Development of LCD Telephone Alarm System
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彩盒: retail box/color carton 礼盒:gift box说明书:manual/booklet 贴纸: label商标:brand 木盒:wood box卡牌:tag/card 海报:poster杂志:magazine1、纸质:paper stock /(raw) material书纸:WFUC(wood free uncoated)/ Woodfree铜板:WFC(wood free coated) / Art paper /Gloss Artpaper/ C2S ---Coated two sides 哑粉: Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt单粉: SBS C1S双面白或者单粉:WBB(White back board)?粉灰:CCNB / grey back (灰底)/ FBB(folding box board)(微软的称法)牛皮纸:Craft paper 坑纸:Corrugated Paper Flute A(A坑)纸板::pasteboard 双灰板: grey board再生纸:recycled(循环) paper 合成纸:synthetic paper格拉辛底:glassine paper 胶底纸:adhesive label可移胶底纸:Removable label 非可移胶底纸:Permanent label彩纸:printed paper 卡纸:Paperboard,board , card board面纸:Top sheet 底纸:Liner sheet2、印刷颜色ink information/printing单黑:black ink only, 专色:PMS,special color四色:4 colors CMYK----- Cyan 青, Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black 黑3、尺寸 size /dimension :长:length 宽width 高 Height 深 Depth 厚度:thickness展开尺寸:open size/flat size 成型尺寸:close size/finished size内尺寸:inner size 外尺寸:outer size 压线:score line4、说明书装订和页数page and bindery单张说明书:leaf let /leafManual booklet: 此一般为单黑说明书Brochure:小册子一般此彩色说明书页数:page count 页码:page number(NO.)页 page 版panel;单张single sheet,切边 trim to size对折 fold in half 3折 3 fold风琴折:concertina fold accordion fold骑马钉saddle stitch,staple 胶装perfect bound /bindingWire 钉 Wire-O binding YO圈锁线:scwing 规格:specification 简称specs车中线:single sewing精装书:case(hard) bound book cloth book空白页:unprint page blank page 未切页:uncut pages封面:Cover 内文:Text/content自封:self cover 信封:envelope前封面(封一):front cover 后封面:back cover封二:inside front cover左右自反:work and tumble 天地翻:work and turn5 表面处理: coating/finish光油gloss varnish, 哑油: matte varnish水油aqueous, Water-base varnish 磨光:polish /calendering 吸塑油:blister varnish. 过局部UV: spot UV丝印: silk screen. 光胶:OPP,PP laminating烫金:gold/golden hot stamp 烫银:silver hot stamp击凸:embossing embossed模具:mould Plate(版) 烫金版:foil gold 烫银版: foil silver 6、后序加工裱纸:laminating 对裱:mounting啤切:die cut 粘贴:Glue (Joint)裁切:trim 切:cut /cutting驳盒:multi joints gluing自动扣底:automatic bottom auto-lock bottom扣底:lock bottom tuck top盖: Lid 底: Base 硬盖: Rigid Top7、外购件:丝带: ribbion 塑料:plastic (PVC PET PETG)热收缩:shrink wrap CD套:CD(wrap)sleeve泡沫:foam 金属:metallic双面胶:double-side tape 自粘性的:self-adhesive真空包装:Vacume packing V形状:V-shape防水:water proof 色稿:color proof数码稿:digital proof8、运输散货:bulk 大货生产:mass production lot货柜:(集装箱):container纸箱:carton 卡板:pallet护角:corner protect 包装:packing packaging最大:Maximum (max) 最小:Minimum(Min)净重:Net weight (NW) 毛重:Gross Weight(GW)体积:CBM 出厂价:Ex-work一般常用的:买主:buyer 卖主:vendor/suppier 客户:client/customer兰图:blue draft 看附件:see attachedCTF----computer to firm(计算机直接出菲林)CTP---computer to plate(计算机直接出版)FTP---file transfer protocol(文件传送协议)FYI---for your information(仅供参考)Confirm return?(确定退回)Notification of accepted quotation(通知已被确认的报价单)Purchasing(manager)采购(经理)拼版:make up 校板纸:makeready sheet样板:sample 实地:solidDearGot the artwork of colour box and manual in good condition. Thank you.I have some questions:1: for box1): what material of paper do you need?2): what finish of the box do you need? Polish, PP laminating, or matte PP laminating?2: For manual1): what material? Normal paper like A4 or Gloss Artpaper?2): is the manual printed in 2 sides with A4 size?About your questions:1. Most of the material is almost ready, just wait for the packing box.2. The stain and shrink mark will be remove from the product, I will show youthen.3. The new printed LOGO will be ready on 7-Oct,I will show you picture whenit is ready.。
印刷术语英文翻译(1)印后术语2(转全国标准技术委员会)3 装订工艺binding process将印张加工成册所采用的各种加工技术。
3.1 平装paper-cover binding书籍常用的一种简单装订方式,以纸质软封面为主要特征。
3.2 精装hard-cover binding常用硬纸板作书壳的,表面装潢讲究和耐用、耐保存的一种书籍装订方式。
3.3 骑马订装saddle stitching用金属丝从书帖折缝中穿订的装联方式。
3.4 线装chinese traditional thread sewing用线把书页连封面装订成册,订线露在外面的中国传统装联方式。
3.5 活页装loose-leaf binding以各种夹、扎、穿等方式把散页连在一起并可分拆装联方式。
3.6 螺旋装spiral binding把打好孔的散页用螺旋形金属条或塑料条穿在一起的装联方式。
3.7 特殊装special binding非常用的装联方式,如卷轴装、经折装和蝴蝶装等。
3.8 胶粘订(无线胶订)perfect binding书帖、书页用胶黏剂粘成书册的装联方式。
3.9 锁线订thread sewing配页后的书帖逐帖用线穿订成书芯的装联方式。
3.10 铁丝订wire side-stitching用铁丝在订口边穿订成芯的装联方式。
3.11 塑料线烫订plastic thread sealing用塑料线与纱线的混合线把书页穿订并熔融成书帖的装联方式。
3.12 折页folding将印张折叠成书帖的工序。
3.13 配页collating将书帖或单页按页码顺序配集的工序。
3.14 压平nipping (pressing)用压平机将书帖或书芯压实的工序。
3.15 铣背milling用铣削刀具将书芯的背按要求铣削平整,使所有书页在书背处露出。
3.16 开槽notching胶粘装订中在书芯背横断面上开槽、以便注胶,使书芯与封面粘接更牢固。
北京理工大学本科生毕业设计(论文)书写规范及打印装订要求本科生毕业设计(论文)书写规范及打印装订要求一、毕业设计(论文)书写规范1. 文档格式要求(1)页面设置A4纸纵向打印;页边距:上3.5cm、下2.6cm、左3cm、右2.6cm;页眉:2.4 cm、页脚:2cm、装订线:0cm;页眉内容为:“北京理工大学本科生毕业设计(论文)”页眉,宋体、四号,居中排列,字间距加宽0.5磅;页脚内容为页码,宋体、五号,居中排列。
2.标题序号标号一级标题:第1章第2章第3章……二级标题:1.1 1.2 1.3 ……三级标题:1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 ……正文中一级标题居中,二、三级标题居左对齐;目录中一级标题居左对齐,下一级标题依次向右缩进一格。
图1-1 图1-2 …… 图2-1 图2-2 ……表1-1 表1-2 …… 表2-1 表2-2 ……图表居中,图注标在图下方,表头标在表上方,宋体、5号、居中,图表与上下文之间各空一行。
(1-1)(1-2)…… (2-2)(2-2)……公式标注应于该公式所在行的最右侧。
5.参考文献书写规范参考国标【GB7714-87】,参考文献书写规范如下:(1)文献类别代码普通图书:M 会议录:C 汇编:G 报纸:N期刊:J 学位论文:D 报告:R 标准:S专利:P 数据库:DB 计算机程序:CP 电子公告:EB(2)不同类别文献书写规范要求期刊[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.[1]袁庆龙,候文义.Ni-P合金镀层组织形貌及显微硬度研究[J].XX理工大学学报,2001,32(1):51-53.普通图书[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码.[2]刘国钧,郑如斯.中国书的故事[M].北京:中国青年出版社,1979.80-115.会议论文集[序号]析出责任者.析出题名[A].见(英文用In):主编.论文集名[C].(供选择项:会议名,会址,开会年)出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码.[3]孙品一.高校学报编辑工作现代化特征[A].见:张为民编.中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会.科技编辑学论文集(2)[C].北京:北京师范大学出版社,1998.10-22.专著中析出的文献[序号]析出责任者.析出题名[A].见(英文用In):专著责任者.书名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码.[4]罗云.安全科学理论体系的发展及趋势探讨[A].见:白春华,何学秋,吴宗之.21世纪安全科学与技术的发展趋势[M].北京:科学出版社,2000.1-5.学位论文[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[D].保存地:保存单位,年份.[5]张和生.嵌入式单片机系统设计[D].北京:北京理工大学,1998.报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[R].报告地:报告会主办单位,年份.[6]冯西桥.核反应堆压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,1997.专利文献[序号]专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,发布日期.[5]姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056078,1983-08-12.国际、国家标准[序号]标准代号.标准名称[S].出版地:出版者,出版年.[1]GB/T 16159—1996.汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1996.报纸文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版年,月(日):版次.[5]谢希德.创造学习的思路[N].人民日报,1998,12(25):10.电子文献[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[文献类型/载体类型].电子文献的出版或可获得地址(电子文献地址用文字表述),发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选) .[21]姚伯元.毕业设计(论文)规范化管理与培养学生综合素质[EB/OL].中国高等教育网教学研究,2005-2-2.关于参考文献的未尽事项可参考国家标准《文后参考文献著录规则》(GB7714-87)6. 附录附录是论文主体的补充项目,为了体现整篇论文的完整性,写入正文又可能有损于论文的条理性、逻辑性和精炼性,这些材料可以写入附录段,但对于每一篇论文并不是必须的。
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纸业专业英语词汇翻译(S1)sack (kraft) paper (纸)袋纸safety paper 保险纸,防伪造纸safety check paper 支票纸safety cheque paper 支票纸safety coupon paper 票证纸safety-paper base stock 防伪造纸原纸safety ticket paper 票据纸sales book paper 营业帐表纸sampling paper 包样纸sand paper 砂纸sandwich paper 夹心面包包装纸,三明治包装纸sanitary paper 卫生纸sanitary towel paper 妇女卫生纸sanitary wallpaper 卫生墙壁纸satin paper 光泽纸satin cap 单面斜纹蜡光纸satchel handle paper 手提包把用纸saturating paper 浸渍加工纸saturating felts 油毡纸sausage skin base paper 肠衣原纸scale paper 图表纸,坐标纸scholastic paper 文化教育用纸school paper 文教用纸school construction paper 学童绘画纸school drawing paper 小学图画纸school flats 学校用便笺纸school poster paper 学校招贴纸scratted paper 低级大理石纸screening wrapper 筛渣包装纸scribbling paper 便笺纸script 文稿纸scrubbling paper 低级札记纸sealing paper 密封包装纸sealing wrappers 密封包装纸seamless display paper 无接缝展览纸secondary corrugating material 瓦楞纸废纸section paper 坐标纸sectional paper 坐标纸security paper 证券纸,保险纸seed bag paper 种子袋纸seed germination paper 种子发芽纸seed germinating paper 种子发芽纸self-adhesive 自动粘合纸self sealing paper 自动粘合纸semi-kraft paper 半牛皮包装纸semi-mat art paper 半光泽美术纸sensitive paper 感光纸sensitized paper 感光纸sensitizing paper 感光纸separate paper 防粘纸separating tissue 分隔纸seriographic paper 绢布印刷用纸serpentine paper 装饰纸带set-off paper 衬垫纸,夹层纸sheathing paper 建筑用柏油纸sheet paper 平板纸sheeting paper 平板粘合纸shelf(lining) paper 抽屉衬里纸shell paper 弹壳纸shell packing paper 炮弹包装纸shivel paper 亚麻皮纸shoe cover paper 鞋用涂布纸shop paper 商业用包装纸shot-shell tube paper 弹壳纸side-run paper 不合格纸张sign paper 高级招贴纸,广告纸silent paper 无声响纸张silent program paper 无声节目单纸silhouette paper 剪影黑纸,靶纸silicated paper 涂水玻璃纸silicon coated basse paper 有机硅涂布纸silicon release paper 有机硅涂布防粘纸silk paper 绢纸silk protection paper 丝绸包装纸silk thread paper 含丝绒安全纸silkworm egg paper 蚕种纸silo paper 多层沥青粘合纸,防风纸silurian paper 花纹纸silver paper 银箔纸silver coated paper 银粉涂布纸silver nitrate paper 硝酸银纸silver polishing paper 银器擦拭纸silver pyroxylin paper 银色漆面纸single coated paper 一次涂布纸single thick cover 单一封皮纸size press coated paper 表面施胶纸sized paper 施胶纸skin parchment 真羊皮纸skip paper 单面光薄包装纸slack sized 轻施胶纸slat paper 石纹面纸slater paper 屋顶瓦面敷面纸slip-sheet paper 印刷纸页垫层纸slitting paper 带裁切的纸卷slot(insulating) paper 电气导线绝缘纸,线槽绝缘纸slow sheet 粘状浆纸small hands paper 单面光薄包装纸smoking paper 烟熏纸smut paper 衬纸soap wrapper 肥皂用包装纸socket paper 插座用纸soda straw paper 草纸板sodium benzoate cutlery paper 苯甲酸钠防锈纸sodium nitrite antitarnish paper 亚硝酸钠防锈纸sodium nitrite cutlery paper 亚硝酸钠防锈纸soft paper 柔软绒soft plate paper 柔软凹版记录纸solvent coated paper 溶剂涂布纸sound recording paper 声级记录纸sour coated paper 腐臭涂布纸(指胶料变质的涂布纸)sour sized paper 腐臭施胶纸(指胶料变质的纸)spark recording paper 电火花记录纸special book paper 盲人书籍纸special lawbook cover 特种法规封皮纸special impregnating paper 胶膜纸specialty paper 特种纸spinning paper 纸绳纸split color paper 单一颜色纸张sponge paper 海绵状纸spool parchment paper 红羊皮纸spot carbonized paper 局部炭粉涂布纸spot crown paper 饮用麦管用纸square paper 方格纸square rule paper 方格纸stabilization process paper 稳定处理照相纸stabilized paper 调湿纸stained paper 压光机染色的纸张stamp paper 邮票纸stamped paper 印花票用纸standard cover paper 标准封面纸starch paper 淀粉试纸statement ledger 薄记用纸stationery 文具纸stay paper 箱角补强纸stay tape 胶纸steak interleaving paper 肉块间隔纸steel engraver's paper 钢凹版印刷纸steel engtaving paper 钢凹版印刷纸steel plate paper 板压光泽纸stencil paper 誊写蜡纸stencil backing sheet 蜡纸底纸stencil-cushion sheet 蜡纸垫纸stenotype paper 速记打字用纸stenotype backing 铅版间隔纸stereo(type) paper 铅字铸模纸sterilisable paper 杀菌纸sticky fly paper 灭蝇纸stratified paper 层压纸straw paper 草浆纸stretchable paper 伸性纸strip chart paper 刻度记录纸带strip-coated carbon 条纹复写纸strip film paper 醋酸纤维素涂布感光纸styrene paper 聚苯乙烯合成纸suede paper 毛绒纸sugar paper 包糖纸sugar-bag paper 糖袋纸sugar-wrap paper 方糖包装纸sulfate paper 牛皮纸sulfite paper 亚硫酸盐浆纸sulfite bag paper 亚硫酸盐浆袋纸sulphate paper 牛皮纸sulphite paper 亚硫酸盐浆纸sulphite bond 酸法浆证券纸sulphite browns 酸法浆包装纸sulphite manila tag 酸法浆标签纸sulphite parchment manifold 酸法浆羊皮复写纸supercalendered paper 超级压光处理的纸张supplement paper 增刊用纸,附页用纸surface coated paper 表面涂布纸,表面涂料纸surface sized paper 表面施胶纸surfaced paper 光泽纸surgical dressing paper 外科医疗用纸,外科绷带synthetic paper 合成纸synthetic fiber paper 合成纤维纸scratch board 钢笔画用纸板screen printing board 网板印刷纸板screenings board 浆渣纸板semi-hard board 半硬纤维板setup box board 组合箱用纸板shank board 鞋用纸板sheathing board 防水建筑纸板sheet board 平板纸板sheet lined board 挂面纸板shoe board 鞋底用纸板shot shell top board 弹壳盖纸板silk board 提花纸板single face corrugated board 单面瓦楞纸板single kraft lined chip board 单面牛皮浆挂面粗纸板single lined board 单挂面纸板single ply board 单层纸板single white vat-lined board 圆网纸机制单面粗纸板smooth finished board 光滑纸板solid board 单一浆种纸板solid news board 全废报纸纸板solid pulp board 单一浆种浆板special food board 特种食品包装用纸板specialty board 特种纸板spool fiber board 纱管纸板stencil board 誊写字板straw board 草纸板structural building board 建筑纸板structural fiber board 建筑纤维板structural insulating board 建筑隔音纸板suitbox board 衣箱纸板suitcase board 衣箱纸板sulfate board 硫酸盐纸板,牛皮纸板sulfurized board 硫磺浸渍纸板single roll coater 单辊涂布机single roll cast coater 单辊涂铸机size press coater 施胶压榨涂布机smoothing roll coater 平滑辊式涂布机spray coater 喷雾涂布机spread shaft coater 辊刷涂布机squeeze roll coater 挤压辊式涂布机strip coater 剥离式涂布机semi-chemical cooking 半化学浆的制造soda cooking 烧碱法蒸煮,苏打法蒸煮soda anthraqulinone cooking 蒽醌烧碱法蒸煮stage cooking 分级蒸煮stepwise cooking 分级蒸煮sulfate cooking 硫酸盐法蒸煮sulfite cooking 亚硫酸盐法蒸煮sack (kraft) paper (纸)袋纸safety paper 保险纸;防伪造纸safety check paper 支票纸safety cheque paper 支票纸safety coupon paper 票证纸safety ticket paper 票据纸slaes book paper 营业帐薄纸sand paper 砂纸sandwich paper 夹心面包包装纸,三明治包装纸sanitary paper 卫生纸sanitary towel paper 妇女卫生纸satin paper 光泽纸satchel handle paper 手提包把用纸saturating paper 浸渍加工纸sausage skin base paper 肠衣原纸scholastic paper 文化教育用纸school paper 文教用纸school construction paper 学童绘画纸school drawing paper 小学图画纸scratted paper 低级大理石纸scrubbling paper 低级扎记纸sealing paper 高级包装纸section paper 座标纸sectional paper 座标纸security paper 证券纸;保险纸seed bag paper 种子袋纸seed germination paper 种子发芽纸seed germinating paper 种子发芽纸self-adhesive paper 自动粘合纸self germinating paper paper 自动粘合纸semi-kraft paper 半牛皮包装纸semi-matart paper 半光泽美术纸sensitive paper 感光纸sensitized paper 感光纸sensitizing paper 感光纸separate paper 防粘纸seriographic paper 绢布印刷用纸serpentine paper 装饰纸带set-off paper 衬垫纸,夹层纸sheathing paper 建筑用柏油纸sheet paper 平板纸sheeting paper 平板粘合纸shelf (lining) paper 抽屉衬里纸shell paper 弹壳纸shell packing paper 炮弹包装纸shivel paper 亚麻皮纸shoe cover paper 鞋用涂布纸shop paper 商业用包装纸shot-shell tube paper 弹壳纸side-run paper 不合格纸张sign paper 高级招贴纸,广告纸silent paper 无声响纸张silhouette paper 剪影黑纸;靶纸silicon coated base paper 有机硅涂布纸silicon release paper 有机硅涂布防粘纸silk paper 绢纸silk protection paper 丝绸包装纸silk thread paper 含丝绒安全纸silkworm egg paper 蚕种纸silo paper 多层沥青粘合纸;防风纸silurian paper 花纹纸silver paper 银箔纸silver coated paper 银粉涂布纸silver nitrate paper 硝酸银纸silver polishing paper 银器擦拭纸silver pyroxylin paper 银色漆面纸single coated paper 一次涂布纸size press coated paper 表面施胶纸sized paper 施胶纸skip paper 单面光薄包装纸slat paper 石纹面纸slater paper 屋顶瓦面敷用纸slitting paper 待裁切的纸卷slot (insulating) paper 电气导线绝缘纸,线槽绝缘纸small hands paper 单面光薄包装纸smoking paper 烟熏纸smut paper 衬纸soda straw paper 草纸板sodium benzoate cutiery paper 苯甲酸钠防锈纸sodium nitrite antitarnidh paper 亚硝酸钠防锈纸sodium nitrite cutlery paper 亚硝酸钠防锈纸soft paper 柔软纸soft plate paper 柔软凹版印刷纸solvent ceated paper 溶剂涂布纸sound recording paper 声级记录纸sour coated paper 腐臭涂布纸(指涂料变质的涂布纸)sour sized paper 腐臭施胶纸(指胶料变质的纸)。
Registration Authority:Beijing MunicipalHousing and Rural&Urban Construction Committee(Seal)
X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587
People's Republic of China
Certificate of House Property Right
Made and Supervised by the Construction Ministry of People’s Republic of China
Building area
Building area in the suite
土地状况Land Condition
No。of land parcel
Through what way obtained the land-use right
Date of registration
January 16, 2013
Housing property
Commercial residential building
彩盒:retail box/color carton 礼盒:gift box说明书:manual/booklet 贴纸:label商标:brand 木盒:wood box卡牌:tag/card 海报:poster杂志:magazine1、纸质:paper stock /(raw) material书纸:WFUC(wood free uncoated)/ Woodfree铜板:WFC(wood free coated) / Art paper /Gloss Artpaper/ C2S ---Coated two sides哑粉:Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt单粉: SBS C1S双面白或者单粉:WBB(White back board)?粉灰:CCNB / grey back (灰底)/ FBB(folding box board)(微软的称法)牛皮纸:Craft paper 坑纸:Corrugated Paper Flute A(A坑)纸板::pasteboard 双灰板:grey board再生纸:recycled(循环) paper 合成纸:synthetic paper格拉辛底:glassine paper 胶底纸:adhesive label可移胶底纸:Removable label 非可移胶底纸:Permanent label彩纸:printed paper 卡纸:Paperboard,board , card board面纸:Top sheet 底纸:Liner sheet2、印刷颜色ink information/printing单黑:black ink only, 专色:PMS,special color四色:4 colors CMYK----- Cyan 青, Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black 黑3、尺寸 size /dimension :长:length 宽width 高Height 深Depth 厚度:thickness展开尺寸:open size/flat size 成型尺寸:close size/finished size内尺寸:inner size 外尺寸:outer size 压线:score line4、说明书装订和页数page and bindery单张说明书:leaf let /leafManual booklet: 此一般为单黑说明书Brochure:小册子一般此彩色说明书页数:page count 页码:page number(NO.)页page 版panel;单张single sheet,切边trim to size对折fold in half 3折 3 fold风琴折:concertina fold accordion fold骑马钉saddle stitch,staple 胶装perfect bound /bindingWire 钉 Wire-O binding YO圈锁线:scwing 规格:specification 简称specs车中线:single sewing精装书:case(hard) bound book cloth book空白页:unprint page blank page 未切页:uncut pages封面:Cover 内文:Text/content自封:self cover 信封:envelope前封面(封一):front cover 后封面:back cover封二:inside front cover左右自反:work and tumble 天地翻:work and turn5 表面处理: coating/finish光油gloss varnish, 哑油: matte varnish水油aqueous, Water-base varnish 磨光:polish /calendering吸塑油:blister varnish. 过局部UV: spot UV丝印: silk screen. 光胶:OPP,PP laminating烫金:gold/golden hot stamp 烫银:silver hot stamp击凸:embossing embossed模具:mould Plate(版) 烫金版:foil gold 烫银版:foil silver 6、后序加工裱纸:laminating 对裱:mounting啤切:die cut 粘贴:Glue (Joint)裁切:trim 切:cut /cutting驳盒:multi joints gluing自动扣底:automatic bottom auto-lock bottom扣底:lock bottom tuck top盖: Lid 底: Base 硬盖: Rigid Top7、外购件:丝带: ribbion 塑料:plastic (PVC PET PETG)热收缩:shrink wrap CD套:CD(wrap)sleeve泡沫:foam 金属:metallic双面胶:double-side tape 自粘性的:self-adhesive真空包装:Vacume packing V形状:V-shape防水:water proof 色稿:color proof数码稿:digital proof8、运输散货:bulk 大货生产:mass production lot货柜:(集装箱):container纸箱:carton 卡板:pallet护角:corner protect 包装:packing packaging最大:Maximum (max) 最小:Minimum(Min)净重:Net weight (NW) 毛重:Gross Weight(GW)体积:CBM 出厂价:Ex-work一般常用的:买主:buyer 卖主:vendor/suppier 客户:client/customer兰图:blue draft 看附件:see attachedCTF----computer to firm(计算机直接出菲林)CTP---computer to plate(计算机直接出版)FTP---file transfer protocol(文件传送协议)FYI---for your information(仅供参考)Confirm return?(确定退回)Notification of accepted quotation(通知已被确认的报价单)Purchasing(manager)采购(经理)拼版:make up 校板纸:makeready sheet样板:sample 实地:solidDearGot the artwork of colour box and manual in good condition. Thank you.I have some questions:1: for box1): what material of paper do you need?2): what finish of the box do you need? Polish, PP laminating, or matte PP laminating?2: For manual1): what material? Normal paper like A4 or Gloss Artpaper?2): is the manual printed in 2 sides with A4 size?About your questions:1. Most of the material is almost ready, just wait for the packing box.2. The stain and shrink mark will be remove from the product, I will show youthen.3. The new printed LOGO will be ready on 7-Oct,I will show you picture whenit is ready.。
毕业论文外文文献翻译院年级专业:2009级XXXXXXXXXXX 姓 名:学 号:附 件:备注:(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可)1.从所引用的与毕业设计(论文)内容相近的外文文献中选择一篇或一部分进行翻译(不少于3000实词);2。
格式方面,外文文献的格式,除了字体统一使用Times new roman 之外,其他所有都跟中文论文的格式一样.中文翻译的格式,跟中文论文的格式一样。
【Abstract】This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco—environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market。
Based onthe theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market。
The term for land use
Compensated transfer
From year to year
共有人房屋所有权 共有份额
Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership
People’s Republic of China
Certificate of House Property Right
Made and Supervised by the Construction Ministry of People's Republic of China
Owner of the house
Zhao Si
Co-ownership Circumstance
பைடு நூலகம்共同共有
Joint possession
Room 306, Unit 2, Floor 3, Apt. 19, Zone 10 Heping Streest, Chaoyang District
Date of registration
January 16, 2013
Certificate of House Property Right
the House Property Right Certificate is the proof of the obligee
ownership of the house.
Made and Supervised
The term for land use
Compensated transfer
From year to year
Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership
Construction Committee (Seal)
Building Registration Number :11001
X京 房权证 朝 字号:1203587
X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587
Owner of the house
People's Republic of China
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房屋性质Housing property
商品房Commercial residential building
房屋状况Building Condition
总层数Total floors
Zhao Si X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Joint possession Wang Wu X Beijing House Property Right Certificate No. 1203587 Joint possession
登记机构:北京市住房和城乡建设委员会盖章Registration Authority: Beijing Municipal Housing and Rural & Urban Construction Committee Seal
X 京 房权证 朝 字号:1203587X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587
土地使用年限The term for land use
有偿出让Compensated transfer
年至年止From year to year
共有人房屋所有权 共有份额
Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership
学习词汇:snake, triangle rice ball, pineapple。
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合肥学院机械工程系毕业设计(论文)英文翻译专业材料成型及控制工程年级大四姓名刘大鹏学号1106032023指导教师陈瑛2014年3月24 日Crystallinity of parts from multicavity injection mouldAbstractPurpose: The intention of this research was to test, if injection moulded polyoxymethylene parts, manufactured in different cavities of the multicavity injection mould with geometrically balanced runners, differ in crystallinity degree. Design/methodology/approach: The values of crystallinity degree were calculated on the basis of DSC (Dynamic Scanning Calorimetry) testing method results (DSC curves).Findings: It was found that there are differences in crystallinity degree for parts from particular mould cavities. The reason of this is the difference in thermal conditions, specific for each cavity.Research limitations/implications: It is supposed that the parts from each multicavity injection mould would have differences in properties. However, it is always dependent on cavities and runners’ layout. Since in this research a particular injection mould was used, the conclusions can not be directly extrapolated to other moulds. Each case requires its own analysis. Higher crystallinity degree will occur in partsobtained from areas of higher mould temperature.Practical implications: The results of this investigation are important for mould designers, especially when moulds are used for precision injection moulding. It was proved here that differences in parts’properties can occur for multicavity injection moulds. In order to avoid this it is required to minimize the temperature differences in the mould.Originality/value: Geometrically balanced runners in the mould were supposed to assure the equal filling of all cavities. The results obtained lately by other researchers have shown that this is not always true. That investigation was mostly focused on filling imbalance that leads for example to difference in weight of parts from different cavities. In this paper it was shown that not only weight of parts can differ but also other properties.Keywords: Plastic forming; Injection moulding; Crystallinity degr ee1.I n tr oduc tionCrystallinity degree of polymer is the percentage of crystalline phase ina sample of semi-crystalline polymer. It is dependent on thermal conditions during crystallization. In case of injection moulded parts melted polymer is injected from plasticizing unit into the injection mould where is then cooled and became solid. During the solidification the crystallization process occurs. The crystallinity degree of polymer in the moulded part is dependent on mould temperature and melt temperature. Both temperature values determine the cooling rate which is directly the reason of differences in crystalline structure. If the cooling rate is rapid, the conditions are not convenient for crystallization and more amorphous phase isformed. In case of slow cooling the time of keeping polymer in temperature requiredfor crystallization is longer and this results in better formed crystalline structure. As the consequence – the crystallinity of injection moulded parts canbe influenced by processing conditions like mould temperature or melt temperature.When the mould temperature is higher the crystallinity degree of moulded parts is also higher. This causes also higher density of parts. The heat treatment of moulded parts, which is sometimes used to improve their properties,is also the way of increasing the crystallinity degree. This feature of injection moulded parts influences directly their mechanical properties –parts of higher crystallinity degree have higher values of hardness, tensile strength, wear resistance and better dimension stability. There are publications that deal withthe influence of mould temperature on the crystallinity degree of injection moulded parts or their other properties [1]. However, usually they are focusedon parts from single-cavity moulds. It is supposed that in multicavity moulds all parts have the same crystallinity, but, as it was proved in some publications,it can differ significantly across one part, for example being dependent on the distance from the gate (injection point). Considering this a question can be asked if the cavity location in the mould can impact crystallinity degree of parts.In multi-cavity injection mould all cavities should be filled at thesame time. If not, the time of crystallization for different cavities would be different.The runner system plays a very important role in injection mould, especially during mould filling phase [2]. It is always a big effort made by mould designers to balance the flow in runners –it means that all cavities are filled simultaneously.The runner system should be optimized [3].Among runner systems ininjection moulds two main kinds of balanced runners can be distinguished: •artificially balanced runners,•geometrically (naturally) balanced runners.In artificially balanced runners the flow balance is achieved by design of runners cross-section. Since the flow length tothe cavities is different, the runners leading to closer cavities should have smaller cross-section. In this way melt reaches all cavities at the same time. In some cases it is possible to design only different cross-section of gates. Geometrically balanced runners are designed sothat the summary length of runners leading to each cavity is the same. This solution does not require different cross-section of runners, but has also disadvantage: more scrap in case of cold-runner moulds – the total volume of material solidified in runners is significantly bigger [4]. In the past the geometrically balanced runners were supposed to be a good solution considering the flow balance. However, some research works from the last decade proved that even in this solution some problems with achieving the flow balance can occur [5-[12]. The works were focused on flow imbalance and its counteraction rather than on the consequences, that are the differences in parts properties. The investigation of the influence of cavity fillingimbalance on injection moulded parts’ properties is needed. It will allow to estimate if differences between parts are so significant that correction of the mould is required. In practise, filling phase in injection moulding takes only a while usually a fraction of a second up to several seconds. Thus the filling imbalance has little influence on crystallization. More important can be the difference in mould temperature across the cavity. In this paper the injection mould with geometrically balances runners was tested. As it was shown in previous papers, thegeometrical balance did not assure the real balance during cavity filling [13]. The flow imbalance together with the differences in mould temperature contributed to differences in parts’ properties, like the structure and dynamic mechanical properties [13],[14]. In this paper the focus was on difference in crystallinity between parts from particular cavities.2. E xperimentalFor this investigation a multicavity injection mould was used. It was also used for investigation of other parts properties, as it was described in previous publications [13],[14]. Polyoxymethylene (POM) was injected into the mould and the crystallinity degree of parts from different cavities was calculated on the basis of DSC curves.Among runner systems in injection moulds two main kinds ofbalanced runners can be distinguished:•artificially balanced runners,•geometrically (naturally) balanced runners.In artificially balanced runners the flow balance is achieved by design of runners cross-section. Since the flow length to thecavities is different, the runners leading to closer cavities should have smaller cross-section. In this way melt reaches all cavities at the same time. In some cases it is possible to design only differentcross-section of gates.Geometrically balanced runnersare designed so that the summary length of runnersleading to each cavity is the same.This solution does not require different cross-section of runners, but has also disadvantage: more scrap in case of cold-runner moulds –the total volume of material solidified in runners is significantly bigger [4]. In the past the geometrically balanced runners were supposed to be a good solution considering the flow balance. However, some research works from the last decade proved that even in this solution some problems with achieving the flow balance can occur [5-[12]. The works were focused on flow imbalance and its counteraction rather than on the consequences, that are the differences in parts properties. Theinvestigation of the influence of cavity filling imbalance on injection moulded parts’properties is needed. It will allow to estimate if differences between parts are so significant that correction of the mould is required.In practise, filling phase in injection moulding takes only a while– usually a fraction of a second up to several seconds. Thus the filling imbalance has little influence on crystallization. More important canbe the difference in mould temperature across the cavity.In this paper the injection mould with geometrically balances runners was tested. As it was shown in previous papers, thegeometrical balance did not assure the real balance during cavity filling [13]. The flow imbalance together with the differences in mould temperature contributed to differences in parts’properties, like the structure and dynamic mechanical properties [13],[14]. Inthis paper the focus was on difference in crystallinity between parts from particular cavities.2. E xperimentalFor this investigation a multicavity injection mould was used. It was also used for investigation of other parts properties, as it was described in previous publications [13],[14]. Polyoxymethylene (POM) was injected into the mould and the crystallinity degree of parts from different cavities was calculated on the basis of DSC curves.2.1. Ma t erialPolyoxymethylene (POM) was used for investigation. The grade was Sniatal M8 from Nyltech, Italy, with MFR = 48 g/10 min (2.16 kg, 190ºC).2.2. MachineThe mould was fixed in the injection moulding machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM 65/160/C1 of the maximum clamping force 650 kN and the plasticizing unit with the screw of 30 mm diameter.2.3. Injection mouldThe moulded parts were manufactured in the experimental 16- cavity injection mould, described in earlier papers [13]-[18]. The parts are small plates (10.0x20.0x2.2mm) grouped in 4 sections, marked A, B, C and D. The layout of runners and cavities is shown in Fig. 1 on the example of short shots result, presented in previous publications. It was found that despite geometrically balanced runner system the cavities are not filled at the same time. The cavities placed around the sprue (numbered with “1”) are filled first. This area is exposed to higher local mould temperature, as it was proved in [16]. The sequence ofcavities filling in each section is shown in Fig. 1 by numbers 1-4.Fig. 1. Short shots into the multicavity mould –inequality of cavities’ filling; A-D: cavity sections; 1-4: filling sequence2.4. Processing condi tionsThe processing conditions used for injection moulding are as follows: •melt temperature: T inj = 210 ºC•mould temperature: T m = 35, 65 and 95 ºC•injection velocity: v = 32 mm/s•holding pressure: p H=30 MPa2.5. DSC t es tsDSC test were carried out with the NETZSCH Phox DSC 200P apparatus.The small pieces of material were cut out of the parts like it is shown in Fig.2. The samples were taken to DSC measurementswith the skin-layer so the results present the average crystallinityacross the part thickness, together with this layer. The mass of parts was 20 ± 2 mg. The parts were taken from one section of the mould. Fig. 2 shows the numeration of cavities in this sectionaccording the sequence of their filling (1-4). Five samples from each cavity were taken for DSC tests.Fig. 2. Cutting out of samples from injection moulded partsDuring DSC tests the temperature was increased with the rate of 10°C/min. After obtaining the DSC curves the crystallinity degree S k was calculated. It was defined as below:3. Results and discussion3.1. DSC curv esThe obtained curves were similar for samples coming from parts from the same cavity. Three exemplary DSC curves of samples from part no. A1 are presentedin Fig. 3. The melt enthalpy for each curve was calculated using the NETZSCH DSC software.Fig. 3. Exemplary DSC curves3.2. Crystallinity degr eeThe results of crystallinity degree calculation for parts obtained at different mould temperature are presented in Fig. 4. Beyond discussion is that for each cavity the mould temperature, that was adjustedat values: 35, 65 and 95°C (measured and controlled in one point), has significant influence on this property. The local mould temperature impact isalso visible. The crystallinity degree values are the highest for cavitiesno. 1, exposed to higher local mould temperature.Fig. 4. Crystallinity degree for samples from different cavities4. ConclusionsPolyoxymethylene parts from a multicavity injection mould with geometrically balanced runner differ in crystallinity degree. The main reason of it isdifferent mould temperature for the particular cavities. It is important to placethe cavities in the way that each part is under the same cooling conditions. Otherwise the problems in parts quality can occur like different shrinkage, warpage and other properties. Such a problem is caused by particular cavitieslayout that determines exposition of some cavities for higher temperature comingfrom heated sprue. When small tolerance of injection moulded parts’ propertiesis required, another runner system configuration in the mould should be used orlocal cooling conditions should be improved by cooling channels redesign.Ac k no wledgementsThis work was financially supported from Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology. Budget for science in years 2005-2006; Grant number: 3 T08E 032 28Re fer ences[1] P. Postawa, J. Koszkul, Influence of processing conditions on changing of shrinkage and mass POM injection molding parts, Proceedings of the 13th ScientificInternational Conference …Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering”AMME’2005, Gliwice – Wisła, 2005, 531-534.[2] X.G. Ye, K.S. Lee, J.Y.H. Fuh, Y.F. 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Jaruga, Dynamic mechanical properties of parts frommulticavity injection mould, Journal of Achievements in Materials andManufacturing Engineering23/2 (2007) 83-86.[14] T. Jaruga, E. Bociaga, Structure of polypropylene parts from multicavityinjection mould, Archives of Materials Scienceand Engineering 28/7 (2007) 429-432.[15] E. Bociaga, T. Jaruga, J. Koszkul, Plastic Flow Investigation in Multicavity Injection Mold, Proceedings of the 12多腔注塑模具零件的结晶度文摘目的:本研究的目的是测试,如果注入聚甲醛模制件,生产在不同腔多腔注射模的几何平衡的滑道,不同结晶度的程度。