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• Pericles (c. 495 – 429 BC) was a prominent and influential statesman, orator, and general of Athens during the city's Golden Age—specifically, the time between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars.
第一章 古希腊罗马文化
第二节 希腊城邦文化
一、希腊城邦制度的早期发展 二、斯巴达与雅典 三、城邦时代的宗教生活与文化精神
• 公元前8世纪,多利亚蛮族入侵狂潮造成的社会混 乱逐渐平息,腓尼基字母的传入使得希腊人重新 走出线性文字B的失传而陷入的“黑暗时代”, 一个生机勃勃的城邦社会开始崛起。 • 与相近时期崛起的波斯帝国和西方的罗马帝国相 比,希腊城邦社会不追求政治上的统一,而是走 上了一条分离主义和自由主义的道路。 • 希腊人习惯于“鸡犬之声相闻”的小国寡民状态, 对于建立一个幅员辽阔、人口众多的政治大帝国 缺乏兴趣。这种分离主义和自由主义的信念构成 了希腊城邦社会的重要特征。
• 与保守愚昧的斯巴达相反,雅典是一个开放文明 的城邦,甚至带有几分浮华奢靡的成分。许多在 斯巴达被认为邪恶无用的东西,如金银财宝、美 食艳服、戏剧、哲学和辩论术等,在雅典却备受 尊崇。 • 斯巴达人向往简朴无华的生活,雅典人却爱美成 性,追求高雅华美的生活格调,重现财富和享乐; 斯巴达人靠着严峻的法律和艰苦的锻炼来培养一 种集体主义的勇敢精神,雅典人却出于对自由和 光荣的热爱而发展独立的个性。
Socrates Visiting Aspasia
• Aspasia (ca. 470 BC–ca. 400 BC) was a woman who was famous for her involvement with the Athenian statesman Pericles(伯利克里). Very little is known about the details of her life. She spent most of her adult life in Athens, and she may have influenced Pericles and Athenian politics. She is mentioned in the writings of Plato, Aristophanes, Xenophon, and other authors of the day. • Ancient writers also reported that Aspasia was a brothel keeper(妓院监护人) and a harlot(妓女), although these accounts are disputed by modern scholars, on the grounds that many of the writers were comic poets concerned with defaming(中伤) Pericles. Some researchers question even the historical tradition that she was a hetaera, or courtesan (高级妓女), and have suggested that she may actually have been married to Pericles. Aspasia had a son by Pericles.
Young Spartans Exercising by Edgar Degas (1834-1917)
Statue of King Leonidas I at Sparta (1968)
视频欣赏: 斯巴达300勇士
• In Ancient Greek, the name of Athens was related to the name of the goddess Athena . In Homeric Greek the city's name was in the singular form then changed in the plural. • Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica periphery and it is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. • Classical Athens was a powerful city-state. A centre for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato‘s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely due to the impact of its cultural and political achievements during the 5th and 4th centuries BC on the rest of the then known European continent.
Solon 梭伦
• Solon ( c. 638 BC – 558 BC) was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic Athens. His reforms failed in the short term yet he is often credited with having laid the foundations for Athenian democracy.
Map of Phoenician and Greek colonies at about 550 BC.
• Polis, literally means city in Greek. It could also mean citizenship and body of citizens. In modern historiography "polis" is normally used to indicate the ancient greek city-states, like Classical Athens and its contemporaries, so polis is often translated as "city-state." • Derivatives of polis are common in many modern European languages. This is indicative of the influence of the polis-centred Hellenic world view. Derivative words in English include policy, polity, police and politics.
• Sparta, was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. • It emerged as a political entity around the 10th century BC, when the invading Dorians subjugated the local, non-Dorian population. From c. 650 BC it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece.
• Between the 8th and 7th centuries BC the Spartans experienced a period of lawlessness and civil strife, later testified by both Herodotus and Thucydides. As a result they carried out a series of political and social reforms of their own society which they later attributed to a semimythical lawgiver, Lycurgus. These reforms mark the beginning of the history of Classical Sparta.
Lycurgus’ reform
• 一、建立了元老院,由28名元老和两位国王共同组成国家 的权力中心,负责监督行政事务、制定议案和充当最高审 判法庭的成员。同时建立公民大会,由所有具有公民权力 的男性斯巴达人组成,它的职责是对元老院提出的议案进 行表决。 • 二、定期重新分配土地,使每一个斯巴达人都能拥有一块 面积均等的土地,并且废止一切奢侈无用的技艺,甚至连 货币都取消了,以杜绝斯巴达人贪婪奢靡的念头,使其内 部保持一种原始均等的平等状况。 • 三、设立公共食堂,所有的斯巴达人都必须在指定的公共 食堂里就餐,以增长人们相互之间的友情,又避免成为吃 喝享乐的饕餮之徒。
Sparta’s social system
• Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution, which completely focused on military training and excellence. • Its inhabitants were classified as Spartiates(斯 巴达人) (Spartan citizens, who enjoyed full rights), Mothakes (non-Spartan free men raised as Spartans), Perioikoi (freedmen), and Helots (希洛人) (state-owned serfs, enslaved nonSpartan local population). • Spartan women enjoyed considerably more rights and equality to men than elsewhere in the classical world.
Spartan armyBiblioteka Baidu
• The Spartan army was the military force of Sparta, one of the leading city-states of ancient Greece. The army stood at the centre of the Spartan state, whose citizens' primary obligation was to be good soldiers. • Subject to military drill from infancy, the Spartans were one of the most feared military forces in world history. At Sparta's heyday in the 6th to 4th centuries BC, it was commonly accepted that "one Spartan was worth several men of any other state."