1. Maximo开发环境的搭建在进行Maximo开发之前,首先需要搭建一个适合的开发环境。
2. Maximo开发基础知识在进入具体的Maximo开发之前,掌握一些基础知识是非常重要的。
3. Maximo应用定制Maximo提供了灵活的应用定制功能,允许开发者根据实际需求对系统进行定制和扩展。
4. Maximo集成开发Maximo作为一个企业级管理软件,通常需要与其他系统进行集成。
开发者可以利用Maximo提供的集成工具和接口,如MIF (Maximo Integration Framework)、MEA(Maximo Enterprise Adapter)等,进行系统集成开发。
5. Maximo扩展与插件开发除了应用定制和集成开发,Maximo还支持扩展和插件开发。
最后,您需要一个集成开发环境(IDE),例如Eclipse或IBM Rational Developer等,用于编写和调试您的Maximo开发代码。
三、Maximo开发常用技术1. MBO(Maximo Business Objects)开发:MBO是Maximo中的一种数据对象,它定义了实体类之间的关系和属性。
2. Scripting:Maximo提供了多种脚本语言,如Automation Scripts、Java脚本、JavaScript脚本等。
3. 应用程序扩展:Maximo提供了一套可定制的应用程序模板,例如应用程序导航、菜单和工具栏等。
如图:补充:我照上面的图做没有成功,我是通过创建新文件夹然后连接了原先c盘maximo下的businessobjects下的class和maximouiweb下的classes的才好的. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!注:最重要一点必须要将eclipse的首选项里的java/Compiler/building中的output folder 下的Scrub output folders when cleaning projects的勾去掉才能做以后的配置:如图!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.然后设置输出文件夹为maximouiweb/webmodule/WEB-INF/classes7.然后配置weblogic9的服务器,打开首选项备注-Dport=7004的7004是weblogic的端口号,按照自己的端口号做改动-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xverify:none -da8.单击确定,然后启动weblogic,发布刚才的maximo文件夹。
Maximo的安装,必须有以下这些组件:Database--数据库Application server –应用服务器Aministrative workstation –管理员工作站HTTP Server –HTTP服务器。
可以配置隔离的,专门的HTTP服务器和J2EE 服务器一起使用Directory Server –目录服务器2.安装介质3.安装步骤3.1安装weblogic9.23.1.1执行server920_zh_CN_win32.exe安装文件直接点下一步:3.1.2选择BEA主目录选择新建BEA主目录,在BEA主目录中输入目录路径,这里默认就行,单击下一步。
3.1.4选择产品安装目录选择Weblogic Server和WorkShop安装目录,这里默认即可,点击“下一步”3.1.5选择快捷方式位置直接点击“下一步”“3.1.6安装概要浏览安装的概要信息,确认无误后,点击“下一步”3.1.7执行安装等待安装完成,3.1.8安装完成3.2安装orcal e10g数据库3.3.1执行setup.exe说明:不做任何操作。
密码: maximo3.3.3准备安装说明:等待大约3~5分钟。
服务orclhttp://eam12:1158/em/console/logon/logon 控制台管理员:sys密码:maximo3.3.8创建数据库说明:开始->程序->oracle->配置和移置工具->Database Configuration assistant,点击“下一步”。
IBM Maximo 资产配置管理器 7.6.2 快速入门指南说明书
IBM Maximo Asset Configuration ManagerVersion 7.6.2Quick Start GuideThis guide introduces IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager Version 7.6.2, provides a link to a list of prerequisite software, gets you started with a typical installation, and provides a roadmap to other important information.National Language Version:To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages, print the language-specific PDF file from the installation media.Product overviewIBM®Maximo®Asset Configuration Manager provides organizations with features to manage the builds of high-value, complex, and regulated assets such as aircraft, locomotives, or missiles. Maximo Asset Configuration Manager is a rules-based configuration management system that is based on MIL-STD-1388-2B, a United States military standard that uses the Logistics Support Analysis Record (LSAR).Before you install the product, read the IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager version 7.6.2 Installation Guideexisting release notes for this product (/support/knowledgecenter/SSLKSJ_7.6.2/ Release notes contain the latest information that is relevant to the installation of this product. If no additional information is available, this link returns no search results.For complete information, including installation instructions, see the Maximo Asset Configuration Manager in IBMKnowledge Center (/support/knowledgecenter/SSLKSJ_7.6.2/ 2: Plan the installationYou install Maximo Asset Configuration Manager on a Microsoft Windows administrative workstation. Ensure that IBM Maximo Asset Management version is installed on the same administrative workstation where you plan to install Maximo Asset Configuration Manager version 7.6.2, and in the same language as Maximo Asset Configuration Manager version 7.6.2.You must have system administrator rights and privileges to install the product.For information about the hardware, software, and network requirements for your product, see the System Requirements section in the Overview and Planning page on the Maximo Asset Management wiki (https:///developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo%20Asset%20Management/page/Overview%2 0and%20planning)3Step 3: Install the productTo install Maximo Asset Configuration Manager:1.Review the software requirements.2.If you are upgrading to Maximo Asset Configuration Manager version 7.6.2 from an earlier version of Maximo AssetConfiguration Manager, see the Upgrade Guide for IBM MaximoProducts on the IBM Support Portal(/support/entry/portal/Overview/Software/Tivoli/Maximo_Asset_Management).3.Prepare to install.4.Install Maximo Asset Configuration Manager.5.For Oracle WebLogic Server environments only: you must deploy the Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files.6.For the IBM WebSphere®Application Server environments: The EAR files are installed when you install the processautomation engine. If this task was deferred during the Maximo Asset Configuration Manager installation, deploy the EAR files.Detailed instructions are in the IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager 7.6.2 Installation Guide in IBM Knowledge Center (/support/knowledgecenter/SSLKSJ_7.6.2/®More informationAfter you install the product, use IBM Knowledge Center to learn more about the product.For more information, see the following resources:v Product support (/support/entry/portal/Overview/Software/Tivoli/Maximo_Asset_Configuration_Manager)v IBM User Communities (https:///social/aggregator/ibm)Maximo Asset Configuration Manager Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2015. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, and ®are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” (/legal/copytrade.shtml).Printed in Ireland。
1.Maximo 相关对象Maximo对象一般由MBO,MBORemote,MBOSet,MBOSetRemote组成。
Maximo 表单级别的代码参考表单中的Field控制由单独的类来实现,可以参考 在对象代码扩展之后,需要在后台maxobject表单中调整该object对应的classname,调整为开发的MboSet。
在编译后如果是MBO对象需要调用RMI程序,rmic –d .生成stub 文件2.关于SigOptionSigOption在ApplicatoinDesign工具中添加修改删除。
3.关于Edit Text中与字段的绑定1)与本表单字段绑定需要选择本表单的对象绑定,并选择相应的Database字段2)与Dialog中的字段绑定如果与Dialog中字段绑定,那么需要在DataSourceID 中设置MAINRECORD4.Maximo安装1) 机器名不能有下划线_,不然会影响WebSphere中Jms的使用。
2) 中文版选择字符集ALN32-Unicode3) 把数据库的nsl_language那个参数由byte改为char4) 调整open_cursor数量等Oracle参数,参见安装文档。
5) 调整WebSphere参数。
Add to the the Generic JVM Args field in:Application Server-><ServerName>->Java and Process Management->ProcessDefinition->JVM:-Dsun.rmi.dgc.ackTimeout=100000 .preferIPv4Stack=true5.Maximo初始化配置1)配置Currency Code (财务->货币代码)2)配置Exchange Rate (财务->汇率)3)配置GL Account (配置->数据库配置->总分类帐科目配置),写入GLConfigure对象4)配置Chart of Account (财务->科目表)6.权限控制1)Security Group对应后台数据库表a)MAXGROUPb)SITEAUTHc)APPLICATIONAUTHd)GLAUTHe)LABORAUTHf)LOCAUTHg)GROUPRESTRICTIONh)GROUPUSER2)MAXUSER对应后台数据库表a)MAXUSERb)PERSONc)PHONEd)EMAILe)GROUPUSERf)USERPURGLg)GRPREASSIGNAUTH3)Start Centera)用Maxadmin用户登录系统,建议不要为Maxadmin用户配置StartCenterb)Maxadmin用户可以添加,修改,删除StartCenter模板c)在KPI Manager中定义KPI条件d)在WorkView里定义ResultSet的查询条件7.MultiSite功能1)创建一个Organization2)然后选择这个Organization,并在Select Action中定义不同Option工单的类型,还有定义一些规则。
IBM Maximo 线性资产管理器 安装指南说明书
IBM Maximo Linear Asset Manager Version7 Release6 Installation GuideIBMNoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 3.Compilation date: June 2016This edition applies to version 7, release 6, modification 0 of Maximo Linear Asset Manager and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.© Copyright IBM Corporation 2008, 2016.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.ContentsInstalling Maximo Linear Asset Manager7.6.0.3 (1)© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2016iiiiv Installation GuideInstalling Maximo Linear Asset Manager install the feature pack for Maximo®Linear Asset Manager by followingthe instructions that are in the download document. Before you install the MaximoLinear Asset Manager feature pack, ensure that the enterprise environmentis up-to-date.Note:Maximo Linear Asset Manager requires Maximo Asset Management7.6.1. Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 is a full release. You must download thecomplete set of Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 product packages from PassportAdvantage, including middleware, and then deploy them in your environment.Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 is a standalone release of Maximo AssetManagement. Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 must be installed in a new SMPdirectory on your administrative workstation. For more information, refer to theMaximo Asset Management 7.6.1 knowledge center.After you deploy Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1, you must install MaximoLinear Asset Manager 7.6 to enable the license for Maximo Linear Asset Manager.There is no additional installation task for the Maximo Linear Asset Manager7.6.0.3 feature pack. It is included as part of the Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1installation.Components Action requiredMaximo Asset Management 7.6.1 1.Download Maximo Asset Management7.6.1 product packages from PassportAdvantage, including middleware.2.Deploy Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1in your environment. Refer to theMaximo Asset Management 7.6.1knowledge center for more information.Maximo Linear Asset Manager 7.6Install Maximo Linear Asset Manager 7.6.Refer to the Maximo Linear Asset Manager7.6 knowledge center for more information.The Maximo Linear Asset Manager pack is installed when you installMaximo Asset Management 7.6.1. You installMaximo Linear Asset Manager 7.6 to enablethe Maximo Linear Asset Manager license.A complete list of hardware and software requirements is available in the SystemRequirements section of the IBM®Maximo Asset Management wiki.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 201612Installation GuideNoticesThis information was developed for products and services offered in the US. Thismaterial might be available from IBM in other languages. However, you may berequired to own a copy of the product or product version in that language in orderto access it.IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document inother countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on theproducts and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBMproduct, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBMproduct, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right maybe used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify theoperation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matterdescribed in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant youany license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:IBM Director of LicensingIBM CorporationNorth Castle Drive,MD-NC119Armonk,NY10504-1785USFor license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information,contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or sendinquiries, in writing, to:Intellectual Property LicensingLegal and Intellectual Property LawIBM Japan Ltd.19-21,Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho,Chuo-kuTokyo103-8510,JapanINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THISPUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHEREXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer ofexpress or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement maynot apply to you.This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will beincorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvementsand/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in thispublication at any time without notice.Any references in this information to non-IBM websites are provided forconvenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 20163websites. 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Actual performance results may vary depending on specificconfigurations and operating conditions.Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers ofthose products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources.IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy ofperformance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products.Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to thesuppliers of those products.This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject tochange before the products described become available.This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily businessoperations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include thenames of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names arefictitious and any similarity to actual people or business enterprises is entirelycoincidental.COPYRIGHT LICENSE:This information contains sample application programs in source language, whichillustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy,modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment toIBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing applicationprograms conforming to the application programming interface for the operatingplatform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have notbeen thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee orimply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. The sample4Installation Guideprograms are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not beliable for any damages arising out of your use of the sample programs. TrademarksIBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks ofInternational Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at "Copyright andtrademark information" at /legal/copytrade.shtml.Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, orboth.Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and othercountries.Terms and conditions for product documentationPermissions for the use of these publications are granted subject to the followingterms and conditions.ApplicabilityThese terms and conditions are in addition to any terms of use for the IBMwebsite.Personal useYou may reproduce these publications for your personal, noncommercial useprovided that all proprietary notices are preserved. 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Maximo 作为一款功能强大的企业资产管理软件,为企业提供了全面的解决方案。
但要充分发挥 Maximo 的潜力,进行有效的开发是至关重要的。
接下来,让我们一起深入了解 Maximo 开发的各个方面。
首先,要进行 Maximo 开发,我们需要对其架构和核心组件有清晰的认识。
Maximo 基于多层架构,包括数据库层、应用服务器层和客户端层。
数据库层负责存储数据,常见的数据库如 Oracle、SQL Server等都能与之兼容。
确保您具备以下条件:一是合适的开发环境,包括安装了所需的软件和工具,如 Maximo 软件本身、开发工具(如 Eclipse 等)以及相关的插件。
二是熟悉 Maximo 的数据模型和业务流程。
这可以通过深入研究 Maximo 提供的文档和示例来实现。
Maximo 开发的一个重要方面是自定义表单。
然后,使用 Maximo 提供的表单设计工具,进行字段的添加、布局的调整以及验证规则的设置。
工作流的开发也是 Maximo 中的关键环节。
然后,在 Maximo 中使用工作流设计器来创建工作流模型。
报表开发在 Maximo 中同样重要。
可以使用 Maximo 自带的报表工具,或者结合第三方报表工具如 BIRT 来创建各种类型的报表,如清单报表、汇总报表、图表报表等。
集中运维管理系统(IOMS)系统安装手册ALPHA测试版V1.07build3577作者:HAWK.LiE-mail:china.hawkli@Website:/p/ioms/2011-02文档版本内容作者日期V1.0ALPHA测试版系统安装使用文档撰写HAWK.Li2011-2-12目录一.前言 (3)IOMS是什么 (3)IOMS能做什么 (3)IOMS的版本计划 (3)IOMS系统设计目标 (3)二.系统适用范围 (4)三.系统结构 (5)名词解释: (6)IOMClient控制客户端: (6)IOMSUI图形控制客户端: (6)IOMServer集中控制服务端: (6)AgentService监控端: (6)FileUpdateServer自动更新服务端: (7)Monitor DB监控记录服务模块: (7)各程序使用的端口: (7)系统通讯原理简述: (7)四.安装环境要求 (8)Mysql5.1安装 (8)初始数据导入 (21)IOMServer安装和配置 (24)DataManager安装和配置 (25)FileUpdateServer安装和配置 (26)客户端IOMClient (28)五.BUG递交 (30)六.后记 (30)一.前言IOMS是什么IOMS全称为Integrated Operation Management System集中运维管理系统,是一个类似于Fedora统一网络控制器FUNC这样的一个适用于windows/linux双平台的应用,它负责对所有受管理的客户端服务器进行统一命令集中收发,同时收集受管理客户端服务器的各类监控信息。
Maximo7.5安装手册目录一、安装前的准备 (2)二、安装Oracle (3)数据库配置信息 (3)1、安装数据库 (3)2、升级数据库 (7)3、安装数据库实例 (12)4、配置监听程序 (22)5、配置一个oracle连接 (23)6、创建表空间及用户 (27)三、安装Weblogic (28)1、Weblogic配置信息 (28)2、安装Weblogic (28)3、配置域 (34)四、安装Maximo (40)1、安装前的准备 (40)2、安装过程 (40)五、部署Maximo (51)1、部署前的准备 (51)2、部署过程 (52)3、部署后的登录验证 (59)一、安装前的准备✓做好系统备份✓禁用防火墙✓删除环境变量TEMP和TMP二、安装Oracle数据库配置信息版本10.2.0.4安装路径D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata管理员用户sys管理员密码maxpro数据表空间MAXIMO_DATA数据表空间大小1000Mb索引表空间MAXIMO_INDEX索引表空间大小300Mb临时表空间MAXIMO_TEMP临时表空间大小1000Mb实例maxproMaximo用户maximoMaximo用户密码maxpro1、安装数据库1、选择安装路径D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1,不勾选“创建启动数据库”,点击下一步;2、点击下一步;3、点击“安装”,开始安装;4、安装结束,点击退出;2、升级数据库1、打开升级补丁中的“setup.exe”,点击下一步;2、在名称中选择“OraDb10g_home1”,点击下一步;3、点击下一步,开始检查;4、点击下一步;5、点击“安装”,开始安装;6、点击“退出”,完成安装;3、安装数据库实例1、点击“开始”->“Oracle – OraDb10g_home1”->“配置和移植工具”->“Database ConfigurationAssistant”;2、点击下一步;3、输入全局数据库名“maxpro”,点击下一步;4、选择“一般用途”,点击下一步;5、默认,下一步;6、选择“所有账户使用同一口令”,输入口令“maxpro”,点击下一步;7、默认,点击下一步;8、默认点击下一步;9、默认,点击下一步;10、默认,点击下一步;11、在“字符集”标签页中,选择“使用Unicode(AL32UTF8)”,然后点击“所有初始化参数”按钮;12、点击“显示高级参数”按钮;13、找到下列三个参数“cursor_sharing”、“nls_length_semantics”、“open_cursors”,分别更改为“FORCE”、“CHAR”、“1000”。
Maximo Mobile for EAM 应用程序配置说明书
Configuring applications in Maximo Mobile for EAMYou can configure a default Maximo Mobile for EAM application, such as, adding a new field to the Technician application, using Docker container technology and Maximo application framework tools. Maximo application framework tools are used to create a development environment within a Docker image on your local system. Download, modify application XML, test and publish your Maximo applications with minimal setup.Prerequisites• A minimum of 8 GB RAM on the development system (16 GB recommended).•Docker Desktop installed on your development system. (https:///get-docker/). Ensure that your system meets all of the Docker Desktop requirements. Set the Memory Resources preference in Docker Desktop to 8 GB of memory.• A working directory on your local system dedicated to development.•API KEY enabled. Refer to Interfacing with REST apis using API keys and API Keys for more information.Reference informationComponent referenceAn IBM Maximo component reference ( is included in the same location from which you downloaded the Maximo application framework tools Docker image. This information describes the properties and XML code of Maximo components that are included in Maximo Mobile for EAM applications. Unzip this file, change to the maf-component-docs folder and open the index.html file with your browser.Command variable legendThe variables in the following table are used in examples throughout this document: Variable Description${maximo_workspace_directory} The working directory that you create on yourlocal system.${maximo_app_name} The name of the Maximo application that youare configuring. For example, Inspections orTechnician.${version} The version of the Docker image. To use themost recent version of Docker, specify latest. ${Container-ID} The ID of the container. Use the docker pscommand to list the containers that arecurrently running.Configuration overviewConfiguring a Maximo Mobile for EAM application consists of the following steps:1.Install Docker Desktop on your local development system.2.Download the Maximo application framework tools from the IBM Box repository.3.Create a credentials JSON file to connect to the production Maximo server.4.Download the application source files from the production Maximo server.5.Modify the application XML of the application. Note that configuration is limited toXML updates. Changes to any other application files such as Javascript files, is notsupported.6.Build the application.7.View the updated application locally using React.8.Upload the final build and publish it to the Maximo server.Configuration considerationsWorking directoriesCreate multiple working directories for development, test, and production work on your local system when configuring a Maximo application. Copy the files you configure in your development directory to a test directory. After you verify your configuration in the test environment, copy files from the test directory to a production directory. You can then deploy the application from your local system to the production Maximo server.Each of these directories must have their own unique credentials file that is used to connect to individual development, test, and production Maximo servers. This approach helps avoid accidentally uploading changes to the wrong environment.UpgradeConfiguring a Maximo Mobile for EAM application involves downloading application files to your local system as a Docker image, modifying the application XML, and then redeploying the application into your production environment. Automatic upgrade of configured application XML is not currently supported.Manually back up the current version of XML files for an application before you upgrade Maximo Mobile for EAM. If you do back up your files, your current configurations will be overwritten during the upgrade process. Save these files so you can reimplement your configurations after the upgrade. Application XML files are located in the src directory of the application file structure. For example, the Technician application XML files app.xml and wo-card-group.xmlare located in the ${maximo_workspace_directory}/TECHMOBILE/src directory.Configuration tool capabilities in Maximo Asset Management version of Maximo Mobile for EAM configuration tooling enables updating of the application XML to change the display of data. Changing the display of data includes displaying existing and custom fields, changing and hiding labels, and repositioning data on a page. This version of the configuration tooling does not facilitate changes that would result in updates to the data that is saved in the Maximo database. Subsequent releases will enable and provide guidance for the support of data.Barcode formatsBarcode formatting is determined by the value set for the readers property found in the app.xml file.The following values can be set for the readers property:ean_reader (the default value)ean_8_readercode_128_readercode_39_readercode_39_vin_readercode_93_readercodabar_readerupc_readerupc_e_readeri2of5_reader2of5_readerTo set the readers property, use the following format:readers=”code_128_reader”Date and time limitationIn Maximo, a DATE field stores the DATE portion only. Time is set to 00:00:00 and the time zone is not considered. If you set a date of 2021-01-31T00:00:00+13:00 and someone else in a time zone of -05:00 reads that d ate, the date is still 2021-01-31, not 2021-01-30. T he time zone plays no role.A TIME field stores the TIME portion of a DATE, and the actual date is not relevant. Again, the time zone plays no role. If you set a TIME of T02:00:00+13:00 and later read that time back in a -05:00 time zone, the time is T02:00:00-05:00. T he time value does not evaluate the timezone. The purpose of these two data types in Maximo is to set a bsolute DATE and TIME values that do not adjust across time zones.The DataFormatter class sets DATE and TIME values when formatting and parsing dates. I f you are using UI components such as SmartInput,the DataFormatter will correctly get and set the DATE or TIME object, ignoring the TimeZone if it is specified. If you are manually setting a TIME or DATE field, or getting a DATE or TIME field from a datasource, use the DataFormatter API dateWithoutTimeZone(val). This API accepts an ISO8061 datetime string and returns an ISO8061 datetime string without a time zone. This approach allows the TIME value to be treated as l ocal time without the time zone.Configuring actions for inspectionsYou can define custom actions that are available to inspectors and inspector supervisors when they complete an inspection by using scripts. Refer to Configuring actions for inspections. It is important to note that you must use MXAPIINSPECTIONRES as the object structure for the integration script.Deploying the Maximo application framework tools Docker image on your local system1.Download the latest version of the compressed Docker image to your working directory.(https:///folder/127977637583)2.Start Docker Desktop on your system.3.Open a command line and change directory to the location of the .tgz file that youdownloaded.4.Load the Maximo application framework tools Docker image into your local Dockerinstance:docker image load < maf-tools-${version}.tgzso, for example,docker image load < maf-tools-2.4.tgzNote that it is possible to run out of space that is allocated to Docker Desktop. This occurs when you have too many Docker containers deployed. Remove any Docker containers you no longer need from the Docker Desktop.5.Confirm the Maximo application framework tools image was loaded correctly by listingDocker images.docker image lsYou should see a Docker image that is named maximo/maf-tools.Creating a credentials JSON fileCreate a credentials file to authorize access to your production server.1.Create a new file in your working directory and name it credentials.json.2.Add information about the Maximo server and the user credentials you will use to accessit.{"userName": "myname","password": "mypass","domain": "","port": 8080}Note that the Maximo application framework tools can use usernames and passwords or API keys to authenticate to the Maximo server, but not both. If you are using an API key to authenticate, do not include userName and password properties in the credentials file.{“apikey”: “pjf5f4u71njtcbi8rdg978pch64j3p8avk24sbr0","domain": "","port": 8080}API keys make REST API calls without requiring user credentials. When an API key is created for a Maximo user, API calls that are made using that API key effectively work in the context of the Maximo user.Refer to Interfacing with REST apis using API keys and API Keys for more information. Downloading the application from the Maximo server and extract the sourceOpen a command line and change directory to the working directory that includes the credentials file that you created. Run the following Docker command to download an application from the production Maximo server and extract it on your local system.docker run -it --privileged --rm -v${maximo_workspace_directory}/:/graphite/app maximo/maf-tools:${version} download -a${maximo_app_name}So, for example, for the Technician application,docker run -it --privileged --rm -v/Users/myname/Documents/configworkfolder/:/graphite/app maximo/maf-tools:2.4 download -a TECHMOBILENote that there are two spaces between app and maximo in the command.Application files that are extracted into your working directory appear similar to these examples for the Technician application.Configuring the applicationMaximo Mobile for EAM applications can include several application XML files. Application XML files are located under the src folder. In the case of the Technician application, there are two files, app.xml and wo-card-group.xml. The wo-card-group.xml file is referenced in the app.xml file.Remember that configuring a Maximo Mobile for EAM application is defined as modifying existing presentation XML for an application. Configuring any other files, such as modifying a JavaScript file, is not supported.Common configurations include adding new fields to an application card, updating field labels, and adding a new card.Whenever you are modifying an application component, refer to the Maximo component reference for details about properties, attributes, and elements.It is important that you update the credentials.json file located under the application directory with the same information you used to download the application from the production server. The credentials under the application directory are used to redeploy the application after you have configured it.Editing application XML filesBackup any file before you edit them. It can be useful to make changes using an XML editor that will color-code XML syntax and allow you to expand or collapse XML element structures. For more information about editing application XML, and examples, refer to Configuring Maximo application XML.Running the application locally to confirm your changesIn this step, you start up a React server in watch mode within the Docker container on our local system to verify the changes that you made to the application. This process will also build the application for you.Open a command line and change to the working directory that contains the root folder of the application files and also the credentials file.docker run -it --privileged --rm -v${maximo_workspace_directory}/${maximo_app_name}/:/graphite/app -p3002:3000 maximo/maf-tools:${version} startSo, for example, for the Technician application:docker run -it --privileged --rm -v/Users/myname/Documents/configworkfolder/TECHMOBILE/:/graphite/app -p 3000:3000 maximo/maf-tools:2.4 startThis command starts up a React server on port 3000 and loads and starts the Maximo application. Open a browser and enter localhost:3000 to view the application.Creating a production buildAfter you finish testing your changes locally, you create a production build of the application to upload to the Maximo server.Open a command line and change to the working directory that contains the root folder of the application files and also the credentials file. Run the following Docker command to run a production build of the application that includes the changes you made.docker run -it --privileged --rm -v${maximo_workspace_directory}/${appName}/:/graphite/app maximo/maf-tools:${version} build:productionSo, for example, for the Technician application,docker run -it --privileged --rm -v/Users/myname/Documents/configworkfolder/TECHMOBILE/:/graphite/appmaximo/maf-tools:2.4 build:productionNote that there are two spaces between app and maximo in the command.This command converts the application XML into a React application and puts it in thebuild/app directory. It also creates a React build to compile and distribute in the/build/app/build directory.Publishing the updated application to the Maximo serverYou are now ready to redeploy the newly configured application into the Maximo server. Open a command line and change to the build/app/build directory. Copy the credentials file into the same directory. Run the following Docker command to package and publish the production build.docker run -it --privileged --rm -v${maximo_workspace_directory}/${maximo_app_name}/:/graphite/appmaximo/maf-tools:${version} uploadSo, for example, for the Technician application,docker run -it --privileged --rm -v/Users/myname/Documents/configwork/TECHMOBILE/:/graphite/appmaximo/maf-tools:2.4 uploadNote that there are two spaces between app and maximo in the command.This command publishes the production build zip file. Your configured application will now be available on the production Maximo server.Train field personnelAfter you have implemented your configured application, provide training or develop reference materials that can help your users leverage your new user interface features.。
Maximo 7.5+WAS+集群(Linux系统)安装手册Version 1.1(2012年10月)目录1.准备工作 (3)1.1确认操作系统版本 (3)1.2确认内核是否64位 (4)1.3安装过程中需要的Linux命令 (4)1.4确认Mozilla firefox浏览器是否安装 (4)1.5WAS常用术语 (4)1.6检验主机名名不含非法字符 (6)1.7Linux系统网络配置 (6)2.安装Websphere (6)2.1WAS安装方式_静默安装 (6)2.2WAS安装方式_使用安装向导 (8)3.WAS集群部署 (12)3.1WAS集群拓补结构图 (12)3.2安装DMGR管理节点 (13)3.3验证DMGR节点是否安装成功 (14)3.4向DMDR添加受管节点EAM1 (15)3.5向DMDR添加受管节点EAM2 (15)3.6在DMGR控制管理台查看受管节点是否成功 (15)3.7创建集群Cluster (16)3.8输入集群名称 (18)3.9添加集群节点eam1Node01 (18)3.10添加集群节点eam2Node01 (19)3.11查看成员节点 (21)3.12设置集群节点同步更改 (22)3.13删除不受集群管理的节点 (22)3.14修改集群节点membEAM1端口号 (23)3.15修改集群节点membEAM2端口号 (24)3.16修改defaulthost端口号(修改前) (25)3.17修改后的defaulthost端口号 (26)3.18安装HttpServer服务器和插件 (26)3.19集成WAS与HttpServer (30)3.20启动HttpServer服务器 (31)3.21在DMGR管理控制台查看httpserver (31)3.22发布应用程序 (32)3.23访问应用程序 (39)4.异常问题汇总 (39)4.1WAS无法安装 (39)4.2安装HttpServer时报错 (39)4.3发布包时出错 (41)4.4HttpServer admin无法启动 (42)4.5无法向DMGR添加受管节点 (42)1.准备工作1.1确认操作系统版本使用root账号登录系统后使用lsb_release –a 或cat /etc/issue命令来查看操作系统的版本号。
4.Maximo报表开发Maximo报表开发可以帮助您生成自定义的报表,以提取和分析Maximo 数据。
WAS+HIS集群部署操作手册一、配置集群说明: (2)1)集群系统架构 (2)2)系统整体架构 (2)二、软件安装 (2)1)配置host文件 (3)2)在服务器1上安装WAS (3)3)在服务器2上安装WAS (6)4)在服务器1上配置集群 (8)5)在服务器1上安装IHS (10)6)在服务器1上安装plugins (12)7)在服务器1上添加WEB服务器到集群 (17)8)部署Maximo (19)三、WAS参数配置 (21)四、启动应用程序步骤 (23)websphere集群与负载均衡一、配置集群说明:日常使用中为了保证websphere系统可用性,提高系统性能,一般处理方法为配置集群。
本文描述的是在Windows2003操作系统上,如何搭建IHS与W AS7.0的集成环境,以及在这种集成环境下如何部署Maximo。
1)集群系统架构操作系统:windows2003serverWebsphere版本:7.0 ND版IBM HTTP Server:下载地址Web Server Plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server:下载地址2)系统整体架构为了保证高可用性环境,一般使用如下拓扑:本文使用如下架构:DM + AppSrv01AppSrv02ClusterIHSDM和一个应用安装在主机名为GZG-EAM(下称服务器1),一个应用单独安装在主机名为GZG-EAM2(下称服务器2)上,组成一个集群,然后通过HIS来完成负载均衡,HIS也安装在服务器1上。
二、软件安装1)配置host文件打开两台服务器上的C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts文件,添加如下两行:2)在服务器1上安装WAS服务器1作为主服务器安装Cell(deployment Manager和联合应用程序服务器),记录安装过程中产生的用户名、密码以及相关端口。
1.如何在webLogic下创建域第一步,选择Configuration Wizard。
点击下一步继续点击一下步,如下User name里默认,password跟User name里最好一致,便于忘记,点击下一步。
在User Projects里可以看的到你创建的域名文件。
右键工程,选择Build Path,点击Confiuger Build Path,弹出如下界面。
点击Add Class Folder添加一个文件New Folder。
界面如下;然后右键工程Properties 输入RMI;把User non-standard tools.jar location勾上,找到你的jdk所在路径D:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\lib\tools.jar。
RMI就配置好了,然后在创建类实现Mbo接口,测试一下能自动生成2个Test.class和Test_Stub.class,找到你所做的java工程D:\workspaces\gzg_maximo\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes \kangtangdata看界面如下有没有这两个类文件。
Maximo 7.6 report integration with Cognos BI Server 10.21. PREPARATIONSOS: Windows Server 2012 R2RAM: 6GBHDD: 80GBComputer Name (hostname): win2k12.localhostMaximo Asset Management: Version 7.6 with maximo demo database install (prerequisite for Cognos BI pack)Application Server: WebSphere Application Server version Server: DB2 version 10.5Cognos: Cognos BI Server (32bit) / Cognos Framework Manager (32bit) version 10.2.2 installation packages.Internet Browser: Mozilla Firefox 29.02. GROUND WORK- Open Server Manager and click Add Roles and Features.- Click Next >.- Select Role-based or feature-based installation then click Next >.- Select Select a server from the server pool and verify the selected sever name (win2k12.localhost) in the Server Pool list then click Next >.- Select Web Server (IIS) and click Add Features then click Next >.- Select IIS Server Extension under Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)and click Add Features then click Next >.- Click Next >.- Select CGI in addition to the selected services and click Next >.- Click Install.- After installation succeeded click Close.- Open issetup from the Cognos BI Server installation package.- Click Next >.- Select I Agree and click Next >.- Enter C:\cognos\c10 for Installation Directory and click Next >.- Click Yes.- Select all components and click Next >.- Click Next >.- Click Next >.- Click Finish.- Open issetup from the Cognos Framework Manager installation package.- Click Next >.- Select I Agree and click Next >.- Enter C:\cognos\c10 for Installation Directory and click Next >.- Click Yes.- Select all components and click Next >.- Click Next >.- Click Next >.- Click Finish.- Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from Server Manager.- Click No.- Select Default Web Site and click Bindings....- Change the port to 88 by click Edit....- Select the localhost (WIN2K12) and open ISAPI and CGI Restrictions feature.- Click Add... from right click menu.- Enter ISAPI and CGI path and Description values then click OK.- Click Add Virtual Directory... from right click menu on Default Web Site.- Enter Alias and Physical path then click OK.- Click Add Virtual Directory... from right click menu on ibmcognos.- Enter Alias and Physical path then click OK.- Select cgi-bin and open Handler Mappings feature.- Click Add Module Mapping... from right click menu.- Enter Request path, Module, and Name then click OK.- Select Default Web Site and click Start.- Catalog DB2 database (follow the steps in this article).3. BUILDING INTEGRATIONS- CopyC:\IBM\SMP\maximo\reports\cognos\c10\configuration\ file to C:\cognos\c10\configuration folder and edit the file content like below and save. maximoDataSource.url=jdbc:db2://win2k12:50005/<a valid password for above username>maximoDataSource.schemaowner=MAXIMO- Copy following files to C:\cognos\c10\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib folder.C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\db2jcc.jarC:\IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\db2jcc_license_cu.jarC:\IBM\SMP\maximo\reports\cognos\c10\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib\CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar - Open Cognos Configuration and set Allow anonymous access to False.- Right click on Authentication -> New resource -> Namespace....- Config maximo namespace as following.- Config URIs as following according to environment settings.- Save the config changes and start the Cognos service.- Sign In to Maximo with maxadmin user. Open System Configuration-> Platform Configuration -> System Properties app and set the properties like below. Save the properties and click Live Refresh action to apply change Open Administration->Report Administration app and select Launch Cognos Administration from More Actions (make sure to turned off the popup blocker in your browser).- Open Security tab and click maximo directory.- Verify your maximo Security Groups and Users are listed there.- Open Configuration tab and click New Data Source button.- Enter Name and click Next >.- Select Type and click Next >.- Enter DB2 database name and fill up Signons section. Finally click Test the connection... link in the bottom.- Click Test.- Once the result is succeeded then click Close.- Click Close once again click Next >.- Click Finish.- Open IBM Cognos Connection.- Click New Folder button to create a PUBLIC folder.- Create C:\cognos\My Projects\Metadata folder for project base.- Open MXCOGNOS End point and set property values like following.- Open MAXADMIN record in Security-> Security Groups app and grant access Cognos Reporting option to the Object Structures app. Finally save the record.- Copy cognos-axis.jar and cognosClient.jar files fromC:\IBM\SMP\maximo\reports\cognos\c10\sdk to C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\WebSphere\AppServer\lib.- Sign Out from Maximo and login to WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console and restart the MXServer by click ImmediateStop / Start buttons.4. USING INTEGRATIONS- Sign In to Maximo with maxadmin user, open Integration -> Object Structures app and put =reporting for Consumed By filter then enter.- Open REP_PERSON Object Structure and select Publish as Cognos Package from More Actions. Repeat the same for REP_USER Object Structure.- Select Cognos Reporting from More Actions and click PUBLIC folder to see the published packages from previous steps.。
Maximo Asset Managerment V7.5 (安装篇)
Maximo Asset Management安装篇作者:方健(Jai)一.下载安装包注意事项1.Maximo7.5分为两部分,分别为中间件和Maximo本身程序。
2.下载时请注意版本时请注意名称,如果带有Essentials是简化版的(如Maximo AssetManagement Essentials V7.5),主要是针对小型企业。
二.安装包介绍(主要是中间件和Maximo本身程序)1.中间件的包主要任务是安装数据库DB2 V9.7和应用服务器WAS7,并对它们进行一些配置,比如对DB2 的用户名,密码和端口等初始化,对WAS的做一些基础的配置,以来适合Maximo Asset Management的环境。
三.安装Maximo Asset Management前准备工作1.更改hostname ,分别更改以下两个文件a./etc/hosts 文件在第一行进行更改,更改如下更改后: maximo-test localhost.localdomain localhostb./etc/sysconfig/network 这个文件更改后:HOSTNAME=maximo-testc.进行命令行,用命令改再次更改,命令: hostname maximo-test2.更改文件相关的限制a.ulimit -f unlimitedb.ulimit -n 100003.关闭防火墙和SELinux,通过此system-config-securitylevel关闭它们四.安装Maximo Asset Management及注意事项1.安装步骤可参照IBM蓝色脉动Maximo75安装.pdf文档。
Maximo 7.5安装文档
Maximo 7.5安装1.M aximo 7.5安装前的准备工作请在安装Maximo 7.5之前确认一下所列出工作已经全部完成:1). Oracle 11g 数据库安装;2). Weblogic 11g Web应用服务器安装;3). 为Maximo在Oracle中创建独立表空间与用户,并授权;4). 为Maximo在Weblogic中创建独立的管理服务器类型的域;其中,工作1) 请参见《Oracle 11g安装文档.docx》;工作2)请参见《Weblogic 11g安装文档.docx》;工作4)请参见《Weblogic 11g安装文档.docx》;工作3)的操作方法如下:1.1.Maximo数据库设置在开始菜单中打开Oralce的SQL Plus命令行控制台,如(图1);(图1)打开SQL Plus后看到如(图2)的命令控制台后,使用system帐号登入,需要注意此处输入的密码是没有显示的,输入完成后按回车键确认登入:(图2)成功登入后会看到如(图3)的窗口,我们需要在该处执行Oracle的SQL文件导入命令,将maximo_*.sql文件导入即可;该sql文件中已经写好用于创建Maximo表空间用户以及授权更改的SQL代码,成功导入后即完成Maximo表空间、用户以及授权等操作。
按Maximo的结构,应分四步安装部署:1、安装Weblogic运行平台;2、安装Oracle数据库;3、发布Maximo(为什么是发布,不是安装呢——Maximo经二次开发再使用,开发后一般不会再打包,直接发布更方便些);4、发布acweb,安装Actuate iServer,安装百科全书,导入百科全书。
我安装的是Weblogic8.1,安装后在建立域时,通常选择SUN JDK1.4.xx,若在环境变量里设计JDK1.6,报表运行不起来,JDK1.5版本的还行。
在建立域后,需要修改启动变量,在startWebLogic.cmd文件中,设置内存参数set MEM_ARGS=-Xms128m-Xmx1024m-XX:MaxPermSize=128m这些值是区分大小写的。
(当不是sun jdk时,去掉-XX:MaxPermSize=128m参数)位于%bea%\weblogic81\common\bin中的commEnv.cmd文件,会被startWebLogic.cmd等文件调用,其中需要一个数据连接包oraclethin.jar。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
4、发布acweb,安装Actuate iServer,安装百科全书,导入百科全书。
我安装的是Weblogic8.1,安装后在建立域时,通常选择SUN JDK1.4.xx,若在环境变量里设计JDK1.6,报表运行不起来,JDK1.5版本的还行。
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms128m-Xmx1024m-XX:MaxPermSize=128m这些值是区分大小写的。
(当不是sun jdk时,去掉-XX:MaxPermSize=128m参数)位于%bea%\weblogic81\common\bin中的commEnv.cmd文件,会被startWebLogic.cmd等文件调用,其中需要一个数据连接包oraclethin.jar。
文件是web.xml,分布在acweb.ear 包里两个地方:
安装Actuate iServer报表服务器,按向导安装就可以。
安装Actuate Encyclopedia,这个安装过程需要注意填写PMD用户密码及端口、数据库地址用户密码、Maximo地址和管理员及管理员密码——是导入百科全书成功的关键。
先将iServer报表服务器停止掉,一般是进入http://报表服务器IP:8900/acadmin/,用PMD 用户密码。