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from here.
6. Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises can you really improve your knowledge of any language. 参考译文:只有通过学习像语法和词汇的知识和做练习,你才能真 正地提高你对任何一种语言的掌握。 句子解析: “only+状语”放句首,主句采用部分倒装。表示强调。
3. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers.
语。这里有几个原因。 句子解析: why为关系副词,在此引导定语从句 ,修饰先行词reasons,并在 从句中作原因状语,可用for which替换。 why 引导定语从句的时候, 先行词只能是reason. 但是,先行词是reason时,并不一定都用why来引 导定语从句。
grasp the use of some sentences and important language points
learn English to use English better
Background knowledge ESL / EFL: English as a second language 非母语英语课程,第二语言
e.g. Only then did I understand what she meant.
Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.
只有到她死后我才认识到她的价值。 Only in this way can we learn English. 只有这样才能学会英语。 7. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. 参考译文:经常来说,只有通过把你昨天的成绩和你一个月或六个月之 前的成绩进行比较,你才会意识到你学到了多少。 句子解析: 强调句型:It is+ 强调部分+that/who+其他 (注意:强调句不能强调谓 语)
英语/English as a Foreign Language 英语作为外国语
Suggested teaching plan for Text A
Procedures Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Time (min.)
Dealing with a Giving students 5 minutes pre-reading task to discuss b Asking 1 or 2 students to give a speech
句子解析: ① so+adj./adv.+that+从句 “如此…以至于…”
e.g. She is so young that she can’t look after herself well. 她是如此的年轻以至于无法照顾好她自己。
② be impressed with 对...印象深刻, 为...所感动
e.g. We should be impressed with a person's ability, not what they wear. 我们应该关注一个人的能力而不是她们的穿着。
New words and expressions 1. require v. need, demand要求,需要,命令
improve speaking ability. 2. Yes, of course. Because native English speakers have a natural speaking flow for us to follow and imitate. 3. Yes,vocabulary is very important to any language learners,
a Discussing in 15 groups b Giving a speech
Introducing background knowledge
Introducing ( by asking questions to arouse students’ interest or just relating )
e.g. The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.
你拿的包快散了。 ③ It is likely that+从句 “…很可能。” e.g. It is likely that he will come back in two weeks.
2. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English”. 参考译文:你身边的英语材料越多,你就学得越快,你也就越可能开始用英语思考。 句子解析: ①the+比较级,the+比较级. “越…越…” e.g. The more I know him, the better I like him. 我越了解他,就越喜欢他。 ②that引导定语从句,修饰先行词English material。that 引导定语从句时,在从句中 做主语或宾语(做宾语时可省略),先行词可指人或物。
e.g. Saving money is a good habit. 节约用钱是一个好习惯。(作主语)
A young man practiced speaking English with Mr. Green just now.
刚才,一个年轻人在和Green先生练习说英语。(作宾语) Our job is playing all kinds of music. 我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。(作表语)
especially to foreign language learners. Keeping a vocabulary notebook is
necessary and useful to enlarge our vocabulary. So we can use English more freely.
Dealing with exercises
a Introducing some information a Checking the b Illustrating the exercises exercises b Mastering the extensive information
Summing up and Summing up and giving giving assignment assignment
Listening and taking some notes
Learning the passage
a Helping students to understand the structure b Illustrating the passage by different means
a Understanding the 50 structure b Listening and participating
e.g. It was about 20 years ago that Joe got married. 正是在大约20年前Joe成了家。
It was on Monday night that all this happened.
所有这一切发生在周一晚上。 8. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much. 参考译文:你可能会对你取得的进步印象如此深刻,以至于你可能
其后 跟 带 不定 式 的 复合 结构 、 名词 或 代词 、 从 句 等 。
e.g. They required us to carry out the plan. 他们要求我们执行这项计划。 We required her to attend the opening ceremony. 我们要求她参加开幕式。
e.g. The reason why he didn’t come is not
very convincing.
他没来的理由让人难以相信。 The reason that he explained to us is that he had got up late. 他向我们解释的理由是他起晚了。
face n. 脸,面孔; 面容,表情
e.g. His face is thin and very tanned. 他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。 Hilary's face became very grave. 希拉里的表情变得非常严峻。
vt. 面向;正对;使面对; 面临;勇敢地对付
e.g. The building faces the big river.
5. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs.
句子解析: where 关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰表示地点的名词,此句中修 饰internet sites。 e.g. The lab where the chemist often does experiments is not far
Detailed Study of the Text 1. The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language
is their own fear.
参考译文:大部分人在学习一门新语言的时候面临的最大问题就是 他们内心的担忧。
这房子面向着大河。 Face the facts, sir! 正视事实吧,先生! 4. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. 参考译文:使用尽可能多不同的资源,方法和工具,你会学得更快。 句子解析: 句中的using…为动名词作主语。动名词有名词的特性,在句子中
Text A
Exercise for
Text B Exercise for
Text A
Text B
Unit 1
Part I Understanding and Learning Text A Objectives
After studying this unit the students are expected to be able to retell the main idea of the passage.
Finishing the assignment
Pre-reading task: Possible answer to Warm-up questions
Leabharlann Baidu
1. Much reading, listening and doing exercises. Not very effective to