Chomsky’s Universal Grammar
乔姆斯基的语言习得机制乔姆斯基的语言习得机制(Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device,简称LAD)是他在20世纪中叶提出的一个关于人类语言能力发展的理论。
具体来说,LAD包括三个重要的组成要素:1.语言结构:LAD中包含了一套全球通用的语言结构,即普遍语法(Universal Grammar,简称UG)。
论乔姆斯基的语言学理论和外语教学乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是一位美国的语言学家、哲学家和政治评论家。
他对语言学理论的贡献在于提出了生成语法(Generative Grammar)和普遍语法(Universal Grammar)的概念。
语言学 普遍语法
儿童在接触外语时, 儿童在接触外语时,通常看到 的是语言的相似性, 的是语言的相似性,以自我为 中心不自觉地学习和掌握语言。 中心不自觉地学习和掌握语言。 对他们来说语言只是一种表达 思想和表现自我的工具。此外, 思想和表现自我的工具。此外, 儿童不会像成人那样戴着社会 的有色眼镜去选择应该使用何 种语言, 种语言,所以他们对任何语言 都是包容的。 都是包容的。
• 从人类语言官能和人类生物学角度寻 找语言的基础,制定适合儿童母语习得为载体研 究不同语言背景条件下具有共性的习 得模式。
• 普遍语法是由一些基本的原则和参数构成 的。 • 原则是带有普遍性的,是与生俱来的,是 不需要学习的。 • 但每个语言的具体参数是不同的。需要学 习者通过语言习得来获得,或者说,需要 通过选择来设定参数。
• 儿童学习第二语言的优势还在于:(1) 幼儿先从听开始学习,这正是适合儿童 语言学习的习惯方式;(2)幼儿不是逐 个词去记,而是整句去学,这正符合幼 儿学习的方式和特点;(3)动词是言语 的中心,幼儿往往很容易从一个简单的 动词开始,深入下去,逐步掌握复杂的 语言表达;(4)幼儿大体上是按照思维 的顺序来使用语言,这种方式易于促进 记忆。
• 儿童往往把语言学习看作一种游戏, 并从使用语言的交际过程中获得乐趣。 他们几乎不担心犯什么语法错误,甚 至根据自己的喜好、需要“创造”一 些错误的词语或表达法。最初接触外 语的儿童经常试图用有限的词汇表达 思想,以博得大人的欣赏,所以大多 数儿童带有融合性学习动机,即有强 烈愿望结识持另一种语言的人并与之 成为朋友,甚至希望融入那个社会。
基于普遍语法理论 和儿童的语言习得, 和儿童的语言习得, 我们该如何进行语 法教学? 法教学?
• 一些语言实验证明,虽然儿童在学习第一语言时 有时会犯语言错误,但是这些错误都是普遍语法 所允许的,只不过这些错误不符合所学语言的参 数罢了。我们可以举一个汉语的例子来说明这个 问题。如果一个幼儿想要表达“大黑狗是宝宝 的”,他也许会这样说:“大黑狗的.是宝宝的”, 但是他却不会犯如下这样的错误,说成“是狗大 黑宝宝的”。那么是什么在控制着儿童语言错误 的范围呢? Chomsky认为这个问题的答案便是人 们头脑中固有的普遍语法。
乔姆斯基的观点乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是一位著名的美国语言学家、哲学家和社会评论家。
1. 语言和思维的关系:乔姆斯基认为,语言不仅仅是一种交流工具,而且是思维和认知的重要组成部分。
他提出了“普遍语法”(Universal Grammar)的概念,认为人类天生具备一种语言学习的能力和结构。
参考内容:- 《普遍语法理论》(The Theory of Universal Grammar):这是乔姆斯基著名的一本著作,详细阐述了他对普遍语法的理论和相关观点。
2. 语言的社会功能:乔姆斯基认为,语言不仅仅是个体交流的工具,而且是社会交往和权力斗争的重要工具。
他提出了“生成语法”(Generative Grammar)的概念,强调语言是一种社会行为,并受到特定社会和文化环境的影响。
参考内容:- 《语言和权力》(Language and Power):这本书详细讨论了乔姆斯基关于语言和社会权力关系的观点,并探讨了语言如何通过话语和话语行为来塑造社会和权力结构。
- 《社会语言学导论》(Introduction to Sociolinguistics):这是乔姆斯基在社会语言学方面的重要著作,讨论了语言和社会的互动关系。
3. 政治和媒体:乔姆斯基对大规模媒体和政治权力的关系持批评态度。
参考内容:- 《制造同意》(Manufacturing Consent):这是乔姆斯基与爱德华·赫尔曼(Edward S. Herman)合著的一本书,探讨了媒体在塑造舆论和制造同意方面的作用,并提出了“新闻取向模型”(propaganda model)的概念。
论述乔姆斯基的生成语言学理论1 转换生成语法的产生与发展美国语言学家Chomsky20世纪50年代末创立的转换生成语法理论,迄今已有近60年历史。
(1)20世纪50年代末至1965年,以《句法结构》(Syntactic Structure)发表为代表的古典理论阶段。
在这一理论下Chomsky 认为语义学是独立于语法学之外的,此时的生成语言学致力于语类规则的探讨,主要由短语结构规则和转换规则构成。
(2)1965年至1970年,以《句法理论的若干问题》(Aspect of the Theory of Syntax)为代表的标准理论阶段。
(3)1970年到1980年,以《深层结构表层结构和语义解释》(Deep structure of the surface structure and semantic interpretation)为标志的扩充式标准理论阶段。
(4)1980年前后到1992年,以《管辖与约束讲演集》(Lectures on Government and Binding,The Piss Lectures)为标志的修正的扩充式标准理论阶段。
(5)1992年至今,以《语言理论的最简方案》(A Minimalist Program of Linguistic Theory)为标志。
乔姆斯基的语言学观点 英语
诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是一位美国语言学家和认知科学家,他对语言学领域做出了重要贡献。
通用语法理论(Universal Grammar):乔姆斯基提出了通用语法理论,认为人类天生具备一种语言能力的普遍结构,这种结构存在于人类的基因中,并在语言习得过程中发挥作用。
生成语法(Generative Grammar):乔姆斯基提出了生成语法的概念,认为语言的结构可以通过一系列规则来生成。
普遍语言能力(Universal Language Faculty):乔姆斯基认为人类天生具备一种普遍的语言能力,这种能力使得人类能够理解和产生无限数量的句子。
Universal grammar名词解释英语Universal grammar名词解释:普遍语法,是美国语言学家乔姆斯基语言理论中的一个术语。
Universal Grammar in philosophy of language
Universal Grammar in human languageHu Peng1. The hypothesis by ChomskyIn 1965, Noam Chomsky proposed a hypothesis about general grammar of all sorts of language in Aspects of the theory of syntax.He written that humans have a cognitive specialization for learning language and he describe this specialization as“inventing,” “constructing,” “developing,”“devising,” and “acquiring” a grammar. So Chomsky believed that every child would develop an internal representation of a system of rules when he or she began to learn languages and speak.To learn a language, then, the child must have a method for [f-] devising an appropriate grammar, given primary linguistic data. As a precondition for language learning, he must possess, first, a linguistic theory that specifies the form of the grammar of a possible human language, and second, a strategy for selecting a grammar of the appropriate form that is compatible with the primary linguistic data. (Chomsky 1965: 25)Chomsky, that is to say, conceived that a child if given linguistic data would create a specific grammar to compose his own language instinctively. This instinct and instinctive cognitive structure underpinning the acquisition of knowledge is referred back to rationalist forebears including Descartes, Lord Herbert, Leibniz, and particularly Wilhelm von Humboldt. If we knew that Chomsky’s hypothesis can be trace back to the philosophic viewpoint of rationalists, we would understand his opinions which seemed as bold easily. But his hypothesis was referring to an innate linguistic theory apparently and that’s the reason why he was criticized by other linguists. These criticisms will be discussed in the following text, and now let’s detect Chomsky’s hypothesis about its disadvantages and limitations. That is that his postulation cannot come at all close to making a hypothesis about innate schemata that is rich, detailed, and specific enough to account for the fact of language acquisition and this hypothesis based on the philosophic viewpoint of rationalists can be considered easily as a subjective assumption.Therefore, the task of Chomsky’s successors“must be to develop an account of linguistic universals that, on the one hand, will not be falsified by the actual diversity of languages and, on the other, will be sufficiently rich and explicit to account for the rapidity and uniformity of language learning, and the remarkable complexity and range of the generative grammars that are the product of language learning”(Ray Jackendoff Foundations of Language pp.71 ). Then we will talk about the development of the theory of Universal Grammar by Chomsky’s inheritors among who Jackendoff was a most remarkable linguist.2. The main theory of Universal GrammarIn his famous work Foundations of Language,Jackendoff developed Chomsky’s theory and he completed the theory of Universal Grammar.The first task of Jackendoff was to confirm that the Universal Grammar is exist notonly in one language (such as English or German), but it also be applicable to all languages and the Universal Grammar has a general utility. He wrote that“‘How can Universal Grammar claim to be universal, when (at least at the beginning) it was applied only to English?’”To answer this question, he took Chomsky’s early work for example. “In fact, Chomsky's very earliest work (1951) was on Modern Hebrew; other early work in syntax concerned German (Lees 1960; Bierwisch 1963), Turkish (Lees 1960), Latin (Lakoff 1968), Japanese (Kuroda 1965), and the Native American languages Hidatsa (Matthews 1964) and Mohawk (Postal 1962).”He meant that the theory of Universal Grammar was based on a great deal of surveys on many different linguistic phenomena and this theory had its factual foundations.But in terms of theoretical creativity, Jackendoff had his own contribution to the theory of UG. He maintained that“Universal Grammar is not supposed to be what is universal among langu ages: it is supposed to be the ‘toolkit’ that a human child brings to learning any of the languages of the world”; “If we find that a certain aspect of linguistic structure is indeed universal, then it is a good candidate for part of Universal Grammar, though other options must also be considered”(FL pp.75)So Jackendoff considered UG as a language “toolkit”,and we are not obliged to use every tool for every job.“Thus we might expect that not every grammatical mechanism provided by Universal Grammar appears in every language. For instance, some languages make heavy use of case marking, and others don't; some languages make heavy use of fixed word order, and others don't. We would like to say that Universal Grammar makes both these possibilities available to the child; but only the possibilities actually present in the environment come to realization in the child's developing grammar.”(FL pp.75) From above sentences, we can realize that the UG is not an “actual” grammar but an abstract concept which does not belong to any actual language and it behind all actual grammar. In our dairy life we would not use the UG even one time but it is real exist in our every usage of our language. Let’s trace back to the children who begin to learn language and speak. If the child were given some specific linguistic material, he or she would look for a right toolkit to use, but the child once find a proper tool he or she would form his or her owe language. The different child found different tool could not form a same language because the circumstances of linguistic are different.3. The application of the theory of Universal GrammarTo Chomsky, the universal grammar exists in human being’s instinct. But the question is that how we apply ourselves to the language learning. So he introduced the term “Language Acquisition Device”. He wrote that“Universal Grammar” comes to be used to denote the “initial state” of the language learner; it thus is conceived of as the aspect of the human mind that causes languages to have the features in common that they do. More precisely, Chomsky often uses this term to refer to the child's initial prespecification of the form of possible human grammars. He uses the term “Language Acquisition Device” (LAD) to refer to the child's strategy for constructing or “inventing” a grammar based on primary linguistic data, using Universal Grammar as the starting point. (FL pp.70)It’s Chomsky’s theory that there exists a sequence of the language acquisition ofhuman being. At first, the learner (a child) gets the environmental stimulus from the outsides world and then he or she uses the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) to form his or her actual grammar of language.Chomsky's theory turned out not to reveal meaning after all, at least in the sense that had been anticipated. The consequence was that many researchers felt as though they had been seriously misled by linguistics, and they lost all trust in the field. Many psychologists who had been intrigued with generative grammar and its nativist underpinnings came to reject both. Many philosophers interested in formal theories of meaning turned from Generative Semantics to formal logic (e.g. Montague Grammar, Partee 1975; 1976), with its explicitly apsychological underpinnings. Nor was anyone outside linguistics impressed (if they were even paying attention) when some years later, Chomsky (1981) proposed a new level of syntax, Logical Form, that again was supposed to determine meaning. They had all been there before. In short, this painful episode was an important factor in the alienation of linguistics from the rest of cognitive science. (FL pp.74)There is no doubt that Chomsky’s theory is a typical apriorism like Kant. Because that he presupposed an existence of innate device of language acquisition in human’s brain or cognitive ability. And this cognitive ability about language learning, to Chomsky, was the LAD, that is to say, it’s the Universal Grammar.The UG just like love or life instinct to exist of human being and they have a common ground which is that these human phenomena are not learning by acquired knowledge while they are innate and every human being possesses. We can imagine that there is a community in which that there are no fathers or mothers to tell the children how to love the opposite sex. And there are not any stories about love, books and movies are also cleaned out. What will come about in this community? Is there not any boy going to fall in love with a girl? The answer is absolutely wrong and there are still some romantic stories existing in this community. Because it is the human nature to love the opposite sex and this innate phenomena is related to the inherent character of human beings to reproduce and continue them. Therefore, why there is not an innate cognitive ability to language learning? Why human beings haven’t a Universal grammar to instinctively introduce our learning activity about language? The answer to this question is maybe it’s existing just like Chomsky’s hypothesis. In terms of the human inherent character, maybe the primitive use language merely in order to protect themselves from the harm of the natural circumstance. They communicate each other for fighting against the wild animals and save their lives so that the ability of using language gradually became one part of human’s gene and we just inherited this original features from our ancestors. So the theory of Universal Grammar is linked to the gene of human beings and has somewhat innate characteristics. Another example for the innate characteristics of the UG is the linguistic phenomenon about the “Creole” system. The appearance of Creole is a firm confirmation for the theory of the UG and this abnormal situation is not coming without a reason.Derek Bickerton (1981) documents in detail that children of a pidgin speaking community do not grow up speaking the pidgin, but rather use the pidgin as raw material for a grammatically much richer system called a “C reole.” In particular, hetraces the transition from the Hawaiian pidgin of imported workers to the Hawaiian Creole of their children; speakers of both of these were still alive at the time of his fieldwork in the 1960s. Creoles from all over the world are often found to have grammatical devices not traceable to any of the parent languages of the pidgin.47 Thus, Bickerton's argument goes, Creole grammar must have come from the children's expectations of “what a language has to look like”—i.e. Universal Grammar—and they build these expectations into their linguistic output. The children's parents, on the other hand, do not learn the Creole; they continue to speak the pidgin, because they are past the critical period. (FL pp.100)From this example, we can learn that these children who didn’t get the normal education that could tell them how to use language (English or pidgin) properly. But these children who communicated each other devised a language, their own language that was what we now call Creole. How they did it? How magical they are! But if we learnt the theory of UG, we would not so surprise to Creole. We knew that these children have the innate ability to “create” a language that is different from any other present languages.4. The opposite theories and the refutationsFor the first time Chomsky advocate this hypothesis, he was criticized other linguists. The first challenging question was that “Chomsky claims that grammar is innate”, and the nature of this question is Chomsky’s hypothesis is a idealist apriorism and all the theories were wholly subjective doctrines and assumptions. This criticism is point out that Chomsky was isolated the theory form the actual stuff.The refutation to this challenge is that the UG is not the reason for the generation and development of a language but requirement and foundation. “Children have to acquire the grammar of whatever language is present in their environment. Universal Grammar is not the grammar of any single language: it is the prespecification in the brain that permits the learning of language to take place. So the grammar-acquiring capacity is what Chomsky claims is innate. If the child is not exposed to language, language will not develop.”(FL pp.71)Another challenging opinion was that“Chomsky claims that there is a universal, innate Deep Structure.”That is to say that a innate Deep structure is the most important part and it determine the acquisitions about language.The refutation to this challenge is that the Universal Grammar does specify that there is Deep Structure; even it does not specify the exact content of Deep Structure in any particular language. This is part of the overall form of grammar, one that conditions the sorts of (f-) expectations children will have in trying to make sense of the incomprehensible noises the people around the mare making.(FL pp.72)。
乔姆斯基的名词解释当今语言学界中,诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)被誉为一位杰出的语言学家和认知科学家。
1.普遍语法(Universal Grammar)乔姆斯基最著名的理论之一是普遍语法。
2.语言生成(Language Generation)在乔姆斯基看来,语言生成是一种人类天生具备的能力。
3.生成语义学(Generative Semantics)生成语义学是乔姆斯基的另一项重要贡献。
Universal Grammar in Human Language
Universal Grammar in Human LanguageHu Peng1. The hypothesis by ChomskyIn 1965, Noam Chomsky proposed a hypothesis about general grammar of all sorts of language in Aspects of the theory of syntax.He written that humans have a cognitive specialization for learning language and he describe this specialization as“inventing,” “constructing,” “developing,”“devising,” and “acquiring” a grammar. So Chomsky believed that every child would develop an internal representation of a system of rules when he or she began to learn languages and speak.To learn a language, then, the child must have a method for [f-] devising an appropriate grammar, given primary linguistic data. As a precondition for language learning, he must possess, first, a linguistic theory that specifies the form of the grammar of a possible human language, and second, a strategy for selecting a grammar of the appropriate form that is compatible with the primary linguistic data. (Chomsky 1965: 25)Chomsky, that is to say, conceived that a child if given linguistic data would create a specific grammar to compose his own language instinctively. This instinct and instinctive cognitive structure underpinning the acquisition of knowledge is referred back to rationalist forebears including Descartes, Lord Herbert, Leibniz, and particularly Wilhelm von Humboldt. If we knew that Chomsky’s hypothesis can be trace back to the philosophic viewpoint of rationalists, we would understand his opinions which seemed as bold easily. But his hypothesis was referring to an innate linguistic theory apparently and that’s the reason why he was criticized by other linguists. These criticisms will be discussed in the following text, and now let’s detect Chomsky’s hypothesis about its disadvantages and limitations. That is that his postulation cannot come at all close to making a hypothesis about innate schemata that is rich, detailed, and specific enough to account for the fact of language acquisition and this hypothesis based on the philosophic viewpoint of rationalists can be considered easily as a subjective assumption.Therefore, the task of Chomsky’s successors“must be to develop an account of linguistic universals that, on the one hand, will not be falsified by the actual diversity of languages and, on the other, will be sufficiently rich and explicit to account for the rapidity and uniformity of language learning, and the remarkable complexity and range of the generative grammars that are the product of language learning”(Ray Jackendoff Foundations of Language pp.71 ). Then we will talk about the development of the theory of Universal Grammar by Chomsky’s inheritors among who Jackendoff was a most remarkable linguist.2. The main theory of Universal GrammarIn his famous work Foundations of Language,Jackendoff developed Chomsky’s theory and he completed the theory of Universal Grammar.The first task of Jackendoff was to confirm that the Universal Grammar is exist notonly in one language (such as English or German), but it also be applicable to all languages and the Universal Grammar has a general utility. He wrote that“‘How can Universal Grammar claim to be universal, when (at least at the beginning) it was applied only to English?’”To answer this question, he took Chomsky’s early work for example. “In fact, Chomsky's very earliest work (1951) was on Modern Hebrew; other early work in syntax concerned German (Lees 1960; Bierwisch 1963), Turkish (Lees 1960), Latin (Lakoff 1968), Japanese (Kuroda 1965), and the Native American languages Hidatsa (Matthews 1964) and Mohawk (Postal 1962).”He meant that the theory of Universal Grammar was based on a great deal of surveys on many different linguistic phenomena and this theory had its factual foundations.But in terms of theoretical creativity, Jackendoff had his own contribution to the theory of UG. He maintained that“Universal Grammar is not supposed to be what is universal among langu ages: it is supposed to be the ‘toolkit’ that a human child brings to learning any of the languages of the world”; “If we find that a certain aspect of linguistic structure is indeed universal, then it is a good candidate for part of Universal Grammar, though other options must also be considered”(FL pp.75)So Jackendoff considered UG as a language “toolkit”,and we are not obliged to use every tool for every job.“Thus we might expect that not every grammatical mechanism provided by Universal Grammar appears in every language. For instance, some languages make heavy use of case marking, and others don't; some languages make heavy use of fixed word order, and others don't. We would like to say that Universal Grammar makes both these possibilities available to the child; but only the possibilities actually present in the environment come to realization in the child's developing grammar.”(FL pp.75) From above sentences, we can realize that the UG is not an “actual” grammar but an abstract concept which does not belong to any actual language and it behind all actual grammar. In our dairy life we would not use the UG even one time but it is real exist in our every usage of our language. Let’s trace back to the children who begin to learn language and speak. If the child were given some specific linguistic material, he or she would look for a right toolkit to use, but the child once find a proper tool he or she would form his or her owe language. The different child found different tool could not form a same language because the circumstances of linguistic are different.3. The application of the theory of Universal GrammarTo Chomsky, the universal grammar exists in human being’s instinct. But the question is that how we apply ourselves to the language learning. So he introduced the term “Language Acquisition Device”. He wrote that“Universal Grammar” comes to be used to denote the “initial state” of the language learner; it thus is conceived of as the aspect of the human mind that causes languages to have the features in common that they do. More precisely, Chomsky often uses this term to refer to the child's initial prespecification of the form of possible human grammars. He uses the term “Language Acquisition Device” (LAD) to refer to the child's strategy for constructing or “inventing” a grammar based on primary linguistic data, using Universal Grammar as the starting point. (FL pp.70)It’s Chomsky’s theory that there exists a sequence of the language acquisition ofhuman being. At first, the learner (a child) gets the environmental stimulus from the outsides world and then he or she uses the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) to form his or her actual grammar of language.Chomsky's theory turned out not to reveal meaning after all, at least in the sense that had been anticipated. The consequence was that many researchers felt as though they had been seriously misled by linguistics, and they lost all trust in the field. Many psychologists who had been intrigued with generative grammar and its nativist underpinnings came to reject both. Many philosophers interested in formal theories of meaning turned from Generative Semantics to formal logic (e.g. Montague Grammar, Partee 1975; 1976), with its explicitly apsychological underpinnings. Nor was anyone outside linguistics impressed (if they were even paying attention) when some years later, Chomsky (1981) proposed a new level of syntax, Logical Form, that again was supposed to determine meaning. They had all been there before. In short, this painful episode was an important factor in the alienation of linguistics from the rest of cognitive science. (FL pp.74)There is no doubt that Chomsky’s theory is a typical apriorism like Kant. Because that he presupposed an existence of innate device of language acquisition in human’s brain or cognitive ability. And this cognitive ability about language learning, to Chomsky, was the LAD, that is to say, it’s the Universal Grammar.The UG just like love or life instinct to exist of human being and they have a common ground which is that these human phenomena are not learning by acquired knowledge while they are innate and every human being possesses. We can imagine that there is a community in which that there are no fathers or mothers to tell the children how to love the opposite sex. And there are not any stories about love, books and movies are also cleaned out. What will come about in this community? Is there not any boy going to fall in love with a girl? The answer is absolutely wrong and there are still some romantic stories existing in this community. Because it is the human nature to love the opposite sex and this innate phenomena is related to the inherent character of human beings to reproduce and continue them. Therefore, why there is not an innate cognitive ability to language learning? Why human beings haven’t a Universal grammar to instinctively introduce our learning activity about language? The answer to this question is maybe it’s existing just like Chomsky’s hypothesis. In terms of the human inherent character, maybe the primitive use language merely in order to protect themselves from the harm of the natural circumstance. They communicate each other for fighting against the wild animals and save their lives so that the ability of using language gradually became one part of human’s gene and we just inherited this original features from our ancestors. So the theory of Universal Grammar is linked to the gene of human beings and has somewhat innate characteristics. Another example for the innate characteristics of the UG is the linguistic phenomenon about the “Creole” system. The appearance of Creole is a firm confirmation for the theory of the UG and this abnormal situation is not coming without a reason.Derek Bickerton (1981) documents in detail that children of a pidgin speaking community do not grow up speaking the pidgin, but rather use the pidgin as raw material for a grammatically much richer system called a “C reole.” In particular, hetraces the transition from the Hawaiian pidgin of imported workers to the Hawaiian Creole of their children; speakers of both of these were still alive at the time of his fieldwork in the 1960s. Creoles from all over the world are often found to have grammatical devices not traceable to any of the parent languages of the pidgin.47 Thus, Bickerton's argument goes, Creole grammar must have come from the children's expectations of “what a language has to look like”—i.e. Universal Grammar—and they build these expectations into their linguistic output. The children's parents, on the other hand, do not learn the Creole; they continue to speak the pidgin, because they are past the critical period. (FL pp.100)From this example, we can learn that these children who didn’t get the normal education that could tell them how to use language (English or pidgin) properly. But these children who communicated each other devised a language, their own language that was what we now call Creole. How they did it? How magical they are! But if we learnt the theory of UG, we would not so surprise to Creole. We knew that these children have the innate ability to “create” a language that is different from any other present languages.4. The opposite theories and the refutationsFor the first time Chomsky advocate this hypothesis, he was criticized other linguists. The first challenging question was that “Chomsky claims that grammar is innate”, and the nature of this question is Chomsky’s hypothesis is a idealist apriorism and all the theories were wholly subjective doctrines and assumptions. This criticism is point out that Chomsky was isolated the theory form the actual stuff.The refutation to this challenge is that the UG is not the reason for the generation and development of a language but requirement and foundation. “Children have to acquire the grammar of whatever language is present in their environment. Universal Grammar is not the grammar of any single language: it is the prespecification in the brain that permits the learning of language to take place. So the grammar-acquiring capacity is what Chomsky claims is innate. If the child is not exposed to language, language will not develop.”(FL pp.71)Another challenging opinion was that“Chomsky claims that there is a universal, innate Deep Structure.”That is to say that a innate Deep structure is the most important part and it determine the acquisitions about language.The refutation to this challenge is that the Universal Grammar does specify that there is Deep Structure; even it does not specify the exact content of Deep Structure in any particular language. This is part of the overall form of grammar, one that conditions the sorts of (f-) expectations children will have in trying to make sense of the incomprehensible noises the people around the mare making.(FL pp.72)。
universal grammar名词解释语言学教程Noam Chomsky's universal grammar has offered a logical framework to explain the acquisition of the first language acquisition.上世纪中叶,乔姆斯基提出和发展了普遍语法理论,迄今普遍语法已为研究和解释第一语言习得提供了一个逻辑框架。
UG主要用在第一语言习得上,对第二语言习得也有影响也可以与innateness hypothesis来比较,但是也有缺点:它放大了learner 的心理和自身,忽略了语言是需要与外界交流的。
乔姆斯基认为每个人从出生开始心中就有一个LAD(language acquisition device),它天生带有理解语言的能力,天生就有理解语言语法的能力。
通过不断的语言输入(language input)和心中的普遍语法(universal grammar)作出比较和对,得到积极反馈来纠正自己的普遍语法达到学习语言的目的。
Principle-Parameter model of UGThe basic concept of UG are principles(原则)and parameters(参数).They reveal the commonalities and differences between natural languages respectively.Principles(原则)Principles refer to the abstractly grammatical property(抽象语法属性)which can be applied to all humanlanguage.A certain language may not have some principles. But there is no language can violate these principle.。
二语习得中的普遍语法和标记性理论_I Universal Grammar in L2 Acquisition1.1 Universal GrammarNoam Chomsky“s theory of Universal Grammar (UG) states that language is governed by a set of highly abstract principles that provide parameters which are given particular settings in different languages. UG, which is not acquired by learning, is the innate language competence. UG of any language is the same, not only English.1.2 Universal Grammar and Language AcquisitionHuman can master the mother tongue exactly in a short period. Chomsky regards that is because there is innate UG in human’s b rain. When the stimulus input into the brain, by UG, it transfer to Generative Grammar, which can build the sentences according to particular grammar. UG enables human to acquire the first language in a short period. Meanwhile, with UG, learners are also able to acquire other languages, including the second language.Second language learners access to their interlanguage under UG. The process of second language acquisition can be seen as the process of resetting the parameter of UG. However, the second one is much more difficult than the first one.Other hypothesis argues that when the principles in first language acquisition are not suffice forL2 acquisition, learners will build new principles by UG. At the beginning of L2 acquisition, UG operates the learning process by concerning the principles of the first language, later it effects directly on second language without the interference of mother tongue.ⅡUniversal Grammar in L2 Acquisition2.1 MarkednessMarkedness Theory was proposed by Prague School, which refers to the general idea that some structures are more “natural" or "basic" than other structures.According to Chomsky, the universal grammar contains both core rules and periphery rules. The core rules, which provide “ge neral principles that apply to all language”, are unmarked. Periphery rules, which provide “particular rules of a particular language or languages”, are marked rules (Zhang Hong, 2005).There are three forms about markedness: formal markedness, distributional markedness, and semantic markedness.In phonetics, formal markedness is distinctive features, e.g. /t/ is unmarked for voiced;s marked for voiced. In vocabulary, markedness consists of formally unmarkedness, e.g. host, heir, and happy and formally markedness, e.g. hostess, heiress, and unhappy.In semantics, unmarkedness is general in meaning. It is used more widely than markedness. This results from neutralization of the contrast between of unmarkedness and markedness. In the sentences “How old is your brother?” and “How young is your brother?” There is a presupposition that “your brother is young”. There is no of presupposition of “How old is your brother?”.A semantic marked word has more concrete meaning than a semantic unmarked word. In English, lion is unmarked, means both female and male lions. Lioness, however, is the marked form and only refers to the female lion.2.2 Markedness and Acquisition OrderSome evidence suggested that learners acquire less marked structures before more marked ones. That is to say, learners master the easier unmarked properties before the more difficult marked one.The example of the order of WH-questions provides by Rutherford (1982) show how markedness factors can influence SLA.What’s that?What are those?I don’t know what those are.The order of the above sentences is from easier marked form to more difficult form. The difficulties vary from the difference between L1 and L2. Besides,according to the “If/then” theory, in the sam e category or structure, if the learners mastered the more marked features, they will naturally master the less marked features.Ⅲ. SummaryUG and Markedness theory are not separate theory in second language acquisition. Some academicians combined the two theories together in that both of them effect in L2 acquisition. Others believe markedness theory is a part of UG theory. However, these two theories are also influenced by other factors. It is necessary for us to take further research on them.References:1.Rod Ellis (1985):Understanding Second Language Acquisition, 上海外语教育出版社.2.Zhang Hong(2005):Markedness and Second Language Acquisition, Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Social Sciences, Vol.14, No.1.3.隆利容(2008):〈普遍语法对语言习得的解释〉,文学语言学研究考试周刊第10期.4.解玲(2008):〈普遍语法框架下的语言习得研究〉,湖南师范大学社会科学学报第5期.5.王立(1991):〈关于标记理论〉,上海外国语学院学报第4期(总第74期).6.王鲁男(2007):〈标记性与二语习得〉,四川外语学院学报第6期.。
Universal grammar
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman in the Language Universals says that there are universals among many different kinds of languages, and our aim is to find out the laws of a language, and the laws that pertain to all languages. In the text, they play particular emphasis on the universal grammar or we call it general grammar.To be honest, I have never heard of such a professional word before, so I search it on the Internet. It said that universal grammar is a theory in linguistic, usually credited to Noam Chomsky, proposing that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain. Universal grammar can’t form any language itself but it is the description of the principles in particular grammars. What’s more, it is often applied in psychology. Chomsky thought that universal grammar is consist of two systems – rule based system and principle based system. Principle based system is made up of several subsystems, such as government theory, binding theory, control theory, X-bar theory and so on. And each subsystem has the universal principles of each language.New ideas always grow up with query. There is no doubt that universal grammar has some arguments.When some scholars believe that the theory is expected to open doors into the nature of language and ultimately uncover the mystery of human thinking, at the same time, some other scholars from questioning the logical deduction of UG theory, put forward basis and main content of the series "rebuttal" war in manyaspects, and put forward the martial numerous theories of language acquisition hypothesis on this basis.So many so-called "refute" or only for the partial consideration, or it is not conclusive argument, they can not constitute a fundamental threat to the UG theory, it will not touch the foundation of UG theory.The idea of Universal Grammar put forward by Noam Chomsky has been a crucial driving force in linguistics. Whether linguistics agree with it or nor, they have defined themselves by their reactions to it, not only in terms of general concepts of language and language acquisition, but also in how they carry out linguistic description. From 1960s to 1980s, universal grammar became a flash-point for disciplines outside linguistics such as psychology, computer parsing of language ands first language acquisition, even if theses areas have tended to lose contact in recent years.。
Chomsky’s theory Linguist Noam Chomsky made the argument that the human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language. In turn, there is an assumption that all languages have a common structural basis. This set of rules is known as universal grammar.
psychological integration of the learner with the target language (TL) group.”
To Schuman ,the social distance consists of eight factors
1.Social dominance. 2. Integration pattern or Assimilation, preservation, and adaptation. 3. Enclosure. 4.Cohesiveness. 5. Size. 6. Congruence. 7.Attitude. 8. Intended length of residence
What Is Universal Grammar? Universal grammar argues that some skills come from innate abilities, passed down through generations. Specifically, Chomsky proposed that every child is born with the ability and structural knowledge that allow them to adopt any language. These rules include the ability to string together a sentence that makes grammatical sense. Universal grammar, according to Chomsky, is separate from the senses. Many nativists compare our ability to understand and learn languages to our ability to see, hear, or taste. The theory suggests that some rules of grammar are hardwired into the brain, and manifest without being taught.
顾 钢
摘 要 “乔姆斯基理论”是一门语言学界不可忽视的学说,它突显了研究内部语言的重要性,还
66 1.“句法结构”(Syntactic Structure)模式。
该模式出现在《句法结构》(Chomsky 1957)一书中,主要由短语结构规则(Phrase Struc-
ture Rules)和转换规则(Transformation)构成。短语结构规则生成(Generate)句子的基
此,乔姆斯基理论也被称为“普遍语法理论”。根据乔姆斯基的看法, UG是一种语言知识,为
人脑所固有。它使儿童先天就具备在短时间内掌握母语的能力。另一方面, UG也限定了人类
性句法”(Overt Syntax),拼读后的句子生成过程叫“隐性句法”(Covert Syntax) (Epstein
波杰姆斯基作文素材应用英文回答:In the field of linguistics, Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar has been a significant influence. His theory proposes that the ability to acquire language is innate to humans and that all languages share a common underlying structure. This theory has been widely discussed and debated in the field of linguistics, and it has had a profound impact on our understanding of languageacquisition and language diversity.Chomsky's theory of universal grammar suggests that the human brain is hardwired to understand and produce language. According to this theory, all languages have a set of universal grammar principles that are hardwired into the human brain. This means that despite the surfacedifferences between languages, there are underlying similarities in their grammatical structures.Chomsky's theory has been influential in shaping our understanding of how children acquire language. It suggests that children are able to learn language at a rapid pace because they are born with an innate knowledge of the universal grammar principles. This has led to further research and exploration into the process of language acquisition in children.Furthermore, Chomsky's theory has also sparked discussions about the relationship between language and thought. If there are universal grammar principles that are shared among all languages, it raises questions about how language influences our cognitive processes and vice versa.Overall, Chomsky's theory of universal grammar has had a lasting impact on the field of linguistics and has sparked numerous discussions and debates about the nature of language and its acquisition.中文回答:在语言学领域,诺姆·乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论产生了重大影响。
诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是一位美国语言学家、哲学
1. 语言习得能力:乔姆斯基认为,人类天生具备一种语言习得能力,使得他们能够在儿童时期迅速、无意识地掌握语言结构和规则。
他称此能力为“普遍语法”(Universal Grammar),并
2. 语言结构与生成语法:乔姆斯基提出了“生成语法”(Generative Grammar)的理论,认为语言的句子可以通过生
3. 政治观点:乔姆斯基是一位激进的左翼学者,他对美国政府的外交政策、资本主义制度和媒体的批评较为著名。
4. 媒体批评:乔姆斯基认为,媒体在资本主义社会中起着控制和操纵的作用。
他提出了“媒体改变国际关系”(Manufacturing Consent)的理论,指出媒体通过选择性报道和宣传来塑造公
5. 反对言论限制:作为一位言论自由的捍卫者,乔姆斯基坚决反对言论限制和思想控制。
论乔姆斯基的语言学理论和外语教学乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是现代语言学的重要思想家,其语言学理论对外语教学也有着深远的影响。
乔姆斯基的语言学理论主要集中在生成语法(Generative Grammar)和普遍语法(Universal Grammar)两个核心概念上。
[转载]乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)语⾔习得理论原⽂地址:乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)语⾔习得理论作者:FIVEHORSE乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky, 1928--),美国语⾔学家,转换-⽣成语法的创始⼈。
1 乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论 乔姆斯基在《语⾔与⼼智》⼀书中提出了“普遍语法”(Universal Grammar)的概念,以后简称为(UG)。
他假设⼉童⼀落⽣⼤脑⾥就存在⼀种独特的语⾔习得机制(Language AcquisitionDevice),以后简称LAD。
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Chomsky’s Universal GrammarAbstract:Chomsky is a challenging figure in the 20th century. He raised the Universal Grammar.He thinks that language is a mirror of mind. He describes language as a property of human kind and to explain how it is acquired. He differentiated internal language and external language. Chomsky gave the idea of Language Acquisition Device (LAD), Full Interpretation, case theory and government.Key words:Chomsky Universal GrammarAs one of the 20th century’s most challenging figures, Chomsky is both a linguist and a social reformer. Born in 1928, he studied linguistics, mathematics, and philosophy. He has shown that there is only one human language: that the immense complexity of the innumerable languages we hear around us must be variations on a single theme. He has revolutionized linguistics, and resurrected the theory of innate ideas, demonstrating that a substantial part of our knowledge is genetically determined; he has reinstated rationalist ideas; and he has provided evidence that “unconscious knowledge” is what underlies our ability to speak and understand.He thinks that language is a mirror of mind in the traditional phrase. He claims that linguistics is scientific in the more interesting sense that it can provide not only explicit descriptions but also explanations for the classification. The first is that it can provide a general theory explaining why languages are the way they are: each language is a particular example of a universal faculty of mind. Whose basic properties are innate. The second is that the theory should spawn testable hypothesis: like a physicist or a biologist, the linguist manipulates the environment experimentally to see what happens. Humans are complex. We have internal structure, and the mind is one part of that structure. The mind works in such a way that different tasks are processed by different mechanisms. The mind is modular, sight and smell, taste and touch, language and memory, are all distinct from each other.The goals of the universal grammar are to describe language as a property of human kind and to explain how it is acquired. All human beings share part of their knowledge of language; UG is their common possession regardless of which language they speak. Chomsky distinguishes Externalized language from Internalized language. E-language aims to collect samples of language and then to describe their properties. It constructs a grammar to describe the regularities found in sample. I-language is concerned with what a speaker knows about language and where this knowledge comes from; it treats language as an internal property of human mind. Chomsky claims that the history shows a move from an E-language to an I-language approach. I-language research aims to represent this mental state; a grammar describes the speaker’s knowledge of the language rather than the sentences they produce.Chomsky gave the idea of Language Acquisition Device (LAD).He thinks that children hear a number of sentences said by other people, which are the primary linguistic data; they acquire linguistic competence through the LAD. We can deduce what is gong on inside the child’s LAD by careful examination and the comparison.LAD led to a way of putting the goals of linguistics in terms of three levels of adequacy. First is the observational adequacy: a theory is observational adequate if it can deal with the basic facts observed in samples of language, which is the input to the LAD. The second is the descriptive level: a theory achieves descriptive adequacy if it deals properly with the linguistic competence of the speaker, which is the generative grammar from the LAD. The third is the explanatory adequacy: a theory is explanatory adequate if the linguistic theory can explain the links between linguistic competence and the linguistic data.Phrase structure is a simple system derived from a phrase a few principles and the setting of certain parameters. The form phrase structure employed is X-bar syntax. The emphasis is on the general principles of UG. It is distinctive in that it claims that every phrase conforms to a certain requirements. It insists that phrases must be endocentric: a phrase always contains at least a head as well as other possible constituents.Chomsky proposed a principle called Full Interpretation (FI), which states that every element that appears in structure must be interpreted in some way. He also notes that the underlying point of FI is that language structures must be economical as possible. This is the principle of economy. On these bases, he ra ised the theory of θ- theory. The term θ-criterion is used to refer to phenomena that are better captured by principles of FI. The θ- theory concerns the process of how θ-roles get from the lexical entry of a predicate to the arguments that bear them. θ-roles are transferred from a predicate to its arguments by a process called θ-marking.Case theory is related to the traditional syntactic ideas of case, which saw the relationship between elements in a sentence as being shown by their morphology as well as by word order. It deals not just with the case forms visible in the surface but with abstract case, which is an important element in the syntax even when it does not appear in the surface. Case theory is module that assigns abstract to NPs and, by doing so, provides a principled explanation for various movement.The last is the government. First let’s see C-Command, α c-commands β if α does not dominate β and every γ that dominates α also dominates β. Government is a version of c-command, with two types of restrictions. Firstly, any element can c-command another, the ability to govern is restricted to a limited number of governors, the set of lexical heads, though there are a number of exceptions. Secondly, government is restricted compared to c-command in that it is limited form the bottomas well as the top.General grammar is a center of Chomsky’s theory. He overturned the dominant school of behaviorism in psychology, and has returned the mind into its position of preeminence in the study of humankind. General grammar has a history of 45 years and covers philosophy, psychology and many other fields in the theory of linguistics. It influenced other linguists deeply.Reference:[1]Cook,Vivian. Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. London: Blackwell Publishers, 1988.[2]Smith, Neil. Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.。