


❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
弘扬科学精神,反对去 留。



49、勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日 有所长 。

50、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结 ,箪瓢 屡空, 晏如也 。




English Conversation
来自中国的Sue跟来自美国的 Julie一起去吃饭。
Julie警告Sue不 要从梯子下面走, It‘s bad luck. 会带来坏运气。 这是西方的迷信。 Sue原以为,西 方人觉得迷信是 old-fashioned, 守旧过时的,只 有中国人迷信, 没想到,其实西 方人也迷信,但 是东西方迷信的 内容不同。
在西方,如果你前面有一只黑猫,那可 糟了,意味着厄运临头。可Julie就养了 只黑猫,可爱极了。看来西方人也并不 真信,They don't take these things very seriously. 另外,打碎镜子代表七 年的坏运气,因为古代人觉得镜子是通 向心灵的窗口。
风水在西方越来越流行, 风水在西方越来越流行,这也算是 文化互通吧。 文化互通吧。
That is all.
Thank you 三”,很多大楼因此没有十三层,用 12A来代替。Sue说,中国也有类似做 法。不过,在西方文化里,“十三” 为什么不吉利呢?Julie说,大概是因 为“十三”前面的“十二”是一个 lucky number,特别吉利的数字。
Be Careful!
在西方,很多传说和故事里,十二都 是吉祥数字,可十三却代表着厄运, 如果哪个月的十三号正好又是星期五 的话,一定要小心。
Julie说,西方很多迷信都不知 道是从哪来的了。The origin kind of gets lost in history. 比如说, 从梯子下面走会带来坏运气, 可为什么呢?或许是上面会 掉东西下来砸到你吧。
不过,不少迷信跟宗教有关。有人打喷嚏, 旁边的人说"Bless You" 就起源于宗教。, 大约五百年前,人们觉得说上帝保佑你 God Bless You能防治疾病,但是今天, 别人打喷嚏,你说Bless You已经变成一种 礼貌了。



Types of superstition
◎ Ghost ◎ Witchcraft ◎ Divination(占卜) ◎ Tarot(塔罗牌) ◎ Constellation ◎ Geomantic omen(风水) ◎ Fortune telling(八字算命)
Western superstitions
How to understand superstition? Regardless of the truth or false of it, the meaning of superstition is some kind of outward expressions of the human’s tensions and anxieties to the uncertain of life.
Albatross(信天翁): the westerners believe that you can never kill a albatross anytime anywhere, for they think the souls of the seamen are attached to them, so killing the albatrosses will lead to the revenge of the sea.
• Stick chopsticks into the rice: Do not stick your chopsticks into your food generally, especially not into rice, because only at funerals, chopsticks are stuck into the rice which is put onto the altar(祭坛).

科学与迷信PPT 教学课件

科学与迷信PPT 教学课件

●消除灾难,企图以求拜神拜佛、烧香叩头、驱魔赶鬼等方式, 来为自己、为亲人消灾解难,化凶为吉,带来福运。 ●相信某些活动、仪式、数字、自然现象、日期会带来好运气、 忌讳某些数字、现象并尽量避免。 ●认为世间存在神仙和妖魔鬼怪,或相信生物具有超乎自然的 “灵魂”,它们对自然现象(风雨雷电旱涝)和人类的生老病死 有控制能力。 ●抽签、算卦、看相、以及不明所以地找大仙、巫婆问亡人的 迷信行为。 ●以个别偶然现象为依据,认为某些 人具有超越自然的神奇功能,如相 信气功师“末来先知”,能预测水 灾、地震,预测他人未来。
月食称为“天狗吃月亮”。 每当出现这种现象时,大 家就非常紧张。为了不让 月亮被“天狗”吃掉,人们 便纷纷拿出铁器或锣等敲 打一阵,直至月食结束。 等到月亮恢复原状人们才 算放心,认为已经把“天狗” 赶走了。
科学是具体的事物及其客观规则, 具体的实事求是,诸多的实践经验,科 学不是信仰,而是拿证据说话。
• 腐蚀人们思想,阻碍科学传播; • 蛊惑人心,妨碍政策法令贯彻执行; • 扰乱社会秩序,影响社会稳定; • 损害人民群众生命财产; • 诱使无知者触犯法律,沦为罪犯。
相信科学 反对迷信














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superstitions 迷信

superstitions 迷信

BBC Learning English 6 Minute English10 August 2011 NB: This is not a word for word transcriptRob: Alice: Rob:Alice:Rob: Alice: Rob:Alice: Rob: Hello, I'm Rob.And I'm Alice.And this is 6 Minute English from the BBC. Today we're talking about superstitions. Superstition is the belief that certain events can bring good luck or bad luck. For example, a lot of people think that the number 13 is unlucky, or that you can avoid bad luck if you touch wood.Mm, in fact people even say 'touch wood' if they're hoping for something good to happen.That's right. So Alice, are you superstitious?Well I am, a bit. I don't like walking under ladders for example.Me too. Well, today we're talking about superstitions involving birds and animals, and I've got today's question for you. According to British folklore, eggs from which bird are meant to improve your eyesight?Is it:a) ducksb) owlsc) swansI'm not sure. I'll guess swans.OK, we'll see if you're right at the end of the programme.Now animals, birds and nature feature a lot in British superstitions. We've already mentioned that people touch wood or knock on wood for luck. So could you tell us a few more British superstitions involving nature Alice?Alice:Rob: Alice: Rob:Alice: Rob: Well one that I can think of off the top of my head is a lucky rabbit's foot. Apparently if you carry a rabbit's foot around it will bring you good luck. It's what we call a lucky charm. A charm is an object that brings good luck. So a rabbit's foot is a charm that brings good luck to the person carrying it.But not to the rabbit! You used an interesting phrase there Alice: 'off the top of my head'.Yeah, off the top of my head. It's a helpful phrase that means something you think of quickly, without much research.OK, well let's hear a few more British superstitions involving nature. Dr Paul Walton, from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, spoke to the BBC about some superstitions surrounding birds in Scotland. Here he is talking about seagulls and the traditions associated with them.Seagulls or gulls – they're the large grey and white birds that you find near the seaside.So, according to Dr Walton, what superstitions are associated with gulls in Scotland?Partly it must be because Scotland's such a fantastic place for birds, I think over the years these superstitions have developed because these are the living things that we share our lives with. For example, there's a long tradition in Scotland among sailors and fishermen of seeing the gulls that follow the boats as actually being the embodiment of dead sailors, and to kill a gull is still in many places considered to be very back luck.Rob: Alice: Rob: He says sailors and fishermen consider it very bad luck to kill a seagull because gulls are the embodiment of dead sailors. Could you explain embodiment for us Alice?Embodiment. It literally means to give something a body. So here it means that the seagulls have given physical bodies to the spirits of dead sailors – they're the embodiment of the dead sailors.So it's bad luck to kill a seagull in Scotland because they're the embodiment of dead sailors. Let's listen to another bird superstition from Scotland. This is Paul Walton again talking about another of his favourite superstitions. Listen out for the bird noises in this clip and see if you can identify which bird he's talking about. What you should do when you hear its call?One of my favourites is the cuckoo [Cuck-oo cuck-oo] If you hear a cuckoo calling and then you start to run away from it as quickly as you can, the number of times you hear the cuckoo calling before it fades into silence is the number of years you've got left to live.Rob: Alice: Rob: Alice: Did you hear the sound of the cuckoo? The cuckoo is a bird with a long tail and a very distinctive cry.You can find cuckoo clocks in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, with the cuckoo making a distinctive cry every hour.But in Scotland, if you hear the cuckoo calling then you should run away from it as quickly as you can. And the number of times you hear the cuckoo is the number of years you've got left to live.Oh dear. So surely you should walk away very slowly – then you'd hear more calls and live longer? It seems like a very odd superstition to me – it's a realold wives' tale. An old wives' tale is what we call superstitions that are totally untrue and ridiculous sometimes. Now I would definitely say that that sounds like an old wives' tale to me.Rob:Alice: Rob:Alice: Rob:Alice: You could be right – a lot of these superstitions are old wives' tales; possibly including the one in today's question. Now, if you remember Alice, I asked you, according to British folklore, which bird's eggs are meant to improve your eyesight?Is it:a) ducksb) owlsc) swansAnd I said swans.Well, apparently it's owl's eggs that are meant to improve your eyesight.You're meant to cook the eggs until they're ash, and then eat them to get better sight.Urgh, that sounds horrible; eggs made into ashes!Yes, I wouldn't recommend doing it. Anyway, before we go Alice, could you please remind us of some of the vocabulary we've heard in today's programme? Sure, we had:SuperstitionTo touch woodKnock on woodA lucky charmOff the top of my headSeagull Embodiment CuckooOld wives' taleRob: Alice: Both: Thanks Alice. See you next time! Bye!Vocabulary and definitionsRead and listen to the story online:/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2011/08/110810_6min_english_s uperstitions_page_latest.shtml。



1. The black cat

A black cat walking past you is especially bad.
2. The number 13

Many people consider this number to be very unlucky.
3. The four leaf clover
5. Knock on wood

Touching something made of wood is supposed to bring you good luck.
Game time!
Good or bad? Fortune or misfortune
What we learnt from the game

The key:
1. Never point to the moon, or your ears are likely to be chopped off. 2. Don’t build your house facing North. 3. Lotus flowers and boxes are associated with Chinese wedding because they are both pronounced the same as the Chinese word for harmony.

Welcome to the world of superstition.
superstition in Japan
the soul jade
the river hand
superstition in China: fengshui

superstition of zodiac—英语ppt演示文稿

superstition of zodiac—英语ppt演示文稿

Geomantic omen(风水)
• It is the most popular superstition until now. It means proper location of house, grave, placing furniture or something important. • For example, a perfect building is supposed to be located in a place with a mountain in the north as well as a river in the south. And an excellent room ought to have a window open to the south or at least to the east. Many people, especially traditional businessmen believe good geomantic omen will lead to good luck and fortune. They invite the geomancer to give them directions and pay a lot of money on those geomantic activities.
Geomantic omen(风水)
• Palmistry was and is very popular among Chinese people. People believe that one’s future could be foreseen through one’s hand. • In palmistry, the lines on the palm represent one’s courses of life. The three main lines on the palm respectively stand for life-span, love and career. Besides, one’s wealth or poverty might also be predicted via the lines and circles on the finger.
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Friday THE 13th
God bless you
• In the west, superstition is associated with religious. If someone sneeze , the one beside he will say “Bless you.” And this is originated from religion. Five hundred years ago, people thought ‘ god bless you’ can prevent disease, but today, someone sneezing, you say this sentence has become a kind of polite . Many Chinese also say ‘god bless you’ in this day.
A little story
Julie went to eat dinner with her friend Amy came from China . Julie warned Amy not to walk under a ladder , because it’s bad luck (western superstition).
Black cat
In west ,if you encounter a black cat, it means that you are going to be worst .And don't forget that you can't staring at the black cat’s eyes. But I think this superstiton is also popular in China.
a meteor fall
• In ancient China, a meteor fall is unlucky, represents a promising man will die.
• While many young people nowadays believe that their dream will come true when meteors fall .
Now my partners will give you a show about superstition.
That’s all .Thank u.Fra bibliotek畅想网络
Imagination Network
Amy was surprised, because she thought westerners would think superstition is old-fashioned, unexpectly, actually westerners also believe in superstition ,just the content of the eastern and western superstitions are different.