

【爱尔兰介绍】Jump into IrelandPPT课件

【爱尔兰介绍】Jump into IrelandPPT课件
• The largest Titanic visitor experience
Rock of Cashel Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge
Culture Ireland
• Celtic Cluture • Religions • Holidays & Festivals • Language & Literature • Irish Wedding
• A three-leafed old white clover
• St. Patrick used it as a metaphor for the Christian Trinity
• Around 6000BC ➢ Mid-Stone Age culture
• About 4,000 years later ➢ Neolithic culture
Traditions • Food & Drink
Celtic Nations
• Appeared in the middle period of 2000 BC
• Celtic Nations ➢ Scotland ➢ Ireland ➢ Isle of Man ➢ Wales ➢ Cornwall ➢ Brittany
Cliffs of Moher
• Premier tourist attraction • 214m in height • 8 km stretch along County
Clare’s Atlantic Coast
Giant’s Causeway
• Situated on the North coast of Ireland
Presented by 10 HM 01 Nico


National emblem
National lag
• Geography • History
• Politics
• Economy
• Culture
• Advice for conversation
Ireland is a small island off the northwest cost of Great Britain, divided from Scotland by a narrow strait of water.
The Parliament or Dail enacts all legislation for the country. This legislation is interpreted by a hierarchy of courts. At the bottom of this ladder is the District Court. The next rung is represented by the Circuit Court, which tries more serious cases. The next rung on the ladder is called the High Court. The High Court has full jurisdiction and determining power in all matters of law or fact. The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal.
• The Celts
The Celts were commonly thought to have come to Ireland as early as the 6th century BC, with subsequent groups arriving up to the time of Christ. The Celts had deep influence on Ireland. Among all the legacies of the Celts, it is their language that has proved the most lasting. Along with the language, the Celts also brought an instrument of social and cultural unity and a legal system to the island.


The climate changes little between summer and winter.Temperate climates together with frequent rain ensure that the grasslands flourish in all seasons and that snow and ice are rare.It is perfect for many domestic animals(such as cows and horses)and for growing grass. In terms of geographical elevations,the island of Ireland resembles a tea saucer,with a large central lowland comprised of limestone with an occasional relief of hills which rise at the coastline in a discontinuous border of mountains which often slope precipitously into the sea.
The Ireland has a lone history.Because of the Great Famine,mostly emigration took place from the northern part of Ireland,known as the province of Ulster.
Geography,Land and Environment
In terms of native flora and fauna,Ireland has a smaller range than is found elsewhere in Europe. Today,there are only remnants of the old natural forest in the Killarney area,which indicates that the oak was originally interspersed with holly and birch trees,with ash,hazel,and yew growing in limestone areas. Traditionally,Ireland had a quite unspoiled landscape,mostly due to the comparative poverty of the country.



Celts also brought a legal system---the Brehon law.
2.The coming of Christianity

Christianity warick in the 5th century.
1)The first impression of Ireland is the intense green and the grasslands flourishing in all seasons. 2)The island of Ireland resembles a tea saucer.It has a large central lowland comprised of limestone and occasional relief of which rises at the coastline. 3)Ireland has a smaller range of native flora and fauna than that is found elsewhere in Europe

The island of England is suited off the northwest coast of Great Britain,divided from Scotland by a narrow strait of water.

The whole island has two jurisdictions: the Republic of Ireland Northern Ireland.
5.Irish Independence

7)The Easter Rising ① It was an rebellion by Irish nationalists against British rule on 24 April 1916(Easter Monday). ② The Irish Volunteers,led by Patrick Pearse and the Irish citizen Army,led by James Connolly,staged the uprising. ③ The British crushed the rising within a week and executed its leaders. ④ A wave of nationalist sentiment produced an electoral victory for Sinn Fein in 1918.



• The Celts(居尔特人)
The Celts were commonly thought to have come to Ireland as early as the 6th century BC, with subsequent groups arriving up to the time of Christ. The Celts had deep influence on Ireland. Among all the legacies of the Celts, it is their language that has proved the most lasting. Along with the language, the Celts also brought an instrument of social and cultural unity and a legal system to the island.
Ireland is a representative democracy, that is to say, most of its offices are filled through election, either direct or indirect, by the Irish people. The Irish republic has a prime minister and a deputy prime minister who appoints a cabinet to execute the daily business of government. The president is only a symbolic head of state and does not have executive power. The president’s term of office is seven years.


Republic of Ireland Capital: Dublin Population: 4.3million Currency: Euro
Northern Ireland Capital: Belfast Population: 1.7million Currency: Pound
In 2006 the Irish Government celebrated 90 years since the Rising.
Independence and the division of
Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain.
Later the Vikings began to settle in Ireland and build port towns such as Dublin.
The Normans
Normans came in the 12th century and built castles all over the country and founded many towns. The Normans came originally from Normandy in France.
The struggle with England and a poor economy was the cause of so many leaving.
The population of Ireland has always been small as a result and today is only 6 million.
The Easter Rising of 1916



• The climate is perfect for many domestic animals (such as cows and horses) and for growing grass.
• Pre-history
The earliest settlers arrived around 7000 BC in the middle stone age period.Irelandຫໍສະໝຸດ National emblem
National flag
• Geography • History
• Politics
• Economy
• Culture
• Advice for conversation
Ireland is a small island off the northwest cost of Great Britain, divided from Scotland by a narrow strait of water.
• Early Modern Period
In 1541, Henry Ⅷ declared himself king of Ireland---the first English monarch to do so.
Rival colonialists of the new stone age period reached around 3000 BC. These were farmers who raised animals and cultivated the soil.
Within about another thousand years, around 2000 BC, prospectors and metal workers arrived.

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件
• Cabbage, potatoes and meat are important to Irish cuisine
• Corned beef and Cabbage, potato pancakes
• Irish Beef Stew, Sheppard's Pie, Coddle
• Alcoholic Drinks: Guinness Beer, Irish cream
• During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.
Céad Mile Fáilte! Welcome to Ireland!
•Ireland means: •Eire – Green •Land – land, island
•Why? Because the island is full of shamrocks and clovers!
Some famous Irish ຫໍສະໝຸດ eople and Musicians
Important historical events in Ireland
• 1. Bloody Sunday
• sometimes called the Bogside Massacre—was an incident on 30 January 1972 in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland, in which 26 unarmed civil-rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British Army.



一. 国内经济(Domestic Economy)
❖ (一)自然资源: 铅锌矿储量丰富,是欧洲最大的铅
锌生产国。泥煤(peat)分布占全国面积的13%。天然气 储量估计为382亿立方米。所需能源的70%依靠进口。
❖ (二)交通运输:内陆交通运输以公路和铁路为主。 绝大多数国际贸易货物运输 由海运承担。主要港口有都柏林、 香农(Shannon) 、科克(Cork)等。主要有都柏林、香农
Ⅴ.文教与大众传媒(Education and Mass Media)
❖ 一.教育(Education)
中小学实行义务教育。著名高等学府有爱尔兰 国立大学(National University of Ireland)、 都柏林大学(Trinity College, Dublin)、利默 里克大学(University of Limerick)和都柏林 市大学(Dublin City University)等。
❖ 四.司法机构(Judiciary) 最高法院(Supreme Court)即终审法院为最高 司法机关,下设高等法院(High Court)、巡回 法院(Circuit Court)和地区法院(District Court)。法官由政府推荐,总统任命。另设特 别刑事法院(Special Criminal Court)。
❖ 国名:爱尔兰(Ireland) ❖ 独立日:12月6日(1921
年) ❖ 国庆日:3月17日圣帕特里克
日(St. Patrick‘s Day) ❖ 国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比
为2∶1。从左至右由绿、白、 橙三个平行相等的竖长方形组成。 ❖ 国徽:为盾徽。天蓝色的盾面上 绘有金黄色的竖琴。蓝色象征大 海和天空,竖琴为爱尔兰人民喜 爱的“天使之琴”。 ❖ 人口:392万(2002年)。 绝大部分为爱尔兰人。居民91. 6%信奉罗马天主教,其他居民 信奉基督教新教等。



Ireland has a lot of reputation,such as European Manor and Celtic Tiger.Irish economy is small but very well-developed.In between 1995 to 2004,the economy has grown by 7 percent developed,which depend on trade,small and modern.and in 2003,Ireland has become the world's second national per capita GDP.This picture is about Ireland's GDP from 2006 to 2011,we can see that GDP stabilized at around $ 50,000.January 1999, Ireland and 11 other countries took part in the euro zone,and start using the euro currency.Now we highlight several aspects of the Irish economy.First,Export-oriented economy.Look at this chart,since many years, the Irish export trade to GDP has remained at more than 45%,much higher than the United States, China, Japan and other economic powers.the reason is that Ireland has small size and population,domestic demand is relatively limited, products and services mainly depend on the international market, so its exports remain an important position in the economy and long-term.Second,Changing economic structure.The first stage.Historically, Ireland is a country with agriculture and animal husbandry,the economy is undeveloped.The second stage.Since the 1980s, the Irish economy driven by high-tech industry development, and a good investment environment to attract a lot of foreign investment, completed by the pastoral economy to a knowledge-based economy by leaps andbounds.Since 1995, the Irish economy continued to grow rapidly, becoming the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of the fastest growing economies in countries.The third stage.Since 2008, the international financial crisis,Ireland began to change the economic structure,increasing the proportion of tertiary industry in the economy.Through this chart, we can see services accounted for 70 percent of GDP, as the economy leading industries.。








••爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海(Muir éireann),与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道。









•爱尔兰位于欧洲西部爱尔兰岛的中南部,西濒大西洋,东北与英国的北爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰海与英国相望,海岸线长3169公里,中部是丘陵和平原,沿海多为高地;最长的河流香侬河(Abha na Sionainne)长约370多公里,最大的湖泊为科里布湖(Loch Koilib)。




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3.What has the Irish government done since 1921 to save the Irish language?
4.Is Irish culture totally the same as that of Great Britain?
5.what magic powers does Blarney stone
1.Why does the writer say Ireland has an amazing history?
Few places are packed with history as Ireland. In Ireland the past is part of the present,part of the people and part of its culture.
area cover over 70,000 square kilometers
climate Mild sea climate population About 3 million, 44% under 25
languages Two official languages:English and Irish
Thank You For Watching
What topics are mentioned about the Republic of Ireland in the passage? In which para.?
location Para.1 history Para.1-2
area Para.2 currency货币 Para.2
2.How many people live in Dublin?
Of those, over one million live in Dublin.
53.What has th Nhomakorabea Irish government done since 1921 to save the Irish language?
Irish is now taught in schools. There are radio and TV programmes in Irish.
4.Is Irish culture totally the same as that of Great Britain?
Although Irish culture mostly developed under the wings of Great Britain,it has a quality of its own.
art Date from 2,500-2,000 BC
Listening : questions
1.Why does the writer say Ireland has an amazing history? 2.How many people live in Dublin?
climate Para.3 population Para.4
languages Para.5 art Para.6
location West of the UFKin;d the details
the westernmost island in Europe
history an amazing history of 5,000 years currency Euro