

英美文学选读 第四讲The Neoclassical Period

英美文学选读 第四讲The Neoclassical Period

正大光明 公正无私 帮助別人 成就自己
Period ( 17th—18th Century, 1660~1798 )
Background knowledge 2. Features of the neoclassical literature
1. Background knowledge 1) Historical and cultural backgrounds (1) The English society of the neoclassical period was a turbulent one. There was constant strife between the monarch君主 and the parliament议会 , between the Tories英国托 利派;王党保守党 and the Whigs英国历史】辉格 党(今自由党前身)党员 over the control of the parliament and government, between opposing religious sects宗教派别, between the ruling class and the laboring poor, etc. In short, it was an age full of conflicts and divergence分歧 of values.
The Enlightenment Movement was in full swing in England during this period. The purpose of this movement was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. The enlighteners celebrated reason, equality and science, claiming that reason should be the only, and the final cause of any human thought and activities.

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit8 passage 2

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit8 passage 2

Background Information
In 1984 at the age of eight, he won the 9–10 boys’ event, the youngest age group available, at the Junior World Golf Championships. He first broke 80 at age eight. He went on to win the Junior World Championships six times, including four consecutive wins from 1988 to 1991.
Background Information
Woods grew up in Orange County, California. He was a child prodigy who was introduced to golf before the age of two by his athletic father, Earl Woods. Earl was a singledigit handicap amateur golfer who had been one of the earliest African-American college baseball players at Kansas State University. Tiger’s father was a member of the military and had playing privileges at the Navy golf course beside the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos, which allowed Tiger to play there.



1 2
社交媒体的影响 分析社交媒体对英美社会的影响,包括社交方式、 信息传播和网络安全等方面。
探讨英美社会在多元化和包容性方面的努力和成 果,如少数族裔权益保护、性别平等等。
环保与可持续发展 介绍英美在环保和可持续发展方面的政策和措施, 如垃圾分类、清洁能源等。
报道全面,涵盖政治、经济、文化等各 个领域,如《泰晤士报》、《纽约时 报》。
Hale Waihona Puke 专业性报刊针对某一领域进行深入报道和分析,如 《金融时报》、《科学》杂志等。
以深度报道和评论为主,涉及政治、文 化、艺术等方面,如《经济学人》、 《时代》周刊等。
实时更新,互动性强,多媒体呈现,如 BBC新闻网、CNN等。
分析英美两国在政治、经济、社会等方面的政策,如税收政策、 移民政策等
分析英美两国的外交政策,如对外援助、国际维 和等
介绍英美主要节日的起 源、庆祝方式和象征意 义,如圣诞节、复活节、 感恩节等。
探讨英美餐桌上的礼仪 和规矩,包括餐具使用、 就餐顺序和社交技巧等。

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT 王君宜 passage 2 unit 7

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT 王君宜 passage 2 unit 7
去分词: poverty-stricken area 贫困地区 man-made lake 人工湖泊 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 internal-oriented economy 内向型经济 6. 副词+过去分词: highly-developed industry 高度发达的工业 well-informed source 消息灵通人士 richly-paid job 高薪工作 highly-sophisticated science 尖端科学
An elephant's gestation period is 20 to 22 months. When born, a calf weighs around 200 pounds, and is about three feet tall. A mother is usually helped by another cow during birthing. The calves nurse until they are in their third year and are very dependent on their mothers for 8 to 10 years.
Language Features
在英语中,句子一般采用单个单词作为前置定语,但在新闻报道 中,为了使文章包含尽可能多的新闻信息和内容,记者往往不拘 泥于这种传统的语言现象,而是更加灵活地使用复合定语,即同 时使用两个或多个单词作定语。 例如:
We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force. 我们对派出维持和平部队此举表示欢迎。
Elephant’s habit

《英美报刊选读》第四章 《每日电讯报》介绍与选读

《英美报刊选读》第四章 《每日电讯报》介绍与选读
• 灵活采用省略句式 (1)省略介词on
The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died Saturday, Aug.25,2012, at age 82.
(from Associated Press, Aug.25,2012)
• 网站即使更新。早晨版是时政等严肃新闻为主,中午版就 是以体育和文化为主的轻松内容,晚上版则会强化娱乐新 闻的播放,实现了网络媒体与传统媒体在新闻信息整合与 形态转换的有益实践。
• 2013年成立了活动公关公司,独立核算。 • 近两年,网站、平板电脑,每天都有约20个广告。手机广
1994年11月15日,每日电讯报推出电子报纸,成为欧洲 第一家网上报纸。
• 大厅上方巨大的电子屏上实时显示网站上所有文章的受欢 迎程度,基于实时的数据排行,直观醒目,成为记者们努 力工作的重要动力。
• 上午印刷版投递至用户,目前的发行量约91万份;下午网 站上发行主要针对青少年的在线下午报,用户可以自己打 印,也可以在线阅读。
• 1994年6月 《泰晤士报》发行量上升为
《每日电讯报》价格不变, 发行量低于100万份。
6月24日,《泰晤士报》继续 降价,从30p降到20p。
6月23日,《每日电讯报》 将价格从48p降到30p。
到1995年1月,双方价格都下降到5p,相当于原来报价的1/10。 《每日电讯报》发行量上升到102万份,而《泰晤士报》达到了57 万份。
(From The Guardian, May,13,2008)
• 酌情镶嵌插入语 Washington Hotel, part of Washington’s exclusive and notorious Watergate complex, has been sold to the investment bank Blackstone Group.



例4:Li told Major **** the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong and Memorandum of Understanding on the New Hong Kong Airport had formulated the principles and framework for further consultation and cooperation between the two countries uring the transition period of Hong Kong.
2. Mrs. Clinton’s decision came as some of her prominent supporters announced they were now backing Mr. Obama. Among them is former vice president Walter F. Mondale.
Homework for today

Prepare for a report on your favorite news. Try to make a round-up comment on the news, including the contents, the features of the title, the language, the form of the composition etc.
例3:One was Maria Antonietta Berna, 22 years old, daughter of the railroad stationmaster of Thiener, a city of 20,000 miles northwest of Venice. 例4:The director-general of World Health Organization, Mr. Halfdan Mahler, predicted that up to 100 million people worldwide may become infected with the AIDS virus in the next four or five years. 例5:The group of five Senators, led by Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho, the committee chairman, is on a six-day visit to China. 例6:Mr. Fernandez, the law professor, cites his hometown, San Fabian, a small community south of Manila, as an example.

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT 第9单元第2篇(张朝彬)强硬脱欧派难以抗拒跳崖诱惑

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT 第9单元第2篇(张朝彬)强硬脱欧派难以抗拒跳崖诱惑

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 10 world Report
本篇第二段第一句“Hansard doesn’t record the source of the intervention”,意为“英国议会议事录并没有记录下是谁插 了一句话”。由第八条注释可知汉萨德是英国议会首位官方印刷 商,此处用印刷商人的名字代指英国议会议事录,属于借代,用 印刷商人“汉萨德”这一专门名词指代本体。报道下文中关于 “Tory”一词的用法也属此类。
In order to tackle the pressure from the rising UKIP (UK Independence Party), Cameron declared in January 2013 that an in-out referendum on UK’s EU membership would be held before 2017 on condition that the Conservative Party could win in the 2015 general election.
第三段第二句“It could have been one of dozens of Tories who despise talk of cliffs”,译文为“这句话可能来自不屑于谈论跳崖问 题的保守党人”;第六段第一句“Tories have subsequently defined political heroism as willingness to inflict tough love”,译文为 “保守党人因此把政治英雄主义定义为甘愿承受粗暴的爱”;第十一段第 一句“For a party so doctrinaire about markets, the Tories are strangely uninterested in the balance of supply and demand in the business of government”,译文为“作为一个对市场持教条主义的 政党,保守党竟然对政府事务中的供求平衡不感兴趣”。











2.课时安排:a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。





在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题—— Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。



Unit 4 (2) - 副本

Unit 4 (2) - 副本

② margin: n. amount of space, time, votes, etc by which sth is won 差数;差额;差距 eg: She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. 她以
Unit Four Politics — the American Scene
Majority Favor Changing Immigration Laws, Poll Says
① favor: v. support; prefer ② 1) immigrate: v. enter a foreign country in order to live there permanently 移入(外国定居) 2) immigrant: n. person who has come to live permanently in a foreign country 移民 3) immigration: n. (instance of) moving of people from one country to come to live in another country permanently 移民 与以下几个单词做出比较: 1) migrate: v. move from one place to go to live or work in another 迁居; 移居;迁徙 2) migrant: n. /adj. (of a) person or animal who migrates 迁徙的人或动物; 迁徙的;移居的 3) migration: n. ( action of) migrating 迁居;移居;迁徙 ③ poll: n. survey of public opinion by putting questions to a representative selection of people 民意测验



Explanation 1. In the air = current; in circulation 2. review = survey, re-examine 3. heighten = become more intense 4. hazard = n. danger, risk 5. preposterous a. = absurd荒谬的 6. legitimate a. = reasonable 正当的;合理的 2. Amount to = be equal to / equivalent to 相当于 3. tentatively adv. = not definitely 不果断的 4. 3. controversial= likely to cause controversy 引起争议的 5. 4-6 Exert v. = apply sth.应用 6. minuscule adj. = very small , tiny 7. consensus n. = common agreement 8. wallop v. = heavy blow buttress v. = support加强 9. ionize v. 使电离成离子 molecule n. 分子
2. The view-point of the EPA is [A]. there is casual link between electricity and cancer. 3. [B]. electricity really affects cancer. [C]. controversial. 4. [D].low frequency electromagnetic field is a possible causesue n. 动植物组织 blistering a. = sharp , severe 尖刻的 imprimatur n. permission / approval 批准;认可 carcinogen n. 致癌物 clog v. = block 阻塞 plummeting a. = fall down steeply be afflicted with = cause trouble to sb. 使苦恼 prudent adj. = foresight 有先见之明的

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit seven passage 1 王君宜

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit seven passage 1 王君宜
Detailed Reading
Language Features
新闻标题力求使用有限字数来表达新闻内容,因此,标题措辞特别要求 简短明了,偏好使用短小精悍的简短词。简明达意,形象生动的措辞既 增强了新闻的简洁性和可读性,而且能节省版面篇幅。 首先,在选用动词时,新闻标题偏好使用较少音节而意义又比较广泛的 词。如表示“爆炸”之类的动词意义时,标题一般不用 explode,而用 blast,crash或smash等词。表示“否决”“禁止”一词意义时,使用ban 来代替 prohibit, forbid。又如表示“放弃”这一概念的动词,标题一般 不用abandon,而用drop,give up,quit或skip。
Background Information
The October 2017 Northern California wildfires, also known as the Northern California firestorm, were a series of 250 wildfires that started burning across the state of California, United States, beginning in early October. 21 of the wildfires became major fires that burned at least 245,000 acres. The wildfires broke out throughout Napa, Lake, Sonoma, Mendocino, Butte, and Solano Counties during severe fire weather conditions, effectively leading to a major red flag warning for much of the Northern California area.

人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 4 passage 1

人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 4 passage 1

A 5.5-percent GDP growth for China’s economy is already ____e_q_u_i_v_a_le__n_t___ to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized country. 10 years ago, when China’s total _e_c_o_n_o__m_i_c__v_o_lu__m_ewas about 50 trillion yuan or about $8 trillion, the economic growth of 10 percent at that time was still much lower than the 5.5 percent today. So, maintaining ____h_ig__h_-q__u_a_l_it_y__ economic development is the key to ______s_u_s_t_a_i_n_a_b_l_e___ growth. It can prevent China from falling into the middle-income trap. Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out in the Chinese Communist Party’s proposals for the formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan “from the perspective of economic development _c_a_p_a_c_i_ty__a_n_d__c_o__n_d_i_ti_ons“China has the potential to maintain long-term stable development” “and to reach the current _______s_t_a_n_d_a__rd__s___________ for high-income nations” “by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan” “and to double the economic aggregate or per capita income by 2035”.

英美报刊选读(辅修) 合取范式

英美报刊选读(辅修) 合取范式




二、英美报刊的分类与特点2.1 报纸与杂志英美报刊可以分为报纸和杂志两大类。



2.2 英美报刊的特点英美报刊有以下几个特点: - 多样性:英美地区有众多的报纸和杂志,涵盖各个领域。

- 客观性:英美媒体注重新闻报道的客观性和真实性。

- 自由性:英美报刊享有言论自由,报道比较独立。

三、英美报刊的选读方法3.1 选择适合的报刊选读英美报刊时,可以根据自身的兴趣和需求,选择相关的报纸和杂志。


3.2 定期阅读为了提高英语阅读能力,应该定期阅读英美报刊,并保持一定的阅读量。


3.3 注重词汇积累英美报刊中常常涉及大量的专业词汇和新词,因此我们需要注重对词汇的积累。


四、选读英美报刊的好处4.1 提高英语阅读能力通过选读英美报刊,我们可以接触到地道的英语表达方式,提高自己的阅读能力和理解能力。


4.2 拓宽视野英美报刊报道的内容广泛,涵盖了政治、经济、文化、科技等方面的内容。


4.3 深入了解英美社会与文化英美报刊不仅仅是一种新闻媒体,更是了解英美社会和文化的重要途径。


英美文学选读第四章笔记Victorian period

英美文学选读第四章笔记Victorian period

第四章I.Multiple Choice1.Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to 1836~1901從時間上講,維多利亞文學時期恰好與維多利亞女王1836至1901年執政期相吻合,這一時間是英國歷史上最光輝燦爛的時期2.Although wrting from different points of view and with different techniques, writers in the Victorian Period shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people3.The author of the work“Dombey and Son” is Charles Dickens董貝父子是查爾斯。

逖更斯的作品---小保羅4.In the following figures, who is Dickens‟s first child hem?Olive Twist 霧都孤兒中非人道的工廠廠房與黑暗的充滿犯罪的下層生活5.The death-bed scences of little Nell(the old curiosiry shop) and littlepaul(Dombey and Son) are the vivid description by Charles Dickens查爾斯是一位悲情大師,沒有人會忘懷老古玩店中,在病床上奉奉一息的小奈爾和董貝父子中的小保羅6.Which of the following comments on Charles Dickens is wrong?A.Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the ModernperiodB.His serious intention is to expose and criticize all thepoverty ,injustice,hypocrisy(偽善) and corruptness he sees all around him狄更斯是偉大的批判現實主義作家,他以揭露抨擊社會的不公,虛偽,腐敗與貧究為已任,一方面他憎恨國家機器,尤其是議會,可另一方面作為城市資產階級作家,他又找不到解決問題的鑰匙,他所能做的隻是保持一咱充滿希望的樂觀主義,正如他前期的小說,或表達一種無助的憤概與反抗,正如他後期的小說C.The later works show the development of Dickens towards a highlyconscious artist of the modern type狄更斯後期的作品都表現出他正在向一個有著高度自覺意識的現代作家發展,塑造的人物都反映了一咱普遍壓抑的社會心理D. A Tale of Two Cities is one of his later works 雙城記7.Do you think, because I am poor,obscure,plain ,and little, I am soul less and heartless?...and If God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you” the above quoted passage is most probably taken from Jane Eyre難道你認為,因為我窮,默默無聞,不漂亮,個子瘦小,我尌沒有靈魂了嗎?你想錯了!要是上帝賜給我一點美貌和許多財富,我會讓你難以離開我,尌象現在我難以離開你一樣8.The Sentences “And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes,but they hurned with anguish, they dod not melt ” are found inWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 艾米麗。

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit 10 passage 2

最新英美报刊选读(第四版)PPT unit 10 passage 2

UnUitn1i0t 10
比如《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)在2012年12月31日发表了题为 The Most Depressing Economic Idea of 2012: The (Near) End of Growth (2012年最沮丧的经济发展理念:成长接近尾声)的报道就没有副标题。 《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe) 2013年1月1日发表题为Economy
UnUitn1i0t 10
Unit 10
Education and Health
UnUitn1i0t 10
Passage 2
Learning New Lessons
Language Features Background Information Warming-up Questions Organization Analysis Detailed Reading Post-Reading
UnUitn1i0t 10
Background Information

第二种,通过客观的网络 评价如小测验和考试等形 式的自动反馈。
UnUitn1i0t 10
Background Information
学习环境随意,不像 有规定课表的教室环 境,学生可从各种各 样的作作业中选择一 些来完成,不必做大 家都做相同的作业, 并在同一规定的时间 呈交。
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WU You Shanghai University
1. Easy for journalists to write, since the structure is clear. 2. Easy for editors to modify, since the lower parts are less important thus can be readily cut off if necessary.
1. Explicit statement of the theme: this is the real lead (This part must finish before the seventh paragraph.) 2. Statement of the significance of the theme: this is usually supported by the remarks of witnesses, authoritative people or solid statistics. 3. Details: further evidence, statistics are provided in this part to confirm the previous statement. 4. Relevant facts: this part serves as the background of the story.
WU You Shanghai University
The robbers tied up employees and clients at a bank in the small town of Barroselas on Friday and got away with crisp euro notes due to be stocked in cash machines for the single currency’s launch on January 1.
WU You Shanghai University
An example
Bank Robbers make the first Portuguese euro heist
LISBON, Dec 29 (AFP) — Three armed men wearing wigs held up a Portuguese bank and made off with an undisclosed sum in escudos and euros, the country’s first such robbery, the daily 24 Horas (hours) said on Saturday.
supporting information or background 辅助性消息或背 景材料
quotes or more facts of lesser importance引语或次要的 事实材料 minor details 细节材料 least significant information 最不重要的消息
Unit 4--Inverted pyramid
பைடு நூலகம்
The body structure of a news story
Inverted pyramid (also called “inverted triangle”) —— the most important aspect of a story is higher up in the body of the story, while other information is written lower down in order of importance.
3. Easy for readers to grasp the main idea and decide whether to read on --- time is money!
WU You Shanghai University
Conventional Pattern of the Inverted Pyramid
In early December, Portuguese authorities arrested two men who were charged with stealing 1,795 one-euro coins from the national mint in Lisbon.
Euros have already been stolen in heists, in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, and on Friday France joined the list when an armed man fled with euro notes after robbing a bank in the southern town of Mougins.
WU You Shanghai University
“They left with three full sacks,” said a bank customer who witnessed the heist, which 24 Horas said was the first euro bank robbery in Portugal.
Shanghai University
WU You
The Inverted Pyramid Forrm
Introduction containing most important or most interesti ng information导语包括最重要或最吸引人的消息 more facts 更多的事实材料