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Unit 1

8 Translate the paragraphs into English.



only read textbooks, none of which was really worthwhile, or couldbe read in one sitting. He was deprived of the privileg e of gaining access to the writers’ fantastic worldsthrough the windows their books have opened, so to speak.

2 如今,他嗜书如命,废寝忘食,好像要把大学期间没机会读地好书全都读一遍.到目前为止他已经利用业余时间读了几百本小说、传记和游记.他意识到书不仅能向他展示一个充满希望地前景,帮他消除现实生活中地压力和疲劳,而且能够帮他澄清一些误解,找到生活地真谛.(reflect on; in onesitting; lay hands on; immerse in; worthwhile; privilege; withstand; vista)

Now he has become an avid and omnivorous reader. It is as if he wants to make up for

those marvelousbooks he hadn’t had a chance to read in his university days. By now, in his spare time, he has readseveral hundreds of books, including novels, biographies and travel notes. He realizes that books cannot only reveal to him the vista of a hopeful future and help him withstand stresses and strains, they can also help him clear up some misconceptions and discover the true meaning of life.

Unit 3

7 Translate the paragraphs into English.



当然,如果有更多地会员交年费,而且缩减一些日常开支,我们还是能省下一些钱来组织活动地.但是,问题地关键在于社团活动地费用与参加活动地人数是成正比地,因此这种方法恐怕不太可行.要推进社团活动,同时又不使经费超支,我们必须群策群力,拿出别地筹钱方法,而不是仅仅依赖学校拨款和会员费.(when it comes to; carve out; pare down; cut back on; bottom line; go into the

red; pool; in lieu of)

When it comes to the effects of the current economic downturn, the decrease of student activities isa good case in point. To enliven campus life, the university is always willing to carve out money foractivities organized by student clubs and societies, but such sponsorships have been pared down thisyear because of huge budget cut. Apparently, student organizations need to weather their own financialcrisis if they want to recover from their current state of inactiveness. Some suggest enrolling more clubmembers, on the ground that the consequent increase of membership fees may help them get out of thedifficulty.

No doubt, if we have more members paying the annual fee, and if we cut back on



s caring,patient and faithful more than anything else, girls are prone to let on that they will become faithful wivesand loving mothers even if they are not the type.

Looking into such gender expectations, we may find that they are based on both physiological and socialfactors. It goes without saying that women are physically prepared to bear children, whereas men areutterly unfit for the job. Therefore, a family is better-off when its male members devote their time toproviding food and other necessities for it.

Unit 6

5 Translate the paragraphs into English.
