制系统 (5)1.3 C部分—安全系统 (7)1.4 D部分—供电系统 (8)2、单机技术指标要求 (9)二、电气部分101、电气布置 (10)2、电气结构拓扑 (11)3、主要电气设备规格参数 (12)三、控制部分131、客户端软件远程控制 (13)1.1 操作系统 (13)1.2 网络环境 (13)1.3 软件界面及操作说明 (14)2、遥控器控制 (22)2.1 遥控器外形图 (22)2.2 按键定义 (23)3、自动巡线 (24)四、运行准备241、网络环境准备 (24)2、巡线线条布置确认 (24)3、启动车载系统 (25)4、连接客户端软件 (25)5、连接遥控器 (25)6、充电站布置 (26)五、日常维护事项261、外壳维护 (26)2、充电过程维护 (26)3、结构维护 (26)4、车轮维护 (26)5、电气设备维护 (27)6、长期停放时的维护和保养 (27)六、安全警告27七、常见故障及可能原因28八、售后维护咨询联系方式28一、机械部分1、主要机械结构电力巡检车的总体结构见下图。


图一-1 AGV-101机械部分示意图序号分类代号名称数量所属部分1 B 云台组 1 控制系统2 E 外壳 1 外壳3 A 驱动系统 1 转向驱动系统4 C 防碰撞组 1 安全系统5 B 控制系统 1 控制系统6 D 电池组 1 供电系统7 D 自动充电系统 1 供电系统表格一1 整体结构说明表1.1A部分—驱动系统(半边)图一-2 驱动系统示意图序号名称数量备注1 驱动轮 12 联轴器-1 13 联轴器-2 14 电机座 15 减速箱 16 驱动电机 1表格一2 启动系统说明表1.2B部分—控制系统图一1 控制系统示意图序号名称数量说明1 云台组 1 包括云台与监控模块摄像头2 电控柜 1 用于安装控制系统电路表格一3 控制系统说明表1.3C部分—安全系统序号名称数量说明1 防碰撞组 1 包括安全压条及安装铝材1.4D部分—供电系统图一2 电池箱更换示意图电池箱更换说明(如上图所示):操作前请先断电!●将外壳上板两颗螺钉拧掉,打开平面锁;●移开上板,拔掉电池组接插头;●将电池组拿出来,换上充满电的电池组,并准确接回接插头即可。



目录第一章绪论 (1)§1.1研究背景及意义 (1)§1.2架空线路巡线机器人与机器人仿真文献综述 (2)1.2.1架空线路巡线机器人研究概况 (2)1.2.2机器人仿真简介 (6)§1.3本文主要内容 (7)第二章巡线机器人本体结构的设计与三维建模 (8)§2.1线机器人本体结构设计 (8)2.11方案要求 (8)2.12总体结构 (10)2.13柔性臂 (10)2.14驱动装置 (13)2.15刹车制动装置 (14)2.16手掌开合装置 (14)§2.2器人的建模 (15)第三章巡线机器人机械手运动学分析 (18)§3.1引言 (18)§3.2数学基础理论 (18)3.2.1刚体位姿的表示与齐次变换[]26 (18)3.2.2机器人运动学方程的D-H表示法 (20)§3.3巡线机器人四自由度机械手运动学分析 (22)3.3.1机械手的正运动学分析 (22)3.3.2机械手的逆运动学分析 (24)3.3.3机械手关节速度和雅可比矩阵 (27)§3.4本章小结 (29)第四章总结与展望 (30)§4.1本文总结 (30)§4.2后续工作与展望 (30)致谢 (31)参考文献 (32)本设计来自:完美毕业设计网登陆网站联系客服远程截图或者远程控观看完整全套论文图纸设计客服QQ:8191040说明:本软件/论文系有偿阅读、使用,完整CAD图纸或源代码请联系客服购买第一章绪论§1.1研究背景及意义电力系统最重要的任务是提供高质量和高可靠性的电力。




In recent years, research and design of robot has not been limited just in military field. Many technologies, which had been used in the military field cuccessfully, have been used in the field of civilian robot. Based on the industrial robot, and by applyingsensor interface control and SCM intelligent control, this project has designed one kind of biranpower line walking robot that is able to carry the goods by itself.








二、设计内容:1. 机器人结构设计:学生将根据提供的材料和图纸,搭建巡线运球机器人的结构。


2. 电路毗连:学生需要进修如何毗连电机、传感器和控制器等电子元件,并确保电路毗连正确无误。


3. 编程控制:学生将进修如何应用Arduino等控制器,编写程序控制机器人的运动。


4. 测试与调试:学生需要对机器人进行测试,发现问题并进行调试。


三、设计步骤:1. 分组讨论:将学生分成小组,讨论巡线运球机器人的设计方案,包括结构设计、电路毗连和编程控制等内容。

2. 搭建机器人结构:学生根据提供的材料和图纸,搭建机器人的结构。


3. 毗连电路:学生进修如何毗连电机、传感器和控制器等电子元件,确保电路毗连正确。

4. 编写程序:学生进修如何应用Arduino等控制器,编写程序控制机器人的运动。


5. 测试与调试:学生对机器人进行测试,发现问题并进行调试。


6. 展示效果:学生将展示他们制作的巡线运球机器人,并向同砚和老师介绍他们的设计理念、制作过程和效果。

四、评判标准:1. 机器人结构稳定性:机器人的结构是否稳固,能够顺利完成巡线和运球任务。

2. 电路毗连正确性:电路毗连是否正确,各元件是否正常工作。

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加拿大魁北克水电研究院的Serge Montambault等人在2000年开始了HQLineROVer遥控小车(见图1.4)的研制工作[]4,3,遥控小车起初用于线路巡检、维护等多用途移动平台。

第三代原型机构紧凑,仅重25kg,驱动力大,抗电磁干扰能力强,能爬52度的斜坡,通信距离可达1000m,小车采用灵活的模块化结构,安装不同的工作头即可完成架空线视觉和红外检查、压接头状态评估、导线和地线更换、导线清污和除冰等带电作业,已在工作电流为800A的315kV电力线上进行了多次现场测试,但是HQ LineROV er没有越障能力,只能在两线塔间的电力线上工作。





































