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①Phonetics 语言学(P17)

Phonetics is the field of language study concerning the physical properties of sounds and speech sounds.

②Minimal pairs 最小辨立对(P42)

They are made up of similar sound sequence except for the difference of one sound in the corresponding position.

③Open-class 开放类词(P66)

They are indefinitely extendable. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are all open-class words.

④Invariable words 可变化词(P67)

Invariable words refer to those words such as conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, etc. . T hey do not have inflective endings.

⑤Morpheme 语素(P68)

In linguistics, the minimal unit of meaning is called morpheme.

⑥Compounds 复合词(P69)

Compounds consist wholly of free morphemes.

⑦Derivation 派生(P72)

Derivation is the process in which new words are created from already existing words through affixation.

⑧Pragmatics 语用学(P150)

Pragmatics is a study of the intended meaning of speakers in a particular context.

⑨Blending 缩合(P187)

Blending here means to form a new word by joining the initial part of a word and the initial or final part of another word together.

⑩Dissimilation 异化(P189)

This occurs when one of two similar or identical sounds in a word change in such a way that it becomes less similar to the other.


①Articulatory phonetics 发声语音学(P18)

It studies the sound units from the angle of how each sound segment is articulated.

②Diphthongs (P)

There are vowels which may be described as a sequence of two sounds, or the glide from one vowel position to another.

③Minimal pairs最小辨立对(P42)

They are made up of similar sound sequence except for the difference of one sound in the corresponding position.

④Closed-class 封闭类词(P66)

Words in this class cannot normally be extended by the reation of additional members.

⑤Stem 词干(P70)

A stem is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional

affix can be added.

⑥Conversion 转化(P75)

Conversion is actually the derivational process whereby a word is adapted or converted to a new word-class without the addition of an affix.

⑦Text 语篇(P112)

A text is a chunk of language spoken or written for communication in actual circumstances.

⑧Theme 主位(P113)

Theme is the point of departure in a sentence. The rest of the clause is called the Rheme(述位).

⑨Assimilation 同化(P189)

Assimilation is a sound becomes more similar to its adjacent sound.

⑩Idiolect 个人方言(P202)

Idiolect refers to the characteristics of an individual’s speech.

ⅡWrite the sources of the following Latin abbreviation and translate them into Chinese P85

cf. :confer 参看etc.:et cetera 等等et al.:et alii 以及其他等等vs. :versus 对 e.g.:exemmpli gratia 例如id.:idem 同上

a.m.:ante meridiem 午前p.m.:post meridiem 午后

l.c.:loco citato 在上述引文中sec.:secundum 根据

ⅢDisambiguate the following sentences by providing two unambiguous interpretations.P110 P157

⑴We have greater interest in our environment than the younger generation.

①We have greater interest in our environment than the younger generation do.

②We have greater interest in our environment than in the younger generation.

⑵There were more wealthy farmers than you young industrialists.

①There were farmers more wealthy than you young industrialists.

②There were more wealthy farmers than there were you young industrialists.

⑶They need more highly trained teachers.

①They need teachers who are more highly trained.

②They need more teachers who are highly trained.

⑷The long drill was boring.

①The long drill was making a hole.

②The drill that lasted for a long time was boring.

⑸It takes a good ruler to make a straight line.

①Only a good leader can make a proper policy.

②Only with a good rule can we draw a straight line.

⑹The Congressman is a dirty street fighter.

①The Congressman is fighting to make the streets cleaner.

②The Congressman is like a dishonest guy who fights in the street.

⑺The piglet is too hot to eat.

①The piglet is so hot that it is unable to eat anything.
