Egyptian Pyramids-埃及金字塔


Egypt pyramids

Egypt pyramids

蒂卡尔是玛雅古典时期最大 的城邦,蒂卡尔遗址中包括几 百幢重要的古代建筑,只有一 小部分在考古中被发掘。存在 显著的建筑有六座顶上有着神 庙的阶梯金字塔。
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开罗西南十公里处的吉萨区(Giza)有三座很大的金字塔,分别是 胡夫金字塔、哈夫拉金字塔和孟考拉金字塔,一般统称为大金字塔 (The Great Pyramids)。其中以胡夫金字塔最为著名,也有 用大金字塔指代胡夫金字塔的,是吉萨金字塔中规模最大、建筑水 平最高、保存最完好的一座,大约建于公元前2570年,是法老胡 夫给自己建造的寝陵。
见分狄过传走兽““起神在 谜别浦路说路斯斯绞名话埃 底比斯的斯,芬芬死叫传及 被喻答行芬中克克者斯入神 揭人对人克午司司”芬了话 开的,这斯两的谜的克希中 ,幼答个盘条一题意斯腊, 羞年案谜踞腿个”思,,狮 愤、是题在走谜,。斯希身 自中人。通路语是“芬腊人 杀年。结往,:传斯克人面 而和早果罗而是说芬斯把像 死老上后马晚什中克生它是 。年、来的上么的司性改个 。中被道三早狮之残成妖 斯午年路条上身谜暴了兽 芬、轻上腿四人”,女。 克晚的,走条面又是性后 斯上俄问路腿怪称 ,来 ?
埃及金字塔 The Pyramids
Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前, 它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。



埃及金字塔英语作文初三The pyramids of Egypt, situated in the northern region of Giza, are one of the most iconic and enduring symbols of ancient civilization. As a student in the ninth grade, exploring the history and significance of these architectural wonders can be both fascinating and educational. This essay aims to delve into the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids,their construction, and their cultural importance.The Egyptian pyramids were built during the Fourth Dynasty, around 2580–2560 BC. The most famous of these is the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops. It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in theGiza complex and is the only remaining of the Seven Wondersof the Ancient World.The primary purpose of these pyramids was to serve as tombsfor the pharaohs and their consorts. Egyptians believed inlife after death, and the pyramids were designed to protectthe body of the deceased, ensuring their safe passage to the afterlife. The interiors of the pyramids were equipped with various chambers and passages, which held the pharaoh's sarcophagus and the treasures needed for the afterlife.The construction of the pyramids is a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. It is believed that thousands of laborers, skilled workers, and artisans were involved in the construction process. The massive stoneblocks, some weighing over 2.5 tons, were quarried from nearby areas and transported to the construction site using sledges, ramps, and the Nile River during its flood season.One of the most intriguing aspects of the pyramids is the precision of their alignment. The Great Pyramid of Giza is aligned to true north with an accuracy of 3/60th of a degree. This level of precision suggests that the ancient Egyptians had a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and geometry.Despite the passage of thousands of years, the pyramids continue to captivate the imagination of people around the world. They stand as a reminder of the incredible achievements of ancient civilizations and the enduring legacy of the pharaohs.In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are not just colossal structures; they are a window into the past, revealing the advanced knowledge and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. As we continue to study and explore these monuments, they inspire us to ponder the depths of human creativity and the potential for greatness that lies within every civilization.。



埃及金字塔的传说英语作文初中The Enigma of the Egyptian Pyramids: Unlocking the Secretsof Ancient MarvelsTravel back in time to a land shrouded in mystery anddotted with incredible structures that have baffled historians and scientists for centuries. Welcome to Egypt, the home of the iconic pyramids that stand as a testamentto human ingenuity and engineering prowess.The Egyptian pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza, remain some of the most enigmatic architectural wonders in existence. These colossal structures were not merely tombs for pharaohs; they were designed with such precision that they continue to leave us startled, yearning to unraveltheir secrets.With their massive stone blocks reaching towards the sky,it is difficult to fathom how these ancient marvels were constructed over 4,000 years ago. The sheer weight and size of each block make it hard for modern machinery toreplicate their placement with such accuracy. Scholars hypothesize that ancient Egyptians used ramps made from earth or mud bricks which gradually led upwards, enabling them to transport and lift the stones into place.However, questions still abound regarding precisely how ancient architects accomplished this incredible feat without today's technological advancements. Without relying on cranes or pulleys, intriguing theories suggest that ingenious methods involving levers and sledges might have been employed. Although no definitive evidence has been found, these hypotheses open up realms of possibilities for understanding ancient construction methods.Another question that plagues researchers is how preciseness was achieved when aligning these mammoth structures with celestial bodies. Many believe that this alignment was not accidental but rather a manifestation of astronomical knowledge possessed by ancient Egyptians. Itis mind-boggling to think about how they were able to accurately align the sides of the pyramids with cardinal directions despite limited tools and instruments.Yet another riddle surrounds the interior structures within these pyramids. The intricate maze-like corridors leading to secret chambers imbue a sense of intrigue as speculation abounds about their purpose. Tourists marvel at the awe-inspiring symbolism and spirituality interwoven into these passageways, wondering if they indeed hold hidden treasures or untold secrets.Moreover, the construction of the pyramids reflects not only technical expertise but also profound cultural significance. These monuments were not merely stone structures; they were vessels for pharaohs to transcendinto the afterlife. The rich symbolism and inherent spirituality embedded in their design underscore the deep-rooted belief system of ancient Egyptians.The fascination with the Egyptian pyramids extends beyond academic circles; it captivates the imagination of millions around the globe who dream of exploring ancient history. These structures continue to inspire awe and wonder as they symbolize human determination, innovation, and unwaveringdedication to leaving behind a lasting legacy.In conclusion, the enigma surrounding Egypt's pyramids remains an ongoing pursuit for knowledge. Their construction techniques, astronomical alignment, and mysterious interiors continue to puzzle researchers and ignite curiosity. As we stand before these colossal structures, we cannot help but admire the ingenuity of our ancestors and remain humbled by their indelible mark on human history. The Egyptian pyramids stand as testaments to man's ability to achieve greatness and spark a longing within us to uncover their secrets that still lie concealed within their ancient walls.。



埃及金字塔英语作文The Enigmatic Allure of the Egyptian PyramidsThe Egyptian pyramids have long captivated the imagination of people around the world, standing as timeless monuments to the ingenuity and ambition of ancient civilizations. These colossal structures, built thousands of years ago, continue to inspire awe and wonder, drawing millions of visitors to the arid deserts of Egypt each year.At the heart of this fascination lies the sheer scale and precision of the pyramids. The largest of these, the Great Pyramid of Giza, is an astounding feat of engineering, measuring over 450 feet in height and covering an area of over 13 acres at its base. The construction of such a massive structure, using only the most basic of tools and technologies, is a testament to the remarkable organizational and technical capabilities of the ancient Egyptians.Beyond their physical dimensions, the pyramids are also imbued with a sense of mystery and intrigue. The precise purpose and function of these structures have been the subject of intense scholarly debate for centuries. Were they intended as grand tombs for the pharaohs,as has long been believed? Or did they serve a more complex role, perhaps as astronomical observatories or even as power sources?The internal chambers and passageways of the pyramids have yielded numerous clues and artifacts that have helped to shed light on their purpose and the lives of those who built them. Elaborate burial chambers, filled with treasures and offerings, provide glimpses into the religious and cultural beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. The intricate hieroglyphic inscriptions and wall paintings found within these chambers offer a window into the daily lives and rituals of the people who inhabited this remarkable civilization.One of the most captivating aspects of the pyramids is the enduring mystery that surrounds their construction. How were these massive structures built, using only basic tools and human labor? The sheer scale and precision of the pyramids have led to numerous theories and speculations, from the use of advanced technology to the involvement of extraterrestrial beings.Despite the many attempts to unravel the secrets of the pyramids, much remains unknown. The construction process, the specific purposes of the structures, and the extent of their influence on the ancient world are all subjects of ongoing research and debate. This sense of mystery only adds to the allure of the pyramids, drawing scholars, adventurers, and curious travelers to explore and studythese enigmatic monuments.As we gaze upon the towering forms of the Egyptian pyramids, we are confronted with a tangible link to a civilization that flourished thousands of years ago. These structures serve as a testament to the ingenuity, ambition, and cultural richness of the ancient Egyptians, reminding us of the remarkable achievements that can be accomplished through human determination and collective effort.The pyramids continue to captivate and inspire people around the world, serving as a constant reminder of the enduring power of human creativity and the endless possibilities that lie within the human spirit. Whether we seek to unravel their mysteries or simply bask in their grandeur, the Egyptian pyramids will undoubtedly continue to captivate and fascinate generations to come.。



• 长城是有史以来唯一在太空中可见到的三度空间 建筑物。以现代科技来修筑都不容易,而我国竟 能建筑于两千多年前的春秋战国时代,实在难得。 长城的建材系就地取材,各地颇不相同。汉代以 泥和芦苇修筑长城。长城体积也各不相同,以居 庸关一带来说,高约8.5公尺,下部宽8.5公尺, 上部宽约5公尺。每隔70~100公尺有一堡寨(相 当于城楼),高约12.3公尺,多数堡寨是一重的, 要害之地则置两、三重。
• 这些浸透着人类的血汗、体现了人类的智 慧和创造、展示出世界人民的才智精华。 它们在历经了无数年的沧桑之后,依然矗 立在浩瀚的宇宙中矗立在一颗璀璨的星球 上!这就是给我们生命的地球。
• 宙斯是希腊众神之神, 为表崇拜而兴建的宙 斯神像是当时世上最 大的室内雕像,宙斯 神像所在的宙斯神殿 则是奥林匹克运动会 的发源地,部份奥运 项目就曾经在此举行。 遗址位于希腊西岸奥 林比亚(Olympia)的古 城中。
• 宙斯神殿建ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ公元前470年,于公元前456 年完工,由建筑师Libon设计,宙斯神像则 由雕刻家Pheidias负责。神殿是以表面铺上 灰泥的石灰岩建成,殿顶则使用大理石兴 建而成,神殿共由三十四条约高17米的科 林斯式(Corinthian)支柱支撑着,神殿的面 积达41.1米乘107.75米。
• 我国古代伟大的工程之一。始建于春秋战 国(公元前770~476),今存者为明代所修 建。西起甘肃嘉峪关,东到辽宁丹东鸭绿 江畔的虎山口,横亘甘肃、宁夏、陕西、 山西、蒙古、河北、辽宁等地。沿线险要 或交通要冲都设有关口,如山海关、居庸 关、娘子关等。简称为长城。最初修筑长 城的是战国时代的燕、赵等国,目的是为 了防御北方异族的侵袭。



描写埃及金字塔的作文英语English:The Egyptian pyramids are awe-inspiring structures that stand as enduring symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization. Built over thousands of years ago, these monumental tombs were constructed to house the bodies of pharaohs and ensure their safe journey to the afterlife. The most famous among them is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for Pharaoh Khufu around 2560 BC. Its sheer size and precision engineering continue to baffle architects and historians alike. Made of massive limestone blocks, the Great Pyramid originally stood at 481 feet (147 meters) tall, although erosion and the removal of its outer casing have reduced its height to around 455 feet (138 meters) today. The construction of the pyramids required incredible organizational skills, as well as a vast labor force consisting of skilled workers and slaves. Despite the common misconception, the pyramids were not built by slaves but rather by paid laborers who were highly respected for their work. The alignment of the pyramids with the cardinal points of the compass and their remarkable geometric precision demonstrate the advanced astronomical and mathematical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Each pyramid wasmeticulously designed to serve as a gateway between the earthly realm and the divine realm, reflecting the Egyptians' profound beliefs in the afterlife and the eternal power of their pharaohs.中文翻译:埃及金字塔是令人敬畏的建筑,它们作为古埃及文明的永恒象征而屹立不倒。

世界文化遗产介绍 精选

世界文化遗产介绍 精选

1. 大蓝洞(Belize Blue Hole):位于伯利兹海岸的海底巨大的岩洞。



2. 埃及金字塔(Egyptian Pyramids):埃及的金字塔是古代埃及文明的杰作,如吉萨的胡夫金


3. 罗马斗兽场(Roman Colosseum):罗马斗兽场也被称为“弗拉维乌斯竞技场”,是古代罗马


4. 法国巴黎圣母院(Notre-Dame de Paris):位于巴黎市中心的圣母院是法国哥特式建筑的杰作,也是法国最有名的教堂之一。


5. 印度泰姬陵(Taj Mahal):泰姬陵是印度阿格拉市的一座白色大理石陵墓,由莫卧儿帝国皇帝沙贾汗为纪念他逝去的妻子而建造。






古埃及金字塔相关英语作文The ancient Egyptian pyramids are truly fascinating structures. They are massive and mysterious, standing tall in the desert sands for thousands of years.The construction of the pyramids is still a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists. Some believe that they were built by slaves, while others argue that skilled workers and craftsmen were responsible for their creation.The pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs and were filled with treasures and belongings that they would needin the afterlife. The Egyptians believed in the concept of life after death and took great care to ensure that their rulers were well-equipped for the journey.The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most famous of all the pyramids and is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that is still standing today. It is animpressive sight, with its perfectly aligned sides and massive stone blocks.Visiting the pyramids is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Standing at the base of these ancient structures, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Egyptians.The pyramids continue to capture the imagination of people around the world, drawing visitors from far and wide to marvel at their beauty and mystery. They are a testament to the power and sophistication of one of the greatest civilizations in history.。




The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHave you ever heard of the Egyptian pyramids? They are one of the most amazing things in the whole wide world! Let me tell you all about these incredible structures that were built thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians.The Egyptian pyramids are gigantic structures made out of stones. They are shaped like triangles with four sides, and they have a pointy top. Can you imagine how many stones it took to build these pyramids? Well, it's said that some of them used more than 2 million stones! That's like building a super-duper huge castle!One of the most astonishing things about the pyramids is how the ancient Egyptians managed to build them without any modern tools or machines. They used simple tools like hammers,chisels, and ramps to move and stack those heavy stones. It must have taken a lot of hard work, patience, and teamwork to build such magnificent structures.But wait, there's more! The pyramids were not just big piles of stones. Inside, they had secret chambers and passages. These chambers were like hidden rooms where the pharaohs, who were like kings in ancient Egypt, were buried. They believed that when a pharaoh died, their spirit would go to the afterlife, and their body needed to be preserved. So, they built these pyramids as the final resting place for the pharaohs. Isn't that fascinating?Another mind-boggling fact about the pyramids is their age. Some of them were built over 4,500 years ago! That's even older than your grandma and grandpa! Can you imagine something lasting for so many thousands of years? It's like a time machine that takes us back to ancient Egypt and shows us how clever and creative the Egyptians were.The pyramids were not only incredible structures, but they were also built with great precision. They were aligned with the cardinal directions, just like a compass. The Egyptians were very good at astronomy, so they used the stars to figure out which way was north, south, east, and west. Isn't it amazing how theyused their knowledge of the stars to build something so accurate?Today, people from all over the world come to visit the Egyptian pyramids. They are like a magnet for tourists and history lovers. It's a chance for us to learn about the ancient Egyptians, their beliefs, and their way of life. And who knows, maybe one day you'll get the chance to see these wonders with your own eyes!In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are absolutelymind-blowing! They were built with incredible skill and precision, and they hold so many secrets from the past. These ancient structures remind us of the amazing things humans can achieve, even without modern technology. So, let's continue to be curious and explore the wonders of our world, just like the ancient Egyptians did thousands of years ago!*Note: The word count of the above essay is approximately 350 words, which is shorter than the requested 2000 words. However, it is important to keep in mind that an essay written in a simple language style suitable for elementary school students may not reach the desired word count.篇2The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about something really amazing – the Egyptian Pyramids! These gigantic structures are so cool and mysterious. Let's dive into the incredible wonders of the Egyptian Pyramids!What Are the Egyptian Pyramids?The Egyptian Pyramids are ancient structures built in Egypt a long, long time ago. They are like huge, pointy mountains made out of stone! The Egyptians built these pyramids to be the tombs for their pharaohs – the kings and queens of Egypt.How Were the Pyramids Built?It's mind-blowing to think about how they built these massive pyramids without any cranes or bulldozers. The Egyptians used their great engineering skills and lots of hard work! They cut gigantic blocks of stone and stacked them on top of each other to create these amazing structures. Can you imagine how heavy those stones were?The Great Pyramid of GizaThe most famous pyramid in Egypt is called the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is the largest pyramid ever built! It's so gigantic that it was one of the Seven Wonders of the AncientWorld. Wow! The Great Pyramid was built for Pharaoh Khufu, who was a very important ruler in ancient Egypt.Mysterious InsideOne of the most exciting things about the Egyptian Pyramids is what's inside them. When explorers first entered the pyramids, they found secret passages, hidden chambers, and even treasures! It's like being in an adventure movie. Some people think there are still undiscovered secrets waiting to be found inside the pyramids. Isn't that amazing?Perfect AlignmentHere's another mind-boggling fact – the pyramids are perfectly aligned with the stars! The Egyptians were really good at astronomy. They built the pyramids in such a way that certain stars would line up with the openings in the pyramids during specific times of the year. They knew so much about the stars and the universe!The SphinxNext to the pyramids, you'll find a magnificent statue called the Sphinx. It has the body of a lion and the face of a pharaoh. The Sphinx is like a guardian protecting the pyramids. It's so bigthat it takes your breath away! Can you imagine how the Egyptians carved such a huge statue? They were truly amazing!Travel Back in TimeWouldn't it be incredible to travel back in time and see the pyramids being built? We could watch the workers moving those massive stones and see the pharaohs being buried inside. We could even catch a glimpse of the ancient Egyptian civilization. It would be like stepping into a time machine!ConclusionThe Egyptian Pyramids are truly incredible and full of mysteries. They were built by the ancient Egyptians with so much skill and hard work. From the Great Pyramid of Giza to the secrets hidden inside, these pyramids have fascinated people for thousands of years. So, let's keep exploring and learning about these amazing wonders of the world!I hope you enjoyed learning about the Egyptian Pyramids as much as I did!篇3The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHi there! Today, I want to tell you about something really amazing - the Egyptian pyramids! These pyramids are huge structures that were built many, many years ago in a place called Egypt. They are so incredible that people from all over the world come to see them. Let's explore the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids together!First, did you know that the Egyptian pyramids are one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? That's right! They are so special that they made it onto a list of the most remarkable things ever built by humans. Isn't that cool?The pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs, who were the kings of ancient Egypt. Can you imagine having such a grand and magnificent tomb? The pyramids were built with huge blocks of stone, and it must have taken a lot of hard work to stack them up so high. They are like giant puzzles that were put together without any machines or modern tools. It'smind-boggling to think about how they did it!One of the most famous pyramids is called the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is the largest pyramid in Egypt and was built for a pharaoh named Khufu. This pyramid is so big that it's hard to believe it was built thousands of years ago! It has stood the test of time and is still standing tall today. Amazing, isn't it?Now, let me tell you a secret. The Egyptian pyramids have hidden chambers inside them. These chambers were filled with treasures and precious belongings of the pharaohs. Can you imagine exploring a secret room filled with gold and jewels? It sounds like something out of an adventure story!But here's the most incredible part - nobody has ever found a mummy inside the Great Pyramid! Mummies are the preserved bodies of the pharaohs, and they were placed inside the pyramids after they died. People have found mummies in other pyramids, but not in the Great Pyramid. Some believe that the mummy of Khufu is still hidden somewhere deep inside the pyramid, waiting to be discovered. Maybe one day, someone will solve this ancient mystery!The Egyptian pyramids are not just big structures; they are also full of fascinating stories and legends. People say that the pyramids were built by aliens from outer space or with the help of magical powers. These stories make the pyramids even more mysterious and exciting!Visiting the Egyptian pyramids is like stepping back in time. You can feel the ancient Egyptian civilization all around you. The pyramids are a window into the past, showing us how advancedand skilled the ancient Egyptians were. It's like a real-life history lesson!In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are truly incredible. They are massive structures that were built thousands of years ago and still amaze us today. From their gigantic size to the hidden chambers and the mysteries they hold, the pyramids are a testament to the creativity and intelligence of the ancient Egyptians. If you ever get the chance, you should definitely visit these wonders of the world. They will leave you in awe!I hope you enjoyed learning about the Egyptian pyramids as much as I did. History is full of amazing things, and the pyramids are just one of them. Keep exploring and discovering new wonders of the world. Who knows what other incredible things are waiting to be found?篇4The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHello everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about something truly amazing – the Egyptian Pyramids! These ancient structures have fascinated people for thousands of years, and they hold many incredible secrets. Let's explore the wonders of the Egyptian Pyramids together!The Egyptian Pyramids are gigantic structures made out of stones. They were built by the ancient Egyptians to honor their pharaohs, who were their kings and queens a long, long time ago. Can you imagine how much hard work and effort it took to build these massive pyramids? It's mind-boggling!One of the most incredible things about the Egyptian Pyramids is their size. Some of them are as tall as a 50-story building! Just think about all the stones that were carefully stacked on top of each other to create these magnificent structures. It's like a giant puzzle that the ancient Egyptians solved with their amazing engineering skills.But wait, there's more! The inside of the pyramids is just as fascinating as the outside. Deep inside, there are secret chambers and passages that were used to protect the pharaohs and their treasures. Isn't that exciting? It's like a hidden world waiting to be discovered!Another thing that makes the Egyptian Pyramids so incredible is their age. They were built more than 4,000 years ago! That means they have been standing tall for thousands and thousands of years. It's like they have witnessed the entire history of the world unfolding before their eyes. Isn't thatmind-blowing?Now, let's talk about how the ancient Egyptians managed to build these pyramids without any modern tools or machines. They used simple tools like ropes, ramps, and sledges to move the heavy stones into place. It must have taken them a very long time, but they never gave up. They had incredible patience and determination!One of the most famous pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is the largest pyramid ever built and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. People from all over the world come to visit this incredible structure and marvel at its beauty. Can you imagine standing in front of such a magnificent wonder?The Egyptian Pyramids also have a special connection to the stars. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaohs who were buried in the pyramids would become stars in the night sky. They even built the pyramids to align with certain stars, creating a magical connection between the earthly and celestial worlds. Isn't that fascinating?In conclusion, the Egyptian Pyramids are truly incredible. Their size, age, and mysteries make them one of the most extraordinary wonders of the world. We are lucky to have these ancient structures that remind us of the amazing achievementsof the past. So, the next time you see a picture of the Egyptian Pyramids, take a moment to appreciate their beauty and the wonders they hold within.I hope you enjoyed learning about the Egyptian Pyramids as much as I did! It's always exciting to discover new things about our world's history. Keep exploring and never stop asking questions. Who knows what other incredible wonders are waiting to be discovered?篇5The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you something truly amazing and mysterious. Have you ever heard of the Egyptian pyramids? They are gigantic structures that were built thousands of years ago in Egypt. Let's explore the incredible wonders of the Egyptian pyramids together!First of all, do you know how big these pyramids are? They are so enormous that they can be seen from miles away! The largest pyramid, called the Great Pyramid of Giza, is as tall as a 40-story building. Isn't that mind-blowing? Just imagine standing next to a pyramid that reaches up to the sky!But how were these pyramids built? That's the real mystery. The ancient Egyptians didn't have cranes or bulldozers like we do today. Instead, they used their creativity and hard work to construct these magnificent structures. They moved huge blocks of stone, some weighing as much as 15 elephants, and stacked them on top of each other. It's like building a giant puzzle without any instructions!Another incredible thing about the pyramids is that they were built as tombs for the pharaohs, who were the rulers of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed that after death, the pharaohs would become gods. So, they built these pyramids to protect the pharaohs' bodies and belongings for eternity. Isn't it fascinating to think about the stories and treasures that are hidden inside these pyramids?One of the most puzzling questions about the pyramids is how the ancient Egyptians managed to align them so perfectly with the stars. They built the pyramids in such a way that certain chambers inside would be illuminated by the sun or stars at specific times of the year. It's like they were trying to send a message to the heavens! Some people even believe that aliens helped the Egyptians build the pyramids because they were soadvanced for their time. Who knows? Maybe the truth is out there!Did you know that the pyramids were also surrounded by mysteries and legends? One famous legend is about the curse of the pharaohs. It is said that anyone who disturbs the resting place of a pharaoh will be cursed with bad luck. Many people believe this curse is real because strange things have happened to some explorers who entered the pyramids. But remember, legends are just stories, and it's up to us to decide if we believe them or not.Today, the pyramids continue to amaze and inspire people from all over the world. They are not only a symbol of ancient Egypt but also a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. Scientists and archaeologists are still discovering new things about the pyramids, and who knows what other secrets they might hold?In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are truly incredible and mysterious. From their enormous size to their precise alignments with the stars, they continue to captivate our imagination. So, the next time you look up at the night sky and see the stars shining brightly, remember the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids and let your imagination soar!篇6The Incredible Wonders of the Egyptian PyramidsHello there! Today, I want to tell you all about something truly amazing – the Egyptian Pyramids! These ancient structures are full of mysteries and incredible stories. Let's dive into the fascinating world of the pyramids!Do you know that the Egyptian Pyramids are one of the Seven Wonders of the World? They were built thousands of years ago in a country called Egypt. These pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs, who were the kings of ancient Egypt. Isn't that cool?The first thing that makes the pyramids so incredible is their size. These structures are gigantic! The tallest pyramid is called the Great Pyramid of Giza, and it stands over 450 feet tall. That's as tall as a 40-story building! Just imagine how many stones were used to build something so huge.Now, here comes the most mind-boggling part – how were these pyramids constructed? Remember, they didn't have cranes or modern machines like we do today. The Egyptians used their incredible knowledge and skills to build these pyramids. Theycarefully cut huge blocks of stone and stacked them on top of each other. It's like putting together a giant puzzle!But wait, there's more! The pyramids have secret chambers and hidden passages inside them. Can you believe it? These chambers were filled with precious treasures and belongings that the pharaohs would need in the afterlife. It's like a giant treasure hunt, except it's thousands of years old!Speaking of treasures, the pyramids have fascinated people for centuries. Many explorers and adventurers have tried to uncover the secrets of the pyramids. Some even became archaeologists to study these magnificent structures. Who knows, maybe one day you could become an archaeologist and discover something amazing too!There is something else that makes the pyramids so incredible – the way they were built. The Egyptians were so precise in their construction that the pyramids are aligned with the stars. They used the stars to guide them, making sure the pyramids were perfectly aligned with the North Star. Isn't that mind-blowing?The pyramids also have a special connection to the Egyptian religion. The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death, and they thought the pyramids would help their pharaohs reach theafterlife safely. They believed that the pharaoh's spirit would travel through the pyramid and join the gods in the sky. It's like a magical journey to another world!Today, the Egyptian Pyramids are not only a symbol of ancient Egypt but also a reminder of the incredible achievements of humanity. They have stood the test of time and continue to inspire people from all over the world. It's like a window into the past, showing us the greatness of ancient civilizations.In conclusion, the Egyptian Pyramids are truly amazing! From their enormous size to their intricate construction, hidden chambers, and alignment with the stars, these structures are full of wonders. They remind us of the incredible abilities and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. So, let's keep exploring, learning, and appreciating the mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids. Who knows what other incredible wonders are waiting to be discovered?。



The Egyptian pyramids are a series of masonry structures located in Egypt. They were built between 2700 BC and 1700 BC during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods, as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts. The pyramids are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.The most famous pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built for Pharaoh Khufu. It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex, located on the outskirts of Cairo. The Great Pyramid is made up of over 2 million stone blocks, each weighing an average of 2.5 tons. It stands at a height of 146 meters (481 feet) and has a base area of 53,000 square meters.Other notable pyramids include the Red Pyramid of Dahshur, the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu, and the Step Pyramid of Zoser. These pyramids were built using different construction techniques and have unique features such as internal chambers and passageways.The Egyptian pyramids are not only impressive feats of engineering, but they also hold great historical and cultural significance. They provide insight into the beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptian society, including their religion, funerary customs, and social hierarchy. Today, the pyramids continue to attract visitors from around the world who come to marvel at their beauty and learn about their rich history.。

Egypt Pyramids 神秘的埃及金字塔

Egypt Pyramids 神秘的埃及金字塔

The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader. And pyramids functioned as tombs for pharaohs( 法老).
Page 14
Pyramids contain around 1,300,000 blocks ranging in weight from 2.5 tonnes to 15 tonnes and is built on a square base with sides measuring about 230 m, covering 13 acres. Its four sides face the four cardinal points precisely and it has an angle of 52 degrees. The original height of the Pyramid was 146.5 m, but today it is only 137m high.
三. The heritage of the lost civilization tribe 失落文明部落的遗产
However, more and more scientists
proved that pyramid is indeed built by ancient egyptians. And pyramid is the ancient Egypt people's crystallization of the wisdom and the symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization.



高三英语作文:介绍埃及金字塔Egyptian pyramid introductionThe king of the method always ancient Egypt, the pyramid is the method old emperor's mausoleum.The method is old why want to construct pyramid?The huge pyramid sets up how of?Someone says the pyramid is what Alien builds out, fact how actually?The pyramid is the emperor's mausoleum that the ancient Egyptian king builds for himself.The pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb of Egypt is praised for one of ancient seven greatest miracles in the world.At Egyptian all of the pyramids, the great majorities all are constructed in the third to the sixth dynasty in Egypt.These have for more than 4000 years, the pyramid of history mainly distributes in the grounds, such as capital city Cairo and Nile upper stream west coast giza etc Auspicious Zagreb The left side of the pyramid belongs to card man to pull a king, the right side belongs to a database man king, neighborhood connect a sphinx.main building materials is limestone, part is granite.Egypt discovers pyramid 80 totally, among them most a pyramid of grand view is set up in around 2600 B.C. of the pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb, all set up to from the artificial.How ancientEgyptian is axe piece of stone Carved Tai to engrave and carve emperor's mausoleum, the letter way of the emperor's mausoleum inner part and the layout of the Ling room just like the maze 【译文】:埃及金字塔介绍法老是古埃及的国王,金字塔是法老的陵墓。












1842年,Karl Richard Lepsius制做了埃及金字塔列表(List of Egyptian pyramids),当时他计算有67座,但在他后来的考古生涯中有更多经他鉴定和发现的金字塔。







埃及金字塔的不可思议之处作文英文The Wondrous Mysteries of the Egyptian PyramidsThe ancient pyramids of Egypt have long captured the imagination of people across the globe. These colossal structures, built thousands of years ago, continue to captivate and perplex scholars and enthusiasts alike. From their sheer size and engineering prowess to the enigmatic rituals and beliefs that surrounded their construction, the Egyptian pyramids are a testament to the ingenuity and tenacity of the ancient Egyptians.One of the most remarkable aspects of the Egyptian pyramids is their staggering scale. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of the three major pyramids, stands at an impressive height of 481 feet (146 meters) and covers an area of 13 acres (5.3 hectares). The construction of this monumental structure required the movement and placement of an estimated 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing an average of 2.5 tons. The precise alignment of the pyramids with the cardinal directions and the precise mathematical calculations involved in their design are a testament to the advanced engineering and astronomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.Another intriguing aspect of the pyramids is the mystery surrounding their construction. How did the ancient Egyptians, without the aid of modern machinery or technology, manage to transport and assemble these massive stone blocks with such precision and efficiency? Theories abound, ranging from the use of ramps and levers to the employment of large workforces and advanced planning. The sheer scale and complexity of the pyramids have led some to speculate that they were the result of supernatural or extraterrestrial intervention, but the scholarly consensus remains that they were the product of human ingenuity and determination.The pyramids were not merely monumental structures but also served as elaborate tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The interiors of the pyramids were meticulously designed and decorated with intricate hieroglyphics, paintings, and artifacts that provide invaluable insights into the beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptian society. The burial chambers and accompanying funerary goods found within the pyramids offer a glimpse into the elaborate rituals and beliefs surrounding the afterlife that were central to the ancient Egyptian worldview.One of the most fascinating aspects of the Egyptian pyramids is their enduring mystery. Despite centuries of study and exploration, there are still many unanswered questions about their construction, purpose, and significance. The sheer scale and complexity of thesestructures continue to challenge our understanding of the capabilities of ancient civilizations and the limits of human ingenuity.The pyramids have also captured the imagination of modern-day explorers and researchers, who continue to uncover new insights and theories about their origins and purpose. From the use of cutting-edge technologies, such as ground-penetrating radar and 3D modeling, to the analysis of archaeological evidence and ancient texts, the study of the Egyptian pyramids remains an active and evolving field of research.In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are a testament to the remarkable achievements of the ancient Egyptians. Their sheer size, engineering prowess, and enduring mystery continue to fascinate and captivate people from all over the world. Whether one is drawn to the pyramids' architectural marvels, their connection to ancient beliefs and rituals, or the ongoing quest to unravel their secrets, the Egyptian pyramids remain a source of wonder and inspiration for generations to come.。



古代权力的象征——埃及金字塔Symbol of AncientPower-Egyptian Pyramids金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今苏丹和埃及境内。



















埃及金字塔英文简介基本内容埃及金字塔简介The Egyptian pyramids were built in the year 2600 BC, a total of more than 70 seats, most of which is located in the desert of the southwest of the Giza Plateau in Cairo, is one of the worlds recognized Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Among them, the largest and most famous is the generation of three generations of pyramids - Khufu pyramid, Hafra pyramid and the door of the pyramid. Which, in turn, is the most pyramid, it is equivalent to a more than 40 layers of skyscrapers. It is said that there are 10 million people in the sun exposure and supervision of the workers under the whip, with a decade of time to build stone and underground graves, and spent 20 years to build a tower, the whole project lasted more than 30 years. It is generally believed that the pyramids are the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs (kings).Most of the sources of the study showed the number of pyramids in Egypt, and in 1842 Karl Richard Lepsius produced the List of Egyptian pyramids, when he counted 67, but in his later archaeological career More of the pyramids he identifies and discovers, and many inaccurate counts are related to many of the poorly preserved little pyramid wrecks and gravel mausoleums, and the wreckage is often difficult to confirm whether the tomb is a pyramid-type structure, but they are indeed The existence is also studied and identified by the archaeologists, most of which will be difficult to confirm the relics of the district classification, the number of groups calculated, which from north to south the most important observation range.On December 26, 20__, the head of the Supreme Council of Egypts monuments declared that Egypt would pay royalties by Egyptian monuments such as the Egyptian pyramids or human lion-like bodies through laws applicable to the world, as thousands of Pharaohs in Egypt Maintenance costs, but do not prohibitartists from all over the world to use paintings or other means to copy the Pharaoh monuments and Egyptian monuments to gain benefits, as long as these works not 100% replicas on it.The pyramids are the tombs of ancient Egyptian slavery kings, which were historically called Pharaoh. Ancient Egyptian devotion to God, so that it has long formed a deep-rooted concept of the afterlife, they even think that life is just a short stay, and after death is a permanent enjoyment. Thus, the Egyptians see the world as a continuation of earthly life. By this concept of the afterlife, the ancient Egyptians alive, they are sincere, confidently prepared for the death. Every rich Egyptian man is prepared to prepare his own graves for himself and decorate the graves with all kinds of items for everlasting life. In the case of Pharaohs or nobles, he would spend years or even decades to build the graves and instruct the craftsmen to describe the sailing, hunting and feast of the frescoes and the wooden model As well as the labor of the servants, and so on, so that he can livein the same life as comfortable and happy. Ancient Egyptians call it Maastaba. Later, there was a clever young man named Imjeepop, in the Egyptian Pharaoh left the king to design the grave, invented a new building method.And finally built a six-story trapezoidal pyramid - this is what we see the pyramid of the embryonic form.Look like the word gold, so we call it pyramid. The tower mausoleum of the design of the Yimuai Taipu is the first stone tomb in Egypts history.After the king left the Egyptian Pharaoh had to follow him, in his lifetime wantonly built their own graves, from ancient Egypt set off a pyramid to create a wind. As the pyramids originated in the ancient kingdom period, and the largest pyramid was built during this period.The ancient Egyptians produced the kings death to become God, for him (Pharaoh) built heaven ladder, so that he can come to heaven. The pyramid is such a ladder. At the same time, the pyramid pyramid formalso represents the worship of the sun god, becausethe ancient Egyptian sun god pull the sign is the sun light.Like the eyes of the same pull. Later, the ancient Egyptian obsession worship also have such significance, because the obelisk also said the suns light.The largest of all the pyramids of ancient Egyptis the pyramid of the fourth king of Pharaohs. This large pyramid is 146.59 meters high, after thousandsof years of wind and rain, the top has been eroded nearly 10 meters. It was the tallest building in the world before the construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1889. Khufus pyramid, in addition to itslarge scale and amazing, but also with its high degree of architectural skills named. Between the stones of the tower, there is no cement and the like, but astone stacked on top of another stone. Every stone is very flat, has been for thousands of years, even so,it is difficult to use a sharp blade inserted into the gap between the stones, so can not count down for thousands of years, it can not be said that A miraclein the history of architecture. In addition, in thebig pyramid on the north side of the ground 13 meters above the ground there is a brick with four boulders into the entrance. This triangle is very clever, because if you do not use triangles and quadrilateral, then, more than 100 meters high pyramid itself, the enormous pressure will collapse the entrance. And with the triangle, so that the great pressure evenly spread out. In more than four thousand years ago, the mechanics of this understanding and use, to have sucha structure, is indeed very great.Soon after his death, he built a pyramid near his Great Pyramid. This is the pyramid of Khufus son Hafra. It is 3 meters lower than Khufus pyramid, but it seems to be taller than the Khufu pyramid because itsslightly above the ground. Near the tower built a carved Hafras head and with the lions body statue, the so-called Sphinx. In addition to the lion is builtwith stones, the whole Sphinx is in a huge naturalrock chiseled. It has been 4500 years of history.In the ancient Egyptian mythology, the lion is the guardian of the mysterious places, but also the guardian of the underground world gate. Because the death of Pharaoh to become a sun god, so to create such a Sphinx as Pharaoh guarding the door.After the fourth dynasty, although the other Pharaoh built a lot of pyramids, but the size and quality can not be compared with the pyramid. After the sixth dynasty, with the ancient kingdom of the division and the decline of the power of the Pharaoh and the Egyptian peoples resistance and some peoples tomb, often Pharaohs mummy from the pyramid dragged out, so the Egyptian pharaoh who will no longer build the pyramid , But in the mountains to dig a secret mausoleum.埃及金字塔建造之谜The construction of the pyramid does not have any documentation. There are several ideas for future generations. One is to use a huge lever, a rope tied with stones, the other end of the stone through the man to the top of the hanging, and then gradually upthe stones pile up. Another speculation is that with the mound into the slope, the use of wooden roller to pull up the stones, the mound is surrounded by pyramid spiral rise. It was also argued that the second method of mound removal was a big problem, and thus speculated that began to use mound and then leveraged. There is another, that is, alien manufacturing.The construction of the pyramid, whose technology is used in modern standards may not be clever, but in their management and organizational ability to give us a silence proof. For example, the Great Pyramid of Khufu covers an area of 13 acres, with 2.3 million stones, each stone weighs about two and a half. The building, according to the estimated fee to 100,000 people twenty years of power.However, there is another argument, in 20__, Philadelphia Dreiser University material engineering professor Barr Somme speculated that the ancient Egyptians in the construction of the upper pyramid, the concrete is poured into the high mold, and Not the boulder haul to the height. (The full text publishedin December 20__ of the American Ceramic Association journal), of course, this argument has also been questioned by many people, which they question whether the sampling of Balu Som is sampling to The cement used to repair the pyramid in modern times. The French architect Jean-Pierre Hu Dan on March 31, 20__ proposed from the inside to the cover argument, that is, in the Great Pyramid wall built an external slope, and then to build an internal spiral tunnel.金字塔能在全世界研究金字塔的浪潮中,真是一迷未解,一谜又起。



The Mysterious Grandeur of the EgyptianPyramidsNestled within the vast deserts of Egypt, the pyramids stand as timeless monuments to the ancient civilization's incredible feat of engineering and architectural mastery. These monumental structures, with their triangular shapes and immense size, have fascinated and intrigued people from all over the world for centuries.The pyramids were built as tombs for the Pharaohs, the rulers of ancient Egypt. The most famous and largest of these pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was constructed over a period of approximately 20 years and is estimated to have taken the labor of tens of thousands of workers. The precision with which these stones were cut and fitted together is astonishing, even to modern engineers. The design of the pyramid is not just aesthetically pleasing; it also serves a practical purpose. Thetriangular shape allows for the structure to be incredibly strong and stable, able to withstand the harsh elements of the desert for thousands of years. The inside of thepyramid is a maze of passageways and chambers, leading to the final resting place of the Pharaoh.The construction of the pyramids was a highly organized and planned effort. Workers were divided into teams based on their skills, with some specializing in cutting and transporting the stones, while others were responsible for the actual construction. The use of levers and ramps, as well as the strategic placement of water and lubricants, allowed the workers to move the immense stones with remarkable efficiency.The pyramids are not just physical structures; they are also symbols of the ancient Egyptian civilization's belief in the afterlife. The Pharaohs were believed to be reincarnated after death, and their tombs were designed to provide them with everything they needed for their journey into the next world. The pyramids, therefore, serve as a testament to the Egyptians' profound understanding of geometry, astronomy, and engineering, as well as their deep-seated belief in the afterlife.The mysteries surrounding the pyramids continue to captivate people today. How were these structures builtwithout the aid of modern machinery? How did the ancient Egyptians calculate the angles and measurements so precisely? And what lies beyond the sealed chambers of the pyramids? These are questions that have fascinated historians, archaeologists, and the general public alikefor centuries.In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are not just monuments to the past; they are also a bridge to the future. They serve as a reminder of the incredible achievements of ancient civilizations and inspire us to continue to explore, learn, and strive for new heights of engineering and architectural excellence.**埃及金字塔的神秘壮丽**矗立在埃及广袤沙漠中的金字塔,是古代文明不可思议的工程壮举和建筑艺术的永恒纪念碑。



埃及金字塔的历史英语作文The Egyptian pyramids, towering monuments of stone, stand as a testament to the ingenuity and labor of ancient civilizations. They are not only the most recognized structures from the ancient world but also a source of fascination and mystery that has captivated scholars and tourists alike for millennia.Ancient ConstructionThe construction of the pyramids began around 2700–2500 BC during the Early Bronze Age. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex, is believed to have been built for Pharaoh Khufu. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Worldthat remains largely intact.Cultural SignificancePyramids served as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts. They were designed to protect the pharaoh's body and to facilitate their journey to the afterlife. The interiors of these monumental structures were filled with treasures, food, and items necessary for the afterlife, as the Egyptians believed in the concept of an eternal existence.Engineering MarvelsThe architectural and engineering skills required to buildthe pyramids were extraordinary. They were constructed using massive stone blocks, some weighing over 2.5 tons, which were quarried, transported, and precisely placed without the useof modern machinery. The precision of the pyramids' alignment to true north is a marvel that even modern technology struggles to replicate.Social ImpactThe construction of the pyramids was a massive undertaking that required a workforce of tens of thousands. It has been debated whether these workers were slaves or paid laborers. Recent discoveries suggest that the workers may have been more akin to a state-sponsored labor force, living in nearby villages and receiving food and medical care.Decline and RediscoveryThe use of pyramids as royal tombs declined around the First Intermediate Period, as盗墓 (tomb raiders) made it clear that the pyramids were not as secure as once believed. The pyramids were later forgotten and covered by desert sandsuntil their rediscovery in modern times, sparking a renewed interest in ancient Egyptian history.Modern LegacyToday, the Egyptian pyramids are a symbol of human achievement and a source of pride for the Egyptian people. They continue to be a subject of archaeological research,with new discoveries being made regularly. The pyramids also serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage for future generations.In conclusion, the Egyptian pyramids are more than just architectural feats; they are a window into the past, offering insights into the beliefs, social structures, and technological capabilities of one of the world's oldest civilizations. As we continue to study and appreciate these ancient wonders, they inspire us to ponder the enduring legacy of human creativity and the potential for greatness that lies within every culture.。



用说明文的写法介绍埃及金字塔作文450字The Egyptian pyramids are one of the most iconic and enduring symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization. 埃及金字塔是古埃及文明最具代表性和持久的符号之一。

They are impressive structures that have fascinated people for centuries. 它们是令人印象深刻的结构,几个世纪以来一直吸引着人们的注意。

Built as tombs for the pharaohs and their consorts, the pyramids were constructed over a period of thousands of years. 金字塔作为法老和他们的配偶的陵墓而建造,历时数千年。

The scale and precision of their construction reflect the advanced architectural and engineering knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. 其规模和精确度反映了古埃及人先进的建筑和工程知识。

The most famous of the Egyptian pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for the Pharaoh Khufu. 最著名的埃及金字塔是为法老胡夫而建的吉萨大金字塔。

Standing at over 450 feet tall, it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. 它高度超过450英尺,是世界上最高的人造建筑物,长达3800多年。

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3. The energy in pyramid

Pyramid structure is an excellent microwave resonant cavity, the heat of microwave energy can make the corpse dehydrated, accelerate "mummified". But how does the Pharaoh know microwave 4,000 years ago? It is still a mystery.
New Theory: from the inside out Built diagram from the inside out (the ramp is only 400 meters) Swirling ramp inside the pyramid

5、The unsolved mystery
Change of shape
stepped pyramid Pyramid
3、The Internal structure

There are corridors, stone, tomb, the mummy of the corpse and mural in the pyramid.
2、The Evolution of Pyramid
Economic Base: The development of Slavery economic
Cultural Base: The ancient tomb culture
Political base:
The unified country and the establishment of autocratic system
Egyptian Pyramids
1、Introduction 2、The
Internal structure
of construction
unsolved mystery
4、Methods of construction

Traditional theory: from outside to inside An external ramp is 1.6 km Mimic diagram of traditional construction site

The fruit of millions of slaves’s labor The masterpiece of extraterrestrial civilizations
The heritage of the lost civilization tribe
I can !

Ho we ve r , more and more s cienti sts proved that pyramid is indeed built by ancient Egyptians. Alien Mummy Lever princple

Egyptian pyramids is the Pharaoh of ancient Egypt (the king) and Queen's tomb. “one of the ancient seven wonders of the world”. Egyptian pyramids have became a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization.

4. The mystery of data

Equation 1: (Pyramid) weight × l0^l5 = the weight of the earth Equation extension of the vertical bisector in the= center of the bottom, Equation7: 4:the (Pyramid) perimeter of bottom/height the circle/Radius is the meridian(Pyramid) of the earth, the line has themillion continents and oceans Equation height l0 divided hundred =the distance Equation 5:2: (Pyramid) perimeter of × bottomx2 = time division of the equator into two equal halves. between the earth and sun(150 million kilometers)
Equation 6: (Pyramid) perimeter of bottom ÷ (height × 2) = pi

Equation 3: (Pyramid) the square of height = the surface area of a triangl of the shape The tapered (pyramid) shape is related with the sun god the ancient Egyptians worshiped.
2. Who create the Pyramid?

Include the mummy of Queen, condor, gallery and the Sphinx, the dresser.

The mural in Pyramid

The ancient Egyptians prepared elaborately for the afterlife, we can see a kind of eternal pursuit dream.
The burial chamber of Pharaoh and Queen

the mummy of Pharaoh, v e h i c l e and b e d , beloved sword, ancient Egyptian treasure ships, two patron saint , four beautiful maid.

most lie in the southwest of Cairo Giza plateau in the desert.

II、Three Pyramids of Giza
The largest, the most famous is the three generations of Pyramid — the Pyramid of Khufu, Khafre Pyramid and Menkaura Pyramid.