
• 例4:
• 紫禁城分成两部分, 前面部分有三大殿。 皇帝 在这里处理朝政, 主持重要仪式。 紫禁城内所 有建筑物的屋顶都是黄瓦, 黄色只有皇帝才能 使用。
• The Forbidde n City is divide d into two se ctions.
The front pa rt ha s thre e la rge ha lls, w he re the e mpe ror de a lt w ith the sta te a ffa irs a nd conducte d importa nt ce re monie s. All buildings in the Forbidde n City have roofs of ye llow tile s, for ye llow wa s the colour for the e mpe ror.
• All thre e a re be a utiful ga rde ns w ith ave nue s of gre e n tre e s and patche s of lush gra ss, providing ple a sa nt e nvironme nts for re la xa tion.
• Loca te d in the north of Gua ngxi Zhua ng Autonomous Re gion, Gu ilin is one of the tourist a ttra ctions fa mous both a t home and a broa d, w ith a n a re a of 565 squa re kilome tre s a nd a population of more tha n 1 million.

Introduction to Historical Background in English
Introduction to Historical Events in English
This slide shows presentations important historical events that have been shaped in the world, including wars, revolutions, and scientific discoveries It teachers vocabulary and words related to historical events and provide examples of senses to describe them
Introduction to Cultural Landscape in English
Introduction to Architecture in English
This slide shows explorations of different types of architecture found around the world, including ambient samples, catalysts, and modern buildings It teachers vocabulary and phrases related to architecture and provide examples of senses to describe them
Welcome to our hotel!
Would you like to check in now?

Brief Introduction to Shanxi Province
Area Population Climate
----- Chinese Residential House
Questions based on the text : 1. What is the value and importance of Chinese residential houses? 2. What are the charactersitics of Chinese residential houses? 3. How many types of Chinese residential houses do you know and
1. What is folk customs? 2. When did folk arts take shape? 3. How do people classify folk customs? 4. What is the relationship between folk customs culture and the tourism industry? 5. What is paper cutting used for? 6. How did shadow puppet play develop? 7. What necessary steps do the traditional Chinese marriage usually involve? 8. How do people celebrate wedding ceremony for a new couple nowadays?
《旅游英语》课件——Chinese Ancient Cities 中国古城

an outstanding example of a Han Chinese city of the Ming and Qing It has retained all its features to an exceptional degree and in doing so provides a remarkably complete picture of cultural, social, economic, and religious development during one of the most seminal periods of Chinese y.
Ancient Lijiang City
Dongba Culture
located in the northeast margin of sichuan basin the middle reaches of jialing river known as “langyuan fairyland” 2,300 years history military town of the ancient state of Shu
the city settlement with a history of more than one hundred years still well preserved or restored to its original appearance in modern times the external expression of a place's history and culture the cultural heritage Shared by mankind

----- Food Service at the Restaurant
➢ the guide should find out whether the tourists have special demand in dining ahead of time, and notify the restaurant if they do.
----- The Republic of France
----- The Republic of France
Part 1 Let’s Listen! --- Brief Introduction to Shandong Province Part 2 Let’s Ltaurant
➢The Four Buddhist Mountains The Four Buddhist Mountains refer to Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo, Mount Jiuhua.
➢Mount Huang It is famous for the four wonders, namely the queer pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs.
Mount Tai,the Yellow River,the springs of Jinan,the sea of Qingdao,the immortals of Yantai and the islands of Weihai.
Brief Introduction to Shandong Province
Activity 1: Decide whether the statements are true or false according to what you have learnt.

15.1.4 措辞讲究 旅游资料为了达到某种宣传效 果,常常在措辞上颇下功夫,尤其是 中文资料,作者总是千方百计地用优 美的文字,细腻的描写,运用风趣地 写法,取得感人的效果。 15.1.5 风格活泼幽默 旅游资料大多是给游人阅读, 或讲给游客听的,所以风格常常轻松 幽默、清新明快,让读者于愉悦中接 受知识。 15.1. 6 多引用古诗词 在旅游资料中,特别是汉语资
15.1 旅游文本的文体特点
应用文范畴,其形式灵活多样,内容 无所不包,文体类别也是丰富多彩。 如旅游指南属描写型,用词要生动形 象,明白晓畅;旅游广告与其他广告 语一样属呼唤型,用词短小精悍,富 有创意,句式简洁活泼,具有极强的 吸引力和号召力;旅游合同,属契约 型,用词规范,表达准确,程式化明
乐园酒店延续奇妙体验 入住两间迪士尼酒店,使您和家 人感受一新!孩子发挥无限创意,设 计夏日时装;全家到泳池开心畅泳, 与高飞一同嬉水。此外,池畔的酒吧 供应清凉饮品,令您暑气全消。马上 欣赏酒店图片集,然后再查看酒店优 惠,展开奇妙之旅。
汉译国外的景点比英译国内的景点容易操 作。我们可以先看看中文的翻译,常常采 取意译的方法,如将“玉带桥”译成JadeBelt Bridge、 “万年宫”译成 the Temple of Longevity 等。也可以采用括号注释、同 位语或定语从句等形式对原文中的文化信 息进行必要的解释,辅以解释性文字,以 便外国读者更好地了解所介绍的内容。例 如,“一线天”-Yixiantian (A Thread of Sky)。
15.2 旅游资料的翻译方法

Pay attention to payment security
When using payment tools, pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid disclosing personal information or passwords.
Leisure activities
Introduce various leisure activities such as SPA, massage, gym, etc., and provide English expressions.
Entertainment programs
Provide English entertainment program recommendations, such as concerts, dramas, movies, etc., to help learners enrich their travel life.
Detailed description
Natural scenery is one of the important attractions of tourism, such as magnificent mountains and rivers, clear lakes, beautiful beaches, and dense forests. These natural landscapes not only provide beautiful scenery, but also provide tourists with opportunities to get close to nature and experience its wonders and beauty.

❖ 在翻译过程中,译者应充分考虑译文读者的社会文化背景知识 (Sociocultural Background),对译文的期待(Expectations),感应力或社 会知识(Sensitivity or World Knowledge)以及交际需要(Communicative Need)等,生产出符合译文习惯、符合读者期待的译文来。
❖ 根据“关联论”,由于不同语言间文化上的差异,同一文化语境中 的人一般不会和盘托出有关图示的所有信息,对于那些交际双方都 能不言自明的信息成分往往都隐去而不予明说,这就构成了语义暗 含。这种暗含意义对同一文化语境下的读者不会产生认知上的差异 ,而对于译语环境下的受众则会因“文化缺损”(Cultural Default)而 产生理解困难的问题。因此,在翻译的过程中,译者要从原文明示 手段提供的信息中推断出原作者暗含的交际意图和相关功能,得出 自己正确的语境假设,继而在译文中考虑译文读者的认知环境,将 原文隐于明示之后的暗含意义采用恰当的译文形式予以明说,为译 文读者提供最充分的语境效果,尽可能明白无误地表达原文。
第十三章 景点牌示解说的翻译
第一节 景点解说系统和牌示解说
❖ 景点解说从表现形式上可分为向导式解说和自导式解说。向导式解说 也称为导游解说,即由专门的导游人员对旅游者进行主动的信息传递 ,并回答游客提出的各种各样的问题,从而做到因人而异,提供动态 的个性化服务。自导式解说是由书面材料、标准公共信息图形符号、 语音等无生命设施或设备向游客提供静态的、被动的信息服务。它的 形式多样,包括解说牌示、解说手册、导游图、语音解说、录像带和 幻灯片等。在景点解说中,牌示解说因其对旅游者的旅游活动具有很 好的引导、服务和教育的作用,成为最主要的,也是使用频率最高的 自导式解说系统的表达方式。

2. Passage 2: Mt. Jiuhua
I. New words and Phrase
• 1. be regarded as: be considered as • 2. practice: perform the activities and duties of your
II. Proper names and expressions to be remembered
• 1. the East Palace Gate • 2. Dowager Empress Cixi • 3.Longevity Hill
III. Answer the following questions:
• 1. the Four Wonders 2. cable car • 3. sedan chair 4. grotesque rocks • 5. pills of immortality 6. the Guest-
greeting Pine • 7. the sea of clouds 8. Lotus Flower Peak • 9. hot spring
queen of a country • 5. preside (over)
II. Proper names and expressions to be remembered
• 1. the Outer Court • 2.the Inner Court • 3.the Main Gate • 4.ascend the throne • 5.the Forbidden City/ the Imperial

3 增译法 增译是指为了使外国游客更好的理解某些字, 词,名而增加一些相关资料,对旅游资料中 的一些人名,地名,朝代,历史事件以及典 故等做出背景资料的增加和说明。
元宵节那天,大红灯笼高高挂。 译文: “During the Yuanxiao Festival, also called
Falling water/spring is a study in opposites-motion and stability ,change and permanence, power and ephemerality朝生暮死 that make the human condition a paradox of welcome adventure and anxious uncertainty.
5. 创造性翻译 创造性翻译指在不损害原文信息的前提下,不 拘泥于原文,对原文不符合译语习惯的词句、 语序进行必要的改造和调整,以期更好地服务 于读者。精Fra bibliotek课件第三节
1.旅游翻译中文化因素导致的翻译障碍 (1)历史制度,信仰,习俗等文化因素导致的翻
4. 删减法 在旅游资料中,有些内容是中国传统文化特 有的产物,若逐字逐句翻译,对理解原文没 有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本看不懂,这 时就应该适当的删改
关于华清池有这样一段文字描写: 华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方。 唐代名诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有:“春寒赐浴华 清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。
and herbal cuisine 康健旅游(气功,太极,就诊及药膳)

目 录
• Case Analysis of Tourism English Translation from Chinese to English
• The Future Development and Prospects of Tourism English Translation from Chinese to English
In the future, tourism English translation will pay more attention to cross-cultural communication and dissemination effects, with higher requirements for the comprehensive quality and professional ability of translators. Meanwhile, with technological progress, tourism English translation will become more intelligent and efficient.
With the development of the global tourism industry, tourism English translation is of great significance in enhancing the international image of Chinese tourism destinations, attracting more foreign tourists, and promoting cross-cultural communication.

1.Hotel - 酒店2.Restaurant - 餐厅3.rport - 机场4.Taxi - 出租车5.Sightseeing - 观光6.Currency - 货币7.Shopping - 购物8.Attractions - 景点9.Guide - 导游10.Ticket - 票常用句子1.Hello, I would like to book a room in your hotel. - 您好,我想在您的酒店预订一个房间。
2.Could you please recommend a good restaurant nearby? -你能推荐附近的一家好餐厅吗?3.How much does a taxi to the rport cost? - 去机场打的多少钱?4.I am interested in sightseeing in Dub. - 我对迪拜的观光非常感兴趣。
5.What is the currency used in Dub? - 迪拜使用什么货币?6.I would like to go shopping for souvenirs. - 我想去购物买纪念品。
7.What are the top attractions in Dub? - 迪拜有哪些热门景点?8.Can you recommend a good tour guide? - 你能推荐一个好的导游吗?9.How much is a ticket to Burj Khalifa? - 去哈利法塔的门票多少钱?10.Where can I find a map of Dub? - 我在哪里可以找到迪拜的地图?交流技巧1.Greeting - 在与当地人交流时,始终以友好的问候开始对话。
《旅游英语》课件——Chinese Grottoes 中国石窟

Mogao Grottoes
situation the largest and the most famous started in 366AD from Jianyuan in the Former Qin State to Yuan Dynasties
Origin and history
Longmen Grottoes
Northern Wei Dynasty: large with a square-round face, a high-bridged nose, big sunken eyes, long earlobes
Style difference in dynasties
Tang Dynasty : plump bodies, kind expressions, loose robes with wide sleeves.
Style difference in dynasties
Song Dynasty : slimmer and more delicate figures are realism a range of very human expressions.
Thank you
Style difference in dynasties
Late period of Northern Wei Dynasty: incorporated the Indian with Chinese slim and elegant appearance, loose gown with wide girdle
Yungang Grottoes
located 16 kilometers west of Datongstarted to be built in 460AD more than 1,500 years after their execution, 45 caves and over 51,000 sculpturesthe largest statue is up to 17 mthe smallest one measures only 2 cm

旅游英语ppt旅游英语PPTTravel English PowerPoint PresentationIntroduction:欢迎各位来到这个关于旅游英语的演示文稿。
让我们一起开始吧!I. 在机场 (At the Airport)1. 问询信息 (Asking for Information)- Could you please tell me where the check-in counter is? - Excuse me, which gate should I go to for my flight?- Where can I find a luggage cart?- How long does it take to go through security?- May I know where the baggage claim area is?2. 办理登机手续 (Checking-in)- I would like to check in for my flight to [destination].- Here is my passport and booking reference number.- How much baggage am I allowed to carry?- Can I have a window seat, please?- Is this the boarding pass and the gate number?3. 安全检查 (Security Check)- Please remove any metal objects from your pockets.- Could you place your bag on the conveyor belt, please? - Do I need to take off my shoes?- Are laptops and tablets allowed in the hand luggage? - Is there any liquid restriction for hand luggage?II. 在飞机上 (On the Plane)1. 问候和寒暄 (Greetings and Small Talk)- Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome aboard. - Can I help you with your luggage?- Would you like a pillow or blanket?- Is this your first time flying with us?- How are you today? Enjoying your flight?2. 订购餐食 (Ordering Meals)- May I see the menu, please?- Do you have any vegetarian options?- Could you bring me a hot cup of coffee, please?- Is there a special meal for children?- What kind of beverages do you serve on this flight?3. 请求帮助 (Requesting Assistance)- Excuse me, could you please help me put my bag in the overhead compartment?- I'm feeling a bit airsick, can I have a glass of water?- My seatback TV is not working, could you fix it?- Would you mind turning down the air conditioning a bit?- Can I have an extra blanket, please?III. 在旅馆 (At the Hotel)1. 酒店预订 (Hotel Reservation)- I would like to make a reservation for a single/double room, please.- How much is the room rate per night?- Are there any discounts for group bookings?- Can I cancel my reservation without any charges?- Is breakfast included in the room rate?2. 前台办理入住 (Checking-in at the Front Desk)- Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of [your name].- Here is my identification and credit card.- Can you please provide me with a room key?- What time is the check-out? Can I have a late check-out?- Is there a wifi password I can use?3. 在客房的需求 (Requests in the Room)- The air conditioning seems to be not working properly, could you send someone to check?- Could you bring me some extra towels, please?- Is it possible to have a wake-up call at 7:00 am tomorrow?- Could you please provide me with an extra pillow?- I accidentally locked myself out of my room, can you help me?IV. 在旅途中 (During the Journey)1. 寻求帮助 (Seeking Help)- Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest subway station is?- Is there a bus stop around here?- Could you please give me directions to the nearest pharmacy?- I seem to have lost my wallet, what should I do?- Do you know where I can find a good restaurant nearby?2. 向他人提问 (Asking Others)- Excuse me, do you know if there is a free WiFi hotspot?- Would you mind taking a picture of us, please?- Can you recommend any popular tourist attractions in this city?- Is there a local market where I can buy souvenirs?- Do you have any suggestions for affordable local restaurants?3. 议论旅行经验 (Discussing Travel Experiences)- This city is so beautiful, I'm glad I decided to come here. - The food in this country is amazing, I never want to leave.- The locals are so friendly and welcoming.- I had a great time exploring the historical sites in this city. - The weather here is perfect for outdoor activities.Conclusion:这个旅游英语的演示文稿希望能够帮助您在旅行中应对各种情境。
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❖ 报刊要对企事业单位、组织机构提供的新闻消息进行“筛选”。
❖ 三、新闻的写作规范
❖ 报刊新闻报道的写作结构按几何图形表示为倒三角形,新闻界称为“ 倒金字塔”结构。新闻报道的事件内容依此结构由最重要到较重要的 次序排列。
关系等方面的工作。 (9) 对大众传播媒介进行的报道、发布的信息及时做出评价与反应。 (10)准备演讲稿或演讲提纲,组织专题论坛活动。 (11)策划、编辑、设计、出版、发行内部刊物。
(12)控制公共关系预算与支出。 (13)企业的CI策划与实施。 (14)协调股东关系,准备年度报告。 (15)与社区保持联系沟通、协调社区关系。 (16)公共关系广告策划与实施。 (17)参与产品广告的策划与实施。 (18)策划、组织设计、制作、发行公关、促销印刷品。 (19)策划、组织企业的公关促销、展销、展览活动。 (20)员工公共关系意识与技巧培训。 (21)目标公众的态度、动机、见解、市场动向等方面的调研、分析、汇报。 (22)参与社会公益事业,提供必要的捐助。 (23)企业内部与对外相关会议的策划实施。 (24)组织接待来访个人与团体。
❖ 旅游行业的多数机构的推广、营销都是跨地区、跨国、跨文化大规模、高 频度进行的。而直接的人际传播受到时间、空间、人力、财力限制,为此 有效地利用大众传播媒介在信息传播方面迅速的优势和覆盖地域广阔的特 点,进行公关促销信息传播成为旅游经营机构公关促销人员极为看中的跨 文化交际手段。
第二节 新闻与新闻发布
❖ 新闻报道应提供的是读者认为有新闻价值的新闻的五个W和一个H。 ❖ 有新闻价值的新闻通常涉及以下构成要素。
(1) 时间性:事件发生时间越近越具新闻价值。有些新闻即便报道的是几 年前发生的事件,如果其中包括与事件有关的新的发现、新的内容也 可能具有较高的新闻价值。
(2) 重要性:事件对越多的人影响越大,新闻的价值就越高。 (3) 规模性:事件,如战争、灾难,牵涉的人越多,规模越大,新闻价值
(11)最大限度地为企业创造经济效益。 (12)塑造与推广完美的企业形象。 (13)促进社会民主与进步事业的发展。 ❖ 公共关系从业人员日常具体工作包括以下内容。 (1) 策划整体公共关系方案。 (2) 摄影并建立图片资料库。 (3) 策划、制作视听材料。 (4) 向公众、工会、大众传播媒介提供有关信息服务。 (5) 处理与政府和议会等国家机构的关系。 (6) 代表管理机构处理劳资关系。 (7) 策划、组织专题公共关系活动。 (8) 监督、检查、促进、参与地方办事机构、驻外机构与培训机构的公共
第九章 旅游公关文本的翻译
第一节 旅游公关从业人员的职责
❖ 具体说来,公共关系人员在旅游企业管理中主要承担如下责任。 (1) 为管理部门提供咨询,充当高层管理者的顾问、参谋。 (2) 对未来趋势作出分析并预测其影响与结果。 (3) 对目标公众的观点、态度、期望进行调查、研究、分析,提出具体对
策。 (4) 预防误解产生,消除冲突。 (5) 促进企业与公众的相互尊重,承担社会责任。 (6) 协调企业与公众的利益。 (7) 增进员工、供应商和客户的好感。 (8) 改善劳资关系或职工与企业管理者之间的关系。 (9) 吸引人才流入,防止人才流失。 (10) 促进产品质量提高与服务质量的提高。
❖ 一、新闻与新闻价值
❖ 新闻,以简洁的文字迅速传播新近变动事实,包括新近发现的事实、 将要变动的事实。它是目前最广泛、最经常应用的一种报道形式。
❖ 新闻报道一般都包含五个要素,即通常新闻专业人员称为“五个W” 或“五何”:When——何时,Where——何地,Who——何人, What——何事,Why——何故。有时视报道内容的需要,还要加一个 H:How——怎么样。
❖ 用这种“倒金字塔”结构写出的新闻报道通常情况下第一层是新闻的 导语。这一段包含了全篇报道中最重要的事实。随后的段落将报道的 事件由较为重要到相对重要排列。最后一段是一般性说明或新闻背景 消息。
❖ 这种“倒金字塔”新闻写作方式的优点在于,读者可以通过阅读一篇 新闻报道的前几段就可了解全部事件的要点。报刊的编辑可以在较短 时间内依据报刊报道重心和版面的情况,从来稿的尾部删除某些内容 ,而又不致使事件的重要事实有所损失。
(4) 人物显赫:事件关联的人物声名越显赫,新闻价值就越高。 (5) 近距性:事件发生地与读者距离越近,新闻价值就越高。 (6) 冲突性:冲突出新闻。政治、法律、种族纠纷、冲突都与读者的世界
(7) 奇闻轶事:奇闻轶事开阔人们视野,满足猎奇求知需要,因此具有新 闻价值。
(8) 人情味:事件越能引起读者的同情越具有新闻价值。
❖ 二、新闻发布
❖ 报刊以发布新闻消息为主,各报刊的消息来源基本上从以下几大渠道 获得。
(1) 本报刊记者。 (2) 专业新闻社。 (3) 企业、组织的公共关系人员。 ❖ 据统计,一份报纸,由该报记者采写的和专业新闻社提供的稿件仅占
刊发稿件总数的20%,而由企事业单位、组织机构公共关系人员提供 的稿件占了约80%。
❖ 新闻报道采用这种“倒金字塔”式写作结构决定一篇报道的第一段— —导语是一篇新闻报道写作的关键段落,为此写起来也就要格外用心。
❖ 企事业单位、组织机构的公共关系人员通常在下列情况下向有关报刊 提供新闻消息。
(1) 当某一事态、事件威胁到本机构的声誉和整体利益时,公关人员发布 精心策划的解释性报道。
(2) 当某一事态、事件有利于本机构的声誉提高和整体利益巩固时,公关 人员发布精心策划的消息以引起目标公众的注意。
(3) 本机构主要领导人的变更。 (4) 新产品的推广。 (5) 对社区发展的参与和对环境的保护行为。 (6) 传播本机构的政策和方针。 (7) 在特定问题争议中陈述本机构的态度、立场。 (8) 宣布销售、公关活动的安排。 (9) 其他与本机构有关,并且有新闻价值的信息。