
考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学I.Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung(读以下短文,选择正确答案,每题1分,共10分)Herr Bode ___1___ ein Geschäftsmann in Beijing. Er _2__ aus Duisburg. Seine Frau _3___auch . Sie ist _4___ . Herr und Frau Bode ___5_ zwei Kinder. Ihre Tochter __6___ Maria,Sie ist 21 Jahre _7__.Der Sohn Jonas ist 20. Beide Kinder __8___ an der Universität, Bodes hat eine Wohnung __9__ der Stadt Duisburg . Diese Wohung ist ___10__ als seine Wohnung in Beijing1. A) sei B) bin C) ist D) sind2. A) geht B) kommt C) läuft D) schreibt3. A) arbeitet B) schläft C) steht D) tut4. A) Arzt B) Arztin C) Ärzt D) Ärztin5. A) haben B) haten C) hätten D) hatten6.A) heißt B) ist C) nennt D)benennt7. A) alt B) alter C) älter D) älteste8. A) lernen B) verlernen C) studieren D) beibringen9.A) bei B) in C) von D) nach10. A) großB) großt C) großer D) größerII.Grammatik und Wortschatz (语法与词汇选择题:每题1分,共20分)1. Ministerpräsident Li Keqiang ______ Deutschland im letzten Jahr.A) hielt B) besuchte C) sah D) blieb2. Im Westsee ____ man nicht schwimmen.A)will B) darf C) muss D)möchte3 Richard Wagner übt einen großen ______ auf die deutsche klassische Musik aus.A Beitrag B) Erinnerung C) Einfluss D) Eindruck4. Das Kind hat um Hilfe seiner Mutter ____A)bat B) geboten C) gebeten D)bitten5. Ich trinke gern bei dem Abendessen ____ Wein.A)französischen B)französische C)französisches D)französischer第 1 页共 6 页考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学6. Katharina lernt Deutsch sehr fleißig , ____ das Studium an der TU Dresden fort___setzen .A) für... zu B) ohne... zuC) stat... zu D)um ... zu7.____________ treibt Hans Meyer gern Sport.A)Jeder Morgen B) Jeden MorgenC) Jeder Tag D) Jedes Tages8.Auf dem Land gibt es viel _______LuftA) frische B ) frischerC) frisch D) frischen9. Hast du deine Schularbeiten noch nicht fertig gemacht? Nein,___ sind schwer.A) die B) das C) welche D) es10. Frühlingsfest hat eigentlich mit der Religion nicht zu _______.A) tun B)machen C) spielen D) beschäftigt11. Sabine ist ____schwach, _____sie im Bett liegen musste.A) so… als B) so… dass C) so…damit D)so… deshalb12. _______ sind die Zukunt des Landes.A) Den Jugendlichen B) Der Jugendliche C) Die Jugendliche D) Die Jugendlichen13.Marias Mantel ist____ als ihre JackeA) teuerer B) teuer C) teurer D) teueren14. Sophie hat keine Angst _____ , zu Hause zu bleibenA) daran B) daraus C)dazu D) davor15. Der gestern __________ Gast flog aus Deutschland.A) angekommene B) abgekommene C) ankommende D) abkommende16. Es ist so warm,________________________.A)als ob der Frühling käme B) als der Frühling kämeC) als ob der Frühling käm D)als der Frühling käm17. Das Wasserdampf kondensiert in ______ von Tropfen an einer kühlen Fensterscheibe.A) Verhalten B) Form C) Material D) Stoff第 2 页共 6 页考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学18.A: Herr Ober, Zahlen.B: Herr Schmidt , wie schmeckt ______ das Abendessen ?A)Ihnen B) uns C)dir D) mir19. Ich möchte wissen, _______ heute Morgen bei dir passiert ist.A) weil B) was C)dass D) ob20. Luxemburg ist eines der _____ Länder der Welt.A) reich B)reichsten C) reicher D) reichsteIII.Leseverstehen (阅读理解,共15题,每题2分,共30分)Text AEin extravaganter (过分的)Lifestyle und Reichtum als Lebensziel sind das Thema des Kinoerfolgs …Tiny Times", eines Films nach einem Fortsetzungsroman des 30-jährigen Schriftstellers Guo Jingming, der dabei auch Regie führte. Bei seiner Premiere am 27. Juni brach der Film mit Einnahmen von 73 Millionen Yuan alle Rekorde an den Kinokassen. In der Folgewoche spielte er 360 Millionen Yuan (450.000 Euro) und bis zum 25. Juli nochmals 482 Millionen Yuan ( über 600.000 Euro) ein. Trotz seines Erfolges hat …Tiny Times" die öffentliche Meinung stark gespalten. Das Mainstream-Publikum und Rezensenten haben den oberflächlichen Ansatz des Films, die unlogische Geschichte, die kindischen Figuren und den verschwenderischen Lebensstil kritisiert. Millionen junger Fans verteidigen dagegen eifrig ihren Lieblingsautor.Im Zentrum des Films stehen vier College-Studentinnen mit unterschiedlichem Charakter und familiärem Hintergrund, die seit der Schulzeit eng befreundet sind. Es geht um Freundschaft, Liebe und Karriere. Lin Xiao, gespielt von der bekannten Schauspielerin Yang Mi, ergattert (弄到手)einen Teilzeitjob als persönliche Assistentin beim strengen Herausgeber des Luxus-Modemagazins …M.E." Gu Li, gespielt von Amber Kuo, ist zwar reich und arrogant, bietet Lin und anderen Freunden in schwierigen Zeiten aber immer wieder Hilfe an.Die Produzenten beschreiben den Film als eine Art chinesisches "Gossip Girl" und "Sex and the City", auch dort wird das Leben der Reichen und Schönen geschildert. Guo hofft, dass die Liebesgeschichten zwischen attraktiven Mädchen und Jungen in einem Upper-Class-Setting bei Fans der Post-1980er und 1990er Generation Anklang finden.第 3 页共 6 页考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Lesen Sie den Text A und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung !(选择正确答案)1.Was kann man den Titel des Texts A nennen?A) Erfolg eines Films B) Geschichte der vier schönen MädchenC) Erfolg von …Tiny Times" D) Film von Guo Jingming2. Wieviel erreichte der Film …Tiny Times" an Kinokassen bei seiner Premiere?A) 482 Millionen Yuan B) 73 Millionen Y uan C) 360 Millionen Y uan D) 450.000 Euro3. Welchen Punkt haben Rezensenten nicht kritisiert nach dem Text A ?A) Karriere B) den oberflächlichen AnsatzC) die unlogische Geschichte D) den verschwenderischen Lebensstil4. Wer spielt Lin Xiao in diesem Film ?A) Guo Jingming B) Yang Mi C) Amber Kuo D) Gu Li5. Der Film wird als ________ bezeichnetA) Upper-Class-Setting B) Fans der Post-1980er und 1990er GenerationC) die Reichen und Schönen D) chinesisches "Gossip Girl"Text BAbends warteten sie auf Monika. Sie arbeitete in der Stadt, die Bahnverbindungen sind schlecht. sie, er und seine Frau, saßen am Tisch und warteten auf Monika. Seit sie in der Stadt arbeitete, aßen sie erst um halb acht. Früher hatten sie eine Stunde eher gegessen. jetzt warteten sie täglich eine Stunde am ge- deckten Tisch, an ihren Plätzen, der Vater oben, die Mutter auf dem Stuhl nahe der Küchentür, sie warteten vor dem leeren Platz Monikas. Einige Zeit später dann auch vor dem dampfenden Kaffee, vor der Butter, dem Brot, der Marmelade.Sie war größer gewachsen als sie, sie war auch blonder und hatte die Haut, die feine Haut der Tante Maria. “Sie war immer ein liebes Kind”, sagte die Mutter, während sie warteten.In ihrem Zimmer hatte sie einen Plattenspieler und sie brachte oft Platten mit aus der Stadt und sie wusste, wer darauf sang. Sie hatte auch einen Spiegel und verschiedene Fläschchen und Döschen, einen Hocker aus marokkanischem Leder, eine Schachtel Zigaretten.Der Vater holte sich seine Lohntüte auch bei einem Bürofräulein. Er sah dann die vielen Stempel auf einem Gestell, bestaunte das sanfte Geräusch der Rechenmaschine, die blondierten Haare des Fräuleins, sie sagte freundlich “Bitte schön”, wenn er sich bedankte.第 4 页共 6 页考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Über Mittag blieb Monika in der Stadt, sie aß eine Kleinigkeit, wie sie sagte, in einem Tearoom. Sie war dann ein Fräulein, das in Tearooms lächelnd Zigaretten raucht.Oft fragten sie sie, was sie alles getan habe in der Stadt, im Büro. Sie wusste aber nichts zu sagen.Dann versuchten sie wenigstens sich genau vorzustellen, wie sie beiläufig in der Bahn ihr rotes Etui mit dem Abonnement aufschlägt und vorweist, wie sie den Bahnsteig entlanggeht, wie sie sich auf dem Weg ins Büro angeregt mit Freundinnen unterhält, wie sie den Gruß eines Herrn lächelnd erwidert.Und dann stellten sie sich mehrmals vor in dieser Stunde, wie sie heimkommt, die Tasche und ein Modejournal unter dem Arm, ihr Parfüm; stellten sich vor, wie sie sich an ihren Platz setzt, wie sie dann zusammen essen wurden.Bald wird sie sich in der Stadt ein Zimmer nehmen, das wussten sie, und dass sie dann wieder um halb sieben essen würden, dass der Vater nach der Arbeit wieder seine Zeitung lesen würde, dass es dann kein Zimmer mehr mit Plattenspieler gäbe, keine Stunde des Wartens mehr. Auf dem Schrank stand eine Vase aus blauem schwedischem Glas, eine Vase aus der Stadt, ein Geschenkvorschlag aus dem Mode- journal.“Sie ist wie deine Schwester”, sagte die Frau, “sie hat das alles von deiner Schwester. Erinnerst du dich, wie schön deine Schwester singen konnte?"“Andere Mädchen rauchen auch”, sagte die Mutter.“Ja”, sagte er, “das habe ich auch gesagt.”“Ihre Freundin hat kürzlich geheiratet”, sagte die Mutter.Sie wird auch heiraten, dachte er, sie wird in der Stadt wohnen. Kürzlich hatte er Monika gebeten: “Sag mal etwas auf Französisch.” –“Ja”, hatte die Mutter wiederholt, “sag mal etwas auf Französisch.'” Sie wusste aber nichts zu sagen.Stenografieren (速记)kann sie auch, dachte er jetzt. “Für uns wäre das zu schwer”, sagten sie oft zueinander. Dann stellte die Mutter den Kaffee auf den Tisch. “Ich habe den Zug gehört”, sagte sie.A .Was ist dem TextB nach richtig ? Kreuzen Sie an! (对打√,错打×)1.Sie saßen am Tisch und warteten auf Monika ( )2.Monika war größer gewachsen als ihre Eltern ( )3.Die Eltern versuchten sich nicht vorzustellen, wie sie beiläufig in der Bahn ihr rotes Etui mit dem Abonnement aufschlägt .( )4. Wenn ihre Tochter ein Zimmer in der Stadt nimmt, würden sie noch eine Stunde warten. ( )第 5 页共 6 页考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学5.“Für uns wäre das Stenografieren nicht zu schwer”, sagten sie. ( )B.Welche Sätze im Text haben die gleiche Bedeutung wie die folgenden Sätze? Schreiben Sie den entsprechenden Satz aus !1. Früher hatten Monikas Eltern eine Stunde eher zu Abend gegessen.___________________________________________________________2. Sie hatte blonde Haare und feine Haut wie Maria.____________________________________________3. Die Tochter raucht lächelt in Tearoom Zigarette.__________________________________________________________4. Wenn Monika in der Stadt wohnt, würde der Vater wieder die Zeitung lesen.__________________________________________________________5. Ihre Tochter wird in der Stadt wohnen und heiraten.___________________________________________________________IV Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Chinesische(德译汉:每题2分,共20分)1.Heute weht ein so starker Wind.2.Auf der Straße ist viel Staub.3.Man kann nur schwer die Augen öffnen.4.Die Auto fahren ganz langsam.5.Im Wetterbericht heißt es, dass heute ein Sandsturm kommt.6.In Deutschland habe ich noch nie erlebt.7.In der Inneren Mongolei ist eine große Wüste.8.Der Sturm wirbelt dort Sand und Staub auf.9.Bei uns in Deutschland haben wir viel Wälder und Rasen.10.Sie haben Wälder abgeholzt und Grasland zerstört.V. Schriftlicher Ausdruck (作文20分)Schreiben Sie eine einen Bericht über Ihren Vater oder Ihre Mutter mit mindestens 20 Sätzen (oder 100 Wörtern) aus Ihrem Leben!第 6 页共 6 页宁波大学2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第1 页共6 页入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241 适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241 适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241 适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241 适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 德语(二外)科目代码:241 适用专业: 英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业:英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学I.Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung.(读以下短文,选择正确答案,每题1分,共10分)In Deutschland___1___es410Hochschulen.__2__umfassen(包括)105Univeristäten,Technische Universitäten__3__Technische Hochschulen,51Kunsthochschulen,232Fachhochschulen,6 Pädagogische Hochschulen und16__4___Hochschulen.Die___5__Univeristät ist Universität Heidelberg,sie ist mehr__6__600Jahre alt.Insgesamt__7__die Hochschulen heute etwa zwei Millionen Studenten.__8___sind eine Million__9__und25000Ausländer,es gibt ungefähr 25479Studenten___10__China.“1.A)kommt B)geht C)gibt2.A)Sie B)Es C)Wir3.A)oder B)und C)denn4.A)Theologische B)Theologischer C)Theologischen5.A)alte B)älter C)älteste6.A)als B)so C)ob7.A)sind B)haben C)nehmen8.A)Davon B)Daraus C)Damit9.A)Frauen B)Student C)Lehrer10.A)aus B)von C)mitII.Grammatik und Wortschatz(语法与词汇选择题:每题1分,共20分)1._______Monat liest Rolf einen dicken Roman.A)Jeder B)Jeden C)Jede2.Ein Geburtstaggeschenk von meinem Freund gefällt___________sehr!A)mich B)ich C)mir3.Die Schüler müssen täglich_____________zu Mittag essen.A)in einem Restaurant B)zu Hause C)in der Mensa4.Der Fläche_____ist dieser Park am größten in der Stadt.A)nach B)mit C)zu入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业:英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学5.Frau Hammerschmidt_____ihren Koffer und steigt aus.A)nimmt B)steht C)legt6._____der Zerstörung des Waldes wird die Wüste immer größerA)Während B)Wegen C)Trotz7.Was feiert man_______Weihnachten jetzt in China?A)in B)an C)zu8.Gibt es momentan etwas_______?A)Neue B)Neues C)Neuen9.Viele Menschen erfuhren______ersten Mal von den Konzentrationslagern.A)zum B)beim C)im10.Diese______Uhr wurde in der Schweiz hergestellt.A)teuer B)teure C)teuere11.Die chinesische Delegation____nach Freiburg_____.A)ist...gefahren B)ist...gefahrt C)hat...gefahren12._______Leuten gibt die Regierung jetzt Arbeit.A)Diesen B)Dieser C)Diese13.Hans spricht so gut Chinesisch,als____er lange in China gewesen.A)war B)wäre C)ist14.Monika sagte,sie_____an dem Tag keinen Unterricht.A)habe B)hat C)hatte15.Big Dataüben einen immer wichtigen_________auf das Alltagsleben der Menschen aus.A)Leistung B)Einfluss C)Rolle16.Durch Betätigung des Schalters kommt die Maschine langsam in_________A)Bewegung B)Beherrschung C)Geschwindigkeit17.Alexander Humboldt sorgte auch_____,dass sich die Naturwissenschaften in Deutschland entwickeln konnten.A)damit B)davon C)dafür18.Thomas Mann ist____der bekanntesten deutschen Schriftsteller im20.JahrhundertA)einer B)eines C)eine入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业:英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学19.Die frischen Melonen____gestern vom einem großen Händler geliefert_____A)sind...werden B)sind...worden C)haben...werden20.Wenn meine Eltern Zeit hätten,____sie zu dir gekommen.A)würden B)sind C)wärenIII.Leseverstehen(阅读理解,共15题,每题2分,共30分)Text AEin Mann möchte einen neuen Computer kaufen und direkt in den Elektroladen SATURN gehen (i)haben hier einen Super-Computer.“,sagt der Verkäufer.…der weißalles,der kann sogar sprechen.“Der Mann will den Computer testen und fragt:…Wo ist mein Chef jetzt?“Der Computer rechnet einen Moment,dann sagt er:…Ihr Chef ist jetzt in der Lufthansa-Maschine LH474nach Tokio.Morgen muss er nach Hongkong fliegen,undübermorgen...“Der Mann ist zufrieden,aber er will noch einen Test machen.Er fragt:…Wo ist mein Vater jetzt?“Der Computer rechnet wieder und sagt dann:…Ihr Vater und seine Frau machen Urlaub in Wien.Sie sitzen jetzt beim Frühstück im Hotel Sacher.Heute Abend wollen sie ins Konzert gehen...“…So ein Unsinn“,sagt der Mann,”Mein Vater ist seit5Jahren tot.Und meine Mutter ist im Krankenhaus.So geht er sofort aus dem Laden und kauft keinen Computer.Lesen Sie den Text A und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung!(选择正确答案)1.Die passendeÜberschrift des Texts A istEin Mann kauft Computer B)Computer C)Unsinn2.Wo wollte der Mann einen Computer kaufen?A)Kaufhaus B)Supermarkt C)Elektroladen SATURN3.Was für einen Computer wollte der Verkäufer dem Mann empfehlen?A)Laptop Lenovo B)Super-Computer C)Computer4.Wohin fliegt der Chef des Mannes zuerst nach der Rechnung des Super-Computers?A)Tokio B)Wien C)Hongkong5.Wo ist der Vater des Mannes?A)alt B)krank C)tot入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:德语(二外)科目代码:241适用专业:英语语言文学、日语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Text BWer die historische Stadt kennenlernen will,fängt am besten an dem600Jahre alten Rothenburger Tor an.Die Martin-Luther-Straße mit ihren vielen Häusern aus der Zeit der Renaissance geht von dort zum Marktplatz.Dort steht die bekannteste Sehenswürdigkeit der Stadt:die Sankt-Georgs-Kirche im Stil der Spätgotik.Von außen kann man ein Detail sehen:Ein Fenster ist mit Brezeln dekoriert.Sie erinnern an eine Spende von Bäckern zum Bau der rmationen zu den vielen Epochen und Stilen gibt es im Haus der Geschichte.Wenn die Sonne untergegangen ist,wird es in der Stadt im Norden Bayerns Zeit für einen Rundgang mit dem Nachtwächter.Von Mai bis November macht er jeden Tag eine Führung durch Dinkelsbühl.Mehr als30deutsche Monarchen haben hier ihre Krone bekommen–und Karl der Große hat hier seine letzte Ruhe gefunden.Der Aachener Dom hat eine interessante Historie.Es gibt viele Legenden und Sagen zu der Kirche.Aber auch wegen ihrer Architektur ist es sehr interessant,sie zu besichtigen. Das Wahrzeichen Aachens wurde circa793bis813gebaut–mit einer32Meter hohen Kuppel.Das war zu der Zeit sehr kompliziert.Besonders viele Besucher stehen bei dem Löwen vor dem Eingang. Eine Legende sagt nämlich:Satan hat geholfen,den Dom zu bauen.Aber nicht kostenlos.Nur:Die Aachener haben ihm seinen Lohn nicht gegeben.Als er das gemerkt hat,hat er sehrärgerlich die Kirchentür geschlossen–und dabei seinen Daumen verloren.Den kann man heute in dem Löwenkopf fühlen,sagt die Legende.Was ist dem Text B nach richtig?Kreuzen Sie an!(对打√,错打×。

illness. In this more complex view, patterns such as depression and generalized anxiety arise as tendencies in the
human brain-body-environment system. 9 the patterns are established, they are hard to change because
Passage One
Have you ever heard of a condition known as “general paresis(麻痹性痴呆)of the insane”? Probably
not. In the 19th century general paresis was one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders. Its
and emotion develop or 4 they stick around.
Yet the hope remains
5 , much like with general paresis, we may soon discover the root causes of
these illnesses, and this knowledge may tell us 6 to treat them. An example of this hope can be seen in
宁波大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)

科目代码:241科目名称:德语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学Ⅰ.Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung(读以下短文,选择正确答案,每题1分,共10分)Mittelweile bin ich___1___Shanghai umgezogen.Ich wohne jetzt_2__Studentenwohnheim der SISU-Universität,ein bisschen weit_3_Stadtzentrum.Du kannst_4___dem Fahrrad zu___5__ kommen.__6__zuerst die Yanan-Straße_7____,immer geradeaus__8___zur zweiten Kreuzung.Bieg an der Kreuzung links__9__die Xingzhuang-Straße ab.Dann fährst du___10__ Supermarkt vorbei.1.A)von B)aus C)nach2.A)auf B)im C)beim3.A)vom B)bis C)ab4.A)mit B)ohne C)neben5.A)mich B)sich C)mir6.A)Fahren B)Fahrst C)Fahr7.A)entlang B)an C)vorbei8.A)durch B)mit C)bis9.A)an B)auf C)in10.A)am B)neben C)überⅡ.Grammatik und Wortschatz(语法与词汇选择题:每题1分,共20分)1.Mein Großvater erzählt gern_____________seiner Geschichte in Deutschland.A)über B)vonC)bei D)mit2.Das___________Mädchen ist meine Schwester.A)schönes B)schönerC)schön D)schöne3.Donald Trump___zum45.Präsident der USA am09.11.2016ausgewählt.A)ist B)wirdC)wurde D)werden4.Herr Schröder_____heute Morgen nach Berlin_______.A)hat......fliegen B)hat.....flogC)ist........gefliegen D)ist......geflogen5.Es ist um8Uhr40,ich muss_______zum Unterricht beeilen!A)dir B)dichC)mir D)mich6.Gibt es hier_____zu sehen?A)etwas Besonderen B)etwas BesonderesC)etwas Besondere D)etwas Besonder科目代码:241科目名称:德语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学7.Das Deutsche Museum in München_______zu den berühmtesten Museen der Welt.A)gehört B)sei C)trifft D)ist8.Diese nette Dame_______ganz freundlich aus.A)sieht B)schläft C)steigt D)trinkt9.Die Sonne ist______,als ich erwachte.A)aufgehen B)aufgehenden C)aufgegangen D)gehen auf10.______der Stadt Hangzhou heißt Ma Yun.A)Der Prominente B)Der Prominenten C)Die Prominenten D)Die Prominent11.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gilt____bedeutendster deutscher Dichter.A)als B)für C)mit D)mit12.Die Länge derÖsterreichischen Staatsgrenze_______2707km.A)besteht B)beträgt C)erreicht D)macht13.Lenas Hemd ist____als ihre JackeA)teuerer B)teuer C)teurer D)teueren14.Die Völker haben keine Angst_____der Katastrophe.A)an B)vor C)zu D)mit15.Einstein leistete einen wichtigen_________zur Entwicklung der modernen Physik.A)Leistung B)Einfluss C)Beitrag D)Rolle16.Ich bin jetzt180cm______.A)hoch B)großC)Höhe D)Größe17.Im dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war Deutschland durch Bombardierung fast_____.A)schlimm B)zerstört C)kaputt D)schlecht18.Der Blechtrommel ist____der besten Romane von Günter Grass.A)ein B)eines C)einer D)eine19.Alle______müssen sterben.A)Menschen B)Mann C)Leute D)man20.Das Ningbo-Theater ist fertig gebaut.Ohne Geld____der großartige Plan nicht realisierbar.A)würde B)ist C)wäre D)wird科目代码:241科目名称:德语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学Ⅲ.Leseverstehen(阅读理解,共15题,每题2分,共30分)Text AHacker?Das Wort kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet soviel wie“eindringen”.Wir verbinden damit meist kriminelle Leute,die Daten klauen und in fremde Computer einbrechen!Leider stimmt das in den meisten Fällen.Aber es gibt auch Menschen,die ihr ganzes Computerwissen für gute Zwecke einsetzen und der Welt damit helfen möchten.Heute vor genau30Jahren haben sie sich in Berlin zum ersten Mal getroffen und den Chaos-Computer-Club gegründet.Das Ziel des Clubs ist es,Sicherheitslücken bei Computerprogrammen zu finden und diese dann den Herstellern zu zeigen.Stellt euch vor,eine große Schutzmauer sieht um ein Gebäude herum und hat aber ein paar kleine Löcher müssen repariert werden,damit da hindurch kommen kann.Der Chaos-Computer-Club testet auchÜberwachungsgeräte,wie z.B.Fingerabdruck-Scanner.2008 bewies er,dass ein solcher Scannerüberlistet werden kann undüberhaupt nicht sicher ist.Ganz wichtig ist den Club auch,dass alle Menschen auf der Erde Zugang zum Internet und zum Wissen unserer Welt haben sollen.Das gilt natürlich für Staaten,in denen das Internet von den Regierung beschränkt undüberwacht wird.Nach der Meinung des Chaos-Computer-Clubs sollen alle Menschen auf der Erde das Recht haben,das Internet frei nutzen zu können.Teil1Lesen Sie den Text A und wählen Sie die richtige Lösung!(选择正确答案)1.Was kann man einen passenden Titel des Texts A nennen?A)Alle Hacker im Internet sind bösartig und verursachen SchadenB)Das Ziel der Hacker ist ein freies Internet mit Zugang für alle MenschenC)Hacker machen das Internet sichererD)Die guten Hacker haben Geburtstag:das Chaos-Computer-Club wird30!2.Im meisten Fällen_____Hacker die Daten der anderen Leute weltweit.A)sucht B)verbindet C)klauen D)benutzt3.Nach dem Text A gibt es einen Chaos-Computer-Club,der______finden und sie den Herstellern der Software zeigen möchte.A)Computerwissen B)Welt C)Sicherheitslücken D)Zugang科目代码:241科目名称:德语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学4.Schutzmauer betrachtet man als Sicherheitsmaßnahme für_________.A)Gebäude B)Computer C)Menschen D)Staaten5.Überwachungsgeräte nach dem Text A sind z.B._____________,die nach dem Test des Clubs nicht sicher aufweist.A)Computer B)WerkzeugC)Scanner D)Fingerabdruck-ScannerTeil2Welche der folgenden Aussagen dem Text A nach ist richtig?(对打√,错打×。

宁波大学 2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生 入 学 考 试 试 题(A 卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)
考试科目: 俄语(二外) 科目代码: 243 适用专业: 英语语言文学 、日语语言文学 、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学 13. Мой студент мне записку и сказал, чтобы я встретил друга вечером на вокзале. а. задал б. передал в. выдал 14. Ведь любое загрязнение вредно, независимо от того, оно происходит: в море, на суше, или в воздухе. а. куда б. где в. что 15. Преподаватель ответить на вопросы, потому что их было очень много. а. не умел б. не мог в. не успел 16. уважания к своим преподавателям студенты всегда вежливо здороваются с ними. а. Из-за б. От в. Из 17. По радио выступил писатель, новую книгу все сейчас так горячо обсуждают. а. чью б. какую в. который 18. Разразилась снежная буря, никогда не бывало. а. которая б. какой в. какая 19. Все ученики, в университеты, должны готовиться к участию в строительстве нашей страны. а. поступающие б. вступающие в. входящие 20. По долгу службы я часто ездил в командировки, в прошлом месяце я во многих странах. а. побывал б. прибыл в. был

希望能帮到您!2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text。
Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET。
(10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work 。
Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers。
Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 。
A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland。
A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed。
6 ,today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time。
宁波大学基础英语考研真题试题2009 、2010、2012、2016年—2019年

考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第2页共8页12.Piquette must have been seventeen then,although she looked about twenty.I stared at her,astounded that anyone could have changed so much.A.overwhelmed B.greatly surprised C.worried D.frightened13.Hitler’s blood lust and the hateful appetites have impelled him on his Russian adventure.A.ambition B.stomach C.belly D.intestines14.Burne-Wilke’s cabin had the dark,warm,comfortable look of a library den.“I say,Henry,what is your position on shipboard drinking?I have a fair bottle of cherry here.”A.much-contented B.just C.nice D.beautiful15.No one would anticipate that my case would snowball into one of the most famous trials in history.A.evolve B.run C.develop D.roll16.Mr.President,I second the proposal!(A silence;Hancock swats a fly.)A.succeed B.propose C.support D.stand17.The house detective’s gaze moved on to sweep the spacious,well-appointed room.A.clean B.mop C.clear D.examine18.They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve for a few years,and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.A.work hard B.feel hot C.fall ill D.feel hungry19.Sitting in her chair,she clasped her hands in order to conceal their trembling.A.pretend B.uncover C.prevent D.disguise20.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.A.imposed B.described C.inscribed D.subscribedSection B.Lexical interpretation.There are ten words or phrases underlined in the following sentences.You are required to use other English words or phrases to explain them with the meanings that best suit those sentences (1×10points).For example:Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.Answer:great eloquence1.Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards,taut and protesting.2.I went back to my room with a heavy heart.I had gravely underestimated the size of my task.3.Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs,or the simple,everyday kitchenware used in this country.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第3页共8页4.Barring the catastrophe of nuclear war,it will continue to shape both modern culture and the consciousness of those who inhabit that culture.5.The Nazi regime excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.6.It was familiar ground;boy and man,I had been through it often before.But somehow I had never quite sensed its appalling desolation.7.This is a war in which the whole nation is engaged without distinction of race,creed,or party.8.Ever-increasing production,the drive to make bigger and better things,have become aims in themselves,new ideals.Work has become alienated from the working person.9.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.10.What they had wanted was an America more sensitive to art and culture,less avid for material gain.II.Cloze (20points)Directions:There are twenty blanks in the following passage.You are required to fill the words or phrases in them that best complete the passage to make a smooth and logical reading semantically,syntactically and textually.The words that you use to fill in the blanks can be any that you think are suitable and able to make the passage smooth in meaning and grammar.Radical feminists,however,remained hostile to the temptations of consumer capitalism.Drawing inspiration from the civil rights slogan “The Personal is Political,”movement activists (1)_______as Casey Hayden and Mary King began (2)_______organize women against the male domination (3)_______SNCC (Students for a Democratic Society),and (4)_______groups.Despite the radical community’s support (5)_______equal rights,they asserted,New Left men reflected the establishment culture by assigning women office duties (6)_______other minor tasks.Feminists also complained (7)_______the male-oriented sexual revolution degraded women (8)_______treating them (9)_______playthings and objects (10)_______conquests.While their male colleagues greeted their efforts with ridicule and open hostility,New Left women introduced “rap”sessions to share (11)_______complaints and address gender identity issues.(12)_______1968,200(13)_______feminists organized (14)_______first women’s liberation demonstration.Calling themselves the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH),activists projected (15)_______“sexism”and capitalism’s “objectification”of women’s bodies.They picketed the Miss America Pageant and threw “instruments of torture”such as brassieres考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第4页共8页and high-heeled (16)_______into a “freedom trash can.”Feminists focused (17)_______women’s control of their (18)_______bodies with an agenda (19)_______included the right to legal abortions,distribution of birth control literature,and passage of tougher laws (20)_______rape and spousal abuse.III.Error Detection and Correction (20points)Directions:There are twenty-one errors in the following passage.You may detect and correct either twenty of them or more than that.When you get more than twenty correct answers,your scores will not surpass twenty.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.As a human beings,you have maintained across time a core sense of self,thanks in good part as memory.Nevertheless,the I that is you is daily modified by what you experience,by what you were learning and coming to know.Five year ago,you were not the same person you are today;ten years hence,you will not precisely the person you now are.As you are age,you steadily accumulate knowledge,some of it formally,some of it informally.Considering some of the things you know in present—about history,about people,about work,about etiquette,about science,about style.Then think about what you garnered that knowledge.Chances is that some of it you acquired formally in school:what you to know about the contribution of Ancient Greece of modern democracy,your understanding of photosynthesis or Euclidean geometry,you ability to differentiate satire from irony.Some things you may have learn through a combination of formally instruction,observation and practice:how to work successful in a group,how to wait on customers efficiently and courteously,how to apply brakes skillfully in traffics,how to cut food with a knife,what clothes to wear to the prom.And some knowledges you probable acquired almost exclusively from extended experience:what acquaintances to trust and not to trust,what writers and musicians appeal or do not appeal to you,what aptitudes your possess or lack for particular fields of study.(1)_______________(2)_______________(3)_______________(4)_______________(5)_______________(6)_______________(7)_______________(8)_______________(9)_______________(10)______________(11)______________(12)______________(13)______________(14)______________(15)______________(16)______________(17)______________(18)______________(19)______________(20)______________(21)______________考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第5页共8页IV.Sentence Paraphrase (10points)Directions:There are five long or difficult sentences underlined in the following passage.You are required to paraphrase them in your own words according to the context.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1)Britain’s merchant navy seldom grabs the headlines these days;it is almost a forgotten industry.Yet shipping is the essential lifeline for the nation’s economy.Ninety-nine per cent of our trade in and out of the country goes by ship—and over half of it in British ships.(2)Shipping is also a significant British success story.It earns over £1000million a year in foreign exchange earnings:without our merchant fleet,the balance of payments would be permanently in deficit,despite North Sea oil.But,today this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before.(3)On almost all the major sea routes of the world,the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.The threat comes from two main directions:from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries (4)who are now in the middle of a massive expansion of their merchant navies,and carving their way into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies;and from the merchant fleets of the developing nations,(5)who are bent on taking over the lion’s share of the trade between Europe and Africa,Asia and the Far East—routes in which Britain has a big stake.V.Reading Comprehension (30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section.Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.Read the following passage and provide a brief answer to the questions after the passage (2.5×4points).If someone says to you ‘Our car has broken down’,your reaction may simply be to feel sorry.For the linguist,though,even such a simple utterance calls for quite an elaborate explanation.As far as the meaning and the grammar of the sentence are concerned,a traditional description would try to paraphrase the meanings of the words used;it would analyze the clause pattern (here a simple combination of subject and verb or predicate),and would probably go on to discuss the use of the present perfect tense.Modern linguists have on the whole not been satisfied with the traditional explanation of grammatical structures and word meanings.Indeed much work in modern linguistics has been devoted to constructing rules that would produce our initial sentence,but would exclude sentences like We car has考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第6页共8页broken down or Our car has jumped up as not well-formed.The ultimate goal of this endeavor has been to establish a body of logical rules for generating the sentences of a language that are grammatically correct and semantically acceptable.For the individual words a set of ‘objective’semantic features has been proposed which would guarantee that the words are inserted appropriately into the grammatical structure.Thus the meaning of car would be described with the semantic features ‘inanimate’,‘concrete’,‘movable’and ‘self-propelled’.Assuming that the logical rules and objective semantic features which generate language are stored in our memory,it seems only natural to claim that they are of a mental nature.This approach is therefore also ‘cognitive’in the original sense of the word (i.e.‘related to knowledge’).However,it is not the kind of ‘cognitive linguistics’that our topic is about.To distinguish this approach from what we have in mind when we talk about ‘cognitive linguistics’,we will characterize it as the logical view in cognitive linguistics.As we understand the term,cognitive linguistics is today chiefly represented by the experiential view.Its main claim is that instead of postulating logical rules and objective definitions on the basis of theoretical considerations and introspection,a more practical and empirical path should be pursued.For example,one can ask language users to describe what is going on in their minds when they produce and understand words and sentences.As experiments have shown,people will not only state that a car has a box-like shape,that it has wheels,doors,and windows,that it is driven by an engine and equipped with a steering wheel,an accelerator and brakes,and that it has seats for the driver and the passengers.More likely than not,it will also be mentioned that a car is comfortable and fast,that it offers mobility,independence and perhaps social status.Some people may connect the notion of car with their first love affair,or with injury if they were once involved in an accident.1.What would a traditional linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?2.What would a modern linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?3.How is the logical view related to ‘cognitive linguistics’?4.What is the claim of the experiential view?Section B.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements after it are true or false (2.5×4points).It is strange and disturbing to watch the straight (i.e.,mainstream)community’s angry,sometimes violent reaction to the hippies.There are many reasons for this.The principal one is appearance.The hippies dress strangely.They dress this way because they have thrown a lot of middle-class notions out of the window and with them the most sensitive middle-class dogma:the neutral appearance.The straight world is a jungle of taboos,fears,and personality games.People in that jungle prey on each other mercilessly.Therefore,to survive in any jungle requires good protective coloring:the camouflage of respectable appearance.The anonymity of middle-class dress is like a flag of truce.It means (whether true or not):“I’m not one of the predators.”It is in the nature of an assurance of harmlessness.Unusual or bright-colored clothing then becomes an alarm,a danger signal to the fearful and their armed truce with the rest of mankind.They see it as a challenge.They are fearful,unsure of themselves,and fear sours into anger.It is but a step to thinking that the anger is “good.”The oldest fallacy in the world is that anything that makes you angry must be mad.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第7页共8页The sin of the hippies is that they will not play the straight game of camouflage.Their non-participation,in effect,exposes them as another tribe,whose disregard of straight taboos of dress makes them seem to be capable of anything,and therefore a danger.That danger moreover is felt clear up to city hall,that shrine of Squaredom.Why else,I submit,does the Health Department of this city have such a tender solitude about the living conditions of human beings at the Haight when they have ignored the conditions at Hunter’s Point,the Mission and the Fillmore?Many people cannot understand the hippies’rejection of everything that is commonly expected of the individual in regard to employment and life goals:steady lucrative employment,and the accumulation through the years of possessions and money,building (always building)security for the future.It is precisely this security hypochondria,this checking of bank book rather than pulses,this worrying over budgets instead of medicine cabinets,that drive the youth of today away.It is this frantic concern with money that also drives the young into the Haight-Ashbury.They have seen their parents slave for years,wasting away a lifetime to make sure that the house was paid off,that the kids got through school in order to get “good”jobs so that they could join the frantic scramble,later on.The parents’reward for this struggle is that they wind up old and tired,alienated from their children,and just as often each parent from the other.1.The hippies dress strangely because they have defied the dressing values of the middle class.()2.For middle class,to survive in the straight world is to protect themselves by the camouflage of respectable appearance.()3.The hippies belong to another tribe of people because they have a different custom of dresses.()4.The hippies understand their parents struggling their way all their lives and sympathize them.()Section C.Read the following passage and then write a summary of it within 100words (1×10points).The vast majority of books on the English language take British English as their starting point.There are many reasons for this:British English is the old variety,and traditionally British English has enjoyed more prestige,at least in Europe and in former English colonies,than American English.Until not so long ago,American English was considered less educated,less cultured,less beautiful than British English.Teachers in many European countries were not allowed to have an American accent,and high-school students who returned from a year in the United States were sometimes punished with low grades by conservative teachers.This attitude seems mostly to have disappeared even if there are still traces of it.Another reason for the predominance of British English is simply one of publishing traditions:Britain has a long tradition of producing textbooks and dictionaries and of marketing them all over the world,whereas there have been relatively few American textbooks or dictionaries written for audiences worldwide.The result is a curious situation:The majority of the world’s native speakers of English are Americans,about 240million people.They make up the majority of the 400million native speakers,compared with about 57million speakers in Britain.They speak English with American pronunciation,vocabulary,and grammar.Much more American than British English is heard in films and on television,and more American English is used in international business,computing,and science.宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Yet the textbooks for non-native speakers that are used in schools in many countries are still mostly oriented toward British English,sometimes presenting American English as an aberration,often just in the form of a collection of words to learn.There are some useful books on American English,mostly designed for college or university use,that deal with vocabulary,spelling and pronunciation,but they usually give very little information concerning grammar or practical language use in the United States. Nor do they make any attempts to explain why there are differences between the two major varieties.SummaryVI.Writing(50points)Directions:Now in universities or colleges,some BA students want to work and earn money after graduation while other BA students plan to continue their education as MA students.The chief reasons for those BA students who intend to further their study can be either that it is hard to find a good job as BA students or that they love study and make greater contribution for their country.That is,the former read for MA just to get a higher degree so as to find a better job;the latter read for MA just to give a full expression to their academic ability and do research work.What is your purpose to read for MA?Or what kind of BA students do you belong to when you are taking this MA entrance exam?In the following topic of writing,please clarify your purpose to read for MA and give your reasons.You are suggested to make your argument in three major paragraphs with introduction,argumentation and conclusion in about400words.Remember to write your essay on the Answer Sheet.My Purpose to Read for MA科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学I.Vocabulary(30points)This part consists of two sections.Section ADirections:Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1×20points).1.He avowed his commitment to those ideals.A.acknowledgedB.convertedC.conformedD.renounced2.The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.A.devisingB.supportingC.fundingD.provoking3.I wish you two would stop bickering.plaining B quarreling C.bargaining D murmuring4.The defendant is facing severe verdict despite the appeal for clemency by his lawyer.A.forgivingB.releaseC.leniencyD.impartiality5.The little boy listened,enthralled by the Captain’s story.A.fascinatedB.swindledC.shockedD.bored6.I was impressed by his expertise on landing craft.A.encouragementB.special skillC.shrewdnessD.eloquence7.Your action is a breach of our university regulations.A.observationB.violationC.creationD.attack8.Subsequent events vindicated his policy.A.predicateB.swingC.dilateD.verify9.Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death penalty in most countries in the world.A.impulsiveB.multicoloredC.obligatoryughable10.Morality,for him,was doing what is expedient.A.undesirableB.unavailable C advantageous D.inappropriate11.“The giant was big”is a tautological statement,to say the least.A.tightB.redundantC.illogicalD.relative科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学III.Error Detection and Correction(20points)Directions:There are twenty errors in the following passage.You should detect and correct all the errors.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Marxist Criticism is a criticism based on the historical,economic,and sociology1 theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.According to Marxism,the conscious2of a given class in a given historical moment derives modes of material production.3The set of beliefs,values,attitudes,and ideas that constitute the consciousness of this4 class forms a ideological superstructure,and this ideological superstructure is5 shaped and determined by the material infrastructure and economic base.Hence the6 term"historic materialism."Marxism assumes the ontological priority of matter7 above mind and sees mind as the product of historical forces.There is thus a dialectical8 relationship between the literature work and its socio-historical background.9 Dialectical criticism focuses on the causal connections of the content or form10of the work and the economic,class,social,or ideological factors that shape and11 determines that content and form.Bourgeois writers,for example,inevitably propagate a12 bourgeois ideology that seeks to universalizing the status quo,to see it as natural rather13 than historical.The notion that there is a one-to-one correspondence to the class14 consciousness of the writer,the ideology of the work,and the society-historical15 background out of which it emerges is often labeled vulgarly Marxism,even by16 Marxists themselves.Sophisticated Marxism,however,like Fredric Jameson17 points out,is concerned with"the influence of the given social raw material,not only18on the content,but on the very form of the work themselves....[The dialectical19 interaction of work and background],this fact of sheer interrelationship,is prior of20any of the conceptual categories,such as causality,reflection,or analogy,subsequently evoked to explain it."科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学IV.Reading Comprehension(30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section. Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.(10points)By the mid-century there emerged a trend in writing that favored a new approach to constructing the novel that abandoned many of the time-honored traditions of form.Indeed,there has been debate about whether many of the works of the times should rightly be considered novels at all.Although not all writers of the period pursued experimental methods,two of them,William Burroughs and Henry Miller,served as exemplary figures.William Burroughs published journals depicting his travels through South America and North Africa.He was heavily influenced by his encounter with foreign languages and associations with strange customs.The impact of his experiences on his writing led to a uniquely detached style.Often it is difficult to determine who is telling the stories,or where the characters have come from.In his most celebrated work Naked Lunch,Burroughs is said to have physically cut up the manuscript and pasted it back together,to further disturb the conventional notion of narration.Although these writing techniques did not boost initial sales of his works,American academia accepts him as an important practitioner of literary theory.Henry Miller wrote about his personal life in a depth that previous authors had avoided.In order to better expose compulsive desires,he used very graphic language to describe the details of his intimate relationships.His books Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer were banned in some states when they were first published.Although there are disagreements about Miller's moral positions,he is acknowledged as an important contributor to mid-twentieth century American fiction.1.What is the main topic of this passage?2.What did the passage preceding this one probably discuss?3.What can we assume about Burroughs'earlier works?4.What is the most difficult aspect of reading the book Naked Lunch?5.What can we infer about the works of the two men?科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.According to this passage,Shakespeare’s sonnets might have contained a continuity of love story.2.The speaker of Shakespeare’s sonnets is perfectly happy with both the young noble man and the“dark lady”,according to the passage.3.Shakespeare’s sonnets were dedicated to a“W.H.”,who must be Henry Wriothesley,the Earl ofSouthampton.4.It could be inferred from the passage that most life stories about Shakespeare are conjectures.5.Shakespeare wrote153sonnets,all of which have the feel of autobiographical poems.Section C(10points)Read the following passage and write a summary of it within200words.Knowing that Mrs.Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble,great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her,in broken sentences;veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.Her husband's friend Richards was there,too,near her.It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received,with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of"killed."He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful,less tender friend in bearing the sad message.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same,with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance.She wept at once,with sudden,wild abandonment,in her sister's arms.When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.She would have no one follow her.There stood,facing the open window,a comfortable,roomy armchair.Into this she sank,pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.The delicious breath of rain was in the air.In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window.She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair,quite motionless,except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学She was young,with a fair,calm face,whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes,whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.It was not a glance of reflection,but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it,fearfully.What was it?She did not know;it was too subtle and elusive to name.But she felt it,creeping out of the sky,reaching toward her through the sounds,the scents,the color that filled the air.Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously.She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her,and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips.She said it over and over under the breath:"free,free,free!"The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.They stayed keen and bright.Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind,tender hands folded in death;the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead.But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.There would be no one to live for during those coming years;she would live for herself.There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.And yet she had loved him--sometimes.Often she had not.What did it matter!What could love,the unsolved mystery,count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!"Free!Body and soul free!"she kept whispering.Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole,imploring for admission."Louise,open the door!I beg;open the door--you will make yourself ill.What are you doing, Louise?For heaven's sake open the door."。

宁波大学 2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生 入 学 考 试 试 题(A 卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)
考试科目: 俄语(二外) 科目代码: 243 适用专业: 英语语言文学 、日语语言文学 、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学 13. Мой студент мне записку и сказал, чтобы я встретил друга вечером на вокзале. а. задал б. передал в. выдал 14. Ведь любое загрязнение вредно, независимо от того, оно происходит: в море, на суше, или в воздухе. а. куда б. где в. что 15. Преподаватель ответить на вопросы, потому что их было очень много. а. не умел б. не мог в. не успел 16. уважания к своим преподавателям студенты всегда вежливо здороваются с ними. а. Из-за б. От в. Из 17. По радио выступил писатель, новую книгу все сейчас так горячо обсуждают. а. чью б. какую в. который 18. Разразилась снежная буря, никогда не бывало. а. которая б. какой в. какая 19. Все ученики, в университеты, должны готовиться к участию в строительстве нашей страны. а. поступающие б. вступающие в. входящие 20. По долгу службы я часто ездил в командировки, в прошлом месяце я во многих странах. а. побывал б. прибыл в. был

2017年考研英语二真题(完整版)2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for eachnumbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future withoutwork .Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activistsonce again 1 that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthypeople will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the futurewill be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazyand depressed. 6 , today's unemployed don't seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who havebeen unemployed for at least a year report having depression, doublethe rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 forrising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting 9poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs.Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a joblessfuture.But it doesn't 11 follow from findings like these that a worldwithout work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based onthe 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends inmind could 14 strikingly different circumstanced for the future oflabor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown."Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential," says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National Universityof Ireland in Galway.These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for mostworkers, people use their free time to counterbalance theintellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. "When I come home from ahard day's work, I often feel 18 ," Danaher says, adding, "In a worldin which I don't have to work, I might feel rather different"—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passionproject with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.1.[A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring2.[A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D]uncertainty3.[A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction4.[A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured5.[A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom6.[A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless7.[A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated8.[A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute9.[A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among10.[A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside11.[A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D]economically12.[A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles13.[A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course14.[A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield15.[A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship16.[A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce17.[A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats18.[A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved19.[A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into20.[A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonal Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below eachtext by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)Text 1Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set offto run 5km around their local park. The Parkrun phenomenon began witha dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers. Runners rangefrom four years old to grandparents; their times range from AndrewBaddeley's world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour.Parkrun is succeeding where London's Olympic "legacy" is failing.Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London. Planning documents pledged that thegreat legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport loversaway from their couches. The population would be fitter, healthierand produce more winners. It has not happened. The number of adultsdoing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million in the run—up to 2012—but the general population was growing faster. Worse, thenumbers are now falling at an accelerating rate. The oppositionclaims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a weekhave nearly halved. Obesity has risen among adults and children.Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to"inspire a generation." The success of Parkrun offers answers.Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor isthe clock. The ethos welcomes anybody. There is as much joy over apuffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there is abouttop talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to getmore people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dualaim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part wasintimidating for newcomers.Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state gettinginvolved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots",concept as community sports associations. If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods—making sure there is space for playing fields and the money topave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of allthese activities in schools. But successive governments have presidedover selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education. Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide theconditions for sport to thrive. Or at least not make them worse.21. According to Paragraph1, Parkrun has .[A] gained great popularity[B] created many jobs[C] strengthened community ties[D] become an official festival22. The author believes that London's Olympic"legacy" has failedto .[A] boost population growth[B] promote sport participation[C] improve the city's image[D] increase sport hours in schools23. Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that it .[A] aims at discovering talents[B] focuses on mass competition[C] does not emphasize elitism[D] does not attract first-timers24. With regard to mass sport, the author holds that governmentsshould .[A] organize "grassroots" sports events[B] supervise local sports associations[C] increase funds for sports clubs[D] invest in public sports facilities25. The author's attitude to what UK governments have done forsports is .[A] tolerant[B] critical[C] uncertain[D] sympatheticText 2 With so much focus on children's use of screens, it'seasy for parents to forget about their own screen use. "Tech isdesigned to really suck on you in," says Jenny Radesky in her studyof digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot ofbleed-over into the family routine. "Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets atmealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. Shefound that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions withtheir children. During a separate observation, she saw that phonesbecame a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking attheir emails while the children would be making excited bids fortheir attention.Infants are wired to look at parents' faces to try to understandtheir world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device—it can be extremelydisconcerting foe the children. Radesky cites the "still faceexperiment" devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in anormal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother's attention. "Parents don't haveto be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be abalance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child's verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need," says Radesky.On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids' use of screens are born out of an "oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting" with their children: "It's based on a somewhat fantasized, very white, veryupper-middle-class ideology that says if you're failing to exposeyour child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them." Tronick believes that just because a child isn't learning from the screen doesn't mean there's no value to it—particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speakto a friend or get some work out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to their child the rest ofthe time.26. According to Jenny Radesky, digital products are designed to ______.[A] simplify routine matters[B] absorb user attention[C] better interpersonal relations[D] increase work efficiency27. Radesky's food-testing exercise shows that mothers' use of devices ______.[A] takes away babies' appetite[B] distracts children's attention[C] slows down babies' verbal development[D] reduces mother-child communication28. Radesky's cites the "still face experiment" to show that_______.[A] it is easy for children to get used to blank expressions[B] verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchange[C] children are insensitive to changes in their parents' mood[D] parents need to respond to children's emotional needs29. The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to_______.[A] protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies[B] teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year[C] ensure constant interaction with their children[D] remain concerned about kid's use of screens30. According to Tronick, kid's use of screens may_______.[A] give their parents some free time[B] make their parents more creative[C] help them with their homework[D] help them become more attentive Text 3Today, widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-movingworld often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year. After all, if everyone you know is going tocollege in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years, it doesn't feel natural tospend a year doing something that isn't academic.But while this may be true, it's not a good enough reason to condemn gap years. There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated "race to the finish line," whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career. But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that studentswho take a gap year are generally better prepared for and performbetter in college than those who do not. Rather than pulling students back, a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence, new responsibilities and environmental changes—all things that first-year students often struggle with the most. Gap yearexperiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment, making it easier tofocus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a yearoff to explore interests, then consider its financial impact onfuture academic choices. According to the National Center forEducation Statistics, nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once. This isn't surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leavesstudents with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major ontheir college applications, but switching to another after takingcollege classes. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but depending onthe school, it can be costly to make up credits after switching toolate in the game. At Boston College, for example, you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department. Taking a gap year to figure things out initiallycan help prevent stress and save money later on.31. One of the reasons for high-school graduates not taking a gap year is that .[A] they think it academically misleading[B] they have a lot of fun to expect in college[C] it feels strange to do differently from others[D] it seems worthless to take off-campus courses32. Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps .[A] keep students from being unrealistic[B] lower risks in choosing careers[C] ease freshmen's financial burdens[D] relieve freshmen of pressures33. The word "acclimation" (Line 8, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to .[A] adaptation[B] application[C] motivation[D] competition34. A gap year may save money for students by helping them .[A] avoid academic failures[B] establish long-term goals[C] switch to another college[D] decide on the right major35. The most suitable title for this text would be .[A] In Favor of the Gap Year[B] The ABCs of the Gap Year[C] The Gap Year Comes Back[D] The Gap Year: A Dilemma Part BDirections:Read the following text and match each of the numbered items in the left column to its corresponding information in the right column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The decline in American manufacturing is a common refrain, particularly from Donald Trump. "We don't make anything anymore," he told Fox News, while defending his own made-in-Mexico clothing line.Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hitduring recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.But there is also a different way to look at the data.Across the country, factory owners are now grappling with a new challenge: instead of having too many workers, they may end up with too few. Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replace tens of thousands of retiring boomers every years. Millennials may not be that interested in taking their place, other industries are recruiting them with similar orbetter pay.For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workers—and upward pressure on wages. "They're harder to find and they have job offers," says Jay Dunwell, president of Wolverine Coil Spring, a family-owned firm, "They may be coming [into the workforce], but they've been plucked by other industries that are also doing anwell as manufacturing," Mr. Dunwell has begun bringing high school juniors to the factory so they can get exposed to its culture.At RoMan Manufacturing, a maker of electrical transformers and welding equipment that his father cofounded in 1980, Robert Roth keep a close eye on the age of his nearly 200 workers, five are retiringthis year. Mr. Roth has three community-college students enrolled ina work-placement program, with a starting wage of $13 an hour that rises to $17 after two years.At a worktable inside the transformer plant, young Jason Stenquist looks flustered by the copper coils he's trying to assemble and the arrival of two visitors. It's his first week on the job.Asked about his choice of career, he says at high school he considered medical school before switching to electrical engineering. "I love working with tools. I love creating." he says.But to win over these young workers, manufacturers have to clear another major hurdle: parents, who lived through the worst US economic downturn since the Great Depression, telling them to avoid the factory. Millennials "remember their father and mother both were laid off. They blame it on the manufacturing recession," says BirgitKlohs, chief executive of The Right Place, a business development agency for western Michigan.These concerns aren't misplaced: Employment in manufacturing has fallen from 17 million in 1970 to 12 million in 2013. When therecovery began, worker shortages first appeared in the high-skilled trades. Now shortages are appearing at the mid-skill levels."The gap is between the jobs that take to skills and those that require a lot of skill," says Rob Spohr, a business professor atMontcalm Community College. "There're enough people to fill the jobsat McDonalds and other places where you don't need to have much skill. It's that gap in between, and that's where the problem is. "Julie Parks of Grand Rapids Community points to another key to luring Millennials into manufacturing: a work/life balance. Whiletheir parents were content to work long hours, young people value flexibility. "Overtime is not attractive to this generation. Theyreally want to live their lives," she says.[A] says that he switched to electrical engineering because heloves working with tools.41. Jay Deuwell[B] points out that there are enough people tofill the jobs that don't need much skill.42. Jason Stenquist[C] points out that the US doesn't manufacture anything anymore.43. Birgit Klohs[D] believes that it is important to keep a closeeye on the age of his workers.44. Rob Spohr[E] says that for factory owners, workers are harderto find because of stiff competition.45.Julie Parks[F] points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing.[G] says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for thelay-off the young people's parents.Section III Translation46.Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would moveon to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realizedI was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the rightpath for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favouri。

宁波大学 2017 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 适用专业:
英语语言文学 日语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 翻译学
12. Только что я окно, поэтому в комнате прохладно. а. открывал б. открою в. открываю 13. с мамой, Виктор всегда смеётся. а. Разговаривал б. Разговаривая в. Разговаривает 14. В 8 часов утра мы отправились в туристический поход. Нас . а. пятеро б. были пятеро в. было пятеро 15. Я должен извиниться перед вами: вы сегодня опоздали на поезд. а. от меня б. из меня в. из-за меня 16. Специалист мне сделал маленький подарок . а. на память б. на памяти в. в память 17. Прошу закрыть за дверь. а. вами б. тобой в. собой 18. стать учителем, надо сначала быть учеником. а. Прежде чем б. Когда в. Как только 19. эта женщина, которая беседует там со студентами? а. Кто такая б. Кто такое в. Кто такой 20. Известно, что зелень очищает воздух, улучшает климат, уменьшает шум, помогает человеку здоровье и хорошее настроение. а. сохранить б. охранить в. защитить

2012年宁波大学244英语(二外)考研真题及详解(A卷)Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1*20=20 points)Directions:There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark the answer on the Answer Sheet.1. He greatly resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his _____.A. privacyB. moralityC. dignityD. secrecy【答案】A【解析】句意:他极不愿意接受出版这本书,因为这违反了他的隐私。
morality 道德。
2. These were stubborn men, not easily _____ to change their mind.A. tiltedB. convertedC. persuadedD. suppressed【答案】C【解析】句意:他们都是非常固执的人,想要劝说他们改变想法很困难。
3. The police set a _____ to catch the thieves.A. planB. deviceC. trapD. trick【答案】C【解析】句意:警察为了抓住小偷,设了一个陷阱。

2018年宁波大学244英语(二外)考研真题及详解(A卷)Part Ⅰ Cloze Test (20 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this part you are required to read the given passages carefully, and then fill in each blank with an appropriate word given in the boxes. Each word is allowed to be used only once. You should not change the form of the word but you can capitalize the initial letter if the word is used at the beginning of the sentence. Write your choices in the Answer Sheet.Passage OneLiving in a culture that is different from your own can be both an exciting and challenging experience. You have to learn different cultural practices and try to adapt to them. Here are the top six cultural differences 1______ China and the US to help promote mutual understanding.Chinese people do not have the same concept of privacy as Americans do. They talk about topics such as ages, income or marital status, 2______ Americans think is annoying and intrusive.In China, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity 3______ the young are cherished and nurtured. In America, the goal of the family isto encourage independence, particularly that of the children. 4______ the Chinese, older Americans seldom live with their children.Chinese people have different meanings to define friends. Just hanging out together time to time is not friendship. Friendship means lifelong friends who feel deeply obligated to give each other 5______ help might seem required. Americans always call people they meet friends, so the definition of friends is general and different. There are work friends, playing friends, school friends and drinking friends.6______ is well known, the Chinese like to save. They are always conservative when they are planning to spend money. It is different in the USA, 7______ far fewer families are saving money for emergencies and education than their Chinese counterparts.Chinese people value education and career more than Americans, 8______ in turn put more emphasis on good character and faith.9______ China values the community and the US values the individual. If you achieve something in the US, it’s because you were great. While in China, if you achieve something in China it’s 10______ the team, or family, or the company is great. Everything you do gets attributed to the greater whole, while in America individual merits are celebrated.【答案与解析】1. between(由前面的“difference”可推测此处填“between”,此处是说“中美两国的六大文化差异”。

2013年宁波大学244英语(二外)考研真题及详解(B卷)Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and then blacken the corresponding letter.1. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _____ so formally.A. need not have dressed upB. must not have dressed upC. did not need to dress upD. must not dress up【答案】A【解析】句意:结果那只是个小型的家庭聚会,我们本不用穿的那么正式。
2. Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of _____ cells.A. irrelevantB. inferiorC. controversialD. abnormal【答案】D【解析】句意:癌症是由无法控制、不停生长的异常细胞引起的一类疾病。

科目代码:242科目名称:法语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学I.Remplacez les points par les articles,les prénoms et les prépositions:(30*0.5=15%)1.Quelqu’un m’a dit que vous savez plusieurs langues,où<1>avez-vous apprises?Au lycée?2.<2>la table il y a<3>pain et<4>pain est chaud,c’est<5>toi?---Non.Je n’aime pas<6>pain etje ne mange pas<7>pain.3.Je voudrais bien voyager<8>France.Mon père<9>sais bien et il décide<10>m’acheter le billetd’avion.4.Il se fait rembourser<11>la Sécuritésociale.5.Le professeur nous interroge<12>la réformeéconomique.6.Cela donne<13>réfléchir.7.Pierre n’a trouvéplus le livre<14>son retour. vieàla campagne,qu’est-ce que vous<15>pensez?----<16>,je ne<17>déteste pas.L’air<18>est frais et les paysages sont beaux,mais quant<19>autres conditions de vie,c’est pasagréable.9.Sylvie joue<20>piano.On vient<21><22>offrir un piano<23>occasion pour son anniversaire.10.On a un article<24>traduire<25>français.11.C’est Catherine,elle va vous aider.Si vous avez besoin<26>quelque chose,il<27>suffit<28><29>téléphoner.12.Paul s’adresse<30>un jeune homme pour emprunter un parapluie.II.Remplissez les phrases avec les verbes convenables:(15*1=15%)1.Hier il(mettre)<1>son attaché-case dans la voiture et puis il ne l’a trouvéplus.2.(Accompagner)<2>par le ministre,le président a visitéle monument.3.Si elle(rester)<3>chez elle l’année dernière,elle(ne pas pouvoir)<4>rencontrer Andréa,son mari actuel.4.L’année suivante quand l’exposition(se terminer)<5>,une nouvelle réformeéconomique(commenrcer)<6>dans notre pays.5.Ma mère veut que mon frère et moi,nous(aller)<7>voir notre grand-père.6.Il suivit la vielle femme jusqu’àla porte.Elle(ouvrir)<8>la porte et y entra,s’assit dans sonfauteuil:elle(être)<9>fatiguée.科目代码:242科目名称:法语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学7.Il a chantéen(danser)<10>pendant la soirée.8.Il est possible qu’elle ne(vouloir)<11>pas sortir toute seule.9.(Ne pas recevoir)<12>d’argent,je lui aiécrit de nouveau.10.Elle(se souvenir)<13>de vous et puis elle vous a appelé.11.Il a lu dans un journal qu’une banque(attaquer)<14>quelques jours auparavant.12.---Lesélèves t’attendent,(aller)<15>àl’école!III.Choisissez le meilleur terme:(10*1=10%)1.Vousécrivez souvent des lettresàvos parents?---Non,je ne______écris pas souvent.a.les,leurb.leur,lesc.leur,end.n’en,leur2.Elles sont______heureuses d’avoir achetéune maison_____neuve.a.tout,toutb.toutes,toutesc.toutes,touted.tout,toute3.Que pensez-vous___ce nouveau film?a.àb.dec.surd.pour4.Ce sont vos cahiers?----Non,ce sont_______de Paul,______sont là-bas.a.ceux,les miensb.ceux,les siensc.celles,siensd.ceux,miens5.Je crois queça dépend du professeur.─Oui,je sais queça______.a.lui dépendb.en dépendc.dépend de luid.le dépend6.C’est_____le grandécrivant est né.a.cette maison-làqueb.dans cette maison-làoùc.dans cette maison-làqued.cette maison-làoù7.Ah,ta mère,____voilà,elle t’attend depuis longtempsàla sortie de l’école.a.tub.elled.lui8.L’enfant dort,ne fais pas___bruit.a.le plus petitb.plus petitc.le moindred.moindre科目代码:242科目名称:法语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学9.Il n’a pas réussi___sa mauvaise santé.a.grâceàb.parce quec.àcause ded.car téléne marche pas de sorte qu’il n’y___pas de son.a.aib.ac.aitd.avaitIV.Tournez les questions et discours suivants en questions indirectes et discours indirects:(4*2.5=10%)(将直接引语改成间接引语)1.Pierre a ditàsa mère:“Je veux alleràBeijing.”2.Paul a demandé:“Oùest-ce que mon frère est alléhier?”3.Marie demandaàson frère:“Est-ce que ma soeur viendra demain?”4.Anna a demandé:“Qu’est-ce qu’il fait ici?”V.Remplacez les points par les pronoms relatifs,ajoutez les précédents(先行词)ou les prépositions si c’est nécessaire:(10*1=10%)1.Le professeur s’avance vers le bureau<1>il y a quelques livres.2.Jacques veut voir le film<2>ils ont parléhier.3.J’ai déjàachetéle livre<3>m’intéresse.4.Les ouvriers vont orner la maison<4>est néle président.5.L’homme<5>attendent les agents de police est très méchant.6.Il s’est arrêtédevant les photos<6>certaines lui faisaient rappeler son enfance.7.Voici la personne<7>vous attend.8.Voilàune maison<8>nous appartient.9.Il lui fallait aller vivre dans un pays<9>il ne savait rien.10.Les choses<10>il s’attend bien n’ont pas apparu.科目代码:242科目名称:法语(二外)适用专业:英语语言文学日语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学préhensionécrite et version:(10%)Actuellement,les métiers du sport sont très recherchés par les jeunes.En effet,pour eux,vivre de leur passion leur paraît souvent la seule possibilitéde gagner leur vie d’une manière intéressante.Un jeune garçon passionnéde foot,même dans son petit village joue non seulement plusieurs fois par semaine enéquipe,mais regarde aussi tous les matchsàla télévision et se déplace facilement vers un stade oùse déroule(发生,进行)le match qu’il attend.Alors au moment de choisir une profession, voudra-t-il par exemple,être comptable(会计)derrière un bureau toute sa vie?Non.Il va essayer par exemple d’être journaliste sportif,il restera ainsi dans le milieu sportif qu’il aime.1.Pourquoi les métiers du sport sont-ils recherchés par les jeunes?(2*1=2%)2.Traduire ce petit texte en chinois s’il vous plaît.(8*1=8%)VII.Traduisez en français les phrases suivantes:(15%)1.在许多黑非洲国家,法语是官方语言,我们称这些国家为法语国家。

科目代码: 241 总分值: 100 科目名称:
1. Wortschatz (20 P)
Schreiben Sie die richtige Form! Z.B. :母亲: die Mutter
1. 学习: _____ ____
Etwa 60% des Staatsgebietes sind gebirgig und haben Anteil an den Ostalpen. Deshalb wird das Land
umgangssprachlich auch Alpenrepublik genannt. Nördlich der Donau liegt in Ober- und Niederösterreich das
Granit- und Gneisplateau, Teil des alten Rumpfgebirges der Böhmischen Masse, dessen Ausläufer bis nach
Tschechien und Bayern reichen; jenseits der Ostgrenze schließen die Kleinen Karpaten an.
宁波大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 241 总分值: 100 科目名称:
Österreich erstreckt sich in west-östlicher Richtung über maximal 575, in nord-südlicher über 294 Kilometer.

目 录
Часть 1:将下列动词变位,写出单数第一、二人称和复数第三人称形式。
【答案】расписаться; распишусь; распишешься; распишутся
【答案】снять; сниму; снимешь; снимут
【答案】мыть; мою; моешь; моют
【答案】искать; ищу; ищешь; ищут
【答案】аплодировать; аплодирую; аплодируешь; аплодируют
【答案】упасть; упаду; упадешь; упадут
【答案】вставать; встаю; встаешь; встают
【答案】забыть; забуду; забудешь; забудут
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Direction:Read the passage carefully,and fill in each blank with the words given below.You can’t use any word twice.
punishments when police breaking running license driving illegal implemented credit move discourage such as introduction similar traffic consideration offenses purpose number ON NOV8AND9,a national police conference on urban traffic management was held in Shanghai,according to which the1will put traffic violations,especially serious illegal conducts and accidents,in the credit records of the drivers.
The drivers that cause major accidents,2those involving casualties,face criminal charges or other deserved3,but the penalties for illegal behavior that is potentially dangerous but has not caused an accident,such as4a red light,are far from enough as drivers only get a fine and decreasing points on their5,which fails to curb their bad6habits.
That's why the new measure,namely listing7driving conducts into drivers'8___ records,is a welcome9.It will help effectively10people from breaking the law.With the 11of this new measure,people are expected to be more careful12driving.
Some cities have already adopted a13policy,namely raising the insurance for those who have been caught14the rules of the road.That has proved successful because the data show a decrease in the15of drivers caught running red lights and breaking the16rules.
Of course,citizens'rights must be taken into17when implementing the policy including driving18on their credit records.Drivers should be able to appeal,and the power to edit people's credit records should be transparent to ensure it is not abused.
Only the rule of law can govern modern society well,and credit records best serve that19. The new measure is therefore welcome and we hope it can be20smoothly and effectively.
II.Reading comprehension(40%)
Directions:There are4passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheer.