
GMAT语法三大特点: (1)三类相对错误: (4)常考比较句型: (5)专题一:平行结构 (6)专题二:时态 (9)专题三:主谓一致 (11)专题四:同位语 (14)专题五:逻辑主语 (15)专题六:虚拟语气(宾语从句的虚拟) (17)专题七:非谓语动词 (19)专题八:代词pron (20)专题九:独立主格 (23)专题十:省略的状语从句 (24)专题十一:补语和宾语 (27)专题十二:Run-on句型 (30)专题十三:比较结构 (31)GMAT语法三大特点:1、句式复杂2、考点明确3、规律性强*以下例题,如无特殊标明,均为小蓝题目;如果题目用红色标出,最好将题目背下来常见错误:(GMAT语法定义:最严格的书面英语)1、maybe一定错×,表示“可能”用perhaps,probably√替换2、表示“将来”,用will do√(be going to do/be to do×太口语化)3、like用法:在GMAT语法中,唯一用法是prep.唯一意思是“像”Like+句子× pearls do×(句子)Like不举例举例用such as4、双重所有格×e.g.GDP of2008’s×∵重复了He’s a friend of my father’s.√5、代词①任何代词≠一句话e.g.Michael is rich,which is true.×在GMAT语法中,which指代前面一个句子就错②一句话中出现两个相同代词=相同内容e.g.……he……he……两个he指代相同的人③this,that作代词,不能够“裸奔”“裸奔”单独出现,既不修饰别人也不被别人修饰e.g.Michael bought this.×Michael bought this car.√(this修饰car)This is a book.×This one is a book.√6、that用法①作代词不能“裸奔”e.g.That car.修饰carThe population(of China)is larger than that(of U.S.A).()内容修饰that②做从句引导词可以裸奔e.g.I know that he is Obama.√③做宾语从句引导词,that通常不能省*语语法重要的不是句义、词汇意思,而是句子主要结构句子的分类:(按结构分)简单句:一套主谓结构并列句:and/or/but并列句两种形式:SVO,and SVO.SVO;SVO.“;”前后是完整句子复合句:一个主句,若干从句从句的定义:当某个成分用从句充当,就产生相应什么从句e.g.Tom had a delicious meal quickly.S……………V…………….O…………………………..主从句表从句宾从句同位语从句(that在从句中不充当成分)。

语法语法部分最需要英语能力习惯优先题必须要有划线的头或尾是动词可以先考虑动词,但只是在头或尾找动词发起者.解题步骤:一:读题通读全句,从头读到尾1:把大意读出来,不要受到划线部分干扰.根据可能看懂的词,使用可掌握的常识,看哪种组合合理,即为正确选项.2:把这句话的基本结构读出来.*思考句子的完整性,固定搭配.二:并列凡是有对应关系的都叫做"并列".只要比较都是并列.And、but、more than、like、unlike Example:Somebody find a replacement for ×××,〔×××是替代物,需用名词单数〕同位语判断:用意思判断正确率高,慢用标志词判断正确率低,快,可能用意思判断,其次两者结合,读完后一旦有并列,还要考虑该不该有并列.判断谁最合适并列.不考虑由and、or引导的并列句〔因为引导的句子前一句和后一句可能没有必然联系〕and、or引导的并列结构得考虑双重并列〔在没有插入语的情况下尽量不要用逗号隔开〕三重并列只能有and、or 引导,得有两逗号.A,B and C;A and B and C一旦不是和自己比,尽量不要出现代词it 〔指具体名词〕抽象名词不受此限制,〔虚词除外,通货膨胀〕三:比较1:意思主动比被动优先〔1〕现代英语的某些表达习惯①——,介短×——介短√——,介短,——√介词短语不是一个能表达具体内容的东西,不能作主语.除了两个介词to、of,一般不会用类型的短语结构来修饰同一个事物.②希望实虚的尽快说实的,在虚实之间尽量避免用逗号隔开的东西分词短语,介词短语,主——分词短语,主——,——〔2〕平衡头重脚轻,一概不允许;头轻脚重还可以.谓语动词前面你"头",后面你"脚"〔3〕歧义句前后有名词、代词名词\\代词,分词短语,名词\\代词到最好的分词短语,尽量避免两边有逗号〔4〕句子写得越象英语的顺序越舒服.英文表达通常重心提前,中文重心在后.③动词④小词times 要跟more than ,不能跟as as⑤主动、被动主动比被动优先⑥怪有一些表达属于不太好的表达方式,there be, being, having, which,代词多,′s不爽⑦简洁原那么直接修饰>短语修饰>从语修饰如果两句都是用从句修饰,无法适用此规律⑧A或D的正确率比较高⑨动词〔非谓语动词也是动词〕since +完成时,everytimes对于不去找的题,和所记忆的信息最接近,但对于要找的选项,和曾经看过的局部信息越一致越像.将重点放在实际内容的名词上.②哪个模糊哪个好③哪个选项有绝对化概念,哪个不好.④AD原那么排除选项时,内容更加重要,修饰不太重要,修饰的东西只影响程度.选项提交作者——,通常跟最后一段有关对选项的理解比原文精确得多.逻辑A→B 即充分→必要必要:没它就不行,不能推理①不充分性②子原那么原文告知的信息也不知道=呆子③集合〔包含〕题目分类:特殊一般特殊类:①完成一段话 1—2题②〔原文有两段话用黑体字或斜体字标出〕③对话题A:B:阅读2混淆:错误的有让你感觉正确的可能性1错误的选项一点都没错,但和问题无关2 main idea 和大量的不回原文找的题,在正确选项中用了一个感觉特别不舒服的动词,〔坚持对选项的判断不以一个词而以内容为主体时,即可杜绝此现象〕3 正确选项,错误选项都有原文所含信息,但错误选项的精确性不够,所以要比答案.4 尤其是细节题,将有较大干扰性的选项先于或者紧挨着正确选项出现读完问题只分两类:找与不找原文、问题、选项:1 先从文章入手2 问题分析3 挑选项读文章不能跳跃,必须全读:杜绝空白读文章有快:说出来有慢:有印象,但是讲不出凡是慢读,内容永远排第一位,有些文章,在描述中有非常明显的观点标志词.转折或递进〔启、承、转、合〕,but however等,also this that问题分析:1 根据问题内容决定要不要回原文找,及这个问题应该和哪些信息对应2 如果能判断是需要慢读的,也不要找〔判断选项不能根据文章中的个别动词,要根据具体内容〕不找题:回忆原文记忆的信息找与题目的对应点,判断用什么信息去找名词〔长相〕而不是找内容,找到之后,再体会是否与问题是一个直接的对应关系,最后,找出来的信息的重要性大于最初慢读记忆的信息.如果有选项说跟没说一样,一定是正确选项.肯定不对的选项:1 和所记信息相违背的2 对于一个已经判断清楚是哪个段,哪层信息的,选项中出现了跨层跨段信息3出现新的比较点的,××和××的关系也是比较relationship4 main idea 题,围绕某个具体点的必错5百分百肯定原文没说过的比较项:1哪个越象填哪个2哪个模糊填哪个〔如果B行,C更行,一定填C〕3有绝对化的选项不爽,must all only4 AD原那么① A:1 √,2 ×,?B:1 √,2 ?,3 ?C:1 ?,2 √ B、C比选一,选C② A:1 √,2 ?B:1 √,2 √C:1 ?,2 ?选B③ A:√B:√√?选A④ A:√?B:√?不确定选A在判断不了的情况下,哪个判断越多,哪个好,对那些不找的考题:每个选项要看全,并尽可能结合内容,找的题允许断章取义,尤其是实意名词.有些题不是不该找,而是找不了,他的选项是围绕一个特别细节来说.一般类题解题步骤:1 读问题归纳:根据原文得结论〔原文正确——〕演绎:根据〔如果选项正确——〕演绎:支持、驳斥、评价、假设一律不分开, 原文有推理.解释原文现象 1-2个, 原文无推理.评价类问题只有一个有关选项.2 读原文①以自身的阅读水平读原文,希望能做到:A 动词一定要认识;B 越往后越是重点C 不去读推理;D 尽量清楚记住直接告知的事情3找有关项〔甚少描述了原文的一种现象〕理解选项:A 不论选项多长,只要没有AND引导的并列句,那就只能说明一件事.B 选项中出现的状语从句在判断有无关系时当没看见,不存在.C 定语从句告诉我们一个X畴,有用Experiment shows that 〔内容〕〔1〕选项一定要当作整体来看,千万不能根据〔没有页数〕选项中有AND ,只要AND前后有一个原文提及即可.〔P16〕重复信息不用再记了,如果出现有比较的选项,判断要求:1 这两个对象和原文中所说的比较点原文中都说过,未必要求按比较的方式出现.2 时间性质比较〔eg:过去和现在〕不按比较性质对待不允许对事实支持驳斥,对象的性质:有没有、能不能.①一致〔支持〕求同,不一致〔驳斥〕求异.不止一个选项存在,判断选项是否相关,只能围绕原文某个点往前走的,信息只要有关就可以降价,而不是往后推.Eg:原文利润,选项费用——相关原文减税,选项获利——无关②假设找有关无关→找出求同→取非,答案取非后代入原文使答案一定不对的,是假设正确率高;将选项取非后,说的话更加绝对化,即为假设大量增加;哪个不取非之前,更加不绝对化,即为假设,〔在不取非之前,有绝对化假设的,不是假设〕假设题中,绝大多数情况假设答案会有否定词.解释提问:下面哪个现象能解原文矛盾性解释原文现象解释题最后会有矛盾点,读原文掌握矛盾点或已知事实即可,一个选项只要不违背原文,把矛盾点或对比点提出一点点即可.原文没有提的比较选项中不应有.归纳:〔现在考试所占比例很小〕尽可能多的读懂且记住原文①一旦出现原文没涉及的丝毫信息,立刻剔除.②不能有原文没说过的绝对化概念,onlymust can not exactly almost③选项结论得保持与原文的一致性〔相反的剔除〕特殊类型:1 完成一段话A、B、C、D、E,难点在选项.可以不读问题,直接读原文,方法类似于"有关无关题"〔即明白大致说明什么〕,要求把原文大概分成两类,知道前面一半大概说什么,后面一半大概说什么.相关:内容相关,管卫东,杀人提一即可.①先看选项哪个跟前半有关②再看剩下的哪个能跟后面衔接上.2 划线部分boldface不读问题,读原文.①把握because therefore since 等②从头读到尾的过程中,要了解是顺着说下来的还是中间有转过③读到划线部分时,弄清划线部分跟前后有无关联标志record④读完后,能清晰地知道划线部分是结论还是结论以外的东西看选项:①把和记忆的不一样的划除③一旦剩好几个,重点在选项对比上,〔尽管选项很类似〕,琢磨不一样之处的意思,区别在内容上,正确选项必须有原文所说的东西,未必完全是原文所说,和原文没有对应关系的选项一定不是正确选项.三个原那么:1客观性〔傻子原那么〕,对原文没有思想,看选项时也没有思想,在判断跟原文有关无关时不许加进常识.Eg:提及利润增加了→成本、收入可知√管喝水→管渴了×常识一件事本身并没有涵盖某些信息,而自己认为已知即为常识.一件事虽然原文没说,但它可以之前发生的事情,允许知道.Eg:因为管每天看OG,所以被ETS骗了.选项:管刚开始学GMAT时,就有OG这本书了,〔有关〕即任何信息原文提及的,除了字面信息外,我们可知的就是能不能,有没有.2不充分性充分:如果正确选项是支持→原文是正确的驳斥→原文是错误的不充分:正确的选项不过是使原文在某些方面正确或错误的概率增加一点而已,并非一定能够推出原文,一定是正确的或是错误的.Eg:根据树木年轮是可以检测年代的,发现有一坟墓是由现代树木搭建的,建造的树木有12层年轮,有6层是旱季的,有6层是雨季的.〔问支持选项:有关且支持〕Eg:×××的居民通过减少其食物的购买量来减少垃圾量选项:他们已经减少了垃圾量〔无关〕他们已经减少了食物量〔无关〕解题秘诀:看到一个现象,不要想着自己归纳总结.Eg:有一帮人被催眠家催眠了,催眠暗示这帮人是聋子,当催眠家问听见否,都答"听不见"选项:为什么这帮人接受了催眠家对他们是聋子的暗示为什么这帮人不回答"YES"〔相关驳斥〕为什么这帮人回答方式完全一样eg:很多医院给那些手不了别的药的病人使用N 种药,并没有告知这些病人手不了别的药.Eg:自从某地的某种工具销售限制放开后,偷盗率因为小偷都撬锁,为了减少偷盗,又禁止销售选项:这种工具非常容易碎,买回去以后用不了就坏了,〔有关〕该选项描述了性质合用途.3 精确性选项本身的概念的能模棱两可eg: Canada的森林没有受酸雨的影响,因为没有征兆在一棵树上,我们发现了肉眼不能不能看到的征兆.〔有关〕大多数没有征兆,所以我们判断大多数并没有受酸雨影响有一棵树,检测到―――征兆〔无关〕这棵树为必在大多数里选项和原文的X畴必须有必然的关系〔交集〕①原文包含选项②选项包含原文③原文∩选项④原文跟选项并不是一个东西,但是选项中对那个根本不是原文所说的东西加了一个修饰将其又跟原文联系上了.Eg:××年×月×日时,管杀人.××年×月×日时,管赛跑〔有关〕管杀人管赛跑〔无关〕管写字管走路〔无关〕管走路管坐着〔有关〕有关:必然共存或者不共存.共存不共存只要是选项说出来即可eg:一人公司每年需要支付由于不修路而导致的汽车破坏的赔偿,为了省钱,拿出100万来修路,修好了路,到下一次再坏得好几年〔有关〕eg:管杀人管没杀人〔有关〕强调的是同一个人.管东杀人管西没杀人,管西所有行为跟管东是一样的〔有关〕eg:管杀人,管只杀人〔有关〕eg:管杀人,只有管杀人〔无关〕别人没有杀人,但不知道管有否杀人.eg:不是所有的人都会喝水→只告知有人不会喝水.千万不能推理,有人会喝.有关:同时存在着,那选项的存在使得原文正确或错误的概率增大.同样一句话正着说反着说都是一回事.读原文:1、不允许读推理therebe\\because这些就当没写.2、动词〔动作化的词〕非常重要3、越往后越是重点4、能快速反应意思的就记着,不能反应意思的暂时记住长相找有关无关:①任一选项一定要看定了才能判断其有关无关.②对选项的要求一定要当作一个整体,不能根据个别单词断章取义.即对选项而言,要求看出选项的内容来.重点:只要不是用AND引导的并列句,就是一句话,只应该告知一件事,无论其长短.Eg:管曾经写了一本书,书名是《1+1=2》,杀了一个人,这个人曾经跟管有很大深仇.重点:管杀人不知道:管写书,书名叫《1+1=2》,如果主干没有内容,使往谓语动词后面走.情态动词、系动词、使役动词.有关:选项所说的事,和原文n个事情中至少一件事有明确的关系,无论是若一致.选项中出现比较的情况:比较:必须涉及有两个明确的不同的事物,并且有比较点,但be equal to不是比较eg:管身高比7年前高〔不是比较〕管和他有一样的身高.〔比较〕管和他一样高.〔不是,因为没有比较点〕管比他高〔比较〕eg:因为东努力学习,所以西成绩好.选项:西努力学习〔有关只要对象和性质在原文有出处即有关,无论它是否在原文中对应.A→B支持:AV 驳斥:AXBV BXA→B A不指向BC不指向B C→BA不指向C A→CEg:有两块试验田种相同相同数量的番茄,第一块含镁盐,第二块没有镁盐,第一块产量比第二块高推出镁盐导致产量选项:这两块试验田老鼠含量不一样多〔相关〕求异驳斥这两块试验田垃圾含量一样多〔有关〕求同支持这两块试验田形状不一样〔无关〕不要老是想者选项是否与原文一致,选项中的状语从句不影响有关无关性,因为状语从句可以不看.不要求选项全部内容与原文一致,更不要想者单词完全跟原文一致.不充分性例子:eg:蒙古牛年产奶7万升,蒙和欧洲杂交牛年产8万升,为了增加蒙古牛产奶量,鼓励和欧洲牛杂交.问驳斥选项:①杂交牛在蒙古根本不可能活下来.〔驳斥〕在蒙根本不可能实现与欧杂交.〔驳斥〕②在蒙古,杂交牛活不下来〔无关〕蒙缺少杂交牛存活的必须草料〔驳斥〕蒙缺少杂交牛健康存活必须的草料〔驳斥〕蒙缺少杂交动物健康存活必须的草料〔驳斥〕俄罗斯缺少杂交动物健康存活必须的草料〔无关〕〔全集〕在自然状况下,缺少一种杂交动物健康存活必须的草料〔驳斥〕俄杂交动物的生活环境跟蒙古是似乎的,但俄缺少一种杂交动物健康存活必须的草料〔驳斥〕什么东西怎么着了这怎么着了可以跟原文不完全一致eg:最近A国在一坟墓里发现一瓷器、有2700年历史,而瓷器是B国造的所以可以推断2700年前两国就有贸易往来A国所用造瓷土和B国不一样〔无关〕瓷器不是后代在……死了2700年后才放进去的〔有关〕有船能够在两国之间货物,在2700年前〔有关〕不充分性贸易往前包含关系改成木头就不行假设选项如果不止一个有关选项1.如果只是一个求同即为正确答案2.不止一个求同那么取非〔1〕答案取非后,使原文一定不对的.〔2〕判断哪个选项取非后说的话更加之绝对化正确选项〔3〕哪个选项不绝对〔取非前〕重复信息最多只记一次.求同求异解释类矛盾点主要在后面:虽然管努力学习,但是成绩差. 矛盾点.解释类:缓解原文矛盾性解释原文现象读出原文的矛盾点,没有矛盾点就得把对比点读出来.〔最后会有"但是"、"然而"标志〕,在不违背原文的前提下,把矛盾点或现象点挖出一点点即可.解释现象题有些类似于"支持类"题型,且只会有一个有关选项与"支持"的区别:原文只需记住一点——矛盾点或现象点.Eg:在政府要求增加最低工资后,一个商店成本增加,但利润也增加.选项:在增加最低率后,一个商店成本增加,主要来源于税务的增加.×成本越高, 越愿花钱.×这个商店的顾客都是挣最低工资率的人.√eg:去水族馆的人中有1/2是度假者,但是去动物园的人有1/4是度假者,问解释:A:当地居民去水族馆的可能是去动物园的2倍.〔无关〕B:去动物园的人比不去动物园的人,更可能比去水族馆的人多.〔无关〕C:几乎所有大城市都有动物园,但很少有大城市有水族馆.〔有关〕D:几乎所有大城市都有水族馆,但很少大城市有动物园.〔有关〕Eg:传统观念认为家庭是否有宠物跟偷盗率没关系,而调查发现,有宠物家庭被偷率很高.A:宠物在家待着,而被小偷看见时,小偷会认为这家特有钱.〔无关〕B:宠物在窗户上待着,被小偷看见,判断家里没人,而小偷专门偷没人的家庭.〔有关〕归纳类: inferconclude如果原文正确,……选项容易找,对原文的阅读要求高.是一种特殊的"支持"①选项不能有原文没说的其它信息.②选项不能有原文没说的绝对化概念.Eg:胡蜂将卵产入不同的数组中,它的蛋的数目必须跟数组大小完全匹配,如果太多会竞争,如果太少会腐烂.A:胡蜂通过视觉计算,……×B:胡蜂通过经验获知,在不同数组中该产多少蛋.×C:死亡速度快慢……×D:胡蜂所能产蛋的数组的蛋大小可以通过胡蜂的行为推测出来.√完成一句话〔肯定、否定〕最后一句话是告诉我们方向性问题,但是正确选项得跟前面半段的信息有一定关联性.读完原文后看选项,判断大致是什么方向,然后挑选哪个选项跟前面有关联,选项跟前面没有连接点肯定不对.看哪几个跟前面有关联,然后再看哪个选项符合后面所给的方向.完成一段话就是归纳演绎题的总集.所有的演绎类考题,所有数目一般不用记忆的,只有在选项围绕这些数目时,原文的数目才需记忆.作文知道ETS出两篇作文的目的.不是纯语言类考试,还要考写作能力、分析能力.语言分判分点内容分一语言分:1 单词拼写,语法错误.2 表达是否地道分析语和综合语的本质区别.①用发音检查拼写拼写②用词先保证准确率③适当背漏单词人称〔单复数、人称代词、物主代词〕①清楚中英文简单语法的所有区别时态语法修饰语位置②本时各写5-10篇作文,列出所犯各种语法错误.③在25分钟内完成作文,剩下时间用于检查单复数、人称、时态2 地道表达①用词的准确性及深度②句子表达满足现代英语的表达习惯.③一段话中句子的顺序④修辞①用词的准确度:①把以前学习的单词再背一遍,辨别所有相近单词的区别.②对一个的理解不要太死板.③单词的深度.在保证准确率的前提下,同样意思的问题不要用两次,用一些自己有把握的不太常见的词,不要盲目地追求偏词和怪词.②句子满足一般的表达习惯,掌握GMAT上讲所讲全部的句子表达.1〕中文的一句话和英文的一句话非一一对应关系2〕"什么东西怎么着"以这个顺序来.3〕尽可能学会多用短语修饰表达4〕连续性的修饰关系工程师有这么一种可以用于被应用于各种各样的原料,通过学习、实践经验,获知以数学、物理知识.Be applied to gain对于一件事可以有"n"重修饰,习惯要求:先短语修饰,再从句修饰.5〕弄熟常规的十个介词.6〕并列结构修饰结构从句的表达习惯要稍微灵活些表达的紧凑性eg:An ensemble that performs A in which the other performs B is excuse from the reheaval after that concert.十个介词:at、in、on、to、from、back、with一句话的意群到了名词、代词、就可以认为1个小的意群的结束,主语写完了不着急写谓语.A person who agrees to serve as a mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons the right later to take sides.起伏跌宕1 适当加入插入语:①……, if any ……条件插入②主谓插入,……,I think.2 sb. However, ……3 学会使用同位语或破折号的解释,独立主格.4 陈述句之外,疑问句〔反意疑问句〕、倒装、否定句中,主谓位置调转.5 省略结构6 对谓语动词及一些形容词加些修饰现代英文表达习惯1 避免歧异句分词短语避免两边都有逗号并列句中的省略结构极有可能产生歧义.在比较中出现.2 杜绝头重脚轻的句子.尽量先写实的,若是先写虚的,尽快把实的弄出来.一段话中句子的顺序:打头两句比较清楚地引出这段话要写的方向,然后用三五句论述的话去论证这个方向,需要用具体的例子表明概念.〔不是每段都必须要有例子〕二内容分①错误点是否正确判分标准②文章结构是否合理②对每一个错误点论述是否有说服力Argument〔一〕找出所给一段话的逻辑错误来.1 现象类eg:调查发现吸海洛因的人都有吸大麻的历史,所以吸大麻导致吸海洛因.2 X围差异原因A和结果B之间有X围大小的变化.3 偷换概念4 "割肉类"5 循环论证把结论当作一个已知暗含事实用于证据.6 动态和静态两者之间没有必然联系.〔过程与结果〕因为某人努力学习,所以成绩好.7 比较对象应该和谁比,及用的是否相对值.〔二〕写哪个错误1 所找错误是否在原文中所用笔墨最多的.2 尽可能挑好写的错误.任一个推理都有一个"他因"的存在,任一个推理的本身都有错误的可能.第一段:根据原文所说,我们可以看出作者认为A→B,而这个推理至少依赖于两个假设,假设A和B有必然的关系;假设并不是A以外的因素影响了B,但是这两个假设都是不充分的,没有说服力的.最后一段:综上所述,这个推理有一定缺陷,如果作者能把上述错误纠正,而且能够提供额外的证据表明别的错误,那么这个推理变得更加严密〔充分〕.第三段:围绕A→B的逻辑错误,他因驳斥.其次,原文论述的结论是B,而就我们的生活经验即科学背景,我们知道应该从A、C、D方面来探讨B所存在的原因,但是,原文在论述的过程中既没有告诉我们除A之外C、D的存在,也没有有力的指出,就对B的影响上,A与C、D 更加重要,那么在这种就想当然的认为只是A→B,这个结论就太武断了.第二段:1 现象类原文之所以论述A→B仅仅是根据A和B是两个有先后顺序发生的现象〔同时发生的现象〕,但是我们知道有先后顺序发生的现象,他们可能只是偶然存在,而并未有必然关系.否那么的话,我们可以设想这么一个事实:C→D,如果上文正确,我们可以类推出C→D,但这是一个多么荒谬的结论呀.2 X围内差异原文之所以论述A→B,不过是因为认为A是一个局部数据,B是一个整体结果.但我们知道局部不一定代表整体,整体不一定说明局部,因为局部有特殊性,整体有一般性,举例.3 偷换概念不过是根据其中A和B在C上讲有一定的相似形,但A和B毕竟不是完全相同的东西,因此他们俩之间也未必有必然的关系,否那么,我们可以假想一个事实:人和驴.4 循环论证原文在推理过程中在其结论B得出之前,在××处已经把B当成假想使用过了,这就犯了的错误点.也就是说,原文的推理也可以简化成B→B,而这个推理过程从本质上讲,和A根本没有逻辑关系的.5 "割肉"原文在推理中,在假设A、B有必然关系的过程中,其思维是不严谨的,因为在得出A→B 的过程中,必须保证……是必然存在的,而从原文我们可以看出,作者主观地认为……是必然。

GMAT网络课程语法笔记(4)29.Building 1arge new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources,on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone.(A)on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone (B)on the grot1nds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone (C)solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided (D)whi1e the duplication of facilities should be avoided (E)if on1y because the duplication of facilities should be avoided30.Freedman's survey showed that people living in small towns and rural areas consider themselves no happier than do people living in big cities.(A)no happier than do people living(B)not any happier than do people living(C)not any happier than do people who live(D)no happier than are people who are living(E)not as happy as are people who live31.It may someday be worthwhile to try to recover uranium from seawater, but at present this process is prohibitively expensive.(A)It may someday be worthwhile to try to recover uranium from seawater(B)Someday, it may be worthwhile to try and recover uranium from seawater(C)Trying to recover uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile(D)To try for the recovery of uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile(E)Recovering uranium from seawater may be worthwhile to try to do someday32.The underlying physica1 principles that control the midair gyrations of divers and gymnasts are the same as the body orientation controlling astronauts in a weightless environment.(A)as the body orientation controlling(B)as the body orientation which controls(C)as those controlling the body orientation of(D)ones to control the body orientation of(E)ones used in controlling the body orientation of33.The spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents,weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had anticipated.(A)weather conditions that could not be foreseen,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had(B)weather conditions that cannot be foreseen,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than (C)unforeseeable weather conditions,and pilot errors are the cause of much larger deposits of spray than they had (D)weather conditions that are not foreseeable,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than (E)unforeseeable weather conditions,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than they had 34.To read of Adams' lengthy separation from her family,her difficult travels,and her constant battles with illness is to fell intensely how harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionary times.(A)To read of(B)Reading about(C)Having read about(D)Once one reads of(E)To have read of35.A star wil1 compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after it passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass.(A)A star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star,or a black hole after it passes through a red giant stage,depending on mass(B)After passing through a red giant stage,depending on its mass,a star will compress itself into a white dwarf,a neutron star,or a black hole。

GMAT语法秘籍QQ:983786585;John(G760+5)Chapter 1 语法——使用无错误:1、主谓一致(1)主语和谓语●在英文中永远只有主谓搭配,同位语对谓语动词单复数没有影响Students each haveEach of the students hasFive hundreds students, a group, each have●主语,同位语,谓语(2)倒装:There be + A and BBe 动词的单复数由A决定介词短语/形容词短语作表语放句首+系+主强调:It is A that /who谓语. (谓语的单复数由that/who前面的真正主语保持一致)(3)定语从句中的主谓一致:-A of B that 谓语,that 从句中的谓语动词英语先行词的数保持一致。
-One of 复数名词 that 谓语,从句中的动词用复数形式。
-The only one (the first one of) of 复数名词 that 谓语,从句中的动词用单数形式,因为此时先行词是one。
-N1 谓语 N2, thatN1 谓语 N2, which(that 修饰紧跟前面,which 不一定)(逗号Which 不可以指代前面整个句子,但是可以指代前面句子里的任意一个名词,一般是离逗号最近的那个)(4)名词性从句和分词短语+单谓,但是若用上述相同的两个成分,谓语用复数。
(5)如果原题主语谓语中间插进了很多定语状语,答案可能是把定语状语放到前面,让主语和谓语靠在一起,这样可以make the clause strongere.g. Tom, in his books, carefully coordinating with his narratives,capitalized…In his books, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives, Tom capitalized…(6)有时候用and连接的两个名词是指同一个人和事,而且and后面的名词前又无冠词(如:my house and home),谓语应用单数;如果后面那个名词前面加了冠词,主语则变成了复数,谓语要用复数。
GMAT 语法笔记

GMAT 语法笔记一、错误类型⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎩⎨⎧不忠实原文意思表达不简洁、不清楚相对性错误绝对性错误二、简洁的判断标准动词>形容词>抽象名词>动名词 Eg. require>requirement>requiring;indicate>indicative>indication>indicating 例外:◆ 当动名词意思不一样时 (蓝皮书 P55, 8)◆ 当后面有副词修饰动词时,只能用动名词 (蓝皮书 P56, 11) ◆ 注意与后面名词的连贯性,形成动宾短语 (OG P641, 27)三、解题思路——错误一般集中在前三个、后三个词之中,要竖读(比较)选项四、规律1. 看见maybe 一定错,要选有probably/perhaps ,probably 优选2. GMAT 书面语中出现的口语化表达都是错的。
Eg. Try and do/I/you/love3. There be 句型之后接抽象名词的都是错的,being 位于名词或形容词之前是错的,therebeing 句型一定错4. 宾语从句中的that 不能省略(think/know/say 引导的有时可以省略,但最好不要省) 5. I think 是错的,要改成It is believed that (书面语要客观) 6. 定语从句:7.双重所有格都是错的8.名词+being done 一定错;’s 后的doing 一定错9.如果前句以复数名词结尾,有逗号隔开,后面用each 不用all 10.SVO, to do 结构一定错11.Whether or not 一定错(罗嗦) it 都是错的,要改成do so13.consider 后面出现as 或 to be 都是错的 14.裸奔定律 to do/be going to do/be about to do 都是错的,要改成will 16.doubt whether/doubt that 都是正确的17.despite/in spite of/although/even though 引导让步状语从句。

GMAT网络课程语法笔记(10)12. Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way human beings breathe.(A) similar to the way human beings breathe(B) similarly to human beings who are breathing(C) just like the breathing of human beings(D) as human beings when breathing(E) just as human beings do when they breathe13. The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiationsthan any government.(A) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any(B) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other(C) much larger proportions of women in trade negotiations than has any(D) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any(E) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any other14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, lasts for hours or days, and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or often, as daily.(A) as infrequently as once every other month or often, as(B) as infrequently as once every other month or as often as(C) infrequently, as often as once every other month, or often, like(D) infrequently, like once every other month, or often, like(E) infrequently, like once every other month, or as often as15. Founded in 1983, the magazine increased its circulation more than double since then, and its advertising.(A) increased its circulation more than double since then,(B) has since increased its circulation more than double,(C) has since more than doubled its circulation(D) since then more than doubled its circulation(E) more than doubled its circulation since then16. Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted thatpoets honor their own regions and employ specificallyAmerican rhythms.(A) Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted(B) Although Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams'insistence was(C) Contrary to Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, it was William Carlos Williams who insisted(D) As opposed to what Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did, William CarlosWilliams was to insist.(E) While Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williamswas insistent17. Just as plant species native to regions with browsing mammals evolved many natural anti-browser defenses (such as sharp spines and toxic chemicals), so humans in malarial regions haveevolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria.(A) so humans in malarial regions have evolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria(B) humans in malarial regions have been evolving dozens of chemical defenses against malaria(C) there has been, in malarial regions, an evolution of dozens of human chemical defensesagainst malaria(D) dozens of chemical defenses against malaria have been evolved by humans in malarial regions(E) similarly, in malarial regions, humans have evolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria18. As virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are, New York's were built for an age of propellers,before jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.(A) As virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are(B) As with virtually all of the nation's 50 busiest airports(C) Like virtually all of the nation's 50 busiest airports(D) Like the cities where virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are(E) Like other cities where virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are19.Poor management, outdated technology, competitionfrom overseas, and steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all been cited as causes for the decline of the United States steel industry.(A) steel's replacement to materials like(B) the replacement of steel by such materials as(C) the replacing of steel with materials of(D) the replacing of steel by means of materials like(E) to replace steel by materials such asKEY:CDEAE DDECE BEBBC AACB【。

GM AT-PREP2008语法笔记精要汇总1. one of the+名词复数,谓语用单数;Not one of =none of。
2. 虚拟语气:与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语be动词一律用were to+动词原形。
在正常语序中: 短语本身不可以加入其它成份,比如变成:not only...but it also...是错误的(因为破坏了平衡)。
2. 倍数表达:twice (as much as) sth.; X times adj. than; X times as adj. as; doublesth.i. x times(twice) + the + n. (twice还能做determiner)ii. x times adj. (比较形式) thaniii. x times as adj. as 注意里面的adj.要和前面的名词匹配A do x times as adj. … x asB doiv. x times + what 分句(名词性从句相当于名词)v. x-foldvi. double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple1.not only,but also2.做题的时候要弄清楚句子的意思是递进还是转折,如果是递进not only...but also 没问题,如果是转折的话,就要考虑一下是否是GMAC的陷阱了, but/but also才是表示转折的意思.重新摘录一下前面提到过的用法:首先Not only…..but (also)表示的关系是递进, 其中also可以省略,,,.But/but also表示的是转折.not only ...but also表示并列,不能表示转折,不要有先入为主的感觉认为not only...but also必须一起出现。
单独出现but also是可能的。
1) 在正常语序中: not only … but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数2) not only … but also的一致。

GMAT网络课程语法笔记(12)12 Since the 1930's aircraft manufacturers have tried to build airplanes with frictionless wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly that the air passing over them would not become turbulent.(A) wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly(B) wings, wings so smooth and so perfectly shaped(C) wings that are shaped so smooth and perfect(D) wings, shaped in such a smooth and perfect manner(E) wings, wings having been shaped smoothly and perfectly so13. Some biographers have not only disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank toexcess but also questioned whether he drank at all.(A) have not only disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but alsoquestioned whether he drank(B) not only have disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but alsoover whether he drank(C) have disputed not only the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but alsowhether he may not have drunk(D) not only have disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but alsoquestioned whether or not he had drunk(E) have disputed the common notion not only that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but alsoquestioned whether he may not have drunk14. According to Interstudy, a nonprofit organization that studies health maintenance organizations(HMO's), they estimate that, in comparison to last year, when only 36 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's was profitable, this year 73 percent will be.(A) they estimate that, in comparison to last year, when only 36 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's was profitable, this year 73 percent will be(B) compared to only 36 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's being profitable last year, they estimate 73 percent would be this year(C) only 36 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's wereprofitable last year; it estimates that this year 73 percent will be(D) it estimates 73 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's would be profitable this year; lastyear that was only 36 percent(E) only 36 percent of the nation's 607 HMO's last year were profitable, whereas they estimate it this year to be 73 percent15. The visiting pharmacologists concluded that the present amalgam of Chinese and Western medicine is probably as good, or better than, any system that might be devised for the patients who are treated at the Nan Kai hospital inTian-jing.(A) as good, or better than, any system that might be devised for the patients who are(B) as good, or better, than any system that might be devised for patients being(C) as good, or better than, any system that might be devised for patients which are being(D) good as, or even better than, any other system that may be devised for the patients who are(E) as good as, or better than, any other system that might be devised for the patients16. One of four babies are now born to mothers aged thirty years or more, compared with just one of six born in 1975.(A) of four babies are now born to mothers aged thirty years or more, compared with just oneof six born(B) of four babies is now born to a mother whose age is thirty of older, compared to just one of six babies who were born(C) baby in four are now born to mothers aged thirty or older, compared to just one in six(D) baby in four is now born to a mother aged thirty or older, compared with just one in six(E) baby in four is now born to mothers aged thirty years or more, compared to just one in six17. School desegregation has worked well in Buffalo, New York, in part because parents and teachers were given major roles in designing the city's magnet schools, because extra federal funds were allocated to make each school unique, and because the federal judge enforced desegregation orders.(A) because extra federal funds were allocated to make each school unique(B) because of the allocation of extra federal funds thatmake each school unique(C) because each school is made unique by allocating it extra federal funds(D) extra federal funds were allocated in order to make each school unique(E) extra federal funds were allocated for making each school unique18. Among the Cossacks, vegetable farming was once so despised that it was forbidden on pain ofdeath.(A) so despised that it was(B) so despised to be(C) so despised it had been(D) despised enough that it was(E) despised enough as to be19 Researchers have questioned the use of costly and experimental diagnostic tests to identify food allergies, such as milk, that supposedly disrupt normal behavior.(A) to identify food allergies, such as(B) to identify food allergies, like(C) to identify food allergies, such as to(D) for identifying food allergies, like that of(E) for identifying food allergies, such as for20 Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo's development.(A) tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain(B) tell individual genes both at which time they should become active or should remain(C) tells individual genes both when to become active or remain(D) tells individual genes both when to become active or when to remain(E) will tell an individual gene both about when it should become active and remain21 Unlike the lives of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, subjects of other Troyat biographies, Chekhov belongs to the twentieth century, an age of fretfulness and melancholy skepticism.(A) Unlike the lives of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, subjects of other Troyat biographies, Chekhovbelongs(B) Chekhov, unlike the other Troyat biographies of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs(C) The life of Chekhov, unlike the lives of the subjects of other Troyat biographies, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs(D) Chekhov and his life, unlike that of the other Troyat biographies--- Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belong(E) The life of Chekhov, unlike that of other Troyat biographies of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs【。

1.Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.(A)Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last Ju1y,the railroad employee are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.(B)Added to increase in hour1y wages which had been requested last July,the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.(C)The railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits added to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July.(D)In addition to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July, the railroad employees retirement benefits.(E)In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.2.Child prodigies are marked not so much by their skills but instead by the fact that these skills are fully developed at a very early age.(A) but instead(B) rather than(C) than(D) as(E) so much as3. The department defines a private passenger vehicle as one registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.(A)as one registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.(B)to be one that is registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.(C)as one that is registered to an individual and that has a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.(D)to have a gross weight less than8,000 pounds and being registered to an individual(E)as having a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds and registered to an individual4.Urban officials want the census to be as accurate and complete as possible for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect the distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.(A)for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect(B)for the reason because the amount of low-income people in a given area effects(C)in that the amount of low-income people in given areas effect(D)because the number of low-income people in a given area area affects(E)because the numbers of low-income people in given areas effects5. After the Arab conquest of Egypt in A.D. 640,Arabic became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages and writing systems.(A)became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages(B)became the dominant language of the Egyptians,replacing languages that were older(C)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced older languages(D)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced languages that were older(E)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians,having replaced languages that were older6.The use of gravity waves, which do not interact with matter in the way electromagnetic waves do, hopefully will enable astronomers to study the actual formation of black holes and neutron stars.(A)in the way electromagnetic waves do,hopeful1y will enable(B)in the wav electromagnetic waves do l wil1,it is hoped,enable(C)like electromagnetic waves, hopefully will enable(D)like electromagnetic waves, would enable,hopefully(E)such as electromagnetic waves do, will, it is hoped, enable7.If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, it increases the likelihood that the impact of a single crop disease or pest will be disastrous.(A)If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area,a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it(B)If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, as is fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, it (C)A practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, a single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area (D)A single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,(E)The use of a single strain of plant for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,8.A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as unsafe at present but that they wil1,or could,be made sufficiently safe in the future。

12. Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way human beings breathe.(A) similar to the way human beings breathe(B) similarly to human beings who are breathing(C) just like the breathing of human beings(D) as human beings when breathing(E) just as human beings do when they breathe13. The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiationsthan any government.(A) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any(B) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other(C) much larger proportions of women in trade negotiations than has any(D) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any(E) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any other14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, lasts for hours or days, and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or often, as daily.(A) as infrequently as once every other month or often, as(B) as infrequently as once every other month or as often as(C) infrequently, as often as once every other month, or often, like(D) infrequently, like once every other month, or often, like(E) infrequently, like once every other month, or as often as15. Founded in 1983, the magazine increased its circulation more than double since then, and its advertising.(A) increased its circulation more than double since then,(B) has since increased its circulation more than double,(C) has since more than doubled its circulation(D) since then more than doubled its circulation(E) more than doubled its circulation since then16. Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted thatpoets honor their own regions and employ specifically American rhythms.(A) Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted(B) Although Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams'insistence was(C) Contrary to Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, it was William Carlos Williams who insisted(D) As opposed to what Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did, William CarlosWilliams was to insist.(E) While Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williamswas insistent17. Just as plant species native to regions with browsing mammals evolved many natural anti-browser defenses (such as sharp spines and toxic chemicals), so humans in malarial regions haveevolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria.(A) so humans in malarial regions have evolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria(B) humans in malarial regions have been evolving dozens of chemical defenses against malaria(C) there has been, in malarial regions, an evolution of dozens of human chemical defensesagainst malaria(D) dozens of chemical defenses against malaria have been evolved by humans in malarial regions(E) similarly, in malarial regions, humans have evolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria18. As virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are, New York's were built for an age of propellers,before jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.(A) As virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are(B) As with virtually all of the nation's 50 busiest airports(C) Like virtually all of the nation's 50 busiest airports(D) Like the cities where virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are(E) Like other cities where virtually all the nation's 50 busiest airports are19.Poor management, outdated technology, competition from overseas, and steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all been cited as causes for the decline of the United States steel industry.(A) steel's replacement to materials like(B) the replacement of steel by such materials as(C) the replacing of steel with materials of(D) the replacing of steel by means of materials like(E) to replace steel by materials such asKEY:CDEAE DDECE BEBBC AACB。

请找出以下题目中的语法错误1. Poor management, outdated technology, competition from overseas, and steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics has all been cited as causes for the declining of the United States steel industry.2. One noted economist has made a comparison of the Federal Reserve with an automobile as racing through a tunnel, bounce first off one wall, then the other.3. In the late seventh century, in a dispute about if the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, Ali, should carry on to be the fourth caliph, Muhammad's successor, Islam split in two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites.4. Because of natural gas are composed most in methane, a simply hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emits fewer of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel.5. The brochure notes in the seminar the importance that communication is a two-way process will be emphasized.6. A grow number of farm families while the first decades of the nineteenth century begin to specialize in the production of grain or cotton and using the cash proceeds from selling its crops for buying necessities.7. Prompt by new evidences that the health risk posed by radon gas is far serious than was previously thought, property owners are advised by authorities to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and making repairs as need.8. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is the car's potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, have been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.请找出以下题目中的语法错误1. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is the car's potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, have been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.2. During the early years of European settlement on a continent that was viewed to be wilderness by the newcomers, Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land, were a help in the rescuing of many Pilgrims and pioneers from hardship, or even death.3. Even the state have spent ten years and seven million dollars plan a reservoir along the Ubi River, the project will have to be abandoned because of the river becoming so heavily polluted.4. Machines replacing human labor, there are wide anticipation that the workweek would continue to become shorter.(A) Machines replace human labor, there are wide anticipation that(B) When machines replaced human labor, there are wide anticipation(C) As machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated that(D) In so far as machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated(E) Human labor being replaced by machines, there was wide anticipation that5. Socrates could have fled from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.(A) Socrates could have fled from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.(B) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates might have fled from Athens, but he refused to do it.(C) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates could have fled from Athens, but he refused to do so.(D) Refusing to fled from Athens, Socrates could have done so after he was sentenced to death.(E) Socrates could have fled from Athens but refused to after he was sentenced to death.6. It is possible that Native Americans originally have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed between Siberia and Alaska.(A) have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed(B) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that existed once(C) migrated over a bridge of land to the Western Hemisphere that once existed(D) migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed(E) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land existing once7. As envisioned by researchers, commercial farming of lobsters will enable fisheries to sell the shellfish year-round, taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize its sizes and colors, and to predict sales volume in advance.(A) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize(B) taking advantage of off-season demand, to standardize(C) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardizing(D) take advantage of off-season demand, standardizing(E) take advantage of off-season demand, to standardize8. It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them, and to drive them to ma rket when the time is ripe(A) all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them, and to(B) all one has to do with cattle is to leave them alone to feed themselves, to corral them, and(C) all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and(D) the only thing that has to be done with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them, and(E) the only thing that has to be done with cattle is to leave them alone while they feed themselves, to corral them, and9. In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.(A) in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics(B) in part for the acquisition of certain characteristics in their steers(C) partly because of their steers acquiring certain characteristics(D) partly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers(E) partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers10. As the etched lines on computer memory chips have become thinner and the chips' circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronic devices they drive have vastly increased.(A) the chips' circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronic devices they drive have(B) the chip's circuits more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic devices they drive has(C) the chip's circuits are more complex, both the power of the chips and theelectronic devices they drive has(D) their circuits are more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic devices they drive have(E) their circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronicdevices they drive have11. The computer software being designed for a project studying Native American access to higher education will not only meet the needs of that study, but also has the versat ility and power of facilitating similar research endeavors(A) but also has the versatility and power of facilitating(B) but also have the versatility and power to facilitate(C) but it also has the versatility and power to facilitate(D) and also have the versatility and power of facilitating(E)and it also has such versatility and power that it can facilitate12. Teratomas are unusual forms of cancer because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.(A) because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone(B) because they are composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are(C) because they are composed of tissues, like tooth and bone, tissues(D) in that their composition, tissues such as tooth and bone, is(E) in that they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues13. Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason as an expert does---computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.(A) as an expert does---computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.(B) as an expert does, which may be used for purposes such as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize a loan.(C) like an expert---computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize loan.(D) like an expert, the use of which would be for purposes like the diagnosis of equipment breakdowns or the decision whether or not a loan should be authorized.(E) like an expert, to be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan or not, or the like.14. Oberlin College in Ohio was a renegade institution at its 1833 found for deciding to accept both men and women as students.(A) at its 1833 found for deciding to accept(B) for the decision at its 1833 founding to accept(C) when it was founded in 1833 for its decision to accept(D) in deciding at its founding in 1833 to accept(E) by deciding at its founding in 1833 on the acceptance of15. During the 1980's approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated to have left Mexico and added to the strain on the country's dept-ridden economy.(A) During the 1980's approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated to have left Mexico and added to(B) During the 1980's it is estimated that approximately $50 billion in private investment capital left Mexico and added(C) It is estimated that there was approximately $50 billion in private investment capital that left Mexico during the 1980's and added(D) It is estimated that during the 1980's approximately $50 billion in private investment capital left Mexico, adding(E) Approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated as having left Mexico during the 1980's adding答案:4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.E 10.B 11.B 12.E 13.C 14.D 15.D1. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.(A) it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant(B) it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant(C) affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant(D) the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely(E) its effect on their size is not likely to be significant2. Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their prose, but these habits can be broken if they are willing to take the necessary trouble.(A) but these habits can be broken(B) but these habits are breakable(C) but they can break these habits(D) which can be broken(E) except that can be broken3. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill, but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a toxin present in the quail's body only under certain conditions.(A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes(B) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make(C) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make(D) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes make(E) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has sometimes made4. St. John's Newfoundland, lies on the same latitude as Paris, France, but in Spring St. John's residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a raging northeast storm. (A) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cages than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking(B) residents are less likely to sit at outdoor cafes, and more to brace themselves againstarctic chills, shovel now, or be seeking(C) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes, and more likely to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or to be seeking(D) residents, instead of their sitting at outdoor cafes, they are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or seek(E) residents, instead of sitting at outdoor cafes, are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or to be seeking5. Although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920's, they had moved to the daytime hours of the 1930's when the evening schedule became crowded with comedians and variety shows.(A) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920's, they had moved to the daytime hours o f the 1930's(B) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920's, they were moved to the daytime hours in the 1930's(C) were aired first on evening radio in the 1920's, moving to the daytime hours in the 1930's(D) were aired first in the evening on 1920's radio, they moved to the daytime hours of the 1930's(E) aired on evening radio first in the 1920's they were moved to the 1930's in the daytime hours6. Scientists have suggested that once every 10 million years or so a truly colossal object from space cuts though the atmosphere and slams into Earth, sending up a global pall of dust that blots out the Sun, alters the climate, and changes the courses of revolution killing off many plant and animal species.(A) sending up a global pall of dust that blots(B) which sends up a global pall of dust that blots(C) thus sending up a global pall of dust to blot(D) thereby sending up a global pall of dust to blot(E) and that sends up a global pall of dust, blotting7. Florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year along, many of them inhigh-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state's economy far more diversified than ten years ago.(A) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state's economy far more diversified than(B) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, and making the state's economy far more diversified than its economy(C) high-paying fields such as electronics and banking, to make the state's economy far more diversified than(D)such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, making the state's economy答案:1.E 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D。

雷哥GMAT网络课程之GMAT语法知识点瓦利哥的素材真是惹人喜爱呢!!“素材告诉你:prep08 Sc1 190,prep08 Sc1 191,prep08 Sc1 220,prep08 Sc2 175,prep08 Sc2 191,prep08 Sc2 193,prep08 Sc2 205,prep08 Sc2 216,prep08 Sc2 220,prep08 Sc2 223,prep08 Sc2 227,prep07 Sc2 2”190. (26333-!-item-!-188;#058&001956) 错选了CThe thirteen original British colonies in North America, some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, each had a written charter that set forth its form of government and the rights of the colonists.!A. some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, each had a written charterB. some being formed as a commercial venture, others as religious havens, all of which had written chartersC. some that formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, all had written chartersD. with some being formed as a commercial venture, others as religious havens, all had a written charterE. with some formed as commercial ventures, while others as religious havens, each had a written charter解析:D.& E.首先因为The……America不是完整句子,这里的with 结构必然不是独立主格而应该被理解为介宾短语,with的存在使得some并不是指代colonies,而是与colonies相关的东西,这就与题目要表达的意思不同(题目想表达的是“some…others…”作colonies的同位语);D这里with并没有夹心修饰(即在“S. ,V+ing, V ”结构中,V+ing既可以修饰S.也可以修饰V.)的歧义,因为all/each和colonies是同一样东西,所以向前向后修饰逻辑上都一样(夹心修饰见prep 1-207补充说明)。

3. 倒装句的多种形式:除了标准的倒装形式,还有一些特殊的倒装结构,如条件状语从句中的倒装、以for、with、without等介词开头的倒装结构等。
4. 强调句型:强调句型主要用来强调句子中的一些成分,通常是利用it is/was…that结构或强调副词强调句子中的一些成分。

管卫东老师最新GMAT上课笔记---语法管卫东老师最新上课笔记---语法语法考试真相:管理者如何让对方快速明白语义,与对方成功沟通考点:语义的一致性和合理性重点:语义是老大,语义凌驾于任何语法知识基础之上,读句子,语义比结构重要一、读题1. 从头开始读2.关注整体语义,主谓必须读出来,别的可以不读出来3.读各部分首词+连词+动词,对名词可以视而不见。
4. 原题中是否有无一致性的问题,如有,则首先去掉不对的1语法:主谓要全狭义 2并列:and,or,but等一致性词汇<句子问除外>3比较,平比:like.unlike.more than.less.rather than一致性(对应性80%考题)广义:从语法中了解,任何一点对应关系都须得保证一致,如“预测”字样必为将来时。
“替代”substitute.instead但凡语义在功能上有对应关系的都叫一致性Consistency 一致性二、比选项<一>如何比1.先判断选项间的区别,判断决定区别,关注不同点2. 尽量竖差比,看出异同处,决定往哪儿想。
3.从头到尾4. 关注画线外的暗示,画线之外必对5.尽量把长的像的放一起比6.能用基础语法或对应性的,则先用7. 在语义都不错的前提下,主动好于被动<二>如何判断1.基本语法知识:主谓要全,主谓要一致2.基本语义1逻辑合理2数<来自于语义>推出单复数3时态<由语义决定>4强调语义的完整性,语义是老大,最好神形兼备5语法随语义6两个完整句子之间,不能用逗号隔开7要把主谓读出来8读出暗示(划线内外是否有暗示,如果有,则关注挂线部分首尾;如没有,则关系划线内部关系)原文读出暗示,则直接借助选项3. 语感更好<对方接受的难易度为标尺>1语序表达的语感2哪个选项让对方接受起来,尽量不用多琢磨就是好句子3动词语感,在语义不错的前提下:I动词形成好于其它所有形式II主动好于被动III时间或地点4时间和地点状语尽量不要放在中间5带词太多不太好,多加词,但意思未更清楚,则不是最好6不好的词being,having,there be7语意说清楚,全而不亢余8语序的表达式要对方接受起来没有疑问,如果有疑问,要立刻解答疑问,不要加进新的疑问9介词:有先后性语义必须用介词TO有同时性语义时须用介词in on等10一个英文句子,不是必须的不要用逗号将句子打断,要尽量一气呵成11在没有插入语存在的情况下,不能有逗号12对一个名词作修饰,如果修饰人较为复杂,必须用从句,而不能用短语13英语的总原则,尽量让对方尽快理解重要内容为好14英语追求场景式描述语言,动词一定要用的特别牛15简洁原则:直接修饰好于短语修饰,短语修饰好于从句修饰,在语义不错的前提下16只有当介词短语,除非WITh短语有对的可能,其它均错17英语语序表达I要求不允许一句话内重心的偏移,需重心前置II要么没疑问产生,如果有则立刻解决,而不能在疑问未解决时又引出新的疑问III英语中当一个意思说完,可以再说别的,但当别的说完后必须马上回来说完18当对一个名词进行复杂修饰时,只许用名词而不许用短语19英语中,如果两个动词先后发生时,只允许用TO,别的任何介词都不能用20英语追求英语本身的精确度21语法题不用改思维,但阅读和逻辑要22对方的逻辑顺序主<介词短语>谓宾好主,<介词短语>谓宾<尽量一气呵成,少用逗号>A<插入语>and B <让对尽早明白>A and <插入语>B 好主谓插,that。

1. Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.(A) the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom(B) the higher profits that are made in the placement of highly paid professionals, requests for whom(C) from the requests for highly paid professionals, who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests(D) from highly paid professionals, whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests(E) from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals, requests for whom2. In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges ofodometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.(A) cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected(B) cars that it had test-driven with their disconnected odometers(C) its cars having been test-driven with disconnected odometers(D) having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected(E) having cars that were test-driven with disconnected odometers3. The bank acknowledged that they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts to deal with the precipitous fall of the dollar against the yen and the dislocations reflected in the stock market decline.(A) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts(B) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as they attempt(C) it is and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts(D) it is experiencing and will continue to experience difficulties as they make an attempt(E) its difficulties are likely to continue as it attempts4 In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the cars' potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.(A) cars' potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive(B) cars' potential energy, a gain achieved as they are lifted by a chain drive(C) potential energy from the cars' being lifted by a chain drive(D) potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them(E) potential energy gained by the cars, being achieved while a chain drive lifts them5. According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains onshort-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.(A) its merits, the proposal to tax(B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing(C) its merits as a proposal, taxing(D) the proposal's merits, to tax(E) the proposal's merits are, taxing6 The key to control over the Eurasian steppes lay in the nomad's ability to use the horse both as a means of transport but also as an effective military tool.(A) but also as(B) or as(C) and as(D) or(E) and also7 Judge Lois Forer's study asks why do some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, the courts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among rich and poor.(A) do some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, thecourts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among(B) some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, thecourts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed between(C) do some litigants have a preferred status over another in the use of a public resource, thecourts, in theory available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among(D) some litigants have a preferred status to another in the use of a public resource, the courts, in theory available to all but infact not equally distributed between(E) does one litigant have a preferred status over the other in the use of a public resource, thecourts, in theory available to all but in fact they are not equally distributed among8. As litigation grows more complex, the need that experts explain technical issues becomes moreapparent.(A) that experts explain technical issues becomes(B) for experts to explain technical issues became(C) for experts to explain technical issues becomes(D) that technical issues be explained by experts became(E) that there be explanations of technical issues by experts has become9. Last spring a Colorado health department survey of 72 playgrounds in private child-care centersfound unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them and they ranged from splinters to equipment near collapse.(A) unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them and they ranged(B) conditions in 95 percent were unsafe and ranging(C) the ranging of unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them to be(D) that 95 percent had unsafe conditions ranging(E) that 95 percent of them had conditions that were unsafe; the range was10.The expected rise in the price of oil could be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility to have an economy free of inflation.(A) be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility to have(B) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have(C) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility of having(D) have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have(E) have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility of having11. Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula merged the cult of Damia---a goddess of fertility and the harvest---with Venus.(A) with Venus(B) and Venus(C) with that of Venus(D) and Venus'(E) and Venus' cult。

GMAT语法笔记基本方法:每题5选,相对正确,使用排除法,改错宏观解题原则1:每道题的错误类型集中在划线部分的前3,后3个单词○1先读原文○2竖读,读前3,后3单词○3找出区别,从区别中找出错误类型○4发现有错,在其他选项中找类似的错误宏观解题原则2:划线部分内部,划线部分紧挨前后句时,表示并列关系的连词(and)考点:;平行对称结构错误层面一,correctness(错误性错误)1,逻辑关系的正确性(1)事物的本身不能说明问题,事物的变化方能说明问题Florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year alone, many of them in high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more di versified than ten years ago(A)high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more diversified than itseconomy(B)high-paying fields like electronics and banking, and making the state’s economy far more diversified than itseconomy(C)high-paying fields such as electronics and ba nking, to make the state’s economy far more diversified than(D)such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more diversified than itwas(E)such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, and make the st ate’s economy far more diversified than itwas分析:making为doing 表示前面整句话的影响,正确标志:doing/新名词;错误标志:to do/which排除B,C,E 表示举例使用such as不用like,排除A,C(2)词与词之间的逻辑搭配关系○1涉嫌本身可以说看不看的见,波长不行人本身可以说有没有瞎,视力不行○2术语指的是人,本身不是人;城市发展区原则,本身不是原则Although the term “psychopath” is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal, in psychology it is someone who is apparently in capable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.(A)It is someone who is(B)It is a person(C)They are people who are(D)It refers to someone who is(E)It is in reference to people分析:it优先指代term,term不是人,排除A,B,C简洁性原则:动词>抽象性名词(refer > reference)排除E(3)事物不能和自身作比较,要排除在外ZQBZ:other(4)逻辑主语和谓语动词的搭配问题○1分词的省略结构分词主语:分词修饰主句主语,表示主句主语发出的动作Doing:主动done:被动ZQBZ:置换主语(主语要出现过)分词结构的名词化Upset by the recent downturn in production numbers during the first half of the year, the possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting.(A)The possibility of adding worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting(B)The addition of worker incentives was raised as a possibility by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting(C)Added worker incentives was raised by the board of directors at its quarterly meeting as a possibility(D)The board of directors raised at its quarterly meeting the possibility of worker incentives being added(E)The board of directors, at its quarterly meeting, raised the possibility of adding worker incentives分析:upset的是人,排除A,B,CRaise at错,排除DThe board of directors 符合置换主语的正确标志In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.(A)In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better offmaterially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.(B)The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor isirrelevant in assessing the problems that they face(C) A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they arebetter off materially than the urban working poor(D)In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better offmaterially than the urban working poor is irrelevant(E)The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor isirrelevant in an assessment of the problems that they face分析:排除B,E,they 无法指代上半句中任何东西(全为单数)A question that is irrelevant< a irrelevant question 违反简洁性原则,排除CIn assessing 与the question 无法照应,A错In an assessment of the problems满足分词结构名词化这一正确标志,选D○2不定式要有明确的动作发出者Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason as an expert does—computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.(A)as an expert does—computers that will be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether toauthorize a loan, or other purposes such as these.(B)As an expert does, which may be used for purposes such as diagnosing equipment breakdown or decidingwhether to authorize a loan(C)Like an expert-computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns ordeciding whether to authorize a loan(D)Like an expert, the use of which would be for purposes like the diagnosis of equipment breakdowns or thedecision whether or not a loan should be authorized(E)Like an expert, to be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan or not, orthe like○3形容词的省略结构:adj 修饰主句主语Once common throughout the Western plains, black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs, their prey.(A)black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as(B)it is thought that the decline in number of black-footed ferrets is(C)the decline in the number of black—footed ferrets is thought of as(D)that black-footed ferrets have declined in their numbers is thought to be(E)the numbers of the black-footed ferret are thought to have declined as○4当逻辑主语未出现时,可将主动改为被动Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.(A)fund, with the intention to sustain the state’s econ omy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.(B)Fund, the intention of which is to sustain the state’s economy after they have exhausted their oil reserves(C)Fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted(D)Fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after exhausting its oil reserves(E)Fund that they intend to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted(5)转折关系中,事物的分类标准必须统一Although dozens of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, there are many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.(A)Although dozen s of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local history or various ethnic groups,there are(B)Although dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups,(下半句句子不完整)(C)Dozens of New York’s small museums are devote d to local history or various ethnic groups, but there are(D)Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, and there are also(E)Devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, dozens of New York’s small museums an d also(重心转移) 2,主谓搭配和代词指代一个单数名词放在句首+一长串东西修饰它考主谓搭配和代词指代(1)主谓搭配○1主和谓搭Ex:Students each have a computerYou are a studentAlthough it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial such as when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.(A)superficial such as when each of the three major networks(B)superficial, as can sometimes occur if all of the three major networks(C)superficial if the three major networks all(D)superficial whenever each of the three major networks(E)superficial, as when the three major networks eachPS: 三种关系的强加或丢失——when / if / because○2倒装there be +n——be 与n主谓相关形容词短语或介词短语作表语放在句首,主系表完全倒装Out of America’s fascination with all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.(A)things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing(B)things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing(C)things that are antiques has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring(D)antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing(E)antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring○3定语从句内部的主谓搭配问题n which (看which修饰谁)特:A of B that 都可指代Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo’s development(A)tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain(B)tell individual genes both at which time they should become active or should remain(C)tells individual genes both when to become active or remain(D)tells individual genes both when to become active or when to remain(E)will tell an individual gene both about when it should become active and remain○4名词性从句或分词短语作主语,谓语用单数○5A 介词/连词B + 谓a.随后:not only but also / not but / either or / neither nor / nor / orb.整体:有且只有and (PS: 关注and修饰的对象究竟是谁)c.随前:其它Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males.(A)increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts(B)increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence(C)increases the likelihood of imitative violence erupting(D)increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt(E)increases the likelihood that imitative violence will eruptPS: of 限制/ that 解释(2)代词指代○1单复数的指代问题Analyzing campaign expenditures, the media has had as a focus the high costs and low ethics of campaign finance, but they have generally overlooked the cost of actually administering elections, which includes facilities, transport, printing, staffing, and technology.(A)Analyzing campaign expenditures, the media has had as a focus(B)Analyses of campaign expenditures by the media has been focus on(C)In analyzing campaign expenditures, the media have focused on(D)Media analyses of campaign expenditures have had as a focus(重心变换)(E)In their analysis of campaign expenditures, the media has been focusing on○2人和物的指代错误人:he she who whom物:it that which人和物:whose○3同一句话中,代词和不定代词(one, ones)不能同时出现Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not.(A) a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one(B)when a condition is present and indicate that there is one(C) a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present(D)when a condition is presen t and indicate its presence(不对称)(E)the presence of a condition when it is there and indicate its presence○4同一句话中相同代词必须要指代相同事物例如:they their them为相同代词Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium(A)Formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to new small businesses in the same wayas they do to established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium(B)Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt toequity do not apply to new small businesses in the same way as they do to established big businesses(C)Because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, new small businesses are not subject to the sameapplicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity as established big businesses(D)Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratioof debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as to establish big businesses(E)News small business are not subject to the a pplicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt toequity in the same way as established big businesses, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibriumThe rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse(A)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in nationalelections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse (B)Because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse, the rulesthat govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than the rules are in national elections (C)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than national electionsbecause they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse(D)Because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abusethan national elections, the rules that govern local political contributions are less stringent than national contributions(句意改变)(E)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in nationalelections because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity forabuse.○5代词不能指定一句话,只能指代一个特定的主体More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow of blood as a continuous circle controlled by the heart, but it went unnoticed in the West.(A)but it went(B)but it was(C)although it was(D)but the discovery went(E)although the discovery was○6代词不能指代一句话的特殊情况:it 做形式主语或形式宾语使用还原法做题it + to do / that 从句During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid than to go to state or federal agencies(A)that soliciting private fund s was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid(B)that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to solicit private funds(C)that for environmentalists seeking financial aid,private organizations were far more efficient to go to(D)for environmentalists seeking financial aid, going to privat e organizations was far more efficient(E)for environmentalists who sought financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient○7代词只能指代重心词,不能指代修饰语Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there.(A)Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there.(B)Baltic sea sediments, where the growth of industrial activity is consistent with these findings(C)Baltic Sea sediments, findings consistent with its growth of industrial activity(D)sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the area(E)sediments from the Baltic Sea, consistent with the growth of activity there○8代词先于主句主语出现,代词优先指代主句主语Although just inside the orbit of Jupiter, amateur astronomers with good telescopes should be able to see the comet within the next few weeks.(A)Although just inside the orbit of(句子不完整)(B)Although it is just inside the orbit of(it 优先考虑依次顺序最后确定指代comet)(C)Just inside the orbit o f(D)Orbiting just inside(E)Having orbited just insid e○9特指> 泛指例如:his arm and leg > the arm and legHaving the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First World War, Jack, a Black American painter, worked by holding the brush in is right hand and guiding its movements with his left(A)Having the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First World War,(B)In spite of his right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First World War(C)Because there had been a sniper’s bullet during the First World War that crippled his right hand and arm(D)The right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First World War(E)His right ha nd and arm crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First World WarZQBZ:5个选项同时使用了n喝代词,尤其原题使用了代词,有个选项将代词转换成了n(尤其是新名词),则该选项为正确答案Because the Earth’s crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves, an earthquake of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100times greater in the eastern United States than it does in the West.(A)of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100times greater in the eastern United States than it does inthe West.(B)of a given magnitude will typically devastate 100times the area if it occurs in the eastern United States insteadof the West(C)will typically devastate 100times the area in the eastern United States than one of comparable magnitudeoccurring in the West(D)in the eastern United States will typically devastate an area 100times greater than will a quake of comparablemagnitude occurring in the West(E)that occurs in the eastern United States will typically devastate 100 times more area than if it occurred withcomparable magnitude in the West3,固定搭配的重点(1)require sb to dothat+虚拟of sb that(2)help (to) dosb (to) dohelpful in doing(3)asbegin depict regard perceive represent be acclaimedbe prized think of see view特:consider A B 中间不加as(4)prohibit sb from doing / sthforbid sb to do / sthprohibit thatforbid that(5)compare A with B 比较(同类)A toB 比喻(不同类)PS:只有to的选项的时候也能用作比较(6)at point at equation at pole aim at doing(7)in that > because(更书面用语)aid in doing(8)try to do / doingtry and do / that(9)believe sth to be / that + 宾语从句(10)distinguish A and B / between A and B (11)形容词后置something anything no thing thingssomeone anyone no one ones (12)encourage sb to do / sthencourage doing / sth to be done(13)food allergies(泛指)an allergy to some food(特指)(14)besides 包括except 排除同类except for 排除不同类(15)according to 有关于in accordance with 与……一致(16)estimate be estimated to be(17)keep sth under control / be in control of (18)order sb to do / sth to be done / that + 虚拟order sth 点菜(19)make sth sth / +adjmake sth done(20)credit sb with doingbe credited with doing4, 连接几个部分的对称问题(1)形式上的对称(现在分词和过去分词是看做对称的)○1省略:前后两分句都有不定式时,后半句的to可省前后两分句都有be动词时,后半句be可省一般把to和be省略的是正确答案Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of to confine them to a hotel.(A)to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of to confine them to a hotel.(B)that would have allowed members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of confined to(C)under which members of the jury are allowed to go home at the end of each day instead of confining themin(D)that would allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than confinement in(E)to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than be confined to○2平行对称结构一般形式:分1,分2,分3 and(肯定)/ or(否定,选择性句子)分4考点:a, 选择性句子:两个程度不同的词只能用or否定词只有no 和not 两个Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code.(A)Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were(B)Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been(C)Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged last year have been(D)Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have been(重心改变)(E)Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had been(语意重心改变)b,平行对称结构的省略(各分部省略形式一样)(2)含以上的对称例如:动作性n 动作性nStudies of the human “sleep-wake cycle” have practical relevance for m atters ranging from duty assignments in nuclear submarines and air-traffic control towers to the staff of shifts in 24-hour factories.(A)to the staff of(B)to those who staff(C)to the staffing of(D)and staffing(E)and the staff ofPS: 平行对称结构不一定要有and,and只是一个可能的考点出现的标志New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.(A)splitting apart continents(B)the splitting apart of continents(C)split apart continents(D)continents split apart(E)continents that were split apar t5, 虽然违反了有效性错误,GMAT将其认为错误性错误(1)严重违反了原文的意思○1极端性修饰词位置发生改变first last only○2强烈语气表达的添加或缺失any not unlike=like it very much however whateverWhile Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger, his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.(A)not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused(B)not unlike Rosa Parks, who refused(C)like Rosa Parks and her refusal(D)like that of Rosa Parks for refusing(E)as that o Rosa Parks, who refused○3句子强调重心发生改变○4把倒装句改为正常语序(2)语意重复from … to 不加up downdouble increase opposition againstorbit around gain achieveannually a year with includesuperiority over with by useincrease=rise=grow=raise=soar二,effectiveness(有效性错误)1,尽量忠实愿意,除非愿意有错(1)弱语气词的增加或丢失:just evenAs he do, I am a student(A)As he do(B)Just as he is(C)Like himAs he do, I am a student(A)As he do(B)Just as he is(C)Like he is(2)句子强调中心发生微弱改变○1主动变为被动(错)○2状语及修饰语的位置发生变化(把状语放到固定搭配中间是典型错误)(A)to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rap idly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years(?).(B)to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly over the next fifty years than carbon dioxide will(C)during the next fifty year s to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide(D)a warming of the Earth’s atmosphere during the next fifty years even more rapid than carbon dioxide’s(E) a warming of the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapid than carbon dioxide’s will be over next fifty years(3)时态发生变化一般过去时过去完成时一般现在时现在进行时除非原文有明确提示句子应该发生变化since 现完originally 过去becoming 现进2,简洁性原则(JJ)(1)层次清楚,结构明了(2)对称(3)尽量使用简单的词,简单基本原则:实意n > v > adj > 抽象n > 分词动名词> 从句(a)v > adj benefit > beneficial(b)adj > 抽象n so + adj > such + 抽象n(c)v > 抽象n aim base cost help force(名词动词相同的词)(d)抽象n > 现分attempt > trying(e)抽象n > 动名词transmission transmiting(f)过分> 从句detected >that is detected(4)现分重复动作/强制动作/政府行为(状态,过程)过分一次性行为(强调结果)三,一些习惯1,词的优先选择(1)not…b ut > rather than > instead of(2)even though / although > in spite of / despite(3)in that > because > because of(4)介+ which > where(5) B 介 A > AB(6)n > n that be adj(7)n + more + adj > more +adj + n(8)其它情况完全相同:n > 代同位语> 定从(9)比…少less > fewer (除了修饰人时,只能有fewer)(10)b e able to / can > capability of sb to do > capable of doing > capability(11)t o do > of doing / for doing (固定搭配除外)(12)尽量使用书面语(基本原则的特例)more ancient > be older than once > one timeobituary > death increase in sth > more sth at a lower cost > cost less2,有效性原则(错误程度由高到低)(1)there be + 抽象n(2)情态动词的添加或丢失(can may)(3)come become go remain不能改,不能去掉或改为be动词(4)介词和助动词的尽量补出原则(补出了不一定对,不补不一定错)Inuits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.(A)in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than(B)isolated from contact with European longer than(C)in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than were(D)isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were(E)in isolation and without contacts with Europeans longer thanAt the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed(A)land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards.(B)land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards(C)land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership(D)land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was r espected by the Spaniards(E)land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the SpaniardsThe lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected th police of having illegally taped her confidential conversations with her client and then used the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges.(A)used the information obtained to find evidence supporting(B)use d such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting(C)used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support(D)of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support(E)of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that would be supportive of(5)定语从句分词省略结构就近原则(6)其它情况完全相同时,定语从句that作为宾语是尽量省略Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science.(A)that they believe is(B)that they believe it to be(C)they believe that it is of(D)they believe that is(E)they believe to be of(7)三种关系不能随便强加,丢失或更改when 时间/ if 条件/ because 因果Although it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial such as when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.(A)superficial such as when each of the three major networks(B)superficial, as can sometimes occur if all of the three major networks(C)superficial if the three major networks all(D)superficial whenever each of the three major networks(E)superficial, as when the three major networks each(8)代词指代尽量清晰明确(9)同位语一般修饰主语或宾语,不修饰修饰部分(10)A of B B无生命B’s A B有生命四,题型总结1,宾从和定从(1)宾从○1宾从一定有that,that不能省○2v + n + that + 宾从(X)○3v + that + 宾从1 and + (that) + 宾从2Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be published(A)the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be(B)that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria, with the results being(C)the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results to be(D)seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria, with their results(E)that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results(2)定从○1that和which得区别that:限制性 a.不能加介词b.紧跟所修饰名词后c.不能够跳跃修饰which:非现实性 a.可以加介词b.不能紧跟,要加,或介词隔开c.可以跳跃修饰○2that which 物who whom 人whose 人和物○3具体时间whentime whenage in which○4对于前面整段话的修饰ZQBZ:doing / 新名词CWBZ: which / to do2,时态(1)同一句话中,现在时和过去时不能混用(2)单一时态的情况现在时:客观规律和真理政府的行为决定和法令法规科研成果和统计资料。
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GMAT网络课程语法笔记(11)1. Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.(A) the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom(B) the higher profits that are made in the placement of highly paid professionals, requests for whom(C) from the requests for highly paid professionals, who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests(D) from highly paid professionals, whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests(E) from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals, requests for whom2. In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges ofodometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16million in civil damages for cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.(A) cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected(B) cars that it had test-driven with their disconnected odometers(C) its cars having been test-driven with disconnected odometers(D) having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected(E) having cars that were test-driven with disconnected odometers3. The bank acknowledged that they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts to deal with the precipitous fall of the dollar against the yen and the dislocations reflected in the stock market decline.(A) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts(B) they are and will continue to experience difficulties as they attempt(C) it is and will continue to experience difficulties as it attempts(D) it is experiencing and will continue to experience difficulties as they make an attempt(E) its difficulties are likely to continue as it attempts4 In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the cars' potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.(A) cars' potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive(B) cars' potential energy, a gain achieved as they are lifted by a chain drive(C) potential energy from the cars' being lifted by a chain drive(D) potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them(E) potential energy gained by the cars, being achieved while a chain drive lifts them5. According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains onshort-term investments would, if enacted, have adisastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.(A) its merits, the proposal to tax(B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing(C) its merits as a proposal, taxing(D) the proposal's merits, to tax(E) the proposal's merits are, taxing6 The key to control over the Eurasian steppes lay in the nomad's ability to use the horse both as a means of transport but also as an effective military tool.(A) but also as(B) or as(C) and as(D) or(E) and also7 Judge Lois Forer's study asks why do some litigants havea preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, the courts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among rich and poor.(A) do some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, thecourts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among(B) some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public resource, thecourts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed between(C) do some litigants have a preferred status over another in the use of a public resource, thecourts, in theory available to all but in fact are unequally distributed among(D) some litigants have a preferred status to another in the use of a public resource, the courts, in theory available to all but in fact not equally distributed between(E) does one litigant have a preferred status over the other in the use of a public resource, thecourts, in theory available to all but in fact they are not equally distributed among8. As litigation grows more complex, the need that experts explain technical issues becomes moreapparent.(A) that experts explain technical issues becomes(B) for experts to explain technical issues became(C) for experts to explain technical issues becomes(D) that technical issues be explained by experts became(E) that there be explanations of technical issues by experts has become9. Last spring a Colorado health department survey of 72 playgrounds in private child-care centersfound unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them and they ranged from splinters to equipment near collapse.(A) unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them and they ranged(B) conditions in 95 percent were unsafe and ranging(C) the ranging of unsafe conditions in 95 percent of them to be(D) that 95 percent had unsafe conditions ranging(E) that 95 percent of them had conditions that were unsafe; the range was10.The expected rise in the price of oil could be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility to have an economy free of inflation.(A) be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility to have(B) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have(C) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility of having(D) have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have(E) have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility of having11. Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula merged the cult of Damia---a goddess of fertility and the harvest---with Venus.(A) with Venus(B) and Venus(C) with that of Venus(D) and Venus'(E) and Venus' cult【。