二、 多选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)
17.中国的《聊斋志异》可与《十日谈》相比( ):
7.美国精神障碍分类系统称为 《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》 现出到第4版(简称 DSM-IV),于1995年公布。
6.《巴黎圣母院》的主题是( ):
高二语文 罗密欧与朱丽叶
2021--2019年中考真题汇编(九年级上册)第18课美国的独立 (学生版 )
2021--2019年中考真题汇编九上第18课美国的独立(学生版)一.选择题1.(2021济宁市17.) “第一条……立法权均属于由参议院和众议院组成的合众国国会。
第三条……司法权属于最高法院……”这则材料选自()A. 《独立宣言》B. 《权利法案》C. 《人权宣言》D. 美国1787年宪法2.(2021铜仁市9.)1787年美国宪法是世界上第一部资产阶级成文宪法,对后来许多国家的政治变革产生了重要影响,但宪法并没有废除奴隶制,黑人选举权按五分之三人口折算。
这规定违背了()A.共和制原则 B.联邦制原则 C.自由平等原则 D.三权分立原则3.(2021镇江市19.)下列数轴图呈现了17~18 世纪的若干重大事件。
它们反映的时代潮流是()A.推翻本国封建统治 B.反抗外国殖民侵略C.进行资产阶级革命 D.建立社会主义制度4.(2021嘉兴8.)1620年11月中旬,“五月花”号的乘客终于登陆了司英国人布雷德福在报道中写道:“回顾身后,那里是他们曾经跨越的汪洋大海,现在它成了把他们与世界上所有的文明社会隔开的主要障碍和鸿沟。
这一天是()A.波士顿倾茶事件爆发日 B.来克星顿枪声打响日C.《独立宣言》的发表日 D.美利坚合众国国庆日7.(2021南充市.)孟德斯鸡认为,立法权、行政权和司法权必须分立,否则自由便不复存在。
在资产阶级创立新体制的过程中,下列哪国的法律文献最能体现孟德斯鸣的观点()A.英国 B.法国 C.美国 D.德国8.(2021湘西州11.)某同学上网查阅“来克星顿”“华盛顿”“萨拉托加大捷”等资料,由此可判断出,他学习的相关内容是()A. 英国资产阶级革命B. 法国大革命C. 美国南北战争D. 美国独立战争9.(2021牡丹江鸡西17.)1787年美国宪法是世界上第一部资产阶级成文宪法,对后来许多国家的政治变革产生了重要影响。
12人小品剧本(浓缩版罗密欧与朱丽叶)校园版篇一:罗密欧与朱丽叶话剧英文版Scene I( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Julia is waiting for the bus. )Betty & Clover: Wow?so handsome.Julia: Hi, Romeo.Romeo: Hi.Julia: Your clothes fit you well.Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ??have something to tell you. Romeo: What is it?Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just?just? (shy!) Romeo: Just what?Julia: Just?I like you!! (determined)(Romeo and Julia stop action)Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said?Betty:Yeah! To my surprise.Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and?Betty: Yeah?.you can say that again.Romeo:(surprised) But I want a thin girl.Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you.——————————————————————————–Scene II(Julia had a plan of losing weight.she goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body”)Frank:May I help you?Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”? Frank:Of course we do.(Now, Allen comes in at the same time.)Allen:Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 300 kilos to 70 kilos.Frank:Wow. Amazing! Here you are!Allen:Thanks. (Go out.)Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots,and she failed. Then, she decided to go on a diet.) (In the restaurant)Clerk:Can I take your order?Clover: French fries, chicken and a large cola.Betty:Hamburger, one large milk shake.Clerk:Anything for you?Julia: Please give me a cup of water and some crackers.(Surprised by Julia’s order, they all turn their heads toward her.) Clerk:That’s all?Julia: Yeah?(Julia looks at Clover and Betty enjoying their food. And Julia is very hungry. But she can’t eat. She wants to lose weight. Then, she passes out.)Julia: I want to be slim!(A month later)Julia: I’ve become a thin girl. Now I can go to see Romeo. And he’s gonna accept me. Romeo, Romeo?..(Yell?Julia meets Romeo.) Julia: Hi, my dear Romeo. I’ve become a thin girl. Would you be my boyfriend?Romeo: Oh, Julia you look so different now. But I like girls with fair complexion.Julia: Oh, um??Ok, wait for me.Scene III( Julia’s friends come visit her, and want to invite Julia to the beach.) Clover: The weather is nice for going out. We want to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?Julia: I’d like to? but it’s too hot. I don’t want to get a tan.Allen: Don’t worry. We won’t spend too much time staying in the sun.Clover: Come on, come on.Carol:Come with us.Julia: Okay?give me a little time to prepare for that. (Few minutes later)Clover & Carol: Are you done?Julia : Yes, i am coming.(She comes out with a lot of protections for her face.)cClover & Carol:woh??(Two months later, Julia has become a girl with a fair complexion,and she decided to show her love to Romeo one more time) ——————————————————————————–Scene IVJulia: I think I ‘m a perfect woman now. Romeo will be very proud to have me. Romeo, Romeo??Romeo, look at me! Don’t you think I’m the most beautiful woman in the world? You would love to be my sweet heart, wouldn’t you? Romeo: Wow! You’ve become so beautiful. But I can not accept you. Julia: Why? I’ve done so many things for you.Romeo: Because I already have a boyfriend.Julia: Boyfriend?(Allen shows up.)Romeo: Honey~(Allen and Romeo walk away hand in hand.)Julia is heart broken and sorrowful,she realize that if theopposite sex do not like you ,whatever you have sacrificed for her ,the fact will not change,so what the most important thing is not changing yourself into a pefect persom that others hoped ,just to be yourself and eich yourself ,maybe someday in the future,you will find ture love.Julia is studying in the classroomJulia : hey boy ,here is your bookLiang:smile at her ,thank you ,but now ,it is your bookJulia smile back to him :by the way ,could you please tell me what is your name?”Liang: my name is liangshangbo,iam from chinaLater they fall in love ,and get marriedLomeo:Once there was a true love at my hand ,but I didn't cherish it .I didn't realize it until it was gone.There is nothing more miserable than it .If God can give me a chance to restart ,I'll say 3 words to her --- I Love You.If I have to add a deadline to the love I hope it will be ten thousand years篇二:校园剧剧本——罗密欧与朱丽叶开场白故事发生在维洛那名校,有两个实力相当的班级,经年的宿怨激起了新争,虚荣把学生的心灵污渎。
山东省聊城市成考专升本2023年大学语文模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(15题)1. 马致远《天净沙.秋思》前三句"枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马"所采用的对仗形式是()A.鼎足对B.流水对C.扇面对D.隔句对2. 屠格涅夫的成名作是()A.《罗亭》B.《猎人笔记》C.《木木》D.《阿霞》3. 能决定电脑在学校中应有作用的是( )A.电脑供应商B.电脑教育工作者C.受过教育的民众D.上述几项都是4.辛弃疾《水龙吟》所用的主要艺术手法是()A.A.比喻B.象征C.夸张D.用典5.“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻“这一思想的提出者是()A.孔子B.庄子C.韩非子D.孟子6.下列关于《论语》的表述,错误的是( )A.A.作者是孔子B.记录了孔子及其弟子的言行C.是儒家学派的经典著作D.是一本语录体散文集7.下列各句翻译正确的一项是()A.赵襄子围于晋阳,罢围而赏有功者五人,高赫为赏首。
8.培根认为,学问上“装饰”的用途是指()A.幽居养静B.熟习辞令C.改变气质D.增长才干9.李商隐《无题》中运用神话传说抒情的句子是A.A.东风无力百花残B.蜡炬成灰泪始干C.夜吟应觉月光寒D.青鸟殷勤为探看10.茅盾倡导并组织成立的文学社团是( )A.新月社B.创造社C.文学研究会D.语丝社11. 下列有关“量子棘轮”的说明,不正确的一项是( )A.借助无有向电压的电子设备可使电子定向分流B.具有转圈、上下乃至爬坡等多种电子运动形式C.通过特定信号控制电子的流向以完成有用运动D.将促进物理学、生物化学等学科的研究与发展12. 下列没有语病、句意明确的一句是( )A.梵迪美容院对于损害消费者利益的事情拒不认错,几位消费者只好投诉消费者协会,以求保护自身合法利益。
目录基本信息演职员表基本信息罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet 影片类型:爱情/ 剧情制片国家/地区:美国片长:125 min 对白语言:英语上映日期:1936年8月20日发行公司:米高梅电影公司演职员表导演Director:乔治・库克George Cukor 编剧Writer:威廉・莎士比亚William Shakespeare....(play) Talbot Jennings 主演Actor:瑙玛・希拉Norma Shearer....Juliet (daughter of Capulet) 莱斯利・霍华德Leslie Howard....Romeo (son of Montague) 约翰・巴里摩尔John Barrymore....Mercutio (kinsman to the Prince and friend to Romeo) 艾德娜・梅・奥立佛Edna May Oliver....Nurse to Juliet 巴兹尔・雷斯伯恩Basil Rathbone ....Tybalt - Nephew to Lady Capulet C・奥布雷・史密斯C. Aubrey Smith ....Lord Capulet 制作人Produced by:艾尔文・萨尔伯格Irving Thalberg罗密欧与朱丽叶教案实录篇二师:我们一块儿来学习《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。
演成了今天这一本戏剧。 10
第一幕 开场诗 共五场 :罗密欧与朱丽叶初次见面, 一见钟情 第二幕 开场诗 共六场:罗密欧与朱丽叶互诉衷肠, 私定终身 第三幕 共五场:罗密欧为友报仇,杀仇敌遭放逐 第四幕 共五场:朱丽叶避婚假死 第五幕 共三场:罗密欧误以为爱人已死,饮鸩自杀, 朱丽叶随后自尽。两家族和解。
朱丽叶是一位名门闺秀。她热爱生活,天真 纯洁。月夜中,她自言自语,道出了对罗密欧的 爱慕与思念,当心上人突然出现在眼前的时候, 她放下了少女的矜持,果敢地冲破了封建束缚, 彻底抛弃了封建家族观念,大胆地表白了自己的 爱情,显示了她是一个坚定果敢的具有时代精神 的资产阶级新女性。
让手的工作交给了嘴唇。 朱丽叶:你的祷告已蒙神明允准。 罗密欧:神明,请容我把殊恩受领。(吻朱丽叶)
这一吻涤清了我的罪孽。 朱丽叶:你的罪却沾上我的唇间。 罗密欧:啊,我的唇间有罪?感谢你精心的指摘!
让我收回吧。 朱丽叶:你可以亲一下《圣经》。
高中语文 第四册《第11课 罗密欧与朱丽叶》教案
1 To be, or not to be: that is the question:2 Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer3 The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune4 Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,5 And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;6 No more; and by a sleep to say we end7 The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks8 That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation9 Devoutly to be wish’d. To die: to sleep;10 To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub!11 For in that sleep of death what dreams may come12 When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,13 Must give us pause, there’s the respect14 That makes calamity of so long life;15 For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,16 The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,17 The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,18 The insolence of office, and the spurns19 That patient merit of the unworthy takes,20 When he himself might his quietus make21 With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,22 To grunt and sweat under a weary life,23 But that the dread of something after death,24 The undiscover’d country, from whose bourn25 No traveler returns, puzzles the will,26 And makes us rather bear those ills we have27 Than fly to others that we know not of ?28 Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;29 And thus the native hue of resolution30 Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,31 And enterprises of great pitch and moment32 With this regard their currents turn awry33 And lose the name of action.朱生豪译文:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。
- 1 -。
介绍罗密欧与朱丽叶这本书的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Romeo and Juliet: A Tragic Love StoryHave you ever heard of the story of Romeo and Juliet? It's a famous play written by a very talented man named William Shakespeare a long time ago. This story is about two young people who fall deeply in love, but their families hate each other. It's a beautiful but heartbreaking tale that has made people cry for centuries.Let me tell you all about the characters and what happens in this incredible story!The Two Feuding FamiliesOur story takes place in a city called Verona in Italy. There are two powerful families living there, the Montagues and the Capulets. For reasons that no one can quite remember, these two families absolutely despise each other. They fight and argue all the time, and their bitter hatred has divided the entire city.The Montague family includes Lord and Lady Montague and their only son, Romeo. Romeo is a kind and sensitive young man who loves to read and write poetry. The Capulet family, on the other hand, consists of Lord and Lady Capulet and their daughter, Juliet. Juliet is a beautiful and intelligent girl who is adored by everyone who meets her.Despite the feud between their families, Romeo and Juliet will soon meet and fall hopelessly in love with each other. But their love will face many challenges and obstacles along the way.A Chance EncounterOne night, Romeo and his friends decide to attend a party at the Capulet household, even though they know they're not invited. While at the party, Romeo catches his first glimpse of Juliet and is instantly smitten. He sees her from across the room and is struck by her beauty and grace."Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!" Romeo exclaims, mesmerized by Juliet's radiance.Later that night, Romeo finds Juliet alone in the Capulet's garden, and they share their first conversation. Despite coming from rival families, they quickly realize that they have fallen deeply in love with each other. They share a passionate kiss andvow to be together forever, no matter what obstacles stand in their way.A Secret MarriageRomeo and Juliet know that their families will never approve of their love, so they decide to get married in secret. With the help of a kind friar named Friar Lawrence, the two young lovers are wed in a small, private ceremony.For a brief moment, Romeo and Juliet are blissfully happy, convinced that nothing can keep them apart. But their joy is short-lived, as a series of tragic events soon unfolds.A Deadly MisunderstandingOne day, Romeo gets into a fight with Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. In the heat of the moment, Romeo accidentally kills Tybalt. As punishment, Romeo is banished from Verona and must flee the city immediately.Juliet is heartbroken at the thought of being separated from her beloved husband. In desperation, she seeks help from Friar Lawrence, who comes up with a daring plan. He gives Juliet a powerful sleeping potion that will make her appear dead for 42 hours. During this time, Romeo will be able to return to Verona,and the two of them can run away together and start a new life somewhere far away.Tragically, the plan goes awry. Romeo doesn't receive the message about Juliet's fake death and believes that she has truly died. Heartbroken and devastated, Romeo obtains a vial of poison and returns to Verona to be with Juliet one last time.In the Capulet family tomb, Romeo finds Juliet's lifeless body and, believing her to be dead, drinks the poison to join her in death. Moments later, Juliet awakens from her deep sleep to find Romeo's lifeless body beside her. Realizing what has happened, she takes Romeo's dagger and kills herself, unable to live without her one true love.A Heartbreaking EndingWhen the two feuding families arrive at the tomb, they are shocked to find the tragic scene before them. Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers, have sacrificed their lives for their love.Overcome with grief and remorse, the Montagues and Capulets finally end their bitter feud, realizing that their hatred has led to the senseless deaths of their beloved children. They vow to honor Romeo and Juliet's memory by buildingmonuments in their honor and living in peace from that day forward.Though Romeo and Juliet's story ends in tragedy, their love for each other is eternal and has inspired generations of readers and theatergoers. Their tale reminds us of the power of love and the destructive nature of hatred and prejudice.So, the next time you hear someone mention the names Romeo and Juliet, remember their story – a tale of true love, sacrifice, and the triumph of the human spirit over even the darkest of circumstances.篇2Romeo and Juliet - A Tragic Love StoryHave you ever heard of the play Romeo and Juliet? It's a really famous and sad story written a long time ago by a guy named William Shakespeare. It's all about two young people who fall in love, but their families hate each other so they have to keep their love a secret. Let me tell you all about it!Romeo and Juliet live in a city called Verona in Italy. Their families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been feuding and fighting for years and years over something that happened along time ago that nobody even remembers anymore. It's just a lot of grown-ups holding grudges against each other.Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. At the start of the story, Romeo is feeling really sad because he loves a girl named Rosaline, but she doesn't love him back. His friends decide to cheer him up by crashing a big party being thrown by the Capulet family. That's where Romeo first lays eyes on the beautiful Juliet and instantly falls head over heels in love with her.Juliet sees Romeo too and feels the exact same way about him! They talk and flirt and find out each other's names. Just when they realize their families are sworn enemies, it's too late - they've already fallen deeply in love. They decide their feelings are more important than their families' feud, so they get married in secret with the help of a kind friar named Friar Laurence.For a little while, Romeo and Juliet are able to meet up in secret and be happily in love. But then Juliet's cousin Tybalt gets into a fight with Romeo's friends and Romeo ends up killing Tybalt. As punishment, Romeo is banished from Verona and has to flee. This leaves Juliet heartbroken.Friar Laurence comes up with a crazy plan to reunite the lovers. He gives Juliet a potion that will make her appear dead soher family will put her in a tomb. The plan is for Romeo to rescue her from the tomb, but there's a mix-up and Romeo doesn't get the full plan. He thinks Juliet is really dead!So the heartbroken Romeo goes to Juliet's tomb, sees her "dead" body and is devastated. He drinks some poison to kill himself so he can be with Juliet forever. But then Juliet wakes up from the fake death and sees Romeo is really dead! She's so sad that she uses Romeo's dagger to stab herself and kill herself too so they can be together.In the end, their deaths finally make the Montague and Capulet families realize how stupid their feud was. They decide to finally end their rivalry and make peace with each other. But it's too late for the "star-crossed lovers" Romeo and Juliet, whose tragic deaths were caused by the stupid grudge between their families.I think the moral of the story is that holding onto hatred and grudges is a bad idea that can lead to really sad consequences. Romeo and Juliet's love for each other was true, but their families' feud kept them apart and ended up destroying them in the saddest way.If only the grown-ups could have seen how pointless their fighting was, maybe the young lovers wouldn't have had to die. Ifeel really bad for Romeo and Juliet that they sacrificed everything to be together and their parents still couldn't let go of their grudge until it was too late.I think the story shows that love should bring people together rather than tear them apart. True love like Romeo and Juliet had is a beautiful thing that shouldn't be ruined by hatred and stubbornness. It makes me sad to think of those poor "star-crossed lovers" whose bright future together was stolen away by a generations-old feud that didn't even make sense anymore.Though Romeo and Juliet's story ends in total tragedy, I like to think that their heartbreaking sacrifice finally opened their parents' eyes. Maybe from that day forward, the Montagues and Capulets learned to pour their passion into loving each other rather than hating, just like the young couple whose love was stronger than anything in the world - even stronger than death itself.So that's the story of Romeo and Juliet in a nutshell! It might be an old play, but its message about the dangers of holding grudges and how love conquers all is still really meaningful today. I hope you'll read or watch this tragic but beautiful tale ofthe "star-crossed lovers" and their forbidden love that was stronger than life itself!篇3Romeo and Juliet - A Tragic Love StoryDo you like stories about true love? How about exciting sword fights and adventures? Well, the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare has all of that and more! It's a classic tale that people have enjoyed for over 400 years. Let me tell you what it's all about.The story takes place in a city called Verona in Italy. There are two powerful families who really, really don't like each other - the Montagues and the Capulets. They fight and bicker all the time over silly things. The Prince of Verona has had enough of their feuding and warns them to make peace or else face harsh consequences.In the Montague family, there's a handsome young man named Romeo. One night, Romeo and his friends decide to sneak into a party at the Capulet's house, because Romeo has a crush on a different girl. But at the party, Romeo lays eyes on Juliet, the daughter of the Capulet family. It's love at first sight!Romeo and Juliet meet and fall head over heels for each other, not realizing their families are sworn enemies.After the party, Romeo goes into Juliet's garden and proclaims his love for her from beneath her balcony. Juliet appears on the balcony and they share a romantic scene, vowing their love. With the help of Juliet's nurse, the two come up with a plan to get married in secret.Their marriage doesn't remain a secret for long though. Soon after, Romeo gets into a fight with Juliet's cousin Tybalt. In the chaos, Romeo kills Tybalt and has to flee Verona or face execution. This leaves Juliet devastated as she has just married her one true love.Juliet's parents, not knowing she's married to Romeo, make plans for her to marry an stuck-up nobleman named Paris instead. This puts Juliet in a terrible situation. With the help of a wise friar, she comes up with a risky plan - she takes a potion that will make her appear dead so she can escape and reunite with Romeo.Unfortunately, the plans go horribly wrong. Romeo doesn't receive the message that Juliet isn't actually dead. Heartbroken, he takes his own life next to her tomb. When Juliet wakes up andsees Romeo dead beside her, she is consumed by grief and kills herself as well.In the end, the terrible feud between the families is resolved by the tragic deaths of the two young lovers. Their families realize how senseless their conflict was and vow to end their bitter rivalry.Isn't that such a sad story? Romeo and Juliet loved each other so much, but their families' hatred kept them apart until the very end. I cried when I read how they died beside each other. Even though it's a tragic tale, it's beautifully written and shows how powerful love can be.The play has amazing poetry, with lines you've probably heard before like "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" and "A plague on both your houses!" There's also a lot of cool action with sword fights between the Montague and Capulet men.I think the reason Romeo and Juliet is still so popular today is because the story feels real and relatable, even though it was written long ago. We've all felt the butterflies of first love and know how intense and all-consuming it can feel, just like for Romeo and Juliet. And many places still have conflicts and feudsbetween different groups of people that cause needless violence and tragedy, just like the situation in Verona.If you get the chance, you should definitely read or watch a performance of Romeo and Juliet. It's an unforgettable, heartbreaking story about the power of love that has captivated audiences for centuries. Just be sure to have some tissues ready for when the star-crossed lovers meet their tragic end! For me, Romeo and Juliet will always be one of the greatest love stories ever told.篇4Romeo and Juliet: A Tragic Love StoryHi there! Today, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite books, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. It's a really old book, but it's also really cool and exciting! Let me tell you all about it."Romeo and Juliet" is a famous play written a long time ago, probably even before your grandparents were born! It's a love story, but it's also a tragedy, which means something really sad happens. The story is set in a place called Verona in Italy, and it's about two families who really don't like each other.On one side, we have the Montagues, and on the other side, we have the Capulets. These two families have been fighting for a long time, and they have a big feud going on. Nobody really remembers why they started fighting in the first place, but they just keep arguing and being mean to each other.In the middle of all this family drama, there's Romeo, who's a Montague, and Juliet, who's a Capulet. They're both really young, probably around your age or a little older. One night, Romeo sneaks into a party at the Capulet's house, and that's where he first sees Juliet. It's love at first sight! Romeo is completely smitten with Juliet, and she feels the same way about him.But here's the problem: their families hate each other, so they can't be together openly. They decide to get married in secret with the help of a friendly friar named Friar Laurence. But things start to go wrong, and there's a big mix-up with a message that doesn't get delivered.Romeo thinks Juliet is dead, so he goes to her tomb and drinks a poison to kill himself. But then Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead, so she uses his dagger to kill herself too! It's really, really sad, and their deaths finally make the two families realize how silly their feud has been.I know it sounds like a really sad story, but it's also really romantic and exciting. Shakespeare wrote it in such a beautiful way, with amazing poetry and language. Even though it's an old play, the themes of love, family, and conflict are still very relevant today.One of my favorite things about "Romeo and Juliet" is the characters. Romeo is kind of impulsive and sometimes a little dramatic, but he's also really passionate and romantic. Juliet is brave and strong-willed, and she's not afraid to follow her heart, even if it means going against her family's wishes.There are also some really cool supporting characters, like Mercutio, who's Romeo's funny and witty friend, and the Nurse, who's like a second mother to Juliet. And let's not forget the feuding families, with their crazy antics and constant bickering!Reading "Romeo and Juliet" is like going on an emotional rollercoaster. One minute, you're swooning over the romantic scenes between Romeo and Juliet, and the next minute, you're on the edge of your seat because of all the drama and action.I think one of the reasons this play has remained so popular for centuries is because it deals with themes that are still relevant today, like family conflicts, forbidden love, and the power of youthful passion. Even though it's set in a different time andplace, the emotions and struggles that the characters go through are things that we can still relate to.If you haven't read "Romeo and Juliet" yet, I highly recommend it! It's a classic love story that will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even swoon a little bit. And who knows, maybe it will inspire you to write your own romantic poetry or perform in a play someday!So, there you have it, my fellow book lovers! That's the scoop on one of the greatest love stories ever told. Whether you're a fan of romance, drama, or just beautifully written literature, "Romeo and Juliet" is a must-read. Just don't forget to keep a box of tissues handy for that heartbreaking ending!篇5Romeo and Juliet by William ShakespeareHave you ever heard of the play Romeo and Juliet? It's a really famous and sad love story written a long time ago by a super talented writer named William Shakespeare. I first learned about it in my English class this year, and I thought it was such an interesting and tragic tale!The story takes place in a city called Verona in Italy. There are two powerful families who really, really hate each other - the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet, so their families would never allow them to be together because of the bitter feud between their households.At the start of the play, Romeo is feeling really sad because he's in love with a girl named Rosaline, but she doesn't love him back. His friends try to cheer him up by convincing him to sneak into a party at the Capulet's house while wearing a mask to hide who he is. That's where Romeo first lays eyes on the beautiful Juliet, and it's love at first sight! He doesn't realize she's a Capulet though.Juliet is also instantly smitten with the handsome young man in the mask when she meets him. They start talking and flirting, and share a romantic kiss in the garden without knowing each other's identities. When they finally realize their families are sworn enemies, they are heartbroken but decide their love is too strong to abandon.With the help of Juliet's nurse and a friendly friar named Friar Lawrence, the young couple decides to get married in secret. After a magical night together as newlyweds, Romeo gets into a fight with Juliet's cousin Tybalt. Tybalt gets killed, and Romeo isbanished from Verona, forced to flee and leave his new wife behind.Juliet is devastated to be separated from her husband so soon after their marriage. Her dad wants her to marry another wealthy man named Paris, but Juliet refuses. Friar Lawrence comes up with a plan to reunite Romeo and Juliet - he gives Juliet a potion that will make her appear dead for a while so she can escape and run away with Romeo.But the plan goes horribly wrong when Romeo doesn't receive the full message and thinks his beloved Juliet is truly dead. Heartbroken, he goes to her tomb and kills himself by drinking poison so he can be with her in death. When Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead beside her, she is overwhelmed with grief and kills herself too by stabbing herself with a dagger.In the end, the terrible tragedy finally causes the Montagues and Capulets to end their senseless feud over the loss of their two star-crossed children. It's such a deeply sad story, but it's also romantic and beautiful in a tragic way. I cried when I read it!Some of my favorite parts were the balcony scene where Romeo and Juliet profess their love through some of Shakespeare's most famous poetic lines. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Juliet calls out. She's not askingwhere he is, she means "Why are you Romeo?" from the enemy Montague family. Romeo replies with gorgeous romantic lines like "Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized." Soswoon-worthy!I also really liked Mercutio, who was Romeo's wise-cracking best friend. He was always funny and making jokes, until the end when he got into that fatal fight with Tybalt. His "A plague on both your houses!" line cursing the feuding families after being fatally wounded was so powerful.The play has so many incredible scenes and unforgettable quotes. Like when Juliet realizes Romeo is a Montague, she laments "My only love sprung from my only hate!" Or when Romeo finds Juliet's body and cries "Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty." Shakespeare's way with words is just breathtaking.Even though it ends in a massive tragedy, the story of Romeo and Juliet is ultimately a beautiful ode to the power of true love that can unite even bitter enemies. Their passion burns so bright, they are willing to risk everything to be together. It shows how destructive hatred and prejudice can be, but also how redeeming and transcendent a force love is.I think the biggest lesson is that communication is so important. If only Romeo had received the full message about Juliet's clever plan, or if the two families weren't so bitterly divided, maybe the "star-crossed lovers" could have had a happy ending instead of taking their own lives in that dark tomb.Now that I've read this iconic play, I understand why it has been so wildly popular and frequently retold for over 400 years! The romance, action, comedy, and tragedy blend together into an unforgettable masterpiece. I can't wait to study more of Shakespeare's legendary works. Romeo and Juliet will always have a special place in my heart as the first one I fell in love with.篇6Romeo and Juliet - A Tragic Love StoryHave you ever felt like the whole world was against you and the person you loved? That's how Romeo and Juliet felt in the famous play by William Shakespeare. It's a tragic love story between two young people from enemy families in the city of Verona, Italy.Romeo was part of the Montague family, and Juliet was a Capulet. Their families had been fighting for a super long time - like, forever! They hated each other so much that they wouldn'teven be in the same room together. It was a silly feud that had been going on for generations over some argument that nobody could even remember anymore.One day, Romeo went to a party at the Capulet's house, even though he wasn't invited. That's where he first laid eyes on the beautiful Juliet. It was love at first sight! Romeo couldn't believe how gorgeous she was. He just had to meet her.When Juliet saw Romeo, she felt the same way. There was just something special about him that made her heart skip a beat. Little did they know, they had fallen in love with someone from the enemy family! That made things very complicated.After the party, Romeo snuck into the Capulet's garden to see Juliet again. She was on her balcony looking so lovely in the moonlight. Romeo called up to her, and that's where they had their first real conversation. They revealed their love for each other and decided they wanted to get married, despite their families' hatred.With the help of Juliet's nurse and a wise friar named Friar Laurence, the two lovebirds got secretly married. They were so happy to finally be together! But their joy was short-lived because of the crazy family feud.You see, Romeo's best friend Mercutio got into a fight with one of the Capulets. Romeo tried to stop it, but Mercutio ended up getting killed. This made Romeo so angry that he sought revenge and killed the Capulet guy. As punishment, Romeo was banished from Verona and had to flee.This was awful for Romeo and Juliet because they were newlyweds who could no longer be together. Friar Laurence came up with a plan for Juliet to take a potion that would make her appear dead temporarily. That way she could be buried in the family tomb, and Romeo could come rescue her when she woke up. Then they could run away together and live happily ever after!Sadly, the plan went horribly wrong. Romeo didn't get the full message and thought Juliet was actually dead. He was so heartbroken that he killed himself by drinking poison next to Juliet's lifeless body. Just then, Juliet woke up to find her beloved Romeo dead beside her. She was so devastated that she stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger and died too.In the end, the tragic deaths finally put an end to the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. But it came at a terrible cost - the lives of the two beautiful, innocent young lovers whose families' stupidity kept them apart.Romeo and Juliet's love was true, but their story is so sad. They did nothing wrong except fall in love. If only their parents could have seen past their hatred and accepted their children's feelings, so much heartache could have been avoided.The play teaches us that holding onto bitter grudges can lead to really bad consequences. Love is stronger than hate, and family feuds are just plain silly. No parent should stand in the way of their child's happiness, as long as they aren't doing anything truly wrong.I hope you'll read or watch Romeo and Juliet because it's such a powerful, emotional story. The language is beautifully written, and the characters will really make you feel something deep inside. Just be prepared - it's one of the most tragic love stories ever told, so you might need some tissues nearby for all the tears you'll cry!Romeo and Juliet proves that true love can never be stopped, even if it costs you your life. In the end, their undying love for each other lives on forever as one of the greatest romances of all time.。
农场利润的30%用于员工福利,其余70%按照6 :4的比例分配给经营者和股东。
A.我国法律的空间效力遵循以属地主义为主、以属人主义和保护主义为补充的原则B.在我国的法律中,有些法律不仅在国内生效,而且根据国家主权原则还适用于国外发生的特定事件和行为1/ 12C.法律的时间效办就是指法律何时生效、何时终止效力的问题D.狭义的法律效力是指规范性法律文件的效力,广义的法律效力还包括共产党的政策的效力【答案】:B5.签发人应标注在文件的()。
A.大于1B.等于12/ 12C.趋于无穷大D.小于1【答案】:A10.货币的最基本的职能是()。
代青年,为了追求个人幸福生活,他敢于挣脱 封建伦理观念的束缚。他出身于名门贵族,热 爱生活,有理想,为了纯洁的爱情,他视死如 归,赴汤蹈火也在所不辞。这显示了人文主义 者为追求幸福生活,实现生活理想的巨大的精 神力量。
朱丽叶是一位名门闺秀。她热爱生活,天真 纯洁。月夜中,她自言自语,道出了对罗密欧的 爱慕与思念,当心上人突然出现在眼前的时候, 她放下了少女的矜持,果敢地冲破了封建束缚, 彻底抛弃了封建家族观念,大胆地表白了自己的 爱情,显示了她是一个坚定果敢的具有时代精神 的资产阶级新女性。
4、我没法告诉你我叫什么名 字。敬爱的神明,我痛恨我自己 的名字,因为它是你的仇敌;要 是把它写在纸上,我一定把这几 个字撕成粉碎。
这句话写出了罗密欧对封 建世俗的仇恨,“撕成粉碎” 是表现他向封建伦理发起的强 有力的挑战。
5、“不用起誓吧;或者要是 你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自 身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像, 我一定会相信你的。”
一 两人独白,表达相思。
二 两人对白,说爱盟誓。
三 两人定情,不忍离别。
说一说你对 莎翁语言的 初步印象
自由地诵读。具体地分析 一下莎士比亚语言在修辞、 句式、词汇上分别有怎样 的特点。
四大喜剧《威尼斯商人》、 《仲夏夜之梦》、《皆大欢 喜》、《第十二夜》 》
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(1)充分表现了真爱的忠诚和执着, 他们为此不惜以死来捍卫自己的爱 情。 (2)对迫害他们的占据优势的封建 势力表现出宁死不屈的反抗,也给 他们以示威或惩戒。 (3)给后来者以鼓舞,为他们追求 自由爱情扫清障碍。
第一场面:罗密欧得知朱丽叶死亡的消 息连夜赶回,刺死了帕里斯后饮毒自杀。
及至劳伦斯赶来营救朱丽叶时, 她已经醒来,眼见罗密欧的错误 已无法挽回,便用罗密欧的匕首 自杀了。在墓地,蒙太古和凯普 莱特面对这一双在他们的仇恨下 惨遭牺牲的人,紧握双手,言归 于好。
1、第五幕第三场主要出现了 哪几个人物?他们是什么身份? 关系是怎样的?
罗密欧 朱丽叶
2、用简要语言概括课文节选 部分内容。
shuai(率领) lv(利率)
xiang(互相) xiang(真相)
入殓 收敛 打扰
憔悴 荟萃
棉衾 裘皮
这部作品描写了一对互相爱慕的 青年在封建制度下双双惨死的悲 剧,表现了当时英国社会封建和 反封建两种社会力量的矛盾斗争。 揭露了封建统治的罪恶,满腔热 情的歌颂了青春、爱情和美好幸 福的生活。
罗密欧因挚友被杀,激怒之下,也 杀死了凶手提伯尔特,跑到劳伦斯 的寺院来避难。这时,他收到愁肠 百结的朱丽叶送来的指环及口信, 要他夜间去约会。罗密欧瞪着绳梯, 爬进朱丽叶的卧室。黎明时,他逃 往曼多亚。对这一切,朱丽叶的双 亲全然不知,坚持要朱丽叶嫁给帕 里斯。
第二时期(1601—1608年)。这 时期莎士比亚共创作了十一个剧本, 四大悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》 《李尔王》《麦克白》是代表作品。
第三时期(1609—1613年)。 主要剧本有《辛白林》《冬天的故 事》《暴风雨》
《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚早 期创作的五幕悲剧之一。课文以前 的主要情节是:意大利维洛那城的 蒙太古和凯普莱特两个门第相当的 世家,结怨多年,互相争斗。一天, 凯普莱特家举行宴会,蒙太古的儿 子罗密欧带着假面具去跳舞,与凯 普莱特家的女儿朱丽叶产生爱情, 然后通过劳伦斯长老秘密成婚。
第二场面:朱丽叶醒来后见罗密欧死在 自己身边,抓起匕首刺进了自己的胸膛。
第三场面:亲王来到现场,弄清了真相, 两个仇家和解了。
坟茔(yí ) ng 吞噬(shì) 掰( bāi )开 掘( juó )墓
唿哨( hū )
窥(kuī)伺( sì ) 夭( yāo)亡 巡逻( luó )
在绝望中,朱丽叶来找劳伦斯商量 对策,劳伦斯给了她一瓶安眠药水, 用服药假死来抗婚,等候罗密欧带 他到曼多亚去。由于意外事件,劳 伦斯的信没有送到罗密欧手中,罗 密欧误认为朱丽叶已死,买了一瓶 可以致命的毒药水,准备殉情。当 他来到朱丽叶假死的墓门前,帕里 斯却早在那里了。罗密欧杀死了 “情敌”,服药身亡。
憔( qiáo )悴(cuì)
殓( liàn )衾(qīn ) 侍婢( bì )
契( qì )约
巉(chán )岩
锹(qiāo 骷( kū )髅(lóu ) )
鞘(qiào)子 冗(rŏng)繁
侍(shì )从
yù 寄寓(yu )
chou(臭味) xiu(无色无臭)
作者:威廉·莎士比亚(1564— 1616),欧洲文艺复兴时期英国 伟大的诗人和戏剧家。他的剧本, 流传下来的有三十多种; 根据当时英国阶级斗争的情 况和作者思想的发展变化,他的 戏剧创作可分为三个时期。
第一时期(1590年—1600),莎士 比亚的大部分十四行诗和两首长诗 写在这个时期,但主要的创作是戏 剧。有历史剧九部,如《查理三世 的悲剧》《亨利四世》《亨利五世》 等;有喜剧十部,代表作为《仲夏 夜之梦》《温莎的九流娘儿们》 《皆大欢喜》《第十二夜》另外还 有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《威尼斯 商人》等著名作品。
不幸的是,由于世仇的影响,朱 丽叶的表哥提伯尔特杀死了罗密 欧的好友茂丘西奥,罗密欧不得 已也杀死了他,由此遭受放逐。 这时,朱丽叶的父母强迫她嫁给 贵族青年帕里斯,并决定星期四 举行婚礼。
朱丽叶无奈,只好去找劳伦斯长老 商量,并依计在星期三晚上服下了 长老给的假死药,于是婚礼变成了 葬礼。罗密欧得知朱丽叶死亡的消 息,随即买来毒药,前往凯普莱特 家的坟场。课文就是从这里开始的。
4、一个人在面对巨大的爱情变故 时,往往有哪几种变化?
如:他对着“死”去的朱 丽叶反复倾诉“我要永远 陪伴着你,再不离开这漫 漫长夜的幽宫”“我要在 这儿永远安息下来”“跟 网罗一切的死亡订立一个 永久的契约”等。爱人已 死,他不愿独活世上。
帕、罗决斗, 罗、朱殉情 劳伦斯陈情
3、当心爱的朱丽叶已长眠在 冰冷的墓穴中。此时的罗密欧 是怎样一种心情呢?
暴躁、狂怒 如罗密欧一上场,就对他的仆人用了一 连串的命令的语言,甚至加有恐吓。 他还无理的咒骂坟墓。.........泥土 本来是无辜的,但是它却使罗密欧与朱 丽叶阴阳阻隔,再难相聚,所以在罗密 欧心中,它变得面目可憎。 还表现在他与帕里斯的决斗上。