You are this world ’s April Day——你是人间四月天—林徽因






关键词:《你是⼈间的四⽉天》;林徽因;闻⼀多;“三美”1 引⾔不同于许渊冲先⽣的“⾳美”、“形美”、“意美”,闻⼀多先⽣在《诗的格律》⽂章中提出的“三美”理论,主张诗歌应当有“⾳乐美”、“绘画美”、“建筑美”,强调“新诗格律化”,诗歌翻译带着“镣铐”来“跳舞”,该理论后被称为中国现代诗学翻译的奠基⽯。



2 ⾳乐美“三美”理论中,⾳乐美是⾸要的。




林徽因先⽣的《你是⼈间的四⽉天》,句句都洋溢着⾳乐美,整篇诗歌朗朗上⼝,全诗⼀共19句,有12句押/an/韵,还有两句押/ang/,⽂中⼀共重复出现了11个“你”字,使⽤“夜夜”,“⼀树⼀树” 等叠词,不乏排⽐和倒装句式,使诗歌的格律更为灵动。




文化长廊浅评赵教授之译作《你是人间的四月天》程敬贤 天津外国语大学[中图分类号]:H315.9 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-02-188-01赵彦春教授是一个德才兼备的学者。
















赵老师将诗歌的题目译为You Are This World’s April Day。









本⽂试以赵彦春英译版You Are This World's April Day为例,旨从“三美”理论核⼼的⾳乐美⼊⼿,分析赵译本与是否同原诗作⼀样传达了原作的⾳乐美。









(程国君2013 :123)闻⼀多指出:“带着脚镣跳舞才跳得痛快,跳得好。





《你是人间的四月天》作文评讲课教案English: "You Are the April of this World" is a famous poem written by Chinese poet Zhu Ziqing. The poem vividly describes the beauty of spring and the nostalgia it evokes. The poet compares the beauty of spring to the beauty of a person and emphasizes that just like how spring brings new life to nature, a person can bring new life and hope to those around them. The poem is filled with metaphors and vivid imagery, painting a picture of the natural world in the reader's mind. Additionally, the use of soft and flowing language reflects the gentle and tender nature of spring. Overall, "You Are the April of this World" is a touching poem that reminds us of the beauty of the world around us and the potential for new beginnings.Translated content: 《你是人间的四月天》是中国诗人朱自清创作的一首著名诗歌。



“四⽉天”可否翻译成“April day”?近⽇翻看赵彦春教授的博客,发现有⽹友质疑赵教授将《你是⼈间的四⽉天》⼀诗中的“四⽉天”译为“April day”,这位⽹友还将“April day”联想为四⽉的第⼀个节⽇愚⼈节(April Fool’s Day)。


但觉得在做系统的评价之前有必要先对“四⽉天”可否译为“April day”这个⼩话题稍加探讨,对“April day”的⽤法进⾏溯源、考证。

⾸先需要指出的是,英语“Day”表⽰“节⽇”的时候字母“D”为⼤写,例如Valentine's Day,Father's Day等等,当然也包括April Fool’s Day,有⼀定英语基础的⼈都应该了解,看到“X X Day”就知道是某个节⽇或主题⽇,这⼀点不必赘述。


这位⽹友表⽰虽然“A p r i l day”不是“A p r i l Fool’s Day”,但他表⽰会这样联想。

这样说的⼈缺乏对“day”和“Day”意义和⽤法上的区分,再者,联想是受语境限制和约束的,赵彦春教授英译的是林徽因的⼀⾸诗,不单单是⼀个标题或“四⽉天”这个词语,“A p r i l day”也要整⾸诗中去理解、品味。




”那英语中的“A p r i l day”是什么意思,可不可以表⽰“四⽉天”的含义呢?当字典帮不了我们的时候,还有另外⼀个途径便是到语料库中进⾏检索、⽐对、验证。



JIAN NAN WEN XUE浑然一体,和谐自然。












二、选词翻译角度赏析译文题目被直译为“You are this world’s April day”,简单脱俗却情意无限,句式也与原诗如出一辙。

“Your giggle lights up wind from all around”,春风从四面吹来,好似一个初生儿响亮清脆的笑声,让世间充满了爱和暖;“light up”有欢笑过春风留的美感。

随之“Your spirit in the brilliance of spring dances a roundelay”,这几个有力的词语总能让人感受到春天的生命力;“交舞”被译作“dance a roundelay”,跳舞正是要转着圈摆动嘛!译者抓住了字句本质,选词也十分形象。

你是人间的四月天 英语

你是人间的四月天 英语

你是人间的四月天英语"你是人间的四月天" 是一句非常优美的诗句,可以有多种英文翻译方式,以下是其中一种较长的翻译:You are the April of the world, bringing the warmth and hope of spring, filling the world with beauty and vitality. Your presence is like a breath of fresh air, blowing away the gloom and fatigue of winter, making everything come alive. You are like a blossoming flower, radiant and fragrant, spreading joy and happiness wherever you go.In the April of the world, nature wakes up from its long winter slumber, and everything is full of vitality and vitality. The trees are covered with tender green leaves, the flowers are blooming in a riot of colors, and the birds are singing cheerful songs. Just like you, bring vitality and joy to those around you, making everyone feel the beauty and goodness of life.Your smile is like the sunshine in April, warm and bright, illuminating people's hearts. Your kind and caring words are like a gentle breeze, blowing away people's worries and troubles. In your presence, people feel the love and warmth of humanity, and are inspired to pursue a better life.You are the April of the world, making people feel the beauty and miracle of life. Thank you for being in this world, making it a more beautiful and wonderful place. Let us embrace the April of the world together, feel the warmth and hope of spring, and create a more brilliant future.This translation expresses the beauty and significance of "you are the April of the world" in a more poetic and figurative way, emphasizing the positive impact and value that the person brings to the world. The translation uses metaphors, comparisons, and rhetorical devices to enhance the artistic expression and emotional impact of the text. Of course, the specific translation can be adjusted and refined according to personal preference and the context of use.。




一、圣诞前夜ON CHRISTMAS EVEA friend of mine named Paulreceived an automobilefrom his brother as Christmas present.我有个朋友,保罗在圣诞节那天收到了一份来自他哥哥的礼物一辆轿车On Christmas eve,when Paul came out of his office,a street urchinwas looking around the shining new car,admiring it.在圣诞前夜,当保罗从他的办公室走出来时,一个街头顽童正围着他的新车打转地看,非常羡慕。

"Is this your car, Mister?"he said.“这是您的汽车吗,先生?”他说。

Paul nodded,"My brother gave it to me for Christmas."保罗点了点头,“我哥哥给我的圣诞礼物。

The boy was astounded,"You mean your brother gave it to you, and didn't cost you anything?"小男孩诧异了,“你是说你哥哥给你的,不用花你一分钱?”"Boy, I wish..."he hesitated.“兄弟,我希望...”他迟疑了。

Of coursePaul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wishhe has a brother like that.But what the lad said jarred Paulall the way down his heels.保罗当然清楚他希望什么他希望他也有个那样的哥哥但这个小家伙说的话使保罗大吃了一惊"I wish,"the boy went on,"that I could be a brother like that." “我希望小男孩继续说道“我可以做一个那样的哥哥Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then inpulsivly he added,"Would you like to take a ride in my car?"保罗惊奇地看着小男孩然后激动地说了句“你想不想做我的车去兜兜风?”"Oh, yes. I'd love that."“哦,想!我喜欢!”After a short ride,the boy turned his eyes aglow,said, "Mister, would you minddriving in front of my house?"跑了一小段路后,小男孩眼光水灵闪闪地说道,“先生,您可以把车开到我家门前吗?”Paul smiled a little.He thought he knew what the lad wanted.He wanted to show his neighboursthat he could ride home in a big automobile.But Paul was wrong again.保罗微微一笑。



你是人间的四月天作文英语You Are the April of the Human World.In the vastness of time and space, there are millions of stars shining brightly, each with its unique story and charm. Among them, you stand out like a beacon of light, warm and bright, the April of the human world.You are the first breath of spring after the long winter of life's challenges and hardships. Your smile is like the blooming flowers, brightening up the world with your radiance. Your warmth is like the gentle breeze, carrying the promise of new beginnings and hope.Your presence is a balm to the soul, a balm that heals the wounds of the past and nourishes the dreams of the future. Your words are like poems that flow gracefully, touching the hearts of those who listen and inspiring them to greater heights.Your kindness is your trademark, a gift that you freely share with those around you. You are the voice of reason in the chaos, the guiding star in the darkness, the solid rock in the storm. Your compassion and empathy are your wings, carrying you to the heights of humanity, where love and understanding flourish.Your laughter is music to the ears, a melody that brightens up even the gloomiest days. Your wit and humor are your armor, protecting you from the sharp edges of life while also bringing joy and laughter to those around you.You are the April of the human world because you embody the beauty of life in all its forms. You are the hope that springs eternal in the face of adversity, the strength that rises from within in times of need. You are the love that transcends all boundaries, the compassion that knows no limits.In your presence, we see the goodness of humanity reflected, a goodness that shines brighter than any star in the sky. You are the reminder that in the midst of all thenoise and hustle of life, there is still room for kindness, for understanding, for love.You are the April of the human world because you are a beacon of hope in the darkness, a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Your existence is a testament to the fact that even in the harshest of environments, there is still beauty and warmth to be found.You are the April of the human world because you are more than just a person; you are an inspiration, a role model, a beacon of light in a world that often seems dim and hopeless. Your life is a poem, a song, a story of courage, kindness, and love that inspires us all to be better, to strive for more, to believe in the goodness of humanity.So, as we look up at the vastness of the sky and marvel at the millions of stars that shine brightly, let us also remember the April of the human world you who brightens up our world with your radiance, warms our hearts with your kindness, and inspires us to be better human beings. Mayyour light continue to shine brightly, warming the heartsof those around you and inspiring us all to greater heights.。


In the ivory field of newly melted snow, I see you And in the newly sprouted shoots of green emerald, In the white lily opening joyfully in the shimmering lake!
The delicacy, the grace characteristics thee; Sublime The crown of flowers belongs to thee. Innocent, Sacred, thee are the full moon shining high every night!
I compare you, my beloved, to lovely April days. When your giggling charm enlightens the breezes astray, Rising lightness be your dancing shapes, tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays.
你是四月早天里的云烟, 黄昏吹着风的软, 星子在无意中闪, 细雨点洒在花前。
那轻,那娉婷,你是, 鲜妍百花的冠冕你戴着, 你是天真,庄严, 你是夜夜的月圆。
雪化后那片鹅黄,你像; 新鲜初放芽的绿,你是; 柔嫩喜悦, 水光浮动着你梦期待中白莲。
你是一树一树的花开, 是燕在梁间呢喃, ——你是爱,是暖,是希望, 你是人间的四月天!
(齐文昱 译)
Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn, The evening breeze coming soft, the stars winking. For naught, and the drizzles soaking the bugs in thirst.




文章从翻译技巧、诗歌韵律、文体 形式等方面赏析赵彦春老师的《你是人间四月天》英译译文,并通过与网络译文的对比分析,进行进一步的研究。




You Are This World’s April Day :I say you are this world’s April day;Your giggle lights up wind from all aroundYour spirit in the brilliance of spring dances a roundelay;You are the cloud on an early April day;The dusk breathes to the soft of the wind;The stars twinkle an unconscious ray;The drizzle sprinkles the flowers gay;So light, so lithe, you are the bright fay;The floral crown you wear;第一,从英语译文整体就可以看出,赵的译文更接近原文,整体很是清丽整齐。







Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence Theory on Poetry Translation作者:曹振霞来源:《校园英语·下旬》2017年第10期【Abstract】Based on Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory, the paper analyzes the poem translation “Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?–A Psalm of Love” by Lizhen. T he paper mainly discusses the strategies used in the translation, namely, lexical approach, syntactic approach and imagery approach, which helps to reveal how the dynamic equivalence theory is applied to the translation of the poem. In conclusion,Lizhen’s translation of the poem is natural and expressive when it meets the core principles of the dynamic equivalence theory.【Key words】Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory; poem translation; translation strategies1. IntroductionThe poem “You Are the April Day of This World—Ode to Love”(《你是人间四月天》) is one of the greatest classics of Linhuiyin, who is a famous modern poet and the first female architect in China. The poem has been loved and appreciated since publication and it is translated into different English versions by different translators or poets. Poetry translation is often regarded as a comparatively difficult and demanding form of literary translation due to the subtlety and delicacy in the language of poetry and the differences between the source language and the target language. Thus, translators are required to fathom the connotation of the original works to transmit the aesthetic appreciation in both meanings and forms, and then make the readers feel as if they have relived the same experience. Based on Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory,the poem “Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?–A Psalm of Love” (《你是人间四月天》)by Linhuiyin and its English translation by Lizhen will be analyzed as a case study to appreciate the poem and its English translation as well as to do some research on the translation strategies reflected in the rendering.2. Theoretical backgroundNida’s dynamic equivalence is based on what Nida calls ‘the principle of equivalent effect’,where ‘the rela tionship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message’. The message has to be tailored to the receptor’s linguistic needs and cultural expectation and ‘aims at complete naturalness of expression’. ‘Naturalness’ is a key requirement for Nida. Indeed, he defines the goal of dynamic equivalence as seeking ‘the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message’ . This receptor–oriented approach considers adaptations of grammar, of lexicon and of cultural references to be essential in order to achieve naturalness;the target language(TL) should not show interference from the source language(SL),and the ‘foreignness’ of the ST setting is minimized. For Nida, thesuccess o f the translation depends above all on achieving equivalent response. It is one of the ‘four’ basic requirements of a translation, which are:(1) Making sense;(2) Conveying the spirit and manner of the original;(3) Having a natural and easy form of expression;(4) Producing a similar response.3. Stylistic analysisLizhen’s translation of the poem is thought to be natural, expressive and easy to understand by the target language readers. This part of the paper will analyze the strategies used in the translation so as to make clear how the dynamic equivalence theory is applied to the translation of the poem.3.1 Lexical approachGenerally speaking, diction, which means the choice and use of words, is the essence of a poem. Different diction for the same theme may result in different styles. “你是四月天里的云烟” is translated as “Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn”. The author uses “thin mist” instead of “cloud” for “云烟”. “Cloud” is defined as “a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water,that floats in the sky.” For instance, the sun went behind a cloud (Oxford 365). While “Mist” is defined as “a cloud of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground, that make itdiff icult to see”(Oxford1286). E.g. The hills were shrouded in mist. According to the definitions in the dictionary, cloud may be easily associated with rain;mist is often related to thin vapor in the air above the ground, bluring things around. Obviously, considering it is on the April day, mists appear more often than clouds of rain. Therefore,mist matches better the meaning of “云烟”in the original text than “cloud”. This simple and accurate word “thin mist” matches the original text in style and manner. It is the closest natural equivalence to the source language message.3.2 Syntactic approachFulei once pointed out that when doing translation, one should keep the original syntactic structure to the greatest degree( 1979) .Style cannot be attained except for keeping the original syntactic features. However, poetry is a special type of literature genre. Sometimes, in the translation of poems, the original syntactic has to be changed in order to attain a good effect. The original title “你是人间四月天”is translated into “Shall I compare thee to an April day?” by Lizhen instead of “You Are the April of This World” as some other translators do. The latter translation keeps the original syntactic pattern but the former has changed the pattern to an interrogative sentence. This translation immediately reminds people of Shakespeare’s most famous poem “Shall I compare thee toa summer’s day?” Lizhen’s translation is thought to be proper for the following reasons: firstly,as for linguistic features, both the titles of the two poems are metaphors. Shakespeare compares his lover to a summer’s day while Linhuiyin assimilates her beloved with an April day. Secondly, as far as the theme concerned, both the two poems are about love. Shakespeare shows his love to a woman,whose charm and beauty will not fade just as the sun on a summer’s day. Meanwhile,Linhuiyin spares no effort to show her affection for her son, who is the incarnation of a beautiful April day. Last but most importantly,“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is one of Shakespeare’s most famous and popular poem in the world, which enjoys a high reputation in the poetic world and is familiar to the people in the English world. The title “shall I compare thee to an April day” is an adaptation to the t arget language culture, though the original sentence structure is changed. It meets the target language’s cultural expectations with their familiar cultural elements. This kind of translation is receptor-oriented approach, which is the main feature of dynamic equivalence.3.3 Imagery approachImagery is the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or actions in poems, books, films etc (Longman1254). It is foundational to poetry. It draws readers into a sensory or new experience or reveal our own experience in a new expectation. In the original poem,“水光浮动着你梦期待中白莲。



那轻,那娉婷,你是, 鲜妍百花的冠冕你戴 着, 你是天真,庄严, 你是夜夜的月圆。

You are so gentle, so graceful, wearing A beautiful crown of a hundred fresh flowers; Naï ve and stately, you are the full moon at night.

你是四月早天里的云 烟, 黄昏吹着风的软, 星子在无意中闪, 细雨点洒在花前。

You are the cloud and mist early in April, At dusk blowing the soft wind, stars twinkling At ease, fine rains drizzling on the flowers.

雪化后那片鹅黄,你 像; 新鲜初放芽的绿,你 是; 柔嫩喜悦, 水光浮动着你梦期待 中白莲。

Like the light yellow of melting snow, like The fresh green of budding, you are so pleased, White lotus floating on the water of your dream.

你是一树一树的花开, 是燕 在梁间呢喃, 你是爱,是暖,是希 望, 你是人间的四月天!

You are the flowers in bloom, the swallow Whispering on the beams; you are the warm love, You are the hope, the April of the world!.



你是人间的四月天英文版本English:You are the April of the human world. Your laughter is the flowers that bloom in the spring, spreading joy and colors all around. Your tears are the gentle rain that nurtures the earth, bringing forth new life and growth. Your presence is like a warm breeze, bringing comfort and renewal to those around you. Just as April brings a sense of hope and rejuvenation, you are a source of inspiration and positivity to everyone you encounter. Your kindness and compassion are like the sunshine, brightening the lives of those who are fortunate enough to know you. You are the embodiment of all the beauty and wonder that comes with the arrival of April, and your presence in this world is a gift to us all.中文翻译:你是人间的四月天。
















你是人间的四月天 You Are the April of This World Ode to Love

你是人间的四月天 You Are the April of This World Ode to Love

你是人间的四月天 You Are the April of This WorldOde to Love你是人间的四月天YouAretheAprilofThisWorldOdetoLove 我说你是人间的四月天;IthinkyouaretheAprilofthisworld,笑响点亮了四面风;Sure,youaretheAprilofthisworld.轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。

Yourlaughterhaslitupallthewind,Sogentlyminglingwiththesprin g.你是四月早天里的云烟,Youarethecloudsinearlyspring,黄昏吹着风的软,Theduskwindblowsupanddown.星子在无意中闪,Andthestarsblinknowandthen,细雨点洒在花前。






你是人间的四月天作文英文回答:April in the mortal realm is a time of renewal and growth. The earth awakens from its winter slumber, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The days are longer, and the nights are warmer. It is a timefor new beginnings and for the celebration of life.The beauty of April in the mortal realm is unmatched. The landscape is awash in a vibrant palette of colors, from the delicate pink of cherry blossoms to the deep purple of wisteria. The trees are lush with new leaves, and the meadows are carpeted in wildflowers. The air is filled with the sound of birdsong, and the rivers and streams flow with renewed vigor.April is also a time for reflection and introspection. As the days grow longer, we have more time to contemplate our lives and our place in the universe. We can take timeto appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and to give thanks for the gift of life.April in the mortal realm is a truly magical time. It is a time of hope, joy, and renewal. It is a time to celebrate the beauty of life and to reflect on our own mortality.中文回答:人间四月天,这是一个万物复苏,生机勃勃的季节。







你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,——你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!You Are the April of This World Ode to LoveLin HuiyinI think you are the April of this world, Sure, you are the April of this world. Your laughter has lit up all the wind,So gently mingling with the spring.You are the clouds in early spring,The dusk wind blows up and down.And the stars blink now and then,Fine rain drops down amid the flowers.So gentle and graceful,You are crowned with garlands.So sublime and innocent,You are a full moon over each evening.The snow melts, with that light yellow,You look like the first budding green.You are the soft joy of white lotusRising up in your fancy dreamland.You’re the blooming flowers over the trees, You’re a swallow twittering between the beams; Full of love, full of warm hope,You are the spring of this world!(黄新渠译)Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?–A Psalm of LoveLin HuiyinShall I compare thee to an April Day?Thou laughter has lifted up breezes far and near,And swiftly, dazzled everything in the vernal air.Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn,The evening breeze coming soft, the stars winking.For naught, and the drizzles soaking the bugs in thirst. The delicacy, the grace characteristics thee; SublimeThe crown of flowers belongs to thee. Innocent, Sacred, thee are the full moon shining high every night!In the ivory field of newly melted snow, I see youAnd in the newly sprouted shoots of green emerald,In the white lily opening joyfully in the shimmering lake! Thee are the flowers in bloom, and swallows whistlingOn the beam. Thee are love, warmth, a beautiful poem, And after all—thee are the most lovely April day of charm!(李珍译)You Are the April of the World–A Tribute to LoveLin HuiyinYou are the April of the world, I say;Your laughing shines the wind on either side;The spring flashes with ever-changing light.You are the cloud and mist early in April,At dusk blowing the soft wind, stars twinklingAt ease, fine rains drizzling on the flowers.You are so gentle, so graceful, wearingA beautiful crown of a hundred fresh flowers;Naïve and stately, you are the full moon at night. Like the light yellow of melting snow, likeThe fresh green of budding, you are so pleased, White lotus floating on the water of your dream. You are the flowers in bloom, the swallow Whispering on the beams; you are the warm love, You are the hope, the April of the world!.(海岸译)You Were My Human April-Day–My Lovely Praise to YouLin HuiyinIn my Spring World, let me sayYou were my human April-day,You smile at the free wind lightly and lively.The sunshine was in dancing alternatively.You were of the cloudy mist in the early April, The gentle wind was blowing at dusk in the vernal, Stars were glistering without any goal.In front of flowers, sprinkling was the drizzle.So light, so graceful, were you!Everywhere was fresh and beautiful.That 100-flower-crown you wore was of the royal.Really were youNaïve, dignified, you seem the full moonThat shines every night through my window.After snow melt, you seemed to be in light yellow;And also you were freshly green, tender and joyfulAs water light fluctuating in a dream,You long for a white lotus blooming to you.You seemed to be trees with blossoms or some swallows.My porch was with your twittering, love and warmth from you. You were my human April-day; you were my hope!(朱曼华译)You Are This World’s April Day–An Eulogy of LoveLin HuiyinI say you are this world’s April dayYour giggle lights up wind from all aroundYour spirit in the brilliance of spring dances a roundelayYou are the cloud on an early April dayThe dusk breathes to the soft of the windThe stars twinkle an unconscious rayThe drizzle sprinkles the flowers gaySo light, so lithe, you are the bright fayThe floral crown you wearIn your innocent and grave wayYou are the full moon night by nightYellow like a gosling when snow thaws you lookTender as the greenness of a new sprout you areHow delicate, o hurrayIn the light of water your dreamlike white lotus flowers sway You are the flowers blooming tree after treeAnd the swallows on the beam chirping a layYou are the love, the warmth, and the hopeYou are this world’s April day(赵彦春译)Shall I Compare Thee to an April Spring?–Ode to LoveLin HuiyinShall I compare thee to an April Spring?Thine chortle is all around the breeze wheeing.Thou art shedding thy brisk brightness, dancing.Shall I compare thee to April morn cloud?Roving in the soft dusk wind, art thou proud,Beholding stars twinkling unawares,Brewing the drizzles to water flowers.Shall I compare thee to a babe dainty?Thou art wreathed with fresh flowers in plenty. Innocent, sublime and bright;Thou art the full moon round from night to night.Thou art the light yellow after snow fades.Thou art the green sprout shooting out of shades. Delicate, delightful and glee,In the water floats the shimmering white lotus thou dream. Thou art mellow blossoms from tree to tree.Thou art the swallow twittering in the roof beam.–Thou art Love, Warmth and Hope.Shall I compare thee to an April Spring?(许景城译)I Compare You to Lovely April Days–A Piece of Love EulogyLin HuiyinI compare you, my beloved, to lovely April days.When your giggling charm enlightens the breezes astray,Rising lightness be your dancing shapes, tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays. You are my early April cloud;Eventide softness where winds linger in steps proud.Starry sparkles, a careless note,Modest raindrops over the blooms in a whisper silently loud. Lightness, fairness, and freshness are your floral crest,Naïve grandness is the embrace of your chestYou, every touch of a round moon holding my breath.Yellowish green is your budding blade,When the wintry snow fades;Tender rejoicing be your dreamy lilies in the rippling parade.Your are trees heavy with flowers merry and gay;Like keen swallows, under every roof, you gently chatter away,In thy name of love and warm hopes, you are a lovely April day!(齐文昱译)。

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You are this world ’s April Day——你是人间四



Solight,solithe,youarethebrightfay Thefloralcrownyouwear
Inyourinnocentandgraveway Youarethefullmoonnightbynight





Yellowlikeagoslingwhensnowthawsyoulook Tenderasthegreennessofanewsproutyouare Howdelicate,ohurray Inthelightofwateryourdreamlikewhitelotusflowerssway 雪化后那片鹅黄,你象新鲜初放的绿。



Youaretheflowersbloomingtreeaftertree Andtheswallowsonthebeamchirpingalay Youarethelove,thewarmth,andthehope Youarethisworld’sAprilday


