2024年大一下学期学习计划一、目标设定1. 提高专业知识水平:巩固学习上学期所学的专业知识,扩展专业领域的深度和广度。
2. 提高学术能力:培养科研能力,参加学术活动,提高学术写作和演讲能力。
3. 提高英语水平:加强英语听说读写能力的训练,提升英语综合应用能力。
4. 拓宽兴趣爱好:参加社团、俱乐部和志愿者活动,拓宽自己的兴趣爱好领域。
二、具体计划1. 学习安排(1)课程学习:认真听课,及时完成作业,与同学进行课后讨论。
2. 英语学习安排(1)课内学习:认真听课,积极参与英语课堂活动,完成课堂作业。
3. 科研能力培养(1)选题研究:选择一个感兴趣的专业课题进行深入研究,在学术导师的指导下进行科研工作。
4. 兴趣爱好拓展(1)参加社团:选择一个感兴趣的社团,积极参与社团的活动,锻炼团队合作能力。
2024年精选大一英语学习计划书一、学习目标1. 提高语言听说能力,能够流利地进行基本英语对话。
2. 提高阅读能力,能够读懂英语文章并获取信息。
3. 提高写作能力,能够用正确的语法和词汇表达自己的观点。
4. 提高词汇量,掌握常用的英语词汇。
5. 提高语法理解能力,能够正确使用基本的英语语法。
二、学习计划1. 第一学期(1)英语听力训练每周至少听一次英语广播或者英语新闻,用听力材料进行听写练习。
2. 第二学期(1)英语听力训练每周听一次英语电台或者英语讲座,用听力材料进行听写练习。
大学英语口语考试1. 考试概述大学英语口语考试是大学英语教学中一项重要的考试之一,旨在测试学生的口语交流能力和英语应用能力。
2. 考试形式大学英语口语考试通常由两部分组成:个人发言和交流对话。
2.1 个人发言个人发言是考察学生独立表达能力的环节,学生需要准备一个话题并在规定时间内进行发言。
2.2 交流对话交流对话是考察学生交际能力的环节,考官会与考生进行对话,模拟真实的日常交流情景。
3. 考试内容大学英语口语考试的内容涵盖了广泛的话题范围,如日常生活、学习、文化、社会等。
以下是一些常见的考试题目示例:•Describe your hometown.•What is your favorite book and why?•Should students be required to wear uniforms at school?考生需要根据题目用流利的英语进行表达,展示自己的语言能力和思维能力。
4. 考试准备为了在大学英语口语考试中取得好成绩,考生需要做好充分准备。
4.1 提前练习口语表达考生可以通过参加英语角、与外教或其他英语母语人士交流等方式提前练习口语表达能力。
4.2 积累词汇和短语考生需要通过阅读、听力等多种途径积累丰富的词汇和常用短语。
4.3 模拟练习考生可以找到一些大学英语口语考试的模拟题目,进行模拟练习。
这包括:1. 加强词汇学习:扩大词汇量是提高英语口语能力的基础。
2. 练习发音:正确的发音对于口语表达至关重要。
3. 模拟练习:学生可以与同学或老师进行模拟对话练习,这有助于提高他们的口语流利度和自信心。
4. 准备自我介绍:学生应该提前准备一个简短而有趣的自我介绍,这样可以在考试中给考官留下良好的第一印象。
5. 关注时事:了解一些时事新闻和热门话题,可以帮助学生在话题讨论环节中有更多的素材和观点。
6. 学习礼貌用语:在口语考试中,使用礼貌用语可以给考官留下良好的印象。
7. 保持冷静:考试时保持冷静和自信,即使遇到不熟悉的话题或问题,也要尽量保持镇定,用已知的词汇和表达来回答问题。
课程名称:大学英语口语授课班级:大一英语班授课时间:2课时授课地点:多媒体教室教学目标:1. 培养学生的英语口语表达能力,提高学生的自信心。
2. 增强学生的跨文化交流能力,提高学生的国际视野。
3. 使学生掌握一定的课堂展示技巧,提升学生的综合能力。
教学内容:1. 课堂展示技巧2. 主题选择与准备3. 课堂展示实践教学过程:第一课时:一、导入(10分钟)1. 教师简要介绍课堂展示的目的和意义。
2. 学生分享自己感兴趣的课堂展示主题。
二、课堂展示技巧(20分钟)1. 教师讲解课堂展示的基本技巧,如:时间控制、语速、肢体语言等。
2. 学生练习课堂展示的基本技巧。
三、主题选择与准备(20分钟)1. 学生分组讨论,选择感兴趣的主题。
2. 每组学生确定主题,制定展示方案。
第二课时:一、课堂展示实践(40分钟)1. 学生分组进行课堂展示,每组展示时间为10分钟。
2. 教师和同学对展示进行评价,提出改进意见。
二、总结与反思(10分钟)1. 学生分享课堂展示的收获和感受。
2. 教师总结课堂展示的亮点和不足,提出改进建议。
教学评价:1. 课堂展示技巧掌握情况:学生在课堂展示中能否运用所学技巧。
2. 主题选择与准备:学生是否选择感兴趣的主题,展示内容是否丰富。
3. 课堂展示效果:学生展示过程中的表达是否流畅,能否引起同学兴趣。
教学资源:1. 多媒体课件2. 课堂展示评分表教学反思:1. 教师应关注学生的个体差异,因材施教。
2. 鼓励学生积极参与课堂展示,提高学生的自信心。
3. 注重培养学生的跨文化交流能力,提高学生的国际视野。
4. 不断优化课堂展示内容,提高教学效果。
写一篇大一下学期的英语学习计划表English:In the second semester of my freshman year, I plan to enhance my English language skills through a structured study plan. Firstly, I will allocate specific time each day for practicing speaking, listening, reading, and writing. For speaking and listening, I will participate in English conversation clubs and watch English movies or TV shows with subtitles to improve my comprehension. To enhance my reading and writing skills, I will read English novels, newspapers, and academic articles, and regularly practice writing essays and summaries. Additionally, I will dedicate time to expanding my vocabulary by learning new words and idioms. Furthermore, I aim to participate in language exchange programs and engage in regular discussions with native English speakers to practice and improve my fluency. Lastly, I plan to take advantage of online resources and language learning apps to supplement my learning and track my progress.Translated content:在大一下学期,我计划通过有组织的学习计划来提高我的英语语言能力。
1. 自我介绍:请简单介绍一下你自己,包括你的兴趣爱好、家庭背景等。
2. 描述事物或场景:请描述一下你曾经去过的一个地方、你的理想家园或者你最喜欢的节日。
3. 表达观点或态度:请谈谈你对大学生活的看法、对未来职业的规划或者对某个社会现象的看法。
4. 角色扮演:请扮演某个角色,并进行简单的对话或表演。
1. 自我介绍:谈论你的名字、家乡、兴趣爱好和专业等。
2. 大学生活:分享你对大学生活的期望、挑战和适应方法。
3. 家乡介绍:描述你的家乡,包括地理位置、特色、文化等。
4. 兴趣爱好:谈论你的兴趣爱好,以及它们如何影响你的生活。
5. 假期计划:分享你的假期计划,包括旅行目的地、活动等。
6. 学习方法:探讨你在学习英语或其他学科时的有效方法和技巧。
7. 未来规划:谈论你的短期和长期目标,以及你打算如何实现它们。
8. 校园生活:分享你在校园里的经历,如参加社团、课程学习等。
9. 友谊:讨论你对友谊的理解,以及如何与他人建立和维护良好的关系。
10. 环保:谈论环保的重要性以及你在日常生活中如何实践环保。
大一下学期计划英语English:In the second semester of my freshman year, I plan to continue improving my English skills through various activities. First, I will enroll in advanced English classes to enhance my reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities. I will also participate in language exchange programs to practice communicating with native English speakers. Additionally, I will join English clubs or study groups to further immerse myself in the language and culture. I aim to read English books, watch English movies, and listen to English music to expand my vocabulary and improve my comprehension. Lastly, I will set aside time each day to practice speaking English with classmates or online language partners to boost my confidence and fluency. By actively engaging in these activities, I hope to make significant progress in my English proficiency by the end of the semester.中文翻译:在我大一下学期,我计划通过各种活动继续提高我的英语技能。
为了帮助同学们更好地备考,以下是一些大一英语期末考试的重要知识点:1. 词汇量扩充:大一英语期末考试要求学生具备一定的词汇量,并能够正确运用这些单词。
2. 语法知识:掌握英语的基本语法规则对于大一英语期末考试至关重要。
3. 阅读理解:阅读理解是大一英语期末考试的一个重要组成部分。
4. 写作能力:大一英语考试通常会涉及到一定的写作题目,包括短文写作、作文和书信写作等。
5. 听力技巧:大一英语期末考试中的听力部分要求同学们能够听懂并准确回答问题。
6. 翻译技巧:大一英语期末考试的翻译题目要求同学们能够将中文句子准确翻译成英文,并反之亦然。
7. 口语表达:大一英语期末考试中的口语部分要求同学们能够流利地进行英语口语表达。
8. 文化和背景知识:大一英语期末考试通常会涉及到一些关于英语国家文化、历史和背景知识的题目。
课程名称:大学英语口语授课班级:大一英语(一)授课时间:每周2课时授课地点:多媒体教室教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:- 掌握基本的日常用语和常用句型。
- 学会使用简单的英语进行自我介绍、询问和回答问题。
- 了解一些常用的英语表达方式,如问候、告别、感谢等。
2. 语言技能目标:- 能够进行简单的日常对话,如问候、询问、表达意见等。
- 能够听懂并模仿教师的口语表达。
- 能够在小组活动中进行合作交流。
3. 学习策略:- 培养学生良好的口语学习习惯,如积极参与课堂活动、大胆开口说英语等。
- 培养学生的听力理解能力和口语表达能力。
4. 文化意识:- 了解英语国家的文化背景,如节日、风俗习惯等。
- 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
5. 情感态度:- 激发学生学习英语口语的兴趣,增强自信心。
- 培养学生的团队协作精神和自主学习能力。
教学内容:第一课时1. 导入:- 利用图片、视频等手段,激发学生的学习兴趣。
- 引导学生思考英语口语在日常生活中的重要性。
2. 课堂活动:- 自我介绍:教师带领学生进行简单的自我介绍,并介绍一些常用的自我介绍句型。
- 问答练习:教师提出问题,学生用英语回答,巩固所学句型。
- 小组活动:学生分组进行简单的对话练习,如问候、询问天气等。
3. 课后作业:- 每位学生准备一段简单的自我介绍,下节课进行展示。
第二课时1. 复习:- 复习上一节课所学的内容,检查学生的学习效果。
2. 课堂活动:- 角色扮演:学生分组进行角色扮演,如超市购物、餐厅点餐等,巩固所学句型。
- 小组讨论:学生分组讨论一个话题,如“我的家庭”、“我的朋友”等,提高口语表达能力。
- 听力练习:播放一段英语对话,学生听后回答问题,提高听力理解能力。
3. 课后作业:- 每位学生准备一个简短的对话,下节课进行展示。
教学重点与难点:教学重点:1. 掌握基本的日常用语和常用句型。
2. 能够进行简单的日常对话。
教学难点:1. 克服害羞心理,大胆开口说英语。
以下是有整理的⼤学英语⼝语对话【四篇】,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】⼤学英语⼝语对话A:Good morning, sir. Have a seat please.A:先⽣,早上好,请坐。
B:I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosell.B:我想知道⽬前住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售。
A:Sure, here is my business card. I'm James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. Inrecent months, the demand for residential properties has become extremely high. The price ofresidenticd propetly has risenalmost twenty percent.B:没问题,这是我的名⽚。
B:Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell myapartment as soon as possible.B:真的?因为我⼏个⽉内就得返回英国了,所以我想尽快卖出我的房⼦。
A:Don't worry, sir. I think it's a seller's market right now. Let me get down some informationabout your apartment first. what is your property's address?A:先⽣,不⽤担⼼,依我看现在是卖⽅市场。
课程名称:大学英语口语授课班级:大一英语班授课时间:2课时授课地点:多媒体教室教学目标:1. 培养学生运用英语进行日常交流的能力。
2. 提高学生的英语听说水平,增强学生的自信心。
3. 培养学生的团队合作精神,提高学生的社交能力。
教学重点:1. 常用口语表达方式及句型。
2. 日常生活中的交际场景。
教学难点:1. 学生在口语表达中的语法错误和发音问题。
2. 学生在团队合作中的沟通不畅。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师用英语简短介绍自己,并引导学生用英语进行自我介绍。
2. 学生分组,每组选一名代表进行自我介绍。
二、口语表达练习1. 教师列举一些常用口语表达方式及句型,如:How are you?、What's your name?、Nice to meet you.等。
2. 学生跟读并模仿,教师纠正发音和语法错误。
3. 学生分组进行对话练习,教师巡回指导。
三、情景模拟1. 教师设定一个交际场景,如:购物、餐厅点餐等。
2. 学生分组,每组进行情景模拟,教师点评并纠正错误。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生分享自己的学习心得。
第二课时一、复习导入1. 教师提问上节课所学内容,学生回答。
2. 学生分组进行口语练习,教师点评。
二、角色扮演1. 教师设定一个交际场景,如:求职面试、旅行安排等。
2. 学生分组,每组进行角色扮演,教师点评并纠正错误。
三、小组讨论1. 教师提出一个话题,如:环保、健康饮食等。
2. 学生分组进行讨论,每组选一名代表发言,教师点评。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生分享自己的学习心得。
教学评价:1. 学生课堂参与度、口语表达水平。
2. 学生对交际场景的应对能力。
3. 学生对课堂内容的掌握程度。
教学反思:1. 关注学生的发音和语法错误,及时纠正。
2. 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,提高口语表达能力。
3. 根据学生的实际情况,调整教学内容和进度。
Steven:Now,cloeyoureye.(MumcloehereyeandStevenputthepreentin herhand.)史蒂文:现在,闭上眼睛。
大学英语口语对话材料2TodayiValentine"Day.StevenendJuliaabouquetofredroe,buthein"tver yhappy.今天是情人节。
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Oral Test (Band 2)Topic 1: Career PlanningDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about your career planning. Discuss what college students should do at the present to shape their future career. And ask your partner for some advice.A: Oh, time flies! We are about to graduate. What's your plan for your future career?B: I want to work abroad. I think there are more opportunities in foreign countries.C: Me too. My boyfriend works in Canada. I want to work together with him.D: Sounds good, but what's your plan after you've got your permission to emigrate?B: The first thing I will do is trying to improve my English, so that it won't be sodifficult for me to find a job in the new country.C: I usually attend training courses in the evening and sometimes I go to the Englishcorner. There I make a lot of friends and improve my spoken English.A: To improve English, I think the most effective way is to see English films.D: I agree with A. But I think that talking with foreigners is better. I always use the"skype" to chat with foreigners all over the world.A: Yeah, English become more and more useful in our future career. Wherever we are,communicating with foreigners is the basic skill for us.B: I also want to go on for further study. To get a doctor's degree is my dream.C: Yeah, currently, more and more people got the master's degree. So, if you get adoctor's degree, you'll get a higher position in the society.D: I agree. The more you know, the more salary you'll earn. So, Don't satisfy with your present knowledge. B:Of course.The more knowledge,the better.We should improve ourselves all thetime.A:I think so.I suggestyou can learn an English course by yourself on line.It’s convenient and useful.C: Is that distance education?A:Yes,it is.D:I know it.Because you can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers at any timeno matter where you are.C:I think I will try it.Sometimes I’m so busy that I can’t attend English classes in the evening. B:It sounds very good. It must be very useful and it can save a lot of time.A:Before going abroad,you must know more information about other countries,suchas weather,customs,living environment and so on.D:Yes,many things should be carefully considered,so there is no hurry.C:I will share information about Canada foryou from my boyfriend.Which countrywould you like going to,B?B:I decide to go to America or Singapore.I don't know which one to choose.A:It is really a difficult choose.Both the two countries are the economic and trade centres.D:If I were you,I would go to America.Ameica is one of the biggest countries in theworld. Its great influence in many fields,such as economy, science and technology ,areleading the world.C:I think it depend on whether country is a suitable place for you or not.A:You can get the latest information about the two countries from internet.Then youcan seize opportunities.B:I will follow your advice.And what about you?What's your plan in the future?A:You know,my major is architecture,I want to be engaged in my major.C:Recently,I'm busy taking part in the postgraduate entrance exam.I want to get a higher degree.D:I have no idea,it's close to graduate, I'm finding a job about civil engineering now,ifI can't find a job,I will also go on for further study abroad.B:Higher degree is a big advantage in finding a job.A:If you know some good architecrure companies which are looking for employees,please tell me,I want to have a try.C:No problem,I will notice this information or I will ask some of my friends.They may help you.D:ai~~~I have no confidence in attending an interview,I'm a little worried.B:Don't worry, maybe you can regard the interviewers as your friends.Then you willfeel relaxed.A:We should attend more interviews,so we can get some useful experience from theinterviews.C:You're right,the more you practicing,the more you will get.D:Thanks for your advices,I feel better now.B:So~~We must be confidence.The only thing we should care is to make a right decision.A:Yeah,we must make a wise decision and know actually what we need.C:en~~Don't be the people who aims highly but do little,we must be earnest.D:You are all right.From your advices,I have ideas now.Thank you~~B:That's all right,Oh,it's time for lunch, I'm hungry,let's enjoy our lunch.ACD:Ok,let's go.Topic 2: Social ProblemsDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about some social problems. Discuss some social problems about which you’re concerned. And offer som e possible solutions.A: is there a lot of crime in your city?B: there’s some, but I don’t think it’s a big problem. A lot of it is petty crime, burglary and car theft. There’s very little major crime.A: it’s the same in my city. We also have a lo t of drug addicts. A lot of the crime is committed by drug addicts who need money for drugs.B; that happens in many places. In my city, there is a very good drug rehabilitation progmp3me. The police and courts are also tough on people who commit crimes, but I don’t know if that’s the reason for our relatively low crime rate.A; some people believe that a tough approach is better. Other prefer a more lenient approach.B; I think that the best way to reduce crime is to spread wealth more evenly. If most people have similar amounts of money, they will not think of stealing from others.A; that’s possible, but I’m not sure it would really happen like that .Intemp3ediateA: which social problem do you think the government needs to concentrate on most?B; I think housing is a big problem. There are thousands of homeless people on the streets.A: how would you solve the problem?B: I have a good idea to solve it. The government could provide some money for homeless people to build their own homes.A; it would probably be very expensive.B; I think the government can afford it. Besides, there are many advantages. Homeless people would find it easier to get jobs if they had an address. They would learn some useful skill for finding jobs in the construction industry or home improvement.A; it’s not a bad idea. I think education is the biggest problem at the moment. Schools don’t seem to have enough money to educate kids properly.B; if we are to invest more money to education, we will need to raise taxes. That wouldn’t be popular with voters.A: most voters what everything bout ways. They want the government to pay for lots of things, but without increasing taxes.B: the government should show that it is using money efficiently. Sometimes you hear about how the government has wasted money on a project.A: yes. The government has limited funds and must show that it is using the money responsibly.Topic 3: PersonalityDirections: You and your partner are going to talk something about personality. Discuss about the advantages of optimism and the disadvantages of pessimism, and the ways to overcome pessimism.Topic 4: Man and AnimalsDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about the relationship between man and animals. Whether or not you agree with the statement that animals should be trained to help humans. If you disagree, what do you think is the appropriate relationship between man andanimals.As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .Topic 5: TravelDirections: You and your partner are going to talk something about travel. Talk about the places you have travelled and the benefits of travel as well.Q: Do you like traveling and what do you get out of traveling?Yes, I like to travel because I like to see different places, try different types of food and to meet other people. For example if I did not travel I would never see the beautiful beach in Sanya and the colorful lakes in Jiuzhaigou.Q: Do you like traveling alone or with people?Currently I always travel with my parents, because I am too young to travel alone. Sometimes I travel with my parents and also with my friend and his parents. I like this because I can talk or play with my friend.Q: How many places have you been to?Q: Where have you traveled until now?Q: Have you ever been to some places out of Beijing?I have traveled to many places in China. I went to my mother’s home town and also on vacation to different cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang, Qingdao, Weihai, Chengdu, Sanya, etc. Some cities are close to the beach, like Weihai, Qingdao and Sanya. Some cities are just a big city, like Shanghai and Shenyang. I also went to some famous tourist attractions, like Jiuzhaigou, Hanglong and Lijiang.Q: Have you also traveled abroad?Yes, last year I was in the US. I was there for 2 weeks. We were in San Francisco and went to the beach, to some parks and I saw the very big Redwood trees. I was there with my father and we stayed in the home of an aunt who lives there. I liked it very much and would like to go back. While I was there I also went to a summer camp. It was about science and we built different things, like a model rocket. I can’t fully understand what the teacher told us about it, but I could figure it out myself. I made a friend. A Chinese boy who was born in the US, but also speaks some Mandarin. So I could talk with him when I needed help.Q: What kind of place is likely to become a tourist attraction?A place where people can have fun, like Disneyland. Or a place with a beautiful view, or with something special to see, like the Terracotta army in Xian.Q: Can you describe a famous tourist attraction you've ever visited?Q: Which place is the most impressive one?I went to Jiuzhaigou last summer. It is very famous and many people go there. We took the plane to Chengdu and stayed there for one night. The next day we took the plane again to go to Jiuzhaigou. It is at a high altitude, 3km. It has 108 lakes. The lakes are very colorful. The water is very clear, so you can see the bottom and what is on it, like wood. One lake is called “Peacock”, because of all the different colors are like the feathers of this bird. Another lake is called “Panda”, because pandas would drink here in the past. While we were there we made a long walk. I very much liked the beautiful lakes and waterfalls.Q: What`s your favorite place?My favorite place is called “Crab Island”. It is close to where I live. It is not really an island, but an artificial sand beach with waves. The real beach is too far away and I am afraid a shark could hurt me, so I like this one better.Q: Which city you like best Beijing or Shanghai, and why?I like Beijing better, because it is easy to find the way in Beijing, but when we take a taxi in Shanghai, we always need to give the names of 2 streets. Otherwise the taxi driver can not find it. The driver needs to know the intersection, because there are so many small streets there.Q: Which kind of city do you prefer to visit, a modern or historic one?I have not learned much history yet and prefer to visit a modern city with big parks and things to play with. When I grow up I probably want to go to historic cities.Q: What's your plan for traveling next time?I plan to go to Disneyland in Hongkong next time. I have never been there before and have wanted to go there for a long time.Topic 6: Personal BudgetDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about personal budget. Please talk about the way you budget your money and what are your biggest expense. If you were given 1,000 yuan, would you spend it or save it? Why?Topic 7: SportsDirections: You and your partner are going to talk something about sports. Please talk about your favorite sports and the benefits you derive from them.Are you interested in sport?Yes. Sport is the best way to relieve my stress and to keep fit. I have the talent of athletics.Do you like any particular sports?I do a lot cardio type thing that would lose the weight/tone my stomach, abs, thigh… Basically i would like my body to be awesome for a bathing suit.Do you use any equipment for this exercise (or sport)?I have a small room so take in mind that the equip can't be too big. I don't want a sitting machine... so uh (I)have a rowing machine at home. It hikes up my metabolism so I'm better able to burn off excess fat from the entire body, and to lose weight (fat).Do you participate in any sports with your friends?I don't really have friends. the only friend I have isn't physically active, I WISH had friends that were physically active. that would surely motivate me! I always wanted a workout buddy.Are there any sports facilities (or, exercise facilities) near where you live?Yes we have a playing ground with a open air gym and with aerobics section in it. This really works for us.What forms of exercise are most popular in China?Cycling and hiking are much more popular here, both for transportation and exercise. Soccer football is popular too; we have many die-hard football fans. New-age concepts are also somewhat more prevalent there.Where do people in China usually exercise?Yea, there are gyms. If they live by the shorelines, i think they like to swim a lot. Otherwise I'm sure they stay fit just from walking around instead of driving, not to mention sweating it off in the intense heat.What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?Your whole life success depends on being healthy. Exercise and eat right, your body will serve you well and you will be much happier. And you will look great too. A healthy person has a great ability to learn and perform Do children in China play much sport (or do much exercise)?Students'exercise'in their PE class at school. The rest of the population used to ride bicycles everywhere, but now with the rising incomes many don't.What sports do old people like to do?Well, exercise (in the way that we think of'exercise') isn't really part of the Chinese lifestyle. Oldpeople'exercise'by doing Taiqi in the morning.What sports do young people (or, children) like to do?Young urban professionals are starting to get more interested in "western" things like Yoga and Aerobics... and there are more and more Gyms opening... but its a different concept of working out. Let's just say that a'muscled physique'(for either men or women) isn't considered sexy.Do old people and young people like to do (or, play) the same sports?No. Older people are feeling comfortable with: bowling, petanque, archery or anything that are not strenuous. Young people like any sports or athletics, from swimming to boating.Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like to try?I'm very athletic and competitive. I'm pretty much up for any sport. I've played softball for 7 years, and have skiied for 3 years. I also play tennis in my spare time, and run cross country. I'm a very fast sprinter too. I'd like to try new sports though. Lax (lacrosse) is the 1st option because it would keep me in shape, and it allows me to be aggressive.Topic 8: TransportationDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about transportation means. Among different forms of transportation available for us to use, what forms of transportation would you prefer and why?How did you get to the test today? (What form of transportation did you use?)I took the bus. My mom only drives me to school on rainy daysWhy did you choose that form of transport?I live in a very convenient place, there are many bus stops nearby.Do you often use public transportation?I usually don't take that much buses. I only take the 12 bus, the 9 bus, and the 17 bus. The buses are alright, but sometimes it doesn't smell good and it makes me throw up. Since they are old ladies, wearing perfume, it combines the perfume of all the people in the bus, plus the smell of gasoline of the bus, and it makes a terrible smell, other than that, I hate it when its crowded.What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?I get dropped off in the morning by either my mom or my sister. I walk home from school. Occasionally get rides.For you, what are the benefits (advantages) of using that form of transportation?It's more convenient. I don't have to worry about being late. My hometown is too congested during the day.Is it very expensive (= very dear)?The fuel price is very expensive, but that is good in two things: 1. good for the environment because less use of cars means less pollution. 2. good for Oil companies' pockets so it can be warm by flow of money Is transportation very important where you live?Yes. Because the people who need it most are already marginalized; the poor, students, mentally/physically disabled and the elderly. Having a good system means the poor can get to jobs, students are encouraged to go to school, and the disabled and elderly feel more independent and can interact with people, boosting their self esteem. Also, it can prevent drink driving, road rage, accidents etc, and the environmental positives.What's the most common means of (= form of) transport in your hometown?If you want to consider the most common form of transportation in my hometown, then metro and bus would be the ones. The network is well linked and well organized. The trains and buses run regularly and are the most reliable mode of transport (when there isn't a worker strike, that is).What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?I used public transportation all the time to get to & from work. Now I live elsewhere where public transportation is not available 24/7 & is limited to certain routes, therefore I use my car instead. But the transportation in big city is crap. So owning your own car or taking a taxi isn't such a good idea. You could be stuck in traffic forever plus theexpenses for gas and parking garagesHow do you think the transport system could be improved?More bicycle friendly streets, solar powered vehicles, mass transit in having more trains, higher speed trains, incentives for public transportation... just look at Europe. The money may have to come from taxes though.Do you think transportation costs (gasoline, subway, bus & taxi fares, etc) are expensive in your hometown?Generally taking public transit saves quite a lot of money over a private vehicle. Really it depends on which city and or state you are in since systems vary considerably from area to area.How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?I love public transportation. I used to live in a good country where they had a comprehensive, safe, and efficient system. Then I moved to the United States which is a sub-standard country in many respects. The public transportation here is terrible and now I have to have car because the American government has their head stuck in the past.How do you think transport (in your hometown) will change in the future (or, in the next 20 or 30 years)?I think transport eg. more faster and no gas cars just electric cars also I can see cars hovering above the ground. TV's will become 4-D without glasses. Food will change eg. not having to cook as much but still healthy. School will become optinal and working will become a must.In China, is transportation in the big cities the same as transportation in small towns and villages?Of course not, like anywhere else. Public transport in China is well developed, especially train network betweencities. Within large cities, public transit is also well developed, frequent, and cheap.On the other hand, most rural areas can only be accessed by a complicated network of train, bus, and minibus system. Locally, most rural villages do not have public transit, and in particular in Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, the most common form of transportation you will see is indeed a donkey or ox cart.Topic 9: JobsDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about jobs. What do you expect from a job? Would you rather have a secure job with a lower salary, or a job with less security but a higher salary? Why?Choosing a JobA. Chosing a job is a hard choice to make.Do you agree with me.?B. Yes,of course.When people chose a job ,they often conside the pay and the future achievement,A. But for me, I care more about my interest.In my own opinion,Interest is the best motive of my work,how about you?B. .the first thing i would consider when choosing a job is location.A. Why ?Is location important?B. Yes,Because i don't want to waste my time on travel just to go to work everyday. time is really important.A. hm…… that sounds reasonableB.It can save time. it means less time to sleep, to do work at home, have a little fun with the family at night.A hm…… .I still think chosing the work you are interested in may be the right dicision that you have made.B. well. Maybe but different people have different views.Topic 10: Famous PeopleDirections: You and your partner are going to talk about famous people. Who do you admire most? What qualities do you admire in him/her?A happy person/ A famous person/A spiritual leaderI would like to talk about Nick Vujicic, a famous Australian motivational speaker. I knew him after a friend r ecommended me to watch his speech online. Before I watched that speech, I never thought I would meet so meone so mind-blowing and unique. He was born with a rare disorder, known as Tetra Amelia, characterized by the absence of all four limbs. He struggled mentally and emotionally throughout his childhood to come t o terms with his disability, and at 17 started his own non-profitorganization‘life without limbs’. Although he is in a terrible condition as many of us would think he is the happiest pe rson we’ve ever seen. He sings the praises of god, travels to schools, churches and hospitals to inspire people all over the world. He used to have complaints and hatred towards life but he got over them and embraces his situatio n. Moreover, he started helping people by sharing his life and establishing fund. He is smart, graceful and ver y humorous! I am so attracted to his personal charisma and optimistic attitude. His happiness is contagious.“You have a choice to either uplift somebody or put someone down. You either have the choice to step towa rds your goals and dreams or step away going to temporary things. You have a choice to either give up or keep going.”。