





二、设备准备1. 确保GPS设备已充电并处于正常工作状态。

2. 检查设备是否具有足够的存储空间以记录和保存数据。

3. 确保设备的天线没有被遮挡,以保证接收到卫星信号。

三、基本操作步骤1. 打开GPS设备的电源并等待设备启动。

2. 在设备菜单中选择“定位”或者类似选项,以开始接收卫星信号。

3. 设备将显示当前位置的经度和纬度信息,确保该信息准确。

4. 如果需要记录当前位置,请在设备菜单中选择“记录”或者类似选项。


5. 如果需要导航到特定目的地,请在设备菜单中选择“导航”或者类似选项。


6. 在导航过程中,设备将提供转向指示、距离信息等导航辅助功能。

四、数据处理与分析1. 将GPS设备连接到计算机,并将记录的位置数据导入计算机中。

2. 使用专业的GPS数据处理软件,如ArcGIS、Google Earth等,打开导入的数据文件。

3. 分析数据并生成相应的地图、轨迹、路径等可视化结果。

4. 根据需要,进行数据统计、分析和报告撰写。

五、安全注意事项1. 在操作GPS设备时,应注意周围环境,避免发生意外事故。

2. 遵守当地法律法规,不要在禁止使用GPS设备的区域使用。

3. 注意设备的防护和防水措施,避免设备受损或者损失。

4. 定期备份和存储重要的GPS数据,以防止数据丢失或者损坏。

六、故障排除1. 如果GPS设备无法正常启动,请检查电池是否充电,电源是否连接正常。

2. 如果设备无法接收卫星信号,请确保设备的天线没有被遮挡,或者挪移到开阔的地方重新尝试。

3. 如果设备浮现其他故障,请参考设备说明书或者联系售后服务。




校准 规范 。我们在 参 照这些相关 校准规 范及 生产 其 电平会被放大 ,增加 1 B 0 。既然 内部噪声主要 d 厂家 的校准手册 的基 础上 ,摸索 行之有效 的校 准 由中放 的第 一级产 生 ,因而输 人衰减器 不影 响内
方 法 ,对 信 号仿 真 器 的主要 项 目:频 率 、电平 、 部 噪声 电平 ,但 输入衰 减器影 响混频器 的信号 电 调制 等参数进行校准 。 平 ,并降低了信 噪 比。
对 于 G S仿 真器通 常选 取 15 54 P 7 .2MHz 和 12. z 70 2 6 MH 两个 常用 的频率校准点 。
个 别仪器 仍 旧会 碰到信 号抖动 的情况 ,可 以 使用求平均值的功能来读得相对稳定的信号 。
2 . 电平准确度校准 2
通 过 以 上 方 法 ,可 以准 确 、 快 速 地 在 指 定 频 与测 试 合 成 频 率 类 似 ,为 了模 拟 地 面 收 到 率点上测得电平值 。 的 G S 信号 ,G S 真器 的最 大输 出电平一般 23 数字调制参数校准 P 小 P 仿 -
工 业 出版 社 ,2 0 . 0 6
常 ;反 之 ,E M 正 常 ,R o 多 正 常。 因此 ,对 V h大 QS P K调制而 言 ,R o只是 反映调制 质量 的一个 侧 h 面 ,仅 以 R o 判 断 调制 是 否 正 常 是不 全 面 的。 h来
[ 吴幼璋 ,赵海 宁 ,于汇东 ,等. 2 ] 数字调制质量参数 的校准 和量值
溯源 北京: 计量学报 ,2 o ,2 3 0 5 6( ):2 12 4 7— 7.
如果 R o h 不与 E M及 星座 图相结合 ,往往 不能 比 V 较客 观地 、完 整地反 映 总 的调制 质 量 。在 C MA D 网络 的测量 中 ,普遍存在 R o h 合格而 E M不合格 V





1.1.1GPS模拟器软件GPS模拟器软件系统主要由以下几大部分组成:a)星历数据库(长时间卫星观测数据文件、星历模块);b)仿真用算法模块,模拟GPS接收机的主要工作过程、计算过程、误差特性和接口特性(具体包括:模拟GPS接收机的主要误差,根据用户位置和GPS 卫星进行GPS可见星判断和最佳定位星座选择,卫星位置计算和伪距、伪距率测量量的模拟,用户位置和速度的解算,用户位置、速度和时间的输出等);c)输出格式,RS232,ARINC429通讯模块,PPS控制模块。

图1 GPS模拟器软件系统主界面图2 GPS模拟器软件结构图系统启动后,GPS模拟机接收主控计算机的命令,开始持续工作,工作时GPS模拟机的软件流程图如下图所示。

图3 GPS模拟机工作流程图4 GPS模拟器星历动态处理效果图1.1.2GPS模拟器软件的使用GPS模拟器软件部分包括429板卡的自检,星历动态处理与发送,路径星历文件的预处理及发送,各种数据的示波器显示等,各部分所实现的功能和具体使用方法见如下的详细介绍,下图为GPS模拟器主界面。

图5 GPS模拟器主界面1.1.2.1自检软件的使用方法和步骤GPS模拟器自检部分只有ARINC429通讯的自检,自检界面和操作与主控机ARINC429通讯自己完全一样,这里不再赘述,详情请查看主控机自检软件的使用方法和步骤部分。



GPS坐标仪器使用方法简介GPS坐标仪器(GPS coordinate instrument)是一种用于测量和记录地理位置的设备,通过全球定位系统(GPS)技术获得精准的地理坐标信息。

























北斗GPS信号模拟器使用介绍InBufferSize和OutBufferSize 特点指定了为接纳和发送缓冲区分配的内存数量。








Value 值如下。













GpsSimul User GuideUser guideTable of ContentsGpsSimul User Guide (3)Welcome to GpsSimul (4)Licensing GpsSimul (5)GpsSimul License (5)Introduction (7)Prerequisites (7)Installing GpsSimul (8)Setting up GpsSimul (13)SetUp Panel (13)The User Interface (16)Navigate Panel (20)Sentences Panel (22)Trace Panel (23)GpsSimul User Guide © 2012, Sailsoft(****************)Welcome to GpsSimulGpsSimul is an attractive little Windows PC program providing the user of NMEA 0183 compatible hardware or software with a great demonstration and testing tool by simulating the NMEA 0183 output of any NMEA 0183 complient GPS.The program is also great for learning your new navigation equipment like Chart Plotters and Autopilots, without leaving the convenience of your home or workshop. You only need a serial PC COM port, either physical or virtual to connect to your application. USB-to-serial converters can also be successfully used in case you need to connect to external devices. The primary function of the program is to send valid NMEA 0183 GPS data out via a user configurable PC serial (COM) port. The simulated GPS data can then be easily picked up and processed by various navigation equipment or applications supporting the NMEA 0183 protocol. This allows very comfortable testing of your NMEA 0183 compatible equipment in your own environment without the need to go outside to catch a real GPS signal.Dynamic variables like altitude, course and velocity can be controlled with arrow marked buttons on the interface while the program is running and outputting data, so that a realistic moving GPS is simulated.All settings and the "current state" of the program are automatically saved upon exiting, so when you start the program again you can continue where you left off.Licensing GpsSimulGpsSimul LicenseLicenseGpsSimul is a proprietary product of Sailsoft. GpsSimul is no freeware. You have to purchase a license from Sailsoft to use the program legally. You will find directions on how to obtain a license for GpsSimul on the Sailsoft web site You can download a free trial there also. The trial is fully functional, but the output of NMEA sentences is limited to a maximum number of sentences decided by Sailsoft. The trial will also remind you to purchase a license, each time you start the program. Below you will find the text of the License Agreement that will become valid after you have downloaded the program from the Sailsoft website or from any other source.SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTThis document is a legal agreement between you (an individual or business) and Sailsoft. Use of the software indicates your acceptance of these terms. As used in this License Agreement, the term ‘Software’ means the software you have obtained on any media including downloading of the Internet. This license agreement include both the trial version and the registered version. By using this software you agree with the terms in this agreement.I. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. The Software and any accompanying documentation are the proprietary products of Sailsoft and are protected under national laws and international treaty provisions. Ownership of the Software and all copies, modifications, translations, and merged portions thereof shall at all times remain with Sailsoft.II. GRANT OF LICENSE and TERMINATION. The Software and accompanying documentation are being licensed to you, which means you have the right to use the Software only in accordance with this License Agreement. The Software is considered in use on a computer when it is loaded into temporary memory or installed into permanent memory.PERSONAL LICENSE. This license is personal to you. You may not sublicense, lease, sell, or otherwise transfer the Software or any of the accompanying documentation to any other person. You may use the Software only for your own personal use if you are an individual, or for your own internal business purposes if you are a business. COMPUTER-SPECIFIC LICENSE. Each permitted copy of the Software may be used only on ONE specific computer (either a stand-alone computer or a computer connected to a network) owned or leased by you. Once a copy of the Software has been installed on a computer, it may not be used on any other computer. If the Software is made available on a network, it may be accessed only by ONE specific computer. Once the Software has been accessed by ONE specific computer it may not be used on any additional computers without purchasing additional licenses. UPDATES AND SUPPORT. You are entitled to receive support for a period of 60 days from the day you received your license from Sailsoft. Support shall be limited to e-mail support from Sailsoft’s office, unless Sailsoft specifically agrees otherwise. You are entitled to receive Software updates in accordance with Sailsoft policies. Software updates will be announced on Sailsoft’s website. Support and software updates are not by definition free of charge, however, if there is a fee to be charged Sailsoft will notify you on beforehand.TERMINATION. This license is effective from your date of obtaining your license and shall remain in force until terminated. You may terminate the license and this License Agreement at any time by destroying the Software and the accompanying documentation, together with all copies in any form.III. BACKUP COPY. A maximum of 3 copies of the Software may be created for archival or backup purposes.IV. NONPERMITTED USES. Without the express prior written permission of Sailsoft, you may not (a) use, copy, modify, alter or transfer, electronically or otherwise, the Software or documentation except as expressly permitted in this License Agreement, or (b) translate, reverse program, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer the Software.V. DISCLAIMER. The Product is not fault-tolerant and is not designed, manufactured or intended for use in environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, vessel and aircraftnavigation or communication systems, traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Product could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage. Accordingly, Sailsoft specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. Licensee agrees that Sailsoft will not be liable for any claims or damages arising from the use of the Product in such applications.Registering your licenseLicense codesAfter starting GpsSimul in trial mode a screen is shown where you can fill in your license codes as you have received these from Sailsoft. Once you have entered valid license codes this window will not be shown anymore.If you have not purchased a license for the program yet, you can run it in trial mode as many times you want. But every time you start the program you will see the nag screen to remind you that you are still in trial mode.In trial mode only 100 NMEA 0183 sentences are output per run.The image below shows how to enter your license codes.IntroductionPrerequisitesBefore installing GpsSimulBefore you install GpsSimul, please make sure you have:∙Windows 2000, XP, Windows7 or Vista∙At least 512 MB RAM, the more the better∙100 MB free disk space∙At least 800*600 screen solution, larger is better∙One or more serial ports, either physical, virtual or via USB to serial adapter GpsSimul is currently written based on the Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework*. The .Net Framework comes standard with XP SP2, Vista and Windows 7, and is probably already installed on your computer if you have regularly installed the Microsoft updates. Chances are that you will have a higher version than 2.0 on your Windows computer. This is OK since higher versions will always be downwards compatible with 2.0. If the installer can not find the .Net Framework 2.0 or higher on your system, the installation program will install the.Net 2.0 Framework automatically before GpsSimul is installed. The installation time will be considerabel longer in this case.You are of course free to install the .Net 2.0 Framework (or a higher version) yourself before you install GpsSimul. The Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework can be downloaded directly from Microsoft here.After installation we strongly advise to open the Settings window by clicking the SetUp button and adjust the settings to your preferences. See SetUp window*) Sailsoft may change the version of the .Net Framework to a higher version without explicit notice.Installing GpsSimulGpsSimul is delivered as a Windows Installer file (msi). In most cases you will have downloaded this file from the Sailsoft website. If you have obtained the file from somewhere else, do not install it. Instead download the file from our website. This will ascertain you have the latest version of the program, and that it is clean of any possible malware.When you run the file - either directly at download or after saving and double-clicking on it - the GpsSimul Setup Wizard will start and lead you through a few simple setup steps.Step 1) You need to agree with the licence terms, otherwise the program will not install. Make sure you've read them carefully before continuing.Step 2) You have the option of changing the install directory. It is recommended that you accept the proposed directory. In 64-bit Windows7 and Vista GpsSimul will be installed per default in C:\Program Files (x86)Step 3) Installation progress is shown.Step 4) After closing the screen below, GpsSimul is ready to run and can be started from the desktop icon or the Windows Start menu.Setting up GpsSimulSetUp PanelBefore you can use GpsSimul you must at least configure the communication port you want to use. You do this in the SetUp window as shown below.When GpsSimul starts, it tries to detect all serial ports available in your system. All ports that it finds are collected in a drop-down selection control.GpsSimul remembers the port you use, and tries to open it next time you start the program. If you have made any changes in your COM port configurations, e.g. removed or added any serial ports, check if the selected port still is available otherwise GpsSimul may crash!Serial portYou can select the port you want to use here.When you open the drop-down box you will see all ports that have been found in this system.Just select the port you need.Baud rateSelect the baud rate to use.The lowest rate is 1200 baud, the highest is 256000 baud.Default is 4800, being the NMEA 0183 standard for GPS.Remark: the baud rate is the only serial port parameter you can set.GpsSimul sets the other port parameters as follows:Databits: 8Parity: NoneStopbits:1RTS/CTS handshaking is set to none.GPS accuracyparametersDilution Of Precision values, Geoidal Separation and number of satellites in view asused in GGA and GSA data.Note that these can dynamically be adjusted while the object is running!UTC Date, Time and OffsetUTC Date and Time as this appears in the appropriate NMEA data.This is the actual UTC time and can not be changed.Use the offset to get your local time.GPS co-ordinatesTo change the value of either Latitude or Longitude the GPS simulation must not berunning.To change: place the mouse cursor left of the leftmost digit. Then just start typingthe new latitude or longitude, the cursor will advance automatically and the value will be automatically formatted. Example: 53° 21.56' N must be entered as0532156000N.After clearing, the fields will look like this: " ___° __._____' _".Magnetic VariationHere you enter the Magnetic Variation for the RMC sentence.A negative value is Westerly variation, a positive value is Easterly.Fix qualityThe GPS fix quality for the GGA sentence.Default is DGPS.Speed UnitSet to your preference.Log file pathType or select the location where you want GpsSimul to store the log file when logging is enabled.A directory selection window will open when you click the little square box at the right.The User InterfaceYou can position the user interface anywhere on your desktop by dragging it with the mouse.Point the mouse cursor somewhere at the edges, hold down the left mouse button and start dragging.Release the mouse button when done.The user interface of GpsSimul can be divided in the following sections:1.The header at the top2.The main panel in the center3.The secondary panel below the main panel4.The arrow buttons at the left and right5.The toggle switches at the bottom6.The Close and Help buttons at the edgesYou can resize the height of the secondary panel by dragging the top edge of it,e.g. when you need more space for the trace.Application HeaderIn the header the version information is displayed and the name of the licensee. When no license codes have been found, the "Unlicensed Trial Version" text is shown.Main PanelThe main panel shows either the SetUp Panel or the Navigation Panel.You can switch between these Windows with the leftmost toggle switch at the bottom.Secondary PanelThis panel either shows the sentences you can select or the trace panel.The example above shows the sentences panel.Arrow buttonsWith the blue arrow buttons on both sides of the GUI you can 'navigate' with the simulator.These also work when the simulator is running.You can adjust course, speed and altitude with these buttons.Toggle switchesToggle between∙SetUp / Navigate panel∙Show Trace / Sentences panel∙Enable Logging / Disable Logging∙Start / StopClose ButtonClicking this will end the program.Navigate PanelThe navigate window is normally used during simulation runs.It is however possible to have the SetUp panel shown while running, but it is advised to pause the program while changing field values.CompassShow the current simulated course.Current PositionShows the current simulated position.Is automatically updated during a simulation run.The position is recalculated at every Xmit interval using the current course and speed.Current Course, Speed and AltitudeIndicates the current Course, Speed and Altitude.These values change by using the blue navigation arrows.Note that the altitude in feet is automatically re-caculated when the altitude in meters changes.Sentences PanelNMEA 0183 sentencesSelect the NMEA 0183 sentence(s) you want GpsSimul to output.ChecksumTick this box when a checksum should be calculatedand added at the end of each sentence.Transmit intervalUse the small up/down arrows to adjust the transmit interval time. NMEA 0183 standard is 1 second.Note that all selected sentences are transmitted within each interval.Trace PanelNMEA 0183 sentences generatedThis window shows a trace of the sentences as they are output.By clicking with the right mouse button in this window you get 3 options:1.-Select All (will select all sentences)2.-Copy (will copy selected sentences to the clipboard)3.-Clear (will clear the trace window)You need of course to pause the program before using these options.。



卫星导航信号模拟器功能及技术特点北京华力创通科技股份有限公司导航事业部目录1概述 (2)2功能 (2)2.1 数学仿真分系统 (3)2.2 射频信号仿真分系统 (5)2.3 测试与评估分系统 (6)3技术特点 (6)3.1高精度信号延迟技术 (6)3.2高动态载波相位控制技术 (7)3.3载波/码相位同步技术 (8)3.4多路信号同步技术 (8)3.5 准实时卫星导航建模的时延固定技术 (8)1概述卫星导航系统中的接收设备利用导航卫星的导航信号进行定位,测速、定时以及信息传送。

接收终端设备的功能和性能指标的好坏,直接影响BD-2/GPS 系统的应用性能,因此必须对各种类型的接收终端设备进行全面的测试,以检验这些接收终端设备是否满足设计要求。










2.1 数学仿真分系统数学仿真分系统是卫星导航信号模拟器的重要组成部分。















GNSS6900 卫星导航信号模拟器 用户手册说明书

GNSS6900 卫星导航信号模拟器 用户手册说明书




1.2技术规格1.2.1输出频率1)GPS L1:1575.42MHz2)GLN:1598.5625MHz至1608.75MHz3)B1:1561.098MHz±2.046MHz4)B2:1207.140MHz±2.046MHz5)B3:1268.52MHz±10.23MHz1.2.2信号动态范围1)最大速度:±15km/s2)最大加速度:±1000m/s23)最大加加速度:±1000m/s31.2.3信号精度1)伪距相位精度:≤0.05m2)伪距变化率精度:≤0.005m/s3)通道间一致性:≤0.1m(码),≤0.005m(载波)Tel:188****7693e-mail:******************4)I、Q支路载波相位调制正交性:≤3°(1 )1.2.4信号质量1)谐波功率:≤-40dB2)载波抑制:≥40dB3)频率稳定性:≤±50ppb@25℃1.2.5信号输出功率1)射频输出范围:-160~-110dBm2)控制范围:0~40dB3)最小可调分辨力:1dB1.2.6模拟器接口1)电源输入:AC220V,50Hz2)与上位机通信接口:3)1个RS2324)1个RS4225)以太网10/100Mbps6)发射信号输出口:1个(N-KF5)7)1PPS输出端口:1个8)指示灯:五个卫星运行状态指示灯9)1个内外时钟切换预留口1.2.7物理参数1)体积:435×350×140mm2)重量:≤5KgTel:188****7693e-mail:******************图2-3工具栏、菜单栏和标题栏主界面功能简介(序号与图2-2和错误!未找到引用源。
















安卓按键 GPS 微信模制定位使用说明注意:在使用软件以前请先保证您手机能否已经root 并获得了最高权限。

第一下载妙手机安卓按键 GPS APP 后安装得手机上安装达成后启动界面搜寻需要定位地名坐标,设置好后确立点击定位按键,弹出假装定位前说明。

根听说明达成全部设置,设置好后点击定位按钮(第一要在设置 ->地点中封闭手机GPS 定位功能及使用无线网络定位)(而后在设置 ->开发人员选项中翻开赞同模拟地点)在地图上随意点击地点会出现红色遥控按钮,点击红色圆圈遥控能够设置定位。




微信打招呼功能介绍进入安卓按键 GPS 软件微信打招呼界面,点击返回栏右侧设置。










GNSS-5000A多通道GPS模拟器用户手册深圳市中冀联合通讯技术有限公司目录1GNSS-5000A模拟器简介 (1)1.1GNSS-5000A模拟器 (1)1.2GNSS-5000A模拟器外观 (1)2主要指标及测试图 (2)2.1主要特点 (2)2.2性能指标 (2)2.3定位测试结果图 (4)3模拟器操作过程 (4)3.1硬件设置 (4)3.2软件操作 (4)3.3运行场景 (9)3.4模拟器状态查看 (11)3.4.1Satellite Data (11)3.4.2星空图 (11)3.4.3NMEA数据 (12)3.4.4位置信息 (12)3.4.5模拟位置实时显示 (12)3.4.6界面总体图 (13)3.5模拟器功率设置 (13)4场景设置 (15)4.1场景的定义 (15)4.2星历和时间 (15)4.3轨迹模型 (16)4.4轨迹设置 (16)4.5场景实例 (17)4.5.1静态场景 (17)4.5.2动态场景 (18)1GNSS-5000A模拟器简介1.1GNSS-5000A模拟器GNSS-5000A是一款具备多种功能的简易型便携式GPS模拟器,是为方便用户的测试需求而设计的。



1.2GNSS-5000A模拟器外观2主要指标及测试图2.1主要特点与国内外现有GPS卫星信号模拟器相比,GNSS-5000A卫星信号模拟器具有以下几个特点:⏹实时信号输出开机即输出实时射频GPS信号;利用预存场景时,无需设置;⏹无限时信号连续输出星历可自动更新;无限时连续信号输出,支持接收机24/72小时/无限时连续信号测试;⏹用户场景参数设置方便用户运动状态可设:包括位置、速度、加速度;可使用用户定义场景文件;⏹卫星信号状况可视可调实时显示模拟多通道卫星信息及星空图;卫星信号功率可调;⏹操作方便控制界面一体化设计;2.2性能指标⏹信号规模GPS的L1频点,最多12通道⏹信号动态参数最大速度0~50000m/s最大加速度0~1000m/s2最大加加速度0~1000m/s3⏹信号精度伪距相位控制精度优于0.02m伪距变化率精度优于0.005m/s通道间一致性0.5ns⏹信号质量频率稳定度±1x10-8相位噪声-80dBc/Hz100Hz;-85dBc/Hz1kHz;-90dBc/Hz10kHz;-95dBc/Hz100kHz;谐波功率(MAX)-40dBc杂波功率(MAX)-50dBc⏹信号功率电平控制功率范围:-100dBm至-163dBm 功率精度:±1dB⏹参考频率/定制时钟输出10MHz时钟输入10MHz⏹电气和物理特性电源220V机箱优质钢板成型,喷涂高温烘漆保护,高强度铝合金面板重量10kg尺寸480mm(长)×367mm(宽)×110mm(高)2.3定位测试结果图附一组静态测试结果,仅供参考。

GSG-5 6 卫星导航信号模拟器产品介绍说明书

GSG-5 6 卫星导航信号模拟器产品介绍说明书

Basic PrincipleG SG -5/6 simulators can generate any combination of G PS, G LONASS, G alileo, BeiDou, QZSS, SBAS satellite signals un-der any condition simultaneously through a single RF out-put (type N connector). Configurations with higher channel counts generate new, modernized, signals on any of the navi-gation frequencies, including IRNSS, even those currently un-der development. Based on a test scenario that includes date, time and power levels, the generated signals correspond to any position on, or above, the earth (below the satellite orbits at approximately 20,000 km). It is easy to test dynamic condi-tions by defining a trajectory of the receiver under test. The simulator manages all the dynamics including relativistic effects.Test Solutions•Position/navigation accuracy •Dynamic range/sensitivity•Simulate movements/trajectories anyway on or above earth •Susceptibility to noise•Sensitivity to GPS impairments: loss of satellites, multi-path, atmospheric conditions, interference, jamming and spoofing •Conducted or over-the-air RF •GPS time transfer accuracy •Effect of leap second transition •Multiple constellation testing•Modernization signals/ frequencies •Hardware in the loop integrationGSG-5/6 SeriesAdvanced GNSS Simulators•Pre-defined or user-defined test scenarios•Full control over all test parameters•Front panel interface/stand-alone operation•Windows-based scenario builder software including Google Maps •Remote operation by Ethernet, GPIB, USB •Built-in or downloadable navigation files•Full control over trajectories and other dynamics •Up to 64 simultaneous signals•All GNSS constellations and frequencies•Accurate, adjustable power levels•Synchronization features to external devices or other simulatorsSimulation is simply the best way to test and verify proper operation of devices, systems and software reliant on global navigation satellite signals.Pendulum G SG -5/6 series simulators are easy-to-use, feature-rich and affordable to offer the best value compared to alternative testing tools or the limitations of testing from “live sky” signals. | *****************************•Constellations: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, IRNSS •Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, BOC (all)•SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS, SAIF (included)•Spurious transmission: ≤40 dBc •Harmonics: ≤40 dBc•Output signal level: -65 to -160 dBm; 0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm; 0.3 dB down to -160 dBm•Power accuracy: ±1.0 dB •Pseudorange accuracy: Within any one frequency band:1 mm; Across different frequency bands: 30 cm•Inter-channel bias: Zero•Inter-channel range: >54 dB •Limits:Standard ExtendedAltitude18,240 m(60,000 feet)20,200,000 m (66,273,000 feet)Acceleration 4.0 g No limitsVelocity515 m/s (1000knots)20,000 m/s (38,874 knots)Jerk20 m/s3No limit •White noise signal level: -50 to -160 dBm; 0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm;0.3 dB down to -160 dBm. ±1.0 dB accuracy External Frequency Reference Input •Connector: BNC female•Frequency: 10 MHz nominal•Input signal level: 0.1 to 5Vrms•Input impedance: >1kΩFrequency Reference Output •Connector: BNC female•Frequency: 10 MHz sine•Output signal level: 1Vrms in to 50 Ω load External Trigger Input•Connector: BNC female•Level: TTL level, 1.4V nominalXPPS Output•Connector: BNC female•Rate: 1, 10, 100, 1000 PPS (configurable)•Pulse ratio: 1/10 (1 high, 9 low)•Output signal level: approx. 0V to +2.0V in 50 Ω load•Accuracy: Calibrated to ±10 nSec of RF timing mark output (option to reduce by a factor of ten with a characterization of offsets)Built-in TimebaseInternal Timebase – High Stability OCXO •Ageing per 24 h: <5x10-10•Ageing per year: <5x10-8•Temp. variation 0…50°C: <5x10-9•Short term stability (Adev @1s): <5x10-12 Auxiliary FunctionsInterface•GPIB (IEEE-488.2), USB 1.X or 2.X (SBTMC-488), Ethernet (100/10 Mbps)Settings•Predefined scenarios: User can change date, time, position, trajectory, number of satellites, satellite power level and atmospheric model •User defined scenarios: Unlimited •Trajectory data: NMEA format (GGA or RMC messages, or both), convert from other formats with GSG StudioView™ (see separate datasheet)General SpecificationsCertifications•Safety: Designed and tested for Measurement Category I, Pollution Degree 2, in accordance with EN/IEC 61010-1:2001 and CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04 (incl. approval)•EMC: EN 61326-1:2006, increased test levels per EN 61000-6-3:2001 and EN 61000-6-2:2005 Dimensions•WxHxD: 210 x 90 x 395 mm(8.25” x 3.6” x 15.6”)•Weight: approx. 2.7 kg (approx. 5.8 lb) Optional Antenna•Frequency: 1000 to 2600 MHz •Impedance: 50 Ω•VSWR: <2:1 (typ)•Connector: SMA male•Dimensions: 15 mm diameter x 36 mm length Environmental•Class: MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3•T emperature: 0°C to +50°C (operating); -40°C to +70°C non-condensing @ <12,000 m (storage)Humidity:•5-95 % @ 10 to 30°C•5-75 % @ 30 to 40°C•5-45 % @ 40 to 50°CPower•Line Voltage: 100-240 V AC, 50/60/400 Hz •Power Consumption: 40 W max.Simple Set-up and Operation Even the most inexperienced operator can configure scenarios on-the-fly without the need for an external PC and pre-compila-tion phase. Via the front panel, the user can swiftly modify parameters. Each unit comes with a license for GSG StudioView™ Windows software to graphically create, modify, and upload scenarios. A G oogle Maps interface makes trajectory creation easy. Trajectories can also be defined by recorded or generated NMEA formats. Connectivity Extends Ease-of-use and FlexibilityG SG simulators can be controlled via an Ethernet network connection, USB or GPIB. A built-in web interface allows complete operation of the instrument through front panel controls. It also al-lows for file transfers. Connectivity also supports the integration of G NSS simula-tion into a wide range of other applica-tions. There is an option to control signal generation in real-time through a simple command set. It can synchronize to ex-ternal systems in many other ways based on its precision timing capabilities and the ability to automatically download ephem-eris and almanac data via RINEX files. Input/OutputRF GNSS Signal Generation •Connector: Type N female•DC blocking: internal, up to 7 VDC; 470 Ωnominal load•Frequency bands:•L1/E1/B1/SAR: 1539 to 1627 MHz•L2/L2C: 1192 to 1280 MHz•L5/E5/B2: 1148 to 1236 MHz•E6/B3:1224 to 1312 MHz•Output channels:•1 (GSG-51); 4, 8, 16 (GSG-5); 32 (GSG-62),48, (GSG-63), 64 (GSG-64)•Any channel can generate anyconstellation or a derivative signal(multipath, interference, jamming)•Any set of 16 channels can generate withina frequency bandOptional FeaturesRecord and Playback (OPT-RP)This option provides the easiest way to create a complex scenario by recording satellite signals on a route. This option includes a recording receiver and software to automatically generate a simulation scenario that can be modified to ask ‘what if’ questions.•True life constellation replication •Automatic scenario generation•Ability to modify signal parameters •Compatible with any recording that includes NMEA 0183 RMC, GGA, and GSV sentences Real-time Scenario Generator (OPT-RSG) This option supports generation of 6DOF trajectory information via position, velocity, acceleration, or heading commands as the input for GPS RF generation. Vehicle attitude and attitude rate changes, as well as satellite power levels, are also controllable via real-time commands.•Control trajectories using 6DOF•Low fixed latency from command input to RF output•Hardware-in-the-loop applications •Includes sensor simulation optionRTK/DGNSS Virtual Reference Station (OPT-RTK)This option supports generation of RTCM correction data messages for testing an RTK / Differential-GNSS receiver.•Generates RTCM 3.x correction data via 1002, 1004, 1006, 1010, 1012, and 1033 messages•User settable base station location •Support for GNSS RTK receivers using serial interfacesHigh Velocity Option (OPT-HV)This option extends the limits for simulated trajectories. As of August 2014, the extended limits are no longer USA export controlled. (See Limits chart under Input/Output specifications.) Jamming Simulation (OPT-JAM)This option extends the capability of the standard interference simulation feature. Set noise or sweep types of interference and create a location-based jammer to test your system’s susceptibility.•Adjustable bandwidth and amplitude interference•Location-based jamming•Swept-frequency jammingeCall Scenarios (OPT-ECL)This option provides scenarios for testing eCall in vehicle systems per Regulation (EU) 2017/79.Sensor Simulation (OPT-SEN)This option generates sensor data in responseto a query according to the trajectory of theGPS RF simulation in real-time. See technicalnote for more details.•Simultaneously test GPS plus other sensorinputs to your nav system•Simulate data for accelerometers,gravimeters, gyroscopes and odometersOrdering InformationBase Configurations•GSG-51: Single channel GPS L1 generator(contact the factory for alternativeconstellations and upgrades to multi-channeland/or frequencies)•GSG-5: 4-channel GPS L1 simulator.Software options increase output channelsto 8 or 16, and adds GLONASS, BeiDou (B1),Galileo (E1), or QZSS constellations. Factoryupgradable to GSG-62 to add more channeland/or frequencies)•GSG-62: 32-channels and up to 2simultaneous frequency bands. Softwareoptions adds GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo,QZSS or IRNSS constellations; and addssignals on other frequencies (P-code, L2,L2C, Galileo E5a/b, BeiDou B2)•GSG-63: 48-channels and up to 3simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62•GSG-64: 64-channels and up to 4simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62Included with instrument•User manual and GSG StudioView software(one license per unit) on CD•RF cable, 1.5 m•SMA to Type N adapter•USB cable•Certificate of calibration•3-year warranty1Optional Accessories•Option 01/71: Passive GNSS Antenna•Option 22/90: Rack-mount kit•Option 27H: Heavy-duty hard transport case•OM-54: User Manual (printed)•Additional StudioView licenses are availableOptional UpgradesConstellations•OPT-GLO: GLONASS Constellation•OPT-GAL: Galileo Constellation•OPT-BDS: BeiDou Constellation•OPT-QZ: QZSS Constellation•OPT-IRN: IRNSS Constellation (requires atleast GSG-62 and OPT-L5)Frequencies (requires at least GSG-62; non-GPS signals are enabled when constellationoption is installed)•Option L2: enables GPS L1P, GPS L2P, GLOL2 C/A•Option L2C: enables GPS L2C•Option L5: enables GPS L5, Galileo E5 a/b,BeiDou B2, IRNSS L5•Option L6: enables Galileo E6 b/cChannels/Simultaneous Frequencies2•Option 8: 4-channel to 8-channel upgrade•Option 16: 8-channel to 16-channel upgrade•Option 32/2: 16-channel to 32-channel, dualfrequency upgrade•Option 48/3: 32-channel to 48-channel, threefrequency upgrade•Option 64/4: 48-channel to 64-channel, fourfrequency upgradeApplication Packages (typical requirement for16 channel min)•OPT-RSG: Real-time scenario generator•OPT-HV: High velocity upgrade to extendedlimits•OPT-RP: Record and playback package•OPT-JAM: Jamming package•OPT-RTK: RTK virtual base station scenarios•OPT-SEN: Sensor simulation data via protocol(included with OPT RSG)•OPT-ECL: eCall scenariosOptional Services•Option 90/54:GSG Calibration Service•Option 95/05: Extended warranty to 5 years•GSG-INST: User Training and Installation•OPT-TIM: Timing Calibration Service1Warranty period and available services may vary dependent on country.2Option may require the unit to be returned to factory for upgrade.Models Channels # of Sim.Freq.Upgrade to nexthigher modelUpgradetypeConstellations and Signal T ypes Frequency BandsGSG-5111OPT-4Software GPS L1 C/A IncludedOthers if constellation is ordered:•GLONASS L1 C/A •QZSS L1•Galileo E1•BeiDou B11539-1627 MHz (L1)GSG-541OPT-8Software 8OPT-16Software 16OPT-32/2FactoryGSG-62322OPT-48/3Factory Same as aboveOptions if constellation andfrequency are ordered:•GPS L1P, L2P, GLONASS L2 C/A (OPT L2)•GPS L2C (OPT L2C)•GPS L5, IRNSS L5, Galileo E5a/b,BeiDou B2 (OPT L5)Same as above and 3 other ranges•1192-1280 MHz (L2)•1148-1236 MHz (L5)•1224-1312 MHz (E6/B3)GSG-63483OPT 64/4FactoryGSG-64644––Configuration SummaryOct 29, 2018 rev.2© 2018, Pendulum Instruments and OroliaSpecifications subject to change or improvement without notice.。

















































GPS测量仪器测量坐标使用方法1. 简介全球定位系统(GPS)是一种用于确定地球上某一点位置的技术。



2. 步骤2.1 准备工作在使用GPS测量仪器之前,需要进行一些准备工作。




2.2 测量操作以下是使用GPS测量仪器测量坐标的基本操作步骤:1.开启GPS测量仪器:按照设备说明书的指示,打开GPS测量仪器的电源。











3. 注意事项在使用GPS测量仪器测量坐标时,需要注意以下事项:•天气条件:天气条件对接收卫星信号的质量有直接影响。










大部分GPS不仅能以经/纬度(Lat/Long)的方式,显示坐标,而且还可以用UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator)等坐标系统显示坐标但我们一般还是使用LAT/LONG系统,这主要是由你所使用的地图的坐标系统决定的。

坐标的精度在Selective Availability(美国防部为减小GPS精确度而实施的一种措施)打开时,GPS的水平精度在100-50米之间,视接受到卫星信号的多少和强弱而定,若根据GPS的指示,说你已经到达,那么四周看看,应该在大约一个足球场大小的面积内发现你的目标的。

在SA关闭时(目前是很少见的,但美政府计划将来取消SA),精度能达到15米左右(GPS性能介绍上说的精度都给的是no SA 值,唬人的)。





A n i i n n o v a t i v e a a p p r o a c h f f o r v vIsolation>25 dB at 1575.42 MHz>30 dB typical at 1575.42 MHzG E N E R A LCalibration Interval1 yearAC Input90 to 120 VAC, 50 to 400 Hz200 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 HzBattery Operation Time120 minutes minimum, 360 minutes nominalAC Power Consumption<50 W maximum, <40 W typicalBattery Charge TimeUnit Operating8 hours for full charge @ 115 VAC, 60 HzUnit non-operating6 hours for full charge @ 115 VAC, 60 HzOperating Temperature-20° to +55°CStorage Temperature-20° to +70°CHumidity95% (±5%), non-condensing+10° to +30°CDimensions292 mm wide; 131 mm high; 412 mm deep, does not include handle.11.4 in. wide; 5.1 in. high; 16.1 in. deep, does not include handle. Weight9 kg (20 Ibs.) maximum (with battery) does not include lid and lid con-tentsC O N N E C T O R T T Y P E SRF OutputTNC, FemaleAuxiliary Port25-pin D-Sub, MaleRS-232 "REMOTE" (COMM 1)9-pin D-Sub, Male, PC compatibleRS-232/422 "RECEIVER" (COMM 2)25-PIN D-Sub, Male, PC compatibleFCC Type Accepted, CFR47 Part 87.Complies with UL/CSA/EU Product Safety Standards V E R S I O N S A A N D A A C C E S S O R I E SWhen ordering please quote the full ordering number information.Ordering NumbersVersions101-110GPS-101 Global Positioning System Ramp T est Set, 110 VAC operation101-220GPS-101 Global Positioning System Ramp T est Set, 220 VAC operationAccessoriesOPT 10.1 ppm High Stability Time BaseAll Aeroflex Avionics products delivered with Factory Certificate of CalibrationFor the very latest specifications visit CHINATel: [+86] (21) 62828001 Fax: [+86] (21) 62828002 EUROPETel: [+44] (0) 1438 742200 Fax: [+44] (0) 1438 727601 FRANCETel: [+33] 160 79 96 00 Fax: [+33] 160 7769 22HONG KONGTel: [+852] 28327988Fax: [+852] 28345364SCANDINAVIATel: [+45] 96140045Fax: [+45] 96140047SPAINTel: [+34] (91) 640 1134Fax: [+34] (91) 640 06 40UNITED KINGDOMTel: [+44] (0) 1438 742200Toll Free: [+44] (0800) 282388 (UK only)Fax: [+44] (0) 1438 727601USATel: [+1] (316) 5224981Toll Free: [+1] (800) 8352352(US only)Fax: [+1] (316) 5221360w w w.a e r o f l e x.c o mi n f o-t e s t@a e r o f l e x.c o mAs we are always seeking to improve our products,the information in this document gives only a generalindication of the product capacity, performance andsuitability, none of which shall form part of any con-tract. We reserve the right to make design changeswithout notice. All trademarks are acknowledged.Parent company Aeroflex, Inc. ©Aeroflex2003.Part No. 46891/034, Issue 3, 08/03。














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中断即IRQ(Interrupt Request)。




















