
雅思教学大纲第一部分:教学目标与背景1. 引言- 介绍雅思(International English Language Testing System)考试的背景和普及程度- 阐述雅思教学的重要性和必要性2. 教学目标- 确定雅思教学的主要目标:帮助学生提高听说读写四项技能,尤其是在考试中的应用能力- 解释如何通过雅思教学来提高学生的语言能力和文化素养第二部分:教学内容1. 雅思考试的四项技能要求- 详细解释雅思听力、口语、阅读和写作四项技能的考试要求和评分标准- 强调培养学生各项技能的重要性,以应对雅思考试的各个部分2. 雅思听力教学- 设计听力教学的课程结构和教学方法,以提高学生的听力理解能力和应试技巧- 强调教师在教学过程中的角色和学生的参与度3. 雅思口语教学- 探讨如何培养学生的口语表达能力和交流能力,以满足雅思口语考试的要求- 提供口语练习的示范和实践活动,以加强学生表达自己观点的能力4. 雅思阅读教学- 提出提升学生阅读理解能力的教学策略和方法,以适应雅思阅读考试的挑战- 强调阅读技巧的培养和对不同类型文本的理解能力的发展5. 雅思写作教学- 介绍雅思写作考试的题型和评分标准,以及写作教学的方法和技巧- 鼓励学生进行写作练习和互相批改,以提高写作能力和语法正确性第三部分:教学方法与评估1. 教学方法- 提供符合雅思教学特点的教学方法,如任务型教学、小组合作学习等- 强调教师需关注学生个体差异,采用多样化的教学资源和技术手段2. 教学评估- 解释如何进行有效的雅思教学评估,以帮助教师和学生掌握学习进展- 强调评估结果的有效利用和对学生进一步指导的重要性第四部分:教学资源与支持1. 教学资源- 提供教师可使用的雅思教材和学习资源,并强调选用适合不同学生水平和需求的材料- 引导教师合理安排教学内容,确保资源的有效利用和学习效果的提升2. 学习支持- 介绍学生在学习过程中可能遇到的问题,并提供解决方案和支持- 提供学习指导和辅导机构的信息,以便学生获得额外的实践和反馈机会第五部分:总结与展望1. 总结- 总结雅思教学大纲的主要内容和要点,强调其对学生语言提高和应试能力的重要作用- 强调教师在教学过程中的关键角色和责任2. 展望- 展望未来雅思教学的发展趋势和挑战,鼓励教师和学生持续学习和适应变化- 强调终身学习的重要性和提高语言能力的积极影响总结:本文以“雅思教学大纲”为题,从教学目标与背景、教学内容、教学方法与评估、教学资源与支持以及总结与展望等方面全面探讨了雅思教学的重要性、教学内容和方法。


Writing Travel
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1. Do you…? 2.Do people in your country do…? 3.What type of …do you like? 4.What type of …do you dislike? 5.What do you like about…? 6.What do you dislike about…? 7.What do you like to do +时间? 8.What do you dislike to do +时间? 9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do…? 10.When did you first do …? 11.Did you do…when you were a child? 12.When did you last do …? / Tell me about your last …experience? 13.When and where do you…? 14.Do you like do…alone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think it’s necessary/important for children/schools to
Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?

话题举例Technology and housework1. What kinds of machine are used for housework in modern homes in your country?答题技巧:现代家庭中用来做家务的机器设备都有哪些?用举例子的方法可以容易回答出来,如洗衣机,吸尘器,电饭煲等等。
I would have to say washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, air conditioner, furnace, etc. Those would be the ones I couldnt live without or I mean wouldnt want to do without.washing machine洗衣机 vacuum cleaner吸尘器rice cooker电饭煲 coffee maker咖啡壶,咖啡机electric kettle电热水壶 furnace炉子2. How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?答题技巧:这些用来做家务的机器设备如何帮助人们?又有哪些负面影响?此题属于正反论证话题,考生需要同时罗列出优缺点。
2018-雅思口语part3思路组织套路大全-精选word文档 (4页)

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从备考角度来看,如果大家口语目标不超过6分,备考的重点应该放在Part 1和Part 2,如果口语想考6.5分及以上,备考的重点要放在Part 3上(当然前提是Part1和Part2基本不成问题)。
那么Part3到底该怎么备考呢?有没有有效的学习方法呢?在回答这个问题前咱们必须先纠正一下中国考生在Part 3这块儿遇到的一个认知误区:反正我的口语目标不超过6分,把前两部分答好就行了,Part3随便说几句就行。

人物—A good studentA good student that I have studied with was Tom. Tom was my high school classmate and he was our class monitor. He always got top marks in our class. For example when most people scored a 60 on the test. Tom would always get 80 or 90. So his scores were always better than others. We studied together during the weekend at the library and during weekdays we studied together in the classroom. We were really good friends and we always help each other. I remember Tom would always help me with my English because it was my weakest subject. Through his help my English improved a lot. Besides studying, we also had many common interests such as doing sports and playing games. I think he was a good student because he was hardworking and diligent. In high school many students studied to 6pm and went home to play, but Tom would always study until 9 or 10. He puts in a lot more work than others so that’s why I think he is also a motivated person. Most importantly. I feel that he sets high standards fo r himself and that’s the reason for his success.--A good parentSomeone I know who I think is a good parent is my mother. My mother is the matriarch of my family, she is a kind and understanding person. She has so much love in her that makes all the kids in my family love her. Although she is not the bread winner of the family, she makes many important decisions in my family. My father will often ask my mother’s opinion before he does something. To me my mom is like my friend, I can talk to her about everything, whether it’s about my relationship, my studies or my social circle. No one knows me better than my mom. My mother will always be there to give me encouragement and gives me constructive feedback. My mother is also a knowledgeable person, when I was young, whenever I had about my homework, she would always help me. She really sets a good example for me, I received lots of influences from her. I think she is the perfect example of a good parent.--A famous personA famous person who has impressed me was Steve Jobs. Steve jobs is the founder of Apple. I remembered the first time I knew about him was when I got my first apple product which was the Ipad. At that time I only knew him as the founder of Apple. As I started to use more and more apple products, I felt Jobs became closer to life. When he died, I read his biography and I started to admire him. He started as a college dropout with a dream and passion for greatness. He was an innovative genius who made products that would change our lives. His pursuit of perfection made Apple become a leader in the IT industry. What impresses me the most is that Jobs is a bold person. He is willing to do and try things that most people can only imagine. I think I learned a lot from Jobs and as a young person, I think we need to be like him. We often times only think but never take the initiative. So this is a famous person that has really impressed me.地点--A placeA place I would like to travel to is Phuket. Phuket is a beautiful island in Thailand. It’s a popular travel destination for Chinese people. I think it’s a perfect vacation getaway. I knew about Phuket from my friend who visited. He shared many things with me about his vacation. He even showed me some pictures. From the pictures I saw that Phuket has breathtaking ocean view, clean and clear water so the place must be pollution free. My friend told me that there are a variety of activities to do for example sun bathing, snorkeling and beachside BBQs.I really want to go because I have a lot of work pressure and I think going to a place like this is a quite rejuvenating. What’s more, I live in Beijing, and Beijing has really bad air quality so when I go there I can enjoy the fresh air and just forget about life in the city. I think it will be so relaxing.--A beautiful houseA beautiful house that I visited was my friend’s home. His home is a beautiful Oceanside villa next to the beach in Qingdao. His house has a spectacular view of the ocean and you feel the cool ocean breeze. The interior of his home is really spacious. He has a huge living room with a large TV hanging on the wall and his home is contemporary style so it feels very trendy. One thing that impressed me was the overall feeling, the colors in his home were very simple, mostly light colors so it feels very modern but also quite cozy. His home was really neat and clean so when you walk in, it feels very comfortable. The room I stayed in had a nice patio so I can sit outside and enjoy the ocean. In the back of his home there is a huge garden with lots of foliage and a pond. The garden is a nice place for a BBQ or a gathering. Overall, I think it’s the most impressive house that I have visited and I hope that I could have a nice house like this in the future.--A restaurantA restaurant that I like to go to is called XX. This restaurant is located near my home, within10 minutes walking distance so it’s very convenient to go there. The overall feeling of the restaurant is very classy, it’s got wonderful lighting, feels very contemporary and the furnishing is quite trendy but the prices are reasonable so it’s quite affordable for me to go there very often. They have a wonderful selection of Chinese food and the taste is wonderful. My favorite dish is the fish, the restaurant offers live fish so everything is very fresh. It also offers afternoon tea. You know, during peak hours, the restaurant is packed with people but the afternoon it’s very quite so sometimes I go there in the afternoon to study or surf the internet while enjoy some tea or coffee. I think this place is suitable for all kinds of occasions, whether you are treating guests to or just a quite place to read a book, this place is the spot.事件An important traditional eventAn important traditional event in my country is the dragon boat festival, called “Duan Wu Jie”in Chinese. This event is held on May 5th of the Chinese lunar calendar. The dragon boat festival is not a family holiday like the spring festival or the mid-autumn festival, it’s more of a holiday for fun and festivities. This holiday is to commemorate a famous patriot poet named “Qu Yuan” who lived during the spring autumn period of China. It was a famous historical event in which Qu Yuan jumps into the yellow river to commit suicide rather than see hiscountry fall. To remember him, people eat a traditional Chinese snack called “Zong Zi” and we hold dragon boat racing on the river. This event is important because it’s a reminds people about Qu Yuan, the man who loved his country so much that he gave up his life for his country and it’s also a national holiday so we can get an extra day off on this day.--A projectA project that I did with others was a charity program for kids in poverty. I was a part of a volunteer group back in 2010. We were in charge of coordinating with schools and universities to get people to donate their used books for the kids who could not afford books. I was with many other volunteers, like about 30 people. It was quite a challenge because most of us were students, so it was the first time we did something like this and we don’t have an prior experience. I had lots of fun and I really enjoyed the feeling of working in a team. You know, at the same time it gave me a sense of belonging and when we got the job done, I felt a sense of achievement. I’m very thankful I was part of this group because there were so many tasks to do, and it would be impossible to do all the tasks without the team. When we got the books into the hands of the children, when we saw the happiness in their eyes, I think we all felt we were making a difference.--A planA plan I have for the future is to do some volunteer work. For example doing some work at an orphanage or at a senior center. I think it will be something new for me and through doing volunteer work I will get a sense of self-worth. Initially, I think I will need to get in touch with some non-profit organizations to introduce me to a place where I can do community service. Then I will be able to go to institutions to begin my service. To make my plan work, I think I will first have to change myself. I will have to cultivate the qualities and skills that are necessary for being a volunteer. Patience, diligence, understanding are just some of the qualities I can pull of the top of my head. So I think by doing service like this, I will become a better individual, what’s more, I think an experience like this will be rewarding and I will have a personal transformation in one way or another.--An occasionAn occasion that made me happy was a family vacation last year. I went to Xi An with my parents, aunt, uncle and my grandparents. It was a large family trip, 10 people attended. It was a family-oriented trip so the idea was to have quality time for family bonding because you know, in China we emphasize the importance of family so in my family, we will organize family trips like this every year. On this trip we ate together, we went sight-seeing together and we even played games together. It was really nice because it was a reflection of our family harmony as well as our family’s close relationship. You know, unlike other families, people in my family are open minded so we don’t have any generation gaps and everything they do is for my interests. Most importantly the thing that makes me happy is that I can have an opportunity to be myself and I don’t have to put on a mask because when I’m with my family I feel sage and it feels really warn because everything and everyone is so familiar.--A childhood gameA childhood game that I played when I was a child was a game called “丢手绢”. It was a game that involved at least 6 children. Most of times, I played this game with children in my primary school and also the children in my yard. Sometimes I’ll play this game during the day at school and then after school I’ll play it again with my buddies in the yard. This is a musical game. We will all gather in a circle and one person will have a handkerchief and he will run round and round behind us. We will all be singing childhood songs such as “数鸭子”. When we stop singing, the person will place the handkerchief behind someone and then he will chase the other person. We were so excited every time we played this game. This game is wonderful because it allows boys and girls a chance to play together. You know back then, boys and girls didn’t play together and I think this is a great way for boys and girls to interact with each other. We really enjoyed this game and it gave us a good laugh.--A sports eventA sports event that I participated in was my high school sports competition. I think every student in China has had this experience because all schools organize events like this every year. I grew up playing badminton, you know it’s a very common sport in China. This sport is a test of one’s endurance and agility as well as coordination skills. In the sports competition, I took part in the badminton tournament. It was a great chance to show my talents to my fellow classmates as well as my teachers. The sports competition really promoted our competitive spirit. In the end, I didn’t get first place but it didn’t really matter. I think sport is about winning yourself and competing with yourself before you compete with others. I really enjoyed the cheers and support from my classmates. Sometimes, I think I do it for the experience and participation.物品--A bookA book that I would like to read again is a book called How to stop worrying and start living. It’s a famous book written by Dale Carnegie. I first read it in high school. This book is a collection of many people’s experiences and stories to reflect human nature. Through these stories I got a better perspective of life and learn many life philosophies. As au university student, we often feel lost and go off track. I think this book is a good source of guidance because it motivates us and gives us a lot of encouragement. From this book, I got a lot of inspiration and it helped take off the mental burdens in my mind. I think I can get something new out of this book every time I read it. Most of all, I think this book helped me to develop a better mindset towards life as well as stimulating healthy mental growth. I feel that this book gives us a lot of positive energy.--A vehicleA vehicle that I would like to buy is a SUV. The SUV that I would like is the GLK make by Benz. It is a compact SUV with nice curves and a wonderful design. It has state of the art technology to provide a wonderful driving experience. The color I want is black because I think it looks really tough. This car is really expensive in China. It cost half a million RMB. To buy it I think I need to work hard and just hope that one day I’ll be able to get behind the wheels. I really want this car because it’s got really handling, a lot power and mostimportantly it’s multipurpose. I can drive it to work or take it on road trips. What’s more, I really like the outer appearance and since it’s a Benz, it feels classy as well.--A type of clothingA type of clothing that I wear on special occasions is known as Tang Zhuang. Tang Zhuang is a traditional type of Chinese clothing that we wear during the spring festival. You know my family is kind of traditional, so in my family, we have kept the traditional of wearing Tang Zhuang during the spring festival. Everyone in my family will wear it to get into the holiday spirit. The Tang Zhuang I have is top quality, make of silk, most Tang Zhuang is made of plain cloth. The one I have has peony patterns on it to represent prosperity and good fortune. I really enjoy wearing it because I think it’s really sentimental and it’s always nice to wear something special. It looks really nice and it’s really comfortable to wear. What’s more, I feel that customs should not be forgotten because it reflects our own unique culture.--An animalAn animal that I know is a turtle. There are many kinds of turtles from all over the world and it comes in all sizes. All turtles have a hard shell on their back and they come in different colors. Most turtles are green, brown or black. Turtles are pretty common animals, and I even have a pet turtle at home. So I see this animal everyday. I have a huge glass container for my turtle to live in. I spent a lot of work to make a nice little habitat for my turtle. I really like turtles because I think they are peaceful creatures. They don’t make sounds an they don’t have a bad odor. What’s more turtles are easy to take care of and I don’t have to take it for a walk or get it’s hair trimmed. I only have to feed it dried shrimp pieces and fish pieces and change it’s water occasionally. In China, turtles have a special meaning, turtles are believe to be divine creatures with a lot of wisdom.--A piece of electronic equipmentA piece of electronic equipment that I have is my smart phone. To be specific, my IPhone. You know, it’s the most popular phone worldwide made by Apple and it’s considered the flagship product of Apple. I’m a big fan of Apple so I got my phone when it came out. The IPhone has way too many functions, the ones I use most often are WeChat, camera, micro blog and GPS. The IPhone is user friendly and it’s got a interface that’s easy to use. For me, it’s not just a phone, it’s more like a friend. I have so many personal thing stored in it that I can’t imagine life without it. More importantly it’s like my personal assistant. It makes thing a lot easier. When I’m lost I use maps to get to where I need, when I’m bored I use it to play games and when I need to find something, I can access the internet to get the information I need. Lastly, I wanna say that this product is definitely worth my money.。

Grammatical Range Test PracticeA. Collocation Issue PracticeExample 1: My mom help me to walk out the most grieved period in my life until now.Example 2: We need to collect the data and write a paper around the results.Example3: She delay the progress of the team, so we can not finish the work before the deadline.Example4: She were pretended friendly and ask my recent study situation though she knew I am not goodat studyB. Sentence Structure Enhancement PracticeExample1 :But frankly speaking, I don’t really like making intimate friends with her. She is self-centered and unreliable.What she thinks about is all herself, not caring about others’ feelings. Additionally, she often breaks promises and lets people down.Example2:She is one of my friends. We knew each other in the first year since we were classmates. She is pretty academically developed. She always comes as the top in the subject though she doesn’t seem study much.Example3:I usually go to the museum with my parents. After dinner we are walk to the Canal Museum, this museum is near my house and always hold many activities.Example4:My mom help me to walk out the most grieved period in my life until now. The most grieved period was the year before last when I were prepared for the college entrance exam.Example5:She were pretended friendly and ask my recent study situation she knew I am not good at study,so every time when she asked it really make me feel embarrassed and want to escape.Example6:Q: Do you think listening to the music is important?A: Definitely, it is crucial for everybody to listen to the music.One the one hand, it is enjoyable, which will help people to releasepressure.On the other hand it is effective way for people to bemore creative.More useful collocation:grab a cup of coffeesubscribe the online-resourceslog onto the websiteappreciate the artworkdraw up a proposal/outline/a conclusiondevelop confidence/ a good habit/physical and mental healthfall out with peoplegrow apart with peopletalk sth throughspoil one dayadd up to the atmospheredistort the truthcut down the storyarouse/Kindle one’s interest/curiosity in promote efficiency/equalityfulfill one’s dream/responsibilityshift focus from xxx to xxxdedicate many hours to sthflesh out the initial ideaskeep the project on the trackpore over every draftstay on the pointsdeliver advice with speedkick the whole thing offowe much to sbbe indebted toplace importance on sthcut to the heart of the matterbe labeled by genderturn out to be a master of structure walk ab step by step through sth reach out to sb for sth3) _______________________________________________________________例如:一个人的创业史(第一桶金来源),梦想的实现,恋爱婚姻观(相亲史/不婚主义),特殊的旅行经历,某人对于热门话题的独特见解等,这些都可以是有意思对话的素材,举个小例(主体部分):An unknown man I met in the train during a journey started a topic about how the kids and young people from the new generation have little passion on learning and busy doing unproductive staffs. Surely I started defensing the young generation and expressed the differences the new generation had with their ancestors. The conversation started to turn into a debate and both of us used our logic and reasoning. The conversation was interesting and I was actively participating in it mostly because he had good and polite way of conversation. He told his reasoning for this belief but when I showed him my logic,though this man was around 12 years senior to me, he never took any advantages of it and he treated me as an equally skilled opponent on this issue. Besides, he agreed that he learned many new facts about the new generation and our ways of thinking and lifestyles.Extra practice of adv. (7+)Choose the most appreciate adv of each blank.rgelyb.surelyc.clearlyd. thankfullye. persistentlyf. certainlyg. fortunatelyBullying is 1______unpleasant, and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is 2_________ rare. Victimized/Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who 3_________bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.‘There is no bullying at this school’ has been a common refrain, almost 4_____ untrue. 5_________ more school are now saying: ‘There is not much bulling here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.With these development, schools can expect that at least the most serious kinds of bullying can 6______ be prevented.The reduction in bullying- and the consequent improvement in pupil improvement in pupil happiness-is 7_____ a worthwhile objective.B.contrast and concessionhowever despite/in spite of/regardless of whereas conversely instead while on the contrary in/by contrastthe most obvious difference is that….compared with…, …is more……is quite similar with…in terms of …Task practice:What are the differences between sending emails and writing letters as contact ways with your friends?_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________T.officially order that sth. should be forbiddenU.to reduce the negative effect of sth.by doing sth. that has an opposite effect V.reduce the total amount of tax by an average personChapter 2语法知识点:7.1高频时态准确使用一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时,将来时(5.5-6)现在完成进行时,过去完成时,将来进行时(6-6.5)以下为部分真题示例:∙一般现在时:what’s your favorite music?Do you like the place you’re living in now?Do you work or are you a student?∙过去时:Why did you choose your major?What kinds of games did you play when you were a child?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?What kinds of gifts did you often receive when you were muchyounger?∙现在完成时:Has your city/the countryside changed a lot in the last few years?Have you ever learned to play any musical instruments?∙将来时:Will you move to another city /house ?What might be your ideal job ?How will the mobile phones develop in the future?7.2 The mix use of tenses时态转化或综合使用范例(更高分)1.What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years?Well, I'm pretty young, but my parents always complain that my hometown'straffic is much worse, and they say that prices are a lot higher. But I think onthe positive side, life is better, houses are in better condition and there aremuch better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.2.Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming toChina since the open-door policy. Some big cities in China have become morecosmopolitan, attracting more foreigners in recent years.3.Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago and people chose to go around the city by bike . But now in big cities there are more bus lines or new subway system, which has made commuting a lot easier and faster than before.4.How long have you been studying English?In my memories, I started learning English in junior school, so I guess you could say I have been keeping learning it for more than 9 years in total,even though it's been kind of "off and on."5.Do you like planting?Though I don’t plant now, in my memories I used to be fond of planting lovely sunflowers or taking care of potted plants. I was actually good at keeping plants healthy as a child, so I suppose that I didlove planting when I was much younger.7.3易混淆时态区分练习(过去时态和完成时)Correct errors of the following passage (Tenses and voice)I would like to be considered for your course degree in Zoology, starting in October next year. I feel I am a good candidate for this course as I have always been interested in natural history and even as a child I have enjoyed studying animals and insects in my garden. Your science faculty has a good reputation and I would very much like to be part of it. As you already saw in Section A of this application , I have a good academic record and I just received the results of my recent exams, all of which have been excellent.In addition, your university attracts me because I enjoy sports and I have read in your prospectus the large number of sports on st year I have represented my school at badminton and I played in football teams since I was eleven. I have recently joined a basketball team which competes at a national level.I did not travel abroad much yet, although as a young child I have been to Singapore and Hong Kong with my family.I realize that I did not spent much time away from home up to now,but am keen to become more independent.7.4时态与被动语态综合使用用动词的正确时态语态填空Our desks and chairs ________________ (make) of wood. The paper of books and newspapers ______ also ___________ (make) from wood. Even some kinds of cloth __________________ (make) from it. Many people ____________ (burn) wood to keep themselves warm in winter. Indeed, wood _______ (be) important in our everyday life.Where ________ wood __________ (come) from? It ________________ (take) from trees which_____________(grow) in the mountains. _________ you ____________ (know) how it ____________ (get) to us from the mountains?' Signpost ' words(6.5+) Extra Task practiceDomestic Violence is a sensitive issue in most societies and affects millions of women worldwide. ICRW ( 2004, p.4) claims that 'nearly one out every three women has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence in an intimate relationship'. ________ there are many definitions of domestic violence, this study will define it as :'Behaviours that are used by one person in a relationship to control theother through: (1) a real or threatened physical harm, (2) emotional paininfliction or manipulation, (3) real or threatened sexual harm or (4)economic control.' ( Tichy et al, 2009, p. 549)__________ the nature and structure of the family life in country X ( i.e. Joint family, in which the husband and wife often live with the husband' family), this study will ______ take into account the violence perpetrated by the husband or intimate partner ________ by the in-laws.In country X, __________ the Protection From Domestic Violence Bill legally bans the ( physical and emotional ) harming of an intimate partner, it omits to mention the need to develop support structured to help victims and to fight this problem. _________, domestic violence is still considered as a private matter and as an ' invisible' issue because occurring within household walls.8.2复合句之定语从句Attributive Clauses- 定语从句中用which 和where 的区别Just beside the station was a stadium, which was built in the 19th century, and where games are now held every weekend.真题举例:Describe your favorite cafe or restaurantOne of my favorite cafes,Urban Cafe, _______ situates in North-East of my city, and ________ a wider selection of desserts and beverage come as the biggest attraction.Rewrite the sentences below as single sentences using clauses.将以下的简单句变成复合句(优先考虑定从)1.Some students take a year out before university.This allows them to work or travel.-----2.The lecture was about current economic policy.It was not very easy to understand.------3.In 1951 my parents arrived in New York. They stayed there for the rest of theirlives.------4.The government needs a lot more support.------the cost of beefwide of the mark 毫不相关come into the marketChapter 4 Part1高频话题库及范例Part 1具体高频话题Name:1.What’s your full name?2.Who gave you that name?3.Does your name have any particular meaning?4.Would you like to change your name?5.What names are most common in your hometown?Work or study:1. Do you work or are you a student?2. What work do you do?3. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?4. Why did you choose to study those subjects/that major?5. What’s your favorite subject ?6. What do you plan to do after you finish your studies?7.Have you experienced stress at work/study?Hometown:1.Where is your hometown/Where do you come from ?2.Do you like your hometown?3.What’s your favorite part of your hometown?4.Is there anything interesting in your hometown?5.Did your friends also grow up in the same place as you?6.Would you like to live in your hometown in the future?House and apartment:1.Do you live in a house or an apartment? /Where do you live now? And how long have you been there?2.What's your favorite room in your house/apartment?3.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?4.Do you plan to move?5.Would you like to move to another place to live?Entertainment:1.What do you do in your spare time?2.How do you usually spend your evenings?3.What do you do for entertainment?4.Did you like drawing when you were a child?5.What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?6. Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?Music1.What’s your favorite kind/sort/type of music?2.Did you often listen to music when you were a child?3.Have you ever been to a musical performance?4. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?5. Is music an important subject at school in China?TV programmes1. Do you like watching TV?2. What types of TV programs do you like to watch?3. What TV programmes are popular in your country ?4. What types of TV programmes will be getting popular in the future ?5. How have TV programmes changed in the last decade ?Buildings:1. What kind of building are you living in now?2. How have buildings changed in the past years?3. How do people feel about old buildings in china?4. What kinds of buildings are popular in China now?5. Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old building?6. Is it important to preserve old buildings?Sports:1.Do you like any sports/What’s your favorite sport ?2.Did you play any sports at school?3.Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like to try?4.What are the most popular sports in your country?5.Why some people hardly do sports?Mobile phones:1.Do you have a mobile phone?2.When did you first have a mobile phone?3.Do you prefer to talk on phone or text message ?4.Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?5.How have mobile phones changes in the last few years?6.How do you think mobile phones will develop in the future?Writing /Emails and letters:1.Do you often write emails?2.On what occasions do you write letters?3.How did you learn to write?4.Do you prefer to write letters or emails to your friends ?5.What are the differences between sending emails and writing letters?6.Do you write sometimes?7.Do you have a plan to write a book in the future?8.Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?9. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?Computers:1.What was you impression when you used a computer the first time?2.Have computers changed your life in any way?3.When did you first start using the internet?4.Do you play any computer games?5.Is the internet very important to you?6.Do you think you can live without the internet?7.Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?Public transport:1.What form of transport do you usually use?/How often do you use public transport?2.Is the transportation very crowded in your city?3.Do you sometimes travel with a boat?4.Would you like to spend a holiday on boat?5.Do people in your city often travel by boat?6.Do you think the price of public transport is low in your city?Advertisement:1.What are the various places where we see advertisements?2.Why do you think there are many advertisements now?3.What kinds of advertisement do you like the most?4.Do you like advertisements on TV?5.Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazine?6.Have you ever bought anything because of an advertisement?Clothes and fashion:1.Are you interested in fashion and clothes?2.How often do you buy clothes online?3.How often do you go shopping for clothes?4.What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?Patience:1.Are you a patient person?/Are people in your city patient? 2.When do people need to be patient?3.Is it important to be patient? Why?4.Is it easy to be patient? Why?5.How can people be patient?6.What do you do when waiting for the bus or something else? Busy life:1.Have you been busy recently?2.Are people now getting busier ? And why?3.Do you want your future life to be busy or not ?4.If you have more free time, what will you do?5.How do you handle stress?Sleeping:1.How many hours do you sleep every day?2.Is it necessary to take a nap every day?3.Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4.Do you think the old need more sleeping/need to sleep longer? Walking1.Do you like walking? Where do you walk?2.Did you like walking when you were a child ?3.Will you prefer to use some form of transportation?4.What do you think are the benefits of walking?Photographs/Photographing1.Do you like taking photos/photographing ?2.What do you usually take photographs of, the views or the people? 3.Do you like cameras?4.Do you have a photo album ?5.How do you think you will you keep(save) your photos?6.Do you think it's important to preserve memories?Drawing(or painting)1.Have you ever learned to draw?2.Do you like drawing? How often do you draw something?3.What kind of pictures do you like to draw?4.Do you think it's important for children to learn to draw?5.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?News1.Are you very interested in the news?2.What sort of news are you most interested in?3.Do you ever get your news from the internet?4.Do you prefer to read news through the internet or on the newspapers?5.How important do you think the news reading is?6.Would you say the news affects your life a lot?Cooking/housework1.Do you know how to make(prepare ) a meal?2.Who usually cooks in your family?3.Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?4.How did you learn to cook?/Who taught you how to cook?/When did you learn cooking?5.Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?6.Do you often do housework?7.Which type of housework don't you like/you hardly do?8.Should children do more housework?Gifts1.Do you often give gifts to people?2.What was the last gift you received recently?3.What was the last gift you gave to someone?4.Have you ever sent someone a gift you made yourself?5.Do you think gift-giving is very important?6.Do people in China like to give gifts(to other people)?Parks1.Do you often go to parks ?2.What kinds of parks are popular in your country ?3.What are the differences between the parks in foreign countries and the ones in your country ? Trees1.Do you likes trees ? And why ?2.Did you like climbing trees where you were a child ?3.Do you think people like to go the places where there are many trees ?4.Is forest protection important ? And How to protect forest ?Concentration/study:1.What do you usually concentrate on and when ?2.Whether it is easy for you to keep your concentration on something or not?3.When is the best time you study well ?Dancing1.Do you dance? When was the last time you danced?2.Why do people like dancing?3.What do you feel when you watch dancing programs on TV?4.Is it important to learn how to dance?5.What types of dancing are most popular in your country?Relatives1.Do you have many relatives?2.When you were a child, did you visit relatives quite often? How about now ?3.Who do you feel is now the most important member of your family?Birthday1.Do you celebrate your birthday and how ?2.Do people in China celebrate birthday?3.How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?4.Who do you like to celebrate your birthday with?5.Do all your friends know when your birthday is?6.Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?Friends1.What do you often do with your friends in your leisure time?2.Is friendship important to you?3.Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?4.What kind of people do you like to have as friends?Time Management/Plan1.How do you organize your time?2.Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?3.How do you manage your time?4. Do you make plans in everyday life ?5. Why do you think some people never/hardly make plans?6. Is it important to make plans in everyday life?Bags1.What types of bags do you use?2.Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?3.What sorts of bags do women like to buy?4.Do you have different bags for special occasions?Countryside1.Do you go to the countryside?2.What kind of houses are there in the countryside? What is the usual style and why there are so many houses of this style?3.What are the differences between living in the countryside and living in the city center?4.How has the countryside changed in the last decade?Daily routine1.What time of the day do you like best? What’ the best part of the day for you? What time in a day can you work more effectively?2.When do you do most of your study?3.Would you like to change your daily routine (in any way)?4.How much time do you think people should spend working per week?Traveling1.Do you like traveling ? Where do you like to go when you go traveling?2.Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you (ever) been on any long trips?Do you like long trips?3.How do you feel when you travel?4.Do you prefer to travel alone or with other people?5.Where (which country or place) would you like to travel to (in the future)?Place/Museum1.What kinds of museums are popular in China?2.What can people learn from these places?3.Do you think that people should be charged when they go to museums?4.How can a museum attract people?Keep healthy/food1.Do you think you are leading a healthy lifestyle ?2.How do you understand a healthy lifestyle?3.What kind of food is healthy? What is junk food?4.How can people improve their health in China? How can school/parents help children stay healthy?5.Do you work out/exercise regularly? How about most people old and young in China?6.How can employers/government encourage people to live healthily?Part1 课堂必须掌握话题1. Are you a student or do you work ?2. Why did you choose your major?3. What might be your future major?4. What was your favorite major in senior school?5. Which subject didn’t you like in senior school?6. Did you enjoy your school life7. Do you like your city you’re living in now?8. Is there anything interesting in your city?9. Is there anything you really don’t like in your city ?10. Do you like the living place you’re living in now ?11. Do you think that your living place is a good place for children?12. Do you live in an apartment or a house ?13. What’s your favorite room ?14. Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?15. Do you have a plan to move to a new house or an apartment? Part 1 高频喜好类较难题。

参考提纲如下:● Who is the teacher/friend/neighbor? ● How did you know each other? ● What does he/she look like? ● What is his/her special character? ● What did you do together? ● Why help does he/she give to you? ● How do you enjoy the person? ● Are you still in touch with each other?1.描述老师的词汇 amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的 careful 办事仔细的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的 creative 富创造力的 cooperative 有合作精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dutiful 尽职的earnest 认真的 well-educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 expressive 善于表达hearty 精神饱满的humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的 hard-working 勤劳的 knowledgeable 有见识的 learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的obedient 听话的,服从的Describe a teacher whom you admire. You should say:What subject he/she taught; What is his/her personality;And explain why you admire him/her.painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的意志坚强的punctual 守时的 purposefulqualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的负责的reliable 可信赖的 responsibleselfless 无私的strict 严格的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的2.描述朋友的词汇(Vocabulary about Friends)acquaintance 熟人affectionate 挚爱的amicable 友善的caring 有同情心的主动的,活跃的able 有才干的,能干的 activeambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的dynamic 生机勃勃的considerate 体贴的emotional 易动感情的enthusiastic 热心的faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 坦率的forceful (性格)坚强的generous 慷慨的frugal 俭朴的gentle温和的,文雅的helpful 有帮助的honest 诚实的 humorous幽默的intimate亲密的liberal 慷慨大方的patient耐心的loyal 忠心耿耿的sociable好交际的sympathetic有同情心的talkative健谈的 thoughtful体贴的,关切的trustworthy可信赖的sincere 真诚的勤奋的independent 有主见的 industrious有道德的spirited 生气勃勃的 virtuoussteady 平和的3.友谊的重要性(The Importance of Friendship)1)I consider friendship to be one of the most important things in life.2)Friendship provides a critical buffer against stress and helps to protect against psychological and psychiatric problems.3)Difficulty in making and keeping friends leads to feelings of low self-esteem and these feelings usually continue into adulthood.4)Friendship is a wonderful thing and is vitally important for personal growth and success.5) A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and don’t feel hurt if a friend doesn’t feel like seeing you.4.选择朋友(How to Choose Friends)1As the saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” which is partly true, but a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments --- without feeling jealous.2Honesty is an essential part of any relationship. We should learn to accept our friends for what they are.3 A good friend is one who’s selfless, understanding, and genuine; he or she shouldn’t be a hypocrite.4 A good friend listens to you, really cares, always shows an interest in you, puts your needs first and is there for you when you need him or her the most.5 A good friend should be considerate, understanding, willing to help, kind and trustworthy.5.教育的重要性1Education is the process of instruction aimed at the all round development of boys and girls.2Education dispels ignorance. It is the only wealth that cannot be robbed.3Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of mind.4 A good moral based education is also a must.5Education forms students’ characters, increases their strength of mind and knowledge, and makes them independent.6The nation's vitality depends upon a well-educated citizenry. The goal of the college staff is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to living in and contribution to anever-changing democratic society.7Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education.8Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. However, the process of education does not only start when a child first attends school. Education begins at home.9One does not only acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even an acquaintance.10In almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital and necessary if one wants to achieve success.11Learning subjects in school is not enough. One can learn history, math, science in school, and be "book-smart". In addition, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when, acting a certain way in certain situations and be "street-smart". These two types of knowledge are extremely essential to be successful in life. For example, you can have all the "book" knowledge in the world about a certain profession, but if you don't know how to behave with your co-workers and or your superiors, having "book" knowledge won't get you too far.12But no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Education is very important, and no one should be deprived of it.13Education is the special manifestation of men,14It is the treasure, which can be preserved without fear of loss.15The fundamental purpose of education is the same at all times and in all places.卡片范例:I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist It might even be the greatest of the art since the medium is the human mind and spirit.I shall speak of my English teacher in college because in addition to the other things, he brought discovery.Unlike most teachers who taught us grammar and vocabulary, he managed to arouse our interest in English language. By reading poems and playing graceful songs, he made us feel positive and enthusiastic to learn the language. Never torturing us by dictation or assignment deadline, he encouraged us to memorize whatever literature we like. He aroused us to shouting and discussions at class. He had the noisiest class in college and he didn’t even seem to know it. We could never stick to the subject.He was warned by the faculty leader for failing to teach exam-oriented subjects. Such things must be learned. But he left a passion in us for the language and she inflamed us with a curiosity which has never left. I hated memorizing new words but through him I sensed that the vocabulary was very much like music. I feel lucky that I have such a miracle teacher who lightens up my life of English learning.三、成功的、有冒险精神的人三、成功的、有冒险精神的人用形容词而不是名词限定人物描述的话题,是2008的一个新变化。

Part One : Question & Answer 问答式话题讨论Hometown家乡1.Where do you come from Could you tell me something about hometown2.Where are you from / How long have you lived there3.Where do you live now What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there4.What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your city / hometown5.Have recent social changes created any problems in the place you live in6.What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town7.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown what is the climate like in your hometown/What is the weather like in your hometown8.What are the main places of interest in your hometown?Leisure Activities/ Hobbies 休闲活动及兴趣爱好1.What do you do in your spare time2.What are your spare time interests/hobbies3.How do you spend your leisure time4.How do you spend your weekends /What do you like doing at the weekend5.Do you like reading What kind of books do you read6.What is your favorite sport What are the rules7.Do you often read newspapers Which ones do you read8.Do you often go to the cinema/ theatre9..10.What kind of films do you like best11.Do you often watch TV What id your favorite program12.What kind of music do you enjoy13.Who is your favorite film star Will you describe him/her to me14.How do people usually spend their free time in your countryAmbitions雄心1.Do you have any ambitions2.If you could start your life again, would you do anything different3.What do you see yourself doing in ten years’ time4.·5.Have you ever thought to have your own business What kind of business do you hope to have6.How do you want to develop your careerFuture Plan未来规划1.What are your plans for your future2.What are your plans on your returning to Chins3.What do you intend to do after you finish studyingLiving/Studying Abroad在国外生活及学习1.Do you want to study abroad2.、3.Which country do you intend to go to4.What are you going to study / What do you intend to study5.What are you going to major in6.Which university are you going to study at7.Have you been admitted by the university you apply for8.What is your research proposal all about9.Why do you want to study abroad10.What will be your main problem when you are studying in a foreign country11.Some Chinese students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion12.What kind of culture shocks do you think will be probably encountered in western world How willyou overcome them13.¥14.What problems can you foresee in the future when you come back to ChinaEducation教育1.Say something about your educational background. /Can you tell me a little about your educationalbackground2.What is your major / How do you like it3.What subjects did you study at university Do you think they are useful in preparing you for yourfuture work4.Which is the best university in your country5.Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points6.Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society Why`Campus Life校园生活1.Can you say something about your school life2.Could you tell me something about your campus life3.What impressed you most when you were at university4.What are the best and the worst memories you have of your primary or secondary school days5.Did you ever take part-time jobs when studying at university6.Do you think it’s a good idea for full-time students to take part-time jobsLanguage语言学习1.》2.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult3.Do you think foreign language learning is important4.Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intendedprogram5.How do you think language should be learned6.How many foreign languages can you speakCity 城市生活1.How do you like Shanghai Compare it to your hometown.2.What do you think about the city you live in3.What place do you like best in Shanghai/Beijing4.*5.What places in Shanghai/Beijing should a foreigner visit6.If you had the choice, where would you choose to live inTraveling旅行见闻1.Do you like/enjoy traveling Where have you been to2.Which country/place would you most like to visit3.Which parts of China would you recommend a foreigner to visit4.Have you ever been to another country Where did you go5.Which is the best place you’ve been to in China/ Which place do you like best6.^7.What do you like to do when you visit an unfamiliar placeHouse and Home生活居所1.What’s the house like you live in now How do you feel about it2.Could you describe your home3.If you were given a choice, what sort of house would you like to live in why4.Could you describe the traditional architecture of your countryCooking烹饪1.Do you enjoy cooking2.*3.Who does most of the shopping / cooking in your family4.What is the favorite food in your familyFriendship友谊1.Do you have a lot of friends2.What does friendship mean to you3.What kind of people do you make friends with4.What would you do if your next door neighbor were noisy nearly all the time Part Two : Description描述性话题讨论>、 12.·《\<。

• Something I learned in times of hardship was being a volunteer in 2008. I was part of a group of high school students that volunteered to help out in the reconstruction efforts after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. So many people died and many towns and villages were destroyed. They were short of hands so we went there to help take care of orphans. At that time I was like 17 years old so I didn’t have a lot of experience and I lived in a comfortable environment in the city. I didn’t have a clue about the world around me. When I went there, the conditions were really bad and people were living in a waste land. It helped me to see the world from another perspective and you know now the conditions were really bad and I had to cope all the difficulties of staying there like no internet, no warm water and sometimes there’s no electricity. It was a rewarding experience for me and I learned to cherish everything and I learned about the importance of not taking things for granted.

雅思强化口语精讲班第1讲讲义001 雅思Part I 问题雅思Part I问题学习说明:在这一部分中,请考生听CD中的问题,然后试着自己用3-4句话回答。
002 NameExercise 1: NameCould I see your identification card?What’s your full name?What can I call you?What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?What’s your surname (last name, family name)?What’s your given name (first name)?Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not?What kind of people like changing their names in China?What’s their purpose in changing their names?必考题Interviewer: What’s your full name?Candidate: My name is Wang Qiu.Interviewer: What can I call you?Candidate: My English name is Sarah.Interviewer: What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?Candidate: My name was given by my parents. I was born in autumn and my father named me after theseason.Interviewer: What’s your surname (last name, family name)?Candidate: Wang is my last name.Interviewer: What’s your given name (first name)?Candidate: Qiu is my first name.思考题Interviewer: Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?Candidate: No, never. My name sounds ok, and there is no need for me to change it. Besides, it is too complicated to change a name in China. We have to go to the police station and change all our relevant documents.Interviewer: Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not?Candidate: I guess not. According to us, our names are from our family tree or given by fortune-tellers. Our names can bring them good luck.Interviewer: What kind of people like changing their names in China? Why?Candidate: I guess some famous stars prefer to change their names because they believe that their new names are easy to be remembered.003 WorkingExercise 2: Working or Studying这部分中,工作的考生只需要准备工作的内容,上学的考生只准备关于学校的内容。

郑仁翔’s Bad Answers
• A place that people listen to music is they go to music bar,
but for me I think a better place is hotel. I like to go to hotels next to some universities and I put my ear on the door and I listen to my favorite music. And then I get a tingly feeling inside. After one song is completed, then I go to another room to listen to another song. Some songs are long, some are short but they all make me so excited!
• An interesting historical event in my country is the story of
Guan Yu crossing 5 barricades. Guan Yu was a general during the three kingdoms period of China in the late Han dynasty. He is known as the Saint of War. In Chinese we call him “武圣”. Guan Yu was one of the top generals in the Shu kingdom. All Chinese people know about him and some even believe he is a deity. My grandfather told me this story when I was young, this is a famous story about a legendary general in which he single handedly escorted the wife of his master across 5 barricades and killed 6 generals along the way. This story made it’s mark in history and almost all Chinese people know about this story. I think it’s so extraordinary for a man to be so fierce and so brave. It’s really interesting because there are many movies and TV series that depict his act of courage. I think nowadays in the modern world, there’s no longer any opportunities for people like Guan Yu to stand out because of modern technology.

• What do you usually eat? • It depends, if I have a lot of time then I’ll eat
• 套路2: • Most people enjoy 喜欢/习惯 ____ for example _____,
but personally speaking, 说出你对大群题的批判,so I like ______.
• What kinds of dance are popular in your country?
• What do people in your country like to eat? People in the north enjoy eating buns and noodles,
on the other hand, Southerners prefer seafood and rice.
• Do you like planting flowers?
• No I don’t, I’m not into planting flowers, I think it’s useless and time-consuming, I remember a while ago, I planted some flowers at home , the flowers withered and I thought it was a hassle.
• Well, older people enjoy doing some slow sports such as Taiji and go for a stroll, on the other hand, younger people enjoy intense sports such as basketball and football.
YY讲座课件 雅思

• This Ad was quite successful because it spark
my interests in traveling and it gave me an urge to go. At the same time, it filled my mind with imagination. I imagined myself waking up looking at the the beautiful blue ocean, swimming in the clear waters with tropical fish and drinking a nice cocktail on the beach while I enjoy the sun. It gave me a perfect thought in my head. Most importantly, this ad showed a clear contrast to my city life, you know, the work pressure, air pollution and crowded environments. So this was an Ad that really caught my attention.
• Test Update : January, May, September
• Recommended months : March, April,
July, August, November, December
• A&G
• A Good Parent

Part twoInterviewer: Ok, I am going to give you a topic. You can prepare for one or two minutes.I have many teachers in my years of education, and there is only one teacher who will remain in my memory forever. His name is Tom, and he taught me spoken English in a language school last year. He’s not tall but he’s energetic. He comes from America. He’s humorous but in class he was strict with us. We were not allowed to speak Chinese and had to take a quiz every day. If you failed, you had to stay in the classroom studying until you could talk to him in English fluently. One day, I left my textbook in the classroom, and when I returned, it was already 9 o’clock in the evening. Much to my surprise, Tom was still there helping some of my classmates improving their pronunciation. And his voice was low and husky, I was quite sure he didn’t have dinner. He made a strong impression on me because of his responsibility. I will remember him forever.Part threeInterviewer: What do you think education should be?Candidate: I guess education should focus on the development of ability of students. The capability of students should be explored.Interviewer: Are there any problems in education?Candidate: Well, I think education in China has got some problems. Traditional education makes students bored. Teachers only teach them to remember the figures in the books, and we can’t encourage students to be creative.Interviewer: How do you think the government can solve the problem?Candidate: Governments should bring some reforms to examination system, co-operate with foreign universities, encourage students to study aboard, and teachers should be sent to other countries to receive some training.Interviewer: What impressed you most when you were at university?Candidate: There were both happiness and bitterness in my memory. I think the academic ability and responsibility of my teachers made me impressed.Interviewer: What’s the difference between today’s education and that of twenty years ago?Candidate: In the past, many children couldn’t go to school, and educational conditions were terrible. But now, government offers compulsory education. Each child is endowed with the right go to school. Interviewer: Do schools teach non-academic courses?Candidate: No, we rarely have non-academic courses. The subjects are all relevant to our entrance exam to university.Interviewer: Do you think that schools should be responsible for teaching these non-academic courses? Candidate: Y es. It’s necessary. Students should have courses like survival skills, communication and skill training so that they can face the tough society fully prepared.专业专业Major这个专业是未来要学习的,注意时态的使用。
【最新推荐】名师指导201X雅思口语教学重点-实用word文档 (1页)

【最新推荐】名师指导201X雅思口语教学重点-实用word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==名师指导201X雅思口语教学重点雅思口语在201X年8月开始对发音专门进行评分,很多考生的成绩因此受到了一定影响。
考生没有获得高分的原因有很多,但主要有以下几个原因1. 发音不准确比如长短音不分,如 Shortshot 。
找不到重音,如 Obvious 。
混淆发音,如 ShopSoapSoup 。
不会发音,如 Souvenir 。
考虑到绝大多数的 IELTS 口试考官都来自英联邦国家,故英式或澳式发音相对会获得考官主观上的认同感。
2. 思维过于简单很多雅思考生在考试中对问题的回答只会用 YES / NO ,例如问: Is there a difference between the relationship of neighbors in the countryside and that in the city ? 答: Yes 。
或只用半句话来回答,如:Yes , there is a difference 。
例如问: Is there a difference between the relationship of neighbors in the countryside and that in the city ? 答: Well , I guess peoplehave more opportunities to talk to each other in the rural area . 对IELTS 口语考试中的绝大多数问题都应当回答三句以上。

The teaching requirements and key points for Unit 1 "Food and Cooking" include understanding the ___ its n types, discussing and ___, and covering general food/cooking topics such as what you like to eat, a two-minute personal talk about a meal you have ___ cooked, and more abstract topics such as the ___.
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Lecture Five ................................................................................21
套路: .....................................................................................................................................19 Making Comparison ....................................................................................................................19 Past/Present Comparison .............................................................................................................19 Talking about future plans ............................................................................................................19 本节课作业 .............................................................................................................................20
智课⺴网网()⻩黄瀚生生雅思口口语电子子讲义 TOEFL,SAT,IELTS,GRE,GMAT五大大出国考试各科首首席讲师⻬齐聚智课⺴网网()
雅思又口口语注意事项 ................................................................................................................14
Lecture Two ...............................................................................15
人人物双层套路 ........................................................................................................................17
Dislike套路 ...............................................................................................................................18
Personal Preference .......................................................................................................................19
雅思又口口语扩展套路 ....................................................................15
雅思又口口语扩展套路 ................................................................................................................15
Lecture One ...............................................................................14
Personal Experience套路 .............................................................................................................16
万能句型/常用用词汇 ..............................................................................................................16
Example套路 .............................................................................................................................15
WH句型 ..................................................................................................................................15
Lecture Three .............................................................................17
复杂结构1 ..................................................................................17
雅思又口口语简介 ............................................................................14
雅思考试简介 ........................................................................................................................14 Part 1 ........................................................................................................................................14 Part 2 ........................................................................................................................................14 Part 3 ........................................................................................................................................14 雅思又口口语评分标准 ................................................................................................................14