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In this part, the author mainly discusses the definition of idioms, sayings, and proverb(成语,熟语,谚语)。


成语:熟语的一种。习用的固定词组。在汉语中多数由四个字组成,组织多样,来源不一。所指多为确定的转义。有些可以从字面理解:“成风破浪”。有些要知来源:“守株待兔”。《词海》Idiom: phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. Oxford Advanced English Dictionary So we can say that熟语is equivalent to idioms, but in my paper, 成语is equivalent to idioms.

2.The origin of Chinese idioms.

2.1 Idioms usually are derived from the daily lives. At beginning, people made some lively and meaningful sentences or phrases. Later people found that those sentences or phrases could be used extensively because there are genuine laws behind sentences or phrases. At last, after years of refinement, they become idioms. Such as“趁热打铁”。

2.2 Idioms derived from stories. Such as “叶公好龙”。

2.3 Borrowed idioms. Such as “三生有幸、当头棒喝、火中取栗”。

3.The characteristics of Chinese idioms.

3.1. An idiom is a combination of two or more words which function as a unit of meaning.

For example:三人成虎。It does not mean that three become a tiger, but mean that if many peoples have told a rumor, it will become true.

3.2.An idiom is an organic whole that cannot be changed.

For example:雪中送炭cannot be changed to 雪中送煤, 老马识途cannot be changed to 老狗识途.

4.Stylistic Devices

4.1 Metaphor and simile

Using metaphor and simile to make language much more vividly. Such as:螳臂当车、井底之蛙。

4.2. Euphony.

4.2.1. Using alliteration. Such as: 八面玲珑、(玲珑)。

4.2.2. Using rhyme. Such as: 天真烂漫(烂漫)。

4.3. Repetition

Chinese like to use four-letter word, so there is a lot of repetition in idioms. Such as 三三两两,糊里糊涂,想入非非。

4.4. Parallelism

such as 狼吞虎咽、铜墙铁壁。

5. Difficulties in Understanding

5.1.. The meaning cannot be drawn from the individual words that form the idiom. Such as 骑马找马does not mean “capturing horse with a horse”, it means the thing one is looking for is just beside him or trying to find a better job while having this job.

5.2.. Idioms used metaphor and simile a lot. Such as 蒙在鼓里does not mean sb. is in a drum. It used metaphor and means sb has no idea about sth.

5.3.. Chinese intend to use four letter words. Some long stories were shortened to a four-letter words. such as 叶公好龙、杞人忧天。

5.4.. Idioms have its cultural and national background. Such as 班门弄斧、望子成龙。

6. Ways of Expression

6.1. Using the equivalent English idioms.

6.1.1.some Chinese idioms not only have the same meaning and form as English idioms, but also have the same image or metaphor. Such as

Exp:隔墙须有耳,窗外其无人。Walls have ears, and outside the window is there not a man? Exp:只有大胆地破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,也许有翻身的那一天。

All you can do is to burn your boats and……

Other examples: 趁热打铁strike while the iron is hot。浑水摸鱼fish in the troubled water.

挥金如土To spend money like water.

6.1.2. There is no metaphor and simile in Chinese idioms and English idioms.

乱七八糟at sixes and sevens. 并驾齐驱neck to neck.患难与共to share weal and woe

熟能生巧practice makes perfect.

6.1.3. For concision: some Chinese idioms need explanation, so for the sack of concision, the English idioms were used.

你们以到了山穷水尽的地方。You are now at the end of your rope.

胸有成竹to have a card up one’s sleeve. 非驴非马neither fish nor flesh

害群之马a black sheep 班门弄斧to teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs

ing the variation of English idioms.

Sometimes we have to chang the original form of the English idioms.

兵不厌诈:All is fair in war. Original form: all is fair in war and love.

6.1.5. Abusing of English idioms.


This was white goatee, who had thrown a monkey-wrench into the proceedings of the last mass meeting. Chinese peasants were not familiar with monkey-wrench, so it is better to use disturb.

例2.夜儿萧队长请他喝酒。Team leader Hsia clinked glass with him last night.

Abusing of English idioms should be avoided.

6.2 literal translations: in order to keep the original image or metaphor.


The saying “to play the herb to a cow” implies a gibe at the audience.

If we use the English idiom “to throw pearl before swine”, which comes from bible, 太西方化。例2.男男女女都七嘴八舌的说出他们的惦记和盼念。

With seven mouths and eight tongues, all were talking together……

It is a fresh expression.

6.2.2 avoid word-to-word translation


But these serving men were so busy their hands and feet were all in confusion, and they were moving things hither and thither, east and weat. Pearl s.Buck

It is easy to cause misunderstanding.

The waiters were very busy bringing first one thing and then another. J.H.Jockson
