

英语教学法考试重点(1)Views on language learning and learning in general(1)Behaviorist theory Eg;you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages,stimulus,response,and reinforcement(2)Cognitive theory\(3)Constructive theory(4)Socio-constructivist theory Eg:learning is the best achieved through the dynamics interactions between the teacher and the learners.What makes a good teacher?(1)ethic devotion(2)Professional qualities(3)Personal stylesHow can one become a good language teacher?(1)the development of professional competence (most difficult)(2)A specific range od skills strategies,,knowledges and ability(3)Have a sound command of English(4)Learning practice and reflection.learning from others experience.leaning the received knowledge leaning from one’s own experience as a learner.Language use in real life VS traditional pedagogy(1)in real life,language is used to perform certain communicative functions. Eg: to give directions,to exchange information or to make a complaint. In traditional language classroom,the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions.(2)For various reasons,traditional pedagogy tends to focus on two language skills and ignore the others. Eg:the grammar-translation methos emphasized on reading and writing skills and virtuallyignored listening speaking skills.(3)In reality language is always used in a certain context,but traditional pedagogy tends to isolated language from its context. Eg:when the English passive voice is introduced,the teacher always focuses on the explanation of how the objects in an active sentence is moved to the front of a passive sentence. And how the verb is changed to an auxiliary plus an -ed form of the base form of the verb.What is communicative competence ?(1)linguistic competence(2)Pragmatic competence(3)Discourse competence(4)Strategic competence(5)FluencyTask based language teachingTask definitionIs a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others,freely or for some reward.Is an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought,and which allows teachers to control and regulate that process Four components of a taskA purpose :make sure the students have a reason for undertaking the taskA context :this can be real simulated or imaginary and involves sociolinguistic issues such as the location theparticipants and their relationship,the time,and other important factors.A process;getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving reasoning inquiring conceptual and communicatingA product : there will be some form of outcome either visible or invisibleExercises tasksFocus form meaningSituation no situation real life situationOutcome correct form accomplishment of taskLanguage practice of assigned form choice of form and contentError immediate correction delayed correctionPrinciples for good lesson planning(1)Aims means a realistic goals for the lesson the teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he or she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson,but the things that students are able to do bu the end od the lesson.(2)Variety means planning a number of different types of activities.(3)Flexibility means preparing some extra and alternatives tasks and activities as the class does not always go according to the plan(4)Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capabilities of the students.(5)Linkage means linked with each otherHarmer suggest the following measures for indisciplined actsand badly behaving students(1)Act immediately(2)Stop the class(3)Rearrange the seats(4)Change the activity(5)Talk to students after class(6)Create a code of behaviorDealing with errors(1)dealing with spoken errors(2)When to correct generally it is best to interrupt students during fluency work unless communication breaks down.if the students has got most of his language right but has made a trivial mistakes it is sometimes wise to let the mistakes pass if there are some common mistakes that other students might also have problems with,the teacher can take a note in his or her mind and try to do the correction after the students’ performance.(3)How to correct indirect teacher correction is encouraged to avoid damaging students’self esteem and confidence. Ask a question to invite the students to say it again with a hint of a problem. Sometimes the whole class can be invited to correct the mistakes.Characteristics of the listening process(1)spontaneity(2)Context(3)Visual clues(4)Listeners ‘s response(5)Speakers’ adjustmentA process approach to writing(1)Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written process(2)Help students writers understand their own composing process(3)Help them built repetoires of strategies for previewing drafting and rewriting(4)Palace central importance on the process of reversion(5)Give students time to write and rewrite(6)Let the students discover what they want to say as they write(7)Give students the feedback throughout the composing process to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention(8)Encourage feedback both from the instructors and peers(9)Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition。

考试方式150 60考试技巧1VS 231234考试方法123456绪论重点重点重点难点第十一章第十二章各章要点,,应用,谢谢本章考点归纳考点1考点2 及方法考点3绪论考点1小学英语教学的意义及目的考点1小学英语教学的意义及目的例题正确答案:考点2研究和学习小学英语教学法的意义及方法例题正确答案:考点3小学英语教学法中的语言观、学习观、教育观、哲学观1234考点3小学英语教学法中的语言观、学习观、教育观、哲学观学习动机,心理素质及个人学习方法。
正确答案:谢谢本章考点归纳考点1考点2考点3小学考点1小学英语教学的特点一、儿童语言习得的理论1.(1(考点1小学英语教学的特点二、儿童的外语学习1.(1(22.(1(2(3(4考点1小学英语教学的特点二、儿童的外语学习例题正确答案:(1(2(3(4例题正确答案:考点2 小学英语教学的基本原则例题正确答案:考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求(如涂)帮考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求1.级别技能一级听做1234说唱123456、15-2015一20首;7玩演123读写1234视听121020-25级别技能二级听1234说1234、读123456写1234玩演视听12330-40430-40首51020-25考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求2.考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求3.考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求4.考点3 小学英语教学的目标与要求5.例题、、、。


Unit 1Knowledge:sth that can be learnedSkills: sth that only can be gained through practice or training,Language skills:listening, speaking, reading and writingLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication。
Views on language:1、Structural view (language competence)—The founder:Saussure—The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:1、the sound system(phonology)2、sound combinations(morphology)3、meaning for communication(syntax)—Learning the language is to learn the structural items,study the inner structure and rule of language,ignore the social functions of the language。
2 、Functional view—Representative:Johnson、marrow、swain canal (the core: grammar)—The function view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things—Learners learn a language in order to be able to doing things with itUse the linguistic structure to express functions3、Interactional view (communicative competence)—Emphasis:appropriateness—Language is a communicative tool,which main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people—Learners need to know the rules for using the language in certain context—The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabularyLanguage teacher qualifications:1、a good command of spoken and written language2、formulate theory presupposition3、language background and experience4、know how languages are learnt5、the ability to use methods in various situations6、deep understanding of cultural background7、understanding the principles of teachingThese elements can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal stylesView on language learning1. Psycholinguistic: the relationship between language and thinking.1)Thinking in language2)Language is necessary for thought.3)Language acquisition(语言习得)4)Learners in their earlier years acquire control over essential structure of their languagewithout special teaching and learning in a effortless and almost an unconscious way (like the formation of a habit) people prefer first language acquisition to first language learning.2.Cognitive theory: the rule for people to aware to cognize sth.Cognitive processes:Process: input----absorb----outputLanguage learning is not just stimulate-reflection, but the using of our subjective capabilities, the using of our cognitive ability to think the language and studying it actively.3. Constructivist theory: learning is a process of meaning construction based on learner’s own knowledge and experience.S ----------AT------------R(刺激) (反应)Stimulus: assimilatio n ①and accommodatio n②①把外部知识纳入自身②纳入自身后也不相符,就要对原有知识进行改变,也就是一种原有知道和外部知识保持联系的创新的过程。

FLTM: foreign language teaching methodology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the natural and laws of foreign languages.Major approaches in FLT:Grammar-translation method (deductive演绎法)Direct method (inductive归纳法)Audio-lingual methodHumanistic approaches: that emphasize the development of human values, growth in self-awareness and in the understanding of others, sensitivity to human feelings and emotions, and active student involvement in learning and in the way human learning takes palaceThe silent waySuggestopediaCommunity language learning (CLL)Total physical response method (TPR)●The natural approach(NA)●The communicative approach(CA )An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching ad leaning. Approach is axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to b taught.Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. Within one approach, there can be many methods.A technique is implementation---that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Techniques must b consistent with a method, and therefore I harmony with an approach as well.Views on language:Structural view: the structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology); the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology); and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).Functional view: the functional view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also means for doing things. Functional activities: offering, suggesting, advising, apologizing, etc. International view: considers language to be a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts.Process-oriented theories: are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.Condition-oriented theories: emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receives, and the atmosphere.Behaviorist theory, the idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repletion and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised.Cognitive theory, language is not a form of behavior, it is an intricate rule-based system and alarge part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.Constructivist theory, believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory, similar to constructivist theory, socio-constructivist theory emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) and scaffolding.Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal stylesCLT: communicative language teachingTBLT: task-based language teachingThe goal of CLT is to develop students’communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. P16Hedge discusses five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.Howatt proposes a weak and a strong version of CLT.Weak version: learners first acquire language as a structural system and then learn how to use it in communication. --- the weak version regards overt teaching of language forms and functions as necessary means for helping learners to develop the ability to use them for communication.Strong version: language is acquired through communication. The learners discover the structural system in the process of leaning how to communicate.---regards experiences of using the language as the main means or necessary conditions for learning a language as they provide the experience for learners to see how language is used in communication.Communicative activities: P24Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the leaner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome.Four components of a task: a purpose, a context, a process, and a productTasks focus on the complete act of communication. (Purposeful & contextualized communication). Exercises focus the students’attention on the individual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, grammar or individual skills. (Focus on individual language items) Exercise-task comes halfway between tasks and exercises, consists of contextualized practice of language item.PPP: for teaching a new structure-based lesson, content lesson, presentation (introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures), practice (the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessary) and production(the students are encouraged to use what they are learned and practiced to perform communicative tasks)The importance of lesson planning: 1. an unprepared teacher begins of a disastrous lesson.2. An unprepared teacher receives less trust and cooperation from the students. 3. The students are different, the time is different, and the mood is different.Lesson Planning: is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it. In other words, teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved, materials to be covered, activities to be organized, and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.Principles for good lesson planning: aim, variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage. Variety: planning a number of different types of activities and where possible,introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.Flexibility: preparing some extra and alternative tasks and activities at the class does not always go according to the plan so that teachers always have the option to cope with the unexpected situations rather than being the slaves of written plans or one methodology. Learnability:within capability of the students, not be too easy or beyond or below the students’ coping ability.Linkage: easy task followed by a comparatively difficult one, or do a series of language-focused activities to get the students prepared linguistically.Components of a lesson planning: background information, teaching aims, language content and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-lesson reflection.For skill-oriented lesson, focusing on developing skills, the model is applicable---pre-(reading), while-, post-. (Pre-step, while-step, post-step)Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.The role of the teacher: controller, assessor (evaluator, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback), organizer (organize and design task that students can perform in the class), prompter推动者(give appropriate prompts and give hints), participant, resource-provider, teacher’s new roles.There are rules to follow for making instructions effective.●The first is to use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehensive level of thestudents.●The second rule is to use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary.●Give students time to get used to listening to English instructions and help the make an effortto understand them.●Use body language to assist understanding and stick to it each time you teach the class. Student grouping: whole class group—same activity at the same rhythm and pace, lockstep, pair work, group work, individual studyDiscipline: refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective.Questioning in the classroom:Classification of question types: 1.closed questions and open questions 2.display questions and genuine questions 3.lower-order questions and higher-order questions 4.taxonomyClosed questions refer to those with only one s ingle correct answer while open questions may invite many different answers.Display questions are those that the answers are already known to the teacher and they are used for checking if students know the answer, too. Genuine questions are questions which are used to find out new information and since they often reflect real context, they are more communicative. Lower-order questions refer to those that simple require recalling of information or memorization of facts while higher order questions require more reasoning, analysis, and evaluation.Simple question and difficult questionA mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or an “a slip of tongue”, it’s a failure performance to a known system.An error has direct relation with the learners’language competence. Results from Lack of knowledge in the target language. Language error cannot be self-corrected no matter how much attention is paidDealing with spoken errors: tasks or activities are focusing on accuracy or fluency. Balance between accuracy-based activities and fluency-based activities..When to correct: fluency work---not to interrupt, after the student’s performance; accuracy work---need to intervene moreHow to correct: direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole class correction.Goal of teaching pronunciation:Consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and naturalIntelligibility: the pronunciation should be understandable t o the listenersCommunicative efficiency: the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.Aspects of pronunciation: besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as stress (strong and weak form, word stress and sentence stress), intonation and rhythm (variation).Perception practice: using minimal pairs, which order, same or different? Odd and out, Completion.Production practice: listen and repeat, fill the blanks, make up sentences, use meaningful context, use picture, use tongue twisters.Grammar presentation: The deductive method, the inductive method, the guided discovery methodGrammar practice: mechanical practice and meaningful/ communicative practice.Mechanical practice: involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. Students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution drill and transformation drills.Meaningful practice: focus on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students keep an eye on the way newly learned structures are used in the process. It comes after mechanical practice. (Comparatives and superlatives). Using picture prompts, using mimes or gestures as prompts, using information sheet as prompts, using key phrases or key words as prompts, using chained phrases for story telling, using created situations.What does knowing a word involve? Denotative meaning; connotative meaning; chunk/collocations; synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms; receptive and productive vocabulary.Denotative meaning of a word or a lexical item refers to those words that we use to label things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world. Primary meaning of a word.A connotative meaning of a word refers to the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word.Collocations refer to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepted as ways for the use of words. For instance, see, look at, watch.Hyponyms refer to words which can be grounded together under the same superordinate concept. Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing. Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing are considered as one’s productive/active vocabulary.Ways of presenting vocabulary: inductive and deductive.Ways of consolidating vocabulary: labeling; spot the difference; describe and draw; play a game; use words series; word bingo; word association; finding synonyms and antonyms; categories; using word net-work; using the internet resources for more ideas.Developing vocabulary learning strategies: review regularly, guess meaning from context, organize vocabulary effectively, use a dictionary, and manage strategy use.Principles and models for teaching listening: focus on process, combine listening with other skills (listening can be practice with not-taking, and answers, role plays, retelling, interviewing, discussions, or a writing task), focus on the comprehension of meaning, grade difficulty level appropriately, principles for selecting and using listening activities.Two approaches are frequently used to describe different processes of listening.Bottom-up model and Top-down model.Bottom-up model: 从细节入手start with sound and meaning recognitions. Listeners construct meaning of what they hear based on the sound they hear, expect the listeners have a very effective short-term memory as they have to make sense of every sound in order to figure out the meaning of words, phrase, and structures. If there are unfamiliar sounds, listeners will find it very difficult to keep up with speaker. ---recognizing sounds of words, phrases or structures.Top-down model: 着重概要listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized. Listeners can understand better if they already have some knowledge in their mind about the topic. Such knowledge is also termed as prior knowledge or schematic knowledge---mental frameworks for various things and experience we hold in our long-term memory. ---referring meaning from broad contextual clues and background knowledge.Three teaching stages: pre-listening—warming up; while-listening---listening comprehension; post-listening---checking answers.Teaching speakingLess complex syntax, short cuts, incomplete sentences, devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to thinking before speaking, false start, spontaneous, time-constraint.Types of speaking: pre-communicative activities—mechanical activities; communicative activities---meaningful activities.Controlled activities, semi-controlled activities, communicative activities:Information-gap activities; dialogues and role-plays; activities using pictures; problem-solving activities; change the story; human scrabbleOrganizing speaking tasks: use small group workTeaching readingThe construction of meaning from a printed or written message.Two broad levels in the act reading.1). A recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes.2). A cognitive task of interpreting the visual information revealing the received information with the reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey.For teaching: intensive/extensive readingIn terms of methods: skimming/scanning/predictingFor reading practice: reading aloud/silent readingThe role of vocabulary in reading: sight vocabulary: words that one is able to recognize immediately are often referred to as sight vocabulary.Principles and models for teaching reading: bottom-up model; top-down model; interactive modelPre-reading activities: predicting (predicting based on the tile/ based on vocabulary/based on the T/F questions) setting the scene, skimming, and scanningWhile-reading activities: TD (a transition device)Reading comprehension questions: 1. questions of literal comprehension 2. Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation 3. Questions for inference (what is implied but not explicitly stated) 4. questions for evaluation or appreciation (making judgment about what the writer is trying to do and how successful he/she is in achieving his/her purpose) 5. Questions for personal responseIntensive reading is an accuracy-oriented activity involving reading for detail; the main purpose is to learn language embedded in the reading texts, which are usually short. Extensive reading is a fluency activity. The main purpose is to achieve global understanding. Te reading texts usually contains less new vocabulary and is longer than those intended for intensive reading.Teaching writingWriting for consolidating language, writing for communication, between writing for learning and writing for communication, imaginationNot have a real communicative purpose; for language skill; a little bit communicative; communicative approach; neither restrictions in contents nor in word limit; more communicative; more motivatedCA: communication approachA Productive approach to writing 成果法/a prose model approach---fruitlessA Process approach to writing 过程法: The teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing. This kind of guidance should be gradually withdrawn so that the students can finally become independent writers.Main procedures of process writing include: creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, freewriting, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proofreading and conferencing.。

❤判断主张并简要说明理由:Structural view:The structure language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:phonology,morphology and syntax.To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language. Functional view: The functional view is not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,such as offering suggesting,etc.Leaners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.International view:The international view considers language to be a communicative tool,whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.Leaners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary but also need to know the rules for using them in a communicative contexts.❤What makes a good language teacher?These elements can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles.❤教师的专业能力是如何发展起来的(How can be a good teacher/The development of professional competence)答:The development of professional competence including three parts: Stage1,Stage2 and Goal.I. The first stage is language development.All English teacher are supposed to have a sound command of English,and language is always changing,language development can never come to an end.II. The second stage is the most important stage and it is more complicated because it involves three sub-stages:learning,practice,and reflection.(1)The learning stage is the purposeful preparation before a teacher starts the practice of teaching.It includes three parts:learning from other's experience,learning the received knowledge and learning from one's experiences.Both experience knowledge and received knowledge are useful when a teacher goes ton practice.(2)The term 'practice' can be used in two senses. One sense is also called pseudo practice.The other sense is the real classroom teaching.(3)Teacher benefit from practice if they keep on reflecting on what they've done,Not only after they finish their practice,but also while they are doing the practice,III. After some period of practice and reflection,a teacher should be able to reach his or her professional competence.As an final it shouldn't an end,one must be keep learning,practicing and reflecting.❤真实应用语言&课堂语言的不同(The differences between language used in real life and language taught in the classroom.)Language used in real life differs from language learned under the traditional language teaching pedagpgy in the following aspects:(1)In real life,language is used to perform certain communication functions;in a traditional language classroom,the teaching focus is often on forms rather than functions.(2)For various reasons,traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore others.In real language use we use all skills,including receptive skills and productive skills.(3)In reality language is always used in a certain context,but traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.❤交际教学法的目标The goal of CLT is to develop students' communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about the language and the language about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.★★★交际的五个方面(名词解释or简答)There are five main components of communicative ly,linguistic competence,pragmatic competence,discourse competence,strategic competence,and fluency.Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge itself,its form and meaning.(It involves spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure,sentence structure,and semantics.It is an integral part of communicative competence.)Pragmatic competence is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context.(That is to say,the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting,the relative status of the speakers,and their relationships.)Discourse competence refers to one's ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.(According to Hedge,also includes one's ability to initiate,develop,enter,interrupt,check,or confirm in a conversation.) Strategic competence is similar to communication strategies.It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.One can compensate for this by searching for other means of expression.Fluency means one's ability to 'link unit of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate or undue hesitation.❤Principles of communicative language teaching.(交际教学语言CLT原则)(1).Communication principle:Activities that involve real communication promote learning.(2)Task principle:Activities in which language is used for carring out meaningful tasks promote learning.(3)Meaningfulness principle:language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.❤交际教学法&语言技能的关系(CLT and the teaching of language skills )(听说读写在交际教学法中怎样。


英语教学法复习要点1.Structural view on language:The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system(phonology);the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations(morphology), and the system of combining units of meaning for communication(syntax). Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language. When this structural view of language was combined with the stimulus-response principles of behavioristic psychology, the audiolingual approach to language learning emerged.2.Interactional view on language:The interactional view considers language to be a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts.municative competence:The goal of CLT is to develop students' communicative competence, which includes boththe knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.There are five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, fluency4.Task in English language teaching:Task-based Language Teaching is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs,,as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. However, it has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communicative-focused teaching.5.Overall language ability:• Learning:cognitive; self management; communication; resourcing•Language learning: listening; speaking; reading; writing • Language: phonetics; grammar; vocabulary; functions; topics• Cultural: knowledge; understanding; awareness• Affect: international; perspectives; patriotism; confidence; motivationponents of a lesson plan:background information; teaching aims; language contents and skills; stages and procedures; teaching aids; end of lesson summary; optional activities and assignments; after-lesson reflection.7.The role of the teacher:controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant, resource-provider, facilitators, guides, researchers8.Errors and mistakes:a mistake has nothing to do with the language competence, but a result from a temporary breakdown. When a mistake is challenged or given enough attention, it can be self-corrected. An error has direct relation with the learners' language competence. Errors do not result from carelessness nor hesitation, but lack of knowledge in the target language. Language errors cannot be self-corrected no matter how much attention is given. 9.The goal of teaching pronunciation:Consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and natural; Intelligibility: the pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners; Communicative efficiency: the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.10.Principles for teaching speaking:balancingaccuracy-based with fluency-based practices; contextualising practice; personalising practice; building up confidence; maximising meaningful interactions; helping students develop speaking strategies; making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students.11.Mechanical practice:involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.12.Meaningful practice:in meaningful practice, the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students 'keep an eye on' the way newly learned structures are used in to process. Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice.13.The deductive method:relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing. Frist, the teacher writes an example on the board or draws attention to an example in the textbook. Then the teacher explains the underlying rules regarding the forms and positions of certain structural terms. Sometimes,comparisons are made between the native language and the target language or between the newly presented structure and previously learned structure. Finally, the students practice applying the rule to produce sentences with given prompts.14.Guided discovery method:The guided discovery method is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. There are two key theoretical issues related to this method: the role of explicit knowledge in language learning and the value of discovery as a general method of learning.15.Knowing a word:Knowing a word means knowing its pronunciation and stress; its spelling and grammatical properties; its meaning; how and when to use it to express the intended meaning.16.Vocabulary consolidation activities:labelling; spot the difference; describe and draw; play a game; use word series; word bingo; word association; find synonyms and antonyms; categories; using word net-work17.Connotative meaning of a word:A connotative meaning ofa word refers to 'the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader's interpretation of the word. These would include words that may express a positive or negative attitude or subtle feelings towards something.18.Denotative meaning of a word:Denotative meaning of a word of a lexical item refers to those words that we use to label things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sigh, etc. in the physical world. This is usually the primary meaning of a word and may seem relatively easy to learn.19.Vocabulary learning strategies:review regularly, guess meaning from context, organize vocabulary effectively, usea dictionary, manage strategy use20. Top-down model of listening:In the top-down model, listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.21.Bottom-up model of listening:In the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions. In other word, 'we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning'.Listeners construct meaning of what they hear based on the sound they hear. This process of listening expects the listener to have a very effective short-term memory as they have to make sense of every sound in order to figure out the meaning of words, phrases and structures. If there are unfamiliar sounds, listeners will find it very hard to keep up with the speaker.22.Sight vocabulary:Words that one is able to recognise immediately are often referred to as sight vocabulary. In other words, your sight vocabulary will be those words that you can recognise with both sounds and meanings without special effort from your brain.23.Interactive model for teaching reading:24.The transition device:The way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device. Some transition devices that are often used in teaching reading are: pictures, drawings, maps, tables, tree diagrams, cyclic diagrams, pie charts, bar charts, flowcharts, chronological sequence, subtitles and notes. Most of the transition devices listed above make use of visual aids so that information in text form is visualized.The purpose of transition device:•Focus attention on the main meaning of the text;•Be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basis for output;•Allow students to perform tasks while they are reading;•Highlight the main structural organization of a text/part of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning; •Involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks;•Precede one step at a time;•When a TD is completed, use it as a basis for further oral and/or written language practice.25.A communicative approach to writing:It acknowledges that mechanical writing activities do not by themselves motivate students. To motivate students, it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication. This means either writing for a specific recipient, or engaging in an act of creative writing where their work is intended to be read by other people, in other words, an intended audience. In short, students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.26.The process approach to writing:creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, freewriting, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proofreading, conferencing。


《英语教学法》(上)(下)课程教学重点、难点及要求Unit 1 导论1.学习理论:行为主义学习理论,认知学习理论和结构学习理论;2.Krashe n有关第二语言习得的5个假说,“学习”与“习得”的不同,包括Elli s的Ins truct e d Second Langu a ge Acquis ition,以及对外语教学的启示;3.外语教学发展史。
掌握LARA策略,合理使用教材为教学服务;5.需求分析理论(Needs Analys is)以及在教学中的运用;6.教师的自我发展,包括教师职业素质的构成,教师自我发展的途径;7.教学策略理论:教学策略的内涵和教学策略的组成。
Unit 2 交际法1.交际教学法产生的背景;2.交际的内涵以及对教学的启示;3.交际教学法的原则及特征;4.交际教学法的教学目标;5.交际能力的内涵;6.不同学者对交际教学法的诠释;7.交际教学中教师和学生的角色;8.交际教学对学习材料的要求,“真实”材料的运用;9.交际教学课堂活动的安排,所采用的教学模式;10.交际活动的内容;11.根据自己的教材设计一堂交际教学课。
2.影响有效/流畅阅读的因素;3.有关良好阅读者的研究;4.阅读教学中学生动机的激发;5.阅读教学模式:top-down approa ch, bottom-up approa ch 和inter activ e approa ch;各模式的理论依据,课堂操作方式,优缺点等;6.阅读的层次,包括read the lines, read betwee n the lines和read beyond the lines (plainsensereadin g, deduct ive readin g, projec tive readin g)。

以下是自考学位英语考试的一些关键知识点,帮助你更好地准备考试:1. **词汇与语法**:- 掌握一定数量的英语基础词汇及其用法,通常涉及日常生活、工作、学习等方面的词汇。
- 理解并运用基本的英语语法规则,包括时态、语态、直接和间接引语、条件句、虚拟语气等。
2. **阅读理解**:- 能够阅读并理解各种类型的英文材料,如新闻报道、散文、简短的评论文章等。
- 提高快速抓取文章大意、细节信息、作者观点和态度等能力。
- 分析和推断文章隐含的意义或信息。
3. **写作**:- 学会如何组织一篇逻辑清晰、结构合理的英语短文。
- 掌握基本的写作技巧,包括论点的提出、论据的支持、结论的总结等。
- 注意文章的一致性和连贯性,以及正确使用标点符号和段落划分。
4. **听力理解**:- 能够听懂英语新闻、讲座、日常对话等不同场景下的英语听力材料。
- 提高抓取关键信息、理解对话或讲话大意的能力。
- 练习根据听到的内容进行推理和判断。
5. **口语表达**:- 虽然自考学位英语可能不会严格测试口语能力,但提高口语表达能力对于全面掌握英语非常重要。
- 练习日常对话、表达个人观点和感受、进行简单的陈述或描述等。

1. 教学法的概念和意义
- 教学法是指教师在教学过程中所采用的一系列组织和指导学生学习的方法和策略。
- 教学法对于提高教学效果和学生学习成果具有重要的影响。
2. 教学目标的设定和实施
- 设定明确的教学目标,包括知识、技能和态度等方面。
- 设计符合教学目标的教学活动和任务,以有效地实现教学目标。
3. 课堂组织和管理
- 设计合理的课堂结构,包括开头、主体和结尾等部分。
- 管理学生的行为和注意力,确保课堂秩序良好。
4. 教学方法的选择和运用
- 根据学生的特点和教学内容的要求,选择合适的教学方法,如讲授法、讨论法、合作学习法等。
- 运用多种教学方法,以促进学生的主动参与和积极学习。
5. 教学资源的利用
- 利用多种教学资源,如教材、多媒体工具、实物、图表等,丰富教学内容,提高学生的学习兴趣和理解能力。
6. 评价与反馈
- 设计合理的评价方式和评价标准,以评估学生的学习成绩和教学效果。
- 及时给予学生反馈,帮助他们纠正错误和进一步提高。
7. 多元化的教学策略
- 采用多种教学策略,如激发学生的兴趣和好奇心、引导学生
8. 教学过程的设计和调整
- 设计完整的教学过程,包括课前导入、知识讲解、练习与巩固、课后复习等环节。
- 随时根据学生的学习情况和实际需要,调整教学过程和方法,以提高学习效果。

外语教学法复习提纲General Introduction总体简介The nature of FLTM: a science which studies the process and patterns of foreign language teaching.Traditional Linguistics传统语言学Practical in natural: in order to understand the classic words of ancient times and to teach students. 实用性:为了读懂古代的经典,或是为了教学生,使其能够理解并欣赏这些古代的经典著作。
Give the priority to the written form and took words as their starting point.注重书面,并且把单词作为研究的起点。
Take a prescriptive approach to discuss the rules of language.采用***式,以便正确运用语言指定法则和标准。
American Structuralism美式结构主义语言学1930s-1940s (Franz Boas and Wdward Sapor)先驱:鲍阿斯和萨丕尔The father of American Structuralism: Leonard Bloomfield.美国结构主义语言学之父:布鲁姆菲尔德a. Language acquisition in terms of behaviorist terminology.语言学家应当描述人们实际使用的语言而不应该自己规定,应通过归纳法对材料进行分析。
b. Language was a habit of verbal behaviorist which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses.语言只是一种习惯,它是由一系列的刺激与反应所组成。


二、自考外语教学法的定义和意义1. 00833自考外语教学法的含义自考外语教学法是指通过独立学习和考试,系统地学习和掌握外语教学的理论和实践知识,培养外语教学能力的一门学科。
2. 自考外语教学法的意义自考外语教学法对于提高英语教学水平、培养全面发展的外语人才、加强国际交流与合作具有重要意义。
三、自考外语教学法的主要内容1. 自考外语教学法的理论基础00833自考外语教学法主要包括教学法的基本概念、外语教学的发展历程、教学法的学科性质等内容。
2. 自考外语教学法的方法与技巧00833自考外语教学法还涉及到多种教学方法和技巧的学习,如交际教学法、任务型教学法、多媒体教学法等。
四、自考外语教学法的教学实践1. 教学法在英语教学中的应用通过学习00833自考外语教学法,教师可以将所学到的方法与技巧运用到实际的英语教学中,提高教学效果,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生的语言实际运用能力。
2. 学生自主学习的培养通过自考外语教学法的学习,学生也可以培养自主学习的能力,提高学习效率,全面发展语言技能,为今后的学习和工作打下坚实的基础。



FLTM : foreign language teaching methodology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the natural and laws of foreign languages.Major approaches in FLT:Grammar-translation method (deductive演绎法)Direct method (inductive 概括法 )Audio-lingual methodHumanistic approaches: that emphasize the development of human values, growth in self-awareness and in the understanding of others, sensitivity to human feelings and emotions, andactive student involvement in learning and in the way human learning takes palaceThe silent waySuggestopediaCommunity language learning (CLL)Total physical response method (TPR)The natural approach(NA)The communicative approach (CA )An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching ad leaning. Approach is axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to b taught.Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. Within one approach, there can be many methods.A technique is implementation---that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Techniques must b consistent with a method, and therefore I harmony with an approach as well.Views on language:Structural view : the structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology); the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology); and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).Functional view : the functional view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also meansfor doing things. Functional activities: offering, suggesting, advising, apologizing, etc. International view: considers language to be a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts.Process-oriented theories: are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization. Condition-oriented theories : emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receives, and the atmosphere.Behaviorist theory , the idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repletion and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised.Cognitive theory, language is not a form of behavior, it is an intricate rule-based system and alarge part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.Constructivist theory, believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory, similar to constructivist theory, socio-constructivist theory emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on theconcept of “Zone of Proximal Development”ZPD)( and scaffolding.Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles CLT:communicative language teaching TBLT: task-based languageteachingThe goal of CLT is to develop students’communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. P16Hedge discusses five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.Howatt proposes a weak and a strong version of CLT.Weak version: learners first acquire language as a structural system and then learn how to use it in communication. --- the weak version regards overt teaching of language forms and functions as necessary means for helping learners to develop the ability to use them for communication.Strong version: language is acquired through communication. The learners discover the structural system in the process of leaning how to communicate.---regards experiences of using the language as the main means or necessary conditions for learning a language as they provide the experience for learners to see how language is used in communication.Communicative activities: P24Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the leaner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome.Four components of a task: a purpose, a context, a process, and a productTasks focus on the complete act of communication.(Purposeful&contextualized communication). Exercises focus the students’attention on the individual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, grammar or individual skills. (Focus on individual language items) Exercise-task comes halfway between tasks and exercises, consists of contextualized practice of language item.PPP:for teaching a new structure-based lesson, content lesson, presentation (introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures), practice(the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessary) and production(the students are encouraged to use what they are learned and practiced to perform communicative tasks)The importance of lesson planning: 1. an unprepared teacher begins of a disastrous lesson.2. An unprepared teacher receives less trust and cooperation from the students. 3. The students are different, the time is different, and the mood is different.Lesson Planning : is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions aboutwhat they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it. In other words, teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved, materials to be covered, activities to be organized, and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.Principles for good lesson planning: aim, variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage.Variety: planning a number of different students to a wide selection of materials never monotonous for the students.types of activities and where possible, introducing so that learning is always interesting, motivating andFlexibility: preparing some extra and alternative tasks and activities at the class does not always go according to the plan so that teachers always have the option to cope with the unexpected situations rather than being the slaves of written plans or one methodology. Learnability: within capability of the students, not be too easy or beyond or below the students’coping ability.Linkage : easy task followed by a comparatively difficult one, or do a series of language-focused activities to get the students prepared linguistically .Components of a lesson planning: background information, teaching aims, language content and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-lesson reflection.For skill-oriented lesson, focusing on developing skills, the model is applicable---pre-(reading), while-, post-. (Pre-step, while-step, post-step)Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.The role of the teacher: controller, assessor (evaluator, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback), organizer (organize and design task that students can perform in the class), prompter 推进者 (give appropriate prompts and give hints), participant, resource-provider, teacher’s new roles.There are rules to follow for making instructions effective.The first is to use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehensive level of thestudents.The second rule is to use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary.Give students time to get used to listening to English instructions and help the make aneffort to understand them.Use body language to assist understanding and stick to it each time you teach the class. Student grouping: whole class group—same activity at the same rhythm and pace, lockstep, pair work, group work, individual studyDiscipline: refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective.Questioning in the classroom:Classification of question types: 1.closed questions and open questions 2.display questions and Closed questions refer to those with only one s ingle correct answer while open questions may invite many different answers. Display questions are those that the answers are already knownto the teacher and they are used for checking if students know the answer, too. Genuine questions are questions which are used to find out new information and since they often reflect real context, they are more communicative. Lower-order questions refer to those that simple require recalling of information or memorization of facts while higher order questions require more reasoning, analysis, and evaluation.Simple question and difficult questionA mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or an “a slip of tongue ”,it ’s a failure performance to a known system.An error has direct relation with the learners’language competence. Results from Lack of knowledgein the target language. Language error cannot be self-corrected no matter how much attention ispaidDealing with spoken errors: tasks or activities are focusing on accuracy or fluency. Balance between accuracy-based activities and fluency-based activities..When to correct: fluency work---not to interrupt, after the student’s performance; accuracy work---need to intervene moreHow to correct: direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole class correction.Goal of teaching pronunciation:Consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and naturalIntelligibility : the pronunciation should be understandable t o the listenersCommunicative efficiency : the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intendedby the speaker.Aspects of pronunciation: besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as stress (strong and weak form, word stress and sentence stress), intonation and rhythm (variation).Perception practice: using minimal pairs, which order, same or different? Oddand out, Completion.Production practice: listen and repeat, fill the blanks, make up sentences, use meaningful context, use picture, use tongue twisters.Grammar presentation: The deductive method, the inductive method, theguided discovery methodGrammar practice: mechanical practice and meaningful/ communicative practice.Mechanical practice: involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. Students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution drill and transformation drills.Meaningful practice: focus on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students keep an eye on the way newly learned structures are used in the process. It comes after mechanical practice. (Comparatives and superlatives). Using picture prompts, using mimes or gestures as prompts, using information sheet as prompts, using key phrases or key words as prompts, using chained phrases for story telling, using created situations.What does knowing a word involve? Denotative meaning; connotative meaning;chunk/collocations; synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms; receptive and productive vocabulary.Denotative meaning of a word or a lexical item refers to those words that we use to label thingsas regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world. Primary meaning ofa word.A connotative meaning of a word refers to the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosinga word and the influence of these on the listener or reader ’s interpretation of the word.Collocations refer to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepted as waysfor the use of words. For instance, see, look at, watch.Hyponyms refer to words which can be grounded together under the same superordinate concept. Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing. Those words that oneis not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing are considered as one’s productive/active vocabulary.Ways of presenting vocabulary: inductive and deductive.Ways of consolidating vocabulary: labeling; spot the difference; describe and draw; play a game; use words series; word bingo; word association; finding synonyms and antonyms; categories; using word net-work; using the internet resources for more ideas.Developing vocabulary learning strategies: review regularly, guess meaning from context, organize vocabulary effectively, use a dictionary, and manage strategy use.Principles and models for teaching listening: focus on process, combine listening with other skills (listening can be practice with not-taking, and answers, role plays, retelling, interviewing, discussions, or a writing task), focus on the comprehension of meaning, grade difficulty level appropriately, principles for selecting and using listening activities.Two approaches are frequently used to describe different processes of listening.Bottom-up model and Top-down model.Bottom-up model:从细节下手start with sound and meaning recognitions. Listeners construct meaning of what they hear based on the sound they hear, expect the listeners have a very effective short-term memory as they have to make sense of every sound in order to figure out the meaningof words, phrase, and structures. If there are unfamiliar sounds, listeners will find it very difficultto keep up with speaker. --- recognizing sounds of words, phrases or structures.Top-down model: 侧重纲要listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized. Listeners can understand better if they already have some knowledge in their mind about the topic. Such knowledge is also termedas prior knowledge or schematic knowledge---mental frameworks for various things and experience we hold in our long-term memory. ---referring meaning from broad contextual clues and background knowledge.Three teaching stages: pre-listening—warming up; while-listening---listening comprehension; post-listening---checking answers.Teaching speakingLess complex syntax, short cuts, incomplete sentences, devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to thinking before speaking, false start, spontaneous, time-constraint.Types of speaking:pre-communicative activities— mechanical activities; communicative activities---meaningful activities.Controlled activities, semi-controlled activities, communicative activities: Information-gap activities; dialogues and role-plays; activities using pictures; problem-solving activities; change the story; human scrabbleOrganizing speaking tasks: use small group workTeaching readingThe construction of meaning from a printed or written message.Two broad levels in the act reading.1). A recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes.2). A cognitive task of interpreting the visual information revealing the received information withthe reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meantto convey.For teaching: intensive/extensive readingIn terms of methods: skimming/scanning/predictingFor reading practice: reading aloud/silent readingThe role of vocabulary in reading: sight vocabulary : words that one is able to recognize immediately are often referred to as sight vocabulary.Principles and models for teaching reading : bottom-up model; top-down model; interactive modelPre-reading activities: predicting (predicting based on the tile/ based on vocabulary/basedon the T/F questions) setting the scene, skimming, and scanningWhile-reading activities: TD (a transition device)Reading comprehension questions: 1. questions of literal comprehension 2. Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation 3. Questions for inference (what is implied but not explicitly stated) 4. questions for evaluation or appreciation(making judgment about what the writer is trying to do and how successful he/she is in achieving his/her purpose) 5. Questions for personal responseIntensive reading is an accuracy-oriented activity involving reading for detail; the main purpose is to learn language embedded in the reading texts, which are usually short. Extensive reading is a fluency activity. The main purpose is to achieve global understanding. Te reading texts usually contains less new vocabulary and is longer than those intended for intensive reading.Teaching writingWriting for consolidating language, writing for communication, between writing for learning and writing for communication, imaginationNot have a real communicative purpose; for language skill; a little bit communicative; communicative approach; neither restrictions in contents nor in word limit; more communicative; more motivatedCA: communication approachA Productive approach to writing成就法/a prose model approach---fruitlessA Processapproach to writing 过程法 : The teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing. This kind of guidance should be gradually withdrawn so that the students can finally become independent writers.Main procedures of processwriting include: creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, freewriting, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proofreading and conferencing.。
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语法是对语言的一般描述,主要是对其组织原则的理论描述, ______学,句法学,词汇学,语义学。
简答题研究和学习英语教学法的目的1. 关于方法的知识是最有用的知识;2.。
听和练的基本形式1 试听配合2 读听配合3 写听配合4 听说配合说的困难 1 开口的困难2 继续说的困难说的教学原则和方法要点1 语言训练和思维训练结合2 精确表达训练和模糊表达训练结合3 模仿性的说和创造性地说相结合4 有准备的说于无准备的说相结合说合练的基本形式1 句型操练2 配对对话练习3 话语结构练习4 课文活用联系5 情景说话练习6 说话表演练习读的困难1 朗读的困难2 默读困难读的教学原则和方法要点1阅读方法和材料目的一致2 独立阅读为主3 朗读于默读结合,精度与泛读结合,课内度与课外读结合。
怎样做到用英语教英语 1.要尽量使用学生已学过的语言;2.要把用英语教英语和复习已交过,但在课本里重复不够的材料结合起来;3.要随着教学的进行不断更行所使用的语言;4.要制定用英语教英语的专门计划。