申办中国签证须知 最新版(英文版)


中国q1签证 条件

中国q1签证 条件


1. 家庭成员关系:申请人必须是中国公民的外国配偶、父母或子女。


2. 中国公民身份证件:申请人必须提供中国公民的有效身份证明文件,并提供身份证件复印件和原件。

3. 探亲事由:申请人须提供探亲的详细事由和计划,包括探亲的时间、行程安排等。

4. 资金证明:申请人必须提供充足的财务证明,显示其在中国期间有足够的经济能力来支付自己在中国生活的费用。

5. 长期居留规定:根据中国法律规定,外国人在中国停留超过180天,需办理长期居留手续。






Length of StayLength of Stay Chinese (People’s Republic of China)Year(s)年Month(s)月Week(s)周Day(s)天Less Than 24 Hours 24小时之内MonthMonth Chinese (People's Republic of China)Jan 一月Feb 二月Mar 三月Apr 四月May 五月Jun 六月Jul 七月Aug 八月Sep 九月Oct 十月Nov 十一月Dec 十二月Payer Relationship — PersonPayer Relationship — Person Chinese (People's Republic of China)Child 子女Parent 父母Spouse 配偶Other Relative 其他亲属Employer 雇主Friend 朋友Other 其他Purpose of Trip to U。

S.Purpose of Trip to U。































□ Family member or fostered in China
relative of Chinese citizen(s) or
□ D 入境短期探亲(不超过 180 天)的居住在中国境内的中国公民的亲属 与您的关系/ Relationship(s) to you:
foreigner(s) with
□ D 因其他私人事务(如处理诉讼、继承、医疗事务、打理在华房产等) 需要在中国境内停留的人员/ Applying for a visa to stay in China for
than one please list:
1.8E 丢失或被盗时间/When did you lose or have it stolen:
二、申请信息 Type of Visa
2.1 申请签证种类及主要来华事由/ Type of visa and major purpose of your visit to China
□ B 因其他私人事务需要在中国境内居留的人员/ Person who needs to reside in China for other personal matters
请同时填写如下信息/ Please provide the following information:
被探望人姓名/ Name of the residing foreigner(s):

(L) 旅游/Tourism
□ A 个人旅游/ Independent tourist □ B 团体旅游/ Group member
如选“B”,请填写/If choose B, please provide the following information: 中国境内旅行社名称/Travel Agency in China: 旅行社业务经营许可证编号/Travel Agency License No.:




根据不同目的和条件,可以选择以下几种常见签证类型:1. 旅游签证(L签证):适用于个人旅游、探亲访友等非商务目的。

2. 商务签证(M签证):适用于商务洽谈、考察、参展参会等商务活动。

3. 工作签证(Z签证):适用于来华工作的外籍人士。

4. 学生签证(X签证):适用于来华学习的国际学生。

5. 交流访问签证(F签证):适用于学术交流、考察访问等活动。

6. 投资签证(R签证):适用于来华投资的外籍人士。

7. 访问签证(Q签证):适用于因公访问、考察、培训等非长期工作活动。

二、准备申请材料在申请签证前需准备以下材料:1. 护照:护照有效期需超过六个月。

2. 签证申请表:填写完整并签名。

3. 照片:一张近期免冠彩色照片。

4. 邀请函或邀请单位证明:不同签证类型要求不同,例如旅游签证可提供邀请函或旅行社行程确认函。

5. 在华个人资料:学生签证包括录取通知书、在校证明等;工作签证包括劳动合同、就业单位证明等。

6. 签证费:根据签证类型和国家不同而不同。

























一、申办因公护照流程、所需材料及要求(申办因公赴港澳通行证参照执行):(一)申办因公护照、通行证(签注)流程:前台(受理)→ 科长审核→ 电脑录入→ 制证↖ 发证←处长审批↙(二)申办因公护照所需材料及要求:申办因公护照(通行证)应提供任务批件、人员审查批件、前往国(地区)邀请函(电)、护照收缴保管单位介绍信、出国人员身份证原件或复印件、照片及其他有关材料。

















办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-Immigration Check list

办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-Immigration Check list

外籍办证申请文件清单检查Check list of permits application for Expat.一、新办New Applying就业许可审批Applying for Alien Employment License form6个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境1、营业执照(副本)或登记证、组织机构代码证、地税登记证、公司章程(如有)的复印件,并盖公章;2、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》一式两份(单位盖章);4、外国申请人的工作简历和其从事该项工作的资格证明(学历证书、职位资格证明需同时提供中文翻译原件,特殊工种的证书须经过本国公证机关公证,公证证明应为中文);5、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括单位和申请人基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;6、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;7、如属派遣人员,需提供公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;8、如外国申请人有在华工作经历的,需提供原单位公司信头纸打印的离职证明,并盖公章;9、按业务需要所要求的其他资料(以市公安出入境管理部门受理为准)。

6 working days (including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration1/ Copy of business license or registered certificate、organization code certificate、tax registered certificate、company constitution,and cover stamp;2/ Copy of foreigner’s valid passport(the person data), and cover stamp;3/Two copies of <Application for recruiting foreign worker in China>,and cover stamp;4/ The curriculum vitae of the foreigner and the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job(Chinese translated version is required);5\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp;6\ The letter of intention for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;7\ The letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;8\ If work experience in China, provide a company letter of leaving certificate and cover stamp;9\ Other documents required by police section.就业许可证书Applying for Alien Employment License7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局1、用公司信头纸打印用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括本单位基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人的拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;2、用人单位的营业执照(副本)(分支机构的另需提供总公司营业执照(副本))或民办非企业登记证、组织机构代码证的复印件,并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》(经广州市公安局出入境管理部门审核批准并签署意见);4、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;5、用公司信头纸打印用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;6、外国申请人完整、详细的工作简历(包括就业单位名称,所在国家城市、起始时间、任部门和职位、具体工作内容等)和教育学历证书和其从事该项工作的职业资格证明复印件,(以上文件如为外文的,须同时提供中文翻译原件并公证确认);7、申请人健康状况证明(有广东国际旅行卫生保健中心出具,地址:广州市天河区天河北路龙口西路207号)(我司可协助办理);所需资料:(需时3个工作日)A.申请人护照原件和复印件(首页、最新签证页和最新入境章页);B.白底小一寸彩照8张;C.人民币700元(费用以实际的为准);D.体检当天不能吃早餐和喝咖啡。



申请大使馆签证的申请书英语范文 Visa Application Letter to the Embassy.[Your Full Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Your Email Address][Your Phone Number][Date][Consulate/Embassy's Full Name][Consulate/Embassy's Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Visa Application for [Purpose of Visa e.g., Tourist, Business, Study]To Whom It May Concern,。

I am writing to apply for a visa to [Destination Country] for the purpose of [Purpose of Visit e.g., tourism, business meetings, educational purposes]. I am confidentthat my visit will be beneficial both for myself and forthe country I am visiting.Personal Background and Purpose of Visit.I am a citizen of [Your Country] and currently residein [Your City, State]. My primary occupation is [Your Occupation], and I have held this position for the past [Number] years. During my tenure, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to my work and have achieved several notable successes.My interest in [Destination Country] stems from itsrich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant economy. I am particularly interested in [Specific Aspects of the Country e.g., its history, art, people, etc.]. Visiting [Destination Country] will provide me with an opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain valuable insights that I can apply to my work and personal life.Details of the Visit.I plan to visit [Destination Country] from [Start Date] to [End Date], and my intended duration of stay is [Number] days. During this time, I will be [Provide a BriefItinerary e.g., visiting tourist attractions, attending business meetings, etc.]. I have made all the necessary arrangements for my accommodation and have confirmedtickets for my return flight.Financial Arrangements.I am fully responsible for financing my visit to [Destination Country]. I have a stable income and am financially capable of covering all expenses incurredduring my stay, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses. I understand that proof of financial solvency is a requirement for visa application and I am prepared to provide any necessary documents to support my application.Commitment to Compliance.I am aware of the visa regulations and commitments associated with my application. I assure you that I will strictly adhere to the terms and conditions of the visa, and I will respect the laws and customs of [Destination Country] throughout my stay. Upon the completion of my visit, I intend to return to [Your Country] and continue with my professional and personal commitments.Conclusion.I am excited about the prospect of visiting [Destination Country] and am confident that my visit will be enriching and rewarding. I appreciate your consideration of my visa application and look forward to the opportunityto explore the beauty and culture of [Destination Country]. Thank you for considering my application, and I amavailable at any time to provide additional information or clarification if needed.Sincerely,。



2024年外籍人员入境登记流程English Answer:Foreigner Entry Registration Process in 2024。

The process of registering foreigners entering China in 2024 remains largely unchanged from the previous year. Here is a step-by-step guide:Step 1: Obtain a Valid Visa.All foreigners entering China must obtain a valid visa before their arrival. The type of visa required depends on the purpose of the visit. Visitors can apply for a visa at their nearest Chinese embassy or consulate.Step 2: Complete the Entry-Exit Card.Upon arrival in China, foreigners must complete an Entry-Exit Card. This card contains basic information suchas the traveler's name, passport number, and intended length of stay. The card must be submitted to the immigration officer at the port of entry.Step 3: Register with the Local Police Station.Within 24 hours of arriving in China, foreigners must register with the local police station. This can be done in person or through an online portal. The following documents are required for registration:Passport.Visa.Entry-Exit Card.Proof of accommodation.Step 4: Obtain a Residence Permit (if necessary)。























申请办理中华人民共和国签证须知第一部分签证种类申请人范围签证种类申请人范围执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人C员、国际航行船舶的船员及船员随行家属和从事国际道路运输的汽车驾驶员D赴中国永久居留的人员F赴中国从事交流、访问、考察等活动的人员G经中国过境的人员J1常驻(居留超过 180 日)中国新闻机构的外国常驻记者J2赴中国进行短期(停留不超过180 日)采访报道的外国记者L赴中国旅游人员M赴中国进行商业贸易活动的人员因家庭团聚申请赴中国居留的中国公民的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的家庭成Q1员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母),以及因寄养等原因申请入境居留的人员赴中国短期(不超过 180 日)探亲的居住在中国境内的中国公民的亲Q2属和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的亲属R中国需要的外国高层次人才和急需紧缺专门人才赴中国长期(超过 180 日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内居S1 留的外国人的配偶、父母、未满 18 周岁的子女、配偶的父母,以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内居留的人员赴中国短期(不超过 180 日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内停留居留的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、S2兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内停留的人员X1 在中国境内长期(超过 180 日)学习的人员X2 在中国境内短期(不超过 180 日)学习的人员Z在中国境内工作的人员第二部分申请签证时需要准备的材料一、基本申请材料(一)护照:有效期为 6个月以上、有空白签证页的护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件 1 份。





文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!英国人申请中国签证的流程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 准备申请材料申请人需要准备以下材料:- 护照原件(有效期需超过签证到期日后六个月,签证页不少于两页)- 一份完整填写的并签字的签证申请表- 近期拍摄的2寸白底彩色照片一张- 英国居住证明,如居民身份证或工作证等- 往返机票订单证明和酒店预订信息(如有)- 邀请函或担保函(如有)- 其他支持材料(根据申请目的不同,可能需要提供相关证明材料,如工作证明、学生证、营业执照等)2. 预约签证申请中心申请人需登录中国签证申请服务中心官方网站预约签证申请时间。



签证申请说明VisaSponsorship(TPg)THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGGraduate SchoolVisa for Non-local Students (Taught Programmes)The Immigration Ordinance of Hong Kong stipulates that non-local students must obtain a valid visa to study in Hong Kong. Part-time students who are in possession of other valid visa are advised to consult the Immigration Department of the HKSAR on whether or not they are required to apply for student visa for studying in Hong Kong. Please refer to/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/contact-us.html for contacts of the Immigration Department. Non-local students who cannot present a valid visa at the time of registration will not be allowed to register. As it may take months to obtain the visa, please start your application immediately.Important note on collection and dispatch of visa labelAs stipulated by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR, a visa label will normally valid for three months upon collection and students are required to enter Hong Kong with the visa label within the three-month period. In view of the above policy of the Immigration Department of HKSAR, the University will collect visa labels and dispatch them to non-local students around six weeks prior to their admission date, even though the Immigration Department of HKSAR may have approved the visa application before that.Students from the Chinese Mainland or TaiwanThe Graduate School will act as the sponsor for your application of student visa. Please send the following documents in one parcel to the Graduate Division of your Programme. Addresses of Divisions can be found from the homepage of the Graduate School (/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/gss/course.php). If your parcel is late or any of the documents is missing or incomplete, your application will be delayed, which may result in failure in obtaining a visa on time. Please DO NOT include documents or payments not related to your visa application in the parcel, as it will delay our processing of your application.- Students from the Chinese mainland please submit documents no. 1 – 6- Students from Taiwan please submit documents no. 1 – 7- Students from Taiwan taking part-time programme are also required to submit document no. 8- Students from Macau please submit documents no. 1 – 6 and 9- Students taking part-time programmes please ALSO submit documents no. 10 – 13No. Documentsrequired Remarks1. “Application for Visa Sponsorship” A blank form is attached for your completion2. FormID995AIMPORTANT: Before completing the form, please read the ‘Guide Book for Entry for Study in Hong Kong’ at/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/services/hk-visas/study/guidebook.html Blank form of the Immigration Department is attached for your use.Note: If you intend to bring with you any accompanying dependants, please submit a separate application directly to the Immigration Department by downloading Form ID 997 “Application for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong”from the Immigration’s website at/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmlYou may refer to the following link for more information on dependant visa application:/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/services/hk-visas/dependents.html Please note that your dependant visa application will NOT be handled by the Graduate School. If we have received any dependant visa application, the application materials will be returned to you for handling.3. A clear copy of your identity card (front and back) and a copy of yourpassport/travel document, if you have one The text and the photo on the copy must be clear and legible. For passport/travel document, please copy the pages with your personal particulars, photo, passport validity, signature and re-entry visa held (if any).4. A copy of the Admission Notification5. Evidence of your financial standing to prove that you will be able tosupport your studying and living in Hong Kong, e.g., a clear copy of bank statements, savings account passbooks or tax receipts If the financial proof belongs to a person who will support you financially, please also provide:- proof of relationship between you and that person,e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate- an undertaking signed by that person that s/he will support you financially6. Please settle the visa handling fee(HK$400) by credit card athttps:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspx (Please select“Visa status checking/ change visa address”) or enclosing a bank draft(銀⾏本票) for HK$400 for the visa handling fee, payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” or “⾹港中⽂⼤學”. Once the application is processed, the handling fee is not refundable.The following is required for students from Taiwan ONLY7. A copy of your household registration in Taiwan (台灣⼾籍影印本) Copy of the front and the back pages are requiredThe following is also required for students from Taiwan taking part-time programme8 A copy of notarized declaration of identity for visa purpose Students have to affix the student visa label on theoriginal notarized declaration of identity for visa purposein order to enter Hong KongThe following is required for students from Macau ONLY9. A copy of your Macau identity card Copy of the front and the back pages are requiredThe following are required from non-local students taking PART-TIME programmes ONLY10. Plan of your travel to and how between Hong Kong and yourresidence Holders of part-time student visa are not allowed to stay in Hong Kong through the whole normative study period. Thus, please provide information on how you will travel between Hong Kong and your residence.11. Explanation on why you select to study the Programme at thisUniversity instead of programmes in your home country12. An undertaking that you will depart Hong Kong after you complete theprogramme The undertaking must be signed and the signature should be the same as that on other forms.13. Support letter from your current employer, if applicable A letter should be issued from your current employer, if applicable, indicating their support to your part-timestudies in Hong KongStudents from OverseasYou may submit your application together with the checklist via the Graduate School as mentioned above for students from the Chinese mainland or Taiwan. Please follow the same instructions given on page 1.You may also submit your application forms together with the relevant supporting documents and travel documents in person to the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in your place of domicile.If you need further information, please contact the Immigration Department by telephone [(852) 2824 6111], by fax [(852) 2877 7711] or through e-mail [enquiry@/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk].Holders of Dependant Visa or Employment VisaHolders of dependant visa may study in Hong Kong full-time or part-time while holders of employment visa may only study part-time. Please send a copy of your dependant visa or employment visa to the Graduate School either by e-mail or by post as soon as possible and at least one month before the Admission Date, quoting your student ID number, name and programme on your copy.By e-mail: gradschool@/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hkBy post: Graduate School7/F, Yasumoto International Academic ParkThe Chinese University of Hong KongShatin,N.T.HongKong2 Dec 2014 [VisaSponsorship(TPg)_2 Dec 2014.doc]Application for Visa SponsorshipPart A: Particulars of ApplicantName (in English)(in Chinese, if applicable)Degree pursuedStudy Programme Student ID No.E-mail address:Address of residence you intend to stay in Hong KongPlease input your mailing address for receiving the student visa to the following website:https:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspx1. Please be reminded that if no mailing address is found in the above system, your visa label willNOT be sent out until you have inputted your mailing address.2. If there is any change, you should update your mailing address in the above website. Otherwise, yourvisa will be sent to a wrong place and you will have to submit your application AGAIN.Part B: Pledge 承諾I, the undersigned, hereby pledge that: 本⼈,即下述簽署⼈,謹此承諾:(1) To abide by the laws of Hong Kong whileresiding or studying here(⼀)在居港或就讀期間遵守本港法例(2) To be a student only at The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong to undertake the Programmeoffered(⼆)只在⾹港中⽂⼤學修讀獲錄取的課程(3) Not to take up any employment, whether paid orunpaid, or establish or join in any business, in violation of my conditions of stay as stipulated by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong, or the related regulations as set by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (三)不從事任何違反⾹港⼊境事務處規定的逗留條件或⾹港中⽂⼤學校規的有薪或無薪職業,或經營或參與經營任何業務(4) To leave Hong Kong on the expiry of period ofstay granted by the Immigration Department of Hong Kong (四)在⾹港⼊境事務處批准的逗留期限屆滿時離港Signature of Applicant ____________________________ Date ________________________________THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGGraduate SchoolChecklist for Visa ApplicationEnclosed please find the following documents for my visa application:(Please put a “ ” in the appropriate box)□ 1. completed “Application for Visa Sponsorship” and “Form ID995A”□ 2. clear copy of my identity card / passport/ travel document (front and back)□ 3. copy of admission notification□ 4. copy of my financial proof (e.g. bank statements, savings account passbooks or taxreceipts)□ 5. Visa handling fee has been settled by credit card /a bank draft (銀⾏本票) for HK$400 for the visa handling fee is enclosed□ 6. copy of my household registration in Taiwan (台灣⼾籍影印本)(for students from Taiwan only)□7. copy of my Macau identity card(for students from Macau only)□8. I have inputted my mailing address for receiving student visa athttps:///doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/OnlineApp/login.aspxFor Part-time non-local students, please also submit the following documents:□ 1. plan of my travel to and how between Hong Kong and my residence□ 2. explanation on why I select to study the Programme at the University□ 3. undertaking that I will depart Hong Kong after I complete the programme □ 4. support letter from my current employer, if applicable□ 5. copy of notarized declaration of identity for visa purpose(for students from Taiwan taking part-time programme only)Name of Applicant: _______________________Student ID No.: _______________________Study Programme: _______________________Date: _______________________(ID 997)/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmlFor Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence asDependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at /doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html and submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly.Graduate School OfficeThe Chinese University of Hong Kong(ID 997)/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmlFor Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence asDependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmland submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly. Graduate School OfficeThe Chinese University of Hong Kong(ID 997)/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmlFor Accompanying Dependants, please download a separate application form [“Application for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong” (ID 997)] from the homepage of the Immigration Department at/doc/28b2fe910740be1e640e9a42.html .hk/en/forms/forms/id997.htmland submit it to the Immigraiton Department directly. Graduate School OfficeThe Chinese University of Hong Kong。

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申办中国签证须知/ GUIDELINES FOR CHINESE VISAl Brief Introduction to Chinese VisaA Chinese visa is a permit issued by the Chinese visa authorities to an alien for entry into, exit from or transit through China's territory in accordance with Chinese laws. The Chinese visa authorities shall have the power to issue visas, to refuse visa applications, or to revoke visas.China's diplomatic missions, consular offices and other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the Chinese Government's agencies abroad to handle aliens' applications for Chinese visas. They also handle overseas applications for visa or entry permit to Hong Kong (SAR). Please refer to GUIDELINES FOR HONG KONG SAR VISA/ENTRY PERMIT.Different categories of visa, such as diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, service visa, and ordinary visa, shall be issued to different aliens in accordance with the different capacities in which they visit China and also with the different categories of passport they hold. In accordance with aliens' reasons for coming to China, the ordinary visas to be issued shall be marked with the following Chinese phonetic letters: C, D, F, G, J-1, J-2, L, X and Z.Introductions to Tourist /Family Visit Visa (L), Business Visa (F), Employment Visa (Z), Student Visa (X/F) and Transit Visa (G) continue as follows. For information of other visas, please contact China's diplomatic missions, consular offices and other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.I. Tourist /Family visit Visa (L)L Visa is issued to a person who comes to China for sightseeing, visiting relatives, or private matters. Documents to be included with application:1. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 months validityleft before expiration.2. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with onepassport-size or 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-facefront view, and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form.Stapled pictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also notbe accepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.3. A copy of the round-trip plane ticket4. Hotel reservation / invitation letter with a copy of the inviter's validchinese residence visa and passport information page of inviter's orChinese national identity card.5. Previously used China visa in old or new passport (Only visa stickerswill be accepted. Those with stamped visas must submit additionaldocuments for first time China visa applicants. Please refer to the listbelow.)6. For first time applicants to China (Philippine passport holders, 18 yearsold and above), they are required to provide thefollowing:a) original NBI clearance valid for travel abroadb) original bank certificate with receipt or original passbook, updatedwithin the month that you are applying or....- If a company will sponsor the trip, provide the company's bank certificate, sponsorship letter from the company and thecompany's business registration.- If an individual will sponsor the trip, provide his bank certificate, sponsorship and invitation letter, copy of sponsor's validresidence visa and passport information page or Chinese national ID.c) for employed persons, also provide an employment certificate,company ID, SSS ID and contributions, TIN ID and latest ITRd) for students, provide school IDe) for businessmen, provide business registration of company, TIN IDand latest ITRf) Personal appearance is required for those who are 16-21 years old.7. The emergency contact information page in the applicant's passport shouldbe filled out and photocopied.8. Other documents required by the visa officers if necessary.II. Business Visa (F)F Visa is issued to a person who is invited by Chinese authorities authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M.F.A) to come to China for a visit, investigations, giving lectures, doing business, carrying out scientific, technical and culturalexchanges, pursuing short-term advanced studies or doing short-term fieldwork, for a period of less than 6 months. Documents to be included with application:1. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 months validityleft before expiration.2. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with onepassport-size or 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-facefront view, and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form.Stapled pictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also notbe accepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.3. An original Visa Notification Form issued by Chinese authorized unit.4. A copy of the round-trip plane ticket5. Hotel reservation / invitation letter with a copy of the inviter's validresidence visa and passport information page or inviter's Chinesenational identity card and the company's business registration.6. Previously used China visa in old or new passport (Only visa stickerswill be accepted. Those with stamped visas must submit additionaldocuments for first time China visa applicants. Please refer to the listbelow.)7. For first time applicants to China (Philippine passport holders, 18 yearsold and above), they are required to provide thefollowing:a) original NBI clearance valid for travel abroadb) employment certificate, company ID, SSS ID and contributions, TINID and latest ITR8. The emergency contact information page in the applicant's passportshould be filled out and photocopied.9. Other documents required by the visa officers if necessary.III. Employment Visa and Dependent Visa (Z)Z Visa is issued to a person who comes to China for a post or employment and to the person's accompanying family members. It is also issued to a person who comes to China for commercial entertainment performance. Documents to be included with application:1. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 months validity leftbefore expiration.2. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with onepassport-size or 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-facefront view, and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form.Stapled pictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also notbe accepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.3. An original Visa Notification Form issued by Chinese authorized unit.4. Original Working Permits, such as: Working Permit issued to foreignexperts by The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs,Alien Employment License of the People's Republic of China issuedby Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Letter of Invitation forForeigners Engaged in Offshore Petroleum Operations in thePeople's Republic of China, etc.For those engaged in offshore petroleum operations, also provide aguarantee letter from your shipping company.5. All working visa applicants shall provide a Physical ExaminationCertificate for Foreign Citizen (physical exam forms, guidelines andlist of accredited hospitals are available at the visa counter).6. All Philippine passport holders who will go to China for the first timemust submit an original NBI clearance valid for travel abroad.7. The emergency contact information page in the applicant's passportshould be filled out and photocopied.8. Other documents required by the visa officers if necessary.Requirements for accompanying family members applying for dependent visa:1. Accompanying family members must ba an immediate relative of the personworking in China (i.e. child or spouse).2. Proof of relationship - original NSO birth certificate or marriage contract.3. An original Visa Notification issued by the Chinese Ministry of ForeignAffairs.4. Copy of relative's valid residence visa, working visa, working card andpassport information page.5. All Philippine passport holders (18 years old and above), who will go to Chinafor the first time must submit an original NBI clearance valid fortravel abroad.6. Applicants who are 7 years old and above shall provide a PhysicalExamination Certificate for Foreign Citizen (physical exam forms,guidelines and list of accredited hospitals are available at the visacounter).7. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 months validity left beforeexpiration.8. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with one passport-sizeor 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-face front view,and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form. Stapledpictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also not beaccepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.9. The emergency contact information page in the applicant's passport should befilled out and photocopied.10. Other documents required by the visa officers if necessary.The holder of Z Visa shall go through residential formalities in the local public security department within thirty days of entry into China.IV. Student Visa (X/F)Student Visa is distinguished into X Visa and F Visa. X Visa is issued to a person who comes to China to study, engage in advanced studies, or do fieldwork, for a period of more than 6 months. F Visa is issued to a person who comes to China with same purpose but for a period of less than 6 months. Documents to be included with application:1. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 monthsvalidity left before expiration.2. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with onepassport-size or 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-facefront view, and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form.Stapled pictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also notbe accepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.3. An original admission notice from the Chinese school isrequired.4. X Visa applicant (will study for more than 6 months) shallalso provide an approved Foreign Student Visa Application Form(JW101 or JW202) issued by the Chinese authorized unit or theMinistry of Education.F Visa applicant (will study for less than 6 months) must provide anoriginal Visa Notification issued by the Chinese government ororganizations authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.5. The applicant who will study in China for more than 6months shall also provide a Physical Examination Certificate forForeign Citizen (Forms and the lists of designated hospital areavailable at the visa counter).6. All Philippine passport holders who will go to China for the first timemust submit an original NBI clearance valid for travel abroad.7. The emergency contact information page in the applicant's passportshould be filled out and photocopied.8. Other documents required by the visa officers if necessary.The holder of X Visa shall go through residential formalities in the local public security department within thirty days of entry into China.V. Transit Visa (G)G Visa is issued to a transit traveler. It is also issued to Filipino seaman who comes to China to onboard vessel.Documents to be included with application:1. Applicant's passport with blank pages and at least 6 monthsvalidity left before expiration.2. A truly and completely filled application form affixed with onepassport-size or 2x2 colored photo, with white background, full-facefront view, and no hat. Photo must be glued on the application form.Stapled pictures will not be accepted. Scanned photos will also notbe accepted.U.S. passport holders must submit two application forms with two photos.3. A valid visa to final destination country/region and anonward air ticket. For Filipino seaman, a guarantee letter fromemployer shipping company, letter of invitation from shippingcompany in China and a Visa Notification Form issued by Chineseauthorized unit.Aliens may be exempted from going through the procedures for obtaining a transit visa if they hold an onward ticket and have booked seats on international airliners flying directly through China, and will stay in a transit city for less than 24 hours without leaving the airport.●Requirements for Multiple-Entries VisaQualified Filipino and foreign citizen who is currently residing or working in the Philippines may apply for F Visa or L Visa with multiple entries' privilege valid for 6 months, 12 months or 24 months. Documents to be included with application:1. Regular required documents for F/L Visa.2. All multiple entry visa applications are subject for approval bythe visa officers.NOTE:- The type of visas, number of entries, duration of each stay will be decided by the consuls.- Requirements and procedures are subject to change without prior notice.●How to Apply, Visa Fee & Processing Time:1. You may come to the Consular office of the Embassy of thePeople's Republic of China in the Philippines to submit theapplication; or you may send someone else or a travel agent to acton your behalf if you cannot come personally. Representatives mustpresent an authorization letter and a company ID. Mailedapplications are not acceptable and will be refused.2. All application forms must be completed by the applicants. Travelagency or representatives are not allowed to answer the forms ontheir behalf. For false information, the applicants shall be fullyresponsible. Any false, misleading or incomplete statement mayresult in the refusal of a visa for or denial of entry into China.3.Visa Fee: (peso/per)3. The regular processing time is 4 working days. For expressservice, additional fees of 1700 peso/per for next-working-dayreleasing, or 1100 peso/per for third-working-day releasing will becharged.* Next working day processing is temporarily suspended due to system upgrade.Rules on Visa Issued at Entry PortsFor entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Rules on Visa Issued at Entry Ports are not applicable to the nationals of United States.Aliens who hold ordinary passports issued by countries which have diplomatic relations or official trade links with China as well as letter(s) or telegram(s) from authorized units in China, may, under any of the following circumstances where they must necessarily rush to China but have no time to apply for a visa to the aforesaid agencies, may apply to the visa-granting departments at entry ports as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security:1. They are invited at the last moment by a Chinese host tocome to China for a trade fair.2. They are invited to come to China to submit a tender or tosign a formal economic or trade contract.3. They come to China by appointment to supervise theinspection of import and export commodities or to participate in acheck-and-accept operation in accordance with contracts.4. They are invited to participate in the installation ofequipment or in the emergency repair of engineering projects.5. They come to China at the request of the Chinese side tosolve a problem of claims.6. They are invited to come to provide technical advisoryservices.7. They come to China due to a last-minute change in thecomposition of a visiting group and with consent of the Chinese sideafter the visas are granted.8. They come to China to see patients in critical conditions, orto undertake funeral matters.9. Owing to force majeure, transit visa holders cannot leave thecountry within twenty-four hours by taking the original place or bytaking other means of transport.10. Other invited guests who really have no time for visaapplication to the aforesaid China's resident agencies abroad, andwho hold letter(s) or telegram(s) from competent authorities whogive the consent for the invited guests to apply for the visa at thedesignated entry ports.The visa-granting agencies at entry ports shall not accept and handle visa applications filled out by people who do not come under the aforesaid circumstances.Some accredited International Travel Agencies incorporated under Chinese laws may apply for group-tour visa at entry ports with Visa Notification Form issued by provincial office of foreign affairs.Visa-issuing departments at port of entry, as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security, are stationed at the following ports: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou (Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen (Luohu, Shekou), Zhuhai (Gongbei), Haikou, Sanya, Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai, Chengdu, Nanjing, Changchun, Huichun, Hekou, Mohan.Rules on Visa Exemption1. According to an agreement between China and thePhilippines, nationals of China and the Philippines, who are holdersof valid diplomatic or service (official) passports, shall be exemptedfrom visa requirement for entry into, exit from, or transit through theterritory of the other Contracting state for a period not exceeding30(thirty) days.2. No visa is required for ordinary passport holders fromSingapore, Brunei and Japan to visit China for up to 15 days forsightseeing, doing business, visiting relatives and friends or transit.3. Aliens may be exempt from going through the proceduresfor obtaining a transit visa if they hold a through ticket and havebooked seats on international airliners flying directly through China,and will stay in a transit city for less than 24 hours without leavingthe airport.4. Visas are not required of citizens of the following countries,who transit through Pudong Airport or Hongqiao Airport ofShanghai, provided they hold valid passports, visas for the onwardcountries, final destination tickets and have booked seats, and stay inShanghai for less than 48 hours: Republic of Korea, United States,Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Netherlands,Belgium, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece.5. Visas are not required of citizens of the following countries,who join group tour to Hainan province, provided they hold validordinary passports and stay in Hainan not exceeding 15 days:Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia,Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, Italy, Russia, Switzerland,Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, United States, Canada, Australia andNew Zealand.For more information about Chinese Visa, please call the Consular Office of the People's Republic of China at 63-2-8482395 or visit our website .。
