现代大学生英语 diogenes第欧根尼 戴奥真尼斯 犬儒主义
Diogenes and Alexander 翻译
![Diogenes and Alexander 翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d8658c49ec3d5bbfd0a7483.png)
Lesson 18 ——Diogenes and Alesander他躺在光溜溜的地上,赤着脚,胡子拉茬的,半裸着身子,模样活像个乞丐或疯子。
任教课程年月日Unit 4一、授课时间:第8、9周二.授课类型:理论课9课时;实践课3课时三.授课题目:Diogenes and Alexander四.授课时数:12五.教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关犬儒哲学的有关知识,学会用英语解释句子以到达学以致用的目的。
六.教学重点和难点:1〕背景知识的传授:Diogenes and Cynicism (doggishness);2〕文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3〕语言点的理解:Word study: account; possess; form; roll; elaborateGrammar Focus: The function of adverbial modifier in different sentences; Patterns: the first/second, ect./the next/last+to-infinitive; the first, ect. + who/that clause七.教学基本内容和纲要Part One Warm – up1.1 Warm-up Questions1.2 Define the following words and phrasesPart Two Background Information2.1 Differences and similarities between Diogenes and AlexanderPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text AnalysisTheme of the textStructure of the text3.2 Writing DevicesContrastDeveloping paragraphs by examplesOther ways of developing paragraphs?3.3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and ExpressionsWord list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:Word Building4.2 Grammar任教课程年月日ObjectPart Five Extension5.1 Group discussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander教学教材
![Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander教学教材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0bf6359349649b6648d747b2.png)
➢ The first philosopher to outline these themes was Antisthenes (安提西尼), a pupil of Socrates in the late 5th century BC.
➢ He was followed by Diogenes of Sinope. ➢ Diogenes took Cynicism to its logical extremes and ➢ was followed by Crates of Thebes (克拉特斯). ➢ It disappeared in the late 5th century ➢ although some have claimed that early Christianity adopted
Diogenes and Alexander
Gilbert Highet
Diogenes and Alexander Unit 4
➢ Diogenes (412 – 324 BC): Greek cynic philosopher ➢ lived in a tub ➢ nicknamed “the dog” ➢ emphasized self-sufficiency and need for natural, uninhibited
➢ Plato (429 – 347 BC): Athenian philosopher, a disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle.
For understandable reasons, Diogenes has never had a large following. However, Diogenes has never been forgotten either, especially in modern times.
…….and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring. (para.1) A few handfuls of -ful here is used as a noun suffix. e.g. a few mouthfuls of / a spoonful of honey/a glassful of beer.
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander
Author: Gilbert Highet
Gilbert Highet (1906-1978) Scholarly and critical writers Born in Scotland and became American citizen Educated in Scotland and Oxford
II. Diogenes' meeting with Alexander(paras.11-17)
A. Alexander's presence in Corinth.(para.11) B. His motivation for visiting Diogenes.(paras.14-17) C. His brief exchange with Diogenes(paras.14-17)
综英 第欧根尼 2
![综英 第欧根尼 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b7ca18d02d276a200292e59.png)
Brief Introduction
Diogenes Era: Ancient philosophy Region: Western Philosophy School(学派): Greek philosophy, Cynicism(犬儒主义) Main interests: Asceticism(禁欲主义) Cynicism (犬儒主义) Notable ideas: Cynic犬儒学派的philosophy
Born Birthday
Greek colony殖民地 of Sinope on the south coast of the Black Sea 412 BC or 404 BCE
Hicesias, a banker
Diogenes The banking business aiding his father
Instead of being troubled about the true nature of evil, people merely rely on customary interpretations
His slave:Manes Abandoned him
"If Manes can live without Diogenes, why not Diogenes without Manes?"
Philip II all Corinth Diogenes
marching on the town bustle 喧闹,忙碌 having nothing to do rolling his tub energetically up and down
Our group will talk sth about cynicism. We emphasis on the development and transformation of it and we will also tell you other things developed from it, such as some music.So do you know what is cynicism? The Chinese name of it is犬儒主义so can you guess? just like the picture, It means the type of persons living like dogs. the word dog was thrown at the first cynics as an insult for their shameless rejections of conventional manners and their decision to live on the streets. but in my view, just thinking of cynicism itself. In the early time, it is a good word. it means persons live naturally and sincerely like a dog. They are loyal and reliable. And they follow their hearts and the intrinsic motivation. but later it is a bad one.In its original form, Cynicism refers to the beliefs of an ancient school of Greek philosophers known as the Cynics. Their philosophy was that the purpose of life was to live a life of Virtue in agreement with Nature. This meant rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, health, and fame, and by living a simple life free from all possessions. in their opinions, as reasoning creatures, people could gain happiness by rigorous training and by living in a way which was natural for humans. They also believed that the world belonged equally to everyone. This maybe be ridiculous in their time, but the actuality what we have now. andthey also think suffering was caused by false judgments of what was valuable and by the worthless customs and conventions which surrounded society. They required freedom and frankness, which politics disallowed.For example, there are some typical philosophers in the ancient time.Diogenes is considered one of the founders of Cynicism.Many anecdotes of Diogenes refer to his dog-like behavior, and his praise of a dog's virtues. Diogenes said:"I am Diogenes the Dog. I nuzzle the kind, bark at the greedy and bite scoundrels.Diogenes believed human beings live artificially and hypocritically and would do well to study the dog. As for a dog, it perform natural body functions in public with ease, a dog will eat anything, and make no fuss about where to sleep. Dogs live in the present without anxiety, and have no use for the pretensions of abstract philosophy. In addition to these virtues, dogs are thought to know who is friend and who is foe.There is a story about Diogenes, you can also find it in the book.Diogenes lived in a tub on the streets of Athens. One day, conqueror of half the civilize world, Alexander the Great, saw Diogenes sitting in this tub in the sunshine. So the king, surroundedby his countries, approached Diogenes and said,” I am Alexander the Great.” The philosopher replied rather contemptuously,” I am Diogenes, the Cynic.” Alexander then asked him if he could help him in any way." Yes,” shot back Diogenes," don't stand between me and the sun.” A surprised Alexander then replied quickly,” If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes."This is what cynicism perform in the early time. This thought can be found in many parts of the world. For example, in china, the persons of Chinese Taoism also held the similar thoughts. Chinese Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao. And tao is natural, ,eternal, nameless, and indescribable. It is the beginning of all things and the way in which all things pursue their course.There is a typical philosopher called Chuang Tzu. Chang Tzu advocates that men distance themselves from the traditional prestige and honor of worldly life, and think about what it means to simply live.There is a story about himZhuang Zhou onceinto a butterfly, flying in the air, like he free butterfly.In his dream he was amused withoutonly something in his dream. After a he up andand couldn't tell it was he turned into a butterfly in his dream or a butterfly turned into him.So you can see, cynicism and Chinese Taoism are alike in some parts.However, as the time flying, cynicism in the modern life is extremely different from the early meanings. And my partners will introduce you more information.。
大学英语Book3 U4 Diogenes and Alexander
![大学英语Book3 U4 Diogenes and Alexander](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7fe39236453610661ed9f4df.png)
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander
To learn the words and phases To know more about the Western philosophers
and their doctrines To learn the writing skills (eg. contrast) to know more about the Chinese philosophers
Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. (para.1)
Provide for a family = feed a family = raise a family
…..he had strolled through it for an hour or two (para.1) v. To walk somewhere in a slow and relaxed way
--"I am Alexander, the great king." --"I am Diogenes the dog"
Diogenes was using his nickname to show his contempt for the titles others valued.
and make comments on their doctrines
New words learning Presentation Questions about text comprehension Text analysis
犬儒主义(Cynicism)是个外来词,中文里本来没有现成的对应词汇,通常将它理解为讥诮嘲讽,愤世嫉俗, 玩世不恭。
犬儒主义是古希腊的一个哲学流派,其代表人物是西诺普的狄奥根尼。这派哲学主张清心寡欲,鄙弃俗世的 荣华富贵,力倡回归自然(这使人想起老庄哲学,想起某些魏晋名士)。据说狄奥根尼本人住在一个桶里(又有 一说是住在瓮里),以讨饭为生。有人讥笑他活得象条狗,他却不恼。“犬儒”之称由此得名。关于狄奥根尼, 有段故事很著名,一天,亚历山大御驾亲临,前来探望正躺在地上晒太阳的狄奥根尼,问他想要什么恩赐;狄奥 根尼回答说:“只要你别挡住我的太阳。
安提斯泰尼在晚年对正统的哲学丧失了信心,当他已不再年轻,鄙弃从前所重视的东西,放弃了上层阶级的 生活模式,而去过简朴的生活,不受各种习俗和规定的限制,除了纯朴的善良而外,他不愿意要任何东西,并希 望希腊回复到原始社会。
受到这种思想的启发,狄奥根尼(安提斯泰尼的弟子)几乎裸身并且没有携带任何补给便周游了整个希腊, 享受了阳光、温暖等一切自然的恩赐,并且聚集了几千个皈依他的思想的人,并向他们讲述这个社会是多么值得 讽刺。
犬儒犬儒学派因其创始人安提斯泰尼(Antisthenes)在一个名叫居诺萨格(Kunosarges)的体育场中讲学 而得名。因为Kuno就是希腊语“狗”的意思。同时,“犬儒”这名称也标志着他们的生活方式。准确的来说,犬 儒学派就是对世界的不信任和对任何事物抱消极态度的学派。
安提斯泰尼是苏格拉底的弟子,约长于柏拉图二十岁。安提斯泰是一个非常引人注意的人物,在某些方面其 有似于托尔斯泰。直到苏格拉底死后,他还生活在苏格拉底贵族弟子们的圈子里,并没有表现出任何非正统的征 象来。
大学英语(四)DiogenesandAlexander戴奥吉尼斯和亚历山大Diogenes and Alexander 戴奥吉尼斯和亚历山大The Dog Has His DayGilbert HighetThis article by the late classicist Gilbert Highet describes a meeting between two sharply contrasting personalities of history: Alexander the Great and Diogenes. This selection originally appeared in Horizon, the first in a series entitled Great Confrontations.此文是由晚期著名的古典学者Gilbert Highet 所写,描述了历史上两位性格极端伟大人物的会面场面:亚历山大国王和戴奥吉尼斯。
Lying on the bare earth, shoeless, bearded, half-naked, he looked like a beggar or a lunatic(神经病,疯子). He was one, but not the other. He had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn (拂晓), scratched, done his business like a dog at the roadside, washed at the public fountain, begged a piece of breakfast bread and a few olives, eaten them squatting on the ground, and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring. (Long ago he had owned a rough wooden cup, but he threw it away when he saw a boy drinking out of his hollowed hands.) Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. As the market place filled up with shoppers and merchants and gossipers and sharpers (a cheater, esp. a cardsharper) and slaves and foreigners, he had strolled through it for an hour or two. Everybody knew him, or knew of him. They would throw sharp questions at him and get sharper answers. Sometimes they threw jeers, and got jibes; sometimes bits offood, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse(漫骂). They were not quite sure whether he was mad or not. He knew they were mad, all mad, each in a different way; they amused him. Now he was back at his home. (周围的人们不能肯定他到底是不是真的疯了,但是他确是非常的肯定他们是真的疯了,以不同的方式和程度; 这个发现使他很开心好玩).It was not a house, not even a squatter's hut. He thought everybody lived far too elaborately, expensively, anxiously. What good is a house? No one needs privacy: natural acts are not shameful; we all do the same thing, and need not hide them. No one needs beds and chairs and such furniture: the animals live healthy lives and sleep on the ground. All we require, since nature did not dress us properly, is one garment to keep us warm, and some shelter from rain and wind. So he had one blanket—to dress him in the daytime and cover him at night—and he slept in a cask. His name was Diogenes. He was the founder of the creed called Cynicism (the word means "doggishness"); he spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mocking and satirizing its people, and occasionally converting one of them.His home was not a barrel made of wood: too expensive. It was a storage jar made of earthenware, something like a modern fuel tank—no doubt discarded because a break had made it useless. He was not the first to inhabit such a thing: the refugees driven into Athens by the Spartan invasion had been forced to sleep in casks. But he was the first who ever did so by choice, out of principle.Diogenes was not a degenerate or a maniac(疯子). He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essaysexpounding(解释) his doctrine; he talked to those who cared to listen; he had pupils who admired him. But he taught chiefly by example. All should live naturally, he said, for what is natural is normal and cannot possibly be evil or shameful. Live without conventions, which are artificial and false; escape complexities and superfluities and extravagances: only so can you live a free life. The rich man believes he possesses his big house with its many rooms and its elaborate furniture, his pictures and expensive clothes, his horses and his servants and his bank accounts. He does not. He is their slave. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence. (富人们都相信, 拥有了属于自己的豪华大房子,房间很多,装饰和家具都很精致和气派, 还有很多的名画和很昂贵的衣服, 马匹和佣人,还有银行账户上的很多的钱。
古希腊犬儒学派哲学家——第欧根尼(Diogenes)第欧根尼(Diogenes (dīŏj'ənēz)),公元前约412年生於锡诺普(∑ινώπη,现属土耳其),公元前323年卒於科林斯。
Diogenes was a famous Greek philosopher of the fourth century B.C.,who established the philosophy of cynicism.He often walked about in the daytime holding a lighted lantern,peering around as if he were looking for something.When auestioned about his odd behavior,he would reply,"I am searching for an honest man." Diogenes held that the good man was self-sufficient and did not require material comforts or wealth.He believed thatwealth and possessions constrained humanity's natural state of freedom.In keeping with his philosophy,he was perefectly satisfied with making his home in a large tub discarded from the temple of Cybele,the goddess of nature. This earthen tub,called a pithos,and formerly been used for holding wine or oil for the sacrifices at the temple. One day,Alexander the Great ,conqueror of half the civilized world,saw Diogenes sitting in this tub in the sunshine .So the king,surrounded by hiscountries,approached Diogenes and said,"I am Alexander the Great."The philosopher replied rather contemptuously,"I am Diogenes,the Cynic."Alexander then asked him if he could help him in any way." Yes,"shot back Diogenes,"don't stand between me and the sun."A surprised Alexander then replied quickly,"If I were not Alexander,I would be Diogenes."1.The world‘s greatest Cynic, Diogenes, was born in 412 B.C.E in Sinope, a city on the Black Sea. As a young man he moved with his father to Athens. There he began to learn the teachings of a group known as the Cynics. Thename Cynic was derived from the Greek word ky-ni-kos which roughly translated as doglike and describes the antisocial behaviour of adherents of the belief. The cynics believed that fulfilment in life was to be obtained by the total abstinence from all worldly pleasures. To them, virtue was the only good. They became suspicious and contemptuous of others.The young Diogenes became a student of one of the founders of Cynicism, a man named Antisthenes. He became totally obsessed with the frugal lifestyle of the Cynics, taking the disowning of materialism to new heights. He did, in fact, become a dour ascetic.Diogenes became convinced that Cynicism and the total abstinence of the things of the world was the path to ultimate enlightenment. On one occasion he is said to have walked the streets of Athens in the middle of the day with a lighted lamp in search of a virtuous person. This type of eccentric behaviour was often used to draw attention to the Cynics and attract new recruits to the ranks of believers.On one memorable occasion Diogenes was approached by the great Alexander the Great. Alexander, apparently in an attempt to undermine the cynic belief, asked Diogenes what he wanted most in the world. Diogenes‘ answer? He wanted Alexander to step aside so that he was no longer blocking the Sun.Diogenes and his fellow Cynics as a result of their casting away all creature comforts, lived as beggars. They looked upon working for a living with utter disdain. They also rejected any civic duties or responsibilities. And, of course, they became bitterly sarcastic towards others.Diogenes, himself, was the master at showing disrespect and throwing sarcasm at others. As a result, he came to be referred to simply as ‗the dog.‘Diogenes died about 320 B.C.E, having lived for nine angry decades. His eccentricity and extreme antisocial behaviour proved to be the downfall of Cynicsm. The belief fell into disrepute soon after his passing. Within in time ithad disappeared all together. All that is left of it in our modern world is the word ‗cynic‘ which is used unfavourably to describe a person who is disposed to find fault with others, an unwitting imitator of the father of cynicism, Diogenes.2.AlexanderAlexander (Alexandros). 1. Alexander of Pherae (in Thessaly), nephew and successor of Jason, tyrant of Pherae 369–358 BC. He was opposed by most of the cities of Thessaly and allied himself with Athens to counteract Theban expansion. When the Theban general Pelopidas visited him on one of his expeditions, he detained the general as a hostage until the latter was eventually rescued by a second Theban expedition in 367. As the result of a fresh appeal from Thessaly in 364, Pelopidas marched against him and defeated him at Cynoscephalae, but was himself killed. Later, a larger Theban army defeated Alexander and forced him to become the ally of the Thebans. In 362 he felt free to make piratical raids against Athens and raided the Piraeus. He was assassinated in 358 by his wife's brothers.。
现代大学生英语 diogenes第欧根尼 戴奥真尼斯 犬儒主义
![现代大学生英语 diogenes第欧根尼 戴奥真尼斯 犬儒主义](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2f078c9bdd88d0d233d46af9.png)
After being exiled, he moved to Athens to debunk拆穿 cultural conventions. Diogenes modeled himself on the example of Hercules. He believed that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory. He used his lifestyle and behavior to criticize the social values and institutions of what he saw as a corrupt society. He declared himself a cosmopolitan四海为家者,世界 主义者.
When he was 13, Philip hired the Greek philosopher Aristotle to be Alexander‟s personal tutor. During the next three years Aristotle gave Alexander a training in rhetoric修辞学 and literature and stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy, all of which became of importance in Alexander‟s later life.
Aristotle(384 BC – 322 BC)was a Greek philosopher and polymath(博学的人), a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics(形而上学), poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric(修辞学), linguistics(语言学), politics, government, ethics( 伦理学), biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing ethics, aesthetics, logic, science, politics, and metaphysics.
第 欧 根 尼
Plato(428/427 BC[a] – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece. He was also a mathematician, student of Socrates(苏格拉底), and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander
![Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3718086a02768e9951e7382b.png)
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was (born on July 20, 356 B.C., in Pella,)king of Macedonia. During his leadership, from 336 to 323 B.C., he united the Greek city-states and led the Corinthian League. He also became the king of Persia(波斯), Babylon(巴比伦) and Asia, and created Macedonian colonies in Iran. While considering the conquests of Carthage and Rome, Alexander died of malaria in Babylon, Persia (now Iran), on June 13, 323 B.C
第 欧 根 尼
Plato(428/427 BC[a] – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece. He was also a mathematician, student of Socrates(苏格拉底), and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexanderbeard: hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeksmustache: hair that grows on a man's upper lipbearded: adj. having beardblock● a block of ice●She took the dog for a walk around the block.●Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.● A fallen tree is blocking the road.●tried to get through, but there were too many people blocking my way.●Can you move? You're blocking my light.●The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.elaborate: adj. very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized●pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns●an elaborate computer systemelaborately: adv. an elaborately decorated roomelaborate: v. to give more details or new information about something●He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.elaborate on●McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning.elegant(1)beautiful, attractive, or graceful● a tall, elegant young woman●an elegant room / restaurant(2)(of a plan or an idea) clever but simple●an elegant solution to the problemfountain(1) a structure from which water is pushed up into the air, used for example as decorationin a garden or park(2) a flow of liquid, or of something bright and colourful that goes straight up into the air fountain of● A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest.● A fountain of sparks shot high into the night sky.(3) a fountain of sth (written): a source or supply of something●Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city.guffaw: to laugh loudlyother words to describe “laugh”half-nakedhalf-bloodedhalf-brother/sisterhalf-breedhalf-heartedlunatic: n. someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way; adj. extreme or dangerousmonarch: n. a king or queenmonarchy: the system in which a country is ruled by a king or queen; a country that is ruled by a king or queen●constitutional monarchy systemmonarchic/monarchical adj.●the old monarchical systemnudge(1)to push sb gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention●H e nudged me and whispered, “Look who's just come in.”(2)to move forward slowly by pushing gentlynudge your way to/through etc (sth)●I started to nudge my way to the front of the crowd.oliveolive tree/groveolive oilolive greenolivebrancholive skin/complexionprivate n./adj.I need to speak to you in private.Saving Private Ryanprivate enterpriseprivate jokeprivate detective/eyeprivacy: n.scant: very little or not enoughscant regard: Peter had shown scant regard for her feelings.scant attention: Jen paid scant attention to their conversation.scoop/ladle/dipper/spoon (the Big Dipper)scratchHe was scratching at the bites on his arm.Don't worry; the cat won't scratch you.This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.He had built the business up from scratch.squat v.(1)to sit with your knees bent under you and your bottom just off the ground, balancingon your feet●He squatted down beside the little girl.(2)to live in a building or on a piece of land without permission and without paying rent n.(1) a squatting position of the body(2) a building that people are living in without permission and without paying rent: to live in a squatsquatter n.stroll v./n. to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way●She strolled over to join them.●Let's go for a stroll.Sweat v.(1)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill,frightened, or doing exerciseI was sweating a lot despite the air-conditioning.Within minutes she was sweating profusely /heavily.He was sweating buckets (= a lot).(2)to work very hardThey sweated and saved for ten years to buy a house.I sweated blood to get that report finished.。
Diogenes and Alexander 翻译
![Diogenes and Alexander 翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/858fcb2979563c1ec5da7152.png)
Lesson 18 ——Diogenes and Alesander他躺在光溜溜的地上,赤着脚,胡子拉茬的,半裸着身子,模样活像个乞丐或疯子。
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After being exiled, he moved to Athens to debunk拆穿 cultural conventions. Diogenes modeled himself on the example of Hercules. He believed that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory. He used his lifestyle and behavior to criticize the social values and institutions of what he saw as a corrupt society. He declared himself a cosmopolitan四海为家者,世界 主义者.
There are conflicting accounts of Diogenes„ death. He is alleged 宣称 variously to have held his breath; to have become ill from eating raw octopus章鱼; or to have suffered an infected dog bite. The Corinthians erected to his memory a pillar on which rested a dog of Parian地名:帕 罗斯marble.
Two years later in 338 BC, Philip gave his son a commanding post among the senior generals as the Macedonian马其顿 army invaded Greece. At the Battle of Chaeronea克罗尼亚 the Greeks were defeated and Alexander displayed his bravery by destroying the elite Greek force. Some ancient historians recorded that the Macedonians won the battle thanks to his bravery.
Diogenes------in Sinope
• Nothing is known about his early life except that his father Hicesias was a banker. It seems likely that Diogenes was also enrolled into the banking business aiding his father. At some point (the exact date is unknown) Diogenes a in a scandal involving the adulteration or defacement of the currency货币掺假或污损, and Diogenes was kicked out of the city.
Diogenes------in Corinth
• According to a story, After being captured by pirates and sold into slavery, Diogenes eventually settled in Corinth. There he passed his philosophy of Cynicism to Crates克拉底, who taught it to Zeno季诺, who fashioned it into the school of Stoicism斯多 亚学派, one of the most enduring schools of Greek philosophy.
He spent his childhood watching his father transforming Macedonia into a great military power, winning victory after victory on the battlefields throughout the Balkans巴尔干半岛.
• The next photo contains adult contents, under twenty years of age, are not allowed to enter. • 下一张图片涉及成人内容,未满二十周岁 的小朋友,严禁进入!
Alexander the Great, (July 20, 356 BC - June 10, 323 BC), also known as Alexander III, king of Macedon (336-323 BC), and conqueror of the Persian波斯 Empire, is considered one of the greatest military军队 geniuses天 赋 of all times and one of the most successful Ancient Greek military commanders in history.
He was born in Sinope 斯诺普, an Ionian爱奥尼亚colony殖民地 on the Black Sea, in 412 BC or 404 BC and died at Corinth科林斯 in 323 BC. A Greek philosopher One of the founders of Cynic philosophy
• Alexander succeeded his father to the throne王 位 in 336 BC after Philip was assassinated暗杀. Upon Philip„s death, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. He was awarded the generalship of Greece, and used this authority to launch his father‟s military expansion plans. In 334 BC he invaded Persianruled Asia Minor小亚细亚 and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles. He subsequently后来 overthrew推翻 the Persian king Darius III达瑞耶斯三世 and conquered the entirety of the Persian Empire. At that point his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea亚得里亚海 to the Indus River印度河.
• 他结交工人,并且穿得和工人一样。他进 行露天讲演,他所用的方式是没有受过教 育的人也都能理解的。 • 一切精致的哲学,他都认为毫无价值;凡 是一个人所能知道的,普通的人也都能知 道。他信仰“返于自然”,并把这种信仰 贯彻得非常彻底。他主张不要政府,不要 私有财产,不要婚姻,不要确定的宗教。 他并不是一个严格的苦行主义者,但是他 鄙弃奢侈与一切人为的对感官快乐的追求。 他说“我宁可疯狂也不愿意欢乐”。
• Seeking to reach the “ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea”, he invaded India in 326 BC, but was eventually forced to turn back at the demand of his troops. Alexander died in Babylon巴比伦 in 323 BC, without executing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia阿 拉伯. In the years following his death a series of civil wars tore his empire apart, resulting in several states ruled by the Diadochi迪亚多 奇 – Alexander„s surviving generals and heirs继承人.
Diogenes -----in Corinth
Diogenes made a virtue of poverty. He begged for a living and slept in a tub in the marketplace. He became notorious声名狼藉 for his philosophical stunts表演,噱头 such as carrying a lamp in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man. He publicly mocked Alexander. He embarrassed Plato, disputed his interpretation演出 of Socrates苏 格拉底 and sabotaged搞破坏 his lectures.