











如:在美国,女士购买连裤袜(pantyhose),常会看到Queen Size标志,它是根据King Size(特大号)的含义来改编的。

Queen Size意味着为了Queen Size Women准备的,也就是为肥胖的女士准备的。

但是如果使用fat 一词则会使人产生不悦,因此Queen Size的创造达到了一种委婉说法,它既指Queen Size pantyhose,也指Queen Size women,使人容易接受,却也表达了相同的意思,而且避开了使人不悦的字眼。





%There are several kinds of equivalence theories,which still own certain value both for translation theories and practical translation.The writer outlined and specified branches of equivalence theories and offered corresponding translation strategies by analyzing C-E translation examples from aspects of words,phrases,sentences as well as contexts.【期刊名称】《福建师大福清分校学报》【年(卷),期】2011(000)006【总页数】5页(P108-111,115)【关键词】对等理论;译者;英汉互译【作者】彭玺【作者单位】福建医科大学外国语学院,福建福州350004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9不同语言用来表达同一事物的词叫对等词。









《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念)1.1 翻译的概念一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。



1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。


(2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。


1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。


Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。


Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。






翻译理论整理汇总翻译腔translationeses是在译文中留有源语言特征等翻译痕迹的现象,严重的翻译腔使译文读起来不够通顺.出现翻译腔有时是很难免的.形成翻译腔有以下几个原因:1英汉语言本身的不同,包括句型结构等,在翻译时如果不能做到自由转换就会有种不是地道目标语的感觉.2英汉文化的不同,不同的文化背景下,单词或习语有时会出现偏差甚至零对等zero-correspondence.有时只讲词对词的反应就会出现翻译腔.3译者自身水平.奈达的功能对等就要求译者注重译文对读者的影响,好的译文让读者感觉是母语的写作、实现功能的对等.Venuti主张同化和异化的结合,通过同化让读者获得相识的反应,通过异化使读者领略异国语言和文化.译者应该提高自己翻译水平,在翻译策略上实现功能对等,从而尽量避免翻译腔的出现.1.中国的翻译理论家严复、茅盾、鲁迅、朱光潜、傅雷、钱钟书1)严复信、达、雅——faithfulness、expressiveness、elegance/gracefulness2)茅盾他也主张“直译”,反对“意译”,他认为汉语确实存在语言组织上欠严密的不足,有必要吸引印欧语系的句法形态.但是矛盾与鲁迅观点同中有异,他认为“直译”并不是“字对字”,一个不多,一个不少.因为中西文法结构截然不同,纯粹的“字对字”是不可能的. 3)鲁迅鲁迅的“宁信而不顺”是“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然是力求易解,一则保存着原作风姿”,这是鲁迅的基本思想.针对当年那种“牛头不对马嘴”的胡译、乱译以及所谓“与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信”的说法梁秋实,提出了“宁信而不顺”这一原则,主张直译,以照顾输入新表现法和保持原作的风貌.他还认为,翻译一要“移情”、“益志”,译文要有“异国情调”,二要“输入新的表现法”,以改进中文的文法,在当时主要表现为改进白话文.必须强调的是,鲁迅其实是主张翻译要通顺,又要忠实的.只是二者不可兼得的情况下,“宁信而不顺”.4)林语堂他是在中国议学史上第一个最明确地将现代语言学和心理学作为翻译理论的“学理剖析”的基础的.了解翻译的三条标准:忠实、通顺和美.5)朱光潜他的翻译标准是:第一,不违背作者的意思;第二,要使读者在肯用心了解时能够了解. 6)傅雷的“神似说”spirit alikeness傅雷对翻译有两个比喻,一是“以效果而言,翻译应该像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似”.二是就手法而言“以甲国文字传达乙国文字所包含的那些特点,必须像伯乐相马,要得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外”.7)钱钟书的“化境”说sublimation所谓“化境”sublimation,是指原作在译文中就像“投胎转世”,躯体换了一个,但精魄依然故我.换句话说,译本对原作应该忠实得读起来不像译本,因为作品在原文里绝不会读起来想翻译出的东西的:“文学翻译的最高理想可以说是‘化’,把作品从一国文字转换成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入于‘化境’”.2.国外的翻译理论家1)John DrydenMetaphrase逐词译, turning an author word by word, and line by line, from one language into another.Paraphrase释译, or translation with latitude, where the author's words are not so strictly followed but his sense.Imitation拟议, where the translation assumes the liberty, bot only to vary fro the words and the sense, but to forsake them both as he sees occasion.2)Alexander Fraser Tytlera.That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of theoriginal work.b.That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with thatof the original.c.That the translation should have all the ease of original composition.3)Eugene A. NidaNida: translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所谓翻译,就是从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息.Reproducing the message; Equivalence rather than identity; A natural equivalent; The closest equivalent; The style;Dynamic equivalence is to describe it as "the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message". This type of definition contains three essential terms: 1 equivalent, which points toward the source-language message; 2 natural, which points roward the receptor language, and 3closest, which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation.4)Peter Newmark1. Semantic translation: "is personal and individual follows the thought processes of the author, tends to over-translate, pursues nuances of meaning, yetaims at concision in order to reproduce pragmatic impact", expressive literary texts tend more toward the semantic method of translation.语义性翻译:屈从原语文化和原作者,翻译原文的语义,只在原文的内涵意义构成理解的最大障碍时才加以解释.属超额翻译.2. Communicative translation: on the other hand, "attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership". Informative and non-literary texts require communicative translation.交际性翻译:译作所产生的效果应力求接近原作,首先终于译语和译文读者,即使原语屈从译语和译语文化,不给读者留下任何疑点和难懂之处,属欠额翻译.5)Skopostheory 德国目的论1. Translation Studies returns the attention to the Receptor side. Skopostheory begins by seeing translation as a purposeful "action", which lead to "a result, a new situation, and possibly to a 'new' object". The aim of the translational action and the way in which it is realized is not random, but must be "negotiated with the client who commissions the action". The ends justify the means.2. As Vermeer insists: "if therefore follows that source and target texts may diverge from each other quite considerably not only in the formulation and distribution of the content but also as regards the goals which are set for each". 6)HolmesHe divides Translation Studies into two major branches, "Pure" and "Applied", and then sun-divides the " Pure" into two further sub-branches: "Theoretical" and "Descriptive" Translation Studies.Translation Methods:1.Word -for word translationThis is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language of to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.2.Literal translationThe SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. As apre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solved.3.Faithful translationA faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It "transfers" cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical "abnormality"deviation from SL and norms in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realization of the SL write.4.Semantic translationSemantic translation differs from "faithful translation" only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value that is, the beautiful and natural sound of the SL text, compromising on "meaning" where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. Further, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concessions tothe readership. The distinction between "faithful" and "semantic" translation is that the first is uncompromising and dogmatic, while the second is more flexible, admits the creative exception to 100% fidelity and allows for the translator's intuitive empathy with the original.5.AdaptationThis tis the "freest" from of translation. It is used mainly for plays comedies and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten. The deplorable of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have "rescued" period plays.6.Free translationFree translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content withour the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrasesmunicate translationCommunicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.。








最具代表性的学者之一是美国学者郭实,他在1920年代翻译了《全唐诗》(Complete Tang Poems)并将之出版。



这一时期最重要的翻译之一是西方学者艾略特(Ezra Pound)的《大雅集》(The Great Yuan Collection),该译本在西方学术界引起了重大影响,并对后来的中国古典诗歌英译产生了深远的影响。








Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
部分对应(Partial Correspondence)
在英语和汉语之间,有些词在词义上只有部分对应。 1、它们的意义范围有广、狭之分。例如: uncle — 叔叔,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父,舅父 再如:“吃饭、吃药、吃官司、吃苦、吃回扣” 中的 “吃” 词 义范围远远大于英语的表层对应词 eat ,在英文中其正确意义包括 have (a meal),take(medicine),involve in(a legal action),bear (hardships),receive(rebate),等等。 2、对应词的词义有抽象和具体、一般和个别之分。如: 1) beauty — 美貌(抽象),美人(具体) 2) 饭 — meal(一般),breakfast,lunch,supper,rice(个别)
词语的翻译(一) 英汉词语对比 1.1 构词特征 1.2 词义关系 1.3 文化内涵
1.1 构词特征 (Features of Word Formation)
汉语:字,词组,由“字”所构成的灵活多样、数量巨大的词 是汉语使用的主体层级,其使用价值为最高。
早期汉语词语以单音节和多音节的单纯词居多:“天”,地”, “人”,“蜘蛛”,“彷徨”,“窈窕”,“徘徊”,等等。发 展过程中,汉语词汇构词方式日益多样化,合成词逐渐增多;汉 语还吸收了许多外来词汇。
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
不对应 / 零对应(Zero Correspondence)
因为文化差异的存在,有些词带有浓厚的社会文化、风土 习俗的色彩,折射出鲜明独特的文化特色,在对方语言中没有 确切的对应词。这就是词义的不对应或空缺现象,它实际上是 文化空缺现象的一种反映。例如: 英语中的hippie(嬉皮士),cowboy(牛仔),hot dog (热狗),hamburger(汉堡),bingo game(宾果游戏,一种 数字抽奖叫号游戏),等等; 汉语中的“糖葫芦”、“三教九流”、“四书五经”、 “三伏”、“三九”、“阴阳”、“三个代表”、“八荣八 耻”,等等。



西方最流行的翻译标准1. 语言学派(Linguistics-based School)奥古斯丁发展了亚里士多德的“符号”理论,提出了语言符号的“能指”、“所指”和译者“判断”的三角关系,开创了西方翻译的语言学传统。




一般认为,西方语言学派开始对翻译进行“科学”研究的标志是美国著名学家尤金·奈达(Engene Nida)于1947年发表的《论〈圣经〉翻译的原则和程序》(Bible Translation:An Analysis of Principles and Procedures with Special Reference to Aboriginal Languages)。

语言学派分布的地域较广,主要集中于英美,代表人物有奈达,卡特福德(J. C. Catford)、纽马克(Peter Newmark)、哈蒂姆(Hatim)等。

除此之外,捷克布拉格学派的雅克布逊(Roman Jakobson),前苏联的费奥多罗夫,法国的乔治·穆南(Georges Mounin),以及德国的斯奈尔-霍恩比(Snell-Hornby),也都是当代国外语言学派的突出代表人物。

雅克布逊在1959年发表的论文《论翻译的语言学问题》(On Linguistic Aspects ofTranslation),从语言学的角度分析和论述了语言和翻译的关系、翻译的重要性以及翻译中存在的一般问题,为当代语言学派翻译研究的理论方法作出了开创性的贡献,被奉为翻译研究经典之作。

这此篇论文中,他首次将翻译分为三类:语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation)和符际翻译(intersemiotic translation),这一分类准确概括了翻译的本质,在译学界影响深远。



• 而所谓“交际翻译”则是指“仅译出原作的意 义”,并且“让的语读者理解的意义应该与原文 信息相同”(the only part of the meaning of the original which is rendered is the part which corresponds to the TL reader’s understanding of the identical message----Newmark,1988:62)。两种 翻译的不同之处在于,前者要求译文接近原文的 形式,在结构和词序安排上力求接近原文,后者 则注重接受者的理解和反映,即信息传递的效果, 实际上这是一个问题的两个方面——“异化” (foreignization)与“归化”(domestication) 的关系问题。
• a.“信息型”文本: • “重内容”(content-focused)的 文本, 其文本功能在于向读者告 之真实世界的客观物体和现象, 即“在再现原文内容的细节上力 求忠实”,而语言和文体形式的 选择须服从于这一功能,文本体 裁包括新闻发布和评论, 新闻报 道, 商业信函,商品目录,操作指南,
• 因此,它要求译者应根据委托人 的翻译要求(translation brief) 和翻译目的,结合文本的交际功 能和译文读者的期盼,来决定源 语文本信息的选择、翻译策略的 运用以及译文的表现形式,顺利 完成翻译的文化转换并实现译文 的交际目的。
• (3)赖斯的Text Typology: • 赖斯把所有的文本按语言功能 划分为“信息型” (informative) 、 “表达型” (expressive)和“诱导 型”(operative或appellative)三 大类:
• 1) 泰特勒(1749-1814)翻译三原则 (Tytler’s 3 principles): • A. The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work (译文应该是原 著思想内容的完整再现/复制);



第二节 翻译的标准
❖ 所谓翻译标准,亦曰翻译原则,即指导翻译 实践、评价译文质量的尺度。翻译标准的确 立,对于建立科学的翻译理论体系具有重要 意义。
❖ 18世纪末,爱丁堡大学历史教授亚历山 大·F·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747—1814年)在《论翻译的原则》一书中 系统地提出了进行翻译和评判翻译的三条基 本原则:
A Course in English-Chinese
王静安 教授 外国语学院英语系
第一章 英汉翻译概述 第一节 翻译的定义与分类
❖ 翻译是把一种语言文字所表达的思维内容用 另一种语言表达出来的双语转换过程或结果。 就英汉翻译而言,就是把英语所表达的意义 忠实准确地用汉语表达出来。
❖ 无论是泰特勒的三原则,还是严复的三字标 准,都在翻译界有很大影响。特别是后者, 在中国翻译界讨论翻译标准时,几乎无不提 及。正是在三字标准的基础上,许多学者和 翻译家结合自己的丰富经验,提出了自己的 独特见解,从而进一步推动了我国的翻译研 究和实践。例如,20世纪50年代初,傅雷在 《〈高老头〉重译本序》中提出了“所求的 不在形似而在神似”的重要观点;60年代初, 钱钟书在《林纾的翻译》中提出了“化境” 之说。“神似”论和“化境”说,同“信、 达、雅”三字标准一样,都是具有中国特色 的翻译理论体系的重要组成部分。
(2)按源出语(source language)和目的语 (target language),可分为语际翻译 (interlingual translation)、语内翻译 (intralingual translation)和符际翻译 (intersemiotic translation)。语际翻译指发



《孙子兵法》英译研究一、本文概述Overview of this article《孙子兵法》作为中国古代军事文化的瑰宝,自问世以来,便以其深邃的战略思想和独特的兵法理念影响了世界。




As a treasure of ancient Chinese military culture, Sun Tzu's Art of War has influenced the world with its profound strategic thinking and unique military concepts since its inception. As an important part of the World Cultural Heritage, the dissemination and promotion of its English translation has become a crucial link in cross-cultural communication. This article aims to explore the current situation, challenges, andfuture development of the research on the English translation of Sun Tzu's Art of War. By comparing and analyzing the translation strategies and techniques of different English versions, it reveals the cultural dissemination significance behind them. This article will also delve into the global impact of the English translation of Sun Tzu's Art of War and its value in the field of international military strategy, in order to contribute to cross-cultural exchange and global cultural diversity.本文将首先回顾《孙子兵法》的历史背景与军事价值,分析其在不同历史时期所发挥的作用。



英汉词类中的名词和动词Nouns and V erbs in English and ChineseI. Nouns in English and Chinese1. Difference in ClassificationEnglish: common nouns, proper nouns, collective nounsCN: countable vs. uncountableChinese: common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns, abstract nouns.2. Differences in terms of Number1). Number Language vs. Classifier Language2). Effect on translationPrinciple of Amplification (增词原则)增词原则:在译文中增加必需的词汇,保证译文在意义上与原文吻合、表达上符合目的语的表达习惯,使译文易于理解。

【例】Up the street they went, past stores, across a broad square, and then entered a huge building.他们沿着大街走过去,一路经过几家大商店,穿过一个大广场,最后进了一栋大楼。

Principle of Omission (省略原则):省略原则:指在翻译中不损害原文意义的前提下,删减原文中不必要的词汇,使译文符合目的语的表达习惯。


The newly built roads connect this smaill town to the outside world.3. Differences in Frequency of A vailability (使用频率不同)Noun-prominent (E) vs. V erb-prominent (C)词类转换原则:指在翻译中为了表达的需要,改变原文中词的类别,使译文自然流畅,符合目的语的表达习惯。



2021年1月第40卷第1期黑龙江教师发展学院学报JournalofHeilongjiangInstituteofTeacherDevelopmentJan.2021Vol.40No.1doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096 8531.2021.01.041 收稿日期:2020 05 12作者简介:姚洪溪(1994—),女,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,硕士,从事翻译理论与实践研究。

蓝诗玲英译《色,戒》中文化负载词的翻译策略研究姚洪溪(中国人民大学,北京100872) 摘 要:语言是文化的镜子,词汇是构成语言的基本单位,文化负载词是最能反映语言所承载的文化信息和内涵的词汇。



关键词:《色,戒》英译;文化负载词;翻译策略中图分类号:H315.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096 8531(2021)01 0134 04 引言蓝诗玲,英国新生代汉学家,毕业于剑桥大学中文系,获中国当代文学博士学位,现任伦敦大学伯贝克学院(BirkbeckCollege)历史系教授。



其中,《我爱美元》(IloveDollarsandOtherStoriesofChi na)入围2008年桐山环太平洋文学奖决赛单元,《色,戒》(Lust,CautionandOtherStories)和《鲁迅小说全集》(TheRealStoryofAh QandOtherTalesofChina:TheCompleteFic tionofLuXun)先后被企鹅出版社收入“企鹅现代经典”系列丛书。









1 、翻译的概念2 、翻译的性质3 、翻译在外语教学中的地位4 、翻译与其他学科的关系5 、翻译的分类6 、译者的素养7 、翻译市场的现状8 、翻译工具箱1、翻译的概念翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言活动。

---张培基(1980)Catford :Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).Peter Newmark :To translate is to change into another language, retaining as much of the sense as one can.Malcolm Cowley:Translation is an art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a different background.Eugene Nida:奈达定义的三个优点明确地说明了要译的是什么(信息message)暗示了由于语言文化上的差异,原文和译文只能做到相对的对等(closest)考虑了译文的可接受性Some Definitions by Modern Translation TheoristsGideon Toury:―A translation is taken to be any target-language utterance which is presented or regarded as such within the target cultur:e, on whatever grounds.‖Christiane Nord―Translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text.‖Jean Sager:―Translation is an externally motivated industrial activity, supported by information technology, which is diversified in response to the particular needs of this fo rm of communication.‖吕俊:―翻译是一种跨文化的信息交流与交换活动,其本质是传播,是传播学中一个有特殊性质的领域。











对自然、人文类地点,一些为直译,如:“T h r e eGorges”(三峡),“Phoenix Hill”(凤凰山),“the Red Sparrow Gate”(朱雀门),“Red Cliff ”(赤壁),“Pavilionof Joyful Rain”(喜雨亭)等;一些为“音译+直译”的模式,如:“Min River”(岷江),“Pien River”(汴河),“Omei Mountain”(峨眉山),“Chutang Gorge”(瞿塘峡),“Tungkuan Pass”(潼关),“Polikiang, or Glass River”(玻璃江),“Moyishan, or Frog’s Jowl Hill”(蟆颐山)等。


其作品《京华烟云》(Moment in Peking)获得过诺贝尔文学奖提名,《吾国与吾民》(My Country and My People)、《生活的艺术》(The Importance of Living)荣登美国畅销书排行榜榜首数月之久。



《翻译理论与实践》考试理论部分复习提纲一、翻译定义:1. 张培基——翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。

3. 刘宓庆——翻译的实质是语际的意义转换。

4. 王克非——翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。

5. 泰特勒——好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译入语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。

6. 费道罗夫——翻译就是用一种语言把另一种语言在内容与形式不可分割的统一中所业已表达出来的东西准确而完全地表达出来。

7. 卡特福德——翻译的定义也可以这样说:把一种语言(Source Language)中的篇章材料用另一种语言(Target Language)中的篇章材料来加以代替。


“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”---Eugene Nida纽马克——通常(虽然不能说总是如此),翻译就是把一个文本的意义按作者所想的方式移译入另一种文字(语言)。

“Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.”--- Peter Newmark10. “Translation is the expression in one language (or target language译入语) of what has been expressed in another language (source language 原语), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.”--- Dubois12. 13.Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text.二、翻译标准1. 翻译的标准概括为言简意赅的四个字:“忠实(faithfulness)、通顺(smoothness)”。























The idea of a four-day workweek has been gaining popularity in recent years. Proponents of this idea argue that it would increase productivity and improve work-life balance, while critics claim that it would lead to higher costs and increased stress for employees.Proponents of the four-day workweek argue that having an extraday off each week would increase productivity. They believe that employees would be more focused and engaged during their workdays because they would have more time to rest and recharge. Additionally, having more time off would allow employees to better manage their work-life balance, reducing stress and increasing overall happiness.However, critics of the four-day workweek argue that it would lead to higher costs for businesses. With fewer workdays, companies would have to pay employees for more days of work, which would increase labor costs. Additionally, critics believe that having an extra day off would lead to more stress for employees, as they would have to rush to complete work they had originally planned to spread across five days. Personally, I am in favor of the four-day workweek. Although it might increase costs for some businesses, the benefits to employees and their work-life balance would be significant. Moreover, employees would be more engaged and productive during their shorter workweeks, which would ultimately benefit businesses as well. The key is finding a balance that works for both employees and employers, and it's important to explore this option further to see if it can be implemented effectively.在议论文部分,作者首先提出了四天工作周的概念及其支持者和批评者的观点。



试比较严复的“信达雅”与Tytler(泰特勒)的“翻译三原则”发布时间:2021-11-11T02:16:17.581Z 来源:《学习与科普》2021年13期作者:孔慧娜[导读] 长久以来,中外翻译工作者在进行翻译理论探索的过程中,最重要的课题研究就是翻译标准。

吉林外国语大学高级翻译学院吉林长春 130117摘要:长久以来,中外翻译工作者在进行翻译理论探索的过程中,最重要的课题研究就是翻译标准。






关键词中西翻译标准;严复“信达雅”;Tytler(泰特勒)“翻译三原则”;异同 Abstract:For a long time,translation standards have been the most important subject for Chinese and foreign translators in their exploration of translation theories. Through the ages,Chinese and western translation standards have been put forward one after another,and different schools of thought have contended with each other. The comparison between Yan Fu's "faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance" principle and Tytler's "three translation principles" is quite controversial. Both are discussed and studied together by many translators because of their similarity. In view of the prominent position of the two translation principles in the field of translation in China and the west,this paper makes a detailed interpretation of the two translation principles,analyzes their similarities from the perspective of dialectical materialism,and points out their differences from the perspectives of cultural origin,mode of thinking and value orientation. The aim is to dissect their respective advantages and summarize the essence of translation practice,so as to promote the development of translation in China. Key Words:Chinese&Western Translation Criterion;"Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Elegance";Tytler "Three Principles of Translation";Similarities&Differences1.中西翻译标准简述中国翻译史已历经几千余年,但是早期,人们并没有系统地总结出翻译标准,后来随着中西文化逐渐交融汇通,翻译工作者开始在翻译实践的基础上,总结翻译规则和标准。




















2212018年52期总第440期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS《庄子》华兹生、林语堂译本翻译方法对比文/朱景烨【摘要】《庄子》作为我国古代典籍的瑰宝,历来受到中外翻译家的重视,翻译版本众多,这其中,华兹生的全译本和林语堂的选译本一直备受瞩目。


【关键词】英译《庄子》; 华兹生; 林语堂【作者简介】朱景烨,天津师范大学。

the strength to bear up a big boat.If wind is not piled up deep enough, it won’t have the strength to bear up great wings.林译:If there is not sufficient depth, water will not floatlarge ships. So with air. If there is not sufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings.两句话都是显性翻译,但笔者认为华译更好,因为除了在忠实传达原文意思的基础上,可以轻易看出,华译的句子结构、字数更贴近原文,原文两句字数几乎一样,格式也相对应,都是小短句,华译句式非常简洁整齐,几乎达到了与原文一样的句式修辞效果,而林译虽然做到了忠实,但句子相对来说不够整齐,就稍显略逊一筹。


华译:A traveler heard about the salve and offered to buy the prescription for a hundred measures of gold.林译:A stranger who had heard of it came and offered him a hundred ounces of silver for this recipe.这两个译本最明显的不同就是对“百金”的处理,华兹生直接译出一百黄金,而林语堂在处理时,采用隐性翻译方法,译成了一百盎司银,这个处理把中国文化里表示钱的黄金,换成了西方文化中的银,进行了“文化过滤”,变成更利于西方接受的文化,而华兹生选择显性处理,尽管西方读者读起来会有种奇怪的感觉,但更利于渗透中国古代的文化。


词语的翻译(一) 英汉词语对比 1.1 构词特征 1.2 词义关系 1.3 文化内涵
1.1 构词特征 (Features of Word Formation)
汉语:字,词组,由“字”所构成的灵活多样、数量巨大的词 是汉语使用的主体层级,其使用价值为最高。
早期汉语词语以单音节和多音节的单纯词居多:“天”,地”, “人”,“蜘蛛”,“彷徨”,“窈窕”,“徘徊”,等等。发 展过程中,汉语词汇构词方式日益多样化,合成词逐渐增多;汉 语还吸收了许多外来词汇。
fox ... 狐狸 狐狸(一种哺 乳动物) ... ... 比喻意义:狡猾的人(如:as sly as a fox;“他真是一只老狐狸。” ...
Semantic Correspondence and Translation 词义相符时的翻译
词义相符时一般可采用的翻译方法有: 一)直译法 例如: 1)anger 愤怒 2)cyberspace 电脑空间 3)肺炎 pneumonia 4)主板 main board 5)bad egg 坏蛋 1)pour oil on fire 火上浇油 2)丢脸 lose face 8)混水摸鱼 fish in troubled water
1)这本书反映了30年代的中国社会。(动词) The book is a reflection of Chinese society in the 1930s.(名词) 2)我们打算乘火车去北京。(动词) We’ve planned to go to Beijing by train. (介词) 3)我确信你会成功。(动词) I am sure that you will succeed.(形容词)
英语:词,短语,当今世界上国际性最强,使用最广泛的语言, 词汇量颇为丰富。 发展过程中,1)新造词(coined-up words; coinage); 2)通过各类构词法产生新词 (words from new formations); 3)吸收了大量外来词汇 ( loaned words; loans)
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The influence of cultural background on translation [Abstract] It is agreed that language is a component of culture and reflects it; translation is not only the linguistic but also the communication of cultures. Culture background knowledge is concerned with geographic chatacteristics,historical ,tradition, social customs ,religion arts and other aspects of a society. Also it conditions the psychological make-up of individuals. Therefore, target language readers may experience culture shock from translations do not properly deal with the factors of cultures as a result of their lack of cultural background knowledge, This paper discusses the influence of background of cultures on translation, and concludes that translators should have a vast and precise understanding of the two cultures concerned.[Key Words] culture; translation; cultural background文化背景对翻译的影响[摘要] 语言不仅是文化的组成部分,也是文化的反映形式。







[关键词] 文化;翻译;文化背景I. introductionLanguage is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. On the one hand, without language, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. the purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of understanding the cultural background of the English speaking countries in cultural tradition, cultural mentality, local conditions and customs, history and religious, and explains through examples the impact of cultural background on translation.II. the impact of cultural background on translation.Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. According to the tradition theory of translation, people considered translating activities as a process of transfer between two languages. In the 1970s, the study of translation tended to develop in several directions. It was no longer restricted to the tradition aesthetic and linguistic study and become cultural rethinking. [1]In nature, translation is a kind of communication between cultures and is an exchange between two cultures. During the process of translation, the interpretation and expression of the connotation of culture emerge as problems to be solved at the first place. That requires the translators not only should have bilingual abilities but also should have the knowledge of two cultures of, even several cultures. For a real successful translation, knowing two cultures is more important than grasping two languages, because words become meaningful only in it s effective cultural background.”Language cannot be viewed in isolation from other factors such as sociology and psychology. Among those related elements for successful translation, culture diversities play an important role in conveying equivalent meaning.The scope of culture is extremely wide-ranging .Any kind of language bases on the ground of certain culture. So, the cultural characteristics of language include the way of thinking, the value viewpoint of people., historical, tradition, social customs, environmental,believes and geographic features that the language reflects.So any subtle difference on above forms can bring out problem to translation. Before translation, I think that it is very important to learn well on the cultural difference between languages .it is easy to know for all of us now that Language and culture influence each other, reflect each other and co-exist with each other. Different cultures result in different language. Different languages in turn cause different communicative patterns and finally differences between turns We should try to know and recognize as many forms of cultural differences as possible, so that we can deal with problems of translation more flexibly.Based on above I list some typical forms to explain the relationship between China and the Occident mainly cultural differences and translation.1. The differences in ways of thinking and translationLanguage comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. [2]Chinese people and people of the Occident have a different thinking way.Different thinking way is an important factor to affect translating principle and effect.Ways of thinking is the process of an individual choosing, evaluating and organizing external stimulus, which is the process of changing external stimulus to personal different peoples can produce very different viewpoints when they observe same object.also different nations have great difference in standpoint and response to outside things.Before I heard a story. An American, a German, a Japanese and a Chinese went to visit an aquarium together. The American admired the big and beautiful shape, the German talk about the behavior of fish and water temperature, the Japanese saw about the quality and price of fish jar, the Chinese only wants to know if the fish can be eaten and if it is delicious for taste. Maybe this story is not true, but it illustrates people with different culture show different opinion to the same thing because of their different thinking way.We do not evaluate the creditability of the hearsay, but different cultures indeed have different response. For example, Americans put emphasis on the size and price of things they met, while Japanese think color is a much more important standard. It demands translators understanding relevant languages and deeds of different nations, being familiar with relevant cultures’ways of thinking.Differences in ways of thinking can directly affect people’s response to the same thing. Can be cite this exemple: When two Chinese meet each other, they often say: “吃了吗?” , while the Englishman like to say: “ Lovely weather, isn’t it?”. I think both two sentences can be translated as “ How do you do?”. If you translate the sentence “ 吃了吗?” directly to an English friend who doesn’t know Chinese culture well“Have you eaten?”,he will not understand the meaning. Maybe he will think “ Does he want to invite me to have a dinner?” For a Chinese, he also doesn’t u nderstand why the English persons always like to talk about weather when they meet together. [3]2.Many cultural differences also can be seen from the value viewpoint of people.A culture’s value is another important aspect that affects translation and cross-cultural communication. Here I just talk about some points.For instance, there is different viewpoint on time. “Time is money” almost is a credo of every American. If they make an appointment, normally the Occident people say “ I will go to see you at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.” They like to appoint in accurate time. In China, normally they say “ Tomorrow morning I will go to see you.” 8 o’clock or 11o’clock is possible. If you appoint with a western person, you musttell him at what time because he is not used to wasting time for waiting.Age is an another important value notion in many cultures. While different cultures have different emphasis. In Chinese culture, senior is the symbol of wisdom, power and prestige. On the contrary, respecting young people is the first value in western culture. That is why simply translating “老人”into “old man”or “old lady”will bring about absolutely different effect of translation.3.Different language and culture lead to different communicative patternFor the Chinese, this total view, an is-or-is-not polarity is avoided. The Chinese tend to be situation-oriented and to view events in relation to the totality.In English, people and thing are placed in a continuum—big and small, good and bad, black and white. For example, the Chinese may refer to love and hate as deference and politeness, they would like to say:”我对她有点意思!”instead of “我爱她!”, and”我懒得理他!”instead of “我讨厌他!”. This focus on the quality of the continuum is a reflection of the Chinese belief in the principle of nature,This polite principle combines to produce everything that comes to be. It makes people more concordant and avoids the communication conflict.another common exemple, Chinese and English have a different answer for “you are not a student, are you?”For the Chinese students, he will answer:“不,我是学生。
