



Statement of Undertaking/承诺书致广州市天河彩虹纸杯厂公司:To the Company:我公司与贵公司因物料制作事项合作,签订广州MO营运处2010年日常管理表单制作合同(以下简称“主合同”),合同编号:。

为杜绝商业贿赂行为,我公司郑重做出如下承诺:Whereas, by virtue of particular contractual relationship with T company (hereinafter referred to as the "main contract", Ref. No: ).Hereinafter, to prevent from commercial bribery misconducts, statements are undertaken as follows:I、不行贿、不受贿No bribes在业务往来过程中(包括但不限于谈判、招标、签约、履约等),我公司及我公司工作人员在此承诺:Among the business process (including but not limited to the negotiation, tender, bid, contract sign-off and performance,… etc.), it is undertaken as follows:a)决不向贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但不限于赠送现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予对方好处或利益等)。

We shall , by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to approach any of T company‘s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party into any specific bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or in any other shape of advantage or benefits, etc. ).b)决不收受、索取来自贵公司的工作人员及其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员的贿赂(包括但不限于现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予的好处或利益等)。




第一条定义1.1 商业贿赂:指在商业活动中,为了获取不正当利益,向他人提供或接受的任何形式的财物、利益或服务。

1.2 不正当利益:指违反法律法规、商业道德和行业规范,通过不正当手段获得的利益。

第二条禁止商业贿赂2.1 乙方承诺,在与甲方的商业活动中,不向甲方及其员工提供任何形式的商业贿赂。

2.2 甲方承诺,不接受乙方或任何第三方提供的商业贿赂。

第三条诚信原则3.1 双方应本着诚信原则,开展商业活动,不得通过任何不正当手段损害对方利益。

3.2 双方应遵守国家法律法规,尊重商业道德,维护行业规范。

第四条监督与举报4.1 甲方有权对乙方的行为进行监督,确保乙方遵守本协议。

4.2 如发现乙方违反本协议,甲方有权立即终止与乙方的合作关系,并追究乙方的法律责任。

4.3 双方均有权举报违反本协议的行为,维护商业活动的公平与正义。

第五条违约责任5.1 如乙方违反本协议,向甲方或其员工提供商业贿赂,乙方应承担由此产生的一切法律责任和经济赔偿。

5.2 如甲方违反本协议,接受乙方或任何第三方提供的商业贿赂,甲方应承担由此产生的一切法律责任和经济赔偿。

第六条协议的变更与解除6.1 本协议的任何变更或补充,必须经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

6.2 如一方违反本协议,另一方有权解除本协议,并要求违约方承担相应的法律责任。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方因履行本协议发生争议,应首先通过协商解决。

7.2 如协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

第八条其他8.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

8.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。



第1篇甲方:(公司名称)乙方:(公司名称)鉴于:1. 甲方和乙方在商业活动中存在合作关系,为了维护双方合法权益,促进公平竞争,预防和打击商业贿赂行为,根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》、《中华人民共和国刑法》等相关法律法规,双方特订立本协议。

2. 双方均承诺遵守国家法律法规,加强自律,共同抵制商业贿赂行为。


第二条定义在本协议中,以下术语的含义如下:1. 商业贿赂:指在商业活动中,为了争取交易机会、排斥竞争对手或者谋取不正当利益,通过给予对方或者相关单位、个人财物或者其他利益,以获取交易机会或竞争优势的行为。

2. 相关单位:指与甲方或乙方有直接或间接业务往来关系的单位或个人。

3. 不正当利益:指违反法律法规、社会公德或者损害国家、集体和他人合法权益的利益。

第三条双方承诺1. 遵守法律法规:甲方和乙方均承诺遵守国家有关反商业贿赂的法律法规,不得从事任何形式的商业贿赂行为。

2. 公平竞争:甲方和乙方在商业活动中应遵循公平竞争原则,不得利用商业贿赂手段获取交易机会。

3. 自律:甲方和乙方应加强内部管理,建立健全反商业贿赂制度,加强对员工的培训和教育,提高员工的反商业贿赂意识。

4. 信息保密:甲方和乙方应妥善保管商业秘密,不得利用商业贿赂手段获取对方商业秘密。

第四条风险防范1. 内部审查:甲方和乙方应建立内部审查制度,对涉及商业贿赂的风险进行评估和审查。

2. 合同审查:在签订合同时,甲方和乙方应审查合同条款,确保合同内容不含有商业贿赂的约定。

3. 供应商选择:甲方和乙方在选择供应商时,应综合考虑供应商的资质、信誉、价格等因素,不得以商业贿赂为条件选择供应商。

第五条违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议约定,从事商业贿赂行为,另一方有权立即终止与该方的合作关系,并要求其承担相应的法律责任。



反腐败、反贿赂及反洗钱承诺书Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money LaunderingUndertakings1.分包商(或供货商/卖方)承诺在执行本采购/分包合同过程中,或在与本采购/分包合同有关的交易过程中,将遵守所有本采购/分包合同适用的或项目所在国国家颁布的,与反腐败、反贿赂及反洗钱有关的法律、法规、规章、或政府命令。

Subcontractor (or Supplier/Vendor) agrees and undertakes that in connection with this Subcontract and the transactions contemplated by this Subcontract, it will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, decrees and/or official governmental orders of the country by whose laws this Subcontract is governed and any country in which the Work is performed relating to anti-corruption, anti-bribery and anti-money laundering.2.作为一项公司政策,在商业活动中承包商(或买方)明确禁止任何提供货物或服务的分包商、供货商或其代理人的行贿行为,或支付所谓的“方便费”、“好处费”。

分包商(或供货商/卖方)承诺,并确认其自身及分包商集团中的成员不会在采购/分包合同执行过程中、与采购/分包合同有关的商业往来中,或在与承包商(或买方)的任何商业交易中,为了获取、影响或酬谢签订采购/分包合同的机会,或为了任何不正当的利益、目的而直接或间接地向以下人员做出、提供、许诺提供或授权提供,或可能做出、提供、许诺提供或授权提供任何款项、其他财务上的利益输送、其他好处或任何其他形式的利益,包括但不限于资金、服务、礼品或招待:As a matter of corporate policy, Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer)expressly prohibits payment of bribes and also payment of any so-called “facilitation” or “grease”payments in connection with the Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer),s business operations by any subcontractor, supplier or agent engaged to provide goods or services to the Contractor (orPurchaser/Buyer). Subcontractor (or Supplier/Vendor) agrees, undertakes and confirms that it, and each of Subcontractor Group, has not made, offered, promised to make or authorizedthe making of, and will not make, offer, or promise to make, or authorize the making of, any payment or other transfer of any financial or other advantage or anything else of value, including without limitation the provision of any funds, services, gifts or entertainment, directly or indirectly to:-(a)任何政府官员;any government official;(b)任职于承包商(或买方)实际的或可能的合作方的董事、高级管理人员、雇员、代理/代表,或承包商(或买方)的客户;any director, officer, employee or agent/representative of an actual or prospective counterparty, supplier or customer of the Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer) (“Counterparty”);(c)任职于承包商(或买方)集团成员的董事、高级职员、雇员或代理人;anydirector, officer, employee or agent of any member of Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer) Group;(d)任何政治团体、政治团体的工作人员或公职人员的候选人;any political party, official of a political party, or candidate for public office; (e)为了向前述人员行贿而通过的代理人或中间人;any agent or intermediary for payment to any of the foregoing; or(f)任何其他人员any other Person,如果目的是在采购/分包合同执行过程中、与采购/分包合同有关的商业往来中,或在与承包商的任何商业交易中,获取、影响或酬谢采购/分包合同授标,或为了任何不正当的利益、目的,如果分包商(或供货商卖方) 的行为违反了任何适用于承包商(或买方)或分包商(或供货商/卖方) 的反贿赂或反洗钱法律规范的要求。



反腐败与反商业贿赂管理制度一、概述 Overview本制度为预防公司经营管理过程中的腐败行为,切实做好反商业贿赂和腐败工作,加强企业内控机制,强化制度监督和制度反腐,加强对重点部门、岗位人员的监督和管理力度,确保治理商业贿赂长效机制,防止各种不正当行为的发生。

This procedure aims to prevent corrupt behavior in the company's business management process, effectively carry out anti commercial bribery and corruption work, strengthen the internal control mechanism of the enterprise, strengthen institutional supervision and anti-corruption, strengthen the supervision and management of key departments and positions, ensure a long-term mechanism for controlling commercial bribery, and prevent the occurrence of various improper behaviors.适用于XX股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)及其分/子公司、中心、各事业部(以下统称“各单位”)一切经营管理活动或对外接触的活动。



Applicable to all business management activities or external contact activities of XX CO.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and itsbranches/subsidiaries, centers, bases, and business units (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Units"). These activities include but are not limited to economic activities such as contact with government departments, product sales, procurement and acceptance of raw and auxiliary materials, engineering construction, equipment procurement and maintenance, and quality supervision. All employees (including full-time and part-time employees) of the company and its subordinate units, as well as all customers, suppliers, service providers, and contractors who have business dealings with the group, are within the control scope of this procedure.二、定义 Definition本程序所规定的腐败、商业贿赂行为是指公司内、外人员采用欺骗等违法、违规手段,谋取个人不正当利益,损害公司正当经济利益的行为;或谋取不当的公司经济利益,同时可能为个人带来不正当利益的行为。




一、甲乙双方共同的责任:1. 甲乙双方严格遵守国家法律法规及本公司关于反商业贿赂的相关规定。





反商业贿赂协议 中英文版

反商业贿赂协议 中英文版

附件1反商业贿赂示范条款(协议版)Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Laws Clause为规范商业行为,维护公平竞争秩序,防止商业贿赂,营造诚信、透明、公平、公正、双赢的合作环境,合同双方协商一致,达成以下条款:To regulate business operation, maintain order for fair competition, prevent commercial bribe and create a faithful, fair, just and win-win cooperation environment, parties agreed as follows:第一条定义Definition1.“交易对象”指与达成交易或合作意向的公司、组织或个人,包括但不限于上下游供应商、客户、中介机构、合资合营方等;以及受上述对象委托,或者代表、代理上述对象与洽谈交易、合作的公司、组织或个人。

“Counterparty” indicates any kind of corporation, organization or individual or their representative, agent or deputy making transactions with , including but not limited to the suppliers, clients or customers, cooperative suppliers, contractors, service suppliers, intermediaries, joint corporation and partners, regardless of successfully cooperating or not.2.“关联人员”指中直接或间接与交易对象商洽交易条件、签署合同、履行合同或可直接、间接影响到上述交易达成或执行的人员,包括但不限于董事、经理等高级管理人员以及参与交易决策和执行的相关人员。



反商业贿赂承诺书Letter of Commitment on Anti-Commercial Bribery致:XXXXX(以下简称“XX”)To: XXXX (hereinafter referred to as “XX ”)我司(以下简称“公司”),【XXXX有限公司】,自愿签署反商业贿赂承诺书并向XX作出如下承诺以在与XX协商谈判、合作的过程中建立合法合规及公平的交易环境。

[xxxx] (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), hereby signs the Letter of Commitment on Anti-Commercial Bribery (hereinafter referred to as “the Letter”) and makes the below commitment willingly in order to setup a lawful, regulatory and fair transaction environment during the course of discussions, negotiations and cooperation with XX.1.我司了解并遵守反商业贿赂相关法律法规及XX的反商业贿赂要求。

我司保证将不通过直接或间接地,或授权任何第三方直接或间接地向XX的职员、XX 职员的近亲属、XX的关联方提供任何有价值的物品或不当的好处,或向前述方支付费用、提供贷款、捐赠其他有价值的物品或不当好处,以得到不正当的商业利益,具体形式包括但不限于:The Company knows and guarantees to comply with relevant laws and regulations on anti-commercial bribery and the following requirements of XX. It is further guaranteed by the Company not to perform any of the behaviors for the purpose of the illegitimate business benefits by directly or indirectly offering to, or authorizing any third parties to directly or indirectly offer any valuable articles or illegitimate benefits to, or paying for, extending loans by and donating other valuable articles or illegitimate benefits to the employees, the close relative of the employees or the affiliate of XX in the ways including but not limited to:(1)提供各种样式的礼品、礼物(包括购物卡、银行卡、加油卡等);Providing various gifts and souvenirs such as shopping cards, bank cards, gas filling cards etc.;(2)提供现金、贷款、红包、销售回扣、分红、好处费、劳务费或其他不正当费用;Providing cash, loans, red packets, sales rebates, dividends, rewards for go-between, service fee or other illegitimate fee;(3)提供娱乐、宴请(正常工作餐以外)、因私用车、旅游等无偿服务。

反商业贿赂协议 中英文版

反商业贿赂协议 中英文版

附件1反商业贿赂示范条款(协议版)Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Laws Clause为规范商业行为,维护公平竞争秩序,防止商业贿赂,营造诚信、透明、公平、公正、双赢的合作环境,合同双方协商一致,达成以下条款:To regulate business operation, maintain order for fair competition, prevent commercial bribe and create a faithful, fair, just and win-win cooperation environment, parties agreed as follows:第一条定义Definition1.“交易对象”指与达成交易或合作意向的公司、组织或个人,包括但不限于上下游供应商、客户、中介机构、合资合营方等;以及受上述对象委托,或者代表、代理上述对象与洽谈交易、合作的公司、组织或个人。

“Counterparty” indicates any kind of corporation, organization or individual or their representative, agent or deputy making transactions with , including but not limited to the suppliers, clients or customers, cooperative suppliers, contractors, service suppliers, intermediaries, joint corporation and partners, regardless of successfully cooperating or not.2.“关联人员”指中直接或间接与交易对象商洽交易条件、签署合同、履行合同或可直接、间接影响到上述交易达成或执行的人员,包括但不限于董事、经理等高级管理人员以及参与交易决策和执行的相关人员。



防受贿协议书**Agreement on Prevention of Bribery**In order to uphold the principles of integrity, honesty, and fair competition, and to promote healthy and sustainable development of our business, the parties involved hereby enter into this Agreement on Prevention of Bribery to jointly combat bribery and corruption.为维护诚信、公正、公平竞争的原则,促进业务的健康、持续发展,各方当事人特此签订本协议,共同打击贿赂和腐败行为。

**Article 1: Definitions**1.1 "Bribery" refers to any act of offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, any property or other benefits in order to obtain or maintain business advantages or other improper interests.1.2 "Parties" refer to the individuals or organizations that are involved in business transactions or cooperation with each other. **第一条:定义**1.1 “贿赂”是指为了获取或维持商业利益或其他不正当利益,直接或间接地提供、承诺、给予、接受或索取任何财物或其他好处的行为。










Anti-bribery1 Each party acknowledges and agrees that it will not undertake any activitieswhich will result in violation of the commercial bribery laws and regulations (the “Anti-bribery Laws”) of Hong Kong. Both parties acknowledge that any form of bribery and corruption covered by the Anti-bribery Laws will result in severe sanctions under such laws.2 Each party agrees that it will not, with any corrupt intent, undertake anyactivities to demand, accept, provide or offer any benefits which would constitute a form of bribery or corruption covered by the Anti-bribery Laws to the other parties, their respective representatives or other relevant personnel unless otherwise stated herein, such benefits include but not limited to commission of any form, cash, coupons, goods, securities, travel or other non-tangible benefits except for customary gifts, meals, business travel and other expenses and courtesies of immaterial value.3 Customer prohibits its representatives from undertaking any commercial briberyactivities. The undertaking of any activities under sub-section 2 above by Customer’s representatives is in breach of Customer’s rules and policies, and such representatives shall be subject to disciplinary actions of Customer and sanctions in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.4 Customer solemnly declares that it objects to Odyssey or its representativesundertaking any activities with any party which is not a party to this Agreement Addendum for the purposes of this Agreement Addendum which will fall within the scope under sub-section 2. Such activities are in breach of the Anti-bribery Laws and will result in sanctions pursuant to such laws.5 Any breach by a party of sub-sections 2 and/or 3 above which causes directlosses to any other party constitutes a breach of contract in relation with which such other party may pursue any legal remedy available to it.6 For the purpose of this Section, the words “the relevant personnel” refer to thepersonnel of a party (other than the representatives of such party) who performs services in connection with this Agreement Addendum.。



Anti-Bribery PledgeWe, the undersigned, hereby commit ourselves to the principles of transparency, integrity, and accountability in all of our business dealings, and to the following anti-bribery principles:1.We will not tolerate any form of bribery, whether it involves giving orreceiving bribes or facilitating bribery in any form.2.We will comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws, rules andregulations, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UKBribery Act.3.We will provide regular training and education to our employees andbusiness partners to promote awareness of and compliance with anti-bribery laws and policies.4.We will implement effective internal controls, audits, and riskassessments to detect and prevent bribery within our organization.5.We will investigate all reports of actual or suspected bribery and takeappropriate disciplinary action against any employee or business partner found to have engaged in bribery.6.We will report any suspected or actual acts of bribery to theauthorities and cooperate fully with any investigations.7.We will take all necessary steps to prevent retaliation against anyemployee or business partner who reports suspected or actual acts of bribery.We understand that compliance with these anti-bribery principles is essential not only to our business success but also to the maintenance of public trust and integrity in our industry. We pledge to fulfill these principles with honesty, diligence and in the best interests of our stakeholders._____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)_____________________(Name, Position, Company)。











abfhab反商业贿赂协议-+懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑—罗兰反商业贿赂协议甲方:乙方:地址:地址:投诉电话:投诉电话:为共同制止商业贿赂行为、维护双方共同的合法权益,经甲乙双方友好协商,达成如下反商业贿赂协议,以资双方信守履行一在购销业务履行完毕前,双方相互承诺如下:1 不以金钱方式贿赂对方的业务人员、高管人员等与购销业务履行相关的人员2 不以实物方式贿赂对方的购销业务履行相关人员3 不以消费方式贿赂对方的购销业务履行相关人员4 不以其他任何方式贿赂对方的购销业务履行相关人员二双方确认以下行为不为商业贿赂:1 基于商业礼仪,赠送市场价为元以下的小礼品、地方特产2 基于商业接待礼仪,提供工作餐、住宿、交通等与购销业务履行相关的工作方便双方指派人员因业务需要参加的餐会,但餐会后无其他任何性质的娱乐活动3 工作需要的样品、夹具、设备、等辅助类工具三在购销业务履行过程中,如任一方发现对方业务员、高管人员等与购销业务履行相关的人员有第一条所述之任一行为,均应在第一时间通报对方,双方设定专线接受对方投诉四在合同履行过程中,如任一方发现对方业务员、高管人员等与合同履行相关的人员向己方索要第一条所述的任一好处,应予拒绝,并应在第一时间向对方通报,对方承诺给与更多的商业合作机会等五如任一方违反本协议之任一约定,守约方有权视违约方的行为严重影响购销业务继续履行和损害守约方的合法权益,守约方有权单方面解除合同,要求违约方按未结算总货款的30%支付违约金六本协议适用与本公司发生业务往来的所有窗口七本协议争议解决:通过协商解决或通过司法解决八本协议期限:甲乙双方解除供销关系时,协议自动失效本协议经双方签字、签章后生效九本协议一式两份,双方各执一份甲方:乙方:甲方代表:乙方代表:地址:地址:年月日年月日。



反商业贿赂协议甲方:乙方: (“乙方”在如下协议中指乙方及乙方的关联公司/机构)双方合作期间,为了更严格遵守《反不正当竞争法》及其他相关法律法规有关禁止商业贿赂行为的规定,维护双方共同利益,促进双方关系良好发展,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条本协议中的商业贿赂是指甲方为谋求交易机会或竞争优势及其他合作的利益,甲方员工或甲员工方关系人或甲方通过第三方给予乙方员工及乙方员工关系人的一切物质及精神上的直接或间接的不正当利益。










反商业贿赂合约书(2024版)合同编号:__________反商业贿赂合约书(2024版)鉴于甲乙双方希望建立长期稳定的合作关系,并且双方均致力于遵守诚信原则和法律法规,现甲乙双方就反商业贿赂事宜达成如下协议:一、定义1.1 商业贿赂:指甲方或乙方为了获得或保持商业利益,直接或间接向甲方或乙方的工作人员、代理人、顾问或其他相关人员提供不正当利益的行为。

1.2 不正当利益:指非法或违反道德、职业操守的利益,包括但不限于金钱、物品、服务、权益、便利等。

1.3 工作人员:指甲方或乙方全职或兼职的员工,包括管理人员、技术人员、销售人员等。

1.4 代理人、顾问或其他相关人员:指甲方或乙方委托的代理人、顾问或其他协助完成业务的相关人员。

二、反商业贿赂承诺2.1 甲方承诺:(1)严格遵守国家有关反商业贿赂的法律法规;(2)不直接或间接向乙方的工作人员、代理人、顾问或其他相关人员提供不正当利益;(3)不要求乙方的工作人员、代理人、顾问或其他相关人员接受任何形式的不正当利益;(4)及时发现并纠正甲方工作人员的商业贿赂行为。

2.2 乙方承诺:(1)严格遵守国家有关反商业贿赂的法律法规;(2)不直接或间接向甲方的工作人员、代理人、顾问或其他相关人员提供不正当利益;(3)不要求甲方的工作人员、代理人、顾问或其他相关人员接受任何形式的不正当利益;(4)及时发现并纠正乙方工作人员的商业贿赂行为。

三、监督与检查3.1 甲乙双方应建立健全反商业贿赂内部管理制度,明确责任分工,加强对工作人员的培训和教育。

3.2 甲乙双方应定期对反商业贿赂工作进行自查,确保遵守本协议。

3.3 甲乙双方应相互监督,发现问题应及时沟通,共同解决。

四、违约责任4.1 如甲方或乙方违反本协议,应承担相应的法律责任,并赔偿因此给另一方造成的损失。

4.2 甲乙双方应互相配合,协助对方调查违约行为,并提供必要的证明材料。

五、保密条款5.1 本协议的内容和签订过程涉及的任何信息,甲乙双方应予以保密,未经对方同意不得向第三方披露。



廉洁承诺书Letter of Commitment to Integrity我将严格遵守法律法规和公司反贿赂管理体系的各项要求,树立正确的人生观、价值观,以廉洁为荣,以腐败为耻。


I will strictly abide by the laws and regulations and the requirements of the Company's Anti-bribery Management System, establish a correct outlook on life and values, take pride in incorruptness and be ashamed of corruption. I will win the trust of the Company and colleagues with diligence and integrity, and create a "fair, just, simple and transparent" working environment.在此,我郑重承诺:I hereby make the following commitments solemnly:一、反对商业贿赂,不以任何形式收、送礼金、礼品;1. I will oppose commercial bribery and will not accept or give gift of moneyand gifts in any form;二、做到公私分明,不与商业伙伴发生任何形式的私人利益关系;2. I will distinguish between public and private, and will not have any form ofprivate interest relationship with business partners;三、不在任何时间、任何地点与商业伙伴发生私下接触行为;3. I will not have any private contact with business partners at any time andany place;四、不与公司及相关方产生任何利益冲突;4. I will not have any conflict of interest with the Company and its relatedparties;五、不假公济私,不以任何形式侵占或挪用公司财产;5. I will not practice jobbery, and will not occupy or misappropriate theCompany's property in any form;六、不徇私舞弊,不利用各种手段为自己或他人牟取私利;6. I will not engage in malpractices for personal gain, and will not seek personalgain for myself or others by any means;七、践行透明管理,主动声明个人以往声誉,敏感事项主动备案;7. I will practice transparent management, take the initiative to declare my pastreputation, and take the initiative to report sensitive matters for filing;八、树立保密意识,不窃取、泄露、倒卖或私自销毁公司保密信息;8. I will establish a sense of confidentiality and will not steal, leak, resellor arbitrarily destroy the Company's confidential information;九、保持简单透明的职场环境,不拉帮结派、不搞小团体;9. I will maintain a simple and transparent workplace environment, and will notengage in cliques;十、维护自身及公司良好形象,生活检点,不参加黄、赌、毒等违法活动;10. I will maintain a good image of myself and the Company, live a decent life,and will not take part in illegal activities such as pornography, gambling and drugs;十一、抵制失职渎职、推诿扯皮,弄虚作假,溜须拍马等各类软腐败行为;11. I will resist all kinds of soft corruption such as dereliction of duty,prevarication, fraud and flattery;十二、严格执行反贿赂管理体系制度各项要求,自觉接受监督检查,积极举报腐败行为。



反腐败、反贿赂及反洗钱承诺书Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money LaunderingUndertakings1.分包商(或供货商/卖方)承诺在执行本采购/分包合同过程中,或在与本采购/分包合同有关的交易过程中,将遵守所有本采购/分包合同适用的或项目所在国国家颁布的, 与反腐败、反贿赂及反洗钱有关的法律、法规、规章、或政府命令。

Subcontractor (or Supplier/Vendor) agrees and undertakes that in connection with this Subcontract and the transactions contemplated by this Subcontract, it will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, decrees and/or official governmental orders of the country by whose laws this Subcontract is governed and any country in which the Work is performed relating to anti-corruption, anti-bribery and anti-money laundering.2.作为一项公司政策,在商业活动中承包商(或买方)明确禁止任何提供货物或服务的分包商、供货商或其代理人的行贿行为,或支付所谓的“方便费”、“好处费”。

分包商(或供货商/卖方)承诺,并确认其自身及分包商集团中的成员不会在采购/分包合同执行过程中、与采购/分包合同有关的商业往来中,或在与承包商(或买方)的任何商业交易中,为了获取、影响或酬谢签订采购/分包合同的机会,或为了任何不正当的利益、目的而直接或间接地向以下人员做出、提供、许诺提供或授权提供,或可能做出、提供、许诺提供或授权提供任何款项、其他财务上的利益输送、其他好处或任何其他形式的利益,包括但不限于资金、服务、礼品或招待:As a matter of corporate policy, Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer) expressly prohibits payment of bribes and also payment of any so-called “facilitation”or “grease”payments in connection with the Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer)’s business operations by any subcontractor, supplier or agent engaged to provide goods or services to the Contractor (orPurchaser/Buyer). Subcontractor (or Supplier/Vendor) agrees, undertakes and confirms that it, and each of Subcontractor Group, has not made, offered, promised to make or authorized the making of, and will not make, offer, or promise to make, or authorize the making of, any payment or other transfer of any financial or other advantage or anything else of value, including without limitation the provision of any funds, services, gifts or entertainment, directly or indirectly to:-(a)任何政府官员;any government official;(b)任职于承包商(或买方)实际的或可能的合作方的董事、高级管理人员、雇员、代理/代表,或承包商(或买方)的客户;any director, officer, employee or agent/representative of an actual or prospective counterparty, supplier or customer of the Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer) (“Counterparty”);(c)任职于承包商(或买方)集团成员的董事、高级职员、雇员或代理人;any director, officer, employee or agent of any member of Contractor (or Purchaser/Buyer) Group;(d)任何政治团体、政治团体的工作人员或公职人员的候选人;any political party, official of a political party, or candidate for public office; (e)为了向前述人员行贿而通过的代理人或中间人;any agent or intermediary for payment to any of the foregoing; or(f)任何其他人员any other Person,如果目的是在采购/分包合同执行过程中、与采购/分包合同有关的商业往来中,或在与承包商的任何商业交易中,获取、影响或酬谢采购/分包合同授标,或为了任何不正当的利益、目的,如果分包商(或供货商/卖方)的行为违反了任何适用于承包商(或买方)或分包商(或供货商/卖方)的反贿赂或反洗钱法律规范的要求。

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反商业贿赂示范条款(协议版)Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Laws Clause为规范商业行为,维护公平竞争秩序,防止商业贿赂,营造诚信、透明、公平、公正、双赢的合作环境,合同双方协商一致,达成以下条款:To regulate business operation, maintain order for fair competition, prevent commercial bribe and create a faithful, fair, just and win-win cooperation environment, parties agreed as follows: 第一条定义Definition1. 交易对象”指与达成交易或合作意向的公司、组织或个人,包括但不限丁上下游供应商、客户、中介机构、合资合营方等;以及受上述对象委托,或者代表、代理上述对象与洽谈交易、合作的公司、组织或个人。

"Counterparty ” indicates any kind of corporation,organization or individualtbeir representative, agent or deputy making transactions with , including but not limited to the suppliers, clients or customers, cooperative suppliers, contractors, service suppliers, intermediaries, joint corporation and partners, regardless of successfully cooperating or not.2. 关联人员”指中直接或间接与交易对象商洽交易条件、签署合同、履行合同或可直接、间接影响到上述交易达成或执行的人员,包括但不限丁董事、经理等高级管理人员以及参与交易决策和执行的相关人员。

“AssociatedPersons "indicates the directors or staff of who directly or indirectly consult the business term with the Counterparty, conclude transactions and perform the contract, or those who can directly or indirectly influence such transactions, including but not limited to the management or staff in charge of concluding or performing the transactions.3. “关系人”指关联人员的配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹等亲届和具有特殊利益关系的人员。

“ Related Person^ involves the special interest persons and relatives of the Associated Persons, such as their spouses, parents, offspring, brothers and sisters.4. 不正当利益”指在商业活动中,违反法律、法规或政策规定,非法给予或收受现金、实物及其他利益,包括但不限丁回扣、礼物、礼金、礼品卡(券) (如会员卡、消费卡、购物卡)、有价证券、干股、红利或提供旅游、度假或获取其他优惠条件、机会等任何不正当利益。

“UnjustBenefit refers to any kind of pecuniary benefit, material benefit and other benefit, which is illegal , or conflict with duties, or contrary to professional ethics, including but not limited to kickback, gift, money, gift coupons, securities, valuable cards (e.g. membership card, shopping card), traveling or vacation tourism, profit division, shares (e.g. performance shares or dark shares) and/or presents and treatment.第二条交易对象保证Undertakings of Counterparty1. 严格遵守法律、法规和政策规定,确保廉洁从业。

Strictly comply with the applicable laws, regulations and relevant provisions of work without corruption.2. 不向关联人员或其关系人许诺、给予任何形式的贿赂或输送不正当利益等。

Not to offer and/or give Associated Persons or their Related Persons of any kind of bribery, Unjust Benefit, etc.3. 不以任何形式为关联人员或其关系人谋取私利,包括但不限丁以下行为:Never seek personal advantage for Associated Persons or their Related Persons of PENAVICOS, including but not limited to the followings:(1) 为关联人员或其关系人报销各类费用;To reimburse expenses for Associated Persons or their Related Persons of that should be paid by themselves;(2) 为关联人员或其关系人投资入股、个人借款或买卖股票、债券等提供方便;To provide convenience for Associated Persons or their Related Persons of for their investment on shares, personal loans or stock and bond transactions etc.;(3) 为关联人员或其关系人购买或装修住房、婚丧嫁娶、配偶子女上学或工作安排以及出国(境)、旅游等提供方便;To provide convenience for Associated Persons or their Related Persons offor house purchase or decoration, weddings or funerals, or the working, studying, going abroad of their spouses and children or traveling etc.;(4) 为关联人员或其关系人安排任何健身、娱乐活动;To arrange junketing, fitness or any other entertainments for Associated Persons or their Related Persons of ;(5) 为关联人员或其关系人购置或提供通讯工具、交通工具和办公用品、生活用品等;To purchase or provide communication tools, transportation vehicles, office supplies and living equipment for Associated Persons or their Related Persons of ;(6) 为关联人员或其关系人的配偶、子女及其他亲届、特殊利益关系人谋取不正当利益提供方便;To provide convenience for the spouses, children, other relatives and special interest persons of Associated Persons or their Related Persons o f or getting Unjust Benefit;(7) 以洽谈工作、签订经济合同为名,提供关联人员或其关系人外出旅游、考察等给付财物以外的其他利益。

To entertain Associated Persons or their Related Persons of with traveling and recreational activities etc. in the name of business negotiations or contract signing.4. 不安排、不允许关联人员或其关系人在交易对象或相关企业任职或领取报酬。

Not to arrange or permit Associated Persons or their Related Persons of to hold a concurrent post in or receive wages or salary from the Counterparty nterprise or the ' s e related enterprises of the Counterparty related enterprises and/or receive wages or salary.5. 交易对象承诺及相关主管部门在对涉嫌商业贿赂的行为进行调查时,提供一切必要的便利和协助,并积极配合调查的开展。
