
根据空气流动方式的不同,冷却塔可分为自然通风(自然通风冷却塔)和机械通风(机械通风冷却塔)两类。自然通 风冷却塔依靠自然风力驱动空气流动,而机械通风冷却塔则通过风机强制空气流动。
为了确保冷却塔的稳定运行和延长使用寿命,需要定期进行维护保养,包括清洗、检查和更换磨损部件。 同时,应关注冷却塔的运行工况,合理调整运行参数,提高冷却效率。
定期检查高压设备运行状 况,确保安全可靠供电, 及时处理故障和隐患。
负责监控火电厂整体运行 情况,是火电厂运行管理 的核心场所。
单元控制室负责监控某一来自元设备的 运行情况,如锅炉、汽轮 机等。
用于远程监控和操作火电 厂设备,通常设置在厂外 或远离主厂房的区域。
通过自动控制系统,调节火电厂设备 的运行参数,使其保持在设定的范围 内。
• 燃料系统 • 燃烧系统 • 汽水系统 • 冷却系统 • 电气系统 • 控制系统
包括储煤场、油库等,用于储存 各种燃料,如煤、油等。
为确保燃料储存安全,需采取措 施防止燃料自燃、爆炸等事故发 生。
冷却水在火电厂中起着至关重要的作用,它负责吸收热量并传递给冷却塔,以保持设备的 正常运行。为了防止水垢、腐蚀和微生物生长,必须对冷却水进行处理。
通过添加化学药剂,如阻垢剂、缓蚀剂和杀生剂,来控制水中矿物质结垢、腐蚀和微生物 生长。这些药剂能够稳定水中离子,抑制垢物形成,保护设备和管道不受腐蚀,并杀死或 抑制微生物生长。

• 单冲量给水控制系统:只根据锅炉水位H变化控制给水阀门开度。 • 双冲量给水控制系统:根据锅炉水位H变化,蒸汽流量信号D组成的控制系统。 • 三冲量给水控制系统:根据锅炉水位H,蒸汽流量信号D,给水流量W三个信号调节给
HEC Marketing Dept.
HEC Marketing Dept.
火电工艺介绍 - 制粉系统(1)
制粉系统 - 主设备 - 磨煤机
低速磨煤机及其制粉系统: – 低速磨煤机(15 ~ 25 r/min): 多为球磨机
–单进单出筒式球磨机 –双进双出筒式球磨机
中速磨煤机及其制粉系统: – 中速磨煤机(60 ~ 300 r/min):
HEC Marketing Dept.
火电厂的三大系统 之二 汽水系统 –由锅炉, 汽轮机, 凝汽器, 除氧器, 加热器等构成 –主要包括: –给水系统 –冷却水系统 –补水系统
汽轮机 过热蒸汽 排气 生水 省煤器 锅 炉 给 水 高压加热器
HEC Marketing Dept.
火电工艺介绍 - 锅炉 (10)
火电工艺介绍 - 锅炉 (8)
单冲量给水控制系统 主要问题:当蒸汽负荷增加时,由于锅炉水中汽泡量增 加产生 “虚假水位”,而使给水调节阀动作减少给水量, 加剧蒸汽流量和给水流量的不平衡,而后使水位快速下 降,产生较大的水位偏差。 适用于:根据水容量较大,蒸汽负荷较稳定的小容量锅炉。
HEC Marketing Dept.

负责将冷却水从冷却塔送至凝汽器,吸收汽轮机排汽热 量后返回冷却塔进行降温。循环水泵通常采用轴流泵或 混流泵,具有流量大、扬程低的特点。为提高冷却效果 ,循环水泵通常采用多台并联运行。
通过自然通风或机械通风方式,将循环水中的热量散发 至大气中,降低循环水温度。冷却塔通常由填料、配水 系统、通风设备等组成。为提高冷却效果,冷却塔需定 期进行清洗和维护。
对厂界和敏感点进行噪声监测,确保噪声达 标排放。
运行管理与维护保养制 度
包括燃烧室、水冷壁、过热器、再热器等 ,负责将燃料燃烧产生的热能传递给水, 生成高温高压的蒸汽。
由高压缸、中压缸和低压缸组成,蒸汽在 汽轮机中膨胀做功,驱动汽轮机旋转。
与汽轮机同轴连接,将汽轮机产生的机械 能转换为电能输出。
包括燃料输送系统、给水系统、冷却水系 统、烟气处理系统等,保障火力发电厂的 稳定运行。
火力发电厂完整系统 流程图课件
• 火力发电厂概述 • 燃料供应系统流程图 • 锅炉系统流程图 • 汽轮机系统流程图 • 发电机及变压器系统流程图 • 辅助设备及控制系统流程图 • 安全环保设施流程图 • 运行管理与维护保养制度
火力发电厂是利用化石燃料(如 煤、石油、天然气等)燃烧产生 的热能来发电的工厂。


电气系统包括发电机、变压器、配电装置等设备。汽轮机的机械能通过发电机转化为电能,经过变压 器升压或降压后向外输送或供给厂用电。
控制系统负责对火电厂的各个子系统进 行监测、控制和调节,确保机组安全、 经济地运行。
控制系统包括各种传感器、控制器和执行 器等设备。传感器监测各子系统的运行参 数(如温度、压力、流量等),控制器根 据监测数据进行控制和调节,执行器则根 据控制指令调节各子系统的运行状态。控 制系统还具备故障诊断和安全保护功能, 确保机组在异常情况下能够安全停机。
在绘制流程图时,应遵循统一的规范,如符号的规格、线条的粗细、文字的字体和字号等。此外,流程图的布局 和层次结构应清晰明了,便于阅读和理解。
在解读流程图时,应先了解整个系统的工艺流程和设备布置,然后重点关注各个设备的 操作原理、工艺参数和控制逻辑。对于复杂的系统,可以按照功能区域或工艺流程分段
对处理过程进行记录和分析,总结经验教训,提高故障处 理效率;
对重大故障进行预案制定,确保在紧急情况下能够迅速应 对。
$item3_c{文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良 好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;根据需要可酌情增 减文字,4行*25字}
$item4_c{文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良 好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;根据需要可酌情增 减文字,4行*25字}

火电厂各系统流程详解英文回答:Introduction.Thermal power plants generate electricity by converting the chemical energy of fuel into thermal energy, which is then used to generate steam that drives a turbine. The turbine is connected to a generator, which converts the mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy.Fuel Handling System.The fuel handling system is responsible for receiving, storing, and preparing the fuel for combustion. The fuel is typically coal, natural gas, or oil. The fuel is received by the plant in solid or liquid form and is stored in a bunker or storage tank. The fuel is then prepared for combustion by crushing, grinding, or pulverizing it.Combustion System.The combustion system is responsible for burning the fuel to produce heat. The fuel is burned in a boiler, which is a large vessel that is filled with water. The heat from the combustion of the fuel is transferred to the water, which turns into steam.Steam Generation System.The steam generation system is responsible for generating the steam that drives the turbine. The steam is generated in the boiler and is then passed through a series of tubes that are heated by the combustion of the fuel. The steam is then superheated, which means that it is heated to a higher temperature.Turbine System.The turbine system is responsible for converting the thermal energy of the steam into mechanical energy. The steam is passed through a series of blades that areconnected to a shaft. The shaft is connected to a generator, which converts the mechanical energy of the shaft into electrical energy.Condenser System.The condenser system is responsible for cooling the steam after it has passed through the turbine. The steam is passed through a series of tubes that are cooled by water. The water is then pumped back to the boiler, where it is used to generate more steam.Pollution Control System.The pollution control system is responsible for removing pollutants from the exhaust gases from the boiler. The pollutants are typically removed by a scrubber, whichis a device that uses water to remove pollutants from the exhaust gases.Ash Handling System.The ash handling system is responsible for removing the ash from the boiler. The ash is removed from the boiler by a conveyor system and is then stored in a silo. The ash is then disposed of in a landfill or is used as a construction material.Water Treatment System.The water treatment system is responsible for treating the water that is used in the plant. The water is treated to remove impurities, such as minerals and bacteria. The treated water is then used to generate steam and to cool the turbine.Electrical System.The electrical system is responsible for distributing the electrical energy that is generated by the plant. The electrical energy is distributed to the grid, which is a network of power lines that connects power plants to consumers.Maintenance System.The maintenance system is responsible for maintaining the plant and ensuring that it is operating safely and efficiently. The maintenance system includes a team of engineers and technicians who are responsible for inspecting, repairing, and replacing equipment.中文回答:火电厂各系统流程详解。

机组冷态启动网络图机组具备启动条件,影响系统恢复的工作票收回,系统恢复备用状态启动锅炉上水泵开始进行除氧器上水,注意防止上水泵超电流检查循环水系统恢复、闭式水系统恢复、润滑油打循环、密封油系统投入、汽机盘车投入、EH 有投运、发电机氢压0.35,内冷水投运,高辅投入、炉侧火检风机运行、等离子冷却风机、水泵正常,捞渣机注水完毕,检查发变组恢复备用,定子绕组,转子绕组绝缘正常,主要辅机送电高加随机启动控制再热器压力,防止高排温0h0.5h恢复锅炉给水系统,关闭相关放水门 1人2h除氧器至低水位,投入除氧器加热,注意温升,防止振动。
启动磨、风机油站打循环,据情况投入加热4h除氧器加热至80度,停止加热,除氧器放水锅炉给水恢复完毕,开始炉水泵注水5h除氧器第二次上水,低水位时投入加热水质合格7h恢复给水泵系统,三台给水泵注水、高加系统注水8h除氧器加热至100度,给水泵及高加注水完毕,启动电泵 锅炉上水冬季水量80T/H8.5h轴封、调试用气、暖机管路开始暖管,暖管期间检查真空泵系统正常,汽水分离器补水至正常启动凝结水泵,凝结水打循环、外排恢复投入等离子暖风器,一二次风暖风器暖管10h省煤器空气门见水后关闭空气门,关闭再热器系统空气门投入锅炉一二次风暖风器10.5h投入轴封系统、开始抽真空轴封系统充分疏水12.5h汽包水位至+300启动一台炉水循环泵,通知热工水位计校准,做高水位实验,谁为正常时减小少管停止上水启动一台送风机、一台引风机,调节风量至750t/h 左右,条件满足进行吹扫13h吹扫完成,启动一台一次风机,启动A 磨等离子拉弧,锅炉点火,注意点火排气13.5投入空预器吹灰(辅汽)锅炉开始升温生压,速度小于1.5-2.5℃/min ,0.15-0.3mp/min启动#2汽前泵,暖给水泵投入盘车暖机,注意防止掉盘车14h汽包压力0.2MP 关汽包、过热器空气门,0.5mp 关关顶棚过热器入口集箱疏水冲#2汽泵并入给水系统14.5h主汽温190℃以上,条件满足汽机暖阀主汽压0.5mp 投入高旁,再热器压0.2mp 投低旁(水压试验后另论)18h逐渐提高润滑油温定值主汽至轴封暖管恢复备用主汽温度、压力达到冲转参数,稳定参数检查汽机保护投入,停运盘车暖机,提起挠度表,记录参数准备冲转 主汽压4mpAH 吹灰倒为主汽带18.5h汽机冲转,润滑油温调至38 度,注意振动值关小高旁,维持冲转参数19h转速2450中速暖机一小时,发电机解环将厂用电由联络倒启备变带(考虑负荷因素可提前倒换)注意临界转速启动另一台风机,并风机,防止抢风,负压晃动(先并风机后倒电有用?)20h冲转至3000,做打闸实验、冲油实验,停交流油泵,高备启动制水保障充足 除尘器灰斗及绝缘子加热投入给水加药控制PH 值过路上水后增加药量,化验水质渣水系统,干除灰投入 投入取样架水位正常后给水加药停运,转换模式启动捞渣机投入电除尘、脱硫系统投入蒸汽取样分析化验凝结水水质,水质合格,投入精处理通知主控回收汽水在线仪表投入除尘器灰斗及绝缘子加热投入关于汽泵上水在时间安排上有所改变,应提前抽真空,投轴封,在联络倒启备变的时间点上有所考虑,新#2机组启动,脱硫增容,改造增多,电缆是否满足要求,否则应早倒换。

电力英语火电厂部分第一部分Section 1第十一部分生活英语Section 11 Daily English1.早上/下午/晚上好:Good morning/afternoon/evening.2.你好啊:How are you? (I am fine, thank you)3.很高兴认识你:Nice to meet you!4.天气真热:It is so hot!5.你吃饭了吗?Did you have your meal?6.你多大了?How old are you?7.我是…(地方)来的:I come from (如Guang Zhou中国地名可直接用汉语读出)8.我需要你的帮助:I need your help.9.我不懂你的意思:I can’t understand you.10.请再说一遍:Pardon?或者Can you repeat?11.我明白了:I see.12.我们不能这么做:We can’t do it in this way.13.问题解决了吗?Was the problem solved?14.工作时间到了:It’s time to work.15.请把…递给我:Please pass the (wrench) to me.16.请跟我走吧:Please follow me.17.你来操作一下:I want you to operate it,please.18.注意安全:Take care/ pay attention to your safe.19.合上开关:Close the circuit.20.这个东西多少钱:How much does it cost?21.感谢你的帮助:Thanks for your help.22.我感冒了:I caught a cold/flu.23.我头疼:I have a head ache.24.我发烧了:I have a fever.25.我闹肚子:I have a diarrhea.26.工作已经完成:The work is done/finished/completed.27.这个问题需要请示值长:We should turn the problem to shift leader.28.可能就是:It’s possible/I think so.29.我需要见你们领导:I need to see your leader.30.我没有要申报的东西:I have nothing to declare.31.我是一名工程师:I am an engineer.32.我要到…: Please take me to…/I want to go to…33.登机口在哪儿:Where is the boarding port please?34.请问哪里有公话:Where can I find a public phone?35.请问哪里能吃饭?Where can I get some food?36.我需要乘出租车:I need a taxi.印尼简单用语(因印尼语中专业用语都用英语表达,故表中只列出与其有别之处)一、会话用语你:Kamu 你们:Kalian我:Saya / Aku 我们:Kami / Kita他:Dia 他们:Mereka你好:Apa kabar好:Baik/ Bagus 不好: Tidak baik / Tidak Bagus / ga 谢谢:Terima kasih / Makasi 不客气:Sama - sama吃:Makan 面:Mie / Indo Mie 方便面饭:Nasi 喝:Minum咖啡:Kopi 茶:Teh早安:Selamat pagi 午安:Selamat siang晚安:Selamat malam 睡觉:Tidur去:Pergi / Pigi 哪里:DiMana那里:Sana 这里:Sini要:Mau 不要:Tidak mau买:Beli能够:Boleh 不能够:Tidak boleh会:Bisa 不可能:Tidak bisa会不可能?:Bisa tidak? 坏了 / 故障:Rusak快:Cepat 慢:Lambat / Pelan立刻 / 马上:Segera开:Buka 关:Tutup检查:Periksa / cek 确认:Pastikan提高:Naikan 降低:Turunkan减少:Kurangi 调整:Setel切换:Ganti 投入:Masukan停止:Berhenti / Hentikan 按:Tekan选择:Pilih / Pilihan 注意:Perhatian / Perhatikan 记录:Catat 保持、维持:Pertahankan稳固:Stabil 修复、修理:Perbaiki漏:Bocor 主控室:Ruang control煤矿:Batu bara二、数字用语零: enol / nol一:satu二:dua三:tiga四:empat五:lima六:enam七:tujuh八:delapan九:sembilan十:sepuluh十一:sebelas十二:dua belas二十:dua puluh二十一:dua puluh satu百:ratus一百:seratus千:ribu一千: seribu万:puluh ribu一万:sepuluh ribu十万:ratus ribu百万:Juta 条一百万:Satu Juta千万:Puluh juta一千万:sepuluh juta烟:Rokok鸡:Ayam 鸭:Bebek 牛:Sapi 羊:Kambing 猪:Babi 鱼:Ikan多少(钱):Berapa / Piro还没:Belum 好了:Sudah你买了没?:kamu sudah beli belum ?你…………了没?:kamu sudah…………belum?Tau ga ? Siapa ?Cinta Suka Autan。

火力发电流程图英语作文The Process of Thermal Power Generation.Thermal power generation, also known as coal-fired power generation, is a widely used method of producing electricity across the globe. It involves converting heat energy into electrical energy, primarily through the use of steam turbines. While the process may vary slightly depending on the specific plant and technology used, the fundamental steps remain the same. This article outlines the key stages involved in thermal power generation.1. Fuel Combustion.The process begins with the combustion of fuel, typically coal, but also including other fossil fuels like oil or natural gas. In a coal-fired power plant, coal is fed into a boiler or furnace, where it is burned at high temperatures. This combustion releases heat energy, which is absorbed by water circulating through the boiler.2. Steam Generation.The heat from the combustion process causes the water to boil and turn into steam. This steam, under high pressure, is then directed to the turbine. The pressure and temperature of the steam are carefully controlled to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.3. Turbine Rotation.The steam enters the turbine, which consists of a series of rotating blades. The force of the expanding steam against these blades causes the turbine to rotate. This rotation is what converts the heat energy into mechanical energy.4. Generator Operation.The rotating turbine is connected to an electrical generator. As the turbine turns, it spins a magnetic field within the generator, inducing an electrical current in thegenerator's windings. This current is then directed through transformers to increase its voltage, ready for transmission to the power grid.5. Steam Condensation and Recycling.After passing through the turbine, the steam is cooled and condensed back into water. This water is then pumped back into the boiler to start the cycle again, completing the closed-loop system.6. Flue Gas Treatment.During the combustion process, flue gases containing carbon dioxide and other pollutants are released. These gases must be treated to comply with environmental regulations before being discharged into the atmosphere. Processes like desulfurization and dust removal are employed to reduce harmful emissions.7. Efficiency and Emissions Monitoring.Thermal power plants are equipped with a range of monitoring systems to ensure efficient operation and minimize emissions. These systems constantly monitor parameters like fuel consumption, steam pressure and temperature, and emissions levels. Any deviations from optimal operating conditions can be quickly identified and addressed.8. Power Transmission and Distribution.The electrical power generated by the plant is transmitted through high-voltage transmission lines to distribution centers. Here, the power is stepped down to lower voltages suitable for distribution to residential and commercial customers.Thermal power generation is a complex process that requires careful management and monitoring. It involves converting chemical energy stored in fossil fuels into heat, then converting that heat into mechanical energy through steam turbines, and finally converting that mechanical energy into electricity. While it remains a significantsource of power generation worldwide, it also presents environmental challenges that need to be addressed through sustainable practices and technology advancements.。

2.2 汽轮机做功机理——郎肯循环
朗肯循环是水蒸气的可逆循环,它经过四个过程: 4-1定压吸热 1-2定熵膨胀 2-3定压放热 3-4定熵压缩 其T-S图如下:
2.3 应用郎肯循环计算热力过程
已知:汽轮机进气压力为 p1 =4MP,进气温度为 t1=400℃,排 气压力为 p2 =0.01MP。 那么我们就可以算出此热力过程各个状态的参数和热力循 环效率(郎肯循环效率)。其计算过程如下,主要是算出 各个状态的焓: 解: 状态1(是过热蒸汽): 根据 p1 =4MP, t1 =400℃,由未饱和水和过热水蒸汽表查得: k) h1=3214.5kj/kg, s1 =6.7731kj/(kg·
汽轮机里头有高压缸、中压缸、低压缸,对应多级汽 轮机的高压段、中压段和低压段。 100MW以下的机组通常采用单缸结构; 100MW以上的机组通常采用多缸结构。 如我国生产的100MW机组采用双缸结构(1高压缸、 1低压缸);200MW机组为三缸结构(1高压缸、1中压缸 、1低压缸);600MW机组为四缸结构(1高压缸、1中压 缸、2低压缸)。
2.1 汽水系统流程
(1)给水泵的水进过省煤器预热进入汽包 (2)汽包中的水进入下联箱,通过炉膛水冷壁与其内部的 高温烟气进行辐射换热,得到汽水混合物 (3)汽水混合物回到汽包,经汽水分离器分离,得到的饱 和蒸汽进入过热器,从而得到过热蒸汽 (4)过热蒸汽进入汽轮机高压缸做功 (5)高压缸排出蒸汽一部分进入再热器然后进入中低压缸 ,另一部分直接进入中低压缸做功 (6)中低压缸排出蒸汽进入凝汽器冷凝,并经过除氧等操 作经水箱最终回到给水泵,完成一个循环
1.3 煤燃烧的化学反应

火电厂火电厂火电厂火电厂、、、、热电厂各系统中英文对照热电厂各系统中英文对照热电厂各系统中英文对照热电厂各系统中英文对照1111Quality and nuclear safety related system(完全与质量和核安全相关系统)Partially quality and nuclear safety related system(部分与质量和核安全相关系统)Quality related system(与质量相关系统)Non quality related system(与质量无关系统)A Feedwater Supply(供水系统)ABP Low Pressure Feedwater Heater(低压给水加热器系统)ACO Feedwater Heaters Drain Recovery(给水加热器疏水回收系统)ADG Feedwater Deaerating Tank and Gas Stripper(给水除氧器系统)ADS LV AC Network 380V(ET Buiding)/低压交流电源380V系统(ET厂房)AET Feedwanter Pump Turbine Gland(主给水泵汽机轴封系统)AGM Moter Driven Feedwater Pump Lubrication(电动主给水泵润滑系统)AGR Feedwater Pump Turbine Lubrication and Control Fluid(主给水泵汽机润滑油及调节油系统)AHP High Pressure Feedwataer Heater(高压给水加热器系统) ory System(汽机监视系统)APA Moter-Driven Feedwater Pump(电动主给水泵系统)2222APD Start-up Feedwater System(启动给水系统)APG Steam Generator Blowdown(蒸汽发生器排污系统)APP Turbine-Driven Feedwater Pump(汽动主给水泵系统)APU Feedwater Pump Turbine Drain(主给水泵汽机疏水系统)ARE Feedwater Flow Control(给水流量控制系统)ASG Auiliary Feedwater (辅助给水系统)ATE Condensate Polishing Plant(凝结水净化处理系统)C Condenser(Condensation-Vacuum-Circulating Water)/凝汽器(冷凝-真空-循环水)CAR Turbine Exhaust Water Spraying(汽机排汽口喷淋系统)CET Turbine Gland(汽机轴封系统)CEX Condensate Extraction(凝结水抽取系统)CFI Circulating Water Filtraation(循环水过滤系统)CGR Circulating Water Pump Lubrication(循环水泵润滑系统)CPA Cathodic Protection(阴极保护系统)CRF Circulating Water(循环水系统)3333CTE Circulating Water Treatment(循环水处理系统)CVI Condenser Vacuum(凝汽器真空系统)D Ventilation-Handling Equipment-Communications-Elighting(通风-吊装设备-通讯-照明)DAA BOP Elevator System(BOP电梯系统)DAI Nuclear Island Building Elevators(核岛厂房电梯)DAM Turbine Hall Elevators(汽机厂房电梯)DEG Nuclear Island Chilled Water (核岛冷冻水系统)DEL Electrical Building Chilled Water(电气厂房冷冻水系统)DMA BOP Handling Equipment(AC Building)/BOP吊装设备(AC厂房)DME Main Swithchyard Handling Equipment(主开关站吊装设备)DMH Miscellaneous Hoists and Lifting Equipment in BOP Buildingsand Area(BOP厂房和BOP区域内的各种吊装设备DMK Fuel Building Handling Equipment(核燃料厂房吊装设备)DMM Turbine Hall Mechanical Handling Equipment(汽机厂房机械吊装设备)DMN Nuclear Auxiliary Building Handling Equipment(核辅助厂房吊装设备)4444DMP Circulating Water Pumping Station Handling Equipment (循环水泵站吊设备)DMR Reactor Building Handling Equipment(反应堆厂房吊装设备)DMW Handling Equipment for Reactor Building Gantry andPeripheral Rooms(反应堆厂房外部龙门架及其外围厂房吊装设备) DNB BOP Building&Area Normal Lighting(BOP厂房和区域内正常照明系统)DNK Fuel Buildings Normal Lighting(核燃料厂房正常照明系统)DNL Electrical Building Nomal Lighting(电气厂房正常照明系统)DNM Turbine Hall Normal Lighting(汽机厂房正常照明系统)DNN Nuclear Auxiliray Building Normal Lighting(核辅助厂房正常照明系统)DNP Circulating Water Pumping Station Normal Lighting(循环水泵房正常照明系统)DNQ Waste Auxiliary Building Normal Lighting(核废料辅助厂房正常照明系统)DNR Reactor Building Normal Lighting(反应堆厂房正常照明系统)DSB BOP Building&Area Emergency Lighting(BOP厂房和区域内应急照明系统)DSI Site Security System(厂区保安系统)DSK Fuel Buildings Emergency Lighting(核燃料厂房应急照明系统)5555DSL Electrical Building Emergency Lighting (电气厂房应急照明系统)DSM Turbine Hall Emergency Lighting(汽机厂房应急照明系统)DSN Nuclear Auxiliray Building Emergency Lighting(核辅助厂房应急照明系统)tem(汽机监视系统)DSP Circulating Water Pumping Station Emergency Lighting(循环水泵房应急照明系统)DSQ Waste Auxiliary Building Emergency Lighting(核废料辅助厂房应急照明系统)DSR Reactor Building Emergency Lighting(反应堆厂房应急照明系统)DTL Closed-Circuit Television(闭路电视系统)DTV Site Communication(厂区通讯系统)DVC Control Room Air Conditioning(主控制室空调系统)DVE Cable Floor Ventilation (电缆层通风系统)DVF Electrical Building Smoke Exhaust(电气厂房排烟系统)DVG Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room Ventilation(辅助给水泵房通风系统)DVH Charging Pump Room Emergency Ventilation(上充泵房应急通风系统)DVI Component Cooling Room Ventilation(设备冷却水房间通风系统)DVK Fuel Building Ventilation(核燃料厂房通风系统)6666DVL Electrical Building Main Ventilation(电气厂房主通风系统)DVM Turbine Hall Vetilation(汽机厂房通风系统)DVN Nuclear Auxiliry Building Ventilation?房应急照明系统)统)DVP Circulating Water Pumping Station Ventilation (循环水泵通风系统)DVQ Waste Auxiliary Building Ventilation (废物辅助厂房通风系统)DVS Safety Injection and Containment Spray Pump Motor RoomVentilation(安全注入和安全喷林泵电机通风系统)DVT Demineralization Plant VentilationDVV Auxiliary Boiler and Compressor Building Ventilation(辅助锅炉和空压机厂房通风系统)DVW Peripheral Rooms Ventilation (安全壳环廊房间通风系统)DVX Lubricating Oil Transfer Plant Building Ventilation(润滑油输送装置厂房通风系统)DW A Hot Workshop and Warehouse Ventilation(热机修车间和仓库通风系统)DWB RestaurantVentilation (SA餐厅通风系统)DWC Trainning Center Ventilation (EA Building)/培训中心通风系统DWD Security Building Ventilation(保安楼通风系统)7777DWE Main Swithchyard Ventilation(主开关站通风系统)DWM EC Building Ventilation System(EC厂房暖通空调系统)ets(集中控制模拟量机柜)DWL Hot Laundry Ventilation(热洗衣房通风系统)DWM Emergency Center Ventilation System(应急中心通风系统/EM楼)DWN Site Laboratory Ventilation(厂区实验室通风系统/AL实验室)DWQ Garge & Laundry Ventilation(车库和洗衣房通风系统(AG/EL)厂房)DWS Essential ServiceWater Pumping Station Ventilation(重要厂用水泵站通风系统/PX泵站)DWT Archive & Documentation Center Ventilation(AD Building )/文档中心通风系统(AD楼)DWU Fire Fighting Training CenterV entilation(消防培训中心通风系统/EB楼)DWV Oil Storage Area V entilation (FC Building)/油料仓库通风系统(FC厂房)DWX Compressors Building Ventilation System(ZC Building)/空压机房通风系统(ZC厂房)DWY Electrochlorination Plant Ventilation(制氯站通风系统)DWZ Hydrogen Production Plant Ventilation(制氢站通风系统)8888E ContainmentEAS Containment Spray(安全壳喷淋系统)lation System(EC厂房暖通空调?rEAU Containment Instrumentation(安全壳仪表系统)EBA Containment Sweeping Ventilation(安全壳换气通风系统)EPP Containment Leakage Monitoring(安全壳泄漏监测系统)ETY Containment Atmosphere Monitoring(安全壳大气监测系统)EVC Reactor Pit Ventilation(反应堆堆坑通风系统)EVF Containment Cleanup(安全壳内空气净化系统)EVR Containment Continuous Ventilation(安全壳连续通风系统)G Turbine Generator(汽轮发电机)GCA Turbine and Feedheating Plant Preservation DuringOutage(汽机和给水加热装置停运期间的保养系统)GCT Turbine Bypass(汽机旁路系统)GEV Power Transmission(输电系统)GEW Main Swithchyard-EHV Switchgear(主开关站-超高压配电装置)GEX Generator Excitation and V oltage Regulation(发电机励磁和电压调节系统)9999GFR Turbine Control Fluid(汽机调节系统)GGR Turbine Lubrication Jaching and Turning(汽机润滑、顶轴和盘车系统)GHE Generator Seal Oil(发电机密封油系统)GME Turbine Supervisory System(汽机监视系统) GPA Generator and Power Transmission Protection(发电机和输电保护系统)GPV Turbine Steam and Drain(汽机蒸汽和疏水系统)GRE Turbine Governing(汽机调节系统)GRH Generator Hydrogen Cooling(发电机氢气冷却系统)GRV Generator Hydrogen Supply(发电机氢气供应系统)GSE Turbine Protection(汽机保护系统)GSS Moisture Separator Water(汽水分离再热器系统)GST Stator Cooling Water(发电机定子冷却水系统)GSY Grid Synchronization and Connection(同步并网系统)GTH Turbine Lube Oil Treatment(汽机润滑油处理系统)GTR TurbineGenerator Remote Control(汽轮发电机远程控制系统)10101010J Fire Protection(Detection-Fire Fighting)/消防(探测-火警)JDT Fire Detection(火警探测系统)JPD Fire Fighting Water Distribution(消防水分配系统)JPH Turbine Oil Tank Fire Protection(汽机油箱消防系统)JPI Nuclear Island Fire Protection (核岛消防系统)JPL Electrical Building Fire Protection(电气厂房消防系统)JPP Fire Fighting Water Production(消防水生产系统)JPS Mobile & Portable Fire Fighting Equipment(移动式和便携式消防设备)JPT Transformers Fire Protection(变压器灭火系统)JPU Site Fire Fighting Water Distribution(厂区消防水分配系统)JPV DieselGenerator Fire Protection(柴油发电机灭火系统)K Instrumentation and Control(仪表和控制)KBS Thermocouple Cold Junction Boxes(热电偶冷端盒系统)KCO Common Control Cabinets for Conventional Island(常规岛共用控制机柜)KDO Test Data Acquisition(试验数据采集系统)11111111KIR Loose Parts and Vibration Monitoring(松动部分和振动监测系统)KIS Seisimic Instrumentation(地震仪表系统)KIT Centralized Data Processing(集中数据处理系统)KKK Site and Building Access Control(厂区和办公楼出入监督系统)KKO Energy Metering and Perturbography(电度表和故障录波仪)KLP 500KV Line Protection 500KV (线路保护系统)KME Test Instrumentation(试验仪表系统)KPR Remote Shutdown Panel (应急停堆盘系统)KRG General Control Analog Cabinets(集中控制模拟量机柜)?房应急照明系统)KRS Site Radiation and Meteorological Monitoring(厂区辐射与气象检测系统)KRT Plant Radiation Monitoring (电厂辐射监测系统)KSA Alarm Processing(报警处理系统)KSC Main Control Room(主控制室系统)KSN Nulear Auxiliary Building-Local Control Panels and Boards(核辅助厂房-就地控制屏和控制盘)12121212KSU Security Building Control Desk(应急保安控制台系统)KZC Controlled Area Access Monitoring(控制区出入监测系统)L Electrical System(电气系统)LAA Uninterrupted 230V DC Power System(LNE)Inverter Power Supply/230V 不间断直流电源系统、逆变系统(电气厂房LNE)LAB Turbine Generator Continuous Lubrication Pump Power Supply/汽轮机不间断润滑油泵电源系统(汽机厂房)常?JPD Fire Fightin_。

火电厂燃烧系统流程English Answer:Coal Handling System.The coal handling system is the first step in the combustion process. It involves receiving, unloading, storing, crushing, and transporting coal to the boilers. The coal is typically delivered to the plant by rail or barge and is unloaded into a coal yard. From there, it is transferred to a crusher, which breaks it into smaller pieces. The crushed coal is then transported to the boiler house, where it is stored in silos.Combustion System.The combustion system is the heart of the power plant. It is where the coal is burned to produce heat, which is then used to generate steam. The combustion system consists of a boiler, a furnace, and a steam turbine.Boiler.The boiler is a large, cylindrical vessel that houses the furnace. The furnace is where the coal is burned, and the heat from the burning coal is transferred to the water in the boiler. The water turns into steam, which is then sent to the steam turbine.Furnace.The furnace is a refractory-lined chamber where the coal is burned. The coal is fed into the furnace from the boiler, and it burns in a controlled environment. The furnace is designed to maximize heat transfer and minimize emissions.Steam Turbine.The steam turbine is a rotating machine that converts the thermal energy in the steam into mechanical energy. The steam is directed through nozzles onto the blades of theturbine, causing the turbine to rotate. The rotating turbine drives a generator, which produces electricity.Flue Gas Treatment System.The flue gas treatment system is designed to remove pollutants from the flue gas before it is released into the atmosphere. The flue gas treatment system typically consists of a particulate matter collector, a sulfur dioxide scrubber, and a nitrogen oxides reduction system.Particulate Matter Collector.The particulate matter collector removes particulate matter from the flue gas. The particulate matter is collected in a fabric filter or an electrostatic precipitator.Sulfur Dioxide Scrubber.The sulfur dioxide scrubber removes sulfur dioxide from the flue gas. The sulfur dioxide is scrubbed from the fluegas using a wet or dry scrubbing process.Nitrogen Oxides Reduction System.The nitrogen oxides reduction system reduces nitrogen oxides from the flue gas. The nitrogen oxides are reduced using a selective catalytic reduction process or a non-selective catalytic reduction process.Chinese Answer:火力发电厂燃烧系统流程。