浅谈C2000 C5000和C6000的内部结构及区别
![浅谈C2000 C5000和C6000的内部结构及区别](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a1fd956852458fb770b56e6.png)
关键词:DSP;内部结构;比较Abstract:With the computer and digital signal processing technology rapid development and the widespread Abstract:application,digital signal processing (DSP)has brought the industrial design revolution and become the key to the realization of the project.This paper introduces the Texas instruments(TI) company three mainstream chip internal structures,TMS320C5000、TMS320C2000and TMS320C6000,which are introduced and compared for all series of chips to know the different and common points between them,and has carried on the comparative to their specifications.Keywords:DSP;Internal structure;comparison1.前言世界上第一个单片DSP芯片是1978年AMI公司发布的S2811,1979年美国Intel公司发布的商用可编程器件2920是DSP芯片发展史上一个重要的里程碑。
c2000 pid编程实例
![c2000 pid编程实例](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fd9b618d5ebfc77da26925c52cc58bd631869391.png)
c2000 pid编程实例全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:C2000 PID编程实例PID控制器是一种经典的控制算法,广泛应用于各种工业系统中,以实现对被控对象的精准控制。
1. 基本原理PID控制器是由比例(P)、积分(I)和微分(D)三个部分组成的控制算法,其输出值由这三个部分的加权和决定。
具体的PID算法如下:\[ u(t) = K_p e(t) + K_i \int e(t) dt + K_d \frac{de(t)}{dt} \]\( u(t) \)为控制器输出,\( e(t) \)为误差信号(设定值与实际值之差),\( K_p \)、\( K_i \)、\( K_d \)为比例、积分、微分系数。
2. 实现步骤在C2000系列DSP上实现PID控制的步骤如下:1)初始化PID参数:设置比例系数\( K_p \)、积分系数\( K_i \)、微分系数\( K_d \);2)读取传感器数据:读取被控对象的实际值;3)计算误差信号:计算设定值与实际值之差,得到误差信号;4)根据PID算法计算输出值:根据PID算法计算出控制器输出值;5)将输出值送入执行器:将计算得到的控制器输出值送入执行器,控制被控对象。
3. 编程实例下面以控制一个直流电机的转速为例,演示如何在C2000系列DSP上实现PID控制。
步骤一:初始化PID参数```Cfloat Kp = 0.1;float Ki = 0.01;float Kd = 0.05;```步骤二:读取传感器数据```Cfloat read_sensor(){// 读取传感器数据return sensor_value;}```步骤三:计算误差信号```Cfloat compute_error(float set_point, float actual_value){ float error = set_point - actual_value;return error;}```步骤四:计算PID输出值```Cfloat compute_pid_output(float error){static float integral = 0;static float prev_error = 0;// 计算比例项float p = Kp * error;// 计算积分项integral += error;float i = Ki * integral;// 计算微分项float derivative = error - prev_error; float d = Kd * derivative;// 计算输出值float output = p + i + d;prev_error = error;return output;}```通过以上实例,我们可以看到如何在C2000系列DSP上实现PID 控制,并将其应用于直流电机的转速控制中。
C2000 LaunchPad可轻松实现高性能数字控制设计
![C2000 LaunchPad可轻松实现高性能数字控制设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/56a68039cd7931b765ce0508763231126fdb7756.png)
C2000 LaunchPad可轻松实现高性能数字控制设计
【摘要】C2000 DelfinoF28377S微控制器(MCU)LaunchPad开发套件是首款应用于Delfino系列MCU的LaunchPad。
1.采用DSP设计的高性能数字控制系统 [J], 杨龙祥;李玉兰
3.32位高性能单片机轻松实现连接功能 [J], 刘洋
4.TI C2000 Concerto双核微控制器实现更高性能 [J],
5.基于CC3200 LaunchPad的低功耗智能蓝牙锁设计与实现 [J], 张乐;何富贵;
每个定时器和全比较单元都有独立的输出使能位 每个定时器和全比较单元都有专门的输出TRIP引脚来替代 PDPINT引脚 增加了新的寄存器,用来激活和设置增加和更改的特点。主 要目的是为向下兼容 每个TRIP应教都有TRIP使能位,可使每个比较的输出能够被 单独的使能和禁止,使得每个比较单元可以控制分离的功率 阶段、驱动 重新命名的CAP3引脚可以完成CAP3_QEPI功能,这样可以为 工业标准的三向正交编码信号提供一个无缝接口 EV ADC的启动转换输出允许与外部高精度的ADC同步
64Kw Flash
18Kw RAM
Boot ROM Enhanced Event Mgr
TMS320F2810/11/12: Most Powerful Control
128Kw Flash + 2Kw OTP
18Kw RAM
4Kw Boot ROM
Event Mgr A Event Mgr B
Multi-Function, Appliance & Consumer Control
24xTM 24xTM 14 Devices 14 Devices 40 MIPS 40 MIPS Production 1997
F2808 F2808 100 MIPS 100 MIPS F2806 F2806 F2801 F2801 100 MIPS 100 MIPS 100 MIPS 100 MIPS
Barrel Shifter Hardware Stack Accumulator
Barrel Shifter Hardware Stack Accumulator
1、所有安装,操作工作须由专业人员完成,并且要符合以下规定:VDE0100,EN50110(VDE 0105),EN60204(VDE0113),EN50178(VDE0160),EN60335(VDE0700),防火规定,事故预防规定以及相应的工业门规定。
ti c2000程序工程结构
![ti c2000程序工程结构](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd7977d150e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f5336409.png)
TI C2000程序工程结构一、简介TI C2000系列是德州仪器公司的数字信号处理器(DSP)系列芯片,主要应用于实时控制和数字信号处理。
本文将介绍TI C2000程序工程结构的相关内容。
二、目录结构1. 根目录1.1 程序源码1.2 头文件1.3 驱动程序1.4 运行时库1.5 项目文件1.6 文档2. 程序源码目录2.1 应用程序2.2 算法2.3 通信协议2.4 控制器2.5 硬件接口2.6 中断服务程序2.7 实时操作系统(RTOS)应用3. 头文件目录3.1 DSP库3.2 驱动库3.3 运行时库3.4 外设库3.5 系统配置4. 驱动程序目录4.1 ADC4.2 PWM4.3 SCI4.4 SPI4.5 GPIO5. 运行时库目录5.1 DSP库5.2 系统库5.3 常用函数库6. 项目文件目录6.1 项目配置文件6.2 仿真器配置文件7. 文档目录7.1 产品规格书7.2 数据手册7.3 用户指南三、程序源码模块1. 应用程序模块1.1 m本人n.c1.2 task1.c1.3 task2.c2. 算法模块2.1 FFT.c2.2 PID.c2.3 DSPFilters.c3. 通信协议模块3.1 SPI.c3.2 CAN.c3.3 I2C.c4. 控制器模块4.1 PI_Controller.c4.2 StateMachine.c5. 硬件接口模块5.1 GPIO.c5.2 PWM.c5.3 ADC.c6. 中断服务程序模块6.1 ISR.c6.2 DMA_ISR.c7. 实时操作系统(RTOS)应用模块 7.1 os_task1.c7.2 os_task2.c四、头文件模块1. DSP库头文件1.1 dsplib.h1.2plex.h2. 驱动库头文件2.1 adc.h2.2 pwm.h2.3 sci.h3. 运行时库头文件3.1 c2000_runtime.h3.2 syslib.h4. 外设库头文件4.1 dac.h4.2 spi.h4.3 can.h4.4 i2c.h5. 系统配置头文件5.1 system_config.h 5.2 device.h五、驱动程序模块1. ADC驱动程序1.1 adc.c1.2 adc.h2. PWM驱动程序2.1 pwm.c2.2 pwm.h3. SCI驱动程序3.1 sci.c3.2 sci.h4. SPI驱动程序4.1 spi.c4.2 spi.h5. GPIO驱动程序5.1 gpio.c5.2 gpio.h六、运行时库模块1. DSP库1.1 digitalsignalprocessing.lib1.2 dsplib.lib2. 系统库2.1 system.lib2.2 syslib.lib3. 常用函数库3.1 c2000_runtime.lib3.2mon.lib七、项目文件1. 项目配置文件1.1 project.cfg1.2 project.xml2. 仿真器配置文件2.1 emulator.cfg2.2 emulator.xml八、文档1. 产品规格书1.1 C2000系列技术手册1.2 C2000芯片规格书2. 数据手册2.1 C2000系列用户手册2.2 C2000系列软件手册3. 用户指南3.1 C2000系列开发指南3.2 C2000系列编程指南结论良好的程序工程结构是TI C2000程序开发过程中的重要组成部分。
博客 — 阅读众多见解独到的博客帖子,内容涵盖新技术发现和“网络滞后”等各种话题。在这里您可以 一睹 TI 最优秀工程师的观点。
论坛 — 您可在 TI E2E 论坛上获得帮助。TI 的内外部工程师均会阅读该论坛,总会有人知道您问题的答 案。如果您也能为他人伸出援手并一展才华,那么欢迎您加入到论坛的互帮互助中来。
C2000™ 微处理器 3
C2000 MCU 具备 96 个中断矢量,可帮助您的设计项目实现 终极灵活性。C28x™ 微处理器内核专为实时控制而精心设 计,其快速中断能实现 10 个周期的上下文环境开关。
通过采用改进的哈佛架构 (Harvard architecture),32 位数据 与外设总线可确保内核、存储器以及外设能够实现高效 互动。高度安全的闪存、RAM 与 ROM 能保护您的知识产 权不被盗用。此外,部分器件还可提供六通道 DMA。
超过 100 种代码兼容的器件
新的 C2834x Delfino MCU 甚至可进 一步实现高达 600 MFLOPS 的极 限性能。与当前的 C2000 MCU 相 比,C2834x 平台能将代码大小 精简 52%,存储器存取时间减少 70%。此外,高分辨率 PWM 还支 持 65ps 的分辨率。全新的高速 度可使高端实时控制应用实现更
Communication Ports
12-bit ADC
RAM Flash ROM PWM HiRes Quadrature Event
梯起重等行业 。
在 工控 领 域 里 ,两 台机 器 以 上 的 变 频器 应 用 ,必须 以 P C 系统 控 制 核 心 , L为 来 满 足逻 辑 演 算 、过 程 控 制 、 计 数 、 计 时 等 复杂 控 制 。 台达 C 0 0系 列 一 改 变 20
随着低 压变频器 市场 的竞争加 剧 , 机械行业用户不仅要求产品具有速度 同
应对 。
机 还 有各 种 有 用 的 选 项 , 角度 动力 头 、 如 高速 钻 铣 主 轴 和 有 德 马 吉 专 利 的 直 驱 式 旋 风 铣头 。 驱 式 旋风 铣 是 D G 发 的最 直 M开 新 技 术 。 若在 S r n 2 ln a p i t 0 8 i e r纵 切 机 使 用 直 驱 式 旋 风 铣 头 加 工螺 纹 ,表 面 粗 糙度 可 以 达 到 O 1 u m .2 。 S r n 0 8 1 na 可 以提 高 生产 p i t 2— e r i 效率 ,降低 单件 成 本 ,尤 其适 用 于 汽 车 、 液 压 、气 动 元 件 、 电子 和 医 疗 行 业 。
步 的 功 能 , 同 时 也 要 达 到位 置 同 步 的控 制 。 为 满 足用 户对 变频 器 同 步控 制 的 需 求 , 台达 C 0 0系 列 变 频 器 上 搭 载 了 同 20
频器 仅为 纯粹 驱动 的传 统角 色 , 内建 PC L 程序容量达 1 t p 0 K s e ,程序扫描时 问大幅缩短 ,新增多种 高阶应用指 令,
搭配 网络 系 统 可 达 成 分 布 式控 制 与独 立 操 作 等 系 统 功 能 , 并 符 合 CAN0 e P n
D 4 2 范 ,让 C 0 0 动器 整 合 P C S0 规 20 驱 L 可
CONV-C2000多点控制单元产品手册北京康威视讯通信科技有限公司目录1CONV-C2000多点控制单元产品介绍 (2)1.1 产品简介 (2)1.2 硬件特性 (2)1.2.1CONV-C2000多点控制单元的外观 (2)1.2.2系统说明 (4)1.2.3接口属性 (4)1.3 产品功能 (6)2产品安装准备工作 (7)2.1 安全建议 (7)2.2 安装场所必备条件 (7)2.3 检查设备及附件 (8)3CONV-C2000多点控制单元的安装 (9)3.1 需要的工具和设备 (9)3.2 设备机械安装 (9)3.3 连接电源 (10)3.4 电缆连接过程 (11)4CONV-C2000多点控制单元的调试 (12)1CONV-C2000多点控制单元产品介绍1.1 产品简介CONV-C2000多点控制单元是56×56的数字全交叉切换矩阵。
传输速率为2.048 Mbps、4.096 Mbps、6.144 Mbps和8.192 Mbps可选。
1.2 硬件特性1.2.1CONV-C2000多点控制单元的外观CONV-C2000前面板图如图1所示。
图21.2.2系统说明对CONV-C2000多点控制单元的基本配置、外型尺寸和工作环境等项目的描述如表1所示:1.2.3接口属性(1)串口属性(2)E1接口属性(3)模拟视频输出接口属性(4)立体声音频输出接口属性1.3 产品功能2产品安装准备工作为避免出现意外情况造成人身伤害或设备损坏,请在CONV-C2000多点控制单元安装之前仔细阅读本章内容。
2.1 安全建议在CONV-C2000多点控制单元的安装和使用过程中,特提出如下安全建议:♦请不要将设备放置在有水的地方,也不要让液体进入设备。
c2000芯片应用领域1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以描述C2000芯片作为一款先进的微控制器芯片,在各个应用领域具有广泛的应用。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将以C2000芯片为主题,探讨其在不同领域的应用。
本文主要说明了DSP 的产生和发展,概括了C2000系列的特点,综述了C2000中使用的主要技术。
关键词:C2000;集成外设;JTAG;嵌入式;应用关键字C2000 发展状况趋势硬件技术软件技术应用电子1 DSP的产生背景及其发展1.1 产生背景由于计算机和信息技术的发展,出现了数字信号处理。
1.2 发展状况及其趋势1979年,美国Intel公司生产的2920可以看做商用DSP的开端,这一芯片内部还没有现代DSP 芯片所必须的单周期硬件乘法器,但是该芯片却内含了一个完整的数字信号处理器。
High Voltage Digital Motor Control Kit Quick Start GuideOct 2010Fig1: TMDSHVMTRPFCKITThe High Voltage Digital Motor Control (DMC) and Power Factor Correction (PFC) kit(TMDSHVMTRPFCKIT), provides a great way to learn and experiment with digital control of high voltage motors.The High Voltage Digital Motor Control Kit contains:•F28035 controlCARD•High Voltage DMC board with slot for the controlCARD•15V DC Power Supply•AC power Cord, Banana Plug Cord, USB Cable•CCS4 CD & USB Stick with Quick Start GUI and GuideWARNINGThis EVM should be used only by qualified engineers and technicians who are familiar withthe risks associated with handling electrical and mechanical components, systems andsubsystems. The EVM operates at voltages and currents that can result in electrical shock,fire hazard and/or personal injury if not properly handled or applied. Users must use theequipment with necessary caution and employ appropriate safeguards to avoid seriousinjury. Users must not touch any part of the EVM while energized.Features of the High Voltage Motor Control and PFC Board:o3-Phase Inverter Stage capable of sensorless and sensored field oriented control (FOC) of high voltage ACI and PMSM motor and trapezoidal & sinusoidal control of high voltage BLDCmotor. 350V DC max input voltage and 1KW* maximum load in the configuration shipped.o Power Factor Correction stage rated for 750W*, Takes rectified AC input (110V AC or 220V AC). 400V DC Max output voltage.o AC Rectifier stage rated for 750W* power. Accepts 110V AC or 220V AC input.o Aux Power Supply Module (400Vto15V&5V module) generates 15V and 5V DC from rectified AC voltage or the PFC output (input Max voltage 400V, min voltage 90V).o Isolated CAN, SCI & JTAGo Four PWM DAC’s to observe the system variables on an oscilloscope.o Hardware Developer’s Package available which includes schematics & bill of materials.o Open source software available through controlSUITE for each type of the motor and control type.*For detailed feature list and power ratings and safety related information refer to the kit’s HW Reference guideThe software available with the kit is pre-optimized for the motors that are available with the kit. The software is completely open source, and hence can be easily modified to tune and run a different motor. The following motors are available with the kit:AC Induction Motor (HVACIMTR)(220V , 3 phase AC, 0.25 HP)PMSM Motor (HVPMSMMTR)(200V, 3 Phase AC, 0.4KW)BLDC Motor (HVBLDCMTR)(160-170V, 3 Phase AC)Note: The BLDC motor being shipped with the kit is rated for 160V in regions having mains supply > 140V AC a step down transformer needs to be used. Otherwise the GUI would give an over voltage error and disconnect from the controller.Hardware OverviewFig2: Block Diagram for a typical motor drive system using power factor correctionFig 2, illustrates a typical motor drive system running from AC power and various blocks that make up such a system. All these power/control blocks are present on the TMDSHVMTRPFCKIT board in form of macro blocks. Below is a list of all the macro blocks names and numbers present on the board and a short description of it’s function, Fig 3, shows the location of these block on the motor control board and a few key connector location. HVDMC Main Board [Main]– Consists of controlCARD socket, communications(isoCAN) block,Instrumentation(DAC’s), QEP and CAP connection and routing of signals in b/w the macros and to the control card.AC-Power Entry [M1] – Takes input AC power from mains/wall power supply and rectifies it. This rectified voltage can then be used for input of the PFC stage or used to generate the DC bus for the inverter directly. Aux Power Supply Module [M2]– This module can take up to 400V input and generate 5V and 15V DC power. Rectified AC input can directly be connected to this module or output from the PFC stage cane be used with appropriate jumper settings.Iso-USB-to-JTAG Macro [M3] – Provided on board isolated JTAG connection through USB to the host. Can also be used for SCI(isolated) communication for connection with GUI.PFC-2PhiL Macro [M4] - Two-phase interleaved PFC stage can be used to increase efficiency of operation. Inverter2Ph-HV-3shunt Macro [M5] - Three-phase inverter, provides the inverter stage to enable control of high voltage motors.DC-PwrEntry Macro [M6] - DC power entry, used to generate the 15V, 5V and 3.3V for the board from 15V DC power supply supplied with the kit.Nomenclature : To easily find a component let’s say a jumper they are referred with their macro number in the brackets. For example, [M3]-J1 would refer to the jumper J1 located in the macro M3 and [Main]-J1 would refer to the J1 located on the board outside of the defined macro blocks.Inverter3Ph-HV-Control Card Slot PFC-2PhiL MacroAC-Power EntryAux PowerIso-USB-to-JTAG DC-PwrEntry [Main]-P1[Main]-BS1[Main]-BS5USB Cable connector3Shunt Macro [M5]C2000[M4][M1]Supply Module[M2][M3]Macro [M6]AC Power InputRectified AC Out Inv-BUS Input[Main]-TB3Terminal Block[M3]-JP1Fig3: HVDMCMTRPFCKit Board Macros Quick Start GUIThe kit comes with a GUI which provides a convenient way to evaluate the functionality of the kit and the F28035 device without having to learn and configure the underlying project software or install CCS. The interactive interface using sliders, buttons, textboxes and graphs enables easy demo of sensorless control of ACI, PMSM and BLDC Motor.Hardware SetupNote: Do not apply AC power to board before you have verified these settings!The kit ships with the control card inserted and the jumper and switch settings pre done for connecting with the GUI. However the user must ensure that these settings are valid on the board. To validate these settings and connect the motor the lid of the kit needs to be unscrewed. The lid can be screwed back once these settings are verified.1) Make sure nothing is connected to the board, and no power is being supplied to the board.2) Insert the Control card into the [Main]-J1 controlCARD connector if not already populated.4) Make sure the following jumpers & connector settings are valid i.e.a. [M3]-J4 is populatedb. [Main]-J11,J12 & J13 are populated with jumper b/w 1 and middle pinc. [Main]-J3,J4 & J5, are populatedd. [Main]-J2 is populated with a jumper b/w bridge and the middle pine. Make sure that [M6]-J6,J7,J8 ; [Main]-J9 and [M3]-J1,J3,J5 are not populatedf. Banana cable b/w [Main]-BS1 and [Main]-BS5 is installed5) Make sure that the following switches are set as described below on the F28035 control card to enableboot from flash and connection to the SCIa. SW1 is in the OFF positionb. SW2 on controlCARD, Position 1 = ON, Position 2 = ON6) Connect a USB cable from [M3]-JP1 to the host computer. [M3]-LD1 would light up indicating that theUSB is powered. Windows would then search for a driver for the device. If the computer has CCSv4 or prior versions of it installed which supported XDS100 emulator, Windows should be able to find the driver successfully. If not you would be prompted to install the driver. Installing driver for USB to serial : Do not let Microsoft search for the driver, instead browse to the following location on the USB stick drive shipped with the kit <Drive Name:\CDM 2.06.00 WHQL Certified>, windows should now be able to find the driver and would install it. If Windows still does not find the driver, you may have to repeat the process and point to the location pointed out previously. You may have to reboot the computer for the drivers to come into effect. Once installed you can check if the installation was completed properly by browsing to ControlPanel-> System->Hardware->Device Manager and looking for USB Serial Port under Ports(COM&LPT). Note this port number down.7) Connect the motor you want to spin to the terminal block [Main]-TB3 on the board, (Only the Red, Whiteand Black wire need to be connected to TB3, the Green wire is ground and should not be connected to the [Main]-TB3)8) Re-fit the Lid on the kit.9) Connect one end of the AC cord to [Main]-P1, Do not connect the other end to wall supply. Use anarrangement which allows for a switch b/w the wall supply and the board.Software SetupThe QSG GUI (HVMTRPFCKIT-GUIv1.exe) can be located in the drive that is shipped with the kit or once controlSUITE is installed at the following location:controlSUITE\developement_kits\HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit\~GUI\HVMTRPFCKIT-GUIv1.exeThe GUI is written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET with the source code located at:controlSUITE\developement_kits\HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit\~GUI\ ~SourceThe GUI requires Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 or higher to run. Please ensure that this software is installed prior to running this program.The kit ships with a F28035 Control Card which is pre-flashed with the code that enables interface to this GUI. The flashed code is optimized for running sensorless FOC on ACI and PMSM motor and sensorless trapezoidal control on BLDC motor that are available with the kit. Note that the performance of the motor with the flashed image is not a metric of quality of control and performance levels achievable using the TI DMC library. Please refer to the individual system software and corresponding literature for details. These can be downloaded through controlSUITE. The flash image can be re-flashed using CCSv4 if need be. The image can be found in the drive shipped with the kit or at the following location:controlSUITE\developement_kits\ HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit\~GUI\ HVMTRPFCKIT-GUI-FlashImagev1.outRunning the GUI1) Make sure all the jumper and connector setting are as described in the Hardware setup section.2) Browse to and double click on HVMTRPFCKIT-GUIv1.exe The GUI window should pop up (Fig 4). If thisis the first time you would have to go through a license agreement. The GUI is divided into the following sections•Motor Select Box: Allows the user to select the motor type that is connected to the board. It also notifies the type of control being used for each type of motor.•Motor Control / Status Box: This box contains sliders, textboxes, checkboxes, buttons and graphs that enable control of the motor and display various system parameters depending on the motortype selected.•Connection Box: Contains control for setting up connection with the board. Clicking on Setup Connection opens a new window which lets you select the serial port and baud rate.Connect/Disconnect switch is used to establish SCI connection with the controller or terminate the connection. A checkbox displays the status of connection i.e. whether the connection is established/ not established or broken.Note: Many variables on the GUI are referenced in per unit scale (pu). This is done as fixed point math is used by the controller to execute the control algorithm.Fig4: GUI Startup3) Now Click on “Setup Connection” and ensure the Baud Rate is set to 57600 and that the Boot onConnect Box is unchecked.4) Now select the appropriate COM port. This can be found out by going toControl Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager->Ports(COM & LPT).And look for the one which is described as USB Serial Port or similar. Hit OK once done.Fig5: GUI Setup Connections5) Return to the GUI screen and now connect the other end of the AC power cord to mains/wall poweroutlet. Use an assembly such that a switch is in place between the mains supply and the board. For example this can achieved using an extension cable.6) Once the mains is connected the board would power up and you would see that the [Main]-LD1 on theboard is green (indicating power) and LD3 (Red) on the board is blinking slowly indicating that code is running on the control card.7) Now press “Connect” on the GUI window. If an incorrect image is flashed on the control card an errormessage on the bottom of the screen would be displayed. In this case it is recommended to switch of the Mains supply and reflash the control card with the correct image. Once the connection is established the LD2(Red) on the control card would start blinking and the Motor Select Panel would become active.8) After the connection is established to the controller the type of motor can be selected by clicking on themotor image. Once the motor is selected the image of the motor and type of control being used would be highlighted and the motor select panel would gray out. If the selection needs to be changed the board needs to be power cycled as the code accepts motor type only once from the GUI for safety reasons in its lifetime. In case of connect disconnect without power cycling the board the previous motor selection is remembered. Also note if BLDC motor is being used with wall supply of >140V AC a step down transformer must be used as the BLDC motor is rated for 160V, otherwise an over voltage condition flag would be displayed.9) The motor control/status box would now become active. The variables being displayed in the box wouldchange depending on the type of motor selected. Following is a description of each of these controls: •DC Bus Voltage Textbox: Textbox displays the rectified AC voltage. This voltage should be around 154V for 110V AC supply but can go as high as 180V depending on line conditions. For 220 AC line this voltage would be close to 311V.•Start / Stop Button: This button can be used to start and stop the motor. The color & text of the button changes depending on what action can be taken. Please provide for enough time for the motor to respond to the command.•Speed Reference Slider & Textbox: Speed of the motor can be varied using this slider and the textbox. The range of speed reference slider changes depending on the motor type selected. By default when the motor is started a 0.3pu speed reference is provided. To change the speed the slider can be moved or a value entered into the textbox. The textbox changes color as value is being typed depending on if it can accept that value. A value can only be entered if it is displayed as green. Once the speed ref is changed the motor ramps up to the reference speed. Time taken for the motor to reach the speed would depend on motor type. Please provide for enough time for motor to ramp up to this speed. Also note that the ramp is deliberately slow in the flashed image, and can be easily modified in the code for desired performance levels and characteristics.•Estimated Speed Textboxes: These text boxes display the speed of the motor as estimated by the sensorless algorithm. Both per unit and absolute rpm values are displayed. Note for different type of motor the rpm speed may vary for the same per unit speed reference as the maximum rated speed of the motors are different.•Park Q & Park D output Textboxes (for ACI and PMSM motors only) These two text boxes display the park Q and park D values as computed by the sensorless algorithm. These can be observed to change as the motor is loaded. Note for the PMSM motor Park D value would remain close to zero.•Graph Windows: Upto Four graph windows can display data captured from the controller.Depending on the motor type this data would change. For example for an ACI motor the graphs would display the estimated flux, estimated angle and the leg currents sensed(Fig 6). For BLDC the back EMF’s sensed would be observed, and for PMSM the Phase voltage, phase Duty, estimated angle and Alpha back emf are displayed.•AutoScale Checkbox: Check this box to autoscale the graph to get more meaningful waveforms.•Dlog Prescalar Textbox: This value is used by the Data Logging module running on the controller to sample the data for plotting. Greater this value more cycles are visible in the graph window.However as fewer points are sampled this reduces the accuracy. This value needs to be changed depending on the motor type and speed reference chosen. By default a value of 5 is pre-selected.•Graph Update Rate Select: This is the rate at which the GUI asks the controller for data to plot on the graphs. Note unless you select a rate the GUI does not ask the controller for any data and hence nothing would be plotted on the graphs. Also note that the data is captured in real time however only a small snapshot of it is displayed on the graph window.•Update Rate Select: This is the rate of how frequently the data for the textboxes, buttons and sliders is updated from the GUI to the controller and vice versa.Fig 6: GUI Running ACI Motor10) Once the start button is clicked the motor accelerates to the speed reference value and the speed loopis closed. The time taken for motor to ramp up to a particular speed would depend on motor type.Hence provide for enough time for the motor to ramp up to the speed set. The speed can be varied by moving the slider or entering value in the textbox. The motor can be stopped and started number of times. Note that each time the motor is stopped you may observe a surge in the DC bus voltage. Note: If LD2 on the control card stops blinking and the GUI stops updating, this indicates that GUI has lost connection to the board. In this case it is recommended to click on the disconnect button, wait for the GUI status to change to disconnected and then click on connect. If the motor was spinning before GUI lost connection a connect would force the motor to stop.11) The parameters in the preflashed image have been tuned for light loads over the range for DC busvoltage generated from 110V AC line or 220v AC line. The motor can be loaded and the result in case of load observed on the GUI.12) Once finished evaluating, click on the stop button to stop the motor. Once motor comes to a full stopclick on disconnect. Now Switch off/ Unplug the AC power. As the capacitors are charged the LED onthe control card may remain ON for a couple of seconds. Do not touch the board unless these LED’s go OFF. You may hear a discharging noise as the capacitors discharge.13) All future updates/enhancements to the GUI and/or Flash image would be made available throughcontrolSUITE.14) Please note that the Flash image is meant for quick demonstration purpose only. For a more detailedexplanation and understanding on the control algorithm being used and tradeoffs refer to the individual project for the motor type and control method being implemented undercontrolSUITE\developement_kits\HVMotorCtrl+PFCKit.ReferencesFor more information please refer to the following:•Download and Install ControlSUITE/controlSUITE•F28xxx User’s Guides/f28xuserguidesAfter controlSUITE install• HighVoltageMotorCtrl+PFC HW Reference Guide – provides detailed information on the High voltage motor control and PFC kit hardware.controlSUITE\development_kits\HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit\~Docs•HighVoltageMotorCtrl+PFC-HWdevPkg – a folder containing various files related to the hardware on the kit board (schematics, bill of materials, Gerber files, PCB layout, etc).controlSUITE\development_kits \HVMotorCtrl+PFCKit\~HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit_HWdevPkg\•HighVoltageMotorCtrl+PFC How to Run Guide- presents more information on the HW setup required and software installation that need to be done for using projects associated with the kit.controlSUITE\development_kits \HVMotorCtrl+PFCKit\~Docs•All the projects for different motors and sensored and sensorless implementations can be found at controlSUITE\development_kits \HVMotorCtrl+PFCKit\ HVACISensorless\ HVACISensored\ HVPMSensorless\ HVPMSensored\ HVBLDCSensorless\ HVBLDCSensored。
C N p n主 站 的 通 讯 能 力, 使 A O e
李 迪博 士分 别 作 了关 于 《 代 检 测 技 术 及 发展 动 态 > 面 向 现 、《
1 第O期 数控机床市场 4・ 1
搭配 台达 高精度伺 服 马达,并 完美地 结合 数控 系统, 帮助 用户轻 松实 现高精 度、低成 本 的生产, 尤其是 在复合 车床 上,C 0 0可驱动高 速主轴, 并利用脉 波控 制进行 C轴定 20
能部 件 的研 发 制 造 。 经 过 艰 苦 努 力 ,在 自动 分 度垂 直 铣 头 和 万 能 铣 头 的 研 发 上 , 解决 了 主轴 旋 转 与 端 齿 盘 分 度 相 匹配 的
高 效 完 美 , 2 0  ̄ 领驱 动 新 C 0 0J l 潮 流
主 轴 端 面 密 封 等 一 系 列技 术难 题 ,成 功 实 现 自动 换 头 、 自动
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经 过近 半年 的 实 际使 用证 明, 该 两 种 自动 分 度 铣 头 完全
个 行业取得 了成功应用,并得到 了 用户 的高度肯定。 为了让更多的用
C 0 0系 列 变 频 器 是 全 球 领 20
致 性 、 主 轴 与 端 齿 盘 相 向运 动 中 的 连 续 供 油 、油 路 泄 露 、
ti c2000芯片 变频原理
![ti c2000芯片 变频原理](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d84b11aac02de80d4d8d15abe23482fb5da0249.png)
ti c2000芯片变频原理
TI C2000芯片作为一款应用广泛的控制芯片,为变频器的实现提供了强大的支持。
TI C2000芯片作为一款强大的控制芯片,在变频原理的应用中发挥着重要作用。
将1 1 —0 0 设为1( 惯量估测),并设定1 1 —0 1 系统惯量
四 系统设计
台达C 2 0 0 0 变频器开环 控制永磁 同步 电动机 ,通过 抽油杆直接驱动 井下螺杆泵运转 ,在 系统停 机时 ,变频 器通过 自 带P L C 可编程功 能先行控制螺杆泵 反转 ,让螺 杆泵的反 向转矩在受 控的情况下得到缓慢释 放 ,同时根 据永磁 电动机的发 电特性 ,在 电动机转子 的各相绕组加 上适当的能耗 电阻,使螺 杆泵系统运行更加可靠 。
要】地面直驱螺杆泵采油 系统以其结构 简
单 、噪声 小 、耗 能低 、投 资少 以及使 用维修 方便 等特
点 ,成为一种 有效的机械 采油 设备 。 以台达C 2 0 0 0 变频 器为控制 中心,详细介 绍 了变频 器在螺杆泵运行和停止 过程 中的应 用方法, 同时结合 电气控制原理 ,合理解 决 了直 驱 螺杆 泵的 反转难题 ,使得 系统运 行 更加 可靠 稳
1 . C 2 0 0 0 变频器特点
台达C 2 0 0 0 高 阶 磁 束 向量 通 用 型 变频 器 集 驱 动
为1 P M、0 5 —3 5 设为 电动机功率 ,0 5 — _ 3 7 设 为电动机 极 数 ,0 1 —0 0 设为最大频率 ,叭—0 2 设为额定 电压 , 0 5 — 3 4 设为 电动机 电流 ,0 5 —3 6 设为 电动机转速 ,0 5 —3 8 设 为 电动机 惯量 以及 0 1 一O l 设为 额定 频率设 置参 数 ;将 O 5 一o 0 设为 l 3 ,然 后按 数字面 板的R U N 键 ,此时 电动 机开始 自 动 侦测 ,数十秒后 ,侦测完成 ,侦测正 确后 向 下继续进行 ,侦测失败后 ,请检查第二 步内的参数设置
C2000-B2-SWH0101-EB1 使用说明书
![C2000-B2-SWH0101-EB1 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d8cdb1600622192e453610661ed9ad51f11d5470.png)
2020年10⽉29⽇更新C2000-B2-SWH0101-EB1 使⽤说明书Wi-Fi ⇋ 1 * RS485串⼝设备联⽹ — Wi-Fi 串⼝服务器深圳市中联创新⾃控系统有限公司Shenzhen United Innovation Automatic Control System Co., Ltd.258810111213131515161618222424243131333738⽬录⽬录1. 产品概述2. 硬件说明2.1. 技术参数2.2. 产品外观2.3. 指⽰灯2.4. 端⼝说明2.5. 尺⼨2.6. 安装⽅式3. 设备设置3.1. 切换Wi-Fi 模式3.2. 使⽤软件进⾏配置3.2.1. 软件安装3.2.2. 搜索设置设备3.3. 浏览器配置4. 数据测试4.1. 使⽤虚拟串⼝进⾏通信4.1.1. 设备做为客⼾端模式4.2. 使⽤socket 通信测试4.2.1. 设备作为TCP Client 4.2.2. 设备作为TCP Server5. 装箱清单6. 产品服务【版权声明】©2000 - 2020 中联创新版权所有【商标声明】及其它中联创新服务相关的商标均为深圳市中联创新⾃控系统有限公司及其关联公司所有。
【联系⽅式】深圳市中联创新⾃控系统有限公司地址:深圳市福⽥区彩⽥路中银⼤厦 A 座 16 楼官⽹:电话:*************1. 产品概述C2000-B2-SWH0101-EB1是⼯业级的串⼝Wi-Fi设备联⽹服务器。
彗星 _IQ(浮动)
+ _IQmpy _IQdiv _IQsqrt _IQisqrt _IQsin _IQcos _IQatan _IQatan2 _IQsinPU _IQcosPU _IQatan2PU _IQsat _IQabs
■ 2.6.1 快速入门指南和图形用户界面(GUI) ■ 2.6.2 DMC系统用户指南 ■ 2.6.3 硬件指南以及如何运行指南 ■ 2.6.4 硬件开发包 ■ 2.7 CCS的主要特点为DMC开发 ■ 3 软件流 ■ 3.1 [PROJECT_NAME] - SETTINGS.H ■ 3.2 [PROJECT_NAME] - DEVINIT_ [F28XXX]。C ■ 3.3 [PROJECT_NAME],H ■ 3.4 [PROJECT_NAME]。C ■ 4 五金工具 ■ 4.1 高电压电机控制和PFC开发者套件 ■ 4.2 低压电机控制和PFC开发者套件 ■ 4.3 低压三相BLDC / PMSM套件(DRV83x + MCU的controlCARD)
这些模块是在DMC库的一部分(其中例子如表3所示)分为两大类: ■ 目标(微控制器)独立(TI) ■ 驱动程序(即目标依赖和应用配置)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
TMS320C2000 Motor Control Primer - Texas Instruments Embedded Processors Wiki
在自动化领域中,不外乎是速度控制、位置控制及转矩控制,在速度控制中还可搭配PID做恒定物理量的控制,C2000以FOC技术为核心,根据不同的控制理论及实际需求,开发出了V/F控制、SVC控制、FOCPG控制和TQCPG控制等四种控制模式,无论是简单的输送设备、风机水泵控制,还是较为复杂的自动仓储、机床产业主轴定位、吊车的起重控制、各类的张力收/放卷控制、恒压恒温的PID调节,C2000 系列均可完全支持,不愧为同业中真正做到整合速度、位置与转矩控制与一体的高阶变频器。
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– 保护功能及反馈 – 方案的调整和改动
硬件实现与测试 – 主控板
抗干扰设计应注意的问题 光电隔离问题 调试策略与问题的解决 抗干扰设计(硬件走线及布局、数字和模拟部分的分割) 考虑保护电路的可靠性 散热设计 调试策略与问题的解决
测量 能量测量 便携仪表
8位 性能
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用
WSTS 2005 年 10 月发布的 MOS 微器件市场总值(单位:百万美元)
30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000
– 功率板
– 仿真器接口灵活易用,方便进行硬件仿真 – 选择使用ICETEK-ACM教学实验箱加快开发速 度
器件的选择和开发工具的准备 RAM PWM/ CAP/ Communication Flash 进行核心控制 TMS320™ – 选用C280xDSP ADC KB KB Hi-Res. QEP Ports
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用
C16x C196
SH3 ARM® Thumb C28xTM
基于 C 语言编译程序的实际伺服控制代码测试结果
交流异步电动机特性及 控制原理
– 感应电机的运行条件: 提供三路平衡的且相位 相差120°的正弦交变电源; 转速与电源周期成正比关系, 力矩与电流(电压)相关.
– 变频电源:交-直-交(50Hz-频率可调)。不控整 流器整流;大电容滤波得到平滑直流电,用逆变 桥输出三相频率可调的交流电
–c:\tidcs\dmc\c28\vxxx –sys –Aci3_3_28 1x –Aci3_3_28 0x –lib –drvlib281x –clQmath –clQmath –build –include –lib –obj –src –build –include –lib –obj –src –cfloat –build –include –obj –src –build –include –obj –src
TI C2000工业控制项目的研发
— 具体案例剖析
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用 研发项目的具体要求与分析 硬件研发步骤
– – – – 器件选择和开发工具的准备 寻找相关资料和参考设计 方案论证 硬件实现与测试 理论和算法的准备 规划软件规模和功能模块 查找现有参考资料和通用算法程序 逐步实现各部分功能 测试
理论和算法的准备 – 利用TI C2000DSP提供的SPWM硬件实现 SPWM波的快速输出 规划软件功能和划分功能模块 – 分别开发各模块 查找现有资料和通用算法程序 – TI提供的C2000电机库和DSP算法库(网页)
器件的选择和开发工具的准备 – 选用C280xDSP进行核心控制
CCS支持标准C、C++和汇编语言设计 仿真环境简单实用,可利用JTAG技术实现在线硬件仿真调 试 提供DSP/BIOS多任务环境和程序框架 丰富的示例程序 C语言编译后生成的代码效率高
DC 控制系统
– 正弦波形输出:采用PWM(Pulse Width Moduration) 调制。利用电机绕组的电感特性,电流不能突变, 实现不同占空比下的平均电压值,利用平均电压 输出调制波形(正弦波)
变频器方案论证 – ICETEK-ACM实验箱功率驱动提供的方案
变频器方案论证 – ICETEK-ACM实验箱功率驱动提供的方案
高 具备功能强大的 DSP 处理 内核的 MCU C2000 数字信号 控制器 简化系统控制 可实现系统效率与 低成本的高集成度 高 DSP 性能
控制 代码 效率
控制优化型内核 闪存 灵活、可靠的外设 模拟集成
算法处理能力 用于数学密集型函数的 专用硬件
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用
F2812 F2810 F2811 C2811
F2806 F2801 C2801 F2802
F2809 F28044
F2801-60 F2802-60
理论和算法的准备 – 利用TI C2000DSP提供的SPWM硬件实现 SPWM波的快速输出 规划软件功能和划分功能模块 – 分别开发各模块 查找现有资料和通用算法程序 – TI提供的C2000电机库和DSP算法库
F28015 F28016 F2801-60 F2802-60 F2801 F2802 F2806 F2808 F2809 F28044 32 32 32 64 32 64 64 128 256 128 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 36 36 20 267ns 267ns 267ns 267ns 160ns 160ns 160ns 160ns 80ns 80ns 10/4 10/4 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 16/4 16/4 16/6 16/16 2/0 2/0 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 4/2 4/2 4/2 0 SPI, SCI, I2C SPI, SCI, CAN, I2C 2x SPI, SCI, CAN, I2C 2x SPI, SCI, CAN, I2C 2x SPI, SCI, CAN, I2C 2x SPI, SCI, CAN, I2C 4x SPI, 2x SCI, CAN, I2C 4x SPI, 2x SCI, 2x CAN, I2C 4x SPI, 2x SCI, 2x CAN, I2C SPI, SCI, I2C
– 交流感应电机原理(以三相电机为例) – 三相交流电机定子绕组之间的关系(星形接法)
电机控制对软件及开发系统的需求 – 有效率高、接口良好的C/C++/ASM的编译器 – 有界面通用、友好实用的调试环境和丰富的调 试手段 – 支持标准语言接口以便采用有大量成熟的算法 – 可以对底层设备采用汇编编程或提供高效率的 模块代码,以优化执行效率速度和代码尺寸 – 快速高效的浮点运算能力或相应库函数 – 丰富的示例程序和通用程序框架 – 与PC机的接口简单易用,方便实现硬件仿真
10,000 5,000 0 2003 2004 2005
16b MCU
4/8b MCU
>=32b MCU
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用
– 对SPWM输出的要求
– 速度和执行代码的效率(主频、总线结构) – 精确的运算单元(8/16/32位处理器) – 具有快速和精确的反馈(事件捕获、AD采集、信号 输入) – 软件固化、加密、和硬件支持的升级模式 – 硬件升级能力(核心控制器件系列化、不断推出性 能更高的产品、硬件管脚兼容可方便互换) – 与控制电机相关的专用硬件模块及相应接口 – 丰富的扩展能力(外扩能力以及通用I/O管脚数量)
TI C2000 DSP与工业控制应用
高性能数字信号控制器 DSP
C2000 控制器
高达 32 位
150 MIPS 16/32 位
马达控制 数字电源
F2803x F2802x
F28016 F28015